#“he asked for no pickles” THATS IT THAT'S THEIR DYNAMIC
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cnwolf-brainrot · 5 months ago
HOLY COW THESE LOOK SO INCREDIBLE!!!!! So glad this story could give you the bug!! <3
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It’s been so long since I’ve felt the bug from a fanfic but Weapon by Name just scratches that itch
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onionninjasstuff · 1 month ago
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carrying each other :з
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hoodedjelly · 2 months ago
Pardon the double ask, I’d also love to hear your thoughts on some Inanimate Insanity questions if you wouldn’t mind!
Thoughts on the Shimmers? [I personally find them super fascinating but there’s so little lore to chew on!]
The MePad tragedy… Do you think they could fix him, seeing as they have two very capable people who already built a whole person?? [You can probably guess my thoughts on this XD]
Favourite charcter(s)/character dynamics? I myself have a soft spot for the begrudging-turned-close friendships we see, like with Nickel and Balloon, MePhone and Floory, and Lightbulb and Paintbrush!
I'll do this ask first cause i wanna spice things up and talk about ii now.
Thoughts on the Shimmers? If i'm being honest i don't have any strong feelings about them. when i was watching ii i did get spoiled on bots new look and the whole time i was just like "oh they must come from that egg!" and then the egg became an egg creature from an egg species. So i was just like "OK I GUESS WE DOING CIRCLES NOW????". I was hoping for a really cool looking alien design, but i accepted that they are just eggs. I'm crossing my fingers for the next season to talk about their lore more, and just other alien species maybe since now it is confirmed there are more then just cobs and ii. How did cobs know about the shimmer? was he a fucking space war criminal??? there must be more objects out there that's not made by mephone. it honestly makes me really excited!!! i know they're not going to go straight onto the lore stuff for season 4, but i'm just so excited on who would even be the HOST next season, is there even gonna be a host???? SO MANY QUESTIONS AND IM EATING THEM UP!!!
Thoughts on MePads Death: mepads death was very much a shock for me, i'm in the ballpark where there's no way they're just going to leave him dead, cobs is dead, they can raid his place for parts. there's test tube that can save him. like there's so many variables that CAN save him it just makes sense that he would come back. But they can also be fucked up and evil, keep on going on the theme with "death is forever now" and that starts with mepad. I fear mepad is just another one of those burning questions i can't wait to see get answered on season 4
Favorite character(s)/character dynamics: OH JOY HOW I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! i do love the bright lights group a lot, fan, test tube, paint brush and lightbulb. Have a soft spot for the final 2, suitcase and knife, but i think that's just because I've been around them the most the whole season. LOVE bot, floor, mepad and mephone4. I'm also very smitten on mephone3gs, i love his whole "space adventuring super hero from the 50s" voice, it's the right amount of cheese for me and i eat it up. My favorite dynamics are just the same fav characters i listed. fan and test tube are just two autistic nerds in love. paint brush and light bulb is a dynamic i constantly eat up "the hot head and they happy one". when i saw them i knew ii got me and there was no escape from my predictable self. i do actually like knife and pickle a lot! mephone4 and 3gs is a dynamic i can't wait to see in the next season. mephone got a new older brother thats a badass space adventuring super hero LIKE COME ON THATS SO CUTE. the last scene with them hugging literally makes me tear up every time. I can only just imagine, depressed mephone just like eating his life away on the couch and sg3 is just trying to help him with his space captain attitude.
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anyway here's this little doodle of my fav group that i forgot to post
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eyedrateanatomy · 3 months ago
batmeat wouldnt work even if bob never did All That. but i thought about them being enemies and i think thats an infinitely funnier dynamic. bobs mortal enemy: some nerd who said he asked for no pickles and stuttered during his request, but when pressed about his anxiety he suddenly started ranting about how "this establishment clearly needs some touch ups. i mean, for one, you arent the best at customer service, second of all this place smells like someone Died in here, theres gum underneath this table, and stains Everywhere. surely your employees arent that incompetent. third, theres a faulty light outside the shop that-" and bobs like Alright alrighttt save your breath ill get you a new one right away. and hes muttering under his breath about wanting to shove that boy in the freezer before he spits on the new burger
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infernothechaosgod · 5 months ago
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@scummiezzz thank you for asking 6ezuxfux! Hope you dont mind me answearing in a post since when I talk about fanny i yap for hours and it would make too big of a comment ToT (sorry for all the typo's)
for her accual faults
I think she's very socially akward but not in a adorkable way and more of shes answears very directly and shortly to avoid any conversations and sometimes she doesnt answear at all and just sits there, from her perspective she takes alot to think about what to Say and panics a little but from outsiders perspective she sees herself as too good to talk to them (in my notes i have it checked to have her talk to strangers the same way spartan letters were written lol)
She's got alot of walls around herself, she doesnt like to let people in, to a certain level she thinks "if they'll wanna get close they will have to try a bit" but "a bit" is accualy a lot LOT, shes not really a people person, the only people i would say shes friendly with are the ones she knows arent gonna try to be too close to her for examples people at a swing club she goes, there all there for short dances, drinks and music and most of them know their distance but not eachothers names lol
Also she doesnt take anything personaly witch is a good thing for mean patients and little jabs people can send to her it slides right off, but so do the good things like i said lots and lots of walls
What she thinks her faults are is just being mean like awful mean
To certain level shes right because she is mean lol but not in a way that really stings you or stays on your mind, in reality shes a little rude and a bit too direct but in her own mind she thinks everyone views her as this awful never letting go of anything cartoon villian, thats not the case at all people dont like her but they don't dislike her either, she always sees herself as watching the game but not a player ya know?
For people she hates?
Id say she hates patients who cant work with her and the medical staff, they really annoy her she of course still aids and helps them but also curses under her breath the entire time doing so lol
She also hates people who are a bit too optimistic (wild since shes best friends with one) she thinks that their happy views are unrealistic and any suggestion of theirs gets shot down by her easily...a bit out of her pity, she tries making too much logical sense while at the same time not beliving in that people might just wanna help them out on their own without nothing in return
As for the main cast, shes one of them in my ver :D
She's best friends with mickey, she brings out a bit of his sassy side and he brings out her more optimistic side (she wont admin that ever though) at first she wanted to be there for him "when his happy worldview shatters, so it'll be easier for him to accept lifes not a fairytale" but in the process she almost forgot about that goal and geniuenly became very close friends with him
For minerva (aka minnie) id say she likes her a little but doesnt spend time that much with her, she seems nice and very sweet but that sweetness gets on her nerves a bit after talking with her too much, she'd say shes pals with her if you'd ask her for their relationship, sometimes they chat over the cup of coffe
She absolutley loves pete (platonicly!) He's her favorite patient a "kitty cat" he lisens to what she tells him to do during check ups and is very nice. to her that is. They have a bit of that "he asked for no pickles" dynamic exept he did ask for the pickles! He just wanted to get you in trouble! she does know he's not a Saint and doesnt turn blind eye to his evil actions though! she gives him the cold shoulder anytime he does something she doesnt like too much, friends! exept he's enemies with all of her friends and she probably sent a pipe bomb to his friends at least 5 times
As for oswald there dating :D!
They had that rivals to lovers dynamic, she got on his nerves, he got on hers, but over time they kinda realized there into someone standing up to them and geniuenly making good arguments and they also figured out they had the same goal in a certain situation (oh 100th birthday oswald project how I cant wait for you to be done) they had to apologize to eachother and work together because they had the same cause and realized they've got alot in common and what one disliked in the other the most was a flaw they themself had, after swollowing their own pride and letting go of their stubbornness for once they geniuenly apologized to eachother and got closer...realllllllly closer iykwim
For some funfact's abt her, she's trans mtf 💙🩷🤍🩷💙, she and oswald buy eachother gifts at the same time alot, i think of giving her a little dog since in her last apperance she had one running around her she's autistic and her main love language is quality time but she buys her close ones gifts alot
Thank you for letting me yap about fanny! I love her so so much T♡T! ❤️....I just realized I didnt write in her strenghts as accual seperate points aw dang it
Some other relationships for her i havent fleshed out that much yet are-!
Felix! She switches between being rivals and friends with him, ultimately there more of friends that rivals
kitty white/kitty kat shes friends with her too usualy they hang out in calm places and share some hobbies like reading and have alike fasion sense
Ortensia she doesnt know her too well but does see her around a bit usualy staring at her the same way L stared at light in that one scene from deathnote, she thinks ortensia's pretty and from what she heard nice so she doesnt mind, ortensias got a bit of one sided beef with her ToT (its not bc of oswald though)
Bimbo the dog owns her so much money from lost poker games to her-
Sylvester shyster and her have a very personal beef (she folds him like a chair on tuesdays) (Also she threw him off A building once spoilers for something coming out in 3 years ig)
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necronatural · 2 years ago
First impression: [watching my friend stream the opening cutscene] [pointing out Gregor] oh I like that one <- CLUELESS
Impression now: I'm like physically shaking with desire when I listen to his voicelines I've never been this fixated on one character in isolation before I feel sick like I've come down with diseases
Favorite moment: Hell's Chicken. Whole thing. Holy shit dude
Idea for a story: havent been able to stop thinking about new kinds of gregor sex i need to be restrained and tazed
Favorite relationship: Clockroach ^_^ I want him to get praise from the most potent and earnest praise source on the bus. I want Gregor to make friends with someone and they have comradery and then his new friend is like wow gregor! you're such a good man and fulfilling companion who has been uniquely supportive i want to white picket fence wife the hell out of you. I think it's funniest if Gregor tries his god damn best to friendzone himself out of this situation. I don't think Dante/Gregor is a naturally occurring event even though they'd be such a stable couple. That's kind of what makes it fun. Rodya/Gregor really is so good they just slot so perfectly into double income no kids auntie/uncle dynamic its scary. Not to mention their shared sense of justice but her He Asked For No Pickles about his systematic disfranchisement. Hell yeah? I support all other Greg ships but I don't understand them and avoid them. Brother thats some good posting but not for me. Occasionally I will rewire my own brain to like some off the wall gregships limbus is a really good fandom for triggering this
Favorite headcanon: I like plussized Gregor & trans Gregor...I don't always adhere to them (I have sheeple disease where I adhere to the images on my screen militantly) but they're guaranteed good shit
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mingjue · 4 years ago
U KNO. I shouldve included a clip of xirui fighting the bandits while pretending to be a consort in the WAP vid bc it wouldve fit so well bt in the clip i use im literally so obsessed w it bc this image is like seconds before they go into the alley
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thou-can-say-azrail · 3 years ago
Kisame usually sees himself as chaotic cause he's always with Itachi who's very calm and collected and one day Pein decides to mix up the pairs for team building or something and Kisame realizes he has NOTHING on feral arsonist Deidara. but anywho i think Deidara and Kisame had potential for a good dynamic where Kisame is like the not-really protective older brother"you don't have Deidara, Deidara has you" + feral chaotic younger brother
omg i never thought of that but thats actually cute af
i am a sucker for every akatsuki member with dei interaction and omg this is gold
imagine them going on a mission and the client being like "sir this is a child" and kisame just shrugs cut to deidara cackling maniacally while blowing up some dude while kisama stands next to him picking at his fingernails client: "wtf"
kisa also thought it would be hell to go to missions with him because deidara is deidara but he spend like a day with him and he would already kill every single person that fucked with him. (deidara would kill for kisame too btw, its that meme "he asked for no pickles" and smol bean dei is standing there ready to fuck the waiter up while 7ft kisame tries to calm him like he is a cat going to the vet)
also sasori is with kakuzu and its just them calmly discussing political affairs and the newest gossip while classical music plays in the background two villages further deidara blows a house up while kisame cheers him on
itachi is concerned
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problemsleuth · 3 years ago
Please it's pride month u legally have to tell us ur midnight crew and problem sleuth gay headcanons
ALKFDSJF MAN WHAT tbh i havent been thinking about them that much this much but i will do it for you buddy
edit: ok now that i'm done im actually all jazzed about ps/intermission again so thank you for this ask anon LOL i had a lot of fun getting to ramble on about stuff and have an excuse to neglect work HAHAHA
guess we'll stay topical and go with like gay awakening headcanons or related. just as a general reminder this is assuming theyre all humans since carapacians probably dont have sexualities defined
Problem Sleuth - I like the whole deal where sleuth assumed he was milquetoast straight for most of his life until he met slick and was like uh oh im bisexual arent i! i think he had other close call moments but sort of mental-gymnastics'ed himself into believing it was just admiration for their hardboiledness or like Friendly Comradery fit with all the intricate rituals to touch another man. fighting and arm over each others shoulders while drinking away at the bar sort of thing. falling in love with slick sort of hit him like a truck, injuries and all. he still sometimes grapples with old habits dying hard though. no i will not elaborate :( sorry.
Hysterical Dame - think she knew for forever she was bi, like i think she had a lot of anime ass moments back when she was in school where a lot of girls would fall for her Roguish Charms and outgoing personality and it was relatively easy for her to explore from there. very much the girl knight in shining armor sort of effect from her willingness to get into fights as well.
Pickle Inspector - wow i think he was well aware he was queer from the get-go. he always knew he was weird or whatever because of his grab bag of issues and quirks, so i think him realizing he was attracted to whoever was not really that big of a deal to him. less of a gay awakening more of a gay "oh i accidentally put an extra box of cereal in my shopping cart. ok". i think if he wasn't literally crawling out of his skin with psychosis and anxiety he would enjoy old drag culture a lot. but as it stands now its way too elbow-to-elbow social and young for him to really get into it. and he's much too busy... (excuse)
Nervous Broad - similar to Sleuth surprisingly i think she had a very late sort of deal where she had the classic "wait, you dont act this way when you see cute girl?" moment with her gal pals from uni. HD being very easy to get along with and very direct made it easy for NB to realize she was developing feelings for another woman. i think NB is very much like bi/pan (she doesnt really get or feel strongly about labels) but she has a really strong preference for femmes.
Ace Dick - apologies to ace dick likers who disagree but AD to me is like the Staple Early 1900s Man from the Adverts. he has a lovely wife who he loves so much and a rambunctious boy he plays catch with on the weekends and they sit around the radio to catch the regular mystery hour. he's aware that there's been a few men about town that he'd probably be willing to get to know more personally in another life, but he's fully satisfied with his little city-suburbia Classic Heterosexual Middle Aged Couple dynamic. so basically no salient gay awakening type moments, just in tune with himself to be aware hes probably not classically as straight as people assume him to be. i also like to joke internally that he considered sleuth one of those aforementioned "men about town" before the guy went and opened his mouth, demolishing the thought before it had even finished forming HAHAHA
now for the midnight crew...
Spades Slick - very much has lived by the code of living dangerously, down to his partners. usually tends to be drawn to the kind of people who give the impression of someone who would not have many qualms about slitting your throat in the middle of a hookup. scarysexual. think thats why in my head he's had a few on and off moments with droog (even though truthfully, droog is a lazy stringbean of a guy, despite the outward reputation that precedes him). its for sure why he's so drawn to Snowman, even though their dynamic from start to finish has never been anything close to a healthy relationship. but they both feel it works for them, so they keep going. (i think this is why him shacking up with sleuth was such a surprise to everyone that knew him well - sleuth's soft, and worse, he's got a working moral compass. that's not slick's typical mark. but he gives as good as he gets all the same, in both fighting and fucking, so slick doesnt think twice about how he's breaking status quo. and thats how he ends up catching feelings along the way). i got off topic. tldr; slicks never really thought about his sexuality so no real gay awakening moment either. more of a whoops caught feelings moment, since that was rarer and later in life.
Diamonds Droog - WORST case of hetero posturing you'll ever encounter ever in your life. kept a lot of Tasteful Female Nudes on and around him to """""accidentally"""" let slip to ascertain YES he is SO HETEROSEXUAL. there is NO DOUBT that he LOVES WOMEN. in reality he's been painfully aware that he's into men since he was practically a teen and has worked to cover that fact as thoroughly as possible since. i like to think that contributed to how he got so good at lying. and also why he's repressed as all get out fuck and extremely extremely private about his sex life. normal relationships whomst? anyways id like to direct everyone to helen's (@jawbonejoe) catholic guilt portion of the droog headcanon corner because that basically sums up a similar idea LOL
Hearts Boxcars - he's like droog where he had his gay awakening in his teen years but he was normal about it. he's just not as obvious to clock because one of his biggest hobbies is indulging in corny romance novels which are (for the most part) hetero, is passively religious, and happens to be very courteous to women as well which paints him a little as a stereotypical southern gentleman. but no hes very much a big gay man who hopes to settle down someday right proper.
Clubs Deuce - kind of a natural airhead sort of charmer, so has naturally had a lot of people of various gender identities approach him for a date or two early on. he also doesn't see the point of saying no as long as he likes them somewhat, and boy he sure does love people! later he finds out there's nifty names for the kind of people you like to date, and they come with fun colored flags - well ain't that just swell? when he gets later into his crew involvement in his early 30's, he gets less people approaching him right off the bat for intimate socializing, and since he's not really the type to reach out himself, he kind of stagnates for a while dating-wise until he hits his middle years. then he becomes Kind Of A Dilf and gets back into the dating scene. so not so much a gay awakening either.
im zooted atm so apologies if anything is confusing or run-on, but that's basically the 411 on my sexuality headcanons for the team and crew respectively. hope u enjoyed anon!! sorry it's long. i didnt get too much into gender stuff because to be honest, my headcanons on their gender journeys are a lot less solidified in my head. i like to go with whatever headcanons the people around me lean into, since i dont feel strongly about them. this is probably because i dont feel a strong attachment to my own gender. like if gender is a spectrum i am a mote of dust that is floating nearby. generally my defaults tend to be that PI and NB are very much genderfluid and nonbinary, slick is trans (if human - i assume that due to the nature of carapacian production, gender doesnt have the same meaning or impact as it does with humans, and therefore gender identity isnt really something that's needed for them. unless specifically they're formed and prototyped into a universe that is heavily impacted by gender, in which case they can understand it conceptually. otherwise theyre out here presenting however they want down to like re-prototyping their bodies to comfort), DMSG is intersex and identifies as a woman (whoops shes not technically team sleuth but i think about here a lot), and sonhearst likes to identify as transmasc (i like to imagine AD and WH sort of being boomers about the lingo but very much being fully supportive and loving parents about it. heart in the right place sort of comedy vibes).
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My version of Yuu is pretty malleus-like in that he has a very intimidating presence but really just wants to infodump about something absurdly niche and just be a normal guy.
Deuce is his best friend/crush and the dynamic is very much-
Deuce: excuse me, he asked for no pickles!
Yuu: ��
Cryptid Yuu thats looks terrifying but relies on Deuce and Ace to order for them at the drive through
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emumuuu · 4 years ago
one more dynamics post but instead of romantic ships it’s mostly friendships and sibling dynamics
a reminder that these are all my opinions and interpretations of the characters; you are entitled to your own views and i’m not trying to enforce my opinions on you. im trying to provide entertainment :)
with that disclaimer out of the way, lesgo
aether & lumine (siblings)
• they’re literally just the kagamine twins kdjfjfskld
• hot and serious (mostly) twin (lumine) & goblin twin (aether)
• ‘its fine really-‘ (aether) & “excuse me he asked for no pickles” (lumine)
• ‘no stop it was just an accident’ (lumine) & ‘touch her one more time and i will personally kidnap your kidneys’ (aether)
basically, they’re both quite protective of each other but of course we don’t get to see them interact at all because abyss prince(ss) and it kills me because i live for twin dynamics
zhongli & hu tao (friends)
• tired adult holding a child leash (zhongli) & the child attached to the leash (hu tao)
• “my boss is like thousands of years younger than me and yet somehow we get things done”
• your local cryptid & big gen z energy who’s not scared of anything
• “our business might be for funerals but that does NOT mean you need to hire a hitman“
in summary, even though ive never watched spongebob and i’d have no idea, i imagine they interact like squidward and spongebob but squidward is actually having fun... sometimes
diluc and kaeya (brothers gone wrong???)
• no children by the mountain goats. that’s it that’s their relationship
• they’re working on their bad blood and are sort of in that awkward stage thats like “so uh we sort of gotta rebuild our trust in each other. ...hug?” “no.” “duly noted”
• “pls im ur brother u should give me half off my bar tab” (kaeya) & “who are you again?” (diluc)
• just the sight of the other is enough to bring back bad memories, but they both handle it differently. kaeya tries his best to get on with life. diluc just sort of shuts down and doesn’t talk to anyone for a while.
their dynamic is really just angst central. also, if you havent listened to no children by the mountain goats, you should. here’s a link:
i think it fits their dynamic very well. also its one of my comfort songs so that’s probably why i associate it with them; they’re all comfort items to me
xiangling, xinyan, chongyun, and xingqiu (friends)
• that one friend group that literally everyone wants to have. like why cant i have that. damn it universe
• 3 chaos entities & the one calm kid
• two of them (xiangling and chongyun) enthuse about their crushes (xinyan and xingqiu respectively) (because i ship both xiangling x xinyan and xingyun shut up) and the other two are oblivious and doing some dumb shit in the corner. probably setting something on fire if we’re being honest
• basic but fun bitch (xiangling) & grunge punk bestie (xinyan) & ghost believer (chongyun) & rich nerd kid (xingqiu)
i like to imagine it all started because xiangling was memeing around and sat down with chongyun and xingqiu one day and asked “so what r we ordering lmao” and that’s how they became friends. xiangling knew xinyan before the other two and introduced them. i could and will go on and on about them in a separate post because i have so many headcanons
i have a couple more dynamics i want to explore, so stay tuned lmao
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botanicallyinclinednerd · 4 years ago
Moments that highlight the dynamic between Gwaine and Arthur:
3x04: Arthur and Gwaine’s first interaction is Gwaine strolling up commenting on the pickle Arthur and Merlin have found themselves in and Arthur replying "You should get out of here while you have the chance," and Gwaine saying "you're probably right," taking a drink, and then decking a guy. What a first impression.
3x04: Gwaine charging the guy who pulled a knife on Arthur defenseless on the floor. Arthur is concerned for Gwaine. Gwaine is put on Arthur's horse for transport back to Camelot (he's like a sack of potatoes its very funny)
3x04: Arthur is grateful to Gwaine for saving his life and tells Gaius "he's to be given anything he needs"
3x04: As soon as he learns that the man who's life he saved was Prince Arthur, Gwaine’s reaction is an eye roll and "If I'd known who he was, I probably wouldn't have." And he is le doubtful that Arthur is a good man.
3x04: Arthur asks Merlin how Gwaine is
3x04: Arthur pissed about the bar tab that Gwaine amassed. The 4 dozen pickled eggs in particular piss him off.
3x04: "Arthur is a thoroughbred little braggat" Gwaine is outraged Arthur is making them clean the shoes for the entire army.
3x04: Arthur vouching for Gwaine with Uther "I can vouch that he has a noble heart" and asks he be shown clemency. Arthur insists that Gwaine is a good man.
3x04: Gwaine tells Merlin to look after Arthur who is in danger. Gwaine says about Arthur, "Maybe that one's worth dying for, eh?" :(
3x04: Gwaine saving Arthur’s life by entering the melee and slaying the imposter knights
3x04: Arthur laughing when he sees that Gwaine was the knight who saved him. "I should have known. No one fights like you do."
3x04: Arthur is disappointed over Uther being stubborn over banishing Gwaine from Camelot. Gwaine sees this and assures him he doesn't need to explain himself.
3x04: Gwaine agrees that Arthur is a noble man and is greatful he stood up for Gwaine.
3x08: Gwaine rolling his eyes at Arthur when they meet up
3x08: After Arthur pulls out the stone and a bunch of bugs spill out, Gwaine slaps Arthur on the back and tells him "Well go on then. Don't be such a princess" (the first use of princess!) And he reminds Arthur that is is his quest. Arthur makes eye contact with Gwaine and does that thing with his glove
3x08: Gwaine comments that maybe he will be able to go back to Camelot one day "When Camelot gets itself a half decent king" and Arthur is amused but it an exasperated begrudging way. "Be careful. He is my father."
3x08: As he rides away, Arthur tells Gwaine he will remember what he did and he gives a little wave
3x12: When Gwaine recognizes Arthur and Merlin in the pit he approaches and puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur reacts with hostility until he recognizes Gwaine and asks what he's doing there. Arthur seems distantly amused and Gwaines answer "nothings changed there then" and Gwaine lightly smacks Arthur on the chest and Arthur doesnt seem upset by this.
3x12: the reveal of Gwaine as the champion is a golden moment
3x12: Arthur and Gwaine fighting. "Take it easy will you?" "Its gotta look real, hasn't it?" Gwaines face here is hilarious and it gets me every time. Arthur gets annoyed and starts righting more earnestly. And then they roll around on the ground sticking hands in each other's faces. Neither dumb ass had a plan.
3x12: as they are crawling away from the fire, there is a frame where Arthur has a hand on Gwaines lower back/ ass. Does this contribute to their dynamic? Probably not really, but I figured someone would appreciate this moment
3x12: Arthur being evasive on why they were there and Gwaine pushing to find out why
3x12: Gwaine goads Arthur about how he should tell Gwaine where the thing they are looking for is since Arthur couldn't kill him if he wanted to. Arthur raises to the challenge, pushing into him with his arm a bit as they walk "yeah? Try me" and Gwaine is amused. "I already did. Back in the arena. I had you bang to rights did I not?" (Gwaine you were on the bottom of that floor fight, just saying) and the two of them continue to bicker back and forth in the manner of two kids going "did not" "did so!" Over and over until Merlin cuts them off.
3x12: Gwaine sees Arthur struggling to open an door and pulls Arthur back by the arm "here let me" and kicks the door in.
3x13: Arthur is amused by Gwaines agreement to help him retake Camelot "I think we've no chance. But I wouldn't miss it for the world"
3x13: Arthur knights Gwaine (who lowkey looks like he has some internal conflict going on)
4x02: Arthur complaining about Gwaine’s constant chatter "You're quiet" "thats what happens after three days listening to Gwaine"
4x02: Arthur's reaction to Gwaine pissing off the bees
4x02: Gwaine arguing with Arthur about taking the cave tunnels
4x02: Arthur calling Gwaine a fool for killing the Wilddeoren as they hunt in packs
4x05: Gwaine along with the other knights going to Arthur to reiterate that they would gladly die for him.
4x06: Gwaine going with Arthur to look for Merlin and Arthur's reaction is to tell Gwen (who didn't want him to go alone) "you've condemned me to a day of mindless chatter"
4x06: Gwaine talking Arthurs ear off, talking up Merlin
4x12: Gwaine is surprised by Arthur agreeing to leave Camelot but he rolls with it.
5x01: Arthur is determined to find and rescue Gwaine and his other missing men. He will not leave them behind.
5x02: When Arthur and Merlin find Gwaine, Arthur comments "Trust you not to be doing any work" and Gwaine slaps Arthur on his armor saying its about time for a rescue.
5x02: Arthur supporting a still healing Gwaine as they run from Aithusa
5x05: Gwaine getting offended on Arthur's behalf by the disir's words and gets blasted back for his efforts.
5x06: Gwaine lightening the mood a bit when he also agrees to go to the dark tower saying he was built for that moment. Arthur smiles a bit
5x07: Gwaine promises Merlin he will stay close to Arthur and do what ever he had to to protect him
5x10: Arthur catching Gwaines helmet and instead of giving it back to Gwaine, who had his hand out and smiling politely, Arthur tosses it to Percival. Gwaine looks fed up.
5x13: Gwaine tells Morgana he would rather die than tell her where Arthur is.
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pikaflute · 3 years ago
Bookklok, Birthdayface, Deathsiduals and Doublebookedklok!
Do I like this episode? Why or why not? ehhh. i like the plot b jokes.
Favorite moment? the whole defibrillator bit was funny. how can i piss my pants when im right here
Least favorite moment? toki's stupid outfit.
Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it? toki was right to write that book about skwisgaar being a dick BUT the reason he wrote it was stupid. like no shit hes gonna perform the solo why are you asking him 5 seconds before he goes on. dumbass. anyway skwisgaar is a dick but not for that. also i missed asshole toki
Something I would change? we should've had more dickhead toki episodes like this
Rating out of 5? 2.5/3 out of 5
Anything else I want to say about this episode? i think nathan, pickles, and murderface like pee
Do I like this episode? Why or why not? like most season 1 episodes i have a soft spot for the stupid humor in it.
Favorite moment? this gif
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Least favorite moment? first appearance of the clown. kill. maim. kill
Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it? i think we need more murderface episodes and more episodes where the "care" about another. they seem meaner as time goes on
Something I would change? rockso death on stage
Rating out of 5? 3/5
Anything else I want to say about this episode? murderface <3 ookie pookie
Dethsiduals (FOR REAL THIS TIME)
Do I like this episode? Why or why not? i like the murderface and toki dynamic. very fucking funny
Favorite moment? the part where they go to the wine tasting and nathan and pickles speak french. also get thee hence is so fucking funny. also 'anyone mind if i delete these 37 songs'. and murderface in general is very good
Least favorite moment? i cant watch the part where mf wipes up the vomit because it makes me vomit
Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it? murdertooth is the best toki ship. that is all!
Something I would change? i can't think of anything. it's a pretty funny episode imo
Rating out of 5? 4/5
Anything else I want to say about this episode? have you simply tried takin it easy?
Do I like this episode? Why or why not? thats a stupid fucking question. this episode is the catalyst of knowing you are a charles truther or not. this episode is SO FUCKING GOOD
Favorite moment? did you. book a gig. in syria. without telling me. also the scene where toki hugs charles and we got those sex shots of charles death where he had white eyes
Least favorite moment? there is nothing wrong here <3
Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it? that its perfect. also we should've gotten more charles centric episodes. fuck off toki
Something I would change? not just this episode but charles shouldve been mad more in the show. its hot
Rating out of 5? 11/5
Anything else I want to say about this episode? i wanna [redacted] charles
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ohbae-me · 4 years ago
okay so, im about to go ham because i truly stand strong in my shoujo fantasy.
In my opinion, im pretty sure (like 89%) lucifer tells us that whenever mammon breaks off a relationship with someone, they go broke completely after. so hes had previous relationships before, as for the rest of the boys, im pretty sure lucifer has, but nothing serious, he wont let anyone in, MC is literally the only person who has pushed past his walls and seen him for more than pride. satan, 100% he has never had a relationship, levi, has had a couple of fwbs and other relationships but they always fizzle out, never lasting. asmo has never had a serious relationship, always just flings. belphie never had a serious relationship and same with beel. i truly believe MC is their first true loves, i know what youre thinking "theyve been alive for so long, theres no way someone couldnt have been special to them" but the thing is, theyre so different with MC; their entire dynamic and relationships changed with MC, MC saw them for more than their sin and got to know them to their very core, while yes the other relationships never lasted, thats not to say the boys didnt love them; but just not in the way they love MC. i believe MC to be a true love, not just a love, the difference for me is all of the boys would gladly give up chasing MC once she finds herself happy with another brother, instead of forcing them to choose yk? the "as long as youre happy, it kills me everytime i look at you smile at him, but i love you too much to let you be miserable with me" and i dont think any of them have experienced. also, with the whole "new relationship" thing, the honey moon phase, while yes every couple has it, i feel like with MC it would just, last. not to say they wouldnt have fights; ofc they would, but its different with MC, everyday the brothers would wake up and chose the option to love and fall in love all over again, speaking further on that, i dont think any of them would truly get over MC. and i mean that; (i dont think MC is going to die, obey me devs have something planned LOL, plus theyre super powerful, like the other anon said i dont think theyd be able to really function without them, even if they do "get over" mcs death at some point.) after MC dies i feel like the family dynamic wouldnt be the same, the brothers would get quieter and would never truly forget about it? and every relationship would fail because theyre not MC (you dont have to agree but i love reverse harems), like i 100% hc that after MC chooses another brother or after they die, mammon would try and try to find new flings, even after its been decades mammon finds someone whos super similar to MC, their look, personality, etc, but one wrong move and theyre out. (say MC doesnt like pickles, but the replacement for MC does, he would immediately start crying and call mc a stupid human who he shouldnt have fallen for.) anyways in conclusion, i truly dont think MC would ever die canonically in the obey me game, the devs are sneaky (love you devs), but even if they would, i really feel like they would never get truly over it. some part of me truly believes that the brothers would go back to being distant, how they were before. they would sit at the table and eat in silence, asmo would begin partying ten times harder (since we already know he uses his ego to cover up his major insecurity of people not liking him and how he feels about himself) and the brothers would become even more indugled in their sin. also, for every relationship they would have, they would just compare them to MC, and yeah but I cannot see MC dying. the other stuff about what the brothers would be like after MC dies could also be applied to when MC chooses her s/o. i think the brothers would be super fucking hurt, that was their first love, their first understanding who walked out and chose someone who wasnt them. anyways thats all, you dont have to reply i just felt like i needed to get this off of my chest, also im gonna be pretty frequent on your blog ( i love ur writing ) so im gonna call myself cake anon! have a great day! - cake anon
Hello Cake! iluuu! Thanks for this, i really love getting every ones take on these things! And there is defs a lot that i agree with here. 
I agree with the Mammon part. Out of all of the brothers, i feel he is probably the easiest to get emotionally attached in a relationship, so i see him as the one with the most previous relationships. Asmo coming in second, but his being mostly flings or poly/open relationships. I’m sure Mammon has had some serious ones as well as many flings, where Asmo’s have never been overly serious and certainly never long lasting. I’m also sure Luci has had a few, some more serious than others, but he wouldn’t get overly attached emotionally. I’m sure he’d be too busy with Diavolo since arriving, being the workaholic he is. I’m sure not many partners would be willing to deal with that level of non-commitment and emotional unavailability from him.Levi I feel like all his relationships never left that awkward early stage, and his only ‘serious’ relationships would have been strictly online, maybe a couple meetups that made him nope right out of it. Satan, again, has probably just gone on some casual dates but didn’t have much interest in actually dating rather than gaining connections. i feel like Beel is the most likely candidate to have had healthy previous relationships. He is pretty well balanced emotionally and has a good outlook on love and family values. I’m sure he’s had a few serious relationships and has dated his share of people. Belphie gives me vibes of had one or two previous serious relationships that did not end well at all and now he’s a salty sob over it lmao. 
I still don’t feel like MC is necessarily their first true love, but maybe the first different kind of love for them. MC has reached them in ways no one else has, they don’t try to change anything, they fit in well with the whole family, they understand their sins etc. I have loved a few different people in my life, and each one was such a different experience for me. The first guy i loved, i consider to be my first true love. However, it didn’t work. And then i met the man I eventually married, he wasn’t my first true love, but it was a better kind of love, yk? 
And uugghh you ripped my heart out with how the brothers would feel if MC chose a different brother!!!! Because they all would be so heartbroken it’s not them, but they really truly just want mc to be happy and cared for, and they know their brother would keep them safe and provide well. 
A few asks ago, i mentioned that the brothers would move on eventually. I think there is a big difference in moving on and getting over that I maybe didn’t articulate very well. If MC were to die or choose someone else, they would move on eventually, but they might not ever really get over it. My heart hurts just thinking about how they would feel trying to move on. Like you mentioned, the empty, quiet dinner tables, lackluster parties and festivals, it would be like they lost their best friend. (i giggled picturing your mammon scenario with the pickle because that’s exactly how he’d react to something so small lmaooo)
I also agree that i don’t think the devs will kill mc off (again), that just seems like a really crappy way to end the game!! I’m curious to see how they would make different routes go if you can only romance one of them end game, vs you being able to have them all? I wonder if we’d get a choice in the whole becoming immortal thing or not? 
Sorry if this reply was too long and rambly, i absolutely love discussing these kinds of things!! I always welcome these asks!!! 
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worldsfirstgayknife · 4 years ago
christmas present to myself; infodumping about knickle
OK SO first of all their surface level dynamic of 'two gamer bros, one is grumpy and one is goofy' is already excellent. i can make so many gamer jokes. i can make so many bro jokes. its amazing.
but their FULL dynamic makes me go bonkers and become gay. 'two bros. one is an emotionally repressed jerk with a secret soft side thats trying to better himself. the other is a goofy and ditzy gamer whos mellowed out due to a traumatic experience and is trying to recover. the jerk cares about the gamer to a degree he hasn't shown to any other character on the show, and the gamer, due to the advice given to him by the jerk, has been able to make an effort towards moving on from his old friend that sent him into a depressive spiral. they also play video games together' like THATS SO GOOD *passes out*
i started liking knickle before episode 13 + 14 came out when the only meaningful connection they'd really had was the scene from episode 7. it was mostly me being like "knife was nice to him and seemed to genuinely care about helping him even though he usually doesn't do that. kinda gay ngl." which was pretty awesome of me. but now that knife berated taco about abandoning pickle and asked mic to say hi to pickle on his behalf... that scene was definitely not a one off thing of him doing a random act of kindness. he cares about the pickle and still thinks about him.
AND IT MAKES SENSE THAT HE DOES!! knife is the most critical of the show and takes the most note of the way that it affects people. and pickle is arguably the character that has undeservedly been hurt the most by the show. knife is like you deserve better than the world has given you bro. i love you bro. but even besides knowing and caring about what pickles going thru, given that they hung out together inbetween seasons and that he wanted to say hi to him, knife seems to just. genuinely like pickle and enjoy his company. which is probably more reason why he would care about helping him out. cries.
so besides the fact that knife genuinely cares about and wants to help pickle, he's also benefited from being so willing to do so. the episode 7 scene was the first time in the show he had extended kindness to anyone, and in the two other notable times he's extended kindness and given advice to people... id argue its because they reminded him of pickle?
my friend rib did a sick knife analysis which kinda goes over this but like. knife notices suitcase distressed over the way shes been treated by her alliance. kinda like pickle. and its even more more obvious with mic, he's more adamant about mic getting out of the alliance because he knows what SPECIFICALLY taco did to her last alliance member, and doesn't want her to do that again. but he can never seem to be as genuine as when he gave more direct advice (albeit as a metaphor) to pickle. his advice to suitcase is very vague (wtf does make your presence known even MEAN bro) and their conversation is more him pointing out the behavior of the alliance that he thought was apparent. and with mic, he sees his efforts as favors, and a combination of spiting taco and keeping mic from going thru what pickle did. pickle is where knife's advice character arc started, and pickle is where it's presumably ended (is that what you said to pickle, say hi to pickle for me). pickle makes knife want to be a better person. cries again.
and though theres less to say and analyze since he hasnt. had any frickign lines for 6 years (im so excited for letters to get a comic dub you have no idea), pickle has benefited from knife being there for him and giving him helpful advice. he replaced the photo of him and taco and has been more willing to forgive and trust, like with balloon, and if not for knife, there's... no telling if anyone would've noticed what he was going through and tried to help him, or if he'd be willing to open up to OJ after the events of episode 7 kept him from doing so. which makes me so frickin sad man.
and this is jsut me projecting and being soft. but. the thought of, after all the shit he went through on and after the show, after being pushed aside by everyone, pickle getting to be with someone that changed for the better and cares about him from a place of genuine compassion? as opposed to taco, who changed for the worse and only pretended to care about him for her own gain? holy moly im gay. pickle deserves a happy ending after being treated so badly, and knife deserves one too. and i think it would be so sweet if a happy ending for them meant they'd have it together.
THIS IS MOSTLY JSUT MY DUMB THOUGHTS ON THE CONTENT IN THE SHOW rather than like. headcanons like a normal person. oh god. basically despite them being apart they care about each other, make each other better people, and their relationship makes for plenty of fun and comedy as well as a lot of tenderness and mutual love + support.
also ive honestly? kinda come to terms with it maybe being harder to get into knickle due to the lack of content in the show. and its definitely my favorite partially because i love overanalyzing stuff and take a lot away from things that are implied or subtext. which is also partially why i love pickle, hes has a lot of cool emotional stuff goin on that hasn't really been explored and i find a lot of joy in thinkin about him!! anyways if you read all of this i am so sorry
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frienderbender · 4 years ago
hey frienderbender is it ok to ask for some lore/information on your magpickles 🥺 I’m very invested in those goods ( off the topic but can I just say I am in LOVE with the way you draw Skwisgaar my heart is just fluttering to fast when I see him 🥺💞 Anyways muah you’re wonderful artist thank you have a lovely day/evening )
oh sure! first off thank you so much for the sweet message! that made my night :'] i love drawing skwisgaar and im glad you like how he looks in my style haha
anyways im assuming youre talking about my general lore for them in the canon timeline, so ill talk about that under the cut
i think they first met some time in the late 80s while pickles was still with snb. they met after a show specifically. magnus introduced himself as a fan, and that was true! but (quick tangent for some general mag thoughts) it brings up something that ive always thought about when i look at mag. magnus definitely gives off the vibe of being the guy who was always just Around in the music scene, especially in the rock and metal scene of this era. like, hes a mysterious dude but he has connections. he will play with random bands sometimes. he knows so many fucking people in this industry (not saying hes friends with all of them though); what im trying to say is. Everyone Has A Magnus Hammersmith Story. hes the type of guy that gets talked about in podcasts decades down the line. ok all that to say he was able to get backstage because he just Knows People. and he introduces himself as a fan blah blah pickles and magnus drink and do some drugs and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if they at the very least made out with each other the first night they met.
so pickles is like, pretty into him right off the bat. magnus was too, but i think on his end INITIALLY he was more just interested in hooking up but they exchange info and keep in touch and all that. so. this is RIGHT before snb implodes. and theyre still meeting up fairly regularly and becoming closer and doing a lot of drugs and drinking a bunch. typical rockstar stuff.
but pickles had been on a steady downward spiral at this point (he was already like this before he met magnus), and in one night snb is no more. having burned all those bridges in his band (for now), pickles turns to his only friend left: magnus. and i think its at this point, when pickles comes to him, wrecked by the dissolution of his band, that magnus kinda starts to realize he might actually feel something for him too? seeing him like this, seeing pickles from fucking snakes n barrels, so raw and real and not at all like the fiery redhead he met that night after their show...it just feels different somehow. like yeah he was attracted to pickles from snakes n barrels, but he realized he had grown to care about pickles from tomahawk wisconsin. he liked that one better, there was no bullshit. no hiding beneath layers of glam makeup and hairspray.
so its the two of them against the world. its the early 90s at this point. on a whim, pickles decides they should leave LA and just drive. wherever. just away from the city because LA fucking sucks. he takes all his money and he and magnus get in his car and just start driving. they end up in florida eventually, because its the other side of the country. or something. they get an apartment, and for a couple of months they live together and its. kinda nice. its different, for sure. but not bad. magnus and pickles both always kinda skirted around the topic of their relationship. they never called the other their boyfriend. but i feel strongly that they did tell each other that they loved the other, once. and they meant it.
so heres where things get tricky for me. how did dethklok form? what was the order? who met who first? i dont know!! i wish i knew! its something i have a million scenarios for and i wish we got a canon order of the members joining at the very least so i can model my headcanons around it haha
with that in mind though, i do think magnus and pickles were a bit of a package deal. like, whoever joined first was able to get the other in. so. yeah. they joined dethklok some time in the early to mid 90s now.
they have a pretty decent few years. theyre still.......something....even in their new band. like they arent open about it and hook up when the other guys arent around and all that.
its around this time though that i think magnus is really starting to go through it. combination of feeling frustrated because of the bands status at this point, general untreated mental health, etc. anyways i think the stabbing incident occurred some time in the mid 90s, probably like '95 or '96 or something. so.....he gets kicked out. obviously. and those are the terms they end on for awhile.........
but uh. you see. pickles never completely cut ties with the dude because. well. what do you do when this happens to someone you care so deeply about. and i think probably a month or so later, magnus actually contacts him for the first time since the stabbing incident. and maybe i have a comic script and thumbnails about this encounter what about it. magnus tells him he wants to see him, so pickles slips out that night to meet up at an old bar they used to go to a lot. may or may not be the depths of humanity uhhh anyway. theyre talking for awhile but it just kinda devolves into honestly more one-sided arguing on pickles end. hes frustrated and sad and confused because fuck! magnus! why would you do that? why, when the bands just starting to take off? it becomes this whole like. you arent the same guy i knew. and in that moment it quietly hits them both that like. we arent who we were, and we dont know what to do about that. magnus asks if pickles would want to join him and leave the band, and pickles tells him to go fuck himself. and thats the last thing he ever said to him.
and thats where the magpickles lore/relationship timeline ends. i realize it really did kinda turn into a timeline but also i did write a timeline during a slow day at work once like two months ago but. anyways. this is basically that.
but uh. yes. i love them. they make me sad but in a good way yknow. its like. its one of those situations where i feel like under different circumstances, they probably couldve made it work in their own weird way. they have such a specific dynamic, whether in their background together in the canon timeline or just me fucking around with AUs and being like hmm what if i actually gave them a scenario where they could have the time to develop AS an actual couple. im rambling but i just love these two so much. this is so long.
i feel strongly they wouldnt get back together in any sort of canon capacity, but i do think they still have feelings for each other in that way you do when you remember people you loved in the past. old friendships that dissolved with no resolution. the person you still have things you want to tell them, even though you know you will never get the chance.
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