#“clyde” makes me want to stop using discord
spectrology · 1 year
the integration of ai as a fun cute silly tool is very annoying
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candy616 · 10 months
I don't get why peeps just can't ignore content they dislike rather than making the time to voice to someone why they dislike it😭 I enjoy your blog v much🫶🏼
If you don't mind me asking, what voice generator do you use because wow those audios sound SO accurate! Keep doing you and creating to your heart's content!!
Thank you so much for your kind words!🙏💖💖 I can understand people's concerns about AI, a lot of creators hate AI and it's understandable. 😔 But I always use it carefully and make sure not to hurt anyone with it.
About the generator… I wanted to tag my posts more properly, but I got messy like always, and didn't tag all the tools like I intended to, sorry.
Ok, so here we go:
A Voice Model
First, you need to choose a voice you would like to use. You can find a voice model on weights.gg or on the Discord channel
You can train your own voice model, if you didn't find the one you need or if the existing one is not good for you. The only working Notebook on Google Colab to train your model is RVC v2 Disconnected Here is the guide for it.
(I still have no idea of how to restart the training if something went wrong and the process stopped/disconnected, sorry. Also, remember that Google will ask you if you are still there and will give you a captcha to solve in a few hours, and if you'll not react to it quickly, the process will be stopped, so don't go too far from your PC and check on the process from time to time).
a tip to remember: if your dataset audio is under 10 min = 100-200 epochs. Over 10 min = 200-300 epochs. I do 500-600 if my audio is 15+ minutes, but it can overtrain the model.
Ok, you have your model, now you need to decide what you want to do with it.
If you want to create a MESSAGE:
You need Mangio-RVC-Fork installed on your PC.
2. Crate your text. Write a text with a pronounced accent of your character like:
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You can ask ChatGPT to became your redactor, correct all the mistakes and add a thick accent. (For example, a thick Southern drawl for Graves, a thick Scottish accent for Soap, a thick Manchester accent for Ghost etc.)
3. Then you go to 11Labs and generate the body of your message with their models. I use Clyde for both Graves and Soap (yes, he is American, but we already have a text with accent so it's ok). 11Labs has a lot of different models, so you can listen to them and choose the one you think would be the best. Then you just generate the message. Don't put all the text at the same time if it's big. You may have to regenerate same text over and over again so it would give you the best pronunciation. Please note that you only have 10k tokens a month. Use it wisely. Or consider to subscribe. Or use multiple Google accounts.🙈
4. When you are happy with the message, you go to RVC and make the character of your choice to say it with your voice model.
5. Then you just put all the parts of the message together with something like Audacity or other audio/video redactor of your choice.
And that's pretty much all. You can find a lot of guides for all the tools I mentioned on YT. Just search for the resent ones, because everything changes very quickly.
Hope it was at least a bit helpful?? If you have any questions please ask away. If you can't find a good guide, let me know, I'll find the best one for ya.
P.S. If you want to create AI COVERS, you also need Ultimate Vocal Remover (please find a guide on YT or ask me, I'll find one for ya).
Or you can use just this only tool Replay (But you won't be able to fix or edit the cover. I use it just for test usually.)
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membermentmania · 1 month
August 11th, 5:03-6:14am
Brimmy looked at him before letting out the most frustrated sigh Clyde thought he ever heard from anyone as he dropped his head, catching the bridge of his nose between two fingers.  “What?” 
“You have got to be shitting me,” he muttered. 
“I’m really putting the fate of the world in the hands of a bunch of bisexual disasters who are all obsessed with each other.”
“WHAT?!” He stood up and started to pace. “Dude, seriously, what are you on about?!” Clyde’s stomach dropped when a familiar white square bubbled out of the form before him. “DUDE!” 
Brimmy snapped his head towards Clyde. “Yes?” 
“Can you please give me some fucking context?! Also why the fuck are you leaking discord right now?!” 
Brimmy took a deep breath. “I didn’t account for emotions being a thing when I picked Craig. That was such a fuck up. But losing you or Kenny because of that will actually kill us all. I’ll explain everything when we meet up with them. I cannot have this entire conversation twice.” 
“What do you mean, picked Craig? And what do you mean-” 
“Clyde, it’s gonna take me a while to run through everything. I really would prefer to do it all in one go.” 
Clyde took a shaky deep breath before standing up. “Okay. Let’s go.” 
Brimmy disappeared out of sight as Clyde walked to base alone. Clyde let out a scream when he seemingly appeared out of nowhere from the shadows. “Fuck, man! How do you do that?!” He put a hand over his chest as he tried to calm his racing heart.  
“It’s how we move around undetected.” 
“Don’t do that,” Clyde scolded. 
“I don’t think your city would take a gray person running around too kindly.” 
“We run around in our uniforms all the time! People just think we’re batshit cosplayers!” 
Brimmy blinked hard at the admittance. “Are you actually fucking serious?” He put a hand over his mouth. Clyde was thrown beyond all reason when a quiet laugh bubbled out of the boy in front of him. Then it really clicked in his head. Brimmy was a boy. Seemingly just like them, in a lot of ways. It didn’t sit right with him. 
Brimmy just shook his head and Clyde silently led him inside. Somehow, Marjorine was there. Everyone was there save for Bebe and Tammy. Everyone looked at them, actually shocked to see that Clyde had brought a moderator into their space. “Where’s Tammy?” he asked before anyone could get a word out. He assumed she was off distracting Bebe, but he just wanted to make sure. 
“No one can get in touch with her right now.” 
“You guys can fill in Tammy later. One of you will have to fill in Bebe as well.” 
Marjorine cocked her head slightly, fire in her eyes. “Why the fuck couldn’t she be here now then?” she asked. Clyde was taken aback by her attitude. It made sense because of everything that’s been going on. But he’d never heard something like that from her. 
“There is a piece of information that is absolutely vital. But Bebe is not in the condition to hear about it.” 
Marjorine took a frustrated deep breath. “Talk.”  
Clyde slowly walked towards the table and Brimmy took a seat to his left. The only person that wasn’t looking at Brimmy like they were trying to set him on fire with their mind were Red and Kyle. Red was just looking at him with some weird melancholic curiosity that Clyde didn’t understand. Kyle just had his head in his hands. “Okay, can you guys please stop with the death glares?” Clyde huffed. “That is getting us nowhere right now.” 
“He’s a fucking mod!” Kyle yelled, snapping his head up. His eyes went wide as he actually looked at Brimmy.  
“A mod that saved you yesterday,” Brimmy responded. 
Kyle blinked hard. “You saved me?” 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save him too,” he said quietly. 
“Fuck you,” Kyle spat. “Tell us what you need to tell us.” He put his head back down and Clyde’s heart panged. Kyle couldn’t look at him. Clyde understood why. 
“Okay. To start. [this isn’t written yet.] 
The storm, as it’s called, is an angel.” 
“We gathered that much,” Marjorine responded. 
“Does anyone here actually know what an angel is?” The room was silent. “Right. So, once you enter the magical girl pool, you are thrown into a cycle. Upon corruption, magical girls become moderators. When moderators corrupt, we become angels.” He paused, letting it sync in. Clyde felt tears sting at the corners of his eyes. 
Kenny and Wendy exchanged a look. “So,” Kenny said shakily. “That’s what was happening to Tweek and Craig? If I didn’t-” 
“If you didn’t what?” Clyde asked.
“You didn’t see them,” Wendy whispered. 
Brimmy put a hand up. “You guys are gonna fall into ruins over this so I’m just gonna throw it on the table. You were right to do what you did, Kenny.” A pit formed in Clyde’s stomach as he started to put the pieces together. 
“But if they were just gonna become like you-” 
“They weren’t.”
Kenny and Wendy both looked equally terrified and confused. “What do you mean?” 
“I’ve seen it happen before. Sometimes humans fully skip through to angels. With what they promised each other, they would’ve rivaled the storm completely. 
“I don’t- So then, they would’ve beat it?”
“They would’ve killed it before destroying the planet. If they didn’t destroy the planet first.”
“But that’s Craig and Tweek!” Clyde interjected. “They wouldn’t do that!” 
“When you corrupt, you lose your humanity. Every trace of you is gone. That’s how you get me. I am not the person I was. I can barely remember who I was conceptually. But I was kind. I had fun. I was in love. I had real, actual emotions. I’m not granted those luxuries anymore. I’m a shadow of Brimmy Fallon that only exists because of the laws put in place by Her.” He let out a quiet exhale as the group continued to stare at him in a stunned silence. “Angels are… How do I explain this? Corruption in humans and mods are very different. In humans, it comes from losing everything, but when you’re a mod, you corrupt when you start to gain everything back. Angels are like manifestations of grief for the person you once were. Every ugly emotion you can think of in a physical form that threatens to grow until it doesn’t need a realm anymore. All an angel wants is to destroy. Tweek and Craig were supposed to save each other, and with my hope, stop the storm completely. But they loved each other more than they loved being alive. I didn’t account for that. They corrupted because of that.” What Brimmy said before made sense now.  
“Okay,” Wendy said quietly. “Continue.” 
“No. Pause. You’re telling me the power of friendship killed Tweek and Craig?! Because that is so ass backwards!” 
“No. Leslie killed Tweek and Craig. She pushed Tweek as far as she could. Craig went with him instead of pulling him out.” 
Marjorine swallowed hard, giving him a slow nod of comprehension. 
“So how does Tweek even fit into all this, exactly?” Red asked. A chill ran down Clyde’s spine. There was not an emotion to be spared on her face as she asked her question. 
“I don’t know why. I can’t even begin to speculate. But Tweek was chosen by Leslie as a sort of failsafe. Basically, he had three functions. She only thought of two, when she first made contact though. He would work as her dopple when she finally awoke, or he would be her proxy had something happened to her. The way she kept him, it would’ve worked.” 
“He was a person, not an animal!” Wendy yelled. 
Brimmy put his hands up slightly. “Sorry. I don’t really have a better way to describe what she did to him without being cruel.” He took a small deep breath. “Tweek had a third function, though. If neutralized, he would be able to bring her down.” 
“How would someone even-” 
“Leslie chose Tweek. I chose Craig. He should’ve been the perfect fit. I’d watched Tweek for so long, waiting. And then you boys logged in. Craig was the best possible match for him.” 
“I have so many questions, it’s not even funny,” Kyle muttered.
“Ask,” Brimmy responded simply. 
Kyle peered back up over his arms before dropping his head back down. “Why were we allowed in in the first place? We’re boys.” 
“Tweek was the first biological male ever chosen. He was a test, in a lot of ways, aside from being Leslie’s proxy. In more recent years, things have laxed up a bit. If your soul resides in the territory of female, you’re thrown in the lottery.” 
“But there are male moderators. You exist.”
“The male moderators you know, like myself, were just dumbass boys who forced our way into the system and got corrupted at some point after earning our way in.” 
“But how does that even work if the moderators know who's in the system?”
“As you also know by this point, each moderator has their own way of doing things. When you’re allowed access to the site, whether by invitation or forced entry, you’re immediately assigned a moderator. If you force your way in, it’s up to the moderator to decide your fate. Because I don’t align with the vast majority and saw potential in not only Craig, but you all as well, I let you in. I can’t speak for the mod that let me in, as she never gave me a reason, and I don’t exactly have proper communication with any of the existing mods, male or not.” 
“Okay. So what happens if you don't let the people who force their way in into the fold?”  
“They’re dispatched.”
“Right,” Kenny breathed out, dropping his head in his hands. Kyle’s line of questioning was starting to make Clyde’s head spin. 
“So, what you’re saying is, Tweek and Craig are dead and we’re fucked,” Red deadpanned. 
“No. There is a backup plan. One that will work. But we need to physically run out the clock and get there.” 
Kyle finally looked up from his arms. “What is it?” 
Brimmy looked directly at Kenny and Clyde’s stomach twisted. “You.” 
Kenny blinked hard. “She’s immortal, then?” 
“Something close to it,” he muttered. 
“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Wendy interrupted. 
“Did you know about my curse when you gave me my powers?” Kenny responded, ignoring her. 
“I was made aware after. The only person who’s power I interfered with was Craig’s. I didn’t think to touch any of yours. I’m sorry for that.” 
“What fucking curse?!” 
“He’s immortal,” Brimmy answered before anyone else could get a word out. The room plunged into silence. Everyone seemed to just be looking back and forth between Kenny and Brimmy for an answer. “He was cursed when his mom was pregnant with him. He dies, but he just kinda spawns back up here on Earth.” 
“That’s fucking insane,” Wendy muttered.
“And we have literal magic and fight monsters on a regular basis to keep us from dying,” Clyde quickly shot back. “If that was his power you wouldn’t blink twice.” 
Wendy took a deep breath. “You’re right. Okay.” 
“So what do I do?” Kenny asked him. 
“Make it to her main body. Activate your ability when you get there. If you can detonate a large enough explosion, it’ll take her out. You just have to not corrupt. Ever.” 
“You have explosion magic?” Marjorine questioned. 
“Basically my entire body functions as a bomb,” Kenny said tiredly. 
“That’s fucking mean,” Red muttered. 
“It is what it is.” Kenny frowned. “What would happen to me if I corrupted?” 
“We would have an immortal mod. Later down the line, an immortal angel. You would destroy this world, likely with no chance of it being saved or someone else being in your position when that happened.” 
“I wasn’t aware of your curse when I let you in. I know that’s a lot. I apologize.” 
“Is that all?” Wendy asked.
“As of this moment, yes.” 
“I have a question for you then.” Brimmy nodded. “Can you see people that you’re not moderating?” 
“The only thing I can see outside of my own contracts are the physical contracts themselves.” 
Wendy made a face. “Would it tell you… The status of their contract?” 
She swallowed hard. “Can you check on the status of Tammy Warner?” He took a deep breath and let his eyes fall shut. They sat there in silence for a few moments. Clyde could practically feel the tension radiating off of Wendy. He knew why she was asking. His heart felt like it was in his throat. Losing Tammy felt unthinkable. Brimmy opened his eyes. “Well?” she asked shakily. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said quietly. “Tammy Warner’s contract has been terminated.” 
Clyde choked out a sob that cut through the quiet in the worst way possible. Wendy silently put her head in her hands as the rest of the room succumbed to the next wave of grief. This was too much. 
Clyde wasn’t sure how long they sat there like that before Wendy spoke up. “Someone please tell me they have a purifier. Now.” Kyle was in front of her before Clyde could even process what she said. That was all it took for her to collapse into sobs. Clyde could fully understand why Brimmy was afraid of their emotions. If they weren’t careful, they’d kill the rest of their group well before the storm would occur. 
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
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So yesterday I was talking to a couple of people on my discord and this is something I’ve been meaning to do anyway for a long time, but I wanted to create an oc worthy of being a romantic interest for our favorite fruitloop. We talked about a few concepts but the idea of these two being part of a Bonnie and Clyde sort of couple is too good to pass up! Basically what that means is this woman loves how wicked Vlad is and genuinely cares for him, like if you hurt him she will not hesitate to crush you.
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I kinda imagine her a lot like Fox from the old Disney Cartoon Gargoyles who isn’t only extremely smart, but she can hold her own in a fight too.
It took me a while to come up with a good name before I eventually settled on Veronica since it has a nice ring to it, Veronica and Vlad. As for her personality, she’s not above smiling and pretending to be all sweet while secretly or not so secretly flaunting how much better she is for him than Maddie since we don’t really see that in the show. Maddie having any sort of rival I mean besides Sam’s mom sorta, but it’s not like those two can get into an epic martial arts fight! So even if Maddie doesn’t want to be with Vlad since she’s already happily married, I’d love to see her get super annoyed interacting with Veronica, especially if Veronica has a soft spot for Danny too and believes Vlad and her would make much better parents to him and Jazz.
This character is still in development but Veronica is either going to be an old flame of Vlad’s we never knew about, or someone who had a crush on him back in college but could never get close because of Maddie. Not to mention when Veronica actually TRIES to visit Vlad in the hospital they wouldn’t let her in and then some family drama forced her to leave. But I like to imagine she’s been working hard since then to get close to him again, not because of his money, but because she never stopped loving Vlad. It just depends on how long she’s known him, though it might be cute to make it a forgotten childhood crush.
And even more surprising, when Veronica learns Vlad’s half-ghost...she’s more fascinated by that than anything in an entirely different way than Maddie would have been. She doesn’t want to dissect him or anything, but Veronica thinks that power makes him even more incredible. Not only that, but since she’s just as smart as Vlad if not smarter, she helps elevate Vlad’s capabilities to the next level to become even more formidable which is terrifying but awesome! Better yet, Veronica might just be clever enough to help him bring Danny into the fold using some sneaky methods he never considered before...
Dun Dun DUNNN!
Also, a quick note about the design, I pretty much used one of the original concepts for Maddie that had dark hair and blue eyes which frankly would have looked amazing!
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kingofbr00klyn · 3 years
E F K P Y for the fandom asks :)
I’m really sorry for the delay to answering this every time I try to I get interrupted
E- Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Technically I’ve done this twice, one was just mainly on a Discord server. But um a couple of months ago (you may remember this Kazzy) I showed the Bandstand fandom Kazoostand and then preceded to DM two of the cast members it after Tumblr said so. I was ignored by one and left on read by the other (I don’t blame them)
And then there were the catboys…
Also in the Bandstand fandom, which is very small as it is and I’m pretty sure a lot of the Tumblr tag now is just me and mine nonsense.
F- What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Umm that’s a tricky one. I tend to get super into a fandom for a good year, then sort of lessen my- for a lack of a better word- addiction to it but still like it. The first fandom I was probably ever in was the Attack on Titian fandom and I still like it still watch it sometimes, so maybe like 7? 8? Years? It’s the first fandom I can really remember getting into so yeah something like that
K- Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Well there’s just so many things I can say about so many people!
First off, Kazzy, you are the nicest, sweetest person ever. You’ve blessed us with gems like Who’s Whosies. I love all your TTS artwork is all so beautiful.
@the-cowbi (I’m really sorry for tagging you) makes absolutely gorgeous moodboads and drawings about his Newsies OC and just for Newsies and Bonnie and Clyde.
daydreaming-optimist (I’m not going to tag them because I’m kind of terrified of them but in a good way because they’re a beautiful snazzy blog and I don’t want to bother them) also makes absolutely breathtaking gifs and moodboards for Bandstand and a bunch of other fandoms
P- Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Im never very good at writing AUs (no that’s a lie I have so many ideas but words just don’t work) but an I do 3 for 1 fandoms?
I have like so many ideas and stuff for Bandstand stuff and I have no one to talk to them about so I apologise I’m advance
because I’ve limited myself to one, im going to write a 5 page essay on this one fic I wrote but have never and will never finish. No I won’t actually. It was a like modern day/high school fic and basically the Gang™️ minus Julia find this like old snooky abandoned house and they think it’s haunted and decided to go in. It’s not haunted. But Davy and Johnny get the idea to scare the pants off of everyone and in then end they get arrested. Yeah that’s not very detailed but IT WAS A GOOD STORY
Another was like an origin story for how Davy and Nick meet because like Nick kinda like hates everyone and Davy seems like the kind of person high up on his hate list™️ so basically they meet before the war and when they’re both like young. Nick works at a bar, Davy drinks at a bar. I have now also just realised this won’t make a lot of sense without my other au which is how Nick and Wayne meet (and I know you have no idea who these characters are but all you need to know if they’re my children and I love them)
You know what I’m just gonna stop with that because this post is already very long =/
(but if you for some reason what to know more about my stories my inbox is always open)
Y- What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
-Marvel (I’ve seen a few of the shows but only a very small few)
-Julie and The Phantoms (I’m not 100% exactly what this is, but I see a lot of people posting about it)
-The Pirates of the Caribbean
-Spring Awakening
Phew! That was a lot. Thank you so much for the ask and sorry again for taking so long to respond (and also for this being long)
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On Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt, knight (in absentia) of the Realm of Goodcastle
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt, knight (in absentia) of the realm of Goodcastle, is peak chaotic good. In this essay I will discuss how his backstory, his choices, the origin of his powers, and the symbolism of a candle combine to create Fitzroy, the hero we didn’t know we needed but very much the one we deserve.
We know from Argo’s investigation into Fitz’s home life that he is the son of a long haul trucker caravaner and a (presumably) stay-at-home mom. His family name is one of the most prestigious elven families on Nua, though he’s functionally a member in name only. One day he got a letter inviting him to become a knight of the realm of Goodcastle for the low low price of 200 gold, several other fees, and a certificate of completion from Clyde Nite’s Night Knight school. His parents didn’t have much, and had to take out a hefty loan to send him to the school (as well as pay for all the fees). He didn’t fit in with the pompous, wealthy elites there, and they let him know it with every obvious snicker and the fact that his classmates actively avoided him outside of class. Griffin explicitly states that he (Fitz) adopted the pompous, proper air he puts on in canon as a direct result of the ridicule and ostracization of his knight school classmates. He finally received something other than mocking disdain from them when he randomly (one might say chaotically) turned his professor into a catfish. He only started to truly feel like shit about the catfishing when he heard they were going to expel him from the school and, by extension, his dream–the notoriety and fear from his peers and professor bothered him far less before there were tangible consequences for his actions, inadvertent though they were. Shortly after this, he was invited to Hieronymous Wiggenstaff’s School for Heroism and Villainy, full-ride–upon graduation, he would be allowed to return to Clyde Nite’s Night Knight School and finish his schooling there, then apparently on to the realm of Goodcastle to serve in the queen’s guard. In summary: Fitzroy Maplecourt is someone of humble background who aspires to Make Something Of Himself and help people along the way; as the catfishing incident displayed, he doesn’t much care how he does that, so long as his actions help people (as well as himself).
He didn’t always lean into that side of himself, however: the catfishing incident ended with Fitz also feeling conflicted about how his power manifested to harm the people around him. At the very beginning of Graduation, he’s constantly worried about controlling his magic and not necessarily using it. A knight, after all, would have little need for magic. This viewpoint changes gradually throughout the episodes as he bonds with Snippers and learns more about the nature of magic, specifically his own. It changes most drastically when he meets the origin of his magic, the entity who goes by Chaos. Immediately after he had that psychic conversation with his magical patron, it’s like he stopped giving a fuck about what is “right” or “proper”. He used his magic with precision and intimidated the centaurs–as well as his Hero classmates–into listening to him and doing whatever he said. It wasn’t the stated object of his assignment with the centaurs, wasn’t what anyone expected him to do, and made Chaos very, very happy. He maintained his chaotic mindset, threw himself into it in fact, once he returned to the school. He attacked Gray when convention would dictate he stood there and let him monologue; he mouthed off to the Unbroken Chain tribunal, and his first action as a full member was to call one of their highest-ranking members to trial on Argo’s behalf; he suggested assassinating Gray instead of fighting a war. None of those actions were dictated to Fitz–in fact, none of those choices were knightly in the slightest. He ripped a man’s hand off and intimidated him and the surrounding centaurs (who outnumbered him and his friends many times over, might I add) into seeing his point of view. If a knight did that, he would be called a bully and said to be abusing his powers. But his motivations were selfishly good–he intimidated the centaur leaders into sitting down and having a conversation to avoid war, while he got to keep the apple Higglemus asked for; he saw an opening to attack the BBEG while he wasn’t expecting it, thereby giving him the edge and a chance to, possibly, end the war before it even began; he defended and stood by his friends in the face of people who cared (in his view) more for their precious order than for the aforementioned BBEG and the brewing war; he saw an opportunity to fulfill Argo’s need for justice and took it, unexpectedly but with due process to the order’s laws; he suggested the underhanded approach to ending the war and fighting Gray because he doesn’t want innocent people to die in a war that isn’t theirs. All of these choices were chaotic, and not all of them made Chaos happy. But they were Fitzroy’s choices, made wholeheartedly and with gusto, and he made them because he wanted to. He doesn’t care what Chaos wants him to do, has specifically said he won’t let Chaos use him to be their instrument on Nua multiple times–and that choice is perhaps the most chaotic of them all. Most everything he did and does, he does because it serves either his purpose or his friends’ purposes–but he doesn’t harm innocent people in the process. Fitzroy is chaotically, selfishly good, despite Chaos.
Chaos specifically is interesting, both as an entity in their own right and as Fitz’s magic glucose guardian. They introduced themself by saying they have many names, but Chaos is the one they like the best. This specific wording makes me personally believe that the entity we know as Chaos isn’t actually chaos, but something often mistaken for chaos. My gut wants to say “discord” or “wanton self-interest”, but I’m interested to see what Travis has planned in that regard. Chaos is also the origin of both Fitzroy and Gray’s power, and the Godscar Chasm is their work and seems to be their base of operation. As much as they claim to want Fitz to let loose with his power and do whatever he wants, Chaos also tells him what they don’t want him to do. They “promised Gray a war”, and for a being called “Chaos” they don’t seem to appreciate Fitzroy’s chaotic actions very much. They’ve said before that they want Fitz to win the war, but that it has to be a spectacle–like a wildfire burning down the countryside, before new growth and chaotic peace can grow. Fitzroy, on the other hand, sees how unnecessarily destructive that would be, and prefers to sidestep that option in favor of something quietly chaotic and peacefully assertive.
If Chaos and Gray’s vision for the war is a wildfire, burning bright and brilliant and fast, then Fitzroy’s is a candle, fitting the symbolism of the most recent episode (25: Burden of Things). Fitz chose the candle key to represent himself because fire is chaotic by nature, leaving both destruction and room for growth in its wake. He also claimed candles are chaos contained and put to a good use, bringing light to the darkness and faint warmth. My own interpretation reads a candle as both instigator and instigated: a candle cannot light itself, nor can it control how it was ignited. Fitz had no choice in either the fact or the manner of his magic awakening, couldn’t control whether or not his metaphorical wick was lit or who got burned in the process. However, a lit candle can be used to light other things–paper, wood, plants, cloth, and so on. Fitzroy as the candle in this metaphor has two available options: he could light a hearth, a welcoming space for his loved ones and a respite from the cold, cruel world, or he could light an all-consuming blaze to destroy the flawed existing system and leave room for a new one–one of Chaos’s design–to grow in its wake.
So, to recap: Fitz is tangentially part of a very prestigious elven family, grew up with relatively little save for a loving family, worked and chanced his way into power, and is currently being groomed into using said power in a certain way. He is also adapting to the situation he’s found himself in, making his own decisions and doing so in the name of his benefactor (ie. chaos) as opposed to the spirit (ie. what Chaos actually wants him to do) such that the outcome benefits himself, his friends, and their goals while minimizing the damage to innocent bystanders. Along the way, his personal image has gone from grandiose knight (in absentia), pompous and proper and EliteTM, to a candle–simple, cheap, ordinary, utilitarian, and more importantly, a light source for people who literally cannot afford anything better. I look at this, and I have to wonder: what was his takeaway from Clyde Nite’s Night Knight School? What did he think of the 1%, of the order and class and propriety they hold so dear? As the son of a caravaner, I wouldn’t think he’d see much fancy shit at home, but he’d definitely see hardship. He’d definitely see needing to compromise, and needing to fight for anything you need, facing a world that isn’t serving you like it should. I would ask if he’s angry, but he literally said it this episode–he’s lost his goddamn patience. Everyone is so caught up in the order of things, in the letters and laws and rules-lawyering and arbitrary measures of “worthiness” that they’ve forgotten to turn the lights on and it’s getting dark. Thats not to say that Fitz doesn’t know when to abide by the laws, or use them to his advantage, as we saw in both the incident with the magma monster and the Unbroken Chain tribunal–but they need light, they need a fire under their asses, and Fitz is just a candle doing his best. But a candle can only do so much.
And it doesn’t take much to put a candle out.
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salvadorethefox · 5 years
(Request from Discord: Staig, 32.)
"I think I'm in love with you, and I'm terrified," whispered Stan.
Craig didn't react. Not physically, anyway.
"I don't get what you mean."
Stan fell back onto an armchair, groaned, and buried his face into his hands. "Of course not," he mumbled. "You wouldn't understand."
"Try me." Craig sat on Stan's couch and dangled his legs over the edge- Stan had asked him to come here during an episode of Red Racer, and seemed to be dropping a real bombshell on him, so he was going to make himself comfortable while he was here.
"I just..." Stan lifted his head and sighed. "You and me, we've got this weird rivalry thing going on. We're leaders of our little friend groups, we're always trying to one-up each other and prove our group is the best."
He was right. They'd always been like that, ever since they were little: having little competitions and arguments all the time, signing up for the same sport and then overcompensating so they could beat the other. Craig had never really questioned it. It was just how things were.
It didn't mean he hated Stan- just the opposite. He'd gained a sort of begrudged respect for him over the years. Stan was emotional, kind, sensitive, but would easily kick your ass if he was motivated enough; Craig, meanwhile, was stoic, reserved, tough, but he'd often make sure Stan wasn't injured after their competitions. He'd never really thought about that either; it was just what he did. A sign of sportsmanship.
But now that he was thinking about it, had the worried glances if the other hadn't insulted them that day, the passion that filled them every time they clashed, the whispers of "nice job, you almost had me there"...had they been something else?
But all Craig said was, "Yeah. What's your point?", and hoped he didn't sound too hostile.
"That's what we've always been. Frenemies or rivals or whatever the fuck you wanna call it." Stan had started to run his fingers through his long, messy hair, making little rustling sounds. "But now I have all these weird feelings about you. Whenever you look at me, it feels like my heart's gonna explode. When I see you joking around with Jimmy or Clyde, my stomach starts to hurt. When we're in a locker room or something together, I can't stop staring at you-"
"Okay, let's slow down," Craig interjected, holding up his hands. "I don't know if that's 'in love' material. You might just have a crush. Or, I dunno, think I'm hot or something."
"You are super hot," replied Stan. "But I know that's not the only reason I get these weird feelings. Remember last week when Jimmy was saying how good you were at lifting heavy stuff? And then Kyle said, 'Yeah, he's good, but I bet Stan could do it better'?"
"Uh-huh. I beat you." Craig couldn't keep a cocky smirk off his face. "I don't see how that's evidence, though. We were both all sweaty, muscles flexing and all that, wearing thin clothes..."
"Don't," Stan mumbled; his cheeks seemed to be glowing red at this point, like embers. Harbingers of some blazing fire. He looked sort of cute like that. "Anyway, we started doin' it, and...when we got to some of the heavier weights, I glanced over at you, and I saw your face. You looked like you were about to keel over. But I felt fine, y'know? I-I coulda kept going." He stopped talking briefly, and his eyes met Craig's. "So, I pretended I was too tired to go on. I guess I didn't want you to overexert yourself. The thought of seeing you hurting...hurt me."
Silence. Craig moved his legs back over the end of the couch and sat normally.
"So, you threw the competition on purpose because you didn't want to see me in pain," he eventually said.
"Yeah. That's basically it," whispered Stan through dry lips. "Normally I'd just try and win, and then make sure you were okay once we were done. But this time, for once, you not getting hurt was more important than me winning."
"Wow. That's pretty gay."
"Heh. Yeah."
"But then, so am I."
Stan squinted his soft brown eyes. "What are you saying?"
The other teen's gaze darted down and to the left. "I dunno either, man." He laughed, but only for a moment: brief and perhaps bitter. "So you're in love with me and you're scared because that's super different from what our relationship is. Right?"
"Then, I guess we just gotta change what our relationship is."
Before Stan could respond with something dumb like "Huh?" or "What do you mean?", Craig had leaped off the couch, wrapped his arms around Stan, and pulled him into a tight embrace. A soft kiss to his cheek soon followed.
Craig, in as gentle a voice as he could, said "Can't hurt to try something new, right?"
"Yeah. I guess you're right." Stan smiled and kissed Craig's cheek in response. "I...I know it might be hard for us at first, but maybe we can try thinking of it like another competition. Whoever can love the other guy the most is the winner."
Craig released Stan, stepped back, and extended his hand. "Then may the best man win."
Stan grasped his hand, and they shook on it.
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seeinganewlight · 4 years
love you!!! 3, 8, 15, 16, 27!
love you!!!
3: Pick your 5 favourite creations and explain what you love the most about them!
since. picked 5 edits for an earlier (different) ask, i’m going to pick 5 other ones that i didn’t post there!
- my latest taylor swift edit - i don’t usually use yellow in edits and i don’t use as much pink but since those are 2 colors that i associate with lover, i figured it would make sense to use those and i really love how the coloring turned out! 
- this spring awakening edit - for the theatre discord that i’m in we did a challenge where we all posted different textures and the challenge was to use textures that you don’t normally use. the textures that were posted inspired me immediately and i love the colors! while truthfully i don’t think my cut out game was super on point this time, i really like how everything came together with the textures and the placement.
- this bonnie and clyde edit - i was in the middle of making a different bonnie and clyde edit when the inspiration for the last panel hit, so i moved on to this edit. i really love this one. i love how the colors turned out, that like minty blue is a color that i really love and i think it works well with the other colors. i also really love the text in the first panel.
- this anastasia edit - i believe that this is one that i made in the middle of the night because the idea came to me. usually if i get an idea for an edit in the middle of the night i won’t be able to fall asleep until i make it. i really love the purple in here, it feels very anastasia to me. i really really love the still from the show where the whole family is posing, just like the royal family really did pose in their portraits and i’ve always been inspired by that photo. that photo actually inspired this edit, and i just really love how it turned out with the x’s over the rest of the families faces (thought it was v painful to make)
- this bandstand edit - oh look another purple edit lol. i wanted to try something a bit more vintage inspired for this one, and i think it worked out pretty well! i also wanted to use screencaps from the proshot as opposed to promotional photos, they took a while to color as well and i’m happy with how they turned out. i also like the combination of the textures
8: List the 5 things you love the most about your creations
ah okay, (i hate complimenting myself so here we go) my use of negative space, my cutouts, my blue/purple edits - i feel like my best coloring is with those colors, my cropping, and how i blend textures together
15: Talk about some of your favourite creators: what do you love most about their creations?/ 16: List some creators that always inspire you with their creations and talent!
i’m putting these two together because all the people overlap lol. there are so many incredible editors on tumblr and i’m inspired by all of their work so much. their use of colors, fonts, textures, placement, everything they’re all so talented! @laststop @thenightscircus @sethgordon @afterastorms @seveh @sargentjanes @phantomness @wespers @piecesintoplaces @olivermvrks @kctherinepierce @orpheusmyth AND THERE ARE SO MANY OTHERS BUT MY BRAIN HAS STOPPED WORKING BUT KNOW I LOVE YOU ALL (also please tag me in all of you edits)
27: What’s your favourite font to use?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I KNEW YOU’D ASK ME THIS. i love the font intro, it is my go-to, but i have been branching out a little bit. intro will always have my heart though
creator asks
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thesasscat · 4 years
The Mandela Effect
I don't know who might see this but I'm going to say this right now I AM NOT CRAZY! I just need someone, ANYONE to believe me! It all started a few days ago . .
My life is FAR from perfect, my wife and I are poor getting by on thrifting, and food pantries; I work a job I despise, but my family is what makes it beautiful. The day ended as usual, tucking my eldest in bed for the night, getting my infant to sleep and finally my wife and I going to bed.
This is where things, went so wrong. I've lived my whole life not knowing my greatest fear until I learned about a moment in history called "The man from a country that doesn't exist" and then i realised that was in fact my greatest fear. I'm now living that scenario!
* * *
I woke up in an apartment I have never seen before. Already freaked out I went to get out of bed but found I wasn't alone, I was hoping it was my wife and some how this would make sense, but no it was my ex; I screamed. He woke with a start.
"Cat! What the hell?!."
"What date is it!"
"What has gotten-"
"It's December nineth, twenty-twenty. Why are you being such a bitch this morning?!"
Slightly less panicked but also more annoyed with him, I jumped out of the bed and found my phone. I left the room to look for my eldest, I doubted I would find my infant in whatever nightmare I was in! "Felicity! Time to get up! Felicity?!" WHERE IS SHE!
I started feeling tears spring to my eyes as panic welled up again. I searched for my wife in my contacts. It's not here! I tried finding on my Facebook list. No! But I noticed a mutual friend that introduced us however was online. Please have answers! This can't be happening! Please don't let this be real!
Hey question ur still friends w/ Rosalina on Discord or Facebook or wutever yes?
I waited what seemed like an hour, whiping my tears, even though it was likely just three minutes for their response.
U know Rosy?
Uh ya! U introduced us we've been together...well a while now!
......uhhh r u ok? Cuz I never introduced u 2......Cat....she killed herself 2 years ago....I'm sorry but if this is some kind of sick joke it's not funny!
The floor and ceiling suddenly inverted, and everything went black
* * *
I woke up in the same strange apartment but on a couch this time, my head ached as I tried remember everything before. My heart dropped as I remembered what Juno told me, tears spraing up again in gusto, as grief washed over me remembering my wife was dead, likely on the same date as her last attempt but this time she suceeded.
She never knew how much I loved her, of the beautiful baby girl we had together, she never knew the life we built together. I would never have the chance to ever look into those beautiful green eyes of hers or even run my fingers through her hair.
I snapped to attention he must have been trying to get my attention for a while.
"Ok what the fuck is up with you today? And who is Felicity?!"
"Our kid! You know sassy blonde blue eyes carbon copy of my but smaller ring any bells?" I completely forgot how much he really brought out the worst in me.
"Did you hit your head or something because you're acting completely crazy!"
Felicity doesn't even exist here either, my whole life I had before is completely gone for good. My sweet girls.... Annabelle..... Felicity.....
"Uh huh.......you haven't started any new medication right?"
"FUCK YOU!" I shouted, throwing the nearest object at him. I left out the front door livid, not even bothering to grab a change of clothes or shoes, and did something I never thought I would do. I opened my phone and called my mom.
"Hey sweetie!"
"Mom... can you come get me?"
A pause.
"<Dead nam>-" I grimaced as I did my best to pretend she didn't dead name me, "Im, in Utah remember? I would love to see you but that's a bit of a drive, i would have to make just for a visit. Is everything ok?" I pondered whether to tell her or not, but I figured the worst she could do is point out the fact psychosis runs in the family, or just make it about her.
"You'll believe me right?"
Her tone of voice changed to her lawyer voice, "<Dead name> are you safe or do you need someone to get you?"
"No it's just you remember me talling you and the story of a man from a country that didn't exist......and how that freaked me out more than anything in the world?" I tried keeping my voice steady, as tears welled up again.
"Yes but what does that have to do with our conversation?"
Another pause "Ok I am going to call Emily to come get you and let her know you need some air, but I think maybe a trip to the psych hospital is also possibly needed-"
"<Dead name>"
"I'm going to call your sister now." She said before hainging up. I threw my phone on the ground with all of my strength. I wanted to scream to hit my head as hard as possible and hope to wake up finding out this wasn't real. THIS CAN'T BE REAL!
My younger sister texted my phone the notification popping up on my now shattered screen.
Mom is on the phone with me right now
R u sure ur ok?
I typed furiously, wincing as my fingers caught on glass splinters.
* * *
I'm refusing to go any redirect my sister asked for us to go to outside of her place, I know they're having me committed. I'm trying to act casual as I try typing this all on my phone and pretending my shattered screen isn't a big deal. I need just one person please say you believe me! I'm NOT crazy like everyone thinks I am. I'm not acting out some complex delusion, these people I am now grieving are real and I love them more than life itself.
Please, anyone at all tell me you believe me, please show me I'm not the crazy person every one is saying I've become.
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monochromemedic · 4 years
What happened with my discord and friends (please read)
for all of you here to know and try to understand what happened so you don’t just get the one half of the story. I’ll try to be as uh overly explainy as possible. So me and my friends were going to play DnD, start up from the session that we stopped early because one of my friends was feeling bad and not getting into it, Rachel was unsure about the whole DND thing.  It upset me because we were just getting into it, we did pages for hours but I was excited to play yesterday.  But when I was in the room with everyone and they were all talking and cracking jokes, laughing. I wasn’t. I didn’t think things were that funny, i just wanted to play the game. Idk why i didn’t just say ‘can we start the game up’ I didn’t wanna come up as rude or ruin the mood. But everything was just getting really grating. They were irritating me, making me frustrated. I muted myself and Cory the DM and friend came up to talk to me. I told him I didn’t want to play, I was unsure people were pissing me off and I felt like a dick that i was getting upset. I told him to keep playing, let them play, kill off my character or just play the character for me but they didn’t wanna play without me and postponed it till friday. I came on here, felt like a dick for being upset at my friends, felt like I deserved some punishment because you know friends aren’t suppose to feel that way about their friends. I just felt really numb and alot of little things like my one friend using a voice modulator that everyone was laughing about but was grating to me, Rachel’s iffyness on the game and then saying that they were doing this to get involved with their friends and see me happy, little shit like this was probably building up. So I came on tumblr for ‘punishment’  because I constantly feel that if i’m bad or did something shitty that I deserve to be called out on my behavior but it just kinda made me want to do shit to get that punishment.  Kara saw this, and was upset, said ‘hey this isn’t cool they aren’t treating you good’ and I told her that I asked for it. Kara then indulged me in ‘punishment’ because I asked for it and told me things that they didn’t like or ‘punishment’  That caused me to get some of my thoughts out to her in a less... tasteful manner. I basically hurled insults back thinking ‘oh we’ll get some shit out.’ But it just kept building and people were asking me to stop. Cory said to step away and Rachel said to stop fighting. I told Cory to shut the fuck up and stay out of it.  And in a moment of high tension I deleted the discord. I thought about doing it in the past when I was upset like that but knew it was a poor decision I was gonna regret but I did it last night.  Friends were upset, scared, afraid, thought i was gonna hurt myself even though I never have and told them that I would never. The post on tumblr that I deleted cause I didn’t want to have that shit on there from last night where I said that I have thought about it off hand in the past but ‘never had the balls to do it’.  So Rachel who has my moms number called her, mom came over, I got upset and told her that. Talked with her about the situation as I started to calm down and apologized.  I made a new discord but two people have joined. Trying to talk to my friends but it’s hard cause some aren’t on, different time zones and two people have the dumb message from Clyde bot
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this one. I talked to Kara. She says she forgives me cause she understands where i’m from but said that Rachel might not want to contact me anymore because of how I lashed out in the past and now everyone knows how I can act when im angry. Em says she forgives me.  So i’m just waiting and seeing who answers and how things go.  I want to improve. I hate that i get like this and set caution to the wind, and just start spitting out venom to my friends and people who care about me. I do it so much and I thought I was getting better, I hadn’t done it in a while but I fucked up and let it slip back out.  I want to get better and I will take criticisms and any help or suggestions on how to handle this and prevent it in the futures.  I’m going to therapy, just set up another appointment. Taking my meds trying to figure things out.  I want to prevent this and to be a better person. I don’t want to be an asshole or a monster to the people that care about me. I want to be better and I need to stick to it and say what I feel in less destructive ways. So any help or words about this or insight about this would be helpful. And if you don’t forgive me i’ll accept that too. I’d understand. And I’m sorry. 
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dangansouthparkblog · 5 years
We all stood in the elevator squished and quiet. The only sound you could hear was breathing and little sniffles. 
I held onto the note Heidi gave me wanting to read it, but was afraid to, so I just held it in my hand. I decided to wait for her to give me the orders concerning this note.
The elevator stopped so suddenly making some gasp in fear. We wait for about 5 seconds until the doors open. We hesitated before walking down the dark hall to two big brown doors. Those doors opened and inside we see Mr. HANKEY sitting in a chair starring down at us.
He waits for us to join him and walk to the center of the room...
                        Chapter 2- The Trial of Wendy’s Death
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Please Read Carefully-
Read the rest on the Discord Server!! Go to the #1st-Trial channel and view the whole trial. Don’t scroll up though!! You’ll get a major spoiler- so please click on the pinned messages and you’ll see a picture of Mr.Hankey. Press the jump button and it’ll bring you all the way up the chat.
(New Kids are all in grey while all the main characters have a color to their name.)
Once you’re done checking out the trial, come back here and see the execution video~
Discord Link
(Spoilers for the execution down below)
What Happened:
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After the trial was over, Mr. Hankey made us wait in our room until he was ready for us...We were all.....speechless. No one....no one said a word to anyone...we just went to our rooms and let out whatever emotion we were feeling in private. 
Later on, Mr. Hankey made us go into the White Hall and stand around a huge TV that glowed red. I looked around but Clyde wasn’t there....He really is in...jail....
Mr. Hankey then clears his throat and tells us to pay attention as he laughs and presses a red button......
This...can’t be real.
This can’t be.....
Clyde is dead?
He....he was eaten......
I feel numb
There’s nothing but screams and crying in the background
...and some giggles too.
We’re stuck here. We can die anytime here....
This is real.
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scturnine · 4 years
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i’m making this list of plots i’ve been wanting to do along with fcs i’m down to use/want to play against. if you want to plot together, send over a dm! you can definitely like this too, but sometimes i just forget to check the notes. my about me is here and my rules are here. i’m very bored, so i’m super active at the moment. * means i really need :))
* a pop star and her backup guitarist/tour manager/opening act/some sort of somebody that would be on tour. cute flirtation during rehearsals. tour bus antics. late night kisses on the balcony of a hotel room under the moonlight. paparazzi catching the loving gazes. rumors starting to swirl. just yes.
literally any musician/normal person plot pls 
i want a plot where a fan sneaks into a concert by claiming s/he’s one of the band member’s girlfriends (or boyfriends) and the security asks the band member and they’re like yeah we’re dating even though they’re noT AND THEY BECOME LIKE A GROUPIE AND HOOK UP BACKSTAGE OK
muse a and muse b have been paranormal investigators for years, they spend their time speaking about the supernatural world & performing house calls. the two come face to face with a heinous haunting and it has now become their job to expel the spirits from that house. and just when they think they’re finished, they realized the spirit has followed them home.
modern bonnie and clyde x 
* plot based off robbers by the 1975. 1975 robbers inspired plot with two people living off the little money they have and what they knick from the gas stations they rob. super romantic road trips, dangerous robberies, sentimental nights on their floor bed. 
small musician who plays at little venues and the bartender start getting involved and have a cute romance while the musician begins to grow. 
pirate captain (f) and captain of the navy (m) fall for each other after they’ve been playing cat and mouse for months when they come face to face once again and one of them is severely injured. the other helps the injured and their relationship continues to change. 
two actors or musicians, one’s younger and the other is more of a veteran who’s lost their spark. the older one is increasingly jealous of the other who has been winning all the awards lately, and now they have to work together on a project like an album or movie. 
* tbh i kind of want a plot based around two celebs whose characters are a ship in the show they’re on and the’ve always been really close friends, always goofing off behind the scenes and having a grand old time, and are crazy comfortable aroud each other but then the time comes where they have to do a sex scene and it’s like a revelation of “wow they’re really good looking… their hands feel so nice on my skin like this…their lips are so warm and soft… they’re good at kissing….i wonder what this would be like if it were real” and it gets really awkward/cute and they always get flustered around each other because they can’t stop thinking about it and PLEASE
please come at me with some phantom of the opera or old timey forbidden love 1800s type of shit because i live for it and i want to make edits of our eventual ships with photoshop that i just cracked. xoxo i’m a good writer i swear. my rules and about page are on my page, and i have a discord if you’d like to talk or write on there!
oh to be an aggressive hockey guy who gets into fights during matches and has to be patched up afterwords by the exasperated medic who has a soft spot for me who’s always telling me to be careful and sometimes we fight over my reckless attitude and maybe it gets heated one night and the medic yells “i care about you asshole!!” and i need to reevaluate our every single interaction
bodyguard/celeb plot
plot based off killing eve !!
1700s witch and witch hunter
* older mob boss or whatever who runs a few money laundering business falls in love with a 20-something year old bartender at one of his bars 
les mis plot les mis plot les mis plot les mis plot idc WHICH CHARACTERS
any mob plot tbh i love that shit 
wanted opposites 
* nick o’malley
* matt healy 
kendrick sampson
kian lawley
zazie beetz
dylan llewellyn
* thomas doherty
keira knightley
harry fuckin styles
gregg sulkin
victoria pedretti
luke hemmings
* oliver jackson-cohen
jack davenport
richard madden
jodie comer
james norton
jack lowden
theo james
wanted faces 
courtney eaton 
astrid berges-frisbey
adelaide kane
victoria pedretti
margaret qualley
zazie beetz
sydney sweeney
madison eiseman
felicity jones
probably more i’m not thinking of rn but i’m pretty chill 
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sangre · 5 years
hi i'm bree and i'm highly in the mood for some low maintenance, fun 1x1's!! 
predominantly on discord/in a server we build together, because i’m way faster there lately! though i love gif chats, it’s cool if we don’t use them! i’m mostly looking for some friends who i can get really invested in some ships with and we can talk about the characters/our ship’s dynamic a bunch, because it’s hard for me to connect to characters for very long otherwise!   
18+ writers only please! i play characters of p much any gender and have no preferences where ships are concerned but 90% of my characters are bi so take that as you will SLKDJSKLDHS 
some genres i’m interested in are horror, supernatural, high fantasy, psychological thrillers, mafia/crime whatever you have it! let’s get spicy about it.  
more specifically, i love: 
gothic romance (think plots off of fr/ankenstein, jekyll & hy/de, dr faus/tus–– anything eerie and romantic in dark victorian settings)
bonnie & clyde esque/runaway situations. sometimes a family is two criminals who can’t stop making out in the back of their lousy getaway car. hea/thers kind of bullshit 
monster/human stuff, mortal/immortals. guardian angels, vampires, reincarnations, the undead, demons, fae and whoever came from the bog. call me! 🤙
murder gays (think h/annibal or k/illing eve) 
espionage/assassins x their targets in fantasy plots (a king and the sucker who got paid to off him), princes at each other’s throats, an arranged marriage plot, lady knight x her princess, anything along these lines
i love dnd lmao. if you’re in a campaign rn and want to talk about our characters in a plot i’d love that! or even making some fresh ones together in a general setting we build together, i’d love that too.  
i don’t expect fast replies because i can be slow but i love headcanons & small/medium replies back and forth when we can! i am not too picky with fc’s, but here are my wanted fc & wanted opposite tags. feel free to give this a like or IM me if ur interested ♡
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queenkaneko · 5 years
Mercy Park
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC (Ellie)
Word Count: 2131
A/N: Part two of my Bonnie and Clyde AU! I was floored by all the positive feedback on part 1. I spent a whole morning crying happy tears. I’ve decided to update this every Friday (If possible) at the same time Ride or Die used to air (which is 12:30pm CST for me). I can’t promise I’ll always make it, but I promise to try. So far I still have a comfortable lead so the next few weeks should be on time.  I wanted to explore Colt’s thoughts the same way I did Ellie’s in the last part. Heads up, this is still pretty angsty and ends in a cliffhanger. Also, shoutout to my amazing friends over on Discord. You know who you are. Enjoy!
Summary: Colt is rebuilding the shop and ducking the heat when he gets an unexpected visitor.
Part One Part Three 
Repairs on the shop were proving more difficult than Colt was anticipating. Laying low and trying to rebuild at the same time wasn’t an easy task. Though, Ellie had made it easier by putting Jason and the rest of the Brotherhood behind bars, the FBI was much tougher to outsmart. He hoped they’d give up soon. Their efforts to find him had seemed half-assed from the start and Colt wondered often if Ellie’s statement had anything to do with that. He didn’t know what she’d said to them, after all. He’d left before it came to that. Most mornings found him at the burned down husk of Kaneko Autobody, when he could manage to get there without raising suspicion. Today was only the third time he’d managed it, and Colt clenched and unclenched his his fists, his jaw tight as he looked things over. Most of the cars had been moved out now, giving him a full view of the scorch marks all over the walls and floor. Taking a deep breath, Colt tried to wipe his mind, moving on autopilot to drag all the furniture out the bay doors and onto the sidewalk for them to be thrown away. By the time he was done with that, rain had started to fall outside. The smell of the rain triggered a memory for him. 
He looked at the spot where Ellie had stood, soaked to the bone and crying, after her fight with her dad. He remembered knowing exactly what had happened before she even opened her mouth to answer Logan. At that point, he still hadn’t admitted how he felt about her, even to himself. Looking back, he knew the protective instinct he’d felt when he saw her wasn’t for the crew, it was for her. He’d wanted her to stay with them, to be all in it with him, so he could keep her safe. Safe from her dad’s judgement, safe from anyone who wanted to hurt her. It wasn’t something he liked to admit to himself, but there was no denying it. Colt had tried so hard to hate Ellie, but ended up wound around her finger with no idea how it happened. With a bitter laugh, he kicked a rolling cart in front of him, the burned frame broke into pieces. “They say there’s a fine line between love and hate.” He muttered to himself, pushing a hand through his hair.
When Colt had come back here to find Ellie something to remember him by, he’d tried not to look too long at any of the damage, choosing to focus on his task instead. But now she was gone and there was nothing but his own memories to distract him. There had been more than one occasion in the previous week that Colt had kicked himself for letting her go. It was selfish, but he felt like he was adrift at sea without her. The sea…. The memory of their first kiss slammed into his chest and for a moment, he forgot to breathe. He refused to cry, holding back his tears as he always had, and sat down hard against the wall next to his Pop’s office. Colt had thought about calling his mom a few times since his dad died. In the end, he decided it was better not to. No need to put her in danger just because he couldn’t handle being alone. His head thumped back against the wall as he took a shaky breath. Why did he think he could do this on his own? What was it he’d said to Ellie at prom? Something like ‘It’s your voice guiding me’. He wished he could hear her voice now, but he couldn’t over the sound of his own grief. Colt was grateful she’d lived through that accident, that they’d beat the Brotherhood and he’d avenged his father, but dammit why did doing the right thing have to hurt so much. Colt had known Ellie was his anchor before he told her goodbye, and he’d done it anyway, because he wouldn’t hold her back. She could have lived this life with him, but he wasn’t sure it would make her happy and he knew she wasn’t sure either. He needed her to be sure. There would be no second guessing in this game he was playing, and if that meant he had to play it alone, he would. She was safer at Langston anyway, he told himself. Colt pushed himself up again and went into the office. It still hurt to walk in here, after everything. But if he was going to make this place his own, it had to be done. The next few hours were spent cleaning out the ruined furniture, tossing out the burned remains of papers and blueprints. When the space was bare, Colt shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around. It was time to start over. With a nod, he shut the door and headed to his bike.
Cleaning out the shop had left him feeling numb, and against his better judgement, he drove out to the cliffs his dad had always taken him to, where he’d kissed Ellie. He didn’t even realize he was heading there until he stood at the edge. “You know, you don’t have to downplay everything. Sometimes it’s okay if something just takes your breath away.” Colt heard Ellie’s words as if she stood next to him, though he knew she wasn’t. She’d only been wrong about him once since he met her, and it was then. He did have to downplay everything. It was how he’d survived his whole life. If he let himself feel everything, it would break him. It was too hard to face his own emotions. He didn’t even know how until he’d met her. Colt sat on the edge with his legs dangling off the edge and looked out at the water. The rain had stopped now, and the sunset cast the clouds in varying shades of purple and orange. This place always used to bring him peace, but the sunset, the waves, the smell of saltwater only made him think of her now. It was bittersweet, being here without her, but it was the only way he could feel close to her, to his Pop too. The pain was worth it if he could have that. Colt didn’t move, even when the sun had fully set in the sky and night fell. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but we was pulled from his memories by a cold breeze on his bare arms. His jacket was with Ellie. He’d made sure of that before she left. It had been risky as hell but he hadn’t been able to stop himself.
Three days before he knew Ellie would leave for her summer program, Colt had woken up that morning from another dream about her. The kind that left his heart hollow and required a cold shower to recover from. The desire to give her something of his besides that damn cactus to remember him by had taken him over. The idea of her forgetting him wasn’t something Colt couldn’t endure. So, he’d waited down the street from her house, hiding in the shadows behind someone’s garage, until he saw her dad’s police car take off the opposite direction. He couldn’t let Ellie see him, he had to be quick. Trying to stay out of sight, he snuck over to her car and pulled out his spare set of keys to her car, popping the trunk. Those had been shoved in a drawer of his Pop’s desk and he’d never been more thankful to have them. As quickly as he could, he shrugged off his jacket, carefully folded it, and placed it in a compartment to the side of the trunk. Colt knew this was beyond stupid, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. His job done, he forced himself to walk away, back to his bike, and drive back to his empty motel room.
Now, here he was, shivering from the cold as he stood and walked back to his motorcycle. It was worth it, to prevent her from forgetting him. He’d told her he wouldn’t forget her, and played it cool at the time. But the truth was, even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Ellie was everywhere. As he drove, racing at 95 miles an hour through the empty side streets back to the empty house he was squatting in for now, Colt could almost feel her arms around him. It was one of his favorite things to do with her when she’d been here, taking her out on his bike. The way she laughed as he raced down the street or popped a wheelie had made his heart feel lighter than it ever had. He missed her laugh, her smile, her touch, her voice. He missed the way she moaned his name when he touched her. The way her skin felt under his hands. Colt still remembered how his heart hammered in his chest the first time he’d seen her in her naked after prom. If only he could go back to that night, be with her like that one more time, maybe he could let her go. But even as he thought that, he knew it was a lie. There would never be another like Ellie, he would never really move on.
By the time he’d pulled his bike into an alley to hide it from view and walked up to the empty run-down house, Colt’s jeans had become painfully tight from where his memories had taken him, pushing his frustration and pain to a breaking point. He slammed the door behind him as he entered. There wasn’t any running water in this place so a cold shower was out of the question. Instead, he threw himself onto the mattress he’d laid out in an empty bedroom and stared at the ceiling. He tried to think about his next move, what he needed to finish at the shop, anything but Ellie. Eventually, he gave up, pulling off his jeans and shirt to go to sleep. Now in his boxers, he pulled the covers over himself and thought of their night together at Vaughn’s. It didn’t take him long to find relief at his own hand at the memory of their last time, her cries echoing in his ears and her face burned on the inside of his eyelids. Finally, he was able to drift of to sleep, dreaming of having Ellie in his arms again, in the only place he could.
The following morning, he drove to a nearby campsite to use their public showers and he drove to the shop. There was still so much for Colt to do to rebuild his legacy and it was the best way to distract himself from his own pain. He threw himself into stripping the walls and gutting the shop. With great effort, he kept his mind carefully blank as he worked, just focusing on the task at hand and letting it occupy his mind so he didn’t see her face or his Pop’s. So he didn’t think about everything he’d lost on his way here. Colt swung a sledgehammer into a ruined wall up in Logan’s loft, his favorite place to burn off steam, the drywall kicking up dust around him. It had taken all his effort not to think about her. Which was why, when the sound of a familiar engine filled his ears, he chucked the tool across the room with a yell, reaching his limit. Was she going to haunt him forever? Colt shook his head, trying to push the sound away. It was only a memory, after all. But when that didn’t work, and he heard someone pull into the garage, his heart started beating wildly against his ribs, he couldn’t breathe. Colt slowly turned, shoulders tense and hands shaking, to see a familiar hot-pink paint job. He’d already knocked out the walls around the door to the loft, so he had a clear view of the familiar figure, wearing his jacket, as she stepped out of the car and looked around the shop. Colt felt like time had stopped. It had only been a little over three weeks since he’d seen her, but she looked different somehow. Seeing Ellie in his jacket, with that look of determination on her face, warmed the cold that had seeped into his bones since he’d told her goodbye. Finally, Colt found his voice, moving slowly to the top of the stairs to look down at her. Deciding to attempt to play it casual to prevent himself from getting emotional, he spoke up. “Looks like you’re in the wrong place, sweetheart.”
Tags: @poeticscolt @courtesan-of-garage @zig-nazario @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @maxwellsquidsuit @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @postcardfromsomewhere @walkerduchess @zaira-oh-zaira
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Bebe Stevens
Is she still playing truth or dare in treehouses? Bebe has been accepted! Please submit your blog to the main, and a faceclaim to be featured on the main blog!
out of character info
Name/Alias: Grace
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 23
Join Our Discord: Yes - [REDACTED]
Timezone: GMT
Activity: 8 (at least every other day)
Triggers: N/A
Password: jimmy can fast pass my ass 
Character that you’re applying for: Bebe Stevens
Favourite ships for your character: Bebe/Chemistry!!
in character info
Full name: Barbara “Bebe” Stevens
Birthday: 11th August 2000
Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Female, She/Her, Bisexual
Age and grade: 18
Face of angel, body of a goddess, posture of a queen. That’s what she’s been told will get her far in life, and that’s what Bebe strives for. She’s slim build but – with thanks to frequent gym tips (for the Instagram likes) and rigorous cheerleader training – Bebe is toned, tanned and seriously strong. Her fair falls halfway down her back and, without proper styling, it’s a big nest of yellow frizz. Since hitting puberty, Bebe’s mom has enforced regular trips to the salon to tame her curls and highlight her tips, meaning only those really close to her have seen how much of a disaster it’s natural state is.
She has brown eyes, plump lips, and dresses largely in sportswear – crop tops, sports bras, leggings, shorts, high tops and hoodies. On nights out, she likes to ‘Go Ho’ with tight dresses and her signature red lipstick. Bebe is rarely seen without makeup; since entering High School, she’s grown to dislike her natural face – pale and imperfect, with dark patches under her eyes and freckles on her arms. Fake tan, foundation and fad diets are a necessity, if only to get her mom off her back.
Bebe doesn’t let anyone see more than her outward appearance. Since childhood, discouraging comments about pursuing an education and becoming an independent career woman have twisted her dreams and shattered her personal image. She works hard at school, but often struggles more than her classmates and is too stubborn to ask for help. Bebe wants to follow Wendy to an Ivy League School, become a Marine Biologist, and change the world for women in STEM. Constant reality checks from failed exams and her mom’s patriarchal view of the world have made that goal unobtainable, so now she’s relying on Instagram fame, a rich college boy proposing, and being widowed at 35 with diamonds to spare.
Bebe is bold, to the point, and surprisingly witty. However, she often disguises her wit behind ditzy or vain observations and a vapid obsession with whatever’s fashionable at the time. She’s driven, though, and even with the world seeing her a certain way, she’d like to become a bigger, brighter person. At parties, she’s a loud personality; she likes drink, dick, drugs and dancing in any order, and isn’t afraid to announce it. She’s also a natural born leader. People are drawn to her, be that because she’s got great boobs and bad reputation, or because she knows how the world works (a little too much) and isn’t afraid to grab it by the balls.
Deborah Thornton met Harvey Stevens when she was 17 and he was 25. Harvey was everything Deborah wanted: well-dressed, well-spoken, and heir to a successful stationary company. Her dating strategy was relentless; Deborah knew what she wanted, and she was damn well going to get it – but how was she going to keep it? That much was easy: have his baby.
Bebe knows she’s not a child born of love, but of circumstance. Her parents like each other well enough, but there’s no spark, just a dull-witted woman who dresses nicely for her boring, business-minded husband. Luckily, their poor parenting techniques have resulted in Bebe getting almost everything she asks for, and Deborah encourages that want-all attitude with pride. Bebe is the spitting image of her mom at 18: voluptuous body, sweet voice, and unwavering social status. Now all she needs is a husband.
The world has blessed Bebe, but as a ten-year-old, that wasn’t enough. She wanted everything she could get her hands on: all the boys, all the power, and all the shoes. Sure, stealing her dad’s gun and pointing at her best friend wasn’t her proudest moment, especially when it was just to keep her hands on Clyde fucking Donavon, but that decisiveness has remained to this day. She’ll dress slutty if she wants to, snort coke if she wants to, and get down if she wants to. Nonetheless, not even Deborah could have planned for Bebe’s independence. Bebe Stevens wants the world.
Sample paragraph:
There’s a riot going on outside, and Bebe can see most of her class in the middle of it. Knowing that lot, they probably started it. A few look worried, the majority bored (oh, a riot in South Park? Must be, like, a Tuesday) but they all know it’ll die down tomorrow when the next bullshit scenario rears its ugly head.
At least they’re involved, right? Bebe hasn’t been dragged into any non-squad drama for months. Sometimes, the guys will give Wendy a taste of their bizzare-o world, and Wendy will complain and call them assholes, but Bebe has this secret feeling that all those whacko, dangerous shenanigans might be kinda … fun.
Fuck. All she wants is the chance, just once, to take the wheel and get fucking WILD with it. Unfortunately, she has a reputation to uphold, an Instagram to keep active, and no one really trusts her after the whole, like, ‘pointing-a-gun-at-her-best-friend’ business.
Bebe blames some of it on society. That’s what Wendy would say to to cheer her up (and, thanks girl, but a pair of shoes or some ice cream would do a better job of it).
She blames the rest of it on her mom. Her mom, who’s dragged Bebe to yet another salon, because “you won’t marry rich with dry skin and crusty cuticles, honey.” Bebe’s fingers fucking ache after the trials they’ve been put through today, just for a French manicure and a couple gems on the thumbnail.
“Hey, mom,” she ventures, and her mom looks up from her copy of The Boob Job: Use your Tits to get Hitched to address her little girl.
Her mom only cares about two things: potential boyfriends (and how Bebe can use her body to bag them), and any girl-gang gossip that’ll make her feel young again.
“Can I go outside? I think I see Annie out there..”
“And ruin your nails, baby? What if that Clyde boy sees you acting like a common whore? Or Token, he’s rich, right?”
“Then they’ll be more likely to fuck me, right? Come on, mom. I can see robots out there.”
Bebe knows that the idea of her daughter becoming just another white-trash, Tomboy Tina terrifies Deborah to the core. But they’re in South Park, and the alternative options are pretty slim. 
“Fine,” her mom says, “but I want you to get three good selfies and at least one date out of it, you here? Tell them you’re a cheerleader, they like that. And look out for college boys - they’re smart.”
This town is tiny and suffocating, Bebe wants to say, they all know I’m a fuckin cheerleader. But instead she says, “sure mom, whatever, kisses,” and bolts out the door, wondering if she’ll be brave enough, today, to break a nail.
Head canons:
Bebe still has her fluffy white cat, Thumper, who she adores, even if half of his fur has gone and his legs don’t work anymore. Deborah hates the thing, but Harvey still makes sure its fed if Bebe’s away.
Bebe has some lingering drug issues. She rarely goes out now without dropping some MDMA or a line of coke, and she sometimes sneaks out at night to smoke a joint at Stark’s pond. It’s got the point that she thinks it’s a necessity to be the ultimate party girl, and she’s got no plans to stop anytime soon. It’s what Paris Hilton would have wanted.
Bebe has MAD body-image issues and will not let anyone see her without her makeup on. The only exceptions are Wendy and her dad.
Anything else: nope, nada!
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a-sprinkle-of-geeky · 5 years
Here I am in another blog that I will dedicate to stories of my own characters. Some stories can’t be expressed through comics and I’ve always wanted to write my own creative worlds!
I know this won’t grab as much of a following as my main account and that’s okay, I love writing none the less!
My stories will include my own characters and some others that belong to my close friends, they will be credited as such when mentioned. If you are interested in them and their own characters then please check them out, I can only write so much of their depth so go see for yourself! They’re amazing people.
The world that I will be using is my own with my own principles, if you wish to learn more then you can follow my Instagram (and here’s a link to the types of demons in my world!)
I also have a Discord that goes into further depth into the universe where you can see my own OCs and make your own, even RP them if you desire! So if you want a link don’t be afraid to DM me!
Read More for some of the characters that I will be writing!
In this modern world, demons and elves live coincide with humans. In the city of Entophia there a mafia. It was created by a group of those who were judged for their sexuality which is, unfortunately, a problem in the world. Though they are given the title of a mafia they are more of an anti-hero group and are now the strongest in the city. They prevent mistreatment of all species for their race, beliefs or sexuality and not afraid to get bloody. They deal with the dangers no one else is willing to touch.
Tyrell - Underworld Version (Ponytail) - The Yang half of a split entity. He is Pride Low Blood with his hair in a long pony tail. He enjoys painting with watercolours and is married to a half demon named Dan. (Belongs to @silverthelynx24 or silver_draws_trash on Insta!) After immense trauma leaving him a memory of his past life, he has developed strength and an impeccable aim.
Tyrell - Our Demons Version (Cloak) - The Yin half of a split entity. Though not in this universe, he belongs in a universe belonging to @forthecrownanimation. He drapes himself in a dark cloak and is incredibly arrogant. His partner goes by the name of Demitri who strangely can’t resist his short-temper. He has a broken memory and cannot express his emotions like his counterpart can, making him one huge tsundere.
Kyle - An insane demon with a mission to kill Tyrell. The culprit behind his many horrid scars and trauma, he seeks to avenge his brother JoJo after Ty had a hand in his “murder”. He will stop at nothing to avenge him.
JoJo - A small, sweet demon with vitiligo who has an eye for shiny things. He was turned feral after he fell, wounded, into an rural area and needed to survive. Though he is autistic and struggles to connect with others, he loves food and giving cuddles.
Clyde - A German doctor with a water element. (yes, developed off Henrik but please don’t compare them!) He is top in his field with a kind, worried heart.
Lucas - (Silver’s!) - The leader of the mafia. His outside demeanour is cold and emotionless apart from his loud orders. However, only to close friends and his husband, Clyde, he is a big sweetheart.
Levi - Another, older and experienced, doctor in the faculty’s medical team. He’s sarcastic and witty whilst taking no nonsense what so ever, with an addiction to smoking. Levi cares for JoJo like a father, studying him and making sure he lives a calm and happy life. He suffers from trauma he refuses to speak of but struggles with a glass heart as well as artificial lungs and throat, metallic chest and a bad back.
Sage - (Silver’s!) - Levi’s soulmate who keeps him grounded and in progress with helping him quit smoking. He’s calm and levelled with an prosthetic arm after an incident with JoJo. Despite this, he’s a very kind man with a passion for his small but lively family.
Flinar and Zyren - Always together, no matter what. This pair are psychotic and incredibly dangerous. They are the faculty’s toughest challenge due to their relentless torture and crime. Flinar is a Wrath demon who suffers from insanity and schizophrenia with a love of blood to calm the voices in his head. Zyren is a cold opposite, he is apathetic who prefers quick, bloodless murder. They are incredibly caring towards one another and cannot handle when the other is wounded. Zyren likes cleaning, puzzles and has a secret love for cats whilst Flin enjoys E-books, cooking, sweets and pain killers.
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoy what’s to come! ^-^
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