moonkit60633 · 9 months
*puts an engine on one of those treadmils for dogs and watches them go*
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headspace-hotel · 11 months
Many people, especially USAmericans, are very resistant to knowing the plants and living according to the ways of the plants. They lash out with a mix of arrogance and fear: "Don't you know what bad things would happen if we lived a different way? There is a REASON for living this way. Would you have us go Back—backward to the time without vaccines or antibiotics????"
Ah, yes, the two immutable categories that all proposals for change fit into: Backward Change and Forward Change! Either we must invent a a futuristic, entirely new solution with SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY that further industrializes and increases the productivity of our world, or we must give up vaccines and antibiotics and become starving illiterate medieval peasants.
Every human practice anywhere on Earth that has declined, stopped, or become displaced by another practice, was clearly objectively worse than whatever replaced it. You see, the only possible reason a way of life could decline or disappear is that it sucked and had it coming anyway!!! Pre-industrial human history is worthless except as a cautionary tale about how miserable we would all be without *checks notes* factories, fossil fuels and colonialism. Obviously!
Anyway, who do you think benefits from the idea that pesticide-dependent, corporate-controlled industrialized monoculture farming liberates us all from spending our short, painful lives as filthy, miserable peasants toiling in the fields?
First of all, I think it's silly to act like farming is a uniquely awful way to live. I can't believe I have to say this, but the awful part of being a medieval peasant was the oppression and poverty, not the fact that harvesting wheat is a lot of work and cows are stinky. Same goes for farm labor in the modern USA: the bad part is that most people working farms are undocumented migrant workers that are getting treated like garbage and who can't complain about it because their boss will rat them out to ICE.
Work is just work. Any work has dignity when the people doing it are paid properly and not being abused. Abuse and human trafficking is rampant in agriculture, but industrialization and consolidation of small farms into gigantic corporate owned farms sure as hell isn't making it better.
Is working on a farm somehow more miserable than working in a factory, a fast food restaurant, or a retail store? Give me a break. "At least I'm not doing physical labor in the sun," you say, at your job where you're forced to stand on concrete for 8 hours and develop chronic pain by age 24.
When you read about small farmers going out of business because of huge corporations, none of them are going "Yay! Now that Giant Corporation has swallowed up all the farms in the area, we can all enjoy the luxurious privileges of the industrial era, like working RETAIL!" What you do see a lot of is farmers bitterly grieving the loss of their way of life.
And also, the fact is, sustainable forms of polyculture farming that create a functional ecosystem made up of many different useful and edible plants are actually way MORE efficient at producing food than a monoculture. The reason we don't do it as much, is that it can't be industrialized where everything is harvested with machines.
Some places folks are starting to get the idea and planting two crops together in alternating rows, letting the mutualistic relationship between plants boost the yields of both, but indigenous people in many parts of the world have been doing this stuff basically forever. I read about a style of agroforestry from Central America that has TWENTY crops all together on the same field.
Our modern system of farming is necessary for feeding the world? Bullshit! Our technology is very powerful and useful, but our harmful monocultures, dangerous pesticides, and wasteful usage of land and resources are making the system very inefficient and severely degrading nature's ability to provide for us.
What is needed, is a SYNTHESIS of the power and insights of technology and science, with the ancient wisdom and knowledge gained by closely and carefully observing Nature. We do not need to reject one, to embrace the other! They should be friends!
Our system thinks land is only used for one thing at a time. Even our science often thinks this way. A corn field has the purpose of producing corn, and no other purpose, so all other plants in the corn must be killed, and it must be a monoculture of only corn.
But this means that the symbiosis between different plants that help each other is destroyed, so we must pollute the earth with fertilizers that wash into bodies of water and cause eutrophication, where algae explode in number and turn the water to green goo. Nature always has variety and diversity with many plants sharing the same space. It supports much more animal life (we are animals!) this way. The Three Sisters" are the perfect example of mutualism between plants being used in an agricultural environment. The planting of corn, beans, and squash together has been traditionally used clear across the North American continent.
And in North America, the weeds we have here are mostly edible plants too. Some of them were even domesticated themselves! Imagine a garden where every weed that pops up is also an edible or otherwise useful crop, and therefore a welcomed friend! So when weeds like Amaranth and Sunflower pop up in your field, that should not be a cause for alarm, but rather the system of symbiosis working as it should.
A field of one single crop is limited in how much it can produce, because one crop fits into a single niche in what should be a whole ecosystem, and worse, it requires artificial inputs to make up for what the rest of the plant community would normally provide. The field with twenty crops does not produce the same amount as the monoculture field divided in twenty ways, but instead produces much more while being a habitat for wild animals, because each plant has its own niche.
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youracebuddy · 2 months
This is my first fanfiction that I’m proud of enough to publish, and I hope you enjoy it! A quick disclaimer: I don’t know much about Outertale, so please excuse me if it isn’t very accurate.
I also posted this on AO3, if you are interested! :3
Sans x Reader- Outertale
-Drifting through space-
It was a rather normal, bland day in the grand universe. The stars had to be documented and explored, the spaceship needed to be refueled, and you needed to go stop off at Grillby’s to get some lunch. It was just as lively as ever there- with the patrons huddled together in their little cliques, talking about their newest discoveries and adventures- with all of the regulars in their respective spots. And as usual, he was there. It was a bit silly to admit, but over time, you had grown fond of Sans. You developed a love for his god-awful space jokes and puns, which always seemed to cheer you up after a long day. You fell in love with how his eyelights seemed to glimmer at the mere thought of the universe, and how he absolutely loved to tell you everything about his job. It seemed you couldn’t go a day without him telling you about a brand new star, planet, or constellation. Last but certainly not least, you loved him. Sure, he liked to joke around and push your buttons sometimes. But below the surface was a kind, hopeful, and intelligent skeleton- that would do anything for the people that he loved.
Your body seemed to move on its own, quickly maneuvering through the lunch rush and delivering you right to him. With not a second to spare, you sat down… only to be met with the familiar sound of a whoopee cushion. Sans’ head instantly perked up at the sound, a playful smile lazily spread across his skull. “ah, the good old whoopee cushion on the seat trick. sorry about that buddy, that was for paps. but, he must be busy fighting aliens or somethin’ now.” He mused, grinning more at the thought. It wasn’t too hard to picture papyrus as a space cop, as he did always want to help others. “although, knowing how he is, he’s probably just giving them a slap on the wrist and some spaghetti. he can’t stay mad at anyone for too long.” Your thoughts were practically read aloud as he spoke, making you shoot him a bewildered look. He simply shrugged, and allowed you to speak up. “Are you sure that he never stays angry at anyone for too long? What about that time where you wouldn’t clean your socks out of your spaceship for a whole month?” You inquired, reaching out and gently poking his nasal cavity. He simply batted away your hand, another chuckle escaping his perma-smile as he did so. “anyways, what’s up with you today? you look like someone told you that you need to actually work for once.” And there it was again: his attention to detail. It came in handy when repairing a rocket ship or computer together, but really put you in a downside in just about any other situation. You stumbled over your words for a moment, before spitting out what was on your mind. “Ihavetogotoandjumptoaplanetbutidontwanttodealwiththat-“ You were quickly cut off by sans, a confused glimmer in his eyelights. “whoah, hold on there, pal. i can’t tell what you’re sayin’ when you talk that fast. care to slow down a bit?” He spoke, laughing in a lighthearted manner at your shenanigans. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, and slowed down to properly explain yourself. “You see… Undyne told me that my job today is to explore a nearby planet, and to make sure that the ecosystem is doing alright. But, it’s close enough where it would be a waste of rocket fuel to go there by rocket. So, I’ll have to just jump there and wait for gravity to do its thing.” “and?” He inquired, giving you a knowing look. “if it was that easy, wouldn’t you have already done it?” You sighed at his words, silently cursing yet again that he was so inquisitive. After a moment of hesitation, you spoke up again. “Well… you see… I’m afraid of floating out in space.” After you finished talking, you waited with bated breath for him to laugh. It was such a ridiculous fear to have when you worked in space, and were constantly exposed to it. But, he didn’t make a sound. Instead, a gloved hand placed on your own pulled you out of your self-deprecating thoughts.
You instantly looked over, wondering if you had hallucinated the sensation. But, to your surprise, he had his hands gently cupped around your own, with his expression almost… sympathetic? “pal. it’s alright. everyone is scared of something, and it’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Your brain came to a halt at his words, almost immediately putting an end to your negative thoughts. You opened your mouth to try and speak, but all that came out was a mumbled ‘thank you…’. You slowly wrapped your hands around his in return, finding comfort in the familiar warmth of his gloves. He tightened his grip on your hands, as if worried that you would pull away. “hey… i’m scared of some things too. i’m terrified of putting away my socks- it chills me to the bone.” “SANS!” You yelped, letting out a few snorts at just how bad the puns were. “Of course you would say that…” You murmured, unable to keep a hint of affection from slipping through your tone. He seemed to notice this, as his expression softened along with your own. “alright. i know i never do this, but I’m going to be serious for a moment, alright?” You were going to make a snarky remark at his words, but his serious expression stopped you in your tracks. He slowly pulled your hands towards his chest, placing them over his soul. “look. i know that it’s scary, hell, i was scared of it at some point,” He chuckled at the memory, his smile widening further. “papy had to throw me into space at one point. it wasn’t pretty, to say the least. ever hear me scream into the abyss of space? a-anyways, back on topic.” He muttered, clearing his non-existent throat. “look. it’s not a perfect idea, but how about i come with you? it’s certainly a lot better than being thrown into space, though. well, i could always do that if you wished-“ “NO, I’m good!” You spoke up, chuckling sheepishly. You carefully slipped one of your hands out of his comforting grip, and brought it up to his cheek. It was cool to the touch, and surprisingly… squishy? You couldn’t help but to feel it for a moment, lost in curiosity and completely forgetting about why you held his cheek in the first place. It must have been why he was able to be so expressive, despite having no skin or muscle in the first place. But, you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts when a soft blue blush started to spread across his cheekbones. You could feel your own cheeks burning in embarrassment, and you decided to speak up and hopefully stop anything from escalating further. “T-Thank you. It means a lot to me to know that I’m not alone, especially in the cold, empty void of space.” You muttered, voice shaking sightly in embarrassment. You quickly removed your hand from his cheek, not finding the strength to look him in the eyes. “I’ll owe you so much ketchup for this…” You mumbled, feeling your heart ease at the sound of sans’ light, gentle laugh. “hey, i was planning on doing it for free. but being paid is pretty good too, especially if ketchup is on the table.” He mused, seemingly excited by the idea. He slowly stood up beside you, waiting for you to lead the way. Surprisingly, he offered you his hand to lead him. “i know i’m not exactly the gentlemanly type, but how about i hold your hand on the way there? don’t want you to get cold feet, after all.” He teased, his smile quickly turning smug. You were quick to accept his offer, which only made him all the more pleased. But, he held his tongue, and decided against flustering you further. After a quick walk out of Grillby’s and a few confused glances from the diners, you were whisked back out into the familiar emptiness of space. But, what you walked into was nothing like you had ever seen before. In the short amount of time you had been inside of the diner, countless shooting stars decided to make their appearance and dance across the cosmos.
They shot through the black abyss, leaving shimmering trails of stardust in their wake. The previously inky abyss that laid before them was now packed to the brim with color, with patches of bold turquoise, gentle lavender, and noble gold scattered as far as the eye could see. They pranced and twirled across the cosmos in a slow, ethereal dance, lulling the universe into a state of bliss. You tried to say something- ANYTHING- but you were stripped of your words. When you managed to tear your eyes away from the spectacle above, they latched back onto the familiar figure of Sans. His skull was tilted up to the spectacle above, illuminated by the countless shades of stardust. After what seemed to feel like an eternity, he turned back to you, his smile wider than you had ever seen it before. His eyelights shimmered with an almost childlike sense of wonder, glowing almost as bright as the stars above. Without a second thought, he leaped into the symphony of color above, and pulled you up along with him. Your body was flung into shock at the sudden loss of gravity, and by a primal instinct, you clung to the closest thing that you could. In this case, that ‘thing’ was Sans. After your thoughts of panic cleared your brain, you were quick to notice that you were holding onto something that was… soft? With one quick glance up, you realized that you had practically engulfed sans in your arms when you were sent into a panic. You hurriedly pried yourself off of his form, and held onto him by the shoulders. But before you could apologize for your actions, his expression snapped you out of your thoughts. His eyelights had completely vanished from his eyesockets, and his cheekbones were once more dusted with a deep shade of cobalt blue. Concerned, you yet again moved one of your hands up to his cheek, and cupped the side of his soft, cool face. He brought his gloved hand back up to his face, and gingerly placed his phalanges atop of your own. His eyelights slowly came back into focus, and settled back down on your own eyes.
He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, as he knew that his voice would shake if he spoke any louder. “you sure do know how to make a skeleton flustered, don’t ya…? well, i can’t exactly say that I don’t mind it.” He mumbled, letting out a soft, embarrassed chuckle. “but hey- if it helps you with your fear, feel free to hold me all you like. it’s a lot better than screaming my ears off.” “You don’t even have ears.” You mumbled through a small pout, but were quick to accept his offer for the millionth time. You gently wrapped your arms back around him, and glanced up to look at your surroundings once more. You were slowly drifting off into space, with grillby’s already a long ways away. You were instantly filled with panic at the sight, but your heart eased once more when a gloved hand slowly placed itself under your chin, and gingerly pulled your face back to meet the soft eyelights that you had yearned to gaze into since you first had the honor of looking upon them. His voice was soft, as if he was genuinely trying to comfort you, and not pull your leg. “hey. just keep your eyes on me, and you can look back out to the stars when you feel like it.” He murmured, gloved hand keeping your head in place. You nodded, refusing to look anywhere but his comforting, soft pupils. Your body eased once more, leaving you wondering if you would melt into his embrace and drip across the cosmos. For once in your time in space, you felt safe. Protected. As you kept your eyes trained on his own, your heart slowly soaked with the familiar, fuzzy feeling that you had when he crossed your mind. It always made you feel like you were back in school all those years back, fantasizing about silly little scenarios- which were a lot like what was currently going on- and reading cheesy romance novels. Just as usual, you couldn’t seem to get enough of him. But, your heart yearned for more. It, no, YOU wanted to bring him all of the joy in the world, no matter how long it would take. Without a second thought, you leaned towards him with half-lidded eyes, and placed your lips against his teeth. In this single moment, you finally gathered up the courage to do the one thing that you wanted to do since you first had the honor of laying your eyes upon Sans. Sure, he may not be the most perfect man… but he is to you, and that’s all that matters. When the reality of what you just did managed to pierce its way into the blissful fog of your love-struck mind, you quickly broke the ‘kiss’, overcome with embarrassment. Despite your guilty, flustered state, you managed to croak out an apology, not daring to look him in the eye. “O-oh my god, I’m so sorry. I-I just got lost in the moment, and-“ When the same teeth that you kissed gently pressed against your lips in return, your mind came to a crashing halt. Your eyes fluttered closed along with his own, sheer euphoria flooding through your veins. Despite the fact that he didn’t have lips to kiss in the first place, it was still more warm and comforting than you ever could have imagined. It lasted for what felt like an eternity, but was still too short when it stopped. Sans was the one to break the ‘kiss’, a goofy, lovestruck smile painted across his face. “i don’t even have lips to kiss with, you goofball.” He whispered, causing the two of you to burst into a chorus of giggles.
Needlessly to say, Undyne wasn’t the happiest to learn that you were out canoodling -in a chaste manner- with your new boyfriend instead of checking up on the planet like you were supposed to. She still teases you about it to this day, whenever she spots the two of you sticking to each other like glue.
If you made it this far, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I’ve wanted to share my work for a while now, and even if this makes one person happy, it would make writing this whole thing worthwhile! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to, well, comment!
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klcthebookworm · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
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Hannah gets a good idea while teaching science to one of Wolfwood's orphans.
Hannah checked over the bike after their first full day of travel. They had stopped earlier today to give Melanie time to cook a better meal and to let the kids run around and get tired. Most of them were chasing Vash around right now, including Chuck. But the blond boy older than Chuck and covered with a tan poncho hovered. What was his name? She had given him a ride today. All the orphans had gotten their promised thirty iles. “No more rides tonight.” She told Bete firmly. That was his name.
“No, I wanted to ask what will happen to the sandworms when you bring ice to Gunsmoke,” Bete said.
She looked up at his blue eyes. “Sandworms? Vash hasn’t told us about sandworms.”
“They are massive beasts that burrow under the sands of the open wastes.”
“Do they eat ghosts?”
Bete tilted his head. “Ghosts? No, they eat toma and people who didn’t build on solid rock.”
Hannah started packing her tools back in the box. “Sounds like saber squids only not squidy. Yes, Vash should’ve told us about them.”
“The sandworms were here first.” All kids fall in love with dinosaurs, but Gunsmoke didn’t have them so Bete went to sandworms. He continued sounding put out. “Spaceships dropped on them and now you want to drop ice and rock on them.”
This must be what Vash called population trauma. Bete was born way after the Great Fall but still was afraid of it. Hannah shook her head. “Oh no, it won’t be like the Great Fall at all. Melt the space ice with a proper reentry for one. And landing instead of crashing. Have you learned about reentry?”
Bete shook his head.
“Okay, this is how Dad explained it to me. The atmosphere covers the whole planet like a thick blanket. When you’re coming in from outer space, you have to find the right angle to slip the ship under the edge of the blanket so it can land. If you don’t, the ship will bounce off the blanket and you’re gonna waste a lot of fuel getting back into position. Or you crash instead of landing.”
“That make sense, but you said melting. You need fire to melt things and there is no fire in the air.”
“The heat is from friction. You don’t know what that is either. Rub your hands together,” Hannah said.
Bete did it with a dubious expression that turned to wide eyes. “They’re getting hot!”
“That’s friction. The speeds for space travel are so fast even air makes friction. You can shield a ship against that, but we want that friction on the space ice so it melts into water.”
“And then covers Gunsmoke in water like Earth.” Bete stopped rubbing his hands and crossed his arms with a scowl.
Hannah closed up the toolbox and secured it to the bike. “And drown the sandworms and everybody else? That’s not the plan. We won’t bring that much ice. And don’t you know Earth has deserts like the wastes despite having oceans?”
“The Sahara in Africa has lots of big sand dunes. And out west from where we lived has lots of mesas. I never got to go in person to them, but they are out there. Big solar farms are being built on them because of lack of rain. Oh!” Something she hadn’t even realized she hadn’t seen in all their travels yelled for attention like Dad and her uncles cheering on a sports team.
“How do you farm the suns?” Bete asked.
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Frank, what's your stance on nuclear energy as a sustainable replacement for fossil fuels?
Ugh, Nuclear Energy
On some level I get what people are saying. I agree that nuclear energy, in the form of something like the "nuclear waste" thing that you can store in a canister and bury underground, is an amazing technological feat that can probably solve many of our problems with fossil fuels.
I'm probably more skeptical than others about what I'll call the "nuclear energy future," as it is still in many ways an embryonic technology. We have not yet come up with any way for that buried canister to be reused, and for now we must deal with it as just "waste." At some point this might stop being the case -- maybe we can use some new technology to break down that canister and make something from it (though it may be difficult to make useful things from a material that's already been irradiated).
But there are also big problems with nuclear power that, to my mind, it doesn't get enough credit for. Namely, the fact that we can't totally isolate our fuel rods from the surrounding environment, and that this raises some difficult questions about what would happen if some catastrophe did make a meltdown inevitable.
In order to make the nuclear fuel you use for your power station, we have to extract plutonium from uranium. It's a highly-enriched radioactive material that we get by separating some uranium from the rest (i.e. by making a fuel rod out of the uranium-235 nucleus). There are many ways to make the fuel, but the process we are most familiar with in terms of technology is something called the "rapid-fusion" process, in which uranium atoms are fused in a "burner" with lithium and deuterium in order to create helium and plutonium.
The first issue here is that helium, once we have it, we don't want to keep in a fuel rod. Helium is not terribly useful -- a little bit of it makes a big difference, but not much. We keep it to minimize the amount of uranium that goes into the fuel, because uranium is very expensive. The problem is that helium is radioactive, and this fact seems to go unmentioned in most discussions of nuclear power as it pertains to our energy needs in the future.
We have this canister of material that's mostly uranium, but with some plutonium mixed in. We can stick a whole bunch of these canisters in it, and let them sit for a long time -- maybe a year or two -- waiting for some natural process to break down the plutonium into some other, safer isotope. Then we can use our fuel rods in the reactor.
What would happen if there was an accident in the reactor and the canister started leaking some of its helium?
How long could it go on leaking? We can't be sure -- our data on helium leaks are all theoretical and based on mathematical models and computer simulations. We have a lot of helium, but what if there was some kind of catastrophic breakdown in which this helium spilled out, quickly and at a fast rate, or perhaps just slowly over a long period of time??
Well, there is reason to think that helium leaks might be a serious problem. For one thing, helium is one of the few gases that forms a siphon -- when you have, say, a fuel rod that contains a tiny bit of material that emits some helium, but you keep the remaining amount very large, you can build up a pressure inside the fuel rod. Now if you put a hole into the pressure vessel and let some helium leak out, the hole will be quickly filled back up. This means that you have a small pressure drop, but not one that will seriously affect you. However, there is reason to believe that the helium pressure drop will build up gradually over time -- what if there were multiple holes in our canister, connected to a network of leaking canisters?
What if, through some process, the amount of helium being siphoned out of the fuel rod exceeded the capacity of the canister to release it?
Or what if helium was being released at the wrong rate, such that the leaks became continuous? What if it was so continuous that it filled up the whole canister in a short period of time?
The only way to deal with this is to seal the canister. The idea of sealing the canister is not one that is immediately obvious to us, and so a few people have asked some very difficult questions about whether we could in fact seal the canister with material that's strong enough to resist the force of the helium pressure. If we can't seal the canister, there is a nonzero chance that, through a series of events that would be extremely unusual but that might happen if you just had enough helium coming out of the canister, the canister might leak so much helium that it goes through the holes in the canister and flows back into the fuel rod. At some point it will end up inside the fuel rod and we will have an automated explosion that melts down the fuel rod and vaporizes the reactor.
Now one can probably think of some very large number of people working on the technology of nuclear power who are very confident that we can guarantee that the canister will never fail in this way, and this number would probably be in the "thousands." However, I'd put my bets a lot less confidently on those people than on the people who have worked for years on coming up with a real solution to this question.
The second problem with nuclear energy as it exists in the current day is the fuel itself -- the rods that we use for the fuel. These are also very expensive to make, and also very difficult to extract, store, and dispose of (if you're burying them underground). This is why they have the warning in the above picture that "It is very dangerous work and requires special training and equipment," -- the whole idea of making fuel rods requires you to have, and deal with, large amounts of plutonium.
As with the helium thing, there are people who are very confident that we will find a way to handle this very well in a real-life environment. The amount of confidence, and lack of confidence, varies wildly, but I'd put my bets on a lot fewer people than on the people who have actually studied the subject in a careful and serious way.
The third issue with nuclear energy is the waste.
Nuclear fuel rods contain uranium, a radioactive element, and plutonium, which is radioactive in a way that the uranium isn't. The plutonium tends to be about ten times more radioactive than uranium, so if we have fuel rods that contain a certain amount of plutonium, we can irradiate some of that plutonium into a new element called transluminogen -- the word "luminous" isn't necessarily luminous in the way you know it from a tree or from the sun, but anyway it is luminous, and you can get all of the energy out of this new element with a few percent of the uranium in the fuel. This is an ideal solution, at least if you are willing to believe it in nuclear power.
For one thing, this solution to the waste problem is expensive. You have to make the fuel rods, or at least the plutonium-bearing ones that we'll make later, and then irradiate some plutonium into the transluminogen elements, and then use those transluminogen elements to make more fuel rods. Then, irradiate the plutonium into the new fuel again, and so on and so forth, until the uranium and plutonium have all been irradiated into something that's about as radioactive as plutonium.
This is a pretty expensive solution, especially given that it's an ideal solution to the problem of waste.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
☭ hokori (or kalpas tbh im just Lazy)
@heincus / @decimatcd​
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Battle Intro: Hoh? You want to play games with me? Hokori, I’m not in the mood for games. Stop wasting my time.  Half HP: Why I’m not getting angry? Why? I’m not like you, this fight doesn’t fuel anything in me aside from my desire to survive. It’s meaningless. You won’t get anything from loss or win.  Low HP: I won’t... I’m not going to take them off... No. Defeat: Are you proud of yourself? Hah! *cracks her back* I’m done with you and you are with me. Got the heat out of yourself?  Death: This isn’t ... the end! [WARNING: PROCEEDING TO ROUND OF NO ACCESSORIES APPLIED] Assist: You’re taking too long.  Taunt: *yawns*  Reacting to Taunt: Your words won’t reach me, continue your attack.  Flee: I don’t have time on playing games with you.  Reacting to Flee: Finally, I’m late for a meeting.  Tie: Are you happy? Stop wasting my time with this idiotic sparring in he middle of my work day, Hokori.  Perfect Victory: You must stop rushing in so fast, I’m not someone who just sells out weapons, information, and offers other services. I’ve been to countless conflicts, I’ve been to a military, I’ve lost bits and pieces of myself only to learn through that loss that I am not normal, not even closer. So do not attempt to battle me again. I won’t be so forgiving next time.  Low HP Victory:  You’re so stubborn.  Finishing Move:  I told you to not waste my time. 
―KALPAS. (what if: vs. shattering herrscher of ice)
Battle Intro:  They’re gone, all of them, they’re gone, gone, gone. Kalpas, you can hear them, right? I can’t get their screams out of my head. I failed, I didn’t protect them, I can hear [its] voice but I can’t give up. I cannot, I won’t, it won’t control me... So... Ah... It hurts, please, put an end to this... while I can still... remember what I am.  Half HP: Don not stop, do not hesitate!  Low HP: It doesn’t... burn anymore?  Defeat: Finish this. Death: I’m glad... that it was you.  Assist: You are losing your spark, firefly.  Taunt: You cannot protect anything, so destroy it! Destroy everything...!  Reacting to Taunt: Stop saying that name, I’m not—I am... Who am I? Flee: I hear their call.  Reacting to Flee: No...! Come back... Don’t leave me alone!  Tie: While I still can hold back, please, Kalpas, end this... Perfect Victory: O beloved flame of rage and destruction, your flames were unable to melt the growing glaciers. This body, this mind, this soul... All will... No, no, no! Get up, Kalpas! GET UP! WAKE UP! Low HP Victory: No, no, no, no. Kevin, Elysia... Someone... Stop me, shatter me, destroy me... Save Kalpas...!  Finishing Move: ———
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darkobssessions · 2 years
Dear world,
"What will it take for you to listen?"
Why is mental health so stigmatised? Why are we not talking about it more publicly?
Why is it that we have always struggled in silence and secret? What is it with this world that we just cannot crack? Are we destined to be shunned and abused, misunderstood and left out, blamed and scapegoated, lost and found, made assumptions of and not believed, named and then abandoned?
Why do we hide the central aspects of what make our lives our lives and who we are?
What about the things that affect who we are, which we cannot control and never asked for?
What about the memories we don't want, the experiences we feel torn apart by, the friends we lose?
The broken promises we make ourselves and others, the tears, the fights, the challenges most of all challenges that plague our existence, along with limitations.
We are flame driven arrows sharpened to perfection, golden glistening. We may invariably point that at ourselves or destructively in the world, we may snap and relapse, enter into a higher or lower state that we were last in, and possibly rewrite whole swathes of our lives and function from that place from that point onwards as if we had torched who we were just an hour ago, that is exactly what is happening. We become who we need to be in order to survive.
We are experts at laying complete waste to our lives. If we must, we can again quite swiftly demonstrate because after having lived it we also know what does and what does not in fact destroy you quite fast enough, or might rather bore you actually.
I am a mix between a cynical british man and a subsaharan bush fire wild instinct desert fox first bloom torrential rain sand tornadoes cliff faces crimson sunsets stars as far as the eyes can see healing trees on every horizon a nature preserve a national treasure a tourist destination a money making activity a space filler for someone next door, who by the way, does in fact own guns. I've lost the point of my why. It's not not my why anymore it's just too overwhelming and I can't cope with how urgent and dire this circumstance is which I rember when confronted with pretty much anything in my circumstance. My very new living circumstance. Stress. Alienation. Disability. Mental illness. Autism. Masking. Financial dependence on an abusive family. A pervasive fear of failure. A dark cloud that holds me captive and will not allow me to work, contribute or survive in this world. These things and stressors in new environments (or just the life we live, which is very stressful, which is fueled by stress, and glorified in stress, and expected of us, and shunned and suppressed when it is expressed openly) are experiences that send shock waves through my entire nervous system and shake and rattle and drench me in the cycles and tendencies that do not stop going once they are set into motion, wether that is up or down.
I will climb as high as I can get or I will sink and sink and sink and sink and keep going as if gravity doesn't mean anything to me other than a fun ride I slurp up and ask for th'e next one. I am wondering why we dont talk about mental health as much as we need to because how it's going with me is I am having various of my episodes due to different stressful components of my move and my environment, my sister has tried to make space and - I'm in shock tatters from that one. She said she didn't know who I was in unmasking and that she gave a knowing look to a server over ordering a drink, because I guess what ordered a drink in a basic polite way and apprently (according to my sister) this offended the barista and she shut down from that point onwards and just took the rest of the order. So my sister felt the need to impart to the barista that yes she knew and she was very sorry for my appalling offense. The offense of being me, of being direct, of being perceived in any way that is different to the norm, a difference in expression, movement thought, behaviour, idea or ideal, needs and challenges. These people exist these people are real, I am these people. I have been around an amazing community of them since my time started here on tumblr in 2013. I am pretty certain of the bonds and the ties and the darknesses and the strengths that make us human and that a huge if not majority percentage of people on this platform are experiencing something dark and real that so few dare approach on other platforms, at least not this way. And the fact that we can be anonymous on here helps, the fact that we need not show this to an employer. We are still scared sick, scared -> sick
But we are milions strong and in that number I feel solidarity because my daily life is one of acute loneliness. I wish to forge a way out of this loneliness and experience the sea beyond. I believe that me and others like me deserve the light of day, or the freedm to truly live in our nights because we are incapable of engaging with the world in its normal hours or have to undergoe great personal and physiological stress to engage with, or take pharmaceuticals in order to participate. We self medicate in a million and one ways, we have our own routines and systems to come with PTSD and quirks of our neurology. We know our way around our compulsions better than anyone, and when we say we cannot in fact get through the thing we are referring to, we mean it. This is your strong friend speaking up and saying, it is all getting a bit much to deal with, us saying this last bit of stress has become the one that might crack the resolve, part the veil, elevate symptoms, throw us over the edge, please, believe them. And I wish we had real things on hand other than numbers we can reach out to in crisis. Really what am I going to say? Am I really just going to sob out my entire irrational and uber rational existentialist spiel dread belief singular terror and life vision and past and manifesto right there on the call? I'm just going to tell them when I tell my boyfriend the whales are all dying and I feel it and I writhe and moan and shriek as if I am personally being shocked and hung on hooks? That meltdowns are dangerous and happen when I'm most stressed and being alone for that isn't safe? What would they say to that other than: you need to be admitted. Realy and seriously, honestly, don't lie to me. Tell me they wouldn't say, okay, you seem to really need some help there. And you said you are new here and want to try to live here? Okay, we're just going to- instutionalise you.
Is this paranoid ideation?
It's stuff like this that is real.
We want to be able to tell our friends and post on our timelines.
Saying hey, we're thinking this, does this check out or can you reflect something back to me that might help me assimilate this experience in the context of the whole, or remind me of something important about myself or my journey.
Hey, I am having a down day/time and I really can't bring myself to answer your messages and I feel really bad about the whole thing but the prospect of talking to you about it is making it much worse and the actual time I've spent talking to you or generally anyone has been unpleasant and I really don't feel myself or okay right now so kindly just nothing...it trails off at the end there because while I could start with the beginning you see I get stuck at the end. So I just say nothing.
Your 'strong' friend is silent because there is no easy way as of such, in this world, in most contexts, to transmit thoughts, feelings, experiences or needs outside of the norm. This world that we have constructed for ourselves (has been constructed through us? been constructed for us?) discourages that, it suppresses, takes advantage of, uses against us and punishes our divergence.
People look down on hardship and misery, look away from things that make them feel uncomfortable, and create comfortable delusions rapidly in order to preserve their quality of life at any given moment. We are all deeply, deeply talented at self denial. Basically, there is a wall up to present the best self and it feels like fewer and fewer places in which you can present your real self.
If we spoke up, would you listen?
When we say strong about ourselves we mean weathering the storm day in and day out, season to season, moment to moment, on the very edge of the wire. We are battling ferocious animals yipping and biting at us, gnawing upon us, great storms and battles, we are over and over again needlessly ceaselessy going up and down or just down down down or up up and up or, just down. There are an infinite number of patterns just as it is with nature. We have a pretty big concentration of these particular chemical balances, experiences, backgrounds, needs, desires and behaviours. Splitting at the speed of light. Regressing, repatterning, escalating, excavating, declining, deciding, torching, lying, running, stealing all the oxygen in the room like an explosion, tearing holes through furniture. We are the anthem of all the ones who survived and continue to survive, the euology of those that didn't make it and a promise to those that are struggling to hang on through sending out a lifeline and working to change the narrative for our children and future generations. That we will this vast community's presence to advocate for and change and think up clever ways like memberships and events where members of the community can share, collaborate, become empowered, and truly connect in a way that is beyond the mental illness trope in society, where we are at once so diametrically different to everything around us and also pressured to act a certain way about it, sugarcoat and overstress and perform ways around it, and keep it at arm's length, and definitely have consequences if we slip up.
We are just who we are, and we experience what we experience. There are many things that we cannot control or wish were not that way, there are very real challenges and issues in society that changing could really help. We deserve community, friendship, support, recognition, and opportunities to live a fulfilling life. I think we are tuning in the UN decalaration about human rights. Our human rights are being abused and shattered every day in a society where we are penalised for the disabilities, pressured to do or die, left alone to starve if we do not and a whole lot of other nasty things that every person who has struggles with mental illness will have at some point experienced in their lives. These are very close and intimate things, and very sparse woods out there, for shelter, nourishment or belonging. We most disporportionately struggle with homelessness, poverty, and displacement. Homelessness, poverty and discplacement can create us or trigger us, express us from within someone's genotype like waking a sleeping giant. We are the friends and colleagues that walk away or end friendships, act impulsively, and disappear.
We go quiet, zone out, check out and leave, because we just know how it is. We have been here before, time and time again.
There is nowhere that we feel like we belong, until we find those places or people or they find us. Systems can help us but they have to be built in an extremely personalised and understanding way, preferably by other wise and caring individuals that have experienced this themselves.
From a very dark time in my life right now, I say directly to all my friends and followers that the best way you can support me right now is monetary. You can send me a gift to share your appreciation or thought of me, and help keep me going and to help me take care of myself and navigate this crisis. In a two birds one stone approach, you can also opt in for my private group and patreon membership where I can connect with other humans and cultivate my inner circle.
Boost my mood here -> paypal.me/yazodah
Join my membership by clicking here and select the I See Me group membership tier.
In the group we will go over the overall system-
What works for us, what doesn't, how to combine features, how to go deeper, how to navigate challenges, how to come back from damage, how to make magic again, how to sustain ourselves and our lifestyles, and how to become empowered and empower others to do the same.
Join the neurodivergent den for $9 per month, stay as little or as long as you like. For $108 spread out over the year you can support a neurodivergent creator and experience first hand for an absolute premium my signature program and process that has worked wonders objectively on my experience. There is community, there are resources, insights, courses, content and owning of our fractured experiences and coming together within and without to not only make sense of it all mentally and emotionally, but to also energetically and emotionally untie those knots, and bring phsyical change to the lives we are living every day.
In the ultimate pursuit of building a new world we can stand to be in.
Your beloved Optimisation Specialist, Dark afficionado, obsessive compulsive, autistic artist, faery from the fertile crescent
-Dark Obsessions
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ghostofpolaris · 2 years
Hii dear ❤️
Myself capriate
Where do you see me in a year from now, like will my hardwork pay off?
Thank you ❤️
Hello hello @capu2003 !
I hope you are doing well and I appreciate you stopping by to celebrate Samhain with me!
As with every reading, the song that came for you was:
Wind's Nocturne from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Gods know I have not listened to this song in YEARS so to hear out from out of the blue I feel must have some truth here. At the end of the day, it is up to you if this resonates or not, but I feel like perhaps this came because of a yearning that hopes everything will pay off. Let's go ahead and consult the cards and see what they have to say though. <3
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Will My Hard Work Pay Off Within the Next Year? (Eight of Wands) -
Alrighty! Let's go ahead and take a gander first at the Wands suit as a whole! This aligns with the element of Fire and is all about creativity, ambition, strengths, determination, and inspiration. This is a suit of passion, enthusiasm, and energy! With this in mind, let us examine the Eight of Wands.
The Eight of Wands talks of movement, action, fast-paced change, alignment and even air travel. What does this all mean anyway in regards to your hard work? Well, this typically signals that the struggles from before have cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with plans again. This is a card to asks you to go with the flow even though it may seem scary with how fast paced everything is. This does not look like you will meet your goal within the next year, but The Eight of Wands does show that you are getting closer to your goal and if you slow down because of fear or you maybe not being ready will waste the opportunity.
Instead of letting anxieties get to you over whether your hard work will pay off, focus on perhaps using this energy to try and fuel positive change and even bring change to your perspective to help fuel your determination towards your goal.
Be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Remove your distractions and let your will and determination help propel you. This is definitely going to be a time period where you will be quite productive! The Eight of Wands signifies that you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project currently underway, but be prepared to be occupied by something new and even more exciting soon.
Think of the song Can't Stop Me Now by Queen, that is the vibe that this card and message gives off! Don't be afraid! I think at the end of the day, you will be just fine and I think your work certainly will pay off if you remain focused. You got this!
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I hope that this reading helps you! Feel free to look back on it anytime you need and may you have a happy Samhain!
Free Tarot Readings Closed
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literaila · 3 years
to the floor, to the ground. 
tasm peter parker x fem!reader 
summary: eventually, there’s nothing left to do but throw it away. 
series masterlist.
warnings: descriptions of anxiety, idiots, all the others. 
a/n: hahahahahaha you’re all going to hate me. i’m very prepared for it. here what i can tell you now: the next part is written, waiting to be critcized by me. so. tomorrow, probably. love you! thank you all. 
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it's a click in motion, for you. 
suddenly, you're sure that you're looking at his eyes. suddenly, you're sure that this is what you want. 
that this unbearable feeling is more than just accumulating pain. 
something in your head, in your body, clicks into place and you are no longer hesitant about reaching out to touch him. 
your hand goes to his neck, a slow movement you're not able to speed up, even with the adrenaline fresh in your veins. 
your hand is slipping away his mask--the only face that he's worn around you in the months of your friendship, the only familiar thing that you have to look forward to when it's dark at night. 
you don't care, you're so sure that the only right thing to do is throw it away. 
you're slipping it up his soft skin, somehow exactly as you imagined it, and finally, you see your first glance of spider-man. 
he's got a sharp jawline, full lips gently parted. he's got a heartbeat, you can feel now, with your hands on his neck. 
and he's got a feeling, you can feel it, so similar to yours. 
when he leans in, you don't even hesitate to do the same. 
something has clicked, something is right about this, and why should you be wasting time when you could be kissing him? 
his lips are soft, forceful, pleading against yours. 
you're thinking that this is warmth, that this is silence, that this is walking home in the dark just to see him. 
you kiss him harder, trying to pull him as close as he'll allow. 
you can barely feel his hands, gripping onto you, can't feel the contraption around your wrist, slipping away and falling on the floor. 
he must be swallowing you whole because you can barely breathe, can barely count the moments that pass by with the two of you closer than you'd ever been before. 
you hadn't even contemplated this--not with him, not like this. 
but it's such a perfect emotion being fueled into you that you no longer wish to breathe. 
no longer wish to move away from him. 
but you have to--you have to because you can feel him, digging deeper, screaming for more without the words. neither of you can speak. 
you pull away from him, but you're still so close that when you open your eyes you seem to know exactly where his are. even through the mask, the one sight you've become used to seeing. 
your eyes roll down, seeking the bottom half of his face again, as if you need a reminder of what he really looks like. 
his lips are swollen now, this breath is short and fast-paced. matching, you're sure, you. 
a gentle flow of air passes between the two of you, a moment slowing down, a heart rate speeding up. he hasn't said anything yet, and you're not sure you want to. 
you're not even sure that you wanted to stop kissing him yet, with how much you enjoyed it. 
you can almost feel a smile slipping from your lips, so genuine that it shocks you. 
you look down again, away from hidden eyes, to see if he's smiling the same. to read him for the first time. to look at him again, because god, you have to take what you can get. 
it's a click in your brain now. 
something feels wrong even before you get the thought out. even before your mind leads you down that familiar curious route. something feels strange, unfamiliar against all the familiarity. 
you feel something crash in your stomach, feel your brain click into place before you can even breathe again. 
you feel your throat clench, your body freezing before you can process the face in front of you. 
the lips, the nose, the jaw, the breath. familiar, breathtakingly similar. 
he is not smiling. 
you are not smiling. 
"peter?" you choke out before you've even caught your breath. 
something behind your eye stings as the man sitting in front of you, holding onto you so close, pauses. 
his breathing slows, his mouth trying to form words. 
you seem to recognize this lack of explanation, from time before, from childhood lies to strange answers. 
as soon as your hands begin to move again, seemingly moved by a mind of their own, the man is trying to speak again. 
"what?" he asks, he pleads, he bursts out with any breath at all. "no-" he shakes his head. "peter? i don't-" 
but it's too late now, your hands have moved too far up his face, throwing curiosity away without a moment's hesitation. 
they didn't listen when you told them to stop. 
peter stops when the mask is off, when all you can see is a flash of terrified brown brown brown before you're looking away, blinded by the realization of the person sitting there with you. 
of the person you just kissed. 
a gag forms in your throat, a sudden sickness, a sudden exclamation coming from your mouth. you think you gasp, but you just feel numb. 
you've moved off of him, standing up with all the strength you had, purposefully keeping your eyes off of the man in front of you. 
"y/n," his voice is soft, still breathless, you're sure his mouth is still swollen. you're sure his hands are still on you, lying to you, even from six feet away. "you're hyperventilating, just, here-"
you see a hand reach out towards you, a red hot hand that you can't believe you can recognize now. a hand that will burn you again if you go anywhere near it. 
you move back before you can take a breath, stepping as far away from him as possible. trying to force him away, from your mind, from your lips. 
"i'm sorry," he whispers, but you're not looking at him so you don't know what he's sorry about. 
you can't even-
"how?" your voice breaks. "wh-why? peter- how can you-" you shake your head, words failing, mind failing to collect all the information that's just been laid out in front of you. "you're..." your voice goes slack. 
you hold a hand to your heart, willing yourself to feel something. 
"i can explain," peter promises, voice getting louder. 
you look up, eyes deranged. "explain?" you practically scoff, practically pushing him away from you with your voice. you're practically shoving him. "you're-you're spider-man." 
peter stares at you, warm eyes chilled. 
"what else is there to explain, peter?" you say his name like a curse, spitting out the word with a fit of sudden anger that's incomprehensible to you. 
you're not even sure if you know this person in front of you. this person you thought you knew so well. 
you're not even sure if you're alive, if you're not just some figment of an insane mind. 
"yes," he says. "yes, i am, and i'm so sorry that i never told you, or..." his eyes are searching yours, looking for something, anything. 
you look down, to the suit, to the red and blue that had become a lullaby in your mind. you look at all the vibrant colors, a comfort in the middle of the night. 
you look up, back to his face. 
you notice the cut now, the same one that you saw on peter, the same one you were curious about hours ago when you couldn't think clearly. 
your mouth goes hard, your voice follows. "why are you doing this? why are you here?" 
"y/n, i-" 
"you left, peter!" your body is frozen, the weight increases in your stomach with every moment that you're looking at him. "you said you needed space, that you needed time--and clearly" you gesture to his spandex-clad body. "there was a reason why- i can clearly see why, but then, you're here?" 
peter shakes his head, hand going to run through his hair. his eyes are avoiding yours, his movements are static. 
his body is familiar, his face is a wonder to you, his voice and his lips and. 
"you're here," you point to yourself, gesturing more, asking more, wanting more. "why are you here? you told me-" you pause, face falling. 
peter stares, waiting for your next words, his eyes are worried, concerned, so brown. 
his lips are swollen. you can feel the heat on his hands on your body, still. 
"you kissed me." 
"i did," peter nods. "y/n, i didn't want to get you involved in," his hand shakes as he gestures to himself, around. "any of this. i didn't want you to be in the middle of any of it." 
"and then you-" 
"i just wanted to keep you safe. first, there was ben and then-" he runs a reckless hand over his face. "i was so afraid to tell you, every time i saw you for that first week i couldn't say anything because i knew if i did..." 
peter goes silent, and you follow, eyes observing him, angry, confused. you feel the fire in your chest, growing with his explanation. 
it hurts to look at him, hurts to breath, hurts to move. 
"you were my only constant. i just-" he sighs, neck lulling as he stares at the ground. "i just wanted to keep it that way." his eyes are quiet, his face is broken. 
a part of you recognizes the pain flashing in his eyes. a part of you remembers his friendship, so devoted, so loving. a part of you feels his guilt, his remorse, so potent in the air that you could scream. 
but then, your stomach is being pulled down, your heart has shattered into a million glass pieces, and your eyes are hard as you stare at him. 
you feel almost nothing. 
"so you lied to me, peter? you pretended to be someone else every night and just left me behind the rest of the time?" 
peter looks up to you, mouth opening, eyes pleading. "i wasn't pretending anything, y/n, everything i said-" 
"you let me talk about you, to your face. you knew how much your space" you tease the word, throw it at him as violently as you can, throw it until it hits him square in the chest. "was killing me and you didn't do anything?" 
"i was going to hurt you!" his voice is desperate, begging for understanding even as he continues to lie to you, to throw out excuses as fast as you throw them back. "i was going to hurt you, and there wasn't going to be anything i could do to save you." 
"you were hurting me anyway, peter! every time you looked at me, every time you pretended like i didn't mean anything-" 
"you did, that's why, y/n, you have to understand-" 
"what?" you demand, staring at him, telling him to back down. "i have to understand that you lied to me for three months, that you pretended you weren't my friend, and then pretended that you were, just to protect me?" 
the both of you stop, unwilling thoughts. 
a scoff makes its way out of your mouth, anger so fresh you can taste it. "that's not protection, peter. that's just hurting me for your own sake." 
"i didn't want to hurt you," he says slowly, apprehensively. "that's why i'm here. when i saw you that first night-" he breaths in, a struggling breath. you feel the cold from his words. "i couldn't just leave you alone, y/n." 
you stare at him, the memories of him, of someone else, of a friend that was never really yours, flashing in your mind. 
you feel stupid, you feel forgotten, you feel used. 
you feel absolutely nothing. 
"but i told you-" you gasp out, shaking your head. "i told you how much it hurt." your face goes blank and you look away from him, down to the floor, down to the broken pieces. "i told you things i wouldn't have told anyone else." 
peter doesn't seem to have an excuse for that. 
you laugh again, bitterly, not allowing the tears to form in your eyes. "i felt so familiar around you..." you look up to him, shocked by his face again. "all the time, and i could never understand why-" you laugh again. 
neither of you breathes for a moment. there is nothing but silence, nothing but the sound of guilt, ringing through the two of you. 
"you could have just told me the truth, peter," you say, voice small again. you feel small, now. like you have been around him for weeks. "i would've..." 
but you don't have anything to fill that sentence with. because you're not sure what you would've done, not sure what reaction you could've possibly had. 
all you're sure of is now. when you didn't have a choice. 
peter seems to know though because he laughs a little bit. "you would've told me not to do it." 
your brow furrows, watching peter's body fall into itself a little bit more. 
he almost smiles. "you would've been worried all the time. i knew that." he shakes his head. "you wouldn't have let me." 
a breath of air comes from you, as you frown at him. "well at least i would've had that choice. at least i could've known." 
but peter shakes his head. 
"i'm sorry." is all he says, body falling silent. the fight going out of his body. 
you don't bother to look at his eyes, not wanting to know what you're going to see there. 
"i don't know what the truth is, y/n, but i should've told you. i know that." 
your chest falls. "why didn't you, peter?" it's a plead, almost desperate for an answer different than you've heard. something else, anything, to just make you forgive him. 
but he shakes his head. 
he's not smiling. 
you're not smiling. 
something is coming up your throat, some unfamiliar feeling, some familiar face, following you. 
you shake your head, trying to push it down. 
"you need to go, peter," you say, breath faltering again. "please, just..." 
and before you can look up, he's gone. 
and it's only then, in the dark and the silence, in the absence of someone you suppose you've always known--it's then that you fall. 
to the floor, to the ground. hard concrete cracking against your body. 
and there is no spider-man to save you, it turns out, because spider-man never existed. not really. 
there is no peter to protect you, because he doesn't know how. 
there is no one but yourself. 
and when your hand reaches out, towards the web-slinger on the ground, the very memory of peter, of spider-man, of a kiss that felt like nothing else. 
you cradle it in your palm for a moment, sure that you can feel his hands again. 
and then, you throw it across the room. 
just like you've thrown everything else away. 
peter put the mask back on. 
too soon, he thinks, too quickly. 
he slid it over his eyes before he could blink. he wonders if it's because it's cold, or because he doesn't want to see the person behind it. 
the monster behind the mask, who he's been trying to avoid for weeks. 
his smile is morse, his bones are full of glue, blood leaking out of him with every intake of breath. 
he can barely feel anything, as he makes it home. 
he's being too loud, too quiet, too guilty, too passive. 
he knows that aunt may won't say anything though, so he doesn't let himself think about it. 
instead, he stares at the wall in front of him. remembering a time when he did this with you, when you smiled at him, teasing him for staring at then looking away. 
he didn't get a last glance back to you. 
and he's sure that it's a missed opportunity--he's almost sure that he's not going to see you again. not with the right eyes, not with the right smile. 
he thinks that you're gone, or that maybe he made you up. 
or maybe he's gone, he can't really tell. 
he can't tell anything, he's not sure of anything, but he can stare at the wall in front of him. 
the wall with the one remaining picture. 
he took the other ones of you down weeks ago--when he was beginning to feel crowded by your smile. when the guilt was starting to feel suffocating. when he was so sure that he would be taking more--in his head if nothing else--and that he would need more room for more. 
but he didn't take the last one down. 
it's a simple picture. a snapshot of you sitting at the picnic table, glaring at peter with a gentle glow of your eyes. 
it's peter's favorite. maybe because of your smile, maybe because it was the first one on the wall. 
it doesn't matter now. 
he's been suffocated, his heart is crowded by guilt. 
it doesn't matter. 
it shouldn't matter now because peter has screwed up so frequently, so hesitantly, so mistakenly that there aren't going to be any more pictures. 
no more smiles. 
peter is sure that he'll never get the chance again. 
if he knows anything, he knows that. 
he lets his head go back, trying to force the stinging of his eyes away. 
he shouldn't be allowed to be hurt over something that he did to himself. 
he should never be allowed to take this mask off, no matter how suffocating it gets. 
he looks back to the picture, the memory of your lips on his. 
he winces, feeling the rattling in his chest. 
and then he stands up, keeping the mask on. he moves over to the wall, giving the picture one last pained smile. 
and then he takes it down. 
so that maybe he can't hurt you anymore. 
you sit, the light of your phone reflecting off of your face. 
you don't sleep much, anymore. 
not that you did before--but now it's not because of distractions, and rather, their absence. 
it's so quiet late at night. so silent in the dark. 
you haven't seen peter in a week. you haven't looked for him. 
still, he's not there. 
but now, you're staring at your phone, looking at a notification so unfamiliar to you that it feels wrong. strange. out of place. 
let me know when you're ready to talk again. 
it's a plagiarized message. a message that you sent months ago--when you still thought that he might answer your messages. it's a copy of a copy. 
it's an olive branch, a notion towards you, a willingness to admit that he was wrong. 
it's another broken boundary, another line peter insists he must cross. 
you're not sure why he's sent it. you didn't ask for space, you told him to leave. 
still, you can't take your eyes off of it. not now, so late at night. 
not when you miss him quite so much, when you miss his masked face, too. his jokes, his laughter, his determination to keep you up. 
it's unfair, this message. 
but you don't delete it. you can't take your eyes away. 
it's the first-day peter has gone back to school. 
it might've been the look may gave him this morning when he came, a sort of disappointed worry, a stern comforting gaze. 
it might've been your voice, in the deepest part of his brain, telling him not to be stupid. that there was more to life than getting beat up. 
whatever it was, it was enough to convince him. enough to get him to now, where he's deliberately avoiding your eyes. 
he's not going to look at you, he's decided. not going to scare you with his eyes. with his voice. 
he took the mask off. 
it's still not enough. 
he's suffocating. 
you're almost surprised when you hear a throat clearing right next to you. almost shocked when you hear the voice from behind your locker door, clearly trying to get your attention. 
you're definitely surprised to see a flash of blonde when you close it, blinding you temporarily. 
"i-" you blink and look up towards her. "gwen?" 
she pulls you a little bit closer to her, eyes stuck on yours. "he told you?" she asks with no introduction. 
you blink again. "excuse me?" 
"peter," her voice is almost impatient. she looks around to make sure no one is listening, even though there's no one else around. "he told you?" 
your brows furrow. "told me what?" 
gwen rolls her eyes, shifting her weight. "you-" she sighs. "about a certain arachnid superhero..." she clues, voice drawing while she waits for your realization. 
you take a step back from her, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "you know?" 
"peter is ridiculously awful at keeping secrets." 
your mind flashes to the months he'd been able to lie to you, but you nod your head in agreement anyway. 
"okay..." your head shakes, waiting for gwen to get to the point of whatever it is she wants. 
"he's been gone for a week," she says, eyes shifting into something softer. "i've called, but he hasn't picked up." 
"from school?" your brow furrows again. "i didn't know that."
gwen nods. "i'm assuming you're not on speaking terms." 
it isn't a question, but you nod anyway. 
"okay, well," gwen sighs and looks up, face a bit conflicted. "i don't know why i'm going to tell you this, because peter is an idiot, but..." 
her voice draws and you let out a laugh. 
"he loves you, you know?" she says, voice strong. "did he tell you that?" 
your eyes are wide, whatever amusement you had from before, gone. 
you feel your composure shake at the words. 
gwen shakes her head, taking your face as an answer. "you don't need me to tell you, but peter could barely ever take his eyes off of you when you were in the same room." 
"he doesn't-" 
"you should be mad at him, but you have a right to know more than just about spider-man. the whole truth. he should've told you." 
at that you go silent again, only nodding. 
he should’ve told you.
you feel something shift, something some feeling forming itself in your chest. you look down, eyes trying to force themselves awake. force themselves into some different reality. 
"i just wanted to make sure that someone did," gwen says, smiling at you a little sadly. "and i wanted to make sure that you were okay." 
you look back up, confused. "you don't need to-" 
"peter is my friend," she tells you, smiling for real now. "and he's not here to check on you, so." 
you smile back at her, only slightly confused now. 
"and, you look..." her voice draws off as she looks you up and down. 
this time you laugh. "i know." 
"you're okay?" 
your laugh turns into something else. you shake your head, at least sure about this. "no," you tell her, head tilting. "just keep calling him, okay?" 
gwen sees past you, it would seem, because her smile changes. she grins a little bit at you, nodding. 
and then she walks away, leaving you with only her words to think about. 
he loves you. 
it wasn't a question, not a confession. 
it wasn't something you could've expected, not something you'd ever wanted peter to say. not something you wanted to hear. 
you feel that weight, deep in your stomach. a ridiculous ignorance, hidden behind your eyes at every memory. you feel the resentment of your foolishness, of the months you spent right next to your best friend, not knowing it. you feel anger at peter, for not telling you, for thinking that anything he did was okay.  
but behind all of that. behind all of the pain, all of the cracks in your carefully built composure, and the broken glass feelings. 
behind everything, there's peter. 
there's peter with his gentle smile. 
there's peter with his stupid jokes, his laughter ringing in the air, his amusement with everything you did. 
there's peter, and the last time you saw his eyes. 
the last time he looked at you and you couldn't help but think that it was different. that his eyes were changed, that his smile was different, that there was a click. 
that there was something different and it wasn't just the mask on his face. 
there's peter and the kiss, that exactly right moment shared between the two of you before everything fell apart. 
there's peter. 
who is not right, who was never right to lie to you. peter, who was unfair, who was hurting you for months. 
peter who is not right at all. 
but then there's the other option. 
there's moving on. there's forgetting everything, every moment, every touch, every laugh, and that one kiss. 
there's letting yourself grieve the loss of your best friend. there's letting yourself love someone else for once, letting yourself forgive him without guilt. 
and it's so right. it's the best option, the only sane one. 
but then, your heart threatens to give out. your voice yells at you, your hands go numb. 
it feels so wrong, that way. 
like something clicking out of place. 
you check your phone again, irritated with its silence. 
you think about running to his house, about seeing aunt may for the first time in months, about barging into his room--just because you know how--and demanding answers. 
demanding more. 
you think about it, but then decide that it's too far. that it's too soon. 
you check your phone again, turning it on and off so that maybe something will show up eventually. 
peter hasn't answered your last text, your answer to his. 
he hasn't even read it. 
but you can't sit around and wait. there is a restlessness to your emotions, unbreakable anxiety in your body, and it takes almost no time at all to grab your jacket off of the back of your door. 
it takes almost no time at all to pocket your phone, to shove some shoes on your feet, and to leave this room. 
your room, which only feels quiet now, an irritating contrast to the sound in your mind. 
you remember the hollow feeling from weeks ago, and you're almost mad that you can't feel it now. 
you think that it might be a welcome relief, to not be suffocated by feelings you've never let yourself think of. 
you think it might be a relief to go back to when you were using spider-man as a distraction. 
to when you needed to replace peter with something else. 
but you know the truth now, you know. 
and so you start walking, not bothering to remind yourself of any of the warnings that came before this. 
you walk, and you barely feel anything as you hope for a shadow in the dark, as you hope for someone to scare you until there isn't anything else to feel. 
your phone doesn't vibrate in your pocket. 
your heart refuses to stop beating, to quiet itself so that you can listen for any moment in the dark. 
your mind refuses to sleep. refuses to pick the right answer. 
you think of the months before this, that first night, that overwhelming feeling. 
you think of the anxiety now and you breathe out. 
you don't miss peter now. it is not a dependency. 
it is not a need to see him. 
not a worried heart, concerned with every minute of silence. 
it is not a replacement, not a sane emotion. 
it's just being in love with your best friend. 
two people, and then suddenly one. 
when you hear the footsteps from behind you, hear the bad choices you've made. 
you hear the mistakes in the sound, the warning signs there before you can think, you hear the voices warning you away. 
you hear peter, telling you that he's sorry. 
you see peter, smiling so hesitantly at you. 
you see yourself, kissing someone you barely knew. 
you hear the footsteps and-
you don't hesitate to turn around. 
part six.
my masterlist here. 
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
what i want | s. todoroki 
➳ tags ;; face-sitting, afab!reader, overstimulation, scent kink (?), smut, mdni 18+
➳ wc ;; 1.5k
➳ a/n ;; saw a tiktok + and read this shiggy drabble by @/saintdabi ‘s  and now this concept wont leave me alone in anyway.  literally wrote this like i was posessed... 
➳ plot ;; midoriya sends a certain link in the groupchat. todorki gets curious and clicks. suddenly he wants to try seomthing. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
“Can we try something?” 
The question catches you off-guard. Not because it’s a weird and kind of vague question (which it is) but because of who’s asking. Todoroki rarely ever brings things up out of the blue. You’re trying to make dinner so you don’t really have a lot of time to think about why. You dry your wet-hands on the front of your apron, stirring the pot. 
You don’t bother to think twice when you reply to him. 
“What do you wanna try?” 
A silence falls. It’s just a beat too long, which isn’t uncommon for him but isn’t what you expect. You glance over your shoulder after salting the water, squinting. Todoroki almost mirrors you, reading something off his phone. He looks up at you after taking one last glance, as if to make sure he got it right. 
You almost fall over. 
He says it so nonchalantly, you’re almost sure you’re hearing things. You brace yourself on the counter and turn down the heat almost entirely, trying to ensure your house doesn’t go down in flames. You blink at him owlishly. 
“Sorry.. can you repeat that?” 
He looks confused. He was sure he said it correctly. He blinks a few times, glances at his phone again as he tilts his head to one side. 
You think you’ve gone mad but he looks at you like you’re the one who’s lost it. Your skin grows beyond hot underneath your clothes - a vague emotion of arousal rolling through you. With your mouth agape, you decide that there’s no way you could continue with dinner so you turn it off and stare at him. Nervously, you cross your arms over your chest. 
“.. Where did you..?” 
Todoroki, stoic as ever, shrugs. He looks down at his phone and this time, you can hear the constant buzzing. 
“Midoriya sent a link into the chat on accident. I clicked it,” ― he says, and then seemingly decides this needs absolutely no more explaining than that ― “It looked interesting,” 
You stare at him. 
“Were you... watching porn while I made dinner?” 
He nods. You think you might lose your mind at this rate but you press forward anyways, eyes looking down at his pants. He’s as soft as can be, you’d know. 
“You’re not hard..?” 
He nods, again. Looks at you confused like he has some reason to be. 
“I only get hard with you,” 
You inhale a sharp breath. You think this man might kill you some day, but you’d probably let it happen. Shaking your head, you lean against the counter. With a smile of sympathy, you decide to be straightforward with it. 
“..I’m pretty sure I’d crush you baby,” 
Without missing a single beat, he shakes his head. This time, there’s a faint hint of a blush on his face. 
“I don’t care. I.. really want to,” ― he looks up at you with the most curious eyes you’ve ever seen ― “Please?” 
You’re not sure how to feel. The possibility of mishap is enough to make you want to reject him again but he looks so hopeful. The idea of your beloved boyfriend walking around sulking is guilt-inducing enough to make you sigh and give in. He smiles when you nod. 
You walk over towards him, only really planning on giving him a kiss. You’d been out most of the day and were planning on taking a night-shower after dinner. 
“Okay, well - let me shower first and -” 
He shakes his head, almost petulant. Strong arms wrap around your waist as he drags you down to his lap with an urgency he can’t seem to contain. You yelp audibly, hearing soft breaths in your ear. Something twitches to life underneath you as soon as you sit, making your eyes grow wide. 
“Can’t wait that long and..I like it better like this,” 
Your eyes grow wide. The “this” remains vague but you’ve caught onto how Todoroki seems to like you more before you’ve showered than after. Still, it makes your skin hot. You want to argue with him - about to protest and struggle out of his grip but all of a sudden his voice goes raspy. Soft and low against the nape of your neck. 
“Please, my love. I really want to,” 
You swallow the saliva in your mouth, mind blanking at the sound of his voice. It goes right to your core, a pleasant throb in your shorts. You’re still wearing your apron and PJ’s. You agree maybe too easily, weak to him and his desires. 
“Fine but how do you want to...? On the couch..?” Your words come out unusually meek. You’re never such a nervous person there’s something thick in the air. Palpable desire that makes you weak. 
A warmth settles in your skin as he wastes no time, undoing your apron and letting it fall to the floor. Slender, pretty fingers go into the waist band of your shorts and without a second thought, he helps you slide them off your legs. 
It’s almost like an inspection, how you’re sprawled over his thigh. It’s all happening so fast - your mind moves too slow to keep up. His pointer finger drags across your clothed cunt, chin resting over your shoulders. His brow furrows at the wet-spot on them. A whine leaves you in embarrassment that he ignores. 
“You’re wet already.. sorry to make you impatient,” 
The apology is so genuine you’re not sure how to reply. 
“Here.. I’ll lay like this and you can rest your knees on the cushion,” 
You move off of him and stand to see what he means. He gets himself comfortable, head resting on the armrest of the couch. You blink as he gestures to where you should place yourself. When he says sit on his face, he means sit . He means lean forward so your ass is facing him. The realization hits you like a truck. 
Out of obligation, all the furniture in your house is lavish and this couch is no exception. All white and big enough that you could spread out on it without much effort. You know you’ll fit but you hesitate. Todoroki looks at you patiently but you can practically feel how much he wants it. 
With a little help, you manage to get into position. It’s a little humiliating - the feeling of his warm breath fanning your cunt. You’re still just hovering above him, and you squirm around as best you can. So nervous you think you’ll pass out. 
“Are you sure you want to ― aah!,” 
Without a word of warning, Todoroki pulls you down until the full weight of you ends up on his face. Your panties are still on but he doesn’t seem to pay any attention, his tongue lapping at your clit with such fervor you can’t help but moan. The angle from which he eats you hits the spot so perfectly, works you up until your pussy is practically drooling on his face. 
You let out a feverish squeal at the pleasure, still light but overwhelming enough that you’re wiggling away. Every now again between licks, he lets out a deep groan that vibrates against your sex so sweetly. Your stomach churns as your hands splay on his abdomen. 
“Sh-shouto my, fuck - my panties, you’re gonna get them, hmph” 
He lets you up, ever so briefly, just to whisper a hoarse “sorry,” move your panties just to the side before making you plunge right back down onto his tongue. You taste sweet and slight - but it’s better after a long day. So much stronger in his mouth, he can’t enough of it. 
Saliva and slick drip down his chin and cheeks, further fueled by the way you whimper above him. He eats you out very often but it’s different like this - you can’t go anywhere because his arms are secure around your thighs and his tongue keeps slurping so greedily at your swollen clit. He’ll stop just to feel it pulsate before carrying on with incredible enthusiasm. 
And he moans through it like it turns him on more than him fucking you. You’re honestly inclined to believe it might. His hands that rest on your ass, spreading you apart so he can go just that much deeper. Your nerves are being worked, the sheer stimulation is too much for you. He’s overzealous and shameless about it too. 
“You taste so good my love, fuck” 
Hearing him speak to you makes tears well at your eyes. He slides his tongue over your puffy clit over and over until he hits a rhythm. The constant feeling of pleasure sparks again and again and again until an orgasm so steadily builds in you. 
“Shouto, shouto - baby, please! Slow down or I’ll c-cum,” 
He heard you, he must have because if anything he goes that much faster. So fast that you’re practically sobbing his name, drooling and blindsided as the coil in your belly snaps. You cum so hard and so fast, you think you’re going to see your maker. Your toes curl and your walls flutter. A high whine leaves your mouth. 
“Baby, no more - can’t anymore,” 
He stops but only to speak with an almost delirious voice. Deep and possessive as his hands bury into your hips. 
“I’m not done yet” 
You realize a second too late what you’ve just gotten yourself into. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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wonlouvre · 3 years
hello!! can i request a fwb!wonwoo + angst to fluff 🥺 thank u
start | j. ww.
pairing: race car driver wonwoo x g.n. reader genre: fluff, angst if you squint, also 18+ (some sexual themes, mentions) warnings: couple’s arrangement is FWB, but nothing explicit, accident, injury mentions of sex (please tell me if i missed anything!) word count: 1.5k+ (i have no regrets)
💌: hi anon! thank you so much for requesting <3 this is not as explicitly fwb and angsty and i’m so sorry :((( i hope you still like it tho! i actually thought of developing this into a oneshot someday-ish. who knows? tell me what you think!
It’s no secret that you frequent Jeon Wonwoo’s office a lot. It’s also no secret that something bloomed the first time you introduced yourself to him after he won the race hosted by his very own racing track. You’re interested in cars as much as you are interested in the youngest owner of the most coveted luxurious cars in the world. You own yourself a few. Some you have purchased from him and some he has given himself for free in exchange for the special arrangement that the two of you have.
The attraction was quick but it took quite a while for the two of you to give in. Being professional business partners and all. But along the way, the two of you reached an agreement. An agreement that you thought would only last for about two months tops and yet here you are, eight months later, still running to his arms. You know Wonwoo is no different. 
“Hi Woozi. How’s my favorite racer doing?” You greet Wonwoo’s friend lounging outside the closed doors of the office you’re supposed to be visiting.
“If you’re here to visit your man, there’s a line,” Woozi deadpans as he boringly flips through the magazine with his fingers. “I’m supposed to be practicing with Wonwoo right now but he seems to be caught with something, someone that isn’t you.”
You didn’t fail to catch Woozi’s disdain and that only makes you giggle. You sit on the opposite side of the center table, placing your Prada purse beside your hip as you cross your legs. You feign ignorance on his “your man” remark but the term “someone” fuels your jealousy. Of course, you will never admit that to him. 
“It’s an admirer,” you say and grab yourself a magazine to skim through. Might as well entertain yourself if you’re indeed going to wait. It’s unbelievable. You keep in mind to avenge your wasted time in the bedroom with Wonwoo. “Been doing a lot of visiting on behalf of they’re old father who has no single interest in race cars.” 
Woozi frowns at the information. “How do you know that?”
You look up from the latest issue of racer weekly and blink up at him before pursing your lips. “I saw their car parked in my supposed parking spot. Plus, they send an awful lot of gifts that Wonwoo just gives away to his staff. Gifts are a normal exchange between potential business partners, but it’s not when said business partner always leaves love notes.”
“And, you’re not bothered at all?” Woozi finally asks the question you know he’s been dying to ask. 
You smirk and return the magazine to the table. Then, you pick your bag up as you stand to your feet. “Of course I am bothered. I could be with Wonwoo right now, at this moment, but they’re holding me up and I don’t like that.”
You fix your hair and skirt before strutting to the huge doors and opening them without knocking. Wonwoo is not surprised to see you but you can tell he’s relieved with the way he’s smiling at you. On the other hand, his visitor doesn’t appreciate you barging in like that. They’re resentment is pretty obvious with how they’re glaring at you. 
But it doesn’t matter. They don’t matter as you walk to the man you’re here for. 
“Woozi is waiting for you,” you cheekily say before rounding straight to his executive table to give his cheek a smooch, your red lipstick leaving a mark. You gingerly wipe it with your thumb while he just keeps smiling, looking up to you. “I wanted to stop by to invite you for lunch, but it looks like you’re busy.”
Wonwoo shakes his head and holds your hip and stands up from his chair. “No, I’m good. They’re just about to leave.”
The other person in the room panics. “But I wasn’t done explaining—.”
“My team will review your proposal and we’ll get back to you if they deem it beneficial for our company,” Wonwoo bids farewell and holds your hand to his. “My assistant will escort you outside. Thank you for your time.”
Wonwoo didn’t give them the chance to say anything else because he’s already leading you outside to meet Woozi who’s been waiting for him. You also didn’t have the chance to say your goodbyes to them because the toned arm around your waist and deep voice against your ear is enough to distract you. 
“They were cute,” you make a point to mention the culprit behind your stolen parking spot when you finally get the chance to sit down at Wonwoo’s favorite restaurant. “I think this is the third time I saw them at your office this week.”
Wonwoo gives your orders to the waiter without the need to ask what you fancy because he already knows. When the order is set, he returns his attention to you and flashes his signature smile that makes your legs grow weak. “Why? Are you jealous?”
“No, no,” you’re quick to answer before sipping on the lukewarm water you requested. “Just annoyed that during the three times I saw them, they have also taken it upon themselves to just park at my spot.” 
Wonwoo chuckles and opens his palms on the table, seeking your hand to hold halfway. You roll your eyes, but you don’t hesitate to grant him access to your ring clad hand (the ring was a gift from him and you haven’t taken it off ever since you received it). His phone suddenly dings! and you know it’s Woozi grilling him for not keeping to his end and practicing with him. 
You let Wonwoo cater to his friend’s needs all the while letting his other hand caress yours, his fingers digging on the silver band once in a while. Your heart and mind can’t help but get confused about where you stand with him because of gestures like this. 
At some point, you’re supposed to end this, right? Whatever this may be. But the real question is, do you want to end this with Wonwoo? This happiness, this warmth, this comfort, this lov—.
You step on the brakes before you could continue and blink away the daze you were stuck on for a moment. Wonwoo must have noticed you flinch because he drops his phone back on the table, eyes full of concern directed towards you.
“Are you okay?”
You force a smile. “Never better.”
It’s not less than three days later when you receive a call from Wonwoo’s assistant, voice frantically shaking as they inform you about what happened. 
To your horror, Wonwoo got injured in an accident while performing practice laps with his friends. 
You own race cars but you never thought you would be driving one beyond your usual speed limit because the stupid boy you’re in love with got in an accident. There, you admit it. You’re in love with Jeon Wonwoo not only because of his stroke game, abs, broad shoulders and deep voice among many perfect features of his.
You’re in love with him because he makes today's you look forward to tomorrow’s him. 
You try to calm your heart that’s been beating so fast because of the adrenaline and anger that’s coursing through your blood right now. Wonwoo better make sure he’s not badly injured, otherwise you would throw your hands at him yourself. 
A cut on his forehead, lips and nose. 
And a dislocated shoulder as cherry on top. 
You couldn’t mask your disappointment when you saw Wonwoo getting checked on for the last time by the doctor in charge. You grimace when you hear him groan as they place the sling on him. What do you even do with this boy?
When everyone else is gone and it’s only the two of you left, your disappointment and anger vanishes the moment he calls you.
“Hi baby.”
Your tense shoulder loosens and your legs quickly run towards him (carefully). 
“I hope you know that I hate you right now,” you say without meaning them anyway. 
Wonwoo has the energy to giggle and tug at your hand to sit beside him. He leans his head near your chest, a habit he’s been doing whenever he wants you to coddle him. Carefully and gently, you hold his head and caress his greasy locks. You’re sure it’s going to be a struggle to help him shower in the coming days. 
“Did you see your parking spot?” Wonwoo suddenly mumbles. 
“Why are you bringing that up now?” You frown. 
“I put your plate number on the wall so that no one can take the spot.” 
“Baby,” he whines. “Not so loud.”
“Why would you do that?” You hiss. 
“Because I love you?” Wonwoo answers, his soft kitten eyes gazing up at you. 
You gulp and look away, trying not to smile at what he just said. 
“I was supposed to make a romantic confession over the weekend,” Wonwoo says, making you look back at him. “We’re gonna have to postpone, I guess.”
“You’re an idiot,” you whisper before pressing your lips against his smiling ones. “But, I love you too.”
“Does that mean you’ll be staying over my place until this shoulder is back to normal?” Wonwoo pleads, lips moving against yours. 
Your eyes glimmer with mischief. “Yes and that also means no sex until then.”
“Wait, what? No!”
There’s still a lot of talking to do and a lot of changes to happen. But for now, you’re just glad that today’s Wonwoo is alright. 
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niffizzle · 3 years
"Take It Off"
“Take it off!” Hermione cried when she saw *her* tie around his neck.
“Oh?” Malfoy didn’t slow his strides towards the Great Hall, forcing Hermione to run to catch up. “Is there a problem, Granger?”
“You know perfectly well there is!” She kept her voice at a low hiss, yet that didn’t stop the passing students from staring. “There are enough rumors as is, and you aren’t helping!”
“Ah, but you see, this was an honest mix up. I was merely in a rush to get to an early morning Quidditch practice and must have grabbed yours by mistake.”
He was lucky they weren’t on the moving staircases or she would have pushed him down the steps. She knew it would be difficult having all the eighth years share living quarters, but she never expected it to be like *this.*
So what if they’d had another pleasant study session in the common room last night? She must have been too distracted revising for Monday’s Potion exam to realize when he pocketed her discarded tie. “Mistake” her arse. Malfoy knew exactly what he was doing.
But that wasn’t what upset Hermione most.
Her crush was silly, edging on idiotic. As much as there were rumors that she and Malfoy were secretly dating, there were twice as many whispers that there was a massive diamond ring from his family vaults awaiting Astoria Greengrass’s hand upon graduation. Regardless of how much they (mostly) got along nowadays, she knew which rumor she’d bet on being true. Today was just another example of him channeling his taunting energy into something he perceived as harmless fun. How could he know the dragon-like flames that fueled her insides whenever he was near?
“When you get points deducted for wearing the wrong tie, don’t blame me,” she resolved with a huff. If he insisted on acting like this, then Hermione wasn’t going to waste any more time.
She picked up her pace, determined to get to breakfast before he made a spectacle, but he caught her hand before she got too far away.
“Hey.” The teasing evaporated from his tone. “If it actually bothers you, I can take it off.”
Hermione blinked when he reached into his robes pocket, revealing a Slytherin tie.
“Then why bother wearing it at all?”
Malfoy shrugged. “I guess I don’t mind people believing that we’re dating.” A pause. A flash of pink against pale flesh. “Wouldn’t mind if we actually *were* dating.”
Her stomach was in instant knots, only able to push out a single word. “What?”
“Granger, I could take that Potions exam in my sleep.”
“But we’ve been revising together all week!”
“Exactly.” He smirked. “So, what do you say? Should we set these rumors ablaze and go to Hogsmeade together next weekend?”
Hermione never agreed to something so fast in her life.
Based on title prompt from Dramione Prompts on Twitter
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cherienymphe · 3 years
Twice Mine (Stucky x Reader)
Tumblr media
WARNINGS: DUB-CON, mentions of NON-CON, vampire!Stucky, jealous!Stucky, violence, toxic relationships, murder, animal cruelty, bloodplay
➥ this is the much anticipated final part to Twice Bitten and Twice Burned
     I had a lot of fun with this series, and I hope you guys enjoy!
➥ divider by @firefly-graphics​
     ➥ Italics = things that have already happened
      ➥ Non italics = present day​
summary: King Steve has the reputation of the kindest king in all the land. How sad it is that such a man always seems to be burying a wife, leaving him lonely and searching for another. Seeing how Queen Margaret’s death affected you, the king hopes to raise your spirits by marrying you off to the handsome Duke, James Barnes, unbeknownst to you, sealing your fate.
The large living room was alight with the glow of the fire, the flames the only source of light in the entire room. The mansion was quiet, as it tended to be, but for the past week or so, it was a different kind of quiet. A heavy silence that was almost suffocating had descended over the place. You barely turned your head to the side, swallowing down a sigh.
You felt him before you heard him, a strong concern that didn’t belong to you taking up residence in your heart beside your own. You pressed your hand to your chest, the weight within it increasing as the sound of his footsteps reached your ears. His large hands soon found a place on your shoulders, fingers kneading into your bare flesh in what was meant to be a calming gesture. You hadn’t been calm in days.
“Come to bed,” he murmured, voice gravelly, still riddled with sleep.
You shook your head, eyes focused on the flames.
“I can’t sleep.”
He sighed, an exasperated sound as his fingers danced along your throat.
“You can’t sleep...you can’t eat…”
You swallowed, heart sinking at the knowledge that you’d been found out.
“...I’m fine,” you told him.
“Remember what happened the last time you went so long without feeding…”
His words made your eyes cloud over, the memory so fresh in your mind you would’ve thought it happened yesterday instead of centuries ago. 
“...it nearly broke you,” he whispered. “I don’t want to see you like that again.”
You didn’t respond, eyes instead falling to the floor as his grip tightened.
You shook your head.
“He was supposed to be back days ago,” you murmured, throat tight. “We haven’t heard from him in days.”
He exhaled, leaning down to press his lips to the top of your head, breathing you in.
“Can you still feel him? Focus...just like I taught you...”
You could. It was faint, and you had to search deep within yourself, but you could still feel him there within your chest. A light warmth that had been there since you’d first woken up into this new life.
“I can.”
“Then he’s alright…”
“Then why hasn’t he called? Or let us know that he’s okay?” you wondered, standing now as frustration colored your tone.
“It’s not the first time, doll. He will be fine, he always is, but you won’t be if you don’t drink something…”
The dull burn in your throat became all the more prominent as he reminded you of your thirst. A thirst that you hadn’t satiated in days. You turned, reluctantly lifting your eyes to meet the blue of his.
“I don’t think I can...not without…”
You trailed off, recalling the last and only time you had practically starved yourself. The lack of control you’d had… A small sigh reached your ears, and you watched as he nodded, stepping closer until his chest grazed yours.
“Drink from me for now...and then we’ll go hunting tomorrow.”
His hand was on your wrist, pulling you with him as he stepped back. He sank into the armchair, and you straddled him, fingers pressing into his shoulders as you made yourself comfortable. He gazed up at you like you had his heart in your hands, and the corner of your mouth lifted ever so slightly. 
“Anywhere you want,” he breathed.
Brushing your tongue over your bottom lip, you leaned in and sank your teeth into his throat. His hips lifted up into yours, hands curled around your waist as a low groan escaped you. Your eyes rolled as your body welcomed his blood into your system, coursing through your veins to give you much needed strength.
A hungry moan bubbled in your throat, and Steve sighed.
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Someone was yelling. Even through the jumbled haze that was your mind, you could recognize that much. It was also hard to breathe. Did you even need to breathe now? Probably not, but surely you did if the way you were clutching your chest and gasping for breath was anything to go by. Could vampires have panic attacks? Could vampires go into shock?
“You killed her!”
You had heard someone scream that only moments ago, and yet here they were again. There was so much yelling, so much chaos, and through it all, the voice became clear. Both voices became clear. It was James...and Steve…
The thought of the blond made your lips curl, and you shakily pulled yourself to your feet. You glanced down at your dress, taking note of the faded blood. Your blood. You had tried to kill yourself, you remembered that now...and James had found you… Both James and Steve had found you. Then Steve had killed you. 
The memories were coming back so fast. You could hardly make sense of it all, and it took some time before you remembered your awakening...James...Steve… Mary Jane. Your lips parted as you eyed the fresh blood on your dress...your hands… It did not take long for your eyes to find Mary Jane’s still body just at the foot of the bed.
“No...no, no,” you mumbled, falling to your knees once again at her side.
Had you done this? You could not recall. There were blanks in your mind, but if you thought hard enough, you could conjure the uncontrollable thirst that had taken over you. You could remember the way James had attempted to stop you, the way Steve had laughed as you brutally drank from your maid. You could hear yourself scream, grief and rage hitting you all at once just before laying waste to the room.
You glanced up, eyes widening at the torn bedding and broken furniture. There were feathers everywhere. A soft sob left you as you cradled the lifeless girl in your arms. James and Steve were still arguing, fighting even, and you squeezed your eyes shut. This all felt like a bad dream. A nightmare...fueled by the vampire in the next room.
Had you been filled with less rage, you would have marveled at how quickly you moved. You found yourself in the receiving chamber, pinning Steve to the wall before you even realized what had happened. He merely chuckled, sharp teeth winking at you, blue eyes filled with mirth at your crisis.
“You did this to me,” you screamed, hitting at him. “You did this-!”
You cut yourself off with a sob just as James wrapped his arms around you, pulling you away from the other man. He shushed you, trying so hard to calm you, but you were inconsolable. The reality of the situation, your new reality, was finally starting to sink in, and you thought that the weight in your chest would crush you.
If it was not for James’ hold, you would have fallen to the floor. You had the hardest time breathing, setting your vision straight, and you shook so violently in his arms. You could feel him pressing kisses into your hair, still damp from what had transpired only hours ago.
That single word broke through, and it took you a moment to realize that he was not speaking to you. He was speaking to Steve. It seemed that both you and Steve came to the realization at the same time.
“Surely you are joking…”
“I mean it, Steve. You should not be here...not right now…”
Steve swallowed his words as you escaped and dug your nails into his throat, and while your attack did not last long, Steve easily fending you off, you were satisfied with the blood you had drawn. You fell to the floor but made no move to stand, hands pressed into the rug as you keeled over with another sob.
“You killed her, Steve.”
“Really? Because she seems to be alive and well from where I am standing,” the king sneered. “I have the marks to prove it.”
“You threw her off of the balcony!”
There was so much venom in James’ voice, and the silence that followed was thick. 
“She would have left us. Both you and I know that she would have tried again, and she would have succeeded! Is that what you would have wanted?”
You heard the wall shake.
“She did not deserve that,” James spat. “She deserved better. She deserved a painless death and a peaceful transition.”
Your nails scraped along the fabric of the rug as you recalled the pain of your body slamming into the stones below. The fear that had been enough to paralyze you once you realized what Steve had done.
“Now I must undo what you have done. I have to make this right for her...and I cannot do that with you around. You need to stay away from her for a while.”
You slowly lifted your head at James’ words, eyes taking in the scene before you. James had his hand at Steve’s throat, and you were surprised to find Steve’s cold gaze on you instead of James. He stared at you with such hatred, such contempt, and to your shock, you evenly stared back at him with the same look.
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“You’re in trouble, you know that right?”
Steve’s quiet words reached where you stood all the way at the top of the stairs. You heard James sigh, and your relief at his safe return was unfortunately overshadowed by the fact that he’d gone an entire week with no call, no text, no nothing to let you know that he was okay.
He finally stepped out of the foyer and into the living room, Steve just behind him, and he at least had the gall to look sheepish. You wrapped your arms around yourself, far from cold, but just a force of habit whenever you felt particularly pouty. James threw you a small smile to which you did not return.
“I’m home, my love.”
You didn’t respond, and his smile faltered.
“You look radiant…”
Again, you ignored his words as you finally made your way down the stairs, the bottom of your dress kissing your feet. His face fell when you brushed past him and instead made your way to Steve.
“Steve, I’m thirsty,” you said with a frown, and the blond bit back a smirk.
“You just ate yesterday,” he reminded you.
“Well, I want to go again,” you argued.
You huffed when he gripped your shoulders, forcing you to face James. The dark-haired man resembled a kicked puppy, and you looked away. Steve leaned down to brush his lips against your ear.
“Cut him some slack, doll. You know how demanding business can be,” he told you.
He briefly squeezed your shoulders before leaving you altogether, and you reluctantly met James’ eye. His shoulders fell, and he took a step towards you.
“The deal didn’t go as smoothly as we thought it would. Would you believe me if I told you that doing business with humans is easier than with our own kind?”
Again, you didn’t respond. At least, not right away, and you simply raised an eyebrow at him.
“Do phones not work in Romania?”
He closed his eyes, releasing a sigh.
“I was worried-.”
“I was fine.”
“...and how was I to know that?”
He tilted his head at you, pressing the palm of his hand to your chest where your heart would beat if it could. That warmth was more prominent now that he was near, and you could feel his remorse for his lack of communication with you while he was away. His blue eyes were soft as he gazed at you.
“This is how you know,” he said.
“That’s...not the point, James,” you sighed, turning away. “I get anxious. You know that…”
He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you into his chest.
“I know.”
“I don’t like it when we’re not all together. I hate when you go on these business trips by yourself,” you told him, turning in his hold. “Poor Steve has to put in twice the work just so I won’t miss you.”
James smirked, eyes glinting with mischief.
“Somehow, he manages to power through it, I’m sure,” he sarcastically replied.
You leaned in, brushing your lips along his chin, satisfied when James released a shaky breath.
“Are you coming hunting with us? I feel like it’s been so long with the three of us…”
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, pink lips curving even more as he drank you in.
“Didn’t Steve say you just went hunting…?”
“...so?” you wondered, raising an eyebrow.
James chuckled, lips brushing yours as he spoke.
“You can’t get everything you want, my love.”
“You say that...and yet I always do,” you wondered, spinning away.
“We’ve talked about this, Y/N. We have to be careful,” he argued, halting your movements with a hand on your wrist. “This is a rather small town, and we stand out enough as it is.”
You didn’t respond, and he continued.
“Remember the last small town and your appetite?” he probed.
“It’s not my fault their community was filled with abusive and rapist scum. Besides, wasn’t that when I was snapping Steve’s neck every other week or so? I had to fully take out my frustrations on someone.”
He pulled you closer.
“You like it here, don’t you?”
“...and you want to stay for a long time, right?”
“...yes,” you reluctantly replied. “...but I’m thirsty, so…”
You ran your eyes along his frame.
“Somehow, some way, I’m drinking someone’s blood tonight.”
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The scream that you let out was gut-wrenching, and you were thankful that you were deep in the woods. Far away from the village and the kingdom. The only light came from that of the moon as it hung in the sky, and for once, you wished that you were bathed in darkness instead. You did not want to see the consequences of your actions, see what you had done.
You were reminded of that first night in your new life. You could hardly breathe and hardly make sense of what was happening. Like before, the memories came to you quickly, filling in the holes that had been missing from the last day or so.
The thought of drinking blood, harming another, even if it did not cost them their life, was enough to disgust you. You had had enough, and had refused to drink for days. James had warned you. Oh God, he had warned you. You thought yourself above this life. You thought that your heart was too good for this life and that your will would overpower your nature. You were wrong, and the lifeless body in your arms was proof of that. 
The boy was young, so young. He had long passed the precipice of childhood, but had yet to reach that of a man, and now he never would. You did not even remember smelling him, nor snatching him away, but when you closed your eyes, you could see it. You could see how unaware he had been as he poked through bushes to find some berries to pick. You could see the way you zeroed in on him. You could see the monster that you had become.
Another loud sob escaped your trembling lips as you rocked him in your arms, wishing and hoping that he would wake up. That it would all be a nightmare, he would wake up, and prove that you were not the monster you now thought yourself to be.
You felt him before you saw him, and when you reluctantly lifted your head, you were surprised to come face to face with Steve...not James.
“I killed him,” you sobbed.
Steve sighed, frowning at you as he approached. You had not seen him in months, only in passing really, and you had forgotten just how much you hated him. However, in this moment, you did not wish to be alone. You wished for someone to reassure you that you were not some crazed beast. Anything to stop the pain.
“Yes, well… James told me of the grand conclusion you came to, thinking yourself above your nature,” he scoffed, and you frowned.
He shook his head at you.
“Honestly, Y/N. What did you think would transpire?”
There it was again, that rage, and your lip curled.
“This is your fault. All of this is your fault!”
You were standing now, and Steve tilted his head at you.
“You did this to me. I am like this because of you...because of what you forced onto me.”
Steve took a step towards you, something in his eyes that you could not place.
“What is done, is done. This,” he pointed to the lifeless body at your feet. “...happened because of you, because you refused to accept your new reality. This happened because you tried to go against nature, your nature.”
His words filled you with an anger that you could hardly fathom, and before you knew it, your hands were on his head and then he was at your feet, neck twisted at an odd angle. You blinked, eyes widening as you realized what you had done, and you stumbled back. You hated Steve, God knows you did, but James would be far from happy about this. 
As if you summoned him up, he was suddenly there, and you jumped at the sight. Your wide eyes met his just before he took in the mess you left behind, and he sighed when his eyes landed onto the boy.
“Oh, Y/N,” he breathed, sounding sad.
You glanced at Steve’s still form.
You did not know how to tell him that you had killed his best friend, but James merely glanced at Steve before chuckling.
“I assure you, Steve is fine.”
You frowned, and he elaborated.
“You did not kill him...not permanently, at least,” he explained. “You just snapped his neck. It is something like a temporary death for us. He will be alright. It is rather painful though, but...even I must admit that he had it coming.”
“He will be angry with me,” you murmured. “...but he always seems to be angry with me. He blames me for your...separation.”
“Steve has no one to blame but himself, my love” he said, kneeling beside the nameless boy.
“You...were right, James,” you whispered, choked up.
He looked to you, eyes heavy with a myriad of emotions you could not even begin to name. Regret being the most evident one.
“I thought that I could fight it. I thought that I could make myself be something that I am not. Steve was right when he said that I did not want to accept my new reality, and I hate admitting that.”
“I will help you through this-.”
He blinked at you, standing now as he worriedly eyed you.
“I cannot do this,” you confessed.
“I am sorry. I am...so sorry,” you whispered, leaving him there in the blink of an eye.
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Your fingers tangled in Steve’s hair as he swirled his tongue in and out of you. His lips couldn’t get enough, and he pressed his fingers into your thighs, holding you down. James was far on the other side of the room, face torn between hunger and disappointment. Despite the fact that he was safe and sound, you were still miffed about his lack of communication.
“You can look...but you can’t touch.”
That was what you’d told him, and even though it was obvious how much he wanted to protest, he obeyed. Now he stood as still as a statue, hands balled into fists, face taut as he fought to prevent himself from tasting you as Steve was currently doing. 
Your chest was pointed towards the ceiling, mouth parted as moans climbed out of your throat. Steve was ravenous between your legs, groans escaping here and there to send vibrations through you, making you clench around his tongue.
“Steve,” you moaned, eyes rolling.
That was what you both loved and hated about Steve. He could remain between your thighs for days on end if you allowed him to. Your voice caught when he pushed you over the edge, chest heaving and stomach tightening while the blond greedily lapped at you, refusing to waste a single drop. You could hear James swallow as Steve crawled up your spent frame, blue eyes narrowing like that of a feline.
He pulled you into his lap, bare chest pressed to yours, arms wrapped around your waist. You threw your own around his neck, nose brushing his as you let out a happy sigh. 
“I think I’ve tortured James enough, don’t you?”
You grinned at him, and Steve returned it, leaning up. You pulled back, smile widening as you evaded his kiss.
“I don’t know, doll. I think he could stand some more,” he purred.
The mischief in his eyes matched your own, and you both turned to leer at James, your cheek pressed against Steve’s. You offered your hand to James, and it was impressive how fast he moved, taking your hand and pressing his lips to yours. You moaned into the kiss while Steve trailed his own lips to your neck.
Your teeth scraped along James’ mouth, drawing blood, and your body buzzed at the taste. A low moan crawled from James’ lips as you leaned down to sink your teeth into his throat, his hand coming up to twist into your hair. You pulled away with a sigh, Steve’s mouth seeking out your own, eager to taste James on your tongue. You could hear the dark-haired man swiftly undressing, pressing his chest to your back in no time, eager to make his absence up to you.
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“You need to come back.”
You froze, eyes focused on Steve as he stood in the tiny cottage you had taken up residence in, making the space look that much smaller. You swallowed as you eyed him, recalling the last time you saw him in which you had snapped his neck. That was the last time you saw James too. That was months ago. Your emotions must have been all over your face because Steve simply smirked.
“Relax. I am not here to snap your neck as you did mine,” he assured you, stepping further into the place.
He looked as regal as he always did, blond hair neatly pushed out of his face.
“Nor would you be in the right to. If anything, you had it coming from the moment you killed me,” you hissed.
He narrowed his eyes at you, and you continued before he could speak.
“Why are you here? How did you find me?” you demanded, genuine confusion coloring your tone.
“Do not be daft, sweet Y/N. We have known of your whereabouts this entire time. If it were not for James, I would have dragged you back to the castle long ago, but he insisted that you needed time,” he explained.
“...and yet here you are.”
Steve’s jaw ticked, and he neared you.
“Yes. Here I am, because you need to come back,” he repeated.
“Why?” you scoffed. “...so you can torture me some more? Make my life as miserable as your heart?”
“He is not the same,” Steve suddenly said, making you swallow your words. “He needs you.”
The thought of James sullen and wasting himself away was enough to make your heart clench, but you simply folded your arms over your chest, glancing away.
“I am happy here,” you told him.
“Really? Happy here to feed on the squirrels and the deer like some beast of the wild?” he sneered.
“What is it to you?”
He was on you in a flash, fingers pressing into your jaw so harshly you could have sworn you heard it crack. His nose brushed against yours as he glared into your eyes, an untamable fire behind his own. 
“It means something to me because I wish to see him happy. As much as I despise your very presence...he is not himself whilst you are gone,” Steve told you.
You scoffed.
“Are you no longer enough for him? Funny, because whenever I was around, all he seemed to do was put you first-.”
You cut yourself off with a gasp as he slammed you into the wall, the small house shaking from the force. Your eyes watered and your lips trembled as you glared at the man before you, the man who had killed you.
“I am giving you one week. One week to do what you must. Drink from all the animals you like, tear through every tree while imagining my face on them, get whatever you must out of your system,” he began.
You looked away, and he pressed his lips to your cheek.
“If you have not returned in a week, if you run, I will find you...and I will drag you back...but not before reminding you of just how cruel I can be,” he purred.
You pushed against him, and he merely moved to catch your wrists, slamming them into the wall. Steve's forehead was pressed to yours, and you could not meet his eye.
“You may not be as weak as you once were,” he started, forcing his knee between your legs. “...but you will never be strong enough to fend me off. I have no problem reminding you of that.”
He brushed his lips over your trembling ones, and then he was gone, ruining your peace once again. You cried for the first time in weeks that night. You had no doubt that if you ran, Steve would find you. You did not know how they even found you to begin with, but it was scary to think that they knew where you were this entire time without your knowledge. What else were they capable of? 
As much as you did not want to, it was exactly one week later that you found yourself returning to the castle. It was late in the night, all of the servants and any other guests fast asleep, when you walked through the doors. James was there before you hardly got a foot inside, and you were in his arms before you knew it.
“I have missed you,” he sighed, squeezing you to him.
He breathed you in, and you found yourself doing the same, reluctant to admit that you missed him too. For a moment, you were reminded of a time where you felt safe in his arms, and you wondered if you would ever feel that again. When soft footsteps reached your ears, you looked up, Steve’s eyes meeting yours as he stood behind James, practically bathed in darkness. It was then that you realized the answer was no. You would probably never feel that again. Not while Steve was around.
Contrary to what you had thought, the time that followed was far from miserable. Steve still kept a safe distance, and James did his best to teach you about your new life. Whenever you did see Steve though, it was cordial...polite...but tense. There was something unspoken in the air that you were reluctant to give attention to. It stewed for the longest time until James was the one to finally bring attention to it.
“We need to talk, my love,” he said to you one evening.
You had frowned a bit, but eventually closed your book, giving him your full attention. You could not read his face, and that worried you.
“It is about Steve,” he began.
You swallowed, straightening.
“What about Steve…?”
At this point, it had been two years since your death that was somehow both literal and metaphorical, and you had not come any closer to softening your heart towards the king. You hardly saw him, hardly spoke to him as he continued to do as James asked and gave you the space to make your transition into this life much smoother.
James sighed, reaching up to brush his thumb along your cheek.
“It is meant to be the three of us…”
You looked away, heart sinking as you realized what this was about.
“That is how I envisioned our future, and I hope that we can get back to that some day.”
“I am not rushing you. Believe me, there is still much anger in my heart towards him for what he did, and I know that my anger cannot ever compare to yours. I only wish to remind you that this is what I hope for us some day.”
You did not respond, and he continued. 
“I am bringing this up because I have spoken with Steve...and he will be doing his best to make amends. I want you to expect that…”
Yours eyes met his, and he left you with a small smile. You soon found out that Steve’s version of making amends was to buy you things you had never asked for.
“It is all the rage in France,” Steve huffed as you turned your nose up at the gaudy necklace.
“Well, I am sure they will appreciate having it returned to them,” you snidely commented
Fed up, he threw the necklace to the ground, pointing a finger at you.
“You are being unnecessarily difficult,” he hissed.
Your eyes widened and your lips parted as you stared at him as if he had grown a second head before your very eyes.
“This...,” you picked up the other jewels he had brought. “...means nothing. All of this means nothing!”
You threw them at him, taking great satisfaction in the offended look he wore.
“You killed me!”
Two years worth of anger and hurt had been stewing. Your fingers trembled and your body vibrated and your eyes burned as you stared at the blond man before you. Your murderer.
“You taunted me and made my life hell for years! And then...and then you tossed me...off of a balcony,” you shakily gasped. “...and you think that your money will atone for that?”
Steve said nothing, face taut as your words hit him square on.
“You think these meaningless things will undo what you have done? How on earth did you manage to keep the throne all these years with nothing between those ears of yours?”
He was quick in invading your space, and his chest heaved with barely contained anger as you glared at him.
“You will watch how you speak to me.”
“Or what? You shall kill me? Again?”
He said nothing, and his nostrils flared.
“James will end your pitiful existence the minute that you do,” you spat.
The words had just barely left your mouth when his hand found your throat. Having anticipated this because Steve was nothing if not predictable, you grabbed the bejeweled dagger he had tried to gift you, plunging it straight into his chest. You felt no disgust when he coughed, blood flying past his lips and onto your face. You could only feel satisfaction as you watched the pain register on his features.
Your gratification did not last long as you watched him swallow down the ache, a troubling laugh escaping his bloody lips. His wide eyes took you in with something you could not name, but if you did not know any better, you would think it was pride. He chuckled again, his hand coming up to cover your own that still held the knife in his chest. He leaned in, with difficulty, and brushed his blood-stained lips over your own.
“Word of advice...a piece of wood is what you desire.”
He tightened his grip on your hand, and you winced, gaze never parting from his.
“Also...you might want to aim a bit higher next time,” he said through clenched teeth just before ripping it out.
You gasped as he snatched it from your fingers, quickly fisting his other hand into your hair, pressing the blade to your throat. You just felt a trickle of blood when James came bursting into the room. He was quick to pull Steve away, pinning the king to the wall.
“Have you lost your mind?”
Steve merely chuckled, a smirk on his pink lips.
“We were just having some fun. Right, Y/N?”
He looked to you, and you merely huffed, brushing past them both, ignoring James as he called for you. You did not see a future in which you would ever forgive Steve for what he did, what he put you through, but you could not accept one in which the two of you were constantly at each other’s throats. Something had to give.
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Is this what you had come to? Is this who you were now? The thought was enough to make you sick, but surely it was the only way? Right…? Steve did not stir, and his body was warm beneath yours as you tightened your hands around the stake. The entire time that you whittled it, you kept wondering to yourself if this was what you really wanted to do? Could you even do this?
You pressed the end of it to his chest and swallowed. Would James hate you? He would be mad, that was for sure. That was to be expected even, but surely he could grow past this right? If your heart was able to beat, you were positive that it would be threatening to leap from your chest this very moment. Why were you scared? Why were you nervous? Steve deserved this...a thousand times over.
You were having doubts, and you did not want to admit that. You had stewed over this for months. Months of arguing and fighting. How many times had you drawn blood from him and vice versa? How many more? You jumped, startled when a hand closed around both of yours, and you lifted your gaze to meet the unflinching one of Steve. It suddenly occurred to you that he may have been awake this entire time.
You sharply inhaled, but he simply smiled, pink lips curving upwards ever so slightly.
“Do it,” he urged.
Your eyes widened, and you almost listened to him, but you faltered.
“Go on...do it…”
His blue eyes glinted with something unknown, and his teeth winked at you as he grinned.
“...why?” you suddenly wondered. “Why do you want me to?”
He tilted his head at you.
“You must learn to survive this life one way or another…”
You frowned, heart sinking at that. 
“I… James…”
Steve hummed, nodding.
“Yes. He will be quite angry. I daresay he might even kill you,” he told you.
Your eyes widened at that, chest clenching.
“...the same he would do to me should I ever take you away from him.”
Your shoulders dropped at that, and you blinked.
“He loves us both...and he does not intend to live the rest of his days without either one of us by his side. I may not like this, but I have come to accept it.”
You glanced away, his words taking up residence within you.
“...but if you cannot accept this, then by all means...drive that stake through my heart. Truly become what you are and take what you must. That is how you survive this life…”
There was that phrase again. You did not like it, did not like the way it made you feel, and with a disgusted gasp, you dropped the stake. You held your hands up and away from Steve, chest heaving as you shook your head.
“No...no. That is...not how I wish to survive this life,” you told him.
You chanced a glance at him, finding that his eyes had darkened considerably. With a growl, the stake was in his hand, and he had flipped you, hovering over you as you trembled beneath him.
“Then you are weak!”
He had not expected that response, and he looked taken aback. His fair hair brushed his forehead, thin shirt hanging off of his shoulder as he frowned at you.
“Fine...then I am weak. Call me whatever you like, Steve, but that is not me...and it shall never be me.”
You could feel the tip of the stake pressing into you through the fabric of your gown, and you swallowed, eyes boring into his.
“If you wish to drive that stake through my heart, to take what you want, then you may do so, but that is not who I am,” you quietly said. “I am not you.”
As much as you wished you could be, you were not like Steve. God knows that you hated him, and a part of you even hated James too, but killing Steve would hurt James, and you could not do that. You would not be able to live with yourself. Steve stared at you for a long time, and for a moment you thought that he would, but all too soon, you heard the piece of wood clatter to the floor. He remained hovering over you, hand on your neck now, and you swallowed as a shudder passed through you. His chambers were quiet as you simply stared at one another, and you thought to yourself how horrible it was that someone so demented could be so beautiful. Life was most cruel.
“I hate you,” you suddenly whispered.
Your words did not affect him, but you repeated them anyway.
“I hate you so much. I do not think you can ever imagine just how much I truly hate you, Steve,” you mumbled, tears kissing your eyes.
The king leaned down, nose brushing along yours as he hummed. Your lashes fluttered, hating the way heat swirled in your gut with his movements.
“I shall never forgive you.”
“It is not your forgiveness I seek,” he said.
He settled in between your legs, forcing them around his waist as his lips pressed against your neck.
“Then what do you seek from me…?”
His sharp teeth grazed your throat, and you curled your hands into fists, nails pressing into your palms. Your world was suddenly spinning, and you found yourself on top of Steve yet again. One of his hands pressed into your waist, holding you to him while you laid your palms on his chest. Even in the dark, the blue of his eyes appeared darker. Just as you were about to move to get off of him, he sat up, pressing his chest to yours.
Your words died on your tongue when he pressed his thumb to your mouth, scraping it over your teeth, and your eyes rolled when his blood fell onto your tongue.
“Show me how much you hate me,” he purred, leaning in to sink his own teeth into the skin just above your breast, piercing it through the fabric of your gown.
You had your way with Steve that night, hips moving over his as you sought out your climax again and again. You bit him, scratched him, left marks on every piece of flesh you could get your hands on, and he welcomed it all. Steve enjoyed a bit of pain, you realized, and you were shocked to find out just how much you enjoyed giving it to him. 
By the time you were done, the sun peaking through the window, the sheets were stained with blood. Steve was fast asleep, breathing faint, and you were leaving his chambers, feeling a bit shameful in your bloody gown from the night before. You were surprised to find James awaiting you when you entered the corridor, and you jumped a bit, pressing a hand to your chest.
You were unsure of what to say. For some reason, you thought James would be mad, but then you remembered that this is what he wanted. You frowned as he approached you, leaning in to press his lips to yours, tasting Steve’s blood on them. He did not completely pull away, and you felt the corner of his mouth lift.
“Good girl,” he whispered.
You reared back, eyeing him and the small smirk on his lips, and you suddenly wondered just how coincidental your night with Steve was...or if outside forces had come into play.
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You glided through the sea of bodies, the flashing lights doing little to obstruct your vision. The club was otherwise dark, everyone around you too preoccupied with drugs or alcohol or the person next to them. Steve and James were currently knocked out at home, and while vampire blood quelled the thirst, it wasn’t what your body lived on. Venturing out for a few hours wouldn’t hurt anyone...or so you intended.
Unimpressed with the slim pickings before you, you exited the club. It was a nice summer night, but it would be much nicer if you could find something quick to eat. You heard the footsteps behind you as you made your way to your car parked on the side of the street, but you didn’t think much of it. At least, not until a warm hand wrapped around your wrist. You spun, eyes wide and confused.
The man before you had a fair complexion, hair dark and eyes darker. His facial hair was tasteful, jawline sharp, and under different circumstances, you might have found him attractive, but he wreaked of malicious intentions. You only discovered what those intentions were when he pushed against you. You allowed him to, looking at him like he had a death wish as he pinned you to your car.
“I saw you inside the club,” he said.
“...and?” you wondered, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Just a bit surprised to see a girl like you all alone… Dressed like that, you must be looking for something,” he grinned.
You scoffed, pushing against him.
“Get lost, creep.”
He snatched your hand, applying what you were sure he thought was painful pressure. You glowered at him as he pressed himself more firmly against you, and you could feel him hot and hard beneath his jeans.
“I really hate teases like you, you know,” he sneered. “You come out dressed like whores, knowing exactly what you look like, what kind of attention you’re looking for, and then when you get it… You get all surprised on us.”
You tilted your head at him, eyes narrowing.
“Nobody plays hard to get anymore. We see right through it.”
You pressed your lips together, mind whirling as you looked away. With a smirk, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his. He groaned into your mouth, tight grip still on your hand. When you pulled back, you licked your lips, brushing your nose against his.
“You caught me,” you chuckled. “Wanna come back to my place? I’ll drive.”
He grinned at you with a nod, taking a step back. By the time you got behind the wheel, he was already seated. He whistled at the interior of the car, and you threw him a sly smile as you started it.
“This yours?”
“It’s my ex’s,” you told him with a shrug.
It wasn’t a lie. James had been your ex at the time, angry with him for something you could hardly recall. The not-so-breakup breakup lasting a few months before Steve intervened. You just didn’t mention that you and said ex were happily back together.
The would be rapist talked the entire way as you sped down the road to upstate New York. If he took note of the long commute, he didn’t comment on it. Then again, why would he? He was far too preoccupied with getting laid. When you pulled up in front of the large and isolated mansion, you noticed the way his eyes briefly widened. The corner of your lips lifted just a bit as you took note of the way his heart skipped a beat.
The house was quiet, lighting dim when you entered, and you wondered if they were still asleep. You hoped not. You knew they had to be hungry. Before you could think more on it, the man behind you, Brock was what he called himself, wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him. You didn’t react as he pressed kisses to your neck, your hungry eyes looking around for any sign of Steve or James instead.
“This is a nice place, kind of big for one woman.” he commented.
Footsteps reached your ears, far too soft for him to notice, and you bit your lip, fighting a smile.
“I agree,” you breathed, spinning around to cover his lips with your own.
His hands were tight on your waist, lips hungry and tongue searching, and the only reason disgust didn’t fill you was because you knew this would be worth it in only a matter of seconds.
You pulled away, ignoring the look on Brock’s face as you turned to grin at Steve. Your hands were on the raven-haired man’s face, your own visage practically glowing.
“Stevie,” you coolly responded.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened as he took in the way the strange man held you, and your stomach flipped. You skipped towards him, hanging onto his arm as he continued to stare at the other man, a thousand ways to kill him running through his head, no doubt.
“What is the meaning of this?” he quietly demanded.
“What the fuck is going on?”
You ignored Brock, pouting at the blond man.
“He thought he could make me do whatever he wanted, Steve,” you whispered.
His head snapped towards you, jaw clenching as he ran his eyes over you. He knew that you were more than capable of taking care of yourself, but it was a habit he had no intentions of breaking.
“...so...I thought I’d bring him home…”
A smirk danced along his lips.
“Is that so?” he wondered, slowly turning to face the other man who was seconds away from leaving.
Too quickly for his eye to see, Steve was upon him, a hand digging into his shoulder. Brock barely had time to make any kind of noise before your husband was brutally tearing into his throat. You quietly approached them as Steve greedily drank from the skeevy man. He was dead by the time you reached them, and Steve lifted his head towards you, face stained, blood crawling down his neck.
He growled before smashing his lips against yours. You were reluctant to admit that the dead scum tasted better than you thought he would, but fear always did make the blood taste sweeter. You heard his body drop to the ground as Steve pressed his hands into your neck, tongue tasting the inside of your mouth while yours tasted the blood on his. You only pulled away when you heard a sigh, and you both turned to face James at the bottom of the stairs.
“What have I said about in the house?”
He sounded exasperated, but didn’t look particularly upset. You had the distinct feeling that he heard everything, and the reluctant smile that found its way onto his lips confirmed that. He beckoned you over, and you complied.
“Still mad at me?” he wondered, pinching your chin.
“No,” you said, shaking your head.
He pecked your lips.
“Good. I’ll help you get rid of that, Steve...and my love?”
He had brushed past you, and you turned to look at him expectantly.
“Never in the house,” he lightly scolded.
You returned his scowl with a grin.
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The shard broke off deep into his neck, and Steve hissed, reaching to dig it out just as you plunged the other half into his chest.
“Fucking hell!”
Your palm connected with his cheek just before he shoved himself away from you, and you were determined to follow when strong familiar arms wrapped around you from behind, pinning your arms at your side.
“Let go of me,” you cried.
“Let. Go. Of. Me!”
James did not listen, and instead you found yourself pinned to the wall, his arms preventing you from moving. You glared past his shoulder, trying in vain to kill Steve with your vision alone. The blond winced as he tore the broken glass from his neck, blood soaking into his shirt.
“He killed him,” you spat, lips trembling as the pain in your chest flared with the reminder of what Steve had done.
The man in question snapped his head up, eyes dark with anger and jealousy while his lip curled over his teeth.
“And I would happily do it again,” he sneered.
“He was my friend!”
“He coveted you,” Steve hissed, face only a hair’s width away from your own now. “You would think that after 400 plus years on this God forsaken earth, you would realize that.”
You frantically shook your head.
“No. Not everyone is like you, Steve. Not everyone has the worst intentions,” you screamed. 
Steve simply rolled his eyes, turning away as he removed his shirt. You looked to James for help, anything to back you up, but he did not look the least bit remorseful about what Steve had done. He sighed, and you frowned.
“I gave Steve the okay,” he quietly confessed. 
Your eyes widened, and you stumbled back out of his now loose hold. You stared at him in confusion, fighting to understand what he was telling you.
“W-what? You...you told him to kill Clint?” 
James did not respond, and you swallowed, a sharp pain traveling through your chest.
“...why?” you softly asked. “He was my friend. He made me laugh, he listened to me…”
You ignored Steve’s scoff, and James reached out to brush his thumb over your chin.
“We cannot get attached to humans.”
“You did,” you threw at him. “Or have you forgotten how I ended up in this situation to begin with?”
Anger briefly flashed over his features, and you tilted your head at him.
“That was different-.”
“How so? Was it different because you can do whatever you want while I cannot? Or is it different because you felt threatened by him?”
James pressed his chest to yours, staring you down with a look you had never been on the receiving end of before. You shuddered, and he took another step forward, forcing you back.
“Threatened by a mere human who we snuffed out like it was nothing?”
“I enjoyed being around him. I enjoyed learning about the ever changing world. He reminded me of a life that Steve so cruelly ripped away from me, and you hated it,” you whispered.
James’ silence spoke volumes.
“Admit it. You were terrified that I would...what...turn him? Then run off into the sunset, leaving the two of you behind?”
Now it was your turn to scoff.
“How quickly you forget that I am nothing like you...and that I could never do to someone else what you have done to me,” you snidely told him.
James sharply inhaled, straightening to his full height.
“You are ours, and it will remain that way until the end of time.”
You looked down, but James’ hand on your chin forced you to hold his uncharacteristically cold gaze.
“...and Steve and I will kill whomever we see fit to ensure nothing disrupts that.”
You snatched your face out of his grip, tears in your eyes.
“He did not taste half bad. You should have drank from him when you had the chance,” Steve chuckled.
Only a moment later, your hands were on his face, and he collapsed at your feet. Anger coursed through you as you stared down at him, wishing you had the strength and callousness to drive a stake through his heart. James heaved a sigh from behind you, and you felt him approach.
“You cannot keep doing that every time he upsets you, my love.”
You turned to face him, frown deepening when he placed his hand on your cheek. You copied him, placing your other hand on his other cheek, before breaking his neck with a grimace. You scoffed, shaking your head at them both before storming out of the room.
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The storm raged around you as you stared down into the overgrown grass. Centuries upon centuries had passed, and while it was certainly not as grand as it had once been, the basic structure of the castle remained. You had no doubt that in the years to come, it would be a tourist attraction. Nothing else from the building mattered much. The only thing that was of some importance, the balcony, remained, and that was all that you cared about.
You pressed your hand to your lips as you looked around, feeling like it was only yesterday that you had been here. If you thought hard enough, you could recall the early days of your marriage, filled with innocence and naivety. You could even recall the respect and admiration you’d had for Steve then, back when he was a king. Your relationship with the blond was much more complicated these days than you cared to admit.
And if you really relaxed, really thought hard enough, you could see her smile. You could see the way her hair caught the sun, looking almost red at times. You could hear her laugh at some jest that was far too inappropriate for a woman to make back then. If you thought hard enough, you could see...her.
You didn’t realize that you had closed your eyes until they snapped open at the familiar warmth in your chest that was growing by the minute. You hadn’t intended to bond with Steve that night, it sort of just happened, and the damage had been done. At least he had taught you how to feel his presence deep within your chest, a warmth that was always there but had not realized was James...and now Steve too. It was how James always found you every time you took off. You didn’t like that he’d hidden that from you…
You didn’t need to turn around to know that he was there. You could feel him like he was touching you instead of way on the other side of the room. He didn’t say anything, and you got the feeling that James had grown worried, had told him to come find you. After all, it had been a few months since you last saw them. It was how you coped when you couldn’t stand to look at their faces. You could feel Steve’s surprise at finding you here.
“Why did you kill her?” you suddenly wondered, voice quiet.
The rain was loud, words drowned out even more as you were on the balcony, but you knew that he heard you all the same.
“I loved her...and you took her away from me. Why?”
“...because I couldn’t control her,” he eventually responded, equally low voice reaching your ears.
Steve didn’t sound boastful, he didn’t even sound satisfied with himself. In fact, the vampire behind you almost sounded regretful. 
“...and me?”
You blinked, tears skipping down your face as you finally turned to face him. Your eyes met his, and his jaw clenched as he took note of the way your own shined.
“Why did you kill me?”
Steve didn’t answer, and you stumbled towards him.
“Why, Steve? You...you threw me off of that balcony. You took my life into your hands, and you just crushed it! Like it was nothing… You killed me.”
“I know-.”
“You killed me!”
You shoved him, and he let you. He swallowed, reaching for you. It was always so fresh in your mind. Your fear, the cruel smirk on his face, his heartlessness...and then the pain. The way he laughed when you had killed your maid. Mary Jane. So many had died as the result of his own selfish desires...
“I know, I know.”
“You killed me, Steve,” you cried, hitting his chest, his shoulders, his face.
He merely blinked as you slapped him again. You could feel his own regret and his own despair and it made you angrier. It was centuries too late.
“You killed me, you killed me, you killed me,” you repeatedly sobbed, shoving him and shaking him over and over again. “Why?”
You fisted your hands into his shirt, yanking him.
“Why did you kill me, Steve? Why...why did you do that to me?” you shakily mumbled, lips trembling.
Steve pressed his hand into the back of your head, the other at the small of your back, and you fought against him.
“You were going to leave us,” he reluctantly said. “You were going to leave me…”
You didn’t meet his eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“My feelings then may have been just as complicated as they are now, but I only knew that I couldn't let you leave,” he confessed.
You shook your head, a sob caught in your throat.
“You would have tried again...and you would have succeeded,” he breathed.
He was right. You both knew that he was right, and you would have tried again. After all, at the time, you thought it was your only way to get away from him. Steve’s lips sought out yours, and you turned your head away. His regret threatened to suffocate you.
“I’m sorry,” he exhaled.
You shook your head again, turning away every time he reached for your face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he whispered, lips finding yours.
Your back hit the wall, and you could feel his own lips trembling against yours. Your salty tears mixed in with the kiss, and you cried harder at your despair, his regret, and your inability to change the past.
“Forgive me,” he pleaded into your mouth.
“No,” you whispered back.
His lips traveled to your jaw and then your neck before kissing the fabric of your dress as Steve fell to his knees, begging for your forgiveness every step of the way.
“Forgive me, forgive me,” he chanted.
Your hands tangled in his hair as he fiercely kissed your stomach, pressing his face into your dress as he continued to beg for your forgiveness. You never thought you’d see the day where Steve would be on his knees, begging you to forgive him. After all, once upon a time, he’d told you that your forgiveness was not what he sought...and once upon a time, you said you’d never give it.
As your fingers tightened in his hair, you thought to yourself that perhaps you could forgive him. You could feel his remorse, feel how what he’d done had been eating at him. It had been doing so for quite some time, but you’d always tried to ignore it. You never thought a day would come where you’d even consider forgiving him for making your life hell, killing Peggy...killing you, but as his pleas reached your ears, you were tempted to give in. Maybe you would forgive him some day…
In one quick movement, you’d snapped Steve’s neck, and he heavily fell at your feet. You stood against the wall, trembling and crying. Your fingers shook, and in all the years you’d done that whenever Steve made you incredibly angry, for the first time ever, it did not bring you joy. 
Maybe you would forgive Steve someday...but today was not that day.
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Your watchful eyes followed the children as they ran across the street. Despite their ratty clothing and dirty faces, bright smiles adorned their lips as they laughed and played with one another. The owner of the orphanage, a kind and homely woman, ushered them along. You caught her eye and she waved. You returned it with a smile, James and Steve hardly paying you mind as they conversed about their investments. 
You had more money than you could ever dream of, so you donated to the orphanage often. The children who always lived there always looked their best now, but you could see that these kids were new. You watched the way they played amongst each other, running around Ms. Jane, their giggles reaching your ears as she fought to settle them down.
“My love?”
You were pulled from the scene at the sound of James’ voice. His brows were furrowed, and he looked concerned.
“Are you alright…?”
You nodded at him.
“Of course.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie, but it wasn’t entirely true either. You were certain that James could feel that, and that was probably why his face briefly pinched before it smoothed out. He reached past Steve to brush a finger over your cheek, a small smile on his lips just before he turned away. You quickly glanced at the children again before tightening your hold on Steve’s arm.
You glanced to him just as he turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Can vampires procreate?”
You didn’t like to ask James these things. He had a habit of withholding information from you or even just downright sugarcoating things. You could feel his eyes on you, and you ignored his gaze as you waited for Steve to answer. He threw you a strained smile.
“No...but we sure love to try,” he joked, and you reluctantly chuckled.
You looked away from him, and he brushed a finger over the back of your hand.
“Why do you ask?”
Your eyes strayed to the laughing children again, and you shrugged.
“Just curious, I guess…”
You could feel their concern, but you ignored it, and days later, the conversation was forgotten altogether. But every now and then, you thought about those children, about where they lived. Despite the fact that you’d put a lot of money into the place, they still deserved a proper home. 
Steve and James were gone when you left. It was late, and they were meeting with shady businessmen, no doubt. Times were different. It was the 1910’s, an age of cars and alcohol and money, and every man wanted to do business with the elusive Steve Rogers and James Barnes. You smirked to yourself, thinking on how everyone thought them to be descendants of royal blood, unaware that they were indeed the original royal blood everyone thought them to be related to.
The night was cold, not that you could tell, but the frost on the windows and the shivers from the men that you passed told you so. You ignored the strange looks they gave you, a woman such as yourself out so late by your lonesome? That was one thing that hadn’t changed in the years to come. The orphanage was in a better part of town, away from the seedy bar and brothel, no predatory and violent men around to disturb the peace of the children.
You could hear a horse and carriage far off in the distance as you stared up at the building. All of the windows were covered with curtains, and when you listened closely, you could hear the calm and even heartbeats of all the children inside. All except one. You frowned when the door opened and a little boy stood in the open doorway with an empty pail. His eyes widened at the sight of you before a smile eventually graced his lips.
“H-hello,” he hesitantly stuttered. 
You stared at him for a long while, blinking at him before eventually squatting to meet him at eye level. He couldn’t have been any older than seven.
“Hi,” you breathed. “What are you doing up so late?”
If he was frightened by your sharp teeth, he did not show it. His heart didn’t even stutter. He held up the bucket with a shrug.
“I wanted to get some water for in the morning, so that Ms. Jane wouldn’t have to,” he told you.
You let out a light laugh.
“That is so sweet. What is your name?”
You quietly repeated it to yourself, and you stared at him, your heart already making your next decision for you before your mind could catch up. You slowly stood, extending your hand towards him with an inviting smile.
“Are you hungry, Billy?”
You got the feeling that he was going to protest, but his stomach told on him before he got the chance.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a nod, looking sheepish.
Your smile widened, and your heart soared when he stumbled towards you, placing his smaller hand in yours. As you walked him back to the house, he told you of how Ms. Jane did the best she could with the donations, but the orphanage was filling up with more and more kids each year. He was fairly new, only having been there for all of three months. He marveled at your mansion, brown eyes alight with wonder.
He was well behaved, waiting patiently while you fixed him something to eat. You were happy that he was comfortable with you, talking your ear off the entire time. You made sure to fix him a hearty soup, filled with vegetables and plenty of meat. He didn’t seem to mind as you studied him, far too engrossed in the food before him. 
You hadn’t realized how much time had passed.
Startled, you turned, looking up to find James and Steve standing in the entryway to the living room. Billy and you were on the floor, the fire lit to keep him warm, and you hurriedly stood. James hardly ever called you by your name, and you did not need to look within yourself to know that he was angry. It was written all over his face.
“Is that your name?” Billy asked you.
You turned to him with a strained smile and nod.
“You stay right here, okay?”
You ruffled his hair, and he smiled at you with an obedient nod. You swallowed as you turned to approach James and Steve, not missing the way James’ eyes never left you. You could feel their worry, and that confused you.
“What have you done?” James demanded, and you flinched at his tone.
You gestured to Billy.
“There are so many children in the orphanage, so I-.”
“So you brought him here? To a house full of vampires?”
He talked to you like you were stupid, and you looked to Steve for help, but his own face was pinched with worry, blue eyes flickering between you and the boy.
“We can raise him,” you quietly said. “He’ll never have to want for anything-.”
“No,” James snapped.
“You could have killed him. Exposed all of us,” he argued. “What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that he could be ours,” you weakly replied, hating the way your voice trembled.
James’ eyes softened, shoulders sagging as he heaved a sigh. You looked to Steve, the blond the more open minded of the two, eyes pleading as you reached for him.
“Steve…? Tell him, Steve,” you said, pushing yourself against him. “Let me keep him.”
Steve’s eyes landed on James, the dark-haired man almost daring Steve to say something.
“Let’s just think about it-.”
“Absolutely not. We’ll be lucky if no one has already noticed his absence…”
“No,” you breathed. “James, no.”
“I’m taking him back. Now,” he hissed, brushing past you.
“No,” you cried, standing in his way. “I hardly ask you for anything.”
James’ eyes widened at your uncharacteristic behavior, and you clutched his shirt.
“...and I should. I should ask you for the world. I deserve it! I can take care of him, James.”
Your voice was small, and James gave you a regretful look before glancing away.
“Let me have this one thing,” you softly begged.
James was quiet, so was Steve, and the only sound was that of Billy finishing his food. James clenched his jaw, nostrils flaring before finally speaking.
You fought in Steve’s hold as he grabbed you, holding you back as James approached Billy. You screamed as he stared into the boy’s eyes, Billy falling asleep only moments later, James catching him with ease.
“Fuck you, James,” you spat as he passed you. “Fuck you!”
You could feel the pain that your words caused, but you didn’t care. You turned to press your face into Steve’s chest as the door slammed shut, collapsing in his arms. He tightened his arms around you, shushing you as sobs wracked your frame.
“You could have killed him.”
“I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have done that-.”
“You don’t know that,” he said. “You’re still fairly young. You could have easily killed him, and then what?”
You shoved yourself away from Steve, wrapping your arms around yourself as you sniffed.
“You did this to me,” you mumbled.
It was an old argument. You and Steve were in a far better place than what you used to be, but you were still so far from where you could be. You looked to him, eyes hard and lip curling over your teeth.
“I wanted kids. I always wanted kids, and you took that away from me…”
Steve sighed, looking down.
“I want to blame you...but the truth is...a part of me hates James too,” you confessed.
“...because the truth is...that life was gone the moment James decided that I was to be his.”
Steve reached for you, but you stepped away. Your eyes briefly fluttered close, a soft scoff escaping your lips.
“It’s not fair,” you whispered, shaking your head. “It’s not fair.”
You flurried past him, slamming your shoulder into his as you passed by.
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Steve’s hold was almost bruising on your hips, his own pushing up into yours over and over again with every thrust. You dug your nails into his chest, head thrown back to accommodate for James, his lips tasting the skin of your neck and shoulder. Your lashes fluttered as you clenched around Steve, and James’ nails pressed into your skin.
“I don’t like that he touched you,” he murmured against your skin.
You sighed when Steve wrapped his lips around a hardened bud.
“It was a means to an end…”
James hummed, Steve far too preoccupied with the way his cock slid in and out of you.
“...and if I had to seduce some other woman as a means to an end?” he wondered.
His tone was teasing, and you all knew he wasn’t serious, but you froze anyway, turning your head to stare into his eyes. Your own hardened considerably, and James chuckled at the fire in your eyes.
“A bit of a double standard, no?”
“James,” Steve dragged out, frustrated that you’d stopped moving. “Why must you choose now of all times to upset her?”
“It was a simple question,” the dark-haired man said with a shrug.
“The day you seduce someone else, a means to an end or not, is the day I finally drive a stake through your heart,” you calmly told him.
James smirked, brushing his lips over yours.
“Come now, my love. I was only teasing…”
With a devious smile of your own, you twisted your hand into his hair, thankful that he’d never cut it too short, before forcing him onto his back beside Steve. You dragged your nails along his chest, drawing blood and taking great satisfaction in the way he’d hissed. You moved your hips over Steve’s as you leaned over to glide your tongue over his skin, James moaning at the feel. Your teeth ached, the desire to sink your teeth into him strong. Your lips moved against his heaving chest as you spoke.
“I don’t joke about what’s mine.”
tags:  @mcudarklibrary @harryspet @xoxabs88xox @darkficreposter @opheliadawnwalker3 @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @nickyl316h @captainchrisstan @sebabestianstan101 @readermia @villanellevi @lokislastlove @notyourtypicalrose @coconutqueen21 @hurricanerin @buckybarnesplumwhore @quaksonhehe @nerdygirl8203 @patzammit @mandiiblanche @cocoamoonmalfoy @mrsdeanwinchester19 @ahoemine @9daykrisr​
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Broken trust
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Summary: Finding out the truth about the Darkling, Y/N recounts the way they met only to realize she must say goodbye.
Warnings: angst
Series Masterlist
Loving him felt like the most exquisite form of self destruction. She should have known sooner that he would be the source of the greatest pain she had ever known. Perhaps that's the problem, she never loathed the darkest parts of her that felt drawn to him from the first moment he had gazed upon her.
She never trusted anyone, not even her best friend until years have passed. She barely trusted herself for that matter. Trust didn't come easy for her, neither did love, but Y/N trusted Aleksander from the start, she didn't even question him and that is why it hurt so much, why it tore into her and ripped her to shreds.
She looked at him through a tear-clouded blur, her chest aching as her heart constricted inside with the iron fist of betrayal squeezing it tightly.
"How could you have lied?" She pauses, placing a hand on her chest, "To me?"
His jaw clenches, his eyes widening ever so slightly, "Would you have stayed?"
His voice is even, a calm in her raging storm and she can't help but hate him for it. While she is falling apart, he seems perfectly fine.
Her bottom lip quivers as her hands form fists, but when she speaks, she does so through gritted teeth, "When have I ever given you cause to question that?"
Aleksander steps closer, but Y/N is quick to take one back. His lips part, the way she can't even stand his presence inflicted hurt he didn't realize he was still capable of feeling.
"Do you remember when we met?" She asks, unsure why she's reminiscing now.
Walking into a Grisha tent wasn't quite a bright idea on Y/N's behalf, but sometimes you realize there are people worth risking your life for, and for Y/N, her best friend Mal was that person.
She had accepted a wager that would guarantee no one would pick on Mal, all she had to do was retrieve some grapes from a Grisha tent and this particular one seemed to be the only one unguarded.
She looked around at the dark colors inside with a frown etched in her face. She couldn't understand who'd enjoy living in such darkness. Isn't the world dark enough as it is?
Shaking her head, she looks to the table and upon the table she find the grapes that meant Mal would be safer. Wasting no time, her hand clutched the bowl and yet as she took it in her hand, a voice had startled her.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?"
Nodding, Aleksander pursed his lips. His eyes are dark, two pools of infinite darkness she had liked upon her before. She wasn't quite sure if she enjoyed his attention anymore.
"You were in my tent." He raised an eyebrow, "Uninvited.",
Gasping, Y/N turned around, her hands remaining behind her with the grapes safely hidden.
"I am sorry, I got lost." She came closer, her eyes meeting the intimidating black ones of the man much taller than her, much more powerful than she could ever be.
He raised an eyebrow, his eyes trailing her from head to toe, studying her as she realized he didn't believe her.
"I was just transferred back after a mission, I didn't realize the tents have been moved around. Mine used to be here", she managed a nervous smile, walking around him and toward the exit in hope of him letting her go.
"And yet you didn't leave once you realized it was not yours anymore", he spoke, his gaze following every step she takes. He steps in her way, blocking her from leaving. He's close, close enough for her to feel the faint smell of alcohol on his breath.
Swallowing thickly, she keeps staring at him as if he had chained her eyes to his, as if he had enchanted her. She doesn't even feel as his right arm moves around her, not until his hand plucks a single grape from the bowl, bringing it to his lips.
"Don't they feed you over in the First army?"
A faint smile forms on Aleksander's lips, just enough for the corners of his mouth to move, to capture her attention.
"You were stealing from me", he notes and she holds her breath as her heart, as treacherous as it is, jumps at the nearly lighthearted chuckle escaping him.
"And you stopped me from leaving", she adds, a sigh passing her lips.
"I should go" , Y/N blurts out, passing by the unknown Grisha as swiftly as possible. Just as she's about to reach the exit, to see the light of the day, cold, long fingers wrap around her left wrist, effectively pulling her back to face the Grisha.
A gasp escapes her once her eyes meet the dark shadows around the Grisha, more so when a light explodes around them. A warmth like she had never felt before spreads inside her, beams around her and the Grisha whose eyes are wide in shock, awestruck just as much as she is. The light encases them, her body shaking with the magnitude of their reality, yet she cannot comprehend where the light is coming from.
Breaking away from his eyes, she looks to his hand wrapped around her wrist, securely holding onto her. The glow of her skin, a thousand suns emerging from every inch of her makes her breathless. Her knees buckle and still, instead of the fall, she feels an arm around her, pulling her up and closer, much closer to the Grisha she had just met.
The shock of his arm around her dims the light, the darkness blinding her temporarily.
Only then does she hear the excited murmuring and whispers around her, only then does she look back at the Grisha holding her, keeping her from falling to her knees.
"Wh-what just happened?" She breathes out, her eyes flickering from his relentless gaze to his lips as they form a smile.
"You are a Sun summoner."
Leaning back on the table, Aleksander crosses his arms. "I had no intention on hurting you when I did. Your light must have felt it or it wouldn't have responded to me."
Scoffing, Y/N averts her gaze, "It was naïve." Locking her eyes on him once more, she adds, "And so was I."
"If I had told you, would you not think I'm evil from the start? Would you not have hated me?" Aleksander's eyebrows furrow, a single strand of hair falling to his forehead and it took everything in Y/N not to laugh. His disheveled look, if she could call it that, is still a thousand times more perfect than any other man.
"You could have trusted me." Tucking her hair behind her right ear, Y/N sighs heavily. "I trusted you. Now we will never know."
Unnerved, Aleksander comes before her in just a few strides, his hands cupping her face as she holds her breath, afraid of letting him know she still cares for him. It's an advantage she refuses to hand him.
"I don't want to lose you, Y/N. You're all I have", his voice is quiet, almost vulnerable, something she had only sensed in him once before and that was when he spoke of the burdens of his legacy. That was a lie, so was this not a lie as well?
She placed her hands over his, letting them linger momentarily before pulling them down, away from her with all her strength.
"I am not yours to lose!" She walks past him, just as she had done on that fateful day they met, and his hand catches her wrist just the same, pulling her back into his chest.
She pushes against him, trying to get away but his hold on her is stronger, unmoving like a force of nature.
"You may not be mine, but I am yours. There is no one like us in this world, Y/N", Aleksander's voice is softer, more tender than his embrace feels.
Shaking her head, Y/N croaks, "Don't make me hurt you."
"Hurt me?" His worry and pleas are replaced by arrogance, a smirk appearing on his lips. He could never imagine her to be powerful enough to harm him physically, but her leaving? That would break him.
Staying with him would undo her, Y/N knows that. She's tearing to pieces and not at the seams, it's much harder to heal when you break in an uneven patter where you can't stitch yourself up and move on. No...Aleksander Kirigan will be a gaping wound for a long time and then a nasty scar to serve as a reminded why she shouldn't trust easily, or anyone but herself.
"You once told me I would be your equal", she raised her chin defiantly, the smirk on her lips rivaling his. "You were right."
She raises her hand to his face swiftly, a light emerging from her palm in such bright intensity she could feel her skin burning with it.
It didn't last long, for her it felt like a few seconds, but his pained scream would remain in her head like an echo for a long time to come.
For Aleksander the pain was momentary, he healed rather fast. But when his vision cleared and she wasn't by his side, that pain would last a lifetime, fueling his darkness as he sets out to find her - the only light that can chase away the shadows he invited on the day the fold was created.
Y/N once believed he was worth loving, that he could be saved. Aleksander vowed to make sure she does again.
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Simon Basset x Reader
Words: 2319
Summary: While residing in the same house, Simon and his wife could not be further apart. His resistance to love may cost him the only thing he holds dear while he can merely stand and watch it fade. 
Notes: I love Simon waaaaaaay too much. I have been dying to write for him, so please please let me know what you think! 
More period dramas: HERE
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
From this spot, he had a view of the entire garden. He watched as you strolled between the flowers, pausing occasionally to smell a particular bloom. You used to walk together, but now, he could hardly bear to even look at the gardens. Seeing you there sent a feeling through his heart that he could not rid himself of. It was better this way. The happiness that you had felt in your first few months of marriage was an illusion. Simon knew that he could never truly make you happy, no matter how badly he wanted to. Still, these days of silence ate at his soul. 
You felt his gaze upon you before you spotted him in a second-story window. Looking up from the rose in your hand, you held his stare with your own, as if daring him to come out from behind his closed doors. This was the first time you’d seen your husband in two days and even when you had seen each other, it was in passing, shrouded in bitter quiet. 
You looked away first, dropping your flower and storming back into the house with renewed frustration. From the corner of your eye, you could see him vanish from the window, probably to disappear into his office for yet another day of avoidance. Through your anger, your heart ached. He never explained his sudden hatred towards you. One night, he simply stopped speaking to you. When you confronted him, he’d shouted and shut himself away in his room. No word between you had been uttered since. 
To fill your lonely hours, you walked the length of the house. Clyvedon was a beautiful estate and offered at least some distraction from your empty heart. This time, however, your usual path was interrupted. 
“Your grace,” You greeted coolly. It was odd to see him in this part of the house, so far away from his usual fortress. He rarely left his office anymore. “I must say, I am surprised to see you away from your desk. You have been married to your work recently.” You put as much venom into your words as you could muster. For a moment, you thought you saw him flinch. 
“Y/N, I understand you are uncomfortable with our current situation-”
“Uncomfortable?” You exclaimed furiously. “You think that I am uncomfortable? This is not an ill fitting dress or-or a pebble in my shoe. I saw you in that window and I couldn’t breathe. Even now, it feels like my heart is trying to leap out of my chest and give itself to you, for maybe that will finally be enough for you.” His eyes shifted to the window, desperately trying to escape your hateful stare. 
“You are more than enough for me-”
“Then tell me, your Grace,” You spat, “why you can’t even bring yourself to look at me!” You had raised your voice beyond what was proper, but you didn’t care. You wanted him to see the anguish that this forced solitude was bringing you. “Explain to me how we can be making love one morning and by that afternoon, you can hardly utter a word to me. Look at me, Simon! For God’s sake just look at me.” 
Whatever his reasoning for coming to you was lost to him now. He could only hear the anger and frustration in your voice. The hatred you must hold for him. While his eyes finally found yours, it felt as though he was looking past you. 
“I presume you will be eating in your quarters again.” Was all he said. The return of his indifference was the final straw for you. Having had enough, you charged off to find the furthest place in the house away from him. Simon watched you go in quiet agony, cursing himself for being unable to shut out his affection for you. He told himself again that this was how it must be. If only that was enough. 
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
He wasn’t sure how late it was, but his eyes were starting to burn from staring at documents all night. He could hardly keep them open. Setting his work aside, he ran a hand down his face, trying to rub the exhaustion from his eyes, and slowly dimmed his lamp until the light was gone. When he looked up, he found you standing in the doorway, shrouded in shadow. If he didn’t know better, he’d say you looked like a spirit in your white nightgown and tear stained face. 
“Why are you not in bed?” He questioned, only half awake himself. 
“I came to…” The words caught in your throat, making them sound garbled and broken. You stepped into the moonlight and composed yourself. “I came to say goodbye.” Simon froze. 
“I have arranged for a carriage to take me back to London at dawn.” You stared blankly at him, your face sunken and despaired. He hadn’t realized the depths of the misery he had caused you until now. “My presence is clearly unwanted and I feel that we may live our lives more peacefully apart.” 
“I see you’ve already made up your mind on the matter.” Simon scoffed, the pain your words inflicted fueling anger. You didn’t reply. Instead, you turned and started back down the dark hallway to your quarters. He caught your arm before you got too far. “You cannot just leave.” 
“I see no reason to stay, your grace.” 
“You are my wife.” He growled. Finally, your sullen exterior broke away to reveal the anger burning inside of your chest, threatening to swallow you. 
“Am I?” You jerked your arm away, stumbling backwards in the dark. “Because these past few days I’ve felt like a stranger, wandering these beautiful halls, looking for something in them to keep me here. There is nothing but emptiness and grief and pain and I cannot-” 
He placed a hand on your cheek, your words halting on your tongue. You stepped closer into his touch, a touch that you had been aching to feel for days. Simon dipped his head down, bringing your lips slowly to his own. 
His movements were fast and urgent, his lips moving against yours like he depended on you for breath. You felt the familiar feeling rush over you. It was the intense feeling you’d felt so many times at the beginning of your marriage, one you had feared you’d never feel again. But it wasn’t enough. 
“Simon, wait.” You pushed back, trying to find anything in his eyes that could explain to you why he’d been acting so distant. “Talk to me, my love.” 
He tried. He wanted so desperately to be able to share with you his fears, but every time he opened his mouth he felt like that stuttering little boy again. Your gaze pleaded with him. 
“Please, say something.” Still no response. You pulled out of his grasp forcefully, that feeling fleeing just as quickly as it had come. “Tomorrow, I am leaving for London. At least there I will not be reminded how little I must mean to you.” 
You gave him no chance to reply, vanishing into the dark night while he furiously went back into his office, knocking almost every paper off his desk. Simon craved to follow you back to your quarters and show you what you really meant to him, but his feelings didn’t matter. You were miserable and it was his doing. 
Still, the idea of being away from you, the feeling of abandonment sunk into him like sharp claws. It was dark and grim and kept him awake, pacing back and forth in the confines of his office. That night, he did not get a moment’s rest. 
I let her steal into my melancholy heart
It’s more than I can bear
Days passed, each one quieter and darker than the last. You were gone. He had watched your carriage leave from his window, solemn and alone. Each day he waited. He waited to hear the rattling of the carriage, the pounding of the horse’s hooves. He left the door to his office open as if he expected you to walk in like nothing had happened. In fact, he hardly left his office at all in hopes that his waiting would conjure you somehow. 
It was the fifth day of your absences when he received the letter. Lady Danbury started by inquiring as to why his wife was in London unaccompanied, but it was the end of the letter that sent an icy fear through his blood. You had fallen ill and had doctors in and out of the house for the last two days. While she did not know the severity of your illness she had heard that you had been bed ridden and unable to take any visitors. She feared the worst. 
Simon didn’t waste a second readying his horse and taking off towards the city. It didn’t matter how many hours the ride took, he went on without stopping. His horse sped through the city, having little care for the foot traffic around him. Hastings house stretched ominously over him, adding to the dread filling his chest. He didn’t wait for a servant to open the door, he didn’t wait to be shown to your room. He ran through the halls like a mad man only to find your quarters empty. 
“Your Grace?” Your lady's maid gasped, nearly dropping the bundle of fabrics she was carrying. “I-I thought you were staying in-”
“Where is she?” He barked, making her jump. He didn’t mean to frighten the poor girl, but he did not have the patients for explanation. 
“S-she’s having tea with Lady Danbury in the drawing room.” The girl squeaked. His confusion was quickly replaced by rage and he stormed into the drawing room, Lady’s Danbury’s letter crumpled in his fist. Your eyes widened at the sight of your husband, sweating and disheveled. 
“Simon, what are you-”
“Your Grace, how wonderful for you to join us.” Lady Danbury smiled triumphantly. 
“Is this meant to be some kind of cruel joke to you?” He snapped viciously. You’d never seen him this way before and, frankly, it frightened you. Lady Danbury didn’t seem phased. “My life is not a game for you to meddle in!” 
“Someone had to show you how much you stand to lose, your Grace.” She said, keeping incredibly calm under the circumstances. 
“How dare you.” Simon was seething. “You wretched woman-”
“Simon!” You exclaimed, jumping up from your seat. “A word, your Grace.” You opened the door to the garden and waited outside for him to join you. 
“I think it’s time for you to leave.” Simon glared. Lady Danbury stood and walked past him with enviable elegance. 
“Don’t lose her, your Grace. Not when she’s finally made you believe in love.” She left without further comment. 
Simon finally walked out and you resisted the urge to slap him. Your fists were balled at your sides and you were walking furiously back and forth on the path. 
“How dare you come here and speak to my guest in such a manner.” You wanted to scream and cry and kiss him all at once. “What on earth are you doing here, anyway?” 
“Lady Danbury sent me a lie in order to get me to come here.” He finally let the exhaustion of his ride rush over him and he leaned against the wall. 
“And what lie could have been so great to get you to leave your office?” You scoffed. Simon’s face softened. 
“She said that you were ill.” He said quietly, his voice betraying the truth. For those few hours before he arrived were the most terrifying he’d ever experienced. “I thought that… I was afraid I would lose you.” 
“You haven’t seemed that concerned these past weeks.” You muttered in irritation. Simon’s face fell. 
“Do you really believe that?” He asked with such pain in his voice it nearly broke your heart. “That I am not concerned for your well being? That I do not care if you are hurt or-or sick?” 
“What else am I to believe, Simon?” You said, exasperated and exhausted with his constantly shifting moods towards you. “You avoid me at all costs when I am with you, you have suspended any affection towards me, and now you tell me that you came all this way because you thought I was ill? I don’t understand you, your grace, I truly don’t.” 
“Everything I have done has been for your benefit.” He stepped towards you. “My affection towards you runs deeper than I could possibly explain and that is why I cannot condemn you to a life cast into my darkness.” His eyes did not look through you now. Rather, they pierced down to your very soul. You stood in shock, trying to find the right words to convey your true feelings. 
“Simon…” You gasped, laying a hand on his chest to feel his racing heartbeat. “You are not a shadow. You are the moon. Yes, you have darkness. Yes there are parts of you that I do not yet understand, but that does not mean I do not wish to know you. You are the guiding light in my darkest nights. You are my husband and I love you.” 
You wrapped your arms around him and brought his lips to yours. It was like your first kiss, hesitant at first, but soon evolved with passion and need. Simon cupped your face in his hands and vowed. 
“I will not hide my love from you again. I will cherish you the way you are meant to be. And I will remind you how dear you are to me every moment I can.” He brushed a joyous tear from your cheek. “For evermore.” 
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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Can we see red go apeshit :3 like some thing happened while they were split the boys are worried about them all yeah but he's been the most targeted as a suposed weak link up meanwhile blue green vio are slowly backing away while equipping fire protection gear?
Or the suggestion that since their bodies are crafted from the elements they have minor bending powers?
I saw "Red go apeshit," blacked out, and wrote this. Also inspired by the fwof prompt of a very similar kind!
Warnings: Graphic depiction of injury. If this was on ao3 I would rate it Teen so be careful if this kind of thing isn't your bag. Please check the TWs in the tags.
The first one to go down is Vio.
It's a lucky shot that gets him. Not anyone's fault. Wrong place at the wrong time. The purple wearing smith simply leaps out of the way of one of Sky’s lizalfos punches at the same moment that Blue ducks a tail swipe from another.
It’s just bad luck that the mace-like tail of Blue’s enemy connects with the back of Vio’s head.
The sickening crunch of metal on skull that follows echoes over even the sounds of battle. The tiny, punched out gasp that slips from Vio’s shocked, slack lips is somehow even louder. The crackle of displaced grit and rock as he collapses to the ground is loudest of all.
Or maybe it just seems that way to Red.
Red can’t seem to hear anything else; not the hiss of success the monster spits out, not the concerned shout that pushes its way out of his own throat. Even the pounding of his heart in his ears has gone horribly silent.
Red can’t seem to see anything else either. Can't look away from the sight in front of him. It’s like the world has narrowed down to Vio, the pool of red sprouting from his head like a halo, and the monstrous lizard that stands over him, rearing back, ready to throw another punch now that it’s target can’t get away.
Red doesn't even register himself moving forward. Doesn't even think about it, really.  It’s instinct, a burning tangle of fear and anger in his stomach, in his veins, that sends him diving forward, shield outstretched to deflect the blow.
The beast, not expecting to be denied one again, is thrown off balance with a confused hiss, which Red cuts off with an angry shout and a slash to the things belly.
He turns, sword held at the ready to take on the one that had landed the hit in the first place but Blue is already there, a snarling, unrelenting tide of sword and hammer, protecting Vio’s other side. A decisive mallet swing to the lizalfos' head sends it flying with a crack and a tiny whimper of pain.
They lock eyes for a moment, tsunami meeting lava, and with a quick nod, they take up position on either side of Vio, twin swords a blur.
On Blue’s far side, Red catches a glimpse of Green shoving his own lizalfos away with his shield before turning tail, ducking seamlessly under Blue’s latest swing and skidding to a stop at Vio's side.
Something like warm relief begins to flicker in Red’s chest as Green tosses Vio’s arm over his shoulder and begins to drag the other away.
A flickering relief that is smothered out in the blink of an eye.
Or, rather, in the flash of an arrow.
Between the glint of his own blade and the flurry of punches and tail swipes sent his way by the group of lizalfos in front of him, Red catches sight of one of Wild’s lizalfos lining up a shot too late. He barely has time to register the familiar greenish-yellow energy Red remembers surrounding Wild’s shock arrows before the thing is loosed.
The arrow sings through the air, an arc of crackling ozone that flies across the battlefield, through the swarm of lizalfos bearing down on them before finally diving directly between Red and Blue’s shoulders.
Red doesn't have to look back to know its found its target.
The distorted, jittering scream and acrid smell of singed hair and flesh speaks for itself. As does the thump of two bodies crumpling back into the dirt.
Red feels something inside him crackle at the sound. Feels the moment that the fear and anger twine together in his stomach, twin blazes eating up all the air inside him until he feels breathless with them.
Red also sees the moment that the sound registers to Blue.
And sees the second the dam breaks, releasing the flood.
“Blue, no!”
The warning comes too little, too late. The words are hardly out of Red’s mouth before Blue dives forward with a guttural yell, straight into the swarm of lizalfos, leaving Red to take up position in front of their fallen counterparts, feeling less air in his body by the second.
From there Red only catches glimpses of Blue cutting his way through the hoard. Sees a familiar blade coated in blood, the too fast swing of a mallet as it connects with a head, a flash of dirtied blonde hair. And he sees injuries appear on enemies.  A slashed open throat here, a collapsed skull there. Crushed ribs, ripped bellies, torn tails, gauntlets so dented that blood leaks onto metal.
Any that are injured and foolish enough to stumble Red’s way are taken down without hesitation. Red can’t afford to waste his time with them. He’s too busy glancing back at Green and Vio to make sure they’re still okay, still breathing, too busy craning his neck to try and keep track of Blue.
There is a break in the swarm and Blue crashes into the middle of it, looking bruised and battered but standing. Still standing and snarling and swinging at anything that comes within reach. He’s a tornado of strength and momentum and blade and hammer but he's moving too fast, too wildly. Red can see how each swing pulls him that much more off balance, how every frantic turn tangles his legs further and- and–!
Blue swings his hammer into the chest of one lizalfos, pivots to slash at another creeping towards his back and the momentum of both is just too much for him to handle. His front leg slips in the dirt and Blue goes down hard with a growl, his shoulder and face taking the brunt of his weight.
He’s barely hit the dirt before the lizalfos descend on like vultures, gauntlets and mace-tails raised to strike, completely hiding him behind a horde of green scales and unforgiving steel.
The sound of blunt metal connecting with skin and an infuriated but pained shout is the flint.
Or maybe the spark came earlier, from the electric arrow, the jolted scream.
Or maybe it was there from the beginning of this mess, the kindling a crunch and a gasp and a thump.
Or maybe Red was always on fire.
That's what it feels like at least. It feels like he's on fire. It feels like the burning fear and anxiety and anger have left the confines of his stomach, have coalesced, sparked up his veins, charred his lungs and burned up his throat and he’s screaming.
In an instant, his shield has left his right hand, replaced by the searing grip of the Fire Rod.
And now the fire has reached his skin and it feels like he's caught alight. No longer is fear distinguishable from anger, from rage, all that matters is the heat, the power, and the pain. The heat beginning to gather at the end of the Fire Rod. The pain of blisters bubbling on his hands as the temperature swells higher. The power just waiting to burst forth.
Red screams and screams and screams, a mixture of agony and anger and more, bears his teeth for the lizalfos to see despite the tears boiling down his face, raises the Fire Rod, and lets the world explode.
Everything is a blur of crimson after that. Flames lick at the ground and pull themselves swirling through the air, clawing at anything and everything that stands between Red and Blue.
There might be brief moments of green scales and glinting metal in his vision, seconds when claws and tails and gauntlets score him, bruise him, slice him open, but all it does is add more crimson. More places for flames to escape his body, making it that much easier for Red to cut them down and set them ablaze, filling his sight with scarlet once more.
At once, Red can both feel the heat and feel nothing. Pain and power. Each breath in is agony, filling his lungs with sparks and smoke, and each exhale is ripped from him in a scream, burning so hot that it feels like he might actually be breathing fire.
A roar fills his ears, but Red can’t tell if it's his heart or the sound of the flames or the screams of lizalfos as they fall.
He doesn't care what it is either.
Not with the fire around him. In him. Fueling and fueled by him. Breathing his air and stealing it.
All that matters is watching everything turn to ash and–!
A hand, warm but no scalding, catches his wrist.
Red whirls around, intent on wrenching his arm away, in letting the fire burn and burn and burn until it can burn nothing else.
And then he looks down and sees Blue.
Blue who is looking up at him from behind purpled, swollen eyelids. Blue, with blood dripping from his scalp and nose and a cut open cheekbone. Blue, whose left arm looks to be broken even as he holds Red’s wrist tightly with the other.
“It’s okay, Red,” he says, voice hoarse and lips bleeding. “You got them.”
The words enter Red’s ears, but he doesn't quite understand them. The hand that Blue had caught flexes slightly in its hold and the Fire Rod responds to the call of his magic, sparks beginning to sprout of the red gem once again.
“I-” Red coughs, swallows, tries again. “I got them?”
Blue gives him a nod and a weary, bleeding smile.
“You got them,” he confirms in a voice softer than Red thinks he’s heard in a long time. “We’re gonna be okay.”
Reality, their situation, it all slams into Red and he whips around, looking back. Behind him is a path of carnage, a path of blacked, scorched dirt, torn and burning scaled bodies, metal gauntlets and tails reduced to misshapen, half melted hunks of steel.
But there, behind the burned dirt and cloud of smoke, beyond any danger, is Green and Vio, the former awake if shaky, still holding on to their unconscious counterpart.
“We’re okay,” Red repeats slowly, numbly, turning back to look at Blue. “We’re safe.”
His body must register the words before his brain does because suddenly his knees are hitting the dirt, bringing Red to sit next to Blue, who wraps his good arm around Red’s shoulder and pulls him gently into his side.
The pain in his lungs and the skin of his hands and any other parts of his body that had been licked by flames, unfortunately, flares to life then, overpowered only by the bone deep exhaustion that comes with using the amount of magic he did.
“We’re safe, we’re okay, we’re safe, we’re okay,” the words keep spilling from Red’s lips in hoarse whispers, even as his throat fails him, and his vision begins to blur.
In the distance, Red thinks he sees eight shapes breaking into a sprint to get to them.
“We’re safe,” Blue agrees, his voice barely making it through the cotton that has stuffed itself into Red’s ears. “You made sure of that.”
Red just hums and nods, letting everything go lax.
They’re safe.
They’re okay.
And knowing that, Red drifts off into the dark, a barely there smile pulling at cracked lips.
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