#future love life prediction by date of birth
janamkkundali · 1 year
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Unlocking the Secrets of Marriage Prediction and Horoscope Compatibility
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
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kkundalimatching · 1 year
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Unlock the secrets of your love life prediction with a Taurus horoscope. Gain valuable insights and predictions for 2023, today, and tomorrow.
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
Destiny Matrix
(predicting some events of your life and characteristics of your fs)
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• For entertainment purposes only, enjoy •
•☞ Masterlist
Guys, destiny matrix chart is So gorgeous 😭 , I fell in love. I am new to this, but it's so fascinating, so I am sharing with you guys. Obviously I learnt a lot from ann_matrix_destiny insta page. I explained some of her work here, rest is mine.
✨What is Destiny matrix chart?
-A spiritual and metaphysical chart that reveals a person's life path, soul purpose, and potential.
✨How is it calculated?
-Based on a person's birth date, using a complex system of numerology and astrological correspondences.
💫 How to see some important events of your life?
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see this area(perimeter line)of your chart , this will explain many important events of your life.
💚Age of getting married/ meeting with your significant other/ spouse:
- look at your age in your chart, if you see 3,5,6,19,20 at the top of your age then at that age you will get married/ meet your significant other/ start a family. Like in this chart I have shown above '5' is top of the age of 23.5- 24, so this individual will meet their spouse at that age/ get married.
• Going through Transformation in your life :
- if you see 13 or 16 at the top of your age , then at that age your life will drastically change/ you will go through a huge transformation of your life. You will change your location/ your career/ will shift to another country or city.
⚡Moving abroad/ travelling:
If you see 7,10,21,22 above your age then this is the best age for travelling or going abroad.
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if you find 21 in your love line(circled part)then most probably you will marry a foreigner.
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And if you find 7, 10 , 21 or 22 in this positions then most probably you will go abroad/ find your partner there .
Now , the future spouse part : -
💖 Hints about your future partner :
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Look at the number below the heart symbol to know about your future partner. In this chart it's 21.
So, let's explain each numbers -
•Number 1: The magician
- creative and innovative
- skilled and talented
- confident and charismatic
- however they may also struggled with over - confidence and arrogance.
- gemini / Virgo zodiac sign placements
- profession : musicians, writer, public speaker, coaches and mentors , scientist, entrepreneur, marketing and advertising professionals.
- meeting: conference or seminar, art galleries, meuseum, workshop or studio, networking events or industry conference, class or training session.
• Number 2 : High Priestess
- intuitive and wise
- mysterious and enigmatic
- maybe quiet and reserved.
- soft spoken and considerate.
- cancer zodiac sign placements.
- profession: councillors, therapists, psychologist, Nurse or healthcare professionals, social workers, spiritual leaders, energy workers.
- meeting: secret or private settings, libraries, coaching, weddings , meeting in the context of any spiritual retreats.
• Number 3 : Empress
- Full of life , energy and vitality.
- encouraging others to grow and flourish.
- committed, dedicated and faithful.
- Taurus and Libra zodiac sign placements.
- profession: fashion designer , sculptors, teachers and educators,event planer, environmentalists, musicians, healthcare.
- meeting through : parties, gatherings, festival, fair, creative workshops, artistic projects ,meuseum, concerts.
• Number 4 : Emperor
- Natural born leader, authoritative, commanding.
- makes tough decisions with clarity and conviction.
- commited to family and responsibilities.
- zodiac sign: Aries placements.
- profession: executive, CEO, leader or manager, military officer, architect, Engineer, government officials, buisness owner.
- meeting : buisness meeting, job interviews, formal events , official ceremonies.
• Number 5 : Hierophant
- values established customs, rituals, and institutions.
- upholds ethical standards and moral principles.
- prioritise stability and security over change and uncertainty.
- Taurus zodiac sign placements
- profession: spiritual leaders and mentors, councellor , advisor or consultants, traditional healers or healthcare professionals.
- meeting: spiritual or religious gatherings, traditional ceremonies or rituals, educational and training sessions , counciling or therapy sessions, church,temples , mosques.
• Number 6 : The lovers
- collaborative, work well others.
- empathetic and aware of others feelings.
- true to themselves and their values.
- zodiac sign: Gemini placements.
- profession: counselors, coaches , writer , journalist, artist, musicians, public speaker, philosophers , scientist, researchers.
- meeting : social getherings or parties , creative or artistic collaboration, Beauty or fashion events , community or networking meeting.
• Number 7 : The chariot
- Determined, self disciplined.
- ability to overcome any obstacles and setbacks
- has clear direction
- zodiac : cancer placements
- profession: nurses , social worker, military, architect, psychologist, chefs , nutritionist, hospitality professionals.
- Meeting: family gatherings, home or domestic settings, caregiving or helping professions.
• Number 8 : strength
- courageous, brave , have inner strength.
- has capacity to forgive and let go.
- has self discipline and self control.
- zodiac sign: leo placements
- profession: artist , designer, performers , public speaker, motivator, executives, philanthropist, teacher, councellor, athletes, trainers.
- meeting: park or garden, fitness or wellness center, creative studio or art space, festivals, social gatherings.
• Number 9 : Hermit
- quiet, reflective, and introspective often preferring to spend time alone
- serves as guide or mentor
- discerning and concious about every step they take.
- zodiac sign: Virgo placements.
- profession: therapist, counselors,teachers , coaches , writers, editors, healthcare industry, social worker.
- meeting: therapists or counselor office, library , spiritual or religious sanctuary, coffee shop , book store.
• Number 10 : wheel of fortune
- flexible, able to adjust to changing circumstances.
- believes in destiny
- have philosophical outlook on life.
- zodiac sign: Taurus, leo, scorpio, Aquarius placements.
- profession: life coach, astrologer, environmentalists, entrepreneur, investors, historians.
- meeting: a farm , airport, bus station, temple, monastery, party,park , near mountain or river.
• Number 11 : Justice
- impartial and balanced
- they make descision based on reason and logics.
- have strong sense of morality and ethics.
- zodiac sign: Libra placements
- profession: lawyer, judge, counselors, social worker, activists, advocate, journalist, analyst , or spiritual leader.
- meeting: courthouse, law office, government building, council chamber, community centre, places of worship, philosophical organization.
• Number 12 : Hanged Man
- they are reflective , look inward for answers.
- they are open to new settings.
- courageous, deep understanding of themselves.
- zodiac sign: Pisces placements
- profession : spiritual leaders, therapist, counselor , artist, writer, healthcare industry, motivator, life coach.
- meeting : temples , church , meditation room , yoga class , hospital, library, therapy office,art studio, gym.
• Number 13 : Death
- they are like phoenix from the ashes.
- they can navigate difficult situations and come out stronger.
- constantly growing and evolving.
- zodiac sign: scorpio placements
- profession: therapist, estate lawyers, spiritual leaders, scientist, healthcare professionals.
- meeting: counselling centre, place of worship, innovation hub or entrepreneurship centres, hospital, wellness center.
• Number 14 : Temperance
- they strive for equilibrium in all aspects of life .
- they prioritise physical, mental and emotional well-being.
- have creative sides.
- zodiac sign: Sagittarius placements .
- profession: doctor or nurse , therapist or counselor, artist or musicians, spiritual leader, international relation specialist , life coach , designer .
- meeting : art galleries or museums, embassies or international conference centres , community centres, clubs , parks , garden , spiritual center , yoga class.
• Number 15 : The devil
- they thinks outside the box and brings fresh ideas .
- magnetic personality, can attract others.
- unconventional, transformative.
- zodiac sign: Capricorn placements.
- profession: politician, CEO, artist, law enforcement, military, detective , investigators, activists, occultist.
- meeting: historic mansion or estate, a secret rooftop, art galleries, studio , book store, library , cafe.
• Number 16 : Tower
- they seek honesty and transparency even if it's uncomfortable.
- rebellious, resilient, revolutionary.
- they are open to new ideas.
- zodiac sign: Aries placements.
- profession : scientist, inventor, engineer, architect, military officer, crisis manager, technologist.
- meeting: transformation hub, a unique event space or art studio, bookstore, library, co-working space.
• Number 17 : Star
- they have a optimistic outlook of life and believe in a bright future.
- inspiring, peaceful, compassionate.
- creative and imaginative mind.
- zodiac sign: Aquarius placements.
- profession: creative expression, artist , industry related to healing and wellness, science and technology, humanitarian work, counselors.
- meeting: yoga studio or wellness center, botanical garden or peaceful outdoor setting, co-working space, concerts? , innovation hub.
• Number 18 : The Moon
- they trust their instincts and have a strong connection to their subconscious mind.
- deeply in touch with their emotions.
- unpredictable, may surprise other with their actions.
- zodiac sign : Pisces placements.
- profession : psychic or medium, artist or writer, musician, poet , spiritual teacher, healer, counselors.
- meeting: mystical or esoteric shop, secluded beach, art studio, a spiritual or metaphysical bookstore, coffee shop.
• Number 19 : Sun
- they exude self assurance and positivity.
- optimistic, enthusiastic, charismatic.
- warm hearted , willing to share blessings with others.
- zodiac sign: leo placements.
- profession: actor or performer, artist, CEO , teacher or mentor, event planner, musicians, life coach, designer.
- meeting: cafe / restaurant/ hotel , studio , gathering hall, auditorium, music festival.
• Number 20: Judgement
- they are introspective and willing to confront their past and inner self.
- self aware, have deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
- awakened, courageous, honest.
- zodiac sign: scorpio placements
- profession : spiritual teacher or guide , therapist or counselor, life coach, researcher, artist or creative expression.
- meeting: spiritual center or temple, yoga class, a writer's workshop, park , garden , therapy or councilling office.
• Number 21: The world
- they have achieved their goals and fullfill their potential.
- compassions, wise, confident
- adventurous and global minded.( Most likely a foreigner)
- zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn, leo , placements.
- profession : global diplomat, artist ( global or universal theme) , cultural ambassador, world traveler, humanitarian work.
- meeting: while traveling, international conference centres , airport, spiritual retreat, international art or music venues.
• Number 22 : The fool
- they are willing to take risks and embark on new journeys.
- spontaneous, carefree , open minded.
- have faith in themselves and universe.
- zodiac sign: Aquarius placements.
- profession: entrepreneur or startup founder, activist, humanitarian work,coach or consultants, designer, scientist,teacher, journalist.
- meeting: spontaneous meet-up or pop up events, inspirational seminars, creative workshops,cafe or coffee shop, outdoor adventure location.
END .....( I am tired af 😭)
☞ Healing through marriage
Thanks for reading 💓
-Piko ✨
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agrotech123 · 2 years
The numerology predictions on your personality may help you to have better planning.
Now get your Numerology Predictions Children and Family, Past Life, Karmas, Vastu Dosha. Just enter your Name and Birth Date below and read your predictions.
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Luz is the character of all time, I swear to Titan
She starts the series off canonically weak, at least from a physical standpoint, but by the time the season one finale hits she pretty much solos storming a prison. And not only does she make it out of this incredibly dangerous situation alive, but despite probably having to fight through a lot of guards to reach Eda, there are only two people in that entire building who she isn’t able to immediately mop the floor with. 
What's more, look at the state they’re in after she’s done with them! 
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Casual reminder that she did this back when she only had four spells at her disposal, only three of which were combative!  
And despite this clear badassery, she isn’t OP or the strongest character in the series, barring temporary titanification. Heck, she isn’t even the strongest member of her immediate friend group! Pretty much all of her big fights (Ex. Grom, Belos rounds 1 & 2, the Abomiton in EE, heck any of her fights aside from the Stonesleeper in EaE) she either lost or needed someone’s help to finish/simply survive. 
And yet she managed to trick a man who mastered manipulation centuries before she was even born, twice, and became the champion of a god. 
But also she once got a magic cold that made her think she had snake arms.
Her adoptive mom is a proud criminal who introduced the son she’d been raising for 8 years as her roommate, and is in love with a nonbinary rebel leader/band geek. Her birth mother is a trekkie who once beat up a flat earther with a flip-flop while she and her snake-sister watched. Said sister spent months stealing her identity, and once mispelled her name in a letter to her mother. 
She met god, and he was wearing sweatpants. Her little brother is the son of god, and accidentally predicted her death in a one-off joke before almost getting them both crushed to death by a snappily dressed lizard later that day. 
She meets her first real friend, who is one of the most powerful witches in the entire series, and less than an hour later they’re sneaking her into school so said friend can cheat on a project. 
Her second real friend, who is also one of the most powerful witches in the series and a massive human nerd, took out a Coven Head by accident while having a breakdown, and she had to hear about the whole thing second hand. 
She shot her future found brother/trauma buddy off of an airship, then saved his life less than an hour later. They speedran the ‘enemies to friends to siblings’ pipeline but with 10x the trauma, and were both murdered by the same centuries-old puritan witch hunter. 
She challenged her future girlfriend to a duel before she knew how to use a combative spell, and both of their teachers made them unintentionally cheat. Said future girlfriend also kissed her on the cheek, and she still spent a whole day freaking out about how to ask her crush on a date before said crush beat her to it seconds before she got the question out. 
She has some of the coolest moments in the entire series. One of her most heartbreaking scenes takes place under the tree she and her girlfriend made when they defeated a nightmare monster with the Power of Love™. She considered going to prom in an otter onesie.
For 99% of the series, she’s at her most powerful when armed with nothing but a (most likely pickpocketed) notepad and a pack of crayons.  
What a character. 
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astromancy-divinare · 5 months
Future Spouse Readings💕
✨A lot of people have asked me recently if I offer future spouse readings and what they cover, so here’s an explanation✨ I’ve included a recent client’s review at the end of this post!
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I look at both your Tropical and Sidereal natal charts, including your D9 Navamsa chart: a Vedic astrology divisional chart that reveals your future marriage(s).
💖The most important feature of this reading!💖 I tell you which Vedic Dasha planetary periods you are most likely going to get married in AND I give you several specific dates of when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the correct houses needed to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart. These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which marriage is possible.
My 💞Future Spouse Reading💞 covers:
Whether you have placements that promise marriage
Whether you have indicators of divorce
Whether you have indicators of having more than one marriage
Your 7th house lord and its placement in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This can tell you about the characteristics of your future spouse and how/where you’ll meet them)
The Upapada Lagna in your Sidereal natal chart (This is a Vedic astrology technique to discover the longevity of your marriage and whether you’ll have more than one marriage)
Your Vedic Dasha planetary periods when you will most likely get married (Dashas are a Vedic astrology technique to predict when specific events will most likely happen)
Specific dates when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the necessary houses to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart (These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which you’re most likely to get married during)
Your Zodiacal Releasing dates based on the Lot of Eros in your Tropical natal chart when you may experience significant changes in your love life (I highlight which dates correspond to your Vedic Dasha periods in which marriage is most likely)
💕Here is a review from a recent client I did a Future Spouse Reading for!💕 They asked to remain anonymous.
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If you are interested in purchasing a Future Spouse Reading, DM me! Make sure you know your time of birth because otherwise I won’t be able to do the reading for you.
Info I’ll need from you:
Date of birth
Time of birth
Location of birth
How many serious relationships you’ve been in so far (that lasted at least a year or longer)
If you’ve already been married and divorced once
As of April 11, 2024: Future Spouse Readings = $25
PayPal: @AstromancyDivinare
CashApp: $AstromancyDivinare
Zelle: astromancy.divinare (@) gmail dot com
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Out of interest for his wife, we invited [Desmoulins] to stop writing [Le Vieux Cordelier], telling him that he was running the greatest dangers, and that, not being able to dip my pen in blood, I was going to stop writing my journal, Révolutions de Paris. He answered me: “What are you going to do? Maybe you will write our crimes.” Which, indeed, I did. His wife arrived; he told her the subject of my approach against him. She said: “My husband would be a coward to stop his Vieux Cordelier at a time when tyranny has no limits!” “Well, I am sorry, madame,” I said to her, to predict that you yourself will be one of the victims; those who govern respect neither beauty nor kindness.” Leaving her house, I ran to her mother to tell her my fears for her daughter and son-in-law. This lady admitted to me that she could not see without pain the stubbornness of her daughter, and the influence she had over her husband, who had much less character than her.
Biographie universelle et historique des femmes célèbres mortes ou vivantes (1830) by Louis-Marie Prudhomme, volume 2, page 273-274. Prudhomme gets in a huge load of errors throughout the rest of the article (Lucile’s first name, date of birth, marriage and death, the circumstances regarding her arrest as well as Saint-Just attending Louis-le-Grand with Desmoulins and being one of their wedding witnesses) but seeing as he claims it is from he himself this anecdote originates I’m willing to give it a bit more credibility. It also fits nicely with this other anecdote, reported by both Marcellin Matton (in 1834) and Nicolas Villiaume (in 1851) who in their turn had acquired it from Lucile’s mother:
[Guillaume] Brune, afraid of the danger that Camille, his former college friend [sic], was running, came to find him and begged him, for the interest that true republicans had in him, for the love of his parents, for the tenderness of his wife, not to not further irritate the enemies that his satirical and biting wit had made him, to show more moderation in the picture he painted of the misfortunes of the times, and even to cease the publication of his Vieux Cordelier. Camille, who had initially only responded with jokes, began to justify his behavior, as beautiful as it was angry, with reasons to which it was not easy to answer.
”I admit it to you,” Brune said to him, ”I cannot help but admire you; However, be certain that with more moderation you will do real good, while by continuing you give yourself up, you immolate yourself, you lose yourself and you save nothing.”
”Do you believe,” he then replied, ”that they will dare to attack me, declare me a traitor, me and my Vieux Cordelier, and that for having requested a committee of clemency and justice; for wanting to complete and consolidate the work of our revolution? I have all of France om my side. Desenne (that was the name of his bookseller) cannot suffice for the sale of my issues. I am read, heard everywhere.”
”You are also read by Barère who recognizes himself; by Saint-Just, who promised to make you carry your head like Saint Denis.” 
”That’s true,” he replied, ”I remember it: it was a very bad joke, and my answer was much better. Have you seen my letter to Dillon? In the approach and posture of Saint-Just, we see that he regards his head as the cornerstone of the republic, and that he carries it on his shoulders with respect like a holy sacrament. Was I wrong, and do you think that for such a good joke he would want to kill me? I only ask him for one favor, and that is to wait until he has given a valid response.”
Madame Desmoulins had invited Brune to family dinner, it was served and they sat down at the table. Camille, gradually warming up, explained to him the bright future he was preparing for his homeland.
”Believe me,” he said to him, ”I am the man of the revolution. When it was necessary, I risked my life for her at the Palais-Royal. At that time they also wanted to make me worry, like you are doing today; but the nation walked with me, and I was at peace. I am still sure, with my Vieux Cordelier, to lead her in my footsteps, to respond to her wishes, to her needs; public opinion will still be my strength.”
”And if it gives your enemies time to strike you?”
”I have ready friends. Have you not heard the eloquent voice of Philippeaux? Danton sleeps: it is the lion's sleep; but he will wake up to defend my cause.”
His friend was far from convinced and repeated the same prayers to him; but Lucille, who at first had shown herself to be very sensitive to Brune's worries and fears, now shares all of Camille's enthusiasm; she notices that this interview has made him hot, she immediately puts a handkerchief on his forehead; gives him a kiss on the cheek and cries: “Let him do it, Brune, let him do it, he must save his country; let him fulfill his mission.” Then she pours her husband and Brune an exquisite chocolate with enchanting grace. When the chocolate had been served, Camille said: edamus et bibamus cras enim muriemur (let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die); while pronouncing these words of death, he affected an air of gaiety and took his child, his little Horace, on his knees. Camille had only supported his thesis because of his wife, whom he did not want to sadden for anything in the world.
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ommmmmmmmm4545 · 11 months
Love Life Prediction by Date of Birth: Unveiling the Mysteries of Love Astrology Today
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Love is a complex and deeply personal aspect of our lives, and many people seek guidance to understand and predict their love lives. Love astrology, also known as love horoscopes or love compatibility readings, provides insights into the romantic aspects of one's life. Using your date of birth, astrologers can offer predictions and guidance on love life prediction by date of birth free your love life. In this article, we'll explore free love life prediction the fascinating world of love life predictions based on your date of birth, and how it can help you gain valuable insights into your romantic future.
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janamkkundali · 1 year
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
Aries Career Horoscope: Insights for Success & Growth
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kkundalimatching · 1 year
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icanseethefuture333 · 11 months
Celebrity Readings masterlist
Upcoming readings (Hiatus)
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Wonyoung (IVE)
Karina (Aespa)
BTS's Jungkook and Seventeen's Mingyu's dynamic as friends
Stray Kid's Bang Chan and Felix's dynamic as friends
NCT's Taeyong's ideal type
Stray Kid's Han and Lee Know's dynamic as friends
The dating rumors between Somi and Seventeen's Mingyu
What do BTS and Blackpink think of each other?
The dating rumors between Lisa and Frederic Arnault
"Chan's room" canceled? What Bang Chan meant by his Bubble messages + What's going on with him & JYP
NCT's Mark's ideal type + channeled messages + a message from Mark's future spouse to the haters who can't stfu 💀 + Bae Suzy isn't Mark's ideal type and receipts as to why she's not
BTS's Jungkook's opinion on marriage
Who in Blackpink is MTL to get married
The audio release of Stray Kids' Japan Dome concert solos
Nationalities of NCT's future spouses
Nationalities of Stray Kids' future spouses
Stray Kid's Bang Chan's future spouse
BTS's V and his future spouse's first impression of each other
The nationalities of Ateez's future spouses
Blackpink's Lisa's green and red flags
BTS's Jungkook's solo career
BTS's Jungkook's mini album release
Who in Stray Kids that is MTL to date a woc/foreigner
The status of Jungkook's love life
NCT's Johnny's ideal type
Stray Kid's Felix's ideal type
What Stray Kids want for Christmas
Astro's Eunwoo's current energy (12/24/23)
The next Dispatch couple
V & Jennie's break up
G-Dragon's drug case
A career reading on Riize
Stray Kids' Hyunjin's ideal type
BTS's Suga and his future spouse's first impression of each other
NCT's Haechan's personality
B.I & iKON's dynamic (OT7 edition)
The nationalities of BTS’ future spouses
Who in NCT 127 is MTL to date a woc/foreigner
BTS’s Jungkook’s future spouse
Stray Kids’ Han’s ideal type
Enhypen's Jay's ideal type
BTS’ Suga’s future spouse
Ateez's San's future spouse
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Stray Kids' Bang Chan's ideal type
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Megan Thee Stallion's career & energy (1/31/2024)
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Want to see a reading sooner? Send 2.22$!
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klissblog · 2 years
Who does Saiki end up with?
5 Reasons to prove that Saiki ends up with Teruhashi.
This is a long post because I explain everything in one post. Saiki K maybe too japanese, but it doesn't matter if you open your mind. After you read this, you can't deny that Saiki will marry to Teruhashi because she is his only future wife.
I have just finished Saiki K anime (because someone recommended it last month, January 2023). English isn't my first language, but I hope I can explain why they will end up together. I hope it is not too late to write about this. 
I will type Kusuo, Kokomi (Teruhashi), Miko (Aiura) and Reita.
1. Kusuo´s type
As we can see, in the beginning, he thinks girls will give up on him in a short time and find a new love. 
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Chapter 0.2
The same as Yumehara, who gave up on Kusuo easily and he said that's way too fast.
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But Kokomi will never changed her feelings for Kusuo and that's why he says offu. (His face looks like he did not mean to say offu out loud). Chapter 214
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(Explain: Kusuo asked Miko´s help to stop Kokomi from being Gyaru. Miko accidentally tell Kokomi what kind of girl Kusuo likes and tell her to find another man, but Kokomi just listens only to Kusuo´s type. She knows if she stays true to herself, and she will never change her feelings no matter what. She knows one day (just a matter of time) her effort will melt his heart. That's why he said offu.
It is actually his type of girl he likes because Miko´s prediction is 100% accurate. Well, I think he might regret to reveal that because Kokomi will never give up. Kokomi is invincible, he always says that before. And yes, his heart begins to melt because of her (This is the reason why he feels nervous to be with Kokomi alone in chapter 216 because he is afraid that he will have a feeling for her, and he begins to say we are invincible in chapter 218). 
Ps. Offu means Oh! (my understanding). It can be positive or negative depends on situation.)
Ps2. Man i manga like to use his hand and cover his mouth when he is blushing. But I don't think Saiki is blushing. He doesn't want her to know yet (save for the last, Huh?).
2. God helps them to be together.
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I wonder why God (Asō sensei) always helps Kusuo and Kokomi to be together because I thought Kusuo was Miko´s soulmate. But he is not.
Miko said her soulmate is a student in PK academy and has the initials about s.k. Reita´s name 「鳥」 tori 「束」 tsuka. 「束」 contains s and k, which means to bind/bundle (to be possessed (by a ghost).
Ps. Toritsuka Reita 鳥束零太(とりつか • れいた) is from 取り憑かれた (とりつかれた/toritsukareta), means to be processed. A spirit medium is 「霊媒」 (れい ばい/reibai).
Ps.相卜命 (あいうら・みこと) Aiura Mikoto. Her name means fortune telling from 相 appearance (example face), 卜 predicting a future (example using crystal ball to predict a future) and 命 (personal) life (example date of birth). When I hear the word “Miko” 「みこ」 I think of this Miko 「巫女」 → shrine maiden, shaman because of her ability that predicts the future.
Initials can also be nicknames. Reita is a sidekick. He is in the psychic trio at the PK academy and in Japanese (psychics) サイキックス saikikkusu (initial s.k.k.s as Miko says about sk or ks) and psykicker(s) サイキッカーズ Saikik kā(zu) which has initial s.k. I think this is the answer as the picture below.
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Miko said that her soulmate has pink hair and has some crazy abilities (a Spirit Medium)
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Chapter 73 and the last volume
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(Explaination: This means that Asō sensei have given a hint who else has pink hair and made this storyline since chapter 73 or before. And the picture from the last volume (Japanese tradition, is also a hint about who ends up with whom.) If I didn’t see that Reita has pink hair, I thought Kusuo was Miko’s soulmate.
I think Aiura and Reita have spent time together (as a friend? I don't know) and Saiki just ignores them (season 2 ep 24).
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(Explanation: This scene does not appear in the manga. Appears only in the anime. We can see Reita holding Mikoto´s shoulder and saying "Don't run away. I can't deal with him myself". That means he needs Miko´s help. Reita did not ask Kusuo about it and Kusuo didn't interfere with them.
I have to be direct here. What did Reita say? It was a pick-up line indirect way. When boys and girls in manga or in reality have to confess, they need to be brave to say it, but some wants to just say it in an indirect way. Example in the picture below.
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"If you don't come home with me" later on, he means he wants her to be his wife and comes home with him. A strange pick up line, but what Reita says is a hint from sensei. Even though Miko seems uncomfortable, but she doesn't hate Reita. For a westerner, it might be ok to hold friend like that, but i am not a westerner. If a man (who i don't have feelings for) holds me like that, I will push him away.If Kokomi feels uncomfortable, Kusuo will say something. Unlike in this situation, Kusuo just ignores them. Don't forget that he can read minds.
We don't see Reita and Mikoto in a romantic situation. Only when they share the same room at the hotel. (maybe they don't have enough money or there is no more available room - irony) Just fight and make arguments like some couples in manga.
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If my man blames me that he has to wait for me in the same hotel room with woman-friend. She told him to take a bath which he did. She moved the beds, but he didn’t move the beds back. This is me, me, me, me, me and me.
Please remember the main focus character is Kusuo, not them and that's why we don't see that. But Asō sensei just wants to add this scene and it means a hint. It is pretty clear to me in the picture of the last volume who ends up with whom).
Plus, Kusuo doesn´t buy soulmate and no boy love. He admits that he is a tsundere.
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「ツンデレ歴はアンタのほうが長いからな」 → “You‘ve been a tsundere longer than me.”
「今回は僕がデレてやるよ」 → “I’ll be the one to be the ‘dere’ side this time.”
ps. Tsun is saying/acting cold and don´t care that opposite of his feeling. You can see Kusuo`s grandpa act like he doesn't care, being cold in front of Kusuo, but his acting is different when he is in another room alone.
‘dere’ = be nice, warm, in this context for grandpa can be care, kind and nice, but for couple = love, nice, kind, care
At the end grandpa and Kusuo wanted to be ’dere‘, but they are being ‘tsun’ to each other because they are tsundere in front of the one they like.
Ps. I have seen manga and anime. Kusuo is being ‘dere’ just only one girl, Kokomi of course in the way she is never known or noticed.
So, here I will explain when he is being a tsundere in no. 3
Please remember, Kusuo never shows his inner thought like his grandpa who is a tsundere as pictures below (Kusuo is also a tsundere). That´s mean what he says or acts, it´s not always true.
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3. Kusuo starts to like Kokomi. There are many reasons that he won´t fell in love with her in the beginning.  
Kusuo knows that Kokomi is beautiful, but he won´t fall for that because of his power that he can read her mind and know who she really is, and he has an x-ray version to see through everybody in just a few second. 
He doesn’t want to associate with Kokomi because she is at the top of pyramid, and he doesn’t like to stand out in the whole series. I mean all he cares about, is a normal average teenager (not to stand out and not be a loser). The power makes him special.
He uses his power to stop and avoid every girl and make them to give up on him. So, he never has a chance to experience romance. 
Besides, Kusuo doesn't know about love yet. The same as Kokomi who wasn’t sure that she liked Kusuo in the beginning. 
However, Kusuo can´t stop or avoid Kokomi, because God always helps her. (I can see Kokomi is author´s favorite female character here). These situations give him chances to get to know the real Kokomi. She changes her attitude about getting married with the rich guy and she never ever sway her heart. She always has the feeling for Kusuo and never change her feeling. And throughout the series she proves herself from being a bad girl to a (slightly – I think) nice girl like her name.
PS. Kokomi 「心美」  心 (heart) 美 (beautiful) = beautiful heart.
「ここみ」 Kokomi may comes from 心を読みます or 心読み (こころをよみ ます/kokoro (w)o yomimasu) →  read minds/minds reading. Normally, read minds 「心を読む」 kokoro (w)o yomu. 
Let´s take a look at timeline of Kusuo. Saiki x Teruhashi. I will divide into 3 parts.
The first part: Chapter 0 – 181: he tries to avoid her and has no feeling for her. He is not interested in relationships.
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These chapters show Kusuo´s expressions: stress, uncomfortable, awkward, tired, etc with Kokomi. He has no feelings for her. Please remember chapter 108 he means Kokomi is “troublesome/annoy no.4 the most dangerous of them all. 「忘れてたもっとも 危険で煩わしい 四号を」(wazurawashī – troublesome/annoy)
If you ask me the reason why he jumps out of window is because of gag manga. The same as Ranma. Both of them have instinkt to warn them from danger and avoid it, but he can't. It´s kind of funny for Japanese. Please don't take it seriously.
Anyways, there are three chapters in this timeline. The author shows that Kusuo has a romantic side that he is not aro or ace. (Saiki k is not hentai or shōjo and that's why it has a romance in funny way). These three chapters make me think that Kusuo is interesting in Kokomi.
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Chapter 38 - Kokomi threw away the chocolate that she would give to him, but he accepts it.
I mean Kusuo accepts chocolate because he doesn’t hate Kokomi that much. He knows about romance (who doesn´t know about valentine´s day, besides Reita asks him about how many chocolates he will get today), and he can read mind what Kokomi thinks of him. The author's purpose is to show that he is kind of interesting in Kokomi. Kusuo never gets chocolate from the other girls. Kaidou throws away chocolate from Nendou and he will not eat it. This is not a joke for Kaidou, even they are friends, but he won’t eat it.
Chapter 131 – the second confession. The first confession, Kusuo looks awkward, but the second confession, he is blushing. I can see this as tsundere – He says something not nice (tsun) which is different from his face expression (blushing – “dere”). Btw, blushing is blushing. It is not embarrassing. There is a picture above showing he is embarrassing in chapter 227, and next to that picture Kusuo is blushing and grandpa says Kusuo is happy.
Chapter 161.5 - Indirect kiss (appears in romantic manga). Kusuo takes her smoothies and drinks it. He smiles at Kokomi when she notices that there is less drink than before. In this chapter I know for sure that he is a tsundere.
The second part: Chapter 182 – 203: Kusuo is more open to Kokomi and respects her feelings.
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Chapter 182: At the mixer, Kusuo felt guilty that he used a dirty plan to get rid of Kokomi. And from this chapter Kusuo is more open to Kokomi because he feels ashamed of what he did to Kokomi. He owned her a lot. These three guys are not deserving her because these guys did not pay attention to Chiyo without Kusuo´s power.
Explain: Even though Kokomi is having a good time, she still thinks of having Kusuo with her and makes him smile. Why does he help her? I did say he feels guilty about his plan to sway Kokomi´s heart, but Kokomi sways Kusuo´s heart instead and Kusuo smiles. The reason is because of his type. The girl who never waivers, stays true to herself. That´s why Kusuo stops his plan and says to these guys “I can´t give her to any of you”. If this Shoujo manga, the man who acts like this and says no one can have Kokomi, he is a tsundere and jealous. So, Kokomi sways his heart. From this chapter, Kusuo is more open to Kokomi´s feelings. He respects her feelings and does not avoid her.
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He looks away while his friends are greeting Kokomi in chapter 189. Kusuo is angry at Takahashi that he ignores Kusuo and he still makes an angry face when Kokomi asks him to be her art partner, but Kusuo does not refuse to be her art partner (chapter 197). He does not use his power to avoid being with Kokomi in chapter 202 unlike chapter 55. Kusuo looks unhappy.
Explain: If you think Kusuo can´t communicate with Kokomi that he does not want to be with her. The question is he can´t or he doesn´t want to?
He looks unhappy but is he unhappy? This is typical tsundere (act different from his feeling). He has a power if he doesn´t want to be with her, he can use his power to switch his name when Kokomi draws a lottery like in chapter 55. This means he acts unhappy (tsun), but his feeling is ok to be with Kokomi (dere) chapter 202.
The third part: Chapter 204 – 281. Kusuo is being ‘dere’ 「デレ」 to Kokomi
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Kusuo did promise that he wouldn´t buy a present for Kokomi, but he did it anyway. He buys it and takes it home, and then switches the present. He will buy something for Mera because he feels sorry for Mera´s family and poverty: he has empathy, this is sweet (chapter 240). But why did he buy a present for Kokomi? They are not that poor and promises in Japan should not be broken, unless it is important. Does Kusuo do this to help Makoto (Kusuo does not like him) or does Kusuo care about Kokomi? He wants Kokomi to be happy with the present. She doesn't even know if it is from him (chapter 204).
Explain: He bought the gift (dere) but does not tell her (says no in the beginning, seems he does not care - tsun). This is unlike Mera. He’ll buy food in the canteen and give to her. I don’t think he’ll give her a present in secret; being tsundere.
Chapter 214 - This chapter Kusuo says Offu (opens his mouth and says). This chapter he could pretend that Miko was his girlfriend, but he didn’t do it. He cares about Kokomi and says "Hope nothing happen").
Chapter 242 - He carries Kokomi to infirmary in front of people. Kokomi tried so hard to be kindness and popular. Saiki could use power to save her, but no one deserve Kokomi. No one noticed how tried she was. Just only him noticed her. His feeling are angry to those boys.
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I know Kusuo likes Kokomi for sure in this chapter. Kusuo came to save Kokomi without thinking about himself. I mean Kusuo has power. He can use it and there are many different ways to help Kokomi with his power. He can use the power to pull her before she falls to the ground (see the way he helps chiyo in the picture) and let those men carry kokomi to the infirmary. Do you think that the author wants to show that Kusuo does this because Kusuo and Kokomi are just friends? No.
Asō sensei wants us to think that Kusuo forgets himself about being a standout when it is about Kokomi. 
This is a kind of typical romance manga where the guy helps the woman in a situation. Some guy doesn’t know his feelings yet, but his action proves that he has feelings for her. And the way he carries her. It is not normal for Kusuo. Carries a woman in front of others (Draw attention). 
Kusuo looses control of being himself at that time (helps kokomi in front of others). We can see that in this chapter both Kusuo and kokomi have their own priority (Kusuo – avoid stand out, Kokomi – being popular). But they choose each other over their own priority. (Kokomi says sorry to the boys when they want her to talk with them -she chooses kusuo). 
These actions are ‘dere’. He is being ‘dere’ in the way she doesn’t see it because she is unconscious. If Kokomi didn’t ask her classmates, she would not know.
When Kokomi runs to him, he says “Yare Yare” with a small sweat drop. But chapter 280. Kusuo has a small sweat drop and explains the reason he doesn´t want to be with Kokomi because of being a standout.
This action calls “tsun”. He has a power. He knows that Kokomi finds out that he helps her. He did not jump out of window. He did not teleport or hide himself from her, but he says yare yare and his face does not match his action. He walks and then waits for her when she calls him.
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He is a tsundere because he doesn't admit that he cares about her. chapter 260
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Chapter 279
What is the reason he had to go back in time, and what he did, made his friends not remember about hugging, many Kusuo´s (the power) and confession. Kusuo knows that his friends will accept him for who he is (he has a power). His friends don´t forcing him to tell his secret and they can wait if he wants to talk to. They don´t care if Kusuo has a secret and continues being his friend. So, the power is not the reason he went back in time and wipes his friends´ memory about it. Kusuo said that he felt bad about Chiyo´s confession. I mean he does not need to go back in time, just put the device on to seal his power and say to his friends about the power, but he went back in time anyway. Well, the reason is not about the power and the confession. So, there is only one thing left. What is the worth for Kusuo then?
The pictures show that Reita, Kusuo and Miko stand next to each other, but his friend asked where Kusuo would go. If Kusuo, Reita and Miko disappear together, they will mention their names. That means Kusuo went back in time one day alone. He didn´t take Reita and Miko with him because of the butterfly effect. He could manage this alone after he knew what and where was going to happen.
Think about what Kokomi said "stayed with me". I think it's a hint from Asō sensei. It appears after Miko says your friends will still accept you and he says yeah. Kokomi says (I combine 2 situations) Kusuo could read Kokomi's thoughts (what she thinks when she sees they are hugging) and he still stayed with Kokomi.
I mean, I did mention chapter 214 when she saw Miko with Kusuo, and Kusuo cares about Kokomi´s feeling. He doesn't want to hurt her feelings about hugging either, and he is not the type of the person who would try to explain to her about it.
Well, Kusuo doesn't hate Miko when she hugs him, but it is pretty clear to me that he chooses to stay with Kokomi over Miko. He risked his life for Kokomi, so she wouldn’t remember about hugging. That's why he went back in time and that's why Miko did appear just two panels in the next and last two chapters (chapter 280 and 281).
This chapter is the last chapter in weekly magazine (Shōnen Jump). Asō sensei had to write two more chapters (280 and 281) and made a new ending because it´s not enough pages to make the book (have to be the same thick as vol. 1-25). These two chapters published in Shueisha's Jump GIGA. For those who think Kusuo will die after the meteor. Well, the author wanted chapter 279 was the true ending (happy ending) which proved that Kusuo survived and his power wasn't gone. The author means chapter 280 and 281 are unnecessary and pointless. (but for me, the author made it´s clear that Kusuo ends up with Kokomi in chapter 281)
Read Asou sensei´s afterword 1 and 2 under.
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chapter 280
He can't control himself and continues staring at her face for about a 0.5 minute after losing his power. His face is very close to hers (less than 5 or 10 cm). He got caught (seems nervous or worried). He falls for her charm and beauty, otherwises he won't stare at her for so long.
Later, he doesn't want to be in Kokomi's group because he doesn't want standing out. (Well, he's not ready for troublesome things yet.)
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Explain the pictures
ろくでなしBLUES is the first manga that I know about author´s hint from the last volume. The ending, two boxers are on boxing ring. The readers don't know who the winner is, but the picture from the last volume shows who is the winner.
うる星やつら Urusei Yatsura (gag manga the same as Saiki k) - The ending is quite the same as Kusuo. The woman, Lum wants Ataru to say love, but in the end Ataru says he will say it on his deathed (Ataru is a tsundere til the end). Kusuo is also a tsundere and the author won't let us see the moment Kusuo says offu in front of Kokomi in the way that she knows it, but the author shows Kusuo smiles instead. He did say in one chapter he refuses to say offu even he is kokomi´s boyfriend (typical tsundere).
The picture from last volume shows who (mostly, the main characters – Japanese tradition; hints from the author) ending with whom. Kokomi´s holdes Kusuo´s shoulder is from the cover, but I have to remove the front cover from the book as in the picture. This is the hint from the author, but Asō sensei does not show it in the front cover. He gives us many hints and we have to find the easter egg.
The first day Kusuo and Kokomi met and talked, Kusuo did not let´s kokomi touch him. But in the end, he is totally fine.
Chapter 281 - The ending Kusuo says
“So, my life in peace 「平穏」 is over now, but I actually feel that´s not bad at all. Perhaps, I like to deal with hassles (めんどくさい mendokusai) after all”.
When I heard it, I think of the word 「穏便」 in chapter 181
「僕は 面倒なく穏便 に すませたいだけだ」  → I wanna calm down/settle down peacefully without trouble), 「穏便」 uses in the context to settle peacefully and carefully without causing trouble. Kusuo means Kokomi's romance is a trouble for him.
Ps. When he say trouble 「面倒」 mendō or めんどくさい mendokusai - the same word), he says in two chapter: 279 and 181. Not in chapter 108.
Kusuo calls his friends "troublesome" in chapter 279/ season 3 ep 2. 面倒な奴らだ全く。 But he can be with them I mean they don’t ruin his peaceful life). He is not honest. He smiles and says friends are troublesome (He is being tsundere). He is kind of thank his friends not forcing him to tell the secret, accept him and still be his friend (dere side). That means he did not mean his friends are troublesome.
That´s why the last chapter his words refers to Kokomi only. He changes his mind (opposite from chapter 181) and says bye to his peaceful life and he likes troublesome. (Ready for troublesome things)
Asou sensei shows on twitter that Kusuo startled when he heard someone calls Kokomi´s name. Kokomi says she has not make Kusuo says offu yet. Do sth, God. So, Kusuo smiles. (Well, Kokomi sways his heart once and makes him smile (chapter 182) and she did it again. Her effort melts his heart finally). First, he doesn’t want powers, but Kokomi words is one of the reasons that drives him to accept his power and ends his peaceful life.
Ps. When Kusuo talks about God, he refers to Asō sensei who helps Kokomi, but when his friends talk about God, Kusuo refers himself as a God. Example Saiko´s ship episode: God likes Kokomi and he says it's impossible. The ending when Kokomi says do sth, God. Kusuo grabs glasses and says he is a psychic.
The quote in the end “So, my life in peace is over now, but I actually feel that´s not bad at all. Perhaps, I like to deal with hassles (Kokomi´s romance and love effort) after all”.
This is not offu (he mentioned that even he is her boyfriend, he won't say offu. He is a tsundere like Ataru that will say on his death). However, this is a kind of confession because Kokomi said she hasn’t make Kusuo say offu yet. Kusuo heard it and smiled. Then he said he liked to deal with the trouble. Both chapter 279 and 281 shows that Kusuo chooses Kokomi and has feeling for her.
I personally like the ending of chapter 279 more than chapter 281 because I don´t need to find what is the trouble for him.
What happens next?
Being with a tsundere you have to be patient and understanding. Kusuo will be more open like his grandfather in chapter 183. He asks Kusuo to do what he wants. From the quote at the end, he sure be more opened. This relation will work eventually.
4. Kusuo´s reaction (He treats Kokomi special than the other friends. Like a girlfriend or couple). Of course, he loves her.
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Ps. you can find more reactions in another post.
5. Asō sensei has a plan that Kusuo ends up with Kokomi from the beginning. Please respect that.
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The ending cover & pic next to it (Reita and Kusuo has the same hair color), the 2nd popularity poll, the hairstyle, match color, the dolls represents the one you have feeling for, the author and his wife
The author plans since beginning that Kusuo and Kokomi have the same birthday month (August 6 and 16: Leo). Miko and Reita also have the same birthday month (September 7 and September 10: Virgo). Saiki's father x mother and grandpa x grandma have the same birthday month. The first name of Saiki´s family begins with k and Kokomi's name begins with K.
Kokomi began to talk to Kusuo and has the feeling for him on her birthday. She asked (God) for a decent man and saw Kusuo. Kusuo´s father asks God about a nice girlfriend for his son, and Kokomi appears. Asō sensei likes this couple very much. He planned on sending them to each other since beginning.
Throughout the series, we can see the romantic moments and development of their characters and personalities. For example, chocolate on valentine´s day, indirect kiss, holding Kokomi in front of people.
The author changed Kokomi's hairstyle like his wife's, and he tweeted that Kusuo´s tie and Kokomi´s sweater were the same color in 2022, even Kokomi didn’t win the vote. She was the only one girl in the choices. (Who cares. He likes Kokomi. The match color is common for couples because even my husband's tie matched my dress when we attended the party). Celebrating 5 years, Kokomi´s dress and Kusuo`s tie has match color and duet song, Kusuo´s shirt and Kokomi´s dress is blue and white while Miko’s dress is red. If Kusuo´s pants are red, I'll say it a 50 50, but Kusuo and Kokomi always have match color Kokomi wins 100%(Match color is not in the storyline, and I think it's more like they are a couple after destroying meteor/the story-end). Don't you think Asō sensei didn’t plan on Saiki x Teruhashi?
Kokomi is his favourite female charater and God (Asō sensei) loves her. His wife (Furukawa Mirin) is talented and beautiful (like Kokomi, I guess his type). Kokomi is the main female character and has a lot of airtime. She has a big aura (giantic wings with black and white feathers: dark and bright side, no one 100% good/perfect), but her aura is smaller than Kusuo. I guess her guardian spirit is Asō sensei (not dead, but helps Kokomi a lot to be with Kusuo than other woman). So, he plans Kusuo x Kokomi from the beginning (birthday month, etc and look at his picture again above - look alike Kusuo) and he makes Kusuo x Kokomi happen at the end of this manga (you can read chapter 279 and 281).
The first popularity poll (from the reader) Kusuo won the 1st place, but Kokomi did not get the 2nd place, so Asō sensei asked his acquaintance (friends, family, colleagues, etc) for the second popularity poll (total 46 ppl). Seems like he wants Kusuo and Kokomi to win. When Kusuo and Kokomi get 1st and 2nd place, Asō sensei draws crowns to them like the prince/king and princess/queen on the coloring pages. Alt Asou sensei did, shows/proves that He is the most powerful SaiTeru shipper and no one can beat him.
The pictures from the anime. Only Kokomi holds Kusuo doll and Mera holds food which represents what they like (author's drawing). Kusuo and Kokomi are holding each other's doll (the name of the episodes). Same post, same background, but different color. Kusuo is just holding a girl doll (Kokomi). Asō sensei didn't draw these pictures, but he won't let Kusuo hold the other girl's doll other than Kokomi to avoid misunderstanding who Kusuo ends up with. (No fan service for AiSai)
Well, the picture from the last volume is pretty clear to me that Saiki Kusuo ends up with Teruhashi Kokomi. Kokomi holds him on the shoulder (picture from last volume) like Reita holds Miko´s shoulder (season 2 ep 24). Kokomi's hair drops down on Kusuo´s shoulder. That means they stand very closed. Kokomi's brother looks at them with a smile (not siscon anymore) and Chiyo looks at Kokomi with a smile. They are happy for them.
Many people think Kusuo and Kokomi are just friends because in some cultures friends can hug and share drinks. But that does not mean that all cultures are the same. Don't forget Kusuo's personality and character, Asō sensei has shown Kusuo getting hugs from Nendou, Kokomi and Miko, but Kusuo has never given a hug to anyone except Kokomi. He never shares a drink with anyone other than Kokomi. Kusuo treats Kokomi specially than the other friends as a couple or a girlfriend. This is the point Asō sensei has made in the series. He plans Kusuo x Kokomi in the beginning: At Christmas, Kusuo expects Kokomi as a girl to visit his house instead of Nendou. It means that Kusuo is interested in girls. The author always gives them chances to be together and lets them know each other and develop feelings. Kusuo didn't have a feeling for her in the beginning, but the author shows that Kusuo has a feeling for Kokomi and he chooses her at the end either 279 or 281. Every hint that Asō sensei shows/gives (for who Saiki Kusuo ends up with) only points to Kokomi. He never ever plans that Kusuo ends up alone or someone else except Kokomi, see the picture from cover of the last volume that I have to remove the plastic cover. It confirms Saiki Kusuo ends up with Teruhashi Kokomi. That means Saiki Kusuo is going to get married to Kokomi because she is his only one possible wife.
I dont need to root/cheer this ship because it's already canon.
~/) /) ~ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ( •-• ) ~ ❤️Saiki x Teruhashi❤️ TeruSai/SaiTeru❤️ /づづ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Thanks for reading 😊
Update 25 august 2023
For those who read this, I know about this from the first day I watch anime and then read manga. I think it’s the time to reveal this lovely easter egg, because it’s almost September.
When Nendou writes his career survey about his plan after graduation in charter 265. (Ps. Nendo can’t write kanji)
1st choice「はしもと かんな と けっこん」→ marry to Hashimoto Kanna (she starred as Kokomi in live action).
2nd choice 「かやの あい と けっこん」→ marry to Kayano Ai (Kokomi’s voice in anime)
3rd choice 「ガッキーとけっこん」 → marry to Gakki (Aragaki Yui: not relate to Saiki k).
But in anime s.3 ep.1, Asō sensei changed no.3 to でんぱぐみのだれか(とけっこん) → Married someone in Dempagumi(.inc). Netflix doesn’t translate the texts in anime.
This episode was on aired in December 2018 (Japan) and March 2019 (Netflix). I think he proposed marriage to his wife, Furukawa Mirin, an idol. The author announced they decided to get married in September 2019 on twitter. Some idols and singers have contracts about no romances. I don’t know how long they’ve been together because of his wife is an idol, but obviously, before Saiki K ended. The hairstyle, the marriage proposal, dempagumi.inc sings Saiki k anime songs.
This makes me really like Saiki x Teruhashi even more when I saw this scene 🥰. The author changed one scene for Furukawa-san, and it’s in Saiki K forever. He is really sweet ❤️. In the author eyes, his wife is perfect, the most beautiful and talented like Kokomi. Without a doubt, Saiki married to Teruhashi.
Ps. About the popularity poll, normally the votes are from the reader, but i LMAO when I know he asks family, friends, his acquaintances for the votes (he can insist them to vote who he wants - who knows, it’s typical Japanese) and just for 46 votes he draws Saiki x Teruhashi who’s got 1st and 2nd place with the crowns on the coloring page ❤️🥰.
Extra credit and special thanks to jujus-stuff 🥰 who left the comment and explained about aro ace (which I still don’t know the meaning 😅) on my tumblr ❤️
Yess!!! Agreed with everything. Btw, i still think Saiki is aro or ace, or both, who knows, but, just to add something: Ace people can also fall in love, it's just more hard to happen, but It happens!! Btw, let's read the definition of being an Aromantic Person: A person who is aromantic experiences little to no romantic attraction to persons of any gender. People who are aromantic also lack interest in having romantic relationships. Romantic attraction refers to a desire to have emotional contact and interaction with a partner, while the definition of a romantic relationship can vary depending on the individual. ALT. Also, being an aromantic person myself, i've Fell in love only one time, it wasn't mutual but the feeling is valid, and so is my romantic spectrum. Still, i have more to say, since it's an spectrum, Saiki can feel or not romantic feelings, but, hence the informartions above, i have to say, Teruhashi is Saiki's romantic interest. Have this said, i think since we can say that Saiki is/can be aromantic/asexual/aroace the feelings that he has for Kokomi turns out to be even more special❣️❤️ That's it, i hope i've added more important informartions . So Bye bye❣️❣️
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