#“I was born in the wrong generation” bs
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purplehalnw · 3 months ago
My ADHD has totally messed up my perception of time.
Like just yesterday I was thinking "it's a shame I wasn't really on social media until pretty recently, I would've loved to be on Tumblr at it's peak."
But then I realized/remembered that I was seven years old when Tumblr was at it's peak in like 2014.
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astrow1zar6 · 2 months ago
Big Slay placements pt 2
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Mars in the 1st house (on men): these dudes are HOTTT. They give manly man vibes, the “I’ll jump in a burning building for you” vibes. These guys have big sex appeal and are usually walking red flags (but people dig that lowkey). They are usually very confident and aren’t scared to make the first move. If they want you they will have you (even if it’s only for the short term). These people however can be very cocky & sex obsessed if not careful. This placement is also hot in women but I notice in women this placement has a tendency to crash out a lot or start arguments a lot. I’ve also seen they can come off too strong (for a woman according to society) creates more of a Tomboy vibe/masc vibe in chics they aren’t traditionally “feminine”. (But I still think these people are soooo sexy regardless of gender) girls with this placement give Revvy from black lagoon. Ifkyk 😏 their self assured/ warrior like essence can intimidate weaker men a lot & many men can try to control their fire… (good luck lol). (Ps I am not misogynistic I swear I just prefer this aspect in men nothing wrong with the women in this🫶🏽)
Jupiter in the 1st house/ on the ascendant (positive aspects): these people are just overall a pretty good vibe. They can make even the gloomiest of mfs laugh I swear. These are the best people to have around during holidays or parties they really know how to spread good vibes around. I notice they have really good social graces & are really good at social cues which is why so many people want to be their friend. It almost looks like nothing can get to these people.. they can be hit with so much bs but still be able to keep a smile on their face. Very generous with their time and resources as well. If they love you best believe they will do anything for you. Usually attracts good luck in their lives because of their happy go lucky attitude. Others can feel more lucky being around them as well. Tend to have very attractive healthy bodies.
Leo degrees on the ascendant (5,17,29): every person I’ve met with this degree on their ascendant are super pretty & have so much appeal. Their presence is just so loud (even if their rising sign is more lowkey like Scorpio or Capricorn) the minute they enter a room people stop and stare. I feel like the 5th degree is more of a beauty degree and the 17th & 29th are more charismatic star born presence. (Regardless tho still all bad b*tch placements). These people just give AURA. You also have a higher chance of becoming famous if you have any of these degrees (not just on the ascendant).
Having a sign in their home planet (ex; sun in Leo, moon in cancer, Venus in Libra/taurus ect..) having planets that are in their home sign can make themes around that planet flow easier in your life. For example if you have a mars in Aries you might find it easier to be active & chase after what you want compared to other mars signs, you can have a surplus of energy and can handle challenges thrown at you with a lot more ease than lets say someone with a mars in Pisces or cancer.
Aries sun: shocker right… but the sun in exalted in Aries so it’s able to express itself in full throttle. Aries suns I notice tend to have a really strong sense of self & no one can shame them. I notice a lot have the ability to do what others would seem as “embarrassing “ and not give a flying fuck. This is such a freeing placement when mature. These people are the definition of idgaf and I adore it. If they get those anger issues under control they can be big power houses.
Venus in the 10th house: a lot of really famous people have this placement. Most celebrities or big business people have this. Gives this worldwide beauty that’s everyone adores. Can have a very big “fan group” even if they aren’t famous. Whatever comes out of these people’s mouths others see it as the gospel. (They can have a huge impact on the public). People can become obsessed with them easily. For example Billie Eilish & Donald trump have this placement… look at their fan base 👀 can leave a very iconic/legendary imprint on the world & many will remember them. They have a tendency to pick their career & public image over loved ones and relationships if not careful. Usually find love once they are settled in their career.
Lilith conjunct ascendant: oh the power these people possess is off the charts (especially for women) if you have this in your chart you are probably used to others trying to dull ur shine down because your aura is so strong! I’ve seen people with this placement get shamed a lot by others (mostly women) because they aren’t ashamed about what most women are taught to be ashamed about. So it’s almost like a mission for others to bring them down to their level. That’s how powerful you guys are!😳 men and women will try to control you cuz others can see your potential usually well before you see your own. Once these people step into their confidence however it’s really over for everyone. They have the potential to be beautiful & powerful. I think of Daenerys Targaryen when I think of this placement.
Pluto/venus: fucking with these people will feel like they did voodoo on you.. but fr tho it is very easy to become addicted/obsessed with these people’s energy. They have the ability to put a trance over people that can lead you to acting crazy over them. (This is especially true with hard aspects CONJUNCTION, opposition, SQUARE). These people hold the power to truly break ur heart. They can use their bodies & sex appeal to get you hooked (most are very good at the act if uk what I mean😏) can use a lot of mind games and manipulative tactics to keep you interested in them if they feel ur attention is drifting anything to get you attached and them in control they will use😳 the square placement can especially be bad with this. Gives a dangerous hotness like you know they are a huge red flag but you can’t resist. With easier aspects (sextile,trine, quintile) they aren’t into mind games as much and value genuine deep connections.
Mars/venus soft aspect (trine,sextile, quintile): usually super charming & have a really healthy libido & self esteem. They are big flirts & are usually amazing with their timing in terms of seduction. They know to give just enough without being overbearing or too detached which can get their object of desire hooked in a healthy way. These people are also super easygoing and have no problem admitting when they messed up (which only adds to their charm even more). Usually physically really fit/attractive. I didn’t add the harder aspects (conjunction, square, opp) mostly because although they can be extremely charming & have great sex appeal I notice their seduction techniques can be a little overbearing? They can come off as way to strong sometimes and scare off their object of desire (especially in the conjunction & square). They can be more selfish & get really aggressive when they don’t get what they want. They can struggle with getting bored in relationships easier than those with these in a softer aspect (trines & sextiles can keep healthier relationships). Harder aspects can become very forceful with their affection if denied. Especially in the SQUARE/opposition.
Jupiter in the 2nd house: most millionaires/billionaires I see have this placement. I notice they could’ve also been raised with money which gave them a push in life compared to others. I’ve also seen people who came from poverty with this and became super successful. This is a huge entrepreneur placement. Business comes very naturally to these people & are usually money driven from a very young age. They usually have a talent that gets them a lot of money in their life. Can have a big fear of losing money however and being in poverty.
Sun/venus: these people are usually pretty likeable. I notice these people have the ability to mold into whatever crowd they are involved with which usually wins them a lot of admirers. They can either come off as super charismatic or super phony but regardless people still eat them up. They try hard to be agreeable and tell people what they want to hear to boost their egos. So regardless if it comes off a little fake they know how to make others feel really good. This can be a big fame placement as well since a lot of celebrities have this. A lot dreamed of being really well known or popular from a very young age.
MC in aspect to Venus (conjunct or trine): these are usually considered the prettiest people in the workplace. Could get a long well with coworkers & many people can have crushes on them. I’ve seen these people get huge tips at work for just looking good. Has more of an opportunity to get hired or promoted because of beauty. They are that coworker that makes more than you and barely does any work😭😂 being so pretty and likeable people tend to give them more leeway than with others.
Mars in 8th house: this gives witch girl vibes. Similar to Pluto/venus people can become very obsessed with them. They tend to have a lot of stalkers or exes that still hit them up after years. These people are SUPER magnetic & their sex is very addictive. It can be extremely hard to move on from these people. I’ve seen people with this get hexed from spiteful lovers or have love spells be put on them, I’ve seen people break into their house (mostly exes or sneaky links). Be careful when dealing with someone with this placement it’s very hard to let go of them once you’re hooked.
Beauty asteroids on the ascendant (Apollo, Aphrodite, Eros, Cupido, Casanova) the people I’ve seen with any of these aspects look like they’ve been carved by the gods. They are so beautiful to look at. Apollo gives a similar vibe to having a Leo rising but gives a more glowy and godlike effect, people can easily become in awe of the individuals & see them as really cool. Aphrodite on the ascendant is kinda a no brainer gives an otherworldly like beauty a lot of famous models have this placement. Cupido & Eros on the ascendant give a more flirty typa vibe and enjoy games of seduction. They are able to seduce anyone with just a look in their eyes, their eyes are their weapon to pulling.. I kid you not how they look at you will make your knees go weak they flirt thru their eyes. Casanova on the ascendant is the king/queens of sweet talking.. they can talk their way out of anything & talk their way into your pants quick😩 they give a sorta bad boy/girl vibe but it’s so hard to say no to them they are so darn charming!
Sorry it took so long to make a part two been working a lot lately😩
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mitternz · 2 years ago
i hate tradwives and crunchy moms sm
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beneathsilverstars · 21 days ago
Can you pls explain to me the proper way to raise a child gender neutrally, especially in a world that loves to push gender? It’s something I always wanted to do when I have my own kid but I’m scared the world is just not ready for that kind of thing and my child will get bullied by other kids/adults.
Unfortunately the feasibility of this does depend on where you live. I’m lucky to live in a fairly liberal college town — the state as a whole is awful, but in this town we have drag shows and a huge pride parade and rainbow stickers in shop fronts. There are still transphobic people here of course, but they generally know that being too overt about it will have social repercussions.
However! It doesn’t necessarily have to be an all-or-nothing thing! When your kid's a baby it’s up to you how you refer to them while in different situations, so you’re free to adjust your language as seems necessary. And then when they’re old enough to care, well, at that point it’s not up to you anyway! (My kid has decided she’s a nonbinary girl, hence the she/hers in this post.)
So here’s a list of things my partners and I did, and you can decide which things seem safe / worth it to you.
We gave her a name that doesn’t have strong gender connotations.
We shopped in the boys and girls sections equally, aiming for a roughly equal number of fancy little button ups vs fancy little dresses, pink diapers vs blue diapers, etc.
We told friends and family that we were planning to raise her gender neutrally and use they/them pronouns, until/unless she expressed a preference otherwise.
Our explanation to adults was along the lines of “We don't want to assign a gender to our child, because we think gender should be a freely-made choice rather than something that is assumed based on body type. So, we're raising them gender neutrally until they decide what they want to be. We’re not assigning them 'nonbinary', either; we’re using they/them to help avoid gendered bias, so they’ll get to experience feminine, masculine, and ungendered options equally. That way every option will be open to them as they learn their own preferences and decide who they want to be.”
Our explanation to kids was along the lines of “I don’t know yet if they’re a boy or a girl or something else! When babies are born, the doctor guesses what gender they’ll be. But sometimes the doctor guesses wrong, and the kid grows up to be a different gender. We decided not to guess what gender our baby will be, because we want to let them choose.” This usually makes perfect sense to 4-5 year olds! (Younger kids might not entirely understand or care, and older kids might have more questions.) However, you gotta be careful with this, bc even some people who are okay with you explaining your own adult transed gender won’t like you implying to their children that everyone should have that option and the whole system is bs. The less objectionable explanation is “I’m going to wait until they’re older to ask them whether they’re a boy or a girl.” Or even answering "What gender is your baby?" with "What do you think?" and then "Maybe!"
We didn’t announce her agab. When people asked, we refused to answer, more or less politely depending on the vibes. If you really want to make them feel bad you can give them a weird look and say “My child’s body is none of your business??” but there’s also the gentler “I don’t think it really matters!” We did fill out her assigned sex for official paperwork, like doctor's forms and legal government stuff, but for more casual forms we sometimes skipped the question or wrote in "we are raising them gender-neutrally" or "they/them".
We generally didn’t correct strangers or explain it to them unless they asked. Nothing wrong with some people assuming “she” and some people assuming “he”, as long as it’s not always just one or the other. If a stranger asked about their gender, I'd go for a quick "We're raising them gender-neutrally." I did also have to clarify fairly often that I only have one kid, when I talked about them and people assumed the "they" was plural, but that was never a big deal it was just kinda funny.
We did correct friends and family, since if they used gendered pronouns it was an active choice or mistake rather than a clueless assumption. Most of our circles are queer so most people were chill about it, but some family members changed one diaper and immediately assigned a pronoun set. We didn't think it was worth fighting over or limiting access, since it's not like they were disrespecting the baby's preference. But we did keep correcting them / emphasizing the neutral pronoun in our replies.
When she started preschool, we preemptively explained to her teachers that we're raising her gender-neutrally, and to please refer to her using "they/them" unless she said otherwise, and to avoid splitting the class into boys vs girls teams or anything like that. Again, fairly liberal town, and the preschool even has a teacher who uses they/them, so the teachers agreed without issue. iirc, they messed up occasionally but they were making an effort, and again I wasn't too bothered as long as my kid wasn't.
When she started using she/her sometimes, I let her teachers know, and told them to follow her lead. When we talked with friends and family we just used the right pronouns ourselves, and explained if they asked or it came up. And then once she was consistently using just she/her, we made a facebook post about it and started correcting people with a quick "She actually decided to use she/her, now."
And then here's how we talked about gender with her, specifically.
When she was old enough to start wondering who's a boy and who's a girl and what that even means, we explained, "Some people are girls, some people are boys, some people are neither or both or something else. I decided I don't want to be a boy or a girl, I'm nonbinary instead. You can decide if you want to be a boy or a girl or nonbinary or something else, too." and "Well, maybe that person's a boy, but they could be something else; I don't know because I don't know them. I don't know their name or anything either." We decided not to explain how differently most of society treats gender, the stereotypes of gender presentation, etc, until she started noticing that stuff herself. Explaining that it's wrong still involves putting those ideas into her head, which was going to happen pretty soon anyway regardless. Might as well start with a foundation of pure gender anarchy while we can.
When she noticed that every other kid she's met already had a gender, we explained "A lot of parents guess what gender their kid will be, and sometimes they guess right or sometimes they guess wrong. [Friend]'s mom guessed that she was a girl, and [friend] agrees! But when Mama was a kid people guessed she was a boy, and then she grew up and decided she's actually a girl. We didn't want to guess for you and maybe get it wrong, so we decided to wait until you were old enough to decide for yourself what gender you want to be."
Occasionally when the topic came up, we would ask if she felt like she wanted to be a girl or boy or something else, or specifically ask if she liked "they/them" or wanted to use "she/her" or "he/him". When she was ~2, she didn't entirely understand and didn't care. When she was ~3, she occasionally said she wanted to be a girl or use she/her, but immediately changed her mind as soon as we actually referred to her as such. (This is quite in-character for her, because she's generally averse to big changes and doesn't like to do anything she doesn't feel totally confident about.) When she was ~4 she finally stuck with it, and now she's a nonbinary girl who uses she/her, and her feelings about gendered terms like "daughter" still go back and forth a bit.
When she started expressing preferences in clothing, colors, etc, we just got things she liked, which ended up being dresses and sparkles.
As she started noticing gender differences, picking up stereotypes from school and media, etc, we'd address them as they came up. "Yes, a lot of people think dresses are just for girls. But I think that isn't very fair. Some boys love to wear dresses, and some girls don't, and that's just fine! It's not very nice to tell someone else what they're allowed to wear. (Unless they need certain clothes to say safe, like a jacket in the winter.)"
We also had to tell her to stop being sexist, lol. "It's fine that you think girls are awesome, they are! But boys are awesome too. It's not very nice to say you won't play with someone just because of their gender. If someone said they wouldn't play with me because I'm nonbinary, I would be so sad! If you don't want to play with [these three classmates] because they're usually too loud and rough, that's fine, but that's not because they're boys; that's because of what games they like to play. Some girls like to play loud and rough, and some boys like to be more careful and quiet like you. Can you think of any boys in your class who you like to play with sometimes? ... See, boys can like all sorts of different games, just like girls can."
We ended up getting the easiest resolution (at least for now): by the time she reached the age where kids start caring about these things, she'd started caring, and settled into being a classic girly girl (with the occasional splash of nonbinary flavor). If she'd stuck to they/them, she'd probably be starting to have a harder time in school -- definitely not full bullying, given her 12-kid 2-teacher private kindergarten class, but probably some frustration with constantly correcting people.
However... if she was more gnc, she woulda ended up that way sooner or later, anyway. If I was choosing between "she's out and proud trans and gets some shit for it" or "she's unhappy with being cis but doesn't realize she has other options," I'd always choose the former, because in that case she gets a choice. By the time kids are old enough to bully each other over gender, they're old enough to decide whether they want to be out at school, y'know? And I've always been ready to pull her from school if it ever became necessary due to peer bullying or unsupportive teachers, especially since she shares a lot of the traits that my wife got bullied for as a child.
It is possible to go 100% gender-neutral, and cut anyone out of your life who opposes it, including moving schools or even moving house if necessary. There are people who will support this choice, even cishet people who don't really get the trans thing but know that unconscious sexism can have a big effect on babies' development. Maybe more people than you think! But it depends on your local culture. And sometimes it takes a certain amount of privilege to be able to prioritize finding those people, and it's simply not worth, say, paying more to switch daycares to find a teacher who won't gender your baby. Sometimes you do have to balance your priorities, and you can't know how much balancing it will actually take until you get there.
So, overall, my advice is just to do whatever you feel comfortable with! What sounds worse to you: gendering your baby, or fighting against society's attempts to gender them? Obviously when you have a trans child you fight for them, but it's a muddier question when the child doesn't care yet. Most of our queer friends aren't going full they/them gender neutral with their kids like we did, because they don't want to have to constantly explain that on top of all the shit they deal with for being queer. Instead they're just being extra firm about shopping in both sections of the store, not falling to stereotypes, and explaining to their child that they can decide to be something else if they want.
And there's a lot of options in between -- maybe you use they/them at home, but he/him at school, or maybe even she/her at home to balance out the school. Maybe you name and dress them gender-neutrally (or both fem and masc) and don't correct any assumptions. Maybe you tell one side of the family that you're going gender anarchy neutral so they should avoid gendered terms, but you only tell the other side that you're going feminist equality so they should make sure to gift both pretend kitchen toys and pretend power tools. It's the same as deciding in what situations you want to be out vs stay stealth/closeted.
When they're a baby it doesn't matter much either way (as long as you're not being sexist in your reactions to their behavior) because they're a baby, they could not care less. And then when they're old enough to pick their gender, you're hopefully giving them that choice regardless of what you did when they're a baby. It's true that the starting point you gave them may affect their gender journey, but that's true of gender neutrality as well.
So if you think it'll be too risky in the time and place in which you're raising your child, you really don't have to feel bad about not doing it. It's okay to save your energy for when your child really needs it. But if it's something you're committed to, it is possible! I'm so glad that my family was able to make this choice. I actually loved the conversations that it opened up with all sorts of people about gendering children! Even though I got in trouble one time for explaining gender too well to the children at the daycare I worked at, lol. And I know that gendering my kid as a baby would've made me more uncomfortable than any number of awkward conversations. I love knowing that her pink purple flower unicorn heart dresses are something she freely chose!!
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may-stuff · 8 days ago
I wasn't planning on making a post about this because I really don't like drama but whatever.
I'm argentinian. Not 50%, not 25%, not argentinian ancestry nor any of that bs. I'm 100% argentinian, born and raised in Buenos Aires. If there's something I know about my people, is that they can be intense and disrespectful as fuck. That's true and I won't deny it. Unfortunately, since Franco became popular, many argentinians that never watched F1 became "fans", and there's nothing wrong with that per se. The problem is that a great majority of them think F1 is like football (soccer) and they behave like what almost every argentinian is: a football fan. That's one of the reasons why they're so intense.
The other reason is that we support any argentinian who's trying to achieve something important. It doesn't matter who they're or what they do, if one of us is trying to make it to the top, we will support them no matter what.
None of these are excuses, I know that. There's no excuse for the hate that has been sent towards many drivers and, more specifically, Jack Doohan. I'm not a fan of him but I understand he's human like the rest of us and hating on someone for no reason is never right.
That being said, some of you really need to stop with your hate towards Franco and argentinians in general. I reckon that you feel sad and worried for Jack. I understand what being a fan of someone means and how much it hurts when people try to sabotage them and their dreams. But, in case you didn't realise: you're doing the same with Franco.
None of the drivers deserve hate. I've been watching F1 for a short time and I already know that, if there's a villain in this story, it's Flavio Briatore. Franco is just a young man who's trying to make his dreams come true like many others. If you hate him for that, well, that's a you problem.
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olderthannetfic · 1 month ago
The one thing I hate about the current villainess tropes in Asian media is that I find that the slop it produces to be much more distasteful than the slop from the "pure innocent Cinderella who could do no wrong" trope. Like the amount of absolutely vile classism rhetoric it spouts is genuinely astounding.
I'm aware that readers generally attracted to these slop works are younger and don't have developed critical thinking (all they want to do is root for the protagonist) but omg. Omfg. Please. Girlies. Please think about what you're saying for even a second. Please tell me you don't actually mean it when you said that the noble princess protagonist was right when she called her antagonist who is a slave turned mistress, a "stupid slave who didn't know her place" or the duchess who coldly stated that her bastard sister had "dirty blood" so she was never going to amount to anything anyway.
Please guys don't go along this bs. Why are we bashing the antagonists for being poor and desperate, for being born a bastard, for being a commoner who "don't know their place"? Like they are bad people who did bad things. Bash their actions and not their uncontrollable circumstances???
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kickingitwithkirk · 9 months ago
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 2007
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnabobingo -Arranged Matings
A/N: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
*This is combined/edited together with part VII
A/N II: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Part VI
John walks down the hallway and is met by his eldest's concerned expression, “Dad, what’s wrong? You were gone for a long time.” Looking at the young, almost grown men he’d raised affirms his gut-wrenching decision was correct. “Nothing but the usual bureaucratic BS that needed sorting. Grab the O, we’re leaving.”
John’s nostrils flared at Sam’s ‘they’re not going to let us go yet’ response. “And why n..?” His sharp inquiry was interrupted by the sound of wheels squeaking down the hallway and they all turned to see a male Beta pushing a cart with various metal implements lying on top. “Hi, I’m here to do your O’s branding.” John appeared confused, and Sam piped up again.
“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you. This state mandates to prove ownership bought O’s have a brand burned into them like livestock.” John looks at Dean, demanding an explanation, and repeats what the register told him. 
John turns his attention back to the brander and asks how he would do it. Nervously, he details creating a mark out of the aluminum and applying it on the O. “If you’re not sure what you want, I can sketch an idea. Most people like to incorporate the first letter of their surname.” 
The brander quickly works. “Ignore my freehand. The brand will be clean.” John barely glanced as he held it up and nodded in acquiescence.
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“Great. Let me administer the numbing agent; it needs a few minutes to kick in.” He picked up a vial of clear liquid, drew it up and walked towards the O when a deep growl reverberated off the walls making him freeze. Sam, instinctively flanked by Dean, placed themselves between the brander and the unconscious O. “Dean, take your brother out of this building now!” John commands in his Alpha voice, making Dean flinch.
Dean’s instincts tell him to follow Sam’s lead and stay with the O, but his designation forces his wolf to submit to follow their Alphas’ orders and wrestles his agitated brother outside.
“I apologize for my youngest; he’s recently presented and hasn’t yet learned to control his wolf.” The brander accepts, and John watches as the O’s rolled onto her side and injected the numbing agent into several places to deaden the area. Then, with deft precision, he bent the aluminum into shape and lit a propane torch, heating it before asking John, “Could you lay across its thighs? Sometimes, they still feel this. Don't want it moving and messing up the brand.” 
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Sam was chewing on his thumb cuticle, the tell-tale sign of his wolf's nervousness getting to him, when it yelped, spotting John emerging through the clinic door carrying the O. Handing her back to Dean, they resumed their previous positions in the car as John drove back to the rental. 
Sam followed Dean down the hallway when their Alpha ordered, “Dean, take her to my room, set up an O sleeping mat, then move your stuff in. I’ll take the couch.” The brothers shared a look before Sam asked why, and John said, “I saw your reaction to her back at the warehouse.” Sam’s eyes flashed and John growled, “Right there is why. That O is here for your brother's use, not yours.  So, until its suppressant implant kicks in, you’re staying well away from it. I have an errand to run,” John picked up his truck's keys and walked towards the door. “Don’t forget to resalt the door.”
Sam spit out, “What’s so damn important you have to go back out at this hour?” John didn’t acknowledge his youngest sass, “Dean, I expect you to ensure your brother doesn’t go near that O.”
“Nothing changes. Heading to the nearest bar to get loaded as usual.” Sam snarled after John left and Dean gave him a look. “Can you stow the attitude for one night?” Sam peered at his brother with chagrin. “Sorry. I’ll leave that bedding for her by the door and pack your bag.” He proceeded towards their bedroom when Dean called out…
“Don’t touch my porn, you freak!”
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John parked his truck in the darkest shadow he could find, flipped open a burner phone he’d bought, and dialed the number he’d gotten from Bobby. 
“I’m here.” The voice on the other end instructed him he'd have five minutes to accomplish his task. When he got the all-clear, John got out and began counting down as he entered the building's back door. 
Reaching the doctor's office, he sat at a computer and, following the voice’s instructions, found the pertinent file and opened it. In a blink, the previous information was deleted and replaced. John then clicked print, and as the new pages printed, he found the original physical file and began swapping them. 
Pocketing the originals, he stuck the file back in place and walked out. The voice instructed him to go out to the middle of nowhere, drive over the phone until it was in smithereens, burn it along with paper paperwork, and then hung up.
John destroyed the phone and was ready to flick his Zippo to incinerate the papers, but something told him not to. Instead, he opened his weapons catch and retrieved an unfinished curse box.
The sun had barely risen when John let himself into the rental carrying coffee and donuts. He found his sons already up: Dean was cooking breakfast while Sam sat at the kitchen table, slumped over open schoolbooks, catching up on his homework. 
“That smells good,” John says, placing the items on the counter. Dean pulls out a couple of the to-go cups, sipping on one, and hands the other to Sam, who immediately pops the lid off, adds milk and sugar, and asks suspiciously, “You take care of that errand?”
“Yes, I did. I’m going to grab a shower, and then we’re,” John paused, staring directly at Sam, “Going to discuss the ground rules concerning that O.”
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Sam poked his head out of his doorway and, hearing his Alpha’s snoring, snuck down the hallway and let himself into Dean's room to find him kneeling next to the seated O. “Sam! What the hell? If Dad catches you…”
“He’s still passed out,” Sam frowned when the O cringed as Dean smeared the healing agent swapped from the clinic onto her brand. “Almost done, sweetheart,” Dean reassured her; she continued flinching until he finished. “Done. Okay, let’s get you dressed.” 
Dean slid his most worn flannel on her, and the O hissed when the super-soft material touched her raw skin, eliciting a viscous-sounding growl from Sam, causing Dean to shoot a look that said shut up or get out. Chastised, Sam comments, “Jeezus Dean, your clothes swamp her,” instantly regretting the thoughtless remark as a brief flash of shame crosses Dean's features. “Had those jail fines, and what was left barely fueled up my car.” Sam commented back, “My spare jeans should fit better since I’m closer to her size.” Dean rolled his eyes, “Sammy, remember what dad told us. The pamphlet clearly states that we shouldn’t confuse her by mixing-up our scents.”
“Oh, for fucks sake! We practically live on top of each other! She’s been exposed to our mixed-up scents for nearly two days! And who’s the one she’s skittering around? Dad!” Sam pointed towards the door, “He needs to stop trying to brainwash you into believing the bullshit in that pamphlet the clinic gave you. It's ridiculous nonsense! She’s not some dumb animal. You’ve seen it yourself!”
“Sam, just because she knows how to blink once for yes-two for no doesn’t mean she comprehends things like we do!” 
“Wow, could you sound any more like Dad?” Sam shot back loudly when a grunt echoed through the thin walls and they all froze. Dean slowly cracked the bedroom open, whispering, “Shit, that woke Dad up.” He exhaled and relaxed, “Good, he’s going to the kitchen. I’ll distract him ‘cause you need to get ready for school, I gotta drop you off early. Gonna meet with the lawyer before my hearing this morning.” 
“You need to make a good impression on the judge today.” Sam reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out some folded bills. “It’s not much, but it should be enough to get you something more presentable from Goodwill.”
“Thanks, Sammy, but I can’t take that. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me or her; that’s my job, always has been.” Dean reopened the door and almost stumbled upon hearing his brother's words.
“Dean, you’re not taking care of her. You own her.” 
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Deans Hearing 
The judge slammed their gavel down. “John Winchester, if you do not control yourself, I’ll have the bailiff not only put you in restraints but also gag you!” The Alpha ignored the judge and continued arguing with the prosecuting attorney. “What the hell is this about Dean having to claim her?” 
“Your honor, I request a fifteen-minute recess to confer..,” The judge interrupted the public defender. “Councilor, you have five minutes to remind your client’s Alpha that he accepted this plea agreement. And make sure he also understands the consequences of outbursts in my court!” 
John was still fuming when the lawyer slammed the conference room door shut. “Your stupid, domineering Alpha crap is what got Dean into this situation!” Taking several deep breaths, the lawyer began explaining. 
“It’s the standard procedure in this state to include the claiming statute in cases like Deans. However, in ninety-nine percent, the presiding judge will not enforce it and instead accept the branding as the claim. If the prosecutor had pressed for it, I was prepared to show precedent that it wasn’t applicable since you're not a state resident.” They pointed a finger in John’s face, “If the judge doesn’t kick it, you have only yourself to thank!”
John quickly strategized. “What if I do a mea culpa? Say my wolf has been under extreme duress, and I reacted badly to the possibility of being unable to choose Dean's mate?” The lawyer shrugged, “It’s worth a shot because there’s nothing I can do now since you agreed to the plea deal without consulting me first for the record.”
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“The court accepts your apology, Alpha Winchester.” The judge sat back. “As per the rules of the claiming statute, I have to consider the factors that led to your son ending up before this court. I have reviewed your family history obtained during the investigation of this case and, to be honest found your parenting skills atrocious.” The judge began reading a file out loud.
“Since the death of your mate, you’ve denied your sons a stable home life, constantly moving; the only paper trail of their existence is from the numerous state schools they’ve attended. Then there’s a multitude of notifications to CYF of suspected abuse, neglect, and exposure to unsavory elements in our society that, unfortunately, has led your eldest sitting before me, awaiting my decision on his future.” The judge stared at both Winchesters briefly before gesturing to Dean to stand. “This court finds that Subordinate Alpha Dean Winchester has complied with all but one of the requirements of his plea agreement within the time frame stated.”
“Because of the previously cited circumstances and, being unmated Alpha going into a rut, resulted in the death of another, I am obligated, per the state of North Dakota law, to ensure the defendant is not in a situation to commit such a heinous act again. Therefore, I order the claiming statute to be carried out immediately.” They bang their gavel and left.
Dean stood there in shock, half listening as John conversed with the lawyer about the logistics(?) of what this forced mating entails. The bailiff gripped his arm and led him out the prisoner entrance, down the short hallway, stopping in front of a door painted with an A/O symbol. When the bailiff opened the door, what Dean saw returned him to reality, and yelled...
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Part VII
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
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wriheart · 7 months ago
Darling and the Charming Siblings
Part three of my Ever After High rewrite let’s gooooooooooooo. I am so excited to finally get these ideas out of my head and into writing.
All of my Ever After High posts can be found here if you haven’t read them, the previous two posts explain the world building and a bit about the magic of Ever After.
So, as mentioned in my original post, the fairytale children are not, in fact, born from their parents, but instead from a magical tree that is planted upon the completion of a story. The major reason I did this is because of…insest. I know, I know, the show kind of explains it away with that one episode where the charming kids are explaining “we’re not related to that charming family or that charming family” yada yada, it never made sense or sat right to me. If all of the kids are supposed to be the descendants of fairy tale characters, Apple and Daring should be siblings. So when coming up with ideas for my rewrite, that was the most major aspect of the original that I wanted to change. So here we are.
My solution still had two problems though: a) if the charming siblings were raised by their fairytale parents, they would all be raised separately, and wouldn't have that sibling dynamic, and b) if they were raised by their fairytale parents they would be raised side-by-side with their love interest (like if Apple and Daring were raised in the same castle), we would still have insest-adjacent bs.
So, I fell back on my nobel family idea that I came up with for the villian kids: there’s a nobel family who raises all of the Prince Charmings. So Daring, Dexter, Darling, and the other charming brothers all grew up in the same home. Out of all of the noble families, the family who has raised every generation of Charmings is the most renowned.
Darling is a little different from her brothers, however. She was not born from a fairytale tree. Instead, she’s the legitimate child of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
For this fanfic (if I ever write it), one of the major themes that I will be exploring is the classism present in the world of Ever After. After all, you have the royals who find themselves born into a happy ending, and the rebels who are stuck with gruesome fates and taught from a young age that they have to go along with it. Then, you have the students without a destiny who are treated like mere extras hardly worthy of anything.
Now what does this have to do with Darling? Well, the fairytale characters are not supposed to have children, after all, that’s what the trees are for. So when Cinderella gave birth to a daughter, Emperor Grim was not happy. But Cinderella is a royal, a queen who has otherwise followed her destiny to a t. By taking her daughter and sending her to be raised by the most prestigious nobel family, it is a slap on the wrist punishment for Cinderella’s offense. If a villian survived and had a kid (or anyone who wasn’t a royal made the same mistake as Cinderella) their punishment would be much more severe. So Darling being raised by the Charmings shows how those with higher up positions are treated differently from the rest of the population.
(It still sucks for Cinderella, don’t get me wrong. To occasionally see her daughter when she visits EAH to see Ashlyn, catching a glimpse of Darling is painful.)
Darling does not know she is Cinderella’s daughter. For all she knows, she’s the daughter of the nobles who raised her. She’s Lady Darling Charming. In addition to the prestige noble families gain for raising the next generation, their children have a higher chance of being accepted into EAH when trying out. So Darling tries out and is accepted. (I’m not yet sure what destiny I’m going to have her try out for but it’s something where she’s a damsel in distress or something along those lines.)
Even though she’s seen as a lady by most, growing up with many, many brothers means she was roughhousing from a young age, and since they grew up with her, her brothers don’t care that she’s a girl and they’ll happily train with her.
When it comes to taking control of her own destiny, Darling is playing the long game. She would rather be taking sword fighting lessons instead of learning how to be a damsel in distress, but in a world where destinies are framed as life or death, she knows that for now, as much as it pains her, she must keep her head down.
That doesn’t mean she’s doing nothing though. Since the moment she arrived at EAH, Darling has been exploring. She knows the castle like the back of her hand: every secret passage is known to her and she uses that knowledge to her advantage. Blondie may be the one who loves finding gossip, but Darling is the one who truly knows everything that is going on at EAH.
So, of course, she knows that Raven is trying to break free of her destiny. Darling is willing to do anything to help, even if it means traveling into the cursed world of wonderland.
Daring, Dexter, and Darling are the three main charmings, but I might have to create a few more charming siblings to tell the story. There are so many tales with princes, and with at least four princesses in need of a prince (Apple, Briar, Ashlynn, and Holly) it makes sense to come up with a bunch more. Plus, I think it would be fun if the charmings grew up in a house with twelve other siblings.
Anyway, I’m trying to keep the characters mostly the same. Darling appears shy and soft-spoken, the perfect lady, when in reality that’s simply a way for her to disguise her rebellious intentions until the time is right. She’s curious, inquisitive, and a lover of adventure. Dexter is very self-conscious. Compared to his other brothers, he isn’t very good at the typical prince things, and yet, he has to be. He can’t fail his fairy tale. He’s constantly under pressure, and the things he thinks about himself are very harsh. Daring is also under pressure, as the prince with the most famous destiny. He’s constantly risking his life to save those around him before his destiny is even started. He sacrifices his own time to constantly be the one people turn to when there’s a foe to be vanquished, so he’s never really taken the time to simply be by himself and enjoy what he wants to do. He copes by constantly making sure his appearance is perfect, because even if he’s feeling tired on the inside, his charmingness must persist.
All EAH AU Posts
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yakumtsaki · 1 year ago
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-Welcome to my ancestral Greek House, darling! -Oh baby it's so beautiful, huhu!🌞
I don't wanna know where the fuck you lived before, Meadow, but yes, we have arrived, part 1 here. And now it's time to christen our new household:
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Perfect! Cheerleader Kea why are you here?
-Are those Sophito's kids?
They sure are.
-Wow, really dodged a bullet there.
You sure did.
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Wtf do you want me to do about it?
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I can't say no to my sims, it's an actual problem. HELLO GUNNAR, I HATE YOU
-Don't talk to him that way!!! -Nah it's fine, no worries, bro. Wanna get down?
GROSS. Barth seriously, please, WE CAN DO BETTER
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-Can you? They seem perfectly matched to me!
Felina will you please fuck off?
-Can't, Meadow got me super into bird watching.
At night in the rain??
-Ok busted, I just wanna watch Barfolomew flop yet again!
-Wanna bet?
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S T O P . I T .
-What you doing, bro?! -You said you wanted to get down! -I meant drugs! -What! That's not what that means, you stupid turtle-faced moron! -WHAT DID YOU CALL ME
Bartholomew if you end up getting beaten up by fucking Gunnar Roque I will legit die.
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-That's so hot, bro, call me more names!
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-Oh Gunnar, in my family we value the exquisite Komei jaw, there's something so rebellious in your lack of chin! -Ya, call me a turtle again!
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OK THEN, we are officially turtle lovers. Bartholomew let me tell you, I caved this time because of your pathetic aspiration but this is NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. I've worked hard to make you people attractive and I'm not about to throw it all away on Gunnar Roque's spawn!!!
-Maybe we'll be childfree!
I'll do you one better, how about Gunnarfree! Now Gunnar fuck off back to the gutter you crawled from. -Sure thing, bro, later. -You can't keep us apart!
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Jojo's wolf mania has clearly inflicted some generational trauma on his family as Barth rolls this fear of Gunnar becoming a werewolf, which would clearly be an improvement on his looks.
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-STOP TALKING ABOUT GUNNAR LIKE THAT. Now back to my song.. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My Gunnar, my Gunnar, my Gunnar, talkin about my Gunnar..🎵
Literally kill me.
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-You know what my favorite thing is about our relationship, darling? -What, huhu?🌞 -The way we both have appropriately sized chins!
Fel seriously why are you like this, what did I ever do to you??
Remember WHAT
Are you serious, you're still not over that bs??
Well screw you, I won't let that happen! I'll find someone else for Barth!! Someone who has a chin!!!
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-Zat's ein wunderbar eyepatch, Barthölömew, ja? -I HATE YOUR GLASSES. SLEEP WITH ME
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-So the funniest thing happened at class today- -YOUR PORES ARE HUGE, YOU NEED MAKE UP. SLEEP WITH ME
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-Oh, I knew your parents back in the day! -TERRIBLE HAIRCUT. SLEEP WITH ME
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Oh my God you are USELESS
-My negging tactics will work, you'll see!
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-Soon I'll be the one making out in our front yard!
Ya idk Barth, this is the most pathetic picture of all time. I'm seriously considering cheating and changing your aspiration, like it's unreal how bad you are at it.
-I'm not bad at it, moron, I'm being strategic! Now it's time to invite them over and see my work bear fruit!
God you are so gross, maybe you do belong with Gunnar.
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I can't believe this is happening and neither can anyone else by the looks of it-
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-YET HERE WE ARE. 2/20 I guess??
-I told you! Stick with me and we'll neg every dormie on this campus!
That's not a goal I want to achieve, Barth!
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-See you later, Barth, I'm very satisfied, I'll leave you a 5 star review!
Now that I'm thinking about it, between Gunther, Cyn, Sophito and Barth we've really been operating a Greek House/Brothel for 4 gens, go us!
I'm still having a hard time believing Barth is actually good at being a romance sim, especially because Sarah has been completely desperate ever since Cyn stole evil wizard Matthew Hart from her, so I immediately invite over Sam Thomas-
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-AND IT WORKS AGAIN THO GLITCHED. WTF. Ok Barth so I guess you actually ARE competent?? Who knew.
-I knew! I always believed in Barth!
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And now, time for a tragedy in 3 parts:
So next day I'm feeling confident enough that we invite over Klara, my top pick for Barth spouse and she is INTO him, let's do this, Barth!!!
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-Heeeeeeeeey Barth, what's up?🥰 -Ich habe urgent hömewörk das dö.
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-Congrats on your great first semester grades, Sunset! -Wanna congratulate me on my first kiss, too? -What?
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OK THEN FML I GUESS. I mean I knew this would happen the day he brought her home from school and they were dancing for like 4h but still it's very upsetting.
Let's figure out the degree of relation here so we know how grossed out we should be, so they are connected through Daniel-Jojo. So her grandfather and his great-grandfather were brothers, which makes them 2nd cousins once removed. It honestly doesn't sound THAT bad, but I think the word 'removed' is really doing the heavy lifting here.
Anyway, we took a small break to kiss our cousin, now let's go back to our date with our future wife!
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-Are you enjoying this magical slow dancing in the kitchen, babe? It's a move my dad taught me. -Ja, ich was here to see your höe vater.
Oh right didn't Klara turn down Sophito LOL. But his even more degenerate son she couldn't resist, Klara wtf!
-Just give me 1 second babe, I'll be right with you-
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-Sorry, Klar, this is lasting longer than expected, why don't you put a movie on and hang out? -Ja, ök.
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-All done babe, come here! -Ohöhö! -Blood is thicker than water, Klara!
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Klara I can't believe this title goes to you of all people but you are without a doubt the biggest cuck we've ever encountered, I am legit shocked by this sequence of events.
Great! Barth is at 5/20 woohoos and I'm at 2/2 for supervillain origin stories this gen, it's all working out!
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lemedstudent2021 · 10 months ago
Where should Jews live? Where do they belong? Where do you consider their native land to be? Honest question.
an honest question deserves an honest answer so here ya go:
Anywhere and everywhere. Jews- the followers of the Abrahamic religion Judaism- along with Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Sikhs, Vegans, and literally any human being under the sun have the right to live wherever they please (given certain criteria are met like visas and that it isnt a military station/ off limits area etc).
Yes my dear reader(s) you read that right; ones faith or lack thereof shouldnt be an obstacle in any aspect of ones life, be it medical services, education, job opportunities, so on and so forth. How novel.
That answers where they 'should' live (although I dont by any means impose anything on anyone; y'all do whatever as long as its legal and harms no one including yourself. God bless). Could is more accurate.
As for where they 'belong', this in my opinion is one of the beauties of religion: people from all walks of life can belong to a religion. Diversity lies at the heart of our existence as human beings and denying it is like denying the existence of the sun. Tolerance is a must if we are ever going to get along with each other. And this belonging isn't irrevocabley tied to geography. But I digress :)
Quick aside just so we're all on the same page: converting to a religion renders you just as valid and equal as someone born into a religion. Most if not all religions preach equality between their followers regardless of background, so i wont hear anything of 'oh theyre not real xyz' or 'they dont count' or any of that bs.
By this logic (religious demographics are, generally speaking, very diverse), there is no 'this set of people belong here, and those over there' ...and proof of that in a sense would be atheists/ agnostics; where would they 'belong'? Antarctica? Outer space? alright ill stop XD
If that were the case, most of the planet would be crammed in the Middle East lol [Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon alone are home to 34M (as of 2023), and the followers of the 3 main Abrahamic religions are an estimated 3.4B (as of 2020) globally. We wouldnt fit even if we used one of these]. Yeah nationality/ race/ ethnicity/ background influence and maybe even dictate one's religious identity, but it isn't the all or nothing we may think it to be.
Which brings us nicely to the next point, and here if you'll allow me i'd like to correct it to native land of Judaism (where it originated/ flourished/ spread whatever) as opposed to native land of Jews because as i mentioned above, a religion doesnt (or shouldnt) differentiate nor discriminate between its followers. By restricting them to one geographical location (and for some using it as an indicator of their authenticity) we do them great disservice as well as contradict the teachings themselves. A demonstration:
Im Jordanian right, (dad's maternal side are from bilad al sham; Syria) and im a born Muslim alhamdulillah. My dads Malaysian roommates from his uni days are also born Muslims (and have the best food lol, my all time favourite is lemak cili padi) and seperating us on the basis of them not being Arab or Middle Eastern is unislamic, intolerant, xenophobic, and wrong on every level. Alternatively, im just as Muslim as someone from Mecca or Medina. We're all Muslim. we are the world...
Circling back, Judaism the religion is native to the Holy land (I guess you can say it started in Egypt till it moved there but idk. Regardless), and Jews (adherants of the faith) can't in my humble opinion be fairly categorised as one monolithic unit... just like any and every other faith out there.
Another quick aside; this is merely a tumblr post that cant do the history and culture and intricacies and so much more of this matter a portion of the justice it deserves. I am but a tired medical student answering to the best of my abilities a question I was asked with my limited knowledge in theology and perspective in general, so do me a favour and keep that in mind. And to anyone reading this if you have questions or corrections or resources or anything you want to mention be my guest :)
If you're still here, I'm both grateful and amused. Here's what you probably came for, the piece de resistance if you will: 🍉israel🍉
Disclaimer: thanks for reading this far, but if you disagree in any way shape or form with any of the 30 human rights articles, you may as well stop reading and put your device through the shredder. Bigots, racists, fascists, anti vaxxers etc. dni
So far ive seen this idea, call it what you will, two times (which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened to me twice consecutively), that claims the freedom of Palestine equals a genocide of the Jews.
Er, no? No ma'am. One does not solve a genocide by comitting another genocide. What part of 'never again' are we missing here?
Before we get into politcal nominations and factions and other territories i dont plan on invading (pun intended) but might accidentally cross anyway (I forgot where i was going with this) i want to remind everyone that Judaism is not synonymous with Israel nor zionism (if u disagree with this go ahead and shred ur device too).
A refresher: Judaism is a religion, Israel is an illegal-occupying-apartheid-state, and Zionism is a movement/ ideology
So 'genocide of the Jews' is both wrong (diction) and more wrong (factually incorrect) in that the liberation of Palestine means freedom from oppression, discrimination, settler colonialism... the whole nine yards. Enough bloodshed already its been nearly 76 years.
When Netenyahu is eventually drop kicked out of office (and hopefully hung, drawn, and quartered for his plentiful warcrimes) what happens to the (illegal) citizens of Israel? Well first off, return the stolen homes and land to their rightful owners who have the keys (and documents if they werent tampered with or erased) to prove it.
As for the illegal-under-international-law settlements and new also illegal establishments; I have no idea what international laws will decree (not that I have that much faith in the judiciary system), but I assume they will be seized and evicted of the illegal tenants (how you like me now?) and given to those who have been displaced or homes ruined etc. because its theirs and theirs alone and it was unlawfully and cruelly taken away from them and not because the (remaining lol) former Israeli citizens can't or shouldn't live in palestine. they can go live somewhere where its legal. the priority is Palestinians tho.
What about the indigenous everyone else? As long as their houses aren't stolen or illegal they can should stay because its legal and its theirs and thats that. you cannot kick someone out of their home to give it to another (which was the basis of the creation of Israel.) because its ✨i l l e g a l✨
And the people who dont belong so to speak? I think this one's case by case; like I said at the very, very beginning; people have the right to live wherever as long as its legal and ok to do so regardless of faith or background, and no one should be denied their right to live in Palestine as a country like any other, but they certainly must be denied living in homes stolen and given to them because thats, say it with me now, illegal <3
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sakuraharuno156 · 6 months ago
"I'm a feminist, that's why i hate a fictional character for not fitting into my idea of what a woman should be instead of the real existing male author who wrote her"
Woah, hold your horses!
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It's all so wrong that I don't know where to start....
1) You should NEVER hate on real people for their creative freedom ✨️
You can hate Danzo or Hinata - you can't hate M.Kishimoto.
You can hate Moriarty - you can't hate A.C.Doyle.
You can hate Gale - you can't hate S. Collins.
You can hate any piece of fiction, but no, you cannot hate the author for creating something.
It's the exact reason people are scared to be creative. It's the exact reason why people do not post their art or fanfiction - because people like you can't separate art from the artist.
It's not like Kishimoto glorified r*ape, or i*cest, or p*dophilia. It's not like he hurt anyone. It's not like all of his female characters are shitty.
Kishimoto gave us feminist icons like:
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Konan - a strong, important character who gave a run for his money to one of the strongest guys in the series. She had a real backstory. She is a fictional character who portrays a lifelike woman.
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Tsunade - a god damn Hokage, the strongest woman of her generation. A real fighter with a real trauma. She had her problems, yet still she is everything. She is a fictional character who portrays a lifelike woman.
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Temari - a strong person. She always called everyone on their bs. She grew up scared for her life and still went into the world to be great. She is a fictional character who portrays a lifelike woman.
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Sakura - the best female character in Naruto. Realistic and important. Born to nothing, self-made junnin. Made her biggest insecurity into her biggest weapon. She is a fictional character who portrays a lifelike woman.
Kishimoto made a strong female cast, so he, himself is not a women hater. He just made a shit character.
He is an author who made a piece of fiction that has parts that deserve some criticism.
He does NOT deserve any hate. You can joke about it like "omg I hate him for not making this happend 😭" and it's a character design that is not up to your liking, because "I wanted her to have long hair after time skip", but real hate?!
2) It's ok to critique something or even someone, BUT it's not ok to send hate to real people. Never. ✨️
"You hate wearing that exact pair of high heels? HOW ABOUT HATING ON THE DESIGNER INSTEAD?"
You see how nuclear it is?
How about making a review and warning people that it's an uncomfortable pair of shoes, BUT NOT BEING A D*CK ABOUT IT? 🤷‍♀️
It's a childish and frankly disgusting behavior that I really DO hate (see? You can hate behavior, but you can't hate people).
Like those people (mainly Hinata fans - see which type of behavior that character perpetuates in real people?) hating on Jun Esaka for writing a novel.
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To the point she felt a need to ask them TO STOP.
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That's disgusting. No.
You can hate a piece of fiction, you can hate a behavior, you can hate what it does to the world, BUT you can't hate real people.
3) Why in your mind, it would be feminism to hate on a real human being?
Feminism is not about hating people, it never was, never will be. There is no hate for real people in feminism. The end.
4) Hating a shitty fictional character for being pathetic and a sad excuse of a "woman" is true feminism. ✨️
Feminism is about wanting more for women. If there ever was the antichrist equivalent for feminism, like the "antifeminist" - it would be literally Hinata Hyuga 🤷‍♀️
I'm not gonna repeat myself further because if you weren't able to understand it twice, there are two possible explanations:
You are incapable of understanding it in the way i'm explaining, and if that's the case - im sorry. I can't think of a way to explain it even clearer. You can always ask questions about things you don't understand or ask for clarification for certain phrases or examples that you don't understand. There is no shame in being too young to understand or something. BUT you have to ask for help instead of making false assumptions and trying to achieve... What?
You intentionally try not to understand so I can't help you. If you want to live in ignorance and your false narrative of what you want feminism to be - I'm sorry for you 🤷‍♀️
I hope you are just a young person, so you have time to grow out of this mindset because this one is ugly.
Hating real people is awful, trying to make others hate on a real person is an incredibly ugly mindset 🤷‍♀️
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robian · 7 months ago
Wandering Son
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Honestly, at first I thought this anime was a comment on discrimination against transgender people. However, by the end of the show, I think the anime was more of a comment on cross-dressing. Either way, the discrimination portrayed could easily be applied to either one because most people can't differentiate between the two. Most people, if they saw a bio male in a dress, would automatically jump to the conclusion that the person was transgender.
I thought it was interesting how the anime portrayed the contrast between male and female cross-dressers. Women can pretty much easily get away with dressing as a man, but if a dude were to wear a skirt (unless you're about to whip out the bagpipes), people would judge him. My personal thoughts on the cause of this is that women tend to be more fashionable in general, so a woman dressing as a man could just be seen as fashion.
The anime makes a pretty clear statement that society frowns upon men to women cross-dressing. What I think is interesting is how we've applied gender labels to so many things. Even the color pink is seen as girly. Personally, as a dude, I love the color pink. Society, from a young age, conditions us to like certain things. Boys are given toys different from girls, they're dressed in different clothing, etc. There's nothing biologically that implies a guy can't like wearing a skirt. It's all psychological conditioning.
I wonder if transgender people feel that they were born into the wrong body because their interests happened to align with the opposite gender's. gender and sex are fundamentally different after all. One is based on psychological aspects while the other is based on biological aspects. In my opinion, theres actually nothing psychologically wrong with transgender people at all, rather, it's society assigning labels that's the problem.
Society is wrong for discriminating these people just because they don't fall under it's standards. Just let people like what they like. If it isn't hurting anyone, then what business do you have with them. To all my homies out there, if you wanna go dress up as a woman, go do it. To all the ladies out there, if you wanna dress up as dude, go do it. Who cares what society thinks, cause it's all BS anyways.
p.s. if you disagree or feel strongly about any of the things I said just know I don't read any of yalls reposts, but feel free to criticize🙏
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jackoshadows · 1 year ago
I do remember that GRRM said he wants the books to have a bittersweet ending like Lord of the Rings. Okay Lord of the Rings… the only Fellowship member who died was Boromir. The reason the ending was bittersweet was because sweet: Sauron was finally defeated for good, Aragorn became King like he was born to be, the Hobbits were recognized as heroes of Middle Earth, peace was restored. But bitter: Frodo’s wound never fully healed, the Fellowship was ended and they went their separate ways, Frodo and Gandalf and Bilbo and the Elves all leave Middle Earth never to return (man Gandalf saying goodbye always makes me cry). Perfect bittersweet. Which makes me think… GRRM won’t have any of the Key Five die (Dany, Jon, Arya, Bran, and Tyrion). Sweet: They will become the heroes of the Realm as the ones who played a huge part in destroying the Others. And they’ll survive and be able to live good lives. But bitter because they’re gonna have trauma to deal with forever, many of the people they knew died, and it will be a LONG time before Westeros and Essos are back to normal. I do not know if Jon and Dany will become King and Queen like I want but that would be part of the sweet. Still if they all survive, the Key Five, that’s really all I need. And I know Jonsas won’t be stopping with their bs but I would take immense pleasure knowing that they were wrong and their dumb theories were all proven false
@whitedragonwolf4961 Sorry for replying to your ask after a looooong time!
So yeah, I personally think that the key 5 will survive. I base this off the story so far in five books and also on GRRM's leaked 1993 original outline for the story, considering he has always insisted that he is heading towards his 1991 ending.
In the leaked outline, all of the key five survive. GRRM admits to using main characters like Ned, Robb and Catelyn to get the readers thinking that anyone can die while there's a set of characters - the key 5 - who will make it through all of the OG trilogy.
And yes, what would make it bittersweet would be the deaths of loved ones, friends and family, the large scale destruction that they would need to rebuild, their ongoing trauma - they have all gone through so much in these 5 books - the sacrifices they would need to make, the compromises. In that sense it's not going to be wholly happy - they are not going to come out in the end unscathed. Jon Snow has even died and we don't even know what version is coming back!!
And remember, reform and change is a major aspect of these characters:
Five central characters will make it through all three volumes, however, growing from children to adults and CHANGING THE WORLD and themselves in the process. In a sense, my trilogy is almost a generational saga, telling the life stories of these five characters, three men and two women. The five key players are Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, and three of the children of Winterfell, Arya, Bran, and the bastard Jon Snow. All of them are introduced at some length in the chapters you have to hand.
The Key 5 have big political arcs, are involved in major events and are proactively in control of their own subplots in the books. The youngsters in particular - Dany, Jon, Arya and Bran - are angry about injustice and want to change how things are always done. Dany and Jon have big leadership arcs which are particularly about reforming city states and institutions. Arya's arc with the smallfolk is about her connection with them and the injustice they are facing. As Prince of Winterfell, Bran's empathy for his bastard brother Jon Snow means he signals that Lord Hornwood's bastard can be heir to the Hornwood lands.
I think that's the difference between the previous generation and the current one is that now our main characters don't look past terrible stuff happening and justify it in the name of 'I didn't know' while looking the other way or 'The oaths make it so I should let bad things happen' or 'This is how it's always been so let it happen'. They look past class and gender barriers and do things differently.
And after the Long Night, is when major reform and rebuilding needs to happen. Westeros needs leaders who are angry about what the smallfolk are experiencing, who put the people first, who have the leadership experience to rebuild and reform, in administration and politics and diplomacy, who can build bridges and enact laws - and GRRM has written all that for the key 5.
If they die at the end, then what's the point? So yes, they are very much surviving - in some form or other - though I suspect there will be a lot of sacrifice and compromise that will indeed be very bitter, precisely because good leaders/rulers care about the realm.
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saiwola · 3 months ago
Making icons of Dia despite me needing to make them of the actual main muses... and it's got me thinking about the Hoa women.
CW: grooming, child abuse (physical and verbal, death mention, parentification, all the bs that tends to come with purity culture, slut-shaming kind of, strained relationships from trauma (particularly between mother and daughters), toxic behavior and relationships in general
First of all, let me just say that all three women were victims. But they also did some shitty things to each other. People may be more biased toward Alys, but she will be the first to say that there were no perfect victims in this case.
First, you have Hannam who was a young girl whisked away to a kingdom where she knew no one and didn't even know the language. By a man who was not only close to 3 times her age. Dietram was a friend of her father's. Became a friendly, like uncle figure to her. And the moment she had a big fight with her father, ending with her storming out of their home and lowkey running away, Dietram took her to another continent.
She was maybe 19 or 20 when she had Alys. I think 25-26 when she had Dia. Naming both daughters after flowers like the ones she'd left behind when brought to her new home.
While Dietram was alive, Hannam stayed home with the kids. She cooked, cleaned, took care of the house. If you were to ask her today, she would say that she was happy. That she was at her happiest then. But really, she had traded one overbearing older man (her father) for another (her husband). He never hurt her (not to hr knowledge), but there was always that pressure weighing down on her to be the perfect wife. She was now stuck in a place with no support other than the man who brought her here. So whether she realized it or not, she always felt like she had to cater to him. To make sure he never felt the desire to get rid of her.
She kept the house spotless. She made sure there was always a hot meal for him when he got home. She meticulously kept up her appearance. She pampered him so he never had to lift a finger... And she turned a blind eye to his discretion. His cheating was no secret, and it was something she often vented to a young Alys about. But if you were to ask her, she would deny that he ever laid a hand on their kids. She believed that so long as he was happy, she was set.
But then he disappeared one day. Some say he ran off with another young girl. Others say he may have gotten killed by the monsters in the surrounding woods. None of that really mattered. What did was that Hannam was now made to support and raise her daughters on her own. With no education or training and only a basic understanding of the language. Fortunately, she had a few connections that helped her get low-paying jobs (as a seamstress and a store clerk) that helped her put food on the table. Hannam worked from dawn to dusk, scraping pennies together to do what she could.
Unfortunately, the stress and exhaustion built up over time. And she took that out on her kids, particularly Alys. Her eldest daughter was made into her helper, her therapist. Often venting her troubles to this little girl who had no means to help. Hannam became irritable, possibly made worse by the years she had to hold her tongue with Dietam, and she lashed out. Berating her kids for making her life harder. How things could've been different if they were never born. Why could they not do this one little thing to make life easier for her?
Alys often took the brunt of this, being the eldest. The strongest.
While Hannam has mellowed out quite a bit now. No longer needing to work as her daughters support her, she still refuses to acknowledge or consider that she did anything wrong. Believing that she "did her best", made so many sacrifices. And that's what matters.
While Alys was her stress relief, Diantha was her redemption. Dia. Pretty as a flower and shining like a drop of sunshine, the younger Hoa daughter was the one who took most after their mother. A near-identical clone of Hannam. So without her realizing it, Hannam began to project onto Dia. Tried to force ideals and decisions onto her youngest that she felt her life should have been.
None more important than the lessons to remain beautiful and stay away from boys. Because deep down Hannam probably realized that the worst decision of her life was taking Dietram's hand all those years ago. Dia had to stay away from hard labor and chores to preserve her hands and skin. Her hair and clothes had to be immaculate. Always had to smile and be pleasant. Couldn't talk to or be friends with guys.
She couldn't do the strangest, most arbitrary things because "Only whores do that." She couldn't stay out past sundown. Her skirts could never rise a certain height. Couldn't wear the color red. Hair always had to be done and up in some way. Hannam once screamed at a 10-year-old Dia for trying on her mother's makeup.
And Dia, seeing that even with all this Hannam treated her better than Alys, put up with it. Smiled sweetly to placate their mother. And unfortunately, did come to emulate some of Hannam's behavior. In particular, in their views and treatment of Alys. Dia came to see Alys as lesser in some way. Came to believe that it was natural and expected for her older sister to just do the housework and take on the frustrations of the other two Hoa women. That Alys should take on these undue burdens.
This got worse when Dia reached her later teens. When she began developing a rebellious streak due to Hannam's overbearing nature. She wore makeup. Went out with boys. Did the things she was never allowed to do and just expected Alys to cover for her. Often scolding her older sister about how useless she was or how she couldn't just help Dia out with "such a small thing" whenever their mother found out anyway.
Dia has grown up though. Especially since, after being made to feel stupid her entire life (told she was just a pretty face and could only hope to marry rich), Alys left their village and got Dia accepted into the Hellion Conservatory to study (the very university that Alys had been pressured to get into since she was a child). Dia has been able to thrive on her own terms. And has taken it upon herself to take care of their mother (though Alys sends them money). She feels a lot of guilt over how her older sister was treated. But despite everything, Dia still carries those narcissistic traits that she'd gotten from her mother. She's constantly trying to get the family together again and gets mad at how Alys refuses to "compromise" even a little and meet them.
And then there is Alys. The strong one. The smart one. Mother's little soldier.
With their mother working constantly, Alys took it upon herself to be whatever it was that her family needed. She cooked and cleaned. She repaired any broken items or clothes. She made sure her younger sister did her homework and was taken care of. She slept on the floor so that her mother and sister could take the bed (and because it felt less suffocating than to share a bed with someone). And she sat there and listened as Hannam and Dia poured out their frustrations (both verbal and physical).
Partially because she just had that caretaking nature, but mostly because of guilt.
Guilt over not living up to the "gifted child' status thrust on her since she was a toddler (she began speaking and showing cognitive behaviors beyond her age). She was expected to become a mage but could not manifest magic no matter how hard she studied or practiced.
Guilt over all the things and flaws that everyone (family and not) were willing to point out to her. Her quiet nature. Her "emotional outbursts". Her uselessness. Her lack of humor. Her unpleasantness. Why could she do this? Why couldn't she be like that?
Both of these formed into her latching onto and doubling down on the few things she did get praised for. Her mind and resilience.
And guilt ... over knowing what happened to Dietram. Knowing and not saying or doing anything about it. And especially guilt at being happy about it at first. She thought their problems were solved. Only for life to become more difficult for everyone.
To this day, she has not told anyone what happened.
Now that's not to say Alys was a perfect victim. And suppressing all that stress and emotions, well, even she had her limits. Alys didn't lash out nearly as many times as Hannam or Dia did, but when she did, her barbs hurt worse. Because she was observant. She was the family therapist. She knew exactly which spots to strike and how to twist that knife so it would HURT. This was often followed with her just not talking to them while she tried to cool down and being made to feel terrible for not just "nutting up and getting over it".
Nowadays, Alys just doesn't talk to either of them anymore. She sends them money and such. But she burns their letters without reading them and avoids Dia whenever she goes to the Conservatory to visit Theo. Alys loves them still. And would die and kill for them. But she also never wants to see them again.
Now Alys will also not tolerate any hate toward them. Because in her words "None of you were in that cabin during those years. So shut up about shit you don't know."
Some people may see only the terrible things Hannam and Dia did, and Alys can on some level understand why they may think that. Especially if they were friends with her first. (That's why she never talks about her family in regular verse.)
But Alys remembers how her mother would often skip meals to make sure her daughters had enough to eat. How Hannam would come home with worn hands, dry and cracked from working in the cold. How many times she would look longingly at clothes she ended up not buying to make sure Dia got something new to wear and not Alys' hand-me-downs. How she taught her daughters how to tie their hair in Yazhou fashions.
She remembers how Dia was the one to throw away her pride to beg the neighbors for help when the family needed it. How she automatically spoke to shopkeepers instead because she knew Alys was bad at talking. How Dia would always insist on brushing Hannam's hair each night and style it every once and a while so their mother could still feel beautiful.
All three women love each other in their own way. But unfortunately, there is no fixing things. There is just so much resentment between them all. Whether justified or not. Hannam will never admit to any wrongdoings on her part. And Alys ... is just done. She's long given up on them and just seeing them is so stressful for her.
And in fact, Alys will probably get mad at you if you try to convince her to try. She's spent decades trying to get herself in a comfortable state and she doesn't want to add more chaos into her life.
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st-joseph-rtc · 6 months ago
Alessia Corvo 🥊🖤
“The Strongest Girl in Town.”
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Favourite ride/attraction: The Drop Tower Catchphrase: " How much money do you think I can spend on things I don't need till I go broke again? I have 2 bucks. " Zodiac + nature: Sagittarius, The Faithful Nature Voice: Mezzo Soprano, placed as Alto
INFO Nickname(s): Lessie (Marlena) Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Closeted Lesbian Gender(s): Female Age: 17 Grade: 12 Birthday: November 25th Alignment: True Neutral Nationality: Italian
PHYSICAL Attire: School uniform with alternative silver chain jewelry, enjoys wearing dark tinted colors. She will wear baggy jeans rips or without rips with a tucked in normal t-shirt. Generally gothic clothing. Wears sweaters on occasion if she is cold. Height: 5'6'' Eye Color: Grey-ish Green Hair Color: Dark Red (Born with Black) Appearance: Short messy dark red hair and always wearing some sort of make up. Usually seen with a very calm demeanor. Distinct Features: Nose ring piercing, always wearing some type of silver jewelry that fits her style, Very very well done eyeliner/makeup in general.
PERSONALITY Personality: She's very quiet and kept to herself. Usually always sits alone at lunch or sitting silently in the back of the class. She'll sometimes go out and skip class but only when she really feels like it or just doesn't give a shit at the moment. Judges people in silence but is often walked on/over by classmates. Grades are usually As to Bs with maybe one C every once in a while. Often bullied for being silent and the way she is. In general, she's very silent and keeps things to herself, but one day, will go off on people who press the wrong buttons. Skills: Makeup, Archery, Boxing, Wrestling, make up, experimenting with eyeliner Likes: All music genres, Boxing, Winning, Putting jerks in their place Dislikes: Jerks, Bullies, Gossip Strengths: Defense, heavy hitting thanks to classes, tuning out things she doesn't want to hear, acting like she cares when she doesn't, Sports and P.E., she's strong leave her be ] Weaknesses: Going through the day without listening to music atleast twice in the day, alcohol and drinking
LIFE Biography:She grew up in Italy until 15 when she had to move to Uranium City when her parents decided that they wanted to live somewhere else different than Italy and thought Uranium City would be the best place to relax until the right place was found. They have not moved since. They feel bad for putting Alessia into the wrong place so they send her to a private school which she actually hates. Classes: Basic School Classes, Defense and Boxing classes online
OTHER Parents: Fiorella Leone (Mom), Lorenzo Corvo (Dad) Siblings: Vincent Corvo (15 yr old brother) Friends: Theo, Cam, Marlena Crush: Marlena Harris
Car: Motorcycle House: Medium sized house with a nicely taken care of front lawn and backyard is a garden.
Faceclaim: Drawing Voiceclaim: N/A
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migila · 2 years ago
About the Nefertaris and Vivi’s future
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I liked the Arabasta arc back when it ended and hoped we’d see Vivi in the future, but I didn’t think she’d become an important character again. 
I stand corrected. Maybe I should’ve realized that back when the Nefertaris were revealed to be one of the 20, meaning Vivi could’ve been born as a celestial dragon... 
...Anyway, so, what happened to queen Lili? When Cobra says that she isn’t mentioned in any historical documents after the founding of Arabasta, we see a question mark (along with an exclamation point) from the elders. Does that mean they didn’t know about this? Or are they just baffled about why would Cobra ask about something so long since past? 
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At first, I thought this was what got Cobra killed; after all, “D” is a taboo name. One must not talk about “D”, it’s dangerous. But-
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...I was wrong, again. This is obviously the real reason; Cobra shouldn’t have seen that. Now the question is who killed him? Someone from the government, obviously, but we have three choices: Imu, the elders and a third party. Imu would be an obvious choice since he seems to have some personal grudge against the Nefertari family, not to mention it was him whose secret got out, but the reason I think it might’ve been someone else was how Cobra was killed. When we see Sabo standing over his body, it doesn’t seem badly beaten up; it’s more like he got stabbed or shot once, and that is something I think might not be Imu’s style, considering what happened at Lulucia.
Back to the grudge that I think Imu has for the Nefertari family. Has a bitterness of Lili not becoming one of the 20 been passed down from generation to generation, ruler to ruler? Possible, but I think it’s more likely that Imu knew Lili personally, that he is over 800 years old. I’ve seen people discuss this before, and I feel like the way he says Lili’s name strengthens this theory. 
How could he be that old? I see three possibilities:
1. He’s eaten some kind of long life/immortality devil fruit
2. He gained immortality from the power of the Ope Ope no Mi
3. He’s of some race that has a very long lifespan 
Of course, it could be something else, but these three possibilities are what I came up with.
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Now, about Vivi: What will she do? She’s in hiding, safe for now, but for how long? What will she do in the long run, now that the WG is obviously probably after her head, even if not publicly? Well, I have an idea, occurring due to one of the most iconic scenes in the series:
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I gave up on any true hopes of seeing Vivi go on an adventure with the crew again years ago, but now, those hopes are reawakening. Perhaps, Vivi will go to the crew in search for safety, either intentionally or by coincidence. Perhaps, she will search them out in order to receive help in exposing the secrets of the World Government (Dream Team Vivi and Robin, go!), or perhaps fate will bring them together while she’s at it. Either way, I’m starting to believe that Vivi will get on board once more.
Lastly, very random theory that’s probably complete BS: perhaps Imu is Nefertari Lili. Just an idea that occurred to me, but probably not... but c’mon, wouldn’t that be kinda awesome? First she declines from the honor of becoming one of the Celestial Dragons, leaving behind an exceptional reputation, and then goes and becomes even more than them in secret?
...Yeah well, Lili was probably killed by Imu/a previous king, but that’s one theory, too.
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