#“Still getting there” or “I love how I am” or “I worked hard to here here and I'm proud”
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fireladyofink · 1 day ago
Oh God.. uuhhhh.. been a minute since I tried one of these..
Skipping 1, hate first person, just can't do it, not even read it.
2 is 100% Andlàtkyn. There's some issues here and there but it will always be my pride and joy.
Due to not posting on AO3 (even though I really should be), 3 is mostly ineffective. Except Wattpad has tags. I'd say UTAU, dragons and crossover.
4, lol. Literally. Lately I keep using that (only when texting others) and it's bothering me. I feel like a simpleton because of how much I'm saying that, eugh.
5 I've honestly learned a lot while researching fics. For one, I found out lantana berries are toxic to humans yet taste like blueberries, and I have them growing in my backyard. They're actually my favorite plant! I love their flowers; so pretty, and they have such a uniquely funky smell as well. Part of why I adore them, it stands out so much without being a bad smell. And the leaves have a sort of citrus smell? I love lantanas.
6 I don't know. I've thought about requests due to the money, but I feel like I'd either struggle to start writing it or get carried away with it- or straight up not finish in a reasonable timeframe. Commissions? Like art commissions? Maybe in a few years when I'm more confident in my skills and also somehow have a drawing tablet to properly draw digitally. Something like that.
7 Either or. I love making sickeningly sweet coffee or various different teas.
8 Is honestly hard to decide! Off the top of my head I can think of Dust initially meeting Killer with the hilariously absurd question of "What do you mean you don't have a mouth? How are you speaking right now? Your ass?"
9 Believe it or not it was basically when I first got a phone and commented a short story in the comments of a YouTube video. Someone replied with a suggestion of Wattpad. The rest is history, lol.
10 Off the top of my head I can't think of anything beyond something very specific for the fic I've been thinking about again lately, Ninjagaësia. Only time I've written outside of the UT fandom too, I specifically want to get around to writing that version of Zane more. What I had planned for him is fun as hell. An absolute badass.
11 Lots of comments, votes and people enjoying it. Which, continuing the above mention, Ninjagaësia doesn't qualify for. Pretty unsuccessful, but for once I don't really care.
12 Undertale AU's. I doubt I'll ever leave, either.
13 No. Hell, my ultimate fic of Andlàtkyn was written throughout the later half of highschool. I am technically working on an original story on the sidelines, I call it my worldbuilding project because I'm building up so much lore in this world before I actually touch on the story itself outside of a vague idea. About 60-ish different species of people, including the were-diseases. Last I counted, anyway. I'll be working on it for years, I know it, and I don't mind that either.
14 Comments talking about my fics on said fics. Actual interactions! It brings me joy. 🧡
15 My family is well aware. I don't bring up a lot of details but the last time I went into vague detail with my mother it was over a scene in Andlàtkyn (no direct spoilers) and she interpreted it weirdly and now she teases me by asking if I'm killing babies again! A bit awkward..
16 Actually finishing a damn story. I don't mind the periods of no writing until I get inspired again, but what annoys me is when I can't seem to finish anything. Only ever finished Andlàtkyn. I still have yet to write anything for the sequel to it, either! Zeradelsída is still just a bunch of loose plot points..
17 I am semi successfully writing benevolent eldritch horror. It doesn't intend harm, but it is truly.. horrifying nonetheless. The uncertainty of someone knowing he died, feeling his own heart stop beating, and feeling something OTHER seep inside and force it to start again, pulsing in his veins, fusing with his anatomy, permanently altering both him and itself into something completely unknowable.. I'm rambling. Anyone who hasn't seen my Wattpad, read Awakened. If you don't mind ridiculously long fics, read Andlàtkyn too!
18 I have at least 7 I mostly expect to finish, with at least 4 others just kind of.. there. I don't think I've posted any of those, either. I also have ideas inspired by dreams that I'd love to write down someday, though don't really expect to actually codify.
19 I kind of just don't. I work on different projects as the inspiration hits, take a backseat for a month or so, then come back to either the same project or a different one.
20 Hmmm.. Hard to think of something specific. I'm leaning towards stuff in Andlàtkyn. I don't really have a favorite kiss scene because I don't do romance. I write adventure! Andlàtkyn has some side romance though- not that any of it is my favorite. Platonic stuff, though.. I'd say my favorite is honestly Lust and Alter incidentally befriending each other and becoming venting buddies. It's the cutest thing, their friendship is adorable and wholesome despite the background angst. I didn't write nearly as much of them as deserved.
21 Honestly it's mostly lack of inspiration that I'm pretty sure stems from depression. If I could get an ADHD prescription or depression meds I'd probably be a lot better but like. I am completely broke. So much so that those issues aren't even in the top 10 of pressing problems solved with money.
22 Given I've literally only done it once.. not really. I guess I post it around everywhere I can think of in excitement?
23 That one continuous dream I had that went on over a month centered on a Nightmare that was freshly corrupted. He was honestly so nerdy and adorable despite putting on the brave and mildly "evil" front. The boy. Him. Goddamnit I want to write that at some point.
24 Honestly I can't think of anything for this one.
25 Oh yeah, I can't think of anything off the top of my head but there's a lot I'd like to fix in all of my stories, lol.
26 Kind of? It's a more recent development, did it for Zeradelsída which still has yet to be written, did it for that Ninjagaësia too. A little bit of a broad, even vaguer outline for things I want to happen in Awakened, too? More like events, no particular order or connection.
27 A few of those WIP's that haven't been posted... Okay technically just one. There's also the very first fic I wrote that is subsequently the only one I've ever deleted.
28 Angstiest often coincides with cursed for some reason, so I'll just go with the ending of Andlàtkyn for the Apple Twins.
29 I kind of just.. don't. If I do, I start hating everything, and because I'm not THAT bad at spelling and grammar I think it's mostly fine the way it is.
30 Oh absolutely. It's particularly obvious when one looks at Andlàtkyn, which I wrote over the course of 4 years. Really neat transition, if I ever manage to do it, I'd rewrite the beginning a little to match the rest when crossposting to AO3. If I ever get around to that.
31 Again, Andlàtkyn. That fic is my baby, man. It's so precious to me.
32 Honestly I don't know for this one, which is weird.
33 100% Ink of Awakened. My little boy. I have some friends that would rib the hell out of me if they ever found out, lol. Thankfully the main one doesn't even remember that he has a Tumblr.
34 I was not expecting how hard of a question this is! I thought it was Andlàtkyn, but thinking about it.. I don't think so? It might simply just change depending on which one I'm currently fixated on, but at the moment I think my favorites to get that on is Awakened and Ninjagaësia, second of which already has basically nothing to begin with.
35 I don't have anything, oof.
Fanfic/Author Ask Game
Write a scene from [insert fic] in another character’s POV
Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
What’s something you learned while researching a fic?
Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
Coffee or tea while you write?
What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]?
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Is there a character or ship you'd love to write for, but haven't yet?
What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
What do you struggle with most when writing?
What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
How many WIPs do you have and how many do you expect to finish?
How do you get over writer's block?
Share your favorite kiss scene from [insert fic]. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
What stops you from writing more in your free time?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Which scene/theme was the inspiration for [insert fic]?
Are there any moments in [insert fic] that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given the chance?
Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Are any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
A character you enjoy making suffer.
A character you want to protect.
What is your favorite fic to get comments/messages on?
Wild Card: Ask me something else!
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kanmom51 · 3 days ago
Chapter 3 in the making
Traveling together to "film a show" was big (yes, this was to film a show, but we all know it was mainly to spend much needed time together, and if we didn't, let's be honest that we did, but if we didn't, then JK literally confirmed this for us in episode 1 of AYS). But back in 2023 when a public Jikook was a scarcity, left us with more question marks than anything else as to how this will actually be coming to fruition.
Enlisting together was HUGE. Like H U G E. Them being the only ones to do so not only within BTS but the first and only idols to do so. A choice made by the two of them. To do this together. With each other. Not with anyone else.
Are You Sure?! Do we need any words here? Like really? Because AYS was as loud as F$@&. No, seriously, idk what you want to call it, a soft launch, a smack in the noggin, whatever you do, it was quite clear to those who have eyes and a brain. With or without knowing who JM and JK are, their history, their culture. Louder to those who do know them.
Since their enlistment and even through Muse and AYS we got practically nothing from the two. Oh, we did have a couple of interesting pics from their basic training and graduation, a few pics from the unit, a shit ton of signatures, some more interesting than others (joint messages, pretty decorations...) and a few nice messages, but mostly silence from the two. This stood out even more so in comparison to the almost barrage we've been getting from NJ and Tae, both enlisted only a day before Jikook.
And then came December. With less than 6 months to go.
JK going live from his new place. Dare I say their new place? It's not like we haven't talked about this over the past 18 months. Speculating, wondering. But man (figure of speech y'all), these last couple of months, they are sure making me feel like what we saw as leaning to the delusional side or more so wishful thinking, ain't no delusion or wish, but more so a very possible reality to come.
But let's get back on track.
So, December gave us:
"We spend our free time together", "we sing together", "we sing while we shower daily together", not to mention JK's btw remark about seeking privacy away from others "to sing".
Then came JM in January with their "conversations before going bed" about "what kind of image we want to show" and "what kind of lives we will live moving forward".
And February rolls in and we think that we will be back to their silent treatment, but JK comes to us with a heartfelt message (they really feel the end and want out). But nothing prepared us for Hobi's birthday live and once again those two with their "we share a room" and "we have stories to tell, but not sure how much we actually can..." that won't scare us off, lol.
Funny how every single hysterical claim made by those who were hit so very hard by their joint enlistment has been shut down by the two of them by now!!
Anyway, do we see a pattern here? Can we call this a pattern? Is there more to come? Well, obviously there is post military service, but seeing as to how they have been in the past couple of months, I'm thinking that we will be getting more even before that.
I'm guessing that conclusion isn't a far fetched one, seeing what we got last night.
And OMG, that was another HUGE loud af Jikook statement.
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Ribbon on right: "I love you 🖤"
Ribbon on left: "BTS Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook".
Yes, a statement.
I stand by that.
Because even if you don't think it's anymore than a cute thing, just another thing that Jikook do together, then you are not seeing the cultural context here.
So, several content producers/directors that were Hybe employees (directors of I am still, AYS and JM's production diary amongst others) have left the company to open their own company (Idk too much about the company they opened, but my guess is that they will continue working with Hybe as contractors rather than employees, but also allowing them to work with other companies and create their own content, including producing a new boy band). And they posted the congratulation they have received.
From Hobi.
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Hoshi and Woonhoo of Seventeen.
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Each sending a separate wreath.
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And there are wreaths they received from more than one sender. Joint wreaths. But this was from companies (joint ceos), or business partners. Not two separate idols or people.
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Now, if you don't see what's huge here, let me show you the K side of this to maybe get some perspective (although, let's be honest, you don't need to be on the K side to see this is a couple thing).
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Yes, I wonder the same thing!!!
There is more.
So much more.
The K side of things is literally going mad. Good mad.
And there is a reason they are.
This is most definitley not something friends, as close as they might be, would do. Not friends, not multimillionaire friends. They most definitley can afford two wreaths. And that's one of the points here.
Once again.
This was a choice.
Not to send separate congratulative wreaths. They sure can afford to do so. Even if they aren't on vacation at the moment and are in the base. Seriously, two young men closing in on their 30s, independently financially sufficient and so much more.
Yeah, this most definitley was a statement.
And the frenzy K Jikookers are in at this very moment is well enough proof to that.
Btw, haven't been to the dark side, don't know just how crazy and rabid the cult and antiis are going, but my guess would be...
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Anyways, sitting here smile plastered on my face, I'm kind of starting to think, that this is maybe, just maybe, going to become our new normal. Jikook doing couplie things, openly, proudly, unapologetically.
And if this is them even before they are discharged...
What a great time this is going to be.
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gvshing · 2 days ago
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Roommate Vi✧ ˚  ·    .
Masterlist C.W. mentions of being drunk
Roommate Vi loudly plays her games in the middle of the night. It’s 2 am and she’s screaming at 14 year olds for getting her killed in Fortnite. “Dude! What the fuck! You were supposed to cover my ass!” Is all you hear, all night long, through the paper thin walls. When she gets too loud you’re throwing pillows at the wall. Her big ass headphones planted atop her head, denting her hair into the shape of them, tuning out the sounds of quiet thumps against her wall. You eventually have to go knock on her door to tell her to keep it down around 3 am. She has work in the morning, you can’t quite wrap your head around how she plays all night and still makes it in on time. Vi will apologize, embarrassment etching her features. Though she would be lying if she said she didn’t like seeing your frazzled state standing at her bedroom door every night. Cozied into your pajamas and a blanket wrapped around you, sheltering you from the cold. She keeps it cold as hell in the apartment. She runs naturally hot so you never complain, enjoying wearing the hoodies around the apartment and the old stained sweats you’ve owned since you were a teenager. They were more comfortable than the shorts that rode up or the tank tops you were always worried would move and flash her. She loved seeing your sleepy eyes and frizzy hair from all the tossing and turning trying to tune her out. She stays quiet for as long as she can, but she has a hard time controlling her volume when she’s angry or heavily enthused. Usually, she’ll get loud about an hour after you’ve scolded her, but that works for you. By that time you’re sound asleep.
Room mate Vi comes home drunk on the weekends after nights of bar hopping with her friends you still have yet to meet. Except in passing when they’re helping her get into the apartment. You’ll do a silent exchange of taking the load of Vi’s weight into your arms, nodding and a quiet thank you slipping through your mouth before they’re gone again. You’ll pull her into the room, wrecked from her getting ready earlier. Clothes thrown all over her bed and hair products splayed across her dresser. Moving the clothes to the side, you carefully help her into bed, she throws herself the rest of the way down and cackles loudly. “Woah! Hi Y/N! When did you get here? Or me? I missed you~” In a sing-song tone she’ll realize she made it home safe once again. She cracks her eyes open into slits to glimpse you taking her shoes off. Sighing loudly as you place the shoes on the ground, she huffs in annoyance. “What could you possibly be annoyed about, Vi? I’m helping you.” You say, frustration lacing your voice. You’re not mad that she’s come home like this again, she’s still young, that’s what she’s supposed to do at this age. Still worry swirls around your chest at the thought of her friends not being there one day, but deep down you know she’ll always make it out safe. She’s strong, even shit faced drunk. And to be honest, you never mind helping her after a night of drunken adventures. It warms your heart to know you can be there for her in such an intimate way, even if her drunken self always finds something to groan and pout about. She’ll continue sighing loudly until you sit next to her lying body on the bed. Stroking her hair until she settles, “I’m going to grab you water and some medicine for when you wake up, okay?” She groans once more and throws her arms around your waist, rapidly shaking her head, holding onto you until sleep finds her. You sneak out of her room and return with the hangover remedies, softly setting them down on the nightstand and quietly exiting the room, fearful you’ll wake her up.
In the morning, she’ll wake up in a haze, quickly take the medication and gulp down the water you left for her. She’ll stumble out of her bedroom, finding you in the kitchen making breakfast. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get that drunk or make you take care of me.” She apologizes profusely, clambering over to the table to sit down, wincing at the way her head pounds harder when she sits down a bit too hard. “I never mind, Vi. You’ll feel better soon. Want breakfast?” You both sit in silence until after she finishes eating. Slowly she’ll feel better and then you’ll recount your night of babysitting her drunken persona. Secretly, she loves when you take care of her, drunken or not. And you love to be the one taking care of her. Love the feeling of being useful to her. 
Room mate Vi has a bad day at work like 70% of the time. You’re not sure why she still works there if she hates it, but she needs the money and you can understand that. She slams the door open and closes it a bit loud and viscous. Stomping to her room to scream into a pillow and punch her mattress out of anger. You hesitantly walk up to her door and knock lightly. You hear a quiet ‘come in.’ through the door and you slowly open the door and stand in the threshold. “You- What’s wrong?” Anxiety spreading through you. You’re never mad at her for getting as rough as she does when she’s mad. But, it still makes you feel uneasy. She exhales a breath of irritation. “Just a bad day. Work fucking kills me. The customers have to be having meetings in the mornings about how they’re all going to come in and ruin my day. Like they have to be. It’s insane.” You give her a look of sympathy and walk over to her desk chair. “I’m sorry. Tell me about it?” She’ll rant for an hour about how every customer was rude, obnoxious or stupid. Ending it feeling better about her day having gotten it out of her system. You truly make her feel at ease.
Room mate Vi and you reserve Sunday nights to hang out together. Usually cozying up in the living room, a shared blanket and too many snacks for one night, a movie playing on the TV. Every Sunday you trade off who gets to pick the movie. Vi usually picks an action movie or a romcom that she makes you promise not to tell anyone she enjoys. You taunt her with the threat of telling whatever friend that brings her home that week and she’ll tickle you until you can’t breathe and you’re promising over and over you won’t actually tell anyone. She settles back into her spot and gleams with triumph. Throughout the night you guys always find yourself moving closer to the other until you’re practically cuddling. Snuggled into her side and her arm thrown around the back of the couch, that’ll eventually get tired of being up there and trail down to being wrapped around your shoulders instead. You fall asleep like that and she gently scoops you up and brings you to your room. Tucking you into bed, she’ll push your hair back behind your ear and lean down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. She tells herself it’s normal to feel the way she does with you. You’re friends after all. She walks out of your room and softly closes the door. She stands in front of your door for a minute and catches her breath, waiting for her heart to slow down back to its normal pace. She just likes being around you. Nothing more, you’re a good friend. She finds herself staring at you, often, yeah. Friends do that. Catching herself missing you when you walk away, and imagines kissing you, more than she probably should, it happens, it’s normal. Yeah, friends feel that way sometimes. Sure.
Room mate Vi who isn’t able to convince herself she doesn’t like you when you come home one day, giddy about a first date you have that night. She starts feeling a searing jealousy rising in her. She can’t push it away and she’s pouting all day long. Sending you off with just a “Yeah, have fun. Be safe.” when you’re leaving. It leaves you perplexed, her sudden coldness. She sits at home, brooding, the rest of the night until you’re home. When she sees the look of disappointment on your face, she feels her heart leap. She feels bad for finding joy in your disappointment, but she can’t help herself. “Are you okay? Date not go well?” She hears the eagerness in her voice and inwardly winces. You huff and trudge to the couch, throwing yourself on it. You lay across her lap and stare up the ceiling. She strokes your hair and raises her eyebrows. A soft ‘hm?’ sound leaves her throat. “It wasn’t bad, but there just wasn’t any chemistry. I feel bad. I was so excited but she was so bland. I almost feel like she did it on purpose to drive me away. Maybe she didn’t want to go out and was just being nice when she said yes… I don’t know.” you sigh in defeat and toss yourself around to shove your face into her lap, shading your face away from her. She exhales softly and clears her throat, unease setting in. “Maybe? I doubt it. I bet she was just boring. Who wouldn’t want to go on a date with you? You’re so pretty and funny.” You snort in amusement. Twisting around to face her again. “You’re just saying that because you have to. But, I appreciate it.” She stares at you in disbelief. “I’m not just saying that, babe. You are a catch, people should feel blessed to be in your company. Let alone in such an intimate way.” You stare at her, unable to convince yourself that she’s being real. “Thanks, Vi. I appreciate you. It was just disappointing, but my feelings aren’t hurt.” She nods in a solemn agreement. She swallows her anxiety and reaches over to grab your hand. You interlock fingers and smile down at your connected hands. “Go on a date with me. I’ll show you what a good time with someone who values you, should feel.” You choke on your spit when you hear her say that and sit up fast. “What? I-” you stare at her and she continues staring at you, confidence spilling out from her. “Come on. It’ll be fun.” She smiles mischievously. “Uh.. Okay. Fine. If you want to, you don’t have to do that just because you feel bad for me. That’ll make me feel worse.” You trail off and she shakes her head, chuckling lightly. “I mean it. I was going to ask you either way.” You laugh loudly and throw yourself back into her lap, covering your blushing face.
Room mate Vi plans the most thoughtful dates. A picnic with your favorite foods, stay at home movie night with a fort she made herself, though it looks janky and falls down a few times, surprise beach days. By the end of every date you share, your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, feeling like you did a thousand sit ups from the pain of laughing too much and butterflies making a home in your chest. She always makes you feel that deserving feeling she preached to you. With her it felt easy, it made sense. And you felt silly for not seeing it earlier. It felt obvious that you both would be a good match together, but yet it took you so long. And it took her asking you. What if she didn’t say anything? Would you be living your life going on mediocre dates until the end of time? Either way, you’re glad you don’t have to do that. Glad you have each other.
Girlfriend Vi adores you and never goes a day without telling you how pretty and smart you are. She loves to see you shy away from her, loves to see your coy smile. You continue your Sunday movie nights, but with more kisses and cuddling now. You go with her on the weekends to watch how she gets herself to that point of drunken-ness. But, you’re the one taking her home now, not just tucking her in. You’re cuddling into bed next to her now. Her warmth radiates off her, no need for blankets when you have her to warm up. You wake up to her head shoved into your chest, arms wrapped around you and legs locking you in place. She snores lightly, peacefully resting off her hangovers, hard work days or rough workouts. You kiss her on the top of her head and snuggle closer into her, closing your eyes to drift off into that same peaceful rest. Feeling thankful you’ll never have to live without her or her calming presence. Even when she’s mad. 
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agustdakasuga · 2 days ago
Every Moment With You
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, IdolBoyfriend!Yoongi, Idol!Namjoon, Idol!Seokjin, Idol!Hoseok, Idol!Jimin, Idol!Taehyung, Idol!Jungkook
Summary: Finally, the boys are able to take a break without any cameras and fans. And since they will be a private compound on their own, of course Yoongi invited you. And now that you're able to comfortably spend time with him, you want to make full use of it before he goes back to work.
Word count: 7,395
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When Yoongi unlocked the door to the apartment, he was greeted to by the sight of you blasting 'Haegeum' and throwing hand signs around, jumping on the spot like you were at one of his AGUST D D-Day concerts.
"이 노래는 해금" You tried your best to rap, still not noticing your boyfriend leaning against the wall, watching you with an amused smile on his face.
"Ayy!" You couldn't catch up with all the lyrics of his rap so you kept throwing 'ayy's around.
"어쩌면 이 또한 또 다른 해금, yeah" You finished and Yoongi pushed himself off the wall, clapping to finally make his presence known.
"What the-" You jumped and let out a yelp.
"H-How long have you been there?" You screeched, pointing an accusatory finger at him. Yoongi continued clapping and laughing at how surprised you looked to see him.
"Halfway through the chorus. Although I wish I was here to see the entire performance." He chuckled.
"Damn right, you know I'm way better than Agust D. But sorry, there are no encores around here." You scoffed.
"Yeah, we don't know who Agust D thinks he is." Yoongi smiled and shuffled over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You threw your arms over his neck, tip toeing slightly to hug him properly. You tightened your hold around him as he turned his head just enough to press a kiss to your cheek.
"How was the studio session?" You asked.
"It went better than I expected. I should be able to record guide vocals with Jungkook soon." He replied, one hand moving to stroke your lower back affectionately.
"That's great." You giggled, pulling back to give him a peck. You helped him remove his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack.
"Oh, right. I wanted to tell you, the boys wanna head up to the Soop estate to stay for a few days." He informed.
"Ah, I see. Go ahead, I think it's a great idea. You all should take the chance to get away for a bit before promotions really kick off again." You said, going to the kitchen.
"You should come too." He followed you into the kitchen, grabbing a cold coffee from the fridge.
"Yoongi, I would love to but... you remember the last time... it was hard for everyone to hide me from the cameras..." You sighed.
"I know, aegi. But the management said there will be no cameras, no content filming, no fans, nothing. We'll have the whole place to ourselves with security in case of trespassers. So if you would like to go, I would love to have you there." He held your hand.
"Oh, sure. If the boys are okay with it." You smiled, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
"Please, of course they are okay with it. They didn't even care about whether I was going, all they wanted to know was if you were going." He rolled his eyes.
"Alright. I have some vacation days my boss has been asking me to take anyway so the timing is perfect." You said.
"It's settled then. Go get packed, we're leaving tomorrow morning at 5 am." Yoongi patted your hip.
"We'll have our own room, bathroom and small seating area. And of course, the camper van is ours too. You've seen it on the show, it's like the one Jungkook stayed in with Bam." Yoongi informed.
"I mean, if the other members need more privacy, I don't mind sharing a bathroom or living room space." You shrugged.
"No, no, no. Don't say that. For me, we need our own space." Yoongi was quick to interject, shaking his head.
"Sure~" You laughed.
During In The Soop 1, Yoongi spoke to management about you tagging along with them and they agreed since Yoongi would be using the camper on his own. But even so, it was hard for you to stay hidden. You would have to duck out of the way, wake up earlier to leave the bed and make sure your stuff was hidden.
On top of that, the editing team had to do multiple rounds of checks to make sure that any footage of you or your belongings being captured was removed.
"Go shower, I'll start packing." You waved him off. He hummed and came over to kiss your temple before going to the bathroom.
"Shirts, pants, underwear..." You took out a few sets and laid them on the bed.
"Hoodies... Dresses..." Leaving Yoongi's clothes on the bed for him to check first, you packed your stuff into the suitcase. Then you packed make up and some travel toiletries.
"They have toiletries there, aegi. Unless you need something specific." Yoongi said, re-entering the room.
"Oh, okay. Saves me the space then. Can you check if that's enough clothes for you?" You asked.
"I think I'll take a few more shirts. Last time, I ended up being pushed into the pool by a drunk Namjoon. It was edited out since most of them were drunk and removing their clothes." He let out a sigh.
"I'm sure the fans would have liked to watch that." You raised your eyebrows. Yoongi helped you with the packing, stuffing his things into his own suitcase. He put your skincare along with his own in his travel pouch and packed that.
"I can finish up here if you want to nap." You told him, knowing he was working in the studio the whole of last night.
"It's alright, we're almost done." Yoongi patted your head. He took the clothes that you both decided not to bring and put them back into the drawers or hung them back up in the closet.
"Aegi, should I add your skirt to this hanger with the rest or would you prefer me to use a new one?" He asked.
"A new one would be great. The other one looks too full." You said.
"Good idea." He went to the laundry area to get a spare hanger and came back, neatly hanging your skirts before putting it back into your side of the closet.
"Okay, we're done! Time for us to sleep." He declared.
"Yoongi, it's 1pm. I'm not sleepy! You go to sleep." You said between your giggles.
"No, you know I can't sleep without you." He grumbled in a low voice, not sure if it was meant for you to hear of not. But without another word, Yoongi laid on his side of the bed, scrolling on his phone.
"Aren't you tired?" You tilted your head.
"I am... I'm just waiting for you." He let out a big yawn, stretching his arms and legs like a cat. You let out a sigh of defeat and moved the packed bags aside, crawling into bed with him. Yoongi used to sleep on the left but after his surgery, he changed to the right so he wouldn't sleep on his left.
"That's better." He cleared his throat, pulling you close and letting you sleep on his right arm, his left casually slung over your hip. You felt him kiss the top of your head.
"Ugh." You tried to sleep but you had just woken up not too long ago. On the other hand, Yoongi fell asleep so quickly.
"You always work so hard." You whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek as he slept.
"I love you." You were glad he was done with military. Yes, as a social service officer, you saw Yoongi everyday but he always looked so tired and frustrated that he didn't have time to work on music.
You slipped out of Yoongi's hold and left the bedroom, closing the door behind you.
"Clean up, do laundry, make snacks, pack drinks." You made a list.
Since you and Yoongi were not going to be around, you wanted to clean the house and do as many chores as you could so you wouldn't have to do them when you get back.
"Aegi?" Yoongi lifted his head to find himself along in bed. His hand touched your side of the bed, feeling how cold the sheets were. He groaned as he sat up and yawned. Slipping on his house slippers, Yoongi left the bedroom.
"Aegiiii..." His sleep riddled voice called out for you.
"In the kitchen!" You replied. Yoongi blinked in confusion and went over to the kitchen. He watched with a small frown as you were wrapping the rice ball in cling wrap.
"W-What are you doing?" Yoongi came closer, leaning closer and squinting to figure out what you were doing.
"Make snacks for us and the others to eat on the bus ride." You laughed, pulling him back.
"It's just snacks, babe. We might get hungry or the others might get hungry too." You said, putting all the rice balls aside, next to the wrapped sandwiches.
"Thank you for doing this." He smiled.
"I'm always happy to feed you and the boys." You put all the items into the fridge, intending to bring them in a cooler bag later.
"You made Japanese potato salad?" His eyes widened when he saw you put two containers in too.
"Mhmm. I know you like it. Plus, I ran out of bread and since I was boiling eggs anyway, I took some for potato salad. This second one container has no cucumbers, its for Taehyung." You explained, going to grab some disposable cutlery that you and Yoongi collect from all your food deliveries.
"You spoil them too much." He clicked his tongue, stealing a boiled egg to eat. Yoongi always says you give in too much to the younger ones but it's always hard to tell them no.
"You spoil them too! Jungkook's whole 'Yoongi hyung never scolds me' thing." You put your hands on your hips.
"T-That's different." He looked away, his ears turning red.
"Sure, it is. You keep telling yourself that. And I don't just spoil them, I spoil you too, Yoonie~" You cooed at him, pinching his cheek. He scoffed and slapped your hands away.
"You know I hate all your nicknames... And you're meant to spoil me, you're dating me, not them." He glared.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget that." You hugged his waist, leaning your head on his chest.
"You better not." His clean hand came to stroke the back of your head. As you cleaned up the kitchen counter, Yoongi heated up the leftovers for you have dinner.
"Aegi, dinner time. Stop working." Yoongi called you like a mother calls her child, putting the plates of food on the dining table. You closed your laptop and went over to help him, grabbing the side dishes from the fridge and the cutlery.
"I managed to file for my leave. I shot my boss a text and he told me to go ahead, he'll approve it tomorrow morning." You informed.
"That's great, aegi. So, you can take the time to just relax and immerse yourself in nature with me." He smiled. You nodded with a hum and sat down.
"Thank you for the food, Yoongi." You picked up your chopsticks.
"You're very welcome. Eat up, aegi." He removed the bone from the galbi and placed the meat on your rice.
After dinner, you did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while Yoongi did his own packing. He never went anywhere without his music and sound recording equipment.
"You know, usually partners would get nagged at for bringing work things on vacation." Yoongi joked.
"Why would I nag you on something that brings you happiness? If by chance, that's work. So be it." You shrugged.
"You're something else, aegi." He chuckled and shook his head, carefully packing his expensive equipment into their foam cases and zipping up his guitar. Then he grabbed his computer bag to pack his laptop and all the wires. It was satisfying to watch him pack, he was so neat and meticulous.
"Would you prefer me to nag...?" You teased. He shook his head, the smile never leaving his face. Once he was done, you placed all your things by the door.
"Okay, we have a few hours to sleep then we have to go." He reached out to hold your hand.
"I'm excited! I haven't seen this new estate." You clapped your hands happily.
"Oh, that's right! I forgot you haven't seen the estate before... And I event went again for song camp when producing D-Day." Yoongi slapped his forehead in realisation and you nodded.
"Of course I wouldn't go for song camp." You said. You knew you wouldn't value add and just be a distraction if you went."
"I think you'll like it, there's a lot more space than the first Soop location they rented." He squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
"But the company actually owns this place, right? Like the whole area. The first estate was a rental." You asked. He hummed and began to brush his teeth, so did you.
"I'll set an alarm. Goodnight, aegi." Yoongi mumbled, eyes on his phone, playing his basketball game.
"Goodnight, Yoon." You wished back, tucking yourself against his side. As he used his phone, his other hand absentmindedly stroked your head, which lulled you to sleep really quickly. Left with only 3 hours to sleep, he put his phone away to join you in dreamland.
"Everything is packed." You zipped up the cooler bag with all the food that you prepared last night. Yoongi insisted on handling most of the bags, loading them into the car.
"So I'll leave the car at HYBE while we're at the estate. The others should be making their way there, the bus leaves at 6." He said.
"Mmm..." You hummed, still tired.
"Aigoo, my precious girl. You can sleep on the bus." Yoongi leaned over to cup your cheeks. You pouted at him, making him chuckle as he started the car to drive.
"(y/n)!" Your name was yelled across the carpark as you and Yoongi unloaded the bags.
"Shhh! Taehyung ah, you're too loud." Jimin chided.
"Hi." You waved, trying to hide your yawn as you helped Yoongi with the bags. Of course, the boys took over the bags, sharing the load especially with Yoongi's music and recording equipment. You all took the lift up to the back of HYBE, where the bus was waiting and the other boys were boarding.
"Good morning." You bowed to the others and Yoongi sent them a lazy wave, passing the bags to the bus captain who was loading them into storage.
"Glad you could join us." Namjoon smiled.
"Thank you for having me." You giggled, adjusting the scarf Yoongi bundled around your neck.
"Oh my, Jungkook's bringing Bam? Hello, Bamie~" You cooed as Jungkookg walked over with the doberman. Bam jumped excitedly, standing on his hind legs to sniff you and lick you.
"I've missed you too, big baby. Yes, good boy." You rubbed your ears. When Yoongi was done, he grabbed your hand.
"Let's get out of the cold." He said softly and led you to the bus, helping you up the steps.
"(y/n) packed food for everyone." Yoongi announced to the other boys who were settling in their seats, and Jungkook was trying to settle Bam down.
"Thank you, (y/n)! You're a life saver." The boys all threw thanks their way. Jin volunteered to have the cooler bag of food beside him since he had a spare seat beside him and he could help hand it out to the boys for you.
"Yes, she is." Yoongi mumbled under his breath with a chuckle but you heard him.
"You don't have to stay awake, aegi. Go to sleep." He put his arm around you. With such a big bus, everyone took alternate rows to be able to recline their seats comfortably.
"The rice balls are good, (y/n)!" Jungkook said, his words muffled by the food he stuffed in his mouth.
"Yah. You're getting rice everywhere." Hoseok chided.
"Thank you." You replied with a giggle before leaning back in your seat. You didn't know when you fell asleep but Yoongi opened the small lap blanket he brought and draped it over you.
"Can we dim the lights a little?" Yoongi requested. The manager asked the bus driver to lower the lights.
"So hyung, how happy are you to have her here?" Jimin asked from across the aisle, watching Yoongi draw the curtains and adjust the overhead airconditioning vent so it wasn't blowing in your face. Yoongi turned around to glare at the younger before checking on you, making sure you didn't hear Jimin.
"Thankfully she had enough vacation days to come with us. She deserves a nice break too." Yoongi replied, not answering Jimin's question directly.
"You're always afraid to gush about her, around her. You do it silently, behind her back." Taehyung pointed out with a laugh.
"I don't gush about her. I just appreciate her and what she does for me." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Sure, hyung. You don't gush... keep telling yourself that." Namjoon chuckled, eyes still trained on his kindle. Luckily the bus was dark that they couldn't see the light blush on Yoongi's cheeks.
"I don't gush." Yoongi looked back at your sleeping face, not sure who he was trying to convince at this point.
When you woke up, you felt Yoongi's head on your shoulder and tried your best not to move.
"Jimin, can you hand me my phone there?" You whispered to the male who was playing his nintendo switch. He nodded and reached over to get your phone from the seat pocket.
"Thank you." You smiled softly. Like all younger brothers do, Jimin retrieved his own phone and snapped a picture of sleeping Yoongi on your shoulder before retreating back to his seat to continue his game. You chuckled and shook your head.
"He's going to kill you if he knows." You told him.
"Then don't tell him." Jimin snickered. You spent the remainder of hte bus ride on your phone, not wanting to move to disturb Yoongi.
"We're here, everyone. Wake up!" Namjoon stood up. You gently patted Yoongi's thigh to wake him. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around.
"Good morning, Yoongi." You giggled.
"Good morning, aegi." He yawned and stretched his arms. As everyone was busy gathering their stuff, you gave him a peck.
"Come on, let's get off this bus." He helped you pack and held your hand as you got off the bus. Standing in the mansion estate, it was so much bigger than what the television showed.
"Let's go, Bam!' Jungkook let Bam off his leash and started running towards his room with his bags in tow.
"He has so much energy." Jin clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"All he did was sleep and eat on the bus." Hoseok laughed. You were unsure of where to go so you just followed Yoongi. He slid open one of the sliding doors to a room in one of the villas. Like Yoongi said, it was exactly like Jungkook and Bam's room in the show, practically like a studio apartment without a kitchen.
"Wow, I can't believe this is just one section of the villa." You said, pushing the suitcases to the corner.
"Yeah, each room has a small living space and bathroom. Then the kitchen and big living room is in the main mansion." Yoongi said, closing the door behind him.
"I do watch In The Soop, you know?" You teased. He scoffed and went into the room.
"Ah. This is comfy." He laid on the bed.
"It's so nice and tranquil here." You said, moving to lay on him, resting your head on his chest. Yoongi lazily threw an arm over your shoulders to hold you.
"As much as I would like to continue sleeping in an actual bed, we need lunch. Everyone ate your food but you." Yoongi said.
"But I'm not hungry." You yawned, burying your face into his chest. Yoongi kissed the top of your head.
"Lovebirds! Are we doing lunch or what?" You heard Jin's voice from your door. You yelled out an acknowledgement to the oldest and immediately got up, making Yoongi let out an annoyed groan from behind you.
"We'll wash up and be right there!" You smiled to Jin. He nodded, giving you a thumbs up before leaving to head to the mansion. You went to wash your face.
"Aegiiii..." Yoongi drowned out and leaned his body against yours, his hands holding your waist from behind.
"I'm trying to wash my face!" You squealed, feeling his fringe tickle the back of your neck.
After you and Yoongi washed up, you convinced him to at least have lunch. Hand in hand, you strolled to the mansion. Yoongi looked around the place, ruffling his hair with his free hand.
"What are you craving for?" Yoongi asked, the both of you removing your shoes before entering the mansion.
"I'll have what the others are having. You know I'm not picky." You shrugged.
"I know but I'd much rather cook something you want to eat and not something the younger ones want." He chuckled. The two of you saw the others playing games in the living room.
"Woah, be careful, aegi." He grasped your waist to move you out of the way before Taehyung could accidentally hit you while challenging Jin and Jungkook.. You followed him to the kitchen to help him cook. Yoongi opened the fridge to look at what the managers had stocked up for your stay here.
"What about cheesy dakgalbi?" He turned to you, smiling when he saw your eyes light up with excitement and happiness. You nodded your head.
"I'll cut the vegetables, you can handle the meat." You told him.
"You should rest. Let me cook." Yoongi crossed his arms as you took out the cabbage, carrots, onions and potatoes.
"I am resting. Doing this with you is rest." You said, retrieving a cutting board and knife. Yoongi shot you a flat look but didn't argue, preparing the chicken and marinade.
"What are we cooking?" Hoseok came into the house with Jimin. The shorter male joined the others in the living room, playing games.
"Dakgalbi." Yoongi replied.
"Anything I can help with? Make some coffee?" Hoseok suggested. You and Yoongi immediately nodded.
"Coffee would be amazing, Seok. Thank you." You giggled, chopping the cabbage and putting all the vegetables into a bowl for Yoongi to cook with later.
"Oooh, this smart stove is really cool." You watched Yoongi put two big pans over the stove. With 8 people, he probably thought it would be easier to eat out of two pans rather than everyone trying to get into one pan.
"I'll make some gyeranmari and dumplings to eat on the side." You said, cooking on the stove at the back. After giving you both your coffees, Hoseok helped you with cooking the sides.
"Lunch! Call whoever is not here!" Yoongi yelled.
"Coming!" Those in the living room came out. Taehyung called Namjoon over while Jungkook grabbed cutlery.
You all sat together to eat, some of the boys sharing the microwave rice packs, knowing they will probably use the leftovers to make fried rice to share later.
"Thank you for cooking!" The boys chimed before digging in.
"Mmm." You nodded happily. Yoongi placed some chicken on your plate, his free arm resting on the back of your chair the entire time.
"This is just what I needed! We should bring you on vacations more often, (y/n)." Taehyung exclaimed happily, making a wrap with the chicken and eating it in one mouthful.
"She's not your personal chef." Yoongi sent Taehyung a look but you knew they were just joking.
After lunch was done, those that didn't cook were on clean up duty. Yoongi took the opportunity to get you out of there. He grasped your wrist and practically dragged you back your shared room at the villa, making it clear he didn't really want to stay and socialise with the other members anymore.
"You're being anti social. Maybe the boys want to spend more time with you." You slapped his arm.
"We can do that another time. Now is me and you time." He huffed, removing his hoodie so he was just in his undershirt.
"I need to use the bathroom." You went to the bathroom, also getting out of your uncomfortable clothes. You changed into something comfier, aka Yoongi's shirt.
"We're going to stay in bed until we are called for dinner." Yoongi said when you entered the room.
"I like that plan." You giggled and fell on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you to turn you around so you were on your sides.
"I'm just happy to spend time with you." You reached out to cup his cheeks, caressing the skin with your thumbs. Yoongi gave you a gummy smile and lifted your hands to kiss your fingertips.
"Are you sleepy?" He asked.
"No, I think I slept enough in the bus." You said, betrayed by your yawn.
"Yeah, we'll see about that." He stroked the back of your head. You scoffed and pulled away, sitting up to lean against the headboard with an intention to read. Yoongi shifted himself so his head could rest in your lap.
"You should sleep more." You patted his head, knowing that he probably didn't sleep well on the bus.
It felt so peaceful and normal to spend time with Yoongi like this. With you, he wasn't an idol, he was just your boyfriend and the two of you were spending some time off together.
"Feeling sleepy yet?" He murmured sleepily, hugging your legs like a bolster.
"No, I'm not. Now, stop interrupting my reading." You said. It didn't take long for Yoongi to fall asleep.
"(y/n)? Are you here?" You looked up from your book to find Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook at your doorway. Luckily Yoongi pulled the blanket to hide your bare legs.
"Shh..." You hushed them, pointing to the sleeping Yoongi who was hugging your legs.
"Come play." They waved you over.
"But..." You gestured to the sleeping Yoongi. No one ever dares to wake Yoongi up, maybe except Taehyung with kindergarten music playing in the background. The 3 couldn't help you now since you were pantless and you were pretty sure Yoongi might have an aneurysm if he knew that they saw you.
"Go, I'll come out in a bit." You told them. They gave you thumbs ups and closed the bedroom door. Looking down at Yoongi, you carefully shifted away, replacing your legs with a pillow quickly.
"Sorry." You stroked his head in case he woke up. It was hard when he had almost all his weight on your legs.
"I'll be back." You leaned down to kiss his cheek. Yoongi didn't seem bothered by you moving him.
Looking around, you grabbed a pair of sweats and put it on before going out, where the 3 boys were waiting for you in the tiny living room area.
"Let's go!" Taehyung held your hand and pulled you out.
"Where did she gooooo?" Yoongi groaned, feeling the pillow against his cheek instead of you. He sat up, seeing the sun starting to set.
"Aegi?" He called out from bed but there was no reply. Ruffling his hair and yawning, he got out of bed and noticed that his sweats were missing from the floor.
"Nooooo!" Yoongi heard your squeal and grabbed a new pair of pants, going out to see where you were.
There you were, playing in the rain with Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook was chasing after you and Jimin with an evil smile. Yoongi grabbed an umbrella and exited the room, he stood there quietly, watching all of you play.
"Oh! Yoongi!" You spotted your cat-like boyfriend, standing there with his black umbrella, and waved at him. Yoongi smiled back at you. Since you were distracted, Jungkook suddenly grabbed you.
"Ah!" You yelped in shock as he lifted you up.
"Yah! Be careful with her!" Yoongi barked, coming over to where you all were playing.
"I'm fine, Yoongi. Don't worry." You grinned, drenched from head to toe. Yoongi sighed and reached out to move gently your wet hair away from your face.
"I'm going to get started on dinner. You guys should go dry up so we can eat." Yoongi said.
"Aww!" Everyone jeered but Yoongi was not budging, he was really worried about you catching a cold.
Despite you already being damp, Yoongi still sheltered you with his umbrella all the way back to your share room. He entered first to put a towel on the flower so you wouldn't slip coming in.
"Leave your clothes in that bathroom when you're done. I'll put them in the dryer later." Yoongi told you. You nodded and leaned forward to give him a grateful peck on the cheek but you were careful not to let your wet hair drip onto his clothes. After that, he left you to shower and warm yourself up.
"(y/n), are you heading to the main house?" You caught Namjoon coming down from the room upstairs.
"Yeah. But I think the spare umbrellas are there and Yoongi took the only one that was here." You said, holding your wet clothes in your hands after you wrung out all the water.
"Come, I'll take you." He smiled.
"Thank you!" You ducked under the umbrella with him and walked towards the main house.
"So, I saw you guys playing out in the rain from my window earlier. Can't believe the younger ones managed to rope you into their antics." Namjoon chuckled.
"It was all fun, you should have joined us. We're just kids at heart, playing in the rain and puddle stomping." You giggled.
"Maybe next time." He slid open the door for you to enter.
"Definitely. Hey, Yoon. Don't worry, I got my clothes." You greeted your boyfriend, who was cooking in the kitchen with Jin. He nodded in acknowledgement and you brought your damp clothes to the laundry area, throwing your clothes into the wash.
"Thanks for walking her over, Namjoon ah." Yoongi nodded over to the leader. Namjoon smiled and headed to the living room.
"I could have brought it in for you to be washed, aegi." Yoongi came into the laundry room.
"It's fine, it's just a few pieces of laundry. You're already busy with dinner." You laughed, starting the machine. The two of you walked out, hand in hand.
"Look at you two being inseparable." Jin teased, clicking the tongs in his hands. Yoongi rolled his eyes but didn't let you go.
When you first started dating and being more open around the other members, you and Yoongi would have separated if one of the members teased you. But now, Yoongi wouldn't part from you.
"I'll cook the rice and ramyeon." You tied your hair up.
"You should sit. You already cooked lunch." Yoongi said to you, patting your hip.
"You cooked lunch too. Plus you and Jin already did most of the work. It's just rice and ramyeon." You smiled. Yoongi nodded and helped you tuck your stray hairs behind your ears so they wouldn't bother you. You washed your hands and went to scoop the rice into the rice cooker.
"Wow, it's smelling good!" Jimin said as he came in, running his hands over his damp hair.
"Can you get the side dishes out from the fridge?" Jin requested. Jimin saluted and went to do that. While waiting for the rice to cook, you got the cutlery and plates to set the table.
"What are you doing now?" Taehyung shuffled over to you. You pointed to the ramyeon stack.
"Can I help?" He asked.
"Sure. I just need to open all these before the water boils." You giggled. Jungkook might be the youngest but Taehyung was everyone's baby brother.
"Once that's all done, we can eat. Get your drinks and rice." Yoongi announced to everyone.
"Yes, hyung!" Everyone went to line up with their rice bowls while you continued to cook the ramyeon.
"I got your rice, aegi." Yoongi told you.
"Thanks, Yoon. It's almost done." You said to everyone. Once the noodles were done, Jungkook came to help you carry the pot to the table. You took your seat beside Yoongi and he cracked open your can of soda for you.
"Thank you for cooking~" Everyone dug into the food hungrily. As always, the dinner conversation was spent chatting and laughing, as well as reminiscing old memories.
And as the others cleared up after dinner, you sat with Yoongi in the living room. He nestled a glass of whiskey in his hand.
"Come." He called you to him. You leaned your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you.
"Are you sleepy? I bet you didn't nap earlier since the younger ones dragged you out to play." He asked. You shook your head but was betrayed by your yawn.
"You're such a liar." Yoongi snorted.
"Am not." You scoffed, pinching his side. When clean up was done, the others invited you to play some games.
"Refill?" Namjoon asked Yoongi, refilling his own whiskey glass after coming down from the mini reading corner upstairs. The two of them always enjoyed reading with a glass of whiskey.
"I'm good. Thanks." Yoongi placed his empty glass down.
"Yoongi! I won! Did you see that?! I am the champion!" You turned to your boyfriend and pointed to the screen, squealing in excitement. Yoongi leaned his head on his hand with an endearing smile and nodded his head, giving you a thumbs up, he was like a parent watching his child play and win for the first time.
"Rematch!" The boys protested.
"No way! I'm going to bed." You stuck your tongue out at them, causing them to jeer at you. Hearing what you said, Yoongi put his glass down on the table and stood up.
"You don't have to go with me, you know? You can stay with them if you're not tired." You giggled.
"No, I'm tired too." Yoongi said.
"Goodnight. See you tomorrow." You all wished each other. After he placed his whiskey glass in the sink, Yoongi and you walked hand in hand back to your shared room.
"I'm not going with you because I have to, it's because I want to. So don't feel like you're making me do anything." Yoongi suddenly said.
"I know. But it's your vacation too. I don't want you to feel like you have to stick with me constantly." You shrugged.
"I'll gladly stick with you 24/7, that's my ideal vacation." He smiled softly. You lightly punched his arm for being so cheesy. Yoongi would only act this way around you privately and you liked that.
"You can set up your music stuff here if you prefer the space here over the camper. I don't mind it, really." You told him as you squeezed toothpaste onto both your toothbrushes. Honestly, you were so used to Yoongi and his music equipment, it didn't bother you.
"This is our space and since I'm working with some of the members, I don't want them coming in and out." He explained.
"I don't mind it if it makes things more convenient for you." You smiled.
"I mind. I prefer our privacy. The camper's just there so it's not a far walk but thank you for offering, aegi." He rubbed your back. The two of you brushed your teeth and washed your faces.
"Alright, you can change your mind any time." You said as you wiped your face with a clean towel.
"Thank you." He kissed your temple and left you to do your skincare.
"Surprisingly, there are still people sending me messages, congratulating me on finishing my military service." Yoongi noted, sitting at the table with his iPad.
"Maybe they didn't know you finished and saw a news article so they congratulated you now." You giggled.
"Yeah, Halsey asked when we are going back to America to visit her and her family." He said.
"Sure, if your schedule allows it. I can't wait to see Ender again. Children change a lot in 2 years." You said. Yoongi nodded in agreement with a small hum. Of course, you followed him to America on holiday and Yoongi insisted he meet the celebrities that he was close with.
What fans didn't know was that your home wallpaper on your phone was the full, actual picture of Yoongi snuggling up to Ender when you both visited him as a baby.
"Maybe this time he won't give me stares when I say hi to him." Yoongi scoffed.
"Please, he loved you! You were just an awkward uncle at the start." You giggled, walking over to him.
"I still am an awkward uncle. I was never one that was great with children. Taehyung and Jimin are great with kids, even clumsy Namjoon is." He said, hands resting on your waist.
"You're great at a lot of other things, so what if you're not comfotable with children." You ran your fingers through his hair.
"Thanks, aegi." He laughed, pressing his forehead against your middle.
After Yoongi finished replying to some emails, the two of you changed and headed to bed but you both didn't sleep just yet. One thing you and Yoongi liked to do was just lay on your bed and use your phones, scrolling on social media.
"Look, it's you." You showed him a video of a white kitten that was sleeping on the couch like a human. Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned back to look at his own phone.
"How was your first day here?" Yoongi asked you.
"Good. It's nice to get away and spend some time with the others." You giggled and Yoongi hummed.
"Besides, isn't this technically the first holiday you guys are taking as 7? It's nice to just have a break for yourselves." You said. Yoongi nodded his head.
"Yeah, no cameras before the next comeback." Yoongi put his phone to charge and turned back to look at you.
"I can't wait for the new Run BTS episodes." You teased, charging your own phone.
"The fans will realise that military didn't change us. We're still the same competitive people that will fight over a cup of ramyeon." Yoongi chuckled as you scooted closer to him.
"And I love that about all of you. You never let anything change you." You reached up to cup his cheek.
"I love you." He held your hand and kissed your fingertips. You smiled softly and leaned in to give him a peck before burying your face against his chest. You felt Yoongi move slightly so he could pull the blanket up to cover the both of you, making sure you were well tucked in and warm.
"Goodnight." You wished. Yoongi grunted and threw his leg over you to hold you even clsoer to him. Even if you usually started cuddling, you and Yoongi would usually break apart at night.
"Are you cold? I can adjust the aircon." Yoongi asked, his hand stroking the exposed skin of your hip.
"I'm okay. The blanket is warm enough." You snuggled against him.
"Shall I wake you up for breakfast tomorrow or do you want to wait until you wake up on your own?" He checked. You hummed, knowing Yoongi was quite an early riser.
"I'll wake up a little later. Maybe 10? In case you wake up at like... 7 am." You groaned.
"I don't wake up THAT early. With you around, I tend to wake up late and stay in bed longer." Yoongi chuckled, pinching your cheek.
You slept comfortably with Yoongi, feeling relaxed and tranquil. Usually Yoongi didn't sleep well in a bed that wasn't his own but with you, he could sleep anywhere.
"Yoongi hyung?" Yoongi woke up when he heard someone call him. Even if it was another member, he sat up and instinctively moved to shield your body with his own, since you didn't wear pants to sleep. Taehyung stood at your doorway.
"I completely forgot (y/n) was here. I'm sorry!" Taehyung's eyes widened when he realised.
"Go out. I'll come out." Yoongi said, voice riddled with sleep. Taehyung obediently went to the living room area. With a soft sigh, Yoongi turned to check on you.
"Who was it...?" You mumbled.
"Taehyung. I'll be back, go back to sleep." He kissed your temple and went out.
"Sorry! I really forgot (y/n) was here, we usually just go to each other's rooms to wake each other up..." Taehyung looked so distraught Yoongi didn't have to heart to say anything.
"It's fine, Taehyung. Just tell me, what do you need?" Yoongi yawned, running his fingers through his hair.
"Jin hyung's making noodles for breakfast and he wanted to ask if you and (y/n) want some." He relayed. Yoongi looked at the clock.
"Oh, it's 9 already... No, it's okay, thanks for coming to ask. I think we'll just wait for lunch." Yoongi said. Taehyung nodded with a salute and left. Yoongi went back to the room, making sure to close and lock the door this time. He fell back into bed with a long exhale and got under the blanket with you.
"Who was it..." You breathed out, turning to face Yoongi.
"Boys asking if we want breakfast. But I told them we'll stay in bed and just have lunch later." He said, his arm going around your shoulders to hold you to his chest.
"Good idea. I'm not ready to leave the bed." You yawned and buried your face against him.
"Mmm, sleep more." He patted your head. Although Yoongi didn't want to sleep more, he didn't want to move from the bed too.
"We came all the way here just to sleep." You chuckled, voice slightly muffled but of course, Yoongi understood you. Under your cheek, his chest shook as he laughed.
"Isn't that the best holiday?" He asked, stroking your back. This was the ideal holiday to him.
"I guess... We won't have time to sleep in and spend time like this once you guys start having comebacks again." You said.
"That's true." He hummed.
"What time do you have to get up to record?" You asked, obviously you were not going back to sleep too. But it felt nice to be as close to Yoongi as possible.
"Not sure, don't worry about it. We'll always find time. Anyway, we're here to relax, not work. I'll just find Jungkook later to do the guide vocals, I'm sure he is also going to sleep in." He snorted. You nodded in agreement.
"But working on music is a form of relaxation to you." You teased. Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"There you go again, spreading those sort of rumours like Jin hyung. I'm not a workaholic, you know? I'm not always working on music, I have a life outside of work." He scoffed.
"Mmm, sure."
"My life outside of work is you. If I didn't have a life outside of music, I wouldn't have you." He stated.
"You're so cheesy, stop it." You reached up to cover his mouth with your hand. Yoongi chuckled and took your hand, planting a light kiss against your palm.
"Soon, I'll be back to watching you backstage or from the wings. And more late night visits to your studio." You sighed.
"Do you miss it?" He asked.
"I thought I wouldn't when you were in the military but I think I do miss it, just a little. But I realised that I'll always miss you when I'm not with you. It's going to take me a while to adjust." You said.
"Now who is being the cheesy one?" Yoongi poked your side, making you squirm. You lifted your head, moving your body up slightly to hug Yoongi properly, winding your arms around his neck. You could feel him plant a kiss to the top of your head, resting his cheek there as his hands rubbed your back lovingly.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." You replied without any hesitation. You knew you were going to miss having Yoongi around so much.
Even without saying it, you both shared the same thought, you wanted to spend as much time together as possible before Yoongi's schedules kept him busy.
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carawenfiction · 1 day ago
I hope this isn't a bother. I know you aren't accepting asks anymore, so please ignore if you don't want to read 🙂
I love your story. It was my second IF ever, and it helped set the tone because it's amazing. I am so glad you wrote it. I truly love your characters. I know you aren't writing it anymore, but if you ever want to post any details from the rewrite or just random snippets, they would be devoured. I love all of the romances, but Quaiel was especially intriguing. I would love to write stories about them, but I don't want to be too far off your original thinking.
Again, please don't feel like you have to respond or care about any of this. I just appreciate your book and all your characters. I hope you have a lovely holiday season. Thank you for all your hard work.
Hello again everyone <3 thank you for this ask and all the other asks expressing concern about my well-being and asking me about potential other writing projects. And thank you to those who have sent me enthusiastic asks about the world and characters of TSS. I know it's been a long time since I was active here so the fact that I'm still getting messages and asks at all is pretty shocking to me, but makes me very happy.
I wanted to make an update here and let those who still follow me know that I'm actually in the process of writing a new IF. It has a published demo, though I won't reveal the title just yet since I want to get some more of it done before sharing it with everyone here. I feel incredibly guilty about the state I left TSS in even though I knew it was the right decision for me, and I want to make sure that I've got more to show for this new project to regain some trust that might have been lost with the long time waiting and then the cancellation.
As for TSS: while it won't be continued, the story and characters have stayed with me through the years. The reason I haven't released any snippets or my planning for how things would go is because I've been considering, if I've got enough time, to maybe rewrite the story at my own pace (it would be a very thorough rewrite and many things both storywise and characterwise would likely change), make it a complete story instead of a trilogy and release it for free. I'm still not making any promises, though - this is a very huge maybe. But it's something I would really like to do when and if there's a good opportunity to do so.
Absolutely feel free to write stories about Q and any of the other characters! I'd love to read them if you do. Part of what I love when it comes to writing is how the creativity of one person can ignite creative sparks in other people. It's honestly magical.
Take care of yourselves and thank you for sticking around <3
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silvysartfulness · 19 hours ago
So last night, I finally typed out a few sentences I’ve been keeping in my head for several years – the ending lines of Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It. And then I started crying.
I’m honestly still feeling emotional, thinking about it. I first started writing this story in the summer of 2020, almost 5 years ago, while still recovering from the lingering effects of a life-threatening bout of the original covid virus. It was only a month or so after I first watched the Untamed and got utterly swept away.
I have been working on this fic ever since, and it’s been by far one of the most important things in my life for years – I’ve lost two beloved cats during that time, and gone through a lot of really hard times. This fic was always there, an anchor, both a light and burden.
It ended up 471.000 words long. (For reference, that’s about the same length as the official English translation of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, or just shy of the total wordcount of the LOTR trilogy.)
And it’s done.
It’s finished. I did it. I hauled that insane, gargantuan beast all the way across the finish line.
When I first came up with the outlines of the idea, I was 100% certain I’d never write it down. I hadn’t written fanfic in many years, my brain is chronically damaged from consecutive autistic burnouts to the point of diagnosed clinical disability, and I struggle a lot with fatigue and concentration and memory issues. The idea of writing anything, let alone something of that scope and needing that much research seemed impossible to the point of laughable.
But a friend and writer I really looked up to told me she’d love to read it. So I figured I could at least try to start, see how it went.
I, uh. Didn’t think it’d get quite this long.
I am actually very proud of what I have accomplished! It’ll be a long while yet before I can post all the last 5 chapters – they need beta and edits, illustrations, and getting translated into Russian by my friend in Ukraine. It may be months yet.
But it’s done.
And I could never have done without all the people cheering me on along the way – the friends I made in this fandom, and old friends who decided to come along on this journey with me. Every single person ever commenting, or sending me asks, or drawing me art, or writing nice things in the reblog tags here on tumblr. I am beyond grateful to you all!
Heaven Has A Road is done.
This journey is over. But it’s not really the end.
Just another new beginning.
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A Class Analysis of the Crown Villains
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Analyzing all of the EN-released Villains from who would be the most to least wealthy in 1890s Victorian England.
A/N: This is just for fun! These characters/stories are not that deep, and I don’t want them to be! I just find it fun and silly to think through what this world would actually look like in history, and maybe you do too! 😊 Spoilers for pretty much every villain on the EN server, so read at your own risk! Also I am not a historian or economist, just a gal with a computer, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Also, I’m assuming that Ikémen Villains takes place sometime in the 1890s in London, England—the tail end of Queen Victoria’s rule. This estimated time frame is based mostly on Harry’s love of Arthur Conan Doyle and passing mentions of when “he has a new novel coming out.” Doyle was a prolific writer and wrote for a long time, but I wanted to keep the time period specific enough to really think through what the economics would be like.
Wealthiest - Jude Jazza
Originally I was going to put the villains who belong to the gentry (Elbert and William and ... Victor??? Maybe?? haha) at the top of the list, but the more I thought it through, the more it became clear that in order for Jude to realistically carry out some of the actions in his route (which I haven’t finished!) or various story events/collection events, he would need to be so fucking rich. Like stupid wealthy. Like not quite at Jeff Bezos level of wealth, but pretty up there.
And baby started from the bottom now he’s here, okay! The fact that Jude grew up in abject poverty then became a successful CEO of a trading company originally struck me as one of the more unrealistic things in the game (which I do not care about, he’s still daddy), but the more I looked into it, the more I got on board with it. The writers were smart to add a rich benefactor to his backstory, because in 1890s London, that was probably the only way for a poor kid from the slums to receive an education. Wealth disparity was bad in the 1890s, and people were mad about it! Jude’s hatred of the rich and powerful is in keeping with working class (and even some middle class) attitudes at the time. And with the rapid development and expansion of the Port of London (from the completion of the Royal Victoria Dock in 1855 to the Port of Tilbury in 1886), trading was the business to be in at the time. So it’s not impossible that Jude could have just lucked out in a few key ways and worked extremely hard to get to where he is (although he would still probably be considered a unicorn in this time period).
As for Raven Co.’s annual profit: who knows. I’m guessing it’s in the billions in today’s money. I’m unsure what Jude’s salary would be, he is explicitly characterized in his route as a fair boss who pays his workers a living wage, but he’s also like randomly really generous with like Ellis or Kate (i.e. giving Ellis a blank check for Xmas, giving Kate more than enough money to get a dress, etc.) so he’s probably taking home plenty. And considering how smart Jude is, he’s probably pretty savvy about saving and investing his money. He also makes a lot of deals and has a lot of involvement overseas, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has bank accounts in several countries. The man is committed to building his rocket, okay! I’d say his annual income is in the hundred millions of dollars (in today’s money). But his net worth is probably in the billions.
Lord Elbert Greetia
Okay, now on to our first landed-gentry boy: Lord Elbert. Lord Elbert is most likely the wealthiest member of Crown in terms of generational wealth, with William coming in a close second.
Elbert is a member of the landed gentry or “peerage” and uses the title of “Lord,” which he inherited from his father. Being in this class means that he not only has significant wealth (in literal pounds and assets), but it also means that he has a rock-solid social standing and owns land. Land ownership is a big deal here because it means that Lord Elbert has the power to control anyone who might be living/working on property that he owns. And I’m not just talking servants/staff at his estate, I��m talking residents of any townships or villages on the likely acres and acres of land that he's in control of. So he has a passive income via taxing residents and laborers on his land(s)... forever! Being in this class also makes his wealth a lot more stable and immutable than say, Jude, who is a great businessman but whose income and assets are at the mercy of the market/demand.
Elbert’s character in the game is very stoic (until Kate shows up!), and he has deep trauma from his childhood home, so he doesn’t seem to exercise a ton of the privileges that would be available to him in terms of controlling the people who live on his properties. But, if we’re talking the 1890s here, he would probably have entire villages or even small towns under his economic purview. I think of him as a Mr. Darcy type, probably bringing in about £10,000 a year, or a little over £1.5 million/$2 million in today’s money. This combined with the cost of all of his assets or “beautiful things” that he compulsively collects (artwork, fine furniture, jewels, real estate, etc.) means I’d estimate his net worth to be about $70-100 million in today’s money.
Lord William Rex
I’m only putting William after Elbert because I do think Elbert has more non-cash assets, simply from the nature of his curse which causes him to be greedy. But let’s be clear: Lord William is also loaded. He, like Elbert, is a member of the peerage of the time and owns lots of land/real estate. He probably receives a pretty substantial passive income from all of his properties like Elbert.
I do think there’s one key difference between them: I have a feeling that William would either redistribute some of the income that he gets from any taxed residents/workers on his properties or lower their taxes—he just seems like the type to be about that. So that’s another reason why I think Elbert might have a higher net worth. Still, we find out that William paid for the construction of a hospital in his route, and for a man to do that in the 1890s, he’d have to be pretty freaking rich. I’d say that his net worth is probably somewhere between $50-100 million in today’s money.
Big question mark around Victor! I’m putting him here just because he is so connected to the Queen, and unless we learn something different from his route, I’m pretty sure that means he’s at least upper class, if not a (former) member of the gentry/peerage. Or perhaps comes from a wealthier family. He also receives a salary and lodging from the Queen (as do all the members of Crown I think) so he’s certainly getting all of his needs met. He’s also the oldest member of Crown, which just makes me assume he’s had more time to accrue savings. But couldn’t tell you what his net worth is even if you held a gun to my head, this is all just vibes haha.
Liam Evans
Liam grew up comfortably upper class, basically wealthy despite not being a member of the landed gentry. His father owns an estate, or at least did when Liam was a child, and had staff and servants. Because of his mental illness and disfigurement, Liam’s father probably relied entirely on family money after a certain point.
As an adult, and considering he is a successful and popular leading actor at a major theater in London at the time, Liam is doing well for himself! He is now much better off than his father! Good riddance! Actors at the major theaters at the time were typically paid anywhere between 2-25 pounds per week, and Liam was likely on the upper end of that spectrum. Let’s say he takes home 20 pounds a week, which in today’s money would be about 3,200 pounds, or about 4,000 dollars. That’s 208,000 dollars a year before tax! Not bad at all! But, it’s worth noting, that at the time actors were definitely not seen as contributing members to society (especially women/actresses—they were essentially thrown into the same category as sex workers), so Liam’s social standing in the grand scheme of things is definitely lower as an actor than it was probably growing up in an upper-middle class house.
Ellis Twilight + Alfons Sylvatica
I’m throwing these two in here together because they are probably doing well for themselves, but only because they are attached to a super-rich person haha. Who knows what their salaries/wages are or what kind of deal they have with their respective sugar daddies (hehe) but suffice to say they don’t have to worry about money. Alfons is probably more irresponsible with his money, only because of his lifestyle, but even so he’s nowhere near as big of a spender as Elbert so it probably all ends up a wash. And I’m assuming that Jude pays Ellis pretty well because he loves him lol.
Harrison Gray
Okay, this one took some digging! Harry’s dad was a police officer, which in today’s world would mean that his family was pretty well-off and Harry had a comfortable upbringing. Not a member of the upper classes/gentry, but probably solidly middle class. This is also implied in the game, or at least Harry isn’t one of the characters that we know grew up poor.
But, it turns out, police officers weren’t paid super well in mid/late 1800s London! Harry’s dad would probably be on the better-paid side of the spectrum because he was a chief/high-ranking, but the police were a relatively new-ish phenomenon and weren’t considered “high-value” professionals. Harry’s dad likely only took home about 10 guineas a week, which in today’s money is about £1,400 or $1,700, so he was making about $88,000 a year in today’s money (before taxes). Which would be relatively comfortable for a single person today, but for a family in the 1800s would be pretty much living paycheck to paycheck with maybe a couple splurge purchases a year (like for Christmas or birthdays). So Harry’s family wasn’t anywhere near as poor as Jude or Alfons were growing up, but they likely lived quite modestly!
As an adult, Harry probably makes a healthy salary as an editor/proofreader. Publishing was booming in the 1890s, and writers were most often serialized in weekly publications, which meant a steady income for both writers and publishers. I’d say Harry is probably taking home a couple hundred pounds at the least per week, so something in the thousands of dollars in today’s terms. It’s unclear to me what the rules of living in Crown castle are. Like do they pay rent? I don’t think so? Let’s say they don’t, which means Harry gets to save/keep all his wages and only spends on personal stuff. He doesn’t seem like the biggest spender, if anything he reads as very sensible with money to me, haha. So he’s likely got a cozy little net worth building up but nothing crazy. Since wealth stratification is so extreme in this time period (the rich were very rich and the poor were very poor), Harry would probably be making enough to still be looked down on by the upper classes and enough to still be the object of contempt for the lower classes.
Poorest ? - Roger Barel
Doctors today are very well paid, but this was not the case in the late 1800s! Growing up, Roger’s dad probably had an annual salary of about 300-500 pounds a year, or roughly $45k-$80k in today’s money. Not a lot to live on for a whole family now, but this probably went further in the 1870s/80s when Roger was growing up. It’s implied that his family lived relatively comfortably, so I’m guessing that his dad had a good reputation and was sought after for his surgical expertise. He may have even gotten paid to teach in surgery ‘theatres’ of the time. (I haven’t read or looked much into Roger’s route so this might be wrong!)
I’m only ranking him last because he seems to not be formally employed haha. Since Roger is not a publicly practicing surgeon, he is relying on his income (?) and lodging from Crown for his day-to-day expenses. This could be any amount it seems, haha, depending on what he asks Victor/the Queen for. He doesn’t seem like a crazy spender, so he’s probably not complaining. I have no idea what his salary would be, though. It doesn’t seem like Crown bothers with all that, haha.
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pascalislove · 2 days ago
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Summary: She was an angel and she should be his.
The next morning came with a grayish sky and a lingering cold that seeped through the windows of the small bookstore where Y/N worked. She was organizing a stack of books on the counter when she heard the door bell ring.
—¡Welcome! —she said automatically, with a professional smile, without looking up.
—What a lovely welcome.
Y/N felt her blood run cold in her veins. She recognized that voice instantly. Slowly, she looked up and there he was, with his impeccable dark suit and that sly smile that made her boil with rage.
—¿You? —she blurted out, his tone changing instantly.
The man tilted his head, amused.
—I'm flattered that you remember me.
Y/N frowned, her kindness disappearing in a second.
—Get out.
The man put on an expression of false surprise.
—Wow, how cold. Yesterday you were much friendlier...
She glared at him.
—I don't want to have anything to do with you.
—That's a shame,—he said, looking around the bookstore.—Because I really need a book.
Y/N clenched her fists, trying to contain her anger.
—You don't have to come here. There are many other bookstores in the city.
He smiled calmly.
—But this one has exceptional customer service.
She took a deep breath, trying to control herself. She didn't want to make a scene at work.
—Tell me what book you're looking for and leave quickly,— she snapped.
The man slowly walked through the shelves, as if he was really looking for something.
—Hmm… I'm looking for something interesting. Something… intense.
Y/N felt like every word of his was loaded with double meanings.
—Stop playing games.
—Ah, so you like games?
She frowned at him.
He smiled, stopping in front of a shelf of classic novels.
—Tell me, Y/N…—he said, flipping through a book without looking at her, —are you always this hostile to customers?
—Only with those who deserve it.
He let out a low laugh.
—I like your character.
—I don't care what you like.
The man closed the book gently and looked directly at her.
—Yesterday you were very angry with me.
Y/N crossed her arms.
—And you expect me to apologize for that?
He shook his head.
—No, on the contrary. You impressed me.
Y/N blinked. I didn't expect that answer.
—You hit hard,—he continued, touching his cheek with mock nostalgia. —I still feel it a little.
She felt a pang of satisfaction.
—You deserved it.
He smiled.
—Maybe. But that only makes me more interested.
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine.
—You're a strange guy.
—That's subjective.
She shook her head.
—You have nothing to do here.
The man seemed to ignore her comment and slowly approached the counter, resting his elbows calmly.
—Tell me, Y/N... what are you going to do with the debt you have?
Y/N felt the air get stuck in her lungs.
— I know you're in debt,— he said, his tone calm, as if they were talking about the weather—It's not difficult to find out.
Y/N looked at him suspiciously.
—How do you know?
He smiled.
—I have my ways.
She felt a knot in her stomach.
—Why do you care?
—Because I can help you.
Y/N let out a dry laugh.
—Help me? Sure, like yesterday, right? With an absurd offer.
He shook his head.
—Yesterday it was just a game. Today I am offering you something more serious.
Y/N frowned.
—What do you mean?
The man took a card from his pocket and slid it across the counter.
—If you ever decide you want out of your problem, call me.
Y/N looked down at the card. It only had a number, no name or additional information.
She looked up, but the man was already turning toward the door.
—Think about it, Y/N.
And without further ado, he left the bookstore, leaving Y/N with a strange feeling in her chest.
She took the card and looked at it with a frown.
Would you really consider his offer?
She shook her head and put it in her pocket. No. I wouldn't fall for that guy's game.
Or at least, that's what I would try.
This story does not follow the plot of the series, tell me if you like it and if you want me to tag you in the chapters🫶
Tag list:
@beebeechaos, @onyxmango , @muchwita @czarinera, @putrescentpoet
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hikarielizabethbloom · 1 day ago
@mcpayne @valar-did-me-wrong @zaldritzosrose @elenvader
This is all your fault! You are to blame because you let a bad writer like me do the work that any decent writer here would have done better!
(tbf, I'm quite a good writer in Italian, if I may say)
Into the moonless night
(A Halbrand/Celeborn AU - Darksilver)
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It was a night without a moon. The clouds covered the sky, and he could not see anything around him. He felt lost and disoriented. There was a throbbing in the back of his head. He touched it. He could feel the blood more than see it. He was hurt, which might explain the headache and his confusion. He couldn’t remember his name or where he was from. There was nothing from his past—just darkness around him and inside his mind. 
The elf, aware that he was indeed an elf, didn’t know how long he had been walking in the woods until he spotted a flickering red light. A fire! Finally, there was something good to look forward to. 
Sauron sat in silence. The fire was the only light in his darkness. He had reassumed his Halbrand form to travel unbothered. His last victory felt like a defeat. Celebrimbor and Galadriel’s thoughts hunted him. And Adar? He was dead but still bedevilled him. 
Those were his thoughts when he felt a presence in the dark pitch of the woods. A battled elf approached him. He was hurt, that much he could see, and confused. His blond hair shone in the darkness—a bloody silver tone. Sauron could tell he was noble by his demeanour alone. 
Finally, new prey!
“My lord! - Halbrand said while getting up to come close to the stranger - You seem troubled. Come sit by the fire with me!”.
“Thank you, kind stranger! I do require help. I do not know where I am. Nor I recall what had happened to me!”. 
An easy prey indeed. 
“Do you remember your name, my lord?”. 
He was enjoying being Halbrand once again. 
“I fear I have no memory of that either!”. 
“My name is Halbrand, my lord! And I am at your service!”. 
Halbrand knew he would have so much fun breaking this kind spirit. 
Things did not go as Halbrand had planned. The elf had no memories of his past. However, he was demanding and haughty, lethal and feral in battle. If the orc blood and smile on his face were any indication. The more days they spent together, the more Halbrand felt enthralled by the noble elf. His desire to break him lessened, replaced by a pounding need to please him instead. 
One day, after they had both slain more of Adar’s children -his servants- Halbrand could not take the tension anymore. 
He took the elf (whose name he still did not know) into the deep forest, slammed him against a tree trunk, and kissed him. The kiss was demanding and bruising. Halbrand could taste the blood on the Elf’s lips. It felt exhilarating. His lord tensed under his aggression. But it was a moment. A brief moment. After that, the elf took charge of the kiss. He kissed and kissed. And touched. He bit Halbrand’s lips so hard that Halbrand flinched, and for one moment, he had to interrupt the kissing. The elf smiled predatory, closed the distance between their mouths once again, and licked the blood he had caused to flow. 
“My dear friend! - he said, his voice rough - Do you want to serve me?”
“I do, my lord!”
Halbrand smiled. He was enjoying this. 
“Then kneel… - Halbrand smiled at his beautiful lord’s request - and serve!”
In one rapid move, the dark lord was on his knees, dropping his lord’s pants with him. 
He took him in his mouth greedily. 
Halbrand could not tell how much time he passed following his lord's instructions, pleasing him with only his mouth. But he loved every moment of it. And when the elf came into his servant’s mouth, the shock and pleasure were so strong, Halbrand came as well - untouched. 
And then, in the dark pit of the night, they both came again, and again, and again. 
Every demand of his lord answered. 
Yes, Sauron was made to serve. And he loved it. 
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guzhufuren · 4 hours ago
Hey, I've noticed you've been pretty quiet lately and I hope you're doing okay. I know we're not friends or even mutuals so I'm sorry if I'm overstepping by messaging! I hope the world will treat you kindly and that you can find comfort and support if you need it 💕
hi sweetheart wow this is so genuinely nice and kind of you, thank you so much for caring to the point of reaching out
i'm on the way there! i will be okay, hopefully soon. it's not serious, i just had a medium sized break down after receiving a very negative comment on something i made, in mix with a bit of unrelated loneliness and yearning on top of that, plus many many 4am drowsy what-am-i-doing-with-my-life regretful thoughts that i have had in the last months swimming up. like for my unwellness history it's really only about 6 points on the scale where the maximum is 10, so not big. i turned all social apps off but couldn't shake off the distress caused by that one stranger on the internet being unkind to my project, despite knowing they were misunderstanding and were also not in a state to understand at all, so i was kind of confused about what's up with my brain and why it can't move on
and it was a good choice! because after being only with myself without any internet distractions for the first time in years, figured out in just a day that mood swings have been back for a while, over one month at least (so anger issues weren't totally Yunho's fault actually bless him), some other parts of mental health worsened too
got a grip on myself, went to my doctor, got back on meds, now i'm sleepy every minute of waking hours while my body is getting used to them again, but it's gonna be fine. received advice on how to write a mood log, turns out very helpful as additional treatment to keep hypomania and anxiety under control. i even started working out, doing memory exercises and preparing my exam notes tentatively, which is so hard and scary, oh my god, but i must. job search is even scarier but i'm working myself up to finding a good one with little, very very very very tiny steps but they are moving
in the first day of self made quarantine i rewatched the queer korean show Love for Love's Sake that cured me from depression for a while and from any possibility of suicidality for a lifetime last year. it didn't work the trick again, because i'm really not living in the best or even just calm psychological environment to let it do its magical healing thing the way it should, but it did give me new clarity and make me intensely cry some shit out, so that was also very nice
accidentally found the best fic ever and it brought me so much very needed comfort in the past week. it's sweet, funny and stress free. like a warm blanket. or a cup of vanilla cocoa that makes your cold toes tingle in winter. or a hug from the love of your life. first atz and woosan fic to enter my hall of all time longfic favourites. very rare honor but it deserves it completely
also found a bunch of bloggers who post videos of the ocean in Thailand, some even stream the beach 24/7. it's so cool, i watch it in the evenings for short periods of time. helps making it bearable to just survive here a little bit longer until i am able leave
i sort of of really like that when i don't spend 12 hours a day on the phone doing mind-numbing scrolling or posting, there is so much free time to do cool stuff? i have kinda felt like i can be back on here for a couple of days, but i still freak out a bit for two reasons. first, that bad comment is still hanging there and it still makes me too upset to open notifications or my own blog page, which is ridiculous but that's how my dumbass unwell-brain-made feelings are. so i will see how that goes away and i get over it like an adult. second, i'm scared to be sucked back in the addiction to the colourful little hellsite app so i usually end up throwing the phone away in panic after 5 minutes of the app being open. maybe i will work up to it more gradually, don't know, let's see how that goes too
thank you again my little treasure, i will happily take that kindness and comfort you offered here as you are a part of the world. and you can message without worrying anytime, no mutualship or officially labelled friendship necessary. i'm very cool with small amount of interactions, just not big on chatting online one on one for long and don't enjoy it super much. and also with how often i see you around we are considered friends for sure. so thank you again for being so sweet i really am so grateful to you for this, one hundred friend hugs in return
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jellyjellyghost · 2 days ago
Breakfast Cake
ateez x gn!reader (all platonic!)
CW: completely platonic!! no use of y/n!! fluff, revolves around eating food and celebrating birthday's, self indulgent, mentions that reader can be picked up by Mingi, not proof read, rushed, a little all over the place, maybe ooc?
WC: 1.1k
A very self indulgent oneshot since today (2/27) is my birthday! The day is almost over and I'm just really happy with how this day turned out.
I did try to have the interactions between members and the reader to be the same about/similar, but I know unfortunately that did not work out. I will definitely be writing more about Ateez in the future though, so stay tuned for that.
I am also working on a masterlist/introduction to me post so that'll be out soon! I really, really hope you enjoy!
p.s. omg I added so many tags, I had to stop myself (っ- ‸ - ς)
✧˖°.꒷꒦︶꒷🪼꒦︶ ๋⭑꒷꒦‧₊˚⊹
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Here's how I imagined the cuties^^
✧˖°.꒷꒦︶꒷🪼꒦︶ ๋⭑꒷꒦‧₊˚⊹
Loud cackling can be heard through the kitchen and down the hall. Yunho is messing with Wooyoung as he tries to make breakfast. Hongjoong appears threateningly behind Yunho, a comical darkness falling over his face. Wooyoung’s eyes go wide, he goes silent and points behind Yunho. Before he can see what’s behind him, Hongjoong places a hand on his shoulder.
“Shut up, they’re still asleep.” He hisses out at the both of them.
Yunho’s smile fearfully falls from his face and he quickly moves back in front of the stove. “Ay, ay Captain.” 
In your living room Seonghwa is hard at work re-wrapping all your gifts that a few members clearly struggled to wrap right. San is balanced atop a stepstool, hanging up the decorations, with Yeosang simply standing there as his personal human tape dispenser. Jongho and Mingi are nowhere in sight.
You slowly rouse awake to the feeling of something poking your side. You groan and roll away only to feel a hand grabbing your bicep. You scream in surprise, turning to the stranger in your room. You throw the blanket at the figure and run out of your bedroom before you can get a good look at him. 
Your heart leaps into your throat as you bump into a large form in your hallway, the stranger rubbing your arms soothingly. 
“What’s wrong?” San’s worried voice washes over you, and you instantly relax.
“You scared me.” You gasp out. “And-” You pull away from San, turning to see who was poking you in your bed. Mingi stands there with a sheepish look on his face, the blanket you threw at him in his hands. 
He opens his mouth. “What is wrong with you?” You state in aspiration. “I’m sorry.” 
You move forward, hugging him. “I accept your apology.” You mumble against him, then push him back. “But don’t scare me like that ever again!” 
You glance back over at San, and he smiles at you. “Happy Birthday.” Mingi quickly mimics him and you grin happily. 
“Is everyone here?” You question, moving towards your kitchen. “Jongho went to go get your cake.” San confesses from behind you. 
“Will-” Seonghwa unintentionally cuts you off. “We heard you scream, is everything alright?” You smile reassuringly over at him. “Yeah, Mingi just scared me.” Mingi awkwardly shuffles side to side behind you. 
Seonghwa shakes his head in disbelief and ushers you towards the living room. “Come on, come on.” 
Your eyes light up as you see how decorated your living room is, and it makes you feel like a kid again. You see Yeosang hanging up a few more things. “Yeosang-” You breathe out. “Did you do this all yourself?” He turns at your question, and his eyes shine. “Obviously.” He smiles mischievously.
You miss the way San pouts from behind you, but he decides to stay silent. Seonghwa tells you proudly that he rewrapped all the presents. “They look lovely Hwa, thank you very much.” He beams at that.
Your apartment door swings open and Jongho appears, a grocery bag in hand. “Baby Bear!” You tease, shuffling over to him as he pulls off his shoes. He gives you a playful glare in response. 
“Did you get my favorite?” You question. “Of course.” He hands you the bag as he finishes unlacing his shoes. 
Fishing through the bag you pull out a jug of your favorite juice. “How did you know this was my favorite?” You gasp at him.
“You never shut up about it.” He states and you go to pinch his cheeks because you know he hates it. “It’s my birthday, you have to be nice to me.” At your words Jongho stops himself from swatting your hand away and just simply pulls back. It’s a win in your book.
You head towards the kitchen so you can put the things in the grocery bag away. Everyone moves back to their tasks and Mingi just follows you around. It’s clear his only assigned job was to wake you up, he stops following you the second he sees his boyfriend Yunho in the kitchen. 
Wooyoung latches onto you the second he spots you, abandoning Hongjoong at the stove. He starts rapid firing questions at you- “Did you sleep well? Does breakfast smell good? Do I look nice? Also Happy Birthday, Do you feel older?-” as you struggle to simply put the juice in your fridge. 
“Woo-” You struggle to push him away. 
“Don’t make me finish this all by myself!” Hongjoong whines. Wooyoung continues to rub his face with your own like the cat he is. He only seems to be placated once you answer his questions. 
By the time you’ve answered all his questions your birthday breakfast is served up on the table. Since they all keep coming to your apartment, you managed to find a table to sit all nine of you. Somehow it fits in the small ‘dining room’ area your apartment has. 
You’re sat between Seonghwa and Yunho. Yunho dots on you, scooping eggs and bacon onto your plate, putting a lot more than you know you’ll eat. You grumble and scoop some of the food onto Seonghwa’s plate, who immediately refuses. 
“You need to eat more!” Yunho exclaims, attempting to force feed you. You quickly snap your mouth shut, shaking your head. Yunho moves his fork back and forth. “Here comes the airplane!” You refuse to open your mouth and you just stare at him. “Here comes the choo choo train?” You give into his whims and he seems very pleased with himself. 
Once breakfast is over, and a round of rock, paper, scissors later, Mingi is forced to clean up the table with Seonghwa’s help. You sit there patiently per Hongjoong’s orders.
A cake is brought out and Yeosang comes over to you with a party hat. “Is it okay?” He asks, gesturing to put it on you. “Yes of course.” You agree and he sits down next to you, gently placing the hat on your head and making sure the string isn’t uncomfortable. He gives you a thumbs up, and once you reciprocate it he pulls back.
Hongjoong lights the candles and they all begin to sing to you. You sit there awkwardly, smiling up at them all, feeling so loved. Once you blow them out they all cheer. Hongjoong sweeps in and rubs a little frosting on your face, taking a picture of you before you can even realize it. 
“Thank you all so much.” You whisper, heart (and stomach) full. Yunho places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a wink. “Happy Birthday.” You stand up and pull them all into a group hug. Jongho moans in protest as San drags him in. Seonghwa complains that someone is stepping on his foot, as Hongjoog sheepishly moves back. Wooyoung is fighting his way to the center to get closer to you while Yeosang manages to hold him back. Mingi is holding you close, nearly lifting you off the ground as Yunho asks: 
“Who the hell brought out the cake this early?” 
✧˖°.꒷꒦︶꒷🪼꒦︶ ๋⭑꒷꒦‧₊˚⊹
As always if you enjoyed leave a like, comment or even reblog!
Have a great day! ♡
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peachesnpears95 · 2 days ago
💜🍑💜🍑💜🍑💜🍑💜🍑💜🍑💜🍑Shadowpeach incorrect quotes -because my gallbladder is probably trying to kill me, and I'm in pain and bored- Round 1: GO.
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Sun Wukong: Know why I called you in here?
Macaque: Because I accidentally sent you a 🍌 pic.
Sun Wukong: Stops pouring two glasses of immortal peach wine. Accidentally? 😤
Sun Wukong: Fight me!
Macaque: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Macaque: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
Macaque: I am the left brain; I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might.
Sun Wukong: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Macaque: I fucking died. YOU killed me!
Sun Wukong: That… was my favorite memory.
Macaque: Did it hurt when you fell-
Sun Wukong: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Macaque: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Sun Wukong: …
Macaque: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Sun Wukong: Macaque, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Macaque, naked in Sun Wukong 's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Sun Wukong, already taking off their clothes: Fuck… Me neither.
Macaque: Sun Wukong is playing hard to get. Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Sun Wukong: Go fuck yourself.
Macaque, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
Macaque: Wake up! The sun is shining!
Sun Wukong: What do you want me to do, photosynthesis?
Macaque: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Sun Wukong: All I drank was peach wine!
Macaque: How many?
Sun Wukong: Eightyleven!
Macaque: The stars are so beautiful…
Sun Wukong: They're just giant balls of gas.
Macaque: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Sun Wukong: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Macaque: Oh…
Macaque: **banging his tail on the Peachtree out of frustration**
Sun Wukong: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the Peachtree?
Macaque: I— I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Macaque: I feel like doing something stupid.
Sun Wukong: I’m stupid, do me.
Please don't ask me about how I am probably slowly dying because of my gallbladder. I will be fine. X_X
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navi-the-flying-bee · 16 hours ago
Valentine's day
(a/n): okay. I know i am VERY late,but to arrive late is better than not arriving. So... Forgive me?
Characters: Atsushi, Fukuzawa, Dazai, Fyodor, Mori, Chuuya, Ranpo, Poe, Nikolai.
Warnings: use of y/n. This took me too long but mostly because i had writing block while writing it (which was a month ago? Or two?) then i had to drag myself to continue it.
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Nakajima atsushi
Valentine’s Day at the Armed Detective Agency was… chaotic.
Not that you were expecting anything less.
You had no real plans for the day. romance wasn’t exactly your forte. You were more of a “wait until the 15th and buy discounted chocolate” kind of person. But apparently, Ranpo had figured that out.
And that was a mistake.
“You’re telling me,” he said, eyes gleaming like he had just solved the world’s greatest mystery, “that you, didn’t think ahead about Valentine’s Day? How tragic.”
You groaned, burying your face in your scarf. “Leave me alone. It’s a capitalist trap.”
Ranpo took a slow, exaggerated bite of the expensive chocolate he had somehow acquired (probably by guilting Kunikida into buying it for him). “Ooooh, Kunikida’s gonna lecture you again.”
And just as he said that-
You flinched.
There he was. Kunikida Doppo, standing in the doorway, arms crossed, looking every bit like a disappointed teacher about to give a very long lecture.
“As a member of the Agency, you should have at least some consideration for your coworkers,” he scolded. “Valentine’s Day is about appreciation, not just romance.”
You nodded. “Understood.”
Kunikida blinked. “...Wait. Really?”
“Yeah,” you said, already sidestepping toward the exit, “I’ll write you all a heartfelt letter about how much I appreciate you later. Sound good? Okay, bye-”
“come back here-!”
You turned too fast and crashed right into Atsushi.
“Oh!, I was actually looking for you,” he said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “I got you something.”
You blinked. “...For me?”
Atsushi held out a small box of chocolates, tied with a golden ribbon.
“Well… yeah,” he said, smiling shyly. “You always make sure everyone’s okay, so I figured you deserved something too.”
Your heart melted a little. “That’s-” You shook your head. “Atsushi, that’s unfair. Now I feel bad for not getting you anything.”
“No, no! It’s not about that,” he said quickly. “I just wanted to. You don’t owe me anything.”
You stared at him for a moment before smiling softly. “...Thank you.”
And that’s when it happened.
From across the room, Dazai smirked.
“How sweet,” he teased. “Ciel, did you just get a confession?”
You choked on your own words. “I- NO. Dazai, stop.”
Atsushi, now bright red, waved his hands wildly. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
Dazai, clearly enjoying the chaos, dramatically clutched his chest. “Ah, young love! So pure, so fleeting-”
Ranpo, still munching on chocolate, leaned over. “Ten bucks says Kunikida tries to shut him up in the next five minutes.”
You scoffed. “Two minutes.”
And sure enough.
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
Look. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to give President Fukuzawa something for Valentine’s Day. You just… didn’t know what.
I mean, what do you give someone so wise, composed, and effortlessly cool?
You couldn’t just hand him some cheap chocolates and call it a day.
“Just write him a letter,” Atsushi had suggested.
“Or get him cat-themed tea,” Ranpo had added with his usual knowing smirk. “He’ll love it.”
And that was how you ended up standing outside Fukuzawa’s office, holding a neatly wrapped box of cat-shaped tea bags (shoutout to Yosano for the shopping advice) and a small letter.
You hesitated.
What if this was weird? What if this was too much? What if he thought you were trying too hard?
Before you could spiral any further, the door slid open.
Fukuzawa looked down at you, calm as always. “y/n?”
You straightened up. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sir.”
His gaze shifted to the gift in your hands. “For me?”
“Uh… yeah.” You hesitated before handing it over. “It’s nothing special, just some tea. And, um, a letter. You don’t have to read it or anything-”
Fukuzawa accepted the gift with a small nod. “Thank you.”
You exhaled. “Oh. Cool. Okay.”
You turned to leave when-
“I will read it.”
You froze. “Huh?”
Fukuzawa regarded you thoughtfully. “You are an expressive person. If you took the time to write something, it must have meaning.”
Your face suddenly felt warm. “I- Uh- Yeah, I guess so.”
For a moment, there was silence. Then, in an uncharacteristically soft tone, he added:
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”
Did you just get praised by the President of the Armed Detective Agency?!
Atsushi and Kunikida found you five minutes later, sitting in the hallway, staring into space.
“She looks like she just saw a mythical creature,” Atsushi whispered.
“She basically did,” Ranpo replied, grinning.
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Dazai Osamu
You messed up.
The second you hesitated in front of Dazai’s desk, you sealed your fate. Because that was all the invitation he needed to turn your day into a performance.
“Ohhh?” His eyes lit up with the thrill of chaos. “Could it be? y/n-chan, are you giving me a Valentine’s gift?”
And that was when you knew.
You were done for.
“No,” you deadpanned.
“What’s that in your hand, then?”
Dazai gasped. Full, dramatic, hand-to-chest levels of betrayal. “A confession?! Oh, Ciel, I’m flattered! But you should know, my heart belongs to the endless embrace of-”
“It’s chocolate, Dazai.”
He stopped mid-monologue. Just froze.
With the patience of someone who had long accepted their suffering, you dropped the small box onto his desk.
“It’s just chocolate. Because it’s Valentine’s Day. And because if I didn’t get you something, you’d be insufferable about it.”
Dazai picked up the box, turning it over in his hands like it held the secrets of the universe. “So this is how much I mean to you, huh?”
“Do you want it or not?”
“Oh, I want it.” His smirk returned, far too pleased with himself. “I just didn’t expect you to be so bold”
You saw red. “I swear to God-”
“Did you put poison in it?”
“No, but I should have.”
“Ah, how cruel!” He collapsed against his desk like a tragic widow. “To think, my dear Ciel-chan, the one person I trusted, has betrayed me so—”
So you threw a piece of chocolate at his forehead.
It hit with a satisfying thud.
“Just eat it and shut up.”
And that should have been the end of it.
But then, Dazai looked at you, a real smile tugging at his lips.
Not the teasing kind. Not the act.
A small, genuine one.
“Thank you.”
…And for some reason-
That threw you off way more than the flirting.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
You weren’t sure why you were doing this.
Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was stupidity. Maybe it was some self-destructive impulse that made you think, Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how Fyodor Dostoevsky reacts to a Valentine’s gift?
So now you were here. In a dimly lit room. Sitting across from him.
Fyodor watched you with an unreadable expression, fingers tapping lightly against his teacup. “A gift? For me?”
His voice was smooth, polite-like he already knew your intentions and was simply indulging you.
You cleared your throat and placed a small box on the table. “Yeah. It’s… nothing special. Just chocolate.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Ah. How thoughtful.”
He picked up the box, examining it with unsettling amusement. “Tell me,” he mused, violet eyes gleaming, “is this an act of goodwill? Or do you simply wish to see how I would respond?”
You hesitated. Damn it. He saw through you so fast.
“I mean…” You leaned back, crossing your arms. “Maybe both.”
Fyodor chuckled. “Honest. How refreshing.”
He unwrapped the box with deliberate slowness, as if savoring the moment. “You intrigue me,” he admitted, plucking one of the chocolates between his fingers. “A human with a unique power… yet you walk willingly into the lion’s den.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you’re the lion?”
He smiled. a slow, knowing smile. “And what else would I be?”
You suddenly felt very, very aware of the fact that you had voluntarily given Fyodor Dostoevsky a Valentine’s gift. This was probably a bad idea.
He took a bite of the chocolate, his gaze never leaving yours. Then, tilting his head slightly, he asked:
“Tell me, … do you believe in fate?”
Your pulse quickened. “That depends,” you said carefully. “Are you about to make me regret this?”
Fyodor chuckled again, slow and deliberate. “Perhaps,” he murmured. “Or perhaps… this is just the beginning.”
You swallowed. Yeah. This was definitely a bad idea.
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Mori Ougai
You would never give Mori Ougai a Valentine’s gift. Ever.
It wasn’t even about him being the leader of the Port Mafia-hell, you’d already given Fyodor chocolate, and he was arguably worse. No, Mori was just… dangerous in a different way.
The kind of dangerous that smiled too kindly while pulling the strings behind the scenes.
So imagine your absolute horror when you walked into your regular café, to your daily table and found a beautifully wrapped gift box waiting for you.
With a card.
Signed: Mori Ougai.
…You stared.
No. No, no, no. This was bad.
You immediately turned on your heel-only to find Mori standing right behind you.
“Going somewhere, y/n-chan?” he asked pleasantly.
You barely stopped yourself from jumping. “Nope.”
Mori smiled. Too kindly. “I heard you were handing out gifts today, so I thought I should return the favor.”
“…I didn’t give you anything.”
“Not yet.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I’m never giving you anything.”
Mori sighed dramatically. “Ah, so cruel. Even after I went through all this trouble?”
Your gaze flicked to the box. Suspicious. “Is it poisoned?”
He chuckled. “Now, now, what kind of man do you take me for?”
“The exact kind who would absolutely poison a gift.”
Mori only laughed. “It’s nothing dangerous, I promise. Just a small token of my appreciation.”
Yeah, right. That sounded ten times worse.
“…Appreciation for what?”
“For being so interesting, of course.” His smile widened. Too wide. “I do hope we continue to cross paths.”
You picked up the box like it might explode.
“Great. That’s definitely not ominous.”
Mori simply chuckled, stepping away. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear.”
You decided right then and there that you were never opening that box.
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Nakahara Chuuya
You had debated this for days.
Giving Chuuya Nakahara a Valentine’s gift? Risky.
He wasn’t exactly the romantic type... well, not in the cheesy way, at least. And honestly? You weren’t even sure if he’d want chocolate from you.
But after hours of overthinking, you finally decided: screw it.
Worst case scenario? He’d mock you and move on.
Best case scenario? …Well, you weren’t sure yet.
So here you were, standing outside Mafia HQ, clutching a small bag of premium dark chocolate truffles and second-guessing your entire existence.
Before you could change your mind, the door swung open.
Chuuya stepped out.
And paused immediately when he saw you.
You blinked. “…Oh.”
He frowned. “What are you doing here?”
“I-” You hesitated, then just shoved the bag at him. “Here.”
Chuuya looked down at it, confused. “What the hell is this?”
“It’s-” You sighed, rubbing your forehead. “It’s chocolate, okay? For Valentine’s Day.”
Chuuya stared.
Then, slowly, his lips curled into an amused smirk.
“Well, well,” he drawled, taking the bag. “Didn’t take you for the type to hand out gifts.”
You groaned. “If you’re gonna make this weird-”
“Nah.” He shook his head, opening the bag and popping a truffle into his mouth.
Immediately, his eyes widened.
“…Shit. This is actually good.”
You crossed your arms. “Of course it is.”
Chuuya chewed thoughtfully, then glanced at you. Something unreadable flickered in his gaze.
“…Tch.” He looked away, a little flustered. “Thanks, I guess.”
You blinked. “Wait, did you just-”
“I swear to god, don’t make a big deal out of it.”
You grinned. “You totally just-”
“Shut up.”
You laughed, watching as he pointedly refused to meet your eyes.
For someone so tough.
He sure was easy to fluster.
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Ranpo Edogawa
You should have known this would happen.
Giving Ranpo Edogawa chocolate on Valentine’s Day? That was practically signing up to be made fun of for the rest of your life.
But at this point, you’d already given chocolate to Dazai, Chuuya and Fyodor (questionable life choices). What was one more?
So you marched up to Ranpo’s desk, dropped the small box of sweets in front of him, and crossed your arms.
Ranpo didn’t even glance up from his snacks. “Oho? A bribe?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day, you idiot.”
He finally looked up, grinning like the little menace he was. “So… a confession?”
You rolled your eyes so hard you saw the ceiling. “It’s just chocolate. Don’t make this weird.”
Ranpo picked up the box, turning it in his hands with a thoughtful hum. His green eyes twinkled like he was already three steps ahead of you.
“Hmmm… I already knew you were gonna give me some, of course.”
“Sure you did.”
“I did! After all, I’m the greatest detective in the world.”
You smirked, leaning forward. Oh, you were gonna enjoy this.
“Okay then, Mr. Detective.” You crossed your arms. “What flavor is it?”
Ranpo blinked.
You saw the exact moment the gears in his head stuttered.
“You heard me.” Your smirk widened. “If you’re sooo smart, you should already know what kind of chocolate it is.”
He squinted at the box like it might reveal its secrets if he stared hard enough. Then-without breaking eye contact. he popped the box open and ate one.
Your jaw dropped. “You-”
“See?” He grinned, smug as hell. “Told you I knew.”
“Still counts.”
You groaned, resisting every violent urge in your body.
“I should’ve given it to Kunikida instead.”
Ranpo was already reaching for another chocolate. “Nah. You like me too much for that.”
You did not dignify that with a response.
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Edgar Allen Poe
You hadn’t originally planned to give Poe a Valentine’s gift.
Not because you didn’t like him. Poe was actually one of your favorite people. It was just that… well, you weren’t sure if he even cared about Valentine’s Day.
But then you thought about how happy he’d look if he received a gift.
And, well… how could you resist?
So you made your way to a quiet, dimly lit corner of Yokohama’s library, where Poe usually hid away to write. You found him at his usual table, Karl curled up beside him, as he scribbled something in an old notebook.
You placed a carefully wrapped package in front of him.
Poe jumped slightly, blinking up at you. “y/n?”
You grinned. “Valentine’s gift.”
There was a long pause.
“Karl! She brought me something!”
You barely had time to react before Poe snatched the package with surprising speed, unwrapping it as if it held some ancient secret.
Inside was a beautifully bound, leather-cover notebook with delicate gold-embossed edges.
Poe froze.
His hands trembled slightly as he picked it up, eyes scanning every little detail. “This is…” His voice was almost a whisper.
“I figured you might like a new notebook,” you said, shrugging. “Y’know, for all your writing.”
Poe slowly looked up at you.
You blinked.
Was he… tearing up?
“This is the most thoughtful gift I have ever received,” he declared dramatically, clutching the notebook to his chest. Karl squeaked in agreement.
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Glad you like it.”
Poe nodded furiously, then froze-as if remembering something important.
“Wait here!” He rummaged through his bag, then returned holding a small, carefully wrapped package.
“For me?” you asked, surprised.
Poe nodded eagerly. “Karl and I prepared it just in case!”
You opened the package to find a collection of beautifully handwritten short stories, bound together in a small book. The title page read:
“To y/n, A Collection of Mysteries & Dreams.”
Your breath hitched. “Poe…”
He flushed slightly. “I, um… I hope you like it.”
You grinned, holding the book close. “I love it.”
Karl climbed onto your shoulder, squeaking happily.
Best Valentine’s exchange ever.
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Nikolai Gogol
You knew something was wrong the second you stepped into the Agency.
Everyone was staring at you. Some with curiosity. Others cough Kunikida cough with visible irritation.
You blinked. “Uh… what?”
Dazai smirked, nudging you forward. “Why don’t you check your desk, (Y/N)-chan?”
A sinking feeling settled in your gut.
Slowly, you turned-
And froze.
Because sitting on your desk was a massive, gift-wrapped box with a tag that read:
“To My Dearest, From Your Secret Admirer (Guess Who~!)”
You felt actual fear.
“No.” You turned to the others. “I am not opening that.”
Ranpo, casually eating a snack, snickered. “Smart choice.”
Before you could destroy the box yourself, the lid burst open-
And out popped Nikolai Gogol.
“SURPRISE, MOYA LUBOOOOV!” he sang, arms spread wide.
You screamed. Kunikida almost had a stroke.
Nikolai cackled, hopping out of the box. “Did you like my present, my dear? A gift from the heart- ME!”
You stared at him in horror. “Get back in the box.”
“Aw, but I worked so hard on this!” He spun dramatically. “I even thought about filling it with doves-maybe a few fireworks, but apparently, that’s ‘too dangerous indoors’ or whatever.”
“You-” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “What do you even want?”
Nikolai grinned. “Just your reaction, of course! And to see if you’d join my villain arc!”
You crossed your arms. “Hard pass.”
Nikolai pouted. “Booooring.” Then, with a snap of his fingers, he vanished.
You sighed in exhaustion.
Then, from somewhere above you, his voice echoed:
“Check under your desk, love~!”
You did not. You simply walked away.
Help! I feel the writing block coming back again. So i may disappear till then if you have any questions or requests? You know where to send them. Anyway i am going to my corner rn. Bye..
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starpoweredv1b · 1 day ago
I didn’t want to hijack that puppy girl post with my foolishness so here I am!!
when zayne first got his puppy girl, he took a few days off so she could get acclimated to her new living space. so now he has to go back to work, zayne doesn’t show it but he is nervous about leaving his pup all alone but she promises to be on her best behaviour.
He ends up coming home later than he expected. he’s expecting his pup to be in her bed, fast asleep like a good girl, she did promise to be good and they always go to bed at the same time.
but as soon as he unlocks his front door, he’s greeted with a huge mess. Her plushies all over the floor. Multiple cups of milk tea on the table (she can only have 1 per day!), open bags of snacks that she started eating but gave up in the middle of it. Zayne even meal prepped for her and she still only ate snacks!
he doesn’t expect his pup to greet him at the door, so he heads to her room first to check on her. her bed is empty. she wasn’t in the living room. he checks the kitchen, no pup. he checks outside, knowing how much she loves that porch swing, no pup. the only other place she can be is his room.
which she was. his pup was in his bed, chewing on his pillow. she missed zayne so much she was taking out her anger on his belongings. zayne doesn’t like getting mad, heart disease or other illnesses blah blah blah. but when zayne takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose, it’s clear he’s just a bit… frustrated. His dirty hamper pushed over on the floor, his dirty clothes on his bed. his pup def chewed on his boxers because she liked the way smelled. 
zayne’s like “what are you doing?” There’s stuffing all over the bed, the pillowcase is torn. Her ears perk up as she hears zayne’s voice and she immediately rushing towards him, trying to jump into his arms and give him puppy kisses but zayne places his hands on her shoulders to maintain a distance between them—even if he is happy to see her too. 
“no kisses. you made a mess.” for a minute, her ears droop. and her little pout tugs at his heartstrings because she’s just too cute to be mad at. 
but zayne knows he has to nip this behaviour in the bud. zayne’s scolding her about the mess she’s made, all he gets in return in twitchy ears, head tilts, and a tail that just won’t stop wagging. she’s definitely playing dumb because she knows zayne won’t punish her. 
and it’s so hard to stay upset when she looks so cute. and maybe it’s not a really big mess. and maybe his pup didn’t know what she was doing… zayne finally ends up relenting, falling back on the bed and letting his little puppy give him all the kisses she wants. after all it’s been a long day and all he wants to do is cuddle with his sweet girl and relax. 
(post) i saw your notif in my inbox and had the biggest most diabolical grin known to mankind 👹 thank you for feeding into my love for hybrids hehe (sighing zayne's name dreamily. he is the bestest soft dom ever. also sub but that's for another day) consider this a gift extension of love and freakyness whimsy before i go on smut break.
#1 puppygirl dad
cw. puppy hybrid!reader, use of daddy, size kink, smut, oral, fingering, tba
i definitely see zayne being the softest puppy dad ever as much as he is a neat freak, he is also the softest when it comes to his little puppy girl. you. but he is a man of discipline and restraint. which meant that after cuddles and a good sleep, you were going to have to fix your mess.
zayne would help you get dressed in your cute dress with the apron and hand you a broom, stifling an instinctive heart melted smile at the way you pouted up at him. always pushing to make him tick and relent into that soft smile he reserved for you and your antics.
"come on pup, you know what to do after making a mess. it's only fair that you help dad to clean up."
he'd tell you as he ruffles your hair and heads to the chair to check on the morning news. well...he tried to but the sight of your tail swishing and making your skirt sway, showing the soft cotton of your panties as you busied yourself grumpily was making him feel stuffy. he loosened his tie and ran his fingers through his still slightly mussed from sleep hair. you were so cute and smaller than him. although that was pretty much a given for most people. he worked out, after all. a neat freak, a health freak, and a very much infatuated with you freak.
so, after what felt like a hellish 15 minutes of you wiggling your hips to pick up chewed through laundry and sweeping up after your mess, he decided to help out so that he can sit you on his lap. the place you truly belonged. and there you sat once all was done. you exaggeratedly wipe off the barely there sweat from your brows as if you had done the most toughest of labours. he shook his head, face slightly furrowing in a mix of amusement and annoyance. you were the best at making messes and getting under his skin.
"was it really that exhausting, pup? if i recall correctly, i cleaned up most of it."
"i cleaned up the most, dad!"
you did your best to stifle that bratty smile, he'd give you props for that. the smile that knew what he'd do to make you balance the troubles you've caused him. minutes later, you'd have the hem of your dress bunched and stuffed between your sharp canines, his sleeves rolled to his forearms as his fingers buried in the sticky wetness of your cotton underwear. you were whimpering at the feel of his strong dextrous surgeon fingers rubbing shapes and circles that made you see stars while his other hand held your hips in place as he ground his bulge against you. you could see the scars on his arms and the veins flexing with each move and you swear you would've drooled through the fabric of the dress in your mouth.
"look at you making more messes for daddy to clean up. you're a really mischievous puppy you know that?"
he'd chide against your fluffy ears, nipping at the edge with his teeth. you'd bounce all desperate on his lap, so close to the edge until his fingers would pull away. he'd hover his slick covered fingers in front of you, your sticky juices dripping all shiny down his wrist.
"i'm supposed to be resting on my off days. you know this."
he tuts, pressing the pads of his fingers together to emphasise just how much your pussy had drooled on his hands.
"daddy hff please- i p-promise to be good! please...please let me cum pleaseee!"
you'd whine pathetically, drool absorbed fabric of your dress' hem sticking to your thighs. he'd laugh softly as he peppers kisses on the side of your neck.
"since you've promised...daddy will help you out, hm?"
he cooed, shifting to move you off of his lap and onto the couch. you could see your stains on his lap but he didn't seem to care. the flecks of hazel and green in his eyes swallowed almost entirely as his large palms pressed your thighs open. his face lowers and he licks a line up your drooling cunt, sucking the tip of your puffed up clit.
"let daddy clean this mess for you, sweet pup."
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pleasedontcareaboutme · 5 months ago
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It's missing my father hours rn so imma just dump a bunch of pictures here and cry
( sorry i don't know the source of anything I just had them on my phone)
(also dont read the tags i just need to let it out lol)
#I just realized I can call him dad easier than my real dad and now I understand why am I so damn attached to him#I always knew he was a parental figure for me#but now I connected the dots#How when u have an absent dad and a d34d mom a guy shows up in ur life#that tells u life advice that both of ur parents failed to do so#and makes u feel safe the first time in ur life#ofc ud become attached#i know for sure its unhealthy how much i love and miss him#he occupies most of my thoughts honestly#But how could i not cling to him so much when he was the only one who gave me hope in life#i try to keep going and even tho he is not here i keep telling myself whatever he taught me. i keep reminding myself he wants us to live an#bloom and be free#and that's what ill try to do#but you know somedays i wish i could just disappear and be wrapped in eternal happiness#its so fucking hard to pull yourself out of the slump man im so fucking tired im so so tired#somedays i wish id have the courage to off myself but i know that deep down i want to live and ive always wanted to live but i have no idea#how to live. i feel like i finally found a purpose and someone i love. but at the same time im always doubting myself and im scared of losi#g this little hope again and i know i should cherish and use it instead but each day i have this anxiety because rn i have nothing else if#lose this i seriously will lose everything atp. but ill still try bc rn its this or death so i should try im just damn tired yes anyways#sorry for being depressing some days just dont work out but thats okay#yes at the same time i want to get out of my head and try to find some friends but i cant deny that im highkey fucked up and i just cant le#go of my past and i still feel like that helpless unloved kid and idk how to form relationships this way. i dont trust myself at all so idk#how to trust others. and i feel like in order to find ppl that would love me i have to overshare abt my whole lifestory bc it still dictate#my life heavily. and since i met this band its better cuz im learning to deal w it and i want to heal from everything but yes at the same t#me who would wqnt to be friends w. someone that has like a year of life experience and 18 years of depression lol#so yes its complicated. bc i have friends but im like the funny friend. the one that is as shallow as puddle and has no problems but honest#y im genuinely sufferint qnd have been sufferinz all my life so i want to come out of my funny friend role. but that wojld mean i have to t#ll the shit i went through to all my friends but tbh it would be so random so ye. i do have a plan though. how it could work. But yes im ti#ed have been tired for 7 years now. But this time around i hope i can successfully get out of this torture cycle lol.#ok sorry this is what happens after puberty guys i could beva research case for a damn mental institute atp xdd
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sorcerous-caress · 4 months ago
oh wow they actually give you the choice to explicitly identify as transgender freely with zero requirements and it unlocks new dialogue choices
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