#‘oh it’s just nonsense words it doesn’t mean anything’
estrangedfiance · 11 months
it’s not my fault it’s more fun to listen to john lennon’s songs and interpret them as love poems
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sescoups · 4 months
favorite coworker - choi vernon
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word count: ~5.3k (i'm so sorry)
summary: vernon is your favorite. he just gets you. of course you can't resist him - not that you would ever want to.
a/n: this is definitely NOT proofread, and i'm sorry. idk i just have the fattest crush on vernon, honestly i can't be held accountable
18+, MDNI!!! warnings under the cut <3
warnings: oral (m. receiving), making out, creepy old man (he doesn't do anything, he's just a creep), mention of vomit, lmk if i missed anything! <3
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“Wait so hang on, you mean to tell me you’ve never what..? Gone down on a guy?”
“Oh yell it out, why don’t you,” you groan, smacking your forehead into the counter. Thank fuck you just cleaned it.
Vernon is your coworker at the record store in the middle of the city. He’s super chill, does what he’s supposed to but doesn’t stress out or get pissy if you’re having a bad day and work slowly. He’s great. He’s just… a bit unaware of his surroundings, a lot of the time. You’re lucky only two people are in the store at the moment, or you would have simply passed away.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. “I just kinda can’t believe it? I mean, you’ve had sex for sure, right?”
“Yes, Vernon.” You roll your eyes and glare at an old man who is shamelessly looking you up and down. “I’ve had sex before. Just not a lot, I guess. And why is it so hard to believe?”
Had he been looking at your face, your raised eyebrow might have tipped him off to the fact that he should drop the topic and back off. Unfortunately, in typical Vernon fashion, he was doodling nonsense on a notepad, so he missed it completely.
“Well I mean, you’re hot,” he said before finally looking up at you. He started tapping his pen against the counter, leaning his weight on one hand against the counter. “You’re also pretty open about your life in general, so I just figured two plus two equals one, you know.”
“What the fu- Vernon. Think about what you just said.”
“Oh fuck. Yeah I deserved to fail math in high school.”
You burst into laughter at his words. This is exactly why you love Vernon, and why he’s your favorite coworker. You’re laughing so hard you barely manage to greet the new customer who just entered the store. Your coworker is smiling, satisfied with his ability to make you laugh.
The old man who is still eyeing you, now with extra focus on your boobs, comes up to the register just as you manage to sober up from your laughing fit. You clear your throat and turn to face him, giving him a tiny smile in the spirit of customer service. Apparently a mistake.
“Excuse me, sweetheart,” he starts, running his tongue over his front teeth in what you suspect is supposed to be a seduction attempt. “Would you mind maybe showing me some of the records you have in the back?”
The smile leaves your face immediately, and you’re about to absolutely emaciate him when Vernon cuts in to make sure you do not lose your job over some smarmy geezer.
“She cannot, sir. It’s store policy. Soz.”
You hold your snort in, but barely. The old man huffs and glares at the man next to you, crossing his arms over his chest. Honestly, you’re curious at this point. You’ve never seen Vernon handle confrontation - again, very chill dude - but you also know he is very protective over his friends.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” the old man says with an eye roll. “I was talking to the pretty young lady.”
His smile sends a shiver down your spine, and you take a deep breath. The old man watches your boobs rise and fall. Seriously, fuck this guy. You force the customer service smile back on your face because you actually really like and need this job, and decide this sack of shit isn’t worth it.
“He’s right, sir. It’s against store policy, and I’m currently on register duty. If there is a specific record you wish to see, we can look it up in the system.”
“I’ll keep looking for a while… in case you change your mind.”
The way he winks at you makes your blood boil, and it’s a wonder your teeth don’t crack from the pressure of your jaw. The man walks away, and so does Vernon. He can’t really kick the guy out unless he does something physical, so you don’t know what he’s trying to do. Soon, though, your confusion melts into amusement and glee as you watch your coworker follow the man around the store, loudly dissing his music taste whenever he picks up a record. He keeps walking just a little bit too close for comfort, and after about three minutes, the man gives up.
You take huge pleasure in the way the man skulks out, hands in his pockets and back hunched over as if he’s trying to get away from something - or someone. Returning to the register, Vernon grins to himself and resumes his doodling without a word. You shake your head in amazement before going to help the other two customers in the store.
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The next time you’re working with Vernon, you have the closing shift. Usually only one person is supposed to stay back after closing and clean up, but you just received a large shipment of vinyls that need to be sorted and placed into protective sleeves, so the two of you are working overtime together.
It’s a pretty slow shift, and the two of you pass the time by playing music for one another and guessing the artist and the title. You’re much better at it than he is, but only because you’re good at memorizing things; he has a far more varied music taste than you, and would easily have won had he remembered more than two song names and five artists. As per the terms of the game, the loser has to go out to get the dinner you preordered from a restaurant down the street. It’s not far, but it’s raining, so you’re glad to be exempt.
While your colleague is gone, you close out the register and sweep the floor so you only have the vinyl sorting left after you’ve eaten. The break room smells like wet dog and Doritos, so you bring two chairs out together with the foldable table that you’re going to use to sort the vinyls. Since no one is in the store anyway, you can people watch through the windows while you eat.
Vernon comes back in just as you finish setting up, soaking wet from the pouring rain. You coo at him when he shivers, and he shoots you a playful glare. He ends up holding his glare for all of two seconds before a wide smile stretches across his face.
“I left an extra shirt here at some point, do you think it smells like teenage boy?”
You escape the break room with two plates and some utensils in hand, laughing at his question and probably unfortunate fate.
“Because of the proximity to the break room? Probably. That shit is unavoidable.”
He grimaces before taking his jacket off, hanging it on a hook behind the register. He disappears to change while you plate the food, humming to yourself. You try not to think about how he’s probably half naked right now, and turn your attention to the fact that he most likely will smell atrocious to keep your head on straight.
You do love Vernon. He’s a great coworker, obviously, and he’s a great friend too, but that’s not really the full extent of it. You’ve been battling your crush on him for months now, because it’s pretty clear that he isn’t interested in you. Besides, if you ever did date, things would get awkward at work if you broke up. No, he is one of those people who should stay firmly at arm’s length. Unfortunately.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang, making you jump a good foot in the air.
“What the fuck, Nonnie?”
“Sorry,” he grimaces, checking that the door he managed to fling directly into the wall hadn’t done any damage. “I tripped.”
“Only you, Vern,” you sigh. “Well, food is ready to go. Let’s eat!”
The meal, consisting of some kimchi jjigae, rice and side salad, passes by in relative silence. You occasionally hum in content, and Vernon often slurps his jjigae really loudly which prompts you to giggle. He always looks glad to have amused you, and you need to look away often in order to control your emotions.
“Dude,” he groans after his third serving, “I’m so fucking full.”
“I’m not the one who got an order for five people, genius,” you groan back, your own stomach feeling like a water balloon. “So good though.”
“So good,” he nods earnestly.
You can’t stand to look at him like this; you need something to do with your hands. So you stand up and stretch, which actually does help the food settle in your stomach a bit. Your hair, tied in a bun to avoid getting any food in it, comes down to release some of the pressure on your scalp, and then you feel ready to get started.
“Take all the time you need, man, but I’m gonna start on the first box. I want to get home before dawn, if I can.”
He flashes you a thumbs up and slumps against the table to enter into a food coma. You scoff at him and shake your head before clearing the dishes from the table. Thank God you have a dishwasher in the break room.
You bring out the first box and start sorting it, referencing the list you have as you go to take inventory. It’s repetitive work, but it’s kind of soothing, too. You do your best to make the plastic of the vinyl coverings crinkle as little as possible, wanting Vernon to rest for as long as he needs to. Three servings of kimchi jjigae would make anyone drowsy.
The first sign that he is still alive comes ten minutes later when he starts drumming a random rhythm on the table. You snort when you recognize the rhythm, pausing with a vinyl halfway into its covering.
“You can’t drum the melody to Dun Dun Dance, Vernon.”
“I can do whatever I want,” he protests weakly, cheek still pressed firmly against the table surface. “But nicely done. What about this one?” He drums out another rhythm, and now that you know it’s a melody he’s following, you recognize it quicker.
“That’s Candy by H.O.T.”
“You gonna work or rest, bud?”
Vernon whines at your words and rolls his head to rest his forehead against the table instead. You wait patiently as he gathers the strength to sit up properly and kick a box of vinyls over to him when he seems more alive.
“Life isn’t fair,” he pouts, “I just did so much work eating all that food, and now I gotta do more?”
“It’s like that,” you agree absentmindedly, marking off a stack of vinyls on your list. “Can you turn on some music, please? The silence is creepy.”
He nods and connects his phone to the store speakers, choosing the playlist the two of you created together on a similar night of overtime. After that, the two of you slip into a rhythm together, unpacking vinyls, checking the list, and then putting them into a protective sleeve. It’s mostly silent aside from the music, and sometimes Vernon drums along to the beat on the table, but it’s comfortable. You kind of don’t mind spending a few hours like this.
When you’re two thirds through the stack of boxes, you both decide to take a break. Your saint of a colleague brews some coffee, and you hop onto the checkout counter to browse through your phone while your brain cells take a well-deserved rest.
“Bless you,” you say as you accept a mug full of coffee. “We’re making pretty good time today, eh?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, taking a sip and wincing at the scalding temperature. “We haven’t really been talking, so.”
“That jjigae really took you out, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
You grin at him and blow gently over your coffee. It’s still too hot to drink, as evidenced by the steam rising from it, but the smell alone is kind of waking you up. Vernon grabs your attention by clearing his throat gently, and you turn to look at him. He’s fidgeting a bit with a pen left on the counter close to your thigh.
“I, uh… I wanted to say I’m sorry about that dude the other day. The creepy one. I probably should have kicked him out, but I didn’t know if I could…”
Your heart melted a little in your chest. It was obvious he had been carrying this around with him, mulling it over and worrying about it. About you. It was endearing, and dangerous for your heart. You bit your lip and placed your coffee mug on the counter next to you.
“It’s okay,” you say earnestly. “He sucked, and I was uncomfortable, but you still made him leave. I didn’t feel like I was in danger or anything, so don’t worry about it.”
“I just feel like it’s partially my fault, for kind of yelling about the fact that you’ve never sucked a dick before.” You’re incredibly grateful that you weren’t drinking coffee at that moment, because you definitely would have spat it out all over the floor. His bluntness never ceased to surprise you. It was unbearably adorable. “I should be more aware of my surroundings, especially when talking about something sensitive like that.”
“Well,” you start, pausing thoughtfully. “I don’t really think that man would have acted differently either way, to be honest with you. Men like that are just… like that. I also don’t really care who knows I’ve never given a blowjob before. It doesn’t matter, at the end of the day. I haven’t done it because I haven’t slept with anyone who’s dick I wanted to suck, and that’s all. I just wish I knew how sometimes, you know?”
He shuffles his weight around at your words, shifting from foot to foot. He’s still fumbling with the pen on the counter, but now his fingers are clumsier than usual. You glance up at his face only to find him staring into empty space in front of him. You figure you made him uncomfortable with your oversharing.
“Sorry. That was TMI.”
“No,” he answers quickly. “We share everything. I told you when I threw up on Seungkwan’s lap and cried because I felt bad, didn’t I?” You smile at the reminder and nod. He finally meets your eyes again. “I was just thinking, you know.”
“What about?”
Vernon’s mind is the most fascinating thing to you. The way he thinks is so out of the box and different, and so beautiful. He has shown you the lyrics he writes for his friend Jihoon sometimes, and they’re so poetic you find yourself turning them over in your mind for days afterward. And the best part about it is that he always answers you when you ask what’s going on inside his head. He grants you access to his thoughts and feelings, and it’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received.
“Well. I don’t know if this is going to come off as creepy or not,” he warns, “but I was thinking like… Maybe you should just get it over with.”
“Get what over with?” Your eyebrow rises as you ask the question, and his furrow in response.
“I just mean that you could know how to give a good blowjob, if you wanted to. You could just… pick someone to sleep with. And ask them to teach you. You know?”
“Nonnie,” you start, and your bewildered tone makes him shrink a little. “You really believe the best of people, don’t you?”
“Well- I mean yes, but I didn't mean you should just sleep with anyone. You could just pick someone you already know.”
His words give you pause. You have plenty of friends in possession of a penis, but the thought of sleeping with most of them feels kinda gross. The one exception is… Well, Vernon. And you sincerely doubt that he is offering himself up. So you do what you always do and make a joke to force your mind away from the thought of sucking on your friend’s dick until he cums for you.
“What, are you offering?”
“I mean, yeah,” he shrugs.
You stop breathing. He is actually, genuinely offering to teach you how to suck dick. More specifically, his dick. The one that has been the star of many of your more illicit fantasies. You want to say yes so badly, want to finally get the experience of being something more to him, but you also don’t want to get ahead of yourself. But…
The room is silent while you’re thinking. You feel his eyes on the side of your face, feel the way he’s cataloging every emotion that overtakes your features, and you swallow harshly. Your heart is beating out of your chest and your hands are shaking, and your brain is running a mile a minute with no end in sight.
Then Vernon places his hand on your thigh. His touch is warm but light, ready to pull away as soon as you want him to, but it’s enough to bring your soul back into your body and get a grasp on your thoughts and feelings. You bite your lower lip and breathe in deeply before letting it go. Yeah, you’re doing this.
“I uh, I’m going to need some guidance,” you say, and you almost miss the way your friend’s eyes widen at your words.
“O-Of course. And if you want to stop at any time, just like, tell me, yeah?”
You smile at the comfort his words bring you. “Yeah.”
There is silence once again, but this one is heavy with a different kind of tension. You both know what’s happening, but you don’t know what your next move should be. Technically, you should be working and saving any… other activities for your own free time, but you don’t think waiting is something you’re capable of at this point.
He is the one to make the first move, placing his half-empty mug on the counter and placing himself between your legs. His hands find a place on your waist, bunching the fabric of your shirt slightly. Sitting on the counter means you’re a little bit taller than he is, but you really don’t mind it. He holds your gaze for a few seconds before his left hand lifts to cup your face.
“Are you okay with kissing?” His voice is a bit deeper than normal, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t make heat pool between your legs. “I understand if not, but-”
You interrupt him with a gentle kiss. His lips are pillowy against yours, smooth and plump. You thank your past self for bullying him into using chapstick, because you can honestly say that this might be your favorite kiss ever.
Vernon’s hand moves from your jaw to rake through your hair, and you moan a little when his fingers catch a little in the back. He responds by stepping even closer to you and sliding his entire arm around your back, your chest pressing against his deliciously. The only thought going through your mind is the fact that you are kissing your favorite coworker, and how you really, really want to bury his cock in your throat.
He chases after you when you pull away slightly to catch your breath, and you don’t even mind that the oxygen deprivation is making you dizzy. You slump against him a little when he tugs on your hair again, and you move to return the favor. As soon as you pull on the hair at the back of his neck, he forces himself to pull away and gulp down some air.
His eyes are glazed over, his lips slick with a mix of your and his saliva, and his chest is rising and falling where it’s pressed against yours. It's painfully attractive. He rasps out a quiet groan and leans his forehead against yours. You love the feeling of his harsh breaths hitting your face and answer back with your own.
You feel like you’re in a bubble, because the world around you feels muted and time feels like it has stopped moving. You wouldn’t be surprised if the earth had stopped spinning.
“Sorry,” he breathes. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales your scent. “I just really wanted to do that.”
“Stop apologizing,” you respond, bringing your hand onto his head to scratch at his scalp. “I liked it. Maybe a bit too much.”
Your words bring a whine out of Vernon, and he squeezes you tighter. You’re still on top of the counter, but you can feel his bulge against the inside of your thigh. It twitches against you every time you tug at the ends of his hair, and it makes you smile.
One of your hands snakes down and cups him through his jeans. He reacts strongly despite the thick material separating you. His willingness to show you how good you make him feel make you fall for him all over again. As if he wasn’t already perfect enough.
“Y/N,” he gulps when you move your hand against him, “we’re taking this at your pace, and I can go as slowly as you want to, but I think I might go insane if I don’t get these pants off.”
You giggle breathlessly as you pull away from him, and he forces himself to take a step back from you. You lean back on your hands, your knees still spread from where he was standing previously. He’s distracted for a few seconds before he finally remembers to unbutton his jeans and tugs them down his legs.
The bulge had been apparent through the jeans, but you can truly tell how hard he is when they come off. The way he twitches in his boxers is so obvious you almost feel bad for him. You decide it’s time you follow through and receive your lesson.
You hop off the counter and slide onto your knees in front of him. It’s unfair how attractive he is even from this angle, you think, and slide your hands up his thighs. You’ve given handjobs before, so it’s not exactly your first time touching a dick, but the goal is different now. This time, your hands are just the warmup and not the main event. You’re just hoping you can bring him some sort of pleasure in spite of your inexperience.
“Tell me how to start,” you whisper up at him. He blinks a few times at the sight of you before sucking in a deep breath.
“Yeah,” he rasps. His throat is already dry with anticipation. “I uh, I mean everyone is different when it comes to this stuff, so uh-”
“Just teach me what you like, Nonnie.” Your hands are massaging his thighs, nails digging into his skin every now and then. Whenever they do, you can feel him shudder.
“O-Oh, okay,” he breathes, sounding broken already. “I prefer skipping the handjob first, I guess. I really l-like the feeling of licking, especially at the tip, and uh-” He is becoming redder by the second. “One step at a time. Uhm, start by removing my boxers.”
You nod obediently and slide your hands up to his lower tummy, watching the expressions of pleasure as they take over his face. You assume you will never get to do this again, so you do your best to burn it all into your mind for later use on lonely nights spent with your vibrator. He shudders again when your nails scratch his skin lightly. Your fingers curl around the hem of his underwear and tug.
His cock is beautiful. It’s pretty long, curving slightly towards his stomach, and the tip of it is a perfect shade of peach. Your mouth waters at the thought of getting to taste it, and you eye the drop of precum spilling from the tip. You gently shuffle closer, but he stops you.
“Sorry, you’re fine, I just need something to lean against,” he explains when you look at him in fear of having done something wrong. He maneuvers you both so that he’s leaning against the counter you were sitting on not five minutes ago, and you’re in front of him.
“What now, Nonnie?” you ask, his eyes shutting and chest expanding to accommodate a deep breath.
“You should probably just uh, stroke me a few times first. Then uhm, then you can do whatever you want.” You blink at him a few times, trying to indicate that he’s supposed to be teaching you how to do this. For once, he gets the hint. “Like I said, I uh, like licking. When you take me in you just have to make sure not to like, bite me. Other than that, you can take it at your own speed and depth - for your comfort, of course, but I’m also not picky.”
You admire the flush decorating his cheeks and neck. He looks so good like this, towering over you and looking at you like you hold the answer to his ultimate pleasure. You try to convince yourself that you do, that you will be able to listen and follow his guidance well enough that this will feel good for him. You decide that you will.
Raising your right hand, you grip him tightly in your fist. It makes him suck in a breath, and you feel the muscles in his thighs tense up. You pump him a few times, going slow and using his precum as lube. It’s not enough, of course, but you will move on soon.
“Fuck…” he heaves, leaning back onto the counter even more. He looks into your eyes and swears again. “Please, sweetheart, as soon as you’re ready, I-I want-”
You cut him off by pressing your tongue against the head of his dick. The flavor is salty and a little bit bitter, but it tastes like heaven. Your eyes briefly slip closed as you continue kitten-licking at his slit, and he lets out a winy moan. You open your eyes and look at him, only to find him with his head tilted back to look at the ceiling.
“How is this?” you pause to ask, continuing before he’s had time to answer.
“Good, baby,” Vernon answers through his labored breathing. “So, so good. Keep going, you’re doing great.”
The praise bolsters your confidence, and you give a long lick from his base to his tip. The motion makes him moan again, so you repeat it a few more times. In no time at all, his cock is covered in a mixture of your saliva and his own precum. You decide it’s time to try and take him in your mouth - both because you’ve teased him enough, but you’re also too impatient to wait anymore.
His tip breaches the heat of your mouth , and you find you have to open your jaw quite a bit to accommodate him. A punched out groan leaves him, and one of his hands comes down to tangle in your hair. When a strand of it falls in front of your face, he gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail at the back of your head.
You love the weight of him on your tongue, and dare to sink down a bit lower. He hits the top of your mouth. You gag around him, and he gently pulls you off of him to check on you.
“You okay? You don’t have to keep going,” he reminds you. It only serves to make you more determined to make him cum down the back of your throat.
“What can I do better?” you ask while stroking him in your hand. You still want to improve.
“Honestly?” he wheezes, his hips jumping of their own accord. “You’re doing great.” You glare a bit at him, and he smiles down at you apologetically. “Sorry. But you are doing great. Maybe try sucking a bit more? Not just placing me in your mouth.”
You nod and sink right back down on him. His noises of pleasure are never-ending, and they only increase in volume as well as frequency once you properly suck around him. You bob up and down on him, his hand clenching in your hair as he’s doing his best not to fuck your throat. You’re making it pretty hard.
“Please, baby, I’m gonna fucking- Where do you want me to cum?”
His voice is hoarse and strained, and his grip on your hair has grown so tight it’s stinging your scalp. You savor the pain and rub your thighs together, mewling around him. You grip his ass and push deeper to signal for him to cum in your mouth, and it’s not a second too soon because he immediately spills his seed into you.
Vernon cums so much that some spills out onto your chin, but you diligently swallow what you can. He tries to keep his eyes on you, but his vision quite literally whites out as he reaches his high, so his eyes screw shut without his permission. You, on the other hand, couldn’t tear your gaze from him if you tried. He’s beautiful when he cums, his eyebrows scrunched in what almost looks like pain and his jaw slack in awe. His thighs tremble, and you’re glad he’s leaning against the counter so he doesn’t collapse onto the floor.
“Fuck, how are you so good at this,” he heaves out when his vision returns. You just smirk up at him, some of his cum still covering your chin and lips.
“I had a good teacher,” you tease back. Your voice is raspy after bobbing on his cock, and he finds it painfully attractive.
He notices the way you clench your thighs together and realizes you’re still on the floor. He’s quick to bend down and help you to your feet. As soon as you’re in front of him, he’s kissing you. He doesn’t care about the cum transferring from your chin to his, nor the fact that his softening dick is still out in the open; all he can think about is that he wants to pay you back for what you just did for him.
“Nonnie,” you breathe between kisses, and instead of pulling away it makes him kiss you harder, faster, deeper. He loves when you call him that. He reluctantly pulls away when you push gently against his chest, though. “We should finish the-”
“I need to eat you out, baby. Please, please let me.” His interruption surprises you, and so does his suggestion. He must see your confusion, because he quickly clears things up for you. “I want to, because I like you so much. I promise to ask you to be my girlfriend after this, but please, let me eat you out first.”
“Okay, but Nonnie-” you say, but he interrupts you with a passionate kiss as he mumbles thanks against your lips. “Nonnie.” He sighs and pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. He closes his eyes to stop himself from jumping you again, and you smile. “I’ll say yes right now. I want to be your girlfriend. Is that okay?”
He kisses you so deeply you lose track of where he starts and you end, but you’re just so glad to be kissing him again you probably couldn’t have figured it out anyway. You don’t talk much more that evening, and you definitely don’t get home before midnight, but at least you go home and fall into bed together. Maybe his inattentiveness was a blessing, after all.
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a/n: don't forget to like and reblog if you enjoyed this post! <3
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gurugirl · 19 days
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Summary: Harry and his wife have an interesting lifestyle but when they invite you over for a night of fun you realize you're more into it than you thought you'd be.
Word Count: 4,817
Warning: smut, cucking (sort of - minus degradation), hothusbanding, sharing of a partner, size kink, watching a partner have sex with someone else.
Main Masterlist | send me an ask!
. . .
Harry and Vana always threw wild parties. You’d known the Styles’ for a while and nearly every month since you’d met them they had big get-togethers that sometimes turned a little chaotic. For example, sometimes a friend would stay over with them and you wondered (others wondered too) if Harry and Vana had that friend over to play with for a threesome.
Harry and Vana were an interesting couple. You weren’t sure what to make of it. You liked them both. Harry flirted with everyone. Men and women alike. And sometimes you noted his flirtations were not so innocent. But Vana never seemed to mind. Which was confusing because you certainly wouldn't want your husband or partner to be grinding on someone else, running his fingers through their hair, whispering into their ear.
One of your friends said he thought they were swingers. An acquaintance said that his wife was a cuckquean (which was something you had to look up because you’d never heard of that before). But you didn’t know for sure because it wasn’t your business.
And that night Harry had his sights on you. He’d flirted with you before, kissed your hand once, and gave you one of those goodbye hugs that was overtly intimate and had you feeling all jittery and gooey. But this time was different. He kept talking to you closely, brushing his hand over your arm, your fingers, and your back, complimenting you. Grabbed your hip when you were dancing…
Harry ran his hand over the back of your neck and spoke into your ear, “Would you mind if I kissed you?”
You breathed out in disbelief as you eyed his wife just as she passed into the kitchen.
You were shocked! You turned to him with your eyes wide and fuck if he wasn’t so goddamn attractive you’d have slapped him across the face. Even if part of you really loved how he was touching you and the way he was staring at you all night but you just couldn’t stomach the thought of kissing a married man.
That had been your limit. You turned on your heel and walked up to his pretty wife as she cleaned the kitchen after half of their guests had gone home. You were going to end this nonsense once and for all.
“Your husband just asked if he could kiss me.” You stood back to look at her face and assess her reaction but she just smiled gently and pulled at your fingertips, “Did you want to kiss him?”
Your mouth dropped open and you looked behind yourself, Harry already standing there looking innocent, and then back to his wife, “What do you mean? He’s your husband! I just wanted to let you know he’s been flirting with me and that’s–“
“Oh, you’re cute,” Vana cooed and then looked over your shoulder at her husband, “She’s worried I’d get mad.”
Blinking your eyes in confusion you felt Harry’s hands on your shoulders and then his warm breath on the back of your ear, “She likes to watch and listen, Y/n. She wants to see what you and I would look like together. If you’re into it. Just a kiss. Doesn’t have to mean anything.”
It took a bit for your brain to wrap itself around his words and let them sink in. But when they did… boy were you feeling some kind of way. It wasn’t something you could quite put into words but it had you feeling spacy and hot.
But that’s how you found out that Vana and Harry were into sharing or hothusbanding. Another thing you’d never heard of. Hotwifing you’d heard of thanks to raunchy porn suggestions on your Twitter feed you never asked for. Vana liked watching her husband fuck other women or knowing he had fucked other women. You never were too wild or kinky with any of the people you slept with. Sharing had never been on your radar of limited interests and kinks. Until the Styles introduced you to it.
It started off with kissing Harry in front of his wife that first night. You let yourself get wrapped in his arms as he softly worked his lips against yours and then he pressed you into the kitchen counter and you felt the thud of his heart under your palm as you pressed your hand into his chest.
And it excited you. It felt so strange to have someone watching you but also… so thrilling.
“If you want to do this with us let me know. We’ve got next Friday night free.” Harry told you as he walked you out to your car before kissing you again. His wife watched from the door.
You nearly chickened out too. It was a lot. You didn’t know if you’d really be into it once things started to get heated. But Harry and Vana assured you they’d only go as far as you wanted. If you wanted. There was no pressure. But it was clear they wanted you.
So you obliged and showed up at their house that Friday all fresh and nervous.
Vana greeted you with a hug. She was wearing a loose-fitted t-shirt and bike shorts. “I’m glad you came.”
The two of you sat down at their kitchen table and Vana made small talk, which helped calm you a bit. It felt like you were just friends having a normal chat. Until Harry walked in. He was wearing jeans and a cream sweater, sleeves bunched up to his elbows, and his hair looked like he’d already had sex. He kept his gaze on you as he sat down next to Vana and she looked at her husband with a grin.
“How are you feeling?” Harry’s first words to you that night.
“I’m okay. Kind of nervous. We’ll see, ya know?” You laughed.
Harry nodded and moved a big hand up to the back of Vana’s neck, “Okay. We’ll take it one step at a time. See if you like being watched. Vana’s ready to share me with you so you don’t need to worry about her. We’ve been through all this before. Have had a few others come around. We don’t typically keep anyone long-term but have no problems being friends after. Some get jealous or can’t handle that I’m loyal to Vana first and foremost. She’s my wife so she has the final say over everything.”
You nodded as you listened to Harry spell out the details and ground rules. Vana was the one that got them into the “scene” in the first place. He didn’t share the nitty gritty with you but there was a medical problem that made it so that Vana didn’t enjoy having sex as often as they once did. And even before her issue, she’d always pushed for having threesomes with other women and would often wind up watching in fascination.
“It’s just something we’ve both come to really like,” Harry spoke, his fingers still gently running up and down the nape of Vana’s neck.
“And it’s one of the only things that turns me on. Watching him with someone else. Or knowing he’s with someone else. Sometimes he meets people outside of the house and comes back to me with pictures or videos. It makes me feel human when I get aroused. It’s like I need to watch him making someone else feel like that and it’s… I can’t explain it really but I do get this surge of lusty jealousy? But it’s not jealousy like with anger. Just something that’s welcome in a way.”
Vana explained it’s almost like cucking but without the degradation (she didn’t like being degraded or disrespected) because she liked watching but also enjoyed picking the person and having some element of control.
Harry reached across the table and moved his fingers over your knuckles, “You still want to go through with it?”
Nodding you let out a breath, “I think so. Yeah.”
You were sure you were insane for it but you were intrigued.
He pulled away and stood up from his chair, “Let’s go into the master bedroom. We’ll get comfortable in there together and see what happens.”
You followed Harry into the bedroom, Vana behind you. The bed took up a good deal of space. A soft armchair was in the corner of the room facing the bed. You didn’t know exactly what to expect but you assumed Harry’s wife would be sitting there.
Harry gestured toward the bed, “You can stay dressed if you like or take your clothes off. Just do what’s comfortable.”
You opted to stay dressed. Until you were sure things were happening.
Harry moved in next to you on the bed, your feet dangling off the side as Vana sat in the chair and crossed her legs.
“I can stand outside of the door for a bit while you get started if it makes you feel better,” she offered, “I like listening just as much as watching.”
You shook your head, “I don’t think… I mean, it’s fine like this. I think.”
Harry laughed and placed a hand on your thigh, “That’s all right. If you change your mind just say so.”
You looked into Harry’s dazzling green eyes as he smoothed his palm over your leg and up to your hip, “You’re so pretty, Y/n. I’ve thought so since the first time I met you. Vana told me I should hook up with you months ago but I wasn’t sure you’d be right for it.”
You licked your lips and moved your gaze to his mouth as he spoke, “But I think you’ll be perfect for this now that I’ve gotten to know you a bit.”
You could feel your heart rate pick up as he leaned in closer, his hand on your hip, “Can I kiss you?”
A quick nod yes and you were enveloped by him in an instant. Like he was waiting for the yes to attack.
His hot mouth smeared against yours and made you woozy. Hands pushing you further into the bed and whispers against your lips that you were sure only you could hear.
“You’re gonna feel so good… so sweet for me… she’s gonna love watching how good I make you feel…”
You were getting dizzy as you let your tongue swirl against his and you smoothed your hand under his sweater to feel the steamy skin of his chest.
And as his lips pressed between yours, you felt the virile muscle and hair on his chest when his sweater rose up. He pulled it off and your eyes didn’t know where to look first. Dark inky designs on his chest and arms, muscled pecs and abs, warm skin…
You felt his hands on the bottom hem of your shirt, lifting, as he pressed his lips against yours again.
You wanted to get out of your clothes. Wanted to see more of him and find out what would come next. You didn’t know if you’d go all the way but in that moment, you were fine with wherever the night took you. The switch had happened so fast. From being unsure if you wanted any clothes off to needing to rid yourself of all the layers so you could feel his hands on your skin.
Harry’s mouth and his moans were like an aphrodisiac. He kissed you like he needed his mouth on your skin for air. You helped him tug your shirt off when his lips drew down your neck and he caged you in by your hips, “Got me so hard, Y/n. This fucking body… Want to eat you alive…”
You moaned and lifted your hips as he traced his mouth down your skin until he was stopped by your waistband. Lifting his gaze up to yours you moved your hand to the button of your jeans and unplucked it, “You can take them off.”
A low moan, that sounded similar to a growl fell from his chest as he worked your jeans down your legs and then you felt his big palms smooth up your shins, to your knees, and then your thighs before he dipped back down to finish bringing his lips over your hips and to the elastic band of your panties.
It was soft kisses over your skin and then to the insides of your thighs as he pushed your legs apart just enough to fit his face between them.
Pushing yourself up to get a better look your eyes came into contact with Vana’s. She was watching the whole thing from her chair, lips parted, and eyes dark on yours.
Your attention was pulled back to Harry when you felt his tongue trail up the inside of your thigh to the crotch of your panties. The overgrown stubble on his face scratched at your soft skin as he ran his tongue up each side and nuzzled into your crotch.
When he looked up at you with his seafoam eyes and raspberry lips you stuffed your fingers into his hair, just so you could feel it between your fingers.
“Can I eat you out, Y/n? Smells so good.”
You nodded and immediately his fingers were looping into the waistband of your thong and he tugged them down your legs and off in haste.
You gasped at how quickly he rid you of your last item of clothing but as soon as you felt his mouth connect with your cunt you dropped your back into the mattress and gurgled a loud moan.
He slid his lips and tongue over you slowly, unscrewing the last bit of tension and doubt you had about having someone watch. Having his wife watch. In fact, there was something so illicit and so titillating about having Vana there.
He’d bracketed you in with his arms to keep you still as his tongue and mouth worked you into a frenzy. Wiggling, whining, wet. You couldn’t help the sounds coming from your throat or the way your fingers pulled at his brown hair.
But the sound of your pussy being eaten right in front of his wife just made everything far hotter than it might have been if you two were alone.
“Oh fuck! Oh… sssshhit!” You panted.
Harry moaned against your clit and then he slid an arm away from one of your thighs and you felt the slow stroking of his fingertips running up and down your drenched pussylips.
And like it was second nature, you rolled down against his fingers and pressed the tip of his digits inside to feel it.
It was a signal you wanted more. So Harry obliged, dipping his fingers inside of you through to his knuckles before he began fingering your pussy in a steady, seductive pace.
You wondered how many women he’d done it to. How many he had finger fucked and eaten out right in front of his wife. Wondered how many he’d fucked with his cock. Whatever that number, he was good. Really fucking good.
And you were tipped over the edge when he slurped and flicked his tongue over your puffy bud and pumped his long fingers inside of you to coax your orgasm out of you. You had your mouth opened wide, desperate moans falling from your throat as your body relented to Harry’s fingers and his lips as you came.
“Can’t even speak it’s so good, huh? Only giving me those pretty moans. Listen to her Vana. She’s fucking crying…”
You could hardly react to his words other than to whimper as you began to settle and eventually melt, his fingers slowly pulsing inside of you until he ran his thumb over your sensitive clit and you pressed your thighs together quickly and rolled to the side, his fingers sliding out of you.
“Got my hand and face soaked, Y/n. Who knew you were such a messy thing? Knew you’d love this…” you felt his hand on your hip, pulling you back toward him.
Your chest heaved as you pushed yourself up, still floaty and ears stuffed with cotton as you looked from Harry to his wife, a shy smile on your face.
“How do you feel?” Vana spoke.
Nodding you caught your breath, “That was… yeah. Very good. Still tingly…” you laughed.
Vana grinned widely, “Good. That’s what we want. You’re really pretty with Harry’s mouth on you. Even I’m all wet now after watching that.”
“And you’re still okay too?” You asked her, just to be sure.
“More than okay. I’d love to see how you two look having sex, though. If you’re up for it.”
You looked at Harry who had his brows raised at you, waiting for your answer. A nod and a small laugh puffed from your lips, “Okay.”
Harry began to unbutton his pants, moving from the bed to stand to get them down his legs. He watched you closely as he palmed at his hard cock, the prominent bump at the front indicating you were going to be in for a nice treat.
Vana stood up and tugged at Harry’s boxer briefs and you noticed she was holding a condom, “Wish you didn’t have to use this. One day I want to see you creampie a pretty girl for me.”
Harry grabbed his wife by the front of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss and you watched their tongues clash together before he let go and Vana returned to her seat, tucking her legs underneath herself.
You didn’t mean to be dramatic but when Harry’s briefs were discarded to the floor you gasped and sat up, eyes focused on the meaty, swollen organ that hung heavy and thick.
Dimples scored into his cheeks as he placed the condom over himself and Vana laughed, “It’s nice, isn’t it? Everyone reacts like that when they see it. Women love his cock. You’ll feel every bit of that inside of you too.”
You swallowed as Harry got back onto the bed next to you and pulled you down to your side, his lips pressed to yours. You felt his hand grip at your thigh and drag it over his hip, pulling you close against him so you could feel his cock nudging against you and then drag through your labia.
It was slow and sweet, the kiss. But if anyone else were to peer into that room they’d disagree. It was filthy and debauched. You were lying with a married man as his cock slid against you and his wife watched from her chair in the corner.
“You want me to fuck you, Y/n. Make you come on my cock while Vana watches?”
You moaned into his mouth, “Yes. Fuck me.”
He smiled against your lips and gripped your thigh tight before he pushed you flat and he was suddenly over you, thighs against yours as you spread your legs and he pressed his tip into you before pulling all the way out, “You sure?”
Nodding you moaned, “Yeah.”
He smirked, raising his head to look at his wife as he finally dipped back in, slowly pushing through your walls and moaning with every inch he fed you. You kept your eyes on his chest and his jaw as he watched Vana’s face. Like he needed to imagine it was her he was tucking himself into.
And it was a salacious, pleasing stretch. When his hips pressed into yours and he dragged himself back and then plunged in again you moaned at the way he filled you and filled you again. He thrusted in and in and then you let out a cracked moan and finally, he looked back down at you, the girl he was actually fucking.
He sucked in through his teeth as he let his pupils examine your face and then your breasts and tummy and then the obscene view of his cock submerging into you, “Look at you taking it so well. Looks like that barely fits but sounds like you like it, Y/n.”
You nodded and inhaled sharply, “Fuck… yes!”
Your mind was swirling and ebbing with thoughts between how good Harry felt ramming into you, how hot it was to have his wife watching, to wondering if you’d recover from this and be able to move on after. You could tend to be attached quickly and sex wasn’t something casual for you normally.
But then Harry’s hand smoothed over your nipple and he grasped your breast softly in his palm with his mouth parted and you could see how much he was enjoying you. How he liked the way you felt under him. You could hear the sound of Vana moaning but you couldn’t take your eyes off Harry’s face as he began to force himself in deeper, harder, faster. His abs clenched and his chest flushed as he fucked you into the mattress. The mattress he and his wife slept on together… you all but forgot any worries you had because your brain was mushy peas as he drove into your pussy; it seemed to wipe out all pertinent thoughts other than that you were getting railed and it felt like heaven.
“She’s so wet for your cock, Harry. How does it feel inside of her?” Vana cooed.
Harry grunted and slowed his rutting hips as he sat back, keeping you flush against his hips as he grabbed onto your thighs and pulled you with him. Your back was arched over his thighs as he kept plunging himself in, “She’s so tight and warm, Vana. Her body looks so hot getting fucked too. Looks so good with my cock inside of her like this, her perfect pussy is just sucking me in. She needs to come so bad.”
You gasped when his thumb slid against your aching clit. Harry’s eyes were on yours when you focused back in on his face, “Look how pretty she is on my cock. I knew she would be. So sensitive too,” he gritted.
“Mmm… god that looks like it feels so good. So fucking jealous she can feel you like this, Harry. Make her come. I want to see her face. See how much she loves it.”
You were conscious but you were so far gone. All your body and your mind knew was how delicious everything felt as your orgasm started to slowly blossom. Harry stroked over your bud, up and down with pressure that built and built and built as he continued fucking into you.
The sound of smacking flesh filled the room, wet squelches with every thrust, and the soft moan of Vana as she enjoyed the show.
Harry’s fingers pinched into your hips as he held you tight with one hand, pasting your pussy against the base of his cock as he rutted into you, while he used his other hand to run his fingers over your clit.
You were powerless to it. You began to tremble and cry as your pussy clenched over him and your orgasm uncoiled from your tummy.
“Oh that’s so pretty, fuck, Harry, look at her.”
He was looking at you. Watching your face twist up in bliss as you came all over his cock. Wave after wave as he fucked into you made you delirious and you reached for his arm and held on, “Oh god… oh god… need that, Harry! Need you!”
Your words didn’t mean much. You were in the throes of your orgasm and neither Harry nor his wife minded your pronouncements. Sometimes even Harry would get into it and say things he didn’t mean because that was sex. It kind of did something to the brain in the moment of peak ecstasy.
When you felt him pulling out and warm hands grazed over your hips and your tummy, up to your breasts and face you fluttered your eyes open to see Harry grinning down at you, “Felt good didn’t it? You’re a pro at this already, Y/n. Got you off so fast, sweetheart.”
You laughed softly and nodded, “Guess I did come really fast.”
“Mind if I get you in doggy so I can get off too? Or do you just wanna lie like this while I finish myself off?”
You swallowed and pushed yourself up, “I can change positions. That’s fine.”
Turning yourself over to get on all fours, Harry guided your angle so you were face to face with Vana and then you felt his mouth on the back of your neck, on your shoulder blades, and down your spine until you felt him gripping your hips and pushing you down so your face was smushed into the comforter and you were no longer looking at his wife.
When you felt his cock press back in, spreading you open he moaned and got to it right away; thrusting in and all the way out, in and then holding you flush against his hips.
“Vana, fuck her pussy feels so good. Want to keep her for a bit,” Harry watched as his cock disappeared into you as he spoke to his wife, “Maybe next week if she’s up for more… fuck. Gonna need to feel this again.”
You started to feel that floaty, faraway mushiness again as Harry began to punch into you. His voice getting further and further away as your limbs began to quiver.
“I’d love that. Love to have her on your cock as much as you want, Harry,” Vana moaned as she reveled in the way Harry was so fucked out of his mind with you.
You hissed when he began to pound into you and your thighs couldn’t hold you up any longer. Slowly you began to slide down as Harry fucked into you with his long cock and strong legs flexing against you, until you were flat on your tummy with Harry moaning and ramming into you, hips crashing into your ass.
You felt his hard dick begin to throb and twitch as he whined your name, “Oh god… Y/n, baby… fuck you’re gonna… fuck Y/n…”
With your eyes closed and Harry’s fat dick lodged deep in your cunt he tensed and stilled his hips as he began to pump hot come into his condom.
“God Harry, that feels so good for you, baby… she’s so good for your cock isn’t she?”
You couldn’t hear Harry’s response as he pressed his chest into your back, but you could feel the vibrations of his voice as he spoke.
He was heavy on you. You could feel his chest filling with air as he breathed deeply and then suddenly you were cold as he slid out of you and off your body. You rolled over and sat up to see him grasping Vana’s face with one hand and kissing her hard, the fingers on his other hand sliding against the crotch of her bike shorts, and then a smile from him as he whispered something to her and she laughed.
They both looked at you, pleased expressions on their faces.
“Would you be up for more another day?” Vana asked as Harry disappeared into the ensuite bathroom.
“Um… yeah. It’s okay more than once?”
Vana shrugged, “Sometimes it’s fine. As long as you don’t expect an emotional connection we’re up for you coming over or him meeting you at your place.”
“At my place?”
Harry stepped out of the bathroom with a towel and sat next to you, his briefs back on.
“Yeah. You two could do it again without me. Your place or at a hotel even. I like it when he records the sounds or takes videos so he can share them with me. Whatever you’re comfortable with. But I would know what was going on and when. Which makes me feel really excited when he’s gone for hours and then comes back to me after and he smells like sex.”
Harry began gently wiping at you as Vana spoke. You had never heard of anything like this before but you were sure Harry and Vana weren’t the only ones that did it. It felt wrong on some level but Vana seemed to love it and she was, in a way, calling all the shots.
“I mean, if you are okay with it and we can find some time for more… yeah. I’m good with that.”
Harry and Vana left you alone while you used their bathroom to freshen up and get dressed. You almost looked like a different person when you stared at yourself in the mirror. What had you just done? And why had you liked it so much? You left their house with more questions than answers that evening but you couldn’t say you weren’t intrigued by what could happen next.
You just hoped you could follow the rules and not get emotionally attached. But you figured it’d be worth it if you could get fucked like that again.
. . .
This is the first part of an ongoing series on Patreon. None of the other parts will be posted on Tumblr. If you'd like to see more of these three consider joining my Patreon! xoxo
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daisynik7 · 8 months
cw: established relationship, explicit sexual content, smut - cunnilingus
Author's Note: Barely proofread, completely horny. Enjoy. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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When Nanami comes out of the bedroom for breakfast, he notices you’re already set up at your work desk, expression serious as you face the monitor. 
“You have a meeting right now?” he asks, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. 
You relax a bit from his loving smooch. “Yeah. I don’t even need to be in this. My boss just said to hop on and listen in. Said it’s a learning opportunity.” You make air quotations with your fingers at those last two words, rolling your eyes. 
He hums, massaging your shoulders, which are stiff and tense with stress. “I’m sorry.” His thumbs work out a knot; he always knows how to put you at ease at times like this. 
You lean back, tipping your chin up to catch his gaze, smiling. “Thank you, honey. I’m just…annoyed.” Glancing back at the screen, you sit up straight, muttering, “Oh no, it’s starting.” With a click of your mouse, you’re in. A few of the attendees are already chatting, so you keep yourself on mute, not bothering to greet them. 
Instead of heading into the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee, Nanami remains behind you, bowing down to whisper, “Do you want a distraction?” His mouth grazes your ear, his hands gliding up and down your arms. 
Although you’re on mute, you mouth a silent, “What?” to him.
His voice gets lower, sultry. “I’m hungry. And I’m craving my favorite treat right now.” He nuzzles his nose to yours, flashing that lazy smile of his you love so much. “I’ll be quick.” Too much. 
“Kento, are you serious?” The rational part of you knows this is crazy, especially while you’re actively attending a meeting. However, the horny part of you, which seems to supersede everything else, wants your husband’s distraction so badly. The temptation to do something you shouldn’t be doing is too alluring to resist. And besides, you’re virtually non-existent in the conversation happening in front of you. Might as well do something else productive.
He nods, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss, just enough to tease a moan out of you. “Baby,” you whine. “We shouldn’t.”
And the two of you know what that really means.
Soon, he’s under the desk, sliding your pajamas bottoms off one leg at a time while you pretend to pay attention to whatever nonsense your coworkers are discussing. Your panties are already wet and Nanami takes his time peeling them off you, biting his lip at the way it glistens with your arousal. 
He wasn’t lying when he said he was hungry. In fact, he’s starving. He proves that with how voraciously he eats you out, your legs open wide for him to spread his tongue all over you. His grip is firm on your knees, keeping you split apart, licking and sucking on your clit, coaxing every drop of cum out of you. You can go the entire meeting with his face buried in your wet cunt, his drool mixing in with your slick. 
Suddenly, and to your absolute horror, your name gets called by your manager. “Any questions?”
You try to shove Nanami away, but he’s relentless, latching onto you tighter, sucking on your clit harder, louder. You squeeze his cheeks tightly with your thighs, practically smothering him, but it doesn’t do anything except make him hum, the vibrations only adding to the divine sensation. 
Before this long pause gets any more awkward, you swallow all the saliva pooling in your mouth and unmute yourself. “I’m good, thanks!” you blurt out, muting yourself once more as you let out a drawn-out moan, coming for the fifth time on your husband’s tongue.
The meeting is dismissed shortly after. You shut your laptop closed, scolding your husband, who’s now kissing the plush of your thighs, chin and nose shiny with your cum, a wickedly charming smile on his lips. “Thought you said you wouldn’t have to say anything,” he teases, trying to feign innocence. 
You run your fingers through his hair, tugging on the strands gently. “Thought you said you’d make it quick.”
He comes up from beneath the table, meeting your face with his. “You know nothing is ever quick with me, sweetheart.” Then, he kisses you, pulling you close to him, cock stiff against you, leading you into the bedroom.  
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
can we get pt 2 of 34+35 where yn releases nonsense or positions, everyone is more confused because are we talking about the same guy?? in response all yn does is mention his thighs 💀💀
Summary: Oscar and Y/n always loved to mess with the fans. Fortunately, the best way to do that is spill their sex life.
Warnings: sexual conversations, language
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ynnn Nonsense out now! 💋
- mclarenpiaandlan YEAH WTF HOW IS THIS OSCAR
- landonorris ILL NEVER RECOVER.
oscarpiastri ITS ABOUT MEEEEEEEE 🤭🤭
- danielricciardo we are aware.
- maxverstappen i think youve said that enough
- ynnn definitely not LITTLE oscar 😏
- alexalbon STOP.
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ynnn maybe i lied? Lookin’ at him doesn’t have me thinkin’ nonsense, it has me thinkin…
oscarpiastri my girlfriend everyone 😀
- mclarensgirlll hes probably giggling at his phone at this very moment
- landonorris and youd be right!
maxverstappen IM SO SCARED FOR MY LIFE
- danielricciardo WE CANT ESCAPE IT
- landonorris IT NEVER ENDS.
ln4andop81 anyone else curious abt what shes going to say on that podcast next week where theyre infamous for asking abt sex????
- oscpastry i bet you oscar will forever be changed for us
- mclarensgirlll he already is 🥲
- oscpastry “you said you like my eyes and you like the make em roll” SOOOO BASICALLY WHEN WERE THOSE WORDS FALLING FROM OUR BABY’S LIPS????
- ynnn this world! 💋
- mclarenpiaandlan THE PATTERN IS PATTERNING
ln4andop81 hows everyone doing after that podcast….
- mclarensgirlll “WHO IS OSCAR PIASTRI?” trending on twitter makes me feel less alone after listening to Y/n’s tell all
- mclarenpiaandlan host: “whats your favorite body part of oscar’s?” Y/n: “his thighs” BY THEN I ALREADY KNEW WHAT WAS COMING BUT THE HOST HAD TO KEEP GOING host: *giggling* “why?” Y/n: “10 out of 10 for riding” I THINK MY BRAIN WENT DEAD FOR A SEC
- piaosc GIRLY KEPT GOING TOO host: “did you ask or, like, how did that come about?” Y/n: “well, he was just kind of sitting there, manspread ya know, and he caught on the minute he saw the way i was looking at him. Ive never see him so excited before.” *laughing* “i think he enjoys it more than me!”
- ln4andop81 no words. Host: “so he knows you like his thighs?” Y/n: “Oh my god, yeah! I hate him for it but he purposefully wears his shortest pair of shorts around the house so when he sits, that’s all I see. I’m telling you, Oscar knows how much I love his body and he knows EXACTLY how to use it.” Host: “what do you mean?” Y/n: “just that the shirtless photo i posted of him is one of many and the rest of them could not be up on the internet for longer than 5 seconds before being taken down because they’re borderline all pornographic” OSCAR???? BABY BOY??? WHO ARE YOU.
- mclarensgirlll BRO AND THEN host: “your new song, Nonsense, mentions things being more rough than soft. Is that really true with him?” Y/n: “Are you kidding?! The fans who think he’s super innocent and pure are in for some serious whiplash when i say that he is anything but that. He’s not Oscar when we’re in bed. He’s some alter ego who has no problem fucking against a random wall.” UHHHHHHHHHHH RUE WHEN WAS THIS????
- oscarpiastri now THAT is one thing i wont be answering 😊
- ynnn knowing myself ill probably reveal it in some song in the future 🤦🏼‍♀️
- mclaren maybe try and hold off on that one plz bestie 😙
- landonorris ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^🙏🏻
- danielricciardo ^^
- alexalbon ^^^
- maxverstappen ^
- charlesleclerc ^^^^
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serosluv2 · 9 months
obsessed bf x pretty gf trope hcs w sero & shoto pls & ty 😁😁 (seperately pls)
It’s only 7 months late but here u go anon 😘
a/n: I wrote this in an hour in the bathtub so if it is shit- don’t tell me bc I’m just getting back into writing 😭😭
Shoto Todoroki
He fits this trope so well.
He is THEE resident pretty boy of UA so it makes perfect sense that he has the prettiest girl in all of Japan. (The world)
He is the teeny weeny ist bit dense on like how to take proper photos of you for the ‘gram but trust that he WILL be searching up everything about lighting and angles and exposure and zoom- all that nonsense.
If you’re a social media girly he may leave like one or two comments. He isn’t the best about being outwardly obsessed with you, he is all about those private small moments. Not being able to take his eyes off you anywhere. Always needing to be beside you. If he can’t be with you then trust he is texting you at every free moment and expects a response within 5 minutes.
He loves shopping with you and helping you pick out outfits or jewelry or how to style your makeup that day. He has no real opinion on what looks better tho he just loves seeing you get all prettied up. (Yk that tiktok where the girl is trying to decide on a dress color and her bf is just like “wtv u want mama u look breathtaking in both” ?That’s him.)
I feel like he doesn’t really buy you anything in the beginning of your relationship bc he doesn’t really see the point/value or something in that BUT all it takes is for kaminari to get you some product you’ve been wanting for a while for secret santa and seeing how touched you were by the gesture sends him into over drive:
“OH MY GOD! KAMI!!” You exclaim- wrapping your arms around him. “How did you know? I’ve been looking for this everywhere!” Shoto notices how big your eyes got and the slight blush on your cheeks from excitement and he feels, something unpleasant. Jealousy? Envy? Possessiveness? Whatever it is he doesn’t like how grateful you’re acting toward the blonde. I mean sure, he got you something nice you’ve wanted but that’s not his job (he just so happened to get you for secret santa so he kind of had to get you something) he’s not your boyfriend only your boyfriend- HIM- should be gifting you stuff. Then he kinda has a “ohh.” Moment and realizes he has never really gotten you anything just because.
Anyways after that whole interaction he is getting you anything and everything you look at for more than a second. You keep looking at some necklace at the store? Bought. He sees you liking tiktoks about girls getting flowers? Now you’re getting a bouquet every date night. Does he himself have money? No, but that No.1 hero daddy sure does. And let’s be honest he kind of owes shoto for making his childhood - for lack of a better word- awful.
In conclusion, Shoto loves his pretty girl and will do anything she asks of him without question.
Hanta Sero
Clawing at my cage for this man.
Now sero has been… infatuated with you since he first laid eyes on you one faithful morning. You were ordering at some coffee shop he passes by on his way to school and just one glance had him stopped dead in his tracks. The way your hair framed your face perfectly, your face in general because holy shit- you were gorgeous. Straight out of a magazine. He quickly took notice of the little embellishments you made to your uniform.. uniform? The same one Mina has. OH MY GOD YOU GO TO UA AND HE HAS NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE?
He literally cannot stop thinking about you and boom you appear again in the halls. Your going the opposite direction has him with your friends and he sees you all have a little cafe cup. Did you buy them all a drink before class? So you’re stupidly gorgeous and nice. Great, he, for sure, has no chance with you now.
But oh that’s where he is wrong.
When you guys start dating he actually cannot believe it. He is very guarded at first because- now it’s my personal hc that sero is a bit insecure- he can’t fathom how you, YOU, would actually want to date someone like…him.
But once those walls come down he doesn’t shut up about you. Seriously all his friends are so annoyed:
“Good god soy sauce if you mention your little girly friend again I’m hurling you across the city.”
“You’re just mad you don’t have a girl as pretty as mine- don’t worry baku-man, I’m sure one day some poor person will take pity on your soul.”
Sero did in fact get hurled across the city that day.
Now where he differs from Shoto is that this man is a GOD with a camera. He has that artistic eye and is able to capture you being your baddest/cutest/authentic self.
Literally ya’ll
He also has a good sense of style. He never thinks you look bad in one thing versus another but he will take into account the vibe of where you’re going and what’s you’ll be doing and give his opinion based on that. Because he grew up with sister and knows how to get around the “which one looks better?” Type question without hurting you.
Now sero doesn’t have money to spoil you senseless but what he does have is the forever lasting instinct to put your comfort above his own. It’s freezing and you didn’t wear a jacket because “a hoe ever gets cold”? Don’t worry sero will give you his and be visibly growing icicles on his body to keep you warm. Feet hurt from those impractical shoes? He’s caring you all the way home even if he is still terribly sore from a killer arm workout the day before with kirishima. A no a mudy puddle and you’re wearing your new white shoes :(! Well sero is laying his jacket down over it or simply caring you over the puddle. He isn’t the type to roll his eyes at how “ridiculous” or “spoiled” you’re being. You are y/n freaking l/n. He’ll do whatever you need to make sure nothing in your life goes wrong.
He also is the type to spam comments in your TikTok or Insta post and makes all his friends do the same. Not that you need it- he just loves fueling your ego.
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pearlywritings · 7 months
Dr Ratio nsfw alphabet
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tw: female reader, protected sex, edging, body worship, semi-public sex, kinda power play, Veritas is a switch
word count: 3.3k+ words
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is aware he can go a little harsh sometimes. So the first thing he always does is move you from whatever position you are in into the one where you face him, bringing your foreheads close and making you match your breath with his to calm down. He is usually on a quieter side, but will ask if you need anything specific, different from your usual aftercare routine. Which never goes without taking a bath. He either lets you laze in bed or brings you to the bathroom with him while filling up the tube - depending on how badly he’s exhausted you. Once in the water, he thoroughly washes you, then lets you do the same to him - and it really shows how much he loves you, otherwise he wouldn’t have trusted you with the process of cleaning his body.
After or before the sessions where he is on a more subbing side, he’d really appreciate it if you'd give him a small massage - the man is stressed, even though he doesn’t show it, knowing he will be taken care off, soothes his mind.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Is it a surprise that it is the brain? This man is literally attracted to intelligence. Close second is your lips. It’s astonishing to him how your mouth can both speak out of brilliance and spew out the stupidest nonsense there is. And it’s incredibly satisfying to shut you up with a firm kiss on your lips with his fingers holding your face in place. Or vice versa when you hook your thumbs into the chest window to grab his shirt and drag him closer to smash your lips into his because he talks too much.
On himself… I’d say the brain too. Plus I feel like his arms. He is well-built, and has strong muscular arms - he literally shows off one of them, unclothed. Not to mention the statues he summons - their poses bring attention to the arms immediately. Besides, such physical strength allows him to maneuver your body however he desires, especially when his patience runs thin and words are not enough anymore.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as Veritas doesn’t like messiness, while having sex it’s very hard to avoid. He’s got accustomed to two sweaty bodies held close together (the touch-starved side of him simply won), he even stopped complaining about the sheets that have to be changed every time you end up in bed, but when it comes to cum… 
While railing you he’d prefer finishing in a condom, but with enough convenience and your endurance of him rolling his pretty eyes, he might go raw and finish on your backside/thighs. In oral he’d rather hold back once you bring him close to orgasm and finish after thoroughly fucking you, or, if you are willing, in your mouth.
In your case though, he is more gracious, fully aware that you might not have the same control over your body, just don’t be surprised when after he’s eaten you out or your juices drenched his pelvis from your orgasm, he reaches for a towel to wipe himselfs.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You know boudoir photography, right? This man thinks bigger. Not even a huge oil painting, no. A statue. A statue that depicts an intimate moment of yours, your intertwined bodies, every curve of the body and fold on the sheets covering some parts of your body carved in marble perfectly… 
He doesn’t bring it up because it might require posing and you might not be ready for this. And because he has a tiiiny fear at the back of his head about expressing openly this side of him that’s reserved for you only. Oh, and maybe because he thinks those intertwined stone bodies of yours might look better with the wedding rings…
Big chance he’ll eventually bring it up.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
If you are his partner and came as far as having sex, it means he is very serious about your relationship and that you are his first. Veritas, most likely, didn’t even entertain the thought of getting into the relationship. But even the brightest minds may face their own miscalculations and here he is, with the best woman, whose body he’ll get to explore. Yes, at the beginning of your relationship he was lacking practice when it came to intimacy, but he is an extremely quick learner with the right theory. His natural observance and phenomenal memory made it easy for him to find and remember all of your erogenous zones (more than you were aware of) and become a master in yet another field.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He has a preference for ones where he gets to claim your lips whenever he wants. He fancies being in control, but doesn’t mind passing the reins to you. Lotus flower and missionary are usually his ways to go for slower times, perfect for closeness and staying in once finished; for the times with more tension in the air, he’d pin you to the wall, completely lifting you off the ground and drilling his dick into your warm walls or would provoke you to push him in his chair and ride that attitude out of him right there in his office.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is serious, no doubt. More often than not, for him sex is proving a point to you, relieving the tension, getting rid of stress and these things are not to be joked about. If anything, if you were to joke in the middle of it, he’d scoff, giving you an incredulous look, but ultimately decide to shut you up with a kiss or fingers, or shove his spit-covered cock back into your mouth.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Completely clean. He prefers it all shaved off. On a rare occasion you manage to catch a glimpse of his sleeping pants hanging a bit low, revealing a patch of hair he hasn’t yet had an opportunity to get rid of, and you are assured that violet is his hair’s natural color.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
To a man of Veritas’s world perception romance and all these feelings can be explained by science. Yes, he is probably not the man who’d throw rose petals on top of some extremely fancy sheets or won’t declare his love every single thrust of his hips, but one thing is certain - when he is with you, his whole attention is only on you. His eyes are on you, his lips are on you, his hands, his chest, his everything. You are the center of his world in the moment and he expects the same treatment in return.
However, when it comes to taking baths together - either after sex or it being what started sex in the first place - he goes a little extra. There might be some candles to help you both relax, bubbles, nice oils. But also taking care of each other, taking turns with hair, body and everything. Might also read to you in that deep soothing voice of his while you laze with you head on his chest.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Like every healthy man Veritas masturbates. It doesn’t happen often and now there is you, should he need to take the edge off, yet it is the fact. There was a period when you had a hate-tolerable relationship and you managed to drive him so insane with that smart mouth of yours that he felt both repulsed and attracted. And as his hand fisted his hard, leaking cock, he couldn’t push away the fantasies of putting his irritating lovely colleague in place.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Voice kink. Surprisingly, he has it, but only for the sound of your voice specifically. Since he is with you, obviously he mainly enjoys the things you have to say. Then comes the realization that he also enjoys the way you say them. And then, when sex finally becomes a part of your relationship, he can’t help but fuck you a bit harder whenever a particularly delicious moan escapes your parted lips. Plus it sends the blood to his dick whenever you praise him, gently combing your fingers through his hair and whispering into his ear how amazing he is.
Edging. Since this man is a little shit, and sex can be a result of your prior argument, he’d be torturing you with intense stimulation until he sees the telltale signs of your nearing orgasm and stops altogether just to rile you up more. When the tables are turned he performs colossal patience, lying through his greeted teeth that no, he is not annoyed you denied him relief, after all, it’d be unnecessary mess (meanwhile you with your stupid all-knowing smirk gaze at his twitching cock with an angry red tip).
Body worship. During the slower intimate moments Veritas can’t lie to himself that he doesn’t like the way your palms slide over his shoulders and arms, kneading tense muscles. That his breath doesn’t hitch when you kiss the side of his jaw and then trail pecks down his strong neck, and then lower. That his pride doesn’t stir when you have that look in your eyes as you are gazing at his body. Though he might ask tauntingly if your brain stopped working when you stay silent for too long. Won’t blush once you start worshiping him verbally too, but satisfaction will be obvious.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Home, it’s the most comfortable and logical place. Bed, bath, sofa, table - as long as it works, it’s alright. 
But it’s not uncommon to happen in his office at the Intelligentsia Guild. Luckily for both of you, Veritas happened to be very forward-thinking and the room is pretty much soundproof and can’t be unlocked that easily. But then again, not many people would be brave enough to bother him. Sure, it’ll leave you both breathless and messy, but Dr Ratio would grumble about it afterwards, while fixing himself. Right in the moment all his thoughts channel to just one thing - you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Concentration. I’m not joking - the look of utter concentration and dedication on your face is basically the equivalent of sexy for him. Also then you argue with him. Like a whole oral battle, defending your own opinion on the matter, providing him proofs that back up your point. It just all goes to the moment where the tension is so thick and your mutual stubbornness is making it impossible to bend the scales in either direction, that it becomes dire to resolve it through physical contact.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Won’t harm you. Well, putting some strain on your muscles in one of the positions, or smacking your ass/hip are alright, but nothing that involves heavily beating or cutting you.
Also nothing filthily messy. Like watersports.
Won’t share you with anyone. Yes, no one deserves someone like you, and no, he is not potentially jealous.
And please, for the sake of Nous, don’t call him Doctor or Sir while fucking. He deals with stupid students of his and other people on a daily basis and these titles are associated with very unpleasant encounters to him. He’d rather be called by his name or whatever sappy nickname you came up with for your lover.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Doesn’t have a preference, but would appreciate it if you were the one to take care of him. Would also love it slow, with your tongue lapping at the tip of his length, lips wrapping around the girth and thumb and index finger wrapping around the base, while the fingers of your free hand play with your pussy, stretching yourself for him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what sparked the love-making. His thrust can be powerful, precise and deep. He doesn’t need to be fast to prove his point, he can drive you insane with the same stone-like resolve. You can cling and scratch at his back all you want, you can keep moaning and whining underneath or even on top of him - he knows it’ll be his way in any case.
When you are in charge, his response is slower and more sensual, even if it’s just a rhythmic clench of his fingers on your hip. If you are riding him he rarely complains about the pace you decide to proceed with, both leisurely drag of your walls up and down his cock and quick loud smacking of skin to skin have the same finale.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He wants to say he doesn't like them, because the consequences are messy, but… they do happen. He'd blame you for causing it, but, well, if he really didn't want this to happen, he would've put his foot down. Yet he willingly accepted and succumbed to it and now has to do something with his puffy lips and messy hair before his next class starts.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
In the beginning you both experimented to find the middle ground on what your intimate life is most favorable like, he probably has something akin to a list of what kind of sexual intercourse is most efficient for the exact situation in his head.
Quickies in his office are a risk, true, but the amount of precaution taken is amazing. After all, he’d never do anything that would ruin his or your image. Even if he could care less of what those surrounding him have to say, it’s such a headache to resolve the consequences of being caught getting freaky.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has great stamina, but usually doesn’t go beyond 1, rarely 2 rounds. Why would he exert himself? Instead of additional “exercise” you could spend this time more productively.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Skeptical about them being used on him, but if you own or use any, he wouldn’t mind. After all, sometimes your schedules might not match and you are just one horny human. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Usually it’s not on purpose, he is just an annoying man and his attitude tend to slip into the bedroom, but sometimes it is his intentions to torture you, edging and denying you further pleasure to test your limits (and patience).
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud. Satisfied sighs, rushed pants and breathy moans. Hums when you do something he particularly likes. Gets louder when he is relaxed and not the one doing all the work, but it also means there will be some Dr Ratio-style teasing remarks and attempts to hold a full ass conversation. You can always just shut him up with a kiss though.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lone water drops fall from the tips of violet locks, hitting wide shoulders, strong chest and back and running in small trails down to disappear in the plush of the white towel, hanging on chiseled hips. Veritas’s body was truly sculpted by the higher powers, because no man can be this perfect and mouth-watering in image. 
When the man clears his throat, you realize that you are staring at the abs you love so much, with his sleeping pants he asked to pass still clenched in your hands. Your eyes meet his vibrant ones, and with the way his dark eyebrow arches it’s apparent that he’s expecting an explanation, and why would you deny him one?
“You are handsome,” shrugging your shoulders, you speak the truth, finally moving into his direction again. “And I love how enticing you look after a bath.”
“Is that so?” A low hum vibrates in his throat, his expression unchanging and eyes still boring into your frame when he gets a hold on his clothes. “Or are you just horny?”
“Maybe I am, maybe I am not,” you smile, finding the twitch of his lips so funny. “It’s not like you are going to find out. You’ve just taken a bath.”
“There is no harm in taking one more,” a hand is on your waist, fingers crumpling the fabric of your chemise. “But before even assuming that this conversation might take a turn, I would rather have this question answered by you properly. So… Are you horny?”
You think it’s unnecessary to ask again, given the fact that your hard nipples poke through the thin material and thighs are clenched together, and that shiver that ran down your spine when he grabbed you… But Veritas wouldn’t be himself, if he wasn’t like this.
“I am,” you admit, putting your palms onto his pectorals, groping them softly and biting back a laugh at how quickly the slither of repulse appeared and disappeared on his face. “And what are you going to do about it?”
“Should I do anything?” Yet he takes a step back, using the hand holding pants to push the door behind him open; the other hand still laying on your waist makes you take a step too. “It’s not my fault you can’t control your urges.”
“Isn’t it though? It’s you who are making me all hot and bothered,” this time you take the first step forward and he is the one to follow until you both are in the bathroom. “Don’t you think that taking responsibility is the right thing you should do? Come on, love…” your smile turns teasing and voice acquires that taunting lilt that rarely fails to excite him. “Admit you want it too.”
Your lover remains silent, though the pants are tossed onto the vanity and the second hand joins its twin on your waist. He leans down and you catch the dearly familiar scent of his body wash and shampoo, before his head dips and your lips are claimed by his. To shut you up, of course.
Not a minute later your nightwear ends up on the vanity too, soon followed by his towel and your panties.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Around 6.2 inches when erect, quite thick with a nice vein running on the left side, curves to the left a little. Looks as good as the rest of the man.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Isn’t really high, can easily go a couple of weeks without it as long as there is at least some physical contact with you (taking baths together, sitting on the sofa together with your legs thrown over his and his palm resting on your knee, as you both are nose deep in your books/laptops, gentle pat on his elbow when you sense his annoyance, fingers touching as you sleep, etc.)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Has his own ritual of reading a little before he ultimately goes to sleep. Can stay in one position for long, so he won’t mind if you fall asleep on his shoulder or chest while he is still awake.
If cuddling, he doesn’t have a preference between a big and a small spoon, he can do both. It really depends on the mood and doesn’t happen every night.
Oh, and by the way, it really isn’t uncommon for you to fall asleep on the respective sides of the bed with just your fingers touching in the middle or not having contact at all.
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lululandd · 1 year
── 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮;
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader
word count: 700
warnings: hurt/comfort
note: have you hugged your simon today? :3 (also on AO3)
summary: oh. he’s having those thoughts.
“Why are you with me?” 
You turn around, tilting your head to the side, confused at his words. “You never liked grocery shopping, Simon.” Trying to hold his hand, you can see him flinch away, “So I came with you.”
He has lapses in memory, for sure. A lot of the time Simon lives in his own world, the one where he relives the most horrible moments of his life over and over; as he lives his real life on autopilot. But to your experience it had never been this bad. He had asked what day it is three times in a row, he had forgotten the address you’ve lived in for several years, his own birthday, favourite foods, but never where he is.
“No. I mean why are you with me, with me.”
Oh. He’s having those thoughts.
“Really Simon? At the groceries? Now?” You slowed your pace, waiting for him to catch up to you.
He looked down at the trolley he’s pushing, defeat written all over his body language.
“We’ll talk all about it at home, okay? Let’s just get some food right now. I’ll make that parsley butter you really like.”
You were caught off guard, heartbeat spiking as he said it with a hard edge that you have never heard used towards you before. “You don’t want parsley butter?”
The resigned sigh you hear lasted for what seemed to be a full minute. “Just leave me alone.” His eyes focused on something far away.
It was your turn to sigh as you place whatever it is you were holding back onto the aisle and walk towards the front door to wait for him there.
That seemed to snap him out for a bit. His brain is so mean to him, and you know he doesn’t mean whatever it is he said, but you’re just so tired. Grabbing your hand, he looks at you, eyes red, and you know groceries will have to wait another day.
It’s odd, being with him. He exudes power and confidence when he’s with his friends, and yet he becomes a sad hopeless blob when he’s with you. You missed his boisterous personality, the man that tells dark jokes and puns every single sentence he could. Sometimes you wonder if you’re doing this to him. If you’re the villain in his life, sucking all the happiness out of him.
Walking him to the car empty handed, you placed yourself in the driver’s seat. You see him hunched on his seat, fists balled on his thighs, his mind is probably wandering somewhere horrible again.
“Simon can you face this way?” You gently requested.
The man did as told but looked at anything but you. He made a cutout of your outline with his eyes and you held the urge to laugh. You slowly put your hand up and hugged his neck, burying your face on that sweet junction on his collarbone. It took a long while before you felt his hands around your waist.
“M’sorry.” His voice a low whisper.
“Don’t apologise.” You patted the back of his head. He mirrored the motion by patting you on the waist with his thumb.
“Didn’t mean anything I said.” He sounded close to tears, “Didn’t actually want you to leave.” 
You nodded sympathetically, “I know those weren’t your thoughts, Simon.” You released your hold a bit and kissed him on the chin, the only place you could reach right now. “You’re not that kind of person.”
He shuddered against you, something akin to a sob tore through him; you didn’t know what else to do but wrap your arms tighter around him. You held that position for as long as you could, but ultimately you had to let go. His eyes searched yours, the sombre expression etched onto his face mellowed just a little bit as you felt your heart beats a little less painfully at the turmoil he seems to be facing. He leaned forwards as you sunk your forehead onto his chest.
“Can we continue shopping or do you wanna just order in?” You offered.
“Parsley butter.”
His nonsensical answer brought a smile back to your face. Now that’s your Simon.
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johnsgunbelt · 8 months
Can I request the 141 boys with a shy reader who gets to talking about their hobbies or whatever, really starts opening up, only to get self conscious and say something like, “sorry I talked so much.”
Shy - TF141
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Pairing: TF141 x GN!Shy Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff, Hurt-comfort
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John Price:
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So what has Price noticed while dating you? You ever so rarely speak more than a couple of sentences. 
And oh god when he would introduce you to people you’d shy behind him like a child, he never understood why.
So when you started to talk more about a certain hobby you liked he was ecstatic. It was just you and him, at home in bed watching a movie but not really paying attention.
Then something in the movie caught your eye and reminded you of something from your childhood, your eyes lit up as you began to start rambling on and on.
“Yeah so I used to-” “Hm? What’s the matter, why'd you stop?” John looked confused, he was genuinely interested in what you were saying, “Sorry, I talked too much.”
His heart melted, he was so upset hearing those words. He didn’t know whoever told you that you talk too much but he never felt more enraged in his whole life. “No sweetheart you never talk too much, I could listen to you talk for hours and hours keep talking I wanted to hear the rest.” He saw you smile as you kept talking, he truly did love you.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
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He’s always encouraging you to talk more, he adores your voice and also he can’t really tell your emotions when you’re just quiet so it scares him.
He always loved when you spoke even if it was only a couple of sentences or words here and there, and when he introduced you to his mates and you kinda hid behind him he chuckled a bit.
But when you guys went out to go watch the sunset and you started to ramble a bit, he was so excited but he tried to stay calm so as to not interrupt you.
“Honestly it was one of my favorite-” “You okay? I was listening.” Kyle looked at you a little worried but upset because he wanted you to keep talking, keep rambling about nonsense forever.
“No sorry I talked way too much.” Kyle’s heart shattered and he had to keep it together as he wrapped an arm around the small of your back. “No baby keep going, I wanted to hear the rest I love when you talk.” He saw your eyes light up as you kept talking and he listened to every word.
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John 'Soap' Mactavish:
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We all know that man is a talker, like you can’t get him to shut up. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to listen to you talk. In Fact whenever you begin to speak he automatically shuts up.
When he introduced you to his friends and even family you were a nervous wreck and hid behind his back. He explains to everyone you’re just shy and holds your hand for comfort.
But there has never been a thing in the world he’s wanted more than for you to just talk about something, anything. 
So when you started to ramble to him before going to sleep in your shared bed, he immediately woke up and listened intently.
“Yeah and that's-” “Keep going, what happened next?” he was so bummed when you stopped talking, you left him on a cliffhanger :(!
“No it’s okay I talked way too much.” Soap frowned, “No lass, you never talk way too much. I love hearing your voice, please keep going?” And then he got excited when you kept speaking. He listened until you got so tired you fell asleep.
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
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This man is so quiet, but not in a shy way. He just doesn’t think talking is necessary. So he kind of expected you to do all the talking. But then he realized how shy you were and started talking more so you weren't uncomfortable
When he introduced you to people and you hid behind the boulder of a man, he acted like a bodyguard. “They're shy, give‘em a bit.”
But when you guys are alone and you’re watching him cook dinner and you have the urge to just talk, he’ll listen like a goddamn dog. Sometimes even chuckling at things you say or adding commentary.
But then when you cut yourself off, “I know right! But then-” He didn’t even give you the chance to say “I was talking too much.” Because he was so quick to respond.
“Keep talking Lovie, what happened? I love when you talk, please keep going.” And you smiled to yourself as you continued on with what you were saying, he truly loved every single word you spoke.  
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
This is going to be really off from how bonding works lol.
But imagine that Aemon rants to Vaghar about reader having claim Cannibal to the Point that Vaghar gets curious over you (HC That Vaghar and Cannibal might have a big hate to friends relationship lol). So on one of these days when Vaghar its free to do as she pleaces she decides to look for the reader who is like "why the fuck does big old dragons keep coming to me" but reader is actually sweet to her and basically respects her a lot. Probably tells her how of a brave girl she is and how unfair too to fight human wars.
And Vaghar is like "oh if you knewww" and starts to like reader more than her own rider.
Cannibal IS getting jealous over this. Reader is his 😤!!
But one random day Aemon has the fantastic idea of try and persuade reader to marry him and he is being lowkey creepy and pushy. And what happens ? Not one, TWO BIG DRAGONS APPEARS.
Yes baby!! Canninal is sooo angry he may as well burn him alive but seeing the suprise and offended look Aemon gives to Vaghar as she protects reader its a nice suprise too.
And Vaghar its on mother mode. 😤💞!! She is lowley ashame over her own rider and will roar to him to stay away, then when reader and Cannibal leave together Vaghar wil ignore Aemons command and fly off with them too.
No because I love the ideas that reader is just so likeable that dragons just finds themselves attracted to them.
Besides I’m pretty sure Aemond and Vhagar don’t have a strong a bond as like daemon and Caraxes for example, so I wouldn’t be surprised if vhagar finds reader to be the better choice and wishes that reader was her rider, and not some wish version of Visenya.
Aemond: they should be mine, we ride the biggest dragons of Westeros, why can’t they see that we’re meant to be!
Grandma Vhagar: *sick and tired of hearing Aemond whine about you and just flies off to seek you out herself*
You would be with cannibal just chilling and all of a sudden an Aemond-less Vhagar just lands in front of you and stares you down as Cannibal growls at her in warning of what he’d do to her if she came here to harm you. He doesn’t fuck with you and neither should anyone else, not Vhagar, Craxes, hell not even Balerion or Meraxes if they were still alive would fuck with you with Cannibal to protect you.
But you just casually go up to Vhagar and start petting her snout and saying; oh Vhagar, you’re forced by the hands of man to do their bidding once again. You poor girl who just wants to be left alone in peace and yet they don’t respect that.
Vhagar is pretty much purring now as she closes her eyes, allowing your sweet words of praise to comfort her old and decrepit body into a state of rest; cannibal, you have chosen a true diamond of a rider with this little one.
Cannibal staring her down, still a little on edge but resonating how she feels about the selfishness of the Targaryen dynasty: I know and I shall treasure them as one until I die. But be reminded Vhagar that they are MY rider, not yours. You should’ve remained riderless if you wished to have them but it’s far too late, I’ve came for them and now they’re mine until death do us part.
Vhagar: I know that, dear Cannibal, but that does not mean you shall keep me from them for I shall always be watching over them when you can not.
Cannibal growls at this but doesn’t do anything outside of that because he doesn’t like you scolding him.
So when Aemond finds out where Vhagar goes when he’s busy, he will be ten times worse then before because if you claimed cannibal and also have Vhagar taking a liking to you, then this must mean that you are destined to marry him regardless! He would hunt you down himself and corner you somewhere remote as he looks at you with a weird and possessive look in his eye, as he then proceeds to spout nonsense about how you and him were two halves of the same soul and how you were truly a blessing for two of the largest dragons in history to come for your presence.
His dragon deity he’d probably call you because when has two dragons ever flew in search of someone before? It had always been people claiming them but never the dragons searching for their one true rider. You were truly a specimen for history to recount decades from now as historians ponder whether you were something else all together.
Could you imagine the future Targaryens reading about you in history books? The one whom summons dragons? Dragon priest/priestess? Whatever other titles they might give you in the future long after you’re gone.
So Aemond is obviously coming on too strong for your liking and all of a sudden, he’s eclipsed by not one but TWO behemoth shadows belonging to Cannibal and Vhagar, they have heard enough from Aemond and didn’t like the unease and fear that they felt coming from you as the one eyed prince kept hounding you with his advances for marriage. Once was fine but this was too much and they didn’t want Aemond to do you any harm just for saying no.
(Whether your are already betrothed to Cregan or Benjicot or Jace, or Addam Velaryon I’ll let you decide that)
Your hand is/is not taken as of yet and they will not allow Aemond to sully that because of his delusions and conceptions.
Aemond is shocked and upset to see that Vhagar was blocking him from you as you quickly mounted Cannibal, who was looking at him as though he were his soon to be dinner, and whispers; ‘Vhagar, why?’
Vhagar only roars at him and growling every time he tried to step closer to her, upset herself that her supposed rider was a weird man with an obsession for things he couldn’t have. She waits for when you and Cannibal to take off to the skies before following behind as a safety precaution, blatantly disregarding Aemond’s cries as they become nothing the further she goes, forcing him to realise that their control over dragons was merely a farce.
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dangopango00 · 3 months
Carrying Your Loser BF like a Princess
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Losermen x GN Reader
(Kenma, Levi, Abyss) x GN Reader
A/N: BY LOSER i mean they are very passionate about sth (usually games) and/or awkward as hell. Geeks nerds. I love them. just wanted to write some silly simple hcs so here
A/N but after writing: I am physically incapable of writing something short oh my god. They just kept getting longer and longer as I kept writing omg 😭
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- Won’t want you to do this kind of thing in public bc it’s a bit embarrassing + he’s not really into PDA but in private its so different:
- Nonchalant. If anything probably surprised you can carry him if you’re shorter or really skinny
- Only really concerned if it’s disrupting his game but if he’s on his switch or sth portable then he has no complaints
“What are you doing?”
“Carrying you like the pretty princess you are 😋”
“?” (Probably glances at your silly smirk and looks back to his game)
- He often doesn’t respond to your shenanigans, he needs to focus and is not going to risk losing braincells with your nonsense (rude ✋😔)
- Likes it and it’s not a secret— he just doesn’t say it out loud; it’s obvious
- Sometimes he’ll randomly sit on your lap perpendicular to you in the princess position so you’re ready to sweep him off his feet whenever
- As a guy who hates getting tired and often gets left behind at places bc he was too focused on his phone or switch, it’s really convenient tbh
- Kisses you on the cheek and the side of the face when he’s feeling silly but usually he expects YOU to shower HIM in kisses even though you’re already carrying him smh actual cat princess behavior 😒
- Eventually if—when he gains more confidence in public he will have you carry him around everywhere if he’s busy gaming bc its convenient and lovely (imo I think he probably got more confident post timeskip but tbh I didn’t get that far in the manga so I literally do not know lmao)
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- Blushy if its in private DOWNRIGHT CATATONIC if its in public
- Extremely perplexed as to how you did it bc he’s most likely way bigger than you and engulfing you just by being in your arms but he’s literally so flustered he can’t even think about that rn
A/N: I hate typing out stutters but he’d stutter and trip over his words sm srry gng
“H-huh? What are y-you doing?!”
“Carrying the prettiest princess in the world 🥺”
- Can’t even respond. free him 😭😭 (Don’t. he wants to be in your arms as long as possible)
- Really not used to being carried AT ALL and hides his face in the crook of your neck while holding onto you; does not want to be dropped or make eye contact with anyone who has the misfortune of witnessing this; he’d have to jump (he’s being a silly goose)
- Conflicted as hell because on one hand HE wants to be the hero saving the princess and sweeping you off your feet but on the other hand it feels really nice to be doted on every once in a while….
- Feels so uncool and pathetic for enjoying it but you assure him it doesn’t make him less cool to accept love
- Sits so close to you he’s basically on your lap when he either wants to be held or wants to try holding you (He’s afraid he’ll drop you though)
- Probably happened in TSL (seems like sth henry would do tbh) and he’s freaking out about it bc this is NAWT the scene he wanted to reenact with you but it’s still so cool and you’re so cool and pretty and handsome and….. oh he’s been staring at you for a while hasn’t he? Time to crawl in a hole and die
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- Actually just bewildered 😭😭 blushy too but like. Extremely confused
- Would not like you to do it around Abel but if you did he wouldn’t get mad or anything, he’d just be unable to converse like a normal person
- CONFLICTED he likes the feeling and the proximity because he can feel the fanning of your breath on his skin, see every one of even your most menial features, feel the burn of his face under your gaze, enjoy the warmth of your body close to his, etc but at the same time its a bit odd to him (he just has to get used to being loved, I fear)
“!” (Shocked breath inhale)
“How does it feel to be the prettiest princess in the world? 🥹”
“Uh.. um…..g..good…..” (Probably gulped and everything 😭)
- He’s silly he answers every question seriously even if it’s rhetorical 😭❤️ thinks you’re seriously asking him
- Definitely a fan after getting used to it especially when you kiss the side of his face (ESP ESP if u kiss his eyelids or near his eyes) (I say eyes bc yes you kiss both; you show love to every part of him which is so endearing to him bc it shows that you aren’t just trying to make him feel better about his backstory but just love all of him)
- WILL CARRY YOU IN RETURN !! So much so that for every 1 time you carry him he’s probably carried you like 5 times in any position you’d like (nothing too scandalous though, he might evaporate)
- Reverts to back when you two were in the pining stage when he wants affection in general (not specifically being carried but it usually includes this or at least laying across your lap) and starts stuttering like crazy, unable to even talk properly nor can he even look you in the eye; shakes violently
- Smells your hair, sorry. If you are. Bald he just smells you— your perfume, your cologne, your natural musk whatever. He shoves his face into your neck and he just wants to be as close to you as possible
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Created a Monster (Steddie X Kas Y/N)
Every time I hear this song this idea pops into my head but it's not what I'm used to writing per say. I wanted you guys to read like a preview and tell me if this is something you'd want more of or a one shot. Or whatever lol Just some feed back :) It's been sitting in my WIP forever but I can't stop thinking about it.
Warning: Steddie X Kas Fem Reader, mentions of grief and how much the boys miss her, I twisted some things from the show obviously. Instead of Eddie fighting, Y/N does. I also read up a bit on Kas so took some lore there. Not really expanded on in this preview but...
Word Count: 1956
Eddie and Steve stare at your gravestone as the preacher continues to spout some nonsense about young souls being angels on Earth and being called back home. No one understood what they were going through not even their friends they had fought with. You were their everything and now… you were gone. 
Steve and Robin sat in the cafeteria of the hospital picking at their food as they waited for Eddie to join them. For the past four months they had been visiting Max while continuing to be moral support for Lucas. Neither boy would let on how jealous they actually were of the former Hellfire member. At least he could still hold his girlfriend’s hand…see her face…kiss her cheek.
“The doctor’s said she’s showing improvement.”, Robin mused as she took a bite of bland rice in front of her. 
“That’s good. She’s a good kid who’s been through too much. She deserves to have a full life.”
His friend nods in understanding, scanning Steve over before reaching for his hand. 
“This is a stupid question but how are you doing?”
“I’m, um, I’m surviving. Eddie’s trying to keep it together for the guys but we’re both kind of floundering.”, he chuckles as he places his fork down and leans back. “I miss her laugh. Every time Munson would tell a joke, she would close her eyes and scrunch her nose… so cute.”
“Yeah, she was.”, his friend softly murmured. “She loved you two more than anything. Y/N would talk about you both nonstop to an annoying degree.”
When Robin playfully rolls her eyes, they both laugh almost uncontrollably until his gradually shift into sobs. Rising to her feet, she wraps her arms around his shoulders and in turn he does the same, his fingers digging almost painfully into her back. 
“I miss her so much.”
When both boys finally made it back home, Eddie silently flopped down on the couch as he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Since your passing, the metalhead had moved into the living room since their apartment only had one bedroom. Without you between them they saw no point in sharing anymore. Steve never said anything to contradict but he wished his friend had stayed. Even though they were never intimate in the dynamic, he would have rather shared a bed with his friend than be alone. It was just more of a reminder that you were gone. 
“Another group of men were found dead today outside of their homes, stabbed through the chest, and with nothing stolen or motive perceived from Hawkins PD. We reached out to reinstated Chief Hopper for comment but at this time none was given.”
“Something we should be worried about you think?”, Steve asked as he came up behind his friend to watch the tv.
“I mean, as long as they aren’t blaming me, I’d say no.”
“It doesn’t seem like Vecna either. No broken bones or eyes caved in—” Rising to his feet, Eddie hastily turned off the tv and reached for his jacket. “Eddie—”
“I agree. No Vecna. I’m, um, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“Is this how it’s always going to be?! Are we just going to be awkward around each other now? She wouldn’t have wanted that, Ed.”
A smooth, sarcastic laugh escaped the metalhead’s lips as he turned to face his friend. 
“Yeah? Well, I wanted her here and she’s fucking dead. We both don’t get what we want.”
“So, you’re just going to sully her memory like that?”
“Oh, fuck you, Harrington! She’s the one that ran off even though I told her not to move. She’s the one that decided to fight instead of listening to you and not being a hero. She’s the one who DIED IN MY FUCKING ARMS!” As his voice cracked, he paused to collect himself. “Y/N’s gone. She doesn’t get a say anymore.”
With that he turned on his heels and slammed the door. 
“He’s always been really hot headed hasn’t he?”, the vision of you giggles as you kick your feet against the counter. 
Steve never told anyone for fear of coming off as insane but this is how he processed you no longer being around; he pretended you weren’t gone.
“Yeah, just like you.”
“Excuse me! I was stubborn but not ‘hot headed’, jerk.”
His head hung at the word “was” as his bottom lip began to tremble. Jumping off the counter, you slide over till you were just inches from his side. Even though you weren’t really there, he swore he could smell you.
“Steve, baby, look at me. He’ll be ok… you both will.”
Shaking his head, he wiped the tears that had begun to fall but when he moved his hands away the image of you disappeared. 
“I love you, honey. I miss you so much.”
Eddie pulled his hood over his head as he powerwalked in what he thought was no particular direction. Even after being exonerated people still scowled and hurled insults his way. The ones that hurt him the most were the ones about you. 
Because they couldn’t bring your body back, it was assumed you had died with everyone else. Your family still held on to hope but in the worst way. You parents used to love him and Steve, treating them both like family but after Chrissy’s death everything shifted. They told you to stay away from him and in turn you told them to fuck off. 
Anytime they saw Eddie, they begged him to tell them where you were or where your body was so they could properly grieve. He ignored them as best he could but it killed him because he knew the truth. That’s something he and Nancy could connect on. Every time she told him about her experiences with Barb it comforted him to an extent. He hoped one day he could give them peace like her friend’s parents got. 
Stumbling over his feet, the metalhead finally took note of his surroundings realizing he had walked to Hawkins Cemetery. Sighing heavily, he gave in and let his feet continue to lead him till he was in front of your plot. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. 1986. Loving Friend, Daughter, and Girlfriend.” 
“Fucking basic shit. You were way more than that.”, he grumbled as he took a seat facing your stone. 
“I’m angry with you; so fucking angry. I told you to go up the rope but you insisted I go so I could catch you like Steve had. I should have known better. How could you do that? How could you leave us like that?!”
“I didn’t do it by choice.”, the vision of you replied in a sad but calm tone as you sat on top of your own stone. Eddie’s jaw tightened as he looked in the opposite direction. “Still ignoring me?”
“You’re not real.”
“True…but it helps Steve. At least that’s what you hope after hearing him talk out loud to me the other night. He really hates being alone, you know? He wants to talk to you but—”
“I can’t talk about you with people. Not yet.”
“Ok, then don’t talk about me. Maybe talk about D&D or Steve’s day. Anything else. Eddie, just because I’m gone doesn’t mean you two stop being friends.”
“Don’t preach to me, babe. I don’t want to hear it.”
“What do you want to hear?”
“Nothing. That’s all I ever fucking hear now. I don’t hear your stories about work or your family. I don’t hear you laughing at my jokes or your sarcasm when you’re making fun of Steve for his lack of movie knowledge. I don’t hear your fucking breath in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping or see you bite your lip when you’re thinking about something complicated. I don’t feel your fingers in my hair when I’m lying on the floor listening to music or your lips against mine. Why, Y/N? Because you’re fucking DEAD!”
The vision of you watched with sympathetic eyes as his shoulders shook and he sobbed in his hands. After a few minutes, he wiped his nose on his sleeve, finding you sitting cross legged in front of him with your knees inches from his own. 
“I don’t know how to live without you, sweetheart.”
“Eddie… I never loved anyone on this planet as much as I loved you and Steve. If it meant keeping you both safe…I would die again.”
“It was our job to protect you.”
“And you did such an amazing job.”
Shaking his head, he glanced towards a tree in the distance before turning your way to find you gone. 
“I love you, baby.”
Steve’s eyes snap open at the sound of glass breaking before quickly grabbing his bat and slowly stalking to the kitchen. 
“Jesus Christ!”
“I just go by Eddie but…” They both exasperatedly laughed as the other boy lowered his weapon. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I just left the cemetery and I didn’t realize it was so fucking late.”
“Did, um, were you going to see her?”
He could have responded sarcastically but your words lingered in his mind. 
“Yeah… I just needed to hash some things out with her.”
“I know how you feel. Sometimes I get really angry at her to but then I get confused because I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Yeah.”, Eddie laughs as well. “Fuck, this sucks.”
As his friend nodded, a shadow on the wall caught the former jocks attention. It looked like a figure but that can’t be right because they were on the fourth floor of their complex. Just as he began to glance to find out what it was, their window shattered causing both men to fall to the ground and cover their heads. 
Steve recovered first, swiftly grabbing his bat and blocking the weapon that begun to swing down towards the metalhead. To his surprise it did stop it but as soon as he pushed the figure back, the bat cut cleanly in half. It took him a few seconds to realize the stranger in front of him was wielding a sword causing him to duck out of the way as the person continued swinging it at him. 
While trying to find something to defend himself with, he heard Eddie call his name and turned just in time to see him slide another sword his way. 
“Isn’t this fake?!”
“Please! We’re nerds! Do you think Y/N and I would buy anything fake!?”
Just as Steve unsheathed the weapon, it clinked loudly against the strangers. Both beings went toe to toe with the pretty boy surprising even himself. He got too cocky, however, lowering his guard just enough for the figure to punch his chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor. 
The armor the figure was wearing loudly tapped against each other as they stepped forwards and pointed their weapon at Steve’s throat. With wide eyes, he watched as the person took off their helmet and casually tossed it to the ground as their hair fell around their face.
The boy whined as you tilted the sharp weapon up towards his chin causing him to stretch his face out of the way. 
“My master sends his regards.”, you hiss as you step back and raise your sword. 
Before you can do anything, something hard collides with your head and you faint to the ground.
“Ok, I’m not dreaming right? Or hallucinating?”, Eddie asked as he reached for Steve’s hand to help him off the ground. 
“No, dude. At least I don’t think so…”
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We need more tom riddle and male reader. Like yall know tom is a charmer and the prince of Slytherin sort of stuff but then he found out abt this guy who is also prince-like from Hufflepuff (can be another house or wtv) and Tom's like "Hm, i wonder what's this guy's hiding, imma find out" so Tom did tryna find his secrets but when Tom use Legilimency, all he can found out are the reader thinking abt silly stuffs like "what kind of food i should try today" or "that guy's socks cool" or "shit, this flower's yellow, imma made it into a bookmark >:]" or "Imma dye my hair white using this spell i found from an old book from the restricted section, i wonder if this'll kill me– whatever" idk basically reader is a dumb typa guy who just... doing what he likes 😭 m sorry if this confusing lmao i tried my best to explain
Scatterbrained - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Hi, anon! Thank you so much for the request! I went with a more airheaded sort of approach so I hope that’s okay. I incorporated as much of your request as I could, and I hope you like it!
This is completely unedited, so please be nice! 💛 No use of Y/N. Sentences in italics are the reader’s thoughts. GIF is not mine; it was found on Pinterest, link here
Part 2 here
CW: Tom being a bit of a stalker; suspicion; nonconsensual thought reading; reader is just a bit of a scatterbrain; flirting; fluff; Tom being slightly emotionally aware; Tom is a little mean towards reader; kissing; Tom’s nefarious plots
1384 words
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Tom Riddle was the Prince of Slytherin. Everyone knew it. Everyone respected it.
Even the Gryffindors, for all their talk of bravery, cowered when it came to confronting Tom.
He was the top of every class, the teachers’ favorite, the star Head Boy that everyone admired. All the girls wanted him. All the boys wanted to be him.
And then…
There was you.
Tom first met you in Herbology class in fourth year. You were almost unnoticeable at first. Just a languid, easygoing Hufflepuff boy with a warm smile and a friendly manner.
But more importantly, you were utterly unafraid of him. You’d even helped him care for his baby mandrake.
Tom was immediately intrigued. So he started following you around. Secretly, of course. But the more he follows you around, the more he starts to suspect.
You’re… too nice. The kind of guy to offer help and genuinely mean it. The kind of guy to help you with your homework and give you homemade cookies as a confidence booster.
Perhaps in mockery of Tom, the Hufflepuffs start calling you their prince. Prince of Hufflepuff. The boy who should be Tom’s rival, except you’re just so nice.
You have to be hiding something. No one is that nice normally. You have to have some hidden agenda. Some dark secret behind your sweet demeanor and comforting smile. Tom is sure of it.
Once fifth year starts, he comes armed with a secret weapon. The true key to figuring out your intents.
Tom holds off at first, waiting for the perfect opportunity. And then… it happens.
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You’re down by the Black Lake, picking flowers with your friends to make into bouquets for the prefects.
Tom watches as you laugh, as you playfully tease one of the girls. It makes his chest tighten and his jaw clench. Now is his moment, the perfect chance to truly find out what you’re thinking.
Tom silently casts the spell, causing you to wince and rub your forehead. He barely notices, too lost in the whirlwind of your thoughts.
Ow, my head…
Oh, I should grab those flowers. They’d be perfect for him…
She has cool socks…
I wonder if I can press that flower and make it into a bookmark…
Oooh, clovers! I wonder if there’s a four-leaved one…
Tom stops the spell, his head spinning.
You were so… scatterbrained.
Your head is full of fluff and nonsense. Tom can barely make sense of it all. He ends the spell, staggered by the revelation.
You have no ulterior motives. You’re so genuine because there’s no room in your head for anything otherwise.
Tom stares at you, lost. He doesn’t know what to do now. You’re not malicious or manipulative like him. You’re just… something else.
As you turn to grab a flower, you spot him. Instantly, your face brightens. A huge smile spreads across your face as you wave eagerly at him.
Tom slowly waves back.
You turn to say something to one of the girls. She nudges you, grinning. You rub the back of your head bashfully, and start heading up towards Tom.
He watches you, a bit surprised. You still have your bouquet of flowers, holding it out all nice and stuff.
On impulse, Tom casts Legilimency again. You immediately wince, but quickly shake off your pain.
Ouch, what is up with my head today?
No, focus! Be calm. Be cool. Be smooth…
Oh god, it’s him. He’s so perfect…
Compliment him somehow. Tell him he looks nice!
“Hi, Tom,” you smile warmly at him. “You look nice today.”
Tom’s cheeks warm against his will. “Thank you.”
Oh my god! Is he blushing? He’s blushing! He’s so cute…
Hurry, give him the flowers!
Merlin, he looks so cute…
Tom’s cheeks redden further. He awkwardly coughs into his fist, trying to quell the sudden thrill in his chest.
“Oh, um, here!” You hold out the bouquet of flowers. “I made this for you.”
Tom’s heart does an unfathomable flip-flop of excitement. He takes the bouquet gently, running his fingers over the colorful blossoms. Bluebells, white clover, twinflowers, and pink primrose. “For me?”
“Mhmm! I made it myself!”
Tom smiles, a small slight thing. But the way your thoughts explode at the sight of it makes it widen a bit more.
OH MY GOD!! He’s so cute!!
Look at his smile!!
God, I wanna kiss him so badly…
Mmm… kissing…
Tom panics a little, the mental images you’re coming up with overwhelming him. He stops the spell immediately, flustered and blushing.
“Thank you for the flowers,” he stutters out, tripping over his words in a way he wouldn’t have before.
You beam and nod. “Of course! I’m glad you like them.”
Then you walk back to your group, humming happily with the biggest smile on your face ever.
Tom gazes down at his bouquet and turns away, his heart thumping in his chest.
So you were a bit of an idiot, but somehow that didn’t bother Tom. He strolls back up to the castle, thinking deeply about you.
His reactions to you were… unexpected, but not particularly surprising. You were a handsome boy, after all.
Perhaps a different sort of investigation was required.
You seemed to like him quite a bit, and Tom isn’t opposed to the idea. But he’ll have to be quick going about asking you out.
Your kindness and genuineness haven’t been unnoticed by others, and Tom’s well aware that not everyone interested in you has the same intentions he does.
He’ll ask you out tonight, after dinner.
With that resolve in his mind, Tom enters the castle, a pep in his step.
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Tom finds you in the library after dinner. You’re huddled over an old tome, muttering something under your breath. You’re so caught up in reading that you startle when Tom clears his throat.
“Oh! Tom! I didn’t see you there!” You beam up at Tom.
He gives you a thin smile back. “What are you reading?”
“Just some book I found in the Restricted Section.” You say blithely. You point to the page you’re looking at. “I found a spell for hair dyeing and wanted to try it out!”
Tom looks at the page. “Unicorn hair and ashwinder eggs? Where are you going to get those?”
You shrug. “I dunno yet. I’ll find them somewhere.”
Tom stares at you. “You’ll find them somewhere? You don’t just find ashwinder eggs and unicorn hair.”
You frown a little but shrug, clearly undeterred. “I’ll work something out.”
Tom sits down next to you, trying to comprehend the stupidity of your words. “You have a death wish.”
You blink and tilt your head. “I just wanna dye my hair, is all.”
Tom rubs at his face, forcing himself to stay calm. There’s no point in getting annoyed when he hasn’t even accomplished his goal yet.
With a subtle flick of his wrist, he casts Legilimency on you, bracing himself for the onslaught of unbridled thoughts.
He seems upset.
Oh, no. I gotta do something…
Quick, say something!
“Tom?” You ask softly.
He sighs and gives you a weak smile. “I’ll help you dye your hair using a safer spell.”
You brighten immediately. “You will?!”
Yes! I’ll finally have white hair again!
“On one condition.”
You nod. “Okay…”
“I’ll help you dye your hair if you go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow.”
Go to…
You tilt your head. “Like, on a date?”
Tom swallows. “Yes. On a date.”
Your thoughts explode with giddiness. Tom jolts a bit, ending the spell as his head aches from the force of your happiness.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Yes! I’ll go on a date with you!”
Tom relaxes and gives you a small but genuine smile. “Let’s go dye your hair then.”
He gets up, but pauses. On impulse, he leans down and gives your cheek a slight kiss. You’re frozen in your seat for a moment, stars in your eyes. Then you scramble to your feet and follow after him.
There’s no doubt you’ll be his now. And then he, and only he, will be able to enjoy your sweet stupidity.
He finds himself inwardly grinning at the thought. A date at Hogsmeade is only the first step. Soon, he’ll make you his perfect, scatterbrained boyfriend.
And then he’ll be unstoppable.
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damiansgoodgirll · 7 months
Can I request a Reader is insecure about her body so Damian shows her how much he loves her? (Reader is a curvy girl)
damian priest x reader
‼️reader being self conscious and insecure, a little angst, fluff in the end
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so precious
it was one of those nights.
where damian was training and you were home alone waiting for him. you loved waiting for him. maybe cooking a nice and delicious dinner for you and him and watching something on netflix. that was your perfect typical night.
except tonight you weren’t in the mood for cooking. or watching netflix. or doing anything.
you just wanted to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. instead you were scrolling through instagram and watching what your friends were doing. but your eyes got lost in damian’s ig stories where he posted a few selfies with some other wrestlers.
you knew they were just friends even if you saw how they looked at him. and the way they looked at you. they were jealous and you knew they had a crush on damian too.
but seeing him posting those selfies made you upset. why wasn’t he posting pictures with you? he never shared a post with you in it. his fans didn’t even know that he had a girlfriend. was he embarrassed? was he embarrassed that someone like him was with someone like you?
a million thoughts started running into your mind that you didn’t even hear the front door opening and a voice calling your name.
“oh here you are…” damian said smiling when he saw you laying on the bed.
“hey…i didn’t even hear you…” you whispered.
he immediately knew something was wrong. the way you didn’t even smiled back. the way you didn’t asked him for a hug and a kiss like you always did.
“is everything okay amor?” he carefully asked sitting next to you.
“yes why?” you lied. and of course, he could tell that you were lying.
“try again…”
“what you mean?” you asked him a little confused.
“are you okay? is everything okay?” he asked again taking your hand into his own.
“you’re lying to me amor…” he whispered.
“it’s just…” you knew he wouldn’t understand. someone so handsome and hot like him wouldn’t understand what you were feeling “are you embarrassed?”
“about what?”
“about me damian” you said back maybe too harshly.
“what? no, why would you think that?” he was a little shocked.
“you don’t want us to go out in public together, you don’t post pictures of us together…hell, your friends don’t even know about my existence while all of my friends and family know about you! how do you think it makes me feel?” you didn’t want to cry but you couldn’t help it “it feels like you’re embarrassed to be seen with me…”
“what? mi vida no, why do you think that?” damian’s heart was hurting for what you just said “you said you wanted to keep it private and so we did…but i’m not ashamed of you, i love you so much y/n and you have no idea…”
“private doesn’t mean hidden damian…you never invite your friends over when i’m here, you never go out in public with me, it’s like i’m your secret and i don’t wanna feel like that…are you ashamed of me? because of what i look like?”
damian knew he fucked up something if those were your thoughts. he loved you more than anything and he thought he was good at showing it to you but apparently he wasn’t.
“look like what? amor, you are the most beautiful person ive ever met…” he said.
“but i’m not like them…you are not ashamed of posting pictures with them…”
“like them?” he wasn’t understanding.
“the other wrestlers…they are tall and skinny and thick at the same time and i know you like that…so why are you with me?” tears well falling from your eyes.
“no no no no baby, you’re talking nonsense. stop it please…” he was hurting for your words because to him, you were everything “i love you…i love you, i love your body, i love your face, your eyes, your lips, i love your heart, your kind heart and i love the way you make me feel” he stood up, taking you with him and placing you in front of the mirror “look at yourself baby…do you see what i see?”
“i see back fat, arm fat, rolls, double chin…i see how bad my face looks without makeup up, i see my flat ass and my big thighs…that’s what i see damian” you said.
“amor…i wish i could give you my eyes so you could see yourself the way i see you” he softly kissed your neck “te amo” he whispered “you mean so much to me and if you want me to post pictures of you, i’ll do it, i want the whole world to see how beautiful you are…i want the whole world to know how lucky i am to have the most beautiful person right by my side…”
“but why can’t i see those things?” you broke down, crying in damian’s arms.
he always knew you've been self conscious and he wanted to take all your fears and pain away but he knew he couldn’t.
“come here…” he slowly walked you to the bed “lay down…”
“what?” you whispered.
“trust me…” and so you did as he told you because you trusted him.
he slowly got on top of you. his hands reaching for your t-shirt.
“what are you doing?” you almost panicked when you felt his hands trying to remove your shirt.
“showing you how much i love you and your body mi amor…”
and so you let him, because you trust him.
you were left in your shorts while being half naked in front of him wasn’t helping your situation. there wasn’t anything sexual in what he was doing, kissing you from your jaw to your breast, from your chest to your soft belly “i love all of this y/n…i love your body because it keeps you healthy and alive…this is what matters to me” he continued kissing every part, every inch of your skin “and i’ll stay awake all night long to prove you that”
and so he did.
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fallonsfics · 5 months
Playing Dumb
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Warnings: Oral (M receiving), Fingering, choking, p in v sex, unprotected sex, profanity.
Overview: You and Coriolanus are academic rivals. Much to his surpise however, you ask him for help regarding studying history. Going to your estate surely wouldn't lead to anything other than tutoring right? (Wrong you're a whore and we both know it babes)
Note: No Coryo is not wearing that godforsaken kilt. He’s wearing trousers, you’re welcome. Also, 4k words but feel free to skip to smut babe.
Coriolanus Snow was sitting in a secluded nook of the Academy’s expansive library, his brows were knit together in concentration as his eyes flitted across his history notes. Rumor had it that Professor Demigloss was preparing to spring an exam on them at the last minute that week. As always, Coriolanus strove to be at the top of the class. His focus however diminished as he heard a familiar laugh. His face twisted to one of exasperation. His cold gaze lifted to you. He glared as he saw you sitting with Sejanus Plinth, giggling about whatever pathetic nonsense Sejanus was spewing yet again. You could feel his gaze, it was hard to ignore, after all. However, you gave a friendly wave and a smile. Coriolanus abhorred how friendly you were. How could you remain so friendly when you were constantly competing to receive the highest marks in your shared classes? 
You even waved him over to you with a smile. Coriolanus decided to take the bait and smoothed out the blazer of his academy uniform. “Yes, did you need something?” He asked politely. He may have viewed you as competition but that didn’t mean he’d stoop so low as to be cruel to you, despite his distaste for you.
“I wanted to let you know that Professor Demigloss plans to surprise us with an exam on Friday.” You said with a cordial smile. You had your notes set before you. A perfectly bulleted list of what was discussed during class, as well as highlighted notes in the margins.
Coriolanus tucked his notes under his arm and kept them close. “Yes, Clemensia mentioned something about that to me as well.” He said airily. He wasn’t terribly worried, after all, history was something he excelled in considering how routinely his Grandma’am had discussed the history of the Panem with him since he was a child. He could recite it as if it were a bedtime story.
Sejanus sighed. “I hope this doesn’t tank my grade too much.” He sighed as he took a glimpse at your notes.
You nodded. “Apparently it’s going to be a full-fledged exam, not just a quiz.” You sighed; a hint of worry flashed across your face. 
Coriolanus couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh, surely you’re not worried about such things?” He asked, arching a brow. He was struggling to hide his delight at the notion that you might get lower marks than him.
Your gaze flitted away for a moment but then settled back on Coriolanus. “I…want to make a deal with you.” You said, nervously. It was as if you were already expecting him to reject whatever proposition you had for him.
Coriolanus tilted his head to the side, intrigued. “Yes?” He said, urging her to continue.
“I want you to help me study history. It’s by far the class I struggle with the most. I know it’s something you excel in.” You said.
Coriolanus couldn’t hide the flash of disbelief that fluttered across his features. “You want…me to help you study?”
“Yes, but I’ll help you study rhetoric. I know you tend to score lower than me in those exams. We can go to your place or mine, but my parents are away on a business trip.” You offered.
You had done your research on him. He could use a slight boost in his rhetoric grade, after all, he didn’t want to slip up and get lower marks than someone like Festus Cree for instance. He paused for a moment, then finally made his decision. “Fine, your estate, after classes today.” He said shortly. Naturally, he couldn’t have you see the state of his own home, it was quite embarrassing how low-class he appeared compared to his fellow classmates.
You nodded with a bright smile. “Perfect! I’ll be expecting you Coriolanus.” 
For a moment Coriolanus could feel his heart stutter as you beamed and said his name in that sweet voice of yours. “Until then.” He said with a nod as he strode past her. 
Classes were relatively boring as usual for Coriolanus. He didn’t learn anything he didn’t already have in his repertoire meaning it was all simply all review for him. He walked from the Academy to your estate, making sure to take his time. He didn’t want to look as though he rushed there, leaving him in a state of unkemptness, that would reflect poorly on him. As he walked he paged through his history notes. They were clear and concise, furthermore, they were in chronological order. He finally reached your estate about forty-five minutes after classes had finished. He rang the doorbell to the grandiose mansion and waited patiently. The door swung open. He was expecting to see a housekeeper of some sort. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of you…wearing simple, pink leisure attire that consisted of comfy cotton shorts and a lowcut tanktop. He felt his breath hitch slightly as he caught himself gawking at you. 
“Hi Coriolanus, you can just put your stuff wherever you want.” You said as you ushered him in. That damn smile was still gracing your features as you spoke to him. He couldn’t help but rake his gaze up and down your figure. He hadn’t seen you in anything other than the Academy-provided uniform.
He set his book bag down on an ottoman in the foyer. “So,” he cleared his throat, “what is it that you struggle with in particular with history?” He asked, trying to keep his mind focused on the task at hand. He followed you as you led him through the expansive mansion. His gaze flicked to the different ornate decorations your family had set up. It was minimalist to be sure but everything was undoubtedly costly.
“Well, just the memorization of the years that everything happened is tricky for me.” You sighed as you opened the door to your bedroom and strode in. 
Coriolanus halted his movements for a moment as he realized where you would be studying together. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been in other girls’ bedrooms but that was either his friends or one-night stands that he had. He apprehensively stepped into your room. It was decorated in pure white hues with light blue accents. It suited you well with your bright, friendly disposition. However, Coriolanus couldn’t help but feel as though he was intruding on your personal life. 
“You can sit wherever you want.” You said as you plopped yourself down on your cushy-looking bed. Coriolanus decided to perch himself in the chair at your desk. 
“So you said you struggle with memorization?” He asked as he looked you up and down. He still couldn’t get over how different you looked out of the Academy uniform. 
He felt his breath hitch once more as you lay down and arched your back to stretch on the bed. “Yeah, I guess so. Doesn’t help that Professor Demigloss always tests us on so many things at once.” You sighed. 
Coriolanus caught himself staring at the peaks of your breasts, your nipples poking at the fabric slightly. He averted his gaze to the notes that he set on the desk. “Perhaps you aren’t using the right memorization tactics.” He murmured. 
His gaze snapped over to you as you let out a little whine. “I’ve tried everything! I think the professor sets me up to fail.” He felt warmth rush to his cheeks at the way you sounded. The little whine accompanied by the breathy sigh you exhaled when you stretched once again was distracting him. 
“Perhaps you aren’t organizing your notes properly.” He offered.
“Come here let me show you.” You said patting the open space on your bed. You got up and moved to your book bag, bending over at the waist to grab your notes. Coriolanus’s eyes were fixed on how your shorts hugged the curves of your ass. He couldn’t deny the temptation that was bubbling within him now. He sat down on your bed. You straightened and spun around to return to him. You lay down on the bed as you passed him your notes. He scanned over the notes, desperately trying to keep his gaze on the neatly written cursive on the page before him. 
“It’s not bad, but could use a few corrections,” Coriolanus said, grabbing a nearby fountain pen. He began writing more notes in the margins, assigning dates to different historical events that you had written down, as well as the people of importance regarding the events. He felt you inching closer to him as he worked. You leaned over him to see what he was writing. He flicked his gaze down to your breasts as you did so. “You’re a little close.” He said, desperately trying to remain professional.
You looked up at him with those big doe eyes of yours. “Hm?” You hummed, cocking your head.
Coriolanus ran a hand through his blond curls. “You’re…quite distracting.” He admitted softly.
“Hm? Why?” You asked, still gazing up at him.
Coriolanus couldn’t tell if you were really that innocent or just playing dumb. He cleared his throat.”There’s no denying your beauty, surely you know that.” Your face blossomed a rosy hue as he complimented you. He found himself tossing the notes aside to the desk. “Not to mention you’re brilliant.” He added. He found himself smirking as the color on your cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson.
You sat up straighter and gazed at him, seemingly shocked that he was heaping praise upon you. “You’re too sweet Coryo.” You giggled softly, looking away shyly.
“Now, tell me why you really brought me here. You don’t need my help to study do you?” He asked with a knowing look. He used his fingertips to turn your chin so you were looking up at him again.
“Hm?” You asked, glancing away nervously.
“Those notes, they’re different than the ones you were sharing with Sejanus,” Coriolanus jutted his chin in the direction of the notes sitting atop her desk, “these were purposefully written to look sloppy. Very unlike you.”
You had been caught, your face reddened once more out of embarrassment. You had quickly scrawled a set of notes during the last period of class that day simply to have a reason for Coriolanus to stay and help you study. “I…well…” You trailed off at a loss for words.
“Did you perhaps…want me to spend more time with you outside of the Academy?” Coriolanus teased as he brushed a piece of hair out of your face. 
That struck a nerve. He had deduced the true reason why you asked for tutoring within the span of minutes. “Yes…” You muttered shyly. “You’re just…I don’t know… fascinating. Someone who can keep up with me academically? That’s something I find…interesting.”
Coriolanus chuckled as he looked you up and down. “And by ‘interesting’ do you mean attractive?” He asked with a smug expression.
You looked up at him, damn him for being so attentive. Most boys in the Capitol were completely oblivious. You grumbled but nodded.
Coriolanus gave an amused smile. “And what if I told you, I’ve been thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you since I arrived?” He asked running his hands through your hair.
You felt your breath hitch. Did he want this too? It seemed outlandish considering the rivalry you two had but his words were firm despite the teasing tone. “Like what?” You asked breathlessly. You felt anticipation welling in your chest.
Without a word, Coriolanus tugged you closer to him and kissed you softly. His touch was gentle for a moment but then he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He tugged you further on top of him, only breaking the kiss briefly to help you get situated on his lap. He pulled you back into another searing kiss. He couldn’t hide his slight smile as you melted at his touch. “And just how long have you wanted this?” He asked with a wolfish grin.
“So long, so fucking long Coryo.” You said breathily. 
“Tell me, what sort of things have you imagined me doing to you?” He asked. His hands began to wander your body, groping your hips and thighs. He chuckled as you tried to hide your flustered expression in his chest. “Oh, look at me when I speak to you, darling. It’s only polite, surely you know that.” He said, gripping your chin harshly and lifting it to meet his gaze. You still averted your gaze, you had fantasized about this moment for a while but now that you were in the the thick of it, you caught yourself losing confidence in yourself. “Perhaps I need to give you a lesson on such things.” He said softly. He fought the urge to chuckle when you simply nodded wordlessly. 
“Get on your knees for me then. Go on, be a good girl for me.” He said, jutting his chin to the floor. To his content, you were quick to follow his commands. Your hands quickly moved to his belt but he stopped you. “Remember to look at me the whole time, you wouldn’t want to be rude would you?” He teased. You blushed a deep crimson as you went back to fumbling with his belt, keeping your gaze linked to his. His pale blue eyes were glazed over with lust as he watched your actions. He could feel himself growing harder as he observed your submissiveness. You set his belt aside and unbuttoned his trousers quickly. Coriolanus smiled as you seemed to be grappling with your own impatience. He lifted his hips as you unzipped his trousers and tugged them down along with his underwear. His cock sprang up as the waistband was tugged down to free it.
“I wanna make you feel good Coryo.” You said softly, still gazing up at him.
“Don’t be coy, you know how to do that.” He taunted. Instead of holding himself for you he sat back and rested his palms on the bed. He watched as you slowly licked from the base of his cock up to the tip in one long motion, letting out a soft grunt as you did. His fingers clenched the sheets of your bed as you traced lines along the underside of his cock and made circles around his tip with your tongue. By far his favorite part of all of this though, was how you looked up at him with that desperate look in your eyes. So eager to please him. 
Coriolanus let out a groan as you gripped his base, slowly taking him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you bobbed your head, taking him in further and further each time. He threaded his fingers through your hair, testing the waters of how much you’d let him take control over this. He couldn’t help but indulge in his fantasy, he held you in place there as he lifted his hips, pushing himself deeper. His eyes rolled back and groaned as he felt his tip hit the back of your throat. He looked back down at you, tears filled your eyes but you were still eagerly bobbing your head as you sucked his cock. “Such a good girl…you’d probably let me do anything I wanted to you, hm?” He mused. He tugged your hair, pulling you off of him. “Isn’t that right?” He asked leaning down to deepen your gaze. 
He chuckled as you pathetically nodded your head. “Mhm…whatever you wanted.” You said, squirming slightly. 
He started to unbutton his blazer. “Whatever I wanted?” He chuckled. “Don’t test me, I have a wild imagination.” He said as he unceremoniously tossed his blazer to the floor. He yanked you by the hair back down to his cock. “Go on, I’m not done with you yet. You look so pretty on your knees with my cock in your mouth.” 
You moaned as you took him back into his mouth. You kept your gaze pinned to his. He began to unbutton his shirt as he kept his watchful eyes glued to yours. He noticed you writhing from where you were seated, desperate to get some sort of friction. “You want me to touch you, hm?”
You pulled off of him with a pop. “Yes, oh god yes.” You sighed as you kept moving your hand along his cock.
“Be a good girl and beg.” Coriolanus teased. 
“Please Coryo, please! I’ll be a good girl, I’ll let you fuck me however you want, just please touch me.” You begged pitifully, still stroking his cock with your fingers as you pleaded. Coriolanus couldn’t suppress his groan as he watched you pleading for him to touch you. 
“Take your clothes off.” He said huskily. “You’ve been teasing me since I got here.”
You were quick to follow his commands, stripping in front of him and tossing your clothes aside. You stepped towards him and tried to look away as you noticed his eyes trailing up and down your body as if he was taking in every detail of you. “What did I say about looking away from me?” He asked, using a fingertip to turn your gaze back to him. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He trailed his palms up your thighs, squeezing your skin as he did.
“Coryo please…” You sighed softly.
“Not done looking at you yet.” He quipped. You let out a little whine as he continued to run his hands along you but not touching you where you needed him most. “First, I’m going to have you show me how you do it.”
You felt an embarrassed blush flood your cheeks. “Coryo that’s…”
“How will I know what you like if you don’t show me, darling?” He asked. “Come lay down and show me.”
Much to his content you clambered onto the bed next to him, laying down on one of the fluffy pillows. He moved so he knelt in front of you on the bed. Your first instinct was to bring your knees together but he gripped them to spread them apart. “I want to watch.” He said firmly. “Go on.” He urged with a patient smile.
You slowly trailed your hand down your body, you made circles around your clit with your fingertips, letting out a breathy sigh as you did. Coriolanus’s gaze was fixed on watching your fingers as you played with yourself. He could feel himself growing harder than he was before. He slowly started stroking his cock as he watched you. He smiled cruelly as he saw you try to tilt your head to the side to hide your face. “If you keep hiding your face, I’m not going to touch you.” He warned. You let out an exasperated moan but turned back to look at him feeling a familiar heat pool between your legs as you watched him touch himself. You slowly glided two fingers into your dripping cunt and let out a breathy moan as you did so. “Good girl, show me how to make you feel good.�� Coriolanus praised. You started pumping your digits faster, his praise fueling your desire. 
“Coryo please I want you to be the one doing this to me.” You begged pathetically. He moved his free hand to trail down between your thighs.
“You want me to finger you? If I do I’m going to finger you til you’re screaming for me.” He teased with a wolfish grin. 
You let out a shameless moan and gave him an agonized look. “Please Coryo, please!” You felt euphoric when his fingers finally reached your clit. You pulled your hand away and instead started tugging on your nipples. He slid his fingers between your folds and finally plunged them deep into your pussy. You let out a moan at the new sensation. You were so used to doing this to yourself, imagining it to be him but now here he was with fingers twice the size and length of yours; it made your head spin. 
He pumped his fingers in and out slowly watching your wanton reactions. “You look so pretty like this, such a desperate thing.” He quipped. He used his thumb to rub circles around your clit. “I wonder what else you like…” He moved his other hand to wrap his fingers around your throat, not enough to cut off the airway but enough to let you know he could. You let out a gasp and shuddered beneath him as he did. “Struck a nerve did I?” He teased as he sped up his digits. He moved his fingers within you and crooked them to find that sensitive spot within you as he squeezed your neck. You let out a breathy moan as he did, looking up at him with a begging expression. You rolled your eyes back as he quickened his fingers, making sure to curl them in that soft spot within you. You couldn’t hold back the scream of delight that erupted from your throat.
“Please, I…I want you to fuck me.” You managed to choke out. 
“So good at begging darling.” He praised. Coriolanus pulled his fingers away and started to drag the head of his cock along your clit and your folds. He moved his hand from your throat to your jaw. “Look at me when I do it.” He commanded. You whimpered and nodded, you knew better than to argue with him. He slowly slid the tip of his cock into her with a grunt. He smirked as you let out a gasp at the unfamiliar sensation. “That’s it…good girl. Such a good girl for me.” 
He slowly pushed in further and further til he bottomed out. “God you feel so fucking good.” He growled as he started setting a steady pace. With each moan of pleasure that came from you the more he struggled to hold back. He wanted to absolutely ravish you to take you at a bruising pace. 
“More, god I need more.” You desperately begged as you clawed at his shoulders, sure to leave marks. 
Coriolanus’s resolve snapped. He placed one hand on your hip while the other gripped your throat tightly. He quickened his pace, the hand on your hip pulling you down to help you meet his hips with each thrust. You were a moaning mess beneath him, your eyes filled with tears at the feeling of pleasure and pain. You started rolling your hips on your own once you got a feel for his rhythm. He moved his hand from your hip to your clit rubbing circles around it as he fucked you. “Just like that, you’re such a good girl for me aren’t you?” He said huskily. 
You felt a familiar feeling bubbling up within you. You knew you were close you just needed an extra push. “Coryo I’m…I’m so fucking close.” You moaned.
“Be a good girl for me and cum on my cock, I want to watch you fall apart for me.” He demanded as he tightened his grip around your throat. You felt your climax wrack through your body, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and a moan ripped from your vocal cords. You clawed at Coriolanus’s shoulders as you came, desperate to be closer to him. He didn’t slow his pace as he fucked you through your orgasm, gaining speed as he chased his own. “Such a good fucking girl. All for me.” He let a ragged breath as he felt himself twitch before spilling into you. He caught his breath as he looked down at you. He slowly pulled out watching as the cum spilled out of you to the sheets. 
He moved to lay down beside you. He placed an arm around you, pulling you in closer to him. You laid down on his chest, you could hear his heart still hammering in his chest. “You were perfect, such a good girl.” He murmured as he kissed the top of your head
“I wanna do that again.” You mumbled as you cuddled up beside him.
Coriolanus chuckled as he started to play with your hair. “Trust me darling, if you want I’ll do that with you every day. We need to have these tutoring sessions more often.” He teased.
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myslutwritings · 1 year
Human Heian era! Muzan with arranged marriage wife! s/o super sweet and kind. Cue tsundere (and in denial ✨) Muzan whenever his wife cares for him. Wants to cuddle with her and tries to makes up the excuses that he needs her body heat lmao
... Then she dies after trying to get blue spider lily for the medicine that the doctor requested (doctor "hinted" to lady s/o that the flower can be a cure for Muzan so he could trick her to get it for his lazy self lmao)
Fluff to angst my cup of tea 👍
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➤ Muzan with a wife!reader
➤ SFW headcanons (not proof read)
Human!muzan x Fem!reader
warnings: death of reader
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No, no, no, no.
None of this sat right with him!
Why, why on god mother earth would he need a wife only to probably get bored of him and slowly witness him die?
What’s the meaning of this nonsense?
Muzan isn’t happy with it one bit.
He throws a fit.
Bro is immature as hell to be honest.
He judges you and absolutely resents this situation before he even meets you.
Fast forward to the first time y’all meet. let’s just say you aren’t what he expected!
you were.. so kind. it almost seemed unreal.
Wonders if your kindness is fake or genuine.
He obviously doesn’t admit he does in fact enjoy your presence so instead he either throws childish insults at you or pretends he doesn’t want to be around you when really he craves your body warmth and soothing voice.
I feel like this Muzan is insecure.
Like, definitely insecure of his sickness and he usually asks you why you even want him if he’s just going to die in the end.
You consistently remind him that you love him for who he is and reassure him that you’re going to find a cure for him.
Doesn’t really help since he hears that from the doctor 24/7 but when it’s coming from you he actually feels a bit better about himself which is a first.
I also headcanon that this Muzan grows a bit shy when you touch him.
That’s only because he isn’t used to someone touching him so intimately and gently.
If you notice his flushed cheeks don’t you dare point it out!!
One night, Muzan really wasn’t feeling the best (as per usual) so being the loving wife you are you gladly offered him cuddles. you enjoy holding him, or him holding you.
Most of the time it’s mostly you holding him since he struggles to move..
Despite him being the biggest asshole on the face of the earth sometimes he does have a cute side.
Cue those special moments whenever you have to leave the futon he lies in, he briskly grabs your waist and pulls you back down with him while mumbling the words “stay”
Anywho, you smother this man to death at times.
Turns all Tsundere mode every time you do anything.
Acts repulsed by love but deep down you know he loves you just as much as you love him.
You adore Muzan with all your heart. No words can even begin to describe how deeply you appreciate him. You’d do anything to see him grow healthy. You know he can!
You’d walk the earth to find your husband a cure for his sickness.
Muzans doctor is highly aware of your growing relationship with him and how you’re so desperate to please him.
So, here you are, naively making the fatal mistake of doing the doctor a massive favor and searching for a medicine/plant called “blue spider lily”
Your clueless self accepts this mission in a heartbeat, assuming ahead of time that nothing could possibly go wrong.
Oh my, what an unfortunate evening that was because as soon as you leave town a deadly storm hits.
To make matters worst, Muzan isn’t even aware of any of this. He just thinks you forgot to visit him tonight.. which is incredibly odd considering the fact you’re all over him by now.
Doesn’t think much of it all until you’re pronounced dead by the next day.
You died, searching for that damn flower that the lazy bum doctor couldn’t get himself?!
As soon as he heard of your death, Muzan goes on a rampage with all the strength he can muster up in his fragile body.
He killed the doctor that same day you were announced dead.
Now Muzan truly has nobody. No cure for his illness, his lovely wife is gone, the doctor isn’t alive to nurse him back to health.
But at the end of the day, he doesn’t care for the doctor, nor that stupid medicine.
He only cares about you.
Muzan is aware he’s close to dying. All his life he despised his condition, desired for it only to go away, dying was his greatest fear.
But now?
Maybe dying isn’t so horrible after all.
At least he could reunite with you in the afterlife.
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A/N: i apologize if this post isn’t well written. i was rushing and i’ve been insanely busy lately! I hope you enjoyed tho:))
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