#‘therapy will be ready in a month’ ‘oh sorry has it been 2 months already? okay give me another month’
I need help
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unsolved-duvall · 1 year
brain fart for you give love a bad name part 2 (get ready for this dumpster fire, also i know p2 is already in the works but this had me GOING so i just thought id share)
it’s been 3 years, reader is in a super successful band, has songs on her first album abt eddie, groupie-ing and men being stupid. she’s won awards, headline huge venues, overnight success, baby girl is doing WELL
eddie is depressed, cannot get the reader out of his head for like, months. cant get the sad look on her face as she left out of his mind. still thinks abt her to this day, he’s stopped his endless whoring. his security guard is thankful
reader is now a certified man hater (as she should be), she’s in her girlboss era, shes punk as fuck
omg an award ceremony is approaching, best rock act, who will win🤨🤨🤨🤨 my girl does obv
eddie is in the crowd he’s like oh my god 🤤😮‍💨😵‍💫😭 it’s her 💔💔💔
she sees him and she’s like 😒😔😑🙄 but inside she’s still 🦋💕💗🧚🏼‍♀️
thats all ive got so far
im so sorry
i simply had to tell someone
btw youre actually an amazing writer i was so astounded when i saw that was your second fic.
cant wait to read p2, hope you’re doing well!!!!
i love this oh my god? i love the idea of reader becoming a badass rockstar and eddie watching her grow and become successful and he’s so proud but he’s also just desperate to get her back somehow but he knows how bad he fucked up and he doesn’t trust himself not to hurt her again even though she’s certifiably the love of his life? my baby needs therapy but it’s okay i can fix him <3
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littlepadika · 3 years
hi angel 🥰 i’m just in the middle of rereading calling home !!!! i was just wondering, could you ever do a one shot of like sweet pea calming frankie during the middle of the night if he has like an anxiety attack or nightmare? i love the dynamic between those 2 and would love to see how sweet pea calms frankie 🥺
Hi bb sorry this took me a hot minute to get to. First off... i'm thrilled you are re reading my series! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PTSD, anxiety, comfort, fluff
AN: This is early in their relationship. Probably right after chapter 5. Therapy also referred to in this drabble
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source: @uuuhshiny
You blinked up at the ceiling, sleep momentarily thinning. You heard low muttering beside you.
"Frankie?" You turned reaching over to his side of the bed. He was shaking and sweaty under your hand. "Frankie!" You sat up, this time going to the other side of the bed to flick on the bedside lamp. The dim yellow light revealed Frankie twitching and muttering incoherently. Sweat clung to his forehead. His mouth was pursed in between a frown and snarl. His jaw was clenched tight. His whole body was stiff as a board. He was deep in a nightmare. You heard him say something like "no no".
You had been over this scenario with Frankie. He advised you not to touch him when he was having nightmares in case he acted on instinct and accidentally hurt you. But now that it was real, you couldn't just watch him endure a nightmare like this.
"Hey... hey..." You stoked his arm with your fingers lightly. He jerked away from your touch with a grunt. When he turned his head you saw that there were tears in the corner of his eyes. "Oh, Frankie... Wake up please. Come on, baby. Please wake up." You just continued to slowly stroke his arm, his chest, eventually making your way up to his face. He seemed to be calming down.
Then he abruptly sat up, scooting away from you reflexively.
"Wha-What's..." He looked around the room and then trailed off when he saw you watching him, concern evident on your face. He wiped his wet eyes.
"Nightmare." You explained though you were sure he already knew.
"Did I hurt you?" He immediately asked, looking away in shame. His humiliation mixed toxically with his adrenaline and fear from the dream.
"No. You didn't hurt me." You answered quickly, pushing yourself up, but you resisted hugging him for fear he was still overstimulated. You offered your water bottle to him. "Do-do you want to talk about it?"
Frankie shook his head, looking down at his sweaty self. "It's the usual dream. The helicopter crash." He shuddered, trying to pull himself into the present and away from his distorted memory. He took a couple sips of water and then handed the bottle back to you. Mentally he did the exercises he had practiced. Name one thing you see: Sweet pea. Name one thing you hear: A passing car. Name one thing you feel: Soft sheets. Where are you? Home. Home. Home.
You waited patiently through all of this, giving Frankie space to speak when he was ready. He took a few deep ragged breaths, his fists clenched on the bed below you. Too scared to touch you yet. He worried that he may have scared you off. That now you would have seen that all of his demons were real.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, sweet pea." His gruff voice was dripping with guilt. You frowned, not in frustration at him but at the stigma that led him to feel so terrible about dreams he could not control.
"Frankie...you didn't bother me." You couldn't resist laying a hand over his bare stomach feeling him relax at your touch. "I'm glad I woke up. I want to comfort you."
He sniffed, new tears in his eyes. He was still looking away from you. You understood. It was such a vulnerable state for anyone, let alone someone who had endured as much rejection as Frankie had.
"Can I hold you? Is that okay?" You feel your own voice shake with emotion. Your power and your love was limited with him not in your arms. As much as you knew your voice could move mountains, you needed to console him with more than words.
"Yes. please." Frankie exhaled finally looking at you, his brown eyes misty and wanting. You wasted no time climbing over his legs and pulling his face into your neck. His arms linked around your back, holding you close.
His skin, that earlier vibrated like it was trying to break apart, settled under your touch. Solidifying enough so he could finally sense each part of his body. Hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and so on. He mentally listed each one as it related to you. Your hands on his head. Your chest on his chest. Your breath on his neck.
"I have you." You promised, knowing the words would help ground him. "I have you. I'm not going anywhere. Just be here with me."
"I'm so tired of this." He whispered into your warm embrace. "I just want to be better."
"I know." You sat back cupping his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb over that patch of grey in his beard.
"I was doing so well." He continued to beat himself up. He had been so pleased to have gone nearly a month without any nightmares or PTSD. He tried to think of something that could have triggered him but yesterday was a normal Thursday. He didn't drink. He didn't have a stressful customer at work. He had sex. He showered. Sometimes there was no trigger and that was the most unsettling type of episode.
Frankie ducked his head, resting his forehead in between your breasts. He wished he could crawl inside you and away from his thoughts. His PTSD made him nauseous and too hyper to sleep. He was both hyper-focused and dazed at the same time. Every nightmare always felt like an omen that things were going to get bad again. He was going to start craving and then eventually relapse.
You rubbed his back in slow circles trying to coax him into a more normal breathing rate. A minute passed, the only sounds were Frankie's rough breathing and your slower one.
"What else do you need?" You asked gently.
"Can you- can you light the candle please?" He requested in a muffled voice.
"Sure." You smiled, reaching over to his side of the bed and pulling out the lighter. Your candle, already well used, was soon flickering brightly. The floral scent you and Frankie loved, filled your brain making sleep slowly start to edge its way in. You could feel his breathing slow. "That better?"
"Mmhmm." He grumbled. Something about the scent grounded him to this chapter in his life; the one with you in it. He wasn't that lonely guy anymore. He wasn't in a war zone. He had everything he could ever dream of right in his arms... and yet... this still happened. "I'm sorry, sweet pea."
"What for?" You tousled his hair affectionally.
"For-for being messed up."
"Frankie..." You nudged his head up so you could kiss him deeply. You let him take the lead, pressing him tongue into your mouth and pulling you tighter against his chest. At your quiet moan he pulled back letting you finish your thought. You didn't care how many times you had to say it, touch it, kiss it into reality: Frankie was perfect the way he was.
"You aren't messed up." You murmured, holding his eyes with your earnest gaze. "You're strong. You're resilient and brave. I love you because of that. You're like... a phoenix. You rise from the ashes." Then you giggled. "Sorry I just thought of a hybrid between a catfish and a Phoenix."
"Ha." He laughed shakily, tightening his arms around you. "A fish on fire. Sounds about right."
"Or a bird with whiskers." You snorted.
He kissed you again, relishing your little giggles against his lips. You laced your hands with his.
"I'm here to remind you to be kind to yourself. Remember how far you've come. I'm so proud of you, Frankie."
Once again he reflected on how lucky he was to have you in the flesh. Your empathy amazed him. It had from day one but his awe grew monumentally tonight. You weren't scared. You saw all of his brokenness for what it was and you only loved him harder. He had to trust your vision of him when his own internal compass failed.
"You tired, little pea?" He chuckled when you yawned cutely, after trying to hold it in.
"No." You told a small lie, just to keep him from trying to put your needs first. You weren't going to sleep until you knew he felt safe. "How are you feeling? Be honest, please."
Frankie searched his body with another deep breath. "Better. I'm just really amped up from the adrenaline. But go back to sleep, little pea. I'll read or something.”
"Mmm read to me?" You asked holding back another yawn.
"Sure." He chuckled. You rolled off of him pulling the covers back over you both. Frankie grabbed his copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. You latched onto him like a koala bear and hung onto his deep voice. Frankie appreciated the weight of your arm on his stomach and head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat below your ear slowing.
Frankie paused his quiet oration to peer down at your relaxed face and fluttering eye lids. "I love you, sweet pea."
"mmm love you too." You breathed in reply.
For the first time, Frankie was able to go back to sleep after his nightmare.
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Permanent Taglist @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug @anaaaispunk @headinthestarz @beskarprincessjenny @nicolethered @takochansugoi @heythere-mel @petersunderoos96 @theherothesavior @disasterhann @deadhumourist @dihra-vesa @liviiii98
Frankie Morales Taglist: , @evildxad @a-skov @pasckles @goddessofsprings
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nothoughtsonlynat · 3 years
Resurrect Me: Part 2 (N.R.)
Part One
Huge shoutout to @confusinggemini612 who requested this a loooong time ago and I’m just now getting to it (I am so sorry for the wait). I hope this is what you had in mind :)
Warnings: swearing; PTSD; mentions of suicide/self-sacrifice
Word count: 2.6k
The cool breeze blows through my hair, the hand in mine being the only source of warmth in the chill of the Russian countryside. As we walk closer, a chorus of pigs snorting fills my ears. Natasha had given me a brief rundown and a quick pep talk before taking me to meet her family. Now, it was game time.
“Are you ready?”
“Not in the slightest,” I respond to the redhead.
“Let’s do it then,” she says with a smirk, to which I reply with a scoff.
We walk through the gate and enter the small house, immediately hearing three distinct voices, each laced with a thick Russian accent. The voices hush as the door closes behind us, and a blonde woman is the first to greet us.
“Ah, сестра! Mom and Dad are flirting again, let’s make a run for it,” Yelena whisper-yells.
“So put a sedative in their vodka or something, I don’t know,” Natasha replies. I’m not sure if I should introduce myself or not, so I just stand there awkwardly.
“They are both spies, they’re not going to fall for- actually, Alexei would, but Mom would never fall for that,” Yelena pauses as she notices me. She looks me from head to toe and squints before her lips quirk into a smirk. “And who might this be? Is this your little girlfriend?”
“Yelena, don’t be an ass,” Nat grumbles with a scowl.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
Yelena hums before turning back to Natasha. “She’s definitely your girlfriend.”
“Oh shut up,” Natasha whines, walking further into the house. I look at Yelena and nod in confirmation before following Nat. I hear her whisper “I knew it” from behind me, causing me to laugh. Natasha turns to give me a questioning look, but I just brush it off with a shrug and a smirk. She narrows her eyes and opens her mouth to say something, but is cut off by a deep, booming voice.
“Natasha! Welcome home! Look at this, all my girls back together again! It is so nice to see you,” Alexei says, moving forward to pinch Natasha’s cheeks. She gently pushes him away with a scowl, and I can’t tell if she’s really uncomfortable or not. Either way, it brings my guard up, ready to defend her.
“And who might this be?” Alexei questions, turning to face me.
“Dad, this is Y/N,” she says before I can answer. I offer a kind smile.
Yelena, who had made her way to the kitchen table with a bottle of vodka, says “She’s Natasha’s girlfriend.”
“Thank you for the input, Yelena,” Natasha says with a tight-lipped smile.
“Girlfriend, huh? When did that happen? Natasha, I was not aware that you, uh, how do you say? Swing that way?” A dark-haired woman slaps his arm for his comment and he exclaims, “Ow!”
“Pay him no mind, Natasha. He is a bit slow, but Mama always knew. You were not very discreet about the way you looked at that Hannah girl in Ohio. And as for you, it is nice to meet you. I’m Melina, what is your name?” Her demeanor is friendly, but her gaze is skeptical. She’s probably already planning how to kill me if she decides that I’m not good enough for her daughter.
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, too,” I say with a nervous smile.
“Alright, guys, that’s enough. Please stop harassing my girlfriend,” Natasha says with a sigh.
“Come, sit,” Yelena commands with a wave, still sitting at the kitchen table.
I sit across from her and Natasha sits next to me. Melina and Alexei follow soon after, with Alexei sitting at the head of the table and Melina sitting next to Yelena.
“Here you go,” Yelena says as she slides me a shot glass full of vodka. I clink it against hers in the air and down it in one go, grimacing at the burn. “Are you alright?” Yelena asks with a smirk, clearly enjoying my agony.
“Oh, yeah, I’m great. Just not used to Russian vodka, that’s all.” Yelena nods, satisfied with my answer, before going to pour me another shot.
Natasha stops her by saying, “Yelena, no more vodka. You’re going to kill her.”
“You’re no fun,” the younger sister says, but complies, nonetheless.
“Natasha, you are slouching again. Sit up straight,” Melina interjects.
“Mom, I’m not slouching. I told you I don’t slouch,” Nat protests.
“So how did you two meet?” Yelena asks, interrupting the banter.
“Oh, we met in New York during the invasion, when the Avengers were formed,” I answer.
“You are an Avenger! I knew you looked familiar. Tell me, does Captain America ever mention me, the great Red Guardian? I could kick his ass, you know. I’ve done it before,” Alexei says, causing the three Russian women to groan and complain.
“That never happened, Dad,” Yelena mumbles at the same time Natasha says, “He doesn’t talk about you because you guys have never met.” 
I raise my eyebrows at them. They seem awfully familiar with this conversation; how often does Alexei say this crap?
“So, Y/N. What happened when you guys brought everyone back? How did you do it? Natasha won't tell me,” Yelena questions. I chuckle nervously, glancing at Natasha, who is clearly uncomfortable with this topic of discussion.
“Um, I don’t know if I should… It’s complicated, really,” I say, trailing off.
“Yelena, stop. It doesn’t matter. And don’t put her in the middle of things,” Natasha responds, defending me. An awkward silence fills the room until Alexei speaks up again.
“He really hasn’t mentioned me? Have you even asked him about me?”
“Why won’t you tell them what happened?” I ask quietly. It’s nighttime now, and I’m lying in bed next to Nat in the guest room. She seemed so uncomfortable, and it’s been worrying me since.
“They just don’t need to know,” she replies shortly
“But they got snapped away, Natty. Don’t you think they deserve more of an explanation than what they’ve seen on the news?”
“Don’t tell me what to do with my family, Y/N.” Her sharp tone feels like a blade to the heart, but I take a deep breath and soften my resolve, knowing that she’s only snapping at me because something else is upsetting her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push. I just, I can tell that something is upsetting you. You can’t just bottle stuff up, Nat. It doesn’t have to be me if you’re not comfortable, but you need to talk to someone about it.”
She doesn’t respond immediately. “I’ve told them. I gave them the basics: Thanos snapped people away, we time traveled, got magical stones, snapped people back, and then killed Thanos. That satisfied my parents, but Yelena wants to know the whole story.”
“And you’re not comfortable retelling it?”
“Parts of it are bearable, but… I can’t think about it. You almost killed yourself for me, Y/N. You did die for me. I can’t think about that day, let alone tell my baby sister about it,” she says. Her voice is quiet, breaking as the tears flood her eyes. I pull her head into my chest and run my fingers through her hair.
“I’m right here, Natty. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You don’t have to tell anyone about what happened. I was terrified of losing you on Vormir. I hate talking about it, too.”
“Is that why you went to Dr. Garcia?”
“Partly. There were other reasons, too.” I hesitated before continuing. “I kept hearing the tortured screams. When I slept, in my head, everywhere I went. I heard them all the time. And I would get random whiffs of burning flesh. As you know, I went to the Underworld when I ‘died’ and I guess it just affected me more than I had originally thought.”
“Angel, why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped.”
“I didn’t want to worry you, or freak you out. The whole thing was pretty weird. For a while, I honestly thought I was haunted. It was probably pretty selfish, but I didn’t wanna scare you away.”
“You could never scare me away. But just to be clear, you aren’t haunted, right?”
I laugh quietly. “No, I am not haunted. A mild case of PTSD, but I’m doing better now. The therapy helped a lot.”
“Do you think it would help me? I still get nightmares sometimes...of you going over that cliff. I just, I close my eyes and you’re gone, and I hate it.”
“I’m so sorry, my love. I hate how much pain I’ve caused you. But I do think it would help. We can find someone when we get back home, yeah?”
“Yeah. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Natty.”
“Just do it! It will be fun! I will go easy, I swear,” Yelena begs.
“Okay, fi-”
“No! No way in Hell. You are not sparring with her,” Natasha argues.
“I’ll be fine. Worst case scenario, she kicks my ass,” I say.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure the worst case scenario would be if I accidentally killed you,” Yelena says flatly. “But that won’t happen! Please, Natasha. I want to see what she’s got,” she pleads with a pout.
Natasha sighs and rolls her eyes, muttering something under her breath about us being a bunch of children. “Fine, but if you so much as scratch her-”
“Y/N will be fine. Come on,” Yelena says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the backyard.
Thirty minutes later, I’m flat on my back in the grass, wheezing. I groan as I attempt to sit up, the whole world spinning as I do.
“Yelena! What the hell did I say?! You literally threw her,” Natasha yells.
“No, no. I’m good,” I say weakly.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting her to be so...defenseless.”
“I am not defenseless,” I counter.
“You cannot even throw a punch,” the blonde deadpans.
“That doesn’t make her defenseless,” Nat says as she helps me to my feet. “She could take every single one of you out right now without even moving.” 
From a few feet away, Melina quirks an eyebrow and Alexei mumbles “she could not take me out.”
“You are delusional, Natasha. How are we supposed to trust this woman to protect you when she cannot even protect herself?” 
“She can protect both of us just fine, Yelena. Not that I need anyone’s protection.”
“Your sister has a point,” Melina tells Nat. “Sorry, Y/N,” she adds. I open my mouth to speak, but don’t even know what to say. This is my worst nightmare.
“You must be able to punch when you are in trouble! Much like I did to Captain America back in the day,” Alexei adds.
“Alright, enough. I’ll have you know that Y/N is one of the most powerful Avengers. Actually, she’s a literal goddess,” Natasha snaps.
“Well, of course you would think so. You are her girlfriend,” Melina says.
“Guys, I’m being serious!”
“Do not get snappy with us. We are just looking out for you,” Alexei says.
“I don’t need-”
“Somebody has to be there to keep you safe, and this girl could not bring harm to a plant,” Melina remarks. 
“I’m literally standing right here,” I mumble under my breath.
“She literally saved my life! How is that not keeping me safe?!” My eyes widen; what happened to not revealing that tidbit of information?
“What do you mean? You saved her life?” Yelena asks as she turns to address me.
“If it wasn’t for her, I would be dead right now. And you guys never would’ve come back,” Natasha retorts, clenching her jaw.
“What? Why? What happened,” Yelena rambles. I can see the worry etched on her face, and it makes her look oddly childlike. It almost makes me want to pull her into a hug, but I’m fairly certain she’d throat punch me if I tried.
“On a planet called Vormir. A life needed to be sacrificed to get one of the Infinity Stones. It was me, Clint, or Y/N. I tried, but Y/N stopped me. That’s what I mean.” Natasha is seething. She clearly didn’t appreciate her family’s doubts.
“You tried to kill yourself?” Yelena addresses Natasha, but no one has the chance to answer her before Melina speaks up.
“If you sacrificed yourself, then how are you here?”
“It’s complicated,” I say with hesitance. “I am technically a goddess. I have many different powers, but most of them deal with death. When I died, I went to the Underworld, where I met my mother, Hecate, who is a goddess. Then, I came back. Resurrection is one of my powers. I know it’s a lot to take in, but that’s the truth.”
It’s silent for a minute as everyone processes my words. Everyone is staring at me with bewilderment, except for Yelena, who hasn’t taken her eyes off of her sister. Her eyebrows are furrowed, and a deep frown rests upon her lips.
“You tried to kill yourself?” Yelena repeats, this time only a whisper. Natasha finally turns to look at her younger sister and her mouth bobs open and closed, seemingly unsure of what to say.
“I didn’t have a choice, Yelena,” Natasha finally says.
“You saved her?” the blonde asks me.
I hesitantly nod my head. “Yes, I guess I did.”
“Thank you,” she whispers, giving a curt nod before turning and walking mechanically back into the house. I awkwardly clear my throat and turn my gaze to the ground.
“Will you show us?” I raise my head to look at Alexei, confusion crossing my features at his request. “Will you show us your powers, I mean.”
“Dad…” Natasha warns.
“No, it’s okay. I can show you a little bit,” I say, right before teleporting away. I watch from a hill in the distance as Alexei looks frantically around him. I can hear him asking where I went, which makes me laugh.
I teleport into the house and walk around, looking for Yelena. I walk into a bedroom and find her sitting on the floor with a bottle of vodka. “Hey, are you okay? We didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I’m fine. Because learning that your sister almost died and there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent it is so much fun,” she scoffs.
“I’m sorry. We probably could’ve broken the news a bit softer.” I sit on the ground next to her, leaving about a foot of space between us.
“It’s not your fault,” she murmurs. “I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“Don’t be. I am a horrible fighter,” I joke. She chuckles slightly, nodding in agreement.
“That you are. Can I see some of your magic, or whatever it is?” I hold out my hand and black mist dances above it with eerie elegance. I close my fist as it fades away, lowering my hand.
“Cool,” she says with a crooked smile. We hear the front door open and three sets of footsteps entering the house. I hear Nat calling my name.
“You okay?” I check one last time.
“I’m good. Thank you, Y/N, for saving my sister.”
“I’d do anything for her, Yelena. You don’t have to thank me for it.”
The bedroom door opens and Natasha’s head pokes in. “Y/N, we thought you’d completely left for a minute. Everything okay in here?”
Yelena and I look at each other and I look back to Natasha, overwhelmed with love for the redead. I smile and say, “Yeah, everything is just fine.”
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Prompt List #2
Welcome to my biggest prompt list ever
if you wanna request something from this list, just use the character and ‘ prompt 34 from prompt list #2′ thank u!
Theres like 200 so be wary
“I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
“I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
“Can you just shut your mouth ?”
“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.”
“Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?"
“I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
"Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
“You’re safe here, I got you.”
“Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.”
“Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
“If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.”
“We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
“You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.”
“You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
“What happened between us?”
“Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
“Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
“You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.”
“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way”
“I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
“I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
“I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
“I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.”
“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.”
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“And I thought you loved me."
" And I thought I loved you."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
“I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
“Did you always know that you were going to leave?”
“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
“I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.”
”If you wanna know, then ask.”
“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.”
“We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
“Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
“When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
“It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
53. “You smell really nice.”
54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
58. “You’re comfy.”
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
60.“But I want to hear you sing.”
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
63.“I think I love you.”
64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
65.“How about a kiss?”
66.“You made this for me?”
67.Aw, you’re blushing.”
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
69. “Let me help you with that.”
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.”
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?”
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything”
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?”
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.”
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
91.“It was always you.”
92.I love you in every possible way.”
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
95.“Duck, you idiot!”
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.”
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..”
101.“Define normal.” 
102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” 
103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” 
104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” 
107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” 
113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
114.“My middle finger salutes you.” 
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.” 
120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” 
137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.” 
139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.” 
140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.” 
149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
154.“I know you lied to me.”
155.“I’m not even sorry.”
156.“You backstabber!” 157.“I never want to see you again.” 158.“You never mattered to me.”
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.”
160.“Rot in hell.”
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!”
162.“No one loves me.” 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 164.“You made me cry.” 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 166.“How DARE you?!” 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!”
169.“Just leave me alone.”
170.“What did you do?!” 171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
172. “Just admit that was extra…”
173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?” 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 179.“I never loved you.” 180.“It’s too late.”
181.“Quit ignoring me.”
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!”
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
184.“I don’t want to be friends.”
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?”
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.”
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.”
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!”
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.”
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.”
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…”
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.”
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.”
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.”
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?”
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?”
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.”
199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.”
Ahhh im sorry that was so long, but if you read all the way to here, your a real one.
Again i write for all Hp characters! Feel free to use these prompts as ur own
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
Valleys and Mountains Pt 2.🏔
1.5k words
Link to Part 1!
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What to do? You love Chris, but you don’t think he can correct this. An affair for an entire three months. How did you miss all the signs? You have sex with him a few times a week, you tried to be the best wife you could…how did your marriage get here?
“Chris & Y/N, thank you for coming in today. This is a place where you can express exactly how you feel. Now, who wants to go first?”
“I will.”, Chris said. “I think a divorce is the best option.”
Your head swiveled so fast in his direction. The nerve of that son of that bitch! The doctor saw my face and had to take control.
“Ok Chris. You said that very quickly and without hesitation. Are there any other steps before we pull the plug on this marriage?”
Chris rubs his beard aggressively. You turn your body forward and stare out of the window in front of you. It’s raining cats and dogs outside. You stand up.
Chris and the therapist look at you.
“I need a minute please.” You walk out of the room and down the hall. You just needed out for fresh air. Therapy was the worst decision you ever made. You could hear footsteps coming down the hall; you turn around to see Dr. Grant.
“Are you ok.”
You took a deep breath.
“Yes, I am ready to continue.” You walk about to the room with Dr. Grant.
Chris didn’t even look your way. You guys have a mountain to climb.  
“Ok now. Chris you said you thought that divorce was the best option right now. Can you elaborate on that?”
“Sure. Yes, I fucked up big time. I cheated, but I vowed to put my marriage first because I realized that I made the worst fucking mistake on Earth. Then to find out that my WIFE wanted to get even and decided to go out and fuck some bum ass dude!”
You turn to Chris. “Sounds like we are even to me.”
If looks could kill, you would be a dead woman.
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Ok yes, you did cheat on Chris after finding out about his affair, but he started it.
You were out shopping at the mall when a man approached you.  He was tall, about 6ft 3in, nicely tailored suit, and smelled excellent. His said his name was Jason and he owned business building homes. Very impressive. You chatted with him for a few minutes. He had to see you wedding ring. He asked to exchange numbers but that was too much for you. You put his number in your phone and said you will be in touch.
Maybe…maybe not.
You went a couple of days thinking about Jason, but you were so scared to reach out. You and Chris were in separate rooms and are avoiding each other as much as possible. He knew you needed sometime to yourself. After a couple of weeks, you send Jason a text message.
“Hi Jason. This is Y/N the lady from the mall from a couple of weeks ago.”
He responded very quickly.
“Ms. Y/N. I didn’t think you would reach out to me. I’m very happy you did!”
OK…that was nice. You two continued to text well into the night. Asking each other questions and getting to know each other. You finally looked at your clock and it was 2:17 a.m. You text Jason goodnight. You knew you were playing with fire, but you wanted more.
The next morning you woke up to a good morning text from Jason. Well, alrighty then!
You were in your bathroom getting dressed when you heard a knock at the door. It was Chris. He had such a pathetic look on this face. The cheating absolutely hurt you but him telling the girl that he was going to leave you for her….that’s what hurts the most.
You stand up straight and look at Chris.
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“Can we sit and talk tonight?”
You take a deep breath.
“What are we discussing?”
“Us. I am a mess without you. I can’t sleep, I’m barely eating, and I just want to lay next to you and hold you.”
“That last part isn’t happening. We can discuss tonight.”
He nodded his head and walked out. You picked up your phone and sent a good morning text back to Jason. You finished getting dressed and headed out for work. The day went by super-fast, maybe because you were texting Jason the entire day.
You made it home dreading to hear what Chris possible has to say. You got out of the car and grabbed your things and walked inside. It smelled really good. Did Chris cook? You turned the corner to the kitchen. Chris is standing there in your apron. You shook your head and giggled, not too hard though.
“Welcome home.”
“Thank you.”
You set your things in a kitchen chair.
Chris made some shrimp pasta, a garden salad, and garlic bread. It wasn’t too bad. He really can’t cook. He made you a plate and pour you both a glass of wine. This is the first time you have been face to face with Chris in about 3 weeks. It was extremely awkward. You both eat in silence for a few seconds.
Chris sat his fork down and sat up.
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“YN, I know I have fucked up really bad. I can’t express how embarrassed I am that you have to go through this, how sorry I am for stepping out of our marriage, and how stupid I realize I am for what I’ve done.  I am willing to do any and everything that you ask of me to make you love and trust me again. I’m very serious.”
You drink from your wine glass.
“Is that so? Anything?”
“Anything baby, I promise.”
“I want to meet her and ask any question I want to.”
Chris turned pale in two seconds.
“You want to meet her?”, He could barely get it out.
Fuck no, you didn’t!!
“Is that a problem?”
“Y/N please. I just want move forward.”
“Clearly you didn’t mean ANYTHING.”
Chris put his face in his hands. Finally, he looked up.
“No. That is giving her power.”
You took another sip of wine.
“You know what. I had no plans on actually meeting the girl. It was a test to see how far you would go with “anything”. Dinner was good.”
“Why are you playing games?”
“Me…playing games?”, you laughed.
You then stood up, guzzled your wine, and headed to your bedroom. WHAT A JOKE! You ran yourself a bubble bath and put on some relaxing music. You floated away into a head space far from reality…..that included Jason. You pick up your phone and sent a flirty text.
You two went back and forth sending text and then you went for it.
“Can I see you tonight?”
He stops replying! Oh my God!
“Sure. Where?”
Whew thank goodness! You decided on a park that’s far from your home. You got out and decide to take even further by sending him a nude pic. Now, there is no turning back!  
You threw on some yoga’s and a top and took off your wedding ring. You didn’t want to make a scene leaving the house. You grabbed your keys and wallet and walked out the door. Chris was sitting on the porch having a beer.
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You looked over at him.
“I will be right back.”
He nodded.
You jumped in your car and headed to the park. Jason was already there when you pulled up sitting in his truck. You got out of your car and got in his truck. You gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi beautiful.”
“Hi. How are you?”
“Better now.”
You instantly leaned in for a kiss.
“Oh, it’s like that?”
“Very much so.”
You and Jason made out for a few minutes and then you climbed on top of him in the driver seat. You begin gyrating on this dick and you felt it grow. Is that what you want to do? If you do this….you aren’t any better than Chris.
Jason took out a condom and held it up. He gave you “are you sure?” look. You took the condom out of his hands and opened it. Jason sat up and slid his pants down, and then you took your pants off. You put the condom on Jason and sat down on his dick nice and slow.
There is no going back now!
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader imagine
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@atjafshelby​ requested: “Okay so I was thinking maybe a teenage reader who was like Judd as a child, gets in trouble and needs help and stuff. But maybe she lives on her own so Grace and Judd take her in and try to help her? No rush though, thank you!!❤️”
A/N: I appreciate you sending me a complex ask. I’ll be honest, I had no idea how i was going to write this one when I first saw it. I tweaked it a tiny bit, and instead of being on their own the reader is in a group home. This may be part 1 if anyone is interested in part 2?
TW: foster care, mentions of violence, mentions of therapy.
Your POV:
Sitting in the principal’s office, you began to take in the various lame quotes around the room. “You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take” sure, whatever.
“You have to look through the rain to see the rainbow” this has to be the worst one of all. What rainbow? and why go through hell to be able to see a prism of light in the sky?
The door shuts loudly, pulling you from your thoughts. You roll your eyes when you see your social worker walking in with the principal.
“So, Y/N, you’ve been getting into more fights recently, including earlier today when you struck another student in the face for saying something about your family,” your principal read from the file, then looked up at you, “Anything you’d like to say for yourself?”
”yeah, they deserved it,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him again. Everyone here should know by now the topic of your parents is off limits, especially what he said about them. 
“Just because someone says something you don’t like doesn’t mean you can assault them.” Your social worker scolded, probably hating her life for having to deal with you. 
They went on lecturing you for another 20 minutes, but at that point you zoned out, focusing on the view out the window behind your principal. It was sunny outside, the trees on the outskirts of school grounds blowing slightly with the wind. You could see people walking out there, and instantly wanted to be anywhere but here, supposedly listening to how you’re a screw-up and if you “don’t get your act together” you’ll “never have a future.”
“Y/n, what do you think about the compromise?”
You snapped your head to the principal, trying to figure out what all you missed in the last few minutes so you could figure out to answer appropriately. You studied his face, before deciding agreeing would be the quickest road. How wrong you were, you wouldn’t have the faintest idea until an hour later.
“Sounds good to me, as long as I can go back to class. Ms. Neal is teaching about the wage gap and I want to see conservative boys lose their ever-loving mind.” you smiled, hoping they buy it for now. They both nod their heads, then you stand up to leave. 
“I’ll see you after school, Y/N,” your social worker spoke confidently, seemingly proud of herself for her part in the supposed compromise. With that, you left the two adults to work out the details amongst themselves.
Going to Ms. Neal’s class quickly, you started to wonder what you agreed to. It had to be something significant if you weren’t getting in trouble for giving the star of the baseball team a black eye, which he deserved, by the way. 
Class went by as a blur, your attention focusing in and out on class, except when it came time to debate your stance on the issue of the class. You loved to argue, especially with privileged, snotty teens who don’t know how well they had it. You were good at it too, you could be a lawyer if you had any shot of a successful life.
Sooner than you’d like, class was over, and you started to get up and leave. You were too occupied with making sure you had everything that you didn’t realize you were making a beeline into your social worker.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, watch it!” You both say simultaneously, backing up and looking at who ran into you.
“Oh, there you are Y/N! Come on, I’m driving you back to the home to pack up your things” She signaled with her hand to come with her, and you obliged, confused.
“Pack my things? Why?” You asked while walking to your car. You know you’ve been in trouble recently, but being kicked out of the group home seemed a little extreme.
“Did you listen to the compromise at all when were talking about it? Before you agreed to it?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
“Not really, just figured agreeing would get me in the least trouble,” you replied, and you could see her smile a little as she shook her head at you.
“This last fight isn’t going on your permanent record, as long as you get anger management classes, and move out of the group home and into a foster situation with two loving people who know how to handle situations like yours,” 
“Crap, I really should listen more.” You sighed and leaned your head on the window. You didn’t see how moving you out of the group home would help at all, it’s more change and more adjustment, and you were tired of both.
“Want to know about the couple?” You social worker asked you, but you barely heard her. You shook your head and put a headphone in, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
Judd’s POV:
“Are we sure about this, Gracie?” Judd asks, pacing between the living room and the kitchen, pausing every now and then to look at his wife. He stopped, turned to her, and rubbed his face before putting both hands behind his head, cradling it as he thinks about everything that could go wrong with this.
He knew they both wanted kids, and adoption seemed to be their only hope due to ther infertility troubles. But still, he argued to himself, a teenager? With this kid’s anger management issues, stubbornness, and troubled past, this isn’t what he necessarily had in mind.
“Yes, Judd, we’re sure. This kid needs our help, and a stable home to thrive. I understand you’re nervous, I am too, but we’ve been doing our research and interviewing with child protective services for months, and now they’re gracing us with a child that needs us.” Grace had walked over to him at this point, and taken his hands into hers. He looked into those beautiful, rust colored eyes of hers and took a deep breath. He knew she was right, she usually is, but he was still nervous.
He wrapped his arms around her, leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. She looked up at him, grabbed the nape of his neck, and kissed him lovingly. After a few seconds, she broke away, and whispered, “I love you too, handsome.”
Before anything could further along, the doorbell rang. The two looked at each other, took a deep breath, and walked to the door. Grace opened the door, and they both saw the social worker, Malia, with a teenager that looked less than happy to be on their doorstep.
Judd quickly scanned the teen, noticing the frown on their face and the bruised knuckles they were sporting on their right hand. They had a suitcase in the other hand, and looked short in stature. Everyone looks short to Judd, though. 
“Hi Malia, Y/N, please come in.” Grace states, welcoming their guest and their now-forster child into their home. Once the social worker guided Y/N in, the pair sat on the couch while Judd and Grace sat on the other, clasping their hands together and looking at the child who’ll be staying with them, being nurtured by them, for next couple years.
Your POV:
The house is nice, you thought to yourself as you sit on the couch, waiting for someone to speak to you. You look at them, whose names you aren’t aware of yet, and study their features. The man was tall, and you can tell he’s been working for a while due to his build and the scratches and burns on his hands. The woman is much smaller, and seems softer, but you can tell they love each other just by the way they can’t keep their hands off each other.
“Judd, Grace, this is Y/N. Now, I know the department have given you their file, but do you have any questions about their history, or anything I can answer?” Malia asked, putting her hands in her lap. At least you know their names now, you thought to yourself.
“I don’t think so, ma’am. You’re welcome to stay for supper, though. Y?N, is there any allergies or diet restrictions we need to know about?” The woman, Grace, you remind yourself, asks. She smiles at you as she asks, and she has a pretty smile. You start to wonder why they wanted to take in someone like you.
“No ma’am, thank you for asking though. Can one of y’all show me to my room, though? I’d like to unpack and start on homework before supper.” You try to be polite, not knowing who they are once the social worker. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
“Of course, I’ll show you up there, and let you get settled.” Judd offers, standing up to guide you to where you’ll sleep.
You go up the stairs, and are impressed by what you see. This is better than the group home, at the very least. You head down the corridor he’s taking you through, and walk into a moderately sized room that had a full-sized bed, two nightstands, a dresser, closet, desk with a chair, and a door to what you assume is a bathroom.
“Take all the time you need to settle in. This weekend we’ll all go shopping and you can buy decorations for your room. Once supper is ready, we’ll call you downstairs to eat, get to know each other better. Alright?” He asked, looking as if he expected you to answer. You quickly nodded, and got to putting away your things and taking in the space. Maybe you actually belong here.
Once supper was ready, you were called down, you stumbled down the kitchen, washed your hands, and then took a seat at the table. Malia had left, hopefully to bother another kid and leave you alone, and you sat there quietly, eating the dinner they prepared.
“So, Y/N, is there any hobbies you enjoy? Anything we can look into getting you, like an easel or a video game?” Grace asks, making conversation.
“Why do you care? It’s not like I’m your kid,” You rolled your eyes, then looked down and played with your food. You wouldn’t let yourself get attached to the idea of having people truly care about you, especially not now.
“Hey, you-” Judd started to raise his voice, but Grace cut him off with holding her index finger up to him, then spoke.
“Y/N, I know this is all too new for you still. You don’t know us, you do not know our intentions, and you’re past makes it especially hard for you to believe anyone would love you and care for you. But, and I mean this, this is your home now, Y/N, and we will not abandon you, no matter the obstacles ahead,” she paused, and looked to her husband. Judd nodded, and took a deep breath.
“Y/N, I was just like you when I was your age. I was going through somethin’, and it left me violent and not knowing who to trust. We want you here so we can help you through the hurt you’ve been through, and make you into the young adult we can already see inside you. We have two rules, don’t disrespect us, and be honest with us. Got it?”
“Got it,” you spoke quietly. The rest of the dinner was quiet, and afterwards you went upstairs to your room, lying on the bed, thinking about how this is going to be good for you. Maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,958 Words
Summary: Midoriya’s store run, Todoroki kills everyone with laughter, and girl day has been moved to Bakugou’s room, and Shigaraki and Dabi have a talk.
Warnings: Food Mention, Death Mention, Caps, Child Abuse Mention, Cursing, Period Mention, Menstruation Mention, Murder Mention, Grooming Mention, Burn Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: Shigaraki's alias in the group chat is Ren, Dabi's alias is Haruhi, and Hime is Toga's alias.
Usernames: Area 51   Aoyama: bonjour je suis Dora, Ashido: aggressive chicken dance, Asui: wut, Iida: Human Porche, Uraraka: Fuck Gravity, Ojiro: ceouolo, Kaminari: pikachoo, Kirishima: ordained, Koda: the muffin man?, Sato: dammit kevin, Shoji: pIaNoMaN, Jirou: neko neko kneecaps, Sero: wine and cheerios, Tokoyami: brb drowning, Todoroki: daddy issues, Hagakure: oreosandpussy, Bakugo: mother i crave violence, Midoriya: mistakes were made Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: its a mental breakdown, Yaoyorozu: single braincell
Usernames: Emo Sanctuary  Jirou: tell tale heart, Tokoyami: eldritch peep, Todoroki: i love you 3000, Bakugou: knife tag, Midoriya: bitchasaurus, Shinsou: unhappy meal, Kuroiro: meth and deadamine, Shigaraki: depresso extra shot, Dabi: *sad kazoo*
Into The Group Chat We Go: Chapter 2
10:00 AM
Area 51
Midoriya: I'm heading to the store and then to my apartment for the weekend, so if anyone needs anything while I'm out, tell me now.
mother i crave violence: Pickled daikon, seaweed chips, pea sprouts, spinach, enoki, and sausages.
Midoriya: Ew.
Midoriya: Fine.
mother i crave violence: Breathe one word of what you know and you're dead meat, Deku.
Midoriya: Not very nice to say to someone buying you food, now, is it?
mother i crave violence: Sorry, Deku.
Midoriya: Now send me the whole list. I know you don't buy six things and call it a day.
mother i crave violence: Also chapaghetti, eggs, and probably tofu.
mother i crave violence: And coffee pudding.
Midoriya: And?
mother i crave violence: Aloe yoghurt and ham.
Midoriya: Got it.
mother i crave violence: I hate you.
Midoriya: Yeah, yeah. I'll say hi to Hotaru and Hikaru for you on my way home.
Hagakure: Who's that?
Midoriya: NOTHING.
Midoriya has deleted one message
Midoriya: See? nothing.
Hagakure: Suspicious.
mother i crave violence: I'm not even going to deal with this. I'm too busy crying.
Midoriya: Overdramatic much?
mother i crave violence: I'm not, I'm dying. I deserve to cry if I'm dying.
Midoriya: Drama queen.
mother i crave violence: Stop arguing, I'm hungry.
Midoriya: Fine, fine.
Iida: What are you two on about now?
Midoriya: Kacchan needs some groceries that I offered to grab for him on my way out.
Todoroki: I'll go with you. I have to grab a few things for my dinner. I'll bring everything back to the dorms so you can head straight home.
Midoriya: Cool. @its a mental breakdown, do you need anything? I know you said something about needing to grab groceries to other day. I won't have you surviving off rice.
its a mental breakdown: My guy, it's 10:10 in the morning. Why are you waking me up so early on the weekend?
Midoriya: Groceries. Fork over the list, my guy.
its a mental breakdown: grocery.link
Midoriya: Looks good. Anyone else need food?
aggressive chicken dance: I forgot to pick up rice yesterday. I can't make my green curry without rice.
its a mental breakdown: I have a big container of rice you can steal from, Mina. Remember, the rice container that's as tall as a toddler?
aggressive chicken dance: Hells yeah. I'll hit you up at like 6pm. Raincheck on the rice, Midoriya.
Midoriya: 👍
Hagakure: Why do you have so much rice, Shinsou?
its a mental breakdown: it used to be the only thing I was allowed to eat at the orphanage because they could get a 4 pound bag and feed me for two weeks. I got used to eating rice a lot and I usually will just add things to rice.
Hagakure: Shinsou, that's like half a cup of rice a day.
its a mental breakdown: I never said they fed me correctly. thus why I had a job to make money for extra food. the nuns hated that, though, so I had to hide it or make it at a friend's house. thanks for those days, Bakugo.
mother i crave violence: No problem, Toshi.
10:25 PM
Area 51
Uraraka: We're missing shit.
Uraraka has changed their name to Fuck Gravity
Fuck Gravity has changed Asui to wut
Fuck Gravity has changed Iida to Human Porche
Fuck Gravity has changed Midoriya to mistakes were made
Fuck Gravity has changed Todoroki to daddy issues
Fuck Gravity has changed Aoyama to bonjour je suis Dora
Fuck Gravity: Much better.
daddy issues: I wasn't aware we were having a therapy session. I can talk about my daddy issues if you want.
Tokoyami: No, Shoto.
daddy issues: I mean, it's not a secret that I have daddy issues. Just look at him. Of course I have issues, he made me.
Hagakure: Hold on, I'm wheezing.
daddy issues: Like I do when I look at his face knowing there's a possibility of me growing into its image.
daddy issues: No wonder Touya was constantly depressed to look so similar to him. I'd be depressed too.
Ojiro: Send help, I can't breathe.
daddy issues: It's no wonder Natsuo is so proud to look like our mother but as a guy. And Fuyumi is basically mom's twin but with a different quirk and some red in her hair.
daddy issues: Lucky motherfuckers.
bonjour je suis Dora: Mon dieu, Shoto, stop, everyone's dying.
daddy issues: ...
Fuck Gravity: Don't!
daddy issues: Like I wish my father would.
daddy issues has set "that's a lot of damage" audio to play
Fuck Gravity: Shoto, please, we're suffering.
daddy issues: Okay, okay. I'll stop tormenting you all like I wish I could my father.
aggressive chicken dance: Savage.
11:00 AM
Area 51
daddy issues: I'm coming home with the groceries. I put our stuff in separate bags. Shinsou, you'll have to come to 1-A dorms because I don't know where your room is.
mother i crave violence: just give mine to Toshi for now. I can't move yet.
Hagakure: Alright, I've been wondering why it is you said you were crying for like an hour now. Why are you crying, Bakugou?
mother i crave violence: I'm having my period. It's bad, I can't move.
Hagakure: I have midol!
aggressive chicken dance: time to spoil Baku.
wut: I'll bring heating pads.
Fuck Gravity: I'll grab his food. Do you want any of it made before I go up?
mother i crave violence: I was just gonna destroy the chips, coffee pudding, and yoghurt.
Fuck Gravity: I'm making you eat. It'll be good for you.
daddy issues: I bought a bunch of extra ready made bentos because they were on sale for you girls' Girl Day. Take him two or three up and make sure he eats.
Yaoyorozu: We're moving Girl Day to Bakugou's room, if that's alright with everyone.
mother i crave violence: Why do I feel appreciated? Make it stop.
Yaoyorozu: Because we appreciate you, Bakugou.
mother i crave violence: I don't like this.
Yaoyorozu: So you don't want us in your room?
mother i crave violence: I guess it's fine.
Hagakure: Alright, Girl Day in Bakugou's room!
neko neko kneecaps: Alright, Todoroki, bring the stuff up to Baku's room.
daddy issues: I know, I'm on the way. I was waiting for Hitoshi.
its a mental breakdown: thank you, Sho.
daddy issues: You'll have to show me to your dorm one of these days.
its a mental breakdown: oh. it's floor five room four on the boys side in the 1-C dorms.
daddy issues: You say this like I won't now make a bridge to walk from my room to yours.
its a mental breakdown: I know this and I love you.
daddy issues: Good, someone has to.
its a mental breakdown: No airing therapy sessions in the group chat, Sho.
daddy issues: Damn.
daddy issues: Anyway. I'm thinking of playing musical rooms with Aizawa and freezing the empty girls rooms on floor two. Any oppositions?
Tokoyami: My only opposition is not today. I'm working on a time sensitive commission and I don't want to see a month of work go down the drain if the ice creeps over.
daddy issues: Tokoyami, the real MVP, running his business as a profit hobby so UA can't stop him.
Fuck Gravity: What a king.
Tokoyami: Thank you both.
Tokoyami: I'm going back to Hime's fourth dress.
Tokoyami is now offline
Hagakure: Alright.
Hagakure has changed their name to oreosandpussy
oreosandpussy has changed Ojiro's name to ceouolo
oreosandpussy has changed Koda's name to the muffin man?
oreosandpussy has changed Shoji's name to pIaNoMaN
oreosandpussy has changed Tokoyami's name to brb drowning
oreosandpussy has changed Yaoyorozu's name to single braincell
ceouolo: I'm not shocked, just disappointed.
oreosandpussy: That's normal, Mashi.
1:45 PM
Emos Sanctuary
depresso extra shot: Has anyone heard from Haruhi? I haven't been able to find him for like a solid five days and he last messaged someone in here from what I can tell.
*sad kazoo* is now online
*sad kazoo*: Sorry, man, I've been doing some shit for a few days so I can find a way to adopt Toshi.
depresso extra shot: Nobody's heard from you for days!
*sad kazoo*: Well, yeah, I mean, I bought a house, I'm working, I got stuff to do.
depresso extra shot: How the fuck?
*sad kazoo*: I had Hime help me.
1:50 PM
private chat with depresso extra shot and *sad kazoo*
depresso extra shot: How the fuck did Himiko help you?
*sad kazoo*: Himiko hooked me up with one of her friends who can change appearances. The girl made me look how I would if the accident never happened.
depresso extra shot: So you're never coming back to the League.
*sad kazoo*: No. I'm not, I can't. I have a son, man. I need to be there for him.
depresso extra shot: I'll still be your friend, right?
*sad kazoo*: Of course. And you can always have Himi's friend make you look different too. You can get away from this life too, Tomura.
depresso extra shot: I can't just disappear, Dabi.
*sad kazoo*: Why not? I've already found a way to disappear without questions. I could take you into it.
depresso extra shot: Tell me why I should? I have All For One's legacy to uphold!
*sad kazoo*: Who are you even carrying his legacy anyway? Because he saved you? You don't have to risk your life for his legacy because he saved you once. Following his legacy will kill you. I should know, I was held to a legacy too and look where it got me. I'm a murderer, a wanted criminal. This path isn't one you'll survive. He groomed a child and forced his own destiny onto you.
depresso extra shot: I'll think about it.
*sad kazoo*: You could really be Izuku's brother then.
depresso extra shot: You say that like I don't have a quirk that would kill this family like I did my last one. How am I supposed to explain to Izuku that I killed our father? My mother and sister?
*sad kazoo*: Himiko knows someone who can change your quirk. I was going to see him right before I stage my disappearing act. He was going to make my fire red again and give me some ice control so I won't turn into a burnt chicken nugget again.
depresso extra shot: So he could make my quirk something else?
*sad kazoo*: He can make your quirk into whatever you want.
depresso extra shot: I've always wanted to have a healing quirk like my sister did.
*sad kazoo*: And he can do that.
depresso extra shot: I think I'd like that.
*sad kazoo*: So you wanna make the League a family instead? We can all move into my house. We can be normal. We can have lives.
depresso extra shot: I could probably talk everyone into it.
*sad kazoo* So it's a plan then.
depresso extra shot: We'd have to tell the others.
*sad kazoo*: Himi's already onboard. So are Magne and Twice. I haven't raised the question to Compress or Spinner yet.
depresso extra shot: So we just need to talk to Atsuhiro and Iguchi.
*sad kazoo*: Yeah.
depresso extra shot: Iguchi is a lost cause. He's a devout Stain follower. He won't ever agree to it. Compress we might be able to convince. He's said how his great-grandfather is a famous criminal. He might have it though his thick skull that he needs to bring honor to his family name by reforming the hero society.
*sad kazoo*: So we've decided to kill off the League.
depresso extra shot: For our second chance at life.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust @paint-in-flames @hakodas-tits
21 notes · View notes
official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: cursing, mentions of alcohol, struggling with self-love, emotional self-destructive behavior, and mentions of mental health problems, mentions of death and loss
Chapter 20
“Are you ready for this?” Lyla looked deep into my eyes, gripping my shoulders tight.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly.
“Okay, let’s go through it again before you leave.” I nodded to let her know I was ready.
“What did Dr. Whitmoore say?” She asked.
“I have to forgive myself.” I answered.
“Stop tormenting myself.”
“And?” She tilted her head.
“Let the past stay in the past.” I closed my eyes.
“And what do you have to be?”
“More positive.”
“And what do you deserve?” She raised her eyebrows.
“To be happy.” A smile twitched at the end of my lip as I realized that I finally believed the words that came out of my mouth.
They weren’t empty anymore. They had meaning and they were finally true.
“And you…”
“I love myself.” I swallowed hard.
“Good girl.” Lyla grinned proudly at me. “I think you’re ready.” She scanned me from head to toe. “Turn around.” She reached for my hand and twirled me. “Now go and redeem yourself.” She winked at me and smacked my arse so I let out a surprised gasp.
I checked myself out in the mirror one more time and apparated. I know I was a bit late and I was hoping that most people would already be there so that I won’t have to talk to anybody. To be honest, I was just trying to avoid Charlie. The closer I got to the tent the more nervous I got.
There was a moment where I actually thought I will never see him again and here I was about to watch his brother get married. I took a deep breath and entered the tent. It seemed I was just in time as everybody sat down and Bill made his way to the center of the room. He looked dashing and I couldn’t stop the smile spread over my lips as I saw how nervous but excited he was at the same time.
I couldn’t be happier for him. As much as I couldn’t believe he invited me to the wedding. We still kept in touch and wrote a few letters per month to one another but we haven’t seen each other for over 5 months. Not since we bumped into each other in Diagon Alley.
Since he was on my list of people to apologize to, I invited him for coffee and told him everything. His reaction was pretty much the same as that of Lyla’s. It warmed my heart to see him looking at me so understandingly. It made me feel great and bad at the same time. I was finally out of my loophole but that made me realize just how foolish I was to even fall into it.
A few seconds after Bill took his place ready to get married, Charlie has positioned himself next to him. I was looking at him as if I have just seen the most beautiful creature on the entire planet. As I caught myself staring at him with my mouth slightly open I knew it was pointless denying the fact that I was still madly in love with him.
He was the man of my dreams and he was everything I could ever wish for in a person. Realizing all that shook my nerves even more. I snapped out of it just as Fleur started walking down the aisle. I have to keep it together and I have to keep myself from running away. He was the last one I needed to talk to. The last one I needed to apologize to for my stupid mistakes.
I sat down after dancing with yet another of the Weasley family members. I have no idea who the man was, I just knew he had to be a Weasley because of his fiery hair. I scanned the table to find my glass.
“Good evening.” I lifted my head to follow the voice.
“Hi, Bill.” I grinned at him. “Congratulations again.”
“Thank you.” He sat down next to me, his smile bigger than ever. “What are you sitting here all alone for?”
“Well, I danced with half of your relatives, your mum, and your dad and I think all of your brothers.” I laughed wholeheartedly.
“Most of my brothers.” He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head at the table where Charlie was sitting.
“I don't think he'd want to dance with me.” I swallowed hard. I felt my palms getting sweaty. I have been avoiding looking at that table for the last 2 hours. “He probably hates me.”
“Oh, I bet he wishes he could.” Bill murmured so fast that I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly.
“What?” I asked bluntly.
“Oh, nothing. Nothing.” Bill pressed his lips together, trying hard not to smirk. “Come on, invite him to dance.”
“What would his girlfriend think?” I tilted my head, waiting for the answer.
“Girlfriend?” Bill asked puzzled.
“I saw them dancing before, Bill.” I rolled my eyes playfully.
“The girl with pink hair?”
I hummed in response.
“That's one of his best friends, Tonks. They went to school together. She's married to Remus, who is sitting...” He scanned the room, looking for someone. “…right over there.” He pointed at a man with a lot of scars painting his face and a mustache.
“Oh.” Was all I could manage and rubbed my lips together.
“You didn't hear it from me but he's single.” He winked with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Thank you for the tip.” All I could manage was a nervous smile.
“Now are we just going to pretend that you attended my wedding just because of me or are you going to do something about you and him?” His eyes moving from me to where Charlie was sitting again.
“He is clearly having fun with his friends, I don't want to bother him.” At this point, I was just searching for excuses.
“Yeah, drinking and singing with the Hogwarts Game Keeper.” He chuckled. “Come with me.” He indicated with his hands that I should stand up and I followed him outside the tent.
I was getting more nervous by the minute. I had no idea where he was taking me until we suddenly stopped in the garden behind the Weasley home and he offered me to sit on the wooden bench, which I almost didn’t notice as it was mostly covered with vines and flowers. Without a single word, he started walking back to the tent.
I sat down slowly, swallowing my nerves. I didn’t like the expression on his face before he left. He looked as if he was up to something and I wasn’t big on surprises. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. My legs were shaking, my heels making sounds as they tapped against the ground.
I lifted my head as I heard someone coming my way.
“What is so important Bill and why are we going to the gard...” My heart clenched when I heard Charlie’s voice. “Oh, hi.” Was all he managed to say when he saw me.
His expression reminded me of the one he had on his face when he saw me at the gate in the Sanctuary.
“Hi.” My voice was barely audible.
“Oh, would you look at that, I think my wife is calling me.” Bill giggled and before either of us could say anything to him, he disappeared.
Charlie slowly made his way to me, the surprised expression still on his face. He sat down next to me, leaving a gap between us that was too big no matter how small it was.
An awkward silence fell upon us, both searching for words. This was my chance. I came here to talk to him, to apologize. I have to do it now.
“Charlie, listen...” I put my hands on my knees to stop my legs from shaking.
“How are you?” He interrupted me, staring at nothing in particular in front of him.
“I-I'm good. How are you?” I wanted him to look at me so I didn’t take my eyes off him.
“Not bad. Was a nice wedding.” He nodded towards the tent.
I calmed down as I felt that he was just as nervous as I was.
“Yeah.” I let out a hollow laugh.
Why was this so hard?
“I'm sorry I didn't say hello to you before.” He turned his head to me and our eyes finally met. “I know I passed you a few times.” He scratched the top of his head, embarrassed.
“It's okay.” I smiled slightly. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to bestow him with a smile. I had no idea how mad he was at me. “I understand. You probably hate me.”
“I don't hate you, Rhy.” I closed my eyes when he said my name like that. He was the only one who called me Rhy and I never wanted to forget how it sounded. “I just wish I understood what was going through your head.”
“Trust me, I wish things went differently.”
This was a good start, right? He just said he wanted to understand and I was here to explain everything.
“Yeah.” His lips curved just a little before returning to their original state.
We fell silent again. We always had so much to talk about and it was never hard. He was always the easiest person to talk to. I felt as if I could tell him anything.
“So where do you work now?” He broke the silence.
“I'm kind of in-between jobs right now.” I pursed my lips.
I didn’t want to talk about me not having a job.
“You know, you can always come back to the Sanctuary. We didn't ban you from it and everybody misses you.”
Including you?
I wanted to ask but let the question die in my mouth instead. It warmed my heart so much that he offered me to return to Romania.
“You look better.” He scanned me with his eyes and I felt my heart beating hard against my ribcage.
I knew exactly what he meant. The last time he saw me I looked like shit. I let myself go completely.
“Thank you.” I gave out a soft smile. “I feel better too. Lyla got me into therapy.”
“Into what?” His face screwed in confusion.
“It's something Muggles do when they have…well mental issues.” I explained.
“You had mental issues?” I liked the concern in his voice a bit too much.
“You couldn't tell?” I asked sarcastically.
“I knew something was up but you didn't want to talk about it so I thought it was because of Nick.” He answered honestly.
“Nick was the least of my problems.” I said quickly.
Nick was the last person I wanted to talk to him about.
“Oh.” The word escaped from his mouth as if I caught him off guard. “That's...yeah...good for you.” He nodded, pressing his lips together and I knew what I said hurt him.
“Charlie, I hope you know that everything that happened between us...”
“Don't.” He lifted his hand at me. “You don't need to explain yourself to me.”
If it was any other time I would stop talking then and there but this was it. It was time for him to know the truth.
“Yes, I do.” I said, determined. “You were right that day in front of the Ministry. You deserve answers. As I said, everything that happened between us was as real for me as it was for you.” My legs started shaking again.
Did I say too much too quickly?
“Okay.” I could see his cheeks turn scarlet and I wanted to kiss him so badly at moment.
I wanted to kiss the hell out of him.
“I just...” I inhaled sharply.
This was it. No turning back now. Here’s my story, Charlie, and please don’t run away when I’m done talking.
“I was in a really bad place. In my Seventh year at Beauxbatons, I didn't read the instructions properly and made a poison instead of a Calming Draught. My boyfriend at the time drank it and he died.” I was staring into nothingness.
I could see with the corner of my eye that he turned to me slightly as I said the last few words and I could feel his eyes on me.
“I wasn't charged for murder even though I begged them to lock me up because I couldn't see how I could forgive myself. It was marked as an accident. I barely finished school and got the job at Gringotts and gladly took it just to get away from everything.” I shook my head.
I was doing better. It got easier to talk about it every time I said it out loud.
“I was fine for 3 years, I thought I was over it. I promised myself that I will never brew another potion and that I will never be with anyone ever again.” I bowed my head. Saying all of this used to make me cry but I forgave myself. I had to. “I thought I didn't deserve it after what I did. And then Bill brought me home and I met you.”
He was still looking at me. I wanted to turn and look into his beautiful eyes that were always so full of compassion and love but I couldn’t. I didn’t dare. I didn’t know what he thought about everything I just said. I didn’t know if he was judging me or not and I wasn’t ready to find out just yet. He didn’t say anything either so I continued talking.
“I know what you felt that day, Charlie.” I said in a whisper. I wanted to talk about us, about what that night meant to me for such a long time. “You think I didn't? I know that what happened between us that night was so far away from a one-night stand. I have never felt such a strong connection to a person before and my curiosity got the better of me.”
I shook my head. I always said it was a mistake but I have to forgive myself for that too.
“I had to see if there was something between us and it killed me when I was right. As much as something was pulling me toward you that much did I want to run away because all that guilt came right back.”
“All this drama between us happened because of something you did at school?” He failed to comprehend and I didn’t blame him.
“I killed a person, Charlie.” I said through my teeth.
“It was an accident.” His voice was so soft, so full of understanding of my situation.
“How would you feel if something you did killed Emma back then?” I finally looked at him.
He told me about his first love Emma one morning when we were looking at the sunrise together. It was a tragedy that they had to break up because of long-distance. He seemed really happy with her.
He didn’t reply to my question but I could see it in his eyes that he was trying to put himself in my shoes.
“See? Now you know how I felt. You felt so guilty about what you did to Bill when we slept together now imagine how it would be if someone lost their life because of a stupid mistake you've made.” I tried to explain further.
“Okay, I'm sorry.” He said gently and placed his hand on the bench, filling the gap between us. “I understand. Continue.”
“What I felt with you that night Charlie, was what I imagined every time someone asked me what do I want in a person. It was just as I imagined it would be with someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with.” I slowly removed my hand from my knees and placed it next to his on the bench, our fingers almost touching. “It was even better than that.”
“Why didn't you ever tell me this before?” He breathed.
“Because I couldn't. I know what I did to you was wrong. I know I was playing with your feelings but I was just so drawn to you I couldn't help myself.” I was telling the truth.
There was no point in hiding it anymore.
“I guess.” He bowed his head, turning it to look straight ahead of him.
“After that, I couldn't stop thinking about you. It came so far that I applied to work in Romania.” I continued.
“That was because of me?” He turned back to me with an incredulous expression.
“Of course, it was because of you.” I gave out a faint smile, our eyes locked again.
“But you also applied for the American Sanctuary.” He frowned.
“To make myself think that I was doing it to switch jobs.”
“And I thought I had battles in my head.” His lip twitched as he moved his hand slightly closer to mine.
“I decided to go to Romania anyways but I knew what I was doing was wrong so to stop myself from doing anything stupid I started dating Nick.” I gave out a deep sigh.
“So you knew he was a prick?” I wanted to laugh at the nickname he gave him but stopped myself just in time, placing a hand over my mouth.
“Of course, I knew!”
“Then why in the bloody hell did you go out with him?” He failed to understand.
“I wanted to punish myself.” I admitted.
Saying it out loud sounded insane.
“Look, he wasn't all that bad but he did have a big ego and he only cared for himself.” I wasn’t trying to defend him but I had to make him see why I did what I did.
“So, you thought that being with him was better than being with me?”
I felt something break in me. How could he even think that? How could he even compare himself to Nick? Did he think so low of himself? Did I make him think that way?
“No.” I shook my head hard. “Nothing can compare to being with you in any way, Charlie.” I looked him deep in the eyes and moved my hand closer to his, our fingers finally meeting. “But I thought that if I'll be with Nick then I will stop feeling guilty. I couldn't forgive myself for what I've done.”
“I'm trying to understand you, Rhy, but fuck, do you know what you put yourself through here?” He scratched the top of his head. “What you put me through because of your past?”
“I know. I'm sorry.” I felt tears burning my eyes.
My past didn’t make me cry anymore. I was over it and I was proud of that. The way he said what I put him through. The pain in his voice even though he tried to understand what I was telling him. That’s what brought tears to my eyes.
“Please, continue your story. You're telling me everything.” It made my heart beat faster just knowing that he was still willing to listen.
“When I got to Romania and saw you, all those feelings came back and I hated myself for it. I saw the way you were looking at me, I'm not blind. I just didn't dare to do anything about it. I was falling for you as fast as Bean eats his dinner and it was killing me because I didn't allow myself to tell you.” His lips curved into a smile when I compared my feelings to a dragon.
“But why didn't you? What did you think would happen? That you'd poison me too?”
“I thought I didn't deserve you!” I blurted.
“Rubbish!” He scoffed. “You made a mistake. You are allowed to be forgiven.” He entwined our fingers and I wanted to melt at his touch.
Fuck, I missed him so much.
“I didn't think that.” I said slowly, my eyes on our hands. “I thought that you were too good for me, I still do.”
“Rhy...” He tilted his head, bringing his shoulder closer to mine.
“I know. I said I'm better I didn't say I'm all there yet.” I bestowed him with a smile.
“So why did you sleep with me after the party in the Sanctuary if you felt like you weren't good enough for me?” He continued.
“I was just drunk enough. It was the same as at the Burrow. I wasn't brave enough to do anything about it while sober. The booze got me just enough courage to bury all the bad feelings and just give in.” I closed my eyes, reminiscing on it.
“That you did.” He chuckled.
He actually chuckled!
I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest by hearing that noise. His laugh was always my favorite. He never gave you more than a smile if he didn’t find something worth laughing for.
“Charlie, that night...” I bit my lip and locked my eyes with his.
“I know. It was amazing.” He bent his lips inwards and I could see the night rolling in front of his eyes.
“It was so much more than that.” I couldn’t find the words to describe it.
No one could. But I know we both knew exactly what it meant.
“Then why did you tell Nick? Why didn't you just stop all the madness then and there if it meant so much to you?” He squinted his eyes.
“Don't you get it?” I chortled. “I did it because it meant so much to me. I felt too happy. I couldn't allow myself to feel that. I was terrified of how good it was, Charlie. What I feel for you is something that people describe in romance novels, I didn't even know it was real.”
“So you went back to your boyfriend to torture yourself.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. But not a judgmental one.
“Yes. Trust me I know how it sounds. I thought I deserved to be in pain. I constantly searched for something that would hurt me so that I could redeem myself for what I did at Beauxbatons. I thought that by telling Nick I will make you see that I'm hurting you. I wanted you to get over me, to be with someone better. With someone who won't hurt you.”
And in the process, I hurt him more instead of setting him free.
“There is no one better for me, Rhylee.” He said with a soft voice that woke up all the butterflies in my stomach again. “Don't you get it? Ever since we slept together at the Burrow there was nobody that could compare to you. And you only hurt me because of the things you were doing to yourself. If I knew the reason behind all your actions I would've done things differently myself.” He pressed my fingers together with his, his eyes full of understanding.
“I know. I'm sorry.” I shook my head. “You have no idea how sorry I am about it. I thought I was doing you a favor but I didn't put myself in your shoes. I didn't...” I choked.
“You didn't love yourself enough to be with me.” He finished my sentence.
“You sound like my therapist.” I chuckled.
“So, I am finally understanding what you're saying?”
I replied to his question with a hum.
“And what does your therapist think about your relationship with Nick?” Something in his eyes shifted.
They weren’t soft anymore, they were angry.
“Nick and I broke up in February.” I said.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” He murmured.
“I know you don't mean that. It was for the best.” I assured him.
“So, is Lyla helping you with the baby then?” I turned to him abruptly, blinking.
“I...I lost the baby.” I said with a husky voice.
“What?” Charlie jumped in his seat.
I don’t know why I thought that Bill told him.
“Yeah...” I tried to smile but failed. “The healers said there was nothing they could do. Sometimes it just happens.”
I tried to act strong but this was one of the few things I wasn’t over yet. Yes, it was Nick’s baby, and being pregnant at the time wasn’t something I planned or wished for but something changes when you’re pregnant and it still hurt that I lost the baby. I felt my eyes water again.
“I am so sorry, Rhy.” I could hear how sorry he was in his voice.
Without saying anything else he pulled me into a hug. How I missed his hugs and his smell. He always smelled so nice. Like how I would describe a summer breeze if it had a smell.
“Thank you. It's the reason Nick and I broke up. He blamed me for losing the baby.” I mumbled into his shoulder.
“He what?!” Charlie barked, pulling away from me.
“It's okay, Charlie. I brought this on myself and I had to deal with it. Losing the baby was my breaking point. I knew I had to get out of it. I hit rock bottom. That's why Lyla got me into therapy. I was in my bed for days and she lost it.” I tried calming him down.
“I would too. She did the right thing and since you look better I assume it helped you.”
“It did wonders.” An appreciative smile painted my face. Getting into therapy was the best decision I have made in years. “I’m not done with therapy but I am making progress.”
“So did you put yourself through enough shit now or do you still have a wish to torment yourself?” He asked in a serious voice.
“No, I'm done. I wouldn't be at this wedding otherwise.” I got shy all of a sudden.
I told him everything he needed to know and this was it. It was time to see if he can forgive me. I know what a bombshell I dropped on him and I know it’s a lot to process and I wouldn’t want to rush him. I just wanted us to be on speaking terms again. I knew I would never get more than that.
“I don't understand.” His brows got closer together.
“I came here to apologize to you besides being here for Bill and being happy for him being so much in love.” I said truthfully.
“Is that the only reason you're here – to apologize?” He gently bumped into my shoulder and leaned closer to me.
Was he going for a kiss?
“Are you sure?” I couldn’t believe it.
I didn’t dare to dream about us ever being anything more than friends again.
“I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.” He placed his hand on my cheek and I trembled under his touch.
“But I hurt you so much, Charlie. Can you really forgive me for everything I put you through so fast?” I had to know that he was sure.
I had to know that he forgave me for all the pain I caused him.
“I'm still in love with you, Rhy.” He brushed his nose against mine and rested his forehead on mine.
We never said the words. We didn’t have the chance to but then again we never had to. We both knew how we felt about each other.
“If Bill could forgive me for sleeping with you without even thinking twice about it, then you have to know you are already forgiven. I was never mad at you I just felt sorry for you because you were ruining yourself when you could have everything you ever wanted with me.”
That was it. That’s what I needed to hear. I pressed my lips hard against his and I felt my body melting when he returned the kiss. It was just as I remembered. His lips were soft and he tasted like Fire Whiskey which made my lips curve.
“Damn, it feels nice to kiss you and know nobody's getting hurt for it.” He said after pulling away.
“Tell me about it.” I kissed him again.
I finally don’t have to feel guilty for kissing him. He doesn’t have to feel guilty. I could feel the happiness and the realization, that we can finally be together, without the drama without thinking of anyone else, vibrate through my body.
“We needed a long time to get here, didn't we?” I giggled. “Only a few years, give or take.” I joked and kissed him again.
I will never get enough of this.
“Give or take, yeah.” He laughed and kissed my forehead.
“It took us a while but at least we're here now and it feels right.” I couldn’t stop smiling.
This was the best feeling in the world.
“I thought we would never get the chance to be together. There were so many obstacles in our way. Always a reason why we can't be with each other.”
“Is it bad if I say I wouldn't have it any other way?” I cupped his face and searched for the answer in his eyes.
“No.” He shook his head lightly. “It's kind of nice if you think about it. You have to go through hell sometimes to get to the good stuff.”
“Yeah.” He was right. We’ve been through so much. I made us go through so much but in the end, we still ended up together. “Makes you think that perhaps, we were meant to be.”
His lips curved as I said that and I knew he was thinking the same as he leaned in for another kiss.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who read this story. ❤️ I know it's shorter and it didn't have that much fluff in it and some of you thought I was cruel to Charlie for breaking his heart so many times. I know - my brain comes up with weird stories and I promise in the next one our bean will be nothing but happy. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! ❤️
I know this story isn't as long as the last one but this is how I pictured it. The wedding still gets disturbed by the death eaters. Peter gives Rhylee her job back and she moves back to Romania. Rhylee helps with the Order and she fights in the Battle of Hogwarts. Because of everything that went down and with all of the war trauma she and Charlie move to Britain for a little while to be closer to family and friends and they both go to therapy. After a few years, they move back to Romania and they move in together.
For all of you, that ship Theodore and Gerta (I got a few messages about them and it amused me so much because I love them together) - after Theo never giving up and asking her out all the time, Gerta finally gives in saying yes to a date. She can't believe how sweet Theo is and what a romantic he is. They were dating for 6 months when Theodore popped the question and when they got married all his teammates were his best men.
And as I said yesterday: I know that what Rhylee went through can't be solved with 6 months worth of therapy as is stated in the story. I needed to fit it in the timeline to align everything with Bill's wedding and is the only reason why I picked 6 months. One of my best friends has a Ph.D. in psychotherapy and she told me that with Rhylee's situation of feeling so guilty and wanting to torment herself it is very unrealistic that she would be as fine as I wrote her to be - I am fully aware of that. I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable with it or if anyone finds it offensive in any way.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
I do believe it would be for the best for you to have that nice day with Janus that you'd planned to have, Logan. Like you said, you shouldn't neglect your own wellbeing, and your emotional wellbeing looks like it could use the break.
(Words: 3431)
Logan let out a sigh "You're right. Worrying nonstop for Remy won't help them either way"
Two days later Janus had a devious smile on his lips as he sat in the passanger seat of Logan's car. His boyfriend had picked him up directly from his apartement. He hadn't said where they were going.
"Let me guess. You are taking me to the woods and surround me by your league of vampires so you can go through with your monthly blood sucking ritual” Janus guessed.
"Oh no dear. That I do with Patty the first thursday of every month" Logan replied druly.
His hands were shaking slightly as he held onto the steering wheel. Every time he looked over to his boyfriend all he could see was Remy passed out with the bruise all around their neck. He could hear every word they'd yelled. His throat tightened.
Logan hit the brake and the car slid to a stop. They were near a park. It was 9 pm and the sky had started to darken.
"We can- We can walk the rest of the way yes? Some fresh air has almost never hurt anyone and the cases where it has are very fascinating" He hoped it would distract him.
“Ah yes because I am so well known for enjoying long walks!” Jan replied sarcastically “Maybe I will if it’s with you”
Logan took out a bag from the backseat. Jan took his boyfriend's free hand and leaned his cheek against his shoulder as they went into the park.
"Is that the bag you're going to hide my body in?"
"I'm afraid the bag is too small for that"
Janus let out an incredibly dramatic gasp while gripping his chest "The rudeness!! Baffling rudeness!!!"
“Yes. I took you here to surprise you with my rudeness”
They went on a path lined with trees until they got to a hill. The trees all but surronded the hill. Aside from some teenagers playing music far away they seemed to be some of the only people in the park.
Once they got to the top Logan pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek “Close your eyes” He murmured into his ear.
His cheeks immediately turned bright red “Well darling since you will now most definitely murder me I am glad your face will be the last thing I see!”
He stood in blindness for at least 3 minutes. His chest was bubbling over with excitement. He didn’t even realize he was shimmying his shoulders to happy stim.
“Alright. My honeysnake you may open your eyes” Logan’s voice was also filled with excitement.
Janus let out a small gasp as he looked. Logan had laid out a star embroidered blanket and sat with his legs crossed on it. He held out a bottle of red wine, his boyfriend’s favorite kind of course. He’d brought several different pastries. Jam drops shaped like hearts, a lemon pie, strawberry bars, 2 cupcakes one with frosting made to look like a snake and one made to look like an owl.
“Oh....” Janus was speechless for a moment before getting a smug smirk on his lips “I see that you’re going in the route of poisoning me through romantic food”
“I am estimating that you will continue with that joke all night, yes?”
Janus cuddled up to his side. Logan took his hand and pressed a kiss to the top of it before handing him a glass of wine. They clinked their glasses together. The stars had started to come out.
He inspected each and every dessert in an incredibly dramatic fashion before taking a strawberry bar. As soon as he took a bite his eyes went wide.
"Darling which overworked soccer mom did you rob these from???"
Logan triumphantly pointed at himself "This overworked soccer mom. I bake even more than on a regular basis when I am stressed, and I have been experiencing a lot of stress lately"
He held onto his hand harder "My boyfriend senses did go off before. Do you want to talk about it? Or shall I simply push whoever is causing you the stress down a flight of stairs?"
"Oh I wish you would throw him down many stairs" Logan mumbled to himself. ".....It is....quite alright dear. I want this night to be a sort of distraction...for now please dont ask about it"
"My lips are sealed then...but not for the food!"
They cuddled together, ate and drank while looking at the stars. There were no clouds out. No wind. It was like the universe had wanted them to have a good night.
Janus pointed at each and every star constellation he could make out and made an intentionally horrible guess on what it was so Logan could infodump. His eyes were glimmering as he explained it. He looked so beautiful Jan wanted to kiss him endleesly.
“Okay...so..Andromeda was your favorite right?” Janus asked. He had jam on his lips from the sweets (crofters obviously) “Which one is it?”
Logan leaned close to his side and laid his hand on his boyfriend’s chin to move his head to see it “Right there. It’s brightest star is alpha andromedea”
Janus nodded along “Darling what constellation do you think suits me best?”
His expression turned incredibly serious. This was a life or death answer! “Well Patty’s favorite is ursa major aka big bear but you hmmmm Lacerta is a quite obvious once since it’s a lizard...but I think Horologium fits you better"
"Honey all I heard there was you saying ancient latin to summon a demon"
"It’s a pendulum clock! It fits you since they’re mysterious and" He gazed into his boyfriends eyes "They're also very pretty to look at"
Janus let out a pff while shoving his hand in Logan’s face to make him look away "Dork" He chuckled out as his cheeks heated up.
"Oh yes that reminds me"
He pressed a quick kiss to Jan's nose before scrambling around in his bag. He took out a long yellow plush snake. It had a black hat and a red tounge sticking out.
"This was for some reason on my doorstep a few nights ago. It reminded me of you so I thought you should have it"
Janus looked at it with wide eyes "Wait"
He took out a big blue owl plushie from his bag. It had a tiny bow and square glasses. It was incredibly fluffy for an owl.
“This was by my door as well!”
“I am sure there is a logical explanation for this! I am also sure you deserve a snake present”
They switched the plushies. Janus held the snake plushie in his hands and looked down at it’s big kind eyes. He grimaced.
“Darling...I uh already have a snake at home...and  it’s totally not like that owl reminds me of you and I’ve already grown attached to having it in my bed and imagining it’s you or anything...totally not”
Logan let out a breathe of relief “Oh yes! Honey I have been hugging that snake as if it’s my second lung. So I technically don’t need it but it does help me live!”
Janus hugged the owl plushie close to his chest while Logan put the snake around his neck like a scarf. Lo looked over to his boyfriend and got a small smile on his face.
“But my sweet honeysnake you can....slither into my apartement and into my arms whenever the plushie isn’t enough” He moved his hand to his boyfriend’s chin and leaned in. 
Janus flinched away, for a moment there was fear in his eyes.
“I am very sorry” Logan said “I was not intending to kiss you on your lips. I am aware of your boundaries and will not do it until you tell me you’re ready. I was going for your cheek”
“Sorry” He hid his face in the owl’s soft fur so his boyfriend wouldn’t see his embarrassment “I’m sorry”
“There is no reason to apologize here but I will accept your aplogy nonetheless”
Logan gave his boyfriend some time to gather himself, he knew how easily overwhelmed he got. He munched on some of the leftover pie. Janus sunk in on himself. 
“Can I tell you something?” Janus quietly asked while fiddling with the owl’s wing to keep himself calm.
“Of course hun”
“...I contacted Picani..and I have been talking to him. It-it’s only been 3 or so sessions and they’re only like 15 or 30 minutes. It’s barely anything. But I’d thought I’d tell you”
He glanced back up to Logan and was taken aback by the big goofy grin on his lips. It was so unlike him.
“Janus that’s great!” He threw his arms around him and pulled him into a hug so sudden they both nearly tumbled over “I’m so proud of you!”
It took a moment before Janus took it in. He shone up into a smile and leaned into the hug. His nose pressed against the slope of his boyfriend’s neck and the plushies got crushed between them.
"You just sounded uncannily much like Patty" Jan chuckled out.
“I can accept that!” He took his boyfriend’s hand while stimming with the other “Is the therapy helping you progress emotionally? Of course it’s alright if you haven’t yet, asking for help is well enough”
Janus leaned away from him, just a bit so Logan’s arms were still around him but they weren’t pressed against each other. He looked away to the stars and bit the inside of his cheek.
“It’s doing wonders! I don’t have tentacles sprouting out of my back anymore” He tried to joke but it didn’t sound happy “..It is helping...genuinely..It’s just....I think my family might not have been the best. THey weren’t abusive! Not anywhere close! So I am unsure if they really were bad at all, even if Picani says so”
“Oh honey” Logan said it so very softly “They don’t have to have been abusive, or mean to treat you bad. If they hurt you they hurt you. That’s all that matters”
He nodded “Right....right. May I vent about it?”
“Of course”
He moved his hand through the owl’s fur to keep him calm “My mom would comment on what I ate constantly. Anything I ate was too much for her since I already looked disgusting-”
“You don’t. Objectivly so”
“I- I know. But I still think about it every time I eat. And I worry about eating around other people, what if they think I’m gross”
“Then they’re objectivly an asshole and I will kick my knee into their chin. Including your mother!” 
“Logan no!”
“Logan yes!”
Lo knew he had succeeded when Janus let up into a laugh. 
“Oh it was horrible” Janus continued through the last small chuckles “Every time she forced me to go buy clothes with her I would get panic attacks from what she said about my body and I always hid it because I was afraid of what she would say. And the one time she heard me literally sobbing in a dressing room all she said was that I was overreacting and to hurry up”
Logan was very quickly forgetting that the kicking in face thing was supposed to be a joke “Mhm yes that does indeed sound astronomically horrible yes”
Janus wiped his hand over his eye as if to rub memories away “It was....I thought so much of it was normal..I didn’t know-”
“You shouldn’t have had to think like that in the first place”
“I know....I know...They made me feel so much shame...Before I even knew...Just hearing my dad talk about...people like me on the tv made me feel shame before I even fathomed the idea that I could like men”
He let up into another laugh. The kind of laugh that came when he remembered something so bad the only thing he could do to not cry was to laugh.
“I- I’d never heard my mom say anything about it so I tried coming out to her” He chuckled “It didn’t go well! I used a youtube video because I couldn’t physically say the word gay. And then she outed me to my dad behind my back and never told me! I found out through my aunt!”
Logan was moving away from a knee kick and instead thinking of bringing a baseball bat.
“And- And I should have known because right after when- we were on vacation and my dad- I was 14 I think maybe it’s blurry- I-I saw two men hold hands in public and I’d never- I felt so happy- I wanted to run up to them- I couldn’t stop staring and then..and then my dad moved his arm around my shoulders and pointed at them and he looked into my eyes and his voice was so steady” Janus’ eyes had stopped moving, they were staring out into thin air as if he could see it happening again “He told me that what the men were doing was wrong. That We didn’t like that. That it was disgusting. And then he forced me to walk away”
Janus’ hand was shaking as he gripped onto the plushie to keep himself present. Logan gently took one of his hands and pressed a kiss to it.
“You shouldn’t have had to hear that, ever”
“It feels so good to finally tell someone” He sighed “Aside from Picani I’ve held that to myself for so so long....It’s...It’s been so many years. Shouldn’t I be over this. The shame has gotten a bit better...but it’s still there”
“Honey, For how long have you lived without being in contact with those...those wretched humans made out of boiled together pieces of maggot bones?” Logan asked in a straightforward tone.
“Around 14 months? I think? It’s all so blurry. Me before and after meeting you totally don’t feel like 2 different people or anything”
“Mhm. How many times have you gone to therapy?”
“3 times”
“No human being can be expected to recover from several years of trauma, because it is trauma, in such a short amount of time. Especially with such a small amount of professional help” Logan said in a very agressive but somehow also loving voice while smacking his hand to the top of his boyfriend’s head to pat him.
Janus looked at him. He looked at the way he was trying so hard to comfort him in his own lovely way. Looked around at the stars lighting up their date. Looked at the leftover food his boyfriend had spent time to make just to share between them, because he never saw him as disgusnting no matter what he ate.
He let up into a smile before leaning forward so his and Logan’s foreheads were pressing against each other. He intertwined their fingers. He felt his boyfriend’s breathe against his nose. 
Oh he was so alive. He was holding hands with his boyfriend and he was so alive.
“I love you” Janus murmured out.
Logan shone up into a soft smile “I love you too”
He cupped Janus’ cheeks and leaned even closer. Their eyes met so perfectly. Logan could see the stars mirroring in his boyfriend’s eyes, like a small galaxy.
“And honey- Janus, you’re not perfect because none of us are and you shouldn’t feel the need to be perfect, but there is not a goddamn part of you you should ever feel ashamed of”
A warm feeling filled Janus’ chest. He leaned forward and kissed Logan.
His boyfriend’s lips were so soft against his, he closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. For a moment he didn’t even realize what he’d done, all he could think about was Logan’s warm hands against his cheeks and his lips that tasted like strawberries and coffee.
He practically flung away from Logan just as suddenly as he’d kissed him. His chest was rapidly heaving up and down as he gasped for breathe. He clasped his hand over his mouth.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t- I’m sorry- I should have asked you before- Sorry” 
Logan was tracing his fingers over his lips, as if he could barely even believe what had just happened “Honey dear sweetheart beloved you” He let out a small happy sound “I think I’ve made it quite clear I was Very ready for you kissing me whenever you wanted to”
“Oh- Oh okay. Phew”
“Your lips taste like crofters! This is amazing! A scientific miracle! I have to study your lips! In multiple ways!!”
Janus let up into a light laugh “Darling there was crofters in the jam drops you made. Of course I taste like crofters”
“hmm. Seems logical. Your lips are still from here on out classified as a scientific miracle either way”
“Can we...” Janus was full on grinning as he nervously asked “Can we kiss again? Please?”
Logan didn’t answer. He simply squeezed his boyfriend’s cheeks and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him. 
He kissed so hard they both tumbled over. Janus fell down on his back and Logan used his arms to not fall down on top of him. They looked at each other for a moment, cheeks flushed, lips red, eyes wide, and smiled.
Janus tugged at his boyfriend’s tie to pull him into another kiss. His hand was in his hair, the other on his lower back. His thigh was somewhere pressed against Logan’s ribs. All he could focus on was the feeling of his lips. It felt like electricity was going up and down through his body at hyper speed.
This wasn’t exactly Logan’s first rodeo so he noticed very quickly when Janus opened his eyes and started looking unsure. He quickly moved away and laid himself down beside him. His arm was laid out across his boyfriend’s chest and their hands were still intertwined.
“Sorry. This is totally not at all a lot to take in” Janus panted out “I only need a second and a spa bath to process it”
“That is alright dear” Logan was still grinning. His cheeks started to hurt from it. He let up into happy flaps “I have been waiting for this for approximately 12 months and I will have you know it was very worth the wait. You are a natural my love. The first time I kissed Patty I fell off a swing and broke my glasses immediately afterwards”
Janus giggled at his story. He clasped his mouth shut. The giggles sounded so unlike him. They were so light and loud, but he couldn’t stop giggling. It was like millions of small butterflies were finally leaving his stomach and were transforming right into giggles. 
They laughed together, their bodies pressed close together, as they looked up at the night sky. The tree tops outlined the galaxy above them.
“Darling it was a great night to take me star-gayzing” Janus chuckled out.
Logan stared at him as if he’d just thrown a watermelon into his eye “Was that a pun I heard?! I automatically despise you!”
“You love me! You said it!!” He giggled back.
“How do I keep ending up with pun makers. This is highly ridicolous!"
"Muhahaha. It is all in the plan deary!” Janus moved his arms around mysteriously “The great evil pun plan!"
“I’ll kiss you until you tell me all about it”
“Hard bargain, but I’ll surely manage”
Logan pouted while moving to press a kiss to his boyfriends collar bones. He kept littering kisses to his neck and cheek and nose until kissing him on the lips again.
He wished they weren’t in a public space so he could kiss his wonderful thighs, his stomach rolls, his shoulders, every stretch mark on his chest. So he could give him all the love he'd daydreamed about.
Janus looked at him with a sneaky grin and red cheeks "Would it be acceptable to try with tounge now?"
"Incredibly acceptabe"
He gently moved Janus so he sat on top of his hips. His hands were leaned on either side of Logan’s face. 
"Are you sure I’m not too heavy?" Janus mumbled out.
"Honey Patty is about the same size as you. I am Very used to having my pelvic crushed. In multiple ways"
Janus nodded and let up into a nervous smile. Logan moved his boyfriend’s head close and parced his lips. His hand rested against his cheek.
"You're beautiful. You're so incredibly beautiful" Logan murmured before brining him in for another kiss.
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daddyissuesingreen · 3 years
“Lonely” Bucky Barnes x GN! Reader (Song Series pt. 2)
Tumblr media
gif creds: @classylena​
Warnings: Kinda sad, Bucky throwing stuff, TFAWS SPOILERS
Summary: Bucky isn’t okay with a lot of things, you are not one of them
Genre: Sad, Angst, fluff
Word Count: 1,213
Author’s note: First, this has not been beta read or edited. Second, I haven’t written in like ever so I am kinda rusty but I hope this is good, nonetheless. This is my first Bucky piece, after watching TFAWS how could I not write one? So, I hope you like it!
“I'm slowly killing myself
I'm trying so hard at the back of the shelf”
Bucky has been trying so hard to change back to the way he was before Hydra brainwashed him, but it has been proven difficult. 
Bucky doesn’t want people to remember him as the Winter Soldier, he just wants to be Bucky again.
Everyday he is trying to remember more so he can be the way he was in the past. 
You wish he would realize that him trying so hard and pushing himself to do things he isn't ready for is just hurting him.
Bucky wants you to love him for who he was, not who he is, but loving Bucky is easy for you, regardless of who he was, is, or becomes. He is your person.
“It's just the same every day
I'm writing these songs that will never get played”
The government has given him a pardon for all of his crimes and he is even in therapy, but you know he is still having his nightmares.
“Bucks, please, you gotta tell me what is happening in your nightmares.. It will help you.” You say as you cradle your lover who just shot up out of his sleep, another nightmare.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I just have to pee. Not a nightmare.” He said nonchalantly, you could tell he was lying.
Bucky got up and walked towards the bathroom door in your shared bedroom. You got up and placed your hand on his shoulder blade as he grabbed the door knob.
“We have this conversation every night, Bucky. I will listen when you’re ready, but can you not lie to me about the nightmares? Let me hold you.” You slowly try to hug him from behind but he just shrugs you off and walks into the bathroom.
“Buck ple-..” You start but he shuts the door and locks it.
“I get told what's wrong and what's right
I don't have a romantic life”
Before you, Bucky never really had the chance to be in a relationship, you don’t understand how. He was gorgeous and the best man you have ever met, but it didn’t bother you.
Dating Bucky was an adventure because he didn’t know the “modern dating rules.” He insisted on doing things the way he knew, and they said chivalry was dead.
“Bucky. You do not have to always pay for the meals. Let me pay.” You giggle and pinch your boyfriend's side as he paid the waitress for your meal.
“Are you telling me that not letting you pay is wrong?” He chuckles.
“No!” You laugh, “you just don’t have to pay all of the time… or take my wallet so that i can’t. That’s wrong!” You laugh again and go to stand up so you guys could leave the restaurant.
Bucky gestures for you to sit back down and you do so while giggling.
Bucky rushes behind you and pulls your seat out, “M’lady.” He smiles at you sweetly.
You smile and kiss him softly after you are stood up. “This,” you grab his cheeks, “this is right.” You smile and kiss him again.
“And everyone's dying
So I keep on trying
To make them proud before they are gone”
After the events that took place a few months back with Thanos’ coming back, Tony dying, and Steve going back for Peggy, Bucky felt hopeless.
You tried so hard to help him to get through it, but he needed Steve.
“Peggy was fine without him!” Bucky was yelling while throwing stuff around the compound.
“Bucky, please calm down! You’re scaring me!” You said while slowly approaching him.
“I’m sorry, darling. But I just don’t understand. I wanted to make him proud and now he’s going to die before I can. I need him and he won’t be here.” He started to cry and you hurried to hug him.
“And I won’t be able to apologize to Tony. He will never know how sorry I am for what I did.” He started to sob and slide down your body. 
You sat the both of you on the ground and held him while he was crying.
You ran your fingers through his hair, “I know it’s hard right now, bub, but i'm here. I will always be here.”
“Oh, can't someone help me
Oh, please someone help me
I don't care anyone, anything
Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely”
“Y/N,” Bucky says through the bathroom door, “I need help.’
You jiggle the doorknob, “then let me in, Bucky.”
“Not in here, baby, I can’t take this anymore.” You hear him crying.
“What is it? What can I do?” Your voice cracks, you are worried about him.
“Anything. Do anything.” He sobs out.
You immediately kick the door open.
It wasn’t even a thought in your head, more like an instinct, you need to get to Bucky.
Once the door is open you rush down to Bucky on the floor and hold him.
You cradle his head and kiss it softly while he continues to cry.
“Let it out, baby. I’m right here.” You say in almost a whisper and Bucky moves his head into your lap and you just run your hand through his hair.
You don’t need to say anything, just being there comforts him.
“Y/N, I am so lonely and scared. I get lost in these thoughts in my head,” He sighs and then takes a deep breath, “what if Steve was wrong about me? What if I’m not redeemable. What if I can’t be a good person?” He looks up at you with sad eyes.
“James, I love you. I know you’re good. A bad person wouldn’t be worried about being a better version of themselves, or making amends,” You start and he sits up slightly, “and it’s okay to feel lonely right now, as long as you know you aren’t alone. I want to help you, Bucky. This will all get better. Not now, not tomorrow, or even next week, or year. But it will, slowly, and I want to be there when it does, because you will be unstoppable. You will be the best man out there, but to me, you’re already my best boy. Steve would even agree, you don’t need to change Bucky, you don’t need to be ashamed anymore because you are not the winter soldier anymore, you are James Bucky Barnes, and you are amazing.” 
You don’t realize that you’re crying until Bucky sits up and kisses you passionately.
“I love you, Y/N, and I have never needed anyone the way I need you.”
“I love you too, Bucko.” You giggle at his nickname and place a hand on his cheek.
“I’m ready to go back to bed.” He says and stands up from the ground.
“You sure?” You ask him and get up too.
“As long as you promise to hold me.” He walks to the bed and lays down.
“Always.” You follow suit and lay beside him and curl up against him he puts his face in your boobs, typical Bucky. You place your on top of him, leg on his, and close your eyes.
Neither of you have slept that good in a long time.
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macgyverseries · 3 years
rebutting and debunking frequently used arguments against macriley
I made this 10-page google doc rant a while ago, but I never ended up posting it. Today, however, I woke up and chose violence. So here it is: my thoughts on frequently used arguments against macriley.
I took some quotes and arguments that people put online (reddit, tumblr..), and I debunked them all :p I feel like I always see the same arguments all the time, and I’m honestly getting a little tired of hearing them. I’m here to settle this once and for all.
and yes, i did manage to cut down the google doc by 3 pages :D (but it's still long af so rip my brain)
1.”Mac and Riley are siblings because Jack is their father”
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I can (mostly) get behind the argument that Mac and Riley shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship because of their super strong friendship. Some people really value that sole platonicness, and I get that.
But the argument that I can’t get behind is that: Mac and Riley are siblings because Jack is their father figure”
If you google the definition of “father,” the first result that comes up is: “a man in relation to his children.”
Now, Jack was definitely the father figure to Riley, and I would consider her his child. He raised her. He helped shape her ideals and upbringing.
Mac only met Jack when he left MIT. So it was pretty much after Mac was raised (by Bozer’s parents haha), that Jack really came into his life. Mac already became his own person. (also, I always saw Mac and Jack as more of a bromance)
So because Riley and Mac met Jack at different periods of their lives, and they were raised differently, I wouldn’t say that they were siblings who were raised by the same father.
2. “The show writers left the impression that there was a huge age gap between them”
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I understand this a little. I do think Riley was introduced as pretty young and idk naive? Because she was literally in highschool, and then she went to prison, and then she got released into the wild. Personally, when I started watching the show, I googled the whole cast. So I started the show knowing that they were the same age.
And also, the more I got to know Riley, the more that I thought that Riley was more mature and had an old soul herself. I think it was because she was just a dynamic and round character, who is well-developed.
But, I get first impressions. I feel like once you get stuck on an impression, it’s hard to go away from that.
Also, Jack would’ve totally shipped macriley, and you can’t change my mind.
3. "Riley isn't ready for a relationship"
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I honestly think that this argument should be more geared towards Mac. He needs to figure himself out and go to therapy ffs. However, this person targeted Riley (the literal queen), so I shall defend her:
I understand wanting Riley to take some time off, and figure herself out before going straight into another relationship with someone. But here’s the thing. Throughout the first few seasons Riley’s character was very well established, and she didn’t have any partners during that time. She has proven that she is a strong, well-rounded, independent woman (with or without a partner). So i think it is valid to say that she isn’t just some girl who only has boy toys. She is much more than that.
My next point is that Riley has made it clear that she wants a lasting relationship with someone who will support her. When talking with Mac in 4.04, we see her express her interest in a stable, healthy relationship. It’s not wrong to go out and look for that potential partner. This applies to everyone (not just fictional characters): It’s going to take a few relationships and self-discovery, to find a good relationship, and people shouldn’t be shamed for searching for that.
Riley has only ever had two major boyfriends that I remember. First was Billy; she took that relationship very seriously. She really did seem happy with him. It was a shame that he cheated on her. Second was Aubrey. She also took that relationship very seriously. She had been living with him for six months (and they even had the cutest date nights!) So I wouldn't say that Riley only has boy toys. She has meaningful relationships.
Lastly, I think this was written when season four started airing, but it’s been over a year (and a pandemic) since Riley has dated. I think enough time has passed.
*4. I had to split this one up because, oh boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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4a. “If that was the direction they’d chosen to take with that relationship from square one… My issue with it is that Mac and Riley were presented to us as friends/ found siblings for three years. There were NO romantic vibes to speak of between them..”
I actually felt the same way about macriley. The thought of them being together in season one, made me want to throw up. I don’t think the writers intended on having macriley, and I was perfectly fine with that.
I know that people look for different things when they ship. Some really like having instant gratification with the spicy, hot, sexy parts of a relationship, like macdesi (which is why I was fine with the idea of shipping macdesi in the past).
I always wanted to see macriley do more: have hot, flirtatious banters/interactions. it can be hard to ship people who seem to be missing that part of the love equation. So i agree. It's definitely strange. And I understand if you genuinely have a hard time seeing the romantic potential of macriley, when the writers have only dragged out and shown us the platonic potential of them.
Also, the reason why it is difficult to see macriley as romantic, was because they ALWAYS PRIORITIZED AND WERE DRIVEN on their friendship. A partner should be friends first, and then makeout buddies second.
But just because people start off as friends, doesn’t mean that they still don’t have that potential to be lovers. Because guess what?! Feelings change. It’s now canon that Riley has feelings for Mac, and Mac always had feelings for Riley (but never acted on it).
I'm sorry, but you like a boomer when you say “bAcK iN mY dAy, tHeY dIdN’t HaVe fEeLiNgS fOr EaCh oThEr.” like okaAAAyyYYyYY????? We are not “back in your day” anymore. We are in the present. We are in today. And today, macriley is real :)
4b. “There’s the incredibly tired trope where long-term coworkers suddenly catch feelings for each other out of nowhere”
Personally, I will never get tired of the friends to lovers trope. I think the fact that Mac and Riley had such a strong friendship and foundation is what makes them perfect. Again, I know that some people just like instant gratification, but I love when a couple can take their time to have depth, emotion, and realness in their relationship.
Obviously I am biased because I have so much love for this trope, it's my favorite trope, but I don't see why you would use the “it’s overused” as reasoning to hate a ship. Just because a trope is used a lot, doesn’t mean it is bad (that’s probably why it is so good lmao). I can understand getting tired of it, and growing a dislike towards a trope. For example, I have grown an extreme dislike towards the love triangle.
A bit of a tangent: But the difference between overusing love triangles and overusing friends to lovers, is that love triangles aren’t just commonly used tropes. They are cliches. They cause unwanted drama and unnecessary hurt to one character. Whereas friends to lovers doesn’t involve as much drama and pain for a character. It is more of just angst between two people. And we know that they will get together eventually with a happy ending. So it was never really problematic.
And even then, the great thing about overusing or utilizing tropes, is that they can act as a guide. It allows the show writers and cast to make it personal, make it their own, adding their own special flair to it
I just don’t see the “this trope is used a lot” as a valid reasoning for disliking a ship .It just seems like this commenter doesn’t like the friends to lovers trope for the sake of not liking it.
I could be very wrong in my assumption of this person’s thoughts on friends to lovers, maybe there is a deeper reasoning as to why they don’t like it, but the tone that i interpreted when i read this section, was that they don’t have a real reason to dislike it, it’s more of just because.
4c.“then there's the fact that Riley had a mostly single Mac in her life for 3-4 years and she never even considered him romantically until he was with someone else”
First: Riley didn’t CHOOSE to fall in love. You may recall that “emotions aren’t a science. You can’t control them.”
Second: Mac was broken up with Desi when she caught feelings for him. Plus, the moment Riley saw that Mac and Desi were getting happy together, she moved out and gave them space. She sacrificed her own feelings for his happiness, despite the fact that her heart was breaking.
4d. “and finally, Mac not only still doesn't seem to even have Riley on his radar in that way but he literally told another woman that he loves her just last week. Neither of them look particularly good here if they get together now.”
I'm assuming that this was written when 4.12 first aired. I'm also assuming that this comment was more directed towards the idea of Mac and Riley getting together immediately at the end of the season, rather than later down the road. I always saw of macriley as more of endgame material. That i would see them get together sometime in the future. So I agree. Macriley getting together during that time period, would be too rushed and unsatisfying.
So those were most of the supposed arguments that I saw for people who were against macriley, but I also wanted to provide some really good examples of people who were very respectable, and actually had valid reasoning for disliking them.
1. they just don’t like shipping in general
Ships can be annoying af. Seeing people ONLY focus on the ships is sometimes tiring. I, myself, even feel a little guilty making this post, because I need to chill and mind my own business lmaooo. I really should let people do whatever they want to do with their lives, and not get caught up in the ships, but here I am :p
Anyways, I know that there is a lot of unnecessary drama that comes with shipping, and it's tiring to see people constantly go on and on about romance, when there are other perfect things about the show.
2. No matter how hard they try, they just feel it.
This is literally so dumb (and a little hypocritical/self-contradictory), but if you have a gut feeling, and you just can’t get yourself to ship it, I get it. If you truly and genuinely believe that they are best platonic friends, I can't change your opinion. And I have respect for you (if you say it in a kind manner).
Here is a nice example of a person who expressed their opinion in a nice way, with no BS.
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So the moral of the story: I can't control your deepest thoughts. I can't control your gut feelings. And that’s okay. But the moment that you start backing up your thoughts and insights with BS reasoning, is the moment that I lose respect for you.
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
Try (Chapter 6): Madam's Party
Pairing: Mark x Y/N x Johnny
Genre: smut, fluff, undercover au with cranky undercover agents
Warnings: mentions of Mark's mental health issues, brief mention of bathroom sex, drug use, Jaehyun is miserable, Doyoung is back, Taeyong saves the day, mentions of a fight. Oh, and Ten doesn't like women hitting on him.
Note: the next few chapters after this one and the next will focus more on the relationship between Johnny and Y/N as well as the dynamic between Doyoung and Y/N.
Mark watched the screen as his online payment went through. He had just booked his tickets for his trip to London. This time he planned to stay 2 weeks.
He had learned his lesson. That one time a year or two ago he stayed there for a month, and it was a total disaster. He came back with his head all messed up, panicking about life in general.
Then both Taeyong and Y/N convinced him to do some online therapy thing and things got better. He was in a better head space now. He was no longer a nervous wreck, overthinking his life and his future. But he kept his trips short. The London weather just didn't agree with him, and he didn't really enjoy the vibe there.
His phone beeped. He picked it up to see who had texted.
"Hey." it was Y/N. He missed his best friend terribly. But he wasn't sure if he was ready to talk.
"Hi." he replied after 2 minutes of staring at the message.
"You going for the party?"
"Yeah. With Kun and Lucas."
"I'm going too."
"With Doyoung?" he smiled to himself. "I heard he's going."
"Mark Lee! You never change do you?" he could imagine her looking exasperated. He giggled to himself.
Silence. He put his phone back down.
It dinged again a minute later. It was her.
"I should have used the safe word when you did what you did. Instead i just continued and got resentful. And made you leave after that."
"I should have been gentle.... I'm sorry Y/N."
"Maybe we need to talk about no go areas. Johnny thinks three of us should have dinner next week and talk. We're all new to this you know."
"I'm going to London next week. For two weeks."
"Can I go too? I really want to meet that weird uncle of yours who believes in aliens."
They ended up talking on the phone, catching up about life the past 2 weeks. Neither of them mentioned the incident again. The discomfort was still a little too fresh in their minds. But they were glad they were talking again.
The party was in full swing when Y/N arrived at half past 11. Yuta had indeed booked the entire VIP section and just about everyone was there. A small group of people had formed around Doyoung, fussing over him and his crutches and he was enjoying every bit of attention he was given. She rolled her eyes.
She wasnt sure if she was ready to face him yet. Their relationship had been terse since that incident where she punched him in the face during a heated argument. in the middle of an operation. in fact when Doyoung got into an accident during the next operation she was a little relieved he would be out for a while to recover. Now he was a little more mobile, it sure looked like he would be back sooner rather than later.
But having to deal with Taeyoung was worse. At least Doyoung recognised she was the best person to get advice on technology matters, and respected her recommendations. So maybe Doyoung being back would be a good thing. She decided to walk over. Doyoung had spotted her, and there was no escape now anyway.
"DDDDDDD!!!!!!" she shrieked excitedly hoping she was at least a little convincing.
"Oh my! Y/N! You are looking good! Must be the glow of love?" Doyoung winked as they hugged.
Stupid Taeyong. He couldn't ever stop talking about Johnny to everyone.
"I see Taeyong's told you."
"Yes, of course, he really really approves." Doyoung whispered. "I just hope you're behaving?"
Y/N sighed. The legacy of her and Mark was always going to be there. No escape. She wished they'd get over it for once. It only happened the first 6 months of her joining the unit. They had already declared each other as best friends a year ago. But everyone still insisted they had a thing for each other.
Some other person faked shrieked at Doyoung and she left as soon as she could, taking a seat at the bar to people watch, ordering a drink. She scanned the room, cursing silently as she saw Ten approaching.
She wasn't in the mood to talk about work now. He wasn't pleased with the first draft of her report, and wanted to make changes she didn't approve of. The guy had something stuck up his ass. It always had to be done his way, but it just wasn't always the best way to go about things.
"Hi my dear!" Ten gave her a kiss on both her cheeks. "Looking good! Heard from Taeyong you have a boyfriend now."
She was going to kill Taeyong.
"You look hot, Ten. I love your shirt! Are the girls throwing themselves at you again?" she grinned.
Ten grimaced. "I seriously don't want to talk about it."
"You're so handsome, I don't blame them you know." she pinched his cheek. He laughed.
"About the report you emailed me." he started.
"I saw your email. But i don't wanna talk about work tonight, Ten. Can we just have fun?" she pouted.
"Fine. I'll call you on Monday. Anyway i just came over to say hi and tell you how good you're looking. I've to go back to the guys. I've been tasked to keep an eye on Jaehyun tonight. He's being a little heavy with the drinking."
"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?" they turned to look. Mark.
"Hello stranger." Y/N grinned. Mark looked adoringly at her.
"I promise I won't tell anyone." said Ten, slipping away. "Your boyfriend won't ever find out!"
"What's wrong with him?" mark asked.
"He's been tasked with babysitting Jae."
"Oh man. Dude must be in a totally angsty mood now."
"Yeah this party isn't helping, you know. It's like Yuta rubbing in his face, 'I got a promotion, Jaehyun! I got a promotion! Yay!!!'"
"And you're drinking?" he tasted her gin and tonic. "You can't even handle the alcoholic content of Kombucha."
"Mark Lee! I swear to god! I was not tipsy on Kombucha that time. You need to stop telling that story to everyone. I can hold my liquor!" Y/N faked strangled him as he giggled.
Their eyes met. And the laughing stopped.
"I missed you." he said.
"You were the one who refused to talk to me. For two fucking weeks, Mark Lee! Two weeks!" she chided.
"You didn't talk to me either."
"I wanted to give you space."
"Thanks. I needed time to think."
"Are you done thinking?"
"What's the conclusion."
"I agree with you guys that we need to discuss no-go areas. We can do that when I'm back."
"Ok. As long as your mind is not fucked up like that time... "
"It was just one time, Y/N! Just one time!"
"I'm just teasing you baby. Im glad therapy has helped you feel more grounded." She smiled. "I'm proud of your progress you know."
"I miss you calling me baby." he grabbed her hand.
"Mark, people are watching. I bet Kun's watching us now." she scanned the room, catching Kun's eye at the other side of the bar where he was with Lucas and Doyoung. Kun, realising he had been caught watching, looked away after shaking his head.
"Idiot." she cursed. "Maybe we should put on a show to irritate him."
Mark giggled.
"I can't believe Lucas and Doyoung are hanging out." Y/N nudged Mark, whose eyes grew huge upon realising that they were indeed siting together.
"Lucas fucking hates him, yo!"
"Well Doyoung doesn't like Lucas much either. Which makes this funny."
"Half the people here don't like the other half. They're all pretending."
"So are you pretending to like me too Mark Lee?"
"What do you think, Y/N?"
"You love me." she grinned.
"Well you love me too." he winked then stiffened. This conversation was getting odd. Y/N looked away.
They spent the evening in a comfortable silence, watching the party get rowdier and rowdier as more people joined. Some people started to bring out the magical stuff and it was downhill from there.
Y/N knew she was done for the night when she needed the rest room, only to enter it and find Yuta with his lady bent over the sink, him screwing her. She froze, they stopped to look at her, eyes dilated from whatever drug they had taken.
"Er. Hi guys!" she chirped awkwardly.
"Y/N!!!" Yuta exclaimed excitedly as Madam giggled. "Hi Y/N!"
"Bye!" she grinned.
she turned around stomping off. She needed to pee. Badly. There was only one person who could help her.
"Taeyong!" She yelled as she stomped towards him. He was talking to Mark and Taeil. All three of them looked at her.
"Hmm. Someone looks crossed." Taeyong teased. She wasn't in the mood for teasing.
"I need to pee urgently, but your two best friends are in there screwing. You're the only person who can sort this out, Tae! Please, put your tyrant nature to good use?"
Mark laughed hysterically as Taeil shook his head and smiled.
"Your wish is my command, Miss Y/N" Taeyong laughed before strding to the female restroom to scare them out.
"And you thought your unit was dysfunctional." Taeil said to Y/N who burst out laughing.
Taeyong came back after completing his task, and Y/N raced to the washroom, glad to finally be able to pee. She washed her hands, and was touching up her lipstick when she heard Mark's voice.
"Er. Y/N?" He stood at the door awkwardly.
"Mark, what the heck?"
"I think we should leave. A fight broke out."
"what happened?"
"I think Jaehyun challenged Yuta to a fist fight."
Y/N sighed. Maybe Taeil was right about his unit. And yes, it was time to call it a night. But she was hungry.
"Supper?" she asked Mark. His eyes lit up as he nodded his head.
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 2,409 words Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1 🞂 Part 2 🞂 Part 3 🞂 Part 4 🞂 Part 5
Part 6
It's been a few days since your date night with Jay. It went much better than you expected. You knew from the start that Jay is a good guy and probably a sweet lover too. But after that night, you found out that there's more to him than his good look and easy-going attitude. Jay's gentleness soothes your insecurities. His understanding warms you from inside. It's hard to feel miserable when he's around. You cannot help but latch on to him.
You and Jay keep texting and calling each other every day, but you only got to meet him once since then. For a coffee date before he ran to work while you went for your PT session. His job doesn't leave a lot of spare time, so you relish all the time he spends with you.
You hear your phone rings when you have your lunch. There is a video call request from your best friend and work-mate, Alex. "Hey, you! I miss your stupid face!" you greet him.
"You know what's not stupid?" Alex ignores your greeting. "The new material I received this morning
He refers to an email you sent him last night. Instead of sleeping, you wrote some lines and tinkered some notes on your electric keyboard. It was still very rough, but you and Alex swap ideas all the time. They could be a bar of melodies or chord progressions. Or maybe a single line that you cannot get out of your head, even there's no context to it.
"Wanna work on it soon?" Alex proposes.
"Yeah, sure!" you easily agree.
"You know I'm gonna ask how you come up with that song idea, right?" Alex probes further. He got an idea about your sudden burst of inspiration, but you haven't told him anything yet so far.
"You can ask. I might not answer", you nonchalantly retort. "Are you asking now?"
"I would, but I just arrived at my parents' house for our weekly dinner", Alex turns his camera phone and shows you his family dining table. "Say hi to Y/N, Pop" He lets his parents know that you're on the phone.
"Hallo, Liefje" Alex's parents greet and wave at you. "I miss you, Y/N. How are you doing, darling?" Alex's mom squeals at you.
"I miss you guys too. I miss home," you utter mournfully.
"I saw your dad last week. He and your mom cannot wait to have you back home next month. As are we." Alex's dad informs you.
Your face gets even more upset. "I haven't told my parents yet, but it's gonna be another two months. It's not working out as good as they wanted"
Alex's parents let out a sympathetic noise. "Oh great, I still have two more months to hide all my chocolate from you" Alex teases you instead. He knows if he doesn't throw any humor here, you're going to weep. The family laughs at your offended look.
"Where's Sara?" you ask them when you didn't notice Alex's little sister on the table.
"She's getting ready for a date after dinner. Said they will go stargazing. Can you believe it?" Alex skeptically recounts to you.
"Hmm, that sounds romantic. Good for her." you hum your appreciation. Alex can see twinkles in your eyes.
"Of course, you thought it was charming", Alex sounds vexed.
"Why are you so grumpy about this? You have a hit song that compared someone's eyes with the moon", you remind him. "Last time I checked, that song already got more than 400 million streams on Spotify". Alex just grumbles incoherently, while you can hear his father's booming laugh in the background.
"Alex, would you please call your sister down for dinner?" Alex's mom orders him.
"Alright, ma. Gotta go, Y/N. I'll call you later when I'm back at the studio. Bye, sis!" Alex ends the call.
Kelly Severide comes to your place in the evening after he finished his shift. He called you on your cell several times, but you didn't pick them up. He knocked on your door for a few minutes without answers. Worried that something bad happened to you, he uses his key to open your apartment door. You gave him a spare when you began your recovery from the incident. Since you got nobody in town except for the 51 Family, you thought at least one of them should have access to your place, in case you need help.
Kelly sees you sitting on your corner desk with headphones on. Your head is nodding to the beat you're working on. Relieved to know you okay, but feels a bit annoyed, Kelly taps your shoulder lightly. You jump in surprise, almost fall from your chair if Kelly doesn't hold you down.
"Kelly! What..! Why are you..??" your heart is still pounding in shock, makes you unable to finish your thoughts properly.
"I knocked! And called you many times! Neither you answered! I was afraid that you fell and unconscious so I used my key", Kelly exclaims.
You check your phone and see seven missed calls from Kelly. "Sorry, I left my phone on mute, somehow"
Kelly goes to raid your fridge and takes a bottle of apple juice. "Your fridge needs beers" he judges. "Go, get ready! We'll hang out at Molly's. Everyone misses you", Kelly orders you.
"I'm working, Kelly. Just because my work has no shifts, doesn't mean I can go anytime you want", protest you.
"You work for your best friend, who's in another continent right now. You can slack off for a bit" he dismisses your complaint.
"I'm making big progress here. My writing juice is flowing", you point at your laptop.
"One hour. I give you one hour to work. Then I'm hauling you out of here. In the meantime, I'm gonna order take out for us", Kelly decides.
You only mumble your disagreement, knowing that you're gonna lost the argument anyway. So you just put your headphones back on your head. However, Kelly pokes you again five minutes later, with his phone on hand, "Hey, do you want Thai or Greek? I'm in the mood for Greek right now", Kelly playfully asks you.
"Yeah, Greek is fine" you start to feel bothered.
He leaves to order the food while you're back to do your work. Ten minutes passed, Kelly drags a chair from the kitchen island to your side. He knocks on the table to catch your attention.
"Hey, I just remember, Brett said they saw you rescued somebody at the swimming pool last week. How did that happen?" he questions.
You let out a desperate sigh. "You're not going to let me work in peace, are you?"
Kelly just grins. "C'mon, we haven't hung out for a while. Lots of drama to share"
You save your work in defeat and then move to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kelly sits on the couch with legs resting on the coffee table. You place yourself next to Kelly.
"They extend my therapy for another month" you restlessly play with your bottle cap.
"Is it not going well?" Kelly asks in concern.
"I got cramps that day at the swimming pool. They worried I damaged something. So they prefer to be cautious" you fill him in.
"That's when you rescued Dr. Manning's son " Kelly tries to clarify.
"Well, I just pulled him out of the water. The pool guard was the one who helped him breathe" you shrug.
"You assisted. It still counts as a rescue", Kelly insists. "Bet if Dr. Manning knew, she would buy you drinks at Molly's forever"
"More like got invited to dinner at their place," you mutter.
"Hmm, that's probably true" Kelly pauses for a moment, thinking. "Wait, did you meet her?" he grills you.
"Yeah. And her fiancé. I came to the hospital to check on Owen. Then next thing I knew I'm having family dinner with Manning/Halstead clan", you convey to him.
Kelly's phone chirps interruptedly. "Food's here" He goes to pick up the food from the delivery guy. "Alright, let's eat then we can go to Molly's"
Jay is nursing his first beer as he watches Will bottoms up his third glass of whiskey. Will called him earlier in the evening, claimed that he needs bro night out after a shitty day at Med. Jay's initial plan to have dinner with you got scrapped before he even asked.
"Maybe you need to pace yourself, Will", Jay suggests to him as Will signs to Otis for a refill.
"Yeah, Doc. Maybe you want to switch? We have a nice Dutch craft beer chilling here", Otis offers. But Will is still holding out his empty glass to him, silently demanding for more. "Okay then" sighs Otis as he fills the glass.
Jay hears the commotions at the other end of the bar. He recognizes some people from Firehouse 51 there. Christopher Hermann is cackling, while Matt Casey grins widely. They pay attention to someone that is sitting among the group, but he cannot see who because Severide is blocking his view.
Jay checks his phone while he finishes his beer. He received a text from you beforehand, told him that she's going out to meet her friends tonight. He texted back, wishing her to enjoy her night out, but got no replies. Will notices Jay's scrolling on his phone and asks, "Do you need to go back to work?"
"Nah, just checking my texts" Jay puts his phone back in his pocket. "Are you feeling better now?"
"Not in the slightest. But I still have to go to work tomorrow. If I wanna do better than today, I cannot do that with a hangover" Will sulks. "Hey Gabby, I would like to try that craft beer Otis suggested" he requests to Gabby who passes by.
"Would you like one as well, Jay?" Gabby offers him.
"Alright, why not.." Jay accepts the new bottle.
"Is this a new batch? Don't think I ever have it here before", comments Will after his first sip.
"Yeah! Just start to come in this month. It's a friend's favorite. She hooked us up with a supplier directly from The Netherlands. You like it?" Gabby enthusiastically claims.
"It's good. But still not Bourbon", Will pouts. Jay lets out a snort while Gabby snickers.
Jay looks around the bar as he savors his beer. He paused when he thought he saw you sitting among the 51 Gang. Will notices and looks in the same direction. "Is that Y/N?" asks Will.
Jay stands up for his seat, "I'm gonna go say hi to her"
You feel a palm pressed to your back as you hear someone's saying from behind, "Didn't expect to see you here tonight"
You turn your back immediately as you realize whose voice it is, "Jay!" shout you excitedly. You open your arms to hug him. Jay lands a chaste kiss on your lips before hugs you back.
Kelly and Matt look at each other over your head with eyebrows raised. "Well, that's something I didn't expect" goads Kelly.
"Severide, Casey" Jay gives them an acknowledging nod with his hands stay on your hips.
"How do you know each other?" Matt asks curiously.
Jay opens his mouth to reply, but you hear Will's interruption, "You guys finally made it, huh?" Jay rolls his eyes at his brother.
"These guys have been sending heart-eyes at each other since they first met" Will tips off the 51 gang. "Which I arranged, by the way. But this result was unintentional"
"No, we're not!" you try to deny.
"I was there, Y/N, at your almost first kiss" Will divulges.
"Oh my god!" you hide your blushing face behind your palms. Jay smacks a kiss on the side of your head, amused while the group makes fun of you.
"I guess this happened after Y/N rescued Owen?" Sylvie asks to confirm.
"Ooooh yes, our next year candidate!" Hermann yells. The others just clap and whistle in response. You thud your head to the bar table, abashed.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed. We are proud of you" Casey remarks. "That said if you want to go to the academy..." he continues.
"Nuh-uh, I love my job, thank you very much" you quickly state.
You spend the rest of the night beside Jay, chatting and laughing with 51 Family and Halstead brothers until you let out a big yawn. "Tired?" Jay asks you softly.
You nod, "Beer always made me sleepy"
"Let me settle the tabs, then I'll take you home" Jay squeezes your shoulder as he stands up.
Kelly observes you and Jay throughout the night. When Jay left your side, he lowly speaks to you after making sure everyone else is busy conversing elsewhere. "So Jay Halstead is the one who got your juice's flowing, huh?"
"Kelly!" you slap his arm, agape.
"I mean your writing juice! You said it earlier!" Kelly yelps, but his smirk contradicts his words.
"You're the worst" you just shake your head.
Kelly's face turns serious for a moment, "Does he know about your situation?"
"What situation?" you try to sound innocent, but Kelly just gives you a look.
"Told him about the collapsing stage" you deflated.
"Have you told him that you're leaving in two months?" Kelly pushes.
"It's still too early. Who knows, Jay might end this soon", your voice sounds unsure.
"Don't think so. He looks quite smitten by you. Should probably tell him soon", Kelly disagrees.
"I'm happy right now, Kels. Can I just enjoy this for a while?" you start to lose patience with him.
"He deserves to know" Kelly persists.
You look down at the table, your fist is clenched in frustration. Jay comes back and notices the tense atmosphere. "Is everything okay?"
You reply with a forced smile, "Yeah, let's get out of here" then stand up from your seat and give Kelly a quick hug, "Thanks, Kels"
You move to say goodbye to the rest of the group, which takes a bit of time since everyone wants a hug or has something to tell you.
"C'mon guys, my boyfriend has waited long enough" you cry out when Sylvie and Gabby hold you back from going. The group guffaw even louder and playfully nudges Jay, who just beams brightly at you.
"Good night, guys!" you casually shout, finally getting away from the rest of the group, with Jay's hand in yours.
Next on this fic : Part 7
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
Summary: Swallowing his panic, he tried his hardest to take a deep breath. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped, hoping to scurry to his room and get rid of the evidence of any injury before anyone could find out, but it came back soaked in just as much deep, dark blood as before. Tears sprung to his eyes as he let his hyperventilating take over. 
(Trans!Virgil; Adoption AU; Romantic Logicality, Paternal Moxiety, Brotherly Prinxiety, Creativitwins)
Warnings: Blood, periods, crying, explanation of the menstrual cycle, brief mention of sex, implied/referenced past child abuse, brief mention of past character death, Remus Antics (brief, non-graphic mention of a gory scene in an old movie)
Word Count: 2316
A/N: So, this has been a fic I’ve wanted to write for 12+ years, a fic that’s transpired fandom after fandom after fandom: an explanation of what a period is, to help others who won’t get/understand an explanation from other sources. I know this gets a little info-dump-y, but I tried to make it understandable. This fic is for you kids who are nervous about getting yours for the first time, like I was, and I hope seeing characters you love going through it, too, can help!
This is also the first fic I’m posting, I guess, of this Adoption AU I’ve had in my head for a while! I’ve got a couple other ideas in mind, including a part 2 to this focusing more on Roman and Virgil, sooo hit me up for some AU questions, if you have any!
It was true that Virgil hadn’t really been feeling well in the past week.
He didn’t know what it was, but everything just felt… off. He didn’t want to socialize with anyone; being around people had been making a fire of rage burn in his chest, and the fact that he didn’t know why just made it ten times worse. He was exhausted to the point of nearly falling asleep in class, and would have slept through his alarms twice and been late if it hadn’t have been for Roman waking him up when he didn’t come for breakfast.
Speaking of, he hadn’t had much of an appetite, and he’d hardly been eating because of it. Even the idea of eating anything had made him feel a little gross. And his stomach had been cramping a lot.
Realistically, Virgil knew this was something he should tell Patton or Logan, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It didn’t matter how many times Roman reassured him that their dads wouldn’t be angry at him for getting sick; until he saw it for himself, he wasn’t going to be able to believe him. So what if Patton was a nurse? So what if Roman and Logan had butted heads dozens of times since Virgil had moved in, and it had never dissolved into a screaming match? That didn’t mean they wouldn’t turn on him, or that he was a good enough kid to avoid getting on their bad side!
Besides, he wasn’t throwing up or running a fever! He was just going to waste their time if he said anything. They had more important things to worry about than him. It’s not like he was dying or anything.
…Or, so he’d thought, until Thursday afternoon when he went to the bathroom and found his underwear covered in blood.
Virgil almost screamed at the sight. As soon as he recovered, he frantically searched his body for any sign of a scrape or scratch that could have left such a mess. There was nothing. Maybe… Maybe it had already healed?
Swallowing his panic, he tried his hardest to take a deep breath. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped, hoping to scurry to his room and get rid of the evidence of any injury before anyone could find out, but it came back soaked in just as much deep, dark blood as before. Tears sprung to his eyes as he let his hyperventilating take over.
Footsteps came rushing to the door faster than he’d ever heard in this household. “Virgil, are you okay?”
He choked back a sob. “I-I’m bleeding…!”
“Okay, it’s going to be okay, kiddo,” Patton soothed. “Can I come in?”
Virgil looked at himself, still on the toilet, and set the wad of toilet paper on the tank. He scrambled to stand and pull his pants up before whimpering out an “Uh-huh”.
Patton calmly came in and shut the door behind him. “Alright, where are you bleeding?”
“I-I don’t know!”
“You don’t know?” he asked with a frown.
“I…” Virgil picked up the toilet paper and showed it to him, lowering his voice to a whisper despite no one else being in there with them. “It was all over my underwear,” he explained. “And when I wiped, I…”
He trailed off as Patton tilted his head to inspect the blood, and then understanding faded onto his face as he looked away in thought. While it was only a few seconds, it felt like an eternity; his stomach started to cramp again, and Virgil found himself trembling.
“I-I haven’t been feeling good this week,” he admitted. “My stomach’s been hurting, and—and all I want to do is sleep, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bother you guys, and I’m sorry, I should’ve said something, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be sick, I don’t want to have to go to the hospital, please—!”
Patton shushed him and ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair. “Hey, hey, relax, it’s alright! You’re okay, Virgil. You’re not going to die, trust me. Especially not on my watch.”
He leaned over, put the toilet lid down, and gently pushed Virgil to sit on it before kneeling in front of him. He took a few seconds to chew on his lip in thought.
“Virgil,” he started, “At your old school, did your teachers ever take an afternoon to talk to you guys about puberty?”
Virgil shook his head.
Patton let out a breath and nodded. “I guess they probably think it’s a little too early to talk about it, huh?” he muttered. “Am I allowed to touch your stomach, honey?”
Virgil hesitated, but he nodded after a moment. Patton reached up and placed his hands on Virgil’s lower belly. When he flinched, he used his thumb to rub gentle circles into it.
“Okay, so, in your body, right down here, you have this thing called a uterus,” he softly explained. “When people are pregnant, that’s where the babies grow before—”
“No, no, no—!” Patton had to hold back a laugh, taking his hands away to cover his face for just a second before returning them to their original position. “You’re not pregnant, Virgil, don’t—don’t worry about that!”
Virgil snapped his mouth shut, lower lip still trembling. Patton offered him a reassuring smile as he continued.
“Your uterus has these two things connected to it called ovaries.” He used his two index fingers to draw out where they would be. “They hold a bunch of tiny little eggs inside of them that eventually would turn into people—but only under certain circumstances, at certain times, usually involving another person. If you were to get pregnant, you’d know, understand? It’s not going to happen randomly.”
Patton didn’t move on until Virgil nodded.
“Okay. Now, about once a month, one of these two little guys is going to let one of their eggs go,” he said, “and it sticks to the wall of your uterus. And your body goes…”
Patton threw his hands into the air and waved them around. “’Yay! We’re gonna have a baby!’” he cheered in a cartoony voice. Virgil let out a weak snicker. Patton counted it as a win.
“It starts to get ready for this potential baby by building up this lining around the walls, so that it’ll be extra protected from harm. And for a little while, if you… Ah…” Patton’s face turned red. “Do… certain things, with certain people, that egg might get fertilized, and that’s how pregnancy starts.”
“Like… kissing?”
Patton hummed. “No, you’d have to do a little more than that. More, uh… adult stuff.”
Virgil nodded, looking at the floor very seriously. “Taxes.”
It was a fight to keep his laugh in. “R-Right. Taxes.” He cleared his throat and continued. “Um, anyway, if that egg doesn’t get fertilized, your body says, ‘Oh, darn! Well, maybe next time!’, and it gets rid of the egg, and then it gets rid of that lining so it can make a fresh one for the next egg.” He pointed to the bloody toilet paper still gripped tightly in Virgil’s hands. “That’s what that blood is. It’s not a cut, and it’s certainly not an omen of death. It’s just a sign that you’re growing up.”
Virgil stared at the toilet paper for a long moment. “…Am I going to have to do this every month?”
“Well, not at first,” Patton replied, putting his hands on his knees. “This is a brand new feature in your body right now, so it’ll take a bit for it to fall into a real cycle. For a little bit, you might have a couple within a month, or you might not have it for another three after this. But, eventually, yeah, the body will balance itself out.”
“How long is that gonna take?”
“It depends on your body. If it takes a while, or it doesn’t seem like it’s going to balance at all, we can look into some options to help, like birth control or hormone therapy. Modern medicine is a great thing,” he said with a wink. “How about we save that conversation for a little later, though? See how this pans out for now?”
There was a beat, and then Virgil slowly nodded. He shifted and tipped his head away. “What do I do about my underwear?” he whispered.
Patton hummed and sat back, looking up at the ceiling. “Well… I’ll be honest, kiddo, I can talk your ear off about anatomy and the medical side of things, but I don’t have a clue about the products and stuff. How would you feel if I called Remus’s mom and asked her to come explain that stuff to us?”
Virgil wiped at his eyes. “Okay.”
Offering a gentle smile, Patton held his arms open; there was a moment of hesitation, and then Virgil leaned forward and wrapped his smaller arms around him. Patton held him tight and rubbed his back.
“Thank you,” he whimpered.
“Of course, sweetie. That’s what your Pop and I are here for,” he reassured. “And don’t you ever worry about bothering us if you’re not feeling well, okay? We care about you more than whatever silly things we might be working on. We want to take care of you, okay?”
Virgil shuddered in a manner that was suspiciously similar to that of a repressed sob; when he spoke next, his voice was tight and high-pitched. “Okay.”
They sat like this for a moment, with Patton holding his son close, rubbing a hand over his lower back, until he pressed a kiss into his hair and pulled back.
“Alright, Virge, I need to go call Mrs. Drake,” he said. “Is your stomach still hurting? Or anything else, for that matter? I can get you some medicine to help, if you want.”
Virgil nodded, scrubbing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Patton nodded and climbed to his feet. “Okay. I’ll be back as soon as I can, promise.”
He stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and leaving Virgil alone with his thoughts again. He was still shaking, yes, but the terror of thinking he was going to die was settling into the more manageable fear of learning a new routine…
And maybe, a little, the risk of starting to put his trust into someone.
But maybe there wasn’t so much to fear in that one.
Virgil leaned forward and finally dropped the bloody toilet paper into the trash.
The front door slammed open; Logan and Roman both nearly jumped out of their skin from where they sat at the dining room table.
“Virgil, we got your little butt-diapers!”
There was the sound of a light swat, and then the snatching of a plastic bag.
“Stahp, Remus, he’s already having a hard time with it!”
Snickering echoed through the entryway as the two climbed the half-flight of stairs leading to the main floor. As Remus made a beeline to tackle Roman out of his chair, Logan adjusted his posture to be more formal and nodded at Mrs. Drake.
“Good afternoon, Alya,” he called.
“Hi, boys,” she quickly responded. “Are they still in the bathroom?”
“I believe so, yes.”
Mrs. Drake nodded and hurried off just as Roman wrestled Remus off of him. He glanced at the hallway, and then between his twin and his father.
“Wait, what’s going on?”
“Your baby bro’s anus is bleeding for the first time!”
“No, Remus,” Logan scolded. He turned to Roman. “He’s experiencing his first menstrual period. Your father called Mrs. Drake to help teach him the technical aspects of how to best handle it.”
Roman blinked and sat up straight. “Oh! Is he going to be alright?”
“Yeah, Mom brought a bunch of stuff to help,” Remus replied, waving his hand as he plopped into the open seat next to Roman. “Pads, painkillers, heating rice bag sock things, the whole shebang. And a bunch of chocolate and candy and stuff!”
“Ah, good. I’ve seen studies that dark chocolate helps with cramps,” Logan stated.
Remus sighed. “A shame. I was hoping we’d get to see Virgie’s tiny baby rip out of his stomach. Like that scene in Aliens!”
Roman let out a whine and swatted him. “Dude, that’s my little brother!”
“Oh, come on! Your other dad’s a nurse! He could stitch him back up in no time!”
“That is not how nurses work!”
Logan hummed and adjusted his glasses, turning back to the papers he was grading. “Astounding. In less than two minutes, you’ve expressed your ignorance in both anatomy and the careers of the medical field. I suggest you brush up on them both if you truly wish to study in the field of dentistry.”
“Haa, brush up,” Roman laughed.
Logan shot him a glare over the rim of his glasses; Roman and Remus high-fived.
“Do your homework, Roman.”
Roman grinned and turned back to face his homework, but his mind instead floated back to Virgil’s condition. He bit down on his lip and shifted before looking up and tapping his pencil end against the table.
“Seriously… Virgil is going to be okay, right?” he asked.
Logan let out a soft breath. “Your brother is going to be just fine,” he gently reassured. “This is a natural thing for many people who possess uteri. He might be in pain for a little while, but ultimately, he will be alright.”
“My mom deals with it every month, and she’s not dead yet,” Remus pointed out. Then, with his grin fading a bit, he added, “Our mom probably had them, too. She must’ve, if she had us.”
Roman watched him for a long moment, and then he nodded, swallowing the lump that had snuck into his throat.
“Okay,” he whispered. “Okay.”
Second A/N:
Hey, folks-- So, as it turned out, I made a bit of a mistake in explaining this. So sorry about this! Thank you so much to @romanslunchbox​ for pointing this out and correcting me:
“ It isn’t a huge mistake. However, in your fic you stated that the egg gets stuck in the lining of the uterus. But that is only possible with a fertilized egg. An non-fertilized egg dies in the oviducts before it can even reach the uterus. After the egg dies certain hormones are released to start the menstruation about 2 weeks later (how that works is an entire shit show of hormones and stuff). It takes a while for these hormones to be released, so the uterus keeps producing more lining for the egg to get stuck in. When the uterus finally gets the signale that there is no pregnancy, that is when the menstruation starts. “
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #28- I Sure Hope Y’all Like Megatron
“Dark Cybertron” is finally over! Woohoo!
Who’s ready for a return to hijinks and mild peril?
I know this guy is!
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Hold on a second-
We start our foray into Season 2 of MTMTE with a little meta-humor-
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-and then it’s right into the swing of things, as Brainstorm uses the thin, fragile wine glass of faction-based morality to hold his personal need to make instruments of violence. Nautica disapproves, but then why wouldn’t she? She’s not been steeped in the militant ideologies of the Autobots for millions of years.
It’s six months after the convoluted events of “Dark Cybertron”, and our beloved ship, the Lost Light, is back on track for the Knight Quest. Nautica’s joined the crew, which is neat, but there are far more interesting things going on.
Like Rung actually doing his fucking job for once.
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Wow, look at that little creamsicle man go.
It would seem that in the last half-year (by Earth standards) Megatron’s somehow gotten himself into the esteemed position of Captain of the Lost Light. This likely means that Rodimus has been defeated in battle, or perhaps fucked off on yet another space yacht to run away from his responsibilities. I suppose the narrative will have to fill us in on just what exactly happened.
Or, at least, I hope it does. Wouldn’t be a terribly good story if I had to guess on how exactly this dude’s in charge of a whole-ass Autobot crew.
Yes, yes, I know he switched sides, but goddammit, it takes a little more than saying sorry and changing your wardrobe to excuse the murder of half of NYC.
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I mean, we can do both. Both is an option. I’ll break out The Communist Manifesto right now, let’s fuckin’ gooooooooo-
Six months prior to Megatron’s therapy appointment, Rodimus is ready to high-tail it off of Cybertron yet again. This is because, as established in previous posts, Cybertron kinda sucks butt. He bursts into the meeting Optimus Prime called- even though he’s really not leader of anything anymore, Starscream is- bids everyone farewell, and is about to run back out of the room when he’s stopped.
Turns out that the populace of Cybertron want Megatron to stand trial. That makes sense, given what all he’s done. Of course, the Autobot pals we’ve got in the room want to skip due process and go straight to the part where Megatron pays through the nose for the last four million years.
Which doesn’t feel terribly heroic or good guy-ish, but I think by this point you’ve probably caught on to the fact that everyone in IDW Transformers is morally gray at BEST.
Because Megatron’s had a rough time the last few years, in relation to his bodily integrity, spark extraction- that thing that High Command lied about in relation to Overlord- isn’t an option. It would just kill him dead.
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Uh, excuse me? Optimus Prime, sir? Monsieur Premier?
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Guess Optimus hasn’t been keeping up with exRiD.
Anyway, yeah, since Tyrest fucked off in “The Sound of Breaking Glass” and also tried to commit a genocide, we’re gonna need someone to cast judgement.
Course, a military trial isn’t exactly ideal, but as long as it’s open to the public, it should be fine.
Anyway, Prowl’s also going to help. Ultra Magnus has been assigned the task of representing Megatron in court, a job which he’s positively delighted to have, if his face is any indication.
The gang breaks for lunch, and Rodimus and Optimus touch base on how the Knight Quest is going.
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Because Rodimus’ half of the Matrix had the map for finding the Knights of Cybertron in it, they’re gonna have to go with Plan B.
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Oh fuck yes, I love Plan B!
Unfortunately, finding the ideal romantic partner for all Cybertronians is going to have to wait until after the trial, because Optimus really wants Rodimus here for this. Though perhaps there’s a way to make things move a little faster…
Back in the present, Megatron’s had just about enough of Rung being a psychiatry joke, and is about to walk out of his appointment. Ravage is here, which is neat. Rung asks Megatron about the three most important people in his life, and how he met them. One of these people is, funnily enough, Rung.
Rung, if you’ll recall, was thrown into Megatron and Impactor’s table at Maccadams waaaaaay back in The Transformers #22, the first issue of the IDW run that Roberts wrote solo. It would seem that getting arrested and subjected to police brutality ruined his once-idealistic worldview. This is just a lightning-round recap of the events of the “Chaos Theory” storyline.
Being reminded of how hard he got dunked on makes Rung break out his copy of Megatron’s autobiography, Towards Peace. Of course, Megatron has to be “that guy”, and makes it out to be far more than it actually is. My dude, you used your writing to tell all your proto-Decepticon buddies to go beat up Whirl in prison. Let’s not make things sound more grandiose than they are.
Anyway, it turns out that Rung is actually just as much a nerd as he looks, as he reveals that he’s in possession of one of the only few copies of the original version of Towards Peace. And then he takes off his glasses and the fans go bonkers, even though he’s just got that Milne Same-Face going on, just like everyone else.
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There you are, you animals.
Rung discusses Revisionism, I’m reminded that the first publication of Eugenesis had a dedication to Roberts’ son of all people, and we get the question of who Terminus is to Megatron.
But alas! The X-ray vision’s been turned on, and it’s time to see… nude robots? An in-depth anatomy lesson?
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Robots are confusing sometimes. Anyways, major props to Milne for drawing all that detail. Dude does the technical stuff with a ferocity that must be awe-inspiring to behold.
Megatron’s decided that it’s time for lunch, and then he’s going to do captain stuff.
Because he’s captain of the Lost Light.
I’m convinced Rodimus is dead. That’s the only way this is happening.
Six months ago, Swerve was being awful Swerve-like, with his new buddy Crosscut- guess he finally learned the guy’s name- and Riptide, who we’ll get to a little later on. These three wonderful lads are holding a sort of “crew try-outs”, and it looks like the requirements needed for entry on Megatron’s Lost Light are stiff.
Still, maybe our new friend Nautica will make the cut.
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Oh, you are simply delightful!
Despite Nautica having interest in nearly every topic in the universe, on top of having impeccable taste in booze, she just misses the cut. It’s at this point that Nightbeat bursts into the room to stop this farce from going any further. The fact that nobody mentioned anything prior to this is surprising, given that portmanteaus don’t really seem the type of thing Ultra Magnus would approve of.
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Back six months ago, we see what Optimus Prime’s super great idea was to expedite the judicial process- Chromedome. It’s always Chromedome. He’s gonna do that thing he promised his late husband he’d stop doing. I suppose it’s a good thing- for Rewind, anyway- that Megatron is wholly against the idea of having his memories torn out of his head. Guess we’re gonna have to do the trial the normal, non brain-pokey way.
Optimus leaves the cell, because I suppose he’s remembered that there’s a conflict of interests here, but Rodimus stays behind to let Megatron know he deserves everything that’s coming his way.
Then Megatron breaks out the puzzle-box from Hellraiser.
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In the present, Chromedome isn’t so much spiraling in his depression as he is circling the drain. Nightbeat doesn’t give a shit about that though- he’s more concerned with the fact that one of the numbers on the door to Chromedome’s room is missing. But I’m sure it’s fine.
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It’s fiiiiiiiiiiine.
While Nightbeat’s busy being insensitive to his fellow man’s distress, Megatron’s arrived to his room to find his door’s been vandalized by a bunch of idiots who must have just discovered what a thesaurus is. Then he gets shot in the fucking hand with an arrow.
As you do.
Whirl’s gotten ahold of a bow, and he fully intends to use it for Megatron-directed violence. And also his fists. His very pointy fists. He punches Megatron through the fucking floor into the fuel furnace, and they fall what’s probably a good 200 feet to the ground below. Whirl yells about evening the score between the two of them, and then knees Megatron in the dick.
Turns out, Megatron remembers Whirl even better than originally thought, having gone so far as to order his forces to not kill Whirl, because, in a way, he was grateful for the lesson he learned back before the war in Rodion.
Oh man, I hope Rung’s somehow listening in on this. Like, eavesdropping is obviously bad medicine, but we’ve already established that he sucks as a professional, and he needs what few advantages he can get.
Whirl, enraged by the implication that he’s been fighting fixed battles for the last four million years, punches Megatron in the gut… and his arm gets swallowed up by an errant portal leftover from all of Shockwave’s tampering. Since you can’t really fight with only one arm, Megatron wanders off to do captainy things.
Walking back the timeline slightly, we revisit Megatron leaving Rung’s office, and the idea of personal revisionism, the conversation becoming parallel with the strange happenings going on within the ship, as Rewind’s final message is altered so as not to end with “I love you” but instead a blood-curdling scream. Chromedome is, understandably, upset by this turn of events.
Over with Whirl, it’s revealed that the little fight we saw was intentionally set up. For what purpose, or by whom, is left a mystery.
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Please see a doctor.
One last flashback to the trial, as Prowl lists off everything that’s standing in the way of our Sympathetic Megatron Redemption Arc.
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Good fuckin’ luck, James.
Back in the present, Megatron’s slapped a bandaid on the hole in his torso, as he checks to see what’s happening on the bridge. It would appear there’s a coffin floating around in space.
Pretty fucked up.
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