#caspian x reader fic
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I saw your recent Edmund fic and I’m obsessed!
Could you do one where Edmund gets super jealous/overprotective with reader? I love possessive Edmund!
mine all mine
the four times in which edmund discovers that he is overprotective of his wife, and the one time she proves to him she can take care of herself
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x wife!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, overprotective nature, sword fighting, typical Narnia violence, fluff ending
🎶 : my love mine all mine - mitski
AN: This is set during the Golden Age, so all of them are adults!! also your title is fair, as in an adjective for just, not at all a description of what the reader looks like!!
part two (mine, all mine, all mine)
He hadn’t meant to listen in to his wife’s meeting, really. But when he noticed Lord Eluna raising his voice, he couldn’t help but linger outside of the door, his hand on his sword's hilt. Y/N’s constantly calm voice interrupted the seething lord. “While I understand the importance of this situation, it does not warrant you to act poorly towards your queen, Lord Eluna.”
The man scoffed. “By marriage. A marriage which could be easily annulled, seeing as you have not produced his grace any heirs.”
Y/N laughed, seemingly not phased by his comment. “We are not in desperate need of any heirs, my lord. If you haven’t noticed, we have a plethora of rulers. Unless you are planning something that would warrant the need of heirs.” She paused, and Edmund could only assume the look on her face, the one she typically made when she was proving him wrong. "Are you?"
“How dare you insinuate-”
Edmund forced down a laugh, barging into the room. “My lords.”
The table of twelve men stood, bowing to their superior. Half hearted ‘Your Grace’s’ were thrown Edmund’s way, but he could not care less. He looked at the man who was still glaring daggers at his wife. “Lord Eluna.”
“Your Grace.” He tore his eyes from the young queen. “We were just-”
“Yes.” Edmund raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I heard. And while I appreciate your obviously kind and thoughtful concern, my wife and I do not need your advice on that particular matter.”
Y/N turned bright red, widening her eyes when all the lord's jaws dropped. “Edmund-”
“I’m sure whatever you were meeting about can be postponed.” Edmund looked around the table, waiting for an answer. “Well?” The lords clambered, nodding quickly in agreement. He smirked and walked over to his wife, holding out his arm for her to hold. “My love.”
She rolled her eyes but still hooked her arm through his. “You are quite dramatic.”
He laughed, ignoring the prying eyes around them. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean.” The couple walked out the doors, giggling when they knew the lords could no longer hear them. Edmund frowned, rubbing her arm comfortingly. “Do they always treat you so horribly?”
“You cannot keep doing this, Ed.” She sighed.
“What am I do-”
She glared at him. “You know what you’re doing. They will never learn to respect me if you keep coming to my defense.”
“It’s been two years. They should have respected you the minute I married you. Actually-” He scoffed. “They should respect you because it’s the right thing to do.”
They walked into their chambers, collapsing onto the bed. Edmund wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in as she traced shapes into his chest. “You're a gallant and honorable man, Edmund, much more than your lords. But you know as well as I that those old malcontents will never respect me until I give them a reason to.”
“I wish it wasn’t so.” He leaned down, kissing her temple. “You are a much better leader than me.”
She scoffed, leaning into his touch. “Not true.”
“Yes.” He nodded, staring at the ceiling. “You are.”
“If I am..." She appeased him. "It is only because I’ve watched you and your siblings rule with kindness and justice for so long. Please do not put yourself down for my sake.” She stretched up, kissing him gently. “Never put yourself down; you are too perfect for that.”
“If you insist.” He smiled, feeling lovesick. How could he not? The most beautiful woman in all of Narnia, or, more accurately, the universe, lay beside him.
Of course, he felt lovesick.
“Happy Birthday, my love.” Y/N smiled mischievously at her husband. “How old are you now? Eighty?”
He glared, kissing her cheek softly. “What a charmer you are.”
She nodded and took a deep breath, straightening her dress as they prepared to enter the ballroom. “Well, you didn’t marry me for my baking skills.”
He rolled his eyes. “Your baking skills are perfectly adequate.”
She scoffed, looking up at him once more. “Don’t lie to me, Edmund Pevensie.” She fought the smile that threatened to break her act. “You flatter me too much, I think.”
He felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her senselessly. He had that urge constantly, but it was especially difficult at that moment. “You are a true beauty. Have I told you?”
She blushed, turning her face back towards the grand doors. “Behave.”
He nodded, still looking at her in awe, enjoying the way her flushed cheeks complemented her dress. He had always loved her in the color blue. “Yes, ma’am.”
The ushers opened the doors, and they stepped forward. “King Edmund the Just, and Queen Y/N the Fair.”
The room exploded into applause for the Just King, and the pair descended the stairs, focusing on not falling in front of all their subjects. Peter, Susan, and Lucy sat on their thrones at the bottom, smiling brightly. Lucy gestured toward the Maestro, and Edmund led his wife to the middle of the ballroom. “I do wonder what they'll play.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Y/N's smile grew as their wedding waltz’s familiar intro echoed through the hall. “This isn’t fair.”
He laughed at the irony. “Why not, my love?”
“It is your birthday, not our anniversary.”
He spun her around the room, whispering. “I happen to like this song.”
“Edmund…” She blushed again. “You should have chosen a song that you love.”
“I did.” The waltz ended, and he bowed. “It reminds me of you; why wouldn’t I love it?”
Her eyes were watering, and he suddenly felt horrible, his stomach twisting. “I’m sorry, did I-”
She leaped up, kissing him soundly. The crowd gasped, but Edmund didn’t care. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. She leaned back, their foreheads touching. “I don’t deserve you.”
His heart felt full. “Quite the opposite, really.” He kissed her once more, nuzzling his nose with hers. “I love you.”
Lucy clapped her hands, pulling the crowd's attention away from the happy couple. “Thank you all so much for attending my brother’s 24th birthday ball!” The room erupted into cheers. Lucy smiled. “Help yourselves to the buffet, or take to the dance floor. Happy Birthday, dear brother.”
The crowd dispersed, and the pair walked up to the thrones, sitting beside each other, still holding hands. Peter muttered, smirking. “Couldn’t have waited until later?”
Edmund rolled his eyes. “Just because you don’t have a love li-”
Y/N scolded her husband. “Ed.”
Peter glared playfully at his brother. “My love life is none of your business, thank you very much.”
Susan laughed. “How is she?”
Peter blushed. “She has a name.” He straightened his posture, looking out into the crowd for who Y/N could only assume they were talking about. “As perfect as ever.”
Lucy giggled. “Have you tried talking to her?”
Peter closed his eyes, leaning his head back against his throne. “I am getting attacked from all sides, it seems.”
Y/N smiled. “I think it’s sweet. You seem very in love.” He smiled back, looking longingly at the buffet table, where a gorgeous maid stood handing out desserts. Y/N nudged him lightly. “You could ask her to dance.”
He laughed, and when he realized his sister in law was not laughing, stopped. “I fear she would not like the fuss.”
“Ah.” Y/N looked over at the girl again. “I will be right back.”
Edmund whined. “Where are you off to?”
“None of your business, Edmund.” She kissed his cheek quickly. “Do have fun at your own birthday party.”
He sighed as she walked away. “How can I when you’re leaving?”
The fair queen glided across the floor with the intention of making conversation with the girl the High King was infatuated with. She had almost reached Peter's love when a hand wrapped around her waist. She gasped, pulling herself out of the stranger’s hold. The visibly drunk lord bowed teasingly. “My Lady, would you care-” A hiccup interrupted his question. “Would you care to dance?”
She smiled politely. “I’m afraid my card is full for the night. But thank you for the offer.”
The man tried to speak again, but she turned around, walking back towards the maid.
Edmund had seen the entire interaction, gripping the handles of his throne tight enough to break the solid stone. Peter whispered. “Edmund, don’t do anything rash-”
“He just-”
Peter gave him the stare, that older brother stare that he tried to reserve for hard moments. “He will be dealt with, trust me, but you need to be subtle-”
Edmund stood up, stalking over to the drunken lord. Peter sighed once more. "He will be the first to give me gray hairs.”
Susan rolled her eyes. “You are twenty-seven, Peter. You’re not graying anytime soon.”
Edmund grabbed the lord’s arm, dragging him out to the balcony. “A nice night, isn’t it?”
The lord was in shock, nodding. “Yes, Your Grace.” He grinned. “It is truly an honor to have been invited to your-”
“It was a nice night.” The young king smiled condescendingly. “Until you harassed my wife.”
“I-” The old man stuttered. “I meant no disrespect.”
“Don’t lie to your king.” Edmund seethed. “If you ever do that again, I will rue the day, believe me.” He took a deep breath. “You will apologize to my wife, and after that, you will leave immediately. You are fortunate that I don’t ensure you are barred from the castle grounds.”
The lord looked upset. Good, Edmund thought, serves him right. “But Your Grace-”
“Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes.” The old man nodded. “Yes, Your Grace.” He stumbled back into the ballroom, making a beeline for Y/N. Edmund watched from afar, smiling as she smiled, actually genuinely smiled. Then he frowned when she let him kiss her hand. Oh, how he wanted to have him banished.
Y/N made her way to the balcony, shaking her head at her proud husband. “What have you done?”
“Nothing. Why do you assume-”
“Edmund.” She crossed her arms. “You must stop.”
“What?” He laughed. “Stop protecting you?”
“Yes!” She yelled, exasperated from his constant watching eye. “I had it handled.”
“He harassed you.”
“Thank you Edmund.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, something Edmund did not appreciate at the moment. “I wasn’t aware.”
“My love.” He stepped forward, taking her hands in his. “As long as there is air in my lungs, I will protect you. It pains me to see you go through these things.”
She smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. “You are a good man, Edmund.”
He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”
“You’re right, I shouldn’t. But if we make a fuss about every lord who gets handsy while they’re drunk, the ballroom will be empty.”
He rolled his eyes. “Good. Get rid of the whole lot of them. I would rather it just be you and I anyhow.”
Y/N gasped, smacking his chest lightly. “Edmund!”
“No one should have to deal with that.”
“Well, I agree. But you can’t-”
“Good.” He nodded, ignoring the fact that he just interrupted her. “Who were you talking to after that incident?”
“Peter’s love.” She smiled. “That girl is quite kind. Spirited, too.”
Edmund laughed, pulling Y/N in. “Perfect for Peter then.”
She hummed, leaning her head on his chest as they looked back into the ballroom. “Perfect for Peter.”
It had been Edmund’s idea to go on an afternoon ride. Y/N had reminded him of the recent attacks that they were investigating, but he’d ignored her. Their horses galloped through the fall woods, leaves falling as they flew through. Phillip muttered. “Her horse is much younger than me, no wonder she keeps beating me.”
Y/N’s horse, Vilja, laughed. “Perhaps you are simply slow, Phillip.”
Y/N fought against the laugh that threatened to spill out. “Now Vilja, play nice. Remember, Phillip has to hold Edmund and his ego.”
Edmund scoffed, shoving his wife playfully as they slowed. “What happened to playing nice?”
They tied the horses beside each other, walking through the woods leisurely. “It is perfect outside, is it not?”
Y/N nodded, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. “It is.” She smiled as the lantern came into view. “It’s been too long.”
Edmund hummed. “We’re happy here.” He looked down, his heart beating fast. “You would tell me if you weren't happy, I hope.”
“Of course, Edmund.” She smiled. “I'm very happy here. I only meant we’ve been here for a long time. After all, it has been thirteen years.” She looked back at the lantern, pulling Edmund along with her. “I wonder how long it’s been there.”
He laughed, kissing her temple gently. “Who cares?”
“Edmund…” She leaned into his touch. Feeling mischievous, she pulled out of his hold, sprinting further into the woods.
Edmund groaned, chasing after her. “This was funnier the first time.”
The nymphs giggled as they watched the couple run through the woods. Edmund spun in the clearing, squinting as he tried to find his wife. “Y/N, you know I’ll find-” A piercing scream broke the joyful nature of their fun, and his heart sank. “Y/N?” He waited for her response, another scream echoing through the forest. He ran towards her, unsheathing his sword. “Y/N!” He broke through the woods, finding his wife backed against a tree, a wolf growling in front of her. Edmund stood in between them, pointing the sword at the wolf’s head. “We don’t want to harm you.”
The wolf simply growled. Odd. Edmund whispered. “Stay still, my love.” He stepped forward, addressing the wolf once more. “You have one more chance to leave us. We won’t harm you if you do so, you have my word.”
The wolf leaned back, lunging at Edmund, and he slashed his sword, killing the animal in a single blow. Y/N stood silent behind him, staring at the ground. “I thought all animals spoke in Narnia.”
“So did I.” Edmund knelt beside it, checking for any witchcraft of any sort.
Y/N smiled sympathetically, kneeling beside him. “She’s gone.”
“He was wild. There had to have been-” Edmund was silenced by a gentle kiss. He blushed. “What was that-” She kissed him once more, smiling.
“Edmund, she is gone. For good. And you saved me.” She mumbled. “Even though I could have reached for my sword-”
He rolled his eyes, standing up and extending his hand. “Let me guess? You had it handled?”
She was radiant in that blue dress, Edmund observed from afar. After he had expressed his love of her in the color, she had ensured that almost all her dresses were that light blue. The rest of her dresses were her favorite color, which Edmund loved on her almost as much.
Unfortunately, others enjoyed looking at his wife as well. Lately, in Edmund’s opinion, her sworn guard had been looking at her for much too long. He was a conventionally attractive man, Edmund could admit, but he didn’t like that the young knight was looking at his wife the way Edmund himself looked at her.
He hadn’t brought it up to Y/N, not wanting to be called overprotective for the hundredth time. So he watched from afar, making sure that the knight didn’t make any untoward actions towards her.
They were currently in the garden, and Y/N was smelling the flowers, laughing and making polite conversation with Ser Ellington. The young man laughed back, reaching out to stable her when she stumbled over a root. Edmund clenched his jaw, forcing himself to remain calm.
It was his job after all, to make sure his queen was safe.
But when he reached out and grabbed a flower, extending it to the kind woman, Edmund snapped. That was not his job. He practically stalked forward, interrupting whatever conversation the two had been having. “My love.” He called out. “You look radiant.”
She blushed. “Edmund, I thought you had your meeting.”
He nodded. “I did, but we finished early, I thought I would accompany you for the rest of the day.”
“Of course.” She looked over Edmund’s shoulder at Ser Ellington. “You are excused for the day. Thank you, Ser.”
The knight bowed. “My Queen. Your Grace.”
Edmund watched suspiciously as the young knight walked away, only turning back to his wife when he turned the corner. Y/N smirked, tilting her head just so. “You have no need to be jealous, my love.” She turned back to the flowers, smelling them.
Edmund smiled guiltily, following after her like a puppy. “Can you blame me? Ser Ellington is not exactly unappealing.”
She nodded, still not looking back at him. “He is. But I am not married to him, nor do I sleep in the same bed as him every night.” Edmund turned bright red. “Am I wrong?”
“You are not, but you have to understand. You’re a beautiful woman, I can’t help but worry that someone will steal you away.”
She rolled her eyes, turning around. “Do you really think I would hurt you so?”
“What have I done to make you assume so? I love you; I made a vow to you.” She crossed her arms. “Am I just a prize to you that you desperately need to cling to?”
“Of course not.” He grabbed her hands in his. “I’m madly in love with you, and the thought of you leaving me, the simple thought…” He pulled her closer, whispering. “Drives me mad.”
“Edmund.” She glared, pulling out of his hold. “You are exaggerating.”
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her gently back to him. “Do you really think I do not love you?”
“I never said that.”
He laughed. “You act as if we were not a love match. Like we didn’t discover Narnia together. I love you; I think I have since we were young.” He kissed the back of her hand delicately. “I know that I am too overprotective, and I am sorry for that…”
She smirked with satisfaction. “Good.”
“But can you blame me? You are a treasure, surely any other man would act that same way.”
Y/N nodded. “Perhaps. But you are not any other man. You are Edmund Pevensie, and I know you know deep down that I can handle myself. I do not need you to watch over me like a mother hen.” She raised an eyebrow. “I also fought the White Witch, I also helped you form peace treaties, I also-”
Y/N stopped, becoming more irritable by the second when she realized Edmund wasn’t listening. He stared at her so lovingly it made her sick, and she scoffed. “I am going to the library.”
He nodded, following after. “I shall accompany you.”
She shook her head. “I would like to go alone.”
He frowned. “Are you-”
“Edmund, please.” She sighed. “I love you, but I need to be alone with my thoughts.” Without a second glance, she walked out of the garden, leaving Edmund helplessly staring at her.
the time she proved him wrong
They had been gone for too long, Y/N thought as she stared at the woods. They had been gone for hours longer than they said they would. She should have gone with them; who knows where they were, where Edmund was.
She tried to calm herself down and reminded herself that neither Edmund nor his siblings would leave her in Narnia alone, but it was difficult when all of the hunt’s participants were speaking to her at once.
“Where are they?” Lord Eluna’s voice sounded over the rest. She tried not to glare at him; she could tell the man was enjoying the sight of her under pressure.
“I understand everyone’s worries; I have them myself, but we all know that the Kings and Queens would never leave their subjects so suddenly. Have no doubt that they will return. I am certain High King Peter and King Edmund dragged their sisters along a trail of the deer’s tracks.” Light laughter echoed through the crowd, relieving her stress slightly. Her stomach fluttered, and she pressed a hand to it, rubbing it slightly. “Does anyone else have any immediate causes for concern?”
The crowd erupted into chaos once more, and she took a deep breath, clearing her throat. “I will take meetings with all of you individually in the main tent.”
Edmund sighed, staring at his older brother as he tried to convince himself the deer was nearby. “Peter, we’ve been gone for hours. If we haven’t found the deer by now, who’s to say we’ll find it later?” He practically pleaded. “We should return to camp.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Just because you want to get back to your wife-”
“Peter, Edmund’s right.” Susan interrupted. “This deer isn’t important, and Y/N is there alone with the entirety of the court.” She frowned. “If it were me, I would be rather overwhelmed.”
Edmund fell into his thoughts, staring at the ground. Lucy whispered, nudging her brother lightly. “Edmund, don’t-”
Edmund tightened the reigns on Phillip, racing back towards the camp. Peter sighed, riding not far behind him. The dark-haired king didn’t look back; his only thought was that he had left Y/N alone with the egotistical lords of the realm. Phillip slowed, and Edmund jumped off, running towards camp.
Everything was fine, almost too fine. It was quiet, with a slight buzz of chatter but no worried voices. He stalked toward the main tent, whipping it open.
There sat his radiant wife, talking calmly with Lord Dolitmov. The older man saw Edmund and immediately stood, bowing. “Your Grace.” He looked back to Y/N, kissing the back of the queen’s hand gently. “Your Grace.”
Y/N smiled, waving as he walked out of the tent. Edmund tilted his head, smiling. “What happened?”
She laughed. "The better question would be, what happened with you?” She hugged herself, rubbing her stomach once more. Edmund made a mental note to address that later. “You were gone for so long I assumed you had returned home.”
He shook his head, frowning as he realized how stressed she had been. “I’m sorry for the worry we caused you; I fear Peter was too fixated on finding the white steed.”
She nodded. “I wondered.”
He took her hand in his, rubbing the back with his thumb. “I’m sorry that I worried you. But I must say, it is rather calm here.”
She smirked. “I told you I can handle myself.”
He laughed. “I believe you. Truly I do.” he brought her hand to his mouth, kissing the back gently. “I love you.”
“And I you.” She walked into his arms, burying her head in his chest. “I would have died from heartbreak if you had left me.”
“I would never.” He kissed her temple. “You know that.”
She nodded. “I know you would never leave us.”
He nodded back. “Correct. I would never leave-” He paused, tilting his head. “Us?”
Y/N looked up sheepishly. “I-” Her eyes started to water. “I’m pregnant, Edmund.”
“What?” Edmund grinned, staring at his wife in disbelief. “Really?”
She nodded, and Edmund grabbed her waist, spinning her around the room. Y/N cackled, smacking his shoulder. “Put me down; you’re going to hurt the babe.”
“I’m sorry.” He smiled. “I can’t help it.”
She laughed, kissing his lips softly. “I love you.”
Edmund leaned down, kissing her soundly. “And I you.”
taglist: @beebeechaos
#edmund pevensie x reader#edmund pevensie#peter pevensie#narnia#narnia fanfiction#fanfiction#golden age#literature#the lion the witch and the wardrobe#prince caspian#the dawn treader#the silver chair#the chronicles of narnia#edmund pevensie fanfiction#🪩! fics
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Soft Night
king caspian x reader
word count: 500
summary: a quiet night after a long day
warnings: none
The fire crackled in the hearth of the stone castle, its warmth spreading through the room and casting gentle shadows on the walls. Outside, the wind whispered through the trees of Narnia, a reminder of the untamed wilderness that lay beyond the castle's protective walls. Inside, however, it was warm, cozy, and peaceful — an atmosphere that was a rare treat for King Caspian.
He had been busy all day, meeting with the Lords and ladies, listening to their concerns, and overseeing the peace in Narnia. But now, as the day began to fade and the first stars twinkled in the velvet sky, he found himself retreating from the demands of his crown to the solace of the private chambers he shared with her.
Y/n was curled up by the fire, a book resting in her lap, but she had long since stopped reading. The soft glow of the flames illuminated her face, and Caspian couldn’t help but smile at the sight. There was something about her, something that calmed the storm inside him. The weight of the crown, the responsibility of the throne, all seemed to melt away whenever she was near.
“Are you still reading, love?” Caspian’s voice broke the silence, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet as he moved towards her.
She looked up from her book, her face lighting up with a smile. “Not really. Just… resting my eyes,” she admitted, closing the book and setting it aside.
Caspian chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with affection. He sat down beside her, his warm presence radiating as he drew her closer. His fingers gently brushed through her hair, a touch so tender it made her heart flutter.
“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it?” he murmured, his voice hushed, as though he didn’t want to disturb the peaceful tranquility of the moment.
She nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here, Caspian,” she whispered, content to simply be in his company, to have him near. The weight of the day was still heavy on his shoulders, but he seemed to forget all of it when she was close.
His hand moved to the back of her neck, his fingers tracing idle patterns on her skin. "I’m always here for you," he said softly, his voice full of sincerity. "You know that, right?"
She nodded again, letting the comfort of his words wash over her. "I know," she replied, her eyes closing as she relaxed further into him.
Slowly she began to fall asleep, the only sound in the room was the crackling fire and the soft rustle of the wind outside. The steady beat of Caspian’s heart against her side grounding her in a way nothing else could.
Caspian’s fingers tightened around hers, and he pulled her even closer, as though he could never have enough of her presence.
"You’re my greatest treasure," he said, his voice low and sincere. "Everything else can wait when I’m with you."
The world outside may have been vast and full of challenges, but in this moment, in his arms, nothing else mattered. The kingdom of Narnia, with all its glory and troubles, could wait.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his fingers gently threading through her hair.
And for that moment, at least, the world outside the castle faded away.
#prince caspian#caspian x#narnia#caspian x reader#caspian x y/n#king caspian#king Caspian x#the chronicles of narnia#ben barnes#narnia fic#the chronicles of narnia imagine#the chronicles of narnia fic#king caspian imagine#prince caspian x reader#king caspian x reader#prince caspian imagine#caspian imagine#prince caspian fic#caspian fic#king caspian fic#caspian fanfiction#prince caspian fanfiction#narnia fanfiction#narnia imagine
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i can’t watch movies/tv shows anymore. at least older ones, because then i develop a massive crush on them, and then there is nothing written for them or very few.
#i need to write better#and come up with better ideas#prince caspian#narnia#i’ve watched psych since a kid but anytime i rewatch it#i try to look for fics#shawn spencer#psych#x reader#it’s a struggle#the darkling#shadow and bone#honestly anything with ben barnes#or#aaron taylor johnson#kickass#dave lizewski
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prince caspian, inspired by 'I see the light' from tangled also imagine on the dawn threader at night under the moon and the stars
anything else is up to you
I See The Light
pairing: Dawn Treader!King Caspian x gn!reader warnings: a little bit of pining, very intense eye-contact, maybe perhaps some kissing... maybe even perhaps things getting just a little bit more heated... not quite nsfw, but there's some implying summary: you're staring at the moon and stars; Caspian is staring at you a/n: thank you so much for requesting this, I absolutely LOVE Tangled and I've recently come back into my King Caspian Narnia hyperfixation. Also, this is techically not the first time I've written something like this, but definitely one of the better things I've written wc: 1.3k
The only light, besides that of the moon, that illuminates your path to the railing of the Dawn Treader is the lantern at the helm, where a faint flame is dancing in its little cage.
For the first time since you've left the harbour, the midnight sky is fully clear, not a cloud that dares to blanket the twinkling stars or the silver glow of the moon. It's colder than usual, a light breeze blows against your cheek.
You lean down on the railing, resting your head in the palm of your hand as you look up at the sky. For some reason, there's something mesmerising about the way the moon casts a silver glow across the water, how the stars form constellations that only exist because someone decided to connect the dots to make some sense of it all.
You're too caught up in your own head to hear the door to below deck open. And so Caspian, King of Narnia, finds you staring out into the midnight sky. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed, a smile adorns his lips. His eyes skim over your figure, taking in every detail as the wind lightly ruffles your hair.
For a moment, he just stands there, not wanting to disturb you. After some time, he carefully approaches you. You hadn't noticed him at first, but after a while, you had felt his eyes burning in your back. So when he came to stand beside you, you weren't entirely startled.
"Can't sleep?" Caspian asks softly, not looking you in the eyes just yet and instead looks up at the sky as well.
"Oh, I'm sure I could if I bothered to try," You answer, "It's just that the sky hasn't been this clear ever since we sailed out of the harbour."
"It also hasn't been this cold ever since we sailed out of the harbour," He remarks, "A simple shirt won't keep you warm enough."
"Oh please, I'm fine," You say, even though you're unable to hide the shiver as it runs down your spine. "Besides, shouldn't you be fast asleep in your bed?"
The king lets out a dry chuckle and shakes his head. "Perhaps, but luckily for me, I don't have to follow orders," He says, his gaze drifting towards you now, "You, on the other hand, would be wise to do so. You should go to bed, get some rest."
You playfully roll your eyes. "I'll go to bed shortly," You say, looking back at him as well now. "You know, you're welcome to stay here for a while, Your Majesty."
"Oh, don't go calling me by my title now, we're past that," He says, finally being able to properly look you in the eyes. "Please, just call me Caspian. Also, thank you for allowing me to stay on my own ship."
"Alright, I didn't mean it like that," You respond as you lightly chuckle and shake your head, "I just didn't want you to think you couldn't be here because I was already here, even though it's your ship, which you said and... I'm rambling, aren't I?"
Caspian looked at you with a light smile on his lips, his eyes trained on yours. "You are, but please, don't stop on my account," He says, moving almost unnoticably closer. "Really, do continue, please."
"Oh, okay, uhm..." It didn't make sense why your mind suddenly went completely blank. There was no reason for your cheeks suddenly feeling warm and turning a bright red. "What... what did you want to talk about?"
"Oh, anything, really," Caspian answered, the silver light of the moon reflecting in his eyes. "That wasn't an order, by the way. I just... really love it when you talk."
"Good to know," You say softly, averting your eyes for a moment before looking back up at the midnight sky. "So... the sky is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
"Yes, it truly is." If you had looked at him, you would've seen Caspian's eyes were still trained on you rather than the sky. "The way the moon and stars cast their silver glow is... truly mesmerising."
Despite the chilled breeze that glides over the ship and the silence between them, the atmosphere is strangely comfortable and relaxed. Time seems to stand still, stretching the minutes into an eternity as the two of you continue to gaze up at the midnight sky.
After Aslan knows how long, Caspian softly speaks up again. "Have I ever told you why I love being at sea so much?"
You avert your gaze from the stars to look at him. "No, but please, do tell."
"Back in the palace," He begins, "everyone and everything always seems to be in such a hurry. And despite all of that, I feel like I'm doing nothing but chasing down daydreams until the days just... blur together.
"But out here, everything is so peaceful. The gentle rocking of the ship, the glow of the starlight... suddenly, everything is crystal clear, like I've finally found what I'm supposed to do."
You softly smile as you listen intentively, resting your head on the palm of his hand. After a while, Caspian looks at you in slight confusion, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" He asks, letting out a soft chuckle.
"Oh, nothing," You say, your smile turning into the lightest of smirks as you continue, "I just... really love it when you talk."
Caspian let out another chuckle as he shakes his head. "Using my own words against me, are you now?" He comments teasingly, leaning in just a little bit closer. "Are you sure it's a good idea to challenge your king?"
"Didn't you say that we were past using your title?" You raise an eyebrow at him, daring enough to take a small step closer as well. "And if not, what will you do? Exile me?"
"Oh no, my dear, I wouldn't dream of it." The world seemed to somehow shift into a blur as the back of his fingers lightly brushes against your cheek, creating a contrast between the warmth of his touch and the chilled gusts of the wind. "Has anyone ever told you your eyes are as bright as the stars above?"
The light touch of his hand and his soothing words managed to knock the breath out of your lungs, the way he gazed into your eyes left you in a trance-like state. If your eyes were as bright as the stars, his were brighter than a thousand suns with the intensity he was looking at you.
Slowly, carefully, an invisble force seemed to push the two of you closer together until there were mere millimeters between your lips. And then, time seemed to freeze into a moment of uncertainty, even though the electricity could be sliced with a knife.
"Tell me to stop," Caspian breathed, his hand resting on your cheek as those brown eyes bored into yours. "My Starlight, tell me to stop. I won't be able to hold back."
"Don't stop... don't hold back."
And that was all he needed to hear before closing the distance between you. In his defense, he really intended on holding back on the intensity, but as soon as those words had fallen from your lips, he was done for.
One hand snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against his body while his older hand held steadily onto your face. Your hands crept into his hair, your fingers softly running through the strands, earning yourself a soft groan falling from his lips.
His grip on your waist tightens slightly, the fervour in his kiss grows a little stronger. "Please," He whispers against your lips, nearly sounding like a desperate plea.
"Okay..." You respond breathlessly, letting him pull you towards the stairs leading to below deck.
© This work belongs to @marveladdictjones, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
Taglist: @unofficialxmarvelfreak
(to join the taglist, simply leave a comment or message me!)
#writeblr#x reader fics#divider by saradika#marveladdictjones fics#prince caspian#prince caspian x reader#prince caspian x reader fic#prince caspian fic#king caspian#king caspian x reader#king caspian x reader fic#i see the light tangled#requested by anon#marveladdictjones asks
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narnia fic recs
masterlist • 07/23/24

prince caspian

edmund pevensie
𑣲 taking care of you I @winterchildd
𑣲 kiss me I @maybanksslut
𑣲 a twisted surprise I @maiiiwrites
In which you entertained your lovers big slip up
𑣲 a glass… or two! I @wrenwreads
sick of seeing his little brother and their best-friend just simply ogle at each other, peter decides to take matters into his own hands.
𑣲 she’s enough I @/wrenwreads
having her around? edmund knows for sure he’ll be alright.
𑣲 he of little faith I @pariahsparadise
eustace doesn’t believe that edmund has a girlfriend.
𑣲 three years I @writersmacchiato
You see Edmund and Lucy again in the most unexpected of places after their departure three years earlier.

peter pevensie
𑣲 one loss after another I @celestiamour
peter realizing that his lover didn’t get past the gates

#edmund pevensie#peter pevensie#prince caspian#king caspian#caspian#edmund pevensie x reader#peter pevensie x reader#prince caspian x reader#caspian x reader#narnia#narnia x reader#narnia fic recs#edmund pevensie fic recs#peter pevensie fic recs#caspian fic recs
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giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair while being 3 hours into peter pevensie edits
#𖦹 saltwaterburns speaks!#narnia#narnia oneshot#narnia fic#narnia imagines#narnia peter imagines#narnia peter#peter pevensie#peter pevensie imagines#peter pevensie x reader#peter pevensie oneshot#edmund pevensie#susan pevensie#susie is my gf#lucy pevensie#aslan#prince caspian#prince caspian x reader
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━MARCH 2023; susan's recs
knock knock. who's there? @klineinie
a taste of normalcy @websterss
the stray from arif's @↑
everything @frogserotonin
marker mayhem @oblivious-idiot
no one else @vi-trying-to-survive
public displays @↑
the language of longing. looks and stolen glances @fleetingvow
at times like these @teaandransacking
out the window @givemea-dam-break
patch you up @↑
you left me @↑
anthony @↑
i know it hurts @warrenposts
love me, forever, always @klineinie
dancing with our hands tied @bloodcanbehot
i wish you would @↑
you talk too much @helloooofandoms
tiktok trouble @ultralightpoe
do you want me to lie, sir? @simpforrooster
the princess and the hangman @↑
howdy, darlin'; part2 @↑
daddy would say yes @roosterforme
six months @grimbanes
the king @magpiencrow
bejeweled @honeyfict
i want you to want me; part2 @sophierequests
the one you think about as you lie awake; part2 @↑
young royals @clairecrive
stars in the night @↑
currents @lantsovsupremacist
august @↑
sick & stubborn @fleurspun
healer’s duties @↑
the art of pretension @↑
speak up @prince-septimus
you're not peter parker; part2 @curseofaphrodite
coffee run @↑
caviar and cigarettes @↑
unrequired; part2 @givemea-dam-break
getaway car @curseofaphrodite
mortal enemies @↑
collide @curseofaphrodite
drunk nights; part2 @curseofaphrodite
the door @↑
words unsaid @↑
the break-in; part2 @↑
wishes and a gift @↑
of monsters and men @↑
the best man @↑
tricks and charms @↑
my prince @heliads
assigned seat @quin-ns
fiending for something, might just be a meaning @idcntlikedarkness
a visceral feeling, that i can never leave behind @↑
throw another stone at a glass house @↑
went out searching for an angel, then you came to me my darling @↑
whipped @mrsstarkey1
said you’re smoking less, and then you ashed it on your chest @idcntlikedarkness
this too shall pass @probably-writing-x
another? @↑
country club @a-aexotic
rafe defending pogue!reader @↑
no for one night stand @↑
i'd choose you over anyone @↑
cuddle buddies; part2 @fantasylandloser
tear-stained cheeks @sunraies
safe house @quin-ns-moved
out of love; part2; part3; part4 @probably-writing-x
the way to his heart; part2 @adore-laur
little by little @↑
#susan's recs#fics recs#anthony lockwood x reader#jake 'hangman' seresin x reader#bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader#kaz brekker x reader#nikolai lantsov x reader#andrew!peter parker x reader#druig x reader#james potter x reader#sirius black x reader#regulus black x reader#prince caspian x reader#jj maybank x reader#rafe cameron x reader#tangerine x reader#guzmán nunier x reader#carmy berzatto x reader
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Narnia Fic Recs
This is a list of incredible fanfics that I read a few years ago on Tumblr based on the books and movies that make up the Narnia franchise.
A change of heart by @randominagines Caspian x f!reader (4k)
Farewells Or Goodbyes by @padfootagain Caspian x f!reader (3.5k)
Guess it's never really over by @carnationworld-writings Caspian x reader (1.4k)
~Hurry now, angel~ by @hattiewritesalot Caspian x f!reader (0.4k)
I Love You by @banditthewriter Caspian x f!reader (0.4k)
I'm just rolling home into my lovers arms by @carnationworld-writings Caspian x reader (1.4k)
Ice And Cold by @padfootagain Caspian x f!reader (5.5k)
If you ever forget that you love me by @carnationworld-writings Caspian x reader (0.9k)
Just Pretend by @omgrachwrites Caspian x f!reader (1.4k)
Love And War by @padfootagain Caspian x f!reader (3k)
Mermaid Kisses by @sparklewrites1 Caspian x f!mermaid!reader (0.8k)
My Prince by @heliads Caspian x f!reader (2.8k)
Not My World by @bccky Caspian x f!reader (8.2k)
Oceans by @padfootagain Caspian x f!reader (2.6k)
Once Upon A Dream Part 1 | Part 2 by @darling-i-read-it Caspian x reader, The Darkling x reader (8.2k)
One Night | Hot For Teacher by @omgrachwrites Caspian x f!reader modern au (3.1k)
Pureheart by @ificouldhelpyouforget Caspian x f!reader (70k)
Ravishing King by @meryamthebadassbitch Caspian x reader (2.6k)
Silver by @depressedbagpipe Caspian x f!reader (33k)
The King’s Sister and Mouse’s Lady by @wukindly Edmund Pevensie x f!reader (3.4k)
Wonderful Cries by @padfootagain Caspian x f!reader (2.6k)
#caspian x reader#prince caspian x reader#caspian x female reader#prince caspian x female reader#edmud pevensie x reader#narnia x reader#narnia fic recs#narnia fanfiction
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The Chronicles of Narnia Masterlist
The Faded Portrait of a Bygone Era series

Summary: Five Royals ruled over Narnia, crowned by Aslan himself. Their story is legend throughout all the land. A great detail of note is that these Kings and Queens are from another world. The fifth is even more odd - for she came from the same world as the others, but from an entirely different century.
When this small family is separated by time, it seems unlikely that they will ever meet again. But Aslan’s will is a tricky thing. Will the five be able to cope in this new Narnia, when everything they knew has gone, and a Telmarine Prince makes a bid for the throne?
Series Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Magic, Major Character Death
Read on Ao3 (x Reader)
Read on Quotev (x OC)
Additional Content:
I made a playlist
Another playlist courtesy of @thefairywanderer !
Edmund Pevensie
Captain of the Guard one shot
Summary: A mysterious knight shows up and challenges the King to a duel. This stranger turns out to be connected to the royals' past.
Peter Pevensie
Some Things Are Meant to Be one shot
Summary: Peter is in love with you, but he thinks you love Edmund.
The Lady of Calormen one shot
Summary: The High King of Narnia is betrothed to a Calormen noblewoman. The entire kingdom is on edge, waiting to see what she will be like. After meeting her, however, Peter finds something stirring inside.
A Lovely Night one shot
Summary: Overwhelmed by royal duties, Peter starts to notice that he's slowly losing the one that means the most. What can be done to win her back?
Peter Pevensie comforting you after a nightmare (Golden Age) imagine
#narnia fic#the chronicles of narnia imagine#the chronicles of narnia fic#king caspian imagine#caspian x reader#prince caspian x reader#king caspian x reader#prince caspian imagine#caspian imagine#prince caspian fic#caspian fic#king caspian fic#caspian fanfiction#prince caspian fanfiction#peter pevensie imagine#peter pevensie x reader#edmund pevensie imagine#edmund pevensie x reader#peter pevensie fic#peter pevensie fanfiction#edmund pevensie fanfiction#edmund pevensie fic#narnia fanfiction#narnia imagine
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If you ever forget that you love me (Caspian x reader)
To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Prince Caspian x fem!reader
Universe: The Chronicles of Narnia
Word Count: 861
Requested: Yes, by @i-amtitania
Warnings: I think none? If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your well-being is important to me!
Summary: Where Caspian reads letters from her.
Caspian woke up feeling warm sun rays on his skin and hearing the birds singing. It took him a few moments to realise that he was no longer on the sea, he was home, and his betrothed was just a few rooms down the hall. A smile came onto his face, and a warm feeling blossomed in his chest at the thought that he would see you today without the need to dream about it anymore. He sat up, stretching his muscles, when his eyes fell on the pile of paper on his nightstand. He reached for it, noticing a ribbon wrapped around it and his name written by you on top of it. He touched it carefully and leaned against the headboard. He took the first one and unfolded it, holding it like the most sacred thing in the whole world. His smile grew wider when he noticed the date on the bottom of the sheet - the day his journey started. He read attentively every word you wrote, and everyone went directly to his heart. He loved how you described your days and even wrote about small gossip around the court. He was grateful for the possibility of catching up with everything that way. He was sure that you made some situations more light and fun than they would be. What shocked him the most was how easily he could notice your emotions through those letters. Even if you didn’t name it, he could say that in better days, you wrote more jokingly, with more anecdotes and jumping between different topics. On bad days they were more thoughtful and shorter. On these days, you clearly express your worries and how you miss him. It made him want to run to you and hug you tightly, but the knowledge that Trumpkin, Doctor Cornelius and Glenstorm were there for you and took care of you.
In one of the latest letters, written just after the wedding of one of your friends, he found a part that made him blush, and he needed to read it twice to believe that it was there.
My love, I can’t stop thinking about you and our wedding. I want it to be perfect for us - for this celebration to be cherished by us similarly. But what kept me awake tonight was the thought about everything after it. About how it will be to wake up next to you, to be able to keep you close at night. How our life will look in the cosiness of our bedroom because I must say I really hope that we will choose to have a shared bedchamber. I dreamed about your lips on mine, your hands on my body, being able to learn your body and being the reason you will achieve pleasure…
Caspian made himself read the last letter before he rushed to get dressed. He still felt heat on his cheeks. His mind wholly was consummated by you. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything waiting for both of you after you’d exchanged your vows. He looked through the window and smiled, seeing you walking through the yard. He quickly walked out of his room and started searching for you. Luck was on his side when he spotted you in the corridor he just ran in. He screamed your name at what you smiled, and he started running to you. In mere seconds Caspian took you in his arms and immediately kissed you. You gasped in surprise but quickly relaxed in his arms. Your hand slowly reached his nape, and you melted against him. After a moment, they departed breathless, and Caspian rested his forehead against yours. He watched your flashed face and smiled, seeing your closed eyes.
“Caspian..” She whispered. “Not that I am complaining, but what was that for?” You looked up at him, resting your palm on his chest.
“I just love you.” He peaked her lips and smiled. “I think that lilies will be perfect for our wedding. The book you were reading indeed is so boring - I tried to read it last year, but it didn’t work out. I will take you to the Lone Islands and wherever you will want to go, and I will gladly show you the most beautiful places there, even if none of it can compare to your beauty. And I also want us to have one bedchamber because I think that when I finally will have a taste of you - I won’t be able to stay away even for a few hours.”
“You read my letters.” You moved your hand to gently cup his cheek. Caspian kissed your wrist, squeezing your waist gently.
“Each of them.” She smiled and brought him into another kiss. Caspian pulled you closer to him, making her laugh into his lips. This one kiss wasn’t a heated make-out - it was a clumsy kiss intermittently by giggles and declarations of love. And then, when the Duchess came into the corridor and cleared her throat, both blushed, trying to stop their giggles. She only shook her head with a smile, mumbling about young love, happy for people that she treated like her own children.
Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivates me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspelling. English is not my first language.
Klaudia 💜

Taglists are always open! If you want to be added fill this up or send me an ask!
Caspian taglist: @elennox03 @live-love-loki @effielumiere @blackst0nes7077 @mystic-writings @radcloudenthusiast @siriuslyslyslytherin @90steaology @mandos-crest @kaqua @aleksanderwh0r3 @anne-kollay @my-love-i-am-a-mess @crowssixof @x-heartrender-x @siriusbarnesslut @sassybadqueen @mrs-brekker15 @florqlness @multifandomrandomgirl @ctrl-z33 @aleksanderblack @wecallhimbrowneyess @nyx2021 @poisxnedmind @rominaszh @sophiavrodrigues @frutilooplupin @uwiuwi @yannajhhh
#prince caspian x reader#prince caspian imagine#prince caspian fanfiction#prince caspian fanfic#prince caspian x you#prince caspian x y/n#prince caspian#caspian fanfiction#caspian the tenth#caspian x reader#caspian x you#king caspian fic#king caspian x reader#king caspian fanfiction#king caspian fanfic#king caspian imagine#king caspian#narnia imagine#the chronicles of narnia fic#the chronicles of narnia imagine#chronicles of narnia#narnia#ben barnes character fic
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WELCOME TO MY BLOG ! fearless era.

in which you know a little about me and make requests for short stories to me and I turn your dreams into realities. after all, I am a writer of dreams. 💐
first, introductions: my name is clarice, but you can call me clary.
I'm brazilian, so obviously english is not my first language, so there may be some errors in the imagines.
I love taylor swift (my favorite album is fearless, but I think you get the idea :) and one direction, as well as lana del rey, artic monkeys, among many other artists.
I love romcoms, whether films or books, clichés, sun, spring, roses, dogs and I am a person who really likes to talk.
my mbti is enfp, - at least that's what i think, at the moment! - and I have a sanguine temperament.
and I DON'T write smut.
below I will put a list of the characters and fandoms that I mainly write about, but if you want to request something different, feel free.
masterlist. 🌤️
colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, anthony bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, simon basset.
all of the grid, but mainly, lando norris, oscar piastri, george russell and max verstappen.
richarlison, rodrygo goes, jude bellingham, vini jr, pedri, gavi, and all of the real madrid team.
HARRY POTTER (golden era)🪄
harry potter, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, fred and george weasley, ron weasley, oliver wood, charlie weasley.
HARRY POTTER (marauders era) 🕰️
remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, severus snape.
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, caspian.
timothée chalamet, josh hutcherson, louis partridge, andrew garfield, william moseley, tom holland, ben barnes, archie renaux, cameron boyce ✝.
trodrick heffley, peter parker 1 and 3, matteo balsano, simon alavrez, ramiro ponce, gaston perida, gabo moretti, lorenzo guevara, dede duarte, willy wonka, chad denforth (hsm), will turner (potc) legolas greenleaf (lor), laurie laurence, supa strikas, luke ross (jessie), carmen sandiego characters, zach mitchell (jw), jurassic world: camp cretaceous caracthers, carlos de vil, jay ja'far, harry hook, ray beech, charlie delgado, aurek, jim hawkins, jack frost, ever after high characters, scooby doo characters, hiccup, the greatest showman, dick grayson and wally west (young justice) .
🦋 well, that's it my sweeties and I hope you liked me and send your requests. 💗
#lando norris x reader#jude bellingham x fem!reader#jude bellingham x you#jude bellingham x reader#lando norris x you#lando x reader#lando norris fanfic#jude bellingham imagine#jude bellingham fic#supablr#descendants x reader#supa strikas x reader#peter pevensie x reader#edmund pevensie x reader#caspian x reader#formula one x reader#formula one#fluff#x reader#soy luna fanfiction#taylor swift#one direction#harry potter x reader#draco malfoy imagine#draco malfoy x reader#marauders era#marauders x reader#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#timothee chalamet x reader
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i bet on losing dogs
In which edmund pevensie is rather melancholy, and the ways his girlfriend helps him
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x girlfriend!reader
WARNINGS: angst, teasing, making out, allusion to nsfw, fluff ending
WORD COUNT: 1.6k (nearly)
🎶 : i bet on losing dogs - mitski
AN: This is set in 1940's England!! Edmund and reader are of age (like early 20's), and Lucy is like 17/18!! sorry about this one, it's rather short...
The sidewalk leading up to the old Pevensie house was covered with dust and dirt from the raids and battles that occurred above the city. She sighed regardless, pushing open the gate, cobblestone steps greeting her.
The elder girl whipped around, smiling brightly at the youngest Pevensie. “Lucy! Where are you off to?”
Lucy groaned. “Edmund is in another one of his moods. I tried to comfort him but…” She frowned. “You know how he gets.”
“You can’t leave.” Y/N pleaded. “I’ve made us a picnic, we were supposed to enjoy the day, bask in what sun we have left.”
Lucy sighed. “I’m sorry, really, but I think my being around would only worsen his mood.” They hugged quickly, and Lucy made for the gate.
“At least let me give you your sandwich.” Y/N argued. “I can’t have you going hungry on my watch.”
Lucy gratefully took it, laughing. “Thank you. For taking care of us, and him.” She sighed, looking back at the house once more. “Especially him.”
Y/N waved goodbye haphazardly, making her way into the house. It was rather quiet, she’d thought to herself as she walked through. The house had lost most of its original flair, now that its only inhabitant was Edmund. Lucy had not been lucky enough to stay with her brother, her aunt and uncle believing that it was improper for a young lady to stay with her unwed brother. The siblings were already melancholy in nature, and being separated only worsened their moods. Lucy had been more or less fine, but Edmund, he had retreated into himself these past several months, and Y/N couldn’t figure out why. After weeks of wondering, she assumed it was a combination of the fact that Lucy wasn’t around and that his two elder siblings were in America.
“Edmund?” She called out, walking through the first floor toward the kitchen. “Where are you?”
No answer.
Setting her food in the ice box so it didn’t spoil, she stepped into the garden. “Ed? Where are-” The shelter’s door was haphazardly thrown open, and she sighed. Walking towards it, she frowned at the sight in front of her.
Edmund was sitting on the ground, clutching the photo of him and his siblings. She sat beside him, placing a hand in his hair and combing through it. “I made sandwiches.”
Edmund hummed, leaning into her touch. “That’s nice.”
Y/N nodded, kissing his temple gently. “Lu said she had to leave.”
He nodded. “Got tired of me. Just like you will eventually, I imagine.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, admonishing him. “Edmund! What has made you-”
“I-” Edmund sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’m sorry. I’m simply tired.”
“You’re worrying me, my love. Lucy writes to me saying you barely eat, and these past months…” She smiled weakly. “If you are unhappy, tell me. I want to help you, and if-”
Edmund’s eyes shot open. “What are you saying?”
“I only mean that you’ve been distant…”
Edmund stood up, storming back into the house, Y/N trailing behind him. “Are you trying to break up with me?”
“How could you say that? I just-” He whipped around, and Y/N collided with his chest. “It’s not just Lucy that you’re scaring.”
His eyes softened. “I don’t want to scare you.” He placed a gentle hand on her cheek. “I’m sorry. Truly, I am.”
“You don’t need to apologize. It’s just-” She smiled. “You can talk to me.”
“I know I can.” Edmund smiled back, leaning his forehead against hers. “I know.”
“Good.” She whispered, “Then can you tell me what happened three months ago?”
He stiffened. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
She leaned back, nodding. “I will not push, but just know… you can tell me. When you’re ready.”
Edmund held her hand in his, rubbing the back with her thumb. “I know. I just need time, that’s all.” He smiled reassuringly, pulling her further into the house. “Now, what kind of sandwiches did you make?”
London was beautiful in the winter, Y/N thought to herself as the pair walked through the streets. Edmund was even more beautiful, with his dark raven hair contrasting against the white snow, his grey eyes squinting ever so slightly.
“You’re quite the furnace Ed.” Y/N giggled, nuzzling herself into his side. “Are you even cold?”
“Not in the slightest.” He smirked. She always joked that he was made for winter, that it didn’t seem to have an effect on him. “You know, when I-” Halfway through his sentence, his entire mood shifted, and he shook his head, staring at the ground. He had been doing this more and more recently, shutting himself off from her right when he opened up.
“Edmund…” She sighed. “Are you-”
“Lucy used to say the same thing. She used to cling to me when we were younger, trying to stay warm.” He smiled faintly. “Susan and Peter would just laugh at us.”
Y/N stared off the edge of the bridge, silence falling over them for just a moment. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” He tilted his head. “For what?”
“I obviously brought something up that upset you.” She murmured.
He stopped, pulling her around so she was facing him. “What?”
She blushed. “I don’t like seeing you upset, and I’m-” Edmund leaned down, kissing her quickly.
Y/N pulled away, giggling. “What- What was that for?”
“You’re too good for me, I think.” He laughed. “I made myself upset. You had no part in it. Trust me.” He began walking again, and she found her spot nuzzling back into his side.
“Ah.” She smiled. “I’m sure you miss your siblings terribly.”
He nodded, leaning down to kiss her once more. “I do. But you ease the pain tremendously.”
She laughed, raising an eyebrow. “Is that all I do?”
He shook his head, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk once more, smashing his lips against hers. “Not all, no.”
People muttered as they walked around them, rolling their eyes. Neither of them seemed to care, staying in their own little bubble for a little while longer.
The house was warm, thanks to the fireplace.
It was also warm due to the couple that laid haphazardly on the sofa.
Y/N sighed from Edmund’s touch, blush dusting her cheeks. “Ed…”
He smirked, kissing down her neck once again. “You’re perfect, do you know that?” Pressing his nose right between her ear and jaw, he kissed so lightly she could have sworn it never actually happened. “I’m captivated by you, truly.”
“Edmund…” She whined once more.
“I do wonder though, are you capable of saying anything other than my name?”
She scoffed, pushing him away playfully. “Ed- You are without a doubt-” His lips collided with hers, and she fell into his touch again. “The most insufferable man-”
Edmund laughed. “Tell me more, I beg you.”
“You enjoy teasing me.” She raised an eyebrow, trying to portray a look of disapproval which did not deter him. “It is quite-” He placed both hands on either side of her face, pulling her for possibly the deepest kiss of the night. “Incorrigible.”
He laughed again, pausing his attack on her sense to correct her. “I don’t think that’s the right word for this situation.”
“And now you’re evaluating my language.” She stood up, walking toward the kitchen as Edmund trailed behind her, eventually taking his place leaning against the wall rather debonairly. “Whatever will I do with you?”
“Perhaps go back to our rather lovely evening on the sofa.” He murmured.
“We cannot just lounge all day, my love.” She rummaged through the ice box, looking for something slightly appetizing. “If it was up to you-”
“If it was up to me, we would be upstairs.” He spoke clearly and without hesitation. “And you would be-”
A hand was clamped over his mouth before he could finish his sentence. He raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend, who was trying her hardest not to scold him. “What has gotten into you?”
“I have a stunning woman in front of me, the day is young, and I love you.” He said behind her still tightly clamped hand. Peeling it away, he wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her dangerously close. “I love you deeply. So deeply-”
“Edmund.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Don’t overdo it.”
“How can you say that?” He gasped. “Do you not-”
She leapt up, kissing him quickly. “Don’t finish that sentence. You know I love you. So deeply.” She exaggerated, teasing him. “Now, will you please help me fix up some lunch?”
“But-” Her steely gaze sent a chill down his spine. “Fine, fine.”
She nodded. “Will you let me go?”
“No.” He shook his head, leaning down. “I don’t think I will.”
She blushed, her heart ablaze with love. “Edmund, if you focus for just this thirty minutes, you might be able to persuade me.”
“Persuade you?”
“Believe it or not, I do find you devastatingly handsome.” She wiggled her eyebrows, gesturing toward the stairs. “It would be a shame if-”
He placed his arm underneath her legs, racing up the stairs with her in his arms. “You are the love of my life.” The bedroom door was slammed open and shut in an instant, throwing her on the bed. “Have I told you?”
She nodded, reaching out to grasp his sweater and pull him to her. “Perhaps once or twice.”
He smirked. “Let me prove it to you.”
taglist: @beebeechaos @lillisummers
#edmund pevensie x reader#edmund pevensie#peter pevensie#narnia#narnia fanfiction#fanfiction#golden age#literature#the lion the witch and the wardrobe#prince caspian#the dawn treader#the silver chair#the chronicles of narnia#edmund pevensie fanfiction#🪩! fics
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MY Narnia hyper fixation coming back in 2024 the year of our lord and Savior Aslan- Jesus Christ? Yes, very likely.
This is just a small what if mixed with AU prince Caspain movie
Narnia; What if Peter had a Spouse
Gn significant other for Peter



I am an enthusiast of angst so I cannot help to think about how many lovers Lucy and Edmund probably left behind in Narnia( I usually imagine Lucy being pan and poly and Edmund being bi since I mean we all saw the movies 😏 bombastic side eye!) what if Susan had been engaged to a good man who cared for her and it was a good alliance, someone she saw herself loving some day and of course if Peter had been married.
It was a normal day in Cair Paravel when the Siblings never came back from their hunt. Peters's spouse was hosting the weekly tea with their sibling's partners when a frantic fawn ran into the room to inform them that the kings and queens had disappeared
how Peter's spouse was the person everyone else went to when the Pevensies didn't show up after a week, and how they were now in charge of Narnia since they were now King/ Queen Regent.
How they have to deal with the distraught significant others of the Pevensies and have to watch Lucy's girlfriend/s searching high and low, sky and sea's for her but never finding anything until they give up in the one year anniversary of their disappearance.
Edmunds significant other shutting themselves, starting to miss the weekly tea and lunch peters has been holding for years now and then just stop coming over to the palace at all and avoiding everyone until they aren’t heard of again.
And the worst of it all dealing with the fallout of Susan’s engagement.
A man whom everyone learned to care for and came to see as a friend turned cruel and unreasonable, demanding Peter’s spouse marry him in retribution so his kingdom would continue its alliance with Narnia.
Peters's spouse is so overwhelmed not able to decide if they should accept or not, On one hand, they still hold hope their spouse and siblings would come back but on the other, they were the only protector left of Narnia which meant they had to do everything in their power to protect their subject and do what was best for the kingdom. Finally, Oreius is the one to hold a meeting with everyone close to the Royal family to talk to Peter's spouse and make them see Peter nor Susan would expect them to marry, and neither did any of the Narnians who loved their ruler, the one who stayed and has been taking care of them.
They finally reach a decision to reject the marriage proposal and offer instead a trading alliance between the kingdoms. It's accepted but no one ever sees Susan's ex-betroth in Cair Paravel again.
Later that same year Peter's spouse receives a visit from none other than Aslan himself. They are sitting on the beach having what they remember Edmund calling an existential crisis, their guards are away at a respectable distance when they feel someone sitting next to them and when they look there he is, in all his glory- Aslan.
The lion sits and listens to the current ruler of Narnia cry their heart out offering a small nudge hoping to give some comfort. Once they have calmed down Aslan lays down next to them and observes the sunset, and as the sun hits the water on the horizon he finally speaks.
" They are destined to come back," he says and turns to look at them.
Peter's spouse looks up at Aslan, " What?"
" As you heard my child," he replies eyes never leaving the horizon, " The kings and Queens are destined to be back but," he stops turning his head, and looks them in the eyes. " not for years and years to come"
"I'll be gone by then," they say knowing what Aslan hinted at.
" And they will be lost," he says, " confused and scared."
" Is there a way I can..." they speak, not really understanding what they are asking but knowing in their heart, that they are asking for a second chance.
" There is," Aslan said, hesitation in their tone," but it will cost you greatly. "
They waited for more still looking at Aslan.
The lion sighed, " If you wish to wait for them, I can help with that but you would leave Narnia without a ruler. I could freeze your body and send you into a deep sleep only to be awakened when the rightful rulers of Narnia are back."
It dawns on them for a moment before accepting.
They make preparations and a council is placed in line for when the spell is to take place. They say their goodbyes to everyone, their family and friends, and their most loyal guards, a small order is formed that will take care of them in their slumber; The order of the Firebird.
They lay down in a bed full of their favorite flowers and all their friends are their surround them, Aslan walks in and whispers something to them and then gently blows in their face and they are swept into a dreamland.
Years pass and wars happen, by the time of Prince Caspian thousands of years have passed, and many orders of the Firebird have come and gone but always to come back loyal to their ruler and cause.
It's a calm morning in spring when a gasp is heard from the bed where the enchanting Ruler of old Narnia resides. They sit up in the bed and gasp for air as they hold their throat.
It's time, they look around their room confused since this looked nothing like their chambers in Cair Paraval,
as they tried to stand up their knees give in and they crashed to the floor thats when some guards came running in, guards that looked nothing like their friends who they last saw.
“ Your Majesty!” they all exclaimed rushing to their side and helping them up.
“Thank you” They thanked the guards softly as they hold on to them, feeling their body so when suddenly their was a paused in the air, the unspoken fact, they were back- Peter was back. The guards looked expectenly at them waiting for an other or something. They shoved their hands into the pocket in their outfit taking out a golden firefly that immediately glowed and shot into the sky waiting for the party to follow it.
“Lets find our Kings and Queens” they spoke with a huge smile.
In a hurry the guards prepared horses and cavalry to escort them and find the Kings and Queens, ridding in a centaur who claimed to be a descendant of Oreius, they learn that it had been years- thousands actually, they were currently at war and that most of the hope had been lost, the order of the Firebirds and the rebellion were the last of what remained of old Narnia.
The firefly finally arrived at the destination from the back of Andreas- the centaur who kindly offer to let them ride in their back- they could see a bunch of Narnian’s and… humans, humans who looked exactly like their husband and siblings, a human who was holding Peters sword, a human with the same golden hair that they had run their fingers through every night.
It was him, their husband, their king, it was..
“PETER!” They shouted jumping out of the centaurs back and landing in the ground not caring about falling or tripping, their only goal to reach their husband. Peter turns around not caring about the man infront of him and runs in their direction.
Their small guard follows them swiftly, banners and swords drawn surrounding the stranger who has their sword drawn on their King, protecting them.
Peter reaches them first and hugs them arms around their shoulders, heart beating threatening to burst out of his chest and gripping into the material of their cloths.
“ You are here,” They whisper and sobs.
Peter is in tears and tightens the grip on them. “ So are you.”
They separate from the hug and they caresse Peters's face, tears running down their faces matching Peters. “ You look just like the day we met,” They say softly and chuckle a bit.
Peter sobs and nuzzles into their palm, “ And you look just like the day I lost you.”
here it is everyone! hope you enjoyed it! it's a small thing that has been in my mind since I was literally a child. I might develop the idea more but it would be with an actual character but I wanted to put it out to the world first as something anyone can see themselves or their character in!
#the chronicles of narnia#narnia#the lion the witch and the wardrobe#narnia prince caspian#peter pevensie#susan pevensie#lucy pevensie#edmund pevensie#king peter the magnificent#high king peter#queen susan the gentle#king edmund the just#queen lucy the valiant#kings and queens of Narnia#peter pevensie x reader#peter pevensie x y/n#peter pevensie fic#peter pevensie one shot
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cair paravel
caspian x reader / no pronouns used / not rq
warnings: a couple swears, physical touch (as in not 18+ but still), mention of the word 'dress' but you can interpret that as any type of dress really
summary: you decide to reminisce on a select few memories of the beach at cair paraval in your room, one morning.
genre: yes it is fluffy but there's some slow burn/yearning thing going on, allusion to a modern!au in narnia, although u can assume it’s the same
notes: cyberball comeback! *crickets* anyway this is my highest word count thus far. ben barnes is actually fatal cuz now I'm obsessed with a character from my CHILDHOOD who I completely forgot even existed. alas, here we are, because caspian is a very very close second to Leo valdez, and I'm head over heels for that man. all this is to say, this will probably not be the last caspian fic and who knows, maybe I'll figure sth out for peter n ed as well!!! anyway enjoy i hope u like it / edit: WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME I MISSPELLED THE FIC TITLE
11:03 | 2896 words
11:45 AM
The spring breeze brushes against your face, and your eyes close in appreciation. From your balcony, the beach of Cair Paraval looks stunning; clear blue waters and a high tide to match. You let your thoughts linger on all the nights you’ve spent on said beach with a certain king of Narnia. You almost get up to try to find him, but you sit back down, realizing he must be busy. Your memories will have to sustain you for now.
4:23 AM – 1 month ago
Caspian’s hand came up to brush his hair out of his face for what seemed like the hundredth time that night – the sea breeze was relentless. You silently laughed at his efforts, as he leaned back into you, having given up on trying to tame his hair. His tall frame had somehow managed to sit snugly in between your legs, Caspian’s head resting on your chest. You were leaning against an enormous oak tree, the leaves swaying in tandem with the wind.
“Get up, you big goof,” you said, rolling your nightshirt’s sleeves up, determined to help him with his hair. He looked back at you for just a second before obeying your command. You loved his hair either way but you could tell it was annoying him right about now.
“What, you don’t like the unruly look my hair has taken on?” He asked, sitting up properly. You shook your head in amusement and looked away under his glance, pretending to look around for the clip you always kept on you, in case a predicament like this arose.
You gathered a little of his hair and tied it in place with the clip, letting a few pieces in the front fall out. The half-up-half-down look was his and your favorite.
He rested his head back onto your shoulder, looking ahead, the two of you still sitting. You had a ritual wherein you took one night each week to watch the sunrise. Now, even as the sun slowly woke up, the Narnian night sky glittered with tens of stars, and you wished you could look into his eyes. The black always reflected the light perfectly.
You two had been dating for about 2 weeks now. Caspian was your best friend and the person you trusted the most. Back when all you could think of on nights like these was your imagination of what it would feel like to have his lips against yours, looking into his eyes was a gesture far too intimate for two friends to share.
But now that it was a reality, you moved him off your shoulder and moved forward, so now you were facing him. On instinct, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on his lap. Giggling, you took his stubble-covered face in your hands. After staring into your eyes for a length of time most people would find uncomfortable, he looked up at the sky. And there it was; the sky condensed into his eyes. He looked back up at you, and you couldn’t help but kiss him. You wondered how you ever lived without knowing the taste of his lips.
5:09 PM – 3 months ago
The sun filtered through your hair as you managed to push through it. It was setting, and the horizon looked particularly capturing today; pink and orange clouds shielding its light. Speaking of the sun, unbeknownst to you, yours had come up behind the spot you had claimed on the sand. Placing a kiss on your head – and consequently making butterflies fly around in your stomach – Caspian took the place next to you, as he often did.
More often, he’d only made rare appearances in your solitude, as the mantle of being king had taken its toll on his free time. You had found yourself reminiscing on the time when every other free second you both had, you would spend with each other. You would train together as well, and while that hadn’t necessarily stopped, he had significantly less time to do so. So you missed it, and you missed the close contact, where you could pass off the hitched breaths and stuttering glances as something other than what they were.
Caspian was your best friend. Nothing more, although you found yourself coveting the same. You don’t quite remember when it changed; when the way you looked at him turned from friendly appreciation to lingering on his smile. You felt that maybe he felt the same when he’d make you laugh and then drink in your reaction; when you showed him a new dress and his gaze lingered on you for far more time than was needed to look at the dress; when, a few days ago, you were playing with his hair, as you often did, and he unabashedly stared at your lips; and even now, when he kissed your head and instinctually rested his hand on yours. His thumb caressed your palm, and you had to physically restrain yourself from melting onto the beach.
At least then you could be washed away with the sea. You could feel his gaze on you. “What, idiot?” You asked him, not turning to look at him, a playful smile playing on your lips. “That’s no way to address your king,” he replied smoothly with a smirk of his own. You wanted to wipe it right off his stupid, pretty face.
As happy as you were with his presence next to you, you didn’t forget how your getaways to the beach were much frequent just you now instead of you both. “Sorry, Your Majesty,” you muttered sarcastically. You winced as his face fell at your tone, immediately regretting your words, knowing how he literally had no time for anything other than his duties. You couldn’t be mad at him for that. He beat you to the apology, “I am sorry. I know I have seen you less and less these past few weeks, and it’s not an excuse, merely a reason, but my work as king has taken up most if not all my time. Regardless, I could have made time for you. Aslan knows you’re much more important to me than anything else,” he spoke the last words under his breath, but you caught them.
You both had talked about this before – how much you meant to each other – but every time he brought it up, your heart beat just a little bit faster. “Cas, don’t be sorry. I know you’re busy and it’s selfish of me to be mad at you for that. I’m sorry,” you replied, looking away. “You’re not being selfish. You’re the least selfish person I know. You’ve done nothing wrong here,” he said softly, pushing your hair behind your ears. A hue of red dusted your cheeks at the gesture and you smiled up at him, “It’s okay, Cas,” you assured him and noticed his eyes crinkling at the nickname, “Just promise to meet me whenever you can,” you said, playing with his fingers. “Yes, I know, I will use all my free time on you. You don’t have to tell me twice,” he says, a glint in his eyes. You laughed amusedly, “You’re a good king, you know,” and he searched your eyes for any sign of a lie. He didn’t find it, even behind your teasing tone. “Just because I dedicated my free time to you?” he questioned and you pretended to think, “Hmm… yes.” Laughing
, you rested your head on his shoulder. You were happy to have him, even if your affections could only be as intimate as best friends.
2:58 AM – 2 months ago
You had just made a particularly hilarious joke, and Caspian had been laughing about it for what seemed like ages. “My god, calm down,” you managed to say through your own laughter, and he silently brought his forehead down to your shoulder, his own shoulders shaking from laughter.
After finally calming down, he said, “Never do that again,” a smile still brilliant on his face, despite the dim moonlight filtering through the clouds. “What, never make you laugh again?” you grinned, sucking your teeth, “sounds like a challenge to me. I’m too funny,” you joked, running your hand through your hair. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Caspian roll his eyes at you, and you wordlessly shoved him for it.
“That cloud looks like your hair in the morning,” you pointed out, gesturing to a cloud by the sea line. Caspian looked at you with an unamused face, “Ha-ha. Very funny,” he replied deadpan, but a grin eventually broke out on his face.
A long, comfortable silence stretched out between the two of you. You carefully rested your head on his shoulder and tried to take this for what it was: two friends enjoying each other’s company, and not letting your thoughts wander to a hope where maybe, someday, you could be more than that. Because it could never be. Caspian did a great job of reminding you of the fact when he piped up, “Today was sort of terrible,” and in response, you looked up at him through your lashes, beckoning him to continue. “The court is back at it with the marriage proposals and potential alliances,” he explained, and your heart dropped.
Oh. “Any of the potential matches interest you?” you questioned, silently hoping the answer was no. Regardless, you braced yourself for the impact, but he replied, very softly, might one add, “No,” and ran a hand through his hair. “Really?” you asked in an unamused tone, “none of them?” you were a tad bit eager to know his true feelings. So he pointed it out, “Desperate, are we? Why do you want to see me married off so quickly?” he asked, a smirk playing on his annoyingly pretty face. There was a sort of desperation in his eyes that you didn’t quite catch, however.
“Of course not, Your Highness,” you teased, “Curse me for wanting to see my king happy,” and rolled your eyes. “And anyway, it’s quite the opposite,” you muttered under your breath, sure that he wouldn’t hear it, but he did.
Fuck. He understood what you meant by it as well; he always did, and now he looked at you with something newfound in his eyes. Shit.
Silence. Why wasn’t he saying anything?
“That is the last thing that would make me happy,” he finally spoke, and you silently sent up a prayer to whichever god let him ignore whatever you had said.
“And what would?” you asked, a teasing tone in your voice, but you both knew you genuinely wanted to know. Were you a possibility?
He didn’t reply. You chuckled softly and slightly shoved him, “What? I asked you something,” you said, still giggling. Your laughter had brought a smile to his face and you wanted to evaporate.
He took one of your hands and started absentmindedly playing with your fingers, as he often did. “I just… it’s a little funny to me how many times I’ve asked you that same question and you’ve not responded,” he confessed, black eyes staring you down, and then moving away when you hesitated in responding. “We tell each other everything,” a pause, “Right?” he asked, and hundreds of unsaid feelings poured into the small gap between you two, which he was slowly but surely closing. All the while his hands were still on yours, and you wondered if this was it. The day you finally get to call him yours, or the day you part ways.
“Caspian…” was all you managed, a little choked. Had his face always been so close to yours? You swore you could feel the beat of his eyelashes on your face, which was no doubt painted deep red right about now. It didn’t matter, because so was his.
You never knew eyes could speak like this – albeit, Caspian’s had always been able to, but never to this degree – begging, desperation, and hope, all in just two pupils. You literally were choked now; words had left you. You always told him, in matters of romance, you would never be able to make the first move. He had always laughed at that, the irony of you being such a bold and fearless person, yet being afraid of showing vulnerability like this. Although he himself could never chide you about that; both of you knew his stubbornness, especially in affairs of the heart.
He was not a daft man. A little oblivious, sure, but he knew the way you looked at him. You hadn’t tried to hide it either; in some masochistic way, even though you had your doubts about his feelings, you still wore yours on your face. You regretted it sometimes, when if he ended up listening to his court one day, then you would feel like a fool for putting your heart out on the line.
But so had he. Later on, you would realize that you were much more oblivious than him. He had half the decency to never completely assume that you were interested in him romantically, but he knew you. And you knew him.
So it made sense now to you. His lingering glances, especially those on your lips; the forehead kisses, which he had started a long time ago before you thought of him this way – however, they had grown much more frequent and much less chaste; and, oh. The words he said to you just a couple of days ago, lounging in his bed, your head in his lap, when you had joked about him being in love with you, “I’m not going to deny it.” You knew when he was joking. This was not such an instance, even though, immediately after, he tried to play it off as such. You knew it. Why hadn’t you said something?
Your name fell from his lips now, once more, a silent plea.
His lips ghosted over yours once more. You closed your eyes briefly, as you did when in a predicament, and exhaled hard.
Caspian sent up a prayer to whichever god would take it and made to connect your lips. You met him halfway.
You remember the first kiss like the back of your hand. You just about whimpered when his taste reached your tongue; the taste of the chocolate you both had snuck just a few minutes earlier was fresh on his lips. His rather large hands steadied you by your waist, and you still felt like crumbling by his touch.
A few seconds later, you pulled away reluctantly, out of breath. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his face was redder than you had ever seen it. You grinned and pecked his lips once more, and he felt your smile on him. It wasn’t a feeling he thought he’d ever experience.
Giddy, he mirrored your smile and kissed you harder than the last time.
“I knew you had a thing for me,” you said, right after he pulled away, breathless and smiling. “I’m not going to deny it,” he gloated, and you rested your forehead on his shoulder, laughing.
You were going to deal with the court some other day. It was just you and him right now.
11:56 AM – Present time
“Enjoying the weather, my love?” Caspian’s voice sounds out as his arms wrap around your torso. You slightly crane your head to look at him, shamelessly staring at his frame; simple white button-up, black pants. A rather handsome look on him.
“Your pick-up lines have always been terrible,” you remark, turning your head back around, a smirk on your face.
“And yet you were just checking me out,” he shoots back, resting his chin on the top of your head. You roll your eyes in response. “Checkmate?” he teases.
“Whatever. You can hardly blame me when you look this good,” you respond smoothly, turning around to face him while raising a hand to play with the ends of his hair.
“Have you seen yourself?” he says comfortably. His hands are resting easy on your hips and his gaze is on you, focused like you hung the stars in the sky. He always looks at you like this.
You shake your head, silently laughing, and crane your head to look out at the waters. It’s true that no one loves the sea quite like Caspian does, but that’s the very reason you appreciate it. His eyes light up when he talks of his adventures and voyages. Interestingly enough, there have only been two instances when the joie de vivre shines in his eyes; once when he thinks of the sea, and twice when he thinks of you. You’ve noticed it. The thought gets you giddy each time.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you. He places a kiss on your head and leans down to kiss your lips. Every time he does, it feels like the first time. Your eyes flutter close, and you notice something more in the way his lips move against yours. A message.
And then you realize.
Three words.
He pulls away, exhaling softly. A pause.
“I love you,” he says, your name on his lips like it always belonged there.
You waste no time. “I love you too, Caspian,” and he grins.
You mean it. And Aslan knows he means it too.
tagging: @noorie101 @padfootagain (one of my fav cas writers <3) — if u wanna be tagged please send in an ask!
#narnia#narnia fic#caspian#caspian x#prince caspian#king caspian#caspian x reader#king caspian x reader#prince caspian x reader#prince caspian fic#narnia x reader#chronicles of narnia#narnia 2#narnia prince caspian#narnia fanfiction#narnia imagines#caspian imagine#narnia imagine#voyage on the dawn treader#narnia voyage on the dawn treader#narnia 3#narnia fandom#cyberball original
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Hi i love ur writing. Sorry this is long but could you do a Caspian x pevensie!reader whose susan’s twin and like he chose her over susan and like they meet in prince caspian and fall in love and he “proposes” but then she can’t come back to narnia.
BUT THEN… she goes back with E Lucy and Eustace(whose kinda her enemy in a funny way) for some reason and she’s with Caspian and it’s just them on the Dawn Treader and Lucy tells caspian how sad she’s been the year they were back.
Can it just be really angsty and fluffy at the same time🤭🤭
Sorry this is long i just love ur writing💋💋
Prove Her Wrong
pairing: Dawn Treader!King Caspian x Pevensie!fem!reader warnings: angst obviously, dw it's also fluffy, mentions of drowning (no one actually does, but it feels like it for a moment), amicable banter, pining, regretting decisions, use of y/n (I'm so sorry) summary: both you and caspian have been miserable a/n: aahh, I love this idea so much! Also, thank you for giving me an excuse to watch the movies again, really needed that. I did kind of twist the plot to make it fit better, but I hope you like it nonetheless. Sorry it took this long to write it, my schedule's been packed for the last couple of weeks, I hope the fic makes up for it. wc: 2.6k
It had all happened too fast to comprehend. One second, you're standing in your cousin's room looking at a painting. The next, you're engulfed in a massive ocean trying to keep your head above the surface.
Too busy looking for the younger children, you hadn't even noticed the change in the atmosphere. Everything had gotten a little brighter, the air more fresh, the sky more clear. But you were preoccupied trying to make it out alive as the currents tried to pull you below the surface.
"Lucy!? Edmund!?" You yell out with what little breath you had left. "Eustace!? Anyone, where are you!?"
Somewhere to your right (or left, seeing as you had no sense of direction anymore), you heard a faint voice you recognised as your younger sister calling out for you.
"Lucy!" You manage to get out as you try to swim towards her. As you come closer, you were able to make out the two boys as well.
"What happened, where are we?" Eustace calls out, arms flailing around him as he tries to keep his head above water.
You share a fleeting look with your younger brother and sister, and something in your gut tells you you know exactly where you are.
"We're back, aren't we?" Edmund asks, confirming your suspiscion. But before you can answer his question, a ship dooms up, and it was approaching you rapidly.
"Swim!" You shouted, trying to put a safe distance between you and the ship while also trying to keep the others closeby.
You heard a few loud plunges into the water, and when you turned around for a moment, you saw some of the crewmembers swimming towards you. A moment later, you felt a pair of strong hands wrap around your waist.
"It's alright, I've got you." An all too familiar voice reassures you. You turned around, only to be met with a slightly older version of the man you had been forced to leave behind the last time you had left Narnia.
"Caspian..." You say breathlessly as you look into his eyes.
"Y/n..." He responds, equally out of breathe and clearly both surprised and confused to see you here.
Together with the other crewmates, he helps you onto the ship, even Eustace who is screaming fire and demanding to back to England. Someone hands you a warm blanket, which you gladly accept and drape around your shoulders. You glance at Caspian, and for a moment your gazes lock, before he is pulled away by Edmund.
"Did you call for us?" He asks, to which Caspian shakes his head.
"No, I didn't. Not this time, at least," Caspian answers, glancing over to you once more as he does.
You're interrupted by a shrieking Eustace, who is swatting away a large mouse sitting on his chest.
"Get this filthy animal off of me!" He screeches as he scrambles backwards.
"Pretty sure that mouse is far cleaner than you are, Eustace," You say as you roll your eyes and shake your head. "It's good to see you again, Reepicheep."
"It is a delight to see you as well, Your Majesties," He responds, bowing down for a moment.
Caspian walks up to the stairs that lead to the quarterdeck and addresses the crew. "Men, behold our castaways: Edmund the Just, Lucy the Valient and Y/n the Righteous; High King and Queens of Narnia."
All the men on the ship went down on their knees and bowed deeply in respect of you. No matter how many times you had been called Queen, it always sent shivers down your spine.
Caspian led the three of you towards the King's quarters, which doubled as his study, leaving Eustace in the care of the crew, who had fainted when he had seen Tavros the minotaur. You had been given some dry clothes that fit you like a glove, although your shirt was a little big and had a vaguely familiar scent to it.
In the middle of the room, a huge map of Narnia was sprawled out across the table. You scanned over it, your finger absently tracing the coastal lines as you lightly smiled to yourself. You wouldn't admit it out loud, but you had missed being here when you were back in England.
With Peter and Susan off to America, you been left to stay at your aunt and uncle's house with your younger siblings. At first, you had thought it wildly unfair to be stuck in England whilst your older brother and twin-sister got to live with your parents across the Atlantic ocean.
Eventually, you had calmed down and accepted your fate. Most of the time, you could be found lightly fidgeting with the one possession you had been able to take back with you from your last adventure in Narnia; a simple silver ring you kept on a piece of string around your neck. It reminded you of a time where you didn't feel like the second option, a feeling that haunted you often when being compared to your twin.
"It has been three years since we won Narnia back from my uncle," Caspian explains as he points towards the map, "There is peace in the entire country now."
"And have you found yourself a Queen in those three years?" Lucy asks, making you look up from the map. She truly didn't mean any harm with the question, but Edmund lightly nudges her side and gives her a stern look.
"No," Caspian says with a light chuckle to alleviate the tension, "not one to compare with your sister..."
"Hang on," Edmund interrupts, "But if there's no wars to fight, and no one's in trouble... then why are we here?"
"That's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing," Caspian answers. "Before I tried to take the throne back from my uncle, he went after my father's closest advisors, the seven Lords of Telmar. They fled to the Lone Islands, but no one has heard from them since."
"So you think something's happened to them?"
"Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out," Caspian says rather solemnly. He looks over at you, trying to get a read on you, but your eyes are glued to the map in front of you.
"What's east of the Lone Islands?" Lucy asks, pointing towards the map where it just says The Great Eastern Ocean.
"Unchartered waters," Drinian, the captain, answers. "Things you could barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse..."
"Sea serpents?" Edmund asks, his face lighting up at the sound of something dangerous to battle against.
"Alright, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales," Caspian interrupts. "You are free to go wherever you want on this ship, it is as much yours as it is mine."
It's a silent cue for Edmund and Lucy to go with the captain and explore the ship, while you stay in the quarters, leaning against the table, your eyes still locked on the parchment. After the door shuts, Caspian speaks up once again.
"Can you at least look at me?" He asks, his voice much softer and hesitant now. "Please?"
You lightly sigh as you look up at him, your eyes instantly finding his. "I'm sorry I left," You say truthfully, even though you sound rather defeated.
"Don't apologise, I- I shouldn't have asked you to stay." This time, it's Caspian who lets his head fall and gaze upon the map. "I knew you couldn't, yet I asked you anyway. I am sorry, for putting you in that position, that was selfish."
"It's alright," You somewhat reassure him, "Aslan knows I would have been just as selfish had roles been reversed. But we can't change the past, and we mustn't let it stand in the way of our future." You take a deep breath as you take a step closer to him. "You deserve a bright future filled with happiness, Caspian. Don't let me stand in the way of that by holding onto something that can't be."
It's the right thing to say, the logical thing to say. You're from a different world, there's no way of knowing if you'll be able to stay in this one after the adventure is over. It guts you to the core to walk out of the King's quarters, it tears your heart apart, but you try to shake it off as you go out onto the main deck.
Luckily for you, you're able to take your mind off of it when you notice your cousin Eustace talking to a regular seagull.
"What on Earth are you doing talking to a bird?" You say, a somewhat smug tone laced in your voice. You're called the Righteous, not the Humble, and for good reason.
"I just assumed that-" Eustace begins, his face turning a light shade of pink.
"That just because a mouse can talk, so must a bird?" Maybe it's a coping mechanism for the shattered heart in your chest, but you let out a light chuckle. "Oh cousin, you have a lot to learn about how things work here. Good to know you can't claim to be the smartest person in every realm." You shake your head and hear a few crewmen chuckle along.
The sky gets darker as the evening falls, and the crew celebrates the your arrival with festive spirits. Sea shanties are sung, dancing goes hand in hand with a lot of laughter and a couple of bottles of liquor are brought out.
Despite the gloomy thoughts that have been haunting you for the day (and the days before that), you laugh and leap along with the crewmen. Even Eustace loosens up a little, although keeping it modest. The only one who seems unaffected by the joyious celebrations is the king, who sits on the staircase and watches the others, or rather, watches you.
At some point, he is joined by Lucy, who due to her young age can't participate in the drinking and adult activities. She sits down next to him and keeps quiet for a little while, before speaking up.
"What's bothering you, Caspian?" She asks softly. "Is it the Lords?"
"For the first time in a long time, it actually isn't, my friend," He says truthfully, letting out a sigh. "It feels like even when she is this close, she is still worlds away."
He didn't have to say your name in order for Lucy to understand. It's the same way you didn't need to mention his whenever she would find you staring mindlessly at the wall or out the window back in England. You would always have that same tragic look in your eyes while you fidgeted with the ring around your neck, no matter how hard you would try to mask it whenever Lucy got your attention.
"You know, she feels the same way right now," Lucy responds, feeling incredibly sorry for both your misery.
"She's evidently better at coping with it than I am." The words came out more bitter than intended, but Lucy couldn't really blame him.
"Out here, maybe. But back in England," She refrained from saying 'back at home', never having been able to call it home when she had missed Narnia too much. "Back in England, she was a mess. A beautiful, poised and collected mess, but crumbling down on the inside."
Caspian didn't speak up, but simply looked sorry and felt even more remorseful than he already had.
"She kept the ring, you know," Lucy continues, "Oh, she would never say it out loud, but it was obvious she regretted leaving Narnia, leaving you most of all. I'm pretty sure she would give anything to stay this time around, if you'd ask her again."
"She told me to let go of a future with her, said she didn't want to stand in the way of my happiness," Caspian argues solemnly, "Sounded a lot like she wanted to move on from all of this."
"That's what she thinks is the right thing to do, because it makes more sense," Lucy counters. "Prove to her that it isn't."
With that, she stands up from the stairs and walks out into the crowd. Turning around one last time, she says:
"Oh, and maybe do something about the beard, it might remind her of the man she fell in love with."
Caspian lightly rolls his eyes at her comment, but decides to take her up on it nonetheless when he retired to the barracks below deck. For the sake of privacy, he had given his quarters to you and Lucy to stay in while you were on the ship.
Later that night, when everyone was passed out in their beds, Caspian went onto the deck to get some fresh air, where he soon notices you, leaning on the railing while you looked up at the stars.
"Still having trouble sleeping?" He asks as he stands next to you.
"Insomnia doesn't go away so easily, it seems," You softly chuckle, having to do a double take when you notice he has shaved. "I was almost getting used to that beard, but I'm glad you shaved it off any way."
"What is it with the hostility against my facial hair?" Caspian comments as he raises an eyebrow at you. "I thought it made me look ruggedly handsome."
"Who'd you have to look ruggedly handsome for before we showed up today?" You ask in a mocking way, making you lightly snicker when Caspian takes on a defensive tone. "Oh, stop it, I was merely teasing."
"Teasing, are you now?" He asks, a mischievous glint sparking up in his eyes as he leans in just a little. "That's not very Queen-like behaviour, now is it?"
You lightly sigh, letting your head fall for a moment before you speak up. "Perhaps I've gotten a bit rusty," You note, "I haven't been a Queen for a while now, you know?"
"Oh, don't worry, it's like riding a horse," Caspian assures you, "It's not something you can unlearn, even if you don't practice anymore."
"Well, maybe it's a good thing. Might make the next time I leave more easy..."
"You're still planning on leaving after this adventure?" Caspian asks, his voice growing a little more quiet. "You can stay, you do know that, right? You did the first time, surely you can-"
"Caspian, please," You interrupt him, pushing away from the railing and taking a few steps back, "It's too difficult, you know that. I can't just leave my family behind, and I can't ask them to stay."
"You don't have to do that. I am certain there's a way for you to move freely between realms," Caspian suggests, "And if there isn't, we'll find a way. Somehow, things like this have a way of working out."
He takes a step towards you, reaching out but refraining from touching you just yet. "Besides," He continues, "Time goes by much slower there than it does here right? We can figure this out and they won't even notice you're not there."
He searches for your eyes as he takes another step towards you, a silent longing in his eyes as he does. "You don't have to come with an answer right now. Whether it's tomorrow, next week or at the very last second, I don't care as long as you're certain that whatever you choose is something you actually want, not what you think is right."
You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. "Okay," You say after a while. Your eyes are still closed, but a small creeps up on your lips.
"Okay?" Caspian echoes, his eyes sparking up, even though he's not sure he heard you correctly.
"Yeah," You say, opening your eyes to look into his. "Okay, I'll stay. But I might change my mind if you don't come here and kiss me, because-"
Luckily, he cuts you off mid-sentence by pulling you in and effectively using his lips to shut you up. You can feel him smile against your lips, and you can't help but reciprocate the gesture while your hands run up into his hair.
© This work belongs to @marveladdictjones, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
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#writeblr#x reader fics#divider by saradika#marveladdictjones fics#come back be here#prince caspian x reader#prince caspian fic#king caspian x reader#king caspian fic#the chronicles of narnia
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rachel's "i'm on winter break and have time to write" sleepover !!
hi everyone !! i am so excited to actually have time to sit down and write without university looming over me like storm clouds. there won't be a lot of rules, just a lot of fics and fun.
a few things to know:
send requests !!
no limit on asks or prompts requested !! i'm taking requests through jan 31, 2024.
if you have an original idea, send it my way !! it doesn't have to be from the prompt list.
if you want to join, please do !! write something !! tag me !!
i don't write super explicit smut. but i will def write some light smut and kissing and whatnot if requested.
no dub/con, no incest, no ultra-kinky stuff. sorry guys.
people i write for...
bucky barnes
ben barnes characters (the darkling, billy russo, caspian)
will graham (hannibal)
cillian murphy characters (thomas shelby, jonathan crane, robert fischer)
tangerine (bullet train)
bruce wayne
geralt of rivia (the witcher)
1. touch starved 2. hurt/comfort 3. holding onto the other’s shoulders for support 4. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up 5. showing up at each other’s house late at night 6. washing the other’s body 7. kissing their bruises and scars 8. sitting close and knees touching 9. meeting the family 10. teaching the other to… 11. watching the other when they are in their element 12. comfort kisses, goodbye kisses, first kisses, etc. 13. oral fixation 14. hand fetish
1. "You know you’re pretty much the worst. In the best way possible." 2. "You smell good." 3. "You said I love you too fast." 4. "You were not supposed to find out about it." 5. "How long has it been since someone touched you like this?" 6. "Even if you don’t feel the same… I just wanted to tell you." 7. "Can you stay with me?"/"Don't go. Please." 8. "I say I’m over it but I still imagine it’s his hands in my hair when I’m alone.” 9. "I'm anything you want me to be." 10. "How can you be so smart, yet so stupid?" 11. "You’re dead to me." 12. "I thought it was just a silly crush, but it turned into more. I’m sorry, I know you don’t feel the same about me." 13. "Why are you staring at me?" 14. "I never thought this would happen." 15. "I am a god." 16. "Where did you go?" 17. "You were in my dream last night." 18. "Please don’t look (at me)…" 19. "I know I should be happy with friendship. So is it wrong of me to not be satisfied?" 20. "Stop worrying." 21. "So you've fantasized about me?" 22. "Why are you unbuttoning your pants?" 23. "You're shivering."
1. babysitter 2. soulmates 3. flower/coffee/book shop 4. time travel 5. neighbors 6. coworkers 7. teachers 8. royalty 9. historical 10. fairytale 11. wedding 12. fake dating
happy asking and happy holidays ! - rachel
my masterlist :)
#rachel's winter sleepover#fic event#bucky barnes#ben barnes#the darkling#aleksander morozova#billy russo x reader#the darkling x reader#aleksander morozova x reader#prince caspian#prince caspian x reader#bucky barnes x reader#loki x reader#loki#mcu#will graham#will graham x reader#thomas shelby#thomas shelby x reader#jonathan crane#jonathan crane x reader#robert fischer#robert fischer x reader#tangerine#tangerine x reader#bruce wayne x reader#the batman#geralt of rivia#geralt x reader#the witcher
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