#“don't be creepy in the comments also this is not speculation I don't claim to know their relationship”
cherrygarden · 2 months
i HATE the new phenomenon of people joining in on speculation of celebrities' queerness and not owning up to it. they'll fully say "i think it's very gay when they do this and i love looking at what they do as if they did it w a queer perspective *records a 3 minute video about specific moments and things they read as queer*" and in the next breath go "OBVIOUSLY I'm not speculating about their sexuality 🙄 I would never do that bc it's gross and disrespectful." GIRLLLLLLL BE SERIOUS!!!!! you ARE speculating and assuming. IT'S OKAY. I know you're scared of rpf but you'll be FINE i PROMISE!! OWN IT LIKE THE REST OF US!!!!! don't backtrack now and DON'T BE A COWARD!!!!!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
For your consideration... by u/SecondhandCoke
For your consideration... I made a couple of comments about this and decided just to post. I'm interested in what you all think about whether or not there could be some veracity to the rumors and conjecture below:Harry's made this big statement about why Meghan can't go back to the UK. Even claiming that she'd be at risk for having acid thrown on her, or a knife pulled on her. Notice that he doesn't specify his own danger or potential danger to their kids. In fact, as we know Harry just went to the UK while Meghan waited at Heathrow to fly to Nigeria... a country that is much less stable as far as safety is concerned. And we know Meghan didn't fear acid being thrown on her in Nigeria what with her walking around practically naked the whole time. This is to say nothing about the fact that they LIVE IN LA. IN THE US WHERE GUNS PROBABLY OUTNUMBER AIRPODS. (I'm American. It's a joke. Don't shoot me.)So I have heard rumors and speculation, and have speculated myself that there is a reason why Meghan will never been in the UK again, and it does have to do with security, but not hers and Harry's security. It has to do with the Royal Family's security. We personally have observed aggressive behavior at the funeral and in footage from the Harry and Meghan documentary. This behavior included having Netflix drone cameras filming the family in mourning, coming down a back staircaise while Meghan looked evilly out the window directly into the camera, the nasty look and lecture she gave the aid who was insisting that she turn over flowers at the walk-about, whatever she said that earned her the evil eye from Catherine, her grabbing Catherine's hand as they were seated in the cathedral, and the notably close eye that Camilla, Catherine, and Sophie kept on the three Wales children, ensuring that they were surrounded and away from Meghan at all times. That's just what we saw. There are rumors that even more egregious and aggressive behavior happened behind closed doors that really concerned RPOs about the King's, the Princess of Wales, and the Wales children's safety in Meghan's presence. The ultimate result was that the powers that be convened, and not long after the funeral, Harry and Meghan were told to vacate Frogmore and that from that point on, Meghan was considered a "fixated person" and that she was no longer allowed within a large perimeter (many miles) of the King and Queen and the Wales Family.Basically, they put a restraining order against her. I'm not sure if RPOs and MI5 can say she's not allowed back on the country, and given that she was at Heathrow, I'm not sure if airports count as "in the country," but I think the reality is she'll never be seen within miles of the working Royals again. And the reason why she won't be seen in the UK is because the Royals have banned her being there, or being within a large proximity of them. Could it be that Harry is having to go so hard on this "Meghan's not safe angle" as a classic narcissistic DARVO to explain away why Meghan will never be seen there again rather than have the truth about why she's REALLY not there come out? We can see in the press how obsessed she is with Catherine. Her taking pictures in private areas of Royal residences is confirmed, not only by what we saw in the schlockumentary, but also in the story about her photographing Princess Charlotte sleeping. If she shamelessly done all this creepy stuff for the world to see what MORE has she done in private? Your thoughts? post link: https://ift.tt/tH05jSE author: SecondhandCoke submitted: July 27, 2024 at 07:24AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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charlestrask · 5 days
The story of Tommy making Liam write "my dad is nice to me" over and over again makes me feel so uncomfortable and uneasy and the way he tried to frame it like he was being a good dad helping him with his handwriting. Especially combined with his "kiss me" comment and the just general creepy way talks about Liam and singles him out as being special to him. It disturbs me and I don't even want to vocalise why because it's too dark and I hope to god what my gut is telling me is wrong.
its hard (not to mention unpleasant) to speculate on since we really know actually very little about liam and tommy from liams point of view. but yes it is very offputting how tommy isolates liam as his 'favorite'. and also obviously we can't take his word on anything - this part makes me so mad when we have peggy saying he would literally force her to walk to the hospital with liam instead of driving them.
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obviously just because liam wasnt hit doesn't mean he was being treated "nicely" by tommy, as we know from peggys book. and the hotel incident also makes me so upset because if thats how he's taunting and berating liam in public in front of journalists one can only imagine how he spoke to the kids at home. it's also very telling that when he talks about loving liam he only ever isolates particular traits of his that he can claim were inherited from him. which shows how clearly false his pretense of love is when the only kind of love he can even pretend to have is a very dehumanizing possessive ""love"". i think i forgot what my original point was but you get the gist. because im nosy and obsessive i do wish we knew more about liams (& noels) childhood but also it makes sense that we probably never will
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moongothic · 9 months
Yeah no I can't stop thinking about this. I need to get this extremely cursed theory out of my system. Let's just go.
Could Rayleigh and Shakky be Crocodile's parents?
So the thing is, I was gonna post about this like ages ago, but then I canned my original post. Because I realized that based on the timeline we have, for this theory to be true Shakky would've had to become pregnant at age 17 and given birth at 18 while Rayleigh was like 31. And needless to say, that's gross as hell. So yeah, I cancelled that original theory post because of that.
But then I realized that between Oda repeatedly treating 17 year olds as """not children""" in OP (see: Dragon literally saying Luffy isn't a child anymore at age 17), and other shit like how 16 year old Pudding was almost married to 21 year old Sanji
Like shit's creepy as hell. But alas, because Oda is Oda, it would actually fit in-universe. Like the theory is still fucking viable. Because fucking Oda, man.
And god fucking damnit the thought just keeps on haunting me. Because I am unironically curious whether or not this could be a genuine, viable theory. So yeah. I just need to get this theory out of my system. Let's just get it done with, alright
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So what kind of started off this theory in my mind was remembering Buggy's off-hand comment/joke about Rayleigh being Luffy's uncle
Because that got me also thinking about some other, vaguely related theories, and like... Like we all know these theories, right;
that Luffy's mom is a Kuja (people speculate that's why Kuma sent him to Amazon Lily, that Luffy had a connection to the island)
that Crocodile has Kuja heritage (the Missing Empress is pretty much debunked but it is a popular, related and vaguely relevant theory too)
that Crocodile is Luffy's other dad
And I could not help but to wonder if these theories could somehow be combined together into one Giga Theory
And the funny thing is, we know that Rayleigh did marry a Kuja Empress, Shakky. Which actually does mean that the four theories could be mashed together. Like sure the other three theories could already be combo'd together but Buggy's theory would somehow really complement the other theories and bring them all together???
Of course, if Crocodad is real and Rayleigh turned out to be Crocodile's dad, then Buggy's comment wouldn't be fully accurate, since Rayleigh would be Luffy's other grandfather, not uncle. But it'd still be funny as hell in its own right, since the two would turn out to be blood-relatives. Like how the fuck was Buggy onto something there. Not to mention, as of now, two of Buggy's predictions in the Summit War Saga have already turned true (him becoming a Shichibukai and then a Yonkou, the only one that hasn't come true yet is him becoming Pirate King)
But indeed, if Shakky and Rayleigh were Crocodile's parents, then that would mean Crocodile would have Kuja heritage, it would mean Luffy's birthing parent was (technically) a Kuja, Buggy's joke would be kind of true and, yeah, Crocodad Real. That would be insane. We got a full fucken bingo over here
But then we have all these details to considder;
We know Shakky quit being the Kuja Empress and a pirate 42 years ago, when she moved to Sabaody and opened her bar. We don't know why she did this move, especially because at this point Rayleigh should've still been adventuring with Roger's crew
At that point, Crocodile would've been 4 years old
Based on Baby Croc's art, he isn't wearing Kuja clothes. If he had been raised in Amazon Lily then surely he would've been wearing their clothes*, but if he moved to Sabaody with Shakky and was raised there, then his get-up would fit in just fine
The trivia books claim Crocodile is a Grand Line native; regardless of if he was raised in Amazon Lily or Sabaody, both would add up
*(To be fair, if Oda had drawn Baby Croc in Kuja Clothes, that would've been a MASSIVE SPOILER to drop in an SBS. And Film Z did go out of its way to NOT include Baby Croc in the credits when all the other Baby Shichibukai were, so like, Baby Croc's art isn't Absolute Lore or anything, it is subject to change)
Indeed, if Shakky had decided to move out of Amazon Lily and went to Sabaody specifically knowing that if Roger's crew ever passed by then that would make sense, since it would mean she'd have an increased chance at seeing her husband again (if only briefly). It would also make sense if she moved out with her child and/or because she had a child, since it'd make it easier for her to ensure her child and the father could maybe get to meet and spend time together, as staying on Amazon Lily would've meant Rayleigh wouldn't have been able to enter the town even if he DID swam all the way there. (Also her options would've been to either leave her child behind or bring the child with her, and if she didn't want the kid to grow up in Amazon Lily for whatever reason then this would've been the perfect opportunity to remove that child from the island)
If Crocodile grew up in Sabaody then it could explain things like Baby Croc's serious expression and how he has a gun; there are dangerous people in Sabaody, the kid would've had to learn to defend himself from a young age (and I'm sure Shakky would've been happy to teach her child how to fight, since the Kuja are fierce warriors and being powerful is beautiful etc). It would also explain Crocodile's racism towards Jinbei, since anti-Fishman racism is a common issue in Sabaody. He would also have grown up in a place where slavery and other shit is a commonly known and seen thing, as well as the crimes of the Tenryuubito. This would explain a lot about his general attitude towards the World Government
Also, if both of Crocodile's parents were pirates, and his dad also happened to literally be on the ship of the Pirate King... Yeah it would explain his career choises. And why he had gone to Roger's execution too, since that would've been not just the Greatest Pirate In The World, but also his father's captain
And if these two were Croc's parents, it could explain his title; he could be "Sir" Crocodile because he is the son of an empress, or it could be a fucked up abbreviation from Silvers (note: it doesn't work like that in Japanese, since "sir" is like "saa" while "silvers" is "shirubaasu", but that's why I said "fucked up abbreviation")
Either way, his fullname would then be Sir Silvers Crocodile
A fitting name for a silver medalist, is it not
I just. I hate how much sense this would make
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Also I'll throw this out there; don't want to put too much money on the whole "they look similar" thing due to Oda's same face syndrome, but there is an argument to be made about Oda's fem!Croc looking quite similar to Shakky, while if you squint your eyes, a younger Rayleigh could kinda look a bit like regular Croc (they even have the same haircut, awe), though it's hard to judge since we have so little art of young Rayleigh and old Rayleigh is, well, visibly much older than Crocodile
Really the only things I can think of that COULD debunk the idea are that Crocodile is MUCH TALLER than either Rayleigh or Shakky, and his bloodtype doesn't match (the two are A/AB while Croc is O). And my normal instinct would be like "if they were related then surely these details would add up because Oda is insane", but also. They are minor details. IDK man
Also, Crocodile aside. Shakky and Rayleigh have known each other for a long ass time, and Rayleigh's tendency to sleep around, it is entirely possible the two could have had a child at some point. And that really would explain why Shakky quit being an Empress. Like it doesn't even have to be Crocodile, it would just make sense if they had a kid and if that kid became the reason to Shakky quitting. The question is, who could that child then be?? And what happened to them??
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Solitary Cyclist pt 2
Last time we met Violet Smith, Watson was horny on main, she was smart and working as a music teacher in an isolated house being romantically pursued by two mysterious men who claimed to have known her long lost uncle and also claimed that he was dead. One of whom was just openly a dickhead, the other of whom was being creepy in a more socially acceptable manner (a la Mr Rochester).
Then there was a ghost cyclist who was following her down one specific stretch of road over and over again and disappearing.
Oh yeah, and she's romantically entangled with a young man called Cyril, which currently appears to be quite separate from all the rest of the shenanigans.
I have read this before, so I'm not going to speculate because while I can't remember all the details I can remember enough that anything I say will be coloured by my own memories.
Watson, in an unusual display of faith from Holmes, has been entrusted with a solo stakeout.
It had been deserted when I left it, but now I saw a cyclist riding down it from the opposite direction to that in which I had come. He was clad in a dark suit, and I saw that he had a black beard. On reaching the end of the Charlington grounds he sprang from his machine and led it through a gap in the hedge, disappearing from my view.
So he's coming from the direction of the house she works at. I guess it's lucky that Watson got there before him. Also if I ever want to hide my identity, I'll just get a big fake black beard and clearly no one will pay any attention to the rest of my face.
Reminds me of the first episode of White Collar.
This entire adventure is actually very slapstick when looked at the right way. Also super creepy because stalking, but the whole 'coming early, wearing a fake beard, stuffing his bike into the yew hedge, then jumping back into the hedge quickly so she doesn't see him.
She looked back at him and slowed her pace. He slowed also. She stopped. He at once stopped too, keeping two hundred yards behind her. Her next movement was as unexpected as it was spirited. She suddenly whisked her wheels round and dashed straight at him! He was as quick as she, however, and darted off in desperate flight. Presently she came back up the road again, her head haughtily in the air, not deigning to take any further notice of her silent attendant.
Like this bit, pure slapstick humour, even down to her at the end pretending that none of it even happened. Nothing to see here. Everything is under control. Lalalalalaaa.
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However, it seemed to me that I had done a fairly good morning's work, and I walked back in high spirits to Farnham.
Honestly, Watson, I feel like you deserve a prize for not just running in to grab the guy. Although I feel like that might have solved the mystery more quickly. But did you succeed in observing the things that Holmes would want to be observed.
Mr. Sherlock Holmes listened with attention to the long report which I was able to present to him that evening, but it did not elicit that word of curt praise which I had hoped for and should have valued. On the contrary, his austere face was even more severe than usual as he commented upon the things that I had done and the things that I had not.
... apparently not. Poor Watson, just all perked up, tail wagging, thinking he's done an excellent job and patting himself on the back. But no... I hate to say I told you so, but you are a fictional character, so I don't actually hate it that much.
Maybe you should have just grabbed him.
“What should I have done?” I cried, with some heat. “Gone to the nearest public-house."
If in doubt, go to the pub. Or have a cup of tea. Those are the two universal British solutions (neither of which works for me, but I am quite bad at being British in a lot of ways). Or you could have pretended to be a tramp looking for a new pair of shoes, that seems to work for Holmes.
"Well, well, my dear sir, don't look so depressed."
Holmes: Tells Watson very emphatically that he has done a terrible job.
Watson: 😭
Holmes: Why are you so sad???
Holmes can go from extremely emotionally intelligent to utterly clueless in a heartbeat.
“I am sure that you will respect my confidence, Mr. Holmes, when I tell you that my place here has become difficult owing to the fact that my employer has proposed marriage to me. I am convinced that his feelings are most deep and most honourable."
No. Just no. These guys, they need to stop. Also, excellent demonstration of why this is never a good idea, because a refusal is always going to make continued work difficult. Even if you say 'nothing will change, your employment in no way hinges on this', there's no putting that cat back in the bag.
We knew it was coming, though.
"Williamson is a white-bearded man, and he lives alone with a small staff of servants at the Hall. There is some rumour that he is or has been a clergyman; but one or two incidents of his short residence at the Hall struck me as peculiarly unecclesiastical. I have already made some inquiries at a clerical agency, and they tell me that there was a man of that name in orders whose career has been a singularly dark one."
So the kind of a man who would marry a woman against her will? That kind of a clergyman?
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"...especially one gentleman with a red moustache, Mr. Woodley by name, who was always there..."
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"He ended a string of abuse by a vicious back-hander which I failed to entirely avoid. The next few minutes were delicious. It was a straight left against a slogging ruffian. I emerged as you see me. Mr. Woodley went home in a cart."
Holmes pulling a 'You should see the other guy.'
Also, I'm not sure we have the same definition of delicious. Unless you like the taste of blood.
"Mr. Carruthers has got a trap, and so the dangers of the lonely road, if there ever were any dangers, are now over."
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Yes, but is it a trap.
"...the reappearance of that odious man, Mr. Woodley. He was always hideous, but he looks more awful than ever now, for he appears to have had an accident and he is much disfigured."
You should really see the other guy.
"How can Mr. Carruthers endure such a creature for a moment?"
Because he's as bad or worse. We've talked about this, Violet. If he's still hanging around with a guy that rapey then the only logical conclusion is that he doesn't see rape as something that would end a friendship. If someone's friend sexually assaults you and they continue to hang around with that person while professing to love you, then that means they aren't a good person.
I confess that I had not up to now taken a very serious view of the case, which had seemed to me rather grotesque and bizarre than dangerous. That a man should lie in wait for and follow a very handsome woman is no unheard-of thing, and if he had so little audacity that he not only dared not address her, but even fled from her approach, he was not a very formidable assailant. The ruffian Woodley was a very different person, but, except on one occasion, he had not molested our client, and now he visited the house of Carruthers without intruding upon her presence.
Watson... I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
This is so... 'That a man should lie in wait for and follow a very handsome woman is no unheard-of thing'. The amount of yikes in that statement alone is enough for an entire paragraph, but then the rest of it is just... 😬
Woodley only assaulted her once! The guy on the bike doesn't even try to talk to her! Clearly they're not that dangerous. Watson. Watson... no. Just no. Buddy, c'mon.
It was the severity of Holmes's manner and the fact that he slipped a revolver into his pocket before leaving our rooms which impressed me with the feeling that tragedy might prove to lurk behind this curious train of events.
I'm glad someone is taking this seriously. Also, you already told us this had a tragic ending right at the start, so thanks for the reminder.
*Impending Doom Intensifies*
At the same instant an empty dog-cart, the horse cantering, the reins trailing, appeared round the curve of the road and rattled swiftly towards us.
Alas, it was both a trap and a trap.
"It's abduction, Watson—abduction! Murder! Heaven knows what! Block the road! Stop the horse! That's right. Now, jump in, and let us see if I can repair the consequences of my own blunder.”
What a place for a cliffhanger.
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A few months ago I typed up some comments about the anime-only scene between Otogi and Honda on the blimp. Found here.
Well... now I'm here to talk about what happened before that scene. Because I read so much more into it.
Let's take a walk.
Please keep in mind that a great deal of this speculation comes from the belief that, despite Mr. Clown not being seen in the anime, he still exists and his relationship to his son is very similar. Also please keep in mind that this is all speculation from someone who has spent waaaayyyy too much time looking into everything Ryuji Otogi says/ does.
We join our heroes shortly after Yugi's Duel with Bakura. Ryou has fallen unconscious and the stab wound he sustained earlier has re-opened (unless you're watching the dub where blood doesn't exist.)
Otogi's first line comes after Shizuka has asked Kaiba to land the plane, and the camera cuts to her making a pose that demonstrates both uncertainty and discomfort. Kaiba stares at her and Honda and Otogi both get between them... to Honda's annoyance.
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More on this in a second.
Kaiba ignores this and turns his attention back to Jonouchi and Yugi, telling them that it was Bakura's choice to Duel and that he will not be held responsible for the repercussions of another's mistake.
This causes Shizuka to shout (probably for the first time in her life.)
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Otogi makes this face. Personally, I think it looks like a combination of surprise and concern. But why would he be concerned?
Because Shizuka is a lot younger, a lot smaller, and a lot less powerful (both physically and financially) than Seto Kaiba.
He is fearful of what Kaiba will do in retaliation, ans so.
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He gets between Shizuka and Kaiba in hopes of transferring whatever Kaiba's about to do to him instead of her.
Because Ryuji Otogi is an abuse victim that knows what happens when you challenge someone bigger and more powerful than you. They put you back in your place.
Also Honda continues to not like this. Otogi is cutting him off each time he tries to speak, and while this could be seen as Otogi trying to one up Honda (and the dub absolutely took it that way) I can see it taken a number of ways. There's a chance he's trying to team up with Honda and hope that Kaiba won't start anything if it's two against one. It could also be that Otogi's not paying a lot of attention to Honda. He does see Shizuka and start moving in front of her before Honda moves into the frame the second time.
Going on a small tangent here but...
Keep in mind, Otogi stepped into a fight against four other guys and got himself involved in the fight against a cult to protect Honda and Shizuka. Sure, you can say that he did that to have a chance with her, but that's a lot of risk to have a chance with a girl he knows nothing about... especially for a guy who could have any number of girls with minimal effort. He will also shortly after this put up his own body as a gamble to protect Shizuka from a creepy old man that wants to wear her body like a suit. Personally, I don't think Otogi has any romantic feelings towards Shizuka at all, since each time they interact, he isn't so much flirting as he is trying to protect her. He treats Rebecca in a very similar way when he joins the duel between her and Varon under the assumption that Mai is also dueling, and that Rebecca will be outnumbered (and the correct assumption that a 12-year-old is about to pick a fight with a cult member who has the power to steal her soul. I've heard critiques that Otogi is very sexist because he won't let Rebecca nor Shizuka fight their own battles, which, yes, that's one way to take it... or you can take it as him stepping in when people significantly younger than even he is (Shizuka is 13) are put into incredible danger.)
That was lengthier than I meant for it to be, I'm sorry, back to the actual post.
So, despite everyone's best attempts, Kaiba's not landing this plane. Now get out.
Shizuka makes this face as they leave.
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She's not having a good time.
Again Honda tries to talk to Shizuka and again Otogi cuts him off. He also grabs her hands and makes a very dramatic show of himself.
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He makes this ridiculous face (that the dub skips because right after it, Shizuka blushes, and the dub really wants to portray Duke as the bad option in this love triangle. So we can't let it be known that she's happy he's doing this.)
This. This is not a face you use when you're trying to be suave and impress a girl. Heck, this is not a face we'll ever see him use again. We've seen him be suave and flirtatious, we know what it looks like, and folks, this ain't it.
To me, he knows he's being ridiculous and over-the-top. That's the point. He's trying to make Shizuka smile or at least stop making that face.
Now... this is where things take a turn.
Disclaimer: This might come across like I don't like Honda. I don't dislike Honda at all! It's just the nature of this scene.
Honda volunteers to go look for the Millennium Ring. Yugi agrees that they should all look. Honda says no, Jonouchi and Yugi should focus on their duels.
We cut to Otogi (still holding Shizuka's hands, I think she's okay now buddy you can stop) and he asks if Shizuka wants to help him search (he does not speak for her like he does in the dub.)
Honda insists Otogi come with him and very forcefully shoves/pushes Otogi away from Shizuka (who does, admittedly, look relieved.) When Otogi tries to protest that this isn't what he wants, Honda grabs his face to silence him.
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This is not the first time someone has silenced Otogi by forcefully touching his face.
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And this is not the expression of someone who is at all comfortable with the person touching him.
Honda then proceeds to drag a flailing Otogi away from the group while covering his mouth.
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Otogi is doing everything in his power to communicate that he does not want this without being able to speak or break the guy's hold around his neck and no one is recognizing this as a sign of distress... or they are and they're just not stopping it. Heck, Jonouchi thinks Honda is being nice.
We can also see in this still that Honda's got a few inches on Otogi. Not a lot, Honda is 5'11 and Otogi is 5'8, but that's a considerable difference when you're intimidated.
Honda drags him to the top of the blimp and, while Otogi is looking about the blimp for the ring (what Honda claimed they were going up here to do) Honda stays still. Directly in front of the door. Blocking Otogi from being able to get away. (I can't post any more images in this post I'll have to rely on hyperlinks now.)
Otogi can't get away and he's been pulled away from the group. He is very aware this guy has a problem with him and can very easily overpower him.
So Otogi does what I've dubbed activates smug mode.
I'm going to make another post elaborating on activate smug mode (this one's long enough as it is) but, basically, Otogi only acts this way when he's trying to get the better of someone or when he's feeling threatened. He is also incredibly smug when he approaches his father to tell him that he lost to Yugi, knowing full well how his father will react to that news. It's a defense mechanism. Honda's taller and stronger than Otogi, all Otogi can really do is badmouth him and make him feel smaller in hopes that that will make Honda back off.
He then makes this pose.
I'm no body language specialist, but I worked as a counselor at a battered women's shelter for a while, so I was taught a few things.
1. He turns to his side. When you're intimidated by someone, you don't face them directly. You tilt your body away to give the illusion of distance, and to keep your vitals out of their direct reach.
2. He folds his arms in front of his stomach. Remember, Shizuka crossed her arms in front of her stomach when she was facing down Kaiba. Otogi is masking it a little by pointing and propping his elbow on his hand, but folding the arms over the chest or stomach remains a typical sign of insecurity/fear.
3. He is clutching his arm. This is something people do during severe bouts of anxiety in an attempt to ground themselves.
In conclusion, yes, Otogi sounds very confident and like he's egging Honda on. He sounds confident. Because that's the only thing he really has over Honda. Honda seems insecure about his appearance when compared to Otogi, thus why he gets deeply irritated whenever Otogi gets close to Shizuka. Otogi taps into that and uses it because it's his only defense in this situation. Maybe Honda will get fed up and leave to go lick his wounded pride.
It doesn't work. They throw hands. Well, Honda throws hands. Otogi stays in a very defensive stance the entire time. Fun fact: Keeping your arms raised close to your face and blocking your chest is one of the main stances in the more defensive based martial art of Tae-Kwon-Do.
In conclusion, my name is Axel and I think about this way, way, waaaay too much. I am of the belief that Otogi is very intimidated by Honda. I was going to attach images here of all the times Honda grabs Otogi's shirt/ threatens to punch him in the face but since I can't attach any more images and hyperlinks are a pain, I'll save it for another post. There are at least five instances.
No, I don't hate/dislike Honda, in fact, I'm pretty sure if Honda knew about Otogi's background, he'd feel terrible. The fact is they're both insecure teenage boys, Otogi because of his home life and Honda because of his family's social status and perhaps his lack of success as a duelist.
And... while I've thought about this scene a lot ever since posting that other post, I never realized how sad it makes me. Otogi's not hiding that he's not okay with being manhandled and dragged off, and his friends just sorta. Let it happen. Again, I don't blame any of them. Both Yugi and Jou have a lot on their minds and they don't seem to notice that this is a problem. Probably because 1. Honda and Jou are very physical/ playfully threatening people, that's just how they are. 2. No one knows about Otogi's homelife. They have no way of knowing he would have issue with any of this. They do it to one another all the time.
I have a lot of feelings.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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xswestallen · 6 years
Hello. I have been watching Flash for years but just got into social media. I have seen a lot of negative comments from Tumbler blogs about the star, Grant Gustin's, wife. I don't understand why that would be. On her Instagram there are so many nice people saying good thing. Why is it not like that here? (Sorry for any mistakes. English is my 2nd language)
Hi! Welcome to the fandom online! May I say, you’re English is great. I think you use better grammar than me lol.
Grant Gustin’s fiancee, LA Thoma, has been the target of a lot of hate since she started dating Grant. “Fans” (conspiracy theorists) scrutinize their social media and try to spin lies about their entire relationship being a publicity stunt.
It’s pathetic. People are wasting their time following accounts of someone they don’t like, just to call their posts staged and “speculate” (code for lie based on their over analyzing of Instagram posts). Why wouldn’t they spend that time following and talking about someone they actually like?
Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorist trying to discredit a famous person’s private relationships are nothing new. Back when Prince William and Kate Middleton got engage, people were calling Kate a gold digger, trash, and “speculating” that William was only marrying her because he was afraid of growing old alone. Pretty much exactly what the conspiracy theorists are doing to Grant’s fiancee now!
It’s also happened to Once Upon a Time star Colin O’donoghue’s wife, Helen. “Fans” kept claiming Colin was going to leave his wife for his costar Jennifer Morrison. They would site they simplest, most mundane stuff and insist it was proof that the couple was divorcing. When Helen became pregnant with their second child, the conspiracy theorist claimed that she was cheating on Colin, that it wasn’t Colin’s baby, and she was lying to him saying it was to “trap him” in their marriage.
Both Will and Kate and Colin and Helen are still married.
It’s the sad truth that some people who like a celebrity don’t understand that they don’t really know the celebrity, so they can’t know what’s best for them. Social media and paparazzi pictures don’t accurately display what a couple’s relationship is like. It could look awkward to you but be truly genuine and happy. It could look perfect to you but be miserable! We don’t know. That’s the whole point. Speculating about anything celebrities do is useless. But, I think it crosses a line in creepiness and gross factor for people to make things up about a celebrity’s family or significant other, especially if that person isn’t also famous.
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