#‘see my child is so well behaved’ he’s afraid to act like a child. he’s afraid to express himself. he’s afraid of YOU!!!!!!!
munamania · 2 years
i wish i could kill people that are against ‘gentle parenting’ it’s just parenting. why are you so obsessed with control and disciplining a hypothetical or god forbid real child. if you want to teach them a lesson fucking talk to them? and go to therapy
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yourheart-inmyhands · 5 months
Just remembered the fallen god reader thingy- what if reader just one day regains their power ;)) and then just leaves them, I'm like super offended ;(( I dont wanna be mistreated by them
ahaha this ask made me chuckle a little! unfortunately my version of yandere archons aren't sweet in every scenario, i do still hope you enjoy though! :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including mentions of being held against ones will, mentions of manipulation, mentions of violence, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Well, he certainly can’t just let you leave, not after all that hard work he put into nursing you back to health. No no, don’t you see, you owe him. You could try and claim he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart, I mean he’s an Archon, a god just like you, doesn’t he see how unjust it is to demand payment?
You could beg and plead all you want, but unless your powers are enough to break the elemental barriers he’s set up, then I’m afraid you’re trapped. He won’t mistreat you, he’ll be nice and sweet to you so long as you behave, but your freedom will forever be removed.
“It’s not fair you say? A lot of things in this world aren’t fair, it’s just how it is.” His bright smile and humorous laugh do little to settle your unrest. No matter how hard you begged, how fast the tears poured from your eyes, or how strained your voice became from constant pleading, nothing worked. Perhaps if you learned to behave he’d let you see the sun again, until then, think long and well about all he had done for you. Remember exactly just how much you owe him for the things he’s done for you.
He finds it curious that your powers have suddenly returned, but it does little to change his authority over you. Regardless of the strength you show or possess, Zhongli has ingrained into your mind just how weak and pathetic you are. You are nothing without him, your silly little powers mean nothing if you aren’t here with him. Can’t you see that? Can’t you see that you need him?
There’s little that would change about the dynamic between the two of you, if anything it just gives Zhongli an excuse to be around you more. His eyes seem to always be observing you now, watching keenly to ensure you don’t dare step out of line. There will be consequences if you should try.
“Dinner is done, come eat.” His tone is warm, but there’s a familiar sense of sternness in the undertone. Since the resurgence of your powers, Zhongli had made sure to remind you of your place below him. It didn’t matter how hard you fought, the elder god showed little remorse when overpowering you. It was astounding to think that even after the loss of his gnosis he could still hold such power over you, but then again, Morax wasn’t known as the War God for nothing.
She doesn’t believe you at first, those who lose their divinity are not simply granted it back. It would take a long while and many displays of your capabilities to convince her. It doesn’t much change her opinion of you though. Raiden still thinks you are foolish and weak to have lost your powers to begin with. And for that, you should suffer the consequences.
Every escape attempt or effort put in to fight back is quickly shut down. She doesn’t even let you build up the hope that you’ll be able to land a hit before she’s got you disarmed, pinned, and once more shown your place beneath her. It gets a bit frustrating, having to always correct your silly outburst.
“When will you learn that you are nothing compared to me? You should be grateful I have enough decency to put up with this behavior, if you were anyone else I’d have tossed you to the streets like the pathetic waste you seem keen on acting like.” Her words are as rough and painful as her hold on you is. She has you under her, pinned to the floor in the living room of her home. It’s an embarrassing sight, your face held down to the hardwood as she scolds you like a child. This wasn’t the first time it had happened, but Raiden had hoped that by now you’d have learned your lesson. She is getting incredibly fed up with you.
Your return of power puts her in a tough position because before when you were powerless, she had something to hold over your head. Now, you hold the power and she’s left to flounder.
There isn’t much she can do to keep you from leaving, sobbing on her knees as you walk towards the front door. It wasn’t fair, it wasn't fair that you got to get back what you lost, it wasn’t fair that you got to still be connected to divinity when she was cut entirely from it. 
“Please, please don’t leave me…” Furina kneels on the ground, hands balled into fists as she begs and sobs. She can just barely see the sides of your shoes as you walk past, disregarding her as you head for the front door. When she’s sure you’re not looking she ceases her crying, the tears were fake from the start. Reaching for the pipe she hid under the couch, she silently grabs it before standing. It was easier to hit you, having stopped in the doorway to admire your freedom, you had been too caught up to hear the soft patter of her footsteps behind you.
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bimobuddy · 6 months
Hazbin TK fic
Writing this because there's currently a storm going on that's not supposed to end until 7 pm, and I'm not doing well :)
Lee!Alastor, Ler!Lucifer
Alastor might be ooc
CW: Fear of storms?? Anxiety
Summary: Hell gets a really bad storm, and Alastor isn't as composed as he normally is. When Lucifer finds out the reason why, he decides to put their rivalry aside and help him out.
Alastor gripped his cane tightly in his hands, his permanent grin slightly more strained than usual. Wordlessly, he stood up from his seat and made an excuse to Charlie about needing to finish up some scripting for his next broadcast.
He turned and left the lobby, his shoes clicking as he walked down the hall.
His breath caught in his throat as he picked up the pace a little, his ears starting to fold back.
"Heeey, Bambi!" Lucifer called, appearing in front of him. Oblivious to the Radio Demon's distress, he grinned, ready to harass him. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Alastor gripped his cane so hard he thought he was about to snap it. "Not that it's any of your business, your highness, but I'm heading back to my room." He replied, trying to mask his fear behind his usual smile and sass.
As thunder sounded again, softer this time, more of a rolling sound, Lucifer picked up on Alastor's anxious demeanor. His tail flicked, and his ears were pinned back a little.
The king chuckled, "Oh come on, don't tell me you of all demons are scared of a little-"
Lucifer blinked and looked around. Had Alastor disappeared? The light sound of microphone feedback caught his attention, and he turned to see that Alastor hadn't disappeared into shadow, but instead dropped to the floor and hidden under a table in the hall.
Alastor's ears were fully pinned back as he shook and pressed himself back against the wall.
Sensing this was something deeper, Lucifer kneeled down to be eye level with him. "Hey," he started, speaking softly, the same way he had to Charlie when she was a child and scared of the dark, "You're okay, Al. This hotel was built with angelic power, the storm isn't going to break in."
Alastor, eyes wide still, looked up at the king. When Lucifer took a chance and reached a hand out, he was surprised when Alastor took it.
"When I was a child," the demon started, his voice losing its radio filter, "a really bad tornado hit Louisiana. It devastated our town and nearly destroyed my home. I was in the cellar with my mother for hours until we were found."
Lucifer's eyes widened a little bit, as he felt his heart break for the demon. He gave Alastor's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "You know, Charlie used to be afraid of storms too-"
Alastor forced a short laugh. "Wonderful, I'm behaving like a child." He pulled his hand away, and climbed out from under the table, feeling embarrassed for having acted like that in front of his rival. As another boom of thunder sounded, Alastor froze and gripped the table so hard, the wood started to crack and splinter.
Lucifer summoned his wings and wrapped one side around Alastor. "Let me walk you to your room-" Alastor shook his head. "My room is modeled to look like the swamps of Louisiana, I can't-... I can't stay in there during a storm."
"Alright then... My room, come on." He turned and started to guide Alastor in the opposite direction. He folded his wings in and de-summoned them, as to let Alastor retain his dignity when they passed by the lobby again.
As he was being guided, Alastor didn't once argue or complain, much to the surprise of Lucifer. He actually stayed rather close to the king, ears down, forcing himself to take deep breaths.
When they reached Lucifer's room, there was a flash of lightning, causing Alastor to rush in quickly. Seeing Alastor break character so much was very odd and concerning to the king. For as long as he had known the demon, Alastor had the attitude of someone who was untouchable. And now here he was, shaking, and bleating like a scared fawn.
He sighed, feeling bad for him. He remembered when Charlie would come running into his room scared, during a storm. Back then, he would have scooped her up into his lap, and they would have counted the seconds between the flashes of lightning and the cracking of thunder. And when that didn't work, he'd- Oh there's an idea.
"Alastor?" He started, taking his hat off and setting aside. "You wanna know what I used to do with Charlie when she was scared of storms?" He asked with a smile.
The Radio Demon turned to face him. He was still holding onto that smile, but his eyes showed just how distressed he was. He tilted his head.
Lucifer waved him over, sitting down. "I'll show you, sit down." Alastor approached and sat next to him, willing to try anything at this point to calm his nerves. He set his cane aside and let out a surprised fawn squeak when the king just opened his coat. He was obviously wearing a shirt underneath, but he hadn't expected for Lucifer to touch him.
"It was a little game we'd play. You ready?" Before Alastor could question it, he saw another flash of lighting that made him jump. That was Lucifer's cue to start.
He reached forward and started to scritch his claws against Alastor's sides, up and down. The demon let out a startled yelp, and at first Lucifer thought maybe this was a bad idea. But when the host started to chuckle and lean into it, he smiled and continued.
As thunder rolled and boomed overhead, Lucifer slid his hands upward and spidered over his ribs. Alastor doubled over, laughing harder, yet he barely even noticed the loud noise, only able to focus on the tickling.
Playful claws zipped down and vibrated into his hips, and the radio host couldn't help but curl up and fall onto his side, tail wagging. He squeezed his eyes shut and laughed louder, his own hands shooting down to grab Lucifer's, yet he didn't push him away, seeming to be more than okay with this distraction.
The king gave his hips a break and reached up to gently scritch behind his ears. He couldn't stop the fond smile that painted itself across his face once Alastor's loud laughter melted away into staticky giggles.
Lucifer summoned his wings back and again, and wrapped them around Alastor, pressing them against his back. Alastor normally hated touch, but he welcomed this. It was warm, and the gentle, constant pressure against his back was helping with his anxiety, a lot actually.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Lucifer plucking one of his own feathers. His cheeks warmed and his ears folded back, but he didn't attempt to escape. He just squeezed his eyes shut again, and allowed the angel to flutter it under his chin.
Alastor burst into surprised giggles, shocked at just how ticklish it was. It definitely didn't feel like a normal feather, it was worse.
Lucifer chuckled, "Yeah, angels feathers, they're much more intense than birds." He saw the window flash, and brought the feather down to Alastor's tummy, pushing his shirt up. Right when the thunder started, he started to flick and flutter the feather against his skin, grinning to himself when Alastor jumped and curled up, laughing, gently batting at the king.
Yet he didn't even notice the storm outside.
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mias-blogs · 5 months
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(I'm writing this as a victim myself, if your not comfortable, please click out. this is comfort from SA by Record of Ragnarok characters, this may be triggering to some but I'm only writing this as comfort since I've been having flashbacks from the invent, please be careful, I don't want to accidently trigger a victim.)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐚.
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He first noticed your behavior when you were more comfortable around Eve then you were with him, of course, it's not like it bothered him, but you would act like you were scared of him, avoid him, scared of his touch, he then picked up on how you weren't doing this to only him but also towards any man or male god, it seemed strange to him on why you were acting like this around them when you were seemingly fine with any woman or female goddess.
He asked Eve about, seeking her help to understand what was wrong, Eve hesitated to actually tell him but eventually did. He was in horror to stay the least, as well as in rage, he fully well knew that life can be cruel, but he wasn't expecting that you went through something that vile, he felt his stomach twist in that moment, slightly afraid that he might have reminded you of the invent with any of his actions.
You were sitting by a cliff, looking up at Valhalla's sunset, feeling the breeze against your face, your feet slightly tangling by the edge of the floating island, that had many of them all around Valhalla, your hands touching the soft grass as you enjoyed the peace, you hear foot steps approaching you slowly from behind, excepting to see Eve, your body slightly froze when you saw Adam approaching.
“May I sit next to you?” the father of humanity asked quietly, you hesitated for a moment before you nodded, moving a bit so he wouldn't sit close to you, you were slightly surprised when the man sat a good distance away from you, enough for you to be comfortable, making your shoulders slightly relax. “ I... heard what.. happened to you.” those words made your body tense up once again, he noticed that and hesitated with his next words.
“I'm aware you probably see me as a threat, but I can tell you, I would never hurt you, you are my child just like the rest of humanity, I know that seems hard to believe when you've been through a nightmare, but I would like for you to warm up to me, if you think it's possible.” the man's fatherly voice almost makes you tear up, you've never heard those words from a man, both his words and voice was comforting.
The man smiled gently as he extended his hand out to you slowly, wanting to see if you'd take it or not, understanding you need your space and you wouldn't quite like physical touch from a man. Your eyes glanced up at his, his gaze was gentle and fatherly, for once, you didn't feel threatened by someone's touch, you hesitated, but you know understood that he wasn't like the person who hurt you, he isn't.
You took his hand, a smiled bloomed on your face, he isn't going to hurt you and that fact was almost comforting, he smiled back as he extended his other arm for a hug but stopped. “May I?” he asked, looking down at you and waiting if you'd approve or not, this was a bigger step, but he gave you time and space to think, you nodded in acceptance once again as he pulled you close for a hug, careful not to startle you.
His hug was fatherly and gentle yet warm, you let out a breath of relief, this was comforting, like a father hugging his young child. “It's alright, your father is here now, he'll protect you.”
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Buddha had always noticed that you were much more comfortable around him then any other man or male god, he thought it was the same reason as him at first, not quite liking the gods are they're personality, but you also behaved like that around mortal men so it confused him at first on your behavior, he asks you about it but noticed you seemed uncomfortable, so he backed off on the topic
When the friendship slowly started to grow into something more comfortable and romantic for the both of you, Buddha had himself asking the same question to himself, you seemed more comfortable with women and goddesses and you personality completely shifted when around any man that wasn't him, which confused him once again, so he decided to ask for a second time.
“ Hey, [nickname], why do ya act so different around gods and men?” The question left the lips of the god as he stopped sucking on his lollipop for a second, his eyes glancing back at you as he patiently waiting for you to answer his question, blinking a couple of times as you greatly hesitated to speak up, you mind flooding with many thoughts, would he think any different of you? was he going to believe you? will he think that your dirty?
You decided to swallow the lump in your throat as you talked to him about what happened and what made you act this way, you could feel the tears coming to your eyes, your voice stopping in its tracks as you could barely talk without stuttering, Buddha's eyes looked down at you before reaching forward and hugging you close, hiding your face in his chest so you could sob.
You were shocked for a moment before you wrapped your arms around the god, sobbing in his chest as he held you tightly and stroked your hair, his teeth pressed together tightly as he looked slightly angry, not at you, how could he be angry at you? he was angry he wasn't there to stop it, angry that the person that did this got away with it like nothing happened, but here you were sobbing in his chest.
“It's alright.. no need to worry, nothin’ is gonna happen to you while I'm here.” he kissed the top of your head gently, his eyes shut tightly as he hugged you close to his chest, he's not going to let anyone touch you ever again.
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liberumalas · 18 days
What do you think baby and child Alastor was like growing up like personality and how did he get along with others and what he was like at school? Do you think he was a hard to handle baby or one of those quiet ones (fully conscious baby lol 😭)
ATTENTION, THESE ARE ALL HEADCANNONS. I'll refer back to canon when there is information but we don't know much of Alastors early life. Or of anything about him at all that much. This is gonna be a loooong one...
I also think, I'll colour code a little; orange is what is actually canon and blue is the stuff that i thik ive read somewhere but might not be true or might become outdated.
I. Alastor and mental health
I think it is very likely that Alastor has ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) othervise known as psychopathy. Now people with this disorder are not inherently evil, but I'd think their upbringing takes a lot more care, attention and knowledge than the avarege person because people with aspd don't experience empathy, and regret after hurting someone or at least these feelings are very limited. They are also very likely to disregard rules, be reckless, agressive, impulsive, decietful, etc...
Alastors childhood propably stems from the 1900s to the early 1920s roughly (we don't know when he was born, only that he died in 1933 and was in his 30s-40s). Psychology was not as advanced as it is today, and it was especially propably unavailable for a child of colour.
So I think that Alastors behavior was very poorly managed throughout his childhood, leading to him becoming a not very good person (a serial killer).
II. School life
In school he'd act violent toward classmates he didn't favor. It's been said that he has a messed up moral code, but a moral code still, so I'd imagine that means either getting revenge for those who were wronged in some way and could not protect themselves (and Alastor actually liked them) or protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Either way, these likely ended up in Alastor beating another boy up, putting glass shards in his sandwich or ruining his stautus or reputation in some way. In fights he'd be creative and use his surroundings, other than mindless punching. Oh, look, a rock! And a scissor! Oh, boy is it my lucky day? It must be becuse there is a glass bottle at hand!
Towards his friends (whom were very likely all girls) he'd act very polite, charming and even kind. He'd enjoy spending time with them instead of other young boys who were a lot less mature and sometimes straight up repulsive and barbaric. Him and his friends would hang out, gossip, dance, etc, he was always just *one of the girls* lol. This is also where I'd imagine the moral code comes in, because of early 1900s mentality and sexism and boys bothering girls and Alastor standing up for them and those were very different times and Alastor just seems like a very uniqe case.
So he'd get into trouble all. The. Time. His poor mother is just tired and at a loss at this point. Nothing makes this kid behave better, there is no use of punishing him, she (or his father) can beat him (reminder that those were different times), talk to him, talk to teachers, punish him with chores and work, nothing works. It is a miracle he wasn't arrested yet.
III. General behavior and perception
I think he was always very confident, charismatic and passive agressive rather than outright violent (which he reserved for those he particularly hated and actually could fight or trick). He was polite usually (his mother thought him well in that regard, and being polite is very useful anyways) and very intelligent and tactical. People rarely caught onto his mischief and the targets would usually be too afraid to speak out. Usually. Or just be annoyed and if the target was an adult, hooo boy.
I think the people who knew him would see him as a troublemaker but someone who would have great potential if he wasn't such an annoying pain in the ass. He is theatrical, dramatic at times, they just really didn't know what to make of this kid. People who didn't know him would see him as a good kid, who has a strange sparkle in his eyes that could be something harmless and innocent or something that is very worrysome. Family thought he was strange, worrying, but outside that, helpful and a sweet kid. Other than the beating classmates up.
IV. Family stuff. God help me...
So... this is the part where the source of angst for every Alastor fanfiction comes from.
-About his mother:
I have two versions for this.
The first one being that his mother was a caring, sweet as candied apple but a very troubled person. Troubled because of her husband, his son and society. But she was also very firm and and had a spine, and she was a great scource of inspiration for Alastor. He loved her very much (in his own way) and enjoyed being around her.
In the second version, she was very unstable, propably had some kind of mild to severe mental illness (along the lines of scizofrenia or psycosis). She had her good or better times and then the bad times. It got worse as time wnent on and again, no psychology help for women especially creole or poc women (fyi we don't actually know, which of Alastors parents was creole and which one was white or smth else. All we know is that he himself is mixed creole and I assume, people gave the creole part to his mother because it fits the story better I guess). Again, troubling husband and son, even though Alastor would recognise her need for help and would decide to help her in the little ways he could. She was still kind to him and loved him very very much, but her illness and her son's just made everything so much more difficult.
Alright those are the two versions. Some common traits would be that they liked to cook together, Alastor loved his mother's cooking and they'd both like jazz and swing and all these types of fun. She encoureged him throughout his life, though she likely didn't know about his serial killer hobby later in life.
And oh boy, oh, man, the father of the year.
-Dear old Dad.
I don't think that for Alastor to have a valid reason to hate him (and by extension almost all men) his father had to be phisically abusive, even though beating or hitting your child was common practice to punish them. What I mean is he didn't have to throw bottles at his son's head, beat him to a bloody pulp or strangle him and his mother for Alastor to hate his guts. I think that him being pathetic and disgusting in Alastor's eyes is very much enough and maybe makes even more sense. Hear me out.
Think about the stereotypical man. The ones women oh so hate. He drinks, he smokes so much, you can't see him, he cheats and lies and he is just a mean little bitch.
(I'm a man myself, don't kill me, I wrote that from the perspective of Alastor Manhater.)
And if his father did these things that were (are somewhat still unfortunately) not at all uncommon among other men, Alastor's hatred of this can be easily extended to every man who cannot prove otherwise. Maybe even those who can or could.
So I think that while it is possible that dear ol' Dad was horribly violent towards his family, it would be a lot less clichè and maybe even make more sense for him to be a pathetic cheater who drinks and smokes and is just unpleasant to be around.
Alastor would fucking hate his guts. His father is rude to his mother and to him, he is useless, he is pathetic, he is spending the hard earned money on cigarettes, alcohol and brothels. He lies, he's mean, he's just a horrible person.
Alastor would never want to be like him, though ironically some traits he can't help but learn from him. Lying, being mean to others, he'd also as an adult would occaisionally smoke.
I also think that his relationship with his gender is not the best, in a sense that he doesn't like being a boy, because all boys are douchebags and he doesn't want to be a douchebag. Not like his father anyway.
Okay, closing words.
First of all, I'm not a native english speaker and i wrote this very very late.
Second of all, this is, again all just my idea of what Alastors early life might have looked like. Season 2 is coming soon and it was said that Alastors backstory would be important and would be explored, although that could mean his arrival and early times in Hell as well, we'll have to see.
If you yourself have any other ideas or thoughts or you think I got something wrong, comment it, I'd love to read other fans' thoughts!
Anyways, thank you for reading this far! I'd love to write in a similar format about Alastor's time as an adult or a mixed person working in radio in the late 1920s to early 1930s, so let me know, if that intetests you! I'll propably do better research for that, in this one most of the history knowledge is from memory, so if ive made any errors, again, let me know.
Alright, goodbye now.
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thelunarfairy · 1 month
i forgot where i read this, about how tsukasa before his disappearance, had no fangs but then after it happened, right when he said to kunishige that his wish will come true, there we see he had them?
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This made me think how does tsukasa know the priest will die? Is the entity the one who granted kunishige's wish, as though it can sense someone's hatred and grant death wish upon the hated person? Wasnt there suppose to be a price for the wish? My guess is that the entity slowly take tsukasa's humanity as the price for granting other people's wishes of their hatred.
It also kinda makes sense to me because katakuri said that if someone lingers in the red house (or is it just the sacrificial well? Maybe this to mean if someone lingers WITH the entity) long enough, they will soon lose their sense of self and turn into a soul of hatred
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And cant help but think this is exactly whats happening tu tsukasa, from a pure child
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To this tsukasa
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although it seems to me, instead of being a soul filled with hatred, tsukasa turns into a boy who feels hated by everyone? Was he like that before he sacrificed himself or did the entity convinced him after the sacrifice?
All we see from tsukasa's childhood, he's playing by himself outside, while Amane cant due to his illness, and the parents, who might spend a little bit more time with amane as they are worried for him than their other healthy child? He gets lonely, as a child would. What if that was why tsukasa thinks (as a child would) his family is happier without him? Thus he feels hated.
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Looking back at how the sacrifices were treated before the ritual, as we can see Sumire, is blamed for the supernatural attacks and hated by the villagers. What if the entity feeds on those sacrifices because the hatred placed upon them? And tsukasa, being a boy who feels himself hated by others, the only one who can communicate with the entity of the red house??
Pls dont be overwhelmed by my rambling😭 hope you enjoy reading this, im looking forward for your opinion!!✨
Heelloooo let me say that I loved it!!
Well, it makes sense, it makes sense, but while reading your ideas a crucial difference came to mind between Tsukasa and the other sacrifices.
The others were obligatorily thrown as sacrifices to the entity, while Tsukasa chose to stay by her side.
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I believe that the entity may have planned and influenced Amane's health, making Tsukasa feel neglected by his parents and alone.
This would give him the feeling that "he needs a reason to stay".
When you don't feel loved, it's a feeling that can arise and if you let it grow it can be dangerous.
Tsukasa is not afraid of the entity, he teaches it to speak, he spent a lot of time by her side. I usually say that Tsukasa made friends with death.
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When you are not afraid of dying, nothing can scare you anymore, right?
Here is the difference. The entity uses Tsukasa as a vessel, he uses his body to move around, in exchange for which Tsukasa can fulfill his wishes.
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Tsukasa fulfills other people's wishes, but HE CHARGES FOR IT. Don't forget that, he always charges the person he granted the wish to.
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The entity has bonded with Tsukasa, sometimes you can see it reflected in his eyes and actions, at the same time that he is still Tsukasa.
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He still acts like a little boy at times, he doesn't behave like Amane.
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He allows the entity to do what it wants at certain times, in the same way that the entity also allows Tsukasa to do what he wants.
Tsukasa is still there, it's him, that look of his is there!
So, Tsukasa going crazy is not something feasible for the entity, because he was the only one who bonded with it out of pure will. Without being afraid, allowing him to use his body.
From the time he was in the red house he says that he could have gone back home, but he didn't want to, and he chose to have the entity go with him.
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They are simply "friends."
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Tsukasa does what the entity wants. The entity allows him to do what he wants.
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tngrace · 7 months
And here we go finally! Part 1 of Maverick Chronicles. Will update on Fridays. Enjoy!
Tumbler: Masterlist: Main, Mav Chronicles ; A03
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Even at five, Pete knew his world was changing. The men on the porch caught his mom when she went down, but he’s not sure he’ll ever forget her cries. She’d always been a little distant when his dad was away, but when his dad never came back, he lost his mom as well. She stayed in her room, only emerging to get another drink and restart the song. He hated that song. He’s not surprised when he comes home from school one day a year and half later to find officers at his house and his mom is gone. He doesn’t cry; he lost his mom a long time ago. 
None of his relatives wanted him; he was a young child who had already been through too much. He was already acting out at school, getting into trouble, but no one took the time to see that he just needed a little attention, a little love. When none of his aunts would take him, he was placed in the system; a system that wasn’t very kind to him. A system that reinforced his beliefs that no one would want him, that he was inherently bad, that he deserved all the pain and heartache he received. But what he didn’t know was that someone was fighting for him; someone, two someones, wanted him very much. 
When he was eight and a half, Mike and Carrie started to come visit. He vaguely remembers Mike working with his dad, but it takes a couple of visits before he warms up to them. The social worker is surprised with how well-behaved and nice Pete is when he is with Mike and Carrie. But they talk to him, they listen, they give him attention and they’re nice to him. He likes them, and he really likes when Mike tells him stories about his dad. He trusts them, and he’s always so sad when they leave. He doesn’t show it, showing his tears are a weakness in his current foster father’s eyes, but he always cries for a solid hour when Mike and Carrie leave. He’s always so surprised when they come back too. 
On their fifth visit they bring their daughters Catherine and Jamie with them. Cat’s three years older than him, but she plays with him on each visit, and she seems nice. Jamie is almost one, and she loves using Pete to pull up on. She grins at him every time she does it, and Pete can’t help but smile at her. After their tenth visit, his social worker asks if he’d like to go live with them. He doesn’t believe it, doesn’t believe they could want him full time, but he’s honest and says yes. A week later they’re in front of a judge, and he has to answer a bunch of questions honestly. When it’s over, Carrie pulls him into a hug that’s so tight, he’s sure he’s going to snap in half. “Want to go get your stuff kiddo?” Mike asks. 
“I’ve got it,” he says nodding to the backpack that’s beside him. 
He sees Mike and Carrie share a look, and he’s afraid he’s already messed up. 
“Tomorrow we’ll go shopping; or maybe when we’re back home.” 
“I’m fine,” Pete promises. He has all his important mementos and pictures in his backpack with two pairs of jeans and shirts. 
Mike gently squeezes his shoulder, but he agrees with Carrie. “Let’s get back to the room, get some food, and book the tickets home.” 
It’s a whirlwind after that, and before Pete knows it, he has his own room in a house on the beach in California. His room is between the girls, and they let him decorate it anyway he wants. It takes several months of being there, probably closer to a year if he’s being honest, before he relaxes into the fact that his room isn’t going anywhere. He starts putting his pictures out on the dresser. There’s the one of him and his dad with his dad’s plane in the background. Then there’s the one picture of the three of them where they were happy. When he comes home from school one day, he finds them in a frame next to his bed and he tries not to cry. He finds Carrie in the kitchen cooking; “Thank you,” he tells her quietly from the doorway. 
“For what sweetheart?” 
“Putting my pictures in a frame. I… I was always afraid they’d get ruined and I’d lose them.” 
Carrie kneels down for a hug, but she always waits for him to come to her. Pete runs into her arms, clinging tight. 
“You’ll never have to worry about losing them again Pete. We can even make some copies just in case, if you want.” 
Pete nods against her shoulder, as he buries his face in her neck. “Thank you mama,” he whispers. 
It’s the first time he has called her that, even though both she and Mike have told him they would be more than happy with whatever he called them, but that it was ok to think of them as mom and dad now. She hugs him tighter trying not to cry, and that is how Mike finds them after getting Cat started on her homework and getting some hugs from his two year old. 
“Everything ok?” he asks quietly, so as not to startle Pete. 
“Yea…. Yea. Everything is perfect,” Carrie gets out. Thankfully, Pete doesn’t notice the tears in her voice, but Mike does. He cocks his eyebrow at her, and she gives him a watery smile. 
Even though he’s almost ten now, Carrie picks him up and holds him. Mike walks closer and wraps his arms around them both. Pete lets out a shuddering breath as he clings to Carrie tighter. He feels safe; he feels loved, and he has for the last year. 
After a few minutes, Pete wiggles down, giving them a blinding smile before he’s off to do his own homework with Cat while Jamie runs around their feet. 
“What happened?” Mike asks once Pete is gone and Carrie falls into his arms letting the tears fall. 
“He thanked me for the picture frame and called me mama.” 
Mike’s arms tighten around her and he smiles. It took a little longer than they expected, but Pete was finally settled; he was home. 
It takes another year before he calls Mike “dad.” Pete had been sick, and Carrie couldn’t get out of work for the day. Even though it was generally frowned upon, Mike had brought him to base to rest in his office while he had class. He didn’t have any hops that day, so he figured it would be fine. When Mike comes back from class, Pete is curled on the couch in Mike’s sweatshirt, looking awful. 
“Alright kiddo, ready to go home?” Mike asks, brushing the hair off his forehead. 
Pete is burning up, so Mike gets him some more meds and then helps him up. It’s a struggle to get Pete to take them, but he finally manages to get them down, and he rests his head against Mike’s abdomen where he’s standing in front of Pete. His fingers are brushing through Pete’s hair in the way that always calms him, and Pete lets out a shuddering breath. “Don’t feel good, Dad,” he whines. 
Mike has to force himself not to react and freak Pete out, but he feels the lump in his throat all the same. “I know bud. Let’s get you home and into bed. How’s that sound?”
“Will you stay?” Pete whispers. 
“As long as you want,” Mike promises. He helps Pete up, and gives him his aviators to hide behind even though they’re way too big on the kid, and then leads him out of the office. Once home, Pete curls into his side in bed and promptly falls asleep. That’s how Carrie finds them once she gets home. 
At sixteen, Pete starts asking Mike questions about the Academy and joining the Navy. He wanted to be a pilot just like both his dads. Mike was more than pleased to answer any and all of Pete’s questions, and he snuck him on base over summer break more than he probably should’ve. But Pete had him wrapped around his little finger since the day he was born. Mike worked for those two years to get the mission he’d flown with Duke declassified so the truth could be revealed, but it was to no avail. He knew the rumors that swirled around the Navy, and he knew Pete was going to have a hard go at it, but he was still surprised when the rejection letter came. To say Pete was heartbroken was an understatement, and when he asked Mike why he thought he didn’t get in, Mike told him the truth as much as it killed him. Mike watched his carefree teenager transform before his eyes. It was the same stubbornness and determination he’d seen in his long deceased wingman that shown in his kids eyes now, and he knew nothing would stop Pete from finding a way. 
What did surprise him was Pete wanting to cut off all contact with them. Pete thought he was protecting Mike and explained it as such. Carrie was able to convince Pete that he was still able to write to her or the girls so they didn’t lose full contact with him, and Mike was relieved. He wasn’t ready to let his kid go just yet. Pete fast tracked through college, and before Mike knew it, his kid was in flight school. It was there that he met Nick and Carole, who took him into their little family like it was nothing. Mike was glad to see him gaining friends and support outside of them, and he hoped it would be a good thing for Pete. Nick and Pete seemed to click so well, and Mike wasn’t all that surprised when he’d heard they were a pilot/RIO pair. He even understood when Pete changed his emergency contacts to Nick and Carole, even if it broke Carrie’s heart just a bit.
Out of flight school, they had a brief station at Pensacola, and it was there that Pete met Tom Kazansky. He’d mostly kept his sexuality to himself as a teenager, but his older sister knew he tended to favor males. He had a suspicion that Mike and Carrie knew as well, but they’d never said anything, so he didn’t either. While it could get him a dishonorable discharge if anyone in the Navy found out, Pete made sure to always be discrete. Hence why Nick didn’t even know. But one look at Tom Kazansky, and Pete knew he had to have him. It took a couple of weeks and several, several, nights at a bar and nightclub, but Pete finally succeeded and got his man. It was one of the hottest and greatest nights of his life if he’s being honest, but the next day, he and Nick were restationed, leaving Tom behind. 
In between deployments, he would sometimes sneak home for a short visit; Carrie insisting on seeing him alive with her own eyes. It always felt great coming home, but he was always worried his connection to them would be discovered and he’d ruin Mike’s career. It was the last thing he wanted, knowing how hard his dad had worked for that top position at Top Gun, so he spent a lot of his leaves on his own or with Nick and Carole. They’d done three years of random length deployments, Mav making a name for himself in the Navy and trying to out fly Duke’s ghost, before they were sent to Top Gun. It felt odd knowing he’d actually been the second choice, and if it hadn’t been for Cougar turning in his wings, he’d still be waiting for his chance. But Mav was beyond ecstatic to be going home, and to finally be able to fly with his dad.
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good-beans · 9 months
You talked a little while ago about why you don't think Shidou would make a good father to Amane (agreed) and proposed the idea of Mahiru adopting Amane. That's cute but I want to tell you about my post-MILGRAM headcanon:
Amane joins the Kajiyamas
Not Fuuta specifically adopting her, but like him taking her back to his family's house. I'm sure they'd have a spare room
I think people don't think about Fuuta's homelife much, or if they do they take Fuuta's one interrogation question where he calls his dad an old fogey and assume its like, abusive
And don't get me wrong, I don't think the Kajiyama household are perfect. Fuuta' beautician sister surely hasn't helped when it comes to Fuuta's body image issues and I'm betting they're all a bunch of tsunderes too embarrassed to say they love each other
But in a series where most of the abused characters are still convinced their abuser loved them/acted out of love. Seeing a guy not be afraid to call his dad a loser is almost a green flag
I think it'd be good for Amane to not necessarily be adopted as the lone child to a single parent but get to be introduced to a very different style of family unit from her own One where its normal to express different opinions or disagreements or even have arguments and not have it be the end of the world
Amane already has a snarky side to her, I bet it'd flourish in a brash household like the Kajiyama's (or at least how I imagine them to be)
OOHHH wait I love that so much! >:O
I agree -- I never interpreted Fuuta's family as abusive or harmful, just not super close and struggling a bit after his mother left. (And yeah, all as openly emotional as him😭) They seem stable and very capable to taking in a extra, very well-behaved child. Assuming Fuuta is the way he is because of them, that atmosphere of being very honest and forward would work well for her. They say things as they are, little by little pointing out the harmful parts of her worldview. Like you said, none of them make excuses about harmful behavior stemming from love, so she'd get a really healthy dose of truth in that area. She never feels coddled or treated like a baby. They care for her while treating her very maturely.
I absolutely love how well she and Fuuta get along, with that snarky side to her that you mentioned. It would allow her to fit in well in the new household, getting the sense of belonging she'll lose after leaving the cult. Also, seeing how Fuuta and his sister let things slip and aren't perfect sons/daughters, she'll be able to relax about earning a parent's love through perfect behavior. She'll probably stay exactly the same, but her stress about it will fade <3
I doubt Fuuta's father can ever replace the hole she'll have from her own father, but the addition of an older sister will be huge. Amane will never get the feeling her mother is being replaced, but the woman will still fill the gap of the older, same-gender role model she needs. Her beautician job may throw Amane at first (being an indulgence in vanity), but it isn't as in-your-face as other careers. I think she could definitely ease Amane into accepting it, and over time, accepting her own personal "indulgence."
Plus, her moving in would also be really good for Fuuta! I think he'd recognize there's a ton of fun things she missed out on, and that heroic side of him outweighs the part that cringes: he gripes and groans about going to "kid places," but he's always the one to announce "I can't believe you've never been to __, we're going right now!!" This allows him to touch grass leave the house and experience his own life to the fullest. He's able to channel his desire to help society into a healthier outlet. Also, seeing her studying habits and plans for the future might even inspire him to do the same. (might.) He becomes the stereotypical good big brother, though of course he denies it viciously...
I have recently been going insane over their friendship so I'm completely taken with this idea OUGH thank you for telling me ;-----;
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topazy · 2 years
Tomorrow’s promise
Paring: Shane Walsh x reader, Rick Grimes x sister reader
Warnings: Mentions if vomit
Chapter: 2.02
You closed the door quietly behind you and tiptoed into the living room while clutching the baby monitor to your ear. Hearing a chuckling noise, you look across the room and see Shane smiling at you, shaking his head before turning to face the TV again.
“That’s him finally asleep,” you whisper. Shane gently pulls you down towards him so you're sitting in his lap. He runs his finger over your shoulder with his free hand while his other hand holds his beer. He didn’t often drink, only when he was watching a football game. “Who’s winning?”
“I've got no idea,” he kisses the back of your shoulder. “I was too busy watching you in mom mode.”
You roll your eyes and say, “I was hardly in mom mode, just aunt Lily mode.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” he chuckled. “One of these, you're going to be begging me to have one of our own.”
You smile and say nothing else, knowing that you can’t share your biggest fear with Shane. You were afraid you weren’t cut out to be a mom. You loved Carl, but you weren’t sure if you could be a parent.
“Do you want me to take him for a moment?”
“No, I’m good.”
You were walking at the back of the group while gently rocking Jace, who had just stopped crying. Luckily, only one walker was attracted by his screaming, and Daryl shot it in the head with an arrow before it got close enough to bite anyone.
Lori lets out a frustrated sigh, “You're covered in vomit.”
“And dirt, blood, and probably piss as well. But like I said, I’m good.”
“You're being ridiculous, I’m his auntie,” she looks ahead to make sure nobody else is paying attention to your conversation. “Are we going to address the elephant in the room?”
“Carol’s daughter is missing. Once we’ve found her. Shane, Rick, and Carl are back safe, sure. We can address you, fucking Shane.”
You watch as Lori’s jaw clenches as she struggles for a comeback. Maybe it was petty to hold a grudge during an apocalypse, but Lori being the person Shane slept with hurt more than any pain you’ve felt before, and the worst part was she didn’t seem to care.
“For God's sake, Lily, at times you behave like a child-” Lori is cut off by a gunshot in the distance.
The rest of the walk through the wooded area was mostly in silence since the gunshot. Something felt off, everyone was acting more tense. It reminded you of the feeling you’d get watching a horror film, when you're waiting for the killer to pop up.
“Are you still worrying about it?” Andrea asks when Lori stops walking to look back in the direction you’ve come.
“It was a gunshot.”
Daryl nods in agreement, “We all heard it.”
“Why one? Why just one gunshot?”
Seeing the genuine panic on her face, you decide to say something. “I don’t think it was them. Neither Rick nor Shane would fire a bullet out in the open like that, it would make too much noise, and they wouldn’t risk it.”
“Shouldn’t they have caught up with us by now?” Carol asks.
“There’s nothing we can do about it anyway,” Daryl says calmly. “I can’t run around these woods chasing echoes.”
Lori raises her eyebrows, “so what do we do?”
“Same as we have been doing. Beat the bush for Sophia, work out a way back to the highway.”
Agreeing with Daryl, you start to walk forward again, you only look back when you notice him marching towards Carol, who had started to cry when Andrea said she was praying for her little girl. “I’ll tell you what it’s worth... not a damn thing. It’s a waste of time, all this hoping and praying. We’re going to locate that little girl, and she’s going to be just fine. Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord.”
You do your best to stifle a laugh at the last part, despite how rough he may look and sound, Daryl was all heart. He just didn’t want anyone else to know it.
“Oh my god, Jacey, for a boy who doesn’t eat a lot, you sure are sick a lot,” you mumble while stopping to unstrap Jace from your chest.
You pull off the shirt you are wearing and toss it to the ground, leaving you in just a vest top. With Jace safely back in his harness, you start to catch up with the others, and you notice Andrea has walked away from the rest of the group. You look around until you spot her swatting at flies while two walkers creep up on her, “Andrea get down!”
You pull the gun from your belt and fire three bullets. The first two only grazed the walker, but the third struck him in the head.
While you shot the first walker, Andrea tried to run away but fell to the ground with the second walker only inches away from her.
You watch as a woman with short brown hair rides up on a horse and hits the walker in the head with a wooden baseball bat. The brunette looks between you all, “Lori? Lori Grimes?”
“I’m Lori.”
“Rick sent me, you’ve got to come now.”
“What?” She asks, confused.
“There’s been an accident, Carl's been shot. He's still alive, but you’ve got to come now.”
Lori freezes on the spot as she tries to process what she’s just been told. You place your hand on her back and say, “You need to go with her; go to Carl.”
She snaps out of her trance and throws her backpack on the ground, then gets on the horse, much to Daryl’s dislike. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don’t know this girl. You can’t get on that horse.”
“Rick said you had others on the highway, the big traffic snarl? Backtrack to Fairburn Road Two miles down is our farm, you’ll see the mailbox, whose name is Greene.” She says this before quickly speeding off on her horse with Lori.
You reach your hand out and help Andrea to her feet, asking, “Are you okay?”
She pats herself down and says, “I’m fine, and Carl's going to be just fine as well.”
“Yeah, I know,” you nod. “We should keep going if we want to make it to the farm before nightfall.” You spin around, trying to remember what direction you were going in. “Which way is it again?”
Glenn, Andrea, and Carol all gave you a sympathetic look instead of answering your question. Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder and said, “This way.”
You tried to make sense of Carl being shot. You understand how serious the situation is, but you can’t grasp the fact that he could die. You didn’t want to. He was just a child, still just a baby in your eyes, and none of you could let him go.
“Is she okay?” Dale asks, looking in your direction.
“She’s still in shock, poor thing,” Andrea sighs. “But I’m in, I’ll stay here as well.”
Your eyes widened at the last part, you’d completely zoned out and missed the conversation that was taking place. “Sorry, what’s happening?”
Dale informs you of their plan. “Me, Daryl, and Andrea are going to stay with Carol in the RV tonight in case Sophia returns.”
“That's a good idea. I just need to grab a couple of things and head to the farm. I’m assuming he’s coming with me?” You ask quietly, pointing at T-Dog, who was slumped down on the ground with his back against a broken-down car.
The older man nodded and said, “Glenn will go with you. You can take Carol’s Cherokee.”
Glenn shook his head, understandably not happy about needing to leave the RV, he’d become attached to it.
You reach for him subconsciously and grab his hand and say, “Please, come with us. I don’t know if I’d be able to protect Jace and T-Dog on my own if I run into walkers.”
Reluctantly, he agreed, “How bad is he?”
“That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection,” Dale says seriously. “Get him to that farm and see if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, T-Dog will die, no joke.”
You watch as Daryl walks over to his motorbike and pulls a couple of dirty rags off it before pulling out a plastic bag full of pills. He tosses the rag at Dale, saying, “Keep your oily rags off my brother's motorcycle. Why’d you wait until now to say anything? I got my brother's stash. Crystal, X. You don’t need that. I got some kickass painkillers. Oxycyline. Not the generic stuff either, it’s first class. Merle got the clap on occasion.”
On any other day you would have laughed at his clap comment, but instead you picked up the drugs Daryl had left out and handed them to Glenn, “You want to help T-Dog and I’ll get our stuff?”
“I’ve already got it.”
You spin back around to see Daryl holding yours and Glenn’s backpacks. He had moved so fast, you hadn’t even noticed him going inside the RV and back out. You reach for the bags and say, “Thanks.”
He holds onto them while walking towards Carol's car. “I’ve got them…you’ve already got a heavy load on you anyway.”
“What a gentleman,” Andrea scoffs.
You watch as Daryl tosses the bags into the back seat, “hope that had nothin fragile in them.”
Once you check that Jace didn’t need to be changed, you step into the front passenger seat at the same time T climbs into the back. You felt bad that Glenn was leaving with you when he didn't want to, but what you said before was the truth. If, for any reason, you were surrounded, you didn't think you were a good enough fighter to protect yourself, your son, and T-Dog.
Glenn began to talk as he drove away from the highway and towards the farm, but nothing he said made any sense to you; the reality of what was happening was finally kicking in. It must've been an illusion, some trick of the mind, that was blocking you from the overwhelming feeling of grief and pain over your nephew being so close to death, even though you had every faith he’d pull through.
To make matters worse, you had a gut feeling this was just the beginning and the bad things would just keep coming.
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Hello again. I'm just wondering how your rebiult au and my Impressioned!AU [which is the name of the AU yours inspired] would interact if they ever met so here's some info on my Impressioned!AU
William: He was a good father and husband up until his wife's death. Then he became more twisted. He first started killing to give his two youngest playmates in the afterlife but then discovered renment and it went further downhill from there. He really went from a kind and [mostly] patient man to a complete monster.
Mrs. Afton: The first he braught back and a former actress. While she still genuinely loves William, she's mortafied by his crimes but knows better then to let him see that. She acts how he wants/expects her to for her own safty and knows the man she married is gone forever.
Michael: The second one William braught back. His anamatronic body was made to resemble how he was when he was thirteen and has a function that prevents him from having memories William doesn't approve of so he actually 'behaves' except for the times he subconsciously goes aginst William without even realizing it so William has him monatered at all times. [He may forget but he still remembers lol and his 'monaters' are the 'friends' William gave him]
Chris [Cc]: The third braught back. He's forever the age he died [9] and is obedient to William out of fear. Since William doesn't see him as a threat at all, he has more freedom then Mike and even their mother.
Elizabeth: She has permission to freely roam over the whole Pizza Plex as not only is she no threat in William's eyes, she's the most obedient and doesn't question him. She's the only one happy about this situation [besides William] and doesn't know about any of William's crimes.
Gregory: Killed then forced into a anamatronic that forces him to obey, he's the most bothered by the whole thing. He's forved to be Chris' playmate and can only go where Chris is aloud to go. His only comfort is Mrs. Afton but Chris does try.
Cassie: The only alive one. She was saved be Elizabeth suddenly appering to ask William for something. And since his 'princess' wanted the child as her playmate the moment she saw her, William gave her what she wanted. Cassie is now forcably bouned to Elizabeth via a shock collar and she has no choice but to play with Elizabeth [the callar will activate if she's too far from Elizabeth and if she refuses to play with Elizabeth]
Charlie is in the AU too and she's really in the same position as Gregory and Cassie. She's also made to play with Chris and Elizabeth. [Also Elizabeth is 7 as she died at 7. Same with Charlie. And Gregory and Cassie are both 10].
Hope you like my AU ^^ [and sorry for the length]
All and all it probably wouldn’t go very well if they were ever to meet up. XD
Rebuilt William and his counterpart would get along the best, as they both had the same goal that ended up accomplishing. Rebuilt William would be impressed that the other already has his wife back and would suggest the shocking system if Impressioned William was looking for more ways to curb Michael’s behavior.
Rebuilt Michael would be very disturbed by his counterpart because on some levels he’s afraid that Rebuilt William will end up resorting to similar tactics if he got tired of trying to break him.
Rebuilt Elizabeth mostly feels indifferent towards her counterpart and maybe even a little pity as Impressioned Elizabeth is clearly still blinded by how ‘great’ their father is and doesn’t see what the monster is doing to their brothers.
Rebuilt Gregory is very conflicted on how to feel about his counterpart. On one hand Impressioned Gregory’s situation still sucks and he’s basically a slave, but on the other hand Impressioned Gregory is more valued than Rebuilt Gregory. Impressioned Gregory was killed with the purpose of becoming Chris’s friend whereas Rebuilt Gregory’s life was just a means to an end is very much hated by William and Mike is often punished just because Gregory continues to exist.
Evan mostly just feels pity for his counterpart. He’s still just a terrified kid in a bad situation whereas Evan has outgrown most of his fear over his years of being in Golden Freddy.
All the Rebuilt Afton siblings are extremely disturbed and disappointed at how their counterpart mother acts as there’s a part of them that hopes that their own mother would protect them rather than fall in line with William.
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nuttytani · 8 months
Celestia's Cruel Thesis
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Tartaglia | Childe x Zhongli
Premise: Childe gets isekai'd to a Liyue where Rex Lapis still rules over it.
chapter 2 link
You can also read this fic on ao3 here
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Chapter 3: May the odds be ever in your favour
“Dear Milleliths, you might have the wrong person,” Master Liu Siu speaks up at last and tries to walk closer to where Childe was. 
He is blocked by the Millelith that crowded around the redhead and gets a polite warning instead. “We indeed have the right person. Please don’t be fooled by this innocent looking man, Liu Siu Xiansheng,” the commander of the group says as he gives a nasty glare towards Childe. 
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never used counterfeit mora in my life,” Childe counters, feeling confused about this predicament he is currently in. 
The commander looks as if he wants to roll his eyes but refrains himself and continues to speak, “Further discussions regarding this matter will be after we take you to Jade Chamber. Stop resisting, and perhaps you might receive a lighter punishment for your blasphemy.” 
A handful of the teahouse patrons start their murmuring. It’s not loud, but enough to make out what they’re saying. 
“Tsk tsk tsk… See, this is why we should never trust a qigai.” 
“What do you mean by qigai? He doesn’t behave like one. I’m sure you meant to say Snezhnayan. Aiyah…Sometimes I wonder why Dijun and the Qixing let them all trade in the harbour.”
“Hush now! Don’t be rude. It’s the Fatui who are trouble.”
“And? Most Fatui are Snezhnayans.” 
“Oh...I thought the boy was from Fontaine, blue eyes and all.”
“Pshhh… I heard the boy talk distinctly in Snezhnayan a few times to himself. I’m not that old to be deaf.”
 So they’ve already begun to gossip, huh. 
There was no way out of this. The gods must truly hate him. Not only did he get fooled in Liyue, arrive in a strange Liyue, and get called names by the locals, but also got accused of creating counterfeit mora. Well, the gods hated him, since the instant he was born. How could he forget about falling into the abyss at the shy age of 14? Which entirely changed the trajectory of his life. 
Childe pauses his self-deprecating thoughts, with a resigned sigh, he holds his hands out, and the Milleliths in charge quickly handcuff him. Meanwhile, Sir Fan Er’ye and Master Liu Siu observed the entire scene play with an unfamiliar look in their eyes. Surely, it must be disgust. He couldn’t tell– with the way the two were frowning so hard.  
With arrogance, one of the younger Milleliths harrumphs, and tips his head upwards, “Let us leave.” He then pointedly scrutinises Childe and resumes his spiel, "Don't think about escaping! It’s nearly impossible to. Those handcuffs are made specially by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenzhun.” 
I wasn’t even going to escape, you doofus. How annoying.    
“Yes, yes…. Tie me up, bind me, strip me, whatever. I will not run away, lest I want the wrath of the rock,” he says in an annoyed voice. Speaking with these haughty Milleliths and nobles rubbed him in all the wrong ways. 
The Millelith however looks back at him with scorn, it seems like he said something wrong because the soldier replies with seething venom, “How dare you carelessly speak of his imperial majesty like that! Another word and I might as well chop that tongue off!”
“Youxu– that’s enough. There will be consequences if you act without orders,” the commander cautions the younger. 
“But Ge… I mean… Seargent Fengyan, this lunatic needs to be disciplined!” the one named Youxu says in earnest. 
“Indeed, however, we are unqualified to issue such punishments.” He reprimands Youxu, before facing his team. “Soldiers, make haste. It will be sundown by the time we make it to Yujing Terrace,” Sergeant Fengyan barks out loud enough for the entire teahouse to hear and there is pin drop silence. All the chattering stopped. 
Every single Millelith saluted Sergeant Fengyan and in unison, all yelled hooah.  
Now, that is how Childe stood, in front of the three Qixing ladies. His hands were still bound by the handcuffs and the Milleliths had blocked his every movement with their spears all around him. They were on guard twice as much. It appeared that his his last encounter with the soldiers in Yiyan Temple was not forgotten. 
If it weren’t for the strange Adepti handcuffs on his wrists, he would have escaped this place in record time. Except then he’d be 1) fugitive with a bounty on top of his head for apparently using counterfeit mora 2) his imperial majesty, the almighty Yanwang Dijun and his Adepti friends would capture him in a second. So frankly, there’s no point in running away. He just hopes this is all some strange misunderstanding because he has never used fake mora, ever. 
“You foreigner, named Childe, speak at once, about how you got hold of counterfeit mora.” Tianquan, Lady Ningguang, looked down at him, from the stage she stood, alongside Yuheng and Secretary Ganyu. Her gaze was sharp, her bright umber eyes stared deep into him, examining.  
Someone from the Milleliths surrounding him whispered amongst themselves, “I thought it was child– as in haizi.” 
“Tsk tsk, Yong’an-Ge… It is Childe, as in young nobleman,” the other Millelith responded in a hushed tone.
“Oh… Isn’t he a qigai? You know…The clothes and all.” 
“That’s the confusing part, is he trying to play the game of opposi–”
“Please, remain silent. We wish to hear what the convict has to say,” Keqing ordered, especially at the chattering pair. The hall indeed becomes completely quiet, save for the constant breathing of all and the heavy atmosphere lingering in the air. 
Childe cleared his throat and brought the attention of everyone in the Jade Chamber hall, to himself. Ah– he is unsure about what to say. It’s not like the Qixing would believe his words, not after their last meeting and specifically after they’re convinced that he made fake mora. 
With carefully constructing words in his head, Childe raised his voice, “Members of respected Qixing. I’m confused as to why I’m brought here in your office, in such a manner, it might be hard to believe since you all seem to have a biased opinion of me… however– I swear on my life and the Archon of love, that I have never created nor distributed counterfeit mora.” He took a deep breath and kneeled on the ground, while the Milleliths adjusted their spears around him. “All I want is to go back to my original world, and there is no reason for me to produce fake mora, especially when I require the help of your Archon to send me back home.”
As if tired of hearing him talk, Keqing heaved a loud sigh. She glanced back and forth between Lady Ningguang and Secretary Ganyu. Finally, she beckoned one of the secretary ladies, who stood on the side. 
“Baixiao, please bring the pouch over and the records please,” Secretary Ganyu addressed the shorter woman.  
“Yes, right away.” Baixiao bowed, disappeared quickly and appeared just as fast. Her hands held a huge pouch of mora and a stack of documents, she handed them over to Ganyu. 
Click-clack of Ganyu’s heels echoed in the Jade Chamber hall, as she delicately stepped down the stage and walked towards Childe. Her expression betrayed no emotions, as she opened the pouch of mora (the same pouch he gave to that perverted Lao Guai) in her hands, and proceeded to pull a coin out. 
She took a long look at it, flipping the sides over and over until she was satisfied with whatever she saw. “Baiwen, please take a note of serial number LE22300769.” 
“Yes, Secretary Ganyu.”
“This year’s minting of mora started with the letter C. The serialisation of mora with the letter L is supposed to happen 9 years from now. The letter E denotes the batch number. The serial number of the mora I have just read, which I shall repeat; LE22300769.” Ganyu closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath, before staring him down with cold and unfeeling eyes. 
“This originated from you, Mister Childe.”
That doesn’t sound good… At all. Is he doomed? An ex-harbinger put into jail for the production of counterfeit mora, how funny. Especially when the Qixing couldn't even lift a finger at him after the release of Osial. Funny indeed. He was actually doomed. 
He thought all mora was the same. Well, not exactly, but mora is mora. The ones he has or had in possession are in fact, very real and not fake. At least not in the other Liyue. Who knew using it would land him in shit? Childe thinks hysterically. Doomed from the start, he was using his precious mora pouches from day 1 in this Liyue. 
“Mister Childe? Will you still claim to not know anything?” Ningguang questioned, sweetly. 
Her words were like the final nail to his coffin, or so he felt. Would he even get a coffin? Perhaps he should have brought Hu Tao’s free 2 coffin coupon deal. Although it would be invalid in this Liyue. 
Someone snickered, finding this situation entertaining at his expense. 
Laugh at me all you want, assholes. 
“Mister Childe, if you don’t have any evidence to prove yourself to be innocent, then I’m afraid, we have no choice but to sentence you to 3 years of imprisonment, such states the law of Liyue,” Ningguang resumed speaking, while also giving the snickering fools a stern look. “I must say, these new Milleliths have no sense of dignity. Sergeant Fengyan, I believe your work is cut out for you.”
Sergeant Fengyan felt quite ashamed on behalf of his new unit. It didn’t look good for him as their leader; it painted Fengyan as an irresponsible commander. The soldiers of his unit had misbehaved multiple times in front of the Qixing today. He bowed deeply and apologised, “I will make sure to discipline them well, Lady Ningguang.” 
She simply nodded. 
Although the attention from Childe was shortly directed elsewhere, Keqing, the Yuheng, had been staring at him for quite some time. Never straying her gaze from him, observing. When he at last met her unwavering and quite uncomfortable watch, she gave him a mischievous grin.
“So, I’ve been wondering, and please indulge my genuine question, Mister Childe, how were you able to replicate mora? They feel like the real deal, the only mistake you’ve made is the serialisation of them.” Keqing quirked a brow and took a scroll out of her dress pocket, scribbling something down with her brush pen. 
Childe grimaced, he knew she wouldn’t believe him, they clearly didn’t when he tried to ‘explain’ himself mere moments ago, opting to completely ignore what he said instead. A million thoughts passed in his mind. What would he do? What should he say? What options were left? He was once again aware of how alone he was in this place, no one he could trust, no one to rely on and certainly no one to pull him out of this mess. 
Sure, he may be friendly with Granny Ping, Master Liu Siu and some other elderly people who were kind to him, but do they truly care for him? For Liyuens in this world, he’s nothing but a sorry looking miserable qigai and now a criminal. For all he knows, the elderlies might have felt pity about his circumstances and wanted to be generous to score some moral points. Plus, it’s not like the people back in the other Liyue liked him. 
He breathes in.
He breathes out. 
Grounding his emotions right now is the most important task at the moment. If there’s one thing he learned from Master Skirk, is that nothing can be done with a tangled heart. Childe, with much hesitation, opens his mouth but the words are stuck in his throat. He has nothing to say nor any evidence to prove his innocence. 
“Mister Childe? You don’t have to tell me, we will eventually find out ourselves. The Qixing is capable enough for that, so there’s no need for the magician to reveal their secrets,” she mocked, with her self-assured grin. 
There was an abrupt murmur. All the Millelith stood at attention. The golden door to the Jade Chamber hall opened up. The pair of guards by the door clacked their spears against the marble flooring and stood ramrod straight before announcing in unison, “His Imperial Majesty, Yanwang Dijun, arrives!”
“Pay your respects to Dijun.”
The heavy ornate door flung open, as the Archon made his entry. Every single person bowed and recited, “Thousands of blessings to our lord!” 
Yanwang Dijun, in plain words, looked stunning. He was dressed to the nines, as usual. He wore beige coloured robes with golden iridescent embroidery on the cloth; they were scale like patterns– Childe concluded after a proper look. His silky hair was in a loose braid today, tied at the end with a yellow ribbon. In his hand, he held a foldable fan. A dainty little thing, a white background that had multiple blue glaze lilies painted. 
Childe could only stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. Not even bothering to rise from his kneeling position. Not for long, though. The Millelith who stood next to him must have witnessed his less than respectful stare. The soldier grabbed him by the arm, yanked him up to his feet and pushed on Childe’s back to make him forcefully bow.  
This was like deja vu. He swore something like this happened before. 
Dijun’s amber eyes briefly looked at every person, before eventually stopping at the young man with copper hair. It lingered there for a moment before he finally cleared his throat.
“Rise.” Yanwang Dijun’s voice reverberated in the hall.
All stood straight once more, and the soldier let go of Childe’s back. 
“Pray tell, what is going on here?” Dijun asked quizzically while fanning himself. His people were stunned at their Archon’s arrival, they did not imagine he would show up at the Jade Chamber, not at this hour. Besides, he rarely ever visited the Jade Chamber, unless the Qixing required his help. Dijun mostly spent his time in Yiyan Temple, busy with his own set of responsibilities. 
Everyone stood in silence for a minute or two. That is until Ningguang broke the awkward air by finally speaking, “Greetings, my lord. As you can see, we’re all fulfilling our duties as the Qixing. Rest assured.” 
“Qixing duties that include accusing innocent foreigners,” Childe muttered softly. He could hardly hold himself back from rolling his eyes. Though at the moment he had no proof or evidence to prove his innocence, it didn’t change the fact that he didn’t commit any crime. Well… no crimes in this Liyue, yet. 
Unknown to Childe, Yanwang Dijun heard him mumble, every single word. Possibly thanks to his extraordinary hearing from being an Adeptus. He snapped his white fan closed and slowly stepped towards Childe. 
“Innocent foreigner, you say?” Dijun placed his fan underneath Childe’s chin and tipped his face to meet the god’s gaze. Golden slitted eyes stared deep into his own, seeking something. Seeking what? Childe did not know. But he felt a wave of goosebumps rise on his skin from the sudden act. He was caught off guard, and that wasn’t good. It meant his mask of calm had slipped. 
“Hmm? Tell me. Do you consider yourself to be innocent?” Dijun questioned again.
Childe was silent as he pondered. Would answering the question make the man step away and give him some personal space? Would it make his fake mora predicament better? He doubted, but even so, it was worth a shot.
“Yes,” he replied with furrowed brows. 
Dijun kept staring into his eyes, unblinking. Eventually, the fan under his chin lifted away and with a sunny smile, the Archon moved away at last, turning his back. The fan in his hands snapped open and Dijun sighed, “You all heard him. He’s innocent.”
At that moment, the entire Jade Chamber hall erupted in chaos. Millelith and the respected members of the Qixing were crying and shouting at poor ol’ Yanwang Dijun to rethink his choice. 
“Your majesty, he is a foreigner qigai who committed blasphemy! How can you let him off so easily?” someone from the honourable Qixing, raised their voice. 
“My lord, you know nothing of his deeds. He basically scammed the old and used his young and pretty face to get into their hearts!” one of the Milleliths yelled.
“Are you enchanted by him too, your majesty? Is that why you’re letting this… man named Childe, off the hook?” Keqing joined in. 
Baishi, who had been quiet this entire time, speaks up, “Dear Yuheng, how could you accuse our lord like that! Our esteemed lord is not one to be charmed by a pretty face,” 
“I agree!” The other two Tianquan secretaries; Baiwen and Baixiao, also jumped onto the bandwagon. 
Amidst the chaos of constant arguing and protests between the members of Qixing and the Millelith, Yanwang Dijun stood in the middle, looking slightly amused. The corner of his lips had a slight curl. For some reason, he seemed to find the state of his government humorous. 
Childe did not find this funny at all. Not a single bit. He wanted to pry open the Archon’s head to know what was going on inside that head. Was he off the rockers? Did he take something? His entire government was fighting and the old man wasn't even doing anything? Even the ever quiet Ganyu was taking part in this. 
At last, Dijun seemed to have enough kick from the crisis. He raised his hand halfway, motioning all to keep quiet. 
“Now, I do find all of your theories and assumptions to be interesting, to say the least.” Dijun smiled in such a way that his eyes crinkled around the corners and formed crescents. He continued, “Even so, this is getting out of hand. Please refrain yourselves, you are all members of the Qixing and Millelith… Maintain some semblance of professionalism.” 
The entire crowd looked like children who were scolded by parents. Shuffling their feet and unable to face their lord. They all kept their heads down in embarrassment. Baiwen, on the other hand, seemed to be looking serious by the second as she whispered into Lady Ningguang’s ear. As if agreeing, Ningguang nodded with a severe look on her face. She glanced towards Childe, with a distrust.
He wondered what she was plotting; it was difficult to tell. This entire scene felt like a part of a comedy from the theatre plays back in Snezhnaya and he held himself back from laughing his head off, which was becoming tough as each moment passed. Except, he was the source of comedy, the clown, and that wasn’t something to laugh at. 
“I beg your forgiveness, on behalf of the members of Qixing and Millelith, my lord. We’re all expressing genuine concern, as you do not know the severity of the crimes, Mister Childe, has committed,” said Ningguang, as she motioned for Ganyu to pass over the documents to Dijun; to which, he received with a thanks and proceeded to look over them with a cursory glance. 
“Mister Childe has produced and distributed counterfeit mora in huge amounts. We found out after a thorough investigation, that the employees of Bubu Pharmacy received a suspicious amount of mora from one of their customers. Out of the blue too, I might add,” Ningguang carried on. 
To which, Dijun responded with a soft chuckle, “I am well aware, Lady Ningguang.”
“I believe you do not. Ganyu, please bring in the pouch of mora,” she ordered. Not a minute too late, Ganyu arrived with the pouch of mora. Once again, Ganyu presented it to Dijun. He didn’t even bother to take it. 
“Please, I implore you to check them, my lord.”
“Hmm…But I can already tell that these mora coins are not fake, Lady Ningguang. The geo energy within the pouch of mora you have shown me is undoubtedly the same as any other mora coin in the Golden House–”
Keqing frowned and opened her mouth, “But–”
Dijun raised his hand halfway. “Let me continue. I know of your concerns. I am well aware that the serial codes on these mora coins do not match with what we have available amongst the common folk, also the fact that these should have been distributed at least 9 years later,” he paused, and gave a short look at Childe. “However, this does not mean that the mora Mister Childe has distributed is fake. It’s very real. Now we may all be wondering, then why is it that the codes differ so much?”
The emperor positively glowed when he said, “Simple! The mora he has used is not from this world.”
“Your majesty, that is absurd! Do you really believe the words of a nobody?” It seems Keqing had enough of Yanwang Dijun’s speech and couldn’t help but intervene at last. 
“Ah yes, a nobody indeed. Don’t you find it strange that there is no record of a person named ‘Childe’? After our brief encounter with him in the temple, I contacted Devi Kusanali. She confirmed that there is no one such as Childe nor Tartaglia in Teyvat.” The god hands the documents and the pouch over to Ganyu and steps closer towards where Childe stood. “No record of him in the world tree at all, which is impossible. His claims about being from another world are true. It explains why his ‘mora’ feels real yet the codes are different.” 
The entire hall stares with uncertainty at Childe. They couldn’t believe their ears. Even their lord confirmed that this so-called qigai, was in fact from another world, how could it be? 
“Now, now. No need to be surprised. First, let us release Mister Childe from his handcuffs.” Dijun calls for one of the younger Milleliths, named Yong’an, who held the keys. 
Childe felt his body tense as the god strode towards him, a bit too close for comfort. Childe could smell the mild scent of silk flowers wafting from his robes, as he slipped the key into the hole of the cuffs and twisted it back and forth. The key made squeaky noises while the god struggled to unlock the handcuffs. 
The key made a weird click sound, and the esteemed Yanwang Dijun paused in his ministrations. Blinking slowly at the handcuffs. 
Dijun peeked from beneath his eyelashes and smiled apologetically. “Ah. It seems the key is stuck.” 
“What?” asked Childe, feeling wary.
“The key which unlocks your handcuffs. It is stuck,” the esteemed Yanwang Dijun repeated himself. 
All the officials and soldiers wanted to laugh, but they resisted the temptation. Biting on their lips to keep their giggles in. But a few of them couldn’t help but snort like pigs at how things were progressing. Childe too, wanted to join in and laugh hysterically. Not at Dijun, not at himself, but at his luck. His terrible luck. 
“I heard you fine the first time,” he replied. “Are you doing this on purpose?”
Youxu, the young Millelith harshly pointed at Childe in anger. “How dare you accuse our lord like that! Apologise immediately, you–”
“Youxu-Ge, please… Calm down!” Yong’an covered his friend’s mouth, as Sergeant Fengyan glared at the two. They were given a final warning by the Sergeant, and if they didn't behave themselves, the two would be escorted out and be barred from joining in cases for a month. The two young Milleliths immediately paled and profusely apologised and bowed multiple times. The rest of the soldiers were also given a warning, and all seemed pretty mortified for their actions.
“My apologies, Mister Childe… Please, hold still for a moment.” Dijun grabs Childe’s hands to extend the arms out. He placed his palm, in a spearhand position, between the handcuffs and swiftly struck it. The cuffs split in half and fell with a clang onto the marble floor. 
Lady Keqing was not impressed as she folded her arms. “You’d have to replace that, my lord.” 
“Of course, I shall ask Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun to provide you with another.” He then shifted to face Childe. “Well then! You are free to go, but before that, I would like to apologise to you for the disrespect.”
Childe tilted his head and pinched his chin as if contemplating, before he immediately replied, “No, why should I? What will I receive in turn if I do accept your apology? Nothing– exactly. No, thank you.”
Hundreds of eyes were glaring at his back, if they stared any longer, Childe would be burnt to a crisp, like the one time Anthon left the fire on and accidentally charred the rice. Of course, his brother was scolded by Tonia, who put him in charge of making rice. She pulled him by the ear and stood next to him to watch as Anthon started to cook a new batch of rice.  
Dijun made a blank face as if he didn’t expect it, but he instantly changed it back into his polite smile. If Childe wasn’t staring so intently at the Archon, he might have missed it. 
“Well then, how about a tour of Liyue? You haven’t been long in this world, I assume. There’s a lot to see and shop in the land of commerce,” Dijun quickly regained himself and countered. His officials did not like the idea as they started to grumble and chatter again but stopped as their lord gave them an exasperated look. “What do you say?” he asked, sweetly, with that blinding smile and warm amber eyes. 
Wait– why is he even thinking like that? Childe scolds himself in his mind. 
“Fine. On one condition though,” he sighed. “You, Yanwang Dijun, the Lord of Geo, shall pay for everything.”
“It’s a contract.” Dijun looked pleased as he lightly nodded. 
Cicadas hummed and a pleasant summer breeze passed by. Bubu Pharmacy was quiet and serene. Most of the employees were on a lunch break. Well, most being Qiqi. Herbalist Gui had to stay behind as Dr Baizhu was away from the harbour.
Someone pushed the door, causing the wind chime next to it to ring. An old man with his walking stick slowly shuffled towards the counter.
“Oh… Guai Yeye! Welcome!” Herbalist Gui greeted the old man with a wide smile. 
“Long time no see, here again for your joints?” the youth asked, whilst placing measured doses of medicine into paper pouches and labelling them neatly with his inky brush pen.
“Good afternoon, young man, ahh yes yes. The usual please,” Lao Guai rasped. He coughed into his fist as his body shook. He looked around the pharmacy with keen eyes. Particularly at the herbal blends that had tags such as ‘great for stamina!’ or ‘no more back pain’. 
Herbalist Gui nodded at the old man and twisted to face the wooden drawers, opening a few. He flips through the paper pouches with the names of the customers who’d receive them. 
“Hmm…Not here.. Just a moment, Yeye.” The young man glanced back and promised to return soon, as he went into one of the staff-only rooms, and in a brief moment came out with a bright smile. 
“Here you go, and that will be 850 mora.” He hands the medicine over to Lao Guai. 
Lao Guai opened his mouth only to erupt in a coughing fit, once he calmed down he thanked Gui and paid him. Gui, however, looked at the old man with concern. He knew that the elderly had developed a nasty cough because of the ever changing weather recently, but instead of improving, whenever he met the old man, he seemed to get worse. 
“Would you like me to pack you some expectorants for your cough? On the house, since you’re a regular.”
“Aiyah… I’d feel too bad for that, young lad… But who am I to deny free medicine?” Lao Guai’s eyes crinkled as he chuckled heartily. “That reminds me, would you mind packing a few of those back pain and stamina blends? Maybe it’ll help me a bit, my wife’s been complaining that I’m always crying about my back and lack of energy… If you know what I mean”
Gui hummed and grabbed the blends from the display shelves. “That will be 5000 mora in total.”
Lao Guai just drops a big pouch of mora on the counter. “Take this entire thing. Recently landed jackpot, you see. Think of it as advanced payment.”
The young man quirked his brow but he kept quiet and took the heavy pouch without complaint. He had seen plenty of things in this pharmacy, and this didn't even make him bat a lash. He just hopes that this elderly hasn’t taken an interest in gambling, otherwise he will make sure to inform his wife promptly. 
He sends the man off with a wave and resumes work. Lunch break was probably over as Qiqi came back and placed her basket, filled with herbs, on the counter.  
“Did you have your lunch, Qiqi?” Gui asked while grabbing the basket from where it was placed and carrying it back into the storeroom. He came back and sighed, plopping down on the chair in front of the little girl.
“Qiqi…ate…” she replied, in a slow manner; to which she received a soft pinch on the cheek. 
“Gui is sad now– I thought we would eat lunch together,” he makes a comically sad face at her.
Now, Qiqi also frowns looking at Gui and gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Qiqi… Eat lunch with Gui… Tomorrow… Don’t cry.” 
While Herbalist Gui and Qiqi were having a sweet moment, a lady in dark blue clothing sneaked in and rummaged through the cash counter. After finding whatever she was looking for, she grabbed the heavy pouch of mora and replaced it with the one hanging on her waist. Effortlessly, she tiptoed out of the pharmacy, unnoticed. 
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Author’s Notes for Chapter 3
I did not expect this chapter to be so dialogue heavy… I kind of feel that this was a bit crack and maybe a bit exaggerated? But I’m not sure. Sorry in advance if it is TT
[1] Handcuffs - With Fontaine’s release and all, I thought having proper metal handcuffs would be much better. Though I thought about the Millelith binding Childe’s arms with rope! But he’s too strong for that, so magic-strengthened metal handcuffs it is!
[2] Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun - Cloud Retainer’s CN name. The zhenjun part is a title, it means lord. Sorry, I won’t be using CR’s human/mortal name; Xianyun, even though it’s tempting and probably much easier, gotta keep the names consistent, since Rex Lapis goes by Yanwang Dijun. 
[3] Ge - Short for Gege which stands for elder brother / big bro. Used for family members and close friends. 
[4] Hooah - A type of greeting that soldiers use, it means everything and anything, except no. I always thought it was spelled as ‘hah’. You learn new things everyday. 
[5] three Qixing ladies - Found out that Ganyu was not actually a Liyue Qixing member, as in the bigshot members who do the important work. She is their secretary :”D omg and I’ve been playing the game for the past 2 years now… I’m disappointed in myself, not that it’s a new thing. 
[6] NPC Milleliths - They are actually in the game! Nope I didn’t make them up. The only made up characters were Luo Xiansheng and Lao Guai from the first chapter. Again, any names you’ll see in this fic are most likely in the game, unless I state otherwise in the A/N 
[7] Devi Kusanali - Nahida’s title. I hate to use the “lesser lord lord Kusanali” thing so I just went with Devi (which means goddess). 
[8] Spearhand - It looks like this.
[9] Yeye - Grandfather/grandpa 
[10] Expectorant - A type of cough medicine that loosens up the mucus in your airway and helps the secretions to come out more easily through coughs. 
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wildsecuritywolf · 1 year
*sighs* Okay...I really didn’t want to say this, but I did hear that with Fuboo’s first defamation case being dismissed due to not enough evidence and bullshit, I heard that NOW she’s trying to pull the same shit with Queen Serafina from YouTube with a cease and desist letter via the lawyer from Twitter.
….I know I no longer talk to her and all that…but all I can say is….ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM, woman?!
Your first defamation case got thrown out due to your lawyer’s incompetence with trying to “obtain” the identities of your victims from Twitter and let me tell ya, sister, for a lawyer that’s suppose to be very good at his job he sure as FUCK can’t be bothered to gather his research in full! Like, holy shit!
That’s like being better than fucking Ty Beard when it came to the Vic Mignona case and guess how he handle that situation??
And as for your “lawyer” I know that there are two things wrong with what he’s supposedly doing to Queen. And yes, I saw the video just now and uh, to that mother fucker, if you plan to send a cease and desist letter….PUT THAT KIND OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION IN A DAMN MANILLA ENVELOPE AND MAIL IT TO THE PERSON YOU’RE TRYING TO SUE OVER! You don’t screen shot that bullshit and send it to the accuser in question online, you fucking moron!! Also, the entire document itself sounds incredibly ridiculous! The way your supposed “lawyer” is trying to intimidate Queen Serafina is just downright bogus on all levels of stupidity.
And uh, the way I see it…aren’t lawyers suppose to uh…NOT FUCKING LIE when it comes to those types of legit cease and desist documents there? Because it looks like he is in all accounts. To James, you’re doing a piss poor job of trying to help out your client there, bucko. Even I can tell everything ya said is 100% all a pack of lies upon lies upon motherfucking lies. The way I see it…this case against Queen Serafina…you ain’t got shit!
Fuboo, you and your incompetent lawyer are willing to die on that hill against them??
Well if you are planning to do so…THEN GO AHEAD AND TRY! But you know fully DAMN WELL that that case is also gonna get thrown out and you’re gonna get laughed at once again.
Holy fucking hell! You’re like what…probably 40 or 40 something by now cuz I know you’re a few years older than me..and you’re behaving like this?! GROW THE FUCK UP AND ADMIT DEFEAT!
Your victims aren’t afraid of you…and ya know, way before the whole YBF stuff, you use to be cool, I use to enjoy the fact ya liked my Sebby and all that, and yes while I still loved the pics ya made for me years ago, I want to be VERY fucking clear…that I only cherished the past stuff, WAY before the creation of your game, and by that I only cherished about your interaction with my characters, our love for FNAF stuff and nothing more…with what’s going on now…there’s no way in hell I want to associate myself with you.
And I don’t care if you get mad at me for saying what I had to say…but I don’t regret it. Don’t message me, don’t contact me in anyway; until you own up and stop acting like a fucking child…I’m done with you.
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michameinmicha · 8 months
hello you asked for cats so i will SHOW YOU MY CATS. i live with three of them!! two are more connected to my roomie since they've lived with my roomie for longer than with me, one is super fixated on me. we have pumput, fred, and kasi
(kein plan warum ich das alles auf englisch geschrieben habe aber mir ist es literally nicht aufgefallen bis ich schon mehr als die hälfte hatte lol naja egal)
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he's the middle child. he doesn't like strangers, has a very melodic purr, sucks at sharpening his claws. he can be very talkative but he's very well behaved, he doesn't meow unless you pay attention to him. he likes to pretend he's the alpha of the household. he is kind stupid. he's always annoyed at kasi because kasi is a grumpy old man who sometimes Dares to go into Pumputs TerritoryTM (the hallway and kitchen). he is very gentle even when he's telling you to fuck off. he likes to squeeze himself into the very narrow gap between my desk and the heater when the heater is on. to absorb as Much Warmth as he can
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the youngest. acts like it. he is really really stupid (affectionate). he always wants to play with kasi. kasi hates him but he doesn't respect him at all. fred wasn't socialised with other cats when he was a baby so he doesn't understand cat language. thus he is never afraid of/respects kasi even when he hisses at him. he likes to watch birds and chitter at them. greatest fly-catcher (and other insects) that has ever lived. he can usually be found on my loft bed because he treats it like a premium cat tree. gets along with everyone because he doesn't get it when they don't like him. he's always like. "that seems like a they problem (✿◠‿◠)"
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the old man. the grumpy asshole. the light of my life. he can be really annoying when he doesn't get his food at Exactly The Right Time or i dare to change my (and subsequently his) routine. he likes to cuddle but only with me. he really enjoys eating plants of every kind, especially if he's not allowed to. he has arthrosis and recently lost his eyesight on one of his eyes due to complications with high blood pressure. i've lived with him since i was 7 (he is 17). he has been a lone wolf for most of his life (he's been living with me again for about a year, he stayed at my mother's place when i moved out). because of that he hated both pumput and fred to the point where i thought he had to go back to my mother. but now they're in a state of mutually ignoring each other/tolerance/the occasional hiss and slap when someone Dares to go into his terriotry. or when there's food. recently he has taken a liking to sitting at the windowsill in my roomie's room which faces the street (he does not care about my windowsills, which point to the garden and the birds).
(if you want to see more of them i have a tag on my blog where i post cat pics ;) it's #kitty cats)
here's some things i like about you that i noticed in the brief time our paths have been crossing:
-i love your dedication to die drei fragezeichen omg i was never into it as a child but i love seeing you be so enthusiastic about them -your art is fucking beautiful -you have a great sense of humour -your blog is very pretty and your profile pic makes me smile
i think we're kind of similar, at least in a few ways. i greatly enjoy seeing you in my notes and i'm very happy we're mutuals <3 thank you for always liking my art stuff it means a lot to me!!!
i hope you feel better soon and i am bonking my head against yours like a cat and if you want i am squishing you in a hug as well
Asdfhjll thanks for showing me your cats they sound lovely and are very cute! Interesting to read about their interactions and personalities :3 Also good names as well!
I wanna show u my cats too <3
Kasi reminds me a bit of my timmy who died last year (he turned 20 (old old man) and also had arthrosis (and diabetes but the special food worked rly well for him) and loved plants (especially schnittlauch, which isnt great for cats in big quantities (he loved that shit and we had to put it out of his reach cause he always got to it)) sometimes grumpy but mostly sweet and loved cuddles and also was very vocal about getting food on time! He used to sleep next to my head :,) Oh and he too loved laying on the windowsill watching the street as well!)
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Also theres cami our other cat who is a lot younger and always annoyed timmy trying to play when he just wanted to nap like the grandpa he was... shes very stubborn and fluffy, she has a very high voice like 'meeeep' and when shes feeling cuddly its the softest! She never learned how to wake me up (which timmy used to do by literally sceeaming in my ear from 0cm away) instead she always just lies on top of me and starts purring which only makes me more comfy in bed... although she has been getting more vocal recently, which i guess is a good thing :)
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Thanks for sending this very long ask
i send a head bonk and hug back!
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Eerie coincidences leading up to season 8's Goodbye Stranger
I swore I'd never talk about this episode, but it features a jealous guy named Spencer (he who "dispenses"), a "Jimmy," and a girl named after the "forgiveness" character in The Merchant of Venice and is reminiscent of Porsche/"fancy car."
But I will say that this is so very, very, incredibly, jaw-droppingly Chuck-coded:
SPENCER: Of course you don't. Neither of you ever considered my feelings. JAMES: Portia? This is about her? SPENCER: Can you imagine the insult when she chose you? I wanted her as my soul mate the moment I saw her. When she picked you...I endured it. But when you two went all Bella and Edward, broke the code, put your passions before the community rules, well, the arrogance, the entitlement was too much. Your total ruination seemed appropriate.
This is the infamous, cruel, disrespectful 8x15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits. (Skip it, it's not worth the egregious racism). Nevertheless, there is a remarkably consistent throughline running through many of these throwaway episodes, coming just before 8x17 Goodbye Stranger.
James "Jimmy" is a man being forced to "act out" murders, just as Cas is acting out and committing murders for Heaven. Like Cas, he's pushing his (would-be) lover away. He shouts her to "GO," Just as Cas shouted Dean to "GO" in Purgatory.
When I think about the ruination of the Nephilim-coded things being destroyed in seasons 8 and 15, all I can see is Chuck sundering Earth from Heaven.
And here, in 8x16 Remember the Titans, we have a Zeus behaving remarkably similar to how The Empty does in 14x08 Byzantium. Zeus cursed Prometheus to die over and over, and his seven-year-old son is now awakening to the same fate.
ZEUS: Tell me, has Prometheus experienced the child's death yet? [HAYLEY gives a nod.] How did he take it? Did he hurt? [HAYLEY nods again.] Good. [ZEUS points his fingers at SHANE/PROMETHEUS who falls to his knees attempting to breathe.] 8x16: Remember the Titans
COSMIC ENTITY: Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I'm taking him. And where I'm taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to. [Cas deploys his angel blade to attack, but the Entity flings him across the room] 14x08: Byzantium
In season 7, Cas refers to his own resurrection as, "I don't die - I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment resurrection. It's worse every time." 7x23: Survival of the Fittest
The Prometheus himself is dressed a little bit as season 1 Sam, as a boy hated by God, but narratively, he's Cas.
SAM: Of course not. You were afraid big daddy would find out that you fell for the person he hates most in this world.
Makes you wonder if Cas's instincts are right? Perhaps, Chuck actually hates Cas. Perhaps, it really is a sadistic punishment resurrection, and he actually lives and breathes to see Cas and Dean separated.
And again here, Zeus's rage has so much in common what what the Empty will be like:
ZEUS: You like being an immortal, don't you? [He's kneeling in front of OLIVER again.] Oh, sure, you die every day, but nothing can keep you dead. [ZEUS looks over at SHANE who is lying on the ground.] It's almost like taking a little nap. All of your cares and worries disappear for a little while. Well, it's sleepy time, my dear boy. [His tone is like a loving grandfather, he stands, both hands crackling with lightning.] I never get tired of watching you die. [ZEUS, holding SHANE up, says it right into his ear.] Your boy is going on the mountain. 
[The entity kicks CASTIEL.] COSMIC ENTITY: Just let’s lay down. Let’s just try and sleep. Hmm? Think about it. Infinite peace, yes? No regrets. No pain. Kiddo, save yourself.
I think Chuck is absolutely seething over Cas and Dean being in love in season 8.
Cas did not steal fire, but he did rip up the pages at the end of season 4. In season 10, his grace is reintroduced in a library, amongst fluttering pages, as a story-destroyer.
The theme of the angel-human hybrid family is ever-present in season 8, and the total ruination of the hybrid angel-human family is ongoing in season 15.
At the end, only Sam's family remains. The "pure," "good," "Noah-like" one. Heaven and Earth are split once more.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Okay, I have so much to say about chapter three of Reflection of the Moon 🤯 This chapter seemed to have started with the intention of breaking my heart... but in the end it only made me nervous, with Joel’s shitty behavior. Most of all he should know how difficult it is for a parent to raise a child all by themselves... how hard it is not to feel enough, to want for their child a happy and complete family, and always fear that your own child will be made unhappy by the lack of that same shitty parent who 'like a rat' abandoned him. With everything you’ve been through with Sarah, with all the fear and suffering that you were terrified of finding in her eyes because of an absent mother, how can you even think of behaving in this disgusting way? And even worse, after a month of silence and absence, you also allow yourself the right to such a vile and childish jealousy??????
Joel has really disappointed me, I’m really pissed at him and I hope that, before giving him any forgiveness, the protagonist makes him crawl and cry in every language ever created 👺
(Needless to say, despite too many negative emotions, I loved this chapter because it shows all your ability to involve the reader and arouse feelings as strong as those that led me to write this Bible. I can’t wait to read the next chapters, in the hope of seeing in the protagonist more self-respect and girl power. <333333 )
ILYSM for sending me this!!!! I was really hoping I'd manage to write a fic that people would have thoughts and feelings about so i looove this. kind of long, spoilery-ish answer under the cut to save peoples dash haha
I think what I wanted to show in this chapter is that Joel is absolutely drowning in grief and suppressed emotions - he didn't get to sit down in a therapists office and comb through them, he just got the biggest trigger of all (ie having a kid) thrown into his lap and suddenly 20 years of suppressed shit just exploded on him.
he's a lunatic at the end with the jealousy for sure, and it absolutely comes from a place of fear. he's so afraid of losing reader (i call her cug/cugine to my friends cause she's abby's cousin hahaha) but also this new baby, and i think he's just not levelheaded enough to express that in another way than being extremely possessive. like he is FLAILING rn haha. he probably sees manny as a younger, hotter version of himself in some ways and imagines that M would probably be a better man for cug which is so sad imo
i think he also has a lot of anger he hasn't dealt with - anger at himself for failing sarah, at the world, probably at tommy, and even more at himself for shutting cug out when she needed him, and - as you pointed out - acting like the absent parent who made his own life so difficult, you know?
I will say that he works extremely hard for her forgiveness AND shes very adamant to him about how hurt she is, so she goes through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster as well trying to deal with it. itll be obvious that theyre very much in love though and just trying to cope with the whole situation :((( it should be said that this is also not the most well adjusted reader character ive written, she is a lil crazy too and you will see it hahahahah
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Fair City vs The Facility Au
Okay I was talking with melody recently in the dms and I just developed the most spectacular humongous au idea. It combine’s Melody’s and liloskull’s ideas and lore for Carrie and frankenstein bob along with Eris’s lab mouse au plus my becky boxleitner au and the facility Becky au.
So this takes place after the Kid Math episode. Becky is doing her usual patrols as Wordgirl with her sidekick Bob/Captain Huggy Face when one dad they just disappear. The villains start to worry about their missing hero when she stops showing up for their daily battles. The villains get more nervous when the find out that Dr. Two Brains’ daughter Becky and her pet monkey Bob are missing as well. None of the civilians make the connection between them and neither do most of the villains. Those that do well, now is not a time to talk about it with the distressed parent. At this point only Scoops knows about Becky’s secret identity as Rose has not appeared yet and Violet does not know either. She right now is more worried about her missing friend than the missing superhero. Kid Math takes over while Wordgirl and Huggy are gone. But the poor kid misses her too. Soon 3 to 4 months have passed and Dr. Two Brains is an emotional wreck. He has exhumed all his resources into finding his child and nearly thought about holding some people or the city hostage until he got his daughter back. Even Squeaky despite being vicious actually cares about Becky in a twisted way. They both ignore their obsession with cheese until Becky is found. One day, some of the local police find Becky passed out and looking malnourished in an alley way. The problem here is that she doesn’t look no longer humanoid. In fact, some of the doctors at the hospital where Becky was taken had to run some blood tests to identify here. Becky now looks like an anthropomorphic monkey but that is not the worst of it. When she woke up in the hospital, she started freaking out and panicking, acting and speaking like a regular monkey until her dad came to see her. Becky recognized her dad and eagerly went up to hug him and greet him in monkey speak. Soon after speaking to a licensed therapist, Two Brains discovers to his horror that Becky was somehow brainwashed and genetically altered so that she not only looked like a monkey, she thought she was one too and behaved as such. Poor Dr. Two Brains couldn’t even understand his child. She refused to speak human tongue as if she were afraid she would be punished for it. (eris’s idea for the lab mouse au for Two Brains) Dr. Two Brains has elected to working with Professor Robert Tubing in some hopes of returning his child back to the way she was. Even thought Two Brains can physically hold his daughter again and she still recognizes him as her dad, he feels there is a part of her that is still missing. Taken by those heartless people who he swore to make pay if he ever found them.
With Becky, she does have slight aversion to lab coats now. She doesn’t like when her dad wears them and has on occasion messed up his lab coat when he was not wearing it such as burying it or throwing dirt on it. This confirms Two Brains’ suspicions that scientists were behind what happened to his daughter. Becky also has bad nightmares and she spends most of her nights being comforted by her dad. Although Becky still cannot help people like she used too, she still has control over her powers and uses them to do minor good deeds without public eye. Kid Math and Two Brains made the lie that Wordgirl was back on Lexicon for extra hero training to stop people from worrying about the missing hero. Becky still recognizes Violet and Scoops who do their best to make Becky feel comfortable. Though Becky can’t speak she still has her vocabulary skills and will express anger or disappointment if someone misuses words. The henchmen are fine around Becky after getting used to them for a few weeks. Kid Math is surprisingly also recognized by Becky even though they had known each other for a short while. The villains give Becky her space but still help Two Brains anyway they can. 
As for how Carrie ties into this. Well after a few months of Becky’s return, she is getting better but has not spoken any human language yet. Tubing and Dr. Two Brains both think and fear it might not just be psychological trauma but also a result of Becky’s genes getting spliced with monkey DNA. They both soon realize that Becky had gotten spliced with Bob’s DNA through blood tests. Also Tubing now knows about Becky being Wordgirl but Dr. Two Brains made him swear to not tell anybody else even though Tubing said he would not risk her hero identity being revealed to anyone. Soon Carrie comes to the city and encounters Becky at Two Brains’ hideout. Even thought TB is first terrified because it is a cat person, he is confused and shocked when Becky seems to recognize her and Carrie calls Becky by their facility numbers which for Becky is 094. After calming himself down, TB confronts Carrie and pleads with her to tell him what happened with his daughter who he was constantly searching for with worry. Carrie, although still not comfortable with talking about her past, tells TB because she senses that he truly cares for his child and was wracked with grief when she disappeared. So the truth is that Carrie and Becky interacted even after Becky could no longer speak human. The way Becky and Carrie both escaped was due to Becky unleashing her powers full force accidentally one day which allowed the test subjects from the facility to escape. Unfortunately Carrie and Becky got separated in the chaos and confusion which is how Becky wound up back in Fair City way before Carrie did. Carrie does become a mom figure to Becky even though Carrie and Two Brains don’t get along at first. Soon the facility rears their ugly head when Franken Bob comes to get back Carrie and Becky.
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