#“sofie's got a crush”?
sincerely-sofie · 4 months
In response to my post mentioning being baffled by my younger brother naming a tynamo after me when he was playing Pokémon for the first time as a little kid, my boyfriend made a chart to compare and contrast + showcase the many similarities I apparently share with this Pokémon.
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doudouneverte · 11 months
Straight to the point (or not?)
a/n: let me be bless you with a little something for Katherine Kühl...
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Kathrine Kühl x GERWNT!reader; Giulia Gwinn x reader (best friend); Alessia Russo x reader (past); Arsenal WFC x reader
Summary: a Danish player has a crush on someone but are they feeling the same thing?
Type: honestly I don't know
Warning: Gio being a helpful bro/sis for her friend,
word count: 4233
(I'll definitely write the second part later so feedback and proposition are welcome)
"How do you know that you love someone? Like, when you've fallen in love with them?" Kathrine asked, and the entire table became silent.
Amelie just looked at her, then at all the girls in the dinner room, and pulled up her phone to type something. When the striker finished, the Arsenal midfielder got a notification from the team's group chat.
Amalie: Girls! Emergency! Meeting in my room after dinner
"You could've just told me you don't have to get all the team involved." The young player said, trying not to show her embarrassment.
"Trust me, we definitely need it." Without saying a word, the girls finish their dinner before all heading to the striker's room.
"So what is so important that you need all of us?" Pernille asked the PSG's player.
"It's not for me." The striker started making some teammates grumble. "Kathrine wanted to ask all of you something very important." She finished. All the attention was now on the midfielder, which made her a little nervous, and Amalie didn't help her relax because she gently pushed her in front of the team.
"Well, it's not that important. I just asked the girls a stupid question, and now they're overreacting, sorry." She said now more embarrassed than before.
"Since we're all here, I think we can help you with your little problem, right?" Signe proposed, and everybody agreed.
At this moment, the midfielder couldn't feel more happy to know that her teammates were there for her, but she was also nervous because she didn't want it to involve so many people.
When Amalie noticed that her teammate wasn't planning to speak, she took it in her hands. "Kathrine has a crush on someone!" She announced.
If you could die out of embarrassment, Kathrine would definitely be dead right now. Her face turned so red that she could be confounded by her shirt. A lot of gasps were heard in the room.
"I wasn't expecting something like this." Pernille said, but her comment didn't reach everyone at the moment Sofie opened her mouth.
"Wow, that's crazy! Who are they? Did they play football? Are they good-looking? Since when did you-" 
"Sofie, please stop; I can't hear my own thoughts!" Katrine Veje said after putting her hand over the Madrid's player's mouth.
"That's why I didn't want to tell the whole team." The midfielder whispered to the striker.
"Sorry, not sorry, but I think we need as much help as we can have for a case like that." The other Danish replied.
"What do you mean by a case like that?" The Arsenal's player asked a little offended but she didn't get an answer before her captain spoke.
"I don't want to be intrusive, but can we know who they are? We all want to help you with something important like that, but we will need more information." 
"She plays for Germany." The young player said.
After a little silence, all players started to complain, "That's the only thing you get?" Sofie asked.
"Yes, because honestly, I don't know if I really love her; maybe it's just a crush." Ke defended herself.
"Okay, now things have become a little more clear. But didn't you ever fall in love in the past?" The older Kat asked.
"I don't think so. I mean, I had friends who had ever fallen in love and had crushes, but for me, it was the same thing." She explained.
"Oh, trust me, it's not the same thing." Amalie interjected, getting the attention of the midfielder. "Look at that." She took her phone and opened Instagram; a few seconds later, she showed her phone to all their teammates. "This is the look of someone who is completely in love with someone else." 
"Why did you use me as an example?" The national captain asked.
"Because you're too cute when you look at Magda like that, and I thought that it would be more helpful if I showed someone she knows." During their interaction, they didn't notice the weird expression on Kathrine's face.
The midfielder picked up her phone quickly and immediately texted the only other person who was aware of that situation.
Ke: I think I love her
She was grateful that her friend was quick to reply, but she wasn't ready for the answer.
"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. Good night." The midfielder said and left before anyone could reply. The girls stayed a little longer before calling it a night.
Gio: I think you know the next step now
Ke: What?
Gio: you need to tell her
Ke: absolutely not!
Ke: are you crazy?
Gio: you don't have to do it tomorrow but you'll need to do it before she find someone
Ke: do you think it's possible?
Gio: I hope not because that would mean I spent too much time hearing you talk about her for nothing 
Ke: thanks for the reassurance 
Gio: I know, I'm the best 
Ke: it was ironic 
Gio: 🖕
The next day was game day. Denmark against Germany in the Nations League. What Kathrine didn't know was that the last night all her teammates were trying to guess who could have been this special person.
During the pitch inspection, both teams were totally focused, especially the Germans. The Danish midfielder was looking at the opposite team, searching for someone, when two hands covered her eyes.
"Guess who it is," you instructed her. The midfielder faked thinking for a moment before replying.
"Y/n/n?" She heard you grumble in defeat before you put your hands back in your pockets. "So how are you?" She asked after she turned around to face you.
"I don't know; I'm a little nervous to be back, but I'm also really excited. And you?" 
"Same thing. I'm just a little disappointed that one of us has to beat the other." 
"Stop being too friendly with enemy Y/n, you will see her back in London." Lina said.
"Okay, grumpy captain, but why don't you say the same thing for Syd?" The older German looked at her Bayern's teammate and looked back at you.
"You know what? Forget what I said, but don't go easy on her because you played for the same club." She warned you.
"Okay, first, I already know that, and second, don't worry, I always give 100% of my capacity." You reassured her.
"Well, don't do too much; you just came back from an injury." Your Arsenal teammate reminded you.
"If you think that will stop me, you're pretty wrong. And I think I need to show everyone that I can follow the rhythm." You said before leaving to see your national teammates.
After the end of the game, you lost 2-0. You played only for the last fifteen minutes, which was incomprehensible for you because you had already played a full half for Arsenal. A little frustrated, you made your way to the opposing team and shook hands before you spotted Ke.
The midfielder didn't wait too long before she gave you a hug and whispered some encouraging words for your next game against Iceland. Unknown to the two of you, some cameras spotted that moment, and it was the start of a lot of tease for the blonde player.
The next morning, Kathrine woke up with a message from Gio and from the team's group chat.
Gio: I hope she tried to steal you a kiss after you looked at her like that.
The Brazilian player sent her a picture taken last night. The Danish player started to blush, but she was definitely not ready for the next part. When she opened the group chat, she was welcomed by the same picture and a picture of Magda and Pernille shooting for Bayern, where P was making heart eyes at the defender.
Amalie: please try to spot the difference. spoiler alert: it's impossible 
Now the midfielder was totally red, like last time. Thankfully, all of them seemed motivated to make this couple real, which made Arsenal's player a little more nervous.
After the international break, you were back in London. You were messing up with Katie like usual when Ke finally appeared with Gio. The midfielder spent all her previous nights trying to find a way to not act in front of you, but that definitely didn't work well.
"Hey, look at that. Our little Danish super star is finally here." You commented. You didn't wait much longer before abandoning the Irish girl and making your way to hug the blonde midfielder.
Usually she would reciprocate it, but today she just froze. Her brain had accumulated too much tiredness from her late-night thoughts, and you didn't help when you just came and greeted her with your pretty smile, your marvelous scent, your familiar warmth, and...
"I think she's a little tired; she didn't sleep well last night." Gio said trying to save her friend from her thoughts.
You pulled away from the blonde and examined her to find some bags under her eyes. "Now that I look at it, yeah, you really seem tired." You said, and before the girl said anything, the Brazilian next to her used that moment to hug you. "Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Hello, G, how are you?"
"Pretty good, and you?" After you started a little conversation with the brunette while Ke was finally coming back from her trance, when her friend noticed that, she excused herself and pulled the Danish away.
"I froze?" She asked, earning a nod of her teammate.
"Totally. Like a deer. It was pretty funny to look at, but it was also a little awkward," Gio said, and the midfielder turned red again. "Hey, it's okay. I mean, who wouldn't freeze if they were hugged by Y/n? She's literally the only person on the team who can be so touchy with everyone, and nobody complains about that." The Brazilian added.
"I'm going to die." The midfielder said dramatically.
"Oh, come on, don't say that. It was just one interaction; you can still ask her to train together today." 
"She usually trains with Katie or Leah."
"Yep, but today Katie will train with me." The Brazilian said confidently.
"Because I'm a good friend, and I want to help you with your Y/n problem." 
"It's not a problem."
"What is a problem?" You asked, coming out of nowhere.
"Nothing." Gio said quickly, making you raise an eyebrow at her. "But, hey, since you're here, I was thinking that maybe you could let me train with Katie today." She proposed.
You thought about it for a moment before replying, "Okay, but I heard we will train our defense skills today, so be careful." You warned her before leaving.
A few moments later, it was time to be paired for training, and you were talking with Alessia while the two younger players were looking at you.
"You need to ask her now before Alessia makes a move." Gio said, making her teammate blush.
"What? Asking her, like for a date?" Kathrine asked.
"No, you idiot, ask her to train with you," The striker said visibly annoyed. "But if you found courage to ask her out on your way, take it." She added before pushing the midfielder in your direction.
The walk to your position seemed too quick for the blonde, who hadn't found a proper way to ask you this simple question. When she arrived in front of you, she was greeted by an understandable glare from the other blue-eyed girl. She decided to ignore it for now, but she made a mental note to talk about it with Gio later.
When you noticed the Danish player, you stopped whatever conversation you had with the English striker and focused on her. "Hey, I was searching for you." You said, with a relieved smile, what made the midfielder smile. "Gio said she wants to train with Katie, so I wanted to ask you if you want to train with me." You asked her.
Ke couldn't be more thankful that you were the one who asked; she didn't vocalize her answer; she just nodded, and after that, Alessia left you to find her pair.
During the whole session, she couldn't help but admire you. Of course, she tried to have some conversation after she saw how Gio was struggling to contain Katie.
"I was wondering if you want to go somewhere after training today." She asked and was shocked by her own sudden confidence.
You thought about it, making her realize what she just asked you, and she immediately blushed again for the nth time recently.
"Yeah, why not? I just promised to call Giulia later, but I think she can wait." You replied, making her finally breathe correctly and mentally apologizing to your national teammate.
When the training came to an end, you were immediately pulled in by Vicki and Viv. The blonde midfielder was about to join the Brazilian when she heard you call her.
"Hey Ke?" She turned around. "See you later?" She just grinned and nodded before the two Dutch dragged you away.
"What will happen later?" Gio asked, coming out of nowhere.
"Jeez, Gio, you can't scare me like that." The midfielder said after jumping from surprise.
"Sorry, but why did she say  see you later?" The striker asked again.
"I asked her to hang out after. You know, just to spend some time together, like for bonding time." The Danish said, but she couldn't hide her crimson cheeks.
Unaware of them, Alessia heard their conversation, and the English was about to say something until she was stopped by Leah. The blonde skipper just shook her head, and despite her grumbling, the striker just let it go.
Later this day, you were out with Kathrine, enjoying the city and learning more about each other. Even if you were in the club for a few years now, the Danish was still really recent there, and that meant you didn't know her as much as Leah or the others.
When you stopped at a coffee shop, you noticed a missed call from Giulia. You quickly texted your national teammate, but you didn't have time to shut down your phone until she replied back. Your distraction earned a weird look from the blonde girl in front of you.
"Who's this?" She asked, trying not to sound too intrusive.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's Giulia, but it's okay. I told her that I'll call her later." You replied.
The midfielder nodded, and suddenly a question popped into her mind. "Since when do you know each other?" She asked you.
"Almost all my life, I think." You replied. "Why?" You asked with a confused smile.
"Oh, nothing; it's just that you seem really close, so I was just curious." 
"Yeah. I see. I mean, it's totally okay to be curious. But yeah, I've known her since we were five, I think, so she's more like my sister than my best friend." 
The information made the midfielder internally smile more than she showed. She was about to ask more questions about you when your phone buzzed again, but this time your expression was not the same as when Giulia texted you.
"Are you okay?" Kathrine asked.
"Yeah, sorry." You apologized.
"Is something bad with Giulia?" 
"No, it's not her. It's Alessia." You replied and instantly put your phone back in your pocket.
"Is everything okay with her?" The Danish asked more interested this time. 
She wasn't a fool; she knew that something was happening or had been between you and the striker, but she didn't really find the confidence to ask.
"Yeah, just a long story." You tried to brush it off. "But let's not talk about that. There will be a movie night at Viv and Beth's this Friday; do you plan to go?" 
The midfielder clearly noted your attitude when you changed subjects but didn't want to push it. "It's a team bonding night, right? So yeah, I think I'll come." She replied and almost melted in her seat when you smiled.
"Cool, it will be cool." The two couldn't have to talk more before Gio and her boyfriend entered the coffee shop. And for the first time, Ke wished her friend was not there.
Of course, when you spotted the young forward, you invited them to sit with you, and she didn't refuse. The four of you talked for a moment until you had to go back home.
"So?" The striker asked immediately when you left the shop.
"What?" The midfielder replied.
"Oh, come on, you know what I mean." 
"Okay, she asked me if I planned to go to the team movie night, and we talked a little about Giulia and Alessia."
"What? Alessia? Why?" The Brazilian was now fully focused.
"Alessia texted Y/n and she didn't seem very excited about it. Something definitely happened between them, but she didn't want to talk about it." The Danish explained.
"We will have to dig it during movie night."
Back at home, you quickly got rid of your shoes, instantly crashed on your couch, and called your best friend.
"Okay, now you have time to talk?" Giulia said sarcastically after she picked up.
"Hi to you too." You joked, making the other German snort.
"Sorry, I just thought you would forget to call like you always do." 
"Hey, it's happened only a few times." You countered. "And it's not like I ditched you on purpose." You added.
For a moment, neither of you talked. The Bayern player knew that something was off, and when she understood that you didn't want to talk first, she took it in her hands.
"So? How was your date with your Danish girl?" The right-back asked, making you grumble.
"It was not a date." You said it firmly. "She just wanted to spend some time with me; I mean, it's okay, I do that with everyone."
"Everyone except one." Your best friend said making you mute again. "How are things with her, by the way?"
"She texted me. When I was Kathrine, she texted me, but I didn't reply." You explained.
"And you did well. Honestly, I don't know why you didn't accept the Bayern offer when it came to you after you learned she got transferred to Arsenal."
"Because Arsenal is like my second home." 
"Okay, but Germany is your first home. I am your first home. And don't get me wrong, she is a good player, but I can't imagine how you can stand with her every day." 
"Okay, first, it's not every day. It's only during training days. Second, Leah, Kim, and Lia make every thing possible to not let us alone in the same room for too long." You reassured your best friend.
"That's the same thing; as a professional footballer, we train almost all the week, which means you are almost a week near her. I really don't–"
"She came to talk with me today." You cut her off.
"Yeah, she wanted to be paired up for training, but I was already paired up with Kathrine. And surprisingly, she didn't complain about that."
"I hope she didn't try to talk with you after that."
"Don't worry, Vicki and Viv were there to pull me far away from her." 
"Please remind me to get them some gifts before Jill has to go back to the Netherlands." She joked, making you laugh almost immediately. "I need to go, but please be careful and stay away from her. And maybe you can start to hang out more with Kathrine."
"What do you mean?"
"Look at the group chat sometime."
"You always talk too much." 
"Just do it. Go back to after our game against Denmark. Now I really need to go. Bye and be careful."
"Always." You hung out and quickly opened the group chat.
In Germany, the defender sighed loudly after the call. This little action gained attention from some teammates.
"What's wrong?" Klara asked.
"Alessia can't let Y/n alone." She explained.
"Do we need to kick some ass?" Linda asked.
"What? Of course we need." Lea said.
"Wait, girls, calm down. We don't have to go that far. At least not now." Giulia said.
"Are you all crazy?" Klara genuinely asked. "You can't just fly to another country to beat someone." While all the girls in the changing room were agreeing with her, she added, "At least wait until we have to face them in the National League, so we will not have to pay for it." 
"Okay, girls, I don't know what you're talking about, but I think you need to stop right now." Lina said trying to calm them.
"We're talking about Y/n and Alessia." Giulia explained.
"Okay, now things are different. And Klara is not wrong." The ex-captain said.
"Lina!?" Jovana and Glodis called the midfielder at the same time.
"What? Nobody mess up with Y/n without consequences. Now let's go; we have training to do."
Friday night came more quickly than Kathrine expected. The Danish found herself on the couple's couch, waiting for the rest of the team to show up. After fifteen minutes of attempting to distract herself by talking with Frida and Noelle, you finally knocked on the door. When Beth opened the door, you didn't waste time giving a powerful hug to the striker.
"Our little sunshine is finally here." Sabrina said.
"You're the one who is talking? Look at you, please." You replied, making the whole team laugh.
After greeting everyone, it was finally the Danish's turn. She tried not to act weird and just opened her arms, waiting for you to hug her like always. This time, you were the one who malfunctioned for a moment.
Since your call with your best friend, you have seen what they were talking about in the group chat, and one of the topics was you and your Danish teammate.
Like the Danish team, your national teammates found it cute how the younger players looked at you. A lot of them knew about your recent drama and didn't say too much, but some of them were suggesting that maybe she could be the one who could help you heal from it.
And since then, this idea hasn't stopped running through your mind. You started to analyze every eye contact you made with the midfielder, and you started to notice the little changes. The light blush gradually turn into something more intense. The little talks that she made last longer.
Thankfully for Kathrine, you easily came back to your senses and finally hugged her. This one lasted a little longer than usual, but nobody really noticed that. Well, maybe Alessia did. And the glare she sent you definitely confirmed it. Sensing the little awkward change in the atmosphere, Viv asked you if you could help her with something in the kitchen, which you accepted immediately.
Followed by Vicki, you made your way to the kitchen out of the blonde eyeshot but near the Danish earshot.
"Please, can we not start this now?" You asked the striker.
"I don't want to start anything unless you find it necessary." She replied, gaining a confused look from her national teammate. "She slept with Alessia." Viv explained.
"It's not like that." You interfered.
"What do you mean it's not like that? Did you sleep with her, yes or no?" The tall Dutch asked.
"Yes, but we didn't just sleep together, okay?" 
"Okay, my bad, there was also a little relationship." She rolled her eyes.
"Wait, when?" Vicky asked.
"2021." You replied, "Until almost the end of the 21–22 season." You added.
"But why did you slip out?"
"Because our relationship was not really the best, and she broke my heart, so we just ended this." You explained this.
"She spent three days here, crying on the couch." Viv added.
"Okay, you don't have to say that. And I was broken at this moment, okay?" You tried to defend yourself.
"Okay, but right now I need to be sure that you don't end up doing something stupid tonight." 
"Like what?" You were a little offended by the lack of trust of your teammates. "And it's not like we can do anything stupid. I have Kim and Jen on my back every day to be sure it never happens again."
"I still need to be sure that nothing can happen. So you'll be assigned to the scandis tonight. I don't want you too far from one of them, and more importantly, I don't want you near her, okay?" At this moment, Viv was using her serious tone, and she would not tolerate any errors from you. You just gulped and nodded before she let you leave the kitchen.
On your way back to the living room, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
You wanted to reply when you heard someone speaking.
G7: please don't do something stupid tonight, or I'll have to get the girls involved
You: what do you mean by "getting the girls involved" and how do you know what I'm doing right now? I didn't post anything anywhere.
G7: I have my connections 
G7: now have a good night and keep an eye on the little Danish 
"Hey, I think the movie is about to start." When you raised your head, you were found with Kathrine, who was visibly waiting for you.
"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry I'm coming."
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queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which Denmark's star girl in swimming has always been very outgoing, which has always made her so popular, especially when she talks about her crushes...
sofia lundgaard x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying sofia is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translation, also just fluff
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y/n just posted on her story
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"Hi y/n, welcome to London!" Marie, the interviewer said.
"Thank you! I am really enjoying looking around." y/n said smiling, her bright smile as sweet as always as they got straight into the interview.
"Well, obviously you are wonderous, three golds at the Worlds already this year, I mean being 19 and so talented, what is that like?" Marie asked.
"Very, very stressful." y/n said with a laugh and the group watching her laughed a little too.
"I bet." Marie nodded.
"I think also, because I am naturally quite a happy person, it seems to have shown during interviews and cameras so now I feel like I cannot be angry or upset, because everyone expects something else from me." y/n explained and Marie nodded.
The interview continued for a bit, until Marie got to her final section, smiling at the young girl who hadn't stopped making the room chuckle since she stepped foot in it.
"And finally, we know you are a big football fan, you have talked about it a lot, who is your favourite player?" Marie asks.
"I think that such a hard question because I like so many players for so many reasons, but I mean Sofie Lundgaard, she's fantastic. Also, pretty, Sofie, I'm single." y/n said.
She looked toward the second camera as she spoke, making everyone laugh again before the interview wrapped up.
"Oh my! She knows who I am?" Sofie asks as she looks up from the video, tearing her eyes from the stunning girl as Rachel snorted, used to the Danish girl's obsession with the swimmer.
"Yep." Yana grins, popping the 'p' with her lips.
"Great, she'll be unbearable now." Missy sighs as the group walk out to warm up on the pitch, Sofie stuck her tongue out at her friend, leaving over to push her when Yana spat out some water.
Both Missy and Sofie shrieked, jumping out of the way but Yana was focussed on something in the stands, and when Sofie and Missy turned they both gasped.
y/n was sat happily in the stands, talking to one of her friends who must have come over from Denmark with her for the few days of interviews she had.
Sofie's eyes had doubled in size as she took in the gorgeous girl, smooth skin and sweet dimples which had appeared as she threw her head back, laughing at her friend.
"Come on love bird." Missy sighed and Sofie tore her eyes away as they began to run.
username1: is anyone at the Liverpool women game rn cause Sofie just looked at y/n like she was an angel and I am freaking out because of it
username2: AND THEY WAY y/n is looking at her? Like she's so amazing... I am going to cry this is so cute
username3: AND AFTER Y/N'S INTERVIEW??????
username4: Sofie better shoot her shot, or I will do it for her!
username5: We don't know if Sofie is even into it though???
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y/n just posted
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liked by, sofiielundgaard, daniels_yana and 398, 279 others
tagged liverpoolwfc and y/f/n
y/n just one chance, please...
view all 13, 287 comments
username2: no shame
daniels_yana: @sofiielundgaard...
username3: Sofie was a bit quick to like there
username4: y/n is so cute omg 😭😍😍
username5: the way she was cheering in game was so cute i wanted to cry !!!
username6: I spoke to her during half-time and SHE WAS SO SWEET and gave me some gum! 🥹
username7: not even trying to hide it! 😭
y/f/n: she cried when we got back to the hotel, she was too excited...
y/n: stfu 😑
liverpoolwfc: Thank you for your support! Loved having you!! ❤️
y/n: Thanks for the invite! ❤️
username8: Liverpool admin tryna love island it up???
sofiielundgaard: Tak for din støtte! Helt sikkert hjulpet!
thanks for your support! Definitely helped!
y/n: elskede at se jer alle!
loved watching you all
sofiielundgaard: xxx
username9: OMG
username10: this girl forgets she is a public figure and I love it so much 😂
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y/n just posted on her story
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Sofie sat laughing with her teammate Yana as they answered questions for an interview which would go on the Youtube channel, Yana grinning evilly when asked what Sofie liked to watch as a test of their friendship.
"Sofie here is really into her swimming, you, patriot for Denmark and all that." Yana grins. "Though, with how many competitions of a certain Denmark swimmer she watches, I don't know... Maybe it's not the swimming." Yana hums.
"Shut up!" Sofie hisses but the crew had already begun to laugh, causing Sofie to groan and throw her head against the table with a thump.
Yana grins evilly at the camera before feeling a little bad for the blonde and rubbing her back kindly as Sofie leans back up and sighs.
"What can I say? I love my home country." She hums and this again causes everyone to burst out laughing.
username1: The way this plot thickens with every turn!
username2: Sofie admitting she likes watching swimming then Yana being an angel and spilling the true tea
username3: loveeeee Yana sm omg 😍😂
username4: I did feel bad for Sofie though, she looked so embarrassed 😩
username5: yeah same...
username6: She will have let them put that in tho, like they would have removed it if she really wanted
username5: VERYYYYY true 😶
username7: omg that is such a good point!!
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y/n took a deep breath in, her limbs weightless as they floated around her, the swimmer took another deep breath before pushing of the wall and beginning to swim down toward the other side.
The pool she had found was not busy, maybe because it was half six on a Sunday morning. But y/n could never go a few days without swimming, the water was more home than ground was.
y/n did several lengths before she came to a stop, head popping up before she pushed herself underneath the water, using the side to hold her underneath.
The world quietened and blurred above her, the water for that minute, kept her safe. However, she hadn't taken a deep enough breath for longer than a minute and a half, and so pushed herself back up and to sit on the side.
y/n sat quietly, regulating her breath once more as she watched her feet in the water, her braided hair now heavy against her suit clad back.
It was only after a minute, did y/n realise she was no longer alone. She turned her head, looking in the next lane, where to her surprise, Sofie Lundgaard was, head lent back and eyes shut as she floated for a moment in the water.
Her muscled shoulder tensed as she kept herself afloat, and y/n suddenly felt very hot as she lowered herself back into the water to try and ignore the woman beside her.
"Ingen er her normalt på dette tidspunkt." Sofie hummed as she looked back up.
no one is usually here at this time.
"Jeg bliver stort set sindssyg, hvis jeg ikke svømmer i et par dage." y/n admitted with a soft laugh.
I pretty much go insane if I don't swim for a few days.
"Really?" Sofie asked, not overly aware she had slipped into English.
"Yeah, more at home in the water than on land mum used to say." y/n smiled softly relaxing back, her eyes darted up to the clock, showing 6:48.
Sofie and y/n didn't talk much for the new few minutes, an occasional comment or question with an answer would be thrown, but for a bit they just swam side by side, enjoying the feeling of one another's company.
When the clock hit 7:30, y/n sighed and slid up the pool side. Sofie gulped and looked away from the muscled arms which tensed as they pushed y/n from the water.
y/n smiled at Sofie, nodding as she grabbed her towel and walked toward the changing rooms, but as she went to leave the room she changed her mind.
"Would you like to get breakfast?" y/n asked as she turned to face Sofie.
"Thought you would never ask." The blonde grinned and pushed herself out of the water as well.
y/n just posted on their story
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sofiielundgaard just posted on her story
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y/n hummed as she prepared for her final race of the day, it was just a friendly, Denmark's best against each other, but that did not mean she was not prepared.
She had gotten back to Denmark a week ago, after spending three weeks in London, a trip which had lengthened for no specific reason.
She heard the call, the shot and then she dived as soon as she hit the water, y/n knew, she knew she had won, because she was away suddenly.
She pulled ahead, a good few strokes from everyone else, she turned and pushed again, knowing this one was only two lengths. Which after a week of long racing was nice to think.
She pulled ahead further, the commentator shocked as anything as she slammed her hand on the wall, sighing in relief as she pulled herself up, shocked at the way her coach had paused.
"Hvad?" She asked him.
"Hvad?" She asked again, pulling a towel around her body to keep her warm. Her coach just turned her body and pointed to two letters next to her name.
Danish Record.
y/n let out a yell of shock, her fellow swimmers running over to congratulate her as she slammed her hand over her mouth, eyes trying to find someone, who once they had been found grinned wildly.
y/n grinned back, looking briefly at the pool before grabbing her coach and fellow swimmers, the group all jumping in, her coach slightly begrudgingly.
Breaking records was something y/n had been doing from the age of 14, and every time she did, she would jump into the pool. But y/n had just been thrown into today's race as a back up, almost as a joke.
Because breaststroke was not her stroke, but she had somehow just broken a Danish record with it. How? She didn't know nor care as she and her fellow swimmers sunk into the waves of blue, being watched by a very proud blonde.
y/n just posted
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liked by, sofiielundgaard, pharder10 ans 401, 766 others
tagged sofiielundgaard
y/n note to self, always go for half six swimming sessions...
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sofiielundgaard just posted
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liked by, daniels_yana, y/n and 218, 736 others
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sofiielundgaard You know, I don't think I watch swimming for the sport... 🤷‍♀️
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username2: 'I don't think I watch swimming for the sport' hahahahah 😂
username3: FUCK YESSSSSS
username4: I feel like we have Yana to thank for this.
daniels_yana: You do 😌
username5: OMG
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kay bois, struggled with this one, won't lie - so what do you we think???
love ya'll!
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e-dubbc11 · 2 months
Hi! 🙋🏻‍♀️
Reading “Always Her Hero” again got me thinking…exactly what traits do Dylan & Billy share?
“And your son, Dylan, well, let’s just say he’s more like you in ways you hoped he would have been more like his mother.”
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Hello my dear friend!
First of all, this gif? Swoon! Fun fact…I found and purchased those sunglasses from that scene. Took me awhile to find them but I won!
Thank you for sending in this ask, for always supporting my writing and loving this little family as much as you do.
I hope you like what I did here ♥️
Be Like You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader, Anna Raven, and Teenager Dylan
Warnings: a couple of swear words? Maybe? Teenage angst, and fluff
Word Count: 2.1K-ish
Summary: Lately, Dylan has been moody, quiet, and acting…well, like his father. You and Billy would like to know what’s wrong but like Billy, you hate to push so it’s best to tread lightly. He just needs a bit of a talking to. Part of the Sweetest Pain Series. I’ll leave the link to the Masterlist HERE
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Your brother is growing up to be really cute, Anna.” Sofie said with raised eyebrows and biting down on her lower lip.
Little Raven’s friends, Sofie and Hannah, were home for Christmas break. You, Anna, and Billy survived Little Raven being away for her first year of college and now she was home until January.
Behind the kitchen door, you were eavesdropping on Anna and her friends while they were watching a movie. They had just watched Dylan go upstairs to his room and commented on how handsome he was becoming.
Physically, Dylan looked just like Billy. He had the wild dark brown hair, the ink like eyes and that smile, that perfect and irresistible Russo smile that was hard to say “no” to. Even when he was little, he knew when to use that smile.
Pictures from Billy’s childhood were non-existent until he joined the service and then he had his picture taken after he graduated from boot camp.
Comparing side by side pictures of Dylan and his father, they could be twins and even though they were slightly older, Anna’s friends had noticed Dylan was growing up to be very handsome.
“Ew, gross you guys, that’s my brother!” Said Anna.
“Yeah but he’s REALLY cute!” Hannah exclaimed.
You didn’t notice that Billy had crept up behind you, the man was extremely light on his feet and without warning, he grabbed you by the waist and whispered in your ear.
“What are we doin’?” He asked.
You nearly jumped out of your skin but tried to stay as quiet as possible.
“OH MY GOD!! BILLY!! You scared the shit outta me!” You whisper yelled at him.
“What else is new? I scare you all the time, sweet girl.” He said with a wide smile.
You glared at him playfully and said, “You are freakishly light on your feet, that is not normal, lieutenant.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry, my love. But what are we doing?” Billy asked again.
“Little Raven’s friends have a crush on Dylan.” You said softly and in a concerned tone.
“You say like that’s a bad thing, baby.” Said Billy. “He’s a good lookin’ kid, like his father.”
You rolled your eyes and tried not to smile. Billy wasn’t wrong but Dylan was starting to exhibit behaviors like his father used to before you walked into his life and into his tattoo shop.
You didn’t find out until after he started tattooing you that he stopped his playboy ways like going out with different women all the time, and flirting with every woman that walked into his shop.
Billy could have any woman he wanted. He was charming, handsome, and his smile made you weak in the knees. And his son was following in his footsteps, he had girls at his school falling all over him and he would take a different girl out every week.
“Billy I don’t want him having that kind of reputation. No girl likes that, baby.” You said.
“I should talk to him, huh?” Asked Billy. “I guess I never really cared what kind of reputation I had at 16 either.”
Your husband looked unsure of how to handle the situation and almost angry at himself for possibly passing on certain personality traits to his son. Anna Raven was guilty of it too but Dylan could be quite moody at times, he would shut down and not want to talk about what’s bothering him or tell you if anything was wrong, and he was growing up to be a very handsome young man, to which he was hyper aware of.
And now that you were thinking about it, Dylan started to exhibit this type of behavior more so after Billy felt comfortable enough to tell both of his children about the way he grew up. They were old enough now where they could handle the truth.
Snaking your arms around his neck, you pulled Billy’s forehead to yours then gently pressed your lips to his. You wanted to reassure him that you were raising two great kids, one of them just needed a little extra guidance than the other right now.
“Baby, I think Dylan needs a little bit of a behavioral adjustment. I know how long It took you to finally open up to me, to tell me if anything is bothering you, learn that attachments weren’t a weakness. Hell, it took you over 6 years to tell me that you had feelings for me! I know it’s still difficult sometimes but I don’t want the same thing for Dylan.” You said.
You continued.
“It started pretty much right after you told the kids about your mom and growing up in a group home. We know how Anna felt about it by the tears streaming down her face when you were finished talking but Dylan…he didn’t say much.” You said softly.
Billy kissed your forehead and said, “I’m gonna go talk to him.”
He walked out of the kitchen and headed toward the stairs, Anna and her friends said hello and went back to watching their movie.
You waited a minute before following Billy up the stairs, mostly because you were concerned about Dylan but also you were incredibly nosey.
Before you reached the top of the stairs, you heard Billy knock on Dylan’s door.
“Dylan? Can I come in?” Asked Billy.
Dylan replied, “Yeah…sure.”
You crept up to Dylan’s door, Billy left it cracked, maybe he did it on purpose because he knew you were nosey and you wanted to hear what was being said but maybe not. Through the small opening in the door, you could see Billy sitting in Dylan’s desk chair and your son was sitting on the floor with a video game controller in his hand.
They were sitting side by side as you gazed fondly at father and son, they looked so much alike. Dylan was just a younger version of Billy and you thought Dylan could play a younger version of Billy in a movie.
“Whatcha playin?” Billy asked.
Dylan furiously pushed a couple of the buttons on the controller before answering his father.
“Street Fighter II. I’m trying to get better so I can beat Mom.” Replied Dylan.
Billy chuckled, “You’re never going to beat your mother at that game. Before she got pregnant with Anna, I took everyone out to celebrate her birthday at a bar where they had old video games. Your mother beat every person that challenged her in that game. She didn’t even lose a round, let alone a match.” He said.
Biting down on your thumb, you stopped yourself from laughing but your body was shaking uncontrollably. You remembered that night like it was yesterday and how drunk you got on the tequila shots Frank was feeding you.
“Oh I’m gonna beat her, one of these days, Dad. Bet on it.” Said Dylan.
Billy leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and laced his fingers together.
“That’s the right attitude to have, buddy.” Billy said.
“But that’s not why you came in here, is it, Dad.” Dylan said, shaking his head slightly and narrowing his eyes.
“No, it’s not.” Billy said, followed by a short pause. “I came in here to ask you if something is bothering you or if you wanted to talk about anything. Lately, you’ve been walkin’ around here in a mood, not sayin’ a whole lot.”
Still playing his game and staring at the television, Dylan’s mouth downturned and he shook his head back and forth. He finally said, “Nope, I’m fine.”
In a concerned tone, Billy said, “You know you can come to mom and me if you’re havin’ a hard time.”
Nonchalantly and not even phased, Dylan said, “Yeah Dad, I know.”
Your son was just like his father and didn’t want to be pushed into talking when he wasn’t ready. You learned early on in your relationship with Billy not to push too hard if he wasn’t ready to talk about something. It would only push him further away so you let him do it on his own terms like gently approaching a scared animal so they wouldn’t run away.
Billy understood that his son didn’t want to talk at the moment so he got up to leave. As he started to walk toward the door, Dylan stopped him in his tracks.
His expression saddened but then his cheeks flushed with anger as you heard Dylan ask his father, “She never came back for you, did she, Dad.”
Dylan’s tone was somber and he tried to hold back the hitch in his voice but he couldn’t help it. Those words broke your heart all over again, thinking about how Billy’s mother just abandoned him like she did, and left him to grow up in a cold and cruel environment of a group home.
Has Dylan just been holding that inside this whole time since Billy told him the story? He was just alone thinking about how Billy didn’t grow up with a family, that he had to do everything alone, and how she should have been there to protect him.
Billy turned to face his son and replied, “No Dylan, she didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, Dad. I know Mom gets on my case sometimes about wanting to talk about what’s bothering me but I’d hate to think about it if she just left and I didn’t have her anymore. So I’m sorry you never had that.” Said Dylan.
“It’s ok, buddy. And I don’t know if your mother will ever know how much she’s helped me. She’s always been so patient with me and she’s made me a better person so I can be a good father to you and your sister.” Said Billy.
His words brought tears to your eyes.
“I’ll try to be better about talking to you guys if something’s bothering me.” Dylan said with a slight smile.
Billy returned the smile, the smile that was just like his.
Billy replied, “Don’t be like me. I learned the hard way, it’s not good to keep stuff inside.”
As he started to walk toward the door again, Dylan said, “Dad?”
Billy stopped, “Yeah bud?” He asked.
“It’s not so bad being like you.” Dylan said, his lips curled up to reveal that million-dollar smile.
Not knowing how to react, Billy stood there speechless while your heart swelled at your son’s heartfelt words to his father.
With a slight hitch in his voice, Billy replied, “Thanks buddy.” He paused to compose himself and then said, “Oh and Mom said take it easy with the playboy attitude. You’re a good lookin’ kid but you don’t have to go around breakin’ girls’ hearts all over school, you got it?”
“Sure Dad.” Said Dylan.
“You can do that when you get to college.” Billy said with a sly smile.
That’s when you charged into the room.
“BILLY RUSSO!!” You shouted.
“HA! I knew you were listening, baby.” Billy laughed while you glared at him. “Ok, ok…We’re serious, Dylan. Pull up a little bit, yeah? You have plenty of time for that but I will say when you finally find that person you’re meant to be with…it is so much better.”
Billy snaked an arm around your waist, pulled you in close to him and kissed your temple. The two of you fit perfectly together, like his body was molded exactly to fit yours.
Dylan rolled his eyes a little, both of your kids were always just slightly embarrassed when you and Billy would show any affection for each other.
You gave Billy a kiss on the cheek, you caught the faint scent of green soap and laundry detergent on his shirt and the bristles of his beard tickled your lips.
“Alright Dylan, keep practicin’ that game, maybe someday you’ll be able to beat me.” You said as you and Billy started to leave the room.
“What if I challenge you to a match right now?” Dylan asked coyly.
Billy replied, “Oh you really shouldn’t have done that, son. Look, your mother’s eyes are actually glowing!”
Reaching out for the controller, you could feel the excitement in your stomach as you sat down to play video games with your son. He might be 16, but he’ll always be your baby boy.
“I’m not gonna take it easy on you, Dylan.” You said.
“I don’t want you to, Mom. I wanna beat you fair and square.” Said Dylan.
Billy had a proud look on his face. He knew that Dylan would always try his hardest and always try to make himself better in whatever he decides to do…just like his father does.
For not having a model to work from at being a parent, Billy was a pretty fantastic dad. From day one, he wanted his children to know that he would always be there for them for whatever they needed and make sure they knew how loved they were. It wasn’t always easy but Billy finally had the family that he had always wanted.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @fakehappy27 @snowkestrel @music-indie-tv @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @fictional-hooman @celestialend @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @vaguekayla @rosaleenablack @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen @rachlovesactors @qu1etwolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @ittybxttykxttytxtty @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso @colereads
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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kankuroplease · 5 months
can you, make a Hc for Mika please, an uchiha inozuka man, mid-length hair, wild claw eyes, ringtones?! give it to me and I love it! 😭 another crush that doesn't exist lol 🤧
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Wolfgang never heard her curse his name the way Ringo did the day the triplets born
Mika was a massive baby, literally the biggest baby Ringo ever had to birth and she swore he was their last kid
Despite the rough birth and agonizing last trimester, the triplets were relatively easy babies
All upsets were usually fixed by put them next to each other, although Wolfgang worried that Mika was too big and active to sleep next to his siblings
He looked about 3 months older and acted that way too given he could hold his head up and roll over before Leonie and Sena
But Ringo insisted Mika wouldn’t hurt his siblings and she was right
Leonie would accidentally yank his hair and cry but he never retaliated (he did cry until they got him free though) and Sena would suck on his cheek sometimes and he just allowed it
As the triplets aged, Mika was clearly the gentler of the bunch
He was also Ringo’s Mama’s boy, making sure to give her a hug everyday before he did anything else
He also went to her for comfort whenever he had a scraped knee or any other pain and she had no problem with it (he baby 🥹)
Even when Sena mocked him for being so needy and whining to mom over “nothing”
A lot of Fredericks friends thought he was the same age as them because he was almost the same height as the older boys
His dad often joked that his big appetite was going to leave the family broke because Mika really could eat a lot
He just didn’t seem to put on any weight
Despite knowing Sena would insult him or possibly harm him if he was in a foul mood, Mika still tried to get Sena to play with him and Leonie because it made him happy when they all got along
Even if he did end up fighting with his triplet, he never told on him and would just claim any injury was an accident
When they grew out of that phase, Mika didn’t hold any grudges against his brother
He was given his father’s last wolf pup as his companion
He was much too happy to finally be able to have one on one conversations with his brother
He wrote to grandmother Sumi a lot and looked forward to hearing from her. She even sent him some hair pins after he asked her if she could send him something she really liked
Grandmother Ebba always brought him around the Inuzuka’s to brag about how cute and big he was
Asahi taught him some self defense techniques
Kuri always brushed his hair out of his face and let him sleep next to her when he had nightmares
He often got stuck posing for Leonie for hours when she got into portraits
He didn’t really mind but the chickens didn’t like having to be held for long periods of time
If he was getting into trouble, it was definitely because he listened to Sena
He was still regarded as the family cry baby and took up the habit of going off to cry as he didn’t want anyone knowing he was crying
It was during one of those times of crying in the woods that he heard someone sobbing MUCH louder than himself
When he went to investigate, he found a girl whaling
He tried to ask if she was lost just shook her head and didn’t say anything else
he sat with her and sung her a song his mom always sang him to cheer him up until she calmed down
When she finally stopped crying, he learned she was an orphan was left with some nuns in town
She was worried her uncle wasn’t coming back, meaning she’d have no more family
And Mika being Mika told her if that happens, he’ll be her family. He’s got a pretty big family and most of his siblings like him, so he was sure he was fit for the role
He introduced her to his siblings and friends so she wouldn’t feel so lonely the next day
And like clockwork, every other day, he’d show up to get her to go play with the others
Mika ignored when the others would tease them about being “in love” because they were always together, but Sofi would it upset and run off
Which made him lecture his other friends about upsetting her so (and made them tease him more about defending his “girlfriend” like some knight)
They’d make different origami designs with Kuri’s help. Sofi always wanted to trade Leonie for one of her red origami pieces
Napping under trees with the other kids after long days of playing
He looked forward to seeing her as she was fun to be around
Once they entered their preteens, the nuns didn’t appreciate them spending too much time together alone and so, he was forced to see less of her
His parents thought this was ridiculous (some of their other kids they might understand, but Mika? The boy was very pure hearted) and gave him task as close to the orphanage as possible so the kids could still see each other occasionally
But even that got completely forbidden after they caught Mika cleaning the blood off her scraped knee with his mouth
That was the last time Mika saw his friend and rumors flew about them sending her away to become a nun too
He so, he still made sure to leave a red paper crane for her on her birthday on the steps of the orphanage just in case she could somehow get it
Years later, when he was about to leave her birthday gift as usual he was caught off guard by the door opening
Sofi greeted him as if no time had passed at all and remarked he looked exactly how she remembered him
Turns out those nuns really did send her off, not to a nunnery like the rumors said, but a college (that might as well had been one)
She was set to be the towns new school teacher
He missed most of what she was saying from his heart racing from his joy of seeing her smile again
He ended up blurting out tmi to try and catch Sofi up on his life quickly (he’s a craftsman, he still helps out with his mom and dad,he got a weird rash a few summers ago but it cleared up, etc.)
Sofi giggled and told him to take a deep breath
hugging for a while before she took her crane, thanked him, and told him they’d have all the time in the world catch up but it was getting late
After that day, the two picked up back where they left off in closeness
He loved getting to spend time with her again
But Sofi definitely made things hard (pun intended)
It didn’t help that she didn’t set any boundaries with him
They weren’t kids anymore, so her cuddling up next to him under the trees and propping her head on his chest felt more intimate
Her still singing the songs he taught her when they were younger made him feel so special
Her soft curves he could just make out when she wore lighter clothes made his mouth water
Her sweet smile, wide hips, and thick thighs guest starred in his dreams and his days difficult
He already knew he was in trouble because his father and older brothers warned him about those Inuzuka like responses when there was an attraction to another
And it’s not like he never had a crush on anyone, he had several
This just felt more intense. irresistible even
And it didn’t help she was naturally good with kids. It made it easy to imagine her as being the mother of his children
Asahi gave him pitying looks when he came across the two. Mika’s pupils blown as Sofi linked arms with him
Kuri was no help as she often went on about how Sofi looked good in this or that
Frederick was generally just shocked that Mika was a virgin. Sure he’s the most timid out of them all and the women around them liked bulkier men, but not even just the tip? Wild
Leonie could tell he was craving Sofi and took to teasing him about needing to stake his claim before the nuns make her into one of them
Elke had a good amount of suitors both Inuzuka and non-Inuzuka chasing after her and she would fish through her love letters to find ones to tell him to act more like (and who not to act like)
Arashi wrote him a letter of telling him where to dig for a ring he’d buried last time he was in town and wished his big brother luck. He always liked Sofi and thought a Claddagh ring would suit her/their relationship well
His father told him to just ask the girl out
His mom kept inviting her to dinner to try and get the ball rolling for them
He tried to ignore the butterflies and bite his tongue about asking the cheesy question of she remembered he offered to make her his family
Instead choosing to let it run it’s course hoping it would die down naturally
Which was a good plan, a great plan even. But he really couldn’t tell her to leave his home in the middle of a bad storm
And it made sense to share a blanket for warmth
It wasn’t a big deal 🤡
Come the second day, they did get a bit carried away with drinking and play fighting because they’re both very ticklish
And Sofi jokingly bit his shoulder to get him back in some way (because he had her pinned by the waist) making him groan and jump off her
She apologized for the bite and he apologized for not stopping sooner but instead she didn’t have to apologize
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Mika joked that maybe they’ve been hanging around each other too much if she’s starting to behave like an Inuzuka
And the look on her face of disappointment made him panick and stumble over his words
He loved having her around and even his family liked having her around.. She could even move into his place if she wanted to and they could be together forever
“Is that a promise or a proposal, Mika”
The most desperate “I love you” slipped out honestly before he could stop himself
Sofi kissed the tip of his nose and said she’d waited so long for him to love her back that it feels surreal hearing it
Mika swore he’d say it as many times as it took for her to believe him
After that stormy confession, the two decided to tell his family that they wanted to get married
And without any objections, they were able to do after Arashi and Sena came back~
It took him a while to stop blushing when he said his wife and Sofia’s students found it funny to pick on him about it
But nothing could ruin his happiness when he saw her
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zivazivc · 11 months
Reading the tags of your recent Kunoichi Turtles post that Female Casey has a bit of a flirtatious personality has led me to headcanon that when Lavinia starts crushing on David (I think that’s Mona’s genderbent name in your AU?) she goes to Casey for advice and tips on how to flirt with a boy but when actually trying to use the flirting tips on David she fails miserably (like that flirting lesson scene from the movie Jumanji), but unknowingly to Vinnie the bad flirting worked and David is smitten XD
AHAHAHA! XD I would literally cry from second hand embarrassment if an episode like that existed. Maybe, maybe, I can see that happening a few "episodes" after David's first introduced into the story, after Vin finally comes to terms with her emotions. Because in this version the relationship progresses slowly over the course of like a season and a half (a lot of that due to David only visiting when his job demands it), and Vin has cold feet like for most of that time lol
David is the one who gets smitten with Vin first in my story and starts making subtle advances while Vin is completely on edge and skeptical of them and needs a while to realize that he actually likes her in a romantic sense, for real, and doesn't have some ulterior motive. After that she's just very awkward and tongue-tied about it.
You know how Raph kept telling Donnie to give up on his crush because they're all giant mutants that won't ever get a chance at love? I wanted to put attention on that part from canon since the show didn't give me that with the canon Ramona. Raph being a teenage girl can only make that mind-set worse, giving him/her more insecurity and self-hatred. Especially since Vin is the biggest of her sisters and the least "cute" and feminine of them. So I don't see her making the first move in any situation, and I think she'd only flirt after it would be made clear the other person feels the same way.
Ahh, sorry, that got a bit serious maybe. The two actually have a really sweet and healthy relationship (y'know, in my head, where it's been living rent free for years now lol), Lavinia just has to work out some things first before she's angst free.
In this AU we first meet David in the episode Newtralized, where David and Sal are trying to arrest the Newtralizer. Slash is there (he's an all-time baddie in this version), Vin gets captured thanks to David getting in the way of the fight, David feels responsible and goes to save her -> bla bla bla -> Vin has a rescued princess moment that she doesn't know how to feel about...
I've been trying to make this episode into an actual fic for the longest time. On the topic of Casey, I'm showing you a short section from the wip. It takes place toward the end when they've all reunited. I think it's also a good example on why Vin would not go to Casey for romantic advice XD
Casey leans in close to her face, her hooded eyes joining her friend’s thoughtful gaze on the young Salamandrian on the other side of the rooftop who is currently listening to his veteran commander going over what had happened while they were split up.
“Look at him standing there,” she says to her smoothly, almost whispering into her ear, “dark skin over toned muscle. Those abs, man.”
“Casey!” Vin cries out in shock and horror and swings around to face her friend’s smug smile.
“Like a chiseled renaissance statue,” Sofie helps with uncharacteristic coyness to her smile.
“Sofie, no!”
All four of the girls are grinning like Cheshire Cats at Lavinia’s discomfort, enjoying themselves way too much. Vin’s cheeks and nose are thoroughly covered in a deep blush and she hates that it’s there in the first place. She doesn’t even like the guy.
“David the Statuesque! That’s what I’m naming him.” Marie exclaims, sounding proud of herself for that one. “I was going to go with something more fun but since he’s your knight in shining armor—Literally!—I gotta be respectful.”
Vin can’t even hide her tortured grimace. Her shoulders sag and she sighs miserably. “I hate you guys.”
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
The Gym Membership - Part 28 (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair ruminates
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I did :) The weekend away was perfect for relaxing. This part is a little long, I wanted to make sure the flow worked.
Love oo
Italics - Flashback
Warnings: Mentions of tension, knots, grief, acceptance, overwhelming support, character deaths, acceptance, crying, comfort, pimples. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Crosshair stretched as he got out of his car, now that the lineup for the coffee shop across the street died down, he finally could get his coffee. He rubbed his neck, easing out the knots which always seemed to develop when he got annoyed. Avery used to think it was because he clenched his teeth too hard when he got annoyed. He smirked as he heard her voice chastising him to not be so irritated with his family. 
Truthfully, despite the annoyances he did sometimes feel when it came to his family, Tech especially, he was grateful for them. Grateful for his younger brother. 
True to Tech’s word, three weeks after the family learned about Avery, he moved back in with Echo, and finally started to deal with Kamarie’s estate.
As Cross thought back to that night, the moment they each arrived, they all simply engulfed him into a giant group hug. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought they all planned to arrive within a few minutes of each other and swarm him as a unit. And once the group hug was over, what surprised him the most was the fact there wasn’t as much yelling as he expected. There was still some yelling, but it was more yelling with concern. 
He was absolutely sure, they all would’ve had something to say, something along the lines of ‘how could you,’ ‘don’t you consider us family,’ ‘why wouldn’t you tell us,’ and ‘do you think that little of us.’ But instead, the yelling was more, ‘Do you need anything?,’ ‘Do you have enough food?,’ ‘Do you want to visit the gun range?’ He even expected judgement on his playboy lifestyle, he maintained while she’d been in the coma. Instead, he was inundated with hugs, words of comfort, expressions of understanding and empathy for what he must have been through; rather than being looked down on for his way of handling the situation. 
In fact, he wasn’t exactly sure who surprised him the most. 
Tech, who surprisingly was more of a support to him, then he ever realized he needed; or 
Echo, who offered to cook him every meal for two weeks with Sofie, which he may or may not have taken advantage of for a few days before he found it annoying. He eventually told them he appreciated their efforts but it was unnecessary; or 
Wrecker, who didn’t bother asking any questions, either about Avery or about why he kept it to himself. He simply grabbed Cross, pulled him in for a bone crushing hug, and profusely apologized the entire time for not seeing what sort of pain he’d been enduring. Although Cross appreciated the sentiment, he’d been a little confused on what exactly Wrecker was apologizing for. It wasn’t until Mel explained a few weeks later, did he understand, that he felt responsible for Cross’ hindrance of informing the family about his grief, due to Wrecker’s own injury. 
As much as the big man irritated him, with having the happy family life he’d never get, he was his vod. 
The following day he took Wrecker out for drinks and helped him realize he kept his grief to himself, not because of Wrecker or Echo’s injuries, but simply because he didn’t feel he had the right to grieve for her openly. He’d been married for all of two months, what right did he have to bring his pain to the forefront when Wrecker and Echo both were severely injured, and lost men from their own unit, including Fives. The night ended with Crosshair dropping off drunk Wrecker to Mel, who simply chuckled as the man held onto Cross giving him the biggest bear hug he could as he picked him off the ground, all while he cried into Cross’ chest. 
Then there was Hunter who simply said he knew Cross got married a long time ago. He explained carefully, as everyone practically glared daggers at Hunter, that he simply had run into Avery at the outpost one night after Cross’ and Avery’s honeymoon from what he could gather from Avery. Cross’d been deployed back to the field, when he and Avery literally stumbled into each other when they were both rounding a corner from opposite directions. Hunter remembered how she stood there looking at him, preventing him from going anywhere until recognition finally hit her. 
She practically squealed when she asked if his name was Hunter, and began to explain who she was, and how she knew him. She’d seen pictures of Cross’ brothers before, but she never thought she’d get a chance to meet any of them before they all got shipped back State-side. 
She was a complete surprise to Hunter, she was so very different from who he imagined Crosshair dated, she was friendly, funny, kind, someone with actual sense, and as their conversation progressed, she inadvertently blurted out she and Cross had gotten married. 
It shocked him at first, but then Cross always played things close to the vest, especially things that were uber important to him.
She made Hunter promise he wouldn’t say a word to Crosshair until Cross was ready to tell them. And he kept his promise, until that day. 
Hunter focused on Cross as he told him, “Cross, you should’ve seen how happy she was. I mean, her face radiated pure joy and love. She was beyond happy and ridiculously excited to be part of the family. She couldn’t wait to meet everyone else. She loved you Crosshair, of that I have no doubt.” 
Once Hunter finished, Zaina asked why he hadn’t said anything, his answer was simple, “It’s not my place to talk about Cross’ life. If Cross wanted us to know, he would’ve told us right away.”
And when Cross came back State-side without a wedding ring and no mention of Avery, Hunter assumed they’d gotten divorced. It’s not the first time he’d heard of a soldier getting married on a whim and then divorcing as soon as reality hit. He just never imagined Avery was lying in a gurney not even twenty minutes from where they were living this entire time. 
Crosshair appreciated how each of them showed compassion and concern in their own way, but it didn’t stop them from nagging him about having a wife they knew nothing about. They each wanted to pay their own form of respect to the woman who had tamed Crosshair, for however short a time she influenced him.
He finally relented in telling them where Avery was buried, he stated that once the headstone was ready to be put in, they could all go and see it. 
When the time finally came, he did have to admit it was a touching moment when they decided to go as a family to pay their respects. They even were able to meet Layla, who was there to oversee the placement of the stone. She was more touched than she expected, when she realized Crosshair finally told his family about Avery. 
She began crying, and Crosshair being Crosshair, he wasn’t sure what was the best way to comfort her, however, he appreciated Mel, Zaina, Sofie and Omega who were quick to look after her. 
“Hi” a high pitched young voice pulled Cross out of his ruminations, “Welcome to Pabu Cafe, what can I get for you?” The pimply faced teenager behind the counter asked with the biggest fake smile he could muster. 
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letmeintourheart · 1 year
last Trip| Vinnie Hacker
pairing: vinnie x sofi
summary: last trip to beach house before going to college, unfolding truths.
word count: 875
warnings: fluff, some teasing
authors note: this is my first time writing leave any comment for request and recommendations on how to get better lmk.
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My best friend has always been by my side in good and bad times. She’s always had my back for everything. We’ve known each other since we were babies. Our moms were best friends, so we became best friends. I think growing up with her was the best part of my life. She has an older brother, Vincent. He likes to be called Vin, but I like to fuck around with him and call him his baby name, Vinnie. He absolutely hates it. I will admit, though, that the hardest part of growing up with Violet was that I had to see Vinnie grow up. Why? You may ask, Well, let’s just say he had the biggest glow up. Me and Vi made a pact that we would never date each other, brother. They are off limits, but that didn’t stop me from looking at his godly features, how perfect his face and eyes are, how his lips are a perfect red color, and how his body was sculpted by the gods. I mean, what more can I say? He’s perfect.
This is the last summer me and Vi are spending with our families since we are going to college. We decided that this weekend we were going with some of my friends and Vis to our family beach house for the week. We also invited our brothers because we are very close to each other. While I was packing, my brother Eden walked in, "Hi, are you ready to go?” He asked. "Yeah, I just need to pack some other things, and we’ll be on our way.” I answered, "Okay, I’ll wait for you at the car. By the way, Vin is here, he’s getting a few snacks for the rode, so if you want any, let him know,” he answered. Eden knew that I had a little crush on Vinnie, but he never confronted me about it. After I finished packing, I went down the stairs to the kitchen to get some drinks. I bumped into someone; it was Vinnie. “Hi, you want any chips or treats for the rode?” He asked. “I’ll get them, thank you,” I answered quickly, trying not to look at him. Vinnie is a very tall and intimidating guy, and since I had a little crush on him, it was very hard not to feel intimidated by him. “Whatever you say, Fia" he said with a grin on his face. I turned around to face him, trying not to attack him right then and there after the nick name that came out of his mouth. “What did you just call me?” I said it with a loud tone. “You heard me,” he said, leaning on to the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and turned to the fridge door. "Okay, Vinnie," I said while laughing. His eyes stayed on me, but this look was different; his eyes became dark, and his smile became a small smirk. "Oh, it’s on,” he said while walking toward the now-open fridge. I closed the door of the fridge and saw him standing behind me, death staring me up and down and stopping at my eyes. He moved closer and closer to me, not breaking eye contact. I got scared of what was going to happen and started walking backwards until my back hit the cold fridge door. We were now inches away from each other's faces, and when Vinnie broke the silence, "We can play this little game all day and I'll still win,” he said, laughing at how intimidated I looked. “What are you even talking about, Vinnie? I'm not playing any games with you, am I?" I said, smirking, that I knew exactly what I was doing to him. He began to grab my hands and put them above my head. I couldn’t help but stare at him and lose my breath. He got closer and closer to my face, to the point where our lips made the smallest contact. It made me so desperate to taste him. I wanted him to touch me in ways others haven’t and wanted him to ruin me in this kitchen right now, but that was all interrupted when we heard someone coming from around the corner. Vinnie let go of my hands and moved a few feet away from me. I was still taken back by the events that were about to happen.
Violet then entered the kitchen. “We’ve been waiting for the past 10 minutes for you two. What’s taking so long?” She said, and me and Vinnie looked at each other before he started talking. “We were just getting the last few snacks for the rode, and Fia here asked me to help with her bags,” he said, looking at me with that same smirk that led to the events led to the events before. We then began to walk out the house and load mine and vinnies bags, and i wasn’t so lucky to sit with Vi because she called shotgun so i got stuck with vinnie in the back. The ride to the beach house is about 6 hours and we were just starting to take off at 6 pm, so this is gonna be a long ride.
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an-aura-about-you · 3 months
it's lunchtime and I'm in the mood to see how far I can get into Handbook for Mortals because I've heard the next chapter is super long. but also idk how much of it will be worth summarizing. I know the big highlights, but let's see what we've got.
moving on to Chapter 7 part 1:
when we last left our hero Scheherazade gave the mean girls an embarrassing one liner that worked for no other reason than author fiat and Jackson is a simp.
now on to Chapter 7: Strength
-so in the last chapter Zade said it was nice to pretend she had friends, but this chapter starts with her and Riley being up in the catwalk and her telling us that he's become like a little brother to her. she hasn't given us any more time jumps, so it's possible she was just lying before and I had my pity spiral for the author for nothing.
-you know how sometimes a person says a saying all wrong? Riley just did that with, "Curiosity killed the cat." like it's cliche but there's a reason it's cliche, bro.
-Riley gives us the deets on why Mac has a rule about not dating performers: he was in love with one, they slept together, and she thought it was just a one night stand while he thought they were gonna be in a relationship. she decided to string him along and it really crushed him. idk, with the way Sarem wrote Mel in the previous chapter, I'm not sure I believe she did Mac that dirty.
-also her name was Clara Faust. goddamn I love that name. I wanna see her girlboss it up.
-Clara is also apparently so bad that "she makes Sofie look like Mother Theresa." amazing. I don't even have anything else to say about that.
-hmm interesting. Zade tells us she's never been in love before. liked people and had crushes, yes, but never love. that perks my lithromantic ears up, and I could actually really see that? but much like my acedar going off with Anastasia Steele, I doubt that's what the author intended.
-the gang is getting ready to leave for the day and Jackson asks Zade if she's going to see his band perform tomorrow night. this is when we get the sledgehammer to the face that Sarem actual wrote in real life honest to goodness band the Plain White T's in her book as Zade namedrops them here. only with her Jackson Rathbone proxy as the lead singer. like, it is so jarring to see real celebrities in this thing and this is not the only time we see it. this CAN be fun when done right, but it requires a light touch, a passing mention. I think my favorite way was in the Barbie movie when they talked about escaped Kens.
-"He had asked me this earlier when we were eating together in the Employee Dining Room, which we cleverly rever to as the 'EDR.'" if I had to read that line, so do you.
-ok this book just namedropped Leona Lewis and idk if this is telling or standard that the reason I know who she is (after doublechecking on wikipedia) is because I saw her in Mamma Mia ripoff jukebox musical Walking on Sunshine. (don't watch it. it's not good. just look for pictures of Annabel Scholey as Maddie.)
-Zade agrees to go to the show because why not she doesn't have anything else going on. I'm not even a Plain White T's fan but that does feel a little insulting. I know that's just how it is sometimes when you go see your friend's band perform but geez.
-the three music genres Zade drops while wondering what they play are alternative, Americana, and -hopefully not- metal. like, I'm not gonna say I venture out of my own little range of genres too frequently, but I know from experience that it's worth it to give every genre you encounter a try because there IS something good in every genre. also there are wide swaths of metal, genres within genres. there's a big difference between whatever Metallica's doing and Christopher Lee's Charlemagne.
-Jackson gives Zade a kiss goodbye on the cheek as they leave. move has been made. how will Mac counter?
-add another tally for the casually bigoted language as Tad felt cheated out of a kiss from Jackson and used a word derived from the g slur to express this.
-add another tally to Tad's "If I Wasn't A Married Man" counter as well.
-Mac gives Tad a "one-armed guy hug" and Zade gives Tad a "real hug." The Straights Are Not Okay.
-Mac invites Zade to go riding with him on their motorcycles, and she accepts. she also tells us she feels like she's being fought over. that, to me, tells me that Zade wants the same thing for herself from her relationships. she doesn't want Mac or Jackson because of who they are; she wants them because they want her. so I guess at least she's on even ground with this? she may want people as objects, but she also wants to be wanted the same way, so at least it's equal? but man, that is shallow.
-it starts raining on their ride, so they have to pull over and take shelter under an awning at a closed convenience store. the two huddle close, both thinking about the relationship we didn't get to see, and Mac straight up grabs Zade and kisses her. damn, chief.
-oh geez we're talking make out with tongue. (this is not where that line is btw. I intend to provide photographic evidence of that when I reach it.) which, ew, he was just smoking.
-well, I'll give Mac this: REO Speedwagon's a good band to listen to.
-they keep kissing for a while before we pretty much get a smash cut to the next day with Zade shopping at the mall. holy whiplash, Batman! put a pin in this because believe it or not we ARE going to come back to that scene. jesus, the chronological mess of this.
-Zade is at a girlie shop buying girlie things because she wants to look hot for Mac and Jackson. she's shopping by herself because she doesn't like girlie things and thus doesn't want to do this with other girls? the hypocrisy is something to be sure.
-she gets chatty with the clerk working there who, like all characters in a mary sue story, is sycophantic to the max, to the point that she asks Zade to come back and update her on how things go.
-you guys need to see this continuity error for yourselves:
"I settled on the second of the final two dresses she brought me, a tight-fitting dark blue option that hugged me in all the right places. She was right about it being made for my kind of shape. I had a fun brown leather jacket and heeled low-cut leather boots that would offset the black dress nicely..."
so I'm assuming the dress looks like this:
and with that I gotta get back to work!
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thiirsdaygirl · 5 months
mira goes investigating
okay this is not about zukka… or atla..
thats ur warning
SO BASICALLY AT MY SCHOOL i have english second period on days 1 and 2. on a day 1 i saw in the desk in front of me (desk 3) someone wrote free palestine in sharpie 💕!! so then i was HOOKED INTO FINDING OUT WHO IT WAS. i am not joking i am litterally like hyperfixated on this. its giving quinni from heartbreak high.
ok so the first person i dmed was this girl jana, i knew she had my teacher and shes very pro palestine, so in my mind she was the most likely. plus she had english the period before me. she said it wasnt her and she didnt know who sat there. so i asked my (kinda) friend bella and she said that she thought yuzuki sat there. now bella had english in d block on the day before i found the writing, so the timing would make sense, but yuzuki is not the kinda girl to be not ignorant.
i dmed her anyways and asked her like the basic questions, do u have this class, do u sit here, she said yeah, and so i asked was this writing on the desk when u were there yesterday? (with the picture i took of the desk) and she said no. a not important fact was that she took foreverrrr to respond to the last question which was infuriating!!
so i had narrowed it down to 1st period the same day, to last period the day before. pretty close to solving if u had asked me 😼 but anyways… i asked jana to send me her class list from google classroom, and it had two people i was familiar with, taj and sofie. first i dmed taj bc hes super nice, he responded like right away and now one of my friends thinks he has a crush on me- NOT IMPORTANT. anyways he said he barely knows the people in his class, i said its ok ty and moved on.
next i dmed sofie, no joke it took her a day to respond. so i went to work and made like $15 of tips for a birthday party i worked at, and then i got home and FINALLLYYY i got a text back. she said yeah she had the class blah blah blah, and that isabelle sat there, so i asked her who sat next to isabelle (because isabelle is NOT the kinda girl to write free palestine on a desk) and she said she did. PERFECT. so i asked her, was there any writing on the desk? she said YEAH ACTUALLY I THINK THERE WAS. thats when i had my detective moment…
so i knew it had to be last period. but yayyy!! i had no CLUE what class that was. i did the sane thing and emailed my ugly rat ass english teacher man, he has STILL not emailed back. i basically asked him what class he had e block on day 3.
like a while ago i forgot my ipad charger in english class, and while i was in french i went to pick it up. i saw this person alfie, and this person marcy who used to be friends w me. i talked to my rat english teacher ab how someone took the charger, and i left.
so that was d block, and i have french on day 2 and day 3, so i thought that there was a good chance that that class would also happen in e block (last period) on a day 3. i checked saturn, and found alfie and saw, sure enough, (my teacher) e block creative writing. i also checked who else was in the class, one other person, maddie.
maddie is in cheer with my friend… madi 😭 LOLL. but i had her added on insta so i dmed her and asked her the basics, she said yeah. so i asked her who sat in desk 3?? ALFIE. now here comes the part of my little detective journey where i am STUMPED. BECAUSE ITS OBVIOUSLY THEM. but i checked their saturn which had their socials linked and dmed them on insta, they had 2 followers, and 1 followed. it was pretty obvious they do not use instagram. but i dmed anyways and i asked 3 questions. are u alfie? do u have this class? who sits in desk 3? (this was before i texted maddie)
now i am DESPERATE. i KNOWWWWW it was them i know it in my heart. and i added them on snap they havent added me back. i know where they work but i am NOT CRAZY. just saying……….. I JUST WANT CONFIRMATION!!!!!!!!!!
i think if they dont add me back on snap, ill email them 🎀
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futfemfantasies · 2 years
First Love - Sofie Svava x reader
Request: “For sofie svava one reader and sofie svava are both danish but reader plays for Barcelona and are coming up against each other in el classico are both best friends at first but have a crush on each other at the end of the match kissed and ask each other and there teammates teased them”
You and Sofie have been joined at the hip ever since you were 4 years old. Always playing on the same team, including when you both started out your professional career. You two knew eventually one of you would have to move away. You’ve been at Barcelona for a few seasons now and it was the best opportunity you’ve ever accepted. The only downfall is that you moved away from your best friend Sofie. Luckily since you both you based in Madrid, Barcelona wasn’t that far away. The only thing you hated was playing against each other. And that’s exactly what’s happening today. It was the first el clásico of the season and to say you’re terrified is an understatement.
For the past few months since you’ve seen each other, the texts shared between you and Sofie have slowly become more and more flirty. You have started to develop feelings for your best friend and you didn’t know how you were going to be near her in the el clásico on the weekend. None of your teammates knew of this little issue you have so you really don’t have anyone to talk to about it.
On the bus to the game, you’re texting Sofie and you can’t stop smiling. Your two close friends look on from the seats on the other side of the bus and give each other a confused look.
“Who’s got you smiling like that Y/N/N?” Mapi teases with a smirk.
“Sofie just said something funny” They all know of your best friend, having versed Real Madrid on many occasions.
The girls brush it off and you continue to text Sofie until you reach the stadium. When the bus pulls up, everyone gets off and you see the Real Madrid players are getting off too. Alexia swings an arm around your shoulders and pulls you in the right direction. You look back and see Sofie looking at you with a sad smile on her face. You give her a wink and she brightens up for a second.
The away team locker room is filled with fresh jerseys and everyone’s boots under their respective lockers. Since your number is 15, your locker is right next to Alexia.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Mapi questions as she walks over to you.
“I’m just nervous” You say, getting the attention of Alexia.
“Jonatan wouldn’t put you in the starting line up if he didn’t think you were ready” Alexia mentions, sitting on your other side. You thank them and start to put on your boots.
Within a matter of minutes you are walking out to a sold out Camp Nou stadium. Seeing all the red and blue, and a small majority of white shirts in the crowd made you more determined to give this game everything you’ve got. After the teams line up, Barca get into a huddle where last minute tactics are being thrown in every direction. Luckily you catch onto each one of them and nod in confirmation. You start to walk over to the mid field with Alexia who gives you a last word of encouragement. You look back at Mapi and she gives you a wink and a small smile.
The whistle blows and the el clásico is beginning. In the first half, there’s a lot of back and forth play but still no goals. It’s coming to the 43rd minute in the first half when Sandra kicks the ball directly to you. You weave in and out of defenders but when you look up to pass the ball, everyone is heavily marked. You hear a faint voice from behind yell ‘go for it’ and you do. Continuing to weave through players, you have the perfect opportunity to score a world class goal. You strike the ball with the inside of your right boot and the ball soars through the air, into the top left corner. You hear most of the fans make the stadium come to life with the cheering and whistling while you are doing your signature celebration of a cartwheel knee slide. Your teammates congratulated you and Alexia and Mapi kissed your forehead, telling you just how proud they were. The game went on with you scoring another 2 goals, getting a hat trick and Alexia scoring a brace.
The referees give you the match ball and they all shake your hand. You walk over to the fans and see a cute little girl holding last seasons Barca away jersey. You go over to her and sign her jersey and also the match ball with a little message on it. You give her the ball and she starts crying while saying thank you a million and one times. You move to sign other jerseys and take selfies before you hear your name being called. You apologise and as you walk back, you feel someone jump on your back and cover your eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Hey Sof” She jumps down and you envelope her in a tight hug, after not seeing her for a few weeks.
When you both pull away, your faces are only centimetres apart. You look between her eyes and lips and silently ask if it’s okay. Sofie nods slightly and you lean in and kiss her like you are the only two people there. Your arms that are around her waist, pull her closer while Sofie’s arms go around your neck. You both hear the sounds of both your teams cheering and you pull apart and hide from the embarrassment.
“Sof, i have something to ask you and if you want to say no I completely understand. Will you go out with me tonight?”
“I would love to”
You both kiss again and walk over to your respective teams. When you are within arms reach of your friends, they start to tease you relentlessly but you wouldn’t change it for the world. As you walk into the locker rooms, you look back and see Sofie doing the same. She gives you a wink and blows you a kiss and that’s when you know you’re falling for your best friend faster than you know.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Thinking about @gehtsis’s children and how terrifying it would be to get their team assigned to help you escape from a mystery dungeon.
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If these are what my heroes look like I'm 99% certain I'd be screaming and running the other way. Menacing cryptid-looking grim reaper and cursed psychic clay doll. I love them.
#I know you said to go wild with their designs while drawing these two in the post formally introducing them#but I loved Erida’s design as you’ve drawn her too much to take many liberties with her#Gaia meanwhile got scarring on her arms that i hc is from her using Hyper Beam with a tad too much zest while defending Erida#and vaguely eyelash-like markings (I enjoy the idea of Gaia basically having the PMD equivalent of Adonis-level attractiveness---#--- like. she's looks like she's chiseled by a master sculptor who was in the mood to give everyone on earth the most lamentable crushes---#--- and I thought it would be funny to give her eyelash-resembling markings as a bit of goofy humor bc of how funny it'd be to---#--- pair this trait up with a bishie sparkle effect.#The bishie sparkle gag specifically needs to have Erida in the bg looking like she hasn't slept a full 8 hours in her life imho.)#On another note Gehtsis did you see the Ultra Sun pokedex entry for claydol???#“If it gets wet its body melts. When rain starts to fall it wraps its whole body up with its psychic powers to protect itself.”#I'm imagining Gaia being completely unaffected by a torrential downpour and Erida is standing next to her looking like a drowned rat#I don't know why I'm being so mean to Erida rn I seriously love her so much. I just show that love through bullying I guess ^^;#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd eos#pmd sky#pmd2#pmd#stuff by sofie
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Sofie has been added to the family, and she's been given a wooden training sword which she immediately put to use, wailing on the practice dummy in the girls' room, so she's got the heart of an orc, it seems!
Sofie's going to beat up Braith for picking on Lucia, isn't she?
And also, once both girls grow up, she'll happily go out to find rare alchemical ingredients for Lucia.
Sofie used to sell flowers in Windhelm, so she knows her plants too, though maybe not as well as Lucia will come to while studying. Lucia excitedly and enthusiastically tells Sofie all about the new plants she’s studying, and what they do and how they work, and Sofie tries to be enthusiastic in return, but it does remind her of the fear and desolation she felt while having to pick and sell flowers to earn enough coin to survive each day. Sofie is quieter and more introverted, where Lucia is bubbly and outgoing. Both girls understand what the other has been through though, and they become inseparable.
When Rhuarc finds Sofie with a black eye and asks her about it, he finds out that she and Braith fought, and Braith won, so he teaches her how to swing a punch properly without breaking her hand, and warns her to use her fists only when her words don’t work first. Braith is seen at Arcadia’s Cauldron the next day with a broken nose and a fat lip and Sofie is mysteriously quiet about her activities that day.
Sofie grows up wanting to be a mercenary like her adoptive father, or perhaps she starts hanging around with the Companions and wants to help people the way they do. Rhuarc makes sure she doesn’t pick up any, uh, supremacist bullshit regarding non-Nords that the Companions might be peddling (much better these days than in their formation!), and Uncle Farkas becomes a regular at the Breezehome dining table. He may have a crush on Lydia, who is more likely to swing in the direction of Aelia than him…
Meanwhile Rhuarc just wants his girls happy and protected.
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coqvttes · 10 months
heyy!!! See? Christmas is literally the most wonderful time of the year (pun intended) there’s no other holiday like this. It’s so special and sweet. Actually I did my nails with christmas vibes (darks green and dark red) with some decoration too. It’s kind of wonky because I’m not a professional but I’m very proud of them and look sooo cute! And obviously im going crazy over the many makeup ideas for christmas eve to wear. And for my wish list I asked for a pretty tattoo of in honor of my dead pup whom I love, or maybe a book too. Either normal people or the virgin suicides, we’ll see. What about you love?
Also, I keep updating myself with your post about this guy, and im telling you this as someone who’s got taken as a joke/ugly by many but still confident enough to ask people out: ask him out for coffee/hot chocolate. I KNOW I KNOW, it might seem impossible or scary but I guarantee you once you go for it and loose the fear of asking, you see it differently. From what you’ve said, I’m confident he’ll say yes. Just use the excuse to catch up and talk about what he’s been up to since you’ve left. It’s gonna work, I know it and I believe in you. Manifesting!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡ (you obviously don’t have to take my advice but it’s worth the shot if you want)
— sofi nonnie <3
omggg i love doing my nails to match the season i did halloween nails and omg i wanna do christmas nails now ashjfagdfjhsdkas!!
i'm sorry to hear abt ur pup, i also lost my retriever last year i miss him to bits :((
books r such a good gift thoo. and omgosh i really want to read normal people soo badd! for my wishlist i really want some fluffy socks (my cat bit holes in all my others), jewellry, cds, and a dyson airwrap LMAO ITS A NEED.
and as for this boyyy i have the biggest crush ever on him. like i never thought about him before until i've seen him now that were older and hes so perfect i dont get it. he doesn't seem to have agirlfriend so im honestly gonna shoot my shot maybe tmr?? eeekfahgjshga
tysmm pookie <3
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freyanistics · 2 years
(This was in my head let me know if y’all like it)
It wasn’t even a kiss.
It was more of a peck on the lips.
But to Evelyn it was everything to her, being it was her first kiss.
The maid was named Sofia but went by Sofie. A name that was music to the dark skinned girl’s ears.
She remembered when they first met. Sofie was one of the new maids mother hired. When they first came to the castle Evelyn was hiding behind mother alongside the rest of her family.
Right from the start she was fascinated by the girl and would ask her mother sly questions to learn more about her.
She found out Sofie was 18, a year older than her. And she came from a farm out in the northern part of Romania where her father raised and sold goats.
Evelyn liked animals. She’d feed different woodland critters and nurse wounded ones back to health.
Whenever she spotted the young woman she’d ask a few questions. And Sofia will indulge to the youngest child of the countess life on the farm. That was what started the two to go out and find injured birds and squirrels to tend them together. Or walk along the castle grounds looking at the pretty scenery
That was how Evelyn realized she had a crush on Sofia.
It started out like an infatuation, the rest of her siblings have had theirs on different maids or villagers. But hers transpired to something deeper
Something deeper than puppy love in her minds.
However she found out she wasn’t the only one who had her eyes on the young girl.
She soon found out her older sister Daniela was also infatuated with Sofia.
While Evelyn kept her gestures and feelings subtle Daniela made it known her intentions.
The way she would ask for Sofie specifically to work in the library while she was present.
The way she would make innuendo comments about her to her face.
And when she tried to ask mother to have her as a personal handmaid.
Of course Evelyn protested.
Thus causing the two sisters to compete for the woman’s affections.
Daniela and Evelyn courted the woman relentlessly throughout the month.
Her mama worried it might escalate but mother quickly dismissed it.
“It’s just harmless sibling rivalry, once this is over it’ll blow over.” She heard her say behind the closed doors.
Oh how wrong mother was.
Tension had appeared between the two. It started out with little tiffs but gradually evolve to shouting matches.
There were times Bela had to step in before it got physical.
It wasn’t like Evelyn to want to fight and scream, especially with her own family. But there was something about Sofia that spurred the young girl to fight for her right to her affections.
After a month went by Sofia had asked her if she could walk with her to the garden, one of her chores that Daniela had added.
The pair walked in silence until they reach the beautiful gardens where the shrubbery stood tall and green alongside the roses and petunias. The garden was always beautiful in the spring.
“Beautiful, is it not?” Evelyn asked shyly, fumbling with her hands together.
“It is.” Sofia responds turning towards her, adoration in her eyes. Taking a step towards her Sofia looked nervous just as she, but determination was on her face as she bent down towards her.
And she kissed her.
Or more like peck her on the lips.
It was clear to her who Sofia had choose.
And it made Evelyn’s heart soar and sparkle.
Unbeknownst to the new couple was yellow eyes watching from behind one of the statues; anger and jealousy written on her pale face.
Without a word the redhead swarms off.
(I was listening to the lion king on Spotify when I got this idea. Then I started playing the girl is mine by Michael Jackson 💀Anyway I hope y’all enjoy this dumb little thing)
I was actually going to go with Cassandra but thought Daniela would work more in this situation
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what-a-con · 1 year
Going episode by episode in what I loved in Unsleeping City. Spoilers so warning!!
Episode 1: Start Spreading The News
For starters, love the title. Nothing like a Sinatra reference when talking about NYC. Starts off with Brennan really jumping into how much of a New Yorker he is with both the joy he describes the things he loves about New York and how gross it is lol. Also the hate that all the people who've lived in New York have for SantaCon. Just a fun little aside.
Pete's intro is perfect for him. I loved him from the first moment and was so invested in him. Such a complex character. A wild magic drug dealing trans sorcerer who always wears a cowboy hat and who is a total mess. Like, the biggest mess. He's such a mess I love him. The fear in his eyes when his dad appears and the bubble scene with his dad is amazing. Nod is such a pretty place and Pete's first visit is so insane. Brennan really had some fun with that one.
Sophia "Bikes" Lee Bicicleta has the funniest introduction and by God is she a hoot and a half. Knowing all I know about Dale makes this all the more painful ngl. Her crying over that ladies hair is amazing. Also, as someone who lives with a housewives fan and enjoys a bit of it as well, the way he got the accent down perfectly is so much fun. She is also a mess in a different way and she's the best. The short stories line was so fucking amazing. The bachelorette party and the following the guys is such a cool scene. And her alluding to Kugrash is so funny.
Ricky Matsui is my emotional support himbo and I love him! He's so pure and such a civic responsible nerd it gives him magic and I love that. So sweet and so genuine and so hot and so dumb. The selfie message to Esther and his obvious crush are so cute. Esther is so damn cool and competent. And so very patient with Ricky lol. Ricky rescuing Pete is such a great way for them to meet and the beginning of a beautiful bromance.
The minute Kingston Brown from Uptown was introduced, I knew he would be the coolest person ever and I'm so glad I was right. And how his powers manifest as the city taking care of him like he takes care of it is beautiful. And I still can't believe that the butt guy became and actual important part of the plot. Like, the heck lol?
Kingston and Pete's scene is so fun. The arrival, the cure, seeing
And then comes the only rat I will ever like. Kugrash being introduced with Wally is so sweet and funny. A dumpster druid is such a great idea and no one could have played it like Murph. And him meeting Sofie is so cute I love it. And also I love how down for anything Sofia is.
Misty Moore is an icon and if she existed irl I would be obsessed with her. And I love how she does absorbs glamour but she also does her best to inspire and bring joy to the people who she takes it from. Also she's such a bitch boss I love her lol.
The lion boyfriends at the library are so cute and Alejandro is the best. That explaining of what the Unsleeping City is so fun. And of course the place they all meet up at the library. It's truly a magical place. And I agree, an empty Time Square is so fucking creepy.
All and all, I pretty much loved the whole intro episode as a really way to get to know the PC's you will come to laugh, cry and freak out with.
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