#“love life prediction by date of birth free”
kkundalimatching · 1 year
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
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janamkkundali · 1 year
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millysastroblog · 2 years
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1. What is a Solar Return Chart ?
The Solar Return chart is an important and informative tool , for predicting the year ahead of you, from the start of your Birthday. It can change the people around you, jobs, relationships, school environments, mental/ physical health and so more.
The Solar Return Chart looks just like a Natal Chart but with the difference, that the placements won’t affect you permanently like in Natal Chart.
In a Solar Return chart, your Sun sign will not change but you’ll probably have a different moon and rising signs. These new signs do not replace the moon and rising signs in your birth chart. Rather, these are the signs that you’ll express for the next year.
2. How to calculate the Solar return chart ?
Click on this link > Enter Birth Data! > Click on Extended Chart Selection > click on Chart Type > choose Solar Return Chart > Lastly click on Show Chart!
🧡Interpretation for the Solar Return Chart
3. How to interpret each planets and houses ?
ASC = Can show your VIEW on life, how you represent yourself with the energy of the sign. And how it could influence you.
SUN = Is the major turning point 💡, it HIGHLIGHTS the house it is in. Prominent themes are represented here.
MOON = Shows EMOTIONAL conditions 🙂, it can represent how we handle or cope with internal stimuli , emotional impulsive reaction, inner need and desires.
MERCURY= Indicates what your mind (?) is focused on predominantly, thoughts, ideas, communicating about a certain area in life frequently, thinking about it daily, perception of life.
VENUS = Represents LOVE 💕 for the year ahead, towards yourself or others . Romantic interest, relationships ,things you could love doing that year, money, beauty and sensuality.
MARS = Can represent how and what you extend your ENERGY 💪 on. Drive, passion, achievements. Se* life, anger, aggression, taking initiative.
JUPITER = Indicates LUCK 🍀 wherever it is placed in , as well as abundance, expansion, growth, gains, knowledge, new adventures, possiblities, and generosity towards that new area.
SATURN = LIMITATIONS 🔗 and blockages , disapointment, responsibility , rules, hard realities, hard work, hard effort, boundaries, insecurities,structure, maturity, patience for the year to come.
URANUS = CHANGE ⚡️, newness, sudden disruption, chaos, back and forth, evolution, surprises, unpredictable, unusual things forward the year ahead.
NEPTUNE = ILLUSION 🫧 , confusion, big dreams, hopes, faith, intuition, escapism and glamour.
PLUTO = Losses, TRANSFORMATION🪶, how to face new fears, letting go, death and rebirth, also changes, destruction, disruption, power, and hidden issues.
1st HOUSE =
Physical Appearance
Self Image
Natural Behavior
2nd HOUSE =
Basic Needs
Personal Resources
Self Worth
3rd HOUSE =
Mental Activity
Siblings Neighbors
4th HOUSE =
Home Life
Emotional Security
Ancestors and Roots
Private Life
5th HOUSE =
Fun and Games
Dating and Love
Creative Self- Expression
6th HOUSE =
Work and Service
Daily Routines
Self Improvement
Health and Habits
7th HOUSE =
Partnerships and Friendships
Contracts and Cooperation
Open Enemies
8th HOUSE =
Secrets and Fears
Money and Possessions
9th HOUSE =
Long Distance Travel
Higher Learning
Truth and Morals
10th HOUSE =
Social Status
Awards and Recognitions
Public Life
11th HOUSE =
Social Groups
Social Media
12th HOUSE =
Unconscious Mind
Hidden Enemies
Imagination and Dreams
Self Reflection
Stellium : Having one or multiple stelliums in each of these houses can highlight where you may be most busy or distracted that year. It points to fated situations , experiences and lessons.
Now, let me give you an example of a short SR Chart interpretation ! :
ASC in Capricorn: Personal restrictions and heavy responsibilities may be encountered for the year ahead. There are likely to be changes in career, and many opportunities that come along. The start of bulidung your own personal brand can be very prominent. This is a good time for new career possibilites. Sun in the 9th house : Prominent theme for the year are long distance travel, higher education, religion, believes, expansion of the mind, new books, literature, exploring new things, living in the moment, other cultures.
Moon in the 8th : Profound intense emotions, reactions might be unstable and difficult to control, obsessive compulsive behaviour, extreme reactions can damage relationships if not harnest well. Either deep or complicated relationship with the mother. changable income or ressources , enhanced intuiton and psychic abilites.
Venus in the 2nd : easier attraction toward money, bigger paychek, learnig personal values and apprectiaring them. Gifts from others, Material gain from relationships of any kind. Getting in touch with more of your feminime and sensual energy.
Mars in the 7th house: Disaggrements, Instability, arguments as well as conflicts, could be present. Having to put more efforts and energy into compromising , cooperating with partners or people in general. Can attract indivuals with prominent martial energy. Legal battels, big tension beetwen open enemies, passionate relationships. Good Se* life.
Jupiter in the 3rd house: Alot of short distance travel, busy with multiple daily activities, like school, studying , writting, large neighborhoods in a forgein country. Mental expansion through new studies, interests , hobbys. Communication with siblings increaces. Purchasing a new big car. Relocating in another city.
Saturn in the 10th house: Aiming for succes in career field, fame and social status come with blockages and restrictions. Job change where you have to restart or relearn skills . Stagnation in career, might not achieve set career goals immediatly . Starting a new busisness from scratch. Work ethic and patience will be tested.
Uranuns in the 11th house: Close social circel can change drasticly, you can cut people of or the other way around. Friends come and go. New interests on social media. New Friends through social media plattforms. Unconventional outlook on humanity. Wanting to engage in humanitarian activites helping people and the planet . New technolgy devices could be purchased.
Neptune in the 4th house: Uncertainty and confusion connected to home , unsure about relocating and moving to somewhere else, hoping to escape living situation. Complications surrounding purchase of a real estate, unclear signs, patterns, communication from family members, diving deeper into familial roots, connecting spiritualy with ancestors through dreams.
Pluto in the 1st house: Identity transforming, reshaping of personality and personal habits, self improvement, self refelection intense behaviour and outlook on life, self empowerment, deep inner self knowing, death and rebirth of you as an individual, possible Ego death could occur.
>>>>In the future I´ll continue this Solar Return Chart series, by observing the Houses, Aspects, Asteroids, Points, and Aspects connected to the natal Chart.<<<
I hope you guys enjoyed this post while reading and learned some new Information about the Solar Return Chart .
Thank you very much ☺️!
Solar Return Chart Series: PT.2
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921px · 1 month
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📷 breaking news ! this PHOTOGRAPHER just went viral for being named as the alleged cause of a high - profile couple's split . . . JIRO KWON is a twenty - eight year old representing WELLINGTON , NEW ZEALAND , who is frequently seen rocking bottega veneta . they enjoy traveling and trying out new recipes in their free time , but have said to hate the rumor - mongering and tabloid culture . they seem to be a u t h e n t i c , but others have said they are are quite blunt as well . that makes sense , considering they are often labeled as THE EXTREME DOORMAT .
01. d o s s i e r :
full name: jiro kwon. nickname(s): ji ( close friends only ). age: twenty - eight. date of birth: november 18th. birthplace: incheon , south korea. astrological sign: scorpio. gender & pronouns: cis man , he / him. orientation: demiromantic , demisexual. languages: english , korean. occupation: photographer.
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02. a b o u t :
𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚜 , 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ,
if anyone ever told jiro kwon to " smile for the camera , " he ’d likely comply without a second thought , offering a meek , uncertain smile that never quite reaches his eyes . at twenty - eight , jiro is hollywood 's go - to photographer , not for his boldness or cutting - edge style , but because he’s the guy who never says no . need a shoot at 4 AM ? jiro 's your man . last - minute changes ? he ’ll rearrange his entire schedule to accommodate you , even if it means missing out on sleep or a rare day off .
but before he became the industry 's most reliable pushover , jiro was just a quiet boy from south korea who was whisked away to the tidy , predictable suburbs of wellington , new zealand at the age of two . adopted by an affluent family of lawyers and accountants , jiro 's future was mapped out before he could even speak his first words . he was expected to follow in his parents’ footsteps , and being the obliging child he was , jiro did exactly that . four grueling years of accountancy school passed , each one more miserable than the last , but jiro never once complained . valedictorian , yes , but passionate about it ? not even close . the truth was , his heart was never in the numbers , no matter how good he was at them .
his real passion ? photography . it started innocently enough — snapping pictures of landscapes and friends during high school , capturing moments that made life feel a little more vibrant . it became a quiet hobby that allowed him to escape into a world where he didn ’t have to follow anyone ’s rules ; a way for him to express the emotions he could never voice . what was a simple hobby quickly became an obsession , a secret love that he indulged in whenever he could .
his parents , didn ’t understand why he ’d spend so much time on a " useless hobby " when they could provide him with anything he needed . but to jiro , photography was a lifeline . even as he juggled the demands of his rigorous studies , he took on small gigs , working late into the night just to perfect his craft , often at the expense of sleep and social life . his parents let it slide , as long as it didn ’t interfere with his studies . jiro , ever the dutiful son , made sure it didn ’t .
but jiro ’s quiet dedication didn ’t go unnoticed . a chance opportunity to photograph a high - profile event in wellington put him on the radar of a major magazine . they loved his work and offered him a job — a dream come true for jiro . but when he broke the news to his parents that he wouldn ’t be going to law school , the fallout was immediate and brutal . they cut him off financially , labeling him as ungrateful for all they had done for him . and instead of standing his ground , jiro meekly accepted their judgment , internalizing their disappointment as his own failure . but despite the emotional toll , he packed up and moved to hollywood , driven by a quiet , desperate need to prove himself — not just to them , but to the world .
𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜 , 𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 .
now , jiro is an established photographer with a reputation for capturing the unvarnished truth . yet , beneath the success , he remains the same self-sacrificing , gentle soul he ’s always been . in a city full of big egos and ruthless ambition , jiro ’s willingness to put others first is both his greatest strength and his biggest weakness . he ’s the man who ’ll work late into the night to meet impossible deadlines , who ’ll take on thankless jobs just to keep the peace , and who , despite his talent , still doubts whether he deserves his success .
jiro kwon may have made it to the top , but it ’s clear to those who know him that he ’s still carrying the weight of everyone else ’s expectations on his shoulders . and as much as he ’s admired for his work , there ’s a lingering question : how much of jiro ’s life is truly his own , and how much is just him trying to be everything to everyone else ?
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03. p e r s o n a l i t y :
a complex blend of quiet resilience and self - sacrificing humility . jiro is the kind of person who instinctively puts others' needs before his own , often to his own detriment . while his exterior is calm and composed , masking the insecurities he carries , there 's a deep well of sensitivity and introspection that drives him .
a listener , an observer , absorbing the world around him with a subtle intensity . he rarely voices his own desires , instead choosing to accommodate those around him , which makes him seem endlessly patient but also prone to being overlooked .
despite his success , jiro struggles with self - worth , often questioning if he ’s truly earned his place in the world .
lastly , his personality is marked by a quiet strength that endears him to many , yet it ’s also a source of his inner conflict , as he battles the urge to stand up for himself in a world that constantly demands more.
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04. h e a d c a n o n s :
values his quiet and solitude in the mornings . has a strict no - talking rule until after his first cup of coffee , using the time to mentally prepare for the day ahead .
likes to travel and relishes exploring new destinations , drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and landscapes that enrich his creative vision and broaden his horizons .
not a gordon ramsey level type of cook but he likes to try new recipes , he only has himself to cook for , so ...
finds solace in late - night drives through the city , often pulling over to capture the quiet , almost haunting beauty of empty streets illuminated by streetlights .
mf is blind af without his glasses .
despite his success in the digital photography world , jiro has a deep love for analog photography . he collects vintage cameras and spends weekends developing film in his home darkroom .
lives a minimalist lifestyle , preferring clean , simple spaces . his apartment is sparsely decorated , with the focus on a few key pieces of art and his photography gear .
a coffee connoisseur and can often be found in local , obscure coffee shops . he ’s particular about his brew and has mastered the art of making the perfect pour - over .
though he often seems aloof and unapproachable , jiro has a soft spot for animals , especially stray cats . he frequently donates to animal shelters and has been known to take in a stray or two , despite his otherwise minimalist lifestyle .
when he has the time , he also enjoys playing video / computer games as his stress relief . though he is not a good gamer himself , often has more loses than wins .
keeps his circle small and is very selective about who he lets into his life . he values deep , meaningful connections over having a large group of acquaintances .
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05. t h e h e a d l i n e :
went viral after being accused of causing a high - profile couple 's breakup , following a series of events that were innocent on his part but easily misinterpreted by the public and media .
jiro was hired for an intimate photoshoot with one half of the couple , behind - the - scenes photos were leaked , depicting jiro and the celebrity in seemingly cozy moments . while the interactions were strictly professional , the media twisted the narrative , fueling rumors of an affair .
the breakup announcement coincided with the release of the photos , and the couple ’s silence only intensified the speculation . but
jiro ’s responses to the accusations were seen as dismissive , further fanning the flames , and despite his efforts to clarify the situation , he became the unwitting center of the scandal .
... ...... .. omg this could also be a mwc ! 🤭
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06. c o n n e c t i o n s :
tba tba x
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kkundalimatching · 1 year
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Unlock the secrets of your love life prediction with a Taurus horoscope. Gain valuable insights and predictions for 2023, today, and tomorrow.
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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Best Exercises to Predict my Future Love Life
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ommmmmmmmm4545 · 11 months
Love Life Prediction by Date of Birth: Unveiling the Mysteries of Love Astrology Today
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Love is a complex and deeply personal aspect of our lives, and many people seek guidance to understand and predict their love lives. Love astrology, also known as love horoscopes or love compatibility readings, provides insights into the romantic aspects of one's life. Using your date of birth, astrologers can offer predictions and guidance on love life prediction by date of birth free your love life. In this article, we'll explore free love life prediction the fascinating world of love life predictions based on your date of birth, and how it can help you gain valuable insights into your romantic future.
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subublog · 1 year
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
Aries Career Horoscope: Insights for Success & Growth
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riftdancing · 7 months
Second Question. Siyoh Mari. She grew up in Doma? She aided the revolution? Did she stay after it failed? Was she there the entire time of the occupation? If so how did she survive? How does she feel about the people that didn't stay?
There's an implication of secret there, so feel free not to share that if there is one.
Oh no worries! I am quite open about Siyoh's history. She is a very proud and patriotic Doman!
So Siyoh's Mother, Aanya, was Thavnarian born and raised and her Father, Sasja, was Doman born and raised. They met in Thavnair while Sasja was trading goods from Doma. Basically he spied Aanya entertaining in the markets with her Dancing, and immediately fell head over heels for her.
He extended his stay in Thavnair so he could court her for a few weeks, visiting her frequently in the Markets before he finally worked up the courage to ask her on a date. She said yes, and the rest is history.
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After exchanging vows they settled down in Doma with Sasja's family. But, when Aanya was pregnant with Siyoh the two migrated back to Thavnair for a short while to be with Aanya's family, which is where Siyoh was born.
Shortly after her birth, Sasja and Aanya moved back to Doma which is why Siyoh is technically Thavnarian despite being raised almost entirely in Doma. Only almost because she visited Thavnair frequently with her Dad on his trade routes to see her Mother's side of the family, including her great grandmother who is actually Vieran!
That being said, both cultures are equally important to her, she still needed to choose a Nationality. Because she was raised mostly in Doma, Siyoh would consider herself an Immigrant who chose Doma for her home. To which she considers herself Doman over Thavnarian.
Growing up, Siyoh never knew a free Doma. She was raised during the Garlean occupation and her parents, while still playing by the Empire's rules, would school her at night in their own beliefs of freedom. Luckily for Siyoh, she had two very loving parents who had the luxury of being able to shelter their Daughter from some of the Occupation's hardships.
Part of this was due to the community Sasja had fostered within his nation. I've talked about Azuma being Siyoh's life-long best friend because the pair were raised together. Azuma's Father and Siyoh's were like found family brothers. Their families took care of each other. In exchange for baked goods from Aanya's bakery Azuma's Father trained Siyoh in the ways of martial arts. To this day she is incredibly talented with a blunt pole arm.
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But, Siyoh didn't really feel the effects of the Occupation until she was old enough to be considered an adult. Siyoh grew up aiding her Mother in the bakery. Aanya is one of Siyoh's biggest culinary influences and part of the reason she's so passionate about cooking is because it makes her feel close to her deceased Mother. So her teenage years were spent learning how to bake and aiding her Mother in various chores about the family establishment. Especially when her Father would have to leave home for long trade routes.
If you've ever made your own bread before, you know it can be a tricky business. There are many things out side of your control that can effect the whole process, and you can't always predict exactly how your bread will rise or bake. Which is why back in medieval England an extra 'insurance' loaf was necessary. Today we've come to know it as a 'baker's dozen'. There are a few theories as to why a baker's dozen became 13, but the most widely accepted one has to do with avoiding a beating. In medieval England there were laws that related the price of bread to the price of the wheat used to make it. Bakers who were found to be "cheating" their customers by overpricing undersized loaves were subject to strict punishment, including fines or flogging. Even with careful planning it is difficult to ensure all of your baked goods will come out the same sized. So, for fear of accidentally coming up short, they would throw in a bit extra to ensure they'd be spared a surprise flogging later.
As a writer I was horrifically inspired by this idea for Siyoh's first cruel experience with the Empire. It occurred one day when a high-ranking Garlean officer stopped in to sample their confections and made a big stink about being sold short. Unfortunately, fresh into her adulthood and manning the shop for her Mother who was preparing more confections in the back, Siyoh caught the bulk of his ire.
To make it known no Garlean would ever be sold short in their particular market, Siyoh was brought out front and made an example of. The man had her ear nailed to the door of their shop, so that next time she might better listen to perceive his wants. Once he had left she was so mortified by the experience that instead of waiting for the nail to be remove, she tore her own ear from it.
To this day she still has a crescent notch in her ear from where it scarred. You can see it in almost all of the artwork I've doodled of her.
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These days she often adorns it with earrings or piercings. A way of reclaiming the trauma which was inflicted upon her that day.
Siyoh also lost both of her parents during the Occupation. In the same night even. Both Siyoh and Azuma's families had always secretly opposed the occupation. By night Sasja was constantly working to meddle with Garlean tradelines while Aanya inspired the youth around her to be brave enough to one day stand up to the Empire.
But a secret only remains a secret as long as it's kept, and one night the Empire would come calling. Luckily for Siyoh, she had been spending the night with Azuma's family. But her parents were caught, and she would never see them again post that night.
Worse off, Siyoh still has no idea what happened to them. She returned home after spending the night with Azuma to find neither Mother nor Father home, and their house left looking as if they'd left in a rush. Anya's hand pulled soba noodles were still only half made resting on a bowl on the counter. An image that still haunts Siyoh to this day, despite running a Noodle Bar out of their old bakery building.
But this left Siyoh mostly defenseless. For a while she tried manning the bakery by herself. She was hardworking, determined to uphold the honor and respect of her hardworking parents and the wealth of their establishment. But the Empire just kept calling. And more specifically, one officer in general. The one who had nailed her ear to the door.
I won't go into detail, because I would have to trigger warning the hell out of this post. But Siyoh suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of this particular one man. And it wasn't until Azuma's Father was able to smuggle her to Kugane and onto a ship headed for Limsa Lominsa, that Siyoh was able to escape him.
Unfortunately, that ship wrecked just outside the Isle of Umbra, and after bashing her head against a rock before washing ashore, Siyoh (much like Mihli) lost the majority of her memories.
Thankfully she met a sweet Thavnarian woman there ( @thavnairian-mist's character As'htola Amari) who took her in and nursed her back to health and sanity. As'htola became somewhat of an adopted Mother to Siyoh who she still writes to and visits on occasion when her trade routes lead her the right way. (Siyoh also wound up with a bunch of adopted siblings who she loves DEARLY - As'htola's kids)
Of course once she remembered who she was and where she came from, the bells of the revolution were just beginning. And they tolled her return to Doma. Siyoh was reunited with Azuma there and the pair played their part in the revolution by aiding those who fought, as well as Siyoh waging her own fight there.
...and that's how she survived the occupation.
Being someone that technically fled towards the end, she has no hard feelings to the others who fled to Eorzea as refugees. After all, Azuma also fled and wound up in Mor Dhona. Those people were only doing what they could to survive. In fact, she has a lot of sympathy for Doma and her people as they have weathered many hardships under the Garlean Empire.
But more interestingly, Siyoh has no prejudice towards the Garlean People as a whole. This comes with her own experiences. The officer I mentioned earlier had taken her to Garlemald on more than one occasion where she met more than just the soldiers who had bullied her and her family. Through this she noted that not all Garleans were the same. That some where good and kind people, with different beliefs and even oppositions to the empires choices (as we saw in Stormblood.)
Siyoh is able to separate her abusers from their race and nationality as a whole. That one abuser is not the reflection of his entire people. And while she knows more than one was abusive, she also accepts that there is more than one good Garlean out there (for instance, Jullus pyr Norbanus in the MSQ).
And I really admire that about her.
Fun fact: During the Empire Siyoh's full name was actually Siyohei aan Mori
Also one of the write prompts from a previous year very lightly hinted at some of the abuse and anxiety she felt during the occupation. You can read it here if you're interested.
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sunkern-plus · 8 months
ooh fun. i love these kinds of memes. tagged by @whymustyouhurtmeinthisway
Relationship status: dating my girlfriend and two? three? (unsure about how gizmo crow feels) in my partner system :) met both of them on tumblr babeyyyyyy
Favourite colour: unironically, ever since birth (this may have predicted something) the yellow on the nonbinary flag and the purple on the epicene flag. This Was Destiny For Me
Song stuck inside your head: some pokemon song i THINK from pokemon black and white remixed for scarlet and violet but i can't put a name to it for the life of me (because i've been playing the indigo disk dlc it's so fun)
Favourite food: soup. every single kind (that i am able to eat, because i have Bizarre Allergies, so no soup with added wheat, no soup with dairy unless it's lactose free, coconut milk, or a nut milk/soy milk/etc, extreme amounts of garlic and onion (a little bit is fine for some reason but like. when it's near the end of the ingredients list), and in general no soup that can't be eaten on the low fodmap diet i have to be on or else Intestinal Distress up to and including my breath smelling like sulfur when i burp even slightly)
Last song listened to: hold on i gotta check youtube...attack of the killer queen by toby fox i THINK???
Dream trip: japan for the food, germany to see the immense gaytrans spectacle of berlin, anywhere with a major anime or video game or nerd in general con (i will wear an n95 mask don't worry), canada (in particular prince edward island because anne of green gables is integral to the sunkern-plus system and it's structure), england (to see if bookstores are different and have different selections and also to go to a boiler room party WITH A MASK OF COURSE)...maybe thailand to try out that curry place in the bangkok mall...
Last show/movie watched: i'm watching a lot of movies for class so if you count shorts, it's "mutt and jeff: on strike", if you count full length movies it's "nausicaa of the valley of the wind" (francis george is apparently VERY strongly nausicaa kin, did not expect that) and if you count tv shows either delicious in dungeon or the bernie mac show (underrated fave i swear)
Spicy, sweet, or savoury: all. i love all food. i'm laios kin for a reason (the actual reason is i'm so autistic it makes other people hate me by default)
Last thing you googled: i'll give you five! 1.) "mutt and jeff" 2.) "kieran pokemon" (planning on posting my Kieran Transfeminine Juxera Real theory to my nonbinary headcanons blog) 3.) "suguri japanese name" (again, was looking for proof for Kieran Transfeminine Juxera Real theory but apparently suguri is a surname) 4.) "metamodern" (this was for a class discussion related to movie techniques) 5.) "men who have made love to me" (again, this was related to the same discussion topic because i wanted to see which movie had the first fourth wall break because i genuinely thought it was mutt and jeff on strike)
Favourite game: my personal top three is street fighter 6, pokemon scarlet and violet, and cross channel: steam edition (don't worry, it's the clean version, i wouldn't have bought it if it was 18+; it's an english translation of the clean version of the japanese game called "cross channel: for all people")
i will tag @beebeetle @lunaticlocomotive @shinydudunsparce and anyone else who wants to do this game!
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kkundalimatching · 1 year
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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