#‘sir you can’t abuse your dad rights not like that—‘
hanakihan · 1 year
I live for jinchul and gunhee having a dynamic that has a little bit of everything in it
like they’re friends, they’re coworkers, they’re hunters, they’re a boss and a right hand man but most importantly they’re family
i absolutely live for gunhee playing along with jinchul’s work policy but it’s doesn’t mean anything stops gunhee from being an embarrassing doting father figure for jinchul
gunhee definitely has too much fun seeing his ‘adopted son’ dying inside from every embarrassing dad thing gunhee does
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noemilivv · 8 months
What the…
HAZBIN HOTEL CAST are like as …
PARTNERS !! (and before that!)
Includes: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Sir Pentious, Husker, Niffty, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Lute
Warnings: Swearing, S1 spoilers, sexual references, mentions of abuse, mentions of Valentino, messy, barely proofread
Also side note, if this is highly enjoyed, I will do a Part 2 with more characters!
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Charlie Morningstar
Crush!Charlie is a bit obvious. Not TOO obvious, but maybe if you squint hard enough…
Crush!Charlie has a tendency to show extra attention to you, especially if you’re a resident at the Hotel who’s trying to go up to Heaven.
Example: You’re the first person she asks if they need help, invite for a group activity, etc
Despite the fact that Crush!Charlie is really eager to confess her feelings, she truly does find value in getting to know you as a friend first.
She believes that it has its perks, which it does.
Crush!Charlie enjoys getting to know your hobbies, interests, past, strengths, all of it.
But as you are going off on your usual yap sesh about your face topic …
Crush!Charlie can’t help but peck you on the cheek, you’re cheeks just look so squishy and cute!
You’re stunned… You would’ve never thought that.. Charlie? Likes you? Pffff… Ain’t no way!
Crush!Charlie scrambles to explain to you her genuine feelings, and how she’s wanted to be with you for a long time, and scrambles again to ask you if you feel the same.
Now it’s your turn to shut someone up with a kiss.
You give her a drawn out peck on the lips, not too short, but not too long. Just enough to satisfy.
And yes, you do feel the same.
Now GF!Charlie is totally stoked! But she’s also a bit scared of the shoes she has to fill.
GF!Charlie decides to give you a little candy bouquet (that she made!)! Honestly it’s the cutest frickin thing, it has little chocolates and lollipops like AAA get me a Charlie!
GF!Charlie decides to introduce you to her dad, sure you guys have crossed paths a few times, but like, formally this time.
At first Lucifer is intimidated by you (not that he’d admit that), similar to the rivalry he had with Alastor.
But after awhile, he warms up to you, at the end of the day he loves his daughter, and he sees that you do to. So long as you treat Charlie good and you like rubber ducks, he’s chill with you :)
GF!Charlie’s love language is gift giving and physical touch!
On one hand, she loves giving gifts, it’s very soothing for her to go out and find something to give you, or coming up with an idea to make something for you, it takes her mind off of things
But at the other end of the scale, she loves receiving physical touch, she kinda freezes when she does because it’s so much to her but at the same time she enjoys it dearly! Even something as simple as rubbing her hand with your thumb while handling hands, long hugs, or hand kisses send her into a spiral haha
At the end of the day, GF!Charlie loves you a ton and honestly is just happy to be there loving you lol
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When Crush!Vaggie realizes she has a crush on you, it’s a bit of an ‘Oh Shit’ moment, y’know?
Due to her secret, and the fact that she has a bit of trust issues, they just don’t go hand-in-hand with love.
Crush!Vaggie is a bit dependent on you to make the first move, but that doesn’t mean she won’t, but she needs you to throw a few jabs first.
The more her crush on you stays and the more she doesn’t do about it, the more it starts to bug her
Crush!Vaggie decides one day she doesn’t know how much more of the subtle flirting and eye contact from across the room she can take, cause deep down, she has a gut feeling you like her too.
So, Crush!Vaggie decides she’s going to confess.
When it comes down to it, obviously you feel the same, and she really wants to make an impact right away!
Now GF!Vaggie decides to plan a little surprise for you, a date!
GF!Vaggie decides to just take you out to the back of the hotel and you two lay down and look at the night sky (as I’m not sure if there’s stars in Hell tbh.)
You two sit there and talk, it gets vulnerable for a bit, slowly but surely starting to break down eachothers walls… But not for too long before one of you is like “NOPE, too much emotions for one day!” haha
At the end of the day, GF!Vaggie, isn’t perfect at this whole girlfriend thing, but for you? She’ll sure as hell try.
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Angel Dust
Like Vaggie, Crush!Angel is tempted to “NOPE” out, after falling into Val’s trap, he’s hesitant to try again.
But soon enough Charlie shows him that opening up got her an amazing girlfriend, so he decides, hey, might as well right?
Crush!Angel goes out of his way to obnoxiously flirt with you, but you thought this was normal behavior, as he does it with basically everyone at the hotel.
Crush!Angel thinks it’ll take time, but you’ll catch on, and well… not exactly…
One day, Crush!Angel comes back from a long shoot, and he pulls a good, classic flirt on you, and poof! Right over your head!
And he doesn’t know what got in him, maybe the alcohol, maybe Valentino, maybe the buildup stress, who’s knows, but he snaps…
Crush!Angel proceeds to go off about how he’s always flirting with you and how he just doesn’t get how you’re so blind that you just can’t see it!?
And you start to laugh, which at first makes him more mad.
“Well how was I supposed to know if you flirt with everyone here? I thought it was normal!”
And with that, you walk away, leaving him bamboozled.
The night goes on as normal, you head up to your hotel room, and just as you’re about to turn lights out you hear a knock on your door and a voice from the outside.
“So do you wanna fuck me too, or no?”
The next day, you and Crush!Angel have a talk over a drink or two, and decide, not only do you two wanna fuck, you also want to date!
Now BF!Angel is a bit nervous, but don’t fret! He has that feeling in his stomach that makes him want to grin like he’s never grinned before.
BF!Angel’s love languages are quality time and words of affirmations, considering all that Val can do to him in a day, he doesn’t love being touched without consent, but that doesn’t mean touch is off limits by any means! Just ask and he’ll give it to you!
And for quality time, you and BF!Angel don’t really go out for dates, considering how fans (and Val) are, also considering the fact that he just wants a break from life.
Instead, you two usually just spend time in eachothers hotel rooms, binge shows, give eachother makeovers, play dress up, just being the kids you never got the opportunity to be.
And once he sees that Fat Nuggets likes you, he knows you’re the one.
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When Crush!Alastor first realizes he has feelings for you, he makes a mental note and goes on with his day.
He doesn’t really understand the point in fussing about it like most do, but then again, he’s not most people.
Crush!Alastor does thoroughly enjoy spending time with you though, he likes to just sorta keep you around.
He sticks up for you, if somebody gives you a problem, it will be handled, even if it’s a bit sadistic, he will do it everytime.
Crush!Alastor doesn’t feel the need to confess directly, but if you ask him how he feels about it, he won’t deny his feelings towards you!
So whenever Crush!Alastor becomes BF!Alastor, he does lay down some ground rules, as a relationship with him, will not be the same as a relationship with others.
BF!Alastor is a gentleman, no doubt. He opens any door that you may come across (car, building, whatever), he asks for consent before doing anything — however intimate it may be, and he does buy you flowers.
But, that does not mean BF!Alastor is perfect, he’s not the most physically affectionate, unless he initiates it himself, and he’s not great with feelings.
If you’re upset, he tries to stay away, not because he doesn’t care, but because most of the time he’ll keep his upbeat energy and act like nothings wrong in attempts to cheer you up — but sometimes that’s just not what you need.
But, BF!Alastor kicks in eventually, and turns on some calming music, turns his radio affect down in volume so the sound doesn’t overwhelm you, and give you a nice, long hug as you two sway around the room.
By far, BF!Alastor’s love language is acts of service and quality time.
BF!Alastor honestly adores spending time with you, you’ve made him feel more alive than he has in years, and he follows you around like a puppy, but he makes it look like you following him around rather than the other way.
And he’ll always do things for you, even if he doesn’t understand them. If they make you happy, he might as well get started on doing them, because he can’t go awhile without seeing your darling face and your beautiful smile.
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Sir Pentious
Crush!Pentious is… very… obvious.
But you don’t say anything, cause he’s adorkable.
You watch day after day out of pure adoration as Crush!Pentious tumbled over his words and changes his mind as he tried to make a move, and you loved every second of it.
This went on for awhile, and you started to notice his little quirks, which only made you fall for him more.
Eventually, one day after Crush!Pentious had tried to subtly say that he liked you, you decided to do him a favor.
“I like you too.”
Yeah maybe that didn’t go how you thought it would…
Well in more ways than one, cause Crush!Pentious became BF!Pentious that day!
BF!Pentious was really nervous, he finally had you! But he didn’t wanna lose you cause he did something stupid either… He had to make the perfect move!
So he ended up asking Charlie to ask you a bunch of relationship related questions, and ending up deciding on your dream date with your favorite flowers. Basic, but gets the job done right?
BF!Pentious’ love languages are gift giving and physical touch. Like please cuddle him. He’ll get pouty if you don’t notice. So just notice already!!
BF!Pentious, like Charlie, loves making you gifts! He uses his knowledge from war machines to make something homemade and honestly it’s just the sweetest thing!
Is he perfect? Yes. But for this let’s say no. Does he try? Also yes!
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Crush!Husk can’t even remember the last time he had a crush, but he’s chill with it.
Crush!Husk never planned on officially confessing to you, he just was going with the flow, ya know?
You start talking to him and realize maybe you like him too, but it wasn’t thought about much more than that.
It’s not until Angel asks you, “So are ya fucking or no..?”
And it makes you think, no, but you wouldn’t mind if that were arranged.
So one night, while you’re drunk and talking to Crush!Husk, you say… “Y-Ya knOW! We- We should HAHAH get together! HEHEHEH!” “Talk to me when you’re sober, you’re not making a stupid decision, I won’t let ya.”
And somehow, someway, you remembered that in the morning. So with a headache from your hangover, you go up to Husk’s bar and sit down, “What are we?” “Whatever you want us to be.”
From then on, Crush!Husk became BF!Husk!!
BF!Husk always made sure to look out for you. He’s the ‘defend you in public, correct you in private’ kinda guy.
BF!Husk is big on words of affirmation and acts of service.
He won’t hesitate to tell you how much he loves and cares for you whenever you need it, he’s a very honest guy, but he also loves doing little things to show that he cares.
‘Oh, I did the dishes for you.’ or ‘I cleaned your room.’ or ‘I folded your laundry.’ are things you hear daily.
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Crush!Niffty is another one that’s very obvious, and quite frankly, she doesn’t care.
Crush!Niffty has been open to you about her feelings since day one, and you make sure she knows you feel the same way.
So basically instantly, she becomes GF!Niffty.
GF!Niffty loves physical touch and acts of service.
She loves cleaning for you, and showing you all her accomplishments. But she also loves hugging you, kissing you, just being next to you is enough.
Life isn’t much different versus life with Crush!Niffty but you love it regardless, and you wouldn’t trade either life for anything.
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Lucifer Morningstar
Crush!Lucifer doesn’t really have that shock of realizing he likes you, cause he always has and has always known.
You were the one person who was there after Lilith, even if it was only platonic back then, you were still there.
Crush!Lucifer REALLY likes you and considering how long he’s liked you (literal years) he decides to just man up and say it.
Unsurprisingly, you feel the same way and you two start dating.
BF!Lucifer doesn’t want to lose you like how he lost Charlie and Lilith, so he’s very certain that he gives you everything he thinks you derserve.
BF!Lucifer is a big jumble of all the love languages at once because of this. But I think he leans towards physical touch and words of affirmation.
BF!Lucifer is constantly in need of reassurance as he feels like he’s not enough due to his depression, and also hugs, because y’know, hugs help.
If you have a good relationship with Charlie, which you should, like cmon, he’s ecstatic! And sometimes he needs your help with parenting cause he really wants to try his best for you, and her.
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Adam and you started off just fucking for fun, and fucking for fun turned into, friends, friends turned into- woah… it turned into a crush…
Crush!Adam is fucking clueless, he’s not good with this stuff, just guitar solos (FUCK YEAAHH).
During Charlie’s meeting with Heaven, he slips you a note…
Hey hot babe,
wanna do more than just fuck? (date)
And my God, you better accept because THAT is ART.
BF!Adam is far from perfect, but damn close. He really cares. But his main love languages are quality time and physical touch.
I mean cmon, he’s not great with his words, he can’t do much other than fight, he’s ass at giving gifts (he tried to give you a dildo once). So it’s really the only thing he’s good at, he can sit there, and touch you. That’s about all he knows how to do!
At the end of the day, BF!Adam really tries his best, he loves you, after all :)
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Considering the fact you’re Lute’s boss, she spends a lot of time with you.
And because of that, she starts to develop feelings.
Crush!Lute realizes she has a crush on you almost immediately, although she hesitates to tell you, due to how much you guys are together and her job.
But after awhile, she has a bit of a ‘screw it’ moment.
And boom! She turns into GF!Lute.
GF!Lute is a whole new version of the person you had gotten to know. Her wild side comes out, unlike her normal stoic side. (Example: “RIP VAGGIES CUNT MOUTH OUT ‘ER ASS!!!”)
Also side note, GF!Lute is committed as fuckkk. Once she’s there, she’s there for good, cause she loves you!
— END.
Hello! This is my first Hazbin post! I haven’t written for these characters in a solid year so I hope it’s alright! As I said up top, if this gets a lot of love, then I’ll do a part two (Which will include Cherri and the Vees to name a few~) ! Also don’t mind my Lute bias lmao, she’s my fav, she’s so hatable but idgaf and I love her vibe lmao! I’m hyperfixating on Hazbin since the first season just came out lmao! So please send requests! Love ya :)
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Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. On your way home from work, you encounter an injured superhero. You have seen his secret identity. Now what will he do about it?
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x reader, (maybe a why choose with Dick Grayson as well?? Idk tell me what you guys want)
Warning: Adult language, verbal abuse, parental abuse, severe injuries
Word Count: 1.5k
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it 
Part One: Is that Trash or a Man?
There is calm chaos when working in the emergency room. You get used to the cacophony of beeps and alarms. Of moans, crying, screaming, and arguing. You get used to being on your feet all day and moving from task to task, from patient to patient. You get used to it because there is no other option. People need care and they need it now. You either step the fuck up or switch to a different unit. Or move to a calmer, cleaner, less crime-filled city. Calm wasn’t really my vibe. Maybe externally that’s what I portrayed, but internally my mind craves the chaos of the ER. It craves the chaos of Gotham. And the Gotham ER was an entirely different beast.
I finished nursing school about a year ago. A lot of my peers used it as an out. They went to more stable cities in New Jersey that had better funding and less chance of getting knifed in the staff parking lot. I was one of the only ones that stayed. I definitely was the only one that worked in the hospital. I couldn’t deny the demand for nurses was high, and the paychecks were even higher at Gotham General Hospital. And maybe some small pathetic part of my brain wanted to make the world a better place. I wanted Gotham to be a better place. Every day I worked. I convinced myself that how matter how shitty it got; I was making a difference. Even if it was only a handful of people in the grand scheme of things. 
I could convince myself that I mattered. That everyone mattered. That these people deserve more. They deserve better; they deserve a second, third, fourth, fifth chance. If I stopped trying to convince myself of that I know I would give up entirely. Seeing gunshot wounds, stabbings, overdoses, mutilations, burns, crushings, poisonings, beatings, day after day is a lot like erosion of the soul. Little by little it wears you down. You become jaded and jagged with time. Empathy becomes blame. Hope becomes desolate. Love becomes anger. The only thing you can do is gaslight yourself into thinking you’re making a big enough difference. That you’re helping enough people. After all, the brain can’t tell the difference between truth and irony. You tell yourself so many lies, you can start to believe them, right? 
Gotham City: 16 Years Ago 
“Dad, when is mom coming home?” My small voice asked. I was scared to make Dad yell at me again. I didn’t like it when I made him yell.
“She’s got stage four fucking cancer she is coming out of the hospital in a body bag, y/n.” 
I fought the tears that burned behind my eyes. Dad would get even angrier if he saw them. It was stupid of me to even ask. 
I felt him turn to me. His eyes bored into my skull. Quickly, I looked down at his feet. 
“Have you tried again?” He asked. His tone clipped. I knew he expected a timely answer.
Involuntarily, my fingers ruthlessly picked the skin around my nails. The sting was grounding in a way. 
“No, sir. Well yes, I have tried, but I… I failed,” the last word felt like a hot poker being placed through my throat. 
“Look at me.” Breathing became difficult, but I looked up at my father. He leaned his face close to mine. I could smell Jack wafting off him. “What good are you? What good is having healing powers if you can’t heal your sick mother?”
The simple hangnail became a chunk of missing skin. I lowered my head. Fighting back tears. 
“Sir,” my traitorous voice wobbled as I tried not to cry, “I keep trying but… I don’t think my power is that strong. I can close cuts, fix broken bones, but tumors are… hard.”
My father tilted his head back and laughed. Hard. He grabbed my wrist as quickly as a viper, “If I could put your mother’s cancer in you I would. You’re about as useful as a wet match in a dark cave.” 
I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my cheek. It felt like I was involuntarily waving a white flag.
Gotham City: Present Day
I had to be stealthy with my gift. I couldn’t heal every one of the patients to full health right away. That would lead to suspicion. But if I could help it I could stop the major damage. I would heal internal organs. Replenish blood. Reduce ten fractures to two or one. It all depended on timing and if people were watching me. 
I was walking home from the hospital. I only lived about three blocks away. I got off shift at around 20:49. I didn’t start my next stretch for another three days. And I was milking my walk home. Stopping to smell the roses or whatever. That is normally not a very smart thing to do in Gotham at night, especially as a woman. But part of me didn’t care. 
Earlier, I looked at my phone and frowned when I realized the date. 
Thursday, May 19th. 
My mom died 16 years ago today. Waves of emotion flooded my senses. Anger at myself for not remembering. Sadness that she had been gone more of my life than she had been in it. Restlessness for what my father might do or say. Some years he likes to reach out. Others he doesn’t. But most of all I was feeling reckless. Like I wanted someone to give me a reason. Obviously, I would only hurt someone to defend myself or others. But there was so much anger living in my body, part of me hoped some idiot would try something with me tonight. 
So, I walked home. Slowly. 
Normally, you keep your head down and you keep moving. You don’t look or gawk. You listen out of necessity. I was listening just because I could. It was the normal stuff. Men smoking cigarettes and catcalling. Women were offering their nightly services. Random people either praising or damning superheroes. Drug deals. Graffiti artists. Fights. And of course, people who simply were walking home from work. Gotham had range and was never boring that’s for sure. 
But something picked up on the very edge of my senses. Despite my better logic, I turned toward the very quiet sound. It could have just been rats, but it sounded so familiar. It sounded like a death rattle. The thing you hear just before shit hits the fan and the patient codes. 
Without thinking I ran down the alley toward the sound. At first, it was nothing. Just trash and rats. But then I saw it. He almost blended perfectly in with the shiny black garbage bags. His cape was the same color but reflected the light less. 
“Sir? Sir, are you alright?” I walked hesitantly forward, grabbing my pepper spray just in case.
The man did not answer, he only garbled and coughed. My work brain took over my fear. Instantly I rolled the man over and began assessing him. I suppressed a gasp when I rolled him over and a familiar cowl mask came into view. It was cracked down the middle. His face was bleeding from an unknown location. His breathing was labored and staggered. 
Calmly, I closed my eyes and pressed my hands against his chest. 
Oh yeah. Batman was dying. He had several broken ribs. A pneumothorax. A bruised liver, kidney, and pancreas. His cardiac output was a joke. The man had no perfusion. 
I didn’t think. I didn’t hold back like I do at the hospital. I just healed. And healed. And healed. I healed him down to his bone-on-bone knees, sprained ankle, and fractured wrist. 
God, this guy had a lot of injuries. 
I was close to passing out by the time I was done. I had done too much, ate, and slept too little. My powers were demanding when it came to energy. If I didn’t eat or sleep within 30 minutes I was about to pass out next to bat boy himself.
I gave him one last assessment. After double-checking that he would live and that I didn’t miss anything I finally looked at his face again. 
This time I gasped. Batman was the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne? I shook my head like I was clearing cobwebs. I didn’t have time to dwell on it. Much like Batman, I didn’t want people to know what I could do. The last time people knew…
Just as I turned and took a few steps I rolled my eyes at my nagging thoughts. 
What if someone sees him before he wakes up?
Reaching into my tote bag I pulled out a black medical mask. I not so gracefully MacGyvered it across his exposed face so that it was covered. And with that, I made my way home.
My cat, Hashbrown, eagerly greeted me at the door. I nearly fell asleep locking it. I bent down to pick her up and gave her a kiss on her perfect little cat head. I ripped my gross work scrubs off, threw them in the wash, and crashed on the couch in my underwear before my brain could process what happened.
I healed Batman. 
I healed… Bruce Wayne?
Part Two, Part Three
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ickadori · 10 months
[summary] kisaki meets someone a bit more organically than he had intended to.
[cws] fem reader -> reader is a mother (the son is named ‘ren’). mentions of an abusive relationship. abuse towards reader. mild violence. allusions to cannibalism. unedited.
[notes] this was in drafts since sept and i actually hate it now but i didn’t wanna delete bc he’s my first luv ^.^ ending is thrown together heh!
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Kisaki believed in meeting people organically — he considered himself a bit of a romantic.
Dating apps weren’t an option for him (even if he wasn’t on every criminal watchlist available he still wouldn’t go that route - it screamed desperation, and he liked to be quiet with his) and he had turned down every offer of being ‘set-up’ on blind dates after he had given Hanma a reluctant ‘yes’ and ended up sat across from a coked up, wannabe model that dropped dead of an overdose before the appetizers even hit the table.
It was a bit hard to meet people naturally when you rarely interacted with the public, and when you did, it was because a few big name heads needed to roll. He couldn’t exactly go out to mingle just after taking a handsaw to a man’s neck—you had to be in the right headspace.
He had looked inward at first, scoured his payroll and checked out each and every name listed there. He would never get involved with anyone working directly under him (work and pleasure should never mix, after all) but extended family members were fair game, or so he had thought, before he had realized just how fucked up the people he had working underneath him was, along with their families. Prostitutes, convicts, plebes riddled in debt and holding cans on street corners to try and afford it, losers spending all their measly paychecks in pachinko parlors and whorehouses.
Kisaki had standards, and they didn’t come close to fitting them.
Back to the drawing board.
A white cloud of air leaves his mouth as he sighs, hands slipping into the pockets of his wool, trench coat as he steps out of the driver's seat of the car. He moves to head into the lobby of his office building, gaze quickly sliding over to the kid standing near the entrance before immediately disregarding him.
“Hello, Sir.” He’s greeted with a deep bow, and a dark brow quirks up as he turns his head to look at the boy. He stops, eyes taking in the way he shivers in the cold from his lack of coat, coupled with the ratty t-shirt, gym shorts and sandals.
“I don’t have any cash on me. I’ll send someone back down with some.” He goes to move around, only for the kid to shuffle in front of him and block his path. Kisaki has half a mind to plant his foot in his stomach, but bites down the urge and instead grips the kid’s shirt and wrangles him off to the side.
“Wait! I-I don’t need your money! I need your help!”
“Do you see a badge on me? Go to the police station.” He chuckles as he says it. He usually tells people not to go to the police station. “I can’t help you.”
“I can pay you.” The kid goes into his pockets and brandishes two fistfuls of coins, and Kisaki takes a good look around the dark, empty streets, trying to catch a glimpse of Hanma because this has to be one of his stupid ideas of a joke. “I need your help, Sir, please. My dad—”
“If a man can’t help himself he’s better off dead.”
“—keeps hurting my mom.”
The coins rattle due to the trembling of the kid’s hands. “What’s your name?”
“How exactly do you think I could help you and your mother, Ren?”
“Kill him.” Ren looks him in the eyes as he says it, and Kisaki hums. Kids are stupidly brave, he thinks. No older than ten and he goes to elicit the help of a random man that he doesn’t even know—
“Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. I…” Ren looks around, unsure, before he’s squaring his shoulders and meeting his gaze again. “I’ve been stalking you! And I saw you kill people with that really tall man so I know that you do it!”
“You didn’t see me do anything like that so don’t ever say that again. Do you understand?” Kisaki should probably toss the kid over a bridge or something - kids had big mouths, and he didn’t need to be brought down by some hobo child who blabbed his mouth to the cops - but he had always had a soft spot for children.
“Yes, Sir.” Ren’s speech was starting to get hard to decipher, his trembling reaching an all time high as his lips turned blue, and Kisaki sighed as he slipped his arms out of his coat, leaving him in a white button down and suspenders.
“Put this on before you freeze.”
Ren pointedly looks down to the coins in his hands, and Kisaki juts his chin to the side, signaling for him to just toss it down onto the street.
“B-But I saved this for two months for you!”
“Just throw it.”
“But it’s money!”
It’s mostly yen coins mixed in with a few 10 yens, and Kisaki sets his mouth to tell him it’s nearly worthless, nothing worth holding onto, and that he could just barely afford a few lollipops, much less an assassination, but he just sighs out through his nose and lets the kid dump the coins into his hand. He pockets it, trying to remember the last time he’s had loose change in his possession, and hands off the coat to Ren who quickly puts it on. It drapes him like a blanket, the arms too long and the hem of the coat dragging along the ground, and Kisaki sighs again.
“Get in the car so we can get this over with.”
“This is your place?”
“It’s a shithole.”
“It is.” Kisaki agrees as he cuts the engine, eyes taking in the dilapidated apartment building. He’s seen many like it, but this one might just be the worst. A small section of the building looks to be burned, as if a fire started in a unit and took out a few apartments and no one ever bothered to repair it.
There’s loiterers lingering all around; teens looking to get into trouble, or maybe looking to stay out of whatever trouble is in their homes, junkies scratching at themselves as they pace back and forth, and hookers in dark corners with their johns.
“That’s what my mom calls it.” Ren continues. “She says we’re gonna move one day. She’s been working a lot to save up money.”
“Where does she work?”
“She won’t tell me.”
“Stalk her like you did me.”
“But that’s bad.”
“So you can do bad things to me and not her?”
“Well,” he shrugs. “You’re bad.”
“I guess I am.”
Kisaki opens the middle console and bypasses the gun stashed inside, inside pulling free the pair of brass knuckles and slipping them into his back pocket. “Does your father have a gun?”
“No, they’re illegal. The officer at my school says so.” Ren peers into the console and goes wide-eyed at the sight he sees.
“How big is he?”
“Really big—bigger than you.”
“Where does he work?”
“The… um, the lumber yard.”
The aluminum bat that he keeps under his seat is pulled free, and then he’s signaling for Ren to get out of the car as he steps out into the cold himself. They join at the front of the car, and like bees to honey, a few women who look as if they’re standing on their last leg make their way over to him, dollar signs reflecting in their irises as they take in the sports car he’s just gotten out of.
“Which apartment is yours?”
“It’s this way.” Ren sets off in the direction in which he pointed to, and Kisaki holds up a gloved hand to the women steadily approaching, stopping them in their tracks as they huff and send him scathing looks.
They’re heading in the direction of the apartments that had been burned down, and Kisaki considers offing the father and the mother and just dropping the boy off at one of the orphanages that actually give a shit about the kids in their care. Killing the dad would stop the mom from getting her head knocked left and right, but it wouldn’t fix their problems. Few people had what it took to pull themselves out of a hole like this one, and the woman was clearly lacking a few vital things up top to have ended up in this predicament in the first place.
“Goddamn fucking bitch. Where is it?!” The near snarl brings Kisaki out of his thoughts, and he reacts in time to snag ahold of Ren’s shoulder when he tried to dash for the apartment. A heavy smack sounds seconds later, followed by the sound of furniture and glass breaking, and another sigh, this one heavier, leaves him as he leans the bat against the wall and starts rolling up his sleeves.
“What the fuck am I doing here?” He mutters to himself, crisp sleeves rolling back to reveal toned, bronze arms. The muscles in them flex as lithe fingers wrap around the handle of the bat, and he rolls his shoulders once before taking a step back, raising his foot, and slamming it right below the lock.
It’s been a while since he’s done a house call, but he adjusts quickly. He rushes in —best to catch ‘em before the shock of the door bursting in wears off— and lays eyes on two people, a man and a woman. He aims low and hits a knee, and there’s a crunch that makes his eyebrow twitch and a scream that brings forth a wave of amusement.
The man stumbles, face screwed up in pain and spit and curses flying. He’s built like a brick house, and the physique reminds him of a certain taxing restaurant owner, so he swings the bat again, this time cracking a few ribs and sending the man sprawling down to the floor.
A floorboard creaks behind him, and reflexes kick in as he swings before he looks. A soft gasp and a shout of ‘Sir’ makes him stop just in time, and he turns to see he was about 3 centimeters away from caving the woman’s face—oh.
Even with the budding bruises, the haggard clothing, and the teary, snotty face, Kisaki has to blink twice and bite down on his tongue to make sure he hasn’t died and somehow snuck his way into Heaven—disgustingly cheesy, he’s aware, but he’s a romantic, you know, and the sight of you is enough to ignite something inside him that had been extinguished for quite some time.
He takes in a slow breath, and the tepid, stale air of this should-be-condemned apartment feels like a breath of fresh air, and he knows what this feeling is. He had felt it once, back when he was young and full of a puppy love for a woman that could just barely stand the sight of him.
He should leave, go back to his office and send a cleanup crew to get rid of all the loose ends. He had thought he wanted another woman to send him up in a tailspin, but there were too many variables, too many things that he couldn’t control, too many things that he couldn’t predict, and he was starting to run out of people to kamikaze box trucks for him when relationships went awry.
“Mom!” Ren runs to you, and you wrap him up in your arms, eyes warily watching Kisaki as you try and gauge his intentions.
“I-I don’t have what he owes you.” Ah.
“He doesn’t owe me a thing.” He forcefully drags his eyes away from you to instead look at the writhing man on the floor. Kisaki lifts his foot and settles it on his midsection, grinding the heel of his shoe against the protruding bones. “But I’m sure he owes someone, so I’ll settle the debt for them.” He looks back to you, and a clammy hand tightens around the handle of the bat. “Unless you have any objections...”
Your eyes flicker down to your child’s father, eyebrows scrunching together as you hold Ren tighter, and Kisaki pleads in his head for you to give him an answer that’ll snuff that flame you lit right out.
Ask me to spare him. Tell me how he’s not a bad man, even though he beats you black and blue and forces your son to seek the help of random men in the middle of the night. Cry that you love him. Make me hate you—
“Just... just don’t do it here, please. I don’t want him to see.”
“Of course.”
Ah, hell.
Kisaki guesses this is as organic as it’s going to get.
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pagannatural · 7 months
Dead Man’s Blood
-Dean offers to drive to ny so that Sam can see Sarah (the art dealer) again and Sam shuts that shit down right away. Dean only encourages Sam to have Dean-sanctioned relationships and sex. Dean’s Freudian nonsense is that he likes to pressure Sam into being involved with women, be certain that he’s the reason Sam is doing it, and then convince himself it’s good for Sam. I don’t think there’s anything malicious in this pattern, I think Dean is just operating at a high level of cognitive dissonance and avoids question his own motivations and feelings.
-Dean manhandles Sam away from John, de-escalating, then things escalate again and Sam and John grab at each other and it looks like they’re going to fight so Dean changes tactics. He forces them apart and puts himself physically in front of Sam, telling John to back off. First he tries to get Sam away, then he stands in front of him to protect him and waits until John walks away.
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And now seems like a good time to talk about the fact that John was probably violent when they were kids. They don’t seem particularly scared of him, and they seem all to genuinely love each other and be able to find moments of ease and humor, so it was probably more a violence born of dysfunction than systematic abuse. There’s enough evidence for this that it’s safe to assume. For example, John says “I stopped being your father and I became your drill sergeant,” and he’s a vet, so he probably means that pretty literally and that in itself is a brutal way to treat children. In season 6, when Dean is explicitly trying not be become his father but falling more and more into re-enacting John’s behaviors, he slaps Ben across the face to try getting him out of shock. In s7 teenage Sam says that his dad has a temper and you wouldn’t want to see him after he’s been drinking. And then of course there’s this scene.
Neither Sam nor John see Dean’s diffusion of the situation as unusual. He’s done it before. Dean’s primary order is to look after Sammy. So I can’t really see him letting John get escalated with Sam, especially with how comfortable Sam is with Dean protecting him.
As codependent as Dean is with John, it seems like Sam is the subject on which he challenges him. He doesn’t have to break from his role as John’s surrogate co-parent and partner or as Sam’s (everything, but first and foremost) protector to do this, so it’s not really even him breaking rank. Dean follows John’s orders because he wants to keep Sam safe in the first place, so it makes perfect sense that this is normal for him. His motivations revolve around Sam.
-Sam, pacing, waiting for Dean to return from the morgue: “it shouldn’t be taking this long, I should go help.” Sam worrying about Dean part 497.
-John uses the vampire’s mate as a hostage because they mate for life. Immediately after this, a vampire uses Sam as a hostage to make Dean back off. It takes one to know one.
-When John kills the vampire Sam stumbles into Dean, who catches him. Dean holds onto Sam until the vampire dies, which takes a moment. Maybe even after that.
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-John tells the boys they disobeyed a direct order and Sam says yes sir and Dean says “but we saved your ass.”
Sam can’t believe Dean said that. He looks afraid of what John will do.
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Dean showed Sam that he can stand up to their dad too, and not just when it comes to de-escalating situations where Sam is involved- he stands up for himself.
This is important because it’s Dean breaking away from John and coming into his own. Sam has come to understand and even appreciate Dean’s obedience to John, but he still couldn’t choose to be with Dean rather than living a normal life when Dean was following John without question. Now Sam can believe in Dean’s ability to break the pattern Sam couldn’t live with. They’re a team.
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lottesreads · 11 months
Why Me? - Part 6
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, bruises, (someone gets punched), details of panic attacks, swearing, one "daddy" joke, pining, big Rooster warning here, mommy issues, mentions of death, insecurities
Word Count: 5860
Summary: Going over flight maneuvers for the day doesn't go as everyone planned. Somethings from your past get revealed, and you grow a little closer to Bob.
A/N: PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS, this one is a little heavier and angstier, so I apologize for that. Things will get better though! Also, sorry for taking so long, I started a new job and had to take two tests so yay for me.
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After what you are now calling the most awkward lunch ever, the day goes by… fine. The squad spends the remaining hours listening to feedback from your father, which surprisingly doesn’t ruffle anyone’s feathers too much. You pin it on the fact that it’s a Friday and everyone just wants to get out as soon as they can. You, of course, want to get out of there as well to spend time with Bob, and finally meet Sylvia. From all the pictures you’ve seen and how Bob describes her, she seems like the perfect dog.
But you’re also thinking about what Phoenix propositioned Bob with as well. It had sent you spiraling. All you can think about as Mav drones on about Payback and Fanboy’s practically perfect barrel roll, is how Bob is being set up with this woman. A woman, might you add, that he has never met or heard of before this day. You can’t help but stare straight in front of you, right at the back of Bob’s head. You’re able to see the tiniest bit of his profile, the wire frames peaking out atop his cheek. You’d like to believe you aren’t jealous. But history proves this wrong time and time again. This woman is just another thing you can add to the ever-growing list.
Bob turns his head ever so slightly, catching a glimpse of you staring out of his peripheral vision. You immediately look down at your papers, attempting to act as if you’re in deep thought about what Payback and Fanboy could have done better. Your eyes stay still on the paper as your brain moves a million miles a minute. God, Bob. Why did he have to be such an amazing person? You would have been able to move on if you had gotten to know him and realized he had a crappy personality, but unfortunately that is not the case. Now you’re stuck feeling jealous over some random woman who has no idea the implications of her attending Phoenix’s party next weekend. You chance a glance back up to Bob’s face and find that he’s already turned back to look at you.
“Mantis”, he whispers as he motions his head to the front of the room, right where your dad is staring you down.
“Sir”, you say, straightening up in your own seat. He raises his brow in a warning, as you shift your attention to the screen, seeing now that your own flights are up for critique.
“Thank you. Now that I have your attention, I have to say I am seeing noticeable room for improvement.” He turns back from the screen, pointing to where you took too sharp of a turn, or where you needed to slow down. You write down everything he says, even as the tips of your ears begin to burn in embarrassment. He is your captain, you know this. Everyone else knows this, but they also know what it feels like to get scolded by a dad. And you can’t help but see the similarities at this moment. He finally finishes after what feels like an eternity as he looks back at you, “Any questions?”
“No sir”, you respond bluntly. He was being nitpicky, for once in his life, and you weren’t sure what caused it at this moment. But you’re still a little confused at what you thought was a perfect run.
“Alright Rooster, you’re up.” You glance over to Rooster’s hard stare as he brings his gaze to the front of the room. You cannot wait to see your dad rip him a new one. It’s what he deserves, and honestly you could fly circles around this guy. “I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed with your work today.” Wait, what? Rooster’s face softens into a slight grin as your brow furrows in his direction. Folding your arms across your chest you sink back into your chair, watching as your dad gives Rooster a glowing review. An undeserved one in your opinion. And then Mav decides to tell you one of the worst ideas he’s ever had.
“Single-seaters, I’m gonna put you in groups and you’re going to go over the notes I gave you to hopefully help you execute these maneuvers better. Two-seaters, you’re going to do the same, but with your pilots and your WSO’s.” At this point, you’re just hoping you’re with Coyote or Fritz, hell, even Hangman. Mav looks down at his podium, going over the list before announcing them, “Fritz and Coyote, you’re a pair. And then we’ll have Rooster, Hangman, and Mantis as a group.”
“Jesus Christ”, you mumble under your breath. Was he trying to kill you? As the rest of the pairs move around to find places to talk, you very lazily turn your head in Rooster’s direction as he does the same to you. Hangman is standing in the aisle, looking back and forth at the both of you, very confused as to the standoff happening before him. You really don’t want to get up and walk over to Rooster. It may seem stupid, and childish, but you are not going to let him think you’re just going to waltz back over to him. Hangman breathes out a laugh, shaking his head at the two of you, ultimately taking the seat next to you. It makes you smile inside watching Rooster roll his eyes as he pulls up a spare chair.
“If any of you need me, I will be in a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock, so please direct any concerns to Hondo”, Mav announces as he points to Hondo giving a small wave in the back of the room.
“Well”, Hangman starts, “Since daddy-dearest gave Rooster a perfect score, I guess that just leaves you and me, Mantis.”
“No surprise there”, you mutter as you start looking through your notes. Rooster scoffs from the other side of Hangman, prompting you to look up at him. “What?”
“Nothing, just didn’t realize you’d be so bitter about someone on your team doing well. But then again I shouldn’t be surprised.” Adding a smile onto the end of his sentence he goes back to sorting through his notes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just think that when you have to rely on each other, you should be happy when someone does well. Especially when it’s our lives at stake here.”
“Well, I think giving someone confidence in their lack-luster abilities is dangerous, to everyone.” You say, folding your arms.
“And I completely agree”, Rooster nods, “that’s why Mav was honest with you. If he inflated that false confidence anymore than it already is, your head might have exploded.” Hangman raises his brows at the exchange before him. Why your dad thought it was a good idea to pair the three of you together, he’ll never know.
“Do you guys wanna get back to-”
“Oh, I have false confidence?”
“Or not”, Hangman finishes his sentence after being interrupted. Interrupted, not heard. It doesn’t really matter at this point while he tries to fade into his seat, waiting for this argument to be over and done with.
“He’s literally just blowing smoke up your ass, so you’ll ‘believe in yourself’”, you add in air-quotes,  “or whatever bullshit he made up. Or maybe he just wants to get on your good side to make up for lost time.” You’re vaguely aware of your own voice raising as everyone else’s conversations start dwindling and they turn to your group.
“Are you still on that? I thought we were past it already.” He responds, visibly agitated by your persistence.
“No, Rooster, you two got past that. I haven’t heard a goddamn word from you on the matter, or an apology. So no, I’m not past that.”
“Oh do you really wanna start this here?” Rooster asks, daring you.
“Oh I really do.” You respond just as sure. “So whenever you’re ready to apologize you know where to find me.”
“Everything alright over here?” Hondo has since made his way over to your group as he stands to your right. You obviously hadn’t noticed being too caught up in whatever this is.
“You think you deserve an apology?” Rooster’s voice raises, caught off guard.
“Yes! Why wouldn’t I? You just left, and even though I was twelve I still tried to get in contact with you for six years after the fact.”
“And you think I should be sorry for that? For the fact that I didn’t answer the phone when you tried to rub it in my face that he just let you go to the Academy?”
“You think after you he just let me go?!”
“Of course I do! That’s the only reason you’re sitting in this room with the rest of us!” Rooster stands right as you do, now physically looking down on you between the barrier that Hangman creates. He’s pushing on Rooster’s chest, while a hand comes to rest on your shoulder.
“Is that what you’re angry about? You’re jealous of me?” You ask incredulously, still not lowering your volume.
“Why the FUCK would I be jealous of you?”
“Rooster” Phoenix warns him. He continues anyway.
 “Jealous of the fact that your Navy connections bought you into the TopGun program in the first place, into the Academy? Huh?!” You almost flinch as he gets closer to your face, but you hold steady, chest heaving in anger still, but not backing down. “Or is it the fact that you think I’m jealous of your family, cause that sure as hell isn’t-”
“That is ENOUGH.” Hondo announces. “You are supposed to be professionals, how many of these meetings are going to end in fights?!” Your stony gaze falls from Rooster to the hand on your shoulder. You recognize the long fingers as Bob’s, he squeezes your shoulder lightly as if asking if you’re ok. You’re not, but the fact that he’s here and has your back has you taking a deep breath in, deeper than any you’ve been able to take since Rooster opened his big mouth.
“Ya know”, Hangman starts, “back in the olden Navy days they would have handed you boxing gloves and let you fight it out from there.” His attempt to relieve the tension falls flat as the rest of the team gauges if the two of you are actually done fighting.
“Yeah well”, Rooster responds, “From what I remember Mantis does a better job taking a punch than throwing one. Just ask her mom.” And just like that your breaths grow shallow again as your stomach drops. An audible breath leaves your mouth as everyone’s eyes fall from Rooster to you, and as much as you try to remain stoic, your bottom lip begins to wobble as your mouth falls open slightly. There’s an immediate sense of remorse in Rooster’s eyes as he realizes what he just said. But much like everything else he’s done, it’s too late. The damage has already been done.
“ROOSTER”, Phoenix scolds him. You don’t even stay to hear the rest of it, turning on your heel you leave the room, not being able to stand the looks of pity from your teammates. Once in the hallway you make your way to the women’s locker room. Each footstep seems louder than the next. The closer you get, the heavier the tears start to form on your lash line, only falling once you slam the door open and swing the curtain closed in a shower stall. Sliding down the wall of the cubicle, you hug your knees to your chest, attempting to silence the cries that are only coming naturally with the tears. It’s getting harder to breathe, even as you attempt to take large breaths. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Phoenix yells as she pushes Rooster. No one dares to stop her as she continues to berate him. Bob is absolutely stunned at the information Rooster just dropped, but is shaken out of his thoughts as he looks at the door you just fled through. By the way you rushed out of here, he thinks you’d like to be alone, but on the off chance you need someone, he slips out of the room to go find you. He passes the men’s locker room and heads to the women’s hoping that’s where you escaped. Knocking on the door, he slowly opens it.
“Hello? Is anybody in here?” He doesn’t receive an answer, but he can hear someone crying who he can only assume is you. “Mantis, are you ok?” Still no answer. “Mantis, I’m coming in” With his eyes glued to the floor he follows the sounds of your sniffling and sobs until he reaches you. “Hey, I’m opening the curtain, ok?” He slowly slides back the curtain to find you in the corner of the stall, face tucked between your knees as you attempt to take in ragged breaths. He’s immediately on his knees in front of you and his heart breaks at the sight. He thinks you know he’s there, but he can’t be sure. It’s obvious you’re in the middle of a panic attack and he doesn’t want to scare you, so he gently rests a hand on your knee.
“Mantis, can you hear me?” You raise your head at his voice, revealing a very red and splotchy face as tears continue to fall out of your eyes. Your breathing is still very ragged as you grip his hand on your knee as if he would float away if you let go. He would never dream of doing such a thing, but he grips your hand right back.
“It’s ok, I just need you to breathe for me, alright?” You nod your head at his words as he demonstrates taking deep breaths in, holding, then letting them out. You’re attempting to follow them as your head continues to swim, taking note of this he moves your hand from your knee to over his heart, pressing it against his chest. “I’m right here”, he tells you as you continue to follow his breathing. The soothing nature of his heartbeat helps to bring you back down to earth. And little by little you start to feel the rest of your body come to its senses. It starts with your fingertips, feeling the pressure of Bob’s rough hand pressing it against his steadily beating chest, as the feeling crawls up your arms and legs. The tears begin to subside and all that’s left is the dried tracks they left as they swam down your cheeks.
Bob remains in front of you the entire time, even as you realize just how close the two of you are, he doesn’t falter. You’re now acutely aware that your hand is still sandwiched between his hand and chest, your fingers instinctively wiggle against his as you finger the material of his flight suit.
“Are you gonna be alright if I leave you here for a sec?” You nod, not daring to make eye contact. “Ok, I’ll be right back.” He places your hand back against your knee as you stare at the spot he once occupied, your head beginning to ache. There are still so many emotions going on, but your body is starting to feel the after effects.
Bob’s quite literally back in under a minute as he assumes his previous position, only now holding a bottle of water. He opens it for you as you graciously accept it, taking a couple small sips to start out with. You manage a small “Thank you” as you hand the bottle back to Bob. Embarrassment begins to overtake your system as you curl back in on yourself.
“Are you feeling any better?” You nod your head slightly, still avoiding his gaze.
“Yeah, thank you.”
“Any time”, and though other people would pass it off as a way of Bob trying to say you’re welcome, you know he genuinely would help you any time you needed him. You’re still not sure what to say, so you don’t say anything. Bob moves to sit next to you against the wall, not breaking the silence.
“You don’t have to stay here with me”, you manage to croak out.
“I know.” He says so sure. “I just need to make sure you’re gonna be ok.” You let a deep sigh out through your mouth as you lean your head back against the tile wall. At this moment you’re just feeling drained. That’s what panic attacks usually do. You were just so mad at him, and then he shared one of your deepest, darkest secrets in front of all of your coworkers. You had maybe thought you’d be able to patch up your relationship with him if he owned up to his mistakes, but now? You don’t think you’ll ever be able to get past this. If your dad wants to spend so much time with Rooster, let him. You don’t want to see his face ever again, which you know is a big ask, knowing that you have to work together. Maybe you should just put in a transfer, it’s not like you see your dad a lot outside of work anyway. You’d miss most of these people more than they’d miss you.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Bob gingerly grabbing your wrist and facing your palm upwards, and reaching into his pocket he retrieves something, laying it down in your hand. He lets it go and you miss his touch as he rests his hands on his knees. Looking down at your palm, you realize that he’s left a single penny behind.
“What’s this?”
“A penny”
“I can see that”, you smile slightly, “what’s it doing in my hand?”
“This may shock you, but when I was younger, I wasn’t much of a talker. Sometimes it was like pullin’ teeth to get me to talk-”
“I know the feeling”
“Yes, well, my Grandpa noticed how it didn’t come easy to me. So sometimes when he noticed I had a lot going on he would hand me a penny, and without having to ask, I would just start talkin’”
“A literal penny for your thoughts” you realize outloud. You grasp the penny, staring as you hold it between your fingers.
“It doesn’t mean you have to say anything”, Bob rushes out, “Just- if you want, you’re free to share your thoughts with me. No judgment” This is quite possibly one of the sweetest things anyone has ever shared with you, and staring at the penny you know you’re safe with Bob. Safe to share your feelings, safe from… anything really.
“I really want to tell Rooster to go fuck himself.” Bob gives you a small chuckle.
“Well, I think Phoenix may be doing that as we speak.” Good, you think to yourself. You shift the coin between your fingers and thumb before deciding to speak again.
“I was so sad, for so many years. And now I’m just starting to feel angry. Every time I see his face, I just can’t stop myself from laying into him.” It’s quiet for a moment as Bob waits to let you continue. “I don’t think I’m asking for too much, or that I went too far. And he just- God, he just laid it all out there for everyone.” Bob notices your fist beginning to clench and he slowly reaches over to grasp your hand in his.
“I’m sorry. And if it means anything, I don’t think you’re asking for too much.” You hadn’t even realized you started crying again until Bob’s thumb was swiping a stray tear away. Your breath catches in your throat and his hand moves away quickly, as if touching your face had hurt him. He clears his throat. “Were you going to wait for your dad, or did you want me to take you home?”
“Home? I thought I was supposed to meet Sylvia today?”
“Oh, yeah”, Bob chokes back, surprise coating his features, “We can go to… my place then?”
“If that’s alright with you?”
“Of course it is”, Bob says almost too quickly. “I mean”, he coughs, “Sylvia, she would love to meet ya”. And then he gives you a smile. You know the one, it’s closed mouth but it causes his cheeks to scrunch up beneath his eyes, taking over half his face. It’s almost enough to make you forget about this whole day.
He stands, offering you his hands to help you off the ground. He doesn’t leave you immediately at first, he just stands in front of you as if assessing the situation. Weighing his options. Glancing down at his watch, he looks at the door, “I think everyone should have gone home for the day. But if you want, you can wait in here while I grab my stuff?” You nod, taken aback at his thoughtfulness once again.
He leaves for a short bit while you grab your own bag from your locker. He knocks on the door once again, signaling his return as you make your way through the halls. The setting sun illuminates the parking lot and glares at you through the glass doors. Bob opens the door allowing you to go first as you spot his truck and make your way to it. The ache in your head is starting to come back and you can’t wait to take your hair out of the tight bun it’s in now.
“Mantis!”, you turn around as someone calls your name and immediate regret fills your system. You roll your eyes at the sight of Rooster walking toward you as you turn to keep walking, Bob right behind you.
“Mantis!”, he yells again as if you didn’t hear him the first time. “Come on Bug!” You stop in your tracks, rage once again emanating from your pores. Turning on your heel, you drop your bag onto the asphalt. This catches Rooster by surprise as he stops right before you.
“Do NOT call me that”, you grit through a clenched jaw as you point your finger at him. You can’t help the way your arm shakes in anger.
“Sorry”, he lets out dejectedly, placing his hands on his hips. Even if your brow wasn’t furrowed from squinting in the sun you have a feeling you’d still be staring at him with the same expression.
“Oh, so you do know that word”, you scoff. Rooster bites his tongue as he looks down at his feet. “And I’m not in the mood to talk, so save it for someone else who doesn’t want to hear it.” In the distance you’re aware of Bob throwing his bag in the back of his truck as he grabs yours and does the same. 
“I just want to-”
“I told you, I’m not in the mood”, you move to turn to Bob’s truck as Rooster reaches out and grabs your wrist.
“Mantis, c’mon-” The grip on your wrist sends your senses into overdrive as anger takes over. As he tugs on your wrist, you turn and collide your free fist into his face. It’s funny really, you weren’t aiming for anything in particular but you land it right on his cheekbone. It was enough force and surprise to knock him backwards
“Jesus Christ!” he shouts, grasping his face in his hand. Tears begin to well up in your eyes for the second time today as you shake out your hand. “What the hell is your problem?” He yells at you.
“Carole would be so disappointed in you”, you rasp out, cradling your hand. You stare Rooster down as he looks up at you in shock, until he can’t stand to anymore and tears his eyes away. Bob’s standing right behind you as you turn and bump into his chest.
“Are you ok?” he asks, lightly resting his hands on your shoulders.
“No”, you whisper, “Let’s just get out of here.” You don’t dare to spare a look back at Rooster, but Bob does as he leads you to his truck. The man is standing at his full height now with his shoulders slumped. The skin just under his eye is already starting to swell as he watches you walk away this time.
The ride back to Bob’s is quiet as you stare out the window. The radio’s humming quietly in the background and he doesn’t dare disrupt the silence, so he takes a glance at your hand. The skin around your knuckles is slightly irritated from the force you punched Rooster with, but other than that it doesn’t look too bad. He knew you were tough, but he never thought he’d see you punch someone in the face. If it had to be someone, he was glad it was Rooster though. That guy had it coming, especially after what he said today. You’re still staring out the window with a look of indifference, and you still had the penny he gave to you earlier, but you hadn’t said anything about what Rooster had revealed. So, he wasn’t going to push it until you were ready or wanted to talk about it.
You’re pulled out of your trance once the truck stops in Bob’s driveway. He grabs both of your bags before you’re able to grab yours, but he stops as he’s about to open the door.
“Just a warning, it’s probably a mess in here, so I apologize.”
“I have a feeling that your definition of a mess is my definition of clean.” He gives you a slight smile as he opens the door.
“Only one way to find out.” Opening the door you find, just as you suspected, an immaculate house. There may be a couple dog toys lying around, but that’s about it. You’re startled a little bit as Bob whistles, “Syl! Come ‘ere girl!” You smile at the accent coming through, and then the thump of something on the second floor running down the stairs. Sylvia comes barreling down the hallway as fast as her claws against the hardwood allow her. Bob is immediately on his knees in front of her, scratching behind her ears and speaking in what you can only describe as baby-talk, “Oh Syl, I’m so sorry. Daddy was gone for such a long time today wasn’t he?” You’re attempting to hold back a laugh, eyebrows shooting up at his use of the word “daddy”.
Sylvia’s tail stops wagging as she notices you standing behind her dad. Bob looks back at you and then at the dog, “Now Sylvia, this is Mantis. Mantis is a very good friend of mine, and I know she has a funny name, but you’re just gonna have to get over that, ok?” You can’t help but chuckle at how talkative he is with her, and even as you stare at her enormous brown eyes you immediately crave her approval. You start to kneel down next to Bob, but before you’re able to get on your knees Sylvia is cowering away and running back upstairs. You huff out in frustration as you stare at her retreating form.
“Hey, it’s alright”, Bob explains, “Like I said, she’s kinda skittish, and it takes a little bit for her to warm up to new people.” You nod in understanding as Bob leads you to his living room. It’s fairly simple, and again very clean. Bob tells you to take a seat as he grabs you a glass of water from the kitchen directly behind the living area.
“So daddy, huh?” The glass just about slips out of Bob’s hand upon hearing your use of the word. He swallows, taking a moment to collect himself.
“Uhm”, he coughs, “Yeah, I don’t know. It just sort of happened.”
“It’s cute”, you smile to yourself. Bob returns with a glass of water and an ice-pack wrapped in a kitchen towel. He awkwardly offers it to you as you accept it.
“For your hand”
“Oh yeah, thanks.” You lift it in appreciation before placing it on your knuckles. Wincing at first at the sensitivity. Bob sits a little farther down on the couch and watches you fiddle with something in your pocket. You tentatively reach for the penny, turning it over before handing it over to Bob. He laughs through his nose, nodding as a smile plays on his face.
“Come on, it’s your turn now.” Bob begins to chew on his bottom lip, avoiding your eyes. “If you want to ask me about it, it’s ok”, you let out more solemnly. He glances over at you, huffing out a sigh.
“How’s your hand?” He decides on, making you laugh.
“Not what I meant, but it’s ok. A little stiff.” You get the sense that he wants to know, but is getting shy with you again. And even though he doesn’t ask, you get an overwhelming urge to tell him. Taking in a shaky breath, you start in the only place you know where to, “Do you know how I got my call-sign?” He shakes his head.
“Although, I do recall you telling Hangman you’d bite his fucking head off” The two of you laugh. Sylvia, just as sneaky as her dad, pops her head up out of nowhere, resting it on Bob’s thigh. His hand instinctively goes to pet her head as you try not to acknowledge her existence, hoping she’ll make her way over to you.
“That’s what I like to tell people. But, no. When I was a kid, I was deathly afraid of insects, still am if I’m being honest. But, there was one incident”, you smile at the memory, “Where I was at the park, and I turned to look behind me and there was a praying mantis, just sitting on my shoulder. I, of course, freaked out and was trying to get it off me, but it wasn’t until Carole- Bradley’s mom, calmed me down where she was able to carefully pick it up and take it off me.” You’re laughing a little at this point, and Bob can’t help but smile at your own.
“She got me to stop crying and explained that it was just a little bug”, you swallow, staring down at your iced hand, “like me.” Bob’s face softens as he remembers Rooster’s words. “That became her nickname for me, and when she died and Bradley left, nobody called me it again until-” You cut yourself off, choked up just talking about Carole, and remembering how Bradley used to be. Before he was Rooster.
“Anyway, I hadn’t had a run-in with a praying mantis until flight school. I was out on a hike with the rest of my class, and what do I see on my shoulder when I turn around? A damn praying mantis. I screamed again, just like the first time, and everyone thought it was hilarious. So, the name Mantis stuck. It just felt like…” you struggle to find the word.
“Fate”, Bob finishes the sentence for you. You look up and find his eyes trained on you. Giving him a slight smile, you nod your head.
“Yeah, exactly.” Your eyes remain on his, and your heart beats a little faster. “So I’m not exactly bug, but that’s ok, because I don’t think anyone but Carole can call me that. Even if Bradley used to-” You look away, only to find Sylvia standing between you and Bob. Having must inched her way closer while you spoke, “I don’t want him to anymore.”
“I think that makes a lot of sense, and I also think Mantis suits you.” You smile and dare to reach your hand out to Sylvia, who simply sniffs the approaching limb. She nudges her nose closer, sniffing your palm as you very gently scratch her ear, much like Bob did earlier. She leans into it, daring to walk closer to you. Taking in a deep breath, you let it out before you lose the courage.
“It wasn’t a regular thing”, Bob’s loving gaze at Sylvia falls as he looks up at you, “Just when she got really angry, or I reminded her too much of my dad I guess.” Your hand stops petting Sylvia as you stare at the glass of water on the coffee table, the condensation dripping down onto the coaster Bob thoughtfully placed underneath it. “Carole and my dad found bruises a couple different times, but I was too embarrassed to tell them how they got there. But she knew. I guess Bradley must have known, too, or he wouldn’t have brought it up today. I think they tried to do something about it, but they wouldn’t grant full custody to my dad because of his work, and… I don’t really know what happened after that.” Sylvia’s head now rests on your thigh, much like it did earlier with Bob. You grant her a small smile, moving your hand once again to give her some attention.
You don’t have to look up to know that Bob’s staring at you. Your nose starts to tingle, alerting you to the fact that tears were starting to form in your eyes. “It got better when she remarried, her focus wasn’t on me as much anymore. She was busy with her husband and his kids.” You scrunch your nose, attempting to rid yourself of the feeling, but it’s no use. The tears start to fall and you hastily wipe them away with your free hand. “Jesus, sorry”, you say as you give him a watery laugh.
“Don’t be sorry”, your tears continue to fall, “None of this is your fault.” Bob’s words hit you deep as you stare at the ceiling, willing these tears to stop, but they just won’t. “Can- Can I hug you?” You look over at Bob and give him a fast nod of your head.
“Yes please”, you whisper. He moves along the couch to get closer to you, and then wraps you up in both his arms as you do the same. Even through both of your flight suits, Bob is warm as you melt into him. Your eyes close as you breathe him in. He smells like sweat and jet fuel from being in a plane all day, and you’re sure you smell the same. It’s comforting nonetheless.
Bob just wants to pick you up and take you far away from here. Away from everyone that dares to make you hurt. He feels you sag against him and he pulls you just the tiniest bit closer as he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. He’s realizing now it’s been a while since he’s hugged someone like this, and maybe it’s the case for you, too. His hand goes to soothe along your back and your eyes flutter shut at the motion. He remembers you saying your mom wasn’t too happy when she found out about the Naval Academy, and he doesn’t want to think about what happened after the fact.
“I’m sorry you have to go through all that”, he whispers just above your ear.
“It’s alright, things are starting to look up”, you sniffle, pulling him just a little bit tighter.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I just can’t believe Jaidyn is going to get away with beating Fe up. It’s so aggravating that he’s such a snake.
Yeah I know. But he’s gotta get away with it some more before he gets caught. And let’s be clear, he isn’t gonna get away with it. This is just my take on the systems that are out in place to protect domestic violence victims that don’t fuck for shit.
But as always, here the Terms of Endearment Masterlist
“I’m not sure we can hold him for much longer unless you’re looking to press charges.” Chief Holden sighed as he watched Jaidyn Dolan sit in the corner of the holding cell without any expression on his face. He looked stone cold, calculating, and read to seek revenge on those who conspired against him. “All we’ve got on the guy is a video of him instigating a fight before he gets his own head caved in.” 
“One of the daycare workers we spoke to said they received a distressing call from the child's mother a few hours before he showed up to collect–” Sergeant Briggs paused as he looked at his notes. “Odette, or Dot for short. She said that Y/n, the kids mother had only just updated her daughters drop off and pick up list to make sure that if his guy ever did try and collect her, that he wouldn't be allowed.” 
“But the mother called and confirmed he was picking the kid up that afternoon, right?” Chief Holden asked as he kept his gaze focused on a frozen Jaidyn sitting in his cell. He’d been held overnight. Reluctantly held overnight. 
“Yes Sir, but I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.” Chief Mark Holden was old school, he believed black coffee in the morning paired with a cigarette was the best way to start the day. His wife Linda worked a nine to five and still managed to uphold the household to a standard he could be proud of. Linda made his lunch and ironed his shirts, she did the cooking, the cleaning, raised the two kids they never saw these days and the thing that Mark really enjoyed, was that his wife never stepped a toe out of line. If she did? He’d beat her back into it. “I think we’re looking at a case of domestic–” Chief Holden just growled, he cleared his throat and fished his keys out from his pocket. The master key for the holding cell nestled amongst a million others as they rattled and clanged against one another. “Sir? What are you—?” 
“Times up boy, you can claim your stuff at the clerk's desk.” Chief Holden spoke with a proud chest and a baritone vice that could carry itself for miles. Jaidyn frowned, he thought for sure he was done for. But the one who had been most caught off guard was Sergeant Timothy Briggs. 
“Sir, I really do think we should look into this.” He questioned, Jaidyn eyed him down when he caught the kids expression. One of reluctance and doubt. “An Admiral Beau Simpson from the Naval Base called an hour ago requesting a few of our guys to head on over to assist in an internal investigation he’s opened up, what if the two are connected?” 
“This seems like an open and closed case of mum trying her best to shut out dear old dad here.” Mark chuckled to himself as Jaidyn stood, waiting for the bars that held him captive to be unlocked. “Isn't that right son?” 
“Just wanted to see my baby girl sir, that's all, I'll be sure once I get my phone back that I'll be contacting my lawyer.” Jaidyn rubbed at the back of his head, trying his best to pass himself off as a misunderstood soul. As it turned out, other Sailors tend to recognised other Sailors on the sea, and when Jaidyn looked at Chief Mark Bartholomule Holden, he knew that he knew. But from one abuser to another? they‘d rather work together to collectively sweep this under the rug, because Mark knew if he started messing around with Domestic Violence and family issue cases now? His own friends and colleagues wouldn't be too far off sniffing out the shit on his own shoes. 
“I think this is a bad idea chief,” Tim explained as he watched Jaidyn walk on by with a smirk on his tired and bruised face. “I think we should have at least charged him with aggravated circumstances—“ 
“Well it’s a good thing you aren’t in charge here kid.” Chief Holden chuckled. “If you were, I'd be worried about you forcing your own moral beliefs and good intentions onto others who may not be so inclined to believe the same thing.” Briggs frowned at his chief's words. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Timothy Briggs wasn’t dumb, he knew what his boss had meant, he just wanted to hear him say it out loud. “Sir—?” 
“It means that you don’t question what goes on behind closed doors, it ain’t our problem—“ Mark hissed. “Now go make sure that man is processed out and see to it he gets on his way.” Sergeant Tim Briggs just stood gobsmacked that there were still people alive today who believed that there was a stigma surrounding domestic issues. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that his chief was just so willing to let this guy go. “It’s our job to serve and protect, do you see the mother around here pressing charges?” Mark asked, looking around. “No, she isn’t, and until that happens we don’t follow this any further, there’s other things we can spend that valuable time on than chasing up a case of daddy done wrong.” 
It was a hard pill to swallow, but Tim followed his orders. He made sure that Jaidyn Dolan was processed out of the North Island police station with zero hiccups. He made sure all his belongings were handed back, and he made sure to send him off with a warning. 
“I don’t wanna see you back here in a few days, if I do I’ll make sure you won’t ever get out again.” Jaidyn just outstretched his hand. He smirked and waited for Sergeant Briggs to shake his hand. He never faltered for a second, but when Jaidyn reliaised Tim could see straight through his charade, he dropped the act. Dropping his hand when the Sergeant never met his grip. 
“I'm too good to get caught, kid.” Jaidyn winked. “But I’ll keep your intimidation tactic at the forefront of my mind.” 
“God—“ It must have been awhile since you were sedated. You could tell some time had passed since the incident by the sun beaming through your eyelashes as your eyelids fluttered open. “Rooster?” You mumbled as you lulled your head to the side, expecting to see Bradley by your side. He’d promised to always be there, now more than ever. 
But when you opened your eyes to see he wasn’t beside you in that hospital chair that was surely the most uncomfortable thing ever? You felt your heart break into a thousand pieces. 
“Bob?” You questioned softly when you saw him sleeping in the corner of your hospital room. “Where’s Rooster?” You asked, watching as Bob crossed his arms across his chest a little tighter and stirred out a groan. When he didn’t answer you asked again, wondering why he had a stupid Stetson over his face. “Bob?” 
“Call me that again and you and I are gonna have problems—“ It’s the drawl in Bob's tone that throws you off more so than the whole get up. “And I’m not Rob.” You don’t answer, you simply raise a single brow and wait for the mystery man to remove the hat that’s shading his face. He brings a hand up to spider across the top. Long digit cup at the crown of the clearly loved Stetson and before you can stop yourself, you audibly gasp through your teeth. 
“I’m Rob's brother, he called me yesterday—asked if I’d come out for a few days to help out.” 
“I didn’t know Bob had a brother?” You saw the corner of the Bob imposter’s mouth curl up slightly into a small one sided smile. It vanished from his face seconds after as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his jean clad knees. 
“He wishes he didn’t, so he pretends that he doesn’t.” There was a reluctance in Rhett’s voice to continue, but Rhett thought if he showed a small amount of his own vulnerability, you’d be inclined to trust him. “He’s uh—he’s actually got two of us though, Perry, he’s back in Wyoming.” 
“Does Bob’s brother from Wyoming have a name?” You asked softly, still a little confused and taken aback as to why you suddenly thought a man who looked so familiar and similar to Robert Floyd could look so attractive sitting there in his black sweatshirt and jeans. 
Rhett smirked as he contemplated his next move, he knew he probably shouldn’t given the circumstances—but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity. You just looked at him, waiting for a name to slip past Rhett’s lips. He spun his Stetson between his fingers as he let out a small chuckle to himself. 
Rhett simply pressed his lips together, sighed out a small huff of air as he settled back into his chair, placed his hat back onto his head and crossed his arms over his chest. All the while you watched on confused and convinced this was some sort of fever dream. 
“You can call me anything and anytime you like gorgeous—“ 
“Dot, do you want scrambled eggs or gooey eggs darlin?” With work being called off till further notice, Jake thought it might be best to keep himself busy around the house. The fight you’d had kept Jake Seresin up all throughout the nap he’d tried to take with Odette. She, surprisingly—went down easily. 
Poor Dot had been so emotionally exhausted that the second she was up and out of the bath, dried and wrapped in a warm fuzzy towel while Jake searched her drawer for a set of pajamas—she was out like a light. 
Jake had laid in his bed for the better half of two and a half hours trying to get some rest while Dot snoozed away on his chest. Hopefully dreaming of better days. She looked so angelic while she slept, until she snorded just like you, only cuter and softer and a hell of a lot more forgiving since Jake was nowhere near the brink of sleep. 
But now, he stood in his kitchen with a tea towel hung over his shoulder and music playing softly through the speakers. Sex On The Radio by Good Charlotte. Something you’d approve of nevertheless. Cooking some much needed lunch/dinner for himself and your daughter who was playing with her dolls in the living room watching Bluey. A new favourite. 
“Scwambled pwease.” Do beamed as loud as she could, she was only just in sight of Jake who just chuckled at the way she barely turned her head to look back at him. Not caring enough to draw her attention away from the make believe fantasies she’d concocted in front of her. 
“Yes, your highness.” Jake smirked to himself as he cracked six eggs into a bowl, whisking up a storm before there was a brisk knock on the door. “It’s open!” Jake had received a text only five minutes before he decided enough was enough with his fight for some extra shut eye that Phoenix would be stopping by. She’d heard from Pete what had happened and couldn’t believe it. None of them could, but the Daggers kicked into action immediately—all doing what they knew what to do. Be there where troubled waters loomed. 
Phoenix opened the front door slowly, sticking her head in to see the average run of the mil scene in the living room off to the right. There she was, safe and sound in Jake Seresins living room, watching some cartoon dogs on TV all the while she made up some fantasy storyline between the dolls Dot was playing with. 
Phoenix could breathe again. 
“Hi there beautiful girl!” Phoenix beamed as she greeted Dot from behind, crouching down behind your daughter to kiss her cheek as she laughed at the sensation of Natasha fingers tickling her side. “Are your Dollie’s playing house are they?” 
“It’s Mama and Tooster—“ Dot explained as she showed Phoenix the Ken doll she had in a flight suit you’d found on Amazon. Did it look anything like Bradley Bradshaw? No—but to Odette he was her version of a superhero. “See?” 
“Woah, have you got a dollie with brown hair somewhere? Because I dibs that one when I come back, I’m just gonna go see Jake real quick and then we can play, okay?” 
“Otay—“ For a little girl who’d been through an awful lot in the last twenty four hours, she seemed rather content in her own space. Sitting pretty in her plaid flannel pajamas with her hair an unruly mess because Jake just couldn’t find it in him to brush it. Nat made herself a mental note that she’d put it up in two pigtails before she left. Padding her way into the kitchen where she saw Jake—shoulder deep in his domestic crisis. 
“Far out Hangman, this is nuts, I’ve been texting Bob all morning, she’s still not awake?” Jake didn’t know how to respond, Rooster had been keeping him in the loop, he’d been sending messages every hour on the hour since he left around six. But it was nearing noon and you were still out cold. “They must have jabbed her with some pretty strong stuff?” 
“She was pretty hysterical.” Was all Jake managed before he felt himself getting worked up again as Phoenix entered the kitchen, the place was a mess. There were lots and pans and dirty dishes everywhere. Jake was a mess. He looked disheveled and disheartened and disoriented. “But if someone tried to keep her from me, I’d hate them too, I’d hate me too for what I’m doing.” Phoenix’s heart broke for the man she’d watched become somewhat of a father in his own right over the past few months. He’s become a father and a brother and a friend to many in the blink of an eye. 
The Jake Seresin who stood in his messy kitchen whisking eggs in a mixing bowl for his niece wasn’t the same Jake Seresin who’d first come back to TopGun for that life changing detachment. 
“She’ll come around, you can’t blame her for being in fight or flight mode straight off the cuff.” Phoenix watched as Jake over scrambled the eggs he’d cracked into the mixing bowl—deciding to take over when she realised he wasn’t all that in control. “Sit down, breathe, Coyote said Fanboy and him are gonna swing by Roosters place and tidy up before you and Bradshaw start moving shit around.” Phoenix looked around as Jake just towered over her with his hands on his hips in full dad mode as she zipped around his kitchen. “Where the fuck do you keep your frying pans?” 
“Nat, I’m fine—I can look after myself.” That wasn’t the answer Phoenix was looking for. She didn’t give Jake the time of day as she continued her search, ultimately ending in her finding the pots and pans drawer. “Phoenix—“ 
“You need to rest.” She explained with a solemn expression. “You want my opinion?”
“I know that you’re gonna give it to me regardless of what I say so—“ Jake challenged as he watched Phoenix grab some milk from the fridge, adding the non-dairy substitute to the scrambled mixture. “Let’s hear it.” 
“I think you should eat, go take a shower, and try to get some rest because Rooster will need a respite sooner or later and you’re gonna be the one he calls.” Jake knew Natasha was right, she always was. He just stared down at her as she held firm on her stance, watching as she poured the scrambled egg mixture into the warm pan. 
“I don’t like being bossed around in my own home.” Jake just sighed but ultimately agreed, he wrapped his arm around Phoenix’s shoulders from behind and fluffed up her hair a little before making his way into the living room. “Are you gonna boss me around too?” Jake asked as he dropped to the floor beside Dot, watching as she played happily in her own little world. “Dot honey, your scrambled eggs are gonna be ready soon, can you start packing up your toys for me?” Jake asked softly, brushing the curls from Dot's forehead behind her ear. “You can play with Tash after you’ve eaten.” 
“Can mamma hewp me?” Oh, okay here we go. Jake braced himself for what he thought was going to be world war three. “Mama always hwlps me cwean up.” 
“We talked about this Dotty, mamas in the hospital.” Jake was as honest as he could be with Odette. “Remember? She’s gonna be away for a few days to rest up,” Jake tried his best to explain to Odette in an age appropriate way why you weren’t around. “But you get to hang out with me and Rooster for a few days.” He was ready for the war, the rage that this soon to be three year old was about to kickstart on the floor of the living room. But that’s not what happened, instead—Dot's bottom lip quivered as she burst into tears. “Oh sweetheart, it’s okay—“ 
Dot buried her head in Jake's chest as she splayed her arms out across Jake's torso. Kissing the top of her small head as she cried and cried and cried. 
“Tooster and mamma weft me.” Dot sobbed to herself as her little body tried to process all her big emotions. This had been the longest she’s ever gone without seeing you, or Bradley for that matter. Ever since he’d stepped up and become a more permanent fixture in your life. “I wove them doe—“ It broke Jake's heart, he hated this, the sound of Odette's cries knowing he could only do so much to soothe her worries. “I miss mamma, I just want my mommy.” 
Phoenix stood at the threshold of the living room just watching as Jake laid on the floor on his back with his niece crying on his chest. He had his own tears streaming down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take.
“I know, baby.” Jake cooed. “I know you do, I do too, I really miss her too.” 
“Jake, Bob just called.” Phoenix didn’t want to interrupt. “She’s awake if you wanna give Rooster a call back when you’re ready.” 
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready—“ Jake groaned, pulling Dot closer to him. He felt like he was falling through the floor, unstoppable in his descent into the depths of hell. How could he do this to the two most important people in his life? How could he keep them apart and cause so much pain when all he was trying to do was shelter a little girl who didn’t deserve any of this. “I don't know if she’ll ever want to see me again Nix—“ Jake tried to hide the fact he was crying from Dot, but she knew. She bawled her fists into the fabric of his shirt and cried with him. “Because if I was her I wouldn’t.” 
“Hangman.” Phoenix tried to be the voice of reason. “You’re doing all you can to help her, we all know Dot can’t see her mum like this, you’re doing the right thing.” Jake needed to hear it for his own sanity. Natasha had never seen Jake Seresin like this before. A broken shell of a strong man who oozed overconfidence like it was going out of fashion. He looked so different she hardly recognized him. “Felix will come around once she gets a chance to wrap her head around things.” 
“I hope so.” Was all Jake mumbled as he kissed Dots temple. “Because I love your mamma too much to ever lose her.” 
“I’m calling the nurses—“ Rhett shot up out of his chair and made strides over to where you laid in your hospital bed. “For all I know you could be some sort of serial killer Bob Floyd look alike and after the last few days I’ve had I’m not taking any fucking chances.” 
“I’m sorry,” Rhett smiled, reaching out to grab your hand as you wrapped it around the remote that called for nurses. You retracted yours at his touch, it truly shocked Rhett to see how utterly fearful you were. 
“Don’t touch me.” Rhett knew he’d messed up. It was his own fault for being too lighthearted about things. He should’ve taken this more seriously from the get go—but he thought if he could make you smile, make you feel normal, then you’d find it easier to trust him. “Don’t touch me again.” 
As Rhett stepped back in a show of good faith, he looked at you with worried eyes that looked far too much like Bobs. 
“I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot here, I’m Rhett, Rhett Abbott—“ You frowned, working to slowly push yourself up the bed to sit up a little more. When you let out a whimper Rhett stepped forward, offering you his forearms to grip onto so he could in turn aid you up. “May I?” You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately accepted the gesture, knowing you couldn’t do it on your own. “Looks like whoever this guy is, he did a pretty good job, but from what I’ve been told you put on one hell of a fight, lady.” You smiled softly, feeling the wires in your mouth against your gums. 
“I thought you said you were Bob's brother? Different last names.” It was a touchy subject, you could tell by the way Rhett took a reluctant pause and tried to navigate an answer that wasn’t nasty. 
“And I thought I said Bob likes to pretend he's an only child.” Rhett held your gaze as he helped you up before he reached out to prop a few extra pillows behind your back. He adjusted the bed to match the angle you wanted to sit up at. “Listen, I’m gonna be honest with you.” He spoke softly, like he was walking on thin ice. “Bob asked me to keep an eye on you over the next few weeks, just until things settle.” 
“What makes you think I’d be inclined to trust a complete stranger?” It was at that very moment that Bradley and Bob were making their way into your room, they’d gone to grab some coffee that had enough Caramel syrup in it the send Gwyneth Paltrow to the fucking stratosphere. But it was a much needed sugar hit. 
“Because there’s a chance that if you don’t you could end up in a worse state than you already are.” It was a hard pill to swallow and one you weren’t ready to accept. 
“I’ll take my chances—get the fuck out of my room.” 
“Okay—“ Rooster sighed dramatically as he stepped in before Rhett could respond with something out of pocket. Giving him a look of ‘what the fuck dude?’ As he walked past. “You’re awake?” 
“You’re still here?” It was the shock on your face that had Rooster questioning what you meant. 
“Where else would I go baby?” He replied softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss upon your forehead as his hand held the back of your head. “I just needed a coffee, been up watching you sleep for what feels like an eternity.” 
“I thought maybe you’d left—“ You felt your heart warming inside your chest as your stomach filled with butterflies. “You know, after—“ 
“Don’t apologise.” Was all Bradley whispered as he kissed your cheek. “It’s a lot to deal with, I understand that.” You simply nodded softly in response as Rooster sat beside you, in the same chair he’d been in since you were brought back from surgery. 
“Where’s Jake?” Now that? That was a hard topic to answer, but Bradley gave you the decency of honesty. He owed you at least that much. 
“He’s with Dot, at his.” He paused to take a sip of his coffee, sweet with artificial sugar with enough caffeine to kill a horse. “She’s fine, hon, but Jake I’m not so sure about, he took it pretty personally.” That broke your heart, but you couldn’t say you didn’t expect it. You remembered what you’d said, the abuse you’d hurled his way. “But he’ll be back a little later today, I’ll go stay with Dot tonight and he’ll come here.” 
“He hates me doesn’t he?” You’d said some nasty things, but all you wanted was to see your little girl. Tears welled in your eyes as you reached for the lip balm on the side table. Rooster strung into action, taking it from you to apply some on your chapped lips. “He hates me doesn’t he Roo—“
“No Fe he doesn’t hate you, he just knows what he’s doing, although the right thing because we all know that little girl does not deserve to see her strong and beautiful mama like this, is killing you.” Bradley paused, glossing your lips up. “He hates himself more than anything because he thinks you hate him.” 
“I could never hate Jake.” You sighed softly, exhausted from everything you’d been through. “But I really am sorry, for what I said to you Roo, it wasn’t fair.” Bradley accepted your apology without hesitation, bringing his hand up to rest in yours. “I don’t deserve you.” 
“You deserve the world and then some.” Bradley smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. We’re gonna get you through this, just gotta take it one day at a time.” You’d never thought about it before, but as Braldey Bradshaw sat by your side with his hand in yours still looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him, you thought for the first time—damn, you’d really say yes if he asked you to marry him tomorrow.
“You know I love you right?” 
“I know—“ Bradley smiled, his heart was just so full. He still had both his girls, although things were a little messy, he still had both his beautiful girls. “But just so you know?” Bradley leaned in closer, holding your hand up to his lips. “I love you so much more.” Bob cleared his throat at that. He saw an opening in the silence as you smiled a cheeky bruised grin. 
“I really hate to be the one to interrupt—“ Bob spoke up as he stepped to the side of your bed. “But I’m sorry about Rhett, he can be a little unforgiving in his approach.” 
“Listen, I came here because you asked me to, I’ll leave quicker than you can say the word go if that’s what you want.” Rhett stood with his legs slightly spread, arms crossed as he sent his brother a brooding look. “You asked me to come here, I dropped everything to come here, for you because you asked—“ It was clear to both you and Bradley that there was something deeper than surface level sibling rivalry that strained the relationship between Bob and Rhett, but as Bob's face softened, accepting his brothers response—you knew there was something worth fixing there. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry—“ Bob apologised. “I’m glad you're here man, really, and I’m sure Felix is gonna enjoy every waking moment she gets to spend in the presents of your company.” That’s when you jumped back into the conversation. 
“I’m not all that keen on spending any time with your clone Robert—“ 
“Uh, as a matter of fact lady, he’s the clone.” Rhett retaliated. “And I’m not so sure if I’m too keen on spending any time with you either.” 
“Well that’s too bad because you’re literally here to make sure that whenever Jake and I can’t be here, that Fe stays safe.” Bradley thought it was as good a time as any to jump into the conversation again. “Which brings me to now, I should really be heading off to see Odette.” 
“Will you tell her I miss her, oh so much.” You cooed, trying your hardest not to get so worked up. Rooster nodded as he kissed your forehead. “Don’t let her stay up too late and make sure she—“ 
“Fe, darlin—I’ve got it covered.” Bradley just beamed at you. “I need you to just focus on you, yeah?” 
“Yeah—I know I know.” You just pressed your lips together in a soft smile. “Leave the lip balm please?” 
“Of course.” Rooster felt his phone ringing in his back pocket before he fished it out. “Wouldn’t dream of leaving you here defenseless against chapped lips.” He beamed, looking down at the caller ID before he flashed you the idiotic photo of Jake that appeared on his screen. “It’s Jacob.” 
“He hates that you call him that—“
“Which brings me an immense amount of joy.” Braldey replied before he swiped the pad of his thumb across his screen, answering the call as he held his phone up to his ear. He waved you off as he left your hospital room, leaving you with Rhett Abbott and Bob Floyd until Jake was meant to join you later in the afternoon. “Hold on man.” Rooster remarked as he paused and turned back to eye off you and Rhett. “Play nice, get to know each other.” 
“I’ll stay for a while if you want Fe?” Bob added. Resting a soft hand on your shoulder as you brought yours up to cover his. 
“As long as you promise he’s not some sort of serial killer I’m sure I’ll be fine.” 
“I never should have left Wyoming—“ Rhett just groaned. “This is gonna be great.” 
When Rooster pulled up at the Seresin x Y/l/n household, his heart swelled to a new size he thought was impossible to live with. There, in the front yard was Jake and Dot, waiting for Bradley to pull up in the drive. The minute Jake had told your little girl that he was coming to spend the night with her, she wouldn't leave the window. Wouldn't stop asking where here Tooster was. So Jake thought he’d do Bradshaw a favour and try to tucker the little tornado out. Chasing her around and around and around in circles and figure eights as she squealed and ran away and tried to dodge the six foot something giant chasing after her. 
“Tooster!” Odette beamed as she broke out into tears. Everything was still so hard to navigate and her little emotions were all kinds of unregulated. “Tooster!” Dot cried out as she ran across the gated yard, making a direct B-line for Bradley as he worked fast to rid himself of his seatbelt and jump out of the Bronco. 
“Hi!” He cooed, crouching down as Dot ran full speed into his chest and open awaiting arms. “It's okay baby, I'm here, don't cry darlin I've got you.” Bradley mumbled into the crook of Dot's neck as he scooped her up. Holding her to his chest with strong arms as she cried her little heart out, so overwhelmed. “I've missed you so much, have you been good for Jakey huh?” 
“So good Tooster.” Dot mumbled as she clung to him for dear life. Bradley smiled against her cheek, drying the tear that spilled from her waterline with the tip of his nose as he took gradual and careful steps towards Jake. greeting him with a soft all knowing smile. His brother in arms. 
“Fe thinks you hate her–” Bradley started, admiring what he could only assume was Phoenix’s handiwork for the pigtails in Dot’s hair. “When you go over, you gotta squash that shit.” Bradley could see what Jake was about to say, he cut him off before he even had a chance to speak it into the world. “And before you ask, no she doesn't hate you–if anything she knows why you did what you did man.” 
“I'm not sure if I have enough energy in the tank to head on over yet.” Jake rubbed the back of his head nervously, walking back to the house at Roosters side. “Phoenix took Dot for a little while there and I tried to get a twenty minute nap in, but I just couldn't–” Bradley understood, he held Dot on his hip and nodded softly. “Every time I close my eyes all I see is her in that bed and she looks unrecognisable.” 
“I feel like you'd be able to sleep a hell of a lot easier if you went and saw her, she's a lot calmer now–takes all her frustration out on Bob's brother, guys kinda like the designated punching bag.” Bradley chuckled to himself as he followed Jake inside. “He’s something else, don't stare at him for too long either, I was afraid that if I did a third one would pop out of the woodwork.” 
“Are you sure that guys gonna be able to handle Fe?” Jake asked, watching as Bradley threw Dot over his shoulder as she giggled and climbed across his broad shoulders like he was a tree. Settling either one of her little legs on either side of his neck as he held her ankles. 
“Probably not but he's the best we’ve got?” Rooster replied, noticing how clean the kitchen was, he knew that was Phoenix, he made himself a mental note to send her a thank you text. “Someones gotta be there.” 
“Am I gonna like him?” Rhett had gotten in about an hour after Jake left, so he hadnt actually met him.
“Eventually, he's no Bob that's for sure, but he's here and that's all I care about.” Bradley thought it was best to leave it at that as he bounced Dot up and down. She gripped her little fingers into his blonde locks and squealed out a laugh. “Now, as for you miss Dot, I think we should draw some pictures for you mum hey? Make sure she's got some art to look at while she's stuck in that bland room.” 
Rhett sat in the corner of your hospital room, eyeing you off as you returned the same glare. You'd been frozen like this for the past ten minutes or so. Sitting in complete silence as neither one of you refused to back down from the staring contest you’d unintentionally entered. 
“Give up–” Rhett mumbled out of the corner of his mouth. 
“Give in–” You replied through gritted teeth. 
“Never lady.” Rhett smirked, widening his eyes a little more dramatically before there was a knock on the door. It immediately broke Rhett out of the trance he’d entered. Standing as he took in the man standing at the threshold of your hospital room. 
“Uh, that's–” Admiral Simpson tried his best to keep his thoughts to himself. “I'm going to go ahead and assume that you aren't Floyd.” Rhett didn't respond, he simply stood there stoic as all hell just wasting for you to tell him what to do. 
“Cyclone? What are you doing here?” You asked from your bed as two police officers followed him in. Their presence instantly made Rhett nervous, having not been on the right side of the law all his life. “I wasn't expecting any visitors I didn't already know about?” 
“I came to see how you’re holding up.” Beau explained. “And to talk to you about the possibility of pressing charges against Lieutenant Dolan.” You couldn't wrap your head around why Cyclone was in your hospital room asking you if you wanted to press charges. Why on god's green earth would you ever press charges? You knew enough to know that the system was flawed enough. “We discovered some video footage of the incident that occurred, so the Navy can press its own charges, but I just wanted to talk to you and see if you were thinking about possible domestic charges?” 
“If the Navy can press their own charges, why are you asking her? Rhett snarled, immediately jumping to your defence. 
“Become it would bode well in our favour to have her as a testimony—“ You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Rhett couldn’t either but he was less shocked. He’d never been a big fan of the government. 
“No–” You stood your ground, looking at Rhett who moved quickly to stand between your hospital bed and your Admiral. “No, I don't wanna press charges.” Jaidyn had conditioned you to believe that going to the police would do nothing but aggravate him. “All due respect sir, I’m not ready to talk about anything and I don't know if I ever will be.” You were spiralling, Rhett could see it, he saw the panic rising in your eyes. “I'd really like it if you left, sir, i'm just not ready to talk about it, especially to the police.” 
“Ma’am.” Sergeant Briggs stepped in. “I just want you to know that we had to let Lieutenant Dolan go this morning, we couldn't hold him, we didn't have anything to charge him with at the time so if there's any hope of getting him back behind bars it will be with your cooperation.” The penny finally dropped, Jaidyn was still out there somewhere. You forgot how to breathe at the relisation, it made you want to throw up. But you could barely speak as Rhett stepped a little closer to the officer who’d just thrown your entire world out of sync. 
“That kinda sounds like a threat to me?” Rhett growled, crossing his arms over his chest. Tim just sighed. “Where exactly do you get off? She's just been beaten half to death and you want her to speak out against her attacker knowing that he’s unhinged and could retaliate before you guys even lift a finger?” Rhett asked. “That sounds like she’d be sending out a beckon.” Sergeant Briggs wasn’t the bad guy here, if anything he was just trying to help and do his job. He’d been right about the fact the internal investigation was linked to Mr. Dolan. 
“Not a threat sir, just the truth, unless Miss Y/l/n here–” You didn't want to hear it, didn't want to hear that it was up to you to do something, you'd dealt with enough. You were in the hospital for crying out loud. You just wanted other people to do their job, for once. 
“I need the nurses.” You started as you looked around for your buzzer. “Rhett, I need these guys out of here before I lose my shit.” The corner of Rhett's mouth curled up as he cracked his knuckles, enjoying the role he played here for the first time since he stepped foot in California. “I need Jake and Braldey and I need my little girl—“ As of right on cue, Jake was round the corner into your room, shocked to see two officers and Admrial Simpson standing there. They shouldn’t have been here. Who the fuck let them in here? 
“Y/n?” Jake questioned and as if just hearing his voice made you shatter into a million trillion pieces. “Hey, s’going on?” He asked as he stepped past the three men who had bombarded your hospital room on their own accord, moving to their own agenda. “Hey, I’m here, yeah? I’ve got you, I'm here—“ Jake was at your side in seconds, holding you close as you broke. Just like Odette had done when she saw Rooster. “I'm here.” 
“You heard the lady gentleman,” Rhett smirked, cracking his knuckles to match the threat Sergeant Briggs had first given you. He knew by the painful sound of your cries into Jake's chest just how broken you really were. And that he was going to thoroughly enjoy stepping in front of you and whoever threatened you. “Now get the fuck out.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56
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lianobody · 1 year
Yandere platonic hashiras.
When you were born your mom taught you were the most precious thing on earth until the baby daddy walked in the room screaming “I don’t want this baby I’m leaving you she’s an accident!” Your mom cried and she started to grow hate towards you. Over the past 9 years your mom treated you like shit, you had to learn how to cook for yourself and you needed to let her abuse you but otherwise she treated you like a ghost. You had a shitty life and you were only 9 but yet you still loved your mom. One day at night while she was abusing you a mysterious person came in. They had weird features like a horn. The person was so fast for your eyes you backed away in a corner even though your mom told you to sit still when she’s abusing you. Your mom looked at you furious and she was about to open her mouth until..! The mysterious person killed your mom and one shotted her! You backed away more in the corner but you tripped and started to cry. The mysterious person chuckled until.
2 people a boy with black hair and a mask and a girl with pink to green hair was running to your mom’s house the boy killed the demon when he arrived and the girl came up to you saying “was that your mom?” You nodded crying. The girl said. “my name is Mitsuri kanroji and the guy with the snake is Obanai iguro” you looked at her with tears in your eyes. Both Mitsuri and Obanai were looking at you. You didn’t say anything that only caused Mitsuri to get worried and obanai to get mad you weren’t listening to Mitsuri. Obanai said “Talk back to her you should respect your elders” You sobbed wiping your tears saying “M-my m-mom a-abused me. I-I still miss her” both Obanai and Mitsuri were shocked. Obanai started to get flashbacks from his past. Mitsuri told Obanai “We can’t just leave this child alone! It will be to cruel!” Obanai went up to her and patted her shoulder saying “let’s adopt her as her parents” both you and Mitsuri were shocked but after a few seconds Mitsuri nodded saying “Ok Obanai I agree but we need to make sure we protect her she’s to innocent for this world. Let’s raise her as a demon slayer as Soon as we go back” Obanai nodded but he turned to you asking you “whats is your name… s-sw-sweetheart” Mitsuri likes Obanai was so sweet to you. M-my nam-name is [Name] sir! Obanai nodded and went up to your face. “Don’t call me sir call me dad.” You nodded. Mitsuri picked you up and carried you all the way back but you and the other 2 didn’t notice your emotions were slowly draining away.
When you 3 arrived at Obanai’s estate Obanai said “Oh I forgot to introduce you to my snake his name is Kaburamaru. Your emotionless self went to pet him and he enjoyed it. Obanai smiled thru his mask but you and Mitsuri obviously didn’t notice. Mitsuri excused herself before she spoke “I love your relationship with our daughter but we should train her now!’’ Obanai agreed with her statement “We should let her use a real sword” Mitsuri had a worried about expression while you had a emotionless one. Obanai carried you. You were really light as you barley eaten this week because they was no food in your house. Obanai looked at Mitsuri and said “I have a spare one let’s train her.”
They trained you, you did final selection and 2 years passed on and you 11 now.
Mitsuri held Obanai’s hand causing him to blush “can we introduce our daughter to the other hashira please? They would love to see her” Obanai couldn’t refuse to her in his state right now he nodded blushing. While you were at the the area where all the hashira were Gyomei sensed your presence. I sense another. All the hashira took there swords out because it was still night until they saw you. They were confused why Obanai and Mitsuri had a child with them and why Obanai was carrying you as he wasn’t really fond with kids. Shinobu asked with a smile on her face. “now now Mitsuri why do you have a child with you and there eyes are without spark~” Mitsuri screamed excited and said “THIS IS ME AND OBANAI’S DAUGHTERS” They had a shocked expression. All the hashira taught Mitsuri and Obanai did the deed. Gyomei said “I am happy you guys have an beautiful child by there presence they are 11.” All the hashira calm down because Mitsuri wouldn’t get pregnant at that young age right? Obanai said “I know what all of you guys are thinking.. she’s adopted don’t worry.” And the hashira nodded in agreement they didn’t want to hang out with you that much until your charm came out. All the hashira rubs there eye and they suddenly want to protect you from all the danger hidden around the world. Muichiro came up to you first asking “C-can I be your b-big brother?” You always wanted to have an another sibling so you nodded with barley any emotions. Giyuu saw your emotionless eyes and didn’t want you to end like him. “I-I want to be your uncle” nodded and he smirked a bit. Gyomei started to cry and say “I would like to be your grandpa and take care of you” you were confused but you said “Ok..” not really caring.. Mitsuri and Obanai both knew they are becoming Protective over you in a bad way and they liked that so Mitsuri screamed happily “All the hashira can be [Name]’s family member. All the hashira smiles and muichiro carried you and kisses your forehead.
After that day you barley go on mission without another hashira they can’t bare to let you out if there sight.. They need you. They want to feel more happy.
- Uncle Sanemi who kills any demon before they can’t touch you and pats your head a lot telling you compliments but says “Don’t go to tomioka your already emotionless”
- Uncle Giyuu who smiles around you and and tries to be the best uncle. He Carries you to quiet places so you guys can be alone with no distractions. You make stuff for him even though it’s not the best he still keeps it.
- Uncle Rengoku who always tries to cheer you up. You never have a smile on your face and it bothers him a lot he always gives you his food and you eat it very slowly that it annoys him so he force feeds you.
- Aunty Shinobu who is teasing you 21/100 times how your gonna end up like Tomioka but still loves you and shows her loves by putting poison in your food or drinks when you disobey her commands or orders <3 or she gives you flower crowns but you end them eating them because in your old house when you didn’t have any food you ate flowers.
- Uncle Tengen who gives you expensive jewelry and if you don’t wear it he will Force them on you and call you “My flashy niece” And then if you don’t wear his expensive gifts for the third time in the row he will punish you. But in a flashy way.
- Grandpa Gyomei who loves to carry you he pats you on the head a lot of the times and you enjoy it but you never show it, you can’t show love. You mostly sleep on him as a sign of affection and he barley moves until you wake up.
- Big brother Muichiro who death glares other members of the corps if they try to talk to his beloved younger sister. Somehow he remembers you. He punishes you if you do something he doesn’t like. He likes it when you wear matching outfits! You wearing a kimono and him wearing a yukuta. Don’t worry it’s Mitsuri’s Money!
- Mom Mitsuri who hates it when you ask to go to your mom grave she can’t help to punish you! She hates it really! But you said something she despises.. After the punishes she says sorry to you and buys you anything you want!
- Dad Obanai who wants you to quit to ur job as a demon slayer as your only 11 but he won’t tell you about it. You remind him of him when he was younger. He spoils you a lot as your his and Mitsuri’s tsuguko. You see him for 1 week then you go to Mitsuri’s House house for a week. He doesn’t want Tomioka’s attitude rubbing on you so he wants you to stay away from him.
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reigningqueenofwords · 3 months
Be Thankful
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Pairing: Steve x Reader Word count: 1,353
Read on AO3
Part 8 of Looking for the Captain
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By the time that Steve knocked on your door that evening, you’d already changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He paused at the door when you opened it, bowls in hand. “Is that my shirt?” He asked, eyebrow raised. “It looks like my shirt.” 
You looked down at it, then back at him. “I dunno. It was tangled in my laundry and it looked comfy. I figured maybe next time it was in the laundry it would get back to its owner.” You shrugged, letting him in. “How awkward was it after I left?” You asked. 
He sighed, handing you your ice cream. “Very, very awkward.” He admitted. Which was putting it mildly to him.
“Oh no.” You groaned, getting comfortable on your bed. “What happened?” 
“First off, he asked me if I have a thing for ‘his daughter’.” He chuckled lightly as you scrunched your nose. “I asked him if he had to word it that way, and pointed out that you’re your own person, and an adult.” He explained, watching you slowly take a bite of your ice cream. “He then called you his little girl-”
You made a face. “Ew.” You said softly. That was just wrong. 
“And said you’re off limits.” He finished. “I told him that he’s like my brother but this is between me and you, and told him you’d made some good points. About the whole me being on ice thing, and him knowing I’m not some random guy. I’m not abusive, and he knows I’m a good guy.” 
“Well, you are.” You smiled. “What did he have to say about that?” You were really curious. Bucky didn’t seem to be the type to back down. 
You stared at him. “Nothing?” That seemed odd. “He seems very stubborn. I was expecting that he would try to counter that.” 
Steve nodded, finally getting comfortable. “Me, too.” 
“But, enough about that grumpy old man.” You nudged him lightly. “I believe we have a movie to watch.”
“What did you pick?” He asked, glancing at you, almost worried. 
You smirked. “I nearly picked American Pie, but I don’t think you’re ready for pie fucking.” You laughed as he choked on the bite of ice cream he was eating. 
“I’m tempted to say ‘language’, but I can’t think of how else you’d get that across that wouldn’t sound gross.” He wiped his mouth. “But, thank you. You’re right. I would like to not see that.”
“I actually picked something from the 50s.” You told him shyly. “I figured it would have been something if you’d had a ‘normal’ life back then and had kids.” You’d been trying to figure out something to watch, and it had caught your eye. 
He was surprised at that. It was a far cry from SAW, that was for sure. “What movie?” 
“Peter Pan. It’s from 1953.” Taking a bite of your ice cream, you hoped that he didn’t find that weird. He’d missed out on a lot of normal stuff, which wasn’t fair. He totally came across as the type of guy who would have settled down after the war and been a dad.
Steve surprised you with a soft smile. “That’s sweet. Put it on.” 
Once you’d both finished your ice cream, you’d set the bowls on your night stand and moved to use his lap as a pillow. Just over half way, he realized you were asleep. He’d let you sleep, and once the movie was over, he’d try to move you and tuck you in. 
He just didn’t expect to also nod off towards the end. He was that relaxed. 
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Bucky went to see you, wanting to get to know you. Beyond fighting with you about being an adult. Reaching your room, he could hear music and remembered you were watching a movie with Steve. He gently knocked, and opened the door when he didn’t get an answer. He saw the pair of you asleep and glanced at the tv. The last thing he expected you to choose was what appeared to be an old cartoon. 
Quietly shutting the door, he sighed. He felt the need to hit something, he was beyond frustrated. “JARVIS, is Natasha awake?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Can you ask her to meet me in the training room?” He hoped to get some of this frustration out, and hopefully get her thoughts on everything. She wouldn’t hold back. He needed that. Natasha had seen you and Steve together more than he had, afterall. 
“She will be right there, sir.” 
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Nat came in, dressed to train. “I take it something’s on your mind, Barnes?” She knew him too well. “Something happen with the people that are threatening her?” 
“They’re too quiet right now. That’s why I’m here.” He sighed, pulling his hair up into a low ponytail. “But that’s not what had me asking you here.” 
She raised an eyebrow. “This is about Rogers.” There was no question, it was a statement. 
He let out an unamused chuckle. “Yeah.” He nodded. “ Rogers .” 
“Alright. Let’s talk about it while I kick your ass.” She smirked. 
Before anything else was said, they began to spar, falling easily into it. “I know she has feelings for him.” He started, ducking. “I could tell by how she looks at him.” He was clearly upset about it. “I asked him if he had feelings for her, but he said that’s between them.” 
“Because it is.” Her voice gave little hint that they were actively sparring. 
“She’s my daughter!” He reminded her. 
She was unphased. “And?” 
“He’s like my brother.” 
“And? He’s not actually your brother. He’s a good guy, Barnes.” Like he needed reminding. “He can keep her safe. Say we keep her out of danger this time, and we train her to defend herself, what’s to say that in 10 years someone worse won’t go after her? She’s talented, and picks up fighting easily, but she’s not us.” 
He paused. “You’ve been training her?” He let out a noise as she got him in the stomach. 
“Since right after she moved in.” She informed him, locking her thighs around his neck. “We all take turns. With me she does stretching, cardio, and we alternate between weights and self defense. On her own she does yoga.” She slammed him onto a mat. 
“Does she train tomorrow?” He worked on getting himself free from her thighs. 
“Yeah, with me.” 
“I’ll be here.” He wanted to see what this training was. “Is tomorrow defense or weights?”
“Defense.” She said simply. 
Bucky didn’t like how things were going. This wasn’t what he pictured when he sent you to find Steve. He didn’t want you trained. He didn’t want you falling for his best friend. None of it. “I found them asleep together.” He told her. 
“Okay?” She didn’t see the harm. “They’re sleeping.” 
“It’s so weird to me. She won’t listen to me, even if I am her father.” 
“She’s a lot like you. Stubborn and hard headed.” She threw a punch. “And put yourself in her shoes. She’s lived her whole life thinking you’re some deadbeat, and then out of nowhere you send her a letter about being in danger. Then you show up expecting her to act like she’s known you her whole life. She’s an adult. She’s in college for pre-med.” He had to understand that. “I’d try to be her friend more than anything. Not some authority figure. Let her make her own choices, and just be there for her.” 
While she was probably right, he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that. “How am I, as her father, supposed to not say anything about her tiny dresses? Or being like that with my best friend?” He asked. 
“Remind yourself that to her having a father is some abstract idea.” She stopped sparring, just watching him. “The more you try to act like one, the more she will push back. It might just make her do more things that piss you off.” She gave his arm a pat. “She’s got a good head on her shoulders, be thankful.”
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You’ll be safe (to feel our grace)
Jamie Tartt/reader bc there’s a devastating shortage of these fics, Jamie Tartt Imagine
tw: child abuse, violence, language and just be careful
requested? no
posted on ao3 under uhm_why_not
It was a bad beat against Man City. In fact, it was worse than bad. The locker room is quiet when you enter, fully expecting this.
You remember these games. When the match was so hard you would go home and get drunk alone or not say a single word on the bus ride back. 
In your fourteen weeks at Richmond, you’d never seen the team this quiet, never seen Dani not try and cheer people up, or Ted make some weird analogy that puts things in the perspective of a guy from Kansas.
They all barely glance at you. you traverse the locker room and make small conversation with Beard, who is standing with his arms crossed and hat tipped down near the far wall.
“Peter Wasnowski wants to talk to you,” you say. Beard meets your eyes. “He wants an honest perspective instead of Ted’s happy-go-lucky schtick.”
While you appreciated Ted’s enthusiasm and belief, sometimes being a coach is worth more than cheer twenty-four seven. As his strategic and medical coordinator, it was up to you to bring him back and to make a good reflection on the team, especially after a loss like this. Beard, stoic, silent, but wise, was your solution.
Beard acknowledges this, but when he makes for the door, a security guard peeks his head in. “Mister Tartt, you’ve a guest. Says he’s your father.” Ah, shit.
Jamie’s told you about his dad. Not much, only that he never had a great relationship with him, not now, not ever. He's always been painted in your eyes as a dick.
That's another factor to your Richmond experience: Jamie Tartt. he’s a soccer legend (although he makes fun of you calling it soccer), and he used to be a grade-A asshole, so you’ve heard from Sam and Roy. He’s Keeley, your best friend’s ex-boyfriend, and so you’ve heard your fair share of horror stories about how he used to be.
And yet…
Ever since you’ve arrived, he’s been nothing short of respectful and kind. He’s pretty funny, you would even admit. He brings you flowers on Mondays, and he turns bright red when you compliment his sense of style, even though he’s so full of himself that you would assume that he got compliments all the time. He has a facade that he puts on for fans: the untouchable, unbeatable star player of Richmond FC, the master ass himself. 
His father peeks his head, trying to be comical, but the team barely reacts,
You look at Jamie. He's tense, jaw clenched and fists turning white.
His dad prods and teases about the game, making biting remarks that you just know Jamie’s taking personally. You can tell, from the slight movement of his lip, to the crescents that are sure to be forming in his palms, that he’s about to lose it. 
Ted has this look on his face, protective, but not ready to intervene,
How is it, you wonder, that there is a room full of professional athletes- a team, a family - and no one is trying to defend Jamie, who is being verbally and emotionally abused by his father, right in front of them?
Jamie quietly stands up for himself. you feel a surge of pride, but the defense does nothing. his father only gets madder. You can’t help but wonder if he’s drunk or just plain crazy, because no one in their right mind would cross Jamie Tartt.
… right?
His father calls him a name and this is when you decide that Jamie is worth so much more than this. “Okay, that’s enough, sir.” you slip between the two Tartt men. Jamie’s father, crazed and hysterical, looks livid. you try and stay courteous.
“(Y/n),” Jamie’s tone is warning.
“I gave you a chance to talk to your son but I've had about enough. you need to leave.”
You have to fight hard so your voice doesn’t waver too much. There is a slight quake. You ball your hands into fists. “I won't ask again.”
“(Y/n),” Jamie says, more urgently. “don’t.”
But James Tartt Sr. ignores his son and zeros in on you. Your heart pounds in your throat
. “You think you can talk to me like that, you little slag? You fucking think that i’m scared of a little fucking bitch like you?”
“Sir-“ you put a hand out. Beard and Ted seem frozen. Finally, you can see the team reacting. Roy looks about to kill Mr. Tartt.
“Little fucking slut!” the name spits out like poison, and you don’t see the punch coming. The man’s fist collides with the left side of your nose, right next to your eye. The pain is automatic. You hit the ground and there are shouts, but your eye is watering and you can barely see. You can make out Jamie’s voice from the din. 
“You don’t touch her!” There’s a sound of a blow and you look to see Mr. Tartt fall to the ground. He groans, but gets up surprisingly quickly for a man his age. 
“Okay, you can get that one for free,” he laughs manically.
You find a sudden burst of energy and run straight into Mister Tartt’s midriff. You wrap your arms around him and push him away, like you’ve done many times before, separating teammates from petty locker room squabbles. He smells of stale beer and body odor. Beard has the same idea as you, and together, you rid the locker room of James Tartt Sr.
there’s a wet warmness running down your lip, the taste of iron in your mouth. you press your sleeve to your bleeding nose and squeeze your eyes shut. Beard crouches next to you.
“Let me look,” he instructs, you pull your sleeve away, a drop of blood on your jacket. It’s stopped quickly, and you completely take off your coat. “Not broken. Only bruised.”
You nod.
The sound of shouting echoes down the hall and Beard tips his hat to you, leaving you alone with your back pressed against the wall.
You give yourself thirty seconds to recuperate before re-entering the locker room.
You do a double take in surprise, the sight of Roy Kent hugging Jamie Tartt is not one you ever thought you’d see. 
You approach slowly, letting Jamie see you before putting your hand lightly on Roy’s back. He immediately lets go of Jamie, casts you a worried look, but gives you space.
Hesitantly, almost fearfully, Jamie takes your face into his hands, pressing a gentle thumb against the spot were his father hit you. 
“He hurt you,” he whispers. You ache at the sound of pain and regret in his voice, knowing he’s probably already tearing himself up for this. You wrap your arms around him, one over his shoulders, one under his arm and pull him close. He returns the hug, holding you tightly. You feel his chest quake against you.
“I’m okay,” you tell him, voice muffled. “you’re going to be, too.”
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
you help set the table up for dinner and help your mother finish cooking while your father and jicheol sit in the living room and converse. you’re unsure how this dinner is going to go but you’re hoping by the end of it you’d be out the door and on your way to ilsan. speaking of ilsan—
“soo-min!! oh, my sweet girl. its been so long”
“hi mom! hi dad! hi—wait, y/n? is that you?! oh my goodness! look at you!!”
kim soo-min, your older sister by only a year yet looks exactly like you or more like your father with your mother’s eyes. the only difference is, soo-min received more grace in her childhood whereas your childhood wasn’t so merciful.
“hey soo-min” you say in a dry tone.
“oh c’mon. that’s not how you greet your older sister. come give me a hug”
reluctantly, you give your sister a hug and your mother is ecstatic to see the two of you ‘getting along.’ “aww how sweet” she coos. “minnie, y/n, come help me put the food out for supper”
after the short reunion with your sister, you both finish setting up the table that has a large variety of foods but before everyone takes a seat, jicheol has a special announcement.
“i know that we’re all happy to finally have y/n back home and there’s been some talk of ‘husband’ and ‘wife.’ so…” jicheol reaches in his pocket and pulls out a black box containing a diamond ring. “why don’t we make it official? y/n, marry me”
your eyes widen in horror while everyone around you is practically jumping for joy. this can’t be happening. this won’t be happening.
“excuse me?”
“i said no. i’m not marrying you jicheol”
“y/n” your mother says your name in a warning tone but you still insist on putting your foot down no matter the consequence. it’s like jungkook said, you have to face your fear and you will not allow them to control you like a puppet anymore.
“don’t ‘y/n’ me. i’m not marrying you jicheol. why in the hell would i marry my abuser when there’s someone in busan that actually loves and cherishes me”
“y/n” you mother warns you again.
“i’m not soo-min. you can’t control me and i won’t allow you to anymore—,” you’re interrupted by jicheol who slaps you so hard that you fall onto the floor.
“you know what, let’s take care of that issue right now. i was trying to be nice but you always want me to be the bad guy. you won’t be going anywhere, y/n and i’ll make sure of it”
jicheol stomps up to you and basically drags you to your bedroom to beat you even more. he punches you, kicks you, and as promised—to make sure you don’t run away, he takes your left leg and snaps it.
panting, jicheol says “there. now, i’ll ask again. will you, y/n marry me”
“y-yes!!!! yes, yes i’ll marry you” you cry out in pain. jicheol takes your hand and shoves the ring onto your finger that’s a perfect fit.
“i should leave you like this. you’re a selfish bitch who cares only about yourself”
“pl-please” you beg. “jicheol, please. d-don’t leave me like this”
“why shouldn’t i? you left me with a broken heart”
“b-because…you love me”
jicheol takes in your battered body and face. even with tears falling, you’re still beautiful. it’s amazing how you never cease to be angelic in his eyes whether you’re happy or in pain.
“that’s right. i do love you. i love you a lot. i’ll go get the stuff to put your leg back in place, okay?”
you nod your head.
“what do you say?”
“th-thank you”
“thank you what?”
“thank you sir”
when jicheol leaves, he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket.
from nara
where are you
I want to confirm yns whereabouts, send me the address so I can tell jungkook about how she willingly ran away from him with you. He will need proof.
to nara
the address?
this must be jungkook. don’t know how you got her phone but you aren’t getting shit from me 😂😂
just know that she’s in good hands
[photo attachment]
What the fuck?
“AHHHHH THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS WAY TOO SMART FOR HIS OWN FUCKING GOOD.” Jungkook slams his hand on the steering wheel
As he stares at the picture, he wants to break the phone. You’ve got a diamond ring on your finger, his grip on your hand is so tight-
There’s something really wrong with your ex- THIS WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HIS PLACE. This was supposed to be him and you.
He tosses the phone back to Nara. “you’re actually fucking useless. This is your fault that she’s with that fucking abuser. But I’ll get her back and you’ll watch as I marry her and have a family.”
Jungkook gets out of the car. He’s so frustrated right now and his friend notices that.
“Hey how about chaeyoung?! she must know her parents address!!! Yn used to tell her about everything. I’m pretty sure she knows something.” Eunwoo suggests- and Jungkook gets the idea to call her.
“oh yes, you’re right is she must know her parents’ address and he’s in gwangju-she lives in here! Oh yeah I remember Alina telling me about this.” Jungkook reminisces.
He hardly takes out his own phone and calls chaeyoung, he did have her number because of the school Reasons.
Eunwoo is keeping an eye on Nara as jungkook waits for chaeyoung to pick up, and thankfully, she does pick up after 2 to 3 calls.
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risebto · 2 years
Blood is Thicker than Ooze | Chapter Ten
Word Count: 4452 Warnings: Bad Parent Draxum, Hurt Donatello, Unreliable narrator, Psychological abuse, Separated Donnie AU, child abuse, murder Description: Purple is the son of Draxum, a great warrior alchemist. With his help, Draxum will eradicate the prophesied human threat, and restore yōkai to the surface. Purple doesn’t understand why these three turtles are trying to stop them.
NOTES: There is a scene in this where someone dies "on screen". Please skip the section that starts with "'The room is all set for you, sir,' the hotel attendant told Purple." if you are sensitive to that. After this chapter, there will be less full blown out episode rewrites. I know those are boring to read.
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“You spoke with the purple turtle?” Raph asked as they began to walk home from the bus stop just outside of the Grand Nexus Hotel. 
Leo followed closely behind, feeling uneasy. He’d been trying to deny the fact that their adversary was a turtle for so long. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that it was impossible for a turtle around their age range, who had a striking resemblance to Leo, to not be at least somewhat related to them. And the smoking gun was when Draxum had said that he’d created him and his brothers. Right before he threw him off the roof. 
“His name is Purple,” Mikey nodded, looking more uptight than normal. “That’s what Big Mama called him. It could be a nickname- like how Dad calls us colors.”
“I… hope it is a nickname,” Raph nodded. “I mean, kind of feels impersonal.”
“Who cares?” Leo shrugged, stepping in front of them. “Why are we so worried about this guy’s backstory? Let’s just focus on kicking his butt!” 
“He’s related to us,” Mikey said somewhat confidently. “Somehow. He might be our brother- or something.”
“He’s not our brother,” Leo said firmly. “His dad just threw me off a roof .”
“As much as I hate to say it,” Raph sighed, hanging his head, “Leo’s right. We aren’t… related to Dad. In any way. But he’s still our dad. We could be 100% related to this guy, but that doesn’t make him our brother.”
Mikey went quiet, looking at the ground. His face scrunched up in what looked to be anger before he looked up at Raph with narrowed eyes. 
“He is my brother,” Mikey said with fierce determination. “He may not be yours, but Purple is my brother. And I’m gonna save him from the goat guy.”
Mikey pushed past the both of them and began to march home on his own. 
Leo sighed, standing there a moment longer, even after Raph began to race after their little brother. Leo followed quickly behind his big brother. 
“Mikey, wait!” Raph called out.
Mikey stopped and turned around, his gaze narrowed and his hands clenched into fists. “Why are you two so adamant that he isn’t our brother?” He asked, his voice thick with fury. 
“He tried to hurt us!” Raph exclaimed, his expression one full of worry. “He doesn’t care!”
“You don’t know that!” Mikey took a step forward, and Leo could see his grip tighten on his kusari fundo. “You’re giving up on him before we even know him!”
Leo stood by Raph. “Micheal, you gotta understand… if he cared, if he wanted to be with us, wouldn’t he have tried to talk to us by now? Like, a full-on conversation. He was just left behind by that Draxum dude, yet instead of coming with us, he goes running back to him.”
Mikey’s mouth flattened into a thin line before he sighed and relaxed. “You don’t get it.” 
“We do,” Leo assured him. “We do. But… he doesn’t even look attractive like the rest of us. We can’t let our image be damaged by him!”
Mikey chuckled, and the sight of his younger brother’s smile made Leo’s heart glow. But Mikey’s face fell again, and Leo stepped forward to place a hand on the other turtle’s shoulder.
“They were scars,” Mikey murmured, not meeting the slider’s gaze. “They’re not markings, ‘Nardo. They’re scars. What if… what if Draxum caused ‘em?”
Leo hesitated, stunned by the new information. He bit his lip, unsure of how to answer. 
“If Draxum caused them,” Raph stepped in, “Why would he be so eager to stay with him? He’s happy there, Mikey. We can’t change that. We just have to move forward.”
Leo looked up at the sky to see the rising sun peeking over the horizon. “And we gotta move fast, 'cause we can’t be seen with this whole situation .”
Mikey nodded and let himself be guided by Raph down an ally way toward a manhole so they could make their way back home. Leo followed closely behind, deep in thought.
He couldn’t understand why Mikey was so adamant and focused on someone who worked with an evil alchemist. They weren’t brothers, and they could never be brothers. Leo was sure of it. 
He just hoped Mikey would see it someday, too. And not in a painful way.
The three turtles had returned to the lair after losing a battle in a biodome by two crab mutants. They would’ve been toast, too, if it weren’t for a portal appearing from under the two mutants. “We can’t keep failing just to luck out at the last second,” Raph said, causing Leo to turn his head slowly to see his brother sitting on the old couch. 
His body felt sore from being thrown and tossed around. Not to mention being hit and pinched by their crab claws. 
“I know no one wants to hear it,” Raph continued, hanging his head. “But we need-”
“Don’t you dare say the T-word!” Mikey interjected. The box turtle was on the floor, one leg on the other living room couch. 
“Training,” Raph sighed, ignoring his baby brother’s request. 
Leo groaned and pulled himself up by the couch armrest. “What’s trainin’ gonna do for us?” Leo asked. “What we need is better mystic weapons. Does anyone wanna trade?”
“Mystic weapons or not,” Raph grumbled, “we need to get better at… everything.”
Leo was caught off guard by Raph’s foot nearing his face. He fell on his back as Raph used the chair he’d been leaning against as a pedestal. 
“When I look around this room, I see nothin’ but potential,” Raph exclaimed encouragingly. “Who’s ready to tap into that potential, huh? Huh? Take it up a notch? Be the best of the best?!”
“I love you, Raphie, but who’s gonna train us? It’s not like we can get any formal training with this whole situation ,” He pointed out, waving a hand in front of his face. “Who’s gonna be our sensei?”
Raph had chosen Dad to teach them. When they were kids, Splinter would train them in the basics. The three of them had begged him to teach them once they learned he had been a martial arts fighter when he was human. They all wanted to be like Lou Jitsu! And so Splinter had obliged, giving them safe training weapons and basic lessons to quell their thirst for “ninjasity” and to give them an outlet for their energy.
But those days had long since passed, and Splinter wasn’t their teacher anymore. Instead of giving them actual training, he’d insisted they watch a Lou Jitsu movie. And Leo was all for Lou Jitsu. That man gave him serious gender envy. But those were just movies with perfectly choreographed fight scenes with chances for retakes, editing, and stunt doubles. They couldn’t actually teach them how to be better ninjas. 
They were right. Leo knew they were. But Dad wasn’t one to admit when he was at fault, so he’d grounded them and confiscated their weapons.
Leo sat in his room, reading one of the many Jupiter Jim comics he had in his collection. If he was honest, he was mostly just looking at the cool images rather than focusing on the plot or dialogue. 
The purple not-turtle had spoken to Mikey the other night. Mikey was sure that he was a turtle, but Leo didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want to think that they could be related. After all, Draxum had told him that he’d created the three brothers. Why would Splinter have left with only three of them when there had been four turtles? 
Dad would’ve told them if they had another brother. They would have told them if something terrible had happened that made him leave the other behind. Leo was sure of it. 
But then again… He doesn’t tell us a lot about his past, Leo thought. Only that he rescued us from a lab that turned us from turtles into mutants and him from human into a rat.
It was entirely possible that Splinter was lying to them. Leo hated that he could believe that. 
But then, what was he hiding?
“The room is all set for you, sir,” the hotel attendant told Purple. 
“Thank you,” Purple said, peering into the conference room. It was small, but it would do. They didn’t need a lot of space, anyway. He handed the hotel staff the cocoon-shaped bomb. “Here’s my credit card.”
The hotel attendant gave him a puzzled look but took it anyway and left him alone in the room. Purple would detonate it later. 
Instead, he turned off his human disguise and contacted his father via his gauntech to let him know the room was ready. His Father hadn’t wanted to bring them to the Hidden City, as they were still somewhat human, after all. They could never be fully yōkai because of their human history. 
A portal magnificently magenta appeared before Purple, and out stepped his father with his two gargoyles on his shoulders. 
Father took a moment to inspect the place, before nodding curtly to his son. “This will do.”
“I made a list of the most dangerous mutants,” He said, his mechanical arm shell bringing forward the printed paper to show him. 
Father took it from the arm and began to read the list, nodding in approval. “You’ve done well, my son. Now, take your seat. I will need to concentrate to warp them all here.”
Purple bowed slightly before taking a seat next near the end. He hated being squashed between two people and felt more comfortable sitting on the edge than in the middle. 
In total, Purple had scouted five mutants who fit Father’s criteria. Hypnotamous, Meat Sweats, the crab brothers, and Repo Mantis. Each was teleported into a seat with the lights off and the blinds covered. They didn’t want anyone peeking in. 
“One of you muties know what’s goin’ on here?” Mantis asked, digging one of his sharp claws into the wood of the table. “I got a birthday cake that needs repossessin’.”
“Which one of you brought me here?!” Hypno exclaimed. “Who do I have to cut in half and then not bring back together- AH!”
Meat Sweats slammed a spiked hammer down on the table just in front of Hypno, causing the hippo mutant to fall backward in surprise. “All I see is fresh meat for me to butterfly!”
Vines wrapped around the pig mutant, tossing him aside. “Silence, ‘Meat Sweats.’” Huginn and Muninn cackled on Father’s shoulders as the large yōkai came forward, bearing down on the mutants. “I am the one who brought you here. When I look around this room, I see nothing but potential,” Father spoke, his voice commanding. He looked around the room, studying each mutant. His eyes didn’t fall on Purple, but that must’ve been because Father already knew who he was. 
“Who thinks it’s about time we join together today for one simple menacing purpose. Everyone at this table shares a common enemy. We are here to destroy those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” Father declared, slamming a fist on the table in a show of his authority. 
“Okay, I hate to interrupt, but it looks like one of them has infiltrated us already,” Hypno said, pointing at Purple with a concerned, wide-eyed look. “I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen him before? But my memory isn’t particularly the best.”
Purple rolled his eyes. “I’m not with them. I am with Master Draxum, as you can see.”
“Thank you, Purple ,” Father said, before clearing his voice. “Now, as I was saying-“
“I’m sorry, your name is Purple ?” Meat Sweats interrupted. “I’ve heard my share of bad names, but-“
“Enough!” Father shouted, slamming his hands on the table, causing both gargoyles to hop off his shoulders. “I brought you here today because the turtles, my creations, are ruining my plans for yōkaikind to reclaim our place on the surface. With your help, we can take them out, and you can be free and finally become everything I so badly want you to be! Now, who’s with me?”
“Excuse me,” A small but confident voice interrupted, and Purple watched as a small worm mutant he’d never seen before hopped off the hippo’s shoulder. “I, Warren Stone, former anchorman, and their official greatest foe, have a few questions before I join this ghoulish gang.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Father asked, squinting down at him. 
“I have no idea,” Huginn whispered loudly. 
“Excuse me, sir,” The hotel attendant from earlier opened the door, peeking his head in. “There’s been a slight problem with your credit card. It’s, uh, a cocoon.”
Oh, I forgot to detonate it , Purple realized, mentally slapping himself for his stupidity. Using his gauntech, he set it off to explode. Within a few seconds, Purple watched as both the door and the human were blown to bits. Blood splattered the walls and human remains were scattered and strewn across the room and into the hallway. He turned around to see the other mutants with their jaws hanging open.
“Bravo, Purple,” Father said, clapping slightly before turning to brush the human’s hand off of his shoulder. “Thirteen years ago-“
“We’re just going to ignore that?” One of the crab brothers asked. “Like, I know we’re villains and all, but holy shit.”
“Do you want to be next?” Purple asked threateningly, leaning across the table to stare at him. The crab mutant shook his head, and Purple relaxed back into his seat. 
“Thirteen years ago, I mutated the turtles with the DNA of a Battle Nexus champion. The turtles continue to interfere with all of our plans, so I propose we join together to end them,” Father finished (finally). “Who is with me?”
All of the mutants glanced at Purple hesitantly before raising their hands high. That only proved to boost Purple’s ego, and the softshell smirked at the display of their fear toward him. 
Father smiled. “Now, for some unnecessary but highly destructive violence. Here is the plan.”
They were able to lure the turtles to an abandoned warehouse, which sat next to a fish market and ladder factory. Purple had made a flier for them specifically that advertised a magic, robotic dinosaur as well as free pizza. The three crutches of the trio. They were attracted to the rouse like bees were to honey. And even better- they hadn’t brought their weapons.
“Sneakin’ out and chillin’ in a fun, totally-not-scary pitch-black warehouse!” Mikey’s voice echoed as they entered the warehouse, the door closing and locking behind them. 
Purple turned on the lights, to which Raph admired the ‘ambiance.’ Purple was a bit flattered. After all, he had put extra time and thought into dazzling the scene for his performance as the Evil League of Mutant’s technician. 
“Well, well, well,” Father laughed from behind the velvet curtain. “We meet again.”
“Where’s that voice coming from?” Leo asked before shaking his head and smiling with glee. “Wait, wait, don’t tell me!”
Purple controlled the stage lighting so it circled in on the stage like they had rehearsed. He was proud of his work, which he had fine-tuned for hours. 
“You’ve all entered,” Father chuckled. “But none of you will exit.” 
Purple opened the curtains slightly, revealing his Father. The large yōkai stepped out onto the main stage, his hooves echoing in the warehouse. “Welcome to your worst nightmare.”
“Baron Draxum?!” Raph cried out in surprise, with both he and Leo stumbling backward. 
“WOO!!” Mikey began to clap and shout in excitement, before winding up his left arm to cheer. “MAGIC-SAURUS! MAGIC-SAURUS!” 
Raph slowly reached forward, pushed Mikey’s head into his shell, and pulled him toward him. The ornate box turtle continued to cheer despite this.
“Wait a second,” Leo said. “This guy’s a warrior alchemist and a magician? Talk about a triple threat!”
“The magic was a trick,” Father growled. “This is a trap!” He snapped his fingers, which was the signal to open the curtains all the way. The Evil League of Mutants all stood behind him, grinning menacingly toward the three turtles. 
Purple emerged from the technician’s area and stood next to his father, folding his arms over his plastron with pride as he smirked.
“THIS is why you never go to New Jersey!” Leo exclaimed in mock outrage, motioning towards the mutants. 
“One last chance, children,” Father offered kindly. “If you join me, I can teach you how to maximize your potential and be all that you can be. Like this one, but better ,” Father pushed Purple forward a bit, causing the softshell to stumble and wave his arms about to try and keep balanced. “What’s your answer?”
“YOU THREW ME. OFF. A. ROOF,” Leo exclaimed dramatically. 
Purple rolled his eyes. He was being too harsh on Father. They had been attacking him and stealing his property! 
“So that’s a no to joining me, then?” Draxum hummed. “Fine. You reject me again for the last time. Now your story ends.” 
The mutants Father had recruited charged the turtles. They were blasted out of the warehouse and into the ladder factory and fish market, to which the chase began. 
Father stood back, and Purple stayed with him as they watched the mutants attack the turtles.
“Are you really going to kill them?” Purple asked. The idea of them being dead unnerved him for a strange reason. They left me to die. Why should I care?
“They have no use for me,” Father said dryly, before turning his attention to his son. “I only need you, Purple. You’re far better than them. Why keep trying to get what I already have?”
The praise made Purple’s chest flutter with happiness. But he couldn’t forget the sense of anxiety that infected his heart. “Couldn’t we capture them instead?” He asked. “Separate them, and I can talk some sense into them. I’m sure with a couple of months and some… reprogramming, we could-”
“We don’t have a few months,” Father snarled harshly. “Why are you hellbent on them? They don’t care about you. They never have and never will!”
Purple hung his head low, feeling embarrassed and guilty for suggesting such a ridiculous idea. “I know,” he murmured softly. “Part of me, I guess, still wants to believe that they might… Deep down.”
Father sighed lovingly and pulled Purple close to him. “I understand, my son. But they will never love you. No one will ever love you like I do.” 
Purple nodded in understanding. His father was right. He was always right. “Can I kill them?” He asked, his voice soft but coarse with emotions he couldn’t name. “Can I land the final blow?”
Father smiled fondly, petting the softshell’s head. “Of course, Purple. I’ll even let you take their shells if you’d like. We can even hang them up in the lab.”
“The reason they left me,” Purple muttered, drawing a hand up to feel the tight clasps of the titanium shell that hugged his shoulders. 
“Your shell may be a weakness,” Father admitted, “but I see you for who you are. And I’m sorry that they couldn’t see that. They may lie to you now and try to convince you otherwise, to turn you against me- the only one who has ever truly loved you. But I saw what happened. I was there. And you have the scars to prove it.”
Purple traced the burn mark on his upper arm with a gloved hand. His shell had been burned, too, with white marks showing where the fire had scorched his skin. 
One of the crab brothers landed beside them, crashing into the wooden platform they’d stood on. Father looked displeased and confused as he turned his attention back to the fight. The turtles were using the fish and ladders to fight against their opponents and were exceptional at it, too.
“How are they so good with fish and ladders?!” Father exclaimed, clenching his fist in outrage.
“HOT SOUP!” The three of them exclaimed from afar, their voices more powerful together than they were alone. 
Purple watched as something familiar lit in Father’s eyes. “Lou Jitsu?” His father whispered in disbelief. “It… It can’t be.”
They blew the rest of the mutants away with a powerful blast with a ladder, causing dust and fish to go flying, blocking their view. Purple raised an arm to cover his eyes, blocking the dust particles. When the air had cleared, the three of them stood there triumphantly. 
“Now that your minions are done,” Raph said confidently, “let’s tango, you sheep-lookin’-”
“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Father asked in awe- an expression Purple had never seen on his father before. 
“Oh,” Raph chuckled, smirking. “Only from the greatest action film star in history….”
“LOU JITSU!” The three exclaimed together. How are they timing this so perfectly?
“How could you morons possibly know Lou Jitsu?!” Father demanded, his face contorted in anger and confusion. 
“His movies!” Mikey exclaimed, holding a foldable ladder as he vibrated with happiness. “Are you a fan, too?!”
“No!” Father yelled, anger radiating from him. “I knew Lou Jitsu! He was the greatest warrior in the Battle Nexus. His human DNA combined with my Ooze…” He gestured from Purple to the other three turtles. “Gave you life .”
Raph’s ladder clattered to the ground. The turtle looked stunned, and he fell to his knees. “What?” He gasped in complete shock. He looked at his hands. “We have… Lou Jitsu’s DNA?”
Mikey gasped, hugging his ladder tightly. “You mean…?”
“Cowa-boy, I am speechless…” Leo said, dropping his makeshift sword made out of swordfish. He looked at Purple with wide eyes. Does he know?
“Yes!” Father exclaimed with a smile, marching forward. “This is what I’ve been trying to tell you! That you’re destined for so much more !”
Raph grunted and groaned as he picked himself up. For a moment, he looked lost. He turned to his brothers. “OMIGOSH. LOU JITSU’S OUR DAD!”
“What?” Purple deadpanned, anger prickling at his skin. Did Lou Jitsu not raise them? Did they not know? A wave of sympathy washed over him. He abandoned them, too. 
“Oh, wow!” Mikey exclaimed, pointing at his blue-masked brother. “You kinda look like Lou Jitsu!” 
“I always knew I felt famous,” Leo said, finger gunning beneath his chin and looking smug.
“Guys! Guys!” Raph interjected excitedly. “Do I look like Lou Jitsu?”
“I totally see the resemblance!” Mikey nodded enthusiastically. 
They… are so stupid. Purple decided silently, returning to his father’s side with annoyance. Do they not realize I am their brother? Or do they just not care?
“Enough!” His father shouted, vines breaking through the ground and surrounding the turtles while lifting him and Purple into the night sky. “If you three cannot see the true merit of your potential, then I have no further use for you.”
Mikey looked up at Purple with wild fear in his eyes. He was shrinking into his shell, shaking violently as the vines continued to close in on the three of them. 
Purple was good at lip reading. He always had been. He wasn’t sure when he’d picked it up, but it was useful. 
The ornate box turtle had whispered something that the softshell turtle was unable to hear from where he stood, but Purple could make out the words. 
“I love you.”
It was most definitely meant for the two turtles he stood next to, but Purple was selfish and couldn’t help but think it was for him. He wanted it to be for him. He wanted the orange turtle to secretly hold some brotherly love for Purple. 
And then Purple realized he didn’t want to hurt them. That the idea of them dead was far worse than them shunning him or leaving him behind. His hatred for them was built out of jealousy and longing for brotherly love he hadn’t been able to find anywhere else. And when he finally thought he might have it, it was ripped out from under him in the form of their absolute rejection of him. 
But even then, even with all that pain and betrayal, Purple still didn’t want them hurt. The very thought of it made him sick. And what was worse was that he didn’t know why . They had every right to be destroyed at the hands of the softshell. The turtle had every right to be angry and outraged by their actions toward him. 
His grip softened on his bō. He couldn’t respond to the declaration of familial love from the ornate box turtle. He didn’t think what he felt for him could classify as love. It may have not been the bitter hatred he once thought it was, but it certainly wasn’t what he held for his father.
Purple’s heart burned and ached as the vines began to descend upon the three turtles. He turned around so he wouldn’t have to watch, holding back the burning tears that threatened to break from the emotional wall he’d built over the years. He shut his eyes and hoped their screams wouldn’t be too much.
“What the-?” His father exclaimed in confusion, causing Purple to open his eyes. 
In front of them was a magenta purple that Purple could feel pulling both of them toward it. Father was sucked in first, and Purple tried to fight the sensation by digging his claws into the vine platform. He dug the sharpened end of his tech bō into the vines, holding on for dear life. 
“HOLD ON!” Raph called for him, and Purple craned his neck around to see the snapper charging toward him. The larger turtle leaped into the air, but before he could reach Purple, the vines were sucked into the portal, too, taking Purple with them.
The portal closed behind him and he was spat onto hard concrete.
“What’s going on here?” His father’s voice demanded. “Who brought me here?”
Purple forced himself up as he heard cackling from the shadows. Two bright fiery lights emerged from the darkness in the alley, and the turtle watched as two odd-looking humans entered the moonlight.
“Is this the sheep guy?” The one who looked like a toenail asked. 
“Be cool. He’s a warring warrior alchemist.” The shorter of the two said, his voice raspy. 
“Sweet, triple threat,” Toenail replied with a mischievous smile.
“I will end both of you,” Father threatened, standing up tall and clenching his fists to make his point.
“Easy, easy,” the raspy-voiced man said. “I think we just might share some of the same goals, like getting rid of those pesky turtles.” 
The softshell could see Father smile at the proposition. “I’m listening.”
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cobiehaven · 2 years
Merry Good Ending — Ju Haknyeon
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SYNOPSIS; to get away from your abusive families, you and haknyeon would do anything. and you mean anything. but only if you do it together.
PAIRING; haknyeon x reader
GENRE; fluff, angst, tw
TAGS/WARNINGS; best friends to lovers, run away au, homeless au, struggling au, abuse, blood, sexism, mention of self-harm
AUTHORS NOTE; i have no words for how i wanted to end this.
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“haknyeon, what are we going to do…” you sobbed into his arms as he held you right, his own eyes welling up with the same salty tears that he had been holding back since he saw you. “i don’t know, y/n..” he nearly whimpered as he lowered his head into your shoulder, the same way you had done to him.
the both of you currently sat together on the hard and cold floor of your room. the carpet burning your bruised knees as you dig them into the floor, doing whatever you can to push yourself further against haknyeon. you couldn’t be without him right now. he was the only one you had. the only one you felt like you had.
“i just want all of this to be over,” you choked on sobs, his hold on you only growing tighter. “i know, y/n but we can’t magically change your parents relationship,” he said softly.
you knew exactly what he meant yet you couldn’t stop yourself from crying even more.
as you stained his shirt with your tears, you were too busy sobbing to hear the footsteps of your father stomping up the stairs, his strong arms nearly breaking your door handle when he barged into your room. “y/n! what is this boy doing here?! i thought i made it clear that he was never to come back here again!” your father said in a tipsy state. you shivered when his voice raised, haknyeon taking your place in the argument, raising himself to his feet. “i’m sorry, sir but i was just trying to comfort-“ he was cut off when the man before you both raised his arm and swung it right down on your best friend.
it was silent for a small amount of time as the both of you had to take in what exactly just happened.
it was then that you felt your heart sink down into your stomach. drops of blood pasted onto your skin while you sat below your friend, his head dripping with red containments all the way down his face. “o-oh my god, haknyeon-“ you gasped as you moved quickly to help catch his weak body. he was bleeding, not horribly, but you couldn’t stop the boiling anger bubbling in your system at what such a relative could have done to someone so important to you. “dad!” you screamed, your eyes focusing on the broken shards of a very thin glass cup.
it was more than likely filled with alcohol before being emptied.
“how could you?! call an ambulance!” you told him but your father couldn’t bother to listen. his lips babbling about how he made specific orders and that as the woman, you should follow him.
you watched as he walked out, saying something about doing something with your friend before he didn’t something himself. that was probably the only rule you were going to be obeying from your drunken father from now on as you quite literally hoisted haknyeon up onto your back, thankfully he was light enough for you to handle. “y/n.. i can walk on my own,” he slumped over you. “it’s just until i can find help.” he didn’t say much as you walked out of the house and down a couple of blocks. finding that help wasn’t hard as someone eventually drove by and kindly drove you two to the hospital. haknyeon ended up being okay, there was nothing broken or fractured thankfully, just a few cuts that has caused the bleeding you were horribly freaking out about. he ended up walking out the same night with taped patches to his head. of course you made some stupid joke about them to try and lighten the mood but he wasn’t having it.
“y/n, i’m tired.”
“then let’s go to sleep.”
“where? where are we going to sleep? my parents wake up to any and every sound they hear and i just got out of the hospital because of your abusive parents!”
you didn’t know what to say. it wasn’t like you knew this was going to happen. if you did, he knew you would have done anything to stop it.
he sighed, “sorry, i didn’t mean for it to come out that way.” you shook your head, “it’s okay, i know what you meant.”
you both stayed silent for a bit as you helped him take a seat on the nearest bench, him mumbling something along the lines of being fine and that he only had a minor headache. “the streets are always an option,” he shrugged.
“we can’t sleep on the streets!”
“what’s wrong with that?”
“what i mean is that we can’t just abandon our homes.”
he looked away, muttering under his breath, “i wouldn’t call that place my home…”
you frowned, trailing your gaze down to the various never-ending lines that stared from his bends and ended at his wrists. they hurt you every time you looked at them. you couldn’t imagine the pain anyone would go through to feel like that was their only way out.
although, sometimes you felt like you had an idea.
you knew how he felt about his family, the feeling was the same with yours. and to be honest, it wasn’t just your home lives that bothered you. it was everything else too. sometimes, you wished you could just… run away.
“haknyeon,” you sat beside him. “hm?” he hummed, not bothering to crank his head towards you as he was still busy with his own intruding thoughts. you’d be lying if you said that either of you weren’t sensitive when it came to a lot of things.
“i change my mind.”
“change your mind about what?”
“sleeping outside.”
“wait what?”
now was when he finally turned his head towards you. “you’re being for real?” it didn’t look like you were joking yet you nodded your head anyways. “but what about-“ you quickly shushed him, not wanting his words to make you suddenly change your mind. “i don’t want to think about anything else. i just want to get away from this place. go so far that i don’t ever want to have to think about it! but i don’t want to go anywhere without you.” he was in awe, the both of you staring into each others eyes as it felt like the two of you were the only ones in the world to have shared such a loving moment like this. “you mean that?” he asked for reassurance, one of which you happily gave to him.
since your final decision of running away together, things have been quite interesting. both of your parents didn’t bother looking for you and you weren’t surprised when haknyeon’s didn’t either, in fact, the police didn’t even come to look for you both until your best friend had no choice but to steal a share of food for the both of you. he almost got away with it if it weren’t for a random customer going off and telling some employee for his antics.
something about him being a homeless piece of scum? whatever, you didn’t want to think about it. you were just happy to not be alone.
“y/n.” he spoke quietly as he held you close to him in the cold night. “hm?” you hummed back.
“even though things are bad, i’m still glad to be with you.”
“me too.”
“no, seriously.”
you looked at him, sitting up a bit.
“but i’m serious too.”
he shook his head.
“i mean, even if everything starts going bad, i still want to be with you.”
was he.. confessing right now?
“haknyeon…” you stared at him. “i want to be with you forever,” he murmured. “will you want to be with me, too?” he asked. “i..” he frowned, his anxiety starting to spike.
“i would love to.”
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stolenatbirth · 2 years
                                                          STOLEN AT BIRTH
                                   A true story by Jason Voto
                                                   by J E Worthen
For my friend and adopted son, as I lost my youngest to suicide at only 19 in
1999, my oldest son, to drugs who is in his own schizophrenic world of illusion
now in early 60s. For all the abuse I went through married at only 21 to my Greek
God, and the perfect upbringing I did have growing up.  I knew the difference and
what abuse does. For my dad was a genius in electronic sound.  There was no liquor in my house growing up, nor abuse of any kind.  I was brought up with
classical music and opera all around me, and love.  I was the apple of my father’s eye, and he was my confidant, who I trusted and always there.  My abuse book
is at local police and historical societies in Goffstown and Manchester, and my
blog that took me 17 years to write.  I had a wonderful upbringing, and a mom
and dad who loved me, spoiled me, camps in summer, music and love.  So when
I met Jason, I adopted him.  When I started to read what he wrote, and all the
abuse he went through as a child, I was mortified, shocked, and indignant that
another human could inflict this pain on a child.  For I fought, and in courts, for my
youngest bi-polar son, who in the highs and lows committed suicide at only 19 in
1999.  I fought so hard for him, and know that I know, God put Jason and I together.  He’s a good person.  He somehow made it through and by the grace of
God overcame all that childhood abuse.  At my age now, this is no doubt the last
project I’ll engage in before God brings me home.  I love you Jason.  And I am
eternally grateful for all you have done for me, now with a broken hip.  You are
my Godsend.  JW        https://jeworthen.wordpress.com/                                       
        *There are no Chapters in this book as it just flows from beginning to end.
This is my second book, after my author surprisingly got robbed in her own house. I  guarantee the Voto family hired someone to break in and steal my book, (ALTHOUGH I can’t prove it.) Who would take everything, especially 3 books and leave needles hanging around!  A junkie would be in and out as fast as they
Can!  I found an identical twin during covid as this evil family never wanted me near a computer!  The odds of finding what I found is 1 and 3 trillion!  I went to
a DNA Lab who said, “Sir, we have no time today we are really busy!  I said van you do me one favor?  The wonderful lady saif sure what is it?  She asked? I should have the pictures of me and my “twin”.  I said, “Can you look at these?
She said, “who is that boy?”  I said, “can you repeat yourself, I’m deaf in my left ear from Hilti guns doing construction.  My whole life!”  She said again, “who is
that boy?  I said, Exactly!  The boy on the left in the Buffalo Bills coat is supposedly a cousin I never meet in my life!  The boy on the right is me!!  She
said “OMG how did you find this?  I said God is good isn’t He?  She said absolutely.  She then said son his birthday!  I replied with evidence, August 20, 1969!!  She then said your birthday?  I said Nov 6, 1969!  She then said, OMG
then she said your birth weight?  I said, 9 lbs 5 oz. 
Then she said, “Son I have owned this lab for 30 years and have never seen anything Like this!!  Come in! ”  She said.  “First thing are these people military?
I said yes, 2 potatoe peelers, and 1 high Air Force Major!  She said,  “Son, if you went to any other lab in the US, they would have covered this up. I have seen it for years, and specialize in Immigration DNA!  This is not your family!  That is your
Identical twin brother!  They would have taken your swabs that you contaminated in plastic baggies anyway and covered up!  She brought me in and guided me on how to properly do the DNA in a newspaper that can hold the DNA 2 weeks if you
don’t put in freezer!  “If” you  put in freezer within that time it will last for 100 years!  She then said, the government already have you tracked since birth.  You
need to hire a private genealogist!!  Then she said go to a DNA lab of the government for evidence and do the tst for fun, just to verify this evil!!  Child trafficking and harvesting is a 500 billion $ industry.  She also said you found your
twin!  Now you have to find your parents and brothers and sisters if any!  Nick Dolan had one sister listed. She said “don’t worry you found him now find the rest!
So, lets start my life story of abuse and the pathological and narcissistic family of lies!! First Lie!!  I was told my whole life, I jumped off my 2 story porch on 115 Morrison Ave, Somerville, MA.  My phone number was 627-666-9334! I jumped for my sneaker and landed on my head, 2 stories!?!  Mary Voto “said” she ran up and down the street holding my head together til her mother arrived!  We only had one car at that time! Johnny Voto was a truck driver for Olympia Trucking at the time!  They supposedly brought me to the hospital!! This was a lie  of a lifetime I would have been dead at 2 years old, if that happened my skull was too
Soft to live through a fall like that!  When I confronted John Voto he was Deputy Chief of Police of Tewksbury, MA.  My fake brother in 2022 on a phone call brought up the story!  He “denied” that happened at that house.  He said, which was the first pathological lie from him.  This is a loser  fake brother that has known
For years I was taken at birth.  Such pure evil! 
Somerville at the  time of my childhood was called slumberville.  It was a poor city!  Where we used to play sports on the streets and swim in the city pool when I was open and “if”we didn’ make it there!  The fire hydrant would do!  We used to steal carts from Johnny’s Food Master for go cart wheels so we could have fun!  At 6 years of age my cousin (we used to call each other that). Mickey Ma221 and I used to throw rocks at cars!   We got caugjt one day as the man from one of the cars chased us o 125 Morrison Ave, my abducted house!  We were hiding under the porch when he found us!  He asked where we lived.  I said, upstairs!  Mikey said he lived there too because he didn’t  want to get into trouble!  But as I have always told the truth to adults I said he lives around the corner!  Well that didn’t go well.  That’s when the beatings started coming!  The abuse from Johnny was horrible!  At 7 years old I loved playing with matches.  My friend Damien McCaferty who lived 2 houses away actually was flicking matches in his front yard!  It was a dry summer so the grass went up and caught fire.  By the time it was put out we burnt a 10 by 20 ft section of his yard!  Well his dad  came over and told Johnny Voto that night what we did!  Well,  Johnny took my hands and put them over an open flame on the stove to burn.  So I would learn my lesson as his wife was screaming out of the top of  her lungs!  I was concentrating on not to cry
and ignored the pain!  This guy wasn’t going to break me. I learned how to block the pain  out.  That didn’t stop me from playing with matches a couple of weeks later while I stayed home from school.  I was in  the back porch flickering matches in the trash and it went up in fire.  I watched it for a minute and woke  Mary and said the porch is on fire!  We  put it out as the rails  to the porch were charred from
the fire!  We hid it for a long time!  Can’t remember the punishment for that one!   Thank God!  Around 8ish I was placed in the Montessori School for the gifted kids!  I excelled there, and was  at Powder House Park!  We were not allowed to talk or know each others  names!  It was crazy!  The other kids were chartered in
from other towns across  the state!  We went in every day and grabbed our totes
with our daily work in them!  1 hour before we left we went over the daily work.
We swapped over answers to the person next  to us so we didn’t cheat!  If we got 100 on any of the sections and sniffs of different smells of fruit!   As I remember Montessori School a lot oit6 was mathematics, strategies, tactics,  logics!  It was
nothing  like regular school and nothing  like the say now a days of God.  I just
got sick of the quiet and no recess!  I remember looking at Somerville High School
kids playing in playground as I was waiting for my bus to go home!  Wishing I there!  Mary Voto would go for parent teacher every month  to that school.  Not like regular parent teacher every report card.   So I was so sick  and depressed of being there I dropped my grades and slept from Feb to June on my desk to get out of there!  To get back to my real friends at Lowell School and be normal again.  Man the torture in that  house  continued when John and Mary  went out!  Stephen
and John used to make me kiss the babysitter!  I think that’s where my bad boy an hormones  started kicking in.  But as we grew older the would be baby sitter  would torture me! To the point I would fight back!  One time got me so bad!  I went after them with a broom as I was 8 years old.  I took the broom and railed back to swing at them that I smashed  through Johnny’s light show. Basically strobe lights that moved with the music.  When he had his friends over  he used to do his drugs and  used with the lights off! And music and lights going! Well that
night wasn’t a night to remember we all got beatings for talking too much when
we were up in our room at bedtime.  I never had my own bed in Somerville.  I guess we know why now!  I was taken at birth!  So I would sleep on the floor!
Of fight with Stephen to move over and let me sleep with him!  Most of the time
I just took to the floor.  Stephen  was the type of child if you won a fight he would
Come at you with a weapon. How do you think out of Somerville to 80 Green Meadow Dr Tewksbury I started  excelling in sports as I had long blond hair an
dressed differently than country people.  I was in second grade when I moved!  I
was outcast and no one wanted to be friends with me because I was different.  I hated going to school especially on the bus where a neighbor  down the street used to torture me.  Her name was Holly Athertin!  It took about 6 months to adjust as I
was all alone!  My brothers were a couple of years older.  I don’t know what they were going through!  As I look back  I was always separated from those two.  When I went  to see relatives I was always by myself.  Stephen and John went together.  I remember the day I fit in  like yesterday!       3.    
They were playing kick ball and let me join in! I kicked that ball farther than anyone has ever seen!  From that moment I was popular! It was like back in Somerville when I played sports with the other boys!  I was the MVP of my street hockey team that lost in the finals!  As I was 2 to 3 years younger than all of them!
I loved every sport I played; BMX, football, basketball, English horseback riding,
wrestling!  The only good thing that evil Mary Voto did for me was sneak me out
in her an, for sports, when her husband hardly let her drive us anywhere!  He was an evil controlling man! Never cared about us.  But his damn cars and drugs!  It wasn’t easy for Steven and John either!  But, I wasn’t they’re real brother and I didn’t deserve any of this nightmare!  I used to try to stay over my friends house overnight at 11 and 12 and teen years; just so I could get away from that evil house! We used to watch Mary make or buy dinner for us!  But we had to wait for that evil man to eat first and we would get and scavenge for whatever scraps were left; and it was awful! I was always hungry and starving at elementary school!!
My stomach was always growling in class before lunch!   I was so embarrassed!
All of us growing up in the 70’s and 80’s were not to talk about whats going on in the home we lived in!  My great friend Sheila Foster just passed away last year! She was one of my best friends in Tewksbury growing up with my other best friend Brad Homola! Sheila used to come to all my childhood sports games rain or shine. Boy its tough to talk about!  I used to always look for her to make sure she was there to watch me!  She was like a sister that I never had, and missed everyday!  Brad  and I used to go to her house a lot!  We actually got caught sleeping in her tiny closet.  It was so funny when I first met her mother and around 4am.  In that closet  Brad literally had our legs up on the wall it was that small! She opened the door and said, “I knew there were boys here!  Lol!  First before Brad and I could say a word was Sheila yelling out “Ma, that’s Jason you would like him. You talked to him on the phone all the time!  Lol!  This story  has been told to
so many laughs over the years!  I will always be remembered  as so will she! Such a great friend and woman!  Looking back on my detailed memory  my Godmother call me Jakey Vovo where would you get that name as my name was Jason!!! But
we soon will know the truth!   My Tewksbury neighborhood was all great friends.  We did everything together till we hit junior high!  We all went our separate ways.
I will never say I was a perfect child!  I came into my looks early an took full advantage  of it with the girls!  Lost my virginity to the neighbor at 12 years old! That year is when I fell in love with baseball!  I excelled at it!  My neighbor Lee
Cowir  was like the bad news bears coach.  He was always drinking beers on the way to games and way home!  He was a good guy!  I was talented as you will see,  
as my son, now plays in the majors.  Later on in the story I will give his name!  The abuse started with my gay cousin Mike, Susans’ brother whose father raped half of the family!  Jimmy Stewart!  Mike did just stupid things like spin the bottle and touching my penis! Jimmy took me to work one day, as I will never forget!
We were delivering peanut butter to Teddy Peanut Butter in Charleston MA! As
we were pulling out he asked to see my penis!  I was only 10 years old!  He just touched it thank God!  But, later in life, I found out he raped my aunt Eileen when she was a teen!  That is Jimmy’s wife’s little sister!  This man was a pig!  Then at
covid Emme Stewart called me and was depressed! I said Emma listen I just found my identical twin brother as that Voto family tried to lock me up with lied!  I said, is everything ok?  She said sadly yes!  She then said Jason remember when my mother died of breast cancer?  I was 15 years old!  I said yes!  She said we were at a family function as you came over to me and said Emma any boys mess with you, you call or come see me!  Well, after you walked away I said to my grandmother Pat, a Stewart who was my favorite aunt! Emma.  I said, grandma he doesn’t look like them, and he doesn’t act like them!!  Pat’s shunned her in silence and said Emma please don’t ever say that again, As we know now years later why she said
that!  Back to childhood, I was always separated from those 2 fake brothers of mine when I went to see my Nana or  I went to see my grandfather Arthur Dolan on the other side of the family!  I went up to Grand Lake Stream Maine for a week
with Arthur.  By the way this all came out.  My fake mother told her sisters, when Arthur died not to tell anyone of his death!  Evil!  Mary’s younger sister Barbara
Dolan Storella said!  Mary that is impossible!! There is a little thing called the internet and Facebook, not to mention Twitter! This evil woman knew if we drove
way up to Maine for his wake, I would see my own brother and sisters eyes and know they were my family!  Pure evil!  I remember I loved my grandfather now knowing he was really my uncle!  I was 8 years old when he took me to Grand Lake Stream to his acres of land!  We called it the Poor Farm.  I don’t know why
they just did!  He took me  for a week as Stephen John and his son David were up
there that summer before me!  The cleaned and worked doing landscaping and ripping weeds out of the pond!  When I was there I was getting into mischief.  I would let the air out of his farming tractor!  Try to clime down a 300 ft well.  Boy was I a hyper kid!  Well we were going home from my grandfather put me on a raft in his little pond!  He said just float around while I mow the farm!  I was like  good luck with that!  The tires were very low!  He said we are gonna leave at 10am
to go to the dog track in Seabrook!  Post time is 12:30pm. We don’t want to be late! Gramps was a big gambler!  Back in the day he had his own dogs and kennel!  He got them from Ireland and had many champions!     5.
I found out later in life!  Well when he finished mowing we were all packed up and ready to go!  We got in the car! He said, Jason let me see your penis!! I was in shock!  Because this was the first uncomfortable moment in my life!  But thinking back now, he just wanted to make sure I was a stallion! He didn’t touch me or anything!  We just went on our way!  We got to Seabrook on time for the first race. For this is when I learned I had mathematics in me!  He showed me in 2 minutes how to read the program book of the dogs!  How the break out of the gate and how they go in every quarter of mile of the track! I figured it out quickly!  He was letting me pick trifectors for $2.00, which means they have to come in exact order!
I really wanted to win! The first on I picked 2 out of 3 came in!   I was so close!
The second one I picked threw a long shot in! I could read the odds on the board outside on the track!  I picked 8, 4, 1.  It came in! I knew I won a good sum of money!  I said gramps, I won!  He smiled and said, yes!  So I followed him up to the ticket counter.  I knew it was $1,$4.00. In these days of mid 70’s it was like
$1800.00 in 20 20’s.  The teller handed him the money, and he put in his left pocket as I was not taking my eyes off of him!  He said he had to go to the bathroom. I followed him and pretended to pee next to him. When he was done
I was done! He wenet to wash his hands and I said, Gramps am I gonna get that $?
He said ya fella and he reah4d in his left pocket and handed it to me.  Looking back now, I knew he was debating to just give me $20.  But he gave me it all! I
Was so excited!  I bought a BMX as all my friends had one!  I started racing BMX for awhile and I excelled at it!  All my friends had custom Red1nes GTS Hutch bikes I only had a Murray that was store bought!  I was still beating them!  It wasn’t about the bike!  It was about the strength in your legs! As I started getting into my teens.  And in puberty I started dating a lot of girls..a lot! My grandmother had a beach house at Salisbury Beach and I did not like her very much. No, she was a mean evil woman!  As during covid my step aunt Ann told me that my grandfather used to say David and Lisa his youngest of 7 were not his kids!  We used to go up to her beach house in the summer and Stephen always stayed as I would wiggle my way in!   It was my only way to get out of that evil housee!  I was meeting girls left and right but, every Saturday I would be depressed as their family vacation would be over!  They would  leave and I had no way really of seeing them again!  I was only 12  - 15 years old during this time!  So I had no
license!  But that Saturday night I got so used to another one I would find it would wipe that sorrow away! One time there was this girl Gail Mannings I slept with out of many 1,116 women I counted! Yes, 1,116 is correct! We had sex on the side of 495 Park and Ride after the movies!  After we were done having sex, she said
you were way better than your brother Stephen!  I was horrified! Back to a childhood “trauma”! I was 12 years old coming home from school!  I just found
3 baby bunnies!  I was trying to save!  I came home and to my horrific surprise
The hair was ripped out of them!  I asked that evil Mary Voto what happened to my bunnies, I was so upset and angry!  She said Mac our dog got to them! So I
went out and hit poor Mac as I was watching these poor innocent bunnies die in
pain!  Come to find out Shirley Dolan, Mary’s sister’s daughter plucked those poor bunnies hair out!  Yes, another Devil’s sister!  Shirley was a mentally ill woman!
She had sex with her own brother Danny Dolan.  I found this out through Danny’s wife!  Picked up the phone one day as Danny and Shirley were talking on the phone!  His wife Karen overheard Danny Saying, “Shirley you were the best sex of my life!  Danny just opened a can of worms!  His wife went downstairs where Danny hung out on down time! She rubbished through his things! Only to find more evidence as to her surprise, she found pictures of men preforming head to Danny in his military boxes! That he used as storage!  This was a sick Dolan family!  That evil Mary Voto tried, lying in Lowell courts during covid! Said I was saying her sister was my mother!  What a sick woman lying under oath!  Shirley Kinsell, a Dolan is my mother, her aunt!  The evil this family is!  Boy were they
Desperate to medicate me!  Back to my childhood detailed memories!  As I said
I was a good athlete! I came home one night with Brian Alyward who was a great
Athlete and David French!  We walked through the garage!  I was happy hanging out with these kids!  We opened the finish basement door!  Where Johnny and his friend Bobby Bertrand were! Man did he pot smoke blow out!  As they were sitting there stoned and coked out of their minds!   Dave and Brian called their parents for
a ride home!  They knew to leave situations like that in those days!  I was never so
embarrassed and ashamed of this piece of shit household I grew up in!  These people were not made to have children!  Brian and Dave never looked at me the same!  I don’t blame them! All my neighbors…we were so close and used to always hang out in our neighborhood!  Playing spin the bottle, drinking, stealing weed from Johnny’s stash and whatever was available we found and experimented with!  In our teens!  But more embarrassment came when they found naked pictures of John and Mary in their night stand!  Disgusting! And it was bad for
Stephen and John too!  It was always something.  Just when we had dinner, Mary
Would feed that evil husband of hers, and we got to scavenge for whatever was left over! There were so many hidden secrets in that house! One of her brothers Eddy Dolan used to smoke weed like cigarettes, and had a pilot’s license as a boy that he got caught smuggling marijuana from Mexico to the States in the 1970’s.  He spent
time in Mexican prisons.   He used to come up to his mother’s beach house and walk around the beach with a joint in his ear like it was normal! I never got why the State  troopers never arrested him as we walked by them!  Now back to Danny Dolan the degenerate of the family when I used to stay at their original house in
Salisbury on long school vacations!
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yay-depression · 3 years
not me trying to explain being neurodivergent to my parents and my dad responding with, basically, “you’re not empathetic enough to neurotypical people.”
i am going to commit a war crime. /not serious
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faintblueivy · 4 years
So Imagine...
A world where Bruce Wayne died as a child in that alley that day, Martha and Thomas Wayne grieve as normal parents. They DO NOT BECOME BATMAN AND JOKER. 
Nothing ever remains the same after losing their little boy. So, Thomas buries himself in his work and Martha drowns herself in depression and pain. They do therapy and it works a little and life becomes bearable but...not happy.
One day, Alfred badgers the couple to go out and relax a little and buys them tickets for a circus - Haly’s circus. Everything was going nice and dandy and Martha was in awe of this little acrobat as much as the rest of the crowd when suddenly the rope snaps and the boy’s parents fall to their deaths - right in front of him and the gathering. Thomas is quick to jump in to see if he could help them in any way but Martha can see it in his eyes that they are as dead as they can be. 
They return to home with heavy hearts and Martha can’t get the image of the little boy out of her head. His skin was a light shade of bronze but his dark hair and bright cerulean blue eyes reminded her so much of Bruce that her heart wouldn’t rest. So a few days later she uses her connections to know if the child is safe and well cared for, when to her immense horror, she is replied that he was shipped to Gotham Juvie due to the lack of foster homes. She is enraged.
She calls Thomas and Alfred and lets them know about the little acrobat’s situation and declares that she was going to adopt him. They hesitate a little but she is not to be deterred as she goes ahead and brings the little boy home. 
Richard John Grayson - Wayne. Or Dick, as he likes to call himself. 
He is adamant that he wants no parents and Martha is fine because not only that she is old enough to be not his mother but also because no child can ever be her Bruce.
“You can just call me Grandma then.” She tells him.
His eyes are wide but he nods and then smiles and Martha, in a long while, has never felt this happy. 
Her new Grandson, despite losing his parents, is a ray of sunshine with unlimited supply of energy and the cold and empty manor is warm and happy again. 
Dick is a little charmer and even after Thomas and Alfred’s initial reluctance, they immediately fall in love with the boy and one day, when Martha comes down to the morning breakfast, she hears a happy, deep rumble - one she has not heard in many years. Thomas is laughing. 
There on the dining table, seated beside Dick, was Thomas laughing. Her eyes water at the scene and Alfred, who is standing beside her offers her a handkerchief. None of them mention how his own eyes are wet too.
Dick is sixteen, a brilliant boy in academics as much as they disinterest him but an invincible athlete. Martha has been told time and time again that her grandson is undoubtedly a international level gymnast. But he is a teenager.
And teenagers steal their grandparent’s ‘coolest’ car and rush off into the night. But they don’t come back with a little battered and bruised, homeless kid tucked under their arm.
“He had jacked three tires off your car. When I confronted him, he tried to hit me with a tire iron.” He says, amused, as Thomas tries to convince the child to show him his injuries.
“I didn’t do nothin’! He’s a fuckin’ big boob liar!” They boy screams, his blue green eyes glaring daggers at Dick.
“Language.” Both her and Alfred warn simultaneously.
After hours of struggle, interrogation and fuck you’s, Martha learns that the child’s name is Jason. He is twelve. Mother died form drug overdosing and Dad is a petty henchman of some crime lord. He ran away from multiple foster homes because they are so abusive that the child feels safer on streets. 
Martha goes on a rampage over Gotham’s foster care after that. She did not donate millions of dollars annually for children to feel safer on streets. After of lot of talks and reassurances and promises, Martha acquires her second grandchild.
Jason Peter Todd - Wayne. 
Jason is tiny. Malnourished like Leslie said. But he is sharp, observant and hungry for knowledge. Martha and Alfred joke that Jason is Thomas' soul child. Where Dick had loved activity and movement, Jason liked quiet and stability - Martha thinks that running and fighting for survival on streets every single day does that you. So evenings often found her and Dick in the garden but Thomas and Jason in the library pouring over as many books as they can.
And to nobody's surprise, despite their rocky start, the boys become inseparable. They are outwardly different, with clashing interests and behaviors but Martha can see that they both carry the same cores of light.  
When the morning of Dick’s Parent’s death anniversary comes around, both her and Thomas find Jason on Dick’s bed, arms curled protectively around his big brother. For the first time in so many years, Dick wakes up to warmth surrounding him, not nightmares. 
Both her grandsons attend Gotham Academy so when she receives a phone call from the Principal, she is half surprised and half not. When she enters the Principal’s office, both her boys are standing on one side, Jason with his head hung in shame and Dick glaring daggers at the other side. The boy who seems to be injured is being coddled by his mother who is shooting nasty glares at her grandchildren periodically. 
Then she notices another small boy standing beside her boys, trying to melt into the wall.
Tim Drake. The only son of Jack and Janet Drake of Drake Industries.    
She arches a questioning eyebrow at Dick who shakes his head and then she turns to the Principal. 
“What happened here?”
“Glad to see you’re here Mrs. Wayne.” The Principal says, pushing his glasses up his nose, “I regret to inform you that your ward Jason Peter Todd attacked this young man here.” He gestures to the other boy. 
“Madam, Gotham Academy is a prestigious school and we do not encourage physical violence here. Yes, it might have been acceptable from where he came from but it won’t be, here. I hope you give us the right to punish Mr. Todd here appropriately.” 
Martha inwardly bristles at the jab at her grandson and says crisply, “Mr. Wayne.”
“He’s not just Todd. He is a Wayne. Please remember that.”
“Principal Sir.” Dick cuts in and Martha is confused because as hyperactive as Dick is, he is a mannerly child and knows better than to cut in a conversation like this but what draws her attention is the chilling tone which Dick almost never uses. Dick continues, “Why don’t you tell our grandmother more of your regrets? Or the prestigious Gotham Academy believes that bullying is acceptable.” 
Martha has been told what she needs to know. 
“Jason?” she calls out to her youngest grandson softly, “What happened?”
Jason is quiet when suddenly Tim Drake moves forward. She can see he is scared the way his hands shake but determination shines in his blue eyes. She likes him.
“I want to say something.”
He narrates the tale of how he was being bullied and how the boy on the other side with his mother threw his science project model away and broke it and physically tried to attack him when Jason stepped in to save him. Martha felt nothing but pride at Jason’s righteous indignation. 
Tim also explained that Jason exercised immense control even after these bullies called him ‘street rat’, but the verbal spar intensified after Dick was insulted for his Romani heritage, but it came to fist fight after Thomas and Martha were insulted, and Bruce’s death was made fun of.
Her gaze snaps to the other three occupants of the room and they are all in various shades of pale. Apparently, the Principal had not done his homework.
“Principal” She says icily, “Yes, I give you the authority to punish Jason appropriately but only when this young man here”, she gestures to the boy who was now cowering behind his mother, “Is dealt with in the same way.”
After threatening the Principal in soft words but harsh tone about not tolerating to having her grandsons bullied the next time, she grabs Jason’s hand to drag him away from these people who don’t deserve his company, when her eyes fall on the little trembling Tim. 
She offers him her hand.
He stares at it, shocked but after an encouraging smile from Dick and a small shove from Jason, he takes it shyly.
And since that day, Tim becomes a member of Martha’s family. The boys stay together so much that even Thomas forgets that Tim is not theirs. 
Tim’s upbringing sends Martha’s grandmother instincts on a haywire and she resents the Drakes for their criminal neglect towards Tim. 
It is rewarding that Tim flourishes in their attention. 
She learns that his hobby is Photography and he is excellent at it. And he is a genius when it comes to science, computers and gadgets. He likes crime thrillers movies and books and often picks them apart with his scarily good knowledge about forensics that leave the rest of the family in awe and slightly disturbed. 
The dam breaks when one day Jason and Dick return back from school telling her that Tim was absent today and they are worried about him. When they later sneak into the Drake mansion in the evening, Thomas receives a frantic call from their oldest grandchild that Tim was burning with fever. Because Thomas is a doctor, they save Tim before anything serious happens.
This time, it is Thomas who sues the Drakes for Tim’s custody after him and Jason had, had enough of ‘Timbo’s shitty parents’.
“Timothy?” Martha brushes his sweat soaked forehead gently. “Would you like to be a member of our family legally?"
Tim is hesitant about this but he admits that he likes Wayne manor much better than he ever liked Drake mansion. He confesses that he loves Jason and Dick as brothers and sees Martha, Thomas and Alfred as his grandparents as well.
The long custody battle ends with both Jack and Janet Drake dying at the hands of two different tragedies, leaving Tim an orphan, but also with a loving family consisting of three grandparents and two brothers by his side. 
Timothy Jackson Drake - Wayne is adopted into the Wayne family as her and Thomas’ third grandson.
A year after they adopt Tim, Thomas comes home with a small girl on his side. She is clearly an east Asian in heritage with dark hair and dark eyes and is speech deprived. Thomas is clearly distressed after Cassandra - her name is Cassandra - is safely secured in warm bed in a nice room across Jason’s. He calls her, the three boys and Alfred to his study to explain about the small girl. 
He talks about how Gordon brought the girl to him and after hours of wordless, signed and clumsily sketched on paper conversations with the little girl they were able to determine that Cassandra was hiding from her father who was an assassin and wanted to drag the little girl down the same path before she ran away. The more he talks about the damage and abuse the girl had experienced at the hands on her own father, the more furious Martha becomes. When Thomas’ explanations ends, Jason slams a punch into the wall making a dent but no one has the heart to reprimand him for that. 
The following morning, Martha can see that her three boys have unanimously decided that they are adopting Cassandra as their sister. She is treated like a Princess, and given the nick name ‘Cass’. 
Slowly but surely, Cass learns what it means to love through Dick’s bright kindness, Jason’s quiet protection and Tim’s infinite patience. After her father is finally apprehended, the family celebrates.
Cassandra Wayne, soon after, becomes the beloved Wayne Princess of Gotham. 
Martha and Thomas often accompany their only granddaughter to her speech therapy lessons, so after six months of her adoption, at dinner, she places a kiss on everyone’s forehead - her three brothers and three grandparents, stands at the head of the table and croaks out, slowly, “Thank...thank you.” All of them stare at her flabbergasted, but it appears that she was planning to shock them even more.
“You...Love. Love you...”
The silence that follows her broken but sure words is deafening. Surprisingly it is Tim who breaks it as he scrambles out of his chair and launches himself at Cass, wrapping his arms around her and both Jason and Dick follow him, grabbing both their youngest siblings fiercely.
A quiet sob breaks her out of the trance and she smiles when she watches Thomas furiously wiping his tears from the sleeve of his shirt. The last time he     had cried was at Bruce’s funeral. And Martha is infinitely grateful that this time these are happy tears. 
Sometimes Martha wonders what would have happened if Bruce had lived. If these children are her grandchildren then does that mean they are Bruce’s kids? Had Bruce lived, would he have accepted these gaggle of kids that her and Thomas have collected over the years as his own? Would he have kids of his own? 
Her questions are answered when one day she hears a slight commotion in the entrance is surprised to see a young woman with a sword threatening Alfred.
“I want to meet the Master of this house. Let them know immediately.” She demands in an authoritative but silky voice, and Martha suddenly sees the Toddler clutched in her arm. 
“What is it?” Martha speaks as soon as she can when the woman notices her. She looks surprised for a second but immediately schools her features as the baby fusses.
“You’re alive.” She whispers and before any of them could make an indignant comment about her wordings, she says, “It appears that I might have traveled in to the wrong universe.”
Now that is interesting. Martha lives in a world where they are protected by aliens...so, it is certainly worth hearing for. 
Martha offers the young lady an invitation for tea which she accepts. She notices how the woman carries herself with lethal grace and dignity as if she was a Princess but much more. As they sit and Alfred leaves to bring the promised team Martha notices how the woman’s eyes sweep over the place. 
“How may I help you?”
Her voice attracts the attention of the toddler and this time, he is not clutched tightly enough to his mother’s chest to turn his small head and look at her. Martha gasps. Because the child looks too much like Toddler Bruce. But instead of the blue eyes like her son, this child has glowing green ones, like his mother. But still, the resemblance is uncanny. 
“Yes, he is your son’s.” The woman answers the unasked question.
She is explained the existence of Multiverse, and it’s workings and how Bruce survived instead of them in that world, met Talia (the woman’s name is Talia Al Ghul) and had a child but had to leave. Talia mentions the reason she came here was because her son’s life was in danger and Talia’s father wanted to raise her son as an assassin Prince and a tool for him to use. Talia’s solution to protect her son was for her to give her son to the Bruce of this world to raise, since the Bruce of that world had gone missing.   
“I can raise him.” Martha suddenly declares and the woman looks at him shocked. “I will not raise him into a life of violence but I can certainly protect him and give him a happy civilian life.”
Talia looks unsure, hesitant, but says, “I...have been a warrior since the day I can remember. Never once have I ever thought of my son not being a warrior. He was...born to be one.” 
Martha smiles. “He doesn’t have to be one. Yes, his life will be infinitely different than the one you imagined but...he will be well loved and protected. I can assure you of that.”
“Damian.” Talia whispers as he deposits the baby in her arms after a lot of consideration. “His name is Damian.”
She looks at her son tenderly one last time and places a kiss on his forehead and Martha’s heart breaks a little for the young mother. 
“Will you return back for him?” Martha asks as she follows the Talia to the door.
“No.” Talia whispers, her voice strained. “I will not. Any action taken by me is monitored by my father closely. If I return back, then he might know that I have left Damian here and I cannot let that happen. He is yours, forever.”
Martha gives her a sad smile. “You’re a brave and good mother Talia. Thank you for doing what is best for your son.”
She nods, not turning to look at Damian one last time as she leaves the manor grounds, never to return. 
Martha looks at the baby secure in her arms and her lips quirk up into a grin at the sight of two curious green eyes watching her with interest. 
“Welcome to the family, little Damian.”
When she introduces the new addition to the family, Thomas is dumbfounded. Dick is ecstatic at the prospect of having a new baby brother, Jason is secretly pleased, Cass is happiest and Tim looks unsure.
That’s how Damian Wayne - Al Ghul joins the family.
Damian fits in their home spectacularly. After few days of hesitation, like he had with Dick, Thomas takes to Damian quickly. He has an epic competition going on with their eldest grandson to become the baby’s favorite. Damian refuses to sleep without Thomas but his tantrums are only controlled and won over by Dick. Damian loves Jason manhandling him and giggles happily when the older boy throws him in the air or swings him around. Damian loves Cassandra because she knows what he wants before any of them do. And Cass loves to carry her little brother around to watch birds and animals in the manor grounds.
The only person Damian seems to not get along with is Tim and the older boy seems not be fond of him either. Because Damian wants everything Tim does and the older brother has to compromise for Damian every time. But Martha has to bite laughs a lot now a days because almost everytime Damian falls asleep, it is with Tim in vicinity. And she has caught the older boy tenderly covering Damian in his favorite blanket more often than not. Martha thinks that this is kind of cute but keeps her opinion to herself. 
Her little grandson is quite protective of his siblings though. Anytime someone upsets any of his siblings, they are threatened with scowls, growls and even bites and stabbings in extreme cases.
Like last time when Mrs. Park made fun of Cassandra’s  speech impairment, Damian almost bit her finger off. Damian hates one of Dick’s racist colleague (they all do) so much that anytime the man enters his field of vision, the first thing Damian gets his hand on is thrown at the guy’s head. With deadly precision. And last time when Mr. Link had called Jason ‘street rat’ for personally volunteering charity work for poor and homeless, Damian had smeared his juice and drool covered hands on the Man’s thousand dollars suit. And when one time, a reporter had infiltrated a Gala and chased Tim around to ask uncomfortable questions about his parent’s death and the Wayne’s involvement in it, Damian, noticing Tim’s distress had stabbed the reporter with a fork with no hesitation. 
Martha is still not sure if she should encourage or reprimand Damian for that.
As she sits on the head of the table with Thomas on her side and Alfred on the other end, she wonders how miraculous it is for her to have all these children in her life. 
Dick is engaged in an animated conversation with Stephanie who was introduced to the family as Tim’s girlfriend. Barbara, the daughter of James Gordon and Dick’s girlfirend/or not was helping Cass pile up food on her plate. Damian and Tim were bickering over something as usual but Jason trying to hide his snickers in guise of drinking water which made Martha sure that the something was Jason’s doing.
These people were her family. The ones she had gained after losing Bruce. She wonders, if there was a universe where Bruce got to meet her grandchildren. 
Would he accept them? As family? 
Would he love them? As family? 
She brightly smiles when the multiple sets of eyes turn to her waiting for her to blow the candle.
“Happy Birthday Martha.”
Thomas says warmly, his voice thick with emotion and she meets his gaze and sees the love, affection and thankfulness in his eyes for this family that they had created after their earth shattering loss. She knows what she wants as she blows the candle on the cake flickering in front of her.
I wish for us to be family in every universe.
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