#“it doesn't affect reality!” so it shouldn't be a coping mechanism?
twsted-idiot · 2 days
yall. @/dannysdreamgirl / @/studyandtamper (on discord) is a fucking proshipper and actually disgusting!! (I'm not blaming whoever invited her, because I'd assume whoever didn't know about this, just wanted to make this known ^_^)
Runs a mdni blog, that's fine, but then you join a server with SEVERAL minors?? Yes, most of us are 16-17 but are still legally minors, so that's irrelevant.
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These are all from intros in the server from MINORS
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Technically, nothing actually wrong with that..but it's still extremely fucking weird, yeah??
Then there's also this shit... about Nancy SAing Johnny and now it affected him or whatever. That's fucking disgusting, biologically her kid or not, and not something she would do.
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That alone is genuinely gross and sickening, and then there's the repeatedly interacting with a KNOWN proshipper in the fandom.
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They're deactivated because they actually got called out on their shit, as they should because that's nasty. Blood related or not, the family, shocker I know, SEES each other as FAMILY n guess what, incest isn't a normal thing. It's not cute, or funny, you're gross and actually need help.
"Proshipping's a coping mechanism" it shouldn't be. Yeah, cope with whatever however you see fit for yourself, no one can stop you, but this isn't a coping mechanism, you're just using it as an excuse to be fucking vile. Posting that publicly makes younger people think it's okay as well, and the cycle continues. "Fiction doesn't affect reality" except when it does, your brain can become conditioned to think something's okay when it's very clearly NOT.
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This shit?? Why. Genuinely why?? Maybe let's not push our GROSS fetishes onto characters, especially not PUBLICLY.
There's other things too, I'm not going to continue to go through that disgusting blog to find it all though.. because then we'd be here forever.
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pocketslook · 3 months
When I see Michelle marlon and Gallerian marlon together in an artwork or a video or anything I just HAVE to check the tags because people are fucking weird and Marloncest is normalized in the fandom
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konigsblog · 4 months
you can have boundaries but as someone who has been raped, why do you think it’s okay? like i understand if it’s a trauma response or wtv but talk that shit out w a therapist maybe
i love your writing and everything, i just skip through the rape or non con or incel stuff but i genuinely wonder if you think rape would be okay irl, im actually curious and not tryna be offensive.
i've said this again and again: rape in real life is absolutely disgusting, it affects a real person, and i'm completely against it. writing something doesn't determine your mortality.
there's a huge, huge difference between fiction and reality, you have to understand and comprehend that. when someone rapes another person, that traumatizes them forever. whereas, my work shouldn't re-traumatise you because i use warnings to prevent that exact thing from happening.
rape fantasies should be discussed, and there shouldn't be so much stigma and shame around it. it's in the name, it's a fantasy. no one is actually getting raped when i write a fan fic with rape involved. my work doesn't physically harm anybody, and it shouldn't mentally harm you either if you read the warnings.
and this is a healthy coping mechanism, a therapist would recommend this if it helps the person deal with their trauma.
here are three links that discuss rape fantasies ↓
at some point, you have to do your own research. all these questions i have already answered in the past (multiple times) and it's not my job to educate you and provide you with these sources.
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Conflict and Genre; Hurting Our Characters in Ways That Matter
If you've even only skimmed my blog, you may have noticed that I preach the importance of character and conflict above all other elements of narrative. The qualities of these dictate the qualities of the story, and by and large, every other narrative element will in part develop from these. I've written a bit about what makes strong characters here and on random other posts, but now it's time to talk conflict: what it is and how we write it.
You'll read everywhere that there are two types of conflict: internal and external. This is true but misaligned. That's kind of like saying the two types of planets are Earth and all the other planets. In reality, most conflicts are a mix of both with varying ratios of one to the other, and "internal" does a lot of heavy lifting in this dichotomy. Is it emotional? Mental? Religious? Interpersonal? A lot of stuff goes on in the human brain!
I've used conflict a bit already without defining it, so let's do so. Conflict is anything in a narrative that negatively affects a character and that character's reaction. It's a broad concept! A duel with a dragon and a tough breakup are equally valid conflicts. You might hear people advise to "hurt your MC." This is true albeit quirky and cliche. Hurt your characters, yes, but the other half of conflict, your character's reaction, is necessary to crafting a strong story. If the duel the dragon, win, and return home victorious, case closed, that's not a very interesting story; if your character goes through the breakup with healthy coping mechanisms and emotional maturity, who cares? What gives? Unless it's the end of the story, the reader doesn't want the conflict to resolve! (Or, they don't want every conflict to resolve. Some can, but always keep one fire lit.)
Your goal as a writer should be to lead your character's decisions deeper into their conflicts. Of course, this shouldn't be obvious--if characters make bad, stupid decisions, the reader will catch on. But you can use your character's flaws and vulnerabilities to make them make poor decisions or otherwise get them in binds without the reader noticing.
One example from my own work: In one of my novels, The Ghosts of Glass Lake, one character focuses on her acting career so she won't have to focus on her mother's suicide. The suicide affected the character negatively, and the focus on acting was her reaction. Obviously, this focus wasn't the healthy thing to do, which gives me as a writer room to play with and grow this conflict. While she's rehearsing, she sees her mother's ghost from time to time. When she does try to resolve this trauma, she goes about it wrong by attempting to speak with her mother via spirit box instead of, y'know, going to therapy. Other characters try to help her cope by dubiously legitimate methods. By the end of the novel, she hasn't reconciled her acting career with the effects of her mother's death, and this tension hurts the people around her.
One example from classic literature: In Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse, each character witnesses and thinks upon how other characters treat them and others. This novel has next to no external conflict. One character, Lily Briscoe, loves to paint and notices how the men around her talk about how women can't paint, and a second character mansplains some painting lingo to her. Most of her time in the novel is spent in these interactions or thinking about them and the greater societal shifts that caused them, and by the end of the novel, she accepts herself as a painter and completes the piece she'd been working on.
My and Woolf's examples have some commonalities and some differences. Woolf's is almost entirely internal where mine is almost entirely internal until late in the novel when it grows an external bent. In both cases, conflict is both something that negatively affects a character and that character's reaction to it. This reaction causes the conflict to deepen, which causes another reaction, and a cycle starts that will only resolve (if you want it to resolve) at the end of the narrative.
The type of conflict you write is a question of style, but certain genres historically lend themselves towards one or the other. You'll often hear "genre fiction" and "literary fiction" tossed around in literary discourse. These are two umbrella categories that if you ask me don't really exist anymore, but that's another topic for another time. So disclaimer, read below with a grain of salt, but not too big a grain, as there is truth here.
Genre fiction (fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mystery, thriller) trends towards external conflict: will they kill the dragon and save the princess? Will they win the space war? Find the culprit? Escape the killer? Literary fiction ("the classics," realistic fiction) trends towards internal conflict: how do we come of age? Recognize death? Understand love?
The dichotomy of genre/literary was created during a time when those labels weren't so liquid (here's a great article on the topic), but nowadays, great books blur these lines more than they ever had. Circe is a book with the popular conventions of Percy Jackson but is also a meditation on gender and family obligations. Station Eleven is a post-apocalyptic dystopia about how we find meaning in our everyday lives. American Gods has the trappings of any old adventure story but also questions past and present systems of belief.
And was this genre/literary conflict dichotomy ever real? I would argue no and that the strongest genre fiction also incorporates internal conflict. The Lord of the Rings is a story about Sauron and the Nazgul just as it is about the nature of power and responsibility, advancing technology, and the environment; The Left Hand of Darkness is an adventure across an ice planet but only through the lenses of gender and religion; Dune is about drugs and worms but also religious conflict, imperialism, indigenous culture, and much much more; Earthsea is an adventure through magical archipelagos and also a meditation on grief, gender norms, and reconciliation. You can say similar things as these to any great piece of genre fiction, but I don't personally think this works in reverse. Not every story needs external conflict, as Virginia Woolf shows, though even the most literary of stories will use some, even if only on accident. This is because the best stories always say something deeper about their characters than simply "they can kill the dragon"; the best stories get at what it means to kill a dragon.
So in anything you write, try adding this internal axis! If you're not used to it, try this exercise. Ask yourself what the external conflict is. Then ask yourself how your character feels about it. When you have even 5% of an answer, start writing it! Then when those feelings get that character into more or deeper trouble, ask how they feel about that, then write again. Conflict is what happens to your character as much as what your character's reaction says about them.
Asks are always open if you have any questions!
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diedbydeth · 3 months
rant about proshipping because it's 1 am and i can't sleep and i can't find a good fucking fanfiction website and i'm just so fucking sick of everything.
just to preface this i'm not an "anti". just anti-leaning. i'm shipcourse unaligned because i find this type of discourse really pointless and anger inducing. like why the fuck do i have to tell grown ass adults (i'm literally not joking there are people in their fucking forties believing this shit) that shipping a child and their dad is not ok. like what.
ok preface done. now the rant.
i find all of proshitters' takes on stuff really weird. like what do you mean fiction doesn't affect reality? if fiction doesn't affect really, then how the fuck did the january 6 riots happen? i can assure you that the reason they were there was not because there was actual election fraud. if fiction doesn't affect reality, then queer and racial representation in fiction doesn't matter. like people realize that, right? or am i just out of my mind? clearly you can understand how pedophilia and incest in fiction can affect people if you can understand how representation of minorities in fiction can affect people. there can't possibly be people that dense, right? even aside from children and minors reading that shit, pedophiles reading it can make them consider not getting help for their paraphilia and just jacking off to the porn you oh-so-graciously have given them. like does that not make you uncomfortable beyond words?
or their other argument saying that people shouldn't care what others ship? like am i overreacting to be incredibly uncomfortable around people who actively ship minors and adults? why do people even do that in the first place? don't give me that coping mechanism crap, there are *much* more better and efficient coping mechanisms than writing about pedophilia, like writing about the feelings you felt or talking about it with someone. i went through something very similar, but i didn't have to write pedophilic shit and post it on ao3, so why would you have to?
like you are harming people with this crap. you are giving predators something to hide behind. you are giving people who draw problematic things, not even related to weird ships (like people who draw racist and other bigoted things), something to hide behind. you are giving creeps a platform and ultimately helping them in getting their behavior normalized. do you not see the problem with this?
do i, a teenager, need to tell an adult, a person in their mid-forties, that condoning pedophilia and incest, even fictional, is problematic?
rant over. feel free to send death threats or try to tell me to support creeps in the replies or even my askbox. or don't. your choice.
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histronic-gizmo · 2 years
Guess who wrote an entire rant in response to an anti who tagged me in a post regarding the Stanley parable, only for it to not post because they had blocked me by the time I hit send 💀
I'm gonna rewrite it here
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@the-redacted-line (obvi don't harrass them, don't engage with them, i don't know the full INs and OUTs of how blocking on tumblr works but I'm hoping they'll see this)
Here's the tags they put in that post
I never was saying I want to see problematic content of TSP, there's already a few good things on AO3, I was complaining because I'm barred from interacting with 90% of the TSP fandom here on Tumblr.
The Stanley Parable is SO important to me, I can't express that enough. I actively avoid problematic fan work with it because it's not something I enjoy or seek out with this game. I just, Yk, support people who do want that!
I'm upset that I can't interact with amazing art because I'm not an asshole about made up and intangible shit. I'm upset I can't make friends with most people who enjoy this thing because I'll be called a p*dophile.
I'm not at fault for YOU seeing my proship post that was tagged with 4 different variations of "proship" solely for filtering purposes. If YOU don't want to see proship stuff, filter the tags. The filtering system exists for a goddamn reason.
I have a long list of variations of various things filtered and I never see shit I don't want to see. And when I do? Guess what's going in my filter list?
I was sexually assaulted as a child and I am haunted with terrible intrusive thoughts of sexual assaults, murder and violence. I go to therapy and I've done all the coping mechanisms in the book. Nothing has been nearly as effective as coping with fiction. My therapist and I work extensively to make sure it's not having the opposite effect on me.
Some antis argue that if it's to cope, you should keep it to yourself. I'm disabled, and I don't always have the energy or resources to create this content I need to cope with my day to day life. People posting fanfiction, Fanart, original work, and other fanwork with problematic content is almost the only way I can access this coping mechanism.
Problematic content is IMPORTANT. It's not for everyone, it's not supposed to BE for everyone. Like everytjing, it should be clearly marked, tagged and labeled so people who don't want to and shouldn't see it DONT.
There are very little problematic fanworks that aren't clearly marked. The ones aren't marked are a problem that should be addressed, but the solution isn't to ban and shame problematic content.
Proshipper doesn't stand for "Problematic Shipper", it stands for "Pro Shipping". It's supporting people who are problematic shippers.
Its an acknowledgement that fiction affects reality, but in a different way than reality affects reality. It's an acknowledgement that people can explore things in fiction without it bearing any meaning on them as a person. It's an acknowledgement that it can affect reality and make people's trauma worse, so things should be clearly marked. It's an acknowledgement that fiction can affect reality and give survivors a safe environment to work through their trauma.
Its an acknowledgement that fiction and reality are different planes of existence. They're connected in so many ways but they are seperate.
It's an acknowledgement that survivors deserve to heal. Just because my way of healing doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's disgusting and shouldn't be used. Just because it's unhealthy for you doesn't mean it's unhealthy for me.
No one is trying to say you have to want to see, make, or support problematic fictional content. All we ask is that you stop labeling it as wrong, disgusting, and unhealthy. All we ask is that people who don't like it stop harrassing and demeaning those who do.
I have no idea what this person in particular has done, I doubt they've done anything, they haven't harrassed me. I want to make that clear.
It's just hard to be on your side when your side got me in the emergency room because of the massive amount of death threats, graphic violence descriptions, and insults I got in my Tumblr ask box on a daily basis.
I rarely ship problematic ships because my hyperfixation rarely have an opportunity for them (if we ignore Rick and Morty, that's very recent and out of the ordinary for me)
But I refuse to support and be in the side of people who think fiction is so much more important than reality that I get told I deserved to be raped as a child because I thought two cartoon characters should kiss.
You may not have said that, but that's who's side your on.
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Hi, you can call me Bee.
Mild TW for this ask for child abuse & gaslighting, it's not too bad but I do mention it so I think it's best to be safe!
For some background, I grew up in an abusive household, my mother was emotionally and often physically abusive, and also gaslit me into thinking I was the bad person. It took me until 10th grade to be able to understand otherwise, mostly in part to the fact that this had been happening since I was about 4.
I'm no longer in contact with her, and I'm getting help for all my issues, both trauma-related and otherwise, and getting all the other help I need, I have a support network and a new family that is better than I could ever ask for.
I'm sending this ask because I was officially recommended I go in for a PTSD diagnosis. On the one hand, I knew this was coming. I've seen the symptoms in myself, I've known, intellectually, that this was coming for a very long time.
It's just that there is a very large part of my brain that is trying to convince itself that we shouldn't go in and we don't actually have it. I think this is because I don't want to admit to myself that she's going to have the ability to affect me even now I'm no longer in contact.
I was wondering if you had any advice for accepting that my trauma is going to be here for a while, and explaining to my brain that this okay, if that makes sense?
Hi Bee,
First of all I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through, as well as what you're dealing with as a result.
I think what I've explained in these two asks are also relevant here.
It's understandable to struggle with accepting that you have PTSD because it comes with a lot of other implications that are hard to swallow. It also means working through painful emotions and memories. So it makes sense to not necessarily want to deal with that. I will reiterate that you are valid for being frightened by what happened and what your diagnoses mean for you.
Also like I said in one of the earlier asks, consider that facing it is ultimately going to help you. It may seem backwards to experience the pain of accepting your trauma, there is light at the end of the tunnel - it's ultimately going to allow you to develop adaptive coping mechanisms that will not only manage your trauma and subsequent disorders, but for any other curve-ball life will throw you.
It may be helpful to look at it in terms of the stages of grief. You are grieving for what happened to you and the affect it had on you, and right now you're in the first stage of grief - denial. While denial is a maladaptive coping mechanism as it refuses and distorts reality, it's a defense mechanism for a reason. It's important to remind yourself that the process of grief is at your own pace. Maybe you're not ready to move past the first stage just yet. Especially in terms of trauma recovery, it's essential to be patient and, like is often said, trust the process. There is no rush to accept what happened. Take baby steps if that is more digestible for you. Recovery will come as long as you are open for it.
It might also help just to know that you're not alone, there are plenty of people out there (myself included) with trauma and PTSD and can still lead a happy and fulfilling life. It doesn't have to be a death sentence. You can do this. Just remember to be patient with yourself. Take the recovery process one little step at a time.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 17 days
Like tbh whenever I think about this for two years being on here. people will be upset over me writing cringe bad grammar problematic fanfics.
It's always interesting to think about, the amount of stress with people online... Like imagine getting upset towards me writing a made up story that never happened irl, I used it as a way of coping but apparently people will say:" it's a bad coping mechanism and you should get a better one. " Because apparently people can't tell the difference between fiction and reality these days.... And they think that I'll commit a crime over me writing cringe problematic fanfics of tomura shigaraki or any anime characters SA reader... Writing the most unhinged things into a story with two characters that aren't real.
Idk what to say about this but please know that I've been writing problematic dead dove content for two years did I ever harm people irl? No, did I encourage others to commit a crime? I'm really hoping not coz if I find out you're doing harmful acts irl and say." Yeah this story actually inspired me to SA people irl. " STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!! I don't condone nor do I think it is okay for people to commit a crime because you're a screwed up person and need medicine help for that.
I write fanfic because it's like a way to escape reality, I get to write a story that is made up and doesn't really affect others... (Well I had people pissing their pants whenever I write dead dove and taboo topics. )
Like I know this was a thing when I written a cringe story about fictional characters when I was teenager, the teacher ask all of us to:" write a story. " They didn't technically say anything bad but I wrote a story where it's a highschool theme, a boy falling in love with the awkward shy chubby girl who moved to his school and this bully called buzz was harassing both of them then the boy named Alex murder buzz. (Yeah my younger self was edgy back then💀💀)
I don't remember how the story went but I was sent to the counseling room in high school at the age of 15-16yo. she asked me if I was okay or if I saw something on the news and I simply said." I made it up. " Or I think that is how it happens but it was years ago 😭😭 like I enjoy writing dark theme content for good awhile and I'll say this honestly and openly that I just write stories because it fun to write, you don't think much and get creative in story with characters that don't exist.
And not to mention, I don't think much, I just get creative and type it in my mind because I know damn sure that it's fictional content and no one is getting hurt.
So I'm not actually surprised whenever people get triggered easily by fanfic, I get it, it's not your cup of tea whenever it's fictional content but at the end of the day people shouldn't be taking it seriously all because I write stories in dark theme content.
Then the book of it, you know the pennywise clown where this man wrote horror theme books for years. It's like the saying." If you enjoy or are a fan of horror that means you gotta be a criminal." " Video games like GTA will make kids go violent. " " If you enjoy true crime that means you want to be a murderer. " Etc etc!! Now people will say." If you're artist/writer that does dead dove content THAT mean you gotta support it irl. " It's so exhausting with people online.
Like I generally feel like people need to get off their phone and thinks WITH THEIR BRAINS WHEN TYPING.
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glitter-skunk · 2 years
major tw for proshipping, abuse/rape mentions, + lots of other bad stuff//
i think having media talk about subjects like abuse, rape, and other stuff like that isn't bad. it's good to spread awareness about this stuff, and it does in fact need to be talked about because of how common it is. however, it should not be romanticized. we should not have movies of where a pedophile gets a teenage girl to love him and they live "happily ever after". we should not encourage stories that involve graphic descriptions of children being forcibly raped/assaulted for erotic purposes.
this is what proshippers defend. they do not preach "don't harass anyone over ships", that's just what they tell people. they romanticize media containing abuse, pedophillia, rape and other stuff of that nature. and it is almost always in erotica material when it's being romanticized.
i agree, we should not send death threats to children proshippers as they're most likely the vitcims of grooming. whether proshippers want to admit it or not, there are a lot of children in the community and it does have a grooming problem. go on any platform(tiktok, twitter, tumblr, ect) and find children proshippers, they will most likely have a post with an abusive relationship where they use to describe their partners.
i have seen dozens of posts where children proshippers make edits out of pedophiles because "it reminds them of their partners" and that is fucking terrifying. i have seen dozens of adult proshippers encourage children to go talk to older people they have a crush on, most of these kids being between the ages of 13-16 and these crushes being 17-22+.
this is incredibly dangerous for obvious reasons.
i also want to talk about the "fiction doesn't affect reality" talking point they use, and how that is not true at all.
fiction will always have some form of reality in its core. whether that be politics, the characters personalities, or its theme - fiction will always contain a bit of reality.
humans use fiction to cope, and when you actively consume media that displays abuse/pedophilia in erotic ways, you subconsciously start to train your brain that this material is good. you can still say pedophilia, and be attracted to erotic material containing pedophilia. that's what happens when you associate this stuff with positive reinforcement(example; defending it, reading it daily, ect).
and even if this didn't happen it is still very fucking weird to jack off to drawings of 4 year olds getting raped.
another thing is how proshippers say that they're not doing anything wrong, however they speak in secret code when trying to find one another. if you're not doing anything wrong, surely you don't have to hide it right? "oh but the antis harass us!!" and why do they harass you?
if you make material that romanticizes abuse/pedophilia, share it with your family. tell them you find these subjects entertaining and you actively enjoy them. i'm sure your family will accept you and have no problem with what you do, after all it is a harmless coping mechanism right? i'm sure if you sit down and explain to them that you're in a community with one of the biggest grooming problems on the internet that romanticizes abuse/pedophilia/rape, they'll be more than happy to accept you.
however, i know proshippers won't ever stop, no matter how hard i try to explain why it's morally wrong. i know your ways will not change and you won't develop healthier coping mechanisms, and you will continue being a complete weirdo that no one likes and who should live society.
however, that does not give you the right to spread your material where children are. you shouldn't spread it or make it at all for obvious reasons, but especially keep it away from kids. i agree, responsibility is on the parents, but it's also on adults on the internet. yes, children should not be online, and yes adults need to monitor them more; however children are on online unsupervised so it's our responsibility as responsible internet users to try and keep them safe.
if you're going to post your proshipper stuff, can you please for the love of god do it where kids have a lesser chance of seeing it. do it on twitter, or AO3 where they allow that stuff and put warnings on it. private your account, put warnings everywhere that you do this stuff. i understand it won't stop all kids from seeing it but it does lessen the numbers of kids who will see it.
and if you're a proshipper in a fandom that is filled with kids or is made for kids(example; mlp, invader zim, ect) then don't post your stuff on a public account. make it private.
that way kids can stay safe and you can choose who can enter your abuse loving safespace.
and speaking of kids, don't work with kids if you actively enjoy and constantly consume material that romanticizes abuse/pedophilia. and if you do, show your boss. i'm sure they'll have no issues with someone who gets off to stories of kids getting raped working with kids. i'm sure you won't be fired or investigated.
just because you won't go to prison for it doesn't make it morally okay. i wish that is something you idiotic pieces of shit would understand.
i wish you all a merry fuck you, and may you all rot.
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dead-dove-enma · 3 years
Please seek therapy and do some research about how fiction affects reality. Before you tell me to educate myself, I've tried to understand proship and I've thoroughly listened to y'alls side for years but no matter what way you go about it it's just harmful. Even as a coping mechanism. You shouldn't be okay with adults being in a relationship with children, even in fiction. I don't mean this as hate and I get a lot of antis are rude and hateful as fuck (I don't associate with them) but please consider at least opening up to the possibility of changing. Have a good day
Don't worry, your wording doesn't really come across that way, but me shipping an adult and a child (rather, two fictional characters with arbitrary ages) just really isn't comparable to real, heinous adult/child relationships that shouldn't exist. By shipping these characters, I'm not in any way support this in an irl context. Amine moe blobs and teenagers built like massive trucks aren't comparable to real people, and therefore don't mean anything I will have you know, I have been to therapy-like sessions. I'm far too poor to go to a real therapist with weekly sessions (and as a minor with no job, and parents who are barely scrapping by, can also in no way afford even with family help), but I have been to many sessions at my school due to my autism, hosted by staff who all fully supported my love for creating dark fiction in art and other mediums. An author writing about dark topics isn't a bad person for portraying those dark topics. These stories and exploring every possible aspect, not just problematic content, make me extremely happy, and from day one, fascinating problematic shipping dynamics fascinated me as a young creative, all the way back at the age of six. I'm not saying fiction is in a vacuum and cannot reflect reality in any way. Shakespeare is still taught in schools today, but do you know what else is taught in schools? Unbastardized greek mythology, mythology in which is full of incest, with the majority of gods being related to Zeus in some capacity. Books like Farenheit 451 that warn about the destrcution and erasure of fiction and history books, how this literature is extremely important and shouldn't be thrown aside. Being told to die over lines on paper is not going to make me change. While you are being kind in your ask, it does not change the fact that I'm not going to censor myself because of others. From the very beginning, I know the difference between fiction and a real person being hurt. Anime was always my special interest, and exploring all these dark medias that I just couldn't quite get from live action series in america, which often contained realistic looking blood that made me queasy. Ultimately, If I had to hide the fact that I loved things? Something I had to do for a long time in my elementary school because I was bullied for watching anime? I would be miserable. Absolutely, fucking miserable. I am so insanely happy, sharing my interesting shipping dynamics with friends, or chatting with my boyfriend about the dark fanfiction I write, about the shows I've loved since my childhood, or have grown to love just a year or two ago You would have to pry the media and stories I've loved since I was a child from my cold, dead hands. Sincerely, Knight
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angelsarewatching · 2 years
Conflicting ideals: I don't understand/support writing sexual assault. Even if its a coping mechanism I don't like it because it's an unhealthy coping mechanism. (For writer and reader.) It also allows people easy access to the trigger, which they'll use for legitimate enjoyment or to harm themselves.
And I have an overall negative view of proshippers, due to how some people abuse the labeling. One bad apple and that.
(My approach is to avoid, hence the anon. Limiting contact as much as I can. This will be my last interaction with you for the foreseeable future. Hope I've covered everything necessary.)
Side note: I don't mean to imply you'd send people to them intentionally. (If that's something you're concerned about.) I've just seen how quickly people in fandom will jump to "protect" their faves, which can spiral if said fave has a following.
I don't really have much of a following of my tumblr account so you needn't worry if that's one of your issues with me. Though I'd much like for you to stay and talk to me on anon and explain your own ideals (since why not? i lack the sustenance of social interaction) I'll probably turn off anon in the future. Hopefully you aren't someone who I think you are, since the person I'm thinking of has really quirky comments on modernghostfare's posts.
I won't do the "not all men" with you w proshippers, but the thing is, if they do shit irl and harass people and do bad stuff in general? They aren't proship, and there's misusing the label. So you're right about that one.
And with your conflicting ideals, anon, look, it's a coping mechanism that doesn't involve drugs, alcohol and self harm. I'm pretty sure those are the holy trinity of unhealthy coping mechanisms. It's not my place, or yours, to judge anyone's coping mechanism if it isn't the main three which I had just said. Antis are big, big on censorship, I've only had sparse interactions with them (and being heavily qrted on twitter, lmao) but I assume they'll grow out of it and learn how to click off something they don't like because fiction is fictional. Sure, it affects reality, though not on a 1:1 ratio.
Have you ever wondered if an abuse survivor of SA could actually purposefully enjoy a good piece of taboo writing? There's some that use it to inflict your so called "harm" upon themselves but I have no idea on how that can happen, since, who would consume a form of media with an intention to be disgusted rather than enjoy the vile content? If it was properly tagged on AO3 and everything, and an anti still clicked on it, went on the comments and said "This is disgusting", whose fault is it? The writer of the story who just wanted to express themselves through their work, or the anti who has no business on enforcing what should and what shouldn't be written?
That's all of my thoughts.
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cassiedangerclouds · 5 years
King Of The Clouds {Platonic Krii7y}
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Trigger Warning: This one shot deals with death and the side effects that go with it.
It deals with guilt and bad coping mechanisms.
If any of any of these things trigger you, please do not read this.
"Every morning I feel like I've died, but I lie watching my ceiling fan, spin reality. But I know I'm alive and I shouldn't be. I should've died that night. Not him. It should've been me. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't even know this stuff existed. Or how addictive it can be. I've become a better person since that day, I no longer smoke that crap. I vape now. I know he always hated the smoke. But it doesn't help. Just reminds me that my best friend is dead because of my bad decisions. I guess it's just a bad hobbit that I couldn't kick." John said, his discord chat open.
On the other side of the line, one of John's friends sat listening. They all took turns. Listening to John. A new day but the same story, over and over.
"John, you need to go and get help. Contact a therapist, we can only do so much." Craig said.
"Yeah dude. We understand that you're hurting, but it has been a year. Half of our friends won't even come and game if they see you're on. Maybe it's time to let it go. Go out, or even stay in. But do something productive. Meet some new people, game or something. What you're doing isn't healthy." Tyler stated.
"Alright guys. I guess I'll chat later." John said, sitting up.
"Get out of your house." Tyler said before his line went dead and his icon disappeared.
"Yeah. If you don't, I'll tell Smit everything. You know Luke isn't as dumb as you think. He's starting to piece everything together. He always asks why you won't talk to him." Craig explained, "But seriously, take it easy and get out of that house." The line cut, and Craig's icon disappeared, leaving John alone in the sever.
John let out a sigh, clicking the cross and closing Discord down.
"Go out John. It'll do you some good John. It's been a year John." John muttered, standing up. 'But you know they're right. You need to get out and keep living.' John rolled his eyes, "Shut up, stupid voice of moral."
He walked out of his room, 'They don't understand.' He walked into the kitchen, getting a glass, filling it with water, 'None of them ever made bad decisions that affected another this way.' He left the kitchen, standing between the doorway and the lounge room, his eyes dancing around the room, looking for his vape canister.
"Looking for something?"  familiar voice threw John off, he turned around to face the direction of the voice.
Sitting on the other side of the kitchen counter, John noticed his vape canister in his friend's hand.
"Fuck off arsehole, give it back." John demanded.
Lukas shook his head, "No John. I knew something was up a while ago." He said, "John this isn't healthy, I was invited to the funeral. I know that he's dead-"
"They both are." John interrupted, looking down.
"It's not your fault dude. YOU didn't tell them to go to that party. YOU didn't tell them to get drunk, to get high off their head. YOU didn't tell Cameron to get behind the wheel of that car. It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for something that was out of your control." Lukas sated.
"But Cam was always more responsible than Mason and I. If I hadn't shown him that shit, he wouldn't have been tempted to take it at the party." John explained.
Lukas got up, walking over to his friend, "Yes they would've. Both of them. Because drunk people do stupid shit. So what if you showed them what the fuck that shit was. It was still their choice to take it. They didn't have to, but they did. Stop blaming yourself. Toby or Ezra could've stopped them. But they didn't either." Lukas said.
John sighed, "Just give me the canister Smit." He said.
"No, this is no better than a real cigarette. They're just as addictive."  Lukas stated, keeping a tight hold on the small device.
John stopped trying to get the canister, then something came to mind, "How the fuck did you get into my house?" he asked, looking at the younger male.
Lukas laughed, "Did you seriously forget that we gave each other keys to our respective houses? Ya know, in case of surprise visits or problems with planned ones?" he asked.
John shrugged, "I guess I did. I mean..." he trailed off.
"John seriously? We got them done so long ago and you just forgot? I am offended." Lukas said, putting his hand over his heart.
John laughed, a genuine one, not forced, "You're so dramatic." He said.
"It is my speciality." Lukas stated.
John quickly snatched his canister out of Lukas' hand while the other male wasn't paying attention.
"Hey. I said no." Lukas said, crossing his arms.
John rolled his eyes, "You're not my mum." He stated.
"No. But I could be your-"
"Everyone knows you'd bottom in any relationship Ren." John said.
Lukas turned red, "Shut up." He muttered.
John chuckled, shaking his head, placing the canister to his mouth and sucking in the vapor.
He blew out the cloud above both of their heads.
"That gross." Lukas said, waving his hand in front of his face.
"Life's gross." John replied.
Lukas rolled his eyes, "You wanna go play some game?" he suggested, pointing towards my office.
John smirked, "What type of games?" he asked.
"Ew, John, no. You know what I mean." Lukas stated, his face bright red.
John snickered, "I know, I'm just playing with ya. Let's go play some games." He said, smiling for the first time in a year.
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