#‘junk’ food outside of the house as a 24 year old woman who has a life outside of this house. for eating sugar salt and oil. help 😺✌️
pepprs · 1 year
i need to move out.
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Boys are raise to be men. Intro
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Series Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Things are different outside the city. When Bucky moves out of the city to live closer to his father’s best friend, Steve, he meets a peculiar girl from a strange family. She’s loved by everyone in the village and like him, she’s missing a limb. And, to Bucky’s surprise, she’s determined to make him part of her life.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 1135
Author’s note: I am not disabled and I couldn’t ever imagine what it’s like. If you have anything to not about that aspect of the story, please send me a message so I can fix possible mistakes or misunderstandings in upcoming chapters. Also, let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates.
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Flowers blush up through the fields as spring comes around the corner. Wildflowers weave their way through the weeds and let themselves be gently pushed around by the wind. It’s almost time for the cows to go outside again and the town is anticipating it with all that it has. Seeing those animals buck around like they’re just calves is the most wonderful thing. The dim streets start to look like a fairy-tale as the flowers in the gardens bloom and trees slowly gain their leaves back. People douse themselves in lighter colors and the whole town seemed to wear a smile from the moment the first crocus peeked its head through the cold earth. Y/n skips her way through town, holding the hand of a child, who is holding the hand of another child, who is holding the hand of another child, et cetera. The group skips to the town center where the market is held. As per usual on a spring Saturday, all the children have two dollars each and are told to get themselves something for lunch. When everyone reports back to Y/n, they go into one of the fields and sit down for lunch. After that, they’ll play games and/or read until four pm. When four rolls around, Y/n forms a line again and she walks all the children home. It isn’t hard to get them home fast in a village as small as this one. You can get from one side to the other within a half-hour walk. It’s small and quaint, and Y/n has thought about leaving, about going back to the city and trying to make it in the world. Yet, she always realizes she won’t get it any better than she has it right here. Life just moves at a different pace here. A pace much more comfortable. A pace much more accepting. A pace much more loving.
‘I’m home,’ you shout through the house as you get in. You take off your boots by the door and hang your jacket. Someone calls back to you, welcoming you as you step into the living room. No one there. You always enjoy coming home. Though, at age 24, you are more than old enough to move out, you enjoy life with your siblings and stepfather who you consider to be your real dad. You enjoy each other’s company. Besides, how could you ever make a house feel as homey as your mother made this one feel? The stairs creak with the thumping of feet coming down it. That could only be one. Peter. The two of you share a nine-year age gap but have been inseparable since you met. You enjoy each other’s company, even when you’re doing completely different things. Most times, Peter does his homework at the flower shop you work at. Everyone knows your family and the rough summary of how it came to be as strange as it is. See, you two aren’t blood-related. In fact, none of you are and your stepfather carries a different name. ‘You really have to learn to lift your feet,’ you jab at Peter with a grin. He follows you to the couch and sits down beside you. ‘I got that from your mother,’ he jabs back. ‘But that woman had the biggest feet I have ever seen,’ you joke back, ‘you’ve got ballerina feet. It doesn’t make sense.’ ‘At least I’ve got two,’ he chuckles. You roll your eyes and take off the prosthetic on your left calf and hit him gently with it. He laughs and tries to shield himself from the thing. ‘What’s all the commotion,’ your stepdad calls as he walks down the stairs. ‘See Peter, that’s how you walk down the stairs. Quietly,’ you inform Peter matter-of-factly while you reattach the prosthetic, ‘by the way dad, the new prosthetic works like a charm. It’s almost as if I’ve got two feet.’ You stick out your leg to show him the metal contraption. He nods with a smile and heads over to the kitchen. Peter jumps to his feet and runs after him. ‘Hey dad, can I come to work with you this Monday? I don’t have any classes,’ he says, taking a seat at the dinner table. You follow the two and sit down with Peter at the table while your dad starts dinner, which means he puts the oven on. ‘What plan you got kid?’ ‘Y/n gave me one of her old prosthetics, one that she grew out of, and I’ve been messing with it but I think I could make it work better if I had the right tools.’ ‘Son, Stark industries is a serious business, not a playground,’ he tells Peter firmly while taking three pizzas out of the freezer. ‘And the kitchen’s for making dinner, not warming up junk food,’ you tease him in return. ‘It’s your company dad. Surely, you have a space that Peter could use for one day.’ He rolls his eyes. ‘Just because my name is on that company doesn’t mean I can do whatever,’ he argues. You cross your arms and stare him down. It takes less than a few seconds for him to crack.  ‘God, you really are your mother’s daughter. Fine, Peter, you can come along Monday. But only if Y/n cooks dinner tomorrow.’ ‘I make dinner nearly every night, why would tomorrow be the exception,’ you ask him, not really wanting to know the answer. Something tells you it won’t be a positive statement. ‘Because Pepper asked if she could come over tomorrow and I don’t want her to think I’m incompetent,’ he admits. You get up, walk around the dinner table to your father, and place your hands on both his shoulders. ‘Tony Stark, you are quite literally the most genius man on earth,’ you speech, ‘you literally gave me my leg back. You are not incompetent. You just need a few cooking lessons.’ ‘Thank you, Y/n,’ he says with a smile but there are tears in his eyes, ‘you are so much like your mother.’ You feel tears poking in your own eyes. ‘No, don’t that now, I’m going to cry,’ you say wearing a proud smile but your voice beings to shake, ‘why would you do that?’ Tony laughs and pulls you into his chest, his arms gently around you. Peter looks at the two of you, proud of how far you’ve come. It took a few years for everyone to come around but you all made it in the end. And now you’re a family. Would you believe it? All these single pieces form a perfect little family together. Everyone with their own baggage and own hurt but you have each other and that’s all you could wish for.
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otterbeesfanficblog · 4 years
When neutron stars collide
(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
A/n: I just want to say out right that sometimes while writing I get carried away, and also I don’t really stop to look for mistakes because... I’m lazy? I also don’t have a scheduled time for writing this stuff, I just write when the feeling comes and goes so... sorry if you hate waiting ^^; And you know what I just noticed while writing this Authors note? Bakugo’s name is still wrong in the title but I’m not changing it bc I don’t care at this point. I’m stupid and I know it.
Part 5: You Would Be Angry Too...
Part 1: Steps Before The Starting Line Part 2: When A Star Chooses To Shine Part 3: Compare And Contrast Part 4: From Where We Stand
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  "We're not so sure, she's still so... quiet. No one will want her like this and our numbers will go down." One of the employee's states, unknowing of the small ears listening around the corner.
The woman he was talking to sighs, nodding her head to agree with him.
"I can't find anything she's actually interested in, whenever I see her slightly liking something and I encourage her to continue, she throws it out and goes into a silent protest."
The man sighs and rolls his eyes.
"You'd think she's dead in the head at this point, no families going to take in some retarded kid willingly."
"Tsukami!" The woman says in a scolding tone. "Don't say that she's just a 5-year-old girl--"
"A 5-year-old girl who has no quirk or personality, she might as well be a doll we put on a shelf."
Having heard enough slander from her so-called 'caretakers', Y/n took it upon herself to take the little number of clothes she had in small, tattered backpack and leaves.
She couldn't find it in herself to feel sad, or angry. She felt empty and didn't know what to feel, walking down the streets and looking at the world from a new perspective.
She liked this, being able to see the world.
"I wish I had a family to do this with..." She stopped next to an alleyway, saying this out loud and looking down to the ground.
"Oh, but maybe you can."
Startled, Y/n stumbled away from the alley were the voice came from, and looking in she saw a tall man. Despite the man being so close, she couldn't at all remember his face.
Tall, suit... large mask?
She couldn't remember.
The scene quickly changed, one of which she was hiding inside a tipped over dumpster, crying while trying to be silent. She knew never to trust a stranger, and that man... he didn't hurt her or show any signs of doing so... but in her heart, she knew something was wrong with him.
"Do not be afraid, Young one. I am here to help."
She'd heard his voice many times from the TV stationed in the 'caretakers' break room, but seeing him up close made so much sense as to why so many people loved him.
"B-but... the bad men--"
Before the tall suited man could take her, an explosion happened a few buildings away from where she stood. A group of villains were thrifting and stealing as much as possible before authorities arrived.
One of them saw her, saying that he would make an example out of her despite his group telling him not to wasted time on a kid.
When he picked her up, she felt as if there was a bubble in her chest ready to burst, and when he gave her a sickening grin, the bubble burst.
She didn't really remember much of what happened, only hearing the man and a few other close villains scream in pain, and she was dropped and there were stars in the air around her.
Then she found herself running into alley where she found a small gap between the buildings and rushed in, see and hiding in a tipped over dumpster, not knowing what else to do when the all famous All Might showed up.
"They won't get you," All Might said, showing her a smile that she didn't know she would learn to hate, at that time it treasures her.
There was another explosion heard, and All Might quickly turned his head to the sound, only looking back at Y/n when she whimpered. Her hands covered her ears and she shook afraid of what was to come.
"You must stay here, Young one, it is the safest place for now." All Might knew that if he tried to take Y/n to a safe place a few things could go wrong.
She could get even more scared and lose control of her quirk again, she could be spotted by the villains and they would be relentless in getting her, the villains could get away while he tried to find a safe place for her.
His hands were tied, and as much as he hated the idea of leaving her here alone, the space between the buildings was hard to find. It was small, quiet, and you wouldn't know it was here unless you were looking for it.
"Stay... Here?" Y/n questioned softly, not liking the idea of staying where she was. It was cold and when she had the lid closed it was dark.
Looking into her eyes, All Might kneeled in front of her and place a hand over his heart.
"You must stay here, and I promise I will come back."
"You promise to come back? Promise to come back and keep me safe?"
All Might gave a solid nod.
"I promise."
You're eyes flutter open and you groan at the reoccurring dream.
"What a bullshit promise..."
Pushing up the bin lid, you squint your eyes at the incoming sunlight and yawn, rubbing your eyes. You flinch as a creaky noise comes from your throat and your stomach, which in turn makes you place a hand over your stomach and crawl around the side of the bin and look to your food pile.
Or, lack thereof.
"Shit... Riji always helps me get food..."
You stand and stretch out your back, sighing when it lets out a satisfying pop.
"But, I haven't seen him for a week..."
Looking up out of the little hole through your makeshift roof, you let your mind go blank as you look at the relatively blue sky.
You knew Riji had a life of his own, you weren't really sure what that entailed but now that you had school you wouldn't really know. You saw him when you got back after the first day of school from the talk with Bakugo, but you hadn't seen him at all after that.
Speaking of Bakugo, you were shocked when he came to you with an answer the next day. He completely took the reigns and told you what to do like you were a dog, and you bit back at him every so often but otherwise he was helping you. You two normally talked and studied in your free time in school, he hadn't at all talked to you about outside of school study lessons.
Well, that was until a couple of days ago.
You were almost given a heart attack when he told you that you were coming over to his house, and he said it without hesitation and no room for argument. He gave you the address and time, but you told him you weren't familiar with the streets and such so you wouldn't be able to find it.
Which was true to an extent, you didn't really understand how house addresses worked, you did however know how government-owned buildings worked.
Of course, this made him lash out and call you dumb, which you told him was fair. You asked him if he knew where the local library was, stating that you visit and get books from there all the time. He made a comment about how if you loved books so much that you often hung out at the library, why the hell did you ask him to study with you.
You explained again that it wasn't just studying that you were doing with him, it was training and talking over ways to improve both of your similar quirks.
He kept the time the same, yelling at you to not be late as he would meet you there. If you were late he said he would just leave and you can forget about going to his house, which deep down made you nervous.
You can't remember the last time you were actually inside a proper house, you've squatted in houses for sale a few times before, but all those houses were stripped of anything considered homely.
You were actually pretty excited to see his home, you wondered if his home matched his personality, if so, you had to prepare yourself not to laugh.
Today was the day you would go to his house actually, so switching into the somewhat clean clothes given to you a while back by Riji, you ventured out of your home and onto the sidewalks with a brisk pace. Looking into store windows, you searched for any visible clocks to tell you what time it actually was.
Looking in the window of a clothing store, you say a clock on the far wall. You squint to see it, not really seeing the numbers but seeing the hands well enough.
Bakugo told you to meet him at the library at 11:30 am, you saw the big hand positioned slightly to the left of the top, while the smaller was a little past the where you think the 3 on a clock would be making somewhat of an obtuse angle.
Looking down at your hands you invasion a clock up close, moving your hands to the positions where the clock hands were in the store.
It took you a moment, but once you thought you hade it, your eyes went wide and you went to the store door. You ripped it open quickly, apologizing to the store clerk as you stared with wide eyes at the clock.
"Shit!! He's gonna kill me!!"
You speed out of the store, unknowingly leaving a trail of stardust behind.
It was 11:24, you literally had 6 minutes to get to him before he would have even more reason to beat your ass than he already did.
You hadn't really thought you would sleep in like that, you were going to have to finally get rid of that piece of junk next to your dumpster you so dumbly liked to call an alarm clock. Which, in fairness, it was.
Emphasis on was, you found it in the trash for a reason.
You were breathing heavily as you weaved through people on the street, quickly apologizing to anyone you bumped on your way. You knew the way to the library well enough so you made a B line for it, using your quirk to make you go faster.
People stared as you rushed past them at such a quick speed they barely saw you, but they also stared in awe at the trail of stardust you were leaving behind.
You were there quicker than you expected, but apparently not quick enough as you saw a familiar head of ash blonde hair walking away from the library.
"Bakugo, wait!"
You called out, you didn't stop running at him to catch up. Said boy stopped walking and glanced back at you, and with no time to react at all his eyes went wide as you hit his chest full force, sending you both to the ground harshly.
He to the brunt of it, the air gets knocked out of his lungs as he groaned. You laid on his chest breathing heavily, calming down slightly at the sweet smell of his clothing. Sitting up and practically straddling him, your chest still heaving as you looked down on him with a tired smile.
"I made it!"
It took him a moment to focus himself again, but once he did you were leaning back on his lap as he held you by the front of your shirt, glaring at you with slightly pink cheeks. You thought it was because you hit him to the ground too hard that the blood rushed to his head, but actually he hated how much he liked your warm skin.
You grab ahold of his wrists and look at him with frowned brows.
"Oh, come on! I wasn't that late! And besides, I couldn't slow myself down!"
"It didn't look like you even tried to!" He yelled in your face.
"That's not the point!" You counter.
He lets go of you, letting you fully drop to your back on the ground as he shoves the rest of your body off him, dusting himself off aggressively. Though, thinking about it, what didn't this boy do aggressively?
"Dumbass! I was already regretting this, but now I don't think I want to even do this anymore."
You get up quickly and roll your eyes at him.
"Oh, please. You're the one who set this up."
"Because you're dumbass is still weak as shit!" He then quickly turned around and started stomping his away down the sidewalk, you were quick to follow behind.
"So..." You break the silence, looking at him as you both walked side by side. "What are we doing today?"
"Training." He said in a brash tone, but you just smiled.
"Finally, I thought it was gonna be all books with you."
He glares your way, yelling as he always did.
"Shut up! You're fighting style is weak as shit and you're out of shape!"
You roll your eyes and look at him from the corner of your eye with a sly smirk, slowly bringing up a hand to cover your mouth slightly.
"Oh? Last I remember you were too busy with that childhood dick measuring contest to see anything from me."
You could practically see steam leaving his mouth as he towered over you, yelling in your face but it only made you smile. You didn't really know when it happened, but you realized teasing him was very fun.
"Speaking of that fight," You ignore him. "what is with you two anyway? I can see why he's kinda scared of you, but I can also see why he pisses you off." You glare off to the side just thinking about Midoriya. "He's on my shit list, but I just wanna know your side of the story."
He clicks his tongue in irritation and looks forward.
"Mind your own damn business."
"Awe, come on!" You whine childishly, grabbing at the base of his black shirt and tugging a bit. "I'll tell you something personal about me if you tell me."
"I don't give a fuck about your personal business," He growls, grabbing the wrist that was on his shirt and pushing you off. "it's called staying in my lane, you should try it sometime."
You huff in annoyance, but you had a feeling his side of the story would be hard to hear from to begin with. So, taken to what he said, you walked quietly beside him which surprised him for a while.
It didn't take more than 20-25 minutes to get to his house, but once you were there you felt all ounces of confidence leave you.
"I-It's....h-how... WHY IS YOUR HOUSE SO HUGE?!"
Bakugo flinched at you turning at yelling at him, his face flushing a bit in embarrassment though he wasn't sure why. You stared at him with shock and slight awe, you (literally) practically had stars in your eyes you looked up at him.
"Are you actually some kind of rich kid?!"
"Huh?!?!!" He glares at you and yells in your face. "I'm not rich!!"
"But, your house!!"
"It's average, idiot!"
He growls and stomps his way up to the front door, and you feel your heart sink to the floor. You would have to pretend that you lived in a house like his too, that all of this was normal.
That having a real door to a real house, that you personally owned, and having all the real things that came with this house was normal...
You watched as he unlocked the door with a key he pulled from his pocket, your brows frowning as you looked down at yourself. Baggy shirt, somewhat baggy shorts, ripped up shoes that actually look like trash... which all of what you had was...
Would he not like you if he found out? Bakugo didn't really seem the type to discriminate amongst class or really anything for that matter, he took on everything the same, something he can beat. But... he also looks and acts like the type of person who hates liars...
You flinch, raising your head to see Bakugo glaring at you from halfway inside his door.
"Are you coming in or what? I'm not standing here all day while you weirdly gawk at my house."
Take a deep breath in, you give a strained and awkward smile.
"I-I'm coming."
Walking in past him, he closed the door behind you. Because you were so tense, you almost jumped out of your skin when Bakugo yelled from behind you at a volume you didn't expect.
You slightly glare back at him for yelling, your heart beating quickly in your now pulsing ears. All he gave you back was a glare and a shrug.
"My house." He muttered, and you rolled your eyes, but then jumped out of your skin again as someone else yelled.
Bakugo went stiff at the voice, you turned back to face whoever yelled.
It was a very young attractive looking woman who seemed to bare the same ash blond explosive hair as Bakugo. She also shared his pricing red eyes which glared daggers into the boy behind you but quickly turned soft and gentle as her glance turned to you.
It was all silent for a moment as she stared at you with a smile, then her face flushed red and quickly came up to you, cupping your face in her hands and squishing your cheeks together.
"Ah! You're so beautiful! Your skin is practically glowing! And your eyes shine like stars!"
Her smile disappeared as she glared at Bakugo who had moved from behind you to beside you, glaring at his... mother?
"You didn't tell me you were bringing a girl over!! You haven't even done your chores yet!"
Bakugo's face flushed as his glare hardened, all while your face was still cupped within his mother's very soft and warm hands... which you weren't complaining about at all.
"What the hell does it matter she's a girl!?! And I said I would do them after!!"
"You did not tell me that, and as your mother, I need to know everything about the people you bring to MY house!!"
You felt a chill in your spine as she said this, making your doubt of Bakugo not liking your homeless double.
"Please you two, she only just got here. She must be overwhelmed."
You leaned a little past Bakugo's mother, her hands still cupping your face as you looked behind her. There stood who you could only assume was Bakugo's dad, he had brown hair and eyes and had the same hairstyle as Bakugo and his mother.
Out of all the Bakugo's you've met now, he seemed the only one who knew how to be calm.
Bakugo's mother let go of your face and instead pulled at Bakugo's ear, which he growled at and grabbed her wrist tightly.
"Do your chores!"
"Shut up, hag, I'll do them after!! Now let go!!"
She let go but quickly smacked him over the head.
You didn't really know you had done it, but your back was now pressed up against the door and you started to sweat as they fought.
You'd heard and seen many different family dynamics, living on the streets gave you ample time to people watch. You had seen children fight back at their parents before, mostly just toddlers throwing tantrums though.
You'd also heard the old, and the quite dumb, phrase "respect your elders".
You've cussed out your fair share of authority figures before, that wasn't new. You were, however, shocked that Bakugo would even have the balls to yell at his birth giver like that. Not to say some parents don't deserve a good cuss or two, but ... if his mother was your mother?
... You wouldn't.
"You'll do them now! Now go before I ground your ass and send your girlfriend home, treating you like the brat you are!"
He growled again at her, practically quaking with anger, but he stomped past her to another room, grinding his teeth.
Once he was gone, his mother turned to you with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you, I didn't really expect Katsuki to ever get a girlfriend with his attitude."
Your face flushed out of pure nervousness of saying the wrong thing and getting kicked out.
"U-uh, me and Bakugo... we aren't dating--"
"Damn it!" She sighed out, throwing her head make which made you flinch wondering if she was gonna put you out.
Bakugo's father sighed and walked over, placing his hand on his wife's lower back while giving you an equal to yours nervous smile.
"I'm sorry, this is probably not what you were planing when you came here."
You shook your head and waved your hands.
"O-oh, no, it's okay! I'm just... I've never been to a fancy house like this before... nor have I ever been to my friends' house or met their family."
"Eh?" Bakugo's mother raised a brow at you in confusion as both parents looked at you slightly shocked. "Fancy... house?"
"W-why don't you come to sit in the living room while you wait for Katsuki to finish up?"
You nod and are about to follow him when Bakugo walls back into the hallway with what looked like a vacuum, he glares at you which makes you quickly stop walking.
"Take your damn shoes off, idiot! Are you trying to make my job harder?!"
You feel the sweat on your face as you look down at the little step in front of the door, you had seen this many times at the houses you squatted in. There was always a little step in the doorway, but since the houses were always empty you always thought it was a design thing.
It wasn't until you got to U.A. that you suddenly realized all the social etiquette you never learned because, well, you didn't have a home or parents to teach you these things.
You felt your face flush with embarrassment as you realized that your shoes may look like the trash they were, but you also weren't wearing any socks.
"U-Uhm... I... I don't have any socks on..." You look up through your lashes at the Bakugo family, almost feeling ashamed of your meet assistance in front of them.
"What the hell is--" Bakugo was quickly cut off by his mother.
"Katsuki! Chores!!" Bakugo shrugged and glared at his mother, pointing at your feet.
"Now!!" She cut him off again, pointing down the hall. He let out a long sigh and stomped his way out of the hallway and into a different room.
"It's fine, eh... oh," Bakugo's father looked at you in surprise, you looked at him curiously. "We... don't know your name."
"Oh," You give them an awkward smile after toeing off your shoes at the entrance bowing to them as a silent apology for the lack of respectfulness for social etiquette.
"My name is Uchukyuzo Y/n, but you can call me Y/n... feels more... natural...?"
Bakugo's father nodded at you with a gentle smile, Bakugo's mother was quiet but also gave you a smile.
"Nice to meet you, Y/n." His father spoke. "follow me."
"I'll get some water for ya, sweetie." Bakugo's mother said, patting your shoulder and disappearing into what you assumed was the kitchen.
You heard the vacuum Bakugo had startup as you shyly sat down on the couch with its back to a wall, Bakugo's father sat across from you and smiled at you with closed eyes and a gentle look.
"It really is nice to meet you, Y/n. Bakugo often mutters about your when he's home, always talking about what you two were to do next together."
"Yes," Bakugo's mother came in with stacked cups and a pitcher of water, setting it down on the small table in front of you and pouring you some water as she continued. "You can only imagine our surprise to know that he was tutoring someone."
You felt yourself flush a little, bowing your head, and quietly thanking her as you stiffly took the glass of water and took sips.
"It's... not really tutoring, at least... I don't think. Bakugo and I have... sort of similar quirks, so, I approached him about maybe partnering up and learning from each other."
Bakugo's mother sat down next to her husband, leaning back comfortably on the couch as she smirked at you in a mischievous way.
"Similar quirks, huh?"
You nod, placing the cup back down on the table. Luckily for you, the crash you had with Bakugo stored up a lot of energy that you could give an example.
Lifting your hands, you cupped them into a small ball shape, allowing the energy to build up in the small pocket in your hands. Then you pulled your hands flat, one high and one just below, allowing the energy to release in a bright burst of light.
Since it was a small, contained explosion, the flash of light was like the flash of a camera. What was left was the colorful and sparkling glow of the energy that was left behind, your hands were warm as the star-like sparkles fell around your hands.
"I can store energy in my body and release it like an exploding star, taking in and putting pressure on the energy, then releasing it in a bust of light that tends to leave trails of light behind."
You look back up at the parents, they started at you with impressed expressions and you shyly scratch at the back of your head.
"A-and since Bakugo can make explosions as well, I thought I could benefit from learning from him and that... he could learn something from me?"
"Oh please," His mother grins at you. "He may act like it, but he's far from perfect."
"Eh? I-I know that..." You reply looking down at your hands in your lap, clenching and unflinching them while looking at your palms. "I admire his drive, in a lot of ways, he and I are the same."
"You seem to be as good as, if not better, than Katsuki." Bakugo's mother cut in, getting you to look at her as both parents look on at you.
"Oh, I don't really want to be better than anyone..." You look around the room you were in.
Bookshelves filled with books, a few potted plants, from where you were sitting you could just barely seen a nice looking kitchen. It was no secret this house was beautiful, something you never really lived in before.
You smiled sadly around the room.
"You know... I've always wanted to live in a house."
"Eh?!" You flinch and look to Bakugo's parents, who both equally looked horrified at what you said. You panic and shake your head, waving your hands about.
"I mean! I mean live in a house like this! It's nice a-and big! Bakugo told me there's a backyard too! I, uh, I... don't have those..."
You grin sheepishly, looking down at your feet that curled an unfurled.
"I'm sorry if I'm being rude... I..." You look up at the parents.
Bakugo's father looked at you with a sad expression, but and expression it looked like he was trying to fight for your sake. Bakugo's mother held a gentleness that made your resolve start crack more and more.
The little voice in your head started to make your eyes sting and feel glossy.
Tell them, they look like people who could help? Why don't I ever ask for help? Why do I have to do this all on my own? I can tell them. I'm allowed to. I know I am. I'm allowed to feel sad about where I am. I don't always have to be strong.
"I-I..." You felt a lump forming in your throat, your brow starting to twitch and your lips turned down in a frown. Your fists were clenched on your lap.
Were you actually going to finally ask someone for help to get you off the streets and into an actual home? With food and water and clothes and somewhere to bathe, was this it?
"I-I uhm..."
"Y/n," You looked up from your lap and stared at Bakugo's mother, who was looking you dead in the eyes with her own pricing ruby eyes. "You know you can tell us anything, right?"
You felt a tear run down your face and you felt your eyes go wide, your mouth opening as if you were on auto-piolet.
"... W-what I said before... about not having a.. a home like this... I... I don't have a h-"
Your shoots down to your lap and you leet out a breath you didn't know you were holding. At the sound of Bakugo's voice, you dropped your head and whipped your eyes quickly, and all heads in the living room turned to where Bakugo was standing with his arms crossed.
He first glared at his mother, then glared over to you, which turned to confusion as he saw your slightly red eyes.
"What the hells up with you?"
"KATSUKI BAKUGO!!" His mother stood and shouted at him in pure anger.
As a kid with present adult figures in your life, you knew the sounds of when you were in trouble and when you were in trouble. Bakugo was surprised to hear her genuine anger, his father was also looking at him with a stern stare.
"What?!" He yelled back, but before she could answer you stand to your feet and waved your hands, putting up a fake smile.
"S-So you're done, does that me we can get started?"
He nodded at you, his parents looking at you with worry.
"Y/n," Bakugo's father spoke softly. "You can stay and talk with-"
"B-Bakugo planned this whole day for us to train, so, wouldn't want that plan to go to waste, right?" You give him a strained smile, leaning down and grabbing the water you had. Downing it in one huge gulp, which hurt your chest by the way, and you quickly walked beside Bakugo.
"S-show me the way... Bakubro!" You faked excitement.
Every part of you now was screaming at you to leave the room and situation, the conversation was not something you wanted to have today.
Why the hell would you even think of telling someone?! Do you know what would happen then? You'd be sent to a foster home, which you already know is worse than where you are now, are you serious!? You're not stupid, Y/n! You didn't go through 10 years of living on the streets alone surviving on being soft to people you just met!!
Your inner voice scolded you plus tenfold, and without really knowing it, you were hiding behind Bakugo, away from the looks of his now frightened parents.
It was silent for a bit, Bakugo not knowing what the hell was going on other than that you looked close to crying and his parents were angry at him for something. Were you snitching on him for being so 'mean' to you? That can't be it, right? You didn't really react badly at all to his attitude.
In fact, it was one of the things he liked about you. You took his shit and sent it back.
So, what had you like this.
"... Can we go now..?"
Your voice was so quiet, Bakugo had never heard you speak so softly, and looking at your slightly upset face, he didn't like it at all.
With a click of his tongue, turned down the hall and walked towards a door in the back.
"Hurry up... idiot."
You didn't say anything back and stuck to his heels like glue, leaving behind two parents who were on the verge of calling the police or child services.
What had you been through to have to keep quiet about it?
What you thought was going to be a simple training section in his backyard, actually turned into a 2-hour long training lesson with him.
You both started out with stretching, luckily for you, Bakugo didn't ask what the conversation was about that you had with his parents. He corrected your form many times, asked if you were even trying or if you knew what stretching was.
Moving on you went to a small work-out session, from running in place to jumping jacks, squats, lunges, all that jazz. He allowed you small breaks every so often, tell you that if you go all out on your first time you'll vomit, and he didn't want to deal with that.
You internally took that as a sign of him caring about you.
Next, you went to hand to hand training with him, which he gave you no mercy on. He downed you so many times that you had grass stains all over your already trash clothes, but he was actually teaching you along the way.
With your size, he thought you how to use that to your advantage. He got him down a couple of times with his help, but any victory you had over him was lost quickly as he told you a fight doesn't just stop when you have him on the ground.
After those two hours, he now has you both back at some ending work out stuff.
Both you and he were on your elbows and toes at the moment, facing each other while planking. Both of you were covered in sweat which fell from your face every so often, he was actually smart in switching his clothes before. He changed when he was doing chores as he was in a black tank top and loose shorts.
You were to hold the plank for a minute, then break, then go to your side, break, then your other side, break then repeat.
You were heaving at this point but you weren't upset about it, in fact, you were quite thankful for the tired feeling falling over you. Not only would this benefit you in the long run, but also, you wouldn't have to stay awake thinking all night.
You look up from your plank at Bakugo who was now on his knees.
"Huh?" You still held your plank, your stomach and legs shaking a small bit.
He growled and leaned over, smacking you on the head which made you fall face-first to the ground.
"I said break, idiot!"
You let out a sigh and slightly snuggle into the ground, then you hold your top half up on your elbows and look at Bakugo.
"Thanks for this Bakubro." You wink and send him finger guns, which he rolls his eyes and mutters a curse.
"Shut up."
You laugh a little and roll onto your back with a sigh, looking at the slightly less bright sky.
"Now that we have had a training montage together," You throw your head back to look at him upside down while still laying in the grass. "have I unlocked your character backstory yet?"
"The hell are you talking about?" Bakugo growled, now sitting down with one leg crossed and the other straight out, which happened to be right next to your right side as he leaned back on his hands.
You laughed and looked back at the sky.
"Come on, you know. I want to know why you have so much beef with broccoli boy, it can't really be a secret since he likes to tell his sob story all the time."
You rolled back over, placing your hand over Bakugo's leg, making it so you were leaning it like a pillow as you looked up at him.
"No kidding, I saw him crying, like, two days ago about something. I didn't because I'm still mad at him, and also people trying in public make me uncomfy." You point and place your cheek on his leg.
He shakes you off his leg, his cheeks a little pink at your closeness to him, and he rolls his eyes.
"You're fucking weird."
"Watch your fuckin' language." You playfully growl at him, pushing your self up into a normal sitting position across from him, crossing one leg over the other as you stare at him. "But seriously, why the rivalry?"
"Why the hell are you so interested, anyway?" He crossed his arms and glared at you. "Do you really have nothing better to do then encroach on other people's business?"
You pretend to think really hard on it, then innocently shake your head like a child, smiling at him expectingly.
It was silent as you both stared at each other for legit 3 minutes.
"Ugh, fine!" He growls, throwing his arms out and glaring off, making no attempts to look at you. "That damn nerd used to be a fuckin' nobody! Just some lowly nerd in the back of the class with nothing special about him, not even a quirk! Then, all of a sudden, he gets a quirk and doesn't even have the guts to use it on me!! Like, he thinks I can't take it! Like I'm weak!"
You listen to his words carefully, knowing you just got him to open up about something that looks like he would never tell anyone.
"I'm third in the class! That damn nerd is getting all the praise! Even one on one with fuckin' All Might himself!!" He starts yelling now, glaring at the ground below him. "Now he thinks he can tell me that he suddenly got his quirk from someone!? He thinks I'm royalty stupid to fall for that!"
"So that's what it's about..." You mutter softly, not meaning for him to hear but not really upset that he did when his head snapped up to you.
"Your expectations... the world's expectations, I know how it feels to want to be above it all."
He glares at you, and for once this whole day, you weren't afraid of if your words upset him and he kicked you out. You wanted him to know you're driven too.
"I asked you to train me because it's not just our quirks that are the same, you want to go above and beyond what people and yourself think you can do. I do too. I'm starting from the bottom, Bakugo," You laugh bitterly, scratching the back of your neck as you look at the ground. "literally the bottom. You're starting somewhere unfamiliar... Must be tough, huh?"
He glares harder then grabs the front of your shirt pulling you closer to his face, his breath hitting yours as he growls at you.
"Are you making fun of me?!"
"Not at all," You lean forward to making yourself a little more comfortable in his hold. "I'm acknowledging how much pressure you have put on you and how much you're putting on yourself. It's like looking in a mirror."
"I'm not weak!" He shouts, you place your hands on his thighs and push yourself up. He still held tight to your shirt, but now you were eye level with him.
"I never said you were, that's why I like you. You may be an asshole, but you're still a good guy, Bakugo... You know that, right?"
He throws you off him to the side, standing quickly and brushing himself off. You laid on your side look up at him, first with a slight sternness then with a smile.
"You talk weak," He says, his back turned to you. You stand and brush yourself off, walking to his side and looking up at him.
"Maybe I am, but do you really think that?"
He clicks his tongue and walks to the back door leading inside, you follow quickly but he shoves a towel in your face. You were confused, but then he pointed down at your feet.
"I'm not cleaning up your dirty ass footprints."
He then walks away to what you think you remember was the kitchen. You chuckle and wipe your feet, which you hadn't even noticed got really dirty. After you thoroughly scrubbed your feet, you intended to follow Bakugo to the kitchen, but stop by the living room doorway.
Inside was Bakugo's parents talking quietly to each other while the tv close to them was on and on a low volume, most likely to cover their conversation. You were going to leave them be when you saw something familiar on the tv screen.
Walking into the room, you got closer to the tv, inadvertently showing your presents to the parents.
"Oh, Y/n, are you and Bakugo finished with training today?" Bakugo's father asked, but you didn't turn to look at him, eyes glued to the tv as you saw buildings you know you've seen before.
"... Yeah," You answer slowly, not turning from the tv. "What channel is this?"
"The news?" Bakugo's mother said, also looking at the tv. "Why?"
"Can you turn it up, please?" You finally turned from the tv to give Bakugo's mother a small pleading look. She complied, picking up the remote and turning up the volume.
You caught a glimpse of Bakugo coming in the room with two tall glasses of water before turning back to the tv.
"Yes, and we are now reporting live in what seems to be a villain attack. There seems to be only one villain who has taken hostages and has stolen money from local stores."
The tv then shows the store you were just at this morning with broken windows, then turned to a scene in which make your eyes go wide.
The first thing you see is a large black inky figure, which was picking up and throwing cars and anything big enough to cause damage at bystanders. You then saw a group of people huddled in a grey like a bubble that you remember all too well.
"...Riji?" You mutter, you brows frowning as you watch a few heroes try to get close, then quickly retreat at the sight of the inky figure creating large thick ink walls between them.
"As you can see, we have heroes on the scene, but they can't get close. The black ink substance seems to be admitting some kind of mass-energy that has already caused two heroes to have sudden cardiac arrests."
You didn't stay standing there any longer, backing up slowly then turning and running for the front door, completely ignoring the calls of the Bakugo family.
With how fast you were running and how fast your heart was beating, you knew you had enough energy to get there quickly. And you did, you were there faster than you knew it and already bringing with energy.
Police and heroes alike were making sure no one got too close, you ran up to there blockade and they were quick to stop you.
"Sorry kid, but you need to stay back!" A hero told you, looking over his shoulder every so often at the sound of crashing. You glared at him and moved to look past him, getting only a small look at Riji holding the bubble they were in.
"My friend is in there! He created that bubble! I can help!"
"No!" The hero countered. "It's too dangerous for a child to--"
You didn't stay to listen to his protest.
Your eyes went black and your body glowed and shimmered, crouching you jumped high over the hero's head and once back on the ground charge the villain, ignoring the try of the hero. Your eyes glowed like the start night sky as you ran straight past some heroes who tried to stop you, running straight into the villain's form.
You were expecting some kind of resistance at the wall of black ink that formed the villain, but there was none. You did however feel a huge jolt of energy flowing through you now, your body glowing brighter as you felt yourself brim with energy just waiting to be released.
You quickly turn your head, only to see Riji struggling to hold his bubble with the amount of power surging around. His quirk allowed him to make indestructible bubbles the are basically shields of an unbreakable mass, however, the bigger the bubble, the hardened to hold. It takes strength and consideration to hold them, that's what he had told you when he first showed you.
"Riji! Can you hold it a little longer?" You yell to him, bouncing at your feet as you feel the power around you almost making the energy in your body pour out.
He nods.
"Not for much longer!"
"I've got this!" You scream back, running full head into the eye of the storm of this villains form.
He couldn't just be a mass of inky blackness, he had to have a body somewhere.
And luckily for you, you ran straight into it.
The man in front of you grunts as he hits the ground, the darkness not going away as he looks up and stares at you in shock.
"What the-- a kid?? How did you--?"
You were blinding to look at now, all that could be seen of you was your glowing eyes, that didn't hold any black anymore, now only glowed a bright white. You smirked down at him tackled him, pushing him to his stomach and sitting on his back. You smiled at his attempts to get away from your grasp but screamed in pain as you heard the steam of his flesh burning.
"Want to know what it feels like to be in the middle of a star when it explodes?" You say, leaning down to his ear you laugh. "Well, you're about to."
Then, you let go of the power you were holding.
All Bakugo could see from his spot in the crowd after he ran after you was the large inky villain, heroes arguing over the girl the ran in and how they were meant to get her out to saver her.
He wondered for a moment if it was his fault that she ran in without a second thought.
Had he put too much pressure on her during training? She said she wanted his help and his help alone so, he thought he was doing fine. She never really complained about learning and hanging out from him, in fact, he thought she enjoyed it.
But after what he told him before she left.
"I'm acknowledging how much pressure you have put on you and how much you're putting on yourself. It's like looking in a mirror."
She didn't do this to prove something, did she?
"Idiot, you better not be dead..." Bakugo muttered out, glaring at the large mass of ink.
Suddenly, he felt the air around quickly heat up, and a bright light explodes from the mass. Everyone around gasped and covered their eyes, the heat around making everyone begin to sweat. Once the light dimmed and was fading with the heat, all that was left was gently falling specks of stardust-like light.
In the middle of this gentle fall of stardust snowflakes, was a large bubble full of the victims of the attack, and dragging out a man was the girl Bakugo had learned to respect as an equal.
She looked exhausted, her feet stumbling every step or so with her eyelids half-closed. She had what looked like glistening tears coming from her eyes like a subtle drip fountain, there were also small cuts and visible bruising on her body.
With what strength she had left she placed the villain down, and as he tried to get up she places her now glowing hand on the back of his neck which made him hiss in slight pain.
"I wouldn't even think it, sir. You're not going anywhere." She glowered down at the villain as cops and heroes alike rushed over to take the villain into custody.
Bakugo started making his way over to her when he was pushed to the side by reports.
"Oi!" He growled at them, but they surrounded Y/n to the point he could really only see her exhausted face.
"Young lady! Do you know how dangerous that was?!" The hero who tried to stop her before now stood scolding her, the cameras of reports taking it all in great detail.
Y/n herself gave him a tired glare and shrug.
"Just as dangerous as it would be for any other hero."
"Exactly! You're hurt!"
"Do you know how stupid that was?!"
Y/n grit her teeth, now puffing you her chest in anger.
"I did your job better than you! If you want to call hero work, by all means! I saved them!"
The hero glared down at her, Bakugo watched Y/n stand her ground once more in front for an authority which seemed to be something she did frequently.
"You're a child!"
Y/n's cheeks flushed with anger.
"As if my age matters!? You seem to forget your precious hawks hero ain't exactly an old clown like the rest of the top ten are, you saying his work is pointless because he's young?!"
Everyone watching was taken back, especially the hero scolding her, before he could come back at her though, a reporter watching and recording all this cut in to talk with her.
"You're so young, yet you rushed in headfirst. Did you know what danger you were in?"
Y/n turned and glared at the woman, then glared into the camera that was turned directly to her face. She could feel herself getting overwhelmed, sure she wanted to make her voice heard but... to many eyes were watching.
"Did you know how dangerous it was when you came to record this shit?" Y/n asked the woman back harshly, the reporter flinching back a little as Y/n turned into the camera head-on and glared into it.
"And for those of you just watching at home just waiting to say some shit behind a screen about me being stupid for doing this, I want you all to know something,"
She snatched the mic from the reporter as her eyes started to shine with stars.
"Think you could do better? because I don't see all the 'help' you self proclaimed heroes are doing. So before you come for me, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself: If you were in my shoes, you could even take two steps?"
Y/n now furious, tired, in pain, and overall done with the day, grabbed the mic held in her hands and snapped it in half like a twig. Throwing it to the ground and making her way past the crowd, who all quickly made way for her to walk.
Bakugo however didn't move, the only one to stand in her path as she came to a stop in front of him. Looking up at him in the eyes, all Y/n could do was sigh and bow her head.
"I'm sorry..." It was so quietly said, Bakugo could barely hear it. She brushed past him gently, making her way away from the crowd of people watching you. Cops and heroes silently argued if they should stop her and question her, which they should have.
But Bakugo watched Y/n warp her arms around herself, walking barefoot down the streets past people, head down and back slouched.
Bakugo's mind was set, and a path in his mind clicked and was created at that moment.
Y/n and Bakugo really were two sides of the same coin.
You walked around for a while, trying to get everyone off your tail so you could go back to your dumpster and forget this day ever happened.
You were more than exhausted and just wanted to close your eyes, slightly frustrated that you wouldn't be eating for the night either.
You sigh and run a hand down your face, turning the corner into your alley.
"Ugh, and Bakugo's probably pissed at me for running off on him like that..."
You stopped walking when you saw someone standing at the other side of the alley, it was definitely not Riji since he was apparently stuck with the police the last you saw of him. You stood stock still, watching the person standing across from you.
Then there were two.
Your tired body felt a shiver up your spine, a heavy feeling behind you.
Before you could do anything though, your head was shoved into the alley wall beside you while your arms were locked behind your back. As your head spun and pounded from the impact of the wall, the petty part of you finished counting.
"Nice performance on the news today, girly," I was the sound of a woman's voice behind you, you watched it slightly blurred vision as the other people came walking down the alley to meet with you. "It was a real star-shower."
You gave out a weak and bitter laugh, your voice came out cracking and weak.
"That's called a meteor shower, dumb bitch. I may be homeless, but I guess I'm more educated than--"
You were pulled from the wall tossed to the ground, your hands freed too late as you landed head first on the ground. And when you tried to sit up, you got a hard foot to the back that shoved you back down.
"That was one of our best you jailed, you little cunt," The woman spoke again, your face turned to the side as you saw her combat boots come into view. She leaned down, catching your eyes.
She then grabbed you by the head and forced you head back in a way that made your neck crack painfully while you let out a small cry of pain.
"Just who do you think you are, little girl?"
You grunt and breath heavily, sucking in as much air as you could. Your head pounded and you could feel a small trickle of blood fall over your left eyes, your ribs aching from the pressure of the foot in your back.
"Clearly someone who's better than 'one of your best's."
She growled and shoved your head into the ground again, making you cry out again as you felt your nose start to bleed. She pulled your head up again to face her and her goons.
"You just don't quit do you?"
"Nah," you say quietly. "Quitting ain't my style."
"Well, maybe any early death is." She grinned at you, then her eye suddenly glowed a neon, radioactive green.
You saw her raise her right hand, the one not holding your head, and it leaked with the same neon color as her eyes. The neon liquid from her hand hissed angrily as it hit the pavement below you and you knew.
"Acid..." You mutter out, apparently enough for her to hear. She laughed and nodded her head at the rest of her goons, who laughed along with her.
She turned back to you with an evil grin and an insane look in her eyes.
"Smart. Ya know, kid, if you hadn't been such a problem, I would've liked taken you into my gang."
You gave a breathy laugh with hurt your throat which was at this point dry, closing your eyes and shaking your head as much as you could in her grasp.
"Thanks but... no thanks..." You opened your eyes and looked her dead on. "I don't work with losers like you freaks, and besides... If a 15-year-old beat your 'best' you can't be shit, hun."
She growled and it was like time slowed, her glowing acid hand made its way straight to your face. You closed your eyes and awaited the painful death that seemed to be coming your way.
You knew you would die one day, though, you had at least hoped that you would have made it a bit further than 15.
Maybe 19... 20s asking too much.
You felt her hand wrap around your face and you waited, but... nothing came. Slowing opening your good eye, you and saw her hand and eyes were no longer glowing, and her face was covered in confusion.
"What the--!"
She was cut off by a cloth wrapping around her face and quickly shoving her into the ground, and it wasn't long until the weight of the foot on your back was released as well. You heard quarl above you, the goons yelling about not seeing who it was or where they were.
You, too tired and in pain to move, stayed laying on the ground, staring at the knocked out woman in front of you.
Then, it stopped. No more fighting, no more grunts of pain, only the sounds of someone's footsteps. Even as they came close to you, you didn't move.
The footsteps stopped, then you saw the knocked out woman being dragged out of your sight. You let your aching chest fill with air before you pressed your hands to the ground, pushing yourself up from the ground on to your hands and knees.
This was enough to take the breath you just breathed away, and you sat back tiredly on your heels. You head faced down, you couldn't bring yourself to look up yet, the pain you felt all over was stronger than your curiosity of the stranger who saved you.
Well, that was until you heard his voice.
"Why did I know when I saw you, you would be trouble?"
You slowly lifted your head, and standing in front of you was the night-time hero and your highschool teacher, Eraserhead.
You give what you can only assume is the most pathetic smile in the world to him, your hand not even leaving your side but waving a small wave to him.
"Howdy teach."
He sighs, walking over to you before kneeling down. He seemed to look you over, looking at the damage done to you as you sigh.
"Guess this can't really count as just an after school activity, right?" You weakly joke, but he didn't change his neutral expression at all.
"We didn't have classes today, Uchukyuzo." He states in a monotoned voice, finally taking his goggles off to look you in the eyes. "You must be stupid."
"Yeah..." You let your head drift to the sit, slightly nodding to your homeroom teacher. "You're not wrong..."
"You do realize you can no longer live like this, correct?"
This got you, you frowned your brows but quickly regretted it from the pain that came from just moving your face.
"Wha... what do you mean?"
He sighed, standing up he grabbed your arms gently enough to not hurt you, but with enough force to help you stand. You hiss and slightly whimper in pain at this swift move, but allowed him to take you by the shoulders and guide you slowly threw the alley.
"You've being moved to a facility until we can find you a real home."
Though you felt pain coursing through you, you smacked his hands off you and stumped over to the alley wall in pain gasping a little but then turning and glaring up at his neutral face.
"Uchukyuzo," He said in a stern voice. "You can't actually expect a school like U.A. to ignore the fact that you live in an alley, sleep in a dumpster, and eat stole or savaged food while dressed in clothes from the trash."
You lean you back on the wall, face him fully now, you glare even harder than before.
"You were watching me."
"Ever since you got into the school," Aizawa confessed.
You growled weakly, like an injured animal still trying to fight as it's cornered.
"I thought the Principle said it was classified."
"It is," he confirmed. "to students and others not staffed or properly responsible for the students. You expect only Nezu to know? Homeless or not, we've never taken in a student with no record of anything except for a date of birth that took far too long to find."
You looked off to the side, sighing as the weight of the day started to come back to you.
The worry of not seeing Riji, the emotional ride you hade with Bakugo, the training with Bakugo, the villain and apparently the villains gang, and now...
"You're ripping me away from the only place I've called home for 10 years..."
Turning to face Aizawa again, who didn't cave under your look.
"Do you know that's what you're doing?"
"This isn't a home." He stated as if it were nothing.
"Maybe not to you but it is to me!!" You scream, not even caring about the pain that ripped through your dry throat. "Where else am I supposed to go, huh?! To the foster care that didn't give a rats ass about me and only wanted profit?! Only to be given to a family that want a pat on the back for 'saving' an unwanted kid, is that the kind of 'home' you want me to be in!?"
He clicked his tongue and looked off to the side, which made your blood boil even more.
"That's it!?"
"You aren't the only one with a sob story." He looked down at you, and your eyes began to glow as you glared at him with every bit of anger and energy left in you.
"You think I don't know that!? Do you think I don't hate myself day in and day out about all the things I complain about?! I may have a fucked up way of living but I get I'm not the only one! But this is my story! My life! I can't give up!"
You felt your body start to lose strength as the glow around you faded and you looked down.
"I can't let go of this... not yet..."
"Y/n," You look up at Aizawa, who was now closer to you. He placed a hand on your hand in a gentle manner, looking you in the eyes as he spoke.
"You deserve a better life than this. You've worked hard to get where you are today, and I'm not at all downplaying it. But even I have to ask for help sometimes..."
Your eyelids droop and you felt his words hit you harder than they would have if you were at your best. You were so used to covering up your feelings by forcing it away with something you deemed more important, but now... at your lowest, you couldn't find it in you to fight his words.
"Let us help you now."
Your head dropped, but since Aizawa was so close to you, your head landed on his stomach. His hand moved from atop your head to the nape of your neck as you let out a tired sigh. You felt small tires drip from your eyelashes, ones soaking into the man's clothing or landing on your bare feet.
"If you were me... you would be angry too... right?" You questioned out loud, not really knowing if you genuinely wanted an answer or not.
But it's not as if you got that answer anyway, as your vision went black and your body went numb.
Aizawa carried you over to the car that was meant to take you to the U.A. own building where you would be living for a while, and as he sat in the back with you, your head on his lap, he watched your face.
Aizawa did like to sleep more than the fact that it gave him time to rest his overworked eyes or his tired body, it also gave him time to not have to feel anything.
When you sleep, it's almost as if time stops, just for you. No emotions, at least, the good sleep had no emotions.
Looking at your relaxed face, face patched up by some of the people helping to gather what little things you had to bring with them, you looked so peaceful.
You were in the sleep that had no dreams, no feelings or actions, just darkness as your body healed.
While you slept on his lap, he looked out the window and thought over what his answer to your question would have been if he were to answer at all.
"If you were me... you would be angry too... right?"
"Kid," He muttered quietly to himself, glancing down at you and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I don't need to be you... I already am angry too."
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oh-theres-a-woman · 5 years
Peaky Blinder OC: Dorothy Helen Townley
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“Dor-o-thy Hel-en Town-ley”
Nickname(s) or Known As:
Dorothy - Her legal and birth name. 
Dot - Affectionate nickname fleshed from Dorothy’s family and friends. Though, the young woman was known to get rather annoyed at strangers addressing her by the nick-name. 
Apricot - A pet name for her back in York when she made bombs and explosive devices out of her favourite Apricot jam tins and jars. The local papers always recorded her at the Apricot Bandit in some articles. 
Apricot Bandit - See above for such information as to why…  
Helen - Want to start problems with Dorothy call her Helen, it was her grandmother’s name and she despised the woman. Her grandmother was a nasty abusive alcoholic that enjoyed to pick on Dorothy in spite of everything right she tried to do. The nick-name originally came about around the time Dot reached the age of puberty and began to resemble her grandmother, it wasn’t meant to be a insult because her grandmother was rather beautiful in her early days. It just hit something raw with Dorothy like rubbing salt into old wounds. 
Cut Throat Princess - Being the only female of the York Cut Throats, and the younger sister to the founding brothers. It was originally a nickname that was made to mock Dorothy, though when she rose quickly within the ranks of her brother’s ranks and showed the men was she could do it became something in a form of respect. Very rare for Dorothy to hear about that nickname anymore since that’s a part of her old life. 
Miss Townley - A formal way that people in Birmingham address her. Mainly people that don’t truly know her very well speak to her in this manner, but it doesn’t bother her much. It just has come done to a cultural thing since in York, she learnt that she was only addressed in that manner when in trouble with her parents or police. 
Date of Birth:
25th April,1895 (24 years old)
Birthplace: East Fremantle, Western Australia.
Nationality/Ethnicity:  Australian, Anglo-Saxon Descent. 
“Don’t fucking call me Helen, Gene. Or I’ll give you that dental work you’re in need of. Brush your teeth with a brick, mate.” 
“So… You’re stupid enough to make me think I believe you?” 
“Freddie and Gene are alive?”
“The war changed something in me, I no longer enjoyed the thought of returning home. Because half of my family were already dead, and the whole town of York wouldn’t have given a shit.”
“It was sad you know, pitiful watching so many men die… Some of the nurses took pity in them and just happened to give them too much morphine.” 
“A kiss with a fist is better than none…”
Occupation: Currently - Barmaid at the Garrison, Birmingham. Ex-co-owner of the Garrison, recently transferred the property into the name and ownership of Thomas Shelby.
Formerly - Specialist Nurse dealing with; amputations, shell-shock victims, surgeries and general procedures.   Loyal gang member to the Cut Throats of York,ranking was as a gunner after showing effective aiming skills and knowledge of operations of hunting rifles, and pistols. Farm hunter, often going out shooting kangaroos to make sure they don’t destroy the family crops. 
Reliable Skills:
High level of education - mastering reading, writing and mathematics.
Capable of making bombs and weapons for junk. Much like different types of bombs from the cheapest and crappiest of materials. Example is her famous apricot jam jar/tin bombs.
Established skills in bookkeeping, and insurance paperwork.
Weapons of Choice:
Luger (Parabellum) - Semi-automatic pistol → Stolen from a German officer that came through one of the field hospitals she was working on in France. Rather easy for her to shoot people at close and medium distance of range, only grows harder with the distance between her and the target.
Lee-Enfield - Bolt-action rifle → Was her go to weapon back in York or hunting kangaroos on the family property. Used one once to shoot and kill an officer that assaulted her, shot was successful.
Piano Wire - Choice instrument to strangle someone by garrote, easy enough for her to conceal. Was a formal way of execution for the Cut Throats.
Social Status: Wanted felon; by Western Australian Police - Under charges of; 
Murder → One police officer and a few others notable members of the community, other victims unknown.
Arson → set fire to the police station, town hall and post office. During conflicts with the town’s council at the time.
Assault → While involved with one of the many gang related riots in York, young Dorothy Townley was charged with assault in two counts against police officers trying to remove her from the scene.
Automobile Theft → In the company of one of her brothers, Miss Townley identified which of her seven brothers the calprate was… At age fourteen, Dot and her brother Frederick hotwired some bigwig’s chair taking it for a joy ride. After all it wasn’t everyday they were able to score such a nice car to drive around in.
Larceny → Stole food as a child because there was never enough to eat in the house growing up.
Receipt of Stolen Goods → During the days of working with the Cut Throats in York, she often took and kept the books on what was stolen and brought to them for transporting. It normally was the normal booze, cigarettes and illegal drugs at the time.  
Forgery → Making up fake official documents regretting the private matters of the Cut Throats. Printing money, materializing documents (altering them to her needs), intended to deceive other gangs trying to take over her turf.
Marital Status: Single - Never really had any notable serious relationships other than an engagement to a man named Ralph Edward, whom died during the war.
Issue: Nil. Miscarried; one.
Townley Family History: Born on a respectably nice Autumn day in East Fremantle to a rather unknown couple from the rural town of York a couple of hours outside of Perth. Very shortly after the complicated birth of their youngest child, and only daughter whom they named; Dorothy Helen Townley. Raised to be a considerably normal child, between a faithful wife and an alcoholic husband that struggled with his liquor and debts. The family lived in the small shire of York, some hours travel from the city. Youngest of eight children meant Dorothy had a lot of proving of herself for her father that worked hard most days, and drunk heavily at night. 
Though Dot’s father loved her, he had a funny way of showing it. Possibly because of his short temper and the rumours floating around that Dorothy was actually the illegitimate daughter of the police sergeant in the area. That had something against Ramsay Townley, and her mother sweet Alexi Townley. A child conceived by the sergeant when Alexi Townley was trying to bail her husband out of jail after a drunken brawl. After all, getting her husband out called for a price.
Alexi has tried to keep Dorothy’s father a secret and was truly lucky that her husband never questioned it. Truthfully, he already knew the pain his wife went to get him released from prison. Yet, he accepted Dot as his little girl and a Townley so she wouldn’t have any connection to the monster that harmed her mother. Though, Ramsay’s mother was another person despised Dorothy’s very existence. Dorothy’s grandmother was rather abusive to the only Townley girl, the bastard of the town’s police sergeant. Lucky the girl survived to see her homeland Australia officially become a country when she was the ripe age of six, as the elderly woman had made many attempts on her granddaughter’s life in the years before. 
Spending more time with her brothers and father on the field. Dorothy formed a rather strong bond with Frederick (the eldest) and Eugene (third born) who knew of their half-sister’s parentage. The three eldest brothers knew too well about what had happened to their mother that night and vowed the day their sister was born they’d protect her. That started with bringing her into the loop of their gang at a rather young age, so they could protect her fully, as well as their comrades. Before long she was hunting on her farm, and sitting in on important meetings regarding expansions and riots against the police. Her youngest known age for being arrested was then at eleven years of age after the police busted her brothers at a meeting and noticed her sitting in. Reports on her criminal file first detailed the girl as a shy and timid girl, holding the sleeve of her eldest brother Frederick, refusing to speak on interview. This was the start of more troublesome behaviour with the girl. 
Blossoming into a rose protected by harsh thorns (her brothers) Dorothy learnt many of many useful talents she had. Such as creating jam tin/jar bombs for raids, and attacks on places the Cut Throats planned. Servicing as a device to harm and lower numbers of rivals and police who were in the area at the time. 
By the time seventeen rolled around Dot was a respected member of the “York Cut Throats”, taking a claim over bookkeeping, as well as, the job of being their sharpshooter. Her skills with a bolt-action rifle from a long distance couldn’t be trumped by anyone else, so she became their primary for assassinations. Her rate of crime had run aground when she had been found for first-degree murder in a serial number of offences, the charging officer that brought her in was her biological father. Said officer of the law proceeded to interview Miss Townley in a fashion till his measures became violent and he attacked the young woman. Reported gunshots were heard from the station, and when other officers investigated they found the man dead. The young woman in a state of distress and worse for wear. 
To silence the Townley's’ and remove Dorothy from hanging other officers that felt pity for the young woman enlisted her to stay as a home for troublesome women. Where she was educated and taught the workings of a high profile nurse. Something the young adult woman had no idea would come to use so soon after completion. At the first light of war, Dot was sent off to the Gallipoli on the Ottoman Peninsula. Where she nursed broken men and saw her seventh and sixth brother slaughtered. Once more she went to making bombs out of tins, in hopes that she’d kill the Turk bastard that murdered her brothers.
After the withdrawal of Gallipoli, Miss Townley was moved to the Western Front. Believably broken by what she had seen in the bosom of the Turk’s lands. But then, she meets a kind soul a young soldier that held her heart and taught her to smile even in the shitty situations the war gave. Quick in their engagement, they longed for the war to end so they would be married. Yet, fate didn’t wish for them to be together in such away. Young Ralph Edward was killed in action. By the end of the war Dot’s family connection was broken, and her lover was gone so she decided to move to London in hopes of a new life. IN hopes to learn more about her dearly departed Mr Edward through his family, and the environment he used to live in.
Brief Personality Traits:
Australian Mateship - A quality that became well-known by most soldiers that worked alongside Australians in the First World War. Dot holds the cultural idiom rather highly as it holds many values of importance to her, such as; equality, loyalty and friendship. As it's a new era, Dorothy hopes that the world would adopt more of the following values as it will hopefully give most an era of peace with that. 
Larrikin - Dorothy Townley is noted to be a rather mischievous young woman. Often considered uncultivated by members of higher society, she’s seemingly rowdy when comfortable around the right people, but always has a good heart. But she is also referred to as the other common meaning, which is a hoodlum or rough gangster, due to her rather decorative history and mysterious current. 
Endurance/Courage - The war tested many, and for the case of Dorothy, it tested her level of courage and endurance because in most people’s eyes she was still a child. Though she has a very well build for tolerance when she was forcibly removed from her home in York, and thrown into a house for troubled young women so she could learn some skills that were of better use. During the time she was trained to be a nurse, it was the last thing the young woman wanted to do and she tried to desert her detainment a few times, only to be caught and punished later on down the track. 
Her courage has come into play when times have been trying for her safety. This would include the time she was attacked by a drunk police officer in York, and she shot him dead after being dragged to the local hotel. Dorothy faced hanging until the true nature of the police officer was released and she was sent away to a home for troubled young women. Her brothers helped instil courage within her each time they were granted a chance to visit her. 
((OOC--Model is Unknown, if anyone has her name please let me know so I can source it))
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grumblebee-trilogy · 8 years
Ask meme: All of them!
@alexample living up to his “I want to hear all about you!” promise :D!!!
#2,5,12,30 already done. The rest of me is under the cut.
1.if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Listening to Symphonie Fantastique explains a lot. If you haven’t picked up already, its one of my most treasured things ever and kept me through some bad times.
3.list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. 
I guess for Turn it would be Ben? Need for validation and approval from daddy looking authority figures? Me. Has a bunch of friends who don’t follow directions too well? Me. Would probably dive head first into some pit despair if my best friend died? Me.
4.do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better? 
My name is plain and traditional, but paired with my middle name (also plain and traditional) it sounds a little more badass.
6.are you religious/spiritual?
No. My family is, and I just never felt it. Plus the people and gossip culture of church was not the best place for me: the gay as fuck altar server.
7.do you care about your ethnicity? 
I’m happy to have an Italian family that kept a lot of its traditions. I feel like that happens a lot with New York Italians, but its nice to feel like I was a part of that. I wished I had more of a connection to my Lebanese and Syrian family, but they were mostly dead/estranged before I was born.
8.what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? 
See above for Hector Berlioz. But also the band Gorillaz has a sound that I feel in my soul.
9.are you an artist? 
Yes! I paint and draw.
10.do you have a creed? 
11.describe your ideal day. 
It’s foggy, early spring or maybe autumn. I get to walk along the trail in the woods that leads to my tiny hidden house. It’s chilly and the mist makes my hair damp. I spend all day wrapped in a cozy blanket with some tea, drawing or reading, maybe a little tv. By night it rains and I can’t leave the house. My amazing wonderful gf is over, and we put on a little Matt Doyle and slow dance.Then eat junk food all night. Don’t ask how my house in the middle of nowhere has Wendy’s and Taco Bell. It does. We eat it.
13.inside or outdoors? 
Inside. Outdoors in small doses. Preferably from a window.
14.are you a musician? 
Yes, but I’ve been out of practice for a while. I miss my clarinet.
15.five most influential books over your lifetime. 
you know that feeling when someone asks what you want for your birthday and you can’t think of anything? Despite being a materialistic little thing? I’m experiencing it right now.
16.if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same? 
No, I’d be different. Not sure if it would be good or bad though.
17.would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”? 
Horny, annoying, complains about my old man back problems...yeah. That’s me.
18.what’s your patronus? 
A fox!
19.which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
20.would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? 
Middle Earth. I’m so short and hungry and fuzzy. I’m perfect for a hobbit.
21.do you love easily? 
Yes. If the wind blows just right I’ve fallen for someone. I am very eager to love.
22.list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. 
Personal sexy time
23.how often would you want to see your family every year? 
I see them once a week but I could do with once a month.
24.have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone? 
My best friend and I used to be on the same wave length, so that’s close.
25.could you live as a hermit? 
Yes. If I have internet and my dog, I really don’t need to go outside and socialize. Or see people at all.
26.how would you describe your gender/sexuality? 
cis woman, pansexual.
27.do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”? 
Not at all. I don’t have the money/will power/patience to present myself the way I feel I should.
28.on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
1, I’m extremely petty and easily inconvenienced
29.three songs that you connect with right now. 
Maintain the Madness-The Jane Austen Argument
This is Not An Exit- Beecake
Love Uncontrolled- Matt Doyle
Now you know a shit ton about a grumbly bee.Enjoy!
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marymuft · 7 years
Can’t Sleep Survey
Did you cry when you first watched Titanic? I think I teared up.
What was the last thing you did before doing this quiz? Peeing
What would your parents do if you came home with a tattoo? I have four. They just say “Lemme see it” now. 
Ever purposely broken your iPod/phone just for a new one? no.
Ever kissed someone with a tongue piercing? No.
Gotten high in the past 24 hours? :)
Has a friend ever made you extremely angry? Yes.
Are your parents divorced? Nope.
If you got kicked out, where would you go? Uhh. Well, I’d text Liz, Diane, Ashley, maybe Dana, and see if they could house me til Damion realizes he’s stupid.
If any of your friends got kicked out, would your parents let them stay with you? I’m sure they would have when I lived with them. They put up some of my brother’s friends.
You’re locked in a room with the last person who hurt you, what happens? I don’t know who that is right now? Ashley’s parents? It’d be fine, we’d play cards.
Injured someone in the last week? Not to my knowledge
Do you like Pokemon? I like the pokemans.
Would you get your feet tattooed? Did that already.
Have you kissed more than ten people this year? Nope.
Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mom talked about? What time Evelynn was coming over tomorrow.
Do you know people that smoke weed? Yep.
What was the most boring thing you did today? Woke up.
Last kiss drunk or sober? Not sober. 
How do you feel right now? I’m a little tired. Lil wired. Dry throat.
What were you doing last night at midnight? In my bed on my laptop.
You think that stars are people we lost? They’re just big balls of gas.
What are your plans for tonight? Go to sleep.
Is there any band/artist you would love to see right now? The Matches would be so cool to see.
What is/was your worst subject in school? I wasn’t really bad at any of the academic ones. But, GYM, if that counts.
When’s the last time you cried? I def cried this week. Probably... Tuesday.
Would it be more likely of you to fail science or math? Science.
Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? Only if it’s a serious conversation. 
Do you tell your parents everything? Nope.
Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? No, but I have gotten very different ones through the years.
Who do you think you look like? My mom
Name a flaw that you think you have: My teeth.
Name something that you like about yourself: I’m super compassionate.
What’s a word that you overuse? ���Okay”
Had a blast from the past recently? I’m in my parents house right now. So yeah.
Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yes
What’s something you want for your next birthday? Money. Lots of it. And a keyless entry lock.
Do you hate when people talk to you about their relationships? Nah. Unless it’s clear that it’s an inappropriate time or place.
What’s the last thing you said out loud? "Augh.”
Don’t you hate when you get hit on by creepers? Yes.
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t think I ever close my closet door.
Do your parents use coupons a lot? Not that I know of. I do thought. 
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Usually on stairs.
What are you doing right now? This. And deciding if I need to pee again.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. 5. Maybe a 6. 
Do you always seem to lose your bobby pins & hair ties? Nah, i’m pretty aware of them.
Have you ever clogged a public toilet? Friend’s place count?
Have you ever been followed by a stranger when walking home? No, cause then they went their own way.
Do you have any jewelry on currently that came from someone special? “You are my sunshine” ring from my mom.
Have you ever saw someone get run over? No.
Is it currently cold where you live? It’s actually like Hell outside.
Do you put pepper on almost everything you eat? I’m not very good at eating. 
Do you own more than 50 different colored eye shadows? I probably do actually... Maybe 30.
Do you always feel like people are staring at you in public places? Yes.
What’s one of your biggest fears? Being thought of as mean and uncaring.
Is there currently any food crumbs on your bed? Maybe.
Have you ever watched the show Bananas in Pajamas when you were young? Yes. It was one my favorite shows!
Do you ever get any compliments on your eye lashes? Yep. I was blessed with perfect ones. 
Do you own a pair of converse? Since middle school.
Would you rather be unhappy being single or unhappy being with someone? I would rather be unhappy being single. 
What is something obvious about you that everyone notices? ... Uhm. My fishnet stockings.
100 Things You May Not Have Known About Me…
or care to know about me, but here ya go anyway…
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Lemon vodka press probs. 
2. Do you follow college football? Nope. 
3. Who took this survey before you? ???
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message Damion
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? ...Uhm. Two weeks ago, if just feet count. 
6. Are you happy? Not usually.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? I went to Tom Thumb this afternoon.
8. How do you feel about your hair? It feels nice. I just washed it.
9. Where do you live? ATX bby.
10. Last thing you ate? Little Caesar’s cheese pizza.
11. Do you wish you were some place else right now? Yes and no. I want to be back in the morning. But, impossible givne distance of where I’d like to be.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Not really.
14. AIM or MSN? Was def an AIM kid.
15. What classes are you taking? Next semester I’m taking Graph Theory, Cirriculum, and uh... Specialized Content.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week? 30+
17. Who do you like right now? My dog.
18. Do you watch the olympics? Yeah.
19. Last restaurant you went to? Whole foods count?
21. Who was the last person to call you? My roommate.
22. What’s your sign? Sagittarius. 
23. Do you have a favorite number? 16. 
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? I bought a red nose.
25. What do you spend most of your money on? Food.
26. Where does most of your family live? ... Even spread of extended.
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Sibs.
31. Favorite kind of beer? Don’t dig that shit.  
32. Have you ever experienced true love? Yes.
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Nah. I mean I had some, but I wasn’t like super into it.
35. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook.
36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.
37. What is your favorite subject? I enjoyed the fuck out of DiffEQ.
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? Yes. Or just a better version of myself.
40. Are you an outcast in school? I felt like I was, but looking back I was not as much as I felt.
41. Last time you saw your parents? Like, 3 hours ago.
42. Do you have any talents? I’m good at teaching mathematics.
43. Ever been in a wedding? Flower Girl.
44. Do you have any godchildren? No.
45. Last movie you watched? I put on The Bucket List. But, I think the dark tower counts.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Yes.
47. Did you take a nap today? I woke up at 2. NO time for a nap.
49. Ever been on a cruise? Nope.
50. Favorite vacation spot? Snow places.
51. Favorite genre of music? Been grooving to indie alt. 
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Yeah.
53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.
54. Would you give your ex a second chance? No, doesn’t seem like a good idea.
55. Are you multi-tasking right now? Nah.
57. Could you handle being in the military? Not at all.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? I’m thirsty..
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Panera.
60. Favorite Nightclub? I love Highland. 
62. Do you own a camera phone? Yeppp.
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No.
65. Can you speak any other languages? Only a little Spanish. I’m only fluent in English.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Last month.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 20..
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? No, google photos?
69. Last place you were at? Tom Thumb.
70. What is your school mascot? Bobcat.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas Nope.
72. Ever been to Mexico for spring break? Nope.
73. Have you ever bought condoms? Yep.
74. Do you have any regrets? I have some.
75. What do you think is your best feature? My eyelashes.
76. Have you ever been gambling? Yeah, love me some Brittney Slots..
77. How old are your parents? 69 and 56.
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? Unclear. Never had any removed, but not sure if they were there in the first place.
80. Favorite place to be? My bed.
81. Have you ever been to New York City? Once, I need a redo
82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Idk. I go to a few. I always like Olive Garden breadsticks.
83. Ever been to Disney Land/World? Disneyland... I think. 
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Tina Belcher. 
85. Last thing you cooked? A microwave bowl of soup...
86. How is the weather today? Hot.
87. Do you e-mail? It is how academics communicate. Less awkward.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? My mom sent me a card. 
89. Favorite store? Target.
90. Are you dating someone right now? Nope.
91. Last voicemail you received. Momma.
92. Do you drunk dial? Nope. 
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped it in the toilet once. 
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? ATX is the best.
95. Favorite band? I’m gonna go with The Matches. Lyrics are perfect.
96. Last time you were sick? Had a sinus infection a few weeks ago.
97. Are you lactose intolerant or do you have IBS? Nope.
98. What’s the last concert you went to? Oh lord... Warped like. 7 years ago? I can’t remember. I haven’t been to one in a while unless you count happening upon ones as SXSW.
99. Ready for the weekend? I’m ready to see my little nugget of a niece.
100. What did you do last night? Got wired and did things.
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