#‘playthings for you’ i’m literally the one being played with lmao
elliesbelle · 1 year
Kinda hate the way you talk about “acquiring more mascs/studs/butches” as if they are playthings for you and nothing more. Masc women get this treatment toooo often from femmes in wlw communities and it’s disheartening. We are more than bodies to add to your roster lmfao
then unfollow me lol.
the mascs/butches/studs i fuck around with and talk to are fully aware of what i’m looking for right now. us treating each other as friends with benefits/hookups is literally a mutual thing. i’m fully aware there’s an issue in the gay community of treating masc women in a very specific way, but this arrangement i have with the people on my roster is CONSENSUAL.
i’m a femme lesbian, my entire identity is based around butches/studs, do not lecture me about how that shit works. if i were out here using and abusing these mascs/butches/studs and toying with their feelings just for sex, that would be one thing. but it’s primarily physical and it is established long before i even meet up with any of these people.
get your ass off your high horse because you don’t get any and you don’t enjoy the sex banter/lingo i use because i get some.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hii, I saw that ur requests r open and I was wondering if you could do diavolo with MC who gives birth to twin boys who have five arms in their demon form. You can also add another boys if you’d like! This is oddly specific and i completely understand if you don’t want to do it but I’d also like to add that I’m in love with ur writing honestly!<3 btw this is a request based on a dream I had and I was attached to them so badly, it haunts me to this day in a good way. Anyways enough of my embarrassment, I hope you’re having a wonderful day and have u been drinking enough water 😡
Aww tysm!! 💙 This was actually super cute to write 🥺 Also you better be staying hydrated too and getting enough sleep 😡😡💖 and I suck with names so i didn’t give them any so use your imagination (I’m so sorry 😭) hope you enjoy!
CW: pregnancy (nothing explicit), minor spoilers about MC’s background
Diavolo and MC with Twins!
When it was announced that you were pregnant with Lord Diavolo’s children it...wasn’t well received with some people. It was bad enough you two got married, but now this?!
The brothers were undoubtedly happy for you both, even if they weren’t with you your happiness was enough, and Diavolo was a dear friend to them all (and their literal ruler so who was gonna go against him lmao) and supported you both whole heartedly. The other exchange students shared the same sentiment, with Luke even being excited about meeting them (even if he wanted to act like he was too old to play with them)
It just that the same happiness wasn’t shared with some of the Devildom citizens, specifically the ones that still believed that the exchange program was nothing but a waste of time and a slap to the face. Humans were nothing but playthings and food to demons, and now their Future King has the nerve to lay with one?!
Well, Diavolo will not stand for this disrespect, and this will be one of the rare times that you will ever see him act on his demonic nature. He had no qualms in making a public example out of those who still spoke out against him, who didn’t accept his partner, his spouse, the one that will be by his side, their future noble
But other than that, everyone did celebrate the news of this!
The pregnancy was rather weird, but not as horrible as you thought. It was definitely an experience (you surprisingly had a lot of strength and energy, making your mood swings something to worry about, and you even had cravings to eat Solomon’s food, SOLOMON’S)
However, it was after you gave birth was when everything was just put into perspective. Looking down at your kids, the ones that you and Diavolo created together, it was just a feeling that can never be replaced or replicated 
(Until you guys have more kids which Diavolo is DEFINITELY planning for, but he’ll wait-)
They look human enough, having a mix of both of your features (the dominant one sharing Diavolo’s golden eyes), and just downright being the most precious beings you have ever seen. You were honestly questioning just how much of your human genes were dominant, and why they haven’t been in their demon form (or if they even had one but they had to, right? But why hasn’t it shown yet? Could it have been because of the whole Lilith ancestry situation?)
Diavolo just laughed and gave you a kiss, telling you that there’s nothing to worry about and to give it time. Even though he’s a first time Dad, he’s not completely inexperienced with first time demons
He did have to help the brothers adjust after the war with their Father after all
Everything was going normal (or at least as normal as things can get in Hell) at first. Everyone always came to visit and to see the little devils, and it was nice. The boys fell in love and would just about cry everytime their “uncles” had to leave, but even with them around and getting them riled up, they still didn’t transform
Well, it wasn’t until one of your boys got just a little upset and fussy with the other when you got your question answered. They were in their terrible 2s and started to get way more active, which also meant a lot more biting and a lot of nasty tantrums
When you went to separate the two, you were confused as to how they were somehow tugging on you with two arms and still trying to hit each other with three
It was then you realized that they were in their demon form
Diavolo found the whole thing hilarious and was beyond proud of his boys, while your shocked expression was just frozen on your face (don’t worry, you were proud too!). He ended up swooping in and somehow calming them down enough to where you can finally make some sense of everything. They eventually went back to their human form and giggling like nothing ever happened, while you were just…confused
But anyways, after that, they created chaos that was expected (which you believed they got their mischievous from their father and their “uncles”). Prepare for them trying to hide around corners and scare you with their newly found arms (which was never scary and was honestly the most cutest thing you have ever seen whenever they jumped at you which was really just hugging you)
They love trying to help Barbatos and Luke in the kitchen, which was begrudgingly appreciated
Luke acted like he was upset but they were too cute even for him
Not to mention the new “tricks” that their Uncles would try to teach them
You and Lucifer were not amused
If they sensed that you were starting to get irritated or upset, they would try to transform and hug you with all of their arms, which you swear you were just collapse if they can get any more adorable!
Diavolo took this time to help them with their demon form and to bond even more with them, which was always a sweet moment to watch. One of the best memories you have of them bonding with him is teaching them how to fly. Which of course Diavolo took you with them, it was like the first family trip, but all over the Devildom sky!
And yes you did take pictures
Sometimes you felt like you couldn’t do much for and with them being a human and all, but whenever they reached for you or ran up to you giggling and smiling, whether showing you a picture that they drew of you all together or showing off some new magic that their dad taught, those feelings would wash away
Diavolo is an amazing father and husband, you have an amazing support system, and you don’t feel like an outsider like you did when you first came down here. Not to mention just how blessed you feel to parent these kidsYou couldn’t ask for anything more
Also everybody totally has pictures of the kids (even though Simeon’s pictures are blurry, it’s the thought that counts) and they brag about them 24/7, even if it’s unintentional
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period-dramallama · 4 years
Spanish Princess Episode 5: many many thoughts
Strap yo selves in 
-WHERE WAS THE APOLOGY?? Lina’s just back with Catherine like nothing happened?? 
-Katherine, I get why you’re upset, but you kind of should be unsurprised?? Your dad was unfaithful to his wife, most kings were. Henry VII and Richard III were the exceptions, and even they had illegitimate sons before their marriages. Many kings also had official mistresses that everyone knew about, so by the standards of the time Henry and Bessie are actually being pretty tactful in at least trying to keep their affair out of sight. (Sexy dancing aside). 
-Honestly it would have been so much more moving if KoA was like “I know kings take mistresses...but I thought...I was so sure... he would be different...”
-”they gave me a purse of gold!” It’s expected that you give the monarch lavish presents, lmao Ursula and Stafford would do that even if they hated each other and you
-”everybody loves a masque” the only sensible thing Henry has said so far in this show. Also court probably had way more masques than we see in the show, and it would standard to have a masque every holiday. 
-”she is not a boy” hurry up with your character development and learn to love Mary already i am so TIRED of this miserable BS
-seems a rather depopulated masque? If the Chateau Vert pageant is anything to go by putting on a masque was a court activity, with most of the ladies performing.  
-Bessie Blount in her cute masque costume... sweet mother i cannot weave Aphrodite has overcome me with GAAAAAAAAAAAAY
-”I never enjoyed carousing...my mother scolded me” look i love the Neville sisters with my whole heart but a) Margaret was 3 at most when her mother died, how does she remember her? She’d have clearer memories of her double-uncle and double-aunt, Richard III and Queen Anne b) Isabel Neville in the White Queen was established as very prim and proper, a well-bred girl who cared about enforcing decorum, she refused to ‘carouse’ and she certainly would never bring a 3 year old to a party c) we saw little Margaret as a girl at the end of the White Queen and she didn’t seem at all shy. 
-”she died young, didn’t she” ...yes? most people did?
-”they both did” understatement of the year. Isabel Neville died young because she was ill, George died young (in the universe of The White Queen, at least) BECAUSE HE WAS FORCEFULLY DROWNED IN A VAT OF MALMSEY WINE. THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME! I do at least trust the writers of this show that the understatement was intentional, I’m sure even Emma Frost couldn’t forget a major character getting violently drowned.
-So the court only noticed the plague when one of their own got it so obviously and then died? Yes, plague could move fast, but if there was a whiff of plague the court would flee with the speed of the Looney Tunes road runner. If an acquaintance of an acquaintance of a cook had a cousin who saw someone with the plague, the court would flee to the country. How have these people not died of terminal stupid?! Like Compton was in the same building as the heir to the throne
-To be fair, it makes sense that they’re surprised Compton’s dead. Because the real Compton died of the sweating sickness. In 1528. Also he was involved in Buckingham’s downfall so... you just wrote yourself into a corner.
-Oh wow an actual good reason for More and Pole to be quarantined together i am amaaaaaazed
-”attend the queen” Boleyn, what do you think your daughter’s been doing all season if not attending the queen? Playing tetris?
-Katherine helping Anne into the wagon...I actually like that little moment. Like it does make sense, because the two have no reason to hate each other yet. (And who couldn’t like Anne? She’s such a babby!)
-Thomas More in the Tudor equivalent of casual clothes... much better. Shame about the 1930s lady’s wig.
-”what else should we do?” Maggie, this cannot be the first epidemic you’ve ever lived through. Have you forgotten the sweating sickness of 1485? You’ve probably lived through more epidemics than Oviedo has, you should know the protocol better than him.
-Oviedo continues to be the only man with rights. I wish we could see him crying and missing his wife and babies, but then my lil heart would break so maybe it’s for the best.
-They burn Maggie’s weird blue hood AS THEY SHOULD! IT WAS UGLY AND STUPID! I NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN NOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH! yes they also burned her nice dress with the strawberries on it but honestly it’s worth it, bc now i can rest easy, knowing the evil hood has been defeated.
-”you were a plaything” Katherine is so obviously insecure. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment. Like if she really was certain Bessie wasn’t important, she wouldn’t need to say it, would she? Except to rub it in. Which this KOA would absolutely do. 
-literally all Bessie said was good morning?? Like Bessie is doing her best?? The masque was Henry’s idea, not hers, she hasn’t shown off about her affair, she hasn’t demanded money or titles, she hasn’t demanded any status to rival Katherine’s, she doesn’t flirt with or even speak to Henry when Katherine’s around, she acts like they’re strangers, she doesn’t even react when Katherine loses her temper...someone please please stick up for Bessie!
-”the rocking of the cart is unsettling to the stomach” is Anne naive, or is she covering for Bessie? I hope it’s the latter, in which case Anne is the one person looking out for Bessie...the babby is Soft, I repeat the babby is Soft!
-the irony of Mary being cold to Bessie when she’s next in the firing line...
-”it is not the rocking” Thank you Lina, where would we be without your gift for stating the obvious?
-”where did Wolsey get his money”...He’s a churchman...at the top of the church hierarchy...how do you fuckin think he got wealthy. Have y’all not been in the sixteenth century for five minutes? Why do you think Luther is so mad at the church?
-”I know of no other man in her bed most nights” Honestly wow I’m surprised KoA wasn’t like “well :/ a girl like that :/ who knows how many men process in and out of her bed :/” KoA gets half a point for being less bitchy than usual. Also Bessie looked so uncomfortable with Henry groping her stomach in front of Katherine. I pray the next man in her life treats her right and that Fraham don’t prematurely kill her off like they did with Compton.  
-”the future king” if you’re regent on his behalf, then he’s already king! “Civilised companionship” back at it again with the Scots-are-barbarians.
-Laura Carmichael is utterly stunning this episode, with her hair down. The cinematography was beautiful in general this week.
-”freedom to speak and licence to speak are two different things” hey look at that one of Thomas More’s actual beliefs. I am giving all the credit to the historical advisor for that, I don’t believe for one second Fraham knew that beforehand.
-Maggie I love you but no, God does not sanction adultery. For any reason. 
-KOA smirking and gloating about Bessie’s pain...she has never been so punchable. I would understand, if not condone it, if Bessie was manipulative, or greedy, or ambitious, or trying to supplant Katherine. But Bessie’s been betrayed by Henry too, and there’s no concrete evidence she ever gloated about her affair, to anyone let alone Katherine.  
-”You think only of your own fate while London is struck down with plague” Earth to Katherine?? What concern have you shown for the Londoners?? Also calling Bessie selfish...Bessie’s not the one who lashed out at Lina, was jealous at Lina for having twin boys, and who wanted to continue a war for personal reasons. And then Bessie proves KoA wrong 5 hot seconds later by sticking up for Mary. Bit rich of KoA to be all “how dare you leave my daughter unattended” when she herself won’t even hold Mary. 
-”Louis didn’t last a year” What! Is! The Timeline!
-Meg in that cloak reminds me of the Scottish Widow adverts. Georgie is so greedy- she steals every single scene she is in! Even when she’s raging she has more dignity and more presence than KoA ever has.
-”YOU LYING SOD” i burst out laughing it’s really not the little two-timing shit’s day, is it?
-Mary receiving Charlie B in the most Extra way possible. A++
-Why does Wolsey look like he’s about to cry?
-”thoughts are not actions” Lina I love you but... that is NOT what the New Testament says. Jesus said evil thoughts are very very much sins. I’ll give you a pass because maybe you haven’t been Catholic as long as Katherine has? Idk your backstory.
-Aaand now she’s wishing death on Bessie and her unborn baby and Lina isn’t disgusted? At least Katherine is feeling guilty. AS SHE SHOULD.
-”must it always fall to me to be magnanimous?” Katherine, you think only of yourself, for 23 out of every 24 hours. 
-”God wants me to be compassionate to Bessie because of my sins” God wants you to be compassionate because that’s how Christianity is supposed to work. It’s not very selfless of you to decide to be selfless so that you can get what you want. 
-oh wow look at that! She’s getting some self-awareness, i never saw that coming.
-”you betrayed Bessie” 5 points to Katherine of Aragon for standing up for Bessie when Henry screwed her over. Finally, some positive character development.
-is henry so dumb he thinks that baby is Katherine’s? Katherine was so obviously not pregnant
-When a baby’s born his skin needs to touch his mother’s skin so they can bond. They should have at least an hour’s cuddle time. Katherine of Aragon is literally traumatising a baby the very minute he is born. For her own selfish, selfish desires. 
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Ah thanks to those who are reading this story! Love you all ☻
Y/N Pov:
After getting dropped off by Atsumu, I check my phone to only see 20 miss calls from Semi.
Yikes, he probably thought I died or something...
I decide to call him back.
" Hello. "
" Y/N WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU ALL OVER THE PARTY! " he shouted through the phone.
" Wow what a nice friend realizing I was gone after 5 hours at the party! " I say with sarcasm.
" YEA! You right... " I laughed.
" OH ALSO?! How did you get home your car is still at the Venue?! " Semi asks confused.
" WELL!  A guy name Atsumu helped me out when I was completely out! "
" Yea?! The one with the twin! "
Why is he so surprised?
" No, we just met last night! How do you know him ?" I asked curiously.
" We used to play volleyball together in high school same with his brother Osamu! Also, Osamu catered for the party! "
" Hmm, interesting... Well, I met Osamu at his restaurant."
" Osamu is the calmer twin but he still pretty crazy, on the other hand, Atsumu is a big flirt with the girls watch out!" Semi laughs on the phone.
" Yea not interested. "
" Haha, that's a loss for him! Anyways you need a break from volleyball players. " Semi laughs.
" Yea I do! Alright SEMI SEMI I'm gonna get going now I have to finish a couple of things from work. Also, I need to cure this hangover before tomorrow. "
" Ok then ILL LET YOU GO! BYE! "
" Bye Semi! "
We both end the call.
Now I need to find a way to get my car before noon because I have tons of work to do.
I can't ask Semi to take me there because he staying at a friend's house, I can probably ask Kenma to help me. I haven't seen him in a while so maybe we can catch up a little also.
I shoot a text to Kenma.
Texting on phone:
Y/n: “ Hey are you free right now? “
5 minutes later
Kenma: " yea why? "
Y/n: " Do you think you can come over right now?!
Kenma: " I don't see why not. "
Y/n: " PERFECT! "
I put my phone down on the counter and change into different clothes because I was still in Atsumu shirt.
I guess I'll be keeping the shirt until we meet again, or if we ever.
30 minutes later
I hear my doorbell ring, and it was Kenma.
" KENMAAA COME IN! " I say happily."
" Hey what's up its been a while! " he says as he went in for a hug.
" Nothing really.. "
" Bs I heard you and Kageyma broke up.. "
" FROM WHO?! " I say confused.
" Hinata... "
" Yea, he didn't really tell him but Hinata suspected when he texts him " how are things going with y/n, " and let's say he didn't take it well. " Kenma said in a conflicted tone.
" WHY did he not take it WELL! He the one who broke up with me?!" I say angrily.
" Did he ever tell you why he broke up with you? " Kenma asked.
" No, he just said I dOn'T LOvE yOu aNyMoRE "
I’m so annoyed right now why is he acting like the victim.
" That's it? " Kenma was surprised.
" YEA! "
" Oh wow, I really didn't think that the reason like... Strange."
" Who cares, I don't like him either. "
Obviously, I was still hurting but it's fine I don't need him.. Screw him.
" If you say so! "
Kenma Pov:
Yea no she still likes him...
Y/N Pov:
" Enough about him... DO you want to help me get my car?! "
" Wheres your car? " Kenma asks confused
" UH well, It's at a Venue.. "
" Did you go to a party or something? "
" Yea Semi had a party yesterday and let's say I got a little too wasted... BUT don't worry someone helped me out... "
" Uh, who helped you out? "
" I don't know if you know him but he is also a Volleyball player, his name is Atsumu the last name is Miya? "
" Wait a minute the one with the twin? "
" Are guys friends?! " Kenma asks
" No, I literally just met him last night. "
" Atsumu is a nice guy he just a big flirt. "
" Well, it's because he is always out with a new girl every week. "
" Yea no thanks... " I say weirded out.
" Ok, so are we going to get your car?! " Kenma asks in a bored tone.
" Ok, let us go! "
I got into Kenma's car, luckily the venue is only 20 minutes away.
" AHH MY Precious car!! " I shouted.
" SHEEZ be louder next time will ya. "
" Kenma stop being grumpy... " I say as I try to keep in my laugh.
" Yea whatever go get your car now! "
" Already kicking me out... "
" Yes! "
" AH YOUR SO COLD! " I laugh
" Ok well thank you Kenma! We actually need to hang out ok?! "
" Fine... We will one of these days. " he smiles.
I get out of the car, wave to Kenma then I get in my car.
Finally, I can go home now and start working on projects.
After the 20 minute drive, I get in my house and start working on the three projects.
Meanwhile At this time:
Atsumu pov:
I'm sitting on the couch, my phone started buzzing uncontrollably.
What the heck.
I flip my phone over only to see texts from my friends. I open up the group chat and see something unexpected. A PHOTO OF ME AND Y/N IN THE CAR ON “ THE PEOPLES “ TWITTER PAGE.
The big 4 :
Sakusa: Oh so is she another new girl?
Bokuto: Already Atsumu?!
Hinata:  Isn't that Kageyama's ex!
So that's who broke her... What a small world.
Sakusa: Sure that's what you say about every girl..
Bokuto: Can we get a Rip
Hinata: Rip.. Also Yes
Sakusa: Rip
Sakusa: Damn already making moves on a girl who broke up with her boyfriend.
Bokuto: Wow..
Sakusa: Ok then if she, not a random hook up who is she, and does she know she on " the people's " Twitter account label as mystery girl?!
Oh my, we just met and she isn't going to like this.
Me: NO SHE DOESNT KNOW...But she was some random girl at the party Osamu was catering. I decided to help her out because she was alone and drunk so I took her to Osamu's house, so she can sober up. The next morning I took her home because she left her car at the Venue... I DIDNT THINK THE Paparazzi WOULD CARE SO MUCH?!
Hinata: Wow Atsumu that was nice of you.
Bokuto: ^^^
Sakusa: Well you're going to have to tell her or do something about it because we all know how crazy your fangirls get.
Me: Fine fine let me tell her right now.
After texting the group chat, I was about to text y/n only to remember... I don't have her number, but I think Osamu has her number.
I texted Osamu, now I have to wait for him to respond.
Now back to y/n :
Finally, I'm almost done with this projects...
Then all of sudden I get a text from Tendou.
I looked at my phone and I can't believe what I see... He sends me a screenshot of Me and Atsumu in the car... It was trending on Twitter. The title was " Star setter mystery girl? "
Texting On phone:
Tendou: I didn't know you guys were going out?
Y/n: OH MY GOSH? Please tell me this is a joke?!
Tendou: No I don't think so...
I explained to Tendou what happened last night.
Tendou: this Has to be the most miss interpreted picture ever. LMAO!!
Tendou: Has he talked to you about it?!
Tendou: Well this is going to be fun to watch...
Y/n: NO it's NOT..
I stressfully put my phone down on the counter...
What I'm I going to do?! HOW DID I GET INTO TO THIS MESS?
I hear another notification go off on my phone... It was an unknown number.
Text message:
Hey can we talk?
Y/n: Who is this?
Atsumu: Its Atsumu
oh, yea I forgot I gave him my number.
Atsumu: WELL HEAR ME OUT! This will die down tomorrow, me and the team are leaving for Osaka in the morning so you don't even have to see me again.
Y/n: Sheez that's a harsh way to put it.
Atsumu: I mean if you want to see me you can~
Oh my, I can hear his flirtatious tone from here.
Y/n: NO!
Atsumu: AW you're SO MEAN!
Atsumu: ALSO I DIDNT KNOW Kageyama was your boyfriend...
Y/n: Who told you that?
Atsumu: Hinata! We play on the same team..
Y/n: Atsumu Shut up! Everyone knows you're a big flirt.. now I'm going to seem like I'm one of your little playthings.
Atsumu: I have an Idea.. What if we pretend we're dating?
Y/n: HUH?
Atsumu: It will fix both our reputation.. I won't be seen as the guy who hooks up with every chick and people at work can stop questioning you. There's a BONUS we can make Kageyama jealous... You can win him back.
Y/n: IF we do this... together in private we don't have to act as a couple right.. I just MET YOU...
Atsumu: Yea don't worry your not even my type, this should be easy because I won't be near you.
Y/n: DEAL!
Atsumu: PERFECT! Just let me know if anything happens tomorrow! Ill fill you in too!
Y/n: Fine.
I place my phone down on the nearby table.
Atsumu pov:
Why couldn't have it been with much cuter girl? Now no girl is going to talk to me.. Stupid paparazzi.
Chapter 5
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 25: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion
Finally watched some more Star Trek. I feel like it’s been forever...
Today’s ep is The Gamesters of Triskelion, which is... okay. It’s not terrible but I think its best aspects are the most familiar: the type of alien, the moral values at play; and its weakest are its most unique.
I think Spock likes it when Kirk says “mind the store.” What a folksy human thing to say!
Plus now that he’s Captain he gets to sit in the chair.
This conversation between Spock and Scotty is hilarious. “I’m assuming you mean they disappeared in an unusual way??” “Uh, yeah?? Do you think I’m dumb?”
This alien looks like Lady Gaga c. 2010
Kirk is being very Dramatic today.
Come on, Spock, gotta get your man.
You know Spock is worried when he mentions hope. That is, as McCoy says, a human emotion.
“Collars of obedience.” Kinky.
Stylish pink jail.
I’m really feeling this Spock and Bones interaction today. That’s a great eyebrow lift.
If the random alien is leaving, Uhura must have been his ass down.
“Nourishment interval.” We need to bring this into our modern vocabulary.
Not one, but TWO ladies in command gold today (one at Communications, and one at Spock’s station).
Wild aquatic fowl.
I feel like this episode is another example of a writer putting her alien sex fantasy on television. Like, a hardcore alien sex fantasy. The obedience collars, the training harness, the whipping, the weird flirtation between Chekov and his “training thrall”--herself a very androgynous alien, just to throw some gender play in there.
Kirk turning up the charm again. I missed Charming!Kirk. I mean, picking up a silver platter to use as a mirror and saying “That’s beautiful”? This man has no shame.
I feel like this episode shows how Spock’s logic is actually a very effective life strategy. He’s facing a very mysterious situation with high stakes--literally his best friend/soulmate/captain lost, plus two more crewmen--but he isn’t defeatist like McCoy or defensive like Scotty. He just follows the evidence, even when the evidence seems wild. And he was right.
Detective Kirk time!
“Are they computers?” He’s hoping so, since he’s very good at defeating computerized enemies.
Could it be instead another example of aliens who have transcended their physical bodies?
He is really laying the charm offensive on thick here.
I get how people have vague memories of TOS and remember Kirk as slutty, because certainly there are lots of shots of him kissing ladies, but like... 90% of the time he's using charm as a weapon, like he doesn't like Lady Gaga, he just wants to get off this planet.
“Love, for one thing.” Time for Kirk to be a Romantic Nerd again. He sure does love love!!
See imo just as it’s ridiculous for him to limit love to being one of the most important things on Earth, since he barely even spends any time on Earth and his general thesis is about what all intelligent creatures can care about besides their basic needs being met by “Providers,” I think it’s silly to limit love to being between men and women. And just as he’s kinda lying about the Earth thing, I think he’s lying about the heterosexual thing.
People in love “live together, help each other, make each other happy.” I love his definitions of love!! Like with Edith, he center helping each other in the definition.
McCoy and Scotty think they can take on Spock lmao. The Captain’s life is at stake; he’s not fooling around. And he’s right too so y’all can shush!!
Honestly, that leaning down to talk quietly to them--I know it’s because he doesn’t want to say the word “mutiny” too loud where other people can hear him, but it really reads like he’s mocking them.
Shauhna is harassed at work.
Spock’s like ‘screw a landing party, I will retrieve my space husband by myself... and I guess McCoy can come too.’
McCoy’s voice was the one Kirk heard but he still calls out to Spock.
Mmm, yes, disembodied alien brains.
I like the painted background behind them, too. Which is apparently stolen from Devil in the Dark. S2 needs more painted backgrounds.
“You think YOU’RE competitive? A race that does nothing but gamble? Well you’ve never met humans lol.”
Since when has Kirk ever competed for a woman? Hardly a competition when he always wins.
“Fresh thrall” something so... ugh about that phrase.
Ah, yes, an Andorian.
I’m starting to feel like this is Spock’s Pre-Reform Vulcan Sex Fantasy.
I feel like Shauhna will eventually become the leader of the Triskellion people. My mom thinks it would be cool for Kirk to meet her again in the future. I feel like there’s a fanfic in there somewhere...
“I didn’t lie, I just...lied.”
Honestly, don’t bother leaving everything to these disembodied colorful brains, just take Shauhna with you and enlist her in Starfleet. Or at least, like, high school.
...And after all that she STILL has a crush on Kirk. The man is too powerful.
What, no return to the Enterprise? No Kirk appearing shirtless on the bridge? No everyone acknowledges that Spock was right the whole time? No awkward little joking time?
I guess perhaps Kirk is embarrassed.
So overall... again, B basically.
As far as commonly used tropes in Star Trek go, this one is actually one of my favorite ones. I like it more than “godlike man must be defeated” and probably even more than “computer runs society,” though not as much as “old Earth tech becomes sentient.” But generally speaking “aliens transcend corporeal bodies by becoming too smart” is a good trope and I like seeing the different spins on it: the Organians, who can choose corporeal bodies if they want and are incredibly peaceful; the aliens from Return to Tomorrow, who wish they still had bodies; the aliens from The Cage/The Menagerie, who do have bodies but can’t do much with them, who must rely on aliens they capture to do physical work on the planet’s surface for them; and these aliens, who are so bored they must rely on arbitrary wagers using enslaved aliens just to have something to do. There’s something sort of... sad but fitting about that fate. Understandable, awful, pathetic. Still, I wouldn’t call this my favorite take on the trope.
But the specifics of the story, outside the “brain-aliens trope,” I didn’t like so much. The BDSM kink stuff mixed in with like actual slavery made me super uncomfortable. I know it’s based on Ancient Rome but like... even though it was a clear bread and circuses situation, that was not what I was thinking of tbqh.
This is a good episode for showcasing Star Trek Values, which overall I would say are my values. I do see how some people today would criticize them for being a little... well. How to say it. Colonizer-savior. I completely disagree that this is the reading that should be given to them and in fact I think it’s a bad faith reading but people are the way they are and certain things are in vogue sometimes and not others, so. I just mean that when Kirk says that they (the Federation, one would assume) have helped other civilizations “progress” or whatever word he uses, it sounds a little like they came in and made alien societies better using their own values. But I would say that what we actually see, in specific examples throughout the series, is the Federation wanting the civilizations it interacts with to be free, in fact requiring members state to be free, and that is really the one value a free society can impose on others or require of others--choosing slavery or dominion is choosing to relinquish all future choices, and thus cannot be allowed by any society that values freedom. That catch-22 that we see so much now. So, my point is, I think the values Kirk epitomizes for the show are freedom, self-determination, and a certain conception of progress, too: the ability to grow and develop, the avoidance of stagnation. And certainly this episode shows a clear case: having everything provided for you in exchange for being the professional playthings of a bunch of disembodied brains is objectively bad! Surely we can all agree on that. But this obvious example is used as an excuse for Kirk to speechify on the topic of what a utopian future will look like, what the best of humans can be, and what the rest of the universe could be like if it learns from our best traits (and not our worst). Which is overall something I find very comforting.
I’d just been thinking, at the beginning of this episode, that I think S1 is a better Kirk season than S2. S2 has too many episodes that problematize his leadership or his heroism, or that barely even use him--even episodes like The Trouble With Tribbles that outright mischaracterize him imo. But this episode really was Classic Kirk and I appreciated that. We see him being charming, smart, selfless, strong, creative, romantic... coming in at the end to embody the utopian values of the series.
Spock was so well characterized and so smart and so heroic, too, that he kinda was the mvp for me, though... Don’t take away my Kirk stan card lol. Spock was just so In Command... You can see how he could become a captain later, even if being in command never really interested him much.
I don’t entirely get why Kirk bargained for the thralls to all stay and make their own government (or to be trained in self-governance by their enslavers... a whole different issue tbqh), given that it’s already been established that most/all of them have been kidnapped from other planets. Should they not be... returned?
And if most/all of them are 2nd or later generations, that’s a whole other complex issue that could perhaps use third party mediators or something...
I also wondered about Shahna's origins. Was she the descendant of another civilization that is native to the planet, or is it just that her people were kidnapped so much earlier that she herself, personally, has never lived anywhere else?
I think it both makes more sense and is a more fitting ending if it’s the first. It makes sense to me that the first peoples enslaved by the brains were natives of the planet: more convenient that way. Also, I think we need to see more alien planets with more than one humanoid or human-intelligence level species.
And, if her people are native to the planet, having them become leaders of their own right again and not just possessions of the glowing brains is more powerful. Otherwise it's kinda sad: yes, they can form their own government here, but they've still been robbed of their real history and their real homeland, which they don't even remember.
Also as my mom pointed out, it’s not clear the brains themselves are native to the planet. They could have been invaders--the last real thing they did before they started wagering fake money--and Shauhna’s people the natives.
I really did like Shahna a lot and I hope she becomes the leader of whatever government they set up and eventually does get to travel into space.
Imo this was one of those TOS eps where the potential back story and the hints of world building are more interesting than the actual story.
Also apparently the actor who played Galt was trying to walk in a gliding manner so it wouldn’t be clear what he was hiding under those robes and... I have to say, definitely wheels.
Next up is A Piece of the Action, one of my favorites. Great plot, great fun, great sci fi concept, great Kirk material!
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Hi! Hope you're doing well~! I was happy to see that you like Shingen and The Mitsus- I kinda called it, haha! However I'm wondering if you guys are also familiar with/had an opinion on Edgar Bright from IkeRev because I feel like he fits your character type too? I literally downloaded the game for him because I never pass on #PrettyBoyAngst~
Hiya friend!! Tysm I’m good, I hope you’re doing well, too! :D Haha, they are indeed my favorites! You guessed right! Long live Shingen (too soon? too soon...) and the Mitsus!! 
Quick warning, I know the game has been out for a while but spoilers for Edgar rt below!!!!
I have indeed played IkeRev, and you are spot on!! My top three bias list from that game is Lance, Edgar, and Fenrir! (surprising no one lmao) I can’t make a cup of hot cocoa anymore without hearing in my head “AND YOU JUST HAVE TO TELL THEM EVERYTHING’S FINE BUT IT’S NOT FINE AND NO ONE WILL EVER UNDERSTA--” Edgar’s route just sincerely hits different. Like holy actual shit yo, boy smuggles us candy all I want to do is give him some sugar, c’mon IkeRev ;-; (CLAUDIUS IF I SEE YOUR MUSTY ASS IT’S ON SIGHT, ON SIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON’T FUCKING TEST ME YOU MONOPOLY GUY BITCH ASS--)
Honestly, Edgar is what we all wish ATLA Azula could have had. Yeah he was raised in a rotten environment and did what he had to do to survive, but the guy sincerely didn’t enjoy what he was coerced into doing ;-; and there was never anybody there to protect him. I cry whenever I start thinking about how he saw Zero in sincere need of guidance and affection, and went over to him without a second thought. (Granted, one could argue that Edgar benefited from Zero’s clear inability to fit in, but I really don’t see it that way. Edgar had no obligation to help him out, and very little incentive beyond a desire for mutual friendship. Despite their differences in status and/or capacity, Edgar treats Zero with no shortage of respect and consideration--he just teases him a lot LMFAO) Even when they bicker (IT’S ALMOST LIKE COMTE AND JEANNE AHAAHAHAHH I’M WHEEZING) it’s abundantly clear that neither of them have an ounce of real ill will directed at each other. 
I guess that’s also a sizable point of what I love about him. Against all odds, against everything he was taught and raised to do, he still chooses love. He doesn’t like hurting people, he doesn’t find any pleasure in the power plays/impositions that his uncle lives for. He just likes making people smile and laugh, he just wants to live normally like anybody else--his smarts and his skills be damned. At his core, he was a kid that was raised to be a monster, but even Claudius couldn’t beat the humanity out of him. There is...an utterly heartbreaking, but also profoundly moving aspect to that kind of tension. 
(Now that I write it, it reminds me a lot of Comte and Leonardo. They were both expected to take their place in the hierarchy of vampire/human society, but they both reject it so vehemently. They don’t see human beings as pawns, they don’t see them as playthings or even sources of nourishment. They acknowledge what they are, but they want to treat people with as much dignity and compassion as they can regardless. In the ageless words of Iroh, “Perfection and power are overrated. I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love.” While they may have been able to understand all of this on an instinctive level, they actively chose it over every motivation/coercion they were offered to be cruel and unfeeling. They bear their scars for choosing what’s important to them, just as Edgar does. It is a unique but debilitating pain that comes with being unanimously rejected by your community because you choose to deny the expectations of your upbringing and social status, especially when the standards that were imposed on you were glaringly immoral to begin with.)
And the thing that kills me the most is that Edgar just. Has always done this, has always chosen what’s right as much as he was able no matter how painfully thankless--if not actively harmful to his well-being--these choices were. So when MC takes notice, when she makes a conscious effort to return that mindfulness, he’s floored. It literally changes the landscape of his mind, he goes into a god damn crisis to be able to process what just happened. Imagine being so desensitized to positive attention that you have a trauma response in trying to deal with direct, unfettered goodwill. And don’t even get me started on that desperate moment where he just loses every ounce of calm when MC briefly loses faith in him/wavers. I don’t even remember the exact words exchanged I just remember the sheer devastation in the wake of that scene, the way I cried. There are no words for how much I love him and how little that man has been allowed to live. (AND LANCE SUPPORTING MY BOY!!!!!!!!! SCREAMING AND CRYING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Also. Idk if you've seen the “my desires are unconventional” Edgar memes but the ducky and roller coaster ones just SEND me, it was literally the reason I decided to do his route and I regret NOTHING 😂😂😂 
And the Creeks!!!! The Creek family!!!! I sob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So pure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though now that you mention it there are a lot of elements in Edgar’s rt that align with Leonardo/Comte rt, feeling exposed 😂😂😂. I guess between them and Shingen/the Mitsus, one thing that I find really, really attractive is this notion of being kind to people with a deeply compassionate motivation. It’s not enough to say nice things, it’s the fact that they do care about the people they’re paying attention to, and seek to de-escalate conflict (whether internalized or externalized) as much as they can before it reaches an explosive point. They’re good to people with very little--if anything--to be gained in return, and they know what’s worth being grateful for in life. There is a breadth of altruism that is simply unmatched by some of the other suitors, a maturity that just draws me in like the proverbial moth to the flame; I fall head over heels in milliseconds. 
I do this a lot in real life but they are what I like to call “ninja nice”. They are schemin’ bois but the scheme is wanting to make you smile!!!! And it’s so god damn wholesome ;-; it never fails to make me laugh
I’m also deeply interested in this idea of “love at play.” It’s apparently a pretty common literary device/premise, but I wasn’t made fully aware of it until recently. The implication is that relationships are not only built on mutual feelings of affection, but also on a kind of language that people develop together; they find ways by which they comfortably tease, or poke fun, or just enjoy the same things and joke around while doing it. It may seem pretty intuitive to some, but for me this was a very new concept--I’ve never really seen it done before. And yet, I can see for myself that I tend to seek it out a lot without even knowing, and I think it’s a beautiful and crucial thing for people to share. It really makes me so happy to see :D <33333
So yeah, this is a house where we love and cherish Edgar Bright!!! I got a little side-tracked, but I hope I’ve answered your questions! Oh yeah, and as a note my wife also does love Edgar as well, we tend to share biases LMAO (Never on purpose, we always just watch/play the same stuff and come back like “THIS ONE!!!!!!!! YOU TOO!?!!?!? FLKHJAHGKHDLKJ”)
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evilblot · 4 years
King Francis Petty here. Tell me more about your Self Insert.
Last time I've replied to a similar ask, I went with vague yet overly specific one liners, this time allow me to use one of the most abused and uncreative stratagems to describe a character, that iiiiiiis..... ✨TV Tropes✨!
Despite the general overuse though, I have to admit the site actually forces you to critically think about and ultimately deconstruct your OC at their basic core, so it's not completely useless. It also took me way longer than I want to admit, but at least I've had the opportunity to define a couple of things that have remained idle for too long. Also it allowed me to describe my son's without having to contextualize everything, because if I actually tried to I'd still be here writing synopsis after synopsis completely missing the point of the ask lol.
Anyway without any further ado ~
Main/Canon - Silvia Garzetta: Literally me. More Deadly Than the Male. Whale Egg (good luck with this lol). Co-owner of your typical Bad-Guy bar. ACAB despite her father being a former one. The Dragon. The Nose Knows. Undying Loyalty. Occasional Friendly Enemy. Acrofatic. The Snark Knight. Bilingual Bonus. Darker and Edgier.
🍆 As the story arc progresses, she evolves from  Insecure Love Interest to the Violently Protective Girlfriend within the Outlaw Couple dynamic. Meaning she has yet to get kinky with the man.
Darkenblot - “...”: Same as main but worse, meaning if the OG is darker, this one is straight up Bloodier and Gorier. Almost Spurned into Suicide. Bitch in sheep’s clothes. Torture Technician. Murder the Hypotenuse / Removing the Rival.
Wizards of Mickey - Griselda “Gris” Thaar / Murias: She has the most complete story arc and in-depth lore, and still she doesn’t have an official design yet. Anti-Villain. The Dragon with an Agenda. Phlebotinum Rebel. Power Degeneration. While Rome Burns. Driven to Villainy. Appearance Angst. Secret Legacy. Fatal Flaw. Sealed Evil in a Can. Guinea Pig Family.
🍆 A little spoiler maybe, but she’s the only one of the bunch to have unlocked the achievement Unholy Matrimony. Also, she fucks 😏.
Resident Evil AU - Doc. Morana Galvani: She means no harm but she won’t hesitate, bitch. The Chain of Harm. Distress Call. Raising the Steaks. Maker of Monsters. False Innocence Trick. Gross-Up Close-Up. Once Is Not Enough. Trapped in Containment. Staking the Loved One. Came Back Wrong.
🍆 She fucks as well, but has an actual relationship with another character before the events with the Blot. I can’t tell you who they're, but they're a canon character too and you def don't expect them playing this role so the answer will shook you lol.
Monstersona: God, I wish that were me. Animalistic abomination. Voluntary Shapeshifting. Quizzical Tilt. Fully-Embraced F(r)iend. Occasional The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body. Phlegmings. Contextual Transformation Horror. Signature Roar, although I've yet to flesh it out. A nice combo of both Super-Persistent Predator & Suspiciously Stealthy Predator. Tribute to Fido, but we don’t talk about this.
🍆 She too fucks, but not solely with who you’re thinking of 😏.  
Of course the list is in no way set in stone since I'm still working on most of them, so take it as it is, but be aware that changes may eventually happen, especially in the name department.
Thanks again Fran for your ask, love how you force me to stop procrastinating about my S/Is and finally pull myself together to share my flights of fancy, I legit owe u my production efficiency lmao 💜💜💜
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witcher-ot3 · 4 years
List of Iorveth/Roche WiPs
Because somethings I like to torment myself by showing how many fucking things I’m working on. Doesn’t help that lately, I’ve started a new WiP every time I get stuck in another fic. So, in no particular order (literally just how the tabs are ordered in my window lmao), here are all my Iorveth/Roche WiPs
2 fics in the Petals and Stripes ‘verse - one with Roche’s POV straight after and one of the Stripes’ POV as they deal with the aftermath... and try to help their boss woo Iorveth. Surprising no one, they’re terrible at it.
Curse breaking WiP where True Love’s Kiss strong emotion for one’s enemy saves Iorveth’s life. And then he, Roche, and Triss team up to go save the Scoia’tael.
Roche’s POV WiP set before they first meet. Includes some nice knife and blood kink during a face off between Iorveth and Roche. No idea where this one is going.
Eye On You Chapter 3, for which the plan is thigh-fucking. That’s it, that’s all I got.
Fake dating casefic (The Curious Case of the Murivel Resort for Couples). rn they’re playing strip gwent and I somehow signed up to write 5 different gwent games for this 😢
Competitive makeouts (The Chase) rn they’re spiderman kissing, but there’s gonna be a conspiracy plot that Iorveth has to reveal.
New ‘verse involving Iorveth/Roche/Kayran and Roche/Foltest lmao. First WiP is Roche running into Iorveth during his monthly fuckdate with the Kayran... and then joining in. Second WiP is a comparison of Roche’s two relationships and how they make him feel. For some reason, I framed it around the Chivalric Virtues from Blood & Wine and made it a 5+1 lol
Pining and Poignards, a WiP in which there is pining and stabbing lol. A poignard is a type of knife, which Iorveth generously “gifts” to Roche. rn Iorveth is sneaking around the army base and has just caught Roche masturbating. I...only sort of know where I’m going with this one.
Tittyfucking. That’s it, that’s the plot lmao. Iorveth is a lil obsessed with Roche’s chest and attempts to fuck it.
Gross Gremlin Man aka Iorveth prefers Roche nasty and sweaty. Uh... I just started this one and somehow it went from “huh, why do I not mind Roche when he’s all sweaty” to “hmm, I think I’m gonna steal his clothes and smell them while I touch myself” and I’m still working on the transition from one to the other lol
Red is the Rose Chapters 3+4 - Ch3 is about ready for posting, but I’m trying to figure out how much of the events of W2 to cover or if I should just skip all of them and get to the post-W2 plot.
Fun fact: all of those WiPs above are in 1 document because I like to make life difficult for Google Docs. But the other docs are all specific ‘verses (or themes) and these ones are theoretically standalone. Theoretically.
More standalones
Letters - a post-W3 WiP where Roche is running Temeria and hates it and starts receiving letters from Iorveth (sealed with a forget me not in wax).
WiP where they both get captured and imprisoned in a magic cell and whoops, sex ends up happening... and then their teams come rescue them.
Cuddles with the Commander - continuation of Pride of Temeria, where Roche wakes up cuddled up with Pillow Tits and his team.
Fire Breathing - a Meet the Family WiP where Iorveth is hanging with the Stripes and PT decides to demonstrate how to breathe fire. Iorveth is more than slightly freaked out that humans have this ability.
Iorveth gangbang - uh yeah, what it says on the tin. The Blue Stripes take Iorveth apart under Roche’s guidance.
Different first meeting identity porn WiP - they meet in Flotsam just as the Scoia’tael is starting to get formed. Neither knows who the other is, but they have amazing sex and every time they’re in Flotsam together, they meet up again. But Iorveth, of course, leads the Scoia’tael, and Roche has been tasked with hunting them down.
Crones WiP - Roche went to the Crones to plead for his men back. He gets them back - but as ghosts. He also gets assigned to help work on a cure to the Catriona plague, and it turns out one of the people already working on it is Iorveth. I literally just want Blue Stripes ghosts laughing at Roche’s bad flirting, but somehow it’s mostly angst rn ooops
Love Shack WiPs
First Time WiP - this one is so close to being done dammit. It’s actually the first WiP I ever started for this pairing and it just needs like 2 more orgasms aaaaahhhhhh
Medicine WiP - morning after their first time, they have a discussion about scars and medicine and how elven medicine is way better than human medicine. Not at all based on the billions of medical procedures I’m going through or anything.
PWP Ovi WiP - uh yeah, this one is just pure porn. rn Iorveth is giving Roche his eggs and Roche is loving it.
The Picture Says It All - next is gonna be a sketch of Roche hard at work hunched over a desk and Iorveth is all “no, this is wrong, he’s meant to be wielding a sword and fighting me”
The Haunting of Barrack 8B - Adda!! Adda is officially getting introduced in the next part, which is good, ‘cause she’s important in this ‘verse (and in my heart)
Roche builds Iorveth a home WiP - oh yeah, I stalled out because I realized I had to establish Roche and Rinn’s friendship before she could give him a hint about making a nest for Iorveth
Long Live the King - WiP about Roche’s relationship with Foltest, some of what he’s done for the King, how Iorveth feels about it, and then the big finale for this ‘verse, which I will leave secret for now.
Don’t Cry For Me, Temeria WiPs These are only the ones that have actual WiPs started, because believe me, I have a LOT more ideas
(Im)Perfect Strangers ch 27 - time for Roche to step up his wooing. Featuring dinner, dancing, and gift giving. And, of course, it wouldn’t be me without misunderstandings lol.
Between Two Fools Ch 8 - I’m working on getting this out as soon as I can. Just gotta finish writing their sex from the end of (Im)Perfect Strangers ch 26
Unlucky Number Thirteen - I want to write about how he starts spying for Roche and their developing kinda mentorship relationship
Silas’s story - he’s literally JUST joined the Stripes and I need to write how he and Thirteen work closely together but also this poor anxious boy is like 3 seconds from a heart attack at all times rn. It will get better tho.
Earning Your Stripes ch 2 - the first time. This chap will actually have porn! But first I gotta finish writing it lol. Rn Ves and Finch are double teaming Fenn and PT and Thirteen are in subspace cuddling with Roche, but soon they’ll get to join in too.
break (v /brāk/): to destroy someone's resistance - cnc WiP where Iorveth asks Roche to break him - and Roche has a lot of fun doing so as they pretend to fight like they’re still enemies.
Bath House - this was SUPPOSED to be a porny lil thing where Roche talks dirty to Iorveth while they’re stuck being proper for the kids, and then finally they get some alone time. But what it also turned into is that Anais and Thirteen equally hate baths lmao. Boussy loves them tho. He’s a hedonist, while Anais is just bored and Thirteen is like a cat with water.
Tutti Ch 2 - Iorveth begins to compose a symphony for Roche about their love story.
Daggers, Dumplings, and Dresses - the Elihal/Hattori side story. Not gotten much written so far - mostly just Elihal reflecting on his friendship with Iorveth.
The First Rule of Fight Club ch 2 - Ves now has time to think about what Ciaran said about Roche not being worthy of her loyalty. And also about how Ciaran’s skin tasted when she bit him.
Dragonfucking - another PWP WiP featuring a threesome with Saskia... except Roche still doesn’t know about the whole dragon thing, so he’s in for a surprise.
Water Balloon Fight - silly lil WiP where the Scoia’tael and the Blue Stripes have a water balloon fight. PT is the ref.
Baby Mama - lmao yes that is what it’s listed as in my doc. Not gonna say a lot about this, but will probably be a longer piece. Set in the distant future in DCfM,T.
Tempt Not a Desperate Man ‘verse Yeah, does anyone know what this is? It’s the ‘verse that started with Devour What’s Truly Yours and so far has nothing else published oops
Part 2 - in which they actually have to face each other again and figure out where they stand. And then there’s some fisting.
The Chaperon - Iorveth decides to make Roche a chaperon since the last one was sacrificed as a cum rag
Human Bootlicker - Iorveth makes a joke about Roche surrendering on his knees when he gets the upper hand in a fight between the Blue Stripes and the Scoia’tael - and then Roche actually does.
Elven Baths - so it’s kinda a thing in this ‘verse that they end up meeting and fucking in the elven baths in the Flotsam forest. As in, the legend about “if you’re in love, you can still hear the lovers’ sighs in the garden” came to being because Roche is fucking loud lmao. Also, roses of remembrance. 😉
Sort of series fics, but technically stand alone. AKA apparently I decided I wanted to do Themes. 
Theme 1: Possessiveness aka all the kinky sex kinda embarrassed to admit to these which is dumb because fuck shame
Piss fic - uh, kinda what it sounds like? Roche decides to be an asshole and refuses to move out of the way when Iorveth tries to get to the bathroom - and somehow this turns into Iorveth pissing on his crotch.
Come inflation + piss fic - Roche gets a potion that makes him come a lot. Iorveth likes it and wants more.
Possessiveness - Iorveth has feelings about his nemesis and Roche does not know how to feel about this.
Tentacles + Breeding - a tentacle/vine plant instinctively tries to lay its eggs in Roche. Iorveth is not okay with this plant going for his enemy... until it turns out Roche is very much here for it. And also for Iorveth fertilizing the eggs after they’ve been laid.
Dream - Roche dreams about Iorveth being an elven king and himself being essentially Iorveth’s plaything, to use and to show off
Theme 2: King Roche aka hey, wouldn’t it be funny if he ended up in charge? He would hate it so much
Murder husbands - Iorveth breaks into the palace and finds the very unhappy “King” Roche, then they go run away and kill war criminals together. But of course Roche could never abandon Temeria, so he’s still in charge by day. But by night, it’s murder time.
Okay, technically this has like a line written for it, BUT bodyguard AU where Roche knows he’s gonna get assassinated without protection once he becomes king, and only Iorveth is allowed to kill him. So only makes since for Iorveth to become his bodyguard. 
Arranged Marriage AU - inspired by softestpunk’s The Gift, I literally just want cracky fun where they are forced to get married and they hate it but also fall in love. That’s it, that’s the story.
Holy fuck, I have a lot of WiPs. But I think that’s all the Iorveth/Roche ones. Which is not to say I don’t have more, but rn, I am hyperfixated on these idiots, so these are the ones I am actively writing.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Three Can Play At That Game
Follow up to The Beast With Three Backs
Pairing:  Ben!Roger x (Bi) Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Summery: You’re taught how to behave.
Warnings: Smut!!!!, Dom!Rog, Dom!OC, Sub!Reader, drug mention, exhibitionism, public play (to the point where others see, but not full sex), smoking, humiliation/degradation, choking, edging/orgasm denial, restraints + gags, overstimulation, forced orgasm, oral all round (including face fucking and face sitting), facial, very very brief hint at a possible blood kink, nipple + clit clamps, spanking (hand + belt), I think thats everything lmao
Words: 8,896
A/N: Ya’ll, idk what to say. This is the longest, filthiest thing I’ve ever written. At one point towards the end I burst out laughing at the sheer fucking ridiculousness of the turn my life took to get me to this point, writing over 7k words of threesome smut. Literally what the fuck. I would also like to say that google is painfully unhelpful when you’re trying to get info on lesbian sex positions that aren’t oral so hats off to my wlw followers who’ve had to work that shit out on their own. Anyway, I hope ya’ll enjoy this, I’m gonna go scream for three hours!
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Tagslist: @idontbelievethiss @somekindof-cheese @labessieisallama @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @shae-is-not-ok
The afterparty was just as wild as Roger had promised it would be. Room after room packed full of people. Between the band and their crew and the various girls trying their best to draw their eyes, there was barely enough room to move. You pushed your way through the crowd, stopping occasionally to say hi to familiar faces, dodging around people dancing together and indulging in their drug of choice, some of whom offered you a hit. Finally, you spotted the man you were looking for, sitting with a drink in hand as he chatted with a couple of people you didn’t recognise. “Rog!” you waved to get his attention as you crossed the last of the distance between you. His hand darted out to grab your wrist and pull you down onto his lap as his friends took their leave. “Glad you could make it, Y/N. Took you long enough.” You poked your tongue out at his teasing, only to have him return the gesture. “You were incredible tonight.” You could tell he was still amped up from the performance, as well as whatever he’d taken before you got there, his fingers busy tapping out a beat against your thigh.   “You trying to tell me I’m not always incredible?” “Shut up, you know what I mean,”   “You’re right though. Was fucking electric up there, couldn’t’ve played off beat if I’d tried.” He grinned up at you but his fingers kept moving franticly over your skin. You covered his hand with your own, forcing him to stop. He blinked like he hadn’t realised what he was doing. “Gonna tap a hole through my leg if you keep that up,” you laughed, “you okay?” “Yeah, just full of energy,” He started tapping his foot rapidly, making his leg bounce, and you with it. “Think I could help with that,” you said softly, laying your palms on his chest as you leaned into his ear. The bouncing slowed and he grasped your thigh tighter, “And what did you have in mind exactly?” “Well, that’s for me to know,” You trailed your hand up his neck and wound your fingers through his hair, “And you to find out,” a sharp tug on his hair had you smiling at the way he gasped. “I do like the idea of making you beg though.” “If anyones gonna be begging tonight, it’s you,” he growled against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands wrapped around both your wrists, bringing them back down towards his chest as he pulled your ear lobe between his teeth. You swung one leg over his lap so you were straddling him, skirt riding up slightly in the process.   “Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?” “You’re my pretty little slut. If I want you to beg, you’ll beg.” Your stomach clenched and your breath caught in your throat and you inwardly cursed him for being able to affect you so easily. “You going to start behaving then?” “You’re the one who needs to start behaving,” you said trying to wiggle your hands free. “That wasn’t a suggestion, love,” his grip on your wrists tightened. “But if you really aren’t going to do what you’re told, I’ll find someone else who will.” He shifted so he was holding your wrists in one hand and used the other to grab your face, finger tips digging into your cheeks making your lips puff out as he forced you to look where he wanted, “that girl in the striped top has been giving me eyes all fucking night. She wants very badly to impress me and if I told her to drop to her knees right this second, she would. Same could be said about the one over there in the purple hot pants. And look, isn’t that you’re little plaything, Linda.”   “Girlfriend,” you tried to say despite his grip, as you watched Linda weave her way through the crowd towards you, the bright pink bandana in her hair recognisable from a mile away.   “Same diff. Don’t think I’d have any trouble convincing her to ditch you for the night.” All you could do was whimper as he turned your head back towards him, locking eyes with you. “So you’re going to behave.” Not a question this time. “Yes, Sir,”   He let go of you, almost as forcefully as he’d held you, and brought his hands down to rest lightly on your thighs, watching to see what you’d do. You were tempted to rub the spots on your cheeks where his fingers had been but you resisted. His gaze held firm, even after you let your eyes drop downwards, making your skin tingle with the weight of it on you. He took a moment, sizing you up, before he next spoke. “Strip.” Your eyes grew wide as saucers as you quickly looked back up to his face, “S-strip Sir?” “Don’t pretend that doesn’t turn you on.” His fingers resumed their tapping as if you hadn’t interrupted the beat earlier. “We’ve been fucking long enough now that I’m well aware you like the danger of being caught with you pants around your knees, so to speak. You’ve had no problem letting me finger you in restaurants, or backstage after shows, surrounded by roadies. Never cum harder than when I pushed you up against that big window at Freddie’s place, when you knew that if the boys turned around, they’d see you, tits hanging out, begging me to fuck you harder. So stripping here shouldn’t be a problem.” As much as you didn’t want to admit it, he was right. The memory of the cool glass under your palms and Roger’s grip on your waist had you rocking your hips, not helped by the rapid tapping creeping steadily higher up your thigh. If you closed your eyes you could still see Brian moving to turn back towards the house. Could hear that voice in your head willing him to see you as your orgasm shuddered through you. The quiet disappointment when Freddie reached out and pointed in the opposite direction catching his attention once more. Roger clicked his fingers near your ear to bring you back to the present.   “Haven’t got all night, love.” You grabbed the hem of your shirt and yanked it up. “That’s what I thought.”
“Hey Rog,” “Lindy, good to see you!” Roger’s voice was muffled by the shirt as you tugged it over your head. “What’s got into her?” Linda asked indicating your now bare chest that had drawn both her and Roger’s attention. Roger absentmindedly played with one of your nipples as he replied, his steady voice the complete antithesis of how you felt. “She’s trying to prove she’s a good slut who can follow directions.” Linda hummed and took a swig of the beer clutched in her hand. She reached out and twisted the nipple Roger hadn’t claimed, pulling a squeak from the back of your throat, “Can I help?” “You want to?” “You seem surprised.” She was still pinching your nipple making you arch your back. Roger shrugged, “After last time I just assumed you’d prefer to be in her position.” “Last time I was nervous and stepping way out of my comfort zone. I’m not always quite so meek.” “Yeah, I think I’m starting to see that.” He laughed as Linda finally released your nipple, and you let out the breath you’d been holding.  
The looks Roger and Linda gave you made you feel like a helpless mouse caught between two hungry cats who liked to play with their food. Your cheeks were burning under their gazes, the knowledge that so many people could see you squirming, topless, on Roger’s lap hitting you harder now that Linda was involved. You were certain there’d be stories spread through London, and further, about this moment. Exaggerations would be made about the state of your undress, assumptions made about what exactly was going on – surely more than just straddling his lap. You shivered at the thought and stifled a whine that would only have added fuel to the rumour mill’s fire. Linda placed her fingers under your chin, tilting your head up as she leaned closer, her breath tickling your slightly parted lips. You tried to close the gap but she wrapped her hand around your throat before you could. “Not yet, sweetie.” You pouted, throwing her your best puppy dog eyes but she just squeezed your throat tighter as Roger slipped his hands round to grab your arse. “What say we get our brat somewhere a little more private?” Linda held onto your throat as she pushed you off Roger’s lap. She gave you a quick peck on the lips before she released you. “Be a good girl and wait for us in the car, love,” Roger said into your ear, “driver should be there, he’ll let you in.” “Can I have my shirt back, Sir?” “You’re lucky I’m letting you keep the skirt. We’ll be down soon,” he leaned forward to swat your bum and push you off into the crowd. “And don’t try to cover yourself,” Linda’s voice followed you as you headed for the door.
It was easy to keep yourself from covering your chest as you weaved through the crowd, passing other half-dressed people as they shared drinks and smokes. Once you got outside though it became much harder. For one thing, you no longer had the warmth of bodies in a confined space, left only with the cold night air biting at your skin. For another, you could no longer feel Roger’s or Linda’s gazes following you. It was much harder to stay obedient when you were on your own. You wrapped your arms around your chest as you walked towards the car, rubbing some warmth back into your arms, keenly aware of the driver looking you over. He let you into the back seat with a grin as you allowed your arms to fall back down to your sides now that you were in the relative warmth of the car. The wait for Roger and Linda was excruciating. You fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, tempted to just quickly rub one out while you waited. Knowing the driver was watching only made the temptation worse since you were sure he’d tattle and it’d result in you being punished. The idea of being bratty enough to earn a spanking had you biting your lip but the decision was made for you as the door opened once more and Linda climbed in next to you. You could see Roger through the windscreen, leaning against the hood of the car as he chatted cheerfully with the driver. Your attention was diverted as Linda’s fingers trailed up your side.   “I like seeing you like this,” she said as she palmed your breasts. “Like what?” “Obedient. Submissive.” She let one hand fall to your lap, pushing your skirt up your thigh so she could tease you over your underwear as she leaned in to kiss you. “I could say the same of you” You tried to keep your voice steady but it came out slightly more breathless than you would have liked. “Rog reckons you’re gonna be a real brat.” “Does he now?” “We’re going to have so much fun breaking you.” She slipped off the seat to kneel between your feet, hooking her fingers into your underwear and dragging them slowly down your legs. “God you’re so wet. This cos you had your tits out for everyone?” You whined as she ran a single finger along your cunt up to your clit. “Oh that is a lovely sound,” Roger said as he climbed into the car, bringing a faint whiff of smoke with him. A second later you heard the front door close and the car start. You began rolling slowly out of the carpark.   “She’s soaked Rog, you were right.” “Told you she likes when people know what a slut she is.” You whined again as Linda continued to tease you, trailing her fingers up and down your slick folds. Roger leaned past you to wind down your window. “On your knees. Hold on to the door.” You got into position, shivering slightly as you were once again exposed to the cold night air. “I’ve just found out something very interesting about our slut. Apparently, she decided it was okay to disobey us. Covered up her tits on her way down to the car.” “Well that is naughty.” Linda said from her position on the floor, tracing her wet fingers up and down the inside of your thigh, already making you feel slightly breathless, “you gonna defend yourself?” “It was cold,” you yelped as Linda pinched you. “Aww, it was cold was it?” Roger said in a mocking baby voice. He then spoke to Linda, “Finger her, but don’t let her cum just yet. She needs to be reminded who’s in charge.” Linda laughed as she pushed two fingers into you, making you whine out the open window. You felt Roger’s hand tangle into the ends of your hair and he tugged on it as he spoke, pulling you inside so you could hear him clearly. “You’ve got a long ride ahead of you. Don’t even think about moving your hands off that door until I say you can.” “Yes, Sir,” “You’re our pretty little toy tonight.” his fingers began their tapping again, trailing over your backside, “We tell you to drop to your knees, you’ll drop to your knees. We tell you to be silent, you’ll be fucking silent. Clear?” “Yes, Sir,” He hummed, “I hope so.” He released your hair, and you dropped your head forward, the movement of the car making the wind sting your cheeks.   At that moment the car came to a halt at a red light. Linda was relentless as she fingered you, pulling a constant stream of gasps and curses from your lips. “Please let me cum, I wanna cum, I wanna cum, please, so bad.” Your voice was loud enough for a couple passing on the street to notice you, stopping in their tracks to watch your bare breasts bounce as you tried to force Linda deeper.   “Told you that you’d be the one begging,” you heard Roger say as grabbed your hips to stop you. The light changed and the car took off again, the night snatching the moans and frustrated cries from your mouth as you sped off. Your hair whipped around your face, the entire top half of your body was covered in goose bumps and your fingers, resolutely clutching the open window, felt numb with cold. Roger’s hands shifted from you and you felt him moving around. Moments later something was placed against your lower back and you felt Roger writing on what you realised what a crumpled piece of paper. You could hear Roger and Linda talking, their conversation interrupted as Roger wrote or crossed out something, but couldn’t make out what they were saying over the roar of the wind and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. It was humiliating, knowing passers-by could hear you whining and catch glimpses of you as you drove by, knowing you were dripping down Linda’s hand, while they were more concerned with using you as a table.
You jumped slightly when Roger pulled you back into the car. Linda’s fingers left you as she moved to wind the window back up and you felt like you could breathe freely again. You shivered slightly as Roger pulled you against him, rubbing your arms to warm them up. Linda got off the floor and pushed your legs open. “Can’t have you clenching your thighs together, now can we?” she asked as she leaned over you. You whined as she traced a finger round your nipple before replacing it with her tongue.   “Oh! She’s all cold,” Linda laughed, “gonna have to warm her up a bit.” She switched to your other nipple, sucking it into her mouth. The contrast between the cold of the night and the warmth of her touch almost stung as she kneaded your breasts, pinching and rolling your nipples between her fingers, her breath tickling you as she left a wet trail across your chest. Roger pulled your head to the side, exposing your neck, and began nipping and sucking at your pulse point. It was only another two minutes or so before the car pulled up outside the hotel, but by the time the engine had been turned off you were begging to cum again in between breathless pants.   “Time to let the real fun start,” Roger growled against your ear before he got out of the car, offering you his hand as you tried to stand on shaky legs. Linda wrapped her arm around your waist and you both followed Roger towards the counter. The brush of Linda’s hair on your neck and her shirt tickling your side reminded you of just how undressed you were, and your cheeks grew hot as you realised the very few people in the lobby were staring at you. You watched Roger lean against the counter as he talked to the woman stationed there. Her eyes flicked back to you every few moments but otherwise she maintained her professionalism. He handed over the crumpled paper he’d been writing on and you saw her smile and say “we’ll do our best to get these for you”.   “What was that about?” You asked when Roger returned, leading you towards the elevator. “Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. Yet, anyway.”
The elevator ride was excruciatingly slow. Roger grabbed your wrists and pulled them behind your back as soon as the doors were shut. Linda slipped her hand under your skirt as you watched the floor numbers tick by, praying that no one else was going to get in. Two floors away from where Roger’s room was, you jerked to a stop and the doors slid open. Linda pulled her fingers from you just as a young couple, dressed to the nines, stuck their heads into the open door. “Are you going up or down?” “Up,” Roger replied with a smile, his grasp on your wrists tightening. The couple withdrew again, unabashedly staring at you. “Oh my god,” you half moaned softly, closing your eyes as you tilted your head back against Roger’s shoulder. “Must have hit the wrong button,” Roger said, throwing Linda a wink.
Thankfully you didn’t meet anyone else on your way to Roger’s room. He unlocked the door and pushed you inside, making you stumble slightly. “Skirt and shoes off.” You hastened to obey, leaving you completely naked next to the still fully dressed other two. Once you’d kicked your shoes to the side Roger strode forward, grabbing you by the throat. “Such an eager little whore we’ve got,” he said to Linda, who was hurredly removing her own clothes, his grip on your throat tightening. “Knew she liked being seen but didn’t realise it’d make her drip so much.” You opened your mouth try to argue but he just squeezed tighter.   “What’s that, whore? Couldn’t hear you,”   Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your chest got tight, as Roger walked you backwards through the short hallway. He finally released your throat, leaving you gasping for air, as you were flung onto the bed. Before you had the chance to recover Linda, now in just her underwear, straddled your lap, pushing your arms over your head as she brought her lips to yours. You whined into her kiss as Roger secured your arms to the bed head with a couple of ties he’d got from his suitcase. “Hey! No fair,” you whined as Linda pulled away from you.   “Fair is whatever we say it is, now be quiet,” Linda said as she reached up to grab Roger’s shirt and pulled him down into a fierce kiss. You struggled against your restraints, unable to pull your eyes from where their lips met, catching flashes of their tongues delving deeper into each other’s mouths. Roger’s hands slid around Linda as he deftly undid her bra, letting it drop to the ground, all without breaking the kiss. You jerked your hips up as you pulled at the ties, and Linda broke the kiss giggling. “She’s so cute when she struggles, isn’t she Rog?” “You can talk,” you spat out quickly, “Should have seen her the other night. Face down, arse up, trying so hard to rock against the fingers I had buried in her cunt while she begged me to go faster. She was a mess by the time I gave in and fucked her.” “That’s an awfully bold thing to say, coming from someone who can’t move. You’re at our mercy tonight and if I were you, I’d keep my fucking mouth shut.” “Thought you liked my mouth?” Your cheek stung from the slap Roger laid on you as he growled out, “Gag her. The dumb bitch seems to have forgotten what I told her in the car.” Linda tugged the bandana from her hair and slipped it between your teeth, tying it off behind your head.   “Knew she was gonna be a right fucking brat. Gonna have to teach her how to behave.” “How? Spanking?” Linda’s eyes lit up and you decided she sounded far too excited by the prospect for your liking, though it was what you’d been hoping for earlier.   “I had something else in mind. Actually, I have two ideas and I’m not sure which one would be more fun so,” he dug through his pocket until he found a coin. He held up the 50p so you could see it, “we’re gonna flip a coin. Heads, the bitch isn’t allowed to cum until we give her permission. Tails, the opposite.” You whimpered around the gag as Roger flipped the coin high into the air, catching it and slamming it against his other hand. He paused for a moment, watching you squirm, before he slowly revealed the coin. “Tails it is.” “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Linda moved off of you, letting Roger pull one of your knees towards him, spreading your legs wide. She settled between them and bent down, blowing a stream of cool air over your dripping wet cunt before she leaned in, laying her tongue flat against you and licked a line all the way up your slit. You moaned, bucking your hips up to meet her as she reached your clit, vaguely aware of Roger pulling his shirt off beside you. In the back of your mind you knew you should try and hold off your orgasm, knew that it wouldn’t be long before you were too sensitive, but she felt so fucking good as she sucked your clit between her lips. The edging from earlier had left you desperate and it was all you could focus on, the orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, getting stronger with each swirl of her tongue. Roger’s hand sliding up and down your thigh only heightened your need and you screamed into the bandana as you were finally allowed to cum, the orgasm drawn out by Linda continuing to suck on your clit. When your cries quietened into small whimpers, she released your clit moving back down to lap up the evidence of your first orgasm of the night. Tingles spread through your body starting where her tongue met your core as she continued licking over your folds. Roger tapped his fingers up your body until he was stood over your head. He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, watching the way your head rolled back as you were pushed closer to the edge again.   “Thats right, gonna keep cumming for us aren’t you?” You whined as Linda began pumping her fingers into you again, never giving you a moment to pause as she found that spot inside you that made you see stars.   Roger ran a single finger up and down your neck as he spoke, his voice rough and impossible to ignore, “Not gonna let you stop until we’re finished with you. You’ve been such a fucking brat tonight. Talking back to us like you did. This is what you deserve. Reward for being a disobedient bitch.” Your legs shook as another wave, smaller than the first rolled through you. The bandana in your mouth was wet and you could feel excess saliva dripping over your lips and running down your cheeks and chin as you rolled your head to the side, wanting to escape Linda before she could toy with you any longer. Your hips jolted as her attention focused on your sensitive clit and you tried to squirm away, clamping your legs shut, but without your hands there was nothing you could do to block her. “You think your poor little pussy is sensitive now, you’re gonna be in for a rough night.” Roger grasped your hair and pulled your head up slightly so you could watch Linda burying her face between your legs. “She’s doing a wonderful job isn’t she?” He forced you to nod up and down, agreeing with him, and you felt tears shake loose and fall down your cheeks, “Are you ready to behave?” You did you best to say ‘yes’ but it was muddled by the gag and the way your voice shook as Linda continued to tear you apart. Roger untied the knot at the back of your head and pulled the bandana away from your mouth, soaked with your spit. Your cries were louder now that you weren’t gagged, but that only seemed to encourage your tormentors.   “Ple-e-ease, no mmmm-oore,” you managed to choke out. “Hearing you beg makes me so fucking hard.” As if you needed proof, he pushed his pants down, setting his cock free, “Now, tell me, what are you going to do next?” “Wh-at ever S-sir and Ma’a-am want,” “Good, you’re learning.” He gently rubbed his thumb over your cheek, stroking himself with his other hand, “Think it’s time to put that pretty mouth of yours to use though, since I like it so much.” He echoed your words from earlier as he kicked his pants off entirely and kneeled on the bed next to you, pushing himself between your lips.  
Your bound hands and the angle of your head made it difficult to move freely up and down his shaft. Roger solved this problem by holding your head up while he fucked your mouth, working himself deeper and making you gag. Linda was still between your legs, alternating between sucking on your clit and flicking it with her tongue as she roughly fingered you, drawing more noises from you that only encouraged Roger to use your mouth harder. You couldn’t decide who to focus on, one moment only interested in the shockwaves Linda sent through you, the next distracted by Roger telling you what a perfect whore you were. You tugged on your restraints as every muscle in your body tensed against the onslaught of pleasure and you were pushed into another orgasm. Roger slammed into you again, pushing as deep into your throat as he could and holding you there. “Fuck, feels so good to have you choking on my cock. Gonna make me cum soon. You love being a good girl and swallowing Sir’s cum don’t you?” You moaned your assent but Roger only laughed as he pulled out of you, letting your head drop back to the bed, heaving for air.   “Such a greedy little cum slut, but I don’t think you’ve behaved well enough to earn that yet.” He started stroking himself again and you only had a moment to screw your eyes shut before he was finishing over your face with a groan. Linda noticed what was happening and sat up to watch, finally giving your cunt a break from the endless attention. You held as still as possible as you felt hot spurts of cum hit your cheeks and chin and lips. The next thing you felt was Linda crawling up your body and licking along your cheek. You opened one eye cautiously and saw Roger sitting back watching Linda cleaning up the mess.   “Our little slut learnt her lesson?” she questioned, trailing her finger over your chin and bringing the cum she collected to her lips. “Yes Ma’am,” you said, voice shaking slightly. “She’s getting there,” came Roger’s voice from further down the bed, “but she still has trouble knowing when to keep quiet apparently.” Linda giggled as she leaned down to lick the last traces of Roger’s cum from your lip, pushing it into your mouth with her tongue. You sighed into the kiss, relaxing more than you had since you sat down on Roger’s lap hours earlier.  
The shrill shriek of the phone rang through the room, the unexpected loudness making Linda jump as she pulled away from the kiss. You hissed as you felt a sting and tasted blood and you realised Linda had bitten your lip in her shock.   “Sorry, sweetie,” Linda said quietly as Roger moved to answer the phone. “‘s alright,” you ran your tongue over your split lip, noticing the way Linda was staring. Definitely something to bring up at home.   “That was the front desk,” Roger said as he put the phone down, “they weren’t able to get everything we asked for, but someone’s gonna bring up what they did find.” Your stomach tightened as you remembered the crumpled paper from earlier. It had been completely pushed from your mind in the wake of everything else but you were sure whatever was written on it was going to be used against you. Linda clapped her hands excitedly which only confirmed your suspicions. “What do you mean ‘everything’? What are they bringing up?” You asked, failing to keep your voice calm as you jerked at your restraints. “You’ll find out soon enough,” Linda cooed, tapping your nose, “think I better give you something else to focus on though.” She rolled off you, pulling off her underpants as she moved up the bed. Turning so the headboard was behind her, she placed a leg on either side of your head and lowered herself onto your mouth. She was dripping, having spent so long torturing you without getting off herself. You flicked your tongue back and forth over her pussy, as she rocked her hips, already panting as her orgasm approached.   “Fuck, Y/N,” she moaned softly as you circled her clit, “such a good slut, gonna make me, oh! Make me, god fuck,” she rutted against your tongue until her legs shook and her juices dripped into your waiting mouth. You slowly licked along her cunt, collecting every last drop, relishing the tangy, salty taste. Her hands dropped to your breasts, squeezing them as she continued to rock her hips above you. She left one hand there as the other trailed down your body, coming to a halt when she reached your clit. She pressed her thumb to it, rubbing small fast circles that had you whining against her pussy. The short reprieve you’d been allowed meant you weren’t quite as painfully sensitive as you had been though it was still enough to make you try to squirm away from her touch.
You felt a hand wrap around your ankle as it kicked out in your effort to escape. The bed dipped slightly as Roger settled himself at the end, rubbing your legs as Linda’s fingers left you, and it was only then you realised he’d left the room.   “I’ve left the stuff on the table over there.” He said to Linda as he pushed your legs wide, sliding his cock through your wet folds.   “How m-much of it did we get?” a small stutter the only indication she was still using your mouth. “Most of it, actually.” Roger buried himself completely in your cunt.   A moan was pushed from your throat as Roger began pounding into you but it went unnoticed as they continued their conversation. You thrust your tongue into Linda, but other than a small pause as she gasped it didn’t interrupt them. You moaned again, louder this time, but they kept ignoring you, treating you like nothing but a set of holes for them to use, a way for them to get off. You were torn, half stupidly aroused by the idea of existing for their use alone, half desperate for some kind of recognition. You found yourself hoping for one of them to touch your clit again, no matter how painful it was, doing everything in your limited power to get their attention. Judging by the way Linda’s speech fell away to be replaced by a series of higher and higher ‘oh’s, she was getting close, and that made you double down on your efforts, switching between tonguing her roughly and sucking on her clit. Before you could be rewarded with her orgasm though, she removed herself from your face. “Want to cum on your cock Rog” she whined as she crawled towards him. He withdrew from your cunt as he pulled her into position over you. Her face was above yours, just out of reach of your hungry lips. She mewled, closing her eyes, as Roger thrust into her a few times. Your hips jerked upwards, rutting against thin air in your desperation to have him inside you again. Roger obliged, pushing into you with a grunt, before switching back to her. You watched Linda’s mouth fall open, wishing she’d drop her lips to meet yours, or let you lavish her neck with kisses and love bites, but knowing you were lucky to be receiving the attention you were and that if you pushed it you ran the risk of losing it entirely. “So close,” she whined over and over, pushing back against Roger as he rammed into her again. Roger leaned forward and muttered something in her ear, before he withdrew from her and entered you again. Linda’s eyes shot open and she reached up to free one of your hands. Holding it tightly, she brought it up to her lips, sucking two of your fingers into her mouth for a moment before bring it down to press against her clit. She held you there as Roger thrust into her again, pushing her harder against your fingers as you rubbed her clit steadily. You could tell she was right there as both you and Roger worked to pull her over the edge, moaning at you not to stop until she was trembling and collapsing on to you. “Oh, fuck,” Roger gasped as she clenched around him, making him hit his release. He pulled out of her as he came, and you felt his warm seed dripping onto you from where it was leaking out of Linda. You were still rubbing Linda as she rode out her orgasm, your chest bursting with pride at being such a useful object, able to please the other two enough to make them cum.
Linda rolled off you, panting, and Roger moved to untie your still bound hand. “How’re you doing?” he asked softly, his thumb rubbing soothingly over your wrist. “Good, Rog,” you breathed out. “Not tempted to safe word?” “Hasn’t even crossed my mind.” “That’s my girl,” he said pressing his lips to your temple. You had a moment to breathe deeply before all trace of soft, caring Roger were gone, replaced once again by your Sir who demanded control. He grabbed you by the throat again to haul you to your knees, readjusting his grip as you pressed your back against his chest. “You ready to find out what was on that paper?” “Yes, Sir,” your voice was small as the anticipation and nerves made you tremble slightly, your stomach full of butterflies. Linda moved away to collect the brown bag that had been delivered and came back to kneel in front of you.   “I am so excited to try these on you.” You whimpered as you realised she had pulled out a set of nipple clamps.   “You want me to put them on?”   You nodded, breath shaky and body tingling at the very notion. “Why don’t you ask me then, tell me you want it.” She held up a clamp so you could see it, the black rubber on the ends making a dull sound as she opened and shut them. “Please, Ma’am. Please put them on me.” Linda’s smile widened as she leaned forward and took your left nipple in her fingers, rolling it to a stiff peak. Roger was still holding you by the throat, through his grip had slackened, and he was leaving a trail of chaste kisses over the back of your neck and shoulders. You gasped as Linda let the clamp close around your nipple, the sensation diametrically opposed to the soft feel of Roger’s lips. “That okay?” she asked as she adjusted the tightness, “don’t want it to hurt, just squeeze,” “It’s good, doesn’t hurt,” you said as the pinch you’d first felt settled into a dull ache. Linda moved to your right nipple to attach the second clamp and you couldn’t help but arch your back eagerly, making Linda chuckle. The light metal chain that connected both clamps was cold as it knocked against your skin, and it was only once both clamps were attached that you noticed the second chain, trailing down past your stomach. “One more,” Linda said as she ran her fingers along your slit, collecting the fresh wave of wetness that had been elicited by the clamps and bringing it up to rub your clit, “And you thought you were sensitive before.” She leaned down, kissing your clit once before she put the clamp in place, looking up at you as she adjusted the screw. “How’s that feel,” Roger asked, letting go of your hair. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, needing to take a few steadying breaths before you could reply, “fucking amazing, Sir.” You rolled your hips, panting as the clamp held you so deliciously tight. “What about this?” He pulled on the chain that hung between your breasts, sending a jolt through you that made you squeal. His laugh tickled your ear as he turned back to Linda, “What should we show her next?” Linda met your eyes as she spoke, “Well unfortunately they weren’t able to get me the crop I requested, so we’ll have to stick with a more traditional spanking.” You let the two of them move you into position, on all fours over Roger’s lap. Roger rubbed your arse, sending excited shivers up your spine, before he slid his hand up over your back to hold you in place.  
Linda started out with a few shallow strikes, enough to make you hiss at the small sting they left, but not enough to actually hurt, the chain from the clamps jangling softly with each one. Suddenly she hit you much harder, catching you off guard and making your arms buckle slightly. “You can do what you like with her cunt Rog, just keep clear of her arse.” Roger slipped three fingers into you, holding them still as Linda hit you again. It was hard enough to make you jolt forward, changing the angle of Roger’s fingers and making the clamps jangle louder as you let a whine escape. Roger began fingering you in earnest with a series of short sharp thrusts that were pushed deeper every time Linda spanked you. Between the two of them and the incredible way the clamp on your clit was squeezing you, it wasn’t long before you were coming undone with a moan. Linda rubbed over the pink spots she’d created as you shivered through your orgasm, soothing the warm sting.   “Good girl,” Roger cooed as he brought his fingers to a stop again, leaving them inside you, and rubbing your back with his other hand. Linda came round to your front, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “Remember what I looked like after the first time the three of us did this? I had all sorts of bruises and marks up and down my body. I couldn’t wear shorts for a whole week because you’d so thoroughly covered my thighs. And don’t even get me started on my tits. What I mean is, think it’s time I return the favour.” You whimpered as she walked away from your again, the seconds before the next strike dragging on as she moved around the room. Roger kept his hand on your back to stop you from turning to watch, pulling his fingers out of your cunt so he could play with the chain that fell from your tits. Your breath hitched as he pulled the chain upwards and then let it drop, swinging down to hit your skin again. The next thing you knew was a whoosh sound as Linda brought a belt down against your skin. “Fuck!” you cried out as you collapsed completely. “Get her back up for me,” Roger grabbed your hips with both hands, pulling your arse back into the air and then pushed his fingers back into your cunt. Your chest was still pressed against the bed when the belt hit you again, emphasising the pressure from the nipple clamps. She hit you again and again and again, Roger fingering you deep and hard, his other arm pulling you against him so you couldn’t wriggle away. Every swing of the leather seemed harder than the previous one until each blow had you screaming and crying into the sheets beneath you. All the while the clamp on your clit held strong, constantly stimulating you, bringing you closer to another orgasm. “Every time you hit her, she clenches round my fingers. Think our slut might be enjoying herself.” Linda paused, her touch gentle as she soothingly rubbed your arse, but still making you flinch. “Gonna give you three more, okay?” “Yes, Ma’am,” you choked out, voice muffled in the bedding. “And I want you to count them off, nice and loud. So get you’re head up now.”   You pushed yourself back up on your hands shakily.   “Here we go.” The belt whipped through the air, landing on your arse with a sharp thwack. “One!” you yelled, struggling to stay upright as she lay the belt gently against your lower back. Roger reached around and carefully removed one of the nipple clamps. Your breast throbbed as blood rushed back to your nipple but you didn’t have long to dwell on it before Linda was bringing the belt down on you again. “Two!” Roger removed the second clamp, faster this time, flooding your chest with a warm tingly sensation that was more painful than the actual clamp had been. “Last one,” Linda warned before she hit you again, pulling another cry from your throat. “Three-e-e!” You said through your tears. The moment you clenched around Roger’s fingers he removed the clamp from your clit. It felt similar to the way your nipples felt but heightened, throbbing and hot and almost too much. This time when you collapsed no one pulled you back up. You rolled onto your side as you tried to stop sobbing, not wanting anything to touch your nipples or your bum. Roger ran his hand up and down your thigh to calm you as Linda dropped the belt and kneeled at your head. She reached out to stroke your hair softly. “Oh, sweetie. That hurt didn’t it.” “Yes, Ma’am,” you said tearfully. “And removing those clamps made you all sore, didn’t they?” “Yes, Ma’am,”   “Good. That was the point. Now what do you say?” “Thank you, Ma’am. Thank you, Sir.” “Good girl,” she pressed her lips to your temple, “Are you okay?” You took a couple of deep breaths to stem the flow of tears, “Yes.” “Do you want to use your safe word?” You considered for a moment but now that the immediate pain was subsiding you felt okay, “No, I wanna continue.” “You sure? You don’t have to.” “I’m sure. Kinda curious to see how my clit works after the clamp,” Linda chuckled as she leaned in to kiss you softly before she looked back at Roger, “you happy to keep going?” “If Y/N is okay, absolutely. Haven’t had a chance to fuck her properly yet.”
With that Roger lifted your legs off his lap so he could scoot out from under you. He took his cock in his hand stroking his a few times as he pulled one of your legs up into the air, letting you stay on your side so as not to further irritate your stinging body. You propped you head up on one arm to watch as he pushed into you, leaning your leg against his shoulder and neck as he set a harsh pace. Linda grabbed your free hand and pulled it between her legs. “Gonna be a good girl and make me cum aren’t you, otherwise there’ll be consequences.” You nodded, unable to form coherent words as Roger began rubbing your clit. The clamp had left you extra responsive to his touch, still tingling slightly from its removal and feeling every stroke more acutely. You tried to focus on Linda pulling your fingers into her core, encouraging you to finger fuck her but the way Roger was drawing circles round your clit with his thumb had your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you moaned out your release. He kept stimulating your clit as he pounded into you, drawing your orgasm out until your moans turned to painful whines and pleas for him to stop. The hyper-responsiveness in the wake of the clamp had fast become hyper-sensitivity to the point of pain. “Sir, please it’s too much,” “I’ll stop when your pretty little cunt is full of my cum. You clench around me so fucking tightly when I touch your clit, shouldn’t take long.” You let your arm fall back to the mattress, biting down on it to muffle your whimpers as Roger continued his relentless pace, grabbing onto your stinging bum for leverage. His thrusts became more erratic as he neared his peak, releasing into you with a string of grunted curses. As soon as he’d left your core Linda was pulling you up to your knees, your back against her chest. You watched as Roger found his discarded pants and reached into his pocket, pulling out his pack of smokes and a lighter. He lit the cigarette, taking a long drag on it, as Linda reached down to swipe up the cum that was leaking out of you. Once her fingers were coated, she brought them up to your mouth, making you suck them clean. “Taste good?”
You hummed, unable to speak around her fingers. “And was that fucking worth it?” She pulled her fingers free and lay a short sharp slap to your clit that would have had you doubled over in pain if she hadn’t been holding you up, “Told you to make me cum or there’d be consequences, so now you gotta face them.” She pushed you forwards, your hands hitting the mattress with a thud, as she turned to dig through the bag again. “Oh, you poor dumb slut,” Roger laughed, waving his cigarette through the air, “too fucked out to pay attention. I know what’s in that bag and you are fucking in for it.” You could hear Linda moving around behind you but you kept your eyes glued to Roger as you sat back on your knees, not wanting to make matters worse for yourself. He offered you his cigarette and you gladly took a long drag to try and stop the trembling in your hands.   “After that spanking, I wasn’t going to pull this out. Decided you’d been through enough for the moment. But plans change.” At a signal from Linda, Roger placed the smoke back between his lips and grabbed your arms, pulling you down onto your back, your head at the edge of the bed. You raised your head as you felt Linda bend your legs and kneel between them, surprised to see her wearing a harness, a bright pink dildo protruding from the front. “Thought it was time I got my own one of these, and I’m glad I did since you seem to like cock so fucking much,” With that she slowly pushed into you, drawing almost all the way out before sinking in again deeper. She drew unintelligible whines from you with every thrust but it wasn’t until she was fully sheathed inside you that she let out her own soft moan. “But being fucked again isn’t really a punishment for you, is it?” You were silent, biting on your lip to stop from begging her to move. “I said, it’s not a punishment is it, slut?” She said as she slapped your thigh, jolting you enough to make you whimper. “No, Ma’am, it’s not,” “Good thing I’ve got this, then.” She reached down and picked up a small thin vibrator which she held against your clit. Even without turning it on, it made you jolt. “Please don’t Ma’am, I’m sorry. I’ll pay attention properly next time. I’ll lick your cunt again right now. Please, sit on my face or spank me again, please, anything but that.” You begged, breath coming faster. “Nice try, sweetie, but if you don’t listen to me why should I listen to you,” With that she turned the vibrator on and began thrusting into you properly, building her rhythm. Your clit felt like it was on fire, the force of the vibrations when you were already so sensitive making you howl. You tried to wiggle free, but Linda was having none of it, slapping your thigh whenever your squirming started up again. The worst part was that you could feel your orgasm building again, behind the pain, and part of you was terrified she’d stop before you could cum again. Roger was still standing over you, he moved away at one point to find an ashtray but, when he came back, he held down your arms to stop you from thrashing about so much. Linda removed the vibrator from you for a moment, letting you catch your breath, and you vaguely wondered what people in the rooms nearby must be making of your wails. But then it was back against you, pressing so hard you were almost going numb, and every other thought was shaken from your head. You whimpered the word ‘please’ over and over, knowing it wasn’t working but unable to form any other words. “Rog, be a doll and shut her up,” you heard Linda pant and the next thing you knew Roger’s cock was in your throat, fucking you at an equally bruising pace. You were trapped between them, hands fisted in the sheets as you drew closer and closer to your orgasm. Roger swore as you gagged around him, leaning over to pull on your nipples. Your body shuddered as your orgasm rippled through you, stronger than you thought it would be with how close to numb your clit felt. Linda removed the vibrator from you, pressing it instead against her own clit until she came, slowing her thrusts back down to a stop. Roger pushed himself into your throat completely and you half expected him to pull out and cum on your face again. Instead he released your nipples, coming undone with your muffled whine.  
You were still twitching slightly as Roger picked you up and moved you to the middle of the bed, breathe ragged after he’d used your throat so harshly. He pushed your hair back off your face and squeezed your hand, bringing it up to his lips as he praised you for taking so much. “Was I a good toy?” you asked quietly. “Better than good. Fucking brilliant.” He pulled you into a soft, firm kiss, wiping a tear from your cheek.   “Thank you,” you smiled against his shoulder as he pulled you into his arms. Linda returned, having removed the harness, now carrying a warm washcloth. You gingerly cleaned yourself up, before falling back against the pillows, laughing softly as Linda peppered your jaw with kisses. Once you’d thrown the washcloth into the mess of clothes on the floor Linda turned your head, dropping her lips to yours. Both of them threw their arms over you, pulling another laugh from you as they squished you between them. “When I’m not feeling quite so sore and drained, you’re gonna have to tell me what else was on that list. Show me what else you got.”   “Naturally,” Roger said against your neck, “Might have to go for a walk tomorrow and see if we can’t find the shop that concierge bird said she got all this from.” “Might have to play around with those clamps some more, see if you can get away with wearing them under your shirt. I’ve got a couple of ideas.” You shivered slightly at the prospect. “Let the poor girl get some rest before you go planning out how to torment her next,” “Don’t worry, Rog, I’ve got a couple ideas of my own.”
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S2 E11: Plaything
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This cold open is super unnerving when you know the truth about Maggie
Wow they stayed in Peoria for a month looking for Ava? They only stuck around Palo Alto for a week after Jess died iirc
I know it's more a "running joke" than anything of significance but I would like to again point out that someone in the early-mid 2000s jumping to "gay lovers" before friends or family members is just........ not realistic imo
Yeah at this point i gotta assume Jared Padalecki broke his hand for real bc I'm pretty sure in-universe, Sam would have healed by now, it's been a while lmao
Jsjsjsjs the pain on Sam's face when he "admits" to Dean's story about loving antique dolls
Why are all these people who are involved with getting rid of the hotel staying there? Part of the reason it's doing so poorly, I imagine, is because there's a Holiday Inn in town or something
Why is the dude just sitting motionless on the bed doing literally nothing tho like... is he disassociating? Is he thinking "hm I could've been at that Holiday Inn right now where the furnace actually works"?
Jsjsjsjjshshs i forgot about Drunk Sammy "you're bossy.... and short"
"I'm not dying, and neither are you" honestly this could also be a tagline for the show as a whole
You know this show has a lot of talk about voodoo and hoodoo for being overwhelmingly white in front and behind the camera... :/
??? Tyler is like. 7 or 8. And doesn't seem to have any friends. Perfectly reasonable to have an imaginary friend. The only thing wrong with Maggie is that she's a homicidal spirit.
Oh I do like Sherwin's truck tho
Where did Sam even fucking come from tho he ran out from the back of the house, not the street?????
Okay this plays into one of my personal pet peeves - if you own a pool in any capacity, and you have kids, I think it's your moral obligation to make sure those kids know how to swim! Like that just seems like common sense!!!! And Tyler is definitely old enough for swim lessons
Sort of a bittersweet ending, like it's sad that Rose died, but her spirit looked genuinely happy to be with Maggie again
"Plaything" final thoughts: this is another "classic" SPN episode for me, like "Dead in the Water." It has a fairly engaging plot for a single episode, the boys actually talk to each other a bit, and there aren't really any jumpscares or a ton of gore. I like this episode, though as I mentioned above, the hoodoo/voodoo thing present throughout the series is... irksome to say the least.
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
Ok, Meat route feelings:
Ok, this is...by FAR the superior route just saying. Not. That that is saying much seeing what the candy route was but every time I fall into despair over this I just grit my teeth and think about how parts of meat weren’t terrible pfft
-Lets get the johnrezi out of the way cause that’s kinda my thing. So. Good shit pfft I will admit I was little worried that Calliope and mainly Dirk could have tampered with them a bit but I’m pretty sure for the most part they didn’t? Dirk kinda made John feel weird post coital which kinda pissed me off but other than that. Them feelings 100% legit. These two people genuinely love each other. In both routes John’s thought would ALWAYS drift back to Terezi and Terezi’s only comfort was having John’s body with her after it all. Their romance is both cathartic because they are two MISERABLE people who only have each other to understand their feelings and fucking tragic because in candy all he had was a picture and in meat they had a physical confirmation of their feelings only for it to be voyeur’d and then ripped away by fucking John’s death. If there is more to come- I can only image there is- Terezi and Vriska will hopefully somehow team up and look for a way to revive John. Even If their romance was fleeting like 95% ship in Homestuck their support and care for one another is fucking REAL. It was straight UP the only real thing in Candy and I will fight others who say differently. 
-John going back in time to round everyone up felt weird. For the first time they all really felt like children and them all fighting lord english? WOW. Ouch. Especially Dave?? This Dave was the last to go and in the most brutal fucking way?? Kid had to watch Rose and Jade die and still fought pretty well, though. which goes to show Dave is a fucked up dude but when it comes to shit that needs to get done he can hold his own. Thaaaaaats why Adult Dave in both epilogues kinda grated on me a little? Not to fucking say UGH Dave is now more healed and stable this sucks!! I’m more saying there’s a lot of fics that whumpify Dave into a soft boi who too pure for this world and it slightly reminds me of it. That’s probably more of me just being to attached to MY view and headcanons of Dave, though, and maybe I need to let that go a little? 
-Davekat finally fucking happened. Ten years is too long of a slow burn for me I’m sorry lmao seriously I sound like Dirk when I say this but I really thought they sac’d up during the meteor and were already in a relationship. Dave’s whole conversation with John on the lilypad.......literally sounded like he was in a relationship with Karkat.......what the hell, honestly...........I’m glad it was on Dave’s own volition rather than’s Dirk’s gross as fuck pushing at least.
-That brings us to Dirk. The man who has been making my stomach church whenever I remember. My feelings about him are...............fucking complicated. I’ve been reblogging and bitching about him being “ruined” or whatever but.......That really is the simplified version of what I’ve been thinking. I think.....He’s been corrupted by his aspect or he’s just taking this heel “must be the new villain” too seriously. Like, I fucking despise it when people go off and say Bro was corrupted by Cal or Gamzee was corrupted by literally anything cause those two are just fucking trash, I’m sorry. I think I’m mostly upset by Dirk more than anything because his WHOLE thing was that he was a controlling dude with the potential to become an atrocious man and that he was starting to really take control of his path and work his way into becoming a better person. His talk with Jane on his sacrificial slab? His talk with Dave on the roof..........His heart aspect had begun to bring all his splinters together for his ultimate self and when the majority of your splinters carry a very sociopathic personality..............Man, there was literally no hope for him ever, huh? Literally none. The theme of working towards a better version of yourself is MEANINGLESS if your name is Dirk Strider. A character who struggles with depression, suicide, and absolute self loathing and his only path is this. Become the monster he was always terrified to become. Like I’m straight up about to cry writing this holy shit. Dirk is one of my favorite characters of all time- my FIRST favorite character when reading the comic- one of my MAIN reasons for reading it because I heard there was a canon gay character and I needed that in that time of my life. What almost hurts just as much as Dirk being a good guy and forcefully having this fate thrust upon him is that Roxy, the person Dirk cared about the most,.........Like............misgendering them. and being incredibly flippant and rude about trans stuff.......I can’t even begin to describe how much it hurt to read the character you looked up so much fucking being terrible about something that means so much to you. I’m agender and it just hurt is all I’m saying. This leads back to the bizarre issue of Dirk also being sexist and using gay in a strangely duragatory way. Like, Dirk grew up not really putting values on labels so for him to be weirdly transphobic does lead back to the ideas of this being a corrupted Dirk or him just playing the role of a villain. I do believe there is still the old Dirk we know in there, however, as even now Dirk states he could NOT hurt Dave. So some hope?
-Jake. I’m pretty sure Hussie fucking hates the dude like holy shit lmao......lmao in the least funniest way..............In both route Jake is jerked around like a plaything, having his personality dampened by the oppressive narrative. The one time we see Jake have repreive from such a shitty fate is when he’s talking to davekat about the election. That was the single moment we saw the curtain fall and the “intelligence” reenter the dude. I know this is like the “fanon” version of Jake. Every single character has fallen to that: whumpified Dave, puppet master dirk, bitchy mean jane, ect but litereally reading about him coming back to himself fucking HURT. Him being made to be obsessed with Dirk was so fucking gross I was cringing the entire time. The last few months I’ve been slowly accepting DirkJake back into my heart and this just fucking SHATTERED that warmth holy shit. Jake’s struggles with non-consensual bullshit is really starting to wear me down I just want him to be happy and RESPECTED. 
-Alrighty heavy stuff out of the way I will say this: I read candy first and at the end where Alt!Calliope is speaking to Aradia I had almost no goddamn idea what the fuck she was talking about. I even started to get kinda angry cause Homestuck tends to not take itself TOO seriously? There are some philosopical mind melting shit to read and consider but never too much where it’s incomprehensible to me? So when I finished candy I was like alright. Hussie just wanted to jerk himself off. whatever. Then I read meat and was like. OH. This.......this is actually fantastically interesting I can do this meta bullshit! and despite everything I just said about Dirk..........I fucking MISSED reading in his voice and it caught me off guard SO much which is what I love about Homestuck. There were a lot of tip offs but the one that really stood out to me before finding out was the Jake and Jane makeout. It kept going back to Dirk and I was very surprised by that? Jake sounded like he was over Dirk and yet here he was......unable to stop thinking about it? Shit makes. SO much sense I definitely am gonna reread it to look for other stuff, too. The tug of war via the narrative was incrediably entertaining as well.....Dirk is like a super sensitve incel now (caliborn would be proud) so it was hilarious to see him lose grip of it to Calliope. UGH I’m a little guilty to say it but I’m such a slut for anything Dirk I’m also KINDA looking forward to see where this goes and enjoying him being a villain A LITTLE. I know I sound wish washy but hey sometimes feelings contradict!
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dressstan · 7 years
Reputation is Very Easily Interpreted as Gay and Here’s How...
Hey. So as a gay person, Reputation is sooo easily interpreted as gay af and I’m gonna tell you how, song by song. 
DIsclaimer: Even if I reference Taylor/her ship couples, etc. it is all in fun and because I like interpreting things as queer, not trynna say Taylor herself is actually queer or saying anything about her actual life or sexuality, I’m really just talking about the music here ect. Also, some of these are weak but some are SO queer it’s like, not even funny. 
Ready for it: “Knew he was a killer...no one has to know” the verses feel like satire, and though we already knew that and can chalk it up to media perception of her, this is also the only time in the song where she uses prounouns--when she is being satirical. Also she refers to the dude as a “jailer” which, like, gay. The chorus names no pronouns and feels much more real than the verses. The music get’s very dreamy and “old taylor” here. This is what the public doesn’t see. Also, if you wanna go Kaylor here, there’s that whole “Burton to my Taylor” thing that had to do with some place they went. 
End Game: All “you” pronouns. No references by Taylor to a dude. “Your eyes are like liquor and body is gold” I’m sorry, but like, (and yes I did see this somewhere else but I agree) who’d actually say that about a dude? “I know what they all say [media about her being boy crazy] but I ain’t trying to play [about relationship with girl]”
I Did Something Bad: She’s playin all the dudes in this one. The something bad is liking a girl cause of how the world views being gay. Or playing all the dudes is bad but she keeps doing it anyway. Either way, heterosexual love is not happening here, my dudes. Also no pronouns referring to new love, only about her exes. 
Don’t Blame Me: Gayyy. Again, references to all the dudes she’s been playin. “And toyin with them older guys, just a plaything for me to use.” Also, “And I would fall from grace, just to touch your face...For you I would cross the line...” Cross the gay line (haha) also, “fall from grace” fall from her super perfect het pedestal, become talk of the media and everything that would come from being gay. This song just gives off heavy gay vibes, especially with how she tried to make it sound religious while combining lyrics “I would fall from grace” is a very queer type of deal here, it kinda gives off a vibe of doing something wrong that can come with queerness, etc. And this song reminds me of “Take me to Church” by Hozier, and the gays love Hozier. Also, I have zero evidence for this one, but the “once was poison ivy but now I’m your daisy” line reminds me of the character Poison Ivy who is not straight and the song Daisy by Zedd ft. Julia Micheals which I have interpreted as gay af and is one of my go-to crush songs. 
Delicate: Gay. “Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you’re in my head? Cause I know that it’s delicate. Isn’t it?” Fits the very queer theme of uncertainty in telling the girl you like that you like her because “ohmygod what if she decides she doesn’t like me, or doesn’t want to date girls or ohmygod what if I come off predatory” ect. Also, parts of this song are so wistful sounding- especially the “Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes I pretend you're mine, all the damn time 'Cause I like you” lines which can fit with the uncertainty of queer relationships 
Also, side note here, that line coupled with “my reputation’s never been worse so you must like me for me”  like, yes, I get this is a beginning of a relationship song, but it feels a lot like the person she’s with really is just here for her reputations and she just really wishes they aren’t and is trying to convice herself of that---this would be a straight reading of it and also no comment on tay’s actual meaning or life, just thought that was an interesting way to look at it
Look What You Made Me Do: This song hurts my soul too much to analyze it it’s so effing extra and I don’t really like it... buttt she did sample from “Too Sexy For My Shirt” which is a gay anthem and she did give them writing credits for the song so miss me with that “Taylor is stealing” shit
So It Goes: Once again, no pronouns. It’s a very queer-themed “hiding our secret bad relationship” song again. Also the “lipstick on your face” can be interpreted as Tay’s lipstick or the other girl’s lipstick already on her lips. There’s also something I’ve read about the “Scratches down your back” possibly being inverse cause of how short tay keeps her nails for playing guitar (or gay reasons if you wanna read it like that--jk i don’t have an opinion on tay’s sexuality)
Gorgeous: Gayyy. A personal favorite, this is my go to crush song. Firstly, gorgeous is not a word one would generally use to describe some dude you’re attracted to. This is a feminine word and while she refers to her “Boyfriend in the club doing I don’t know what,” she doesn’t reference the gender of the person she is talking about. Also, she doesn’t sound too fond of her boyfriend? Also this is my go to “I have a crush song” so I say it’s gay sorry. 
Getaway Car: “I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason” she wants to get away from this dude, you know, cause she’s gay. Doesn’t mention the gender of the person she’s with. This is a gay one night stand my dudes
King Of My Heart: Only refers to love interest as “King of My Heart” but no actual pronouns. I’m feelin the gay vibes by this point, though, so I’ll look past it. Also, “up on the roof with a school girl crush, drinking beer out of plastic cups” like you can interpret this as they bout have school girl crushes. Also, all the Kaylor’s think this is about Karlie Kloss, so there’s that. 
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: Queer themes af. G.A.Y. So this song and Dress are the Gayest straight songs I have ever heard. We are back to forbidden love here, folks. “I loved you in secret” gay. “Invisible locket” cause she can’t have their love on display cause it’s gay and forbidden, “Secret oasis...dancing with our hands tied” gay cause they can’t show the world and potentially hurt their careers “deep fears that the world would divide us” cause they’re gay and in the spotlight, “I’d kiss you as...If I could dance with you again” forbidden, wistful love is a gay theme guys this song is just so gay. Also, Kaylor’s also think this is about Karlie cause of the whole kissgate thing that happened whenever that shit was--but like, understandable, so there’s that.
Dress: GAy Gay gay gayest straight song ever in my gay opinion. “our secret moments in a crowded room: “silence and patience pining and anticipation” both gay. We back to that secretive shit. That’s really gay. Why would a straight couple be having to hide like this? Cause this isn’t a hiding from the media song, this is a hiding fro, everyone song. “Carve your name into my bedpost, cause I don’t want you like a best friend, only bought this dress so you could take it off” THIS IS LITERALLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST LESBIAN TROPES EVER. Falling for your best friend and sure, girls fall for and have guy friends, but the phrasing “I don’t want you like a best friend” is such a gay statement. Using “don’t want you like a best friend” instantly queers it up cause she could have structured this as a “I want you as more than a friend” but there is an implied “supposed to” when she phrases it like that like “I don’t want you like a best friend [is supposed to]” because she want’s the girl in a sexual way and not just as her best friend I’m sorry I’m rambling but like... realizing you’re gay for a best friend is such a gay trope I can’t even explain to you oh my god. 
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: After dress, this isn’t super gay, but she kinda has to tone the gay down after that. “And here’s to my baby, he aint reading what they call me lately” feels kinda comp het after dress though. But this is also supposed to be a shade-y fun song so it’s fine
Call It What You Want: She does refer to her dude,  but as I’ve seen people mention before, she then uses the phrase “call it what you want” about the relationship. This feels kinda comp het after dress and Dancing With Our Hands Tied too but like, it’s fine
New Years Day: Cute af, no pronouns, het boys could never lmao jk there’s not much to this one
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noona-la-la-la · 8 years
(1/5) I have to tell you something because I love the way you answer your asks. At the university I’m attending there’s this amazing dude in my psychology class with the most perfect chocolate brown hair and eyes you could just DROWN IN. (Which I do everyday lmao). The thing is today when he was late to class the only seat available was the one next to me so he naturally sat there. I’ve been on to him for so long literally I fantasize about him to the point where I deserve to be in hell lol lord
(2/5) knows. the thing is he’s quite known for being a little womanizer. While he sat next to me my fantasies were exploding in my mind one after another and I think he noticed that I was getting uneasy and how I was sticking my thighs together tightly to get some friction because he gently put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing small circle on my inner thigh with his thumb. nobody could see us because we were sitting on the last row. My face was really hot red at this point but I didn’t
3/5) stop him like a sane person would because I’m sooo on to him like i just wanted this moment of his touch to last forever but at the same time I don’t want to be one of his toys because of the reputation he has. when he came in closer he whispered that he had heard from MY FRIEND THAT I WAS ONTO HIM. (That is another story I will kill her because of this). And then he said he wanted to know what I’m thinking about and that he admits he’s been onto me as well. (Idk if he’s lying because
(4/5) again, bad reputation). i was started to get wet like I’m so easy to just soak and it was bad to the point where it could be seen very briefly through my jeans (which are light blue btw not a good choice) AND HE FELT IT TOO which was just making him squeeze my thigh and it was like the hottest and most awful timing and moment and place to be at this time. Anyway class ended the bell rang and I started to rush my things into my bag to just get the hell outta there cause I couldn’t take it
(5/5) like I needed to get home NOW. He managed to grab my phone though before I could and make a run for it and he called himself up so he could have my number. When he gave it back to me I just ran with my face still boiling and all I could hear him yell was “see you again tommorrow!” I don’t know what to do, because he’s known as being a guy who likes to mess around and although I think he’s attractive and I would love to get under him I just don’t want to have me being one of toys…
I hate to break it to you, but you are already one of his toys.  Now it’s up to you to decide how much you want to let him continue to play with you.
When some dude with a terrible reputation as a womanizer comes up to you and puts his hands on you and seems to be getting off on your discomfort and takes your phone to get your number without even asking? He’s looking for an easy mark to score with and he thinks you are it.  Nothing in what he said or did indicated any interest in trying to win you over, he made no attempt to make you feel comfortable or try to impress you.  Instead, his behavior indicates that he is taking your attraction to him for granted and he’s just doing as he pleases.
If you are into that and are okay being a temporary plaything for him, then go for it.  Just be warned that cocky guys who don’t seem to care about you when you have your clothes on, probably won’t care about you a whole lot when the clothes come off.  I would expect him to be a selfish lover and not all that satisfying in bed.  I could be wrong, he might have some hidden talents, but I’m not banking on it.
If you want to build some kind of relationship with him, then good luck.  I wouldn’t hold out much hope for that.
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