#‘its a cult of personality not a cult cult’ - Maxson
theology101 · 5 months
Elder Maxson when he leaves his airship and sees all the weird shit Quintus is up to:
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lordsammichsilas · 12 days
I've been working on some comic stuff and decided to take a moment to write another piece about my favorite tin can soldier.
I've noticed a lot has been made about how Danse's vocabulary and how he speaks. A lot of fan wikis online attribute it to his being a synth. Piper even mentions it after the initial conversation with Maxson at the beginning of Blind Betrayal. MacCready will mention Danse is about as emotional as a bag of hammers, assuming it's due to Danse's synth nature.
The thing is, his being a synth isn't the reason he's like that. It's the Brotherhood.
Think about the other synths in Fallout 4. Nick, Sturges, and Magnolia for example. They speak like regular people. It's because they live among regular people of the Commonwealth. The only synths who speak in a robotic fashion are gen 1 and 2 synths. Gen 3 synths are indistinguishable from humans and get socialized as such.
Danse was in the Brotherhood where he had been a paladin for at least a decade. The most recent years of that are in Maxson's Brotherhood. Arthur Maxson and most of those loyal to him do not like outsiders and do not want the Brotherhood fraternizing with outsiders. Fiction and entertainment are contraband on the Prydwen, something that alienates soldiers from the people of the Commonwealth even more. It's the reason Danse calls movies a “moving picture show” and comics “illustrated manuscripts”. The Brotherhood is what alienates him from humanity, not his being a synth. If you only know existence as a soldier and you don't take interest in human things with other humans, you end up speaking like that. (Think about a lot of right wing weirdoes online talking about the objects of their moral panics and how they sound.)
Edit: another point I want to add here is that not only is he isolated from the rest of the populace due to being in the Brotherhood, but there’s a chance he’s isolated from the lower rank soldiers in the Brotherhood itself. In a structure with a strict hierarchy, I wouldn’t be surprised if high ranking officers fraternizing with knights and initiates is discouraged. You get the feeling that he’s never confided in anyone since Cutler died when speaking to him as the Sole Survivor.
Danse held a fairly high rank in the organization. One could expect him to be pretty literate and have a decent vocabulary. (There's also the common critique that the military is a cult in its own right and just mindlessly following orders turns you into a soulless robot to a certain extent). Danse is intelligent, but not particularly charismatic. He will openly admit he's not good at talking to people on a personal level because he has no experience with it. Also being a field commander of soldiers and being responsible for their lives requires you to keep a level head and not show emotions.
What I find interesting are the reactions all of the companions have to his being a synth. Even though he was kind of a dick to everyone during companion swap scenes, all of the non-humans (except Strong) are not only against executing him but seem all but willing to throw hands on his behalf. He was horribly rude to Nick and Hancock in particular, however Nick goes out of his way to empathize with Danse and Hancock basically tells Maxson to go do it himself.
With the human companions, MacCready and Cait support executing him. Piper is sympathetic, but still leans on a stereotype to make a comment about how he talks. Preston and even Deacon are against killing Danse, but their commentary after that scene are more about the nature of the Brotherhood itself rather than Danse's wellbeing.
This just goes to another reason I find the writing for FO 4 incredibly frustrating because the storytelling here is excellent. There's a lot of nuances and you actually learn things about the other companions and the world they live in from doing an entirely different companion's story. The solidarity the nonhuman characters show for a synth that was part of an organization that wants to eradicate them and he himself was pretty rude to them while the human characters' reactions are far more mixed is something we need to talk about more.
I'm not normally a huge supporter of redemption arcs mostly because I think they've become a bit overused and not every character necessarily deserves one. I think Danse does because he is someone who means well and fell in with the wrong group in the process. This could have been the start of a really satisfying character arc, but instead all development just stops after your last affinity conversation with him.
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sigurdjarlson · 2 years
Playing fo3 the last few weeks and it’s giving me so many thoughts on the BoS but even more questions about what happened during the 10 years between fo3 and fo4
I suppose they didn’t want to give concrete answers on some things since they want to give the illusion former players can have their own “canon” ending to some degree
But overall
- The BoS didn’t actually change that much in terms of their xenophobia towards non humans. The ghouls in underworld blatantly say they’ll fire at them for amusement not caring if they’re feral or not. And this is Lyons’ BoS
- The civil war between the outcasts and Lyons is genuinely interesting. It’s also interesting one of Maxson’s accomplishments is bringing the Outcasts back into the fold which brings into question what did he agree to in order to do this?
- Maxson actually does show some of Lyons’ influence in his policies. (He does care about the people of the commonwealth in his way, he accepts wastelanders, he says to trade tech for food and water and lend a hand occasionally,) BUT he also has the traditional BoS attitude towards non humans, basically a very “sacrifice a few for the greater good” attitude. He’s quite merciless towards deemed enemies.
- his soldiers refer to him as “compassionate” but say the institute will feel his wrath in the same sentence. So I think in that regard I think his rule is a lot of trying to balance Lyons policies with the traditional BoS mission.
- something happened to the Citadel “remember the Citadel” and both Elder Lyons and Sarah Lyons died at some point within those 10 years. Owen Lyons is remembered as weak and too charitable (danse says this himself)
- baby Maxson is so sweet and timid but the BoS being an army see this as a thing to be ironed out since it’s one of the reasons his mother sent him there in the first place. Never forget he wanted to be friends with liberty prime :(
- Lyons lamenting the fact that Maxson is a child being groomed “to be a killer by killers” and he wishes he could have an actual childhood makes me sad
- Maxson didn’t change the BoS drastically, he is a product of the BoS and whatever happened during those ten years (still fully responsible for his actions of course but I twitch a little when people say he made the BoS be terrible. They’ve always sucked)
- “they say my soul was forged in eternal steel but I don’t believe that, I’m really just a normal boy” never fails to make my heart hurt. Especially with the knowledge he resents being worshipped as a god and uproots those cults as a result
- “your words are kind..kinder than the ones I usually here.” I don’t think this is saying people are /mean/ to him per se but the BoS Is an army and there’s a detached nature to how they interact. Actual warmth and affection is absent here
- They dropped the ball with Maxson in fo4 to some degrees because they fail to show his internal motivations more obviously which could have made blind betrayal more poignant
- still think he should be a companion but I suppose it would be difficult for him to he going off with you willy nilly because of his position and responsibilities but it’s not like fallout is known for its realism
- He 16 when they put him in charge and is only 20 in fo4. He’s not even old enough to drink by our laws and they have him leading an entire army is it really a wonder he thought a nuke throwing robot would be really cool
He’s not a good person by any means but my point is there’s just a tragic nature to his character they could have really explored and I’m sad they didn’t
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falloutblight · 4 years
Okay. I am so tired but here we go. Fallout: ghost hole faction rewrites:
So it’s still Fallout 4. Which I know is a weak start but I wanna fix the factions. I want the Institute to be a transhumanist cathedral and Father’s fixation on synth production not to be an effort to simply transcend and control the wasteland but to transcend humanity at the cost of the wasteland. Like if this is the Commonwealth’s faction of prewar American leftovers, then I think that the immense self infatuation and entitlement to everything life provides you that is present in jingoistic fascist prewar America should fit in nicely as a thematic. The mindset that lead up to the apocalypse never truly left kind of thing. Plus like it’s nice and lovecraftian etc etc. I want the synths themselves to be a lot less human and a lot more android- esque like something that is very quickly revealed to be non human but still sentient and aware and autonomous. This way the conversation around what gen synths are deserving of saving within the railroad can be a lot more nuances because you can start with the whole ‘at what level of sentience does rescue become absolutely necessary’ etc.
As for the Railroad itself, man. Okay like it’s an important thing to call back to irt American history, clearly, but the handling of the Railroad and its ingame theming was atrocious. You can’t equate black enslaved people escaping capture to created synthetic life that can be utilised to harm others, it’s a very ugly comparison. So I think the Railroad should operate more along the lines of helping people in general escape the Commonwealth (seeing as it’s a big shithole) with Glory taking a leadership role in helping synths escape the Commonwealth and the Institute all at once. She deserves the air time and at least this way the Railroad serves it’s purpose without the racist allegory. Also the idea that the Institute uses the Commonwealth populous as experiment fodder, as living material to be used as they see fit and hence are not allowed to leave the Commonwealth makes them a lot more fun and creepy.
The Minutemen should be an anarchist collective. Bite me. Preston is an anarchist revolutionary now, as God meant him to be. Idealists, protectors, community support. The Institute as a faction may not be actively known about but the Minutemen know that there’s something out there, aside from the deathclaws, that settlements need to be protected from. Think of them as a more trigger happy Followers of the Apocalypse. Tired and rugged, people who have shouldered protecting the folk of the Commonwealth from its wasteland dangers and do so with an exhausted smile. Can throw together a house from rubble and defend a settlement from a raider attack with a handful of molotovs and a can-do attitude. Few and far between but massively talented people if you can find em.
There should be. 👏 A supermutant faction. We are not arguing over this, it’s right and just. No more ‘ugg gonna blow up settlement for human flesh’. We’re adults. OG super mutants are WAY. more interesting and fleshed out that fo4’s- admittedly scarier- supermutants. With the themes of a transhumanist cult utilising the commonwealth as labrats and the factions within desperately fighting against that, I kind of like the idea of supermutants being the ones left behind, experiments gone wrong, who managed to get free and now roam the wasteland as outsiders. They can have an actual culture that isn’t just. Shit and blood? They can be nomadic, wandering from place to place because they’re usually not welcome at human settlements. They can have massive insight into the Institute and you could even have a quest aligning them within the minutemen’s protection. Thematically they’re a wildcard but also products of nationalistic ego outstripping the discarded elements it leaves behind.
Goodneighbour should be its own faction. You can’t just have the worlds worst written anarchist collective and then just. Have nothing meaningful to add to it. A settlement that accepts anybody that has multiple communal leaders that each have a say in how things are governed. Hank doesn’t roleplay as a slaveowner anymore, soz ked. He also didn’t become a ghoul through drug use, I hate that, he just got the radioactive clap like everyone else and turned that way. It’s a collective of dropouts and people who regard themselves as lost causes but whom together support and protect one another. It can still have it’s shadowy elements, Marowski deserves a bigger role than the one he gets. Perhaps he’s the element within Goodneighbour that needs routing, you have a quest chain with him of doing progressively worse shit until you can either kill him (and make goodneighbour an enemy of his allies) or keep him around as a political puppet.
As for the Brotherhood. Jesus, okay. Rogue element, first and foremost. Sarah is alive because I’m a dyke. Maxson is a little shit who went rogue to the commonwealth in the hopes of building up numbers and strength before returning to the capital to take out Sarah for good. Sarah was maybe betrayed personally by Maxson and is now on the hunt for Maxsons’ head. She’s a companion you can meet and romance. She’s emotionally distant but clearly has a connection to you she can’t resist. She’s physically powerful and jacked as shit. But with you she’s gentle, she’s- okay so I have a thing for tall powerful women. But you get the idea, maxson comes to the commonwealth as a fascist bullyboy but with Sarah’s help you take the little shit down and on the way you can convince Sarah that synths are no longer just technology out of control when they’re also fully sentient. Okay so maybe this is all an elaborate plan to get Sarah Lyons to fall in love with me. But listen. It will work.
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dinopant · 4 years
I know like if we ever even got a fo3 remake it wouldn't be made how I would want it to be AT ALL it surely would only fix some bugs and make it look prettier
But the game would improve ten folds with just a lil bit more added to it...
Like more things in the world that I can fix, sick or how much shit is a character going "my life in terrible :(....... to bad you literally can't do anything physically to help me, bye'
A bigger thing like, I would want lyons pride to be more detached from the BoS. I would love some quest that is conflict directly between the pride and the outcast! I want the pride to be a group of people who relized that the BoS is a fucking cult and their like agenda to the waste is dangerous! And totally peeling away and taking their aesthetic and technology with them to be the prisw and do good. Lyon wanting to make up for his years of working for the brotherhood. Also maybE a slight insight into why maxson ends up how he is in 4?? Idk it just feels really under developed and him being the leader in 4 more feels like 'wow! Its that kid from 3... cool' and thats is
But more than anything the companions
I would KILL for them to have a new vegas or fo4 style to the companion system, no fucking karma shit hate that. But doing stuff to recruite them, convincing them to come along with you. And then having real companion question, things that further the companions along. (Also romance but thats because im a sucker and love romance...)
Like it always felt that butch was the only companion to have any sorta like companion quest with him trying to get out of the vault.
But charon shoulda gone further to totally free him from his contract and let him make hia own decisions and be his own person
Fawkes felt very blank, like there was maybe something there but just more or less was just a friend with not a lot going there
Star paladin could had a wholw companion quest about the depth of the pride and even could led to like conflict between the outcast and the pride. I jusr love star and wish she was given more by the game and the fans of the game
Jericho should just not exist, just should be dead. And we should have had??? Amata as a companion?? It doesn't make sense that amata isn't a companion at all?
Clover shouldn't be evil, for a lot of fucking reasons. Her whole existence is a fucking nightmare. The fact that she is listed as an evil companion while also being a brain wash sex slave AND you literally cannot??? HELP? Her??? You can only have her as a slave or kill her! It's terrible let me fuckiny help her?? (Not to mention that I had to learn her race in the geck is listed as Asian which seems not great with the rest of her character i feel)
I think the Sergent robot is stupid bUT probably coulda been a lil bit of a funny companion if tweaked slightly. Like if he was more made in a satirical light I think it coulda been funny.
Also not anything to do with the main game but the dlcs like Anchorage and zeta need to not being terrible. Anchorage was the most boring piece of crap I liteeally forgot it existed until yesterday. I think we didn't need a whole dlc for a bit of history we could just been told or read about.
Zeta had VERY fun concept of being abducted into an alien space ship that you then break out of and take over but the dlc is so long and drug out and boring and I got lost and stuck in it so fucking much i literally came to hate that dlc. They managed to make the alien abduction dlc so fucking boring hello??
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atombombbaby · 6 years
I mean, speaking as an ex-soldier, I find the FO4 Brotherhood of Steel pretty ridiculous. They’re like cosplayers who THINK they’re soldiers, believe that “might makes right,” and who THINK that they know what’s best for everyone, even where they’re not wanted. Like, if you listen to comments from people in the Commonwealth, NOBODY wants them there. Hell, they’re even okay with taking settlements by force, and openly talk about how they took over the operation of Project Purity in DC as a condition of protection. Basically, they’re high-tech, slightly-better-structured raiders with no real discipline except that which comes with adherence to a fanatical leader. (They remind me of the US trying to “spread democracy” by overthrowing other governments and installing dictators.)
“We have to conquer the Commonwealth in order to free it from the Institute.” Uh, yeah... right. You mean you need to conquer the Commonwealth to feed Maxson’s massive ego. (Don’t even get me started on their ludicrous command structure.) Obeying the tenet of “do as I say without question” does not on its own connote discipline.
I mean, I know it’s a game, but especially as an author, I like to see a little thing called verisimilitude, and if Bethesda’s goal was to make the BoS look like a reasonably well organized and disciplined fighting force, they failed miserably for anyone who has ACTUALLY been part of such a force. And ideologically...Hell, the BoS is barely a step above the Children of Atom.
Take away the BoS’ scavenged tech, and they’re less than nothing. Hell, even WITH their scavenged tech, they’re not much. I mean, Danse--who I really like personally, btw, and who has genuinely good intentions despite the insane cult leader he follows--is such a crappy leader with such crappy, untrained, undisciplined “soldiers” under his “command” that despite power armor and laser rifles, he loses most of his squad in territory your recently-thawed survivor-cicle strolls through with a vault suit, some shitty, scavenged raider armor, a .38 pipe rifle, a 10mm pistol, and a dog.
The Minutemen impress me far more, because they may not have the best gear, and may not always know what they’re doing, but damn it, they don’t CLAIM to be an invincible Final Authority. They are exactly what they say they are: an all-volunteer force whose ONLY objective is to defend settlements from threats. That’s it. Not tell them what to do, but just keep them safe. Don’t want to join? Fine, they’ll protect you anyway.
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(Almost) all my Fallout OCs
because I can
Casey Lee Loomis
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Location: Appalachia, Vault 76, Forest Region
Age: 35
Casey is outgoing, hyperactive, a social butterfly and sexual liberated little minx. He entered Vault 76 with his parents at the age of 10. (Rumor had it that Casey had his way paid but Casey passed the examinations fairly and properly) However, he never performed exceptionally in the vault career programs and was remained childish in personality in the close-knit village environment. Life was comfortable in the vault and the outside it seemed a million years away. Romantically, he had multiple partners. Bordem, a perpetual need for attention, and raging hormones had him starting his exploration at 15 with the vaults library intern and he experimented from then thereon. He married the head physician, Robert Covington, at 29. They separated at Robert’s request one month before Reclamation Day and left Casey stunned and hurt.
The Vault doors opened in late October, Casey left alone and met Nate Cortez mid-November by sheer accident. Being his first human interaction outside the Vault, Casey sticks to this half-feral man like Wonderglue and regales him with cheerful word vomit day and night. One way or another, they spend the rest of their lives together. They rejoin the Brotherhood in the west and eventually abandon it for a life similar to what they had in Appalachia. Casey leaves behind his two children and their mother.
Canonically, Casey kills Robert early 2103 out of unexplored hurt and rage then conceals the crime in the nearby river. 
Senior Scribe Grise
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Location: Commonwealth, Prydwen, Citadel
Age: 38 (yikes)
Grise is a cryptic, zealous, and eclectically perverse snake of a man whose sees both his existence and eventual death as plights of a martyr. He is a direct descendant of Casey Lee Loomis but, as with the entirety of his family line, has disowned his name. Grise is the last in a long line of scribes with little over 150 years of generational dedication to the cause. He has no children or spouse. 
He’d always been an outspoken fundamentalist and loyal Maxson-line supporter, earning him the chance to join the transport party that escorted the young Maxson to the highly-respected Lyons. At the Citadel, he faded int the background of a well-established hierarchy, slowly making a name for himself by fair means, waiting all the while the day the young Maxson might take control. 
His slow descent into madness began after Squire Maxson’s encounter with the Deathclaw. Feeding off the buzz over this seemingly impossible victory, he discreetly shared his views on the dynamic purity of the Maxson line and its necessity for a successful future. Under the cover of back-door think tanks turned sermons and coded radio chatter, the Cult of Maxson grew. Grise did not directly influence any political maneuvers but cultivated a volatile environment. 
His views of Arthur Maxson had gone from respected prince to indomitable diety, unable to see Arthur Maxson’s true moral code and regards the Elder’s distaste for him as a test of loyalty and passion. 
Anita Stallworth
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Location: Appalachia, The Mire, Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Age: 39
Anita is confident, sharp-witted, hard-boiled by necessity, and hungry for control of her future. She was born in Maryland but moved with her family to West Virginia while she was still young. Appalachia was an up and coming area that attracted her family with its scenic landscape and lively political circle. The bombs dropped when she was fourteen and home alone. Her father was away on “business” and her mother was having spa treatments done at Whitesprings. Neither one was heard from again. 
While ransacking her mansion, members of the Free States found, took her in and raised her into young adulthood at Harpers Ferry. Despite her dispel of them, she grew to respect their tenacity but hated the isolationist life. She left them for an exhaustive journey to investigate Whitesprings for info about her mother and found the place clean and empty. After that, she spent a decade wandering in and out of Appalachia, mostly sticking to the Mire and Cranberry Bog, assisting the various groups for a quick cap and never committing to any one creed. She worked as a hired gun at Fort Defiance until orders got too expensive for their taste. 
Out to find the next bigger and better thing that might give her the edge, She finds her way into the Enclave after Robert(who is supposed to be dead but I can have AUs okay) has already established his position and quickly rises past him in rank to General. She remains in power with Enclave. 
Robert Covington
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Location: Appalachia, Vault 76, Enclave Bunker, transient
Age: 47 
Robert is cold, analytical, immensely reserved about his predilections, and cares more for prestige and security than anything. He entered the vault at 21, not entirely finished with medical school but flash trained at the last minute by VTU for the role of Physician in Vault 76. His parents: Mother being an investment broker and father a steel mogel with a military contract, did not make the cut for entry. Leaving them behind, and their constant pressure for acceptance, was a small relief to Robert.
In the vault, he was private and kept to himself in downtime. Interacting briefly with others only at social events and holidays. An occasional drink and rare sweet were his small pleasures, along with old westerns and jazz music. Casey and he met by way of a routine eye exam with Casey complaining of poor vision. Casey’s impulsive energy, bold speech, and flash-bulb eyes attracted and excited him. Going against his limited morals and instead of recommending Casey’s to another doctor, he forged records to reflect necessary medical treatment to allow for extended private time and constant access to his patient, much to Casey’s enjoyment. At the peak of their secret affairs, he placed Casey on a homebound quarantine with access restricted only to himself. The Overseer caught wind of the quarantine by word of mouth and demanded an explanation as to why the quarantine was not reported. When she seemed unconvinced by his excuses and suspicious “records”, he attested that Casey and himself were in love and feared they’d be judged too harshly for their relationship. She believed him only after speaking with Casey directly but, only barely so. 
To keep up appearances, Robert remained with Casey as a husband for six years until a month before Reclamation Day, considering Casey a liability to his survival in the wasteland. Canonically, he is killed by Casey within a year. Nonconically, he joins the Enclave after failing to be a successful wasteland doctor with Nate as a hired bodyguard and becomes Anita Stallworths personal chew toy.  
Horace Beaufort
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Age: 58
Horace is an ex-resident of vault 51. How he managed to escape the vault continues to be a matter of discussion and debate. I speculate that his role in the vault was to stir the pot or take advantage of chaos. He killed several of his fellow vault dwellers before leaving the said vault. 
His prewar life was not glamorous. He enlisted young and was dishonorably discharged for fighting a fellow soldier in a bar. He called it “working out their differences” and they called it misconduct. The whole thing became a monkey he let sit on his back his whole life and refused to come back from. He saw pockets of brief jail time for more public disturbances and drunken disorderly, “dabbled” in drugs and tried his hand at married life. He has two adult children he barely knows and an ex-wife that hates his guts.
A post-vault world led him into an equally unglamorous attempt at raider life. He fell in with the Gourmands for a brief period as a “hunter”. He abandoned them all as the gangs began feuding. Somewhere in there, he met his best friend, Duke. @avaleon
He now lives in the forest region in an old shack selling old armor and eating anyone that happens to come around when he is hungry. Did I forget to mention he is a cannibal? 
Milo Orson
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Location: Commonwealth, Spectacle Island
Age: 36
Milo is career-minded (Elder Maxson’s favorite flavor of solider), a dry-humored freelance mercenary turned passionate Knight. His hobbies include killing undesirables on and off the clock and building secluded settlements for R&R.
While Paladin Danse had tank-like capabilities, Milo was more stealthy and the two complemented each other’s styles to make for a powerhouse two-man team. Sharing similar past times, the men enjoy each others company outside the battlefield at Milo’s personally designed Spectacle Island settlement for fishing, sparring, reading, and in-depth discussions. Milo designed and built a top floor suite for the Elder in the Airport, complete with its own shooting range and full bathroom. The Elder politely refused the gift and repurposed it for storage. 
Despite his odd and indirect advances, Milo was the mastermind and main supporter of a black-body-suited shadow squad that gained Elder Maxson’s approval. Unofficially consisting of Paladin Danse, Knight-Commander Alton, Elder Maxson himself, and Senior Scribe Grise, this squad was loosely inspired by and created to emulate the disbanded Lyons Pride. The mission remained constant: eliminating hostiles seemingly overnight when no other squad would prevail. The shadow squad was titled Purity Control.
Senior Scribe Grise was forcibly removed from the squad after being caught taking night watches on missions just to stare at the Elder while he slept. 
Vance Ainsley Alton
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Location: Commonwealth, Citadel, Prydwen
Age: 38
Vance A. Alton is fiercely loyal, gentle in all things but war, cautiously private and confident in his skills as a soldier. He is a second generation Brother that has three constant loves: his Elder, his parents, and jogging. 
Full bio here.
Jacob or “Jay”
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Location: Commonwealth, Prydwen, Sanctuary
Jacob is somewhere between a blown fuse and a Furby with dying batteries that cheerfully declares your impending death from the closet you tried to suffocate it in. He is immensely charismatic and flawlessly disarming with the best of intentions. Until you have something he wants, of course.
 After surviving the end of the world to wake up childless, spouseless, and alone, he became numb to consequence and moral choice. Joyfully, he played all factions against each other, bringing them together at the Battle of Bunker Hill at the cost of lives, intelligence, valuable resources, and relationships. He was commanded to choose his loyalties and he chose the Brotherhood for it’s unapologetic adherence to its duty to humanity. He attempted to continue relations with the Minutemen and lost their respect after participating in the killing of innocents in the attack on the Institute. He became Elder Maxson’s first Sentinal and drinks with Proctor Teagan in his downtime. As a side project, he oversaw the creation a tavern just outside the airport with the Brotherhood reaping benefits from the small economy that surrounds it.
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Location: Commonwealth, The Castle
Jelly is known only as thus and was previously married to Jacob. She is trusting and fair in her judgments and has a strong sense of justice for both the human and nonhuman. She survives the cryogenics unbeknownst to Jacob and joins the Minutemen after the fall of the Institute and the Brotherhood assumes control of the Commonwealth. Provoked to rage and hurt by their narrow-minded views, she attacks the Prydwen single-handedly, separate of any faction or companion. She massacres the entirety of the ship, sparing only children, and takes the Captain’s hat and Elder’ s Jacket as trophies. She is appointed the new general of the Minutemen and wears her trophies boldly as proof of her conquest. She finds new love and comfort with Preston and long-lasting friendship in Curie and MacCready. 
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