#‘can’t have a woman lose to a man’ wow you haven’t seen any of these fight scenes have you
shellyseashell · 2 years
I literally can’t take any willow criticism seriously there’s so much sexism it’s almost funny
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For the prompt ask, what about a plot-reversal(?) of HIADT? Instead of Magnus, it's Alec who is in a coma, and Magnus should decide if he let them turn off the equipment or not - if he is capable of let go of his husband or not
“Dr. Bane?”
Magnus is busy tending to the wounds that he misses his names. He knows doctors find doing sutures tiresome and boring. But Magnus likes it. He likes the time it takes to do them. People don’t realise but the technique you put into your sutures decides whether a patient will have scars on them or not.
His life’s been tainted with scars. Magnus doesn’t hate them but he knows how crucial it is to care about them.
“Dr. Bane?” Someone calls him again, pulling him out of his stupor.
“Yeah?” He finally says.
“Do we need to get the tests done?”
Magnus nods. “Yes. We might need a CT scan. I’m almost done with the dressing, then you can take her.”
He turns towards Ms. Braganza. She’s 60 years old and a regular patient. He’s not a fan of regular patients because it’s his job to make sure no one comes back to them. But it’s not always possible. She has Alzheimer’s and living alone. It often gets her in trouble.
“I don’t want to see you again for another two months, okay?” He says seriously. “You’re beautiful but we can’t go on like this.”
The woman feigns offence. “Wow, Dr. Bane. I thought what we had was special.”
Magnus grins at her. “It is. But as you know, I’m married. This can’t go on for long.”
Ms. Braganza has a mischievous smile on her face as she replies. “Fine. Only because I like that husband of yours. Anyways, where is he? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
The smile on his gave disappears. “He’s sick.”
“Oh. Then what are you doing here? Go take care of that sweet man of yours.”
Magnus gives her a smile. “Yeah.” He wants to go take care of his husband too. If it was up to Magnus, he’d never leave Alec’s side. But he also knows that if he doesn’t do his job, he’ll lose his mind.
He gets called into another surgery and and by the time he is free, he’s exhausted in a way it reminds him of his residency.
But he knows it’s got nothing to do with the physical labour and everything to do with his heart.
When he sits by Alec’s side, he feels a bit calm. Steady. He always does in Alec’s presence.
“Hi, darling,” he whispers as he kisses his husband’s forehead. “Ms. Braganza asked for you.”
He doesn’t get a response.
“You know, if you don’t wake up soon, I might just run away with her,” he chuckles which turns into a dry sob. “Please, wake up, Alexander. I miss you.”
Magnus puts his head next to the space near Alec’s waist and dozes off there.
He’s shaken from his sleep by a hand on his shoulder.
It’s Jem.
“Hey, Magnus.”
It’s never a good sign to see Jem these days. Magnus has always admired Jem, for he was the only one out of all their friends that Magnus could trust Alec’s life with. He could trust everyone else too, but he couldn’t trust them to be impartial in their judgements.
Jem could.
They exit the room and Magnus pretends like his heart isn’t beating rapidly. He’s been dying for a while now but in some moments, when he’s talking to Alec’s doctors, it feels like he’s dying faster.
Being a doctor himself has only worsened this for him.
“Jem, please. Whatever it is, don’t bullshit around it,” he pleads.
Anytime Magnus gets any bad news, Alec’s there to hold his hand. It’s ironic that he can do it right now and it still won’t work.
Jem’s face turns sad when he says and Magnus can already feel the impending heartbreak, can already feel the world ending.
Or maybe it already did.
“I’m sorry, Magnus. But I don’t think there’s anything more we can do. I think you need to let him go.”
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
The Beard
Smol Jaune AU
Pyrrha: A mining mission… You know I thought we clear out mines, and the like, not help guard one.
Ren: Why is that, it seems pretty bog standard Hunter Mission.
Pyrrha: Still, just not what I thought we would be doing today.
Nora: I want to be smashing stuff…
Ren: You always want to be smashing something, Nora.
Nora: I know, but still…
Pyrrha: Oh! There’s Team Rwby; lets ask them if they have seen, Jaune.
Ren: Good idea, We’re getting no where trying to find him on our own.
Pyrrha: Hey, guys!
Ruby: Hey, Pyrrha! How goes the patrol?
Pyrrha: It’s fine, but have you seen, Jaune?
Yang: Is something wrong?
Pyrrha: Kinda… We lost him…
Weiss: How did you lose him?
Ren: We don’t know; one second we were walking about the camp, Jaune was looking at some tools, Pyrrha, and I had to stop, Nora from getting into a fight…
Blake: What was the fight about?
Nora: Someone dared to say waffles were better than pancakes! I needed to correct them…
Weiss: Ahh… Typical…
Pyrrha: And, by the time we looked back, Jaune was gone.
Yang: Weird, it’s not like Lover Boy to just walk off like that…
Blake: Did he say anything before he left?
Ren: No, he just disappeared.
Ruby: Well, we haven’t seen him… Maybe one of the miners saw him?
Blake: It’s a good enough place to start.
Pyrrha: Okay, let’s try that… Umm… E-Excuse me?
Miner #1: Can we’s help ya?
Pyrrha: We’re looking for our team leader; His name is, Jaune Arc, about five feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, sorta looks like a knight in white armour.
Miner #1: Can’t reckon aye’s seen anyone like that before…
Miner #2: Could da’s be talken about da new foreman?
Miner #1: Well, he is a mighty small fella… Can’t say if he be a blond though, on account he be wearing his helmet all da time…
Miner #2: Good as place as any to start.
Pyrrha: Where might we find this foreman of yours?
Miner #2 Boss should be around the front of da mine…
Miner #1: Good luck, little Miss.
Pyrrha: Why thank you!
Yang: Wow, they actually talked to you, we tried to talk to one, and she told, Weiss to ‘piss off…’
Weiss: Uncouth slobs.
Nora: That’s just, Pyrrha for you!
Pyrrha: Oh, stop it~!
Ruby: Ahh look! There’s a group of miner’s huddled over there, maybe one of them can help us find, Jaune.
Pyrrha: Okay, umm, excuse me; We were…?!
: What do ya bloody mean, you lost da damn dust vain!
Ren: W-What the?
Weiss: Wait… Is that, Jaune?
Ruby: It can’t be…?
Jaune: I told ya bleedn’ gits! You need ta mark where the fockin’ vein is!
Miner #3: We’re sorry, boss! We accidentally lost the mark, while we were blastin…?!
Jaune: BLASTING?! Didn’t I tell ya fuckers not to use any ‘splosive’s! One wrong placement, and you’d turn da whole mountain into yer graves!
Miner #4: But, we needed to make room for da mining equipment!
Jaune: Den’ pick up your fockin’ pick, and make room for it, you lazy bastards!
Miner #4: R-Right, sorry, Boss…
Jaune: ALRIGHT!! Listen up, you bunch of lazy bastards! We’s got a deadline to meet! And, if you lazy bastards don’t get to work on it, dem’ Atlasian whore-sons from the SDC, are gonna come over ‘ere, and royally fuck us over! And, I for one, ain’t gonna let that happen! The only one who’s gonna get fucked over, is that Jacquess motherfucker, when I show his wife how a real man fucks! Now get to work, and lets shatter some dust!!!
Miner’s: RAHHHHHHH!!!!
Ren: Okay… When did, Jaune become the foreman…
Ruby: And, where did that beard come from; He was clean shaven only a few hours ago?!
Pyrrha: Oh, such a full bread~! I thought, Jaune was quite charming before, but now… That’s such a rugged look on him. Mmm~!
Yang: And, those muscles… W-When did he become so swol?! Oh, I want to lick the sweat righ of of them~! Mmm~! Mommy likey~!
Blake: No, do me instead! I can be better woman for you than any, Schnee bitch, Master~!
Weiss: Excuse me?!
Ruby: W-What’s going on!
Nora: Jaune’s short stature, plus being stuck around a mine, and mining equipment has effected his mind! Jaune has now become a mining crazed, Dwarf!
Ruby: She’s kidding right…?
Ren: Well…
Nora: Dwarven Miner for life bitches!
Jaune: Oi! Put on a helmet before ye go into da mines ya git! NOW!
Nora: Yes sir, sorry sir!
Jaune: Den get back ta work!
Nora: Right away sir!
RR: …
Ruby: Okay… He’s gone full on dwarf… Now what?
Weiss: Excuse me, but are we going to ignore the fact where he threatened to bed my mother?!!
Yang: Only after he does us first~!
Pyrrha: DIBS! I go first!
Blake: Naww… I wanted to go first…
Weiss: …
Weiss: What the fuck…?
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risquefanfics457 · 2 years
Josuke watches Titanic
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The day was cooling off, it was summer. Thankfully the summer nights had been more bearable than the day when it came to the heat. “Okay, babe,” Josuke flops onto the loveseat with a huge bowl of popcorn. You grin and slide a CD case into his view.
“Yep! It’s a favourite of mine! I watch it whenever somebody I know hasn’t seen it!”
“So how many times have you watched it?”
“Uh, at least 8 times now.”
“Huh, well it can’t be that long then…” He looks at the running time on the back, “Whoa, hold up! 3 hours?”
“And thirty minutes.” You add helpfully.
“Hold on, you’ve spent… 24 hours of your life watching this?”
“28.”You correct and slide over next to him. “The more you watch it, the better it seems to get. Like the propeller guy-!” You snicker. “And it’s even better if you can watch it with somebody who’s never seen it!”
“Are you sure? You want to push that Titanic watching time to 31 hours?”
“Of course, I want you to see this. Think of it as a… test.”
He turns his head, “A test? Or more like a challenge?” He perks up.
“How about a competition? I think we both know the ship sinks, so the first one to cry loses.”
“You’re so on.”
You take the disk from the box and slide it into the CD player, “Don’t get so cocky now, Josuke. A big strong man like yourself can handle a tragedy?”
“Are you kidding? You haven’t even seen me shed a tear.” He laughs
You plunk back down next to him and steal some popcorn, “Remember last week when you stubbed your toe on a set of stairs?”
“T-that’s not emotional crying!”
You shake your head with a smile, “You don’t need to act tough, y’know.”
“I don’t need to act tough if I am tough.”
You lean your head onto his shoulder, “Alright, tough guy.”
(From here on it’s pretty much commentary)
“Nice. Paramount. They make good movies, right?”
“Shh.” You smile
“Hey, wait a minute. They’re not even on the ship? What gives?”
“Give it 15 minutes or something.”
“There isn’t anything in that safe.”
“Ho, wait. There is something. Oh, tiddies.” He points
“Tiddies.” You repeat chuckling
“What’s this biz about a necklace?”
“Oh it's worth like a shit ton of money. They think it went down with Titanic.”
“Old lady?”
“Old lady.” You smirk
“Old lady.” He repeats
“Old lady.” You repeat again
“OLD LADY!” He hollers
“Wait, those tiddies were the old lady’s?”
“Yep, old lady tiddies.”
“Dude, that douche is going to trigger Old Lady’s PTSD.”
“I love how her name is Old Lady.”
“Well, what is the old lady's name?”
“Rose!” You guffaw.
“Tell us the story behind the tiddies, Rose.”
“Oh, my god.”
“It’s been 84 years? Jesus, Old Lady is old.”
“Okay, see. That’s a ship!”
“Whoa! Old Lady is looking young!”
“Rose.” You correct laughing
“Smoking is bad for you kids.”
“So he won the tickets?”
“Shit, dude. Better start running.”
“Wave goodbye to your family! It’s the last time you’ll ever see them!” You cut in
“Wow, that’s morbid.”
You wave your hand dismissively, “Ah, yes. The steam room.”
“Let me guess, babe. It’s steamy.” He raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, no. It gets steamy elsewhere.”
“Hold up, is this like R rated?” “Um, depends on who you ask.”
“I think I’m going to like this.”
“He’s the king of the world.”
“Rose, what did I just say about smoking?”
“Who are those guys?”
“That guy is her rich fiance, and the older woman with red hair is her mom. The other rich dudes can be put into 2 different categories. 1. Good man, happens to have money. 2. Rich dude is an asshole.”
“Ha, Rohan proves that point quite well.”
“Oh, look. Eye contact.”
“Eye contact is important in any relationship.”
(This is followed by a staring contest)
“Hey, is Rose depressed?”
“Well, it’s complicated, see-”
“Whoop, nevermind she’s going to throw herself off the back of the boat.”
“No, you’re distracting me!~” He mocks Rose
“Alright, so Jack is a good guy. I think this pretty much solidifies it.”
“She’s wearing heels, Jack.” Josuke tries to warn Leo di Caprio
“The heels.”
“Oh, that looks bad from her fiance’s point of view.”
“Propellers…” You snicker
“Oh, there’s the necklace. Dang, it’s pretty chunky. She’d look so much better in something… cheaper. Like, not like, bad. But like complementary. Like some simple necklace, not some hunk of diamond like that. The weight alone could sever her head off her shoulders.”
“Okay, creepy vibes coming from the fiance.”
“Okay, rapey vibes coming from the fiance.”
“You saved my life! Get off my side of the ship!~”
“No, no. Ew. No spitting. Guys. No…”
“Yeah, he looks good, but a pomp would do him some good.”
“Good toast.”
“Okay, that’s a party.”
“Ha, my mom tried to get me into ballet as a kid.”
“What!?” You almost double over in a laughing fit
“Okay, flipping the table wasn’t cool. I wanna punch this guy.”
“And her mom is siding with him? Oh, my god.”
“Don’t marry for money! Marry for love!” 
“Okay, but that flying scene. That was perfection.”
“That went from romantic to depressing.”
“And a nice pair at that.” You say
“Agreed, wait what?”
“RUN! Bad man’s gonna catch you.”
“Somebody give him the finger.”
“You like the car scene?” You pry
“It gives me some ideas.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
*Gasp* “They found the tiddies.”
“Aw. Hey, those guys should be keeping an eye out for icebergs.”
“You’re all fucked.”
“No, Rose. Believe Jack. Rose? Goddammit!”
*Suddenly there is a hole in the TV where Cal’s face was*
“Huh, I didn’t think you’d get that mad,” You say
The tv seems to fix itself and the movie plays.
“I don’t think she knows how to use an ax.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“Wow, okay. It actually worked.”
*At this point he stops talking and is super invested*
After a long silence “My heart will go on” plays
“....... Jack.. dies.”
He finally turns to me with a waterfall of tears going down his face, and he is a blubbering mess.
“Oh, baby.” You wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He continues to cry at the death of his favourite character and the fate of Rose.
“Ugh, she could’ve moved her fat ass overrrrr…”
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Promise of Rain
A/n finally writing that Kaz Brekker x reader angsty-fluff where the reader is all sunshine-y and Kaz is dramatic as always lol 
Might make this a blurb series bc i like this dynamic so much lol
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x sunshine-y reader 
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Kaz has a conversation with the reader (who’s a runaway princess) about what happens to people who stay near him. 
He once said that he didn’t believe in Saints. A moment later he conceded that perhaps they existed in order to appease Inej, but he was quick to tact on that if Saints existed they didn’t care about him. Inej and I had exchanged a look, she pleaded with me in silence to let him be. I opened my mouth despite the look in her eyes, but he had walked away before I could get any words out. 
He believes that the Saints don’t care about him, but as soon as he was dragged in by Jesper, bleeding and more broken than usual, it had started to rain. The rain is a promise. The rain is a sign that he will wake up. 
I tap a finger against the forgotten book on my lap, ignoring the dried blood I’ve been too anxious to wash off. When Kaz wakes up he’ll either scold me or partially tease me for waiting here by his bedside. The rain continues, cascading down invisible hope. 
“Save your prayers, even for you the Saints won’t regard me.” Kaz. His voice is raspier than it should be and his slight condescension is blighted by the tired flatness of it. But it’s him. He’s speaking. 
I tear my gaze away from the window, almost forgetting to tamper down my relief before finally looking at him. I haven’t known him long enough to see him in any level of defeat, but I’ve heard enough stories. The fictional exaggeration of those that fear him have made him seem so immortal. Some part of me must have internalized that because to see him like this, to see him so human is too intimate. 
“Don’t be so narcissistic.” Something about Kaz always leaves me feeling challenged, like each comment is some kind of dare. I adjust my posture. “I wasn’t praying because I knew you’d be okay.” 
His expression is unchanging. “So much faith in me?” 
There’s a soft edge to his words, an attempt to twist some kind of awkward denial out of me. Some days I don’t think Kaz enjoys anything and then other days I think he enjoys any misstep in my words. 
I shrug, pushing down the flood of relief still attempting to crawl out of my chest. “You’re always okay.” I scratch the back of my wrist idly. “It seems the safe bet.” 
“Don’t tell me you’ve been taking gambling advice from Jesper.” 
I half roll my eyes. “No--Jesper and I don’t play together anymore.” I let out an easy sigh. “Last time I beat him he bordered on a hissy fit.” There’s the slightest hint of upturning at the corners of his lips. “I should go tell Jesper and Inej you’re awake.” 
“I think you should change out of that dress first.”
He was more likable when I thought he might die at any second. “Wow--Kaz Brekker the professional stylist.” He has no right to judge the formal gown I’m in. Yes, my outfit is ridiculous, but I’m only wearing it because the Crows needed someone they knew at a merchant’s party for a part of some scheme they wouldn’t share the details of with me. “Yes, I’m aware that this dress is more tulle than anything else, but I’m only wearing it because I was helping you.” 
I wait for some retort about how he could have managed without my assistance or some kind of comment about how I didn’t need such a large dress to flirt and distract the guards as the Crows snuck into the merchant’s private office. “You fit in there more than you said you would.” 
From anyone else, I’d consider this an insult. “I was making an effort for the sake of your plans.” 
“I saw you before I went into the office, you knew the dances, the man took your hand.” 
That’s the weirdest observation I’ve ever witnessed someone reflect on. “That’s how those dances tend to work.” I don’t hide the confusion in my expression. “How much blood did you lose?” 
Kaz’s piercing gaze drops to the blanket on his lap. “Not a concerning amount.”
“Why do I feel like we have different definitions of ‘concerning’?” 
His eyes flit upwards, a partial smirk playing at his lips. “We define a lot of things differently.” He pauses, “You defined the life you slipped into so easily tonight as something you could never do.” 
“I can’t.” What is his problem? “One dance is different than an eternity of planning teas and marrying some man who only keeps me so I can rear his children.” 
“You’d end up marrying someone who could give you things.”
He better not be implying I should be having children. I’m seriously starting to hope he did lose a significant amount of blood because that would be some kind of explanation. “I don’t want anyone to be giving me children right now, but I guess your concern is ni--”
“No, no,” he screws his eyes shut for a long second, “You know what I meant.” I stay silent. “You’re technically a princess, y/n, you could have more than the Barrel.” There’s an odd silence as he pauses. “Someone like you should have more than the Barrel.” 
He speaks like his word is law. That’s the one habit of his I can never seem to forgive. Is Kaz telling me to go home? To go back to a mother who dreams of marrying me off and a father with a temper that often leads to violence? He may be Dirtyhands, but he is no one to tell me who to go back to. Not after I risked my anonymity to get him into that merchant’s office. 
I shut my book and stand in one swift motion. “I’m going to tell Jesper and Inej that you’re awake.”
“Y/n.” I ignore him. “Y/n.” Again, I ignore him, approaching the doorway. The rustling of sheets leaves me frozen, hand on the doorknob. “Y/n.” 
Without thinking, I turn on my heels while glaring. There’s no way he’s proud enough to have climbed out of bed wi--and he’s standing. Standing almost directly behind me. 
“Kaz Brekker, I am going to say this one time and one time only.” I keep my words measured and my tone flat. No room for argument. “You just had nine stitches put in near your heart, get your ass back in bed before that is no longer your only injury.” 
He pauses, lips pressed together into a tight white line. And then his mouth opens, pried open by an oddly light sound. Did he just--Did Kaz Brekker just laugh? He doesn’t laugh. I didn’t think he was physically capable, and now he laughs while I’m threatening him? I should hit him on principle alone and damn the consequences. 
“Did you--” I’m gaping at him with a rage I am not accustomed to. “Did you just laugh?” 
Kaz is quick to shut his mouth. “You did swear you’d get me to laugh one day.” 
Saints--now he chooses to have some kind of sense of humor. “Not while I was threatening you for being an idiot after saying my lineage means that I’m meant to be trapped in the life I desire least.” 
“I didn’t say that.” I raise an eyebrow. “You don’t deserve more than this because of your family, you deserve more than this because--” He cuts himself off with a sharp sigh. “Do you remember what happened the day we met?” 
He had wanted to return me to my father for the money. I had managed to convince him I could be more useful working for him without profit. The first day had been tense, I had sworn to myself that I would hate him forever. 
“I remember really hating you.” I remember thinking him beautiful despite his darkness. “I remember it started raining on our way here.” 
“You had a hood, but you pushed it off your head to feel the rain.” I don’t remember that because indulging in the rain is instinctual to me. “You looked at the rain, and you smiled--and then you saw a woman with a child and you took off your hood and gave it to them.” 
“What does that have to d--” 
“Watching that felt like intruding on an intimate moment I had no business knowing about, but it wasn’t that to you. That moment was nothing to you because that moment was who you are.” 
I don’t understand what he sees in something I can barely remember. “Kaz, what does that have to do with anything?” 
“I’m the monster that children believe live under their beds, I’m the bastard of the Barrel, I’m someone who gets blood on everything near them.” His gaze is harsher than I’ve ever seen it as he focuses on the dried blood splotched across my hands and arms. “And then I can’t even help you wash it off.” 
Those last words are the closest to broken I’ve ever heard him sound. “Kaz--”
“And you’re the girl who looks at the rain like it’s a gift from the Saints.” 
Is he implying what I think he’s implying? Even if I believed him such a source of evil, even if I felt like touch mattered that much--why would he care? I keep the much more frightening implication at bay as I exhale. Clarity will only make this conversation worse. “That doesn’t matter.” The words leave me in a low whisper. 
I stare at the ground until his silence is something I can no longer bear. Looking up as cautiously as possible, I take in his expression. I’ve never seen him look so--so enraged. “It doesn’t matter?!” He doesn’t bother hiding the fact that he’s practically seething. “I’ve viewed your presence here as temporary since you first came and despite that, when I saw you there…” The breath he lets out is practically pained. “When I saw what your life is meant to be--I didn’t want you to go.” 
The admission breaks something hard in my chest. “I never wanted to go.” My eyeline drops to the ground. “I didn’t want to go when you were trying to make me, I didn’t want to go when it was only for that evening.” I swallow a lump of emotion restricting my throat. “When you were bleeding out and Jesper had to carry you back here I let myself imagine what it’d be like if you died. And it hurt. It hurt so badly I asked myself if I would rather never know you than feel that pain.” 
“Would you?” His voice has gone hollow. 
I finally look up again. “No.” That word leaves me more bare than any physical touch ever could. 
“I stain everything that stays with me,” his voice has seamlessly shifted back to a tone meant for business, “Me wanting you to stay is more than enough reason for you to leave.”
My chest aches as emotions I’ll never be able to place a name to pound against my chest. “I’m a princess that ran away from her family and tried to befriend her kidnapper--you can’t possibly be narcissistic enough to believe that you’re what’s corrupted me.” 
“Y/n,” his voice is gravely again, the way it was when he first woke up. 
“No. What could you possibly think I’d say to that?” He’s insane--I’m not even sure I understand what he’s implying. “You know I’ll never agree with what you’re saying, so I have no idea what kind of reaction you’re looking for.”
“Maybe a genuine one.” 
The comment is so frustrating I can’t help but roll my eyes. The irony of Kaz Brekker asking for a genuine reaction to an emotionally heavy comment is almost laughable. “My genuine reaction is that you’re acting like an idiot because I don’t agree with anything you’re saying, but calling someone an idiot after they’ve been stabbed in the chest is a little insensitive so I can’t give you my genuine reaction.”
Kaz half-scoffs, “You don’t agree? Y/n--are you hearing me!? I want--I want you to stay.” Even angry, the admission warms me. He lets out a frustrated sigh. “More than that I want--” 
He shakes his head once. “I want something that can never be because I can’t give what needs to be given to get it.” 
“Kaz, if it involves me staying you don’t need to give anything for that because I don’t want to go.” 
“I-want-you-to-stay-with-me.” The admission is pried from him by some invisible force. He speaks so fiercely the sentence comes out as one angry word. 
He speaks so quickly a part of me is convinced that I misheard him. I watch him as he moves back to the bed, sitting down in a way so resigned I wonder if I blurted something out on instinct. 
“Kaz,” this is embarrassing, “I wanted to stay with you even when I wanted to hate you.”
I take in his measured expression, the only thing implying any kind of reaction is the way his eyebrows draw together. “Don’t say that, you don’t understand what that means.” 
“Why? Because you’re convinced you’ll ruin me?” 
“Y/n, we’d be together with a wall between us, keeping us from ever touching.” 
“I will tolerate any amount of damage you’re so convinced staying with you will bring, I will stay with you and never touch you and think nothing of it--but I will not stay with you just to stand in front of a wall.” I let out a tired breath. “I will stay with you but my one condition will be that you have to let me know you.” 
Kaz’s intense gaze wavers. “The first thing you’ll know is that me allowing you to stay is a testament to my greed.” 
I give him a sharp look, “It’s not greed if I want to be here.” 
He half sighs, leaning against a pillow as he turns to look out the window. “It’s raining,” he muses, “The Saints must have done that for you.” 
The sentiment is so soft my heart feels like it’s constricting. “I thought you didn’t believe in the Saints.” 
“If they exist, they do so for people like you.” 
I push past the emotion in my chest as I move to sit in the same chair I was in earlier. “I was honest when I said I didn’t pray for you.” I scratch the back of my arm, a coldness passing over me. “I didn’t pray because I knew you would be okay because you had to be.” 
“They wouldn’t have saved me,” he mumbles, “Or maybe they would have for you.” 
I shake my head once, staring at the rain with more fascination than before. 
General Taglist: @theincredibledeadlyviper @grishaverse7 @lonelystarship
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 2 Here!/ Part 3 Here! / Playlist Here!
* Sorry guys but this mans been living in my head rent free
* So the first time you see Satoru it’s with those black specs he likes to wear and you get a glance at those GORGEOUS eyes
* He meets your eyes for a second before looking away, it’s the briefest of interactions
* But your heart is racing and you can feel the familiar heat of attraction starting to lap at your face
* ‘He looks just like a prince’ you think
* You find out pretty fast the ‘prince’ similarities stop at appearance
* “Ah it’s not my fault you’re so weak~” You hear him say with the princely smile as he teases Utahime
* It looks like he’s held something so high she can’t reach it
* “Try your best, if you drink plenty of milk I’m sure you’ll be tall enough one day~” he says before laughing with that same princely face
* “You shouldn’t pick on those that are weaker than you” Geto intervenes, somehow making the entire situation worse
* You watch as Gojo laughs
* You’re starting to think he might be the real curse you need to exorcise
* You continue watching him as Utahime tries to kick him in the crotch
* “You silly girl, did you forget there’s an infinity between us?” Cue Gojo’s “A-hahahahaha” laugh
* Yeah, he’s definitely a demon
* You keep your distance, Gojo’s beautiful and all, but you’re not dumb, you’ve heard about the Satoru clan.
* “Hey Geto-Kun, who do you think would win in a fight me or a lion?”
* Besides that guy is way too reckless, you’d rather not get all mixed up in that if you can help it
* You watch as Satoru takes his shirt off, his well defined chest glistening
* Still, you’re grateful for the show
* Little do you know the famous Gojo Satoru has taken note of you as well
* Naturally given his ability he notices everyone, but he especially takes note of you
* It’s not because you stand out, quite the opposite
* You blend into the background easily, supporting others when needed
* But not to the degree where you unable to defend yourself, or you’re sacrificing your own life for someone else
* He grins
* Looks like he found something interesting
* You’re at the vending machine eyes racking over the drink selection
* But there’s another thirst quenching sight right next to you, their hand resting on the vending machine, that princely smile aimed right at you-
* “So what do you say?” Satoru asks, and you start to wonder if that princely smile seems just a bit wolfish “Do you want to be my lover?”
* You’re kind of annoyed
* What an impetuous question, you can count on one hand how many times you’ve spoken to each other, and you only need both hands to count the words said in each of those encounters
* “No”
* You turn your attention back to your drink choices, it’s pleasant weather so you don’t want anything hot.
* Anything carbonated is out of the-
* Gojo moves closer, peering into your face with that grin
* Ugh does he have to stand so close
* “Why ‘no’? I know you think I’m attractive”
* “I also think you’re a womanizer with a god complex”
* And really why shouldn’t he be?
* He’s probably the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life, not to add the sheer power he contains in that body of his
* But just as he has the right to be a womanizer with a god complex, you have the right not to take part in that narrative
* He backs away, leaning back against the wall
* So he’s not going to deny it
* Well, at least he’s somewhat self aware
* Those clear blue eyes catch yours again, and you have to fight against every human instinct from showing any human reaction
* You turn back to the vending machine making your selection when a smile lilts onto his mouth
* “Friends then”
* “Just colleagues” you reply, grabbing your drink
* But as you walk by you push a canned beverage into his chest.
* It’s a can of green tea
* It’s his favorite drink
* He looks to you seeing a bottle glinting in your hand
* So you didn’t sacrifice your own thirst, but you also didn’t ignore his needs
* He feels that same wolffish grin curl onto his mouth
* “What an entertaining person”
* After that if you’re anywhere within a 50 feet radius of him he’ll go out of his way to get your attention
* “Oh wow, looking especially radiant this morning (Y/N/N)” he’ll say with a playful seductive wink
* When you don’t respond he tries annoying you instead
* “Ah you can’t reach that? Here let me-” and then he’ll proceed to hold it even further out of your reach
* He’s expecting you to jump up and down, or at least give some sort of response but you just walk away
* Well that wasn’t what he expected
* He feels that grin spread across his face again
* Very interesting
* His attraction to you is pretty shallow
* He’s interested you because you’re entertaining
* And you’re entertaining because you aren’t interested
* Which only makes him that much more interested in you
* Its a paradox
* You watch him flounder around, annoying Utahime for a giggle
* Well it doesn’t matter anyway, you know how he is, he’ll get bored soon enough and lose all interest in you
* He’s not the strongest {f*ckboy} for nothing
* You see him turn to meet your gaze, offering a boyish smile and a wink
* You make sure not to give any reaction, turning to listen to something Shoko is telling you
* You hope he can’t sense the twinge of heat you feel on your face
* You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find the attention a little flattering
* I think for the most part you’re right, Satoru is mostly playing around-
* At least at first.
* You’re just something new and fun no one knows about, and wildly entertaining since you never respond the way he thinks you will
* You’re kind, but not at the expense of yourself, and he likes that
* Besides you’ve got this quite sort of consideration for others-
* It’s not flashy, it’s so subtle most people hardly notice
* It’s in the way you bring an extra snack for Utahime when she’s running herself ragged training
* “They were having a two for one special”
* Or the way you’ll get your teacher a plushie you saw at a shop at the station because you know he needs more
* “I just thought it was cute, but I haven’t got any room for another one”
* You’re quiet, someone who hears things and she’s things, but never says anything about them
* A wallflower
* But you’re not weak
* There’s something about those two things put together in the same person that entertains him to no end. Like a paradox or a puzzle he can’t seem to solve no matter how hard he tries
* Satoru’s had at least a hundred lovers, and a great many of them had provided him with their own brand of kindness and consideration
* But he’s never felt something as warm as when he see’s a lunch box in his dorm after he hobbles back from a mission that lasted a little longer than expected
* He peers at the note attached, it’s not even signed but he knows it’s from you
* “I know you think you’re god or whatever, but even gods have to eat”
* He doesn’t know why, but he’s overcome with the urge to cry
* He gulps hard- it’s not like this a lunch you made by hand or anything, it’s just something from the convenience store
* And it’s not like this note is particularly affectionate or special either, he’s gotten entire love letters from his previous lovers
* So he’s not sure why he saves your note, placing it behind a picture frame where only he’ll know it is , or why he thinks that convenience store lunchbox is the most delicious thing he’s ever had
* Even though he knows he cares about you, and that he’s grown quite fond of you -
* I don’t think it clicks for him
* And part of that is because well, he’s Gojo Satoru
* He collects lovers like some people collect photographs or memories
* They serve their purpose, and he lets himself be entertained by pretending all the feelings are real, and then he moves on to the next one
* It’s just what he’s used to
* And this whole paradox you two have going on could go on for a few years until something finally shifts
* He went a little too far with one his half-flirting-half-tormenting pranks
* And for the first time you give him a reaction, it’s only for a second, but annoyance and anger mar you face
* And then just like that, it’s gone and you turn and walk off in the other direction
* Sh*t.
* He went too far didn’t he?
* It should be fine right? You’re not too mad at him right? You’ll get over it-
* Right?
* But for the next few days you don’t speak to him, and you don’t make eye contact
* It bothers him more than it should
* Normally he would be annoyed that his toy would have the gall to blatantly ignore him like this-
* But this is different than that.
* He’s-
* He’s feeling regret
* He shouldn’t have acted that way to you, maybe if he had just done something differently, or said something differently-
* It’s not like the way things were between you two was ideal or anything,
* But at least then you would at least speak to him
* ... and every once in while he would get to see you smile
* It’s never at him, it’s mostly when you’re with Shoko or Utahime
* Occasionally when you’re with Nanami or Geto, who you’ve been talking to more recently
* He’s pretty sure you three are talking about him, just one day away from forming a “down with Gojo Satoru” club
* Still that smile when you laugh-
* The way you look so carefree and young and so full of life is worth all the slander in the world to him
* He needs to see that smile, to know something that wholesome and kind exists somewhere in this cruel world
* Satoru’s thinking about how to go about apologizing to you
* He’s caught between buying you a Lamborghini or buying you a special grade tool when he ends up running into you
* “Ah, could you help me with something?”
* He would quite literally give you the clothes on his back right now if you asked
* You stand up on a a chair holding a glass of water
* “Apparently this is supposed to help with concentration or something” You say pressing the glass full of water to the ceiling
* “Can you hold this broom?” You ask and Satoru nods, holding the broom handle steady as you make sure it’s pushed against the glass holding it steady
* You nod approvingly down at him
* The rest happens pretty fast, you’re off the chair, carrying it away
* “The broom is actually a special grade tool, so cursed energy won’t work on it”
* You grin
* “Have fun figuring how to get out of that Baka Prince!” You say with a laugh
* And Satoru is dumbfounded
* But not because you just pranked him into a holding up a glass of water with a broom
* But because as you were rushing away, you showed him your teasing grin
* It’s the first time you smiled at him
* And as he looks up at the glass of water, a smile slowly spreads across his face
* It’s not the wolffish smile he usually has when he’s around you, or the princely smile he uses when he’s trying to get something
* It’s a genuine smile
* Ah, so that’s it
* He’s fallen in love with you
* If you’re not the one entertaining him, then he’s just not interested
* Ah geez
* He was so focused on trying to get you to fall in love with him that he really didn’t see this coming
* Well he’ll have to start being serious about pursuing you now-
* Though for you to pull off something like this on him tells him you’re his ideal match without a doubt
* A wallflower with a mischievous streak, he likes that.
* He scratches his head with his free hand
* “I wonder how I’m supposed to get out of this?” He muses looking up at the glass full of water
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topazy · 3 years
Inside, outisde
Pairing: 10k x reader, Addy Carver sister!reader
Warnings: Blood, swearing
Chapter: 1.02
Slowly, you open your eyes, feeling the sweat sticking to your clothes as your eyes adjust to daylight. Groaning, you looked up to see 10k standing next to you. He was keeping watch with his hand wrapped securely around his gun.
Leaning forward, you noticed the cars had stopped moving. "What’s going on?"
"Ohh she finally wakes," Addy teases. "Warren has run out of gas."
As you jumped out the back of the truck, Mack motioned for you to get back. "Heads up," he pointed to the left. "We got company."
The group waited in silence as two men on motorbikes approached.
"That's right," Warren said quietly as she stared at them as they rode past. "Keep rolling and we all live to see another day."
The men started revving their engines before speeding off. Your eyes stayed glued to Casandra, who was trying to stay completely out of sight of them. You weren’t sure why, but something about that was off.
"We ran over some fun stuff," Doc chuckled, before Warren stabbed the z that was trapped underneath the wheel of her.
Warren turned and looked back at the town your group was leaving. "Even after all this, it's still beautiful. Take a good look. Might not be back for a while."
Addy let out a deep sigh, "so long New York. See ya in the next life."
Addy continued to take pictures and videos of the dead to document what was happening, while Warren and Garnet tried to figure out the group's next move.
You began scavenging for anything that could be useful in old cars. It was sad seeing all the belongings left behind, knowing all the owners were dead. You just hoped that somebody had granted them mercy. You felt slightly distracted from the task at hand when you overheard the conversation next to you.
"So what's your name, kid?"
"Ten Thousand."
"That is not a name," Doc laughed before pointing towards you. "It's a number. It’s almost as mad as her name."
"It's my name. I made it up myself."
Doc nodded, "Well I suppose you'd have to. Does it mean anything?"
10k just shrugged, "That's how many zombies I'm going to kill."
"How many have you killed?" You asked while looking through a kid's backpack.
"Already on 1,055."
Wow. That was impressive.
"So what happens when you get to 10,000?"
"Change my name."
For the short time that you’ve known him, 10k didn’t tend to speak much. His answers were usually short, and you got the impression he didn’t want to get too close to anyone.
"To what? Twenty thousand?" The older man laughed.
Doc pulled a funny facial expression at you. Why Jeff? You wanted to know what his real name was, but decided against asking him at that moment. You were sure he wouldn’t appreciate any more questions.
You smiled at 10k, "I like that name."
Warren stepped down from the car roof she was standing on. She looked worried. "Where did everybody go? I haven't seen a survivor except for those two bikers."
"Black Summer," You eyed Cassandra carefully as she spoke, "Everybody starved to death."
"But you survived." You and Addy shared a look, "how did you survive?"
"Did what I had to do," Cassandra answered bluntly.
Frowning, you handed the bag with bottles of water you found to Mack before heading in the other direction to look some more. After a few moments, you heard a commotion, followed by a voice you didn’t recognize. You readied your bow and arrow as you walked back towards your group. One of the scruffy looking bikers from before was standing between Garnet and Warren. "I see you're scrounging for gas. You know, like we used to say, ass, gas or grass."
Murphy looked the man up and down, "Nobody rides for free."
The stranger looked smug, "I know where you could fill up."
"Now would be the time to share that information," Warren said, stepping closer to him.
"Place called Jersey Devil Refinery, maybe five miles off, just off the turnpike."
"How do you know there's gas there?" You asked, unsure whether to believe him or not.
"Got overrun day number one," he answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "All the tanks are still full, just rusting away."
"All right, take us to this refinery," Warren replied. "And if there's gas there like you say, you can ride with us to the next outpost."
The man grinned, "you won't be sorry."
Garnett looked unsure but went along with it anyway. "Let's get out of here. I'll be riding with Warren and a new guy. Everybody else load up in the truck."
Murphy groaned. "So are we just gonna pick up every sketchy loser at every place we stop?"
You scoffed, "well we brought you along, didn't we?"
Once you got into the back of the trunk, 10k leaned in to you and whispered. "You don’t trust him, do you?"
"There’s a lot of people here I don’t trust."
When you reached your destination, Murphy scrunched up his face as Addy parked the car.. "What’s that smell?"
"The undead and gasoline."
The group discussed the best way to draw the Z’s attention away from the pump that was drawing them in. Eventually, Cassandra pulled out a necklace that had a music box built inside it.
"That's great," Warren nodded. "You're our decoy."
"I'll go with her," the sketchy guy said.
"I’ll come too," you volunteered. Your gut instinct was telling you to not trust the two of them together.
Cassandra glared at you. "I don't need his help, or hers."
"No, you need cover. Take them." Warren paused and looked around before letting out a deep sigh. "Where'd that kid go?"
"He was here a minute ago," Doc said with a shrug.
You added, "His name is Ten Thousand."
"Well, he'd better be back by the time we're ready to go," the older woman frowned. "Change of plan. Astra, I need you to stay here with Doc, and Murphy." You opened your mouth to protest, but Warren cut you off. "No arguments."
"Wonder how it's going?" Doc asked. "I haven't heard anything blow up."
You kicked Murphy lightly in the thigh for his insensitive answer. "Don’t be such a negative jackass."
After watching Murphy and Doc play cards for a while, you turn to face the ‘saviour’ of the world. "How'd you get to be the savior of the human race?"
He let out a grunt, "you really wanna know?"
"Truth is for a guy who's been wrongly convicted, I'm actually very civic-minded. I volunteered."
"So the doctors gave you the vaccine, and then they let the zombies bite you?" He nodded. You didn’t like him, but nobody deserves to have that happen to him. "How many times?"
You sighed, "I’m sorry that happened to you. It must have been awful."
He shrugged, "I blacked out."
"Shut up, you two," Doc said quietly. "We have some nosey neighbors."
As soon as you noticed the group of zombies that were starting to walk past the truck, you shuffled down in your seat, but Murphy started frantically yelling. "Call the others! Get us out of here!"
"Stop yelling." You frowned, "you're attracting them to us."
"Astra, keep him inside," Doc instructed you. "I’m going to draw them away."
"Wait, it’s too dangerous to go out there yourself!" You pointed out, "I’ll come with you."
The older man shook his head. "He might be our last chance. Whatever happens, keep him alive."
You watched as Doc disappeared into the crowd of Z’s. You just hoped he would come back.
You tried to try and calm Murphy, who was panicking loudly. The occasional zombie would bang into the car, but as long as you stayed out of sight and quiet they would hopefully pass by.
"Get us out of here!" Murphy yelled as the car began to move slightly.
"Stop being so loud, you're attracting them."
When a Z managed to get its finger through a crack in one of the windows, you leaped forward and cut its finger off, causing blood to spray onto the seats, and Murphy to be even louder.
Oh fuck. We are screwed.
In the distance, you could hear Doc shouting. "Ten thousand! Cover the car! Murphy and Astra are trapped inside."
Gunshots filled the air as the dead began to fall to the ground. You let out a sigh of relief. 10k, and Doc had your back.
"Hey, it's going!" you exclaimed, only to be cut off by the so-called saviour, who shoved you to the side and jumped into the driver's seat. You jolted back when he slammed his foot down. "Where the hell are we going!"
Losing control of the car, Murphy crashed into a wall. You let out a scream as you felt something cutting into your skin, before blood began dripping from your hand. "You stupid son of a bitch! You almost got me killed!"
The door to the truck swung open as Warren helped you out. You were vaguely aware of somebody helping Murphy to get away as well. You knew from the snarling noises coming from behind that the Z’s weren’t far behind. You made it back to the others just in time, as the truck you were just in exploded. At least it’s taken out some of the dead.
Warren raised her hand for everyone to be quiet. There was a ringing noise coming from a phone box. Garnett, who was the closest, answered it.
"Sergeant Charlie Garnett," he paused before continuing. "Please tell us where to drop him off - California? Hold on - That's not gonna happen," he turned back to face the group. "We need to go somewhere closer."
"Closer?" You asked questions.
What in the world have you gotten yourself into?
Shaking your head, you turned to face the other way. "Oh shit. Dead, coming right at us."
Addy and Mac held off the dead while the rest of you ran towards the only vehicle your group had left. "Wait, we can’t leave. We aren’t all here."
Doc looked around worried until he spotted 10k running. "Wait! Here comes the kid!"
"Found these."
You smiled as he handed Warren the small gas tanks he’d found.
As the group rode off, 10k’s smile fell from his face, and was quickly replaced by a frown. "What happened to you?"
You glared at Murphy. "I cut my hand with my blade when we crashed. I have some bandages in my bag, I’ll be fine."
Without saying anything, 10k began rummaging in your backpack and pulled out a first aid kit. He bandaged up your hand before returning the kit to you.
He shrugged, "no problem."
You shifted awkwardly. You wanted to talk to him, but weren’t sure what to say.
10k took you by surprise when he leaned into you, and spoke quietly. "Can I ask you something?"
"Uh, yeah."
"What does Astra mean?"
A warm feeling spreads through you, "well…"
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts:
6 Months Later
“Stop- Katsuki, stop it!” You huff a frustrated sigh, shooting him an unimpressed glare. “Why can’t you just sit still?”
“Because this is takin’ too goddamn long! Waste of fuckin’ minutes.”
“Well this is important to me, so you’re gonna sit back and shut up and-“ You nearly scream when he shifts again, almost dislodging the measuring tape you’d wrapped around his wrist. “Sit still! Jesus, angry man, it’ll literally take two seconds if you just stop fighting me!”
He grumbles, something low and petulant under his breath, but then falls back against the couch fully. Bakugou finally relents, hand going slack in your hold as he shuts his eyes.
You were gonna kill him, no seriously, you were gonna murder him. He was being so difficult, way more difficult than usual, and you had a sneaking suspiscion it was because he was tired- because, as you’d quickly found out, from only a few months of dating, Katsuki was an absolute toddler about sleep. You’d come to understand that him being tired led to him being cranky, and him being cranky led to him being so goddamn annoying and combative that it made you want to tear your hair out.
He was lucky you loved him so much- not that you told him that yet.
You’d known you loved him for months now, could feel it the way your body heated if you thought of him, the way your blood sang if you so much as heard his name. It was a full body sensation for you- the way you loved him. There was just no escaping it; no escaping the way he’d carved himself a spot in every single part of you. You couldn’t imagine life without him, didn’t even want to try- but you couldn’t tell him so.
Every time you’d tried you were tongue-tied and stuttering and red in the face. The words were thick in your mouth, clogging up the back of your throat. You just couldn’t figure out how to say them; no matter how many times you’d tried. 
You flip his arm over, measuring the space between his thumb and his wrist. You’re trying to be delicate and gentle, but truthfully you really just wanted to get this done quickly.
With the deadline for your last college project quickly approaching, you’d spent the last few weeks doing nothing but devoting all your time and losing sleep over it. It seemed like no matter what support item you’d devised, it didn’t seem perfect- didn’t seem inspired enough to turn in for your final grade. So you dedicated yourself to watching clips and looked at hero rankings and pretty much sacrificed your social life entirely, just to stew over it. It took watching Bakugou’s own hero highlights with him to snap you out of your funk. You wanted to smack yourself; he’d been in front of you the entire time! Of course, it had to be an item for him. So you got to building and designing with renewed spirit.
Katsuki was an amazing fighter, you knew this, and his prowess in battle and raw power alone was quite literally unmatched by almost every opponent- but, the only thing holding him back was that he didn’t do so well with civilians. Try as he might, Bakugou’s loud, flashy, quirk just didn’t paint him as particularly friendly, and his brash personality didn’t help either. And, since you’d long ago given up trying to soften his character, but maybe you could help with his quirk. You figured that was pretty much your degree right?
So, for the past month or so, you’d been secretly working on a gauntlet attachment for him. You’d designed it to quiet his explosions, similar to a silencer on a gun, in hopes that civilians would stop reporting hearing loss after being saved by your very loud boyfriend. Truthfully, you knew it wouldn’t fix all his problems, but maybe then his ratings would go up a tiny bit. And, you figured, if you then just built the prototype you designed, then it could serve as a birthday present for him too. Two birds with one stone, right?
If only it was that simple.
It wasn’t. You were a perfectionist and you’d been pouring your blood, sweat, and tears for weeks now, but it still didn’t feel like enough. It felt like you were running out of time. Even now, while actively taking measurements for said project, you felt uneasy spending time with Bakugou. 
“You done yet, woman?” He peeks an eye open.
“Almost.” You grab your phone, typing the measurements into your notes. “See how easy and quick this went when you stopped being annoying?”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have to be so fuckin’ annoying if you’d just tell me what you’re makin’ already.”
“Nope. Already talked about this, Katsu,” You let go of his hand. “It’s a surprise! You don’t wanna spoil your birthday surprise, do you?”
You’re joking, smiling widely at him and fluttering your eyelashes. He doesn’t look very amused. Katsuki just squints at you for a moment before poking your side.
“That’s fuckin’ stupid. You’re being annoying. Stop it.”
“Fine. Well I guess since you don’t want it, maybe I just won’t give it to you then.” You tease, moving to leave the couch. “Maybe I just won’t give you any of the gifts I was planning to.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes, huffs like he is very inconvienced, and grabs your wrist. He pulls until you’re falling into him, crashing into his chest and settling on his lap.
“I didn’t fuckin’ say that, idiot.” He grumbles, hands falling around your sides. “Stop putting shitty words in my mouth already.”
“I can’t. Pretty sure that’s my job actually.” You laugh, bracing your hands on his chest as you straighten. “Besides, you say like 3 words and all of them are swears, angry man. Someone’s gotta be the talker out of the two of us.”
“It shouldn’t be you. You’re better quiet.” His words were cold, but he was rubbing warm circles into your lower back. “Fuckin’ silent.”
“Wow- we sure are cranky tonight, huh, angry man? Is it bedtime for baby, already?”
“You’re not funny.”
“No, I’m pretty funny.” You laugh, brushing the the wild hair away from his forehead with a gentle hand. “But seriously though, if you’re tired, I don’t have to stay. I don’t mind, I can leave if you just want to sleep.”
He screws his face up at that, comically offended and dramatic as he drops his face into your shoulder. Katsuki’s arms wrap around your sides, pulling you close until you’re flush against his chest. He tightens his grip and doesn’t seem like he plans to let go any time soon.
“Yeah, yeah, okay, angry man, I get it. I won’t leave right now- but I can’t stay for too long.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“That project, remember? I’m nearly done.” 
He huffs again, arms curling tighter around you. You’re a little confused- truthfully, he usually is more physical than verbal, especially when he’s tired, but he’s never this physically affectionate. His voice is a near snarl when he speaks again.
“I fuckin’ hate that stupid as shit assignment.” 
 “Yeah, well, you hate pretty much everything; so I can’t say I’m exactly suprised, Katsuki.”
“No. Seriously.” He gruffs, fingers twitching at your sides. Katsuki takes a deep breath, biting out his next words quickly. “Haven’t seen you in fuckin’ days.”
“Say another goddamn word and I’ll take it back, woman. Try me.” 
“Okay. I won’t.” You giggle. “But I really am serious, I can’t stay over tonight. Got work to do still.”
“That’s stupid.” Bakugou says and then he’s squeezing you once again, keeping you trapped tight against his chest. “You’re being stupid.”
“Wow. Thanks.” You snort, looking up at him. His mouth is pressed into a tense grimace, so you try patting his cheek playfully. “You know though, one of these days you’re actually gonna have to start using your nice words- can’t just continue insulting me or I might just disappear forever.”
He doesn’t seem to like your joke. Not at all.
“I’m kidding. I’m not going anywhere.” You console. “I’m only picking on you, you know, so don’t be so sensitive, angry man. You insult me all the time.”
“When the fuck did I insult ya?”
“Katsuki-“ You utter in disbelief, your hand moving to play with the hairs on the back of his neck. “You literally just called me stupid!  And you said you liked me better silent! Like 2 minutes ago!”
He shrugs, and you can feel his face heat against your neck, but he doesn’t say anything.
“You’re awfully lucky I like you so much.” You sigh. “Because otherwise I’d have to kick your teeth in every time you opened your mouth.”
“Like you could even get that close to me, shitty woman.”
“Strong words for a man currently making a home in my collarbone, Katsuki.”
“That’s-I- You know what,” He starts, extending an arm and pushing against your shoulders to create distance. “Say shit like that again and I swear to god I’ll...”
“You’ll what?”
“I’ll- I’ll fuckin-“ He stutters, face red and fists clenched. “I’ll-“
You think he looks adorable- all huffy and red and embarrassed where he sits. Katsuki’s eyebrows are pinched together in that competitive crease you’d come to know so well, his mouth curled around a familiar snarl. You were sure it must’ve looked terrfying to anyone else- but you weren’t just anyone else. You were his soulmate and you knew exactly how to get him to calm down.
You caught his face in both of your hands, crossing the distance until your lips met his. Bakugou tried to set the pace, because he always tried at first, armed with bruising pressure and dominance and uncoordinated aggression. You weren’t new here though- you had a lot more tricks of your sleeve than he did.
You ran a hand up his spine, your nails just barely catching on to the fabric of shirt, trailing the back of his neck until they landed in his hair. He damn near melted into you at that, and he pretty much dissolved when your other hand ran under the fabric of his shirt.
“You’re gonna what now?” You asked, pulling away slowly. You’re breathless and blushing yourself but that never stopped you before. “C’mon, Katsuki, tell me. What you were gonna do?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” You giggled. Unable to help yourself, you pecked his lips again. “You seemed so determined though!”
He’s still dazed- red and embarrassed as he looks at you through half-lidded eyes. You can’t stop the victorious smirk that rolls across your face.
“You’re an evil fucking woman.” He finally says, breathless. “Shitty too.”
“Mhm, I know.”
“Shouldn’t sound so fuckin’ happy about it. ‘S not a compliment, idiot.”
“I know.” You pat his chest, pushing away from him until you’re standing on your own. “Now, c’mon, up. Sleep time, right?”
You see the look on his face, and it almost kills you to crush it.
“No, that doesn’t mean I’m staying, angry man. I’ll take a nap with you and then I’m going home.” You offer your hand out to him. “Sound good?”
"Whatever.” He doesn’t seem all that pleased and he bats your hand away lightly, standing on his own. He starts down the hallway towards his bedroom with stomping steps and you follow. “You better actually go to sleep though- ya got ugly fuckin’ bags under your eyes, woman.”
You stop in your tracks, a wheeze escaping you. It didn’t matter how many conversations you’d had with him, how many times he’d accidentally insulted you with his blunt words, it still surprised you every time. And maybe it was your tired state, all the sleep lost over the past few weeks finally piling up, but his words hurt a little this time- hit a nerve and made you angry. 
“Alright, well, on that note. Maybe I will go home!” You huff, thumping a fist against his back. “That was so mean! What the hell, angry man! I’m literally busting my ass right now and that’s what you have to say to me? That I’m ugly to you? That’s fucking rude! I didn’t- I’m leaving. I don’t even have enough time for this anyway and I-”
He spins around quickly, pressing you into the wall as he grabs your arm. You can’t hit him anymore, not with the sturdy grip he has on your wrist, but the look on Katsuki’s face really makes you want to. He looks insulted, tired, but mostly just annoyed by your reaction. You swear you could kill him that moment, but then he’s gathering you into his chest and you’re melting against him. He’s still your soulmate- no matter how angry he makes you.
“N-not like that. Idiot. Not ugly.” He mumbles against your hair, voice tight and shy. You didn’t have to see his face to know he was blushing furiously. “I meant- I- you’re not fuckin’ sleeping. I can see it. So you have to sleep.”
“I’m not fucking stupid. You’re tired- it’s obvious. Have been for weeks.”
“You noticed?”
“Course I fuckin’ did.” He shifts on feet anxiously, swaying you a bit in your arms. “See your stupid face all the time- I can tell that shit about you.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.” You pull back a bit in surprise, trying catch his eyes. He won’t let you, eyes zeroed on the wall, just behind your head. His face is a violent shade of red. You roll your eyes fondly, gently guiding him to look at you with your hands on his burning cheeks. “I shouldn’t have flipped, but that still wasn’t very nice. You really should’ve just said what you meant the first time around, but it’s fine. I understand. School’s just been tough with final assignments and stuff, you know? I’m alright though- just a little tired. Like you said.”
Katsuki doesn’t seem pleased with your answer, his eyebrows creasing as he grumbles something under his breath.
“What? Couldn’t hear you, angry man.”
“I said-” He starts strong, nearly confident until his tone quickly falls off. Then he’s mumbling again and crushing you to his chest so he doesn’t have to meet your eyes. 
“W-what are you trying to say?”
“God, you always make me say such embarrassing shit!” He growls, voice loud next to your ear. “I said- I said- you’re doing too much, idiot! You haven’t been around much and it’s fuckin’ makin’ me mad and worryin’ me and all that stupid, disgusting, annoying, shit! So just give yourself a fuckin’ break, already!” 
You’re pressed close to Katsuki, and when you press you hand flat against his chest, you can feel his heart racing wildly under your fingertips. He must’ve been upset about this for a while, you realize- to be expending this much energy, when usually he’d be dead on his feet at this time of night. You feel a little guilty for it, but more than anything you’re gooey and warm all over. 
“I-I’m sorry. For worrying you.” You soothe, pressing a chaste kiss to his chest. “And I know you tell me not to apologize to you, but I mean it this time. I didn’t mean to worry you. I’ll take better care of myself. I promise.” 
“Good. I-”
“N-nothing.” He stutters, flushing violently all of the sudden. He spins on his heels quickly, dragging you down the hallway and into his bedroom. “You have to stay now.”
“No- I can’t. I told you.”
“And I fuckin’ told you to chill the hell out and take a break.” He barks, digging through his dresser and throwing a pair of sweats at you. “Stop being fuckin’ difficult. You’re staying.” 
Truly, you want to fight him. Your brain is running wildly, a million different ideas and worries battering around inside your skull- but he’s right. You are tired. Have been tired for weeks now. If you went home now, you knew you’d just talk yourself into working some more. So maybe a tiny, tiny little break wouldn’t hurt, right? Just something small. A single night.
“Fine. But I’m leaving early tomorrow morning.”
You knew you made the right decision when he smiles at you; a small, tiny, pleased, little thing that just barely curls the edges of his mouth. It seems like it’d be hardly noticeable, but you’d been dreaming of that smile for months now. He very rarely graced you with it, very rarely shared something so delicate and uncharacteristically soft but it winded you every time. 
Katsuki fell asleep almost immediately after pulling your down into bed with him. He’d barely curled around you, hardly even let his head hit the pillow before beginning to snore. That smile stayed though. He kept it even as his breathing slowed and his grip on you loosened. 
That same overwhelming warmth you’d been feeling for weeks overtook you again- that same blistering, endless affection rendering your limbs shaky and your breaths unsteady as you stared at him. 
I love him. You realized. More than anything.
As it turns out, letting Bakugou drag you into some much needed rest is exactly what you needed. 
The next morning you’d left his place, mind refreshed and completely reinvigorated to once again start working on the gauntlet attachment. You’d love to say it was just the sleep that fixed you up- but you knew the truth. It was him- him and increasingly strange ways of showing affection.
Settling down into your desk chair, you pulled the schematics you’d drawn up once more. There wasn’t much left to build, only a few more parts you’d need to fabricate with your quirk, and then you’d be ready to put it all together.
Using past records of his costumes, and studying various clips of him in his current costume, you’d finally felt certain that you’d gotten it right. It was a pain conducting the research, especially because you’d had to contact the support companies personally, but in the end you were happy you did it. You wanted this to be a possible improvement for him, but you also wanted it to fit in with his current arsenal. It was a risk for sure, giving your prototype as a gift, and you’d be totally crushed if decided to not use it, but you’d take the chance. 
Bakugou had only mentioned the problem a single time in the past, and even then it was a passing comment, but you couldn’t seem to let it go.
I’m sick of kid’s always fuckin’ cryin’ when I save them. My explosions aren’t that fuckin’ scary, are they? 
He’d said it in the middle of a rant, his eyes pressed tightly together as he paced angrily, but something about his tone struck you. When he said it, he didn’t sound angry. Bakugou sounded upset and frustrated and almost hopeless. You knew it bothered him more than he let on, and from then you wanted to help him- but you couldn’t imagine stripping him of his quirk. 
It, his explosions, were important to him. They were his power and his pride and they helped him save people. He was so, so proud of them, and it broke your heart to think that they were the only thing left holding him back. So, you figured, what if he kept the force but lost the sound? Kid’s normally liked bright lights a lot more than loud sounds, after all.
Grunting with effort, you began fabricating gears and wires and screws between your hands. It took hours and nearly all of your energy, but you’d finally done it. You had everything you needed to finish his gift. 
The next few weeks flew by in a flurry of construction, and deadlines, and sleeplessness but by the time his birthday rolled around, you were ready. Your schematics had been turned in and approved by your professors, you’d passed your final project, and you were finally finished building the prototype. Everything was going great- but you knew why you were really happy.
The last few weeks had been packed for you, and you’d hardly had time for anybody. You felt guilty about it, of course, and you only felt worse when you only heard Bakugou’s voice over the phone each night, but there was no helping it.
Or, at least, there wasn’t- but it wasn’t crunch time anymore. You’d suddenly found yourself with an wealth of free-time, and you knew exactly who you were gonna spend it on.
Using the key he’d given you, you slipped into the apartment, closing the door quietly. It was difficult in the dark, stumbling slightly with the gifts and cake currently held in your hands, but you’d managed it. Everything had gone smoothly on the way there, you’d just put the cake safely in the fridge, and now you could wake your soulmate up to the best birthday of his life.
What shame he had to go and ruin it.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You jumped, heart seizing in your chest. 
“Jesus- fuck.” You yelled in the dark. You blindly felt your way out of the kitchen and into the living room, towards the sound of his voice. “Bakugou! What the fuck, man?”
“What the- no! Me! I should be the one fuckin’ saying that!” His voice was raised, and you couldn’t see his fists but you knew they were probably clenched tightly into fists. “Almost blew you up, idiot! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Oh my god.” You huffed, hands rubbing at your tired eyes. “I was going to wake you up! Surprise you! Because it’s your birthday and it’s- wait, what the fuck are you even doing up? It’s like 6:30 AM, on a Saturday!”  
“What the hell are you even on about? I’m always fuckin’ awake right now!”
“Yeah! On a work day! When you’re working!” You can’t help but be frustrated; you wanted to be cute and sweet and Bakugou had ruined it entirely. As he so often did. “But you’re not even working today! It’s your day off! And I know you sleep in on those, so why?”
“Couldn’t fuckin’ slee-”
“What do you mean?” You interrupt, finally flipping the light switch and flooding the room with light. “Swear to god you’re dead to the world the second you hit the pillow! Literally happens every time I stay over. You’re out by 8:30! Why is today of all days the day you choose not to sleep?”
He doesn’t say anything in response to your outburst, and that’s when you finally look at him. It had been almost 3 weeks since you’d last visited, and he didn’t look like you remembered him. It wasn’t anything super obvious at first, but upon closer inspection you could see the deep bags under his eyes, and the pale, lifelessness of his skin. He was telling the truth; apparently, he really hadn’t be able to sleep- and it didn’t start just last night either.
“Hey. Katsuki,” Your irritation from earlier faded. Suddenly filled with concern, you stepped towards him, taking his face in your hands. Bakugou tried to turn away, but you didn’t let him. “What’s up, huh? You alright?”
“No. You’re not. You look tired. Are you sick?”
“No.” He mumbled, his hands falling on your waist as you stood in front of him. “I’m fine. Workin’ a lot or whatever. I’m fuckin’ fine.”
You nod, eyebrows rising in surprise as he suddenly pulls you in. He presses his face into your stomach, arms around your sides as he shuts his eyes. There it is again- that unusual physicality. This strange behavior had stopped for a while recently, but now it seemed to be back in full-force.
“Do you wanna try sleeping again?” You ask after a beat. “I’ve got birthday stuff for you, but we can do always do it later. We’ve got the whole day, right?”
“What- you plannin’ to actually be here or some shit?” He grumbles, with a lot more intentional bite than you’re used to hearing from him. “I’m surprised. Didn’t know an idiot like you still had the fuckin’ brain cells to remember.” 
You’re shocked, rendered completely still and stiff in his hold. Was he- was he mad at you? 
“What?” You try to push away from him, to get a look at his face, but he doesn’t let you. Bakugou’s arms only tighten and you’re left even more confused. “Are you upset with me? Are you tired? What’s wrong?”
“You really fuckin’ piss me off.”
He only growls under his breath, voice raspy and deep. “Whatever. You don’t fuckin’ get it. Let’s just go to sleep.”
“No- but I-” You stutter, feeling out of place. Katsuki sounded so frustrated and angry and you couldn’t figure out what was wrong. “If you’re upset with me we need to talk about it. What happened? What’s wrong?”
He doesn’t respond to your question, only knocks your feet out from under you and stands with you in his arms. You’re dumbfounded. He has never, not ever, carried you anywhere. He’s never even made an attempted to lift you! Something was seriously off with him today- and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what it was. 
Katsuki was mad at you. You knew that, he’d said it himself. But then why was he carrying you down the hall to his bedroom? Why wasn’t he kicking you out?
He kicks open the door, pushing it shut loudly behind him. He looks pissed when you look up at him, his eyebrow’s creased together in an agitated line, but even so, Katsuki sets you down on the bed gently. You’re hardly able to catch your breath when he’s climbing in on the other side, pulling you close and lying practically on top of you.
“What? I- Katsuki?” You asked desperately, brain reeling. “What’s wrong? I don’t understand?”
“I’m fuckin’ tired, woman. Go to sleep.”
���I can’t! Not when you’re upset like this- seriously, what’s wrong?”
“You. You’re what’s fuckin’ wrong!”
“God, you’re so fucking dense!” He growls, angry voice vibrating against the skin of your neck. “Fuckin’ showin’ up in the mornin’ like nothin’s wrong? Been avoiding me for weeks now!” 
“What- no! We literally called last night! What are you talking about?”
“We called for 2 fuckin’ minutes before you fell asleep! And you-” His voice drops suddenly, and then he’s pressing even closer to you, starting up once again. “You piss me the hell off, you know! Sayin’ shit about how you’re gonna do better and then leavin’ for weeks? Not talkin’ to me? What the fuck is that? And then you sneak in here and scare the shit out of me! And you’re running your stupid fucking mouth about the whole day when you’re not even gonna be her-”
Oh. Oh.
He was mad because you’d been busy; because the last time you’d seen him, Bakugou had told he was worried about you, and you blew him off. The last time you’d seen him, you’d promised that you’d take better care of yourself and then you didn’t. All you did was continue working yourself to death, and while you didn’t regret it for even a second, you hadn’t kept him in the loop. You’d barely even managed to call him each night, and even then you’d fall asleep half-way through every conversation.
“Have you been worried this whole time?” You asked quietly.
Bakugou takes a deep, shaky breath, and you can feel his eyelashes flutter against your neck. 
“You were worried.” You whisper. “Weren’t you?”
He nods minutely.
“I-I didn’t realize. I told you- but I didn’t realize. I was so focused on school, so busy, I’m so sorry.” You press a kiss into his hair, your heart sinking when his shoulders tremble. “I missed you too.”
“I didn’t fuckin’- I didn’t-”
“I know. I said it. I’m saying it. I’m sorry, Katsu. I missed you.” You sigh, tightening your arms around him. “Is that why you’re not sleeping well?”
Bakugou is silent but he tenses, going completely rigid under your hands. Your stomach drops.
“It’s-I’m good. Really, this time. Everything’s done. I’m completely finished and everything is gonna go back to normal.” You cradle his face, making him look into your eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. We’re good.”
“Are we?”
Bakugou shakes your hold, tucking his head until you can’t see his eyes anymore. You can hardly see any of his features, but you see the wobbly line of his mouth. Can feel the shaking of his fingers. When he speaks again, it’s quiet. Barely there.
“Didn’t mean it, last time, when I said your eyebags were ugly. You’re not ugly.”
You blink, hardly able to recall the conversation. Wasn’t that the last time you had visited? Weeks ago? Why was he still thinking about it?
Bakugou huffs again, apparently frustrated by your silence.
“So I’m s-sorry. For insulting you. So now you don’t have to disappear again.” 
Your eyes widened.
“You know though, one of these days you’re actually gonna have to start using your nice words- can’t just continue insulting me or I might just disappear forever.”
You remember how upset he’d been when you’d made the joke- how his shoulder’s dropped and his eyebrows caved and his mouth smoothed out into a thin line. Was that really the last time you’d visited? Did he think you were mad at him this whole time? 
 Guilt flooded you, awful and thick and viscous as it tore through your stomach. You had to make him understand. You just had to.
“No. I- Katsuki. Look at me. Look at me.” You insist until he’s looking at you. His eyes are the dullest you’ve ever seen them- more vulnerable than ever before. “I didn’t- I was just busy, I promise! Not upset. I didn’t mean to ice you out like that. It’s fine! I know you didn’t mean it.”
Katsuki growls, grasping for your hand and hiding his face behind it. “I didn’t- I’m sick of stupid angry shit I say ruinin’ stuff for me. So don’t just fuckin’ say it’s fine if it’s not.” 
“It is. I promise. We’re good.” You soothe, caressing his burning cheeks with your knuckle. “That was a bad joke, okay- I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t have said it if I knew it was gonna make you worry so much. I promise I was just busy these last few weeks. Nothing you say is ever gonna get rid of me, alright? Not even if you tried! Because I love you and I-”
“You what?” 
You freeze, shifting uncomfortably as your cheeks heated up. This was not how you wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him like you meant it, not just tacked onto the back of a bunch of other statements. He’d heard though, and no matter what you wanted, you couldn’t run from it.
“You what?” He asks again.
“I-I love you. Katsuki, I love you.”
Bakugou jolts, nearly jumps out of his skin and then he’s digging his face into your neck. He’s hot, his skin nearly burning, and there’s a strangled, clipped noise leaving his mouth. You’re filled with so much adoration in that moment that it nearly chokes you, but it’s freeing too, because you’ve said it. Finally. After waiting your entire life for him, after knowing him for so many months, after loving him for so long, he knew.
“I love you.” You repeated again, giggling breathlessly. “I love you, you dummy.” 
He finally lifts his head, expression so full of awe and disbelief and childlike confusion. It’s just like the first time you’d really kissed him; like he couldn’t figure out why you loved him. It was like those first few days all over again and you couldn’t help it. You loved him so much.
Grabbing his chin, you pulled him in, guiding until his lips met yours. You felt him smile as you kissed him, and you realized you were wrong. That first real kiss might’ve been nice; but it wasn’t heaven- itwas only the gateway to paradise. But this? This was the real Elysium. 
His body moved against yours, so close and warm and pliant. He was letting you set the pace, without resistance or force or argument for the very first time. There had been a lot of past kisses, you had hardly been able to keep yourself off of him, but none of them had never felt like this before. He’d never trusted you like this before. You got to be the one taking and taking and taking where’d you spent so long giving. 
It was consummation. Finality. Your perfect ending. 
You pull away, panting for breath. He follows, resting on his forearms and dropping his forehead to yours. 
“I-I- I love you. Too. Idiot woman.” 
You laugh under him, cackling loudly as you turn to press a kiss into his forearms. Of course he’d said it like that. It’s tough love or not at all with Bakugou Katsuki- and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Stop laughing!” He orders, face screwed up uncomfortably. “You’re always fuckin’ laughing at me! You fuckin’ witch! Stop it! It’s- I’m not- I take it back! I don’t- stop makin’ fun of me, shitty wom-”
“Hey, Katsuki?”
“Oh my fucking god! You laugh at me and then you go thinkin’ your just gonna interrupt me while I’m yellin’ at you? No fuckin’ way! I’m not gonna allow that shit in my own fuckin’ house and I-”
“Jesus christ! What?”
“I love you.” 
He freezes entirely, collasping his entire weight directly on top of you. He’s so hot it’s like his skin is burning. You wrap your arms around him with a happy giggle, burrowing your own blushing face into his hair. 
“I love you.” You whisper, slow and earnest against the shell of his ear. “I really, really, really love you, angry man.” 
He startles again, jumps in your arms and only seems to run hotter. He groans something strangled and defeated, until he’s sinking into you again, pressing you against the mattress.
“S-s-stop fuckin’ saying it. You’re doing it on fuckin’ purpose.”
“Doing what?”
“You fuckin’ know, you witch woman.”
“No, I really, really, dont.” You say indulgently, laughing as you drop kisses into his hair. “Care to share?”
“No. Fuck no. I’m fuckin’ done sharing. Forever.” 
You rolls your eyes, once again enduring his very familiar dramatics. “I wasn’t laughing at you, Katsuki. I was just happy to hear it- that you love me too.”
“Well, remember it, because I’m never fuckin’ saying it again.”
“Not even if I say it to you?”
“Especially not fucking then.” 
“You’re so difficult sometimes, I swear. You’re really lucky I love you so much.” You say softly, before scratching idly at the back of his head. “Now, c’mon. Get off me. I didn’t forget- you need to go to sleep.” 
“I’m sleeping here.”
“No you’re not, you man-child. You’re gonna crush me.” 
“No, not good. You wanna celebrate your birthday with a murder charge?”
“Katsuki.” You laugh, pressing against his chest. “Seriously. Up. You’re supposed to use those muscles to save people not kill them.”
He just groans loudly, flopping backwards gracelessly. Katsuki is pulling the blanket up and shutting his eyes, and you think everything is finally okay. Until he clears his throat. Until keeps clearing his throat.
“Oh my god,” You huff, opening your eyes. “What’s wrong now?”
“Say it again, idiot.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid. You know what I’m asking you.”
When you look at him, he’s got his eyes screwed shut, his cheeks red. You thought he was adorable- just the cutest man in all of Japan. You knew what he was asking, of course you did, and if he hadn’t been so upset earlier you would’ve made him work a lot harder for it. As it stood now though, you just scooted closer to him; shifting until you were right next to his blushing face and sharing the same pillow.
“I love you.” You say, running a gentle thumb over his heated cheek. “Now go to sleep, okay?”
You can see the smile he’s fighting, the way his lip twitches and he raises a hand to cover it. Then he’s pulling you close and digging his head into the pillow.
All is quiet, and finally, finally, he gets some sleep.
Katsuki, on a good day, was an absolute beast to wake up- on a day off however? The man was damn near impossible to stir. 
You were squatted next to the bed, trying to pull the pillow out from under his head as he held it in his grip. It was absolutely unfair- even at his groggiest your soulmate had the strength of a one man army. It was seriously pissing you off. 
“Are you kidding me right now?” You’re grabbing at his wrist, trying to pry his fingers away from the pillow but he’s not budging. Katsuki’s got his eyes shut tight, and he’s dutifully ignoring your every word. “I’m serious! It’s noon! Get up already!”
He finally peaks one eye open, just barely enough to see your irritated expression. Katsuki huffs, rips his pillow away from you completely, and flops on his other side. His back was to you, and normally you’d be thrilled about the free chance to drool over the planes of muscle- but this wasn’t a normal occasion. It was his birthday and you’d already made him breakfast and he was refusing to get up and eat it. 
“Bakugou Katsuki, I swear to god, if you’re not up in two seconds, I’m not gonna kiss you for a fucking week!” 
This does seem to illicit a response from him, because then he’s flipping back over, mouth pulled into a snarl.
“You think I care? You starved me out for fuckin’ weeks already!”
You want to roll your eyes. You thought he was being awfully dramatic and you knew you really shouldn’t stand for it- but he wasn’t technically wrong. However inadvertently, you had been neglecting him, and maybe it was time to treat him instead. Just this once. 
“Oh my god, you silly man, come here.” You relent, climbing onto the bed and hovering over him. “If you wanted a kiss you should’ve just asked.” 
“I-didn’t! When the fuck did I say that because I-”
You pressed your lips to his, effectively shutting him up. It was a trick you’d learned early on, but damn if it wasn’t still useful. You pulled away right when he started to get handsy.
“No. Bad.” You say, batting his hands away from slipping under your shirt. “I didn’t just waste all that time trying to get you out of bed just to be pulled in. Now, c’mon, you have breakfast to eat and presents to open- it’s your big day, birthday boy.”
“Fuckin’ exactly. Let me do what I want.”
“No, because if I let you do what you wanted you’d sleep all day and only wake  to go blow something up.”
“Sounds like fucking bliss.”
“Alright, well then I guess you’re gonna have to experience nirvana all by yourself because I’m going to eat.” You pat his chest, climbing off the bed and standing straight. 
Bakugou grumbles under his breath, but then the blankets are rustling and he’s rising to follow you out the door. He tears into the breakfast you’d made him, shoveling eggs and bacon and pancakes down his throat at an almost inhuman pace. You would cringe, but you’d seen this scene already many times before. 
“You ready for presents, now?” You ask, putting the dishes in the sink.
“Sure. ‘m not a fuckin’ kid though, you didn’t have t-”
“I wanted to. Seriously. So be quiet and be a little selfish for once. Please.” 
He nods tightly, following you into the living room. He’s settling on the couch, once again rubbing at his eyes when you bring the gifts over. There’s three of them in total and he chooses to open the smallest one first.
“Fuck- this a new watch?”
“Yep.” You nod. “To replace the one you blew up last month.”
“When the- how the hell did you-”
“I have my ways. Now, seriously, promise me you’re gonna be careful with this one.”
“Katsuki, that’s not a promise.”
“I’m not gonna just fuckin-”
“Say it.”
“No! Why the hell should I have to fuckin’ say shit just because you were spyin’ on me, you freak!”
“Katsuki.” You glare him down. “Promise me.”
“Jesus fuck, woman. Fine. I promise I won’t blast this one to pieces, alright?” He rolls his eyes. “Ya all happy and cheery now?”
“Very.” You smile brightly, moving to grab the second gift and place it in his hands. “Here’s the next one, open it.”
You watched him set the watch aside carefully, before taking the second gift. He might’ve been grumbling, but he couldn’t completely hide the smile trying to stretch across his face. You were glad you made the effort- he deserved every good thing and more.
“This is a jar.” He says flatly, looking down at the unwrapped gift. “What the hell?”
“It’s a swear jar. You know, for practicing how not to offend everyone within a .2 mile radius.” You deapan, taking the excess wrapping paper from him to throw it out. “You gotta work on it, Katsu- news has to censor you so much that your public appearances sound like EDM music.” 
“I’m gonna blow this up.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am.”
“No. You’re not.” You laugh. Then you lean towards him, sidling up close and lowering your voice as you run thumb across his jaw. “And, hey, if you figure out how to make it through the week without filling it up, I’ll give you something really, really nice as a reward.”
“Reward?” He’s asks, quickly putting down the jar. You know the look in his eyes, and you’re not surprised when his hands wander to your waist. “’s empty now, right? Think I fuckin’ deserve it. Huh, sunshine?”
“Nope. Sorry, Katsu.” You smile sweetly, dodging as he leans in for a kiss. “It’s saturday- week doesn’t start until tomorrow!” 
He groans, loudly, falling boneless against the couch and tugging you with him.
“You make me want to blow my fuckin’ self up. You know that, you shitty woman?” 
“Aw, thanks. Now, cheer up- you’ve still got one left to open.” You say, patting his grimacing face.
You shake his hold, just barely avoiding when he tries to pull you back as you grab the last present. This box is a little different from the last two, you’d spent extra time trying to make sure it was wrapped nicely and you’d even tied a ribbon around it. You hoped he’d like the gauntlet attachment- you didn’t think you’d be able to hide your disappointment if he didn’t.
“Yeah, so this next one,” You start, placing the box in his hand delicately. “I made it for you myself. Designed it too.”
He pulls the ribbon on the box, tearing away the paper. It’s like time stops for a moment, rolling nerves arresting you and choking your breath. You’re nervous and you feel like shaking and you so desperately want him to like the gift. Want him understand just how much work you’d put in for him and just how easily you’d do it all over again.
“Yeah so it’s an attachment for your grenade gauntlets, right?” You start, right when he’s pulling the device from the box and holding it in his hands. “I was thinking- wouldn’t it be nice if you could quiet your explosions sometimes? You know, for when you’re saving civilians and kids and stuff so they’re not so scared. Basically it works kind of similar to a suppressor on a gun, dispersing and slowing down the blast just a little to muffle the sound, but it’s just a little more high-tech and way more powerful- to match your quirk. Obviously. And it’s adjustable so, if, for whatever reason, you needed to wear it outside of your costume, you can collapse it slip it on like a bracelet and-”
Bakugou is silent. He’s almost frozen as he stares down at the gift, only twisting the gift around in his hands to get a better look. His eyebrows crease, and your stomach drops.
“No- it’s- please don’t get mad! It’s not supposed to offend you or anything! I-I know you don’t need my help to save people, you can do it all on your own, I know that.” You rub your arm anxiously, eyes averted to the floor. “I’m just trying to help- you know, because you always talk about your ratings going up, and I’m sure you could totally do it on your own, I know you could, but I just wanted to help you cause that’s what I do, support, and I can’t help you out on the field and I-”
Pop pop pop pop pop
When you finally look up at him, you’re blinded by the smile on his face. It’s bright, and beaming, and brilliant as he fires off explosions. You can see the light dancing on his hands, the force of combustion shooting his arm back, but it’s quiet. It sounds like pop rocks and bacon grease and popcorn instead of cracking thunder and collapsing buildings and then he’s laughing- he’s laughing something full and joyful as he stands, holding his hands up right next to his ears and setting off more explosions.
“You hear this shit?” He yells, that wide smile dazzling you all over again. “Fuckin’ works!”
The nerves disappeared, the tension seeping from your body entirely as he grinned at you. It was worth it. Entirely worth it- you’d give anything, start all over and do it all again from the start just to see that smile. 
“You wanna hear?” He asks suddenly, nearing you with his hands raised. “Listen!”
“No! No- I’m- I’m good, Katsuki.” You laugh, batting his hands away from your head. “I can hear it just fine from here, no need to singe my hair.”
“I wouldn’t-”
“I know.” You smile up at him, poking his broad chest. “So you like it? Right? Because it’s just a prototype, first draft, you know, so if there’s anything you want to change about it, let me know. Or if you just don’t want it I-”
“I’m fuckin’ keepin’ it.”
“I’m keepin’ it. It’s cool as shit.” He smiles down at you, eyes crinkled at the edges. “Besides, stealth, right? Could blow a fucker up in the next room and you wouldn’t even know it!”
“But I- I made them for you to save people? Like to help them?”
“And they could be used to blow shit up more effectively too. Win fucking win.” Katsuki pulls you in suddenly, arms falling familiarly around your waist. “Good shit, sunshine. Thanks.” 
“Of course.” You sigh, looking down at your feet. “That’s what I was doing- when I was gone. Designing it for my project grade and then building it for you. Sorry I got so carried away, I didn’t realize I was gone so long, you know?” 
“You’re still stupid for it, but it’s fine. Fuckin’ get it.” He grumbles. “You’re done now or whatever, right?”
“With school? Yeah I mean, I’ve still got graduation and stuff but otherwise I’m pretty much-
“Move in with me.”
“God, you always make me fuckin’ say it again!” He flusters, voice loud and raspy. “I said- move in! Here! You’re fuckin’ disappearin’ all the goddamn time to wherever the fuck and I’m sick of it!”
“Y-you want me to move in? 
“That’s what I just fuckin’ said! Idiot!” He thunders, face a violent red when you look up at him. “And I’m not gonna fuckin’ say it again so you either have to say yes or no because I-”
“Yes. Obviously. Of course I’ll move in!” You say, warmth filling your chest as you throw your arms around his neck. “I love you, of course I will!” 
You see the smile he can’t contain- one so dazzling and arresting, as he looks at you. One exactly similar to the brilliant one from earlier. You couldn’t believe that sentiment made you emotional- the thought that you made him just as happy as explosions did, of all things. But it did make you emotional. It really, really, did.
“What’re you- stop cryin’.” He says suddenly, calloused fingers catching your tears. “Why’re you cryin’? I didn’t even say anythin’ rude this time!” 
“No, it’s not that.” You sniffle, grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles. “I’m just happy. Really, really happy. I love you, you angry fucking man.”
Katsuki leans in for another kiss, and you don’t dodge it this time. You meet him in the middle and melt into him just as much as he melts into you. You can feel his hand under your chin, the other on your back, and you don’t think you’ve ever been warmer than in that moment.
You’d been waiting your entire life for him. For all of this. You were warm and loved and so very, very happy that it nearly knocked you off your feet. 
Or it would’ve- but when your knees weakened he just held you closer, righting you without missing a beat. You suddenly loved him for that, and for everything else too. You loved him for all that he was and his angry words and his subtle gestures. He was sizzling gunpowder and sharp steel and seared ashes, but he was the softest landing you’d ever known too. There was no hitting the ground with him, and he’d never let you fall alone. 
You’d know Katsuki was forever since the day your tattoo appeared, but it didn’t truly sink in until you’d learned to love him. Until you’d known him. Now you knew him like the back of your hand; you saw his face behind your eyelids, heard his voice in your dreams, and thought about his touch every waking moment. He was your other-half, as scary and loud and intense as he was, and you wouldn’t change a single thing about him.
He pulls away suddenly, and when you glance up at him he’s staring right at you. 
“I love you.”
Your breath catches. You thought you were thrilled to hear the words last night- but it was nothing in comparison to now. Bakugou was finally looking at you, catching your gaze and holding eye-contact and his voice was soft like you’d never heard it before. His tone was bare, no anger or attitude or bite- just him and three little words that took your breath away.
In that moment, Katsuki is the only person in the entire world. There was no one else and no other conclusion, and of course you ended up here. He was the only ending you’d ever surrender to. The only finality that could ever possibly taste so sweet. 
And suddenly, all at once, you loved him all over again. 
i- sob. plS this was so much fun to write and im gonna miss it sm !! 
once again, thank u to everyone who liked and commented and reblogged any part of this! this is the first ever multi-chapter fanfic i’ve ever written , and i really really was nervous about my characterization and writing and stuff, but you all made me feel so welcome here.  i appreciate it sm. way more than any of you know.
anyways, thank u once again for reading lovelies and i hope u all stay safe. i love y’all. <333
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violentinblack · 3 years
my god, what a ride.
- Martín. Just. Martín. We finally see him in that bank, in that plan, finally shining through the cage of Palermo he's been so long in, finally not afraid and gaining back the fraction of his control and love he had for his masterpiece. This is him. That smart planner, a capable commander, a man so well-versed in the plan he can make it work with whatever he has, the smartass who cheers his teammates with sarcastic names and eccentric speeches. The loyalty he has for the plan and all people involved, finally showing, finally in character. This is Martín being who he is, in his familiar terrain, gaining back the grounds that were taken from him since he saw Sergio again, and I can't be happier seeing him like that. He was amazing, and I have only hopes that he will be even more of a leader in the second part of the season.
- Tokio. I would never have said I cry over Tokio, but I did, because these five episodes have been the best of her character we've ever seen in the show so far. All her humanity, her emotion, her connections and her development and her beautiful little quotes that are very hard to forget about, and in the end, she goes out with a smile, victorious despite all the odds because that's so entirely her-to fight and fight and fight until you either win, or die, or both. The biggest and most beautiful surprise this season for me.
- Denver! I miss his smiling, goofy self from the first season, I do- but the way he's matured and developed from a simple hothead to a voice of reason and a complex, traumatized young man who has lost so much in these heists and is about to lose even more, it was wonderful to see. I'm so happy we will see him in December.
- The handling of Stockholm's character and trauma is a disappointment, and a big one. I was so happy to see her stand her ground and shoot Arturo like she should have at the start, but the process of her getting traumatized from it, from unrealistic flashbacks to getting nearly overdosed on morphine is, well, disrespectfully made. I dislike their handling of her. She deserved to have her great moment too.
- Helsinki, also. Nobody can tell me that he, a soldier himself, would not have put up a decent fight against Gandia-like hellspawns, and did marvelously so, if they didn't opt for incapacitating him again. They keep pushing Helsinki to the side, under the rug, back on the shelf, and I am definitely not a fan of it.
- Neither am I a fan of Sergio and Raquel's "romantic" little planning of things without telling a single teammate what any of them are supposed to be doing in case either gets captured. She is an attempt at a leader, that much is true, but I am very much not a fan of her leadership and I'm glad it was not utilized or pushed too much.
- Alicia, wow. Morbid, funny, eccentric, wicked, and just a little sweet. I love her and her baby daughter, the season was so much fun with her in there. I don't know what will happen to her, but I do have to admit they're handling this entire "Alicia joins them" concept way better than I imagined they would.
- Manila was a star! I love her so much, her crush on Denver, her backstory, her openly and proudly talking about her experience as a trans woman with a strict father. I love her father's development, also, I love them both very much.
-Bogotá's "punch a fascist homophobe" thing was very deserved but also quite off-place and out of character, if I'm being honest, and I get it that Netflix wants to up the inclusivity by using their woke game exclamations but can we do it in a little more convincing way please
- I feel sorry for Rio, that last scene was indeed very emotional
- Arturo die challenge
- I do not want to acknowledge or comment on neither the entire Berlin son thing, nor whatever the fuck they did to Andrés this season. Only calling Greek and Romans "art"? Creepy and obnoxious talks about whether or not his son is into his wife? Not a single slimmer of him, his love, his emotions, anything? Ew. Pathetic. Gross. The heist was well-filmed though.
- Whoever bitched Tatiana up gotta stop because she's just annoying
- Marsella. That's it. Him.
- Nairobi I miss you so much I hope you and your gf have all parties up there wherever tf u are
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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give-grian-rights · 4 years
Bets Against The Void Ch3
Well. it’s HERE. sorry it’s a bit short, if I fit in the next events then it would well succeed a reasonable amount of words. about 1500, a few words off.  Reblogs fuel me 1000% more than likes. please enjoy and comment any typos ‘n stuff
my askbox is also temporarily turned back on, for this!! after a few days they’re closed, and i’ll hopefully go back to queuing up a bunch...
This is crossposted on AO3
and for Chapter 1, head here
Chapter 4 is HERE!
and @petrichormeraki Hope you didn’t forget about your Whitelist AU :)
Now that they were settled in their boats, Tommy was given a moment to realize where exactly it was he was going. And, oh shit. The builds he could see were bigger than any one solid, finished structure he’s seen on the Dream SMP.
Pockets of strange, purple clumps of spores poked out by the shore, in contrast to the rest of the island. A portion of hte island, too, was covered in the crimson netherrack. It was absolutely insane- Tommy didn’t think he’d ever seen buildings quite like them.
“...Holy...Fuck..” He voiced, breathless.
The brunnette woman in the boat beside his frowned, peering over her and Grian’s own boat. “We’re not exactly a PG server, but I think we’d all appreciate it if you tried to keep your language just a smidge cleaner,” She’d passively comment, eyes narrowing on the blond boy who turned to glare at her.
“Stress, they’re teenagers.” Grian would laugh, before the blond would be given a chance to respond. “I’ve heard Doc’s drunk ranting. We’re definitely not clean.”
She turned, raising a brow at the dirty blond. “Grian, I haven’t heard you say a naughty word, even once!” She chuckled, tilting her head.
“Sure,” he remarked agreeably, “but I was a teenager.”  Giving a small, sharp smile, he turned his head back out to sea.
Tommy, huffing with effort as he continued rowing his and Tubbo’s boat, felt the fight sizzle out. His defenses dropped, too busy looking at the buildings cluttering the island. Masses of structures, all of varying sizes and designs, were impossible to look away from.
As if remembering suddenly of Tubbo’s lack of perpetual vision, he turned, nudging their arm.
Tubbo practically jumped, almost tipping out of the boat. They pulled their arm out of the water, where they’d been contently dragging their arm along, and tilted their head towards their friend. “Huh? Uh- hey! Sorry. I was spacing out. Are we there?”
“Nope,” Tommy shook his head. “But this island looks insane! Seriously, what the hell? How many of you people are there! What the FUCK is this place!” He gawked, turning back towards the Hermits. Considering Stress only gave an exasperated smile, he didn’t feel too bad with his language.
“Our Cowmercial district! Mind the, uh, terrain. We’re in the middle of handling a.. Disagreement.” Grian chuckled, a wolfish grin sprawling across their face. “Just for the principle, y’know?” 
Tommy stared blankly at the back of Grian’s head, the older Brit unphased.
“..Sure, right. But no! What the fuck! I’ve never seen, like, half of those blocks before in my life! What are those buildings?” He gawked.
The strange, shadowery mansion- intricate patterns and overheads marking each wall, with scales on top. A giant chest! With..Eyes? It was twice the size of the community house! He could see four separate beacon lights! At least!
“Tubbo! There’s a- a huge ass chest with eyes! And a fuckin’ mansion, and it’s all dark and shit! Is- is that a cloud made out of glass, up there? What the fuck!” The boat was practically rocking as he cried out.
“Tommy, we’re gonna fall in, Big Man!” They chuckled nervously, grasping at the wooden walls of the boat. “Are all the buildings huge? I bet they are! I heard Hermitcraft servers always have huge builds!”
“Yes, and there’s SO FUCKING MANY! WHAT THE HELL!”
“You’ll be able to see them in time, don’t worry!” Grian chuckled, drawing his boat into the shore. “We have a lot of builds, we’re almost a year into this world. These are just our shops! You’re more than welcomed to pick up something if you need it.” He explained breezily, throwing his legs over the sides as he pulled himself to land.
“We’re sure you don’t plan on staying long, and we can’t blame’ya,” Stress added on, as Grian helped pull her out of the spruce boat. “But we’re sure there’s some necessities you’ll need.”
Grian beside her nodded, pulling up his Tablet. “I have shirts and hoodies that should fit you guys, and some other Hermits would happily pitch in. We have more than enough resources to house you two.”
Tommy, who’d already pulled himself and Tubbo out of the boat, slumped, rolling his eyes. “We’re fine. Thanks.” He tackled the last word on half-hazardly, his lips drawn down into a scowl.
“Mate, whenever your server’s ready, we’re happy to get you back. Or get in contact with your Server Admin now, even. You just need to say the word to X, and he’ll take care of it.” Stress looked over the two, her brows pinched as she looked over them.
What in the Sun’s name is happening over there to leave these two so roughed up? She thought idly, noting it in the back of her mind to bring them potions later.
“C’mon, we can get you more situated later, if that’s fine with you two. You both need to eat, asap.” 
Food. Right. That’s a thing, Tommy pulled his stares away from the towering structures, naturally slipping his hand back into Tubbo’s.
The two Hermits led their way at a slow and even pace, the two teenagers trailing behind. Tommy and Tubbo both were quietly thankful for this. They were less quiet when it came to Tommy’s rambling, incoherent rants from his attempts of describing the District to his friend.
Whatever works to get them on their way, the pair of Hermits agreed, sharing a look.
It was a struggle all of itself, getting them both on track to the bakery. Tommy had poked his head in every building they crossed, with Tubbo going at an increasingly slow pace, trying to allow their Communicator to describe the complex surroundings.
They made it in decent time to the bakery, all things considered.. Tommy’s jaw dropped at the size of it, bright blue eyes surveying the large, detailed replica of a cake.
“What the fuck! There’s- there’s so many blocks! It looks crumblin’ and bitten! What shit! Tubbo! Tubbo the bakery is a giant fucking cake! It looks so realistic! Holy fucking Prime-”
“It smells so good in here, too! Wow! Does this place just sell cake? Is there enough demand, for that?”
“Wh- are those shulker boxes! What! That’s- that’s like, seven shulker boxes! Is that all just for the shit for sale??? What!”
Both of the teens were incomprehensible. Neither Stress, nor Grian, could get a word in.
“Hey! Guys, both of you, it’s alright, yeah? We have plenty of shulkers. Also, Keralis is..Yeah, probably the richest Hermit, so shulkers for his shop isn’t out of the ordinary at all.
All of us have a buncha shulkers. I’ll clear out some of mine, too, for you to have. It’d make setting up a base much easier, I’m sure.”
...Everyone has shulkers. And he’d be willing to let Tommy and Tubbo just..Have some? No way. Tommy gave a look towards Tubbo, and he could tell the other was as perplexed at the notion as he.
“You guys just.. Just have shulkers- I. Yeah. sure. Rooms with diamond armor and fuckin’ elytras lying around..Right.” Tommy took a breath, fist clenched beside him for a moment.
Tubbo, with their hand holding his arm, above his elbow, gave him a reassuring smile before turning generally towards the Hermits direction. “Thank you, like- so much?” They chuckled, sheepishly. “We really don’t need, like, anything like that. We- we should be getting back to our world soon. Hopefully- uh, probably.”
Grian frowned, humming. “Sure, but I think any Hermit that went even twenty-four hours without working on something, would lose their mind. When you go home, you could give them back. Even if you took them home, I promise that it wouldn’t be a big deal.”
The two teens shared a look. The older brit’s word may sound sincere, but they both knew better than to blindly believe someone, other than each other. Tommy shot a glare to the man, eyes narrowed.
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He scoffed. The dirty blond met his stare, unphased. A relaxed, easy smile remained on their face. Tommy didn’t trust it for a second.
Stress had begun opening some of the shulker boxes, exposing the sweets and goods inside to the starved teens. “C’mon, now.  If you two want to work on some of that later, you can do that. But you’re with us, right now, and it’s time to eat. Grab whatever you’d like, Loves.”
The brunette teen gasped, tugging at the blond boy’s arm. “C’mon Tommy, do you smell that! Oh Void, this place must be lovely! Thank you for bringing us, uh, ma’am! ‘N sir!” Tubbo beams, their smile lopsided.
Tommy glanced around, towards the candy-and-sweets themed furniture in the dining area. Right. Sure. I can deal with this, for Tubbo.
150 notes · View notes
everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo
Pairings: Tooru Oikawa x fem! reader
Word count: 8k
A/N: wow im so thankful for those who waited this long for the sequel so here it is, i really hope you guys like this one and im semi sorry for the pain, but thank u!
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“I can’t find her, Oikawa!” Iwaizumi shouts with his voice trembling in secret, hands gripping each side of the steering wheel, feeling his heart race faster than his own engine. He couldn’t bear to watch the weary eyes of the person beside him. Deep down he knew it had something to do with his sudden presence. There’s no possible way that when everything has been going amazing for the both of you, it all turns into dust with the quick change of events.  
Because of him.
He should’ve known that the arrival of Oikawa would bring you back to rock bottom and him along with it but even if he seemed prepared for the upcoming events- the impact of how painful it was never lessened.  
What if you knew?
What if you knew that you were soon to be off his hands and return to Oikawa’s instead?
Imagining you with a suitcase in hand, watching you drag it as you walked beside Tooru to say goodbye to him while you both leave for Argentina is a sight that could make his now healed heart return to the shreds that it was when his best friend called him to tell him about his plans of bringing you back. It may have been a few days after that agonizing call but his heart has never been more content to see you smiling. You were both patching each other's missing pieces and even created new and better ones, replacing the sharp bits that deserved it.
But the boy who thought he could return it to its proper condition— ended up tearing them apart.
Tooru struggles to stay put in his seat. His heart held the same pace as Iwaizumis, maybe even faster. He visualized his coming home would’ve been better than this. Sure, he didn’t expect it to be a happy moment. He knew the different emotions you could portray once you see him and he prepares himself for the tears and the punches you’d throw knowing very well it was something he deserved.  
He just wishes he didn’t have to see you tucked away in Hajimes’ arms.  
But with Himari, he could expect something worse than that.
Oikawa looks over to Himari who bit her fingers, anxious on whatever was going on. He could sense the way Iwaizumi’s posture tensed up when they got in his car, though he might have mentioned what his intentions were, he felt like he still needed to repeat it to make him stop his doubts. The setter has mentioned Hirami to Iwaizumi through the call but there was still the threatening silence that surrounds you three.
“Please before you think or say anything else, we’re not in a relationship. Fuck, I would never do that to her and you know that.”
No matter what Oikawa said, there isn’t an ounce of ease that falls on Iwaizumi. The ace knows how your tears fell for the blonde. How you managed to doubt every feature of yours and replace them thinking that she was the version of perfection you wanted to obtain. You weren’t close to perfect but in the eye of the two players— you were certainly close to it. Himari may have been the ideal you looked for but Iwaizumi stood behind to make sure you never question yourself again. Witnessing how you cried for her, he just can’t stand acting like an acquaintance to the girl who you thought was Oikawa’s new lover.
But there she was, seated at the back with her thoughts running to where you were.
Himari finally sees the importance of coming back to Japan within the minutes of being seated in the vehicle. It had been months since she met the setter and not a day passes where she could see the loneliness in his eyes but there were subtle hints of joy in his voice. Seeing him get excited about arranging the apartment, even asking her if the area was close to some locations where they could relax, had her wondering just how you were stuck in his heart.  
At a certain moment, she enters the apartment Oikawa planned for the two of you to see him in the room clutched tightly on a pillow with tears in his eyes. It was the first time the apartment had been officially his and the first night he spent it with his usual choice of emotion— regret. She came in such a wrong time. Instead of being able to congratulate him in settling down in Argentina, she managed to sympathize with him instead. Then it began— the stories, the confessions, you. Everything that escaped his mouth that night all consisted of sentences dedicated to tell her how much of a mark you left on his life.  
With the stories he told, she was excited to meet you. She wanted to hug you if you’d let her because she too was abandoned by a lover with another woman. She didn’t side with Oikawa when she found out that he was the reason, he received a smack to the head when she heard. It shouldn’t circle in her mind knowing you two were strangers but she never wanted anyone to go through the pain that she had passed. To think that Oikawa spoke so often of you yet he was the one to let your relationship part like he wanted to do, felt too ironic to believe.  
So, she helped him. Remembering what she went through for her past half, she couldn’t handle seeing another pair withstand it. Especially when there was a chance to save it.
But the blind eye and weakened mindset is to blame for the misunderstanding.
“I’m sorry but do you think she’s just back at his apartment?” Himari asks but Iwaizumi shakes his head. He knew you too well. You always promised that if you were to leave, you’d always come back before 11pm because he’d never sleep properly if you were out of his sight. It was way pass 10 and he left the apartment at 9:40pm to meet with Oikawa, needing his assistance in finding you. Now it’s 10:17 and he’s yet to receive any messages from you which fed his anxiety.  
He wanted to find you by himself but he knew how much Oikawa was begging the sky for you to meet with him again.
So, for the hundredth time, he forgets what his heart desired for him to do.
“There’s no way. Y/N should’ve been back now- fuck Oikawa what if she saw you?” Iwaizumi asks, his grip tightening more at the thought. The setter fiddled with his hands as the ace felt the weight of his worries. It was the worst thing that could happen but it became real without their acknowledgement.
With the possibility ringing in their heads, Oikawa steps into your shoes as he feels just how shattered your heart could’ve been if you saw him. Barely any time to explain himself or even get to be near you after a year of being away from you had his emotions tangled in knots but he needed to find a way to tame his and Iwaizumi’s fears.
“Hajime, calm down.” Oikawa tries— or at least begs him to do. It’s seen how his breaths weren’t under control and his usual composed figure was trembling with panic. If Iwaizumi fails to keep his mind straight, they’d be prone to danger.
“I can’t- you don’t understand!” He shouts as Tooru was taken aback by it, later his fists form a ball as he began to feel how unfair everything’s been. Hajime was underestimating Oikawa too much to the point that it looks like he wasn’t nearly as concerned.
“I don’t understand? I haven’t seen her in a fucking year and now she’s possibly missing and you don’t think I’m not losing my goddamn mind?” Oikawa argues back while Iwaizumi scoffs.
“Why didn’t you visit her then? Don’t tell me you weren’t ready while Y/N was ready to come back to you the moment you left!”  
Again, he was dumbfounded.  
He could never win against what was true.  
He truly wasn’t. Booking a flight and packing was the easiest part there is but the words that ran through his mind weren’t sure if he’d ever voice it out. The confrontation, to see you so broken because of him? Who can be ready for such a thing?  
He left without goodbyes, it’s a crime to come back and act like it didn’t happen. 
Yet what he’s been so at rage at was the fact that you found sanctuary in Iwaizumis’ arms instead of his.  
“You’re acting like you don’t fucking love her too!”
The way Oikawa’s voice echoed through the car made Iwaizumi’s heartbeat way louder than he expected.  
He was trapped, wasn’t he?
Iwaizumi deeply let’s his decision sit in his mind before his mouth could release it from him. Would a scoff mirror his denial? Averting the topic would lead to the same impression but if he agrees- that draws a line for years long of friendship between him and Oikawa. Covering a lie is better than whole heartedly admitting how he’s grown attached to you, while the man who left you was still in love with you like he was. Trying to lie to himself and allowing the denial stick with him was a situation he’d never be able to escape.  
The first time he’s ever loved someone turns into a war—battling with his morals and the person who’s fought by his side throughout the years.
But what would be the prize if he won?
“I know where she could be.” Oikawa suggests, his voice holding calmness but his mind let Iwaizumi’s silence in his previous comment rest in his mind. He couldn’t look at him because he understood why his own best friend would fall for you. He wasn’t oblivious to the time it took him to answer, or even how his eyes widened like a deer in headlights. He knew either way. The moment where Iwaizumi moved in with you- it was bound to happen because loving you is something that both boys will do until one of them bends a knee, even if one of them fails to be the first to do so.
“How are you sure she’d be there?” The young trainer asks as Oikawa sighs sadly when he reminisces to the time where he had met you on a little park on the way home. He figured that the way you looked that night was the same reaction you’d have if you saw him.
“What are you doing here?” Tooru asks, a curious yet worried tone in his voice. He watches you lift your head from your hands to look at him before tensing up when you realized who was standing in front of you. You quickly wiped your eyes as your stare remains anywhere but where he was.
“It’s nothing.” You whispered as he shakes his head before taking the seat next to you, looking at you while he wonders on how he can help even if he had no business to.  
“You’d kill me if I say that your acting is a 5/10.” He jokes while you rolled your eyes, not needing the teases but what held you back from being arrogant was that you could feel how he wanted to stay with you.
“Whatever problem that is- I’m here if you ever need me.” Tooru says, his voice lowering showing how sincere he was with his words. Carrying burden on your shoulders isn’t to be face when you’re all alone so he was willing to take some of the heaviness if you let him.
“Thanks, Oikawa.” You said, looking at him with gratitude. He smiles before standing up with a hand extended for you to take while you stare at him with confusion.
“Tooru. It’s better that way.” He says while you smile fondly taking his hand while you stand up, taking the spot beside him.
You were thankful that he didn’t bother to ask what caused this breakdown and he chose to let his presence do the comfort you really needed.
“What’s your favorite food?” You look at him with an eyebrow raised as he waits for your answer. With the endless choices you had to pick one— which was a struggle but you had to respond.
“It’s F/F.”
“Then I’ll take you to the place that serves the best of it.”
He shakes his head before looking at Iwaizumi while the other boy sighs, choosing to trust Oikawa. He was in another realization that there were still missing parts of your relationship that you haven’t told him and it makes him feel like a cast away but he had no other option.  
“We have to try and go to that location.” Himari suggests making Hajime sigh knowing trying is the only way to lead you back to him. He gestures for Oikawa to tell him the where while he listens intently on the details. Finding himself familiar with the place, he sighs in relief when he realizes it was a place located near the path you’d take home in your high school days.
But why was he nervous?
Every part of him was aching with anxiety even if he trusted Oikawa. Tooru knows more about you than Iwaizumi but the ace felt as if he was too close to finally knowing you the way the captain did. He was close to landing a soft spot in your heart- perhaps he’s already earned it but there’s still that worry that even if he tries, it wouldn’t alter.
What if he sees you all bruised up? What if your clothes were ripped and how could he continue to act like it wasn’t his fault he let you wander alone? Though he feels like you’d scold him when you find out he’s laid the blame upon himself. 
He just thinks about how he wanted things to be different from the way it was now.
Iwaizumi believed Oikawa, he truly did yet there was a sickening voice in his mind that badly wanted the false accusation to be true but this selfishness was put aside when he knew that this was something you wished the gods for.  
He swallows it hard. The truth that was meant to break no matter the circumstance.  
He may be someone you needed but Oikawa was and always will come before him.
“Moving in with her? How easy do you think this will be?” Iwaizumi asks, his phone held tightly in his hands while Oikawa bites his lip, thinking of ways to make sure he can convince his best friend to help him.  
“I’ve set everything. I just need you to help me out on this one.” Oikawa begs while Iwaizumi lets out a scoff followed by his eyes rolling at the dismay. It’s unbelievable how the setter thinks making you agree to this crazy idea was going to be a breeze- a walk in the park even. Imagining you just willingly accepting this offer with bags packed and little to no fighting- it seems like a different version of you. Iwaizumi knew that you deeply missed Oikawa but it didn’t mean you were always ready to face him. He’s seen instances where you’ve mistaken a man to be Tooru but your initial choice is to hold onto the ace and hid behind him. He feels how tense your grip was, probably in fear that Oikawa was there and that made him realize that you’ve yet to gather the confidence to meet him.
“I’ll be home soon and I know it’s going to be difficult but... please Iwa.”
“Do you think this is what she wants?” Hajime asks, wishing that his answer wasn’t what he was expecting. He knows how Oikawa’s efforts will be nothing if he lets all of this go but then again, this was too absurd to happen without fail.
And Iwaizumi can’t bear to let you go this quick.
“I love her, Hajime. This is what we’ve always wanted to do— be with each other. Now, I know I fucked up and this may not be the best decision but if I let her walk away again then who am I to say that I love her in the first place?”  
“The problem is that you walked away first, Oikawa. Do you think I’d like to see her be in the same amount of fucking pain you gave her throughout the year? I’m not letting her move in with you when not even half of your problems are fucking solved,” he pauses trying to catch his breath but then there it was— the selflessness that he didn’t want to appear because you can’t be selfish when you're not even his to begin with.
“But if she wants to go... I can’t stop her, can I?”
“Take a turn here.” Oikawa directs as Hajime follows suit. Upon seeing the familiar street, he relaxes a little. Tooru then steps out just as Iwaizumi turns off the engine.
“I’ll check first.” the boy declares while Iwaizumi sighs, leaning on the seat. Himari wonders if she should follow him, not that it bothered her to stay behind, but seeing Oikawa in a rush with a hazy mind doesn’t mean he’d be able to calm down. Iwaizumi could feel her worry so he speaks.
“You can go but if you get lost, message me.”  
Himari stays still for a second. It occurs to her they haven’t shared a single conversation and the nerves of intimidation shows itself. The moment she entered the car, she knew there was something more than just tension. Talking to him like there wasn’t that field of uneasiness was difficult.  
Because she knows that he loves you too.
“Thank you but can I ask you something?” she asks while Iwaizumi shifts his body to look at her and pay some mind to what she’s going to say.
“Is she mad at me?”
The boy was more than surprised to hear it from her.  
“I have a feeling she knows or if she doesn’t, I don’t want to be looked as the girl who took the person she loves.” She confesses softly while Iwaizumi remained silent letting the words sink in his mind. The blonde smiles at him fondly realizing that her outburst completely left him stunned.
“I like Y/N. Whether you believe me or not, Oikawa talks about her too much and I would love to get the chance to see her without rivalry. I just feel like—with the idea of me and that dumbass being together for a year, it really doesn’t sound comforting to think of.”
“You will meet but I can’t lie and say that you didn’t leave an impression on her.” Iwaizumi says, the past tension disappearing when he realizes that she really wasn’t what the photo made her to be. He wishes he could tell you just how much of a person Himari was other than the girl you’d want to be.
The girl sighs but accepts it knowing it wasn’t alien to her to understand what you could possibly feel.
“Guess I’ll be finding that asshole for a while.” She says and Iwaizumi nods but there was a question that he let pass his mouth.
“How come you like her that much?”  
Himari smiles as she stares at the sky before looking back at the boy left in the car.
“She reminds me of my girlfriend.”  
With that sentence and the ace’s jaw to the floor of a reaction, she lets out a laugh before opening the door and exiting the vehicle and an obviously flustered Iwaizumi.
“Y/N?” Oikawa calls out for the seventh time as he stands still for a second, his legs burning from running in circles. He pants but he decides that there was no other option but to keep going.  
Anything that it takes to love you more than he ever could.
“You and me, right?”  
“Come back to me.” He whispers, resembling you last year with one of your desperate attempts in his voice messages.
Then the tears formed while his energy was deafening.
“I’m so sorry.” He mutters, hiding his face in his hands as he lets the guilt him harder than it did compared to Argentina. You were here— a location away and he was growing more and more scared at the thought if you out this without a trace of evidence that you were safe though that issue was one of his biggest concerns but what follows it is that the hope that he gathered was dying.
“Are you?”  
Just as his eyes landed on your distant figure, his legs were glued to the floor.
Move! Fuck- I need to hold her but why can’t I move?
“Oikawa.” You called out to him, to confirm that your tears weren’t mistaking him for another person. You heard him but perhaps you needed more than just that. This is Oikawa. The person you’ve waited for, cried for, loved for how many years, yet both of your feet didn’t bother to step forward.
Were you waiting for someone else?
“Y/N.” Then his feet gave in, leading them to you as well as a pair of arms whose waited nothing else then to feel this sensation again. He buries his face in your shoulder, tears dampening your shirt as he held you tightly with his sobs resonating in your ear but your arms never reacted to him.
But you broke down as well.
You couldn’t believe it. He was here, embracing you with every ounce of love he gives you but you stood there like your heart didn’t endlessly wail for him but numbness seems to have sided with victory this time.  
At the time where you needed to speak, the words that you wished served as an embrace transformed into a weapon.
“Tooru, I need you to let go.” you whispered softly while he shook his head, sobbing harder when he ponders on the fear that holds him down. Was this the last time? The everlasting moment where he could show you his regret while he begs you to continue an ever after with him?
Was he just meant to circle the world without you?
“If I move to a certain place, will you follow me?” He asks as his hands continues to caress your cheek while you smiled at him, before letting your own hand run through his brown locks. He closes his eyes before wrapping his arms around your waist, his slow breaths calming you both noticing how exhausted he was.
“Anywhere you go, as long as I’m with you, I’ll follow.”
“You promise?” he whispers, not letting his eyes open as he lets his imagination take him to countries that the both of you could visit and a tiny smile falls on his face when he realizes that he’d be able to travel around the world with a person who he’ll be seeing at the end of the altar.
“Of course, Tooru.”
When he meant that it’d always be you and him, it was partially true.
But the saying didn’t mean you’d always be together.
So, it’s always you and him- against each other's heart since the world you promised each other has faded.
“Y/N, if I let you go, are you going to return?”  
“I held on, didn’t I? What’s there to return to, Oikawa?”
“I’m so sorry.” But what he does next strikes a heavy hit to your heart as he lands on his knees, with his hands covering his face as he cries when he knew that an apology was the least cure that there is to mend an unfixable heart.
“Oikawa, stand up.” he shakes his head as he began to continuously apologize but all you wanted was to let the silence consume him. You hated this. You knew Oikawa was in pain too but seeing him in the same position you were in made your heart sting at how he cried in front of you when you knew he hated that you could see him like this.
“Babe? Hey- Tooru? I’m right here.” You asked him as you rushed to his side while he wipes his eyes immediately before putting on a smile as you hand him his towel, patting it down on his forehead. He looks at you as his eyes gather another batch of tears when he sees how worried you looked.  
He hates it when you see him cry.
Though he doesn’t mind being vulnerable, this was a side of him that stayed at rock-bottom and the efforts he made to come back at the top had been attempts that made him stay longer.
After patting his sweat, you looked at him as he was shaking at the mix of emotions of the outcome of the match with Shiratorizawa. He avoids eye contact with you as his tears fell on the gym floor.  
“Tooru.” you whispered as you cup his cheeks taking him by surprise as he stares at your loving eyes while you send him a smile, catching the tears that were streaming down. He leans into your touch and maybe his efforts of trying to leave rock-bottom weren’t all wasted.
Especially, when your hand was ready for him to take just as the bottom of the pit began to win him over.
“I love you.” It was only three words that could’ve carried more but to Oikawa, it was all he wanted to hear because you love for him spoke more than just those three. You meant it in every way that he can understand.
Because with a simple confession of love, it was already enough to lead the defeat away from him.
“And I love you more.”  
You crouch down as you tried to make him stand up but instead, he remained on the floor making you cry even more when you realized he leaned his weight on his bad knee, making you look away and choosing to hold his arm in order to hoist him up as you wept for him.
“Oikawa stand up!” You yelled but he looked up to see the endless flow of your tears as he shakes his head, disobeying your orders while your heart crumbles when he reaches his hand to your cheek, holding it fragilely as he stares at you with the same amount of pain you held in front of him.
When million words were needed, the silence chose to speak for itself.
Don’t you love me anymore? Oikawa thinks as he continues to watch the love of his life fall under the solitude he caused.
I love you with everything I have, but what can guarantee that it’s enough for me to stay when the pain is twice as the amount?
“Why are you here, Tooru?” You asked him as he uses his finger to wipe away the tear that was bound to fall, as a sad smile tugs on his lips.
“I’m here for you, Y/N. Only you.” Oikawa answers as he averts his eyes to the ground while your hands form into a fist because you already accepted the fact that he belonged to someone else, even if it made you throw away the memories in his car just to face the harsh reality.
Besides, the street lights didn’t lead you to him anymore.
“Stop lying to me. It shouldn’t be me anymore.” He lets his blurry eyes portray the betrayal that pulsated through his body as he repeatedly shakes head, refusing to believe that those words came from you. He didn’t fly here to confuse himself with his priorities. You were the only reason- hearing you say that you were the least of his intentions had him wondering the depths of his mistakes.
“It’s always been you and no one else! I came back for you- to fix this- us, Y/N! I-I'm so sorry!”
The volume of your voice startled him when he sees your hand clutching tightly on your shirt as you stood up and the apple of your cheeks colored in frustration. 
“Am I ever going to get an explanation on why the person that I loved left me without goodbye? Am I just going to hear you apologize for hours and not a single answer is given to me? Oikawa- I waited- I want to forgive you so fucking badly but I’m expecting more than an apology without you telling me why you did it!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice to such an extent but the answer you waited for a year was yet to be given a response.
Hearing his pleas brought an emotion you weren’t familiar with. You expected that he would apologize but at first you didn’t know why it gave you disappointment instead of satisfaction. Surely, you wanted to hear it- let it replay in your ears for as long as you wished but that wasn’t enough to patch up a heart that’s been through more than just a slice in the middle.
“And why did it have to be the last time that we were happy?” You asked him with your voice purely showing the torment you go through when you remember the last night that scarred your emotions. How was he able to leave after a night of serenity? Were his laughs all a cover up his plan of leaving you as fast as he could?  
“Please answer me, Tooru.” You begged but it came as a whisper when you aggressively wiped your eyes that were exhausted and tempted to close.  
Oikawa bites his lip but takes a deep breath before letting his words decide the outcome.
“I lost grip on what I wanted to do. After that match- and all of the things that I couldn’t stop thinking about- everything was messy. An escape and a way to find that passion again were my options to get this sick feeling over.”
“But I was never in those options, wasn’t I?” he grips the fabric of his sweats beside him as he avoids your glistening eyes knowing how agonizing it was to hear it from him that you had been pushed to the dark corners of his mind like a forgotten idea.
“Are you sure, honey? This is unlikely of you to be spontaneous in this way.” his mother comments, her hand falling on top of her sons' hand. Oikawa smiles at her softly, sending a nod to his father as well. He knew his family was going to supportive no matter what, he was a star after all but he knew they were worried about him. A country with immense culture that he’s yet to learn about is a whole other experience but he felt as if it was the decision that could hold all the victories he wanted to earn.  
“What about Y/N? Why don’t you take her with you? School is finished and it’d be a great step for you two as a couple, Tooru.” He sighs heavily, placing his hands on his lap as he lets the question wonder over this head.
“I’ll figure it out.”
“And I guess contacting me wasn’t a good idea either?” You continued, the flare of rage igniting more as all of the excuses you made for yourself for his indecency have been made clear that it was his choice in leaving you in the past.
“How could you! You- fuck Oikawa!” You shouted as you felt your body shrivel with the anger as he tries to hold you but you pushed him away as the nearby stop lights painted the night a shade of red that resembled equal parts of anger and love.
“What was that for?” You asked him with a giggle as he smothers your hand with gentle pecks. During a red light, it became a habit for him to show you affection while you wait for it to turn green. You always drove late together so when the streets weren’t occupied, his voice would echo through the air when he shouts your name with a declaration of how much he loves you, or sometimes he’d steal kisses catching you off guard like he’s doing now.
“Well, it’s obvious that you didn’t complain babe.” He teases as you lean closer, giving him a subtle kiss on his temple making him blush instantly. He smiles at you before taking your hand and landing a peck to your ring finger as your heartbeat picks up an irregular pattern while the light turns green, his brown eyes leaving yours.
“Now, what about that?” You asked him while he fixates his focus on the road ahead but his dream with you causes him to smile like the lovesick fool that he was.
“In case I couldn’t do it in the future.”
“Fuck you for leaving and acting like I wasn’t here! You and your girl-”
When your eyes landed on a familiar blonde, the chances of saying those three words once again began to disappear.
And with the sound of her voice, everything became blurry when you remember the way she looked next to him with a smile.
“I’m Himari.” she introduces herself while taking cautious of her words when she sees the drop in your features. She hesitates to take a step forward knowing the mind who misunderstood was sharper than hers.
“And you brought your girlfriend.” you said with another sigh of exhaustion and when Himari hears this sentence she immediately knew what impression she had left from Iwaizumi’s words. She takes a step forward making you lower your head, not wanting to be near the person who was the main focus of Oikawa for a year but there wasn’t an ounce of spite that was directed to her.
“Y/N, we’re not dating.” Oikawa assures you, mimicking Himari’s actions, hoping that he could hold onto your hand and change your mind which he knew it was a little too late when his conversation with his best friend resonates through his ears.
“What do you think? She’s fucking crying again.”
“We are not dating, I promise. I helped him for you to settle in Argentina.”
“Oikawa- what does she mean I’ll be settling?”  
The silence on the side opposite to you has never been louder. Oikawa and Himari share a look while you stood there with more than confusion that was mixing in your range of emotions. Your eyes dart between him and the girl while the beats of their heart began to speed up, not because of their own panic, but for you. Himari then awakens from the absurd idea she was brought into. Being in this tense atmosphere, she knew it was the wrong move all along but it seems to strike her more when she sees the way the flow of your tears didn’t alter.
“Tooru, answer me.”
“He didn’t tell you.” Oikawa says making Himari groan and before she could approach you, she sees a figure running your way.
“Y/N!” Iwaizumi shouts before he engulfs you in his arms while there was a wave of relief that overcomes you as you immediately reciprocate his embrace as he caresses your hair and holds you tight. The worry in him dissolves when he ran and saw that you had zero injuries but when he saw your puffed cheeks and sore eyes, he wanted nothing more than to hold you when he realized the two were stood in front of you.
“Thank fuck you’re okay, please never leave me like that again.” He whispers while you nod and within this moment, you found a way to breathe properly as Hajime continues to keep you near him but when his eyes landed on Oikawa’s defeated orbs, he pulls away gently.
Himari saw how one of them had their heart sewn back together while the other one shattered.  
“You didn’t tell her?” Oikawa asks while your head turns to Iwaizumi who had his eyebrows raised but he looked at your confused expression and realizes he was pertaining to the issue of moving together. As you cautiously watch his features, you take a step away from him, standing in the middle of the two boys.
“Iwa, you knew?”  
Fuck. The situation he was in felt like a twist of fate. When the idea was brought to him, he wasn’t planning to go on about it but this was Oikawa. The boy he grew up with, shared his dreams and weaknesses, and the one who reminded him that a burden should never be carried alone.  
“I’m not going to lose to you, Oikawa.”
“That’s good to hear, Iwa-chan.”
But then you came and suddenly the competition grew into something more, a level that could end up having gold or having nothing when it came down to the winner.
“So, you two just accepted the fact that I’m willing to forget that he left and live with him that easily?” The two players remain silent even Himari chose to avoid barging in on a matter that only included the three of you but it did pain her to watch this unfold. She wonders how you carry this amount of pain and betrayal. It’s evident that the two have more than just a special place in your life.  
It’s as if your heart wasn’t just yours anymore.  
“Y/N, I wasn’t going to let you go just like that.” Hajime says but then he held back a few words that he knew would change everything for the three of you but it seems as if there already was a cut in the unity.
“Tooru, what did you do?” After hearing his answers, nothing became clear. There were missing details and words that you wished you could hear from him. With the surprise of moving to Argentina- it felt as if you were stuck in you and Oikawa’s past dream of travelling the world. This was one of the promises that could’ve stayed if not for the terrible timing. To witness the beauty of the different countries with Oikawa could’ve been a moment in your life where there was nothing but pure bliss and admiration for each other- which then turned into isolation.
“Back in Brazil, I had Himari help me with everything we needed to move in together. I thought that this would’ve been the chance for us to be together again- to have you with me and make up for all my mistakes. I know you’ve had enough with my promises so I’m not making more. I’m doing whatever it takes because I love you so much, Y/N.”
“Where did that love go, Oikawa?”
Perhaps that love was replaced by fear, especially when he can see his own reflection on Iwaizumi.
“Y/N,” the setter approaches you with care as he holds your hand, almost letting his doubts run him over when the idea of you letting go strikes his mind. He then looks at you which made you hold your breath when his eyes brought you to a memory you chose to forget.
“I love you, you know?”
“Why are you speechless?” Tooru asks while he stops walking to gaze at your flustered reaction. He then smiles before standing in front of you and places his hand on the crown of your head.
“Does that mean that I don’t show much I love you?” You shook your head while his previous words rang in your ears like your favorite song and looking at him now, your heart is overjoyed with your own love for the boy.
Taking him by surprise, you wrapped your arms around his neck attacking him in a tight embrace with an irreplaceable smile while he laughs and takes your waist by the arm muttering the same three words that he said earlier. Oikawa twirls you around while you returned the feeling.
“I love you more, Tooru!” He puts you down before cupping your cheeks with his hands as he savors the look in your eyes that only held him in it. He lowers his head as you didn’t hesitate to close the space between you and him.
But what is the same man that was in front of you?
“Iwaizumi, let’s give them some space.” Himari suggests, softly tugging on Iwaizumi’s sleeve. With hesitation, he still agreed but his eyes lingered on you who was held by Oikawa and with the sight of it had him let your words resonate in his ears as his heart silently bawls.
“Don’t fall in love with my broken pieces, Hajime. You deserve someone who is- complete.”
I’m too late, Y/N.
Himari who held onto his arm, stopped walking when she sees the longing stare that Iwaizumi’s eyes held for you. She could sense that every part of his body desired to be close to yours and catch you over and over again just to be with you. She smiles fondly when she realizes that she must’ve looked like this in the past- sick in love without a trace of fear to do anything for the person you adored but what did it feel to fight for your heart against his own best friend?
“But if she wants to go... I can’t stop her, can I?”
I want to try even if it isn’t me.
“Hate me, punch me for leaving, go on. Call me stupid and more but not being yours is the worst thing there is to say.” Tooru begins, long breaths within pauses to ensure his honesty is apparent in every word he speaks because he needed to make ends meet knowing this was the only solution to find his way back to you.  
And with an open heart, you listened.
No matter how many times he’s scarred you, you believed that he was still the same Tooru that cured the pain.
So when he held your cheek in both his hands, you saw nothing more than the boy you would love all over again.
“I am more than sorry for everything that I’ve done but I know that those aren’t the words you waited to hear. It’s my fault and to think that deciding without you knowing or even contacting you after I left are just actions that I regret everyday. I’ll accept if you don’t forgive me— I understand and it’s only right for me to deserve it but it doesn’t mean I won’t try for us to be together again.” He rests his forehead on yours as you silently let the tears land on his hands as he whimpers, closing his eyes as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his pace of breathing while you didn’t dare to open your eyes and look at the weeping boy.
“I c-can’t change what I did but I want you to know that within that year—being without you was more than I can take. So, if you let me hold you just for a while, then maybe I-“ He couldn’t even bare to finish his own sentence when his sobs interfered with him as you could feel the way his hands felt weaker against your skin but he held it with all his emotions.  
But when your arms began to wrap around his neck with your chin to his shoulder, his heartbeat took a leap but he instantly wraps his own around your waist as he sobs into your shoulder while another person watched in sorrow.
“I can’t forget what you did but holding you is more than I wished for, Tooru.” He smiles slightly as he closes his eyes and embraces your warmth that he craved for as your thoughts ran with the seconds that passed. He strokes your hair with his hands as your heart nearly aches at how gentle he was as if every action would lead to another permanent stain on you but you held onto him more when you felt the familiar ache pulse through your body. The nostalgia it gave you holding him like this leads you to feel the past embraces he’d give after every game, after every melt down, and after every argument. He may not be able to express his repenting with mere sentences but what you knew is that with every action he does is covered in the stories he failed to tell. After all, he’s your Tooru Oikawa. The boy who gave you every ounce of love and joy even if brought you to your knees, even if the promises turned to dust. So, letting your words course through him, he subtly pulls away and looks at you with a smile as you took a few steps back.
And with a few more heavy steps of decision, you grabbed his hand, interlacing it with yours as your hesitation lies under your skin.
But your heart was certain as it is.
The sun rose as you stretched, the immediacy of silence creeping around your room as you watched the clouds showcase the beaming colors of its rays. Smiling with bliss, you step out of your bed and began to run your usual motives. With your clothes all pampered and ready, you wore them with pride as you looked at yourself in the mirror with a photo to the side as another flutter of a heartbeat came your way.  
Dialing his number, his voice came in a second later as the glee in your heart overflows at the sound of him.
“Congratulations, Tooru! God, you were amazing and words cannot express how proud I am of you!” You cheered as the boy cries over the phone with the medal hanging on his neck with his tears decorating his cheeks as you too shed a few tears seeing him succeed over the television. Seeing him shine in the lights, displaying his winning smile as he was embraced by his fellow teammates was a view that had you let out a few shouts of exhilaration knowing this has been his dream that you supported throughout everything. He truly deserved it.
“I wish you were here but fuck thank you so much.” He says with a never-ending smile as you looked at the photo on your mirror making your heart chase the happiness that it gave you to see him like this. Glancing on a familiar vehicle park outside the building, you let out a laugh before speaking once again.
“Let’s make up for lost time.” You suggested, making the length of his smile grow as he too looks at a photo present in front of him. With two hearts lured into serenity, there wasn’t a moment more perfect than this.
“I’d like that.” Oikawa replies as you continued to put on your shoes.
“Are you good to go?” he asks as you answered a short yes before grabbing your things, and leaving the apartment as you pressed the phone to your ear to listen further.
“I’ll see you real soon.” Tooru says with a certain tease in his tone as you let out a chuckle before pressing the button to end the call.
As you walked to the car, you could feel the excitement rushing to you as he opens the door for you as you bid him a smile as he steps into the drivers seat and the love-struck boy wonders if the passenger seat has looked this bright. Seeing you in the afterglow as the sun entered the vehicle, covering you in the rays of it made his heart grew the prettiest flowers.
“What’s wrong?” you asked as he shook his head before leaning closer to land a peck to your cheek, pushing aside a strand of hair just to tuck behind your ear as your cheeks grew into the hue of love as his own orbs displayed a deeper amor than before.
“I love you that’s all.” He confesses making you smile as you intertwine your hands in his as he presses a firm kiss on it and with his free hand he turns on the engine. Turning his head so his eyes met your loving ones, he speaks.
“Ready for our drive?”  
“As ready as I can be, Hajime.”
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Taglist: @dekuspet @splaterparty0-0 @jihyunnxtooru @sakusakei-omi
98 notes · View notes
pathofcomets · 3 years
you made plans, i made problems (1)
fandom: ikemen vampire
pairing: isaac/mc
summary: “Look at me,” you say, your fingers grabbing his chin so you can make him look at you. But Isaac already does – because it is you who's asking. “You are the man that I love,” and his entire body shudders at the word, at the admission of it, at the fervour in your voice “And you’re brilliant and wonderful and so incredibly smart, and you will succeed.”
links: spotify! /// AO3 alternative /// 
next chapter >>>
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Hugs from someone you haven’t seen in way too long are the best. The way bodies crush together in enthusiasm, after an initial shy wave across the distance left. The way the distance feels like an entire ocean, both the few seconds and the twelve feet. The way you can feel yourself smiling even before you can grasp the reason, smiling to the anticipation of it.
The way the distance shrinks, disappearing in the folds of a jacket, in the dip of a dimple, in the squeeze of an arm around your shoulder. The rush of air as you laugh in another’s hair, delighted and awed that the other is real, and here – just like you. The embrace that lingers for more than just a simple greeting, because it’s been too long, hearts that slowly come to sync together, fingers squeezing at cloth material, each time less and less forceful.
Until the need to see another’s face is too overwhelming, too much – so the separation comes. Slow, unlike the coming together. The wave of happiness, to find your person smiling back at you, feeling your own face mirroring the same expression. The worry that lifts, the peace that settles to know yourself just safe and beloved and by their side.
Hugs from someone you haven’t seen in way too long are the best.
Your childhood friend grabs your arm, confidently following paths and roads that seem a mystery to you. The familiar weight of her hold around you makes you not even care about where you are going now.
“How did it go?” she asks, and you pull a face in reply, which makes the other young woman laugh with much gusto.
“Acceptable,” you mumble, though you’re not that sure of the validity of your claim.
“And that face for acceptable? Good thing we’re celebrating anyway!” your friend exclaims, her voice not losing any of its cheer.
You stop in your tracks. “What?”
“Well, you can’t visit and not meet any of our friends, right? Sebastian told you, right?”
You huff. “Sebastian would rather cut out his tongue than talk with me such trivialities.”
“Wow, academia really twisted his brains, huh?”
“Good thing his sister is about to follow the same path, huh?”
And you smile at each other, conspiratorially. It took your entire undergraduate degree to eventually convince yourself that you want to study at the same university as your brother and childhood friend, but it doesn’t feel quite real yet – not until you get your grade for today’s project proposal and an acceptance letter in your mail. Still, it feels like a preview of sorts, walking around the campus with one of your most important people, discussing of friends that… well, you don’t have yet, but hope to, soon.
The two of you spend that afternoon walking around the campus, though you’re not sure you really memorize much. You’re more focused on stopping for a cute coffee shop, hours spent in comfortable talk, exciting news and stupid jokes that reference back to your years long friendship.
And of course, you know your friend has done good for herself; even better than good. Here are so many of her friends to prove it, people who welcome you warmly not only because you are Sebastian’s sister (a fact that you resent and would deny terribly if he didn’t take so much masochistic pleasure from presenting you as such, just because he knows how much you hate it), but because you are her friend.
There’s a lot of bustle, as you all together enter the pub chosen for tonight – a bus ride away from the small town the university is actually in, because the drinks are cheaper and it’s open until later. Tables are shuffled around, chairs positioned in a circle; Arthur shouts for a first row of drinks, puts it on Sebastian’s tab, and that’s how you decide you have to be his friend.
You get sandwiched between a tall guy with kind smile, history PhD student – Napoleon, you believe –  and the incredibly more morose Mozart, who smells his drink and scrunches his nose cutely, before pushing it further on the table. A hand immediately grabs it, the alcohol drunk anyway by someone more eagerly to reach their tipsy edge. It takes a bit, for things to settle properly – the group huge, short introductions passed around, and you nod thoughtfully, thanking them for showing up.
Then, the alcohol keeps pouring.
Isaac has many weaknesses: that one class he couldn’t pass with flying colours during his undergrad, Harry, Napoleon’s pleading texts, his favourite students, alcohol, and the pout on the faces of his…f-friends. So when she asked him two days ago to please show up to the gathering she’s organizing for her childhood friend – and when she looked up at him with a smile, Isaac sighed defeated and added it to his calendar app.
But in university, the most overworked are the PhD students who get to teach; and Isaac has spent all afternoon and much of the evening in his department, on a debate of the possibilities of technological inventions in the fight against the climate crisis. For Isaac, the issue seems entirely obvious, and the debate was a bit pointless, since it involves fairy-tale-ish future inventions, that yet none of the talkers seems to be involved in building.
So it takes him a while to actually get to the address that she sent him, followed by the puppy face emoticon. And while Isaac has many weaknesses, one thing he gets right is that he keeps his promises. Dazai is the one that notices him first, raising a glass of dubiously coloured alcohol in the air at his entrance. A dozen pair of eyes snap towards him, and Isaac immediately dreads being here. He takes a look around their tables, trying to gauge exactly how drunk everyone is; today’s designated driver is Sebastian, and while he’s not the most amusing of company if you don’t like drinking, it’s probably better than the last time they had to keep Arthur sober.
Napoleon rises from his seat, gesturing for Isaac to grab his place, as he goes to the bar to get a refill for his beer. He does so with a nod, maybe even the beginning of a smile – and maybe if he wasn’t busy taking off his jacket, he would have noticed Arthur’s entirely too-excited gasp, and taken it as the warning that it is.
But he does not, and when Isaac turns towards the table, his words die on his lips, because his eyes land on you. Your face is already slightly flushed; from the bottles gathering on the table, seems like the party is slowly reaching its climax. Your hair is ruffled around your head, a hat carefully placed on top of your bag, which is politely placed between your bodies, but explains your state. And then your lips, red – and your smile as you say hello to him.
Isaac flushes, instantly, as a result. It’s not even that cold out anymore, so he could blame it on that. He’s just… blushing. You blink up at him, offering him your name, hand extended forward.
He takes it, your fingers curling gently around his.
“Isaac Newton,” he says, giving no further explanations.
“He teaches at the university!” Arthur provides usefully, and with friends like these, who needs enemies.
Dazai elbows him in the side, even if his eyes are fixed where your hands are still linked. It takes him a bit of convincing, but Arthur is on his feet and eventually moving for the front door for a smoke along with his boyfriend? fuck-buddy? Isaac is not sure he knows the certain term and he is not sure the two care anyway.
You’re still holding his hand. He turns towards you, an eyebrow raised. You let go immediately, smiling even more widely at him. Panicked, Isaac turns towards your common friend, sitting right across you two. She shrugs, raising her glass in the air, passing over to him both the incentive to drink and responsibility for a damn grown adult.
At all times, there are decisively at least 10 centimetres between her shoulder and Theo’s. Isaac frowns at them, but Theo politely clears his throat and asks him about today’s meeting. Isaac does many things wrong, but at least he knows when to not get himself involved.
He raises his arm in the air, catching the attention of a passing waiter, ordering his first drink. From next to him, you pique up with yours as well – or try to, before Isaac gently places his palm over your hand.
“Miss,” he says, and you straighten your back at the overly polite term. “Maybe just… s-slow down?”
He just… gods, he just got involved. He turns towards the waiter, repeating his order, and adding a glass of water for you as well. He turns back to you, only to find an adorable pout welcoming him. He’s still holding your hand in his.
“Mister Newton,” you say, and Isaac leans just a bit back, something in your voice mimicking the tone he used to say miss, and he’s already fearing the teasing, but the next words come simply as awe, “you’re so warm.”
He shoves back with so much force that he almost falls from his chair, forcing apart your hold. Your head moves to the side, looking at him like he is the weird one.
He’s searching now for the one friend that you have in common, but where he’s seen her at Theo’s side earlier, the seats are empty. He sighs; he could totally make a run for one of those empty chairs, right? But then he looks back at you, almost entirely alone in a new city with people you’ve just met, and some of his resolution breaks. Maybe because he’s been in your shoes before, that he counts up to ten and tries to regain his composure.
You keep a sheepish distance away from him… that is, at first. The drinks keep coming, and even dulled with the snacks and the water, you’re getting more and more drunk at his side. And as a result, more and more sleepy and touchy and cuddly. When your hand finds his arm, Isaac freezes in the spot, trying to carry on a conversation with Mozart, although he’s now stumbling over his words and he’s painfully obviously flustered.
You do nothing more than, just rest your hand there, fingers curled around the material of his sweater – and even like that, he can tell how cold they really are. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t shake the touch away, or maybe it has something to do with the way you looked at him through your lashes, searching his reaction, a blink away from moving away if he so much as sketched a reaction – and how he finds himself not wanting to disappoint you.
It’s stupid, really. He just barely met you, and yet – with each minute, a bit more of your body presses close to him. Your knee touches his under the table, warm – harder when you shake with laughter, when you lean across the table to show Leonardo something on your phone. And when you return to your spot, you’re just an inch closer to him, your hand just a bit tighter around him. And with each such light movement, Isaac finds himself flushing a bit more. Dazai throws him a look from where he’s seated, and pushes a new glass of alcohol in front of you.
Your friend returns, smiling at him in a strained way.
“Do you want to switch seats?” she asks.
Theo turns to look at her – frowning in his typical manner, though Isaac recalls it’s been months since he’s looked at her like he does at any other person. She’s keeping her gaze determinedly fixated on you and Isaac, more exactly, where your arm is comfortably tucked around Isaac’s.
The slightest glance at Theo, then back at Isaac. Isaac can’t really tell if she wants his answer to be yes or no. He shakes his head, and your hand on him relaxes.
Isaac has to bend down each time you speak, to hear you properly – as you ask about their friends, as he gives quite… monosyllabic answers, interrupted by long pauses, awkward glances back at you. You overreact when he tells you what he is doing; there’s nothing really much to it, but your eyes definitely sparkle when you look up at him to congratulate him on his position.
The looks from the group are getting annoying at this point; and when Arthur returns from the bathroom to find your head against his shoulder, somewhat asleep despite the… well, overall setting, innit? – he slaps his palm on Isaac’s back. Isaac has to hold on to the table, so that he doesn’t shake too hard with the impact. You still move at his side, and for just a second, they both freeze, searching your reaction. You just snuggle closer to him, your nose at the crook of his neck instead; Isaac has to snake an arm around your back, so that he can support your sleeping position. Arthur snickers, in the beginning – and laughs outright the more he looks at the picture in front of them.
He gracefully places another bottle of apple cider in front of Isaac, with a wink.
“To get you through the night,” he says. “Though with such enthusiastic partner, you won’t really need it.”
He has already had two, and considering – he checks the time – that his class starts in around nine hours, maybe it’s not the smartest decision. Isaac just sits there, as friends come and go: Napoleon stops for a short chat, before Sebastian grabs him again for one of their intellectual discussions that seem to get him off more than a normal kiss would have; Leonardo snaps a picture of the two of them on his phone, sending it immediately to the group chat, prompting Dazai to make puking motions at him from across the room, where he’s draped on a couch with Arthur under his arm, just… cuddling.
Isaac’s brain stops for a second, so violently that he can almost hear himself halt all other thoughts but one: what if your arm would just actually embrace him, what if he would allow himself to actually gather you in his arms, when he slowly feels you slip down? You snap out of your light nap from time to time, just to move to a more comfortable position, and Isaac can’t really make out your mutterings when you come to.
Sebastian takes his own photo, but it’s a close up of your face, cheek squished against Isaac’s shoulder, your mouth slightly open. Your brother finds it absolutely hilarious, and the man you’re currently using as both a pillow and a heated blanket thinks you’re just… cute.
Leonardo is the one to shake at your shoulder, and you smile at him blearily, as you come to. You yelp, moving away from Isaac – the cold hitting him full force, now that he doesn’t have your body glued to his: a burden he didn’t think he’d miss. Your cheeks, pale before from all the alcohol (Isaac for sure is not jealous of the way you’re about to feel once morning comes), are now flushed with embarrassment.
You trip twice in your haste to grab your things: once over Isaac’s legs, tangled with yours under the table, then again because your hand brushed against his when he offered you your phone. Then, with one last glance in his direction, as everyone pays their side of drinks and prepares to get out in the cold, you cling to Sebastian’s arm instead. He shakes off your hold four times before he gives in, with a defeated sigh, like a man ready to be cut.
Dazai pats Isaac’s shoulder, a mirror of what Arthur has done before – and his boyfriend jogs ahead, draping himself over your smaller body, the word roomie! way too loud out of his mouth, and spoken in a very theatrical way – Arthur, I’m pretty sure you’re not the one paying part of the rent, a sigh out of Sebastian.
He groans, somehow ending with too many people he doesn’t particularly like in his personal space, starting with his sister, and you get up on your tiptoes to pinch his cheek in reprimand.
Arthur, from your other side, having looped his arm with yours, nudges you in the side.
“Don’t you think you should apologize to professor Newton?”
You stop dead in your tracks, turning to look back at where Isaac is walking, Theo by his side. When he realizes he is the one you are looking for, his eyes open wide, in panic.
“I-” you start, fretting with the rim of your hat, which you hold now in your hands. “I am really sorry.”
Isaac imagines you are very cold; your outfit doesn’t seem too practical for the current weather.
“E-excuse me?” he asks, because he has no idea what is going on, only that all of his friends are now walking ahead, and he’s left with you, all alone, again.
“I must have been a terrible burden to you,” your lower lip almost trembles with the sentence, and Isaac takes a step back praying, desperately, gods please please don’t –
“N-no,” he stammers, but the answer is there and it is what you’ve wanted to hear, so he sighs in relief, when your shoulders sag in much the same feeling.
You turn on your heels, walking fast to catch up with everyone else. Isaac walks just half a step behind you, close enough to be there if something happens, far enough that you don’t remember he’s there unless you need him.
Everyone pinched in for the outing and rented an apartment for the night; a bit crowded for how many they actually are, but cosy and pretty in the way only such purposed houses really are. Mozart is already focusing on making hot chocolate, though no one is quite sure if he is making it for anyone else than him. Arthur decides on a movie to play – a bit of the drunkenness has been cut at by the cold outside and the walk here, and now they’re tired, but not enough to just shut down. When playing rock, paper, scissors for bedroom rights, Sebastian wins the king sized bed; and while you dare to at least hope he’d rather have it shared with you, he instead throws the most lost, longing and desperate look at Napoleon, who allows himself to be dragged away. Leonardo and Mozart get the couch in that room, and the living room is awkwardly spread between a couch, a bed and an inflatable mattress.
“You know I get Dazai,” Arthur says, and everyone nods in agreement, because yeah, he doesn’t really have to say the obvious, especially when it comes to the two of them.
Arthur starts a black and white murder mystery on the TV, awkward acting and men who will always be called handsome included that no one is actually paying proper attention to, as conversations continue in smaller groups, alcohol passed around still.
Her friend disappears at some point, as does Theo for that matter, but when he tries to catch her eyes as she returns from the balcony, she avoids it and goes for the open bottle on the table. Arthur whistles. Isaac looks up to the ceiling, wondering, screaming in his mind really, what he did to deserve his fate. Because his friends have shuffled around enough that their new companion ends up sitting on the floor next to him, eyes to the TV, but entirely unfocused.
You’re getting sleepy again, Dazai’s comments trying to guess the culprit and Arthur’s snickers that come as a reply not enough to make up for the fact you’ve travelled the entire night before to get here, neither the dubstep music coming from Mozart’s phone, or the excited chatter coming from Sebastian. Isaac can vaguely remember your friend maybe mentioning something of the sorts, implying it as the reason why this is a drinking party in the middle of the week – he checks the time –  four hours before his first class.
“Goddammit!” Dazai screams at the final reveal, throwing his bag of chips at the screen; Arthur kisses it better.
Isaac startles awake, having fallen asleep. His head now rests on the top of yours, the smell of your perfume a welcoming detail, and his hand rises in the air –
Arthur screams as Mozart lunges after the remote in his hand, demanding – Enough with your shitty choices, Arthur! – that they get some actual sleep. Bleary eyes and blabbering, they shift back according to their arrangements, blankets passed around.
You want to get up, help out with cleaning up the bowls, but when you do, your leg gives in under your weight, having gone numb during the movie. You let out a yelp, hands desperately searching at something to grab to. Which, it turns out, seems to be poor Professor Newton.
You both fall to the mattress with a loud sound. He’s blushing instantly, and you can feel your face in not so much of a different state. It takes him a second to find his balance again, and he’s ready to push away from you, when your fingers tangle in the front of his jacket, to keep him close. You lick your lips – a maddening action, really, when you’re this close to him, before allowing the full force of your gaze to fall on Isaac.
“Stay?” you ask, and it’s such a short, simple question. So open too, a sea of possibilities in there.
Isaac sighs. closing his eyes. You’re ready to let go, really, when he finally, eventually, after much internal convincing, says.
You wake to the smell of breakfast, familiar because it’s what Sebastian always makes on Sunday mornings when he comes visiting back home. For a second, that’s where your brain takes you – and when you open your eyes, you almost expect to see the photo wall in your room, the corner of a chair. Instead, you’re fully hit with the pain of your headache, and the nausea at the back of your throat.
“Fuck,” you groan, and you pull at the blanket to cover your eyes.
You don’t need to see right now; to be fair, you can barely just breathe. But – and you startle awake, followed by another pained moan. You look down, where the thing you’re covered in is most certainly not a blanket, but someone’s jacket.
You push a hand against your temple, and you swear this pain will just kill you. Of course, like a good girl, you promise you will never drink again, knowing it to be a lie, but just in case there really is a god out there who believes in not letting young adults with questionable drinking habits puke their guts out as they try to reconstruct the night before.
“Get up,” Sebastian says, kicking at your leg.
“Don’t shout at me,” you mumble, because even if Sebastian never actually screams, that’s how it sounds to you right now.
“Then do as you’re told,” he retorts.
It still takes you at least five more minutes to convince yourself to roll up from the mattress. You feel positively disgusting right now. There’s someone giggling from the other end of the room, and when you try to focus your eyes on – Arthur, was it? – he grins even wider, waving his hand in the air.
“Slept well?” he asks, and you groan in reply.
Sure, the sleeping has been nice. Sleeping didn’t involve feeling like a train has just run over your entire face. Sleeping didn’t involve feeling at all. You’re fumbling as you’re carefully folding the jacket, though you can’t recall where it did come from. Maybe you can remember, vaguely, the person wearing it – but to be fair, you did drink a disastrous amount of alcohol last night, and after a while, every little detail gets lost in a blur. You can remember, however, who the culprit was in the detective story.
You stumble in the kitchen, dropping inelegantly in a chair. Leonardo tuts, leaning over the table to arrange your hair in a more presentable state.
“What would Saint-Germain think, seeing you, cara mia?”
“That I need to drink better alcohol?”
Leonardo laughs, nodding approvingly. Sebastian sighs.
“Please tell me you don’t show up like that in front of him.”
“It’s a before and after situation, really. This is the before, and yes, he’s probably doing it out of pity.”
You move a bit, placing the jacket on the back of Sebastian’s chair. He frowns at you.
“Do return this to the kind gentleman who lent it to me?” you ask, trying to be as cute as possible, while you’re sure you have running racoon make-up.
Leonardo whistles.
“See, this is why Saint-Germain likes her,” he laughs, and they high five across the table.
“It’s Newton’s.”
You turn towards your plate, omelette ready, best greasy food really. With the fork in your hand, you wave it dismissively in the air.
“Yeaaaah,” you take your first bite, humming happily at the taste. “I don’t really remember, so I leave it in your care please.”
The table falls dead silent, all eyes turned to stare at you. The food you’re chewing almost gets stuck in your throat.
And they all resume eating and chatting, like you haven’t been singled out like the next victim in a Sims game. Okaaaay. Dazai is the only one who sends you an incredulous look even as the chatter resumes around the table, and okay, maybe your alcohol consumption is a problem after all. The alarm on your phone goes off with a loud, startling sound that makes your brother almost choke on his glass of water.
“Fuck,” you say, shoving half an omelette at once in your mouth, a bite out of Sebastian’s pancake. “Gwotta gwo.”
You shove at Sebastian’s shoulder. He’s supposed to be your driver for today, to the train station – and as of this moment, you have twenty minutes to make it. He swears as well, leaving the cleaning to the others. He’s their ride back as well, so it’s not like they have a choice, and for once it feels nice to not be the only person bossed around by Sebastian.
And maybe it has something to do with Napoleon’s kind smile in their direction, that her brother is just a notch nicer. You smile shyly at everyone else.
“It was nice meeting you all.”
“Aren’t you forgetting anything?” Arthur asks, and you shake your head. You’re pretty sure you already checked at least five times. “Oh then!” he says with a shrug, and at least two other people in the room groan. A flirty leech, indeed.
You hug your friend close, sharing promises of video calls and postcards – and okay, you are the one who is under time constraints, but Sebastian is the one who eventually has to pull you out the door.
“Hey, Sebby,” you say, and he groans at the nickname. “Thanks.”
“You know it wasn’t me,” he answers, offering you a cough drop from his car.
“It will be,” you say, and it sounds threatening enough that Sebastian doesn’t dare to be quite as brave as Arthur.
At the same time you receive a letter – running up the stairs to grab the scissors, trembling with them in your hand as you count to calm your anxiety – Isaac finishes teaching his last class for the summer school, sweaty under his white shirt, thinking of reading in the courtyard for an hour or two.
When you scream, scaring your mother in the kitchen and dialling Sebastian’s number so you can keep screaming, Isaac is greeted by Arthur and Dazai at the exit of the faculty, taking him out for lunch.
You send a pic to Saint-Germain and your childhood friend, and he sends a praise back; you can almost feel his kind pat on your head; your friend doesn’t reply until a few hours later. Isaac is convinced to get closer to his friend, holding his finger in an awkward peace sign as he poses for a photo to which he couldn’t say no, and his smile is captured there, forever, so that he won’t be able to deny it.
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Second Chances - Mark (Midsommar)
Warning: Major spoilers for the movie, drug use, this fic is dogshite, toxic relationships, and just overall fucked up situations
(my gif actually)
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“Dani, do you really think it’s a good idea to go?”
Dani sighed heavily when you asked that exact question for the fourth time while she was marking her calendar for when their flight to Sweden would take place. “Yes, Y/N. I’ll be fine. I’m fine.”
You knew she wasn’t fine.
“I just, I do think getting out of this tiny little apartment would be good for you...but does it have to be on the other side of the world?”
Dani scoffed. “It’s not on the other side of the world, babe, it’s just across the Atlantic.”
“It’s far enough.” You pouted. “Plus, going with that guy isn’t a good idea either.”
“You’ve known Christian as long as you’ve known me, Y/N. You should know his name by now.”
“I do know his name, I just don’t like saying it.”
Dani frowned. “He’s my boyfriend, you’ve gotta learn to accept him at some point.”
You shook your head. “He doesn’t give you what you need, Dani. He’s terrible at supporting you all the time. He’s an asshole.”
“It’s my relationship. Not yours.” Dani snapped, quickly sighing in frustration and sitting next to you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped.”
“No, I’m sorry. I...just want what’s best for you, that’s all.”
Dani smiled weakly, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a side hug. “I know, babe, I know. I gotta believe this trip to Sweden is exactly what we need.”
“I really hope so, for your sake.”
Dani subtly wiped away a shed tear off her face, faking a wide smile. “So, did you decide if you wanted to go to the party tonight?”
“Depends, is Mark gonna be there?”
“You know he is.”
“Then no.”
“Come on, Mark’s a good guy.” She’s stifled a chuckle.
“Girl, you can’t even keep a straight face.” You laughed.
“You used to be date him and actually enjoyed spending time with him, ya know.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
“Please, it’ll be fun! Pelle and Josh will be there too, it won’t just be Mark.”
“Josh is a smart ass who gets on my nerves. I mean, who the hell studies anthropology?”
“Oh hush, you’re studying psychology.”
Dani rolled her eyes. “Okay, Ms. Environmental Scientist.” She said, making you chuckle. “So, are you coming to that party with me or what?”
You didn’t really enjoy going to parties...like, at all. Even if Dani invited you to one, you always made some sort of excuse to get you out of going. But ever since the incident with her family, you felt you needed to spend every waking moment with her, mostly out of fear that you’d lose her forever. You probably spent more time with Dani than her so called boyfriend. 
You felt selfish for feeling pained that Christian was the first one she called when she got the news. You knew her family, actually made an effort to get to know them unlike Christian, and always saw her parents as your own and her sister was always kind to you. You felt like you lost a lot too, but you didn’t allow yourself to feel that way for long, not when they weren’t actually your family. If you were being honest, you haven’t allowed yourself to grieve at all. You spend most of your time taking care of Dani, never having the time to do anything for yourself.
The company Dani kept also was one of the reasons you never wanted to go to one of those parties. Pelle was nice, you could actually see him as a friend. Josh was a know-it-all. To be fair, you were a know-it-all too, but at least you didn’t brag about it every chance you got.
You couldn’t stand Christian. You always saw how awful Christian treated Dani, and how she just took it. One day, you actually almost got into a psychical fight with him for how he gaslighted her. Dani didn’t talk to you for a week after that, and after that, you tried not to let your anger out because you didn’t want to lose your best friend.
Mark...god, Mark could be so annoying. You used to be a couple, it’s true. But after seeing him not do anything about his “best friend” mentally abusing his girlfriend, you couldn’t just stay with him anymore, it just didn’t feel right. Plus, him being way too overprotective was not something that you liked in a person. It was heartbreaking since you actually liked him a lot, you could’ve truthfully say you loved the guy.
You didn’t dislike Mark as much as Christian, but he constantly got on your nerves after your break up. But Dani always reminded you how insecure he must’ve been after the fact. Doesn’t excuse his behavior, of course, but it did help keep your anger in check whenever he tried to push your buttons. If he wasn’t such a dick, you probably would’ve seen an actual future with him, that could’ve been happy.
Yeah...you really didn’t want to go to this party. But seeing Dani’s almost pleading face, you couldn’t argue with her.
So, you were dragged to the last party you would attend before Dani and her friends were shipped off to Sweden, until she got back.
You could see the obviously look of annoyance from Christian when you and Dani entered the apartment. He took Dani to the one of the corner’s of the room and you could faintly hear their conversation, “Why’d you have to bring her, Dani? She almost punched me in the nose last time...”
Your fists clenched instinctively, making your nails dig into the soft flesh. It hurt, but at least it kept you from socking the dude in the face like you’ve always had the urge to do. A dull glared expression settled on your face.
“Aw, is someone happy to see me?”
You immediately rolled your eyes when you heard Mark’s voice, him walking up to you with a shit eating grin plastered on his pale freckled face. “No, I think she’s probably thinking up ways to kill you, friend.” Pelle joked, making you smile a little.
“Honestly, he’s not that far off.” You shrugged, half joking.
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes, brushing off your hurtful comment with a bitter smile. “Why are you even here? We didn’t invite you.”
“I’m here for Dani.”
“Well, we didn’t explicitly invite her either.” Pelle smacked the boy behind his head so you didn’t have to. “Dude, ow! Hey, it’s not my fault Dani’s a buzzkill.”
Almost as if you could only see red, you were about to punch the ever loving fuck out of his handsome stupid gorgeous face when Christian came up and pulled you out of the room.
“What the fuck do you want?” You hissed, forcibly pushing him away from you.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m not looking for a fight. Okay? I have to ask you something.” He sighed.
“Spit it out then.”
“Do you want to come to Sweden with us?” He asked monotone, not hiding the glare directed to you.
“Wow, you must really want me to go.”
“It was Pelle’s idea. He thinks it would be good for Dani.”
“Since when do you care what’s good for Dani? Oh, wait, you don’t. It seems Pelle cares more for her than you do.”
“I care about Dani, okay? I care. That’s the only reason I was convinced to ask you. Please, just...she needs you. She’s your best friend, you don’t want to let her down, do you?”
Gaslighting. You knew that Christian wouldn’t be able to convince you without his number one douchebag power to make your heart bleed more than it already does. He didn’t even have to ask a second time.
And next thing you knew, you were on a plane headed to Sweden. Of course, they had to torture you with booking you a seat next to Mark. But you could handle it for Dani.
“God, I can’t wait to see all those Swedish ladies.” Mark mused, a slight smirk on his face, knowing that comment would upset you.
If those Swedish ladies had any sense, they’d stay away from the giant man completely, is what you wanted to say. But deciding to keep your comments to yourself, you just tried not to gag, rolling your eyes and keeping your eyes trained out the window, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away until your flying above the clouds.
“Silent treatment, huh? I always took you for a social butterfly.” He teased.
You took a deep breath, turning to look at him with a sickeningly sweet smile. “You do know there’s a mosquito flying around your head, right?”
The smirk on Mark’s face quickly went away, turning into a panicked expression. “Where? Where?” He almost shouted, flailing his arms around his head to swat away the imaginary insect. His panic made you laugh. You felt evil, but you convinced yourself he deserved it. When he heard you laugh, he quickly realized you lied. “Not fucking funny.” He pouted, running his hands through his hair, still paranoid.
You sighed when he kept a frown on his face, still looking around for that fake fly. “I swear, there’s no fly. This is the cleanest plane I’ve ever seen in my life, okay? There wouldn’t be any bugs in here.” You never could stay mean for long, even if it was Mark. The small grateful smile Mark gave you made it worth it, and suddenly felt your heart yearn for him against your will.
Many hours later and you finally arrived in Stockholm, only to be told you guys had to travel four more hours to get to Hälsingland. “Oh my god!” Mark whined, like a little bitch you might add.
Thankfully, you always came prepared, sticking some ear buds in and blasting music at full volume to avoid possible small talk and annoying remarks from the two frat bros. You really loved your preparedness after taking your ear buds out for one second only to hear Mark talking about seeing some video about a woman with three clits, what a moron, a cute moron...
You looked at the time, it was nearing 6 pm, but the sky was still blue as ever. It was a bit unnerving, but you tried to ignore the sense of dread you felt when you guys finally arrived to one of your destinations.
You tried not to laugh as Mark pulled his socks over his jeans and walking in a panic to try to avoid potential insect threats in the grass. “Dude, just fucking walk!” Josh fussed.
“Don’t you see all the bugs?!”
“I’m sure all those bugs are much more terrified of you than you are of them.” You voiced.
“Yeah, well, what if they’re so scared that they gang up to attack me in retaliation, huh?”
You rolled your eyes, speeding up your pace to catch up with Dani. Pelle introduced his friend, Ingemar, and his friends, Simon and Connie. They seemed like good people, until they pulled out the shrooms.
It’s not like you hated drugs, you smoked pot pretty much every other day before bed, but shrooms looked hardcore compared to grass. You did not want to partake. But Dani surprised you when she accepted the offer of the tea. “Do you think that’s a good idea, Dani?” You asked concerned.
“She can think for herself.” Christian voiced with a happy and calm tone, but you didn’t mistake the threatening undertone in his voice.
“Hey, it’s okay. Promise.” Dani reassured. You just didn’t want her to have a bad trip or anything, it’s not what she needed, as if you actually knew what she needed. You didn’t even know what you needed half the time. “Are you going to?” She asked, her hand holding onto the bag of shrooms outstretched to you.
“Oh, no. I’m good.” You backed away slightly.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” Mark asked mockingly. “You gonna be a pussy?”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance. If only looks could kill...You grabbed the bag, popping a couple mushrooms in your mouth, immediately cringing in disgust at the taste. You chewed quickly and swallowed, almost regretting the action as soon as you did so. Since when was Mark of all people able to successfully peer pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do? The fuck?
“There’s a nice place to sit over here, guys!” Pelle voiced, motioning the group over to a tree in the middle of the field.
It didn’t take that long for the drugs to kick in. You’d never taken shrooms before, but you definitely noticed when you came up due to how the world around you was starting to look warped, almost like nature was breathing. You felt more appreciative of nature in that moment, and with Pelle talking all philosophical like, it wasn’t hard to relax into the sweet embrace of the drug.
You looked over to Dani, she was the most calm you’ve ever seen her, but you weren’t sure if that was a good thing. You snapped out of the thought, not wanting to hyper focus on a drug. “Oh fuck, a new person.” Christian groaned.
“What? I don’t want new people right now!” Mark whined.
“Now who’s being a pussy.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear it.
“I’m going lay down. Everyone else lay down too.” Mark settled on the ground, still breathing heavily. “Guys, do it, it feels so nice. Josh, Y/N, can you lay down please?”
“Fuck off.” You spat while Josh did as he was asked.
“Y/N, please, lay down.” You furrowed your brows when you heard the desperation in his voice, almost like he was going to cry.
“Jesus, fine.” You huffed, laying down on the soft grass.
The sun shining through the leaves of the trees was enough to put you back into a relaxed state, almost giggling at the warped rays of light. “This is nice...” You whispered to yourself.
You jolted when Dani stood up all of a sudden. “I need to go for a walk.” Dani voiced, the waver in her voice clear as day to you.
“Dani, are you okay?” You stood up, wobbling slightly, Dani’s figure waving as she walked away.
“Fine, I’m fine.”
You wanted to follow her, but were you capable enough to give her support if you were high as a kite? It didn’t matter at the point. You probably stood there trying to decide for about five minutes before you actually starting walking in the same direction Dani went, but then it was too late. You didn’t see her anywhere.
Walking into the woods, you immediately got lost in nature, enjoying the colors that seemed to be amplified from the drug. You smiled to yourself, not even the arms wrapping around your shoulders could force your mouth to pull downwards. “Hi.” Mark whispered, giggling as he tightened his embrace.
You turned yourself around in his arms. “Why’d you follow me?”
“I’m not allowed to see what my friend is doing out in the woods?”
“I’m looking for Dani, and we’re not friends.”
Mark pouted. “We used to be more than friends. Why’d we ever break up?”
You frowned. “Cause you excused Christian’s behavior towards Dani. Plus, you were always a dick.”
“Rude. And to be fair, I’ve been trying to convince Christian to break up with her. They should’ve called it quits awhile ago.”
“The first thing you’ve said in your entire life that’s actually correct. How’re you an undergrad again?” 
If you were sober, you would have never let Mark lean in and kiss you. At least, that’s what you hoped you would’ve done. But his lips were so soft and he was so gentle, you almost wished you were sober to experience the kiss better. It almost felt nostalgic in a way, even though it hadn’t been that long since you two broke up. You had to stop yourself from leaning back in for more when he pulled away.
“You reciprocated.” Mark smiled softly, caressing your face gently.
“Did I? I didn’t mean to, sorry.”
“I miss you, Y/N, a lot. I know you miss me too.” He whispered.
You shook your head and quickly walked away, not feeling like talking about...well, your feelings. Sobering up quickly after that, you kicked yourself for allowing that to happen, even if you happened to enjoy it very much.
You pretty much avoided Mark after the encounter in the woods, you were too awkward to confront your problems with other people, in that regard anyway. But thankfully, six hours after finding Dani peacefully sleeping off the drugs, it was time to hike through even more woods to get to Pelle’s village. 
“So, we’re stopping in Waco before we go to Pelle’s village?” Mark joked.
Yeah, the all white clothing everyone wore did put you off just a bit, almost giving you Jonestown vibes. But they were so nice, taking your bags and giving you strawberries. They seemed like okay people.
You looked over to Mark, rolling your eyes as you saw him exhale smoke from his vape pen. Even in the presence of strangers, he still had no respect apparently. Josh even had to stop him from eating prematurely during one the first meals of the day. The ritualistic part confused you, but you just wrote it off as culture shock.
Sitting in between Dani and Pelle, you almost hit yourself for not remembering a very important fact. “Happy birthday, Dani!” You grinned. “I can’t believe I forgot, I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” Dani rubbed your shoulder. “Pelle actually gave me a drawing, which was incredibly sweet.” She said, causing him to have a slight blush on his face.
“I actually did get you something, but it’s in my luggage. Make sure to remind me tonight. But what about Christian?” Dani frowned. “He forgot...of course he did.”
“It’s not his fault. I forgot to remind him, that’s all.”
“Dani, you shouldn’t have to remind him.” You scoffed. “Let’s just hope he remembers soon, else I’ll have to castrate him.”
“Anyway, what’s up with you and Mark? You’ve been avoiding him ever since we hiked here.” She whispered.
You internally groaned. “I always avoid Mark.” Dani just gave you an unimpressed look. “Can you like, stop being a mind reader for once in your life?” You whined.
“What happened?”
You sighed, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “We kissed...” You quickly put your hand over her mouth to stop her from squealing like a school girl. “Shh. It was when we were both high. Didn’t mean anything, at all.”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that right?”
The conversation didn’t sway your decision to not stop avoiding Mark, you were going to avoid him for as long as possible and not even Dani could convince you to do otherwise. But you kept thinking about that kiss, and you suddenly found yourself wondering if there was any shock therapy places in Sweden.
Walking around the village a bit more by yourself to try and get some more bearings, Pelle joined you with his usual calming smile. “How are you liking it here so far?”
“It’s pretty interesting, I’d say. Living in New York never really gave me opportunities to be in nature, so this is great. I probably never wouldn’t come if it weren’t for you, Pelle.”
Pelle nodded. “I felt it was best for Dani, considering. She needs someone she can count on.”
“Yeah. It’s great that you’re looking out for her, it’s like you should be with her instead of Christian.” You cringed. “Oh god, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Damn it.”
Pelle chuckled nervously. “It’s okay. Speaking of couples, are you and Mark-”
“Nope.” You quickly interrupted. “Not a chance.”
He hummed in thought. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just, he told me about what happened...”
You groaned. “That little shit.”
"You know, I think you should give him a second chance."
You laughed. "That came out of nowhere."
"No. It didn't. Mark has always had a thing for you. And I probably shouldn’t tell you this but, he always talks about how he regrets how things went between you two. He still cares about you.”
You frowned, the feeling of missing the bastard starting to bubble up in your heart. “We weren’t good for each other. He needs to grow up.”
“Yes, I do agree he’s...a bit immature.” 
“An understatement, Pelle.” You snorted.
“Personally, I am a big believer of second chances. I just think what if I die tomorrow, would I be happy with my choices in life? You never know when that time will come.”
“Jesus, since when have you been so dark?”
“I’m serious, Y/N. You don’t know when you’re gonna die, so I’d try to live life without regrets.” He smiled calmly.
You kept thinking about what Pelle said well into the night. You had trouble getting over the creepiness of his statements at first, but you knew he meant well. You did miss Mark, more often than you’d admit. You hated that you kind of agreed with Pelle about the whole regret thing.
The next morning, you woke up with a terrible headache. Thinking way too hard for hours on end wasn’t good for your brain. But, it did give you some perspective on how you’d go about interacting with Mark. You admitted to yourself that you did want to be with him, but you also didn’t want to rush into giving him another chance, knowing that just a smidge of eagerness would give the man an overinflated ego.
“What was the name of that activity you said last night, Pelle?” Dani asked.
“Ättestupa.” He answered.
“Sounds fun.” You said, half joking. “Wish we knew what was going to happened, but you seem to love surprises.” You directed to Pelle, a cheeky smile on your face.
From afar, Mark couldn’t help but glare at Pelle. To anyone one else, you were just being friendly, and if Mark had any sense at all, it would’ve just been a friendly smile to him too. He couldn’t help but feel jealous, but even he knew he had no right to be jealous since you two weren’t together. Maybe that was his problem, he thought, being too overprotective when you were in a relationship with him. God, he knew being an immature bastard would bite him in the ass one day. He just didn’t realize someone important to him would be scared away in the process.
The brief eye contact the two of you made threw you for a loop, that sense of longing for one another.
“Can you two stop eye fucking each other, please?” Josh voiced rudely. Strangely, it didn’t phase the two of you. Josh only rolled his eyes. “Fine. Miss breakfast then.”
You eventually forced yourself to look away from Mark, the both of you following the rest of group outside for the meal. Of course, the only seat left was next to Mark. How convenient...
Mark was silent as you stood next to him, taking short glances at you and the ground nervously. “Somebody should tell those girls they’re walking stupid.” He joked, trying to lift some of the tension. It didn’t work. 
A boy rung a bell, an old man and woman walked two their assigned seats, and everyone only sat down until they did. Another rack of culture shock moved through you were the couple started chanting in what you assumed was Swedish, but it was honestly hard to tell.
After that, you just ate your food in silence. You were annoyed that you were too awkward to even look in Mark’s direction. But eventually, he cleared his throat to speak. “Did you sleep well?”
It was odd, hearing him sound so timid and quiet. “Uh, I guess so. I don’t really remember falling asleep.” You chucked nervously.
“Please, don’t.” You interrupted with a huff.
“I think we should talk about it at least.”
You bit your lip in thought, silently agreeing with him. “Not right now. Maybe after, whatever Ättestupa is. Okay?”
He sighed, nodding his head. “Fine. Fine.”
Mark stayed behind as you, your friends, and the rest of the Hårga journeyed to wherever this activity was taking place. You all were standing at the bottom of a cliff, waiting. “What’s this activity supposed to be?” You asked, but no one gave you an answer.
You sighed, crossing your arms around yourself. Whatever was supposed to happen was taking a long time, you almost felt bored. But soon you really wished you’d stayed behind with Mark back at the village.
Everyone watched as the old woman stood at the edge of the cliff, holding her arms outstretched to the sky. You could sense Dani hyperventilating, and you also felt a feeling of dread. You had no idea what was happening, and it scared you.
You let out a loud gasp as the woman fell from the cliff, her body falling onto a stone platform below, her face hitting it hard enough to completely mutilate any recollection that this woman was a human being once. Her face was caved in, it almost didn’t feel real.
You were in silent shock, not comprehending anything else around you, even with how loud Simon and Connie were freaking out.
All you could do was watch as the old man did the same, walking off the cliff and hitting the platform leg first.
“Oh my god, he’s still alive...”
All of the Hårga cried out when they saw the poor man was still alive, sharing his pain that he must’ve been feeling. A few members of the village ended his suffering, taking a large mallet and caving in his face like his partner in the senicide.
One of the elders, Siv, said that taking their own lives was a great joy and that this ritual had been done for many years. You couldn’t believe how barbaric these people were when they were so nice at first. Why were all these people so unfazed by seeing their own people die violently in front of them?
All you could do was follow everyone to the village in silence. You did the same as Dani. You needed to be by yourself right now. You sped walked to the woods surrounding the village, leaning against a tree in exhaustion. Did that really happen, you asked yourself. 
You slid down to the ground as you let the tears start flowing. You didn’t want to be in this place anymore, how could you? You thought back to what Pelle said. He knew that the ritual was happening and he didn’t warn you guys at all. Why would he do that?
“Y/N?” You heard a voice call out. You didn’t answer, you didn’t trust your voice not to come out distorted from your sobbing. Finally making his way through the clearing, Mark saw you hugging yourself on the ground in tears. “Are you okay? I...heard about what happened.”
“No. No, I am not okay. I just saw two people jump to their fucking deaths!” You tried not to cry.
Mark was never good an emotional support, so he simply walked over and sat next to you as you cried. You didn’t know how he managed to pull you onto his lap without you noticing, but you didn’t find it in yourself to care, so you just held onto him like your life depended on it. You didn’t want him to let you go.
“I wanna leave this place...” You mumbled.
“I think that’s understandable.”
“How’s Dani? Did you see her at all?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“I don’t want to leave without her. I gotta find her.” You wiped the leftover tears from your cheeks, standing up with along with Mark. “Will you come with us?”
Mark didn't expect you to ask that. “You want me to go with you?”
“I have a bad feeling about this place. I don’t want any one of us to stay here, but I want you and Dani to come with me at least. I...I still care about you too.” Mark blushed as soon as you said that, making you chuckle lightly. “Seeing those poor people die...I don’t want to live with regrets, I already have enough of those. I don’t want to give up on us without trying to make things work. I admit, I gave up on you too easily. I don’t want to do that again. Okay?”
Mark couldn’t help himself, he soon planted a passionate kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, you weren’t afraid of opening yourself up to him anymore. You wanted him, you’ve always wanted him. It just took a rough wake up call to remind you of that.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, standing on your tip toes to meet his lips easier. You felt safe in his arms, him holding you so close that the world and the messed up situation you both were in seemed to fade away. But you knew you were limited on time. You both pulled away breathlessly, wearing smiles on your faces.
“I love you.” Mark said, shocking you. “What? Live life without regrets, right?”
You laughed softly. “Yeah, you’re right. I love you.”
“Now, let’s get outta here.”
Yes, I left it open ended on purpose. I’d like to think that they escaped the Hårga. But if they didn’t, at least they’re together lmao. 
Whenever I feel bad that Mark died in the movie, I just think to how he must’ve put up a fight since that cunt who led him away had a busted lip. Did he deserve it? Yes, probably. But...but...he was a cutie pie🥺
Also, I’m trying to write a fic with Kenny from We’re The Millers, but IT’S SO HARD. Kenny, in general, is hard to write since he’s so...well...himself. Another thing is that the plot is all over the place and my mind keeps bouncing between a bunch of ideas so, it’s literally starting to look like gibberish. But i’m trying
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Satisfied, Part 32
Marinette bit at the inside of her cheek as she walked him home. He’d argued a bit that he’d be fine, that she’d be more likely to be attacked when alone than him, but she wasn’t having it. Now, though, she wished she had just let him go, because the silence was killing her.
She wanted to ask about their near-kiss, she really did, but she couldn’t be the one to bring that up! What if she was wrong? Had it been an accident when he was trying to grab the coffee back? Was she only hoping it was flirting?
And he wasn’t mentioning it, either.
She couldn’t seem to think of much else, unfortunately, so the silence stretched on.
After what felt like years of walking they reached Wayne Manor.
She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “If you go another three weeks without talking to me I’m telling Jason.”
Tim gasped quietly and instantly the tension between them shattered. “Traitor!”
“Just be glad I’m not telling Dick how much coffee you drink when you’re with me.”
“Only because he’d think you’re a bad influence,” he argued. “If anything I’m the one keeping that secret for you.”
She grinned. “Sure, sure.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “See you later, bean.”
She blinked once at the nickname, then smiled as a blush fought its way onto her face. “Later,” she mumbled.
She watched his retreating back walk up the hill and then turned around to walk home.
Her skin prickled.
She was being watched. She searched the crowds for a flash of light, some hint of the paparazzi. She didn’t know if she was comforted or put on edge when she couldn’t find any.
Marinette pulled her bag closer to herself. Should she call Tim back down? Ask him to send her a car? Was she just overreacting?
She looked around for a group heading in the direction she needed to go and started walking. She turned off early to make sure she was being followed and frowned as a man in a suit followed after her.
She was only more worried as she realized she’d seen the suit before.
The girl broke into a run.
There was a curse from behind her and they picked up speed. She heard a crackling noise from behind her and he yelled something in a language she didn’t understand. She hoped it wasn’t what she thought it was.
She darted down the alley, only to find another person in a suit rounding the corner.
Great. He’d called for backup. She hated when she was right.
Her eyes flickered over the alley for anything she could use. There was a dumpster, but it wasn’t high enough for her to get to the roof. The fire escape, then?
She’d barely gotten a few rungs up before a hand locked around her ankle and twisted.
A pained cry slipped from between her lips.
She let go and dropped into waiting arms.
A burlap sack was forced over her head.
She didn’t bother to struggle as they carried her through the streets. What was she going to do even if she managed to get out of their grip? Run? Her ankle wouldn’t like that.
It was somewhat annoying that she could hear people talking, could feel them looking at her, but they weren’t actually putting in any effort to help. She had to remind herself that they were civilians, that they probably wouldn’t be of much help even if they tried, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t hurtful.
She was thrown into a chair with way more force than necessary and fought back the urge to throw a blind punch as a hand touched her wrist. They’d already shown they didn’t care if she was hurt. She didn’t want to test them. She allowed them to bind her wrists and ankles.
When the sack was finally pulled off of her she found herself in a new abandoned warehouse. How many did these people have?
Harley Quinn stepped into the light and Marinette bit the inside of her cheek anxiously. Had they figured her out? Was it just chance? She did have pretty rotten luck, this would be very like her.
“Hello, miss,” she mumbled.
The woman smiled and rested a hand on top of her head. “Hey, darlin’!”
“Is... is there a reason I’m here? Did I do something?”
“Guilty conscience?” She cooed, her blue eyes sparkling with interest.
Marinette swallowed thickly. “I guess. But, really, is there a reason or...?”
Harley raised her eyebrows slightly and then glanced around. It was here where Marinette realized it wasn’t just the two of them. Her eyes flicked to Poison Ivy and Scarecrow.
“You’ll be fine, we don’t want to hurt you,” said Poison Ivy, resting a hand on Marinette’s shoulder.
“Too late for that,” she muttered bitterly.
The Rogues all frowned and looked at each other.
“What?” Asked Scarecrow when Marinette didn’t offer any information.
Oh. Oh. They don’t know! Her eyes flicked to the two who had chased her and found them shuffling anxiously from foot to foot.
Well, if she was going to die, she might as well take some assholes down with her.
“Those two twisted my ankle when I ran from them. I think it’s sprained.”
The Rogues’ eyes flashed with anger and she felt a twinge of guilt as Scarecrow grabbed them both and dragged them away.
Poison Ivy leaned down and untied her ankles, only to wince. Wow. That must not be good. She walked away and came back with a cup of tea and some elastic bandaging.
“Here, this should help with the pain,” said Harley, untying one of her hands so she could actually drink.
Marinette smiled weakly. She really hadn’t expected things to go like this when being kidnapped, but she wasn’t complaining. She sipped at the drink and suppressed a cringe, but continued to drink. “I still don’t know why I’m here...”
“Well, we’re kinda short on money at the moment,” explained Harley.
She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from asking if it was because they kept renting out warehouses every time they saw her.
“I don’t have any money for you, I haven’t even paid off my apartment yet.”
Poison Ivy shook her head and started bandaging her ankle. “Not from you, from your friend. The Wayne... wait, your friend is as billionaire and you have an apartment?”
Her face reddened. “Hey! I could like apartments!”
“You said ‘could’, so you don’t,” Harley pointed out.
She huffed and drank her tea again. Which was more bitter: her expression or the drink? Who knows.
“Anyways, we’re holding you for ransom,” explained Poison Ivy. “We might do some makeup on you to make it look like we roughed you up a little if he takes too long, but we really had no intentions of hurting you.”
As if to prove her point, one of the men from earlier gave a guttural scream. Marinette’s eyes widened. She hadn’t heard a sound like that in ages, that kind of senseless pain and fear. What was he doing to them? She hadn’t thought much about what would happen but really they deserved --.
Poison Ivy paused the bandaging of her ankle.
“I’m fine, really, it’s just a little pain. It’ll be gone in a week. Don’t...” Marinette swallowed thickly. “Don’t hurt them. Please.”
The silence was deafening. Then Harley stood up and walked off, hopefully to tell Scarecrow to stop.
Marinette reached into her purse and pulled out her phone, handing it over to Poison Ivy.
She blinked. “Why?”
The real reason was because Tikki was in her purse and she didn’t need them finding out her identity, but instead she smiled and said: “Might as well just hand it over? Get this over with?”
She frowned a little bit but started scrolling through her contacts until she found the one labelled ‘Tim Wayne’. She clicked it and held it to her ear.
“Marinette? You’re calling? What happened?” He asked, his voice panicked.
Harley walked in with Scarecrow in tow. Marinette looked around for the two she’d been chased by, but they didn’t reappear. Her voice shook as she spoke: “I’m getting held for ransom.”
“Alright, how much?”
She blinked. Oh, right, Jason had mentioned that this sometimes happened to the Waynes and their friends. She didn’t know whether it comforted or concerned her to know this was common enough for him to not really be fazed by it.
She snapped out of it. “He wants to know how much money you want.”
“She’s cute, I say at least a hundred,” said Harley.
“No, that’ll take a while, I say fifty,” offered Poison Ivy.
“What about we meet in the middle and say seventy five?” Scarecrow offered, rolling his eyes.
No one argued this, so Marinette sighed. “Seventy-five thousand.”
Tim sighed softly. “Fine, where are you?”
She passed the address on and Poison Ivy hung up.
Marinette sighed as she sipped at her tea. “How long does this usually take?”
“Anywhere from an hour to two days.”
She groaned and rested her head back.
Marinette cringed as, the moment her tea was gone, they tied her hand back to her chair. She was hoping they’d forget and she could make a great escape in case it took too long.
She tipped her head back. “Fun. Wanna play cards?”
About five hours later, Tim walked in with a duffel bag over his shoulder. The four were drinking tea together over a game of poker (Marinette was glad they weren’t playing for money, because she was losing).
Everyone looked up as the door shut behind him.
“Oh, hey,” Marinette said with a tiny wave.
“Bean... did you... make friends with them? They kidnapped you!”
“I’m over it.” She cursed in French as she saw her hand. “What I’m not over is how you’re all cheating!”
“We’re not! You can’t prove it!” Said Poison Ivy, which wasn’t suspicious at all.
Marinette sighed when everyone revealed their hands. Great. She��d lost again.
The game done, Harley skipped over to Tim, holding her hand out for the money.
He didn’t smile. “Let me make sure she’s okay first.”
Scarecrow narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but with a glance from Harley he untied Marinette’s legs so she could get up.
She stretched out a bit then made to walk over to Tim --.
Ah. Her ankle. She’d forgotten about that.
She suppressed the instinct to tap twice (damn it, Red Hood--) and shifted her weight.
Tim’s eyes narrowed at the pause in her step.
“You’re hurt,” he said. His hands gripped the bag tighter.
“The two who did it were... appropriately punished,” promised Scarecrow.
This didn’t seem to make Tim feel any better.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Marinette said, smiling at him.
She limped over to him.
“Hand it over,” said Poison Ivy, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.
Tim nodded and dropped the bag at their feet. The three Rogues quickly darted forward to grab it and started sifting through the money.
Marinette watched her friend struggle for a minute before sighing.
“Can I pick you up?”
She blushed and nodded.
He picked her up bridal style and gave the Rogues a small nod before leaving.
“Why don’t you arrest them?” She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder.
“It’s more complicated than that, unfortunately.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
She nodded. “I’ve dealt with worse,” she mumbled.
His face didn’t look any less grim, but he nodded.
“Sorry about the money. I’ll pay --.”
“Forget it. I had to ask my brothers for some cash to get there quickly but it’s fine.”
She blinked a few times as she processed his words. And then: “YOU HAD SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ON HAND AND IVE BEEN USING YOU FOR COFFEE?!” 
Brain: I have the perfect word to describe this situation
Me: but it’s in English right
Brain: yes
Me: not some weird mix of English and Spanish you just made up
Brain: yes
Me, after looking it up to be sure: BITCH --
“You set up the Timinette dynamic way too well”
i KNOW and it was an ACCIDENT
i literally have no idea when this became timinette or if it was timinette the whole time and i was blind
@comet-kun @thatonecroc @trippingovermyfeet @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h @insane-fangirl-of-everything @deepestobservationwombat @theymakeupfairies @fatimaabbasrizvi @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanofalittletoomuch @iamablinkmarvelarmy @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl @dino-lovingreen-angel @thestressmademedoit @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth @spyofthenightcourt @rowanrouge @nik-nak-3 @momothefemur @aestheticnpoetic @labschaos @our-preciousss @mochinek0 @eliza-bich @mythogaychic @severelyenchantedwonderland @sashakoi @smolplantmum @bluesimani @tropestropestropes @kitsunebell @keepingupwiththemalfoys989 @sassakitty @2confused-2doanything @too0bsessedformyowngood @all-mights-asscheeks @demonicbusiness @meg-an-ace @fantasiame
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
I’ll Be Home For Christmas - Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend promises you that he’ll be home for Christmas, your favourite time of year.
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of sex, mentions of death, character death
Words: 1272
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: I haven’t written for Bucky in ages so to all my marvel gals and guys, this is for you! I won’t be posting anything on Friday probably because I’m so busy in work so my Friday posts probs won’t be till after Christmas now! Hope you guys enjoy this one and please let me know what you think! I love you all! xxx
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The music in the party was rowdy and joyful as the guests were swing dancing along to the jazz numbers, it certainly felt like Christmas. You grinned at your group of friends as you left the ladies room, you had to step out to powder your nose but you knew that your efforts were in vain. To liven up your mood – you hated to feel sad at Christmas – you grabbed a Cranberry themed cocktail from the bar.
You smiled kindly at the bartender but you noticed when his eyes strayed from your face, to the swell of your breasts before stopping on your legs with a dirty smirk on his face. Turning away from the bar, you took a sip of your drink, trying to swallow down your disgust as you watched the happy couples dancing and kissing underneath the mistletoe. It was hard for you not to feel the bitter twinge of jealousy. It was Christmas Eve and everybody was going to be going home with the person they loved, except you.
“Spare a Christmas kiss for a poor solider Miss?” you heard a rough manly voice coming from behind you.
You turned around and felt a leap in your chest as you found yourself face to face with the most handsome man that you’d ever seen. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he tipped his hat to you. He knew how to wear that uniform well.
“I’m not sure Sergeant Barnes,” you read from his name tag, “why should I bestow a Christmas kiss upon you?” you smirked, raising an eyebrow.
Barnes winked at you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, “because you’re the most beautiful woman in this room doll,” the smooth words rolled effortlessly off his tongue.
You blushed, failing to conceal a grin as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “well maybe just one,” you pressed a soft lingering kiss against his lips, smiling as you pulled away, “I thought that you couldn’t make it,” you beamed up at your handsome boyfriend.
Bucky smiled as he rested his forehead against yours for a moment before he pulled away, “it’s Christmas Eve, I had to spend it with my best girl,” he leaned in, stealing another kiss, “can I take you home?”
You pretended to think about it for a moment before you pouted up at him, resting your head against his shoulder, “don’t you want to dance or have a drink? My best friend is throwing this party, we can’t just leave,” you in fact did want to leave but you wanted to tease him a little first.
Bucky shook his head as he looked you up and down, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth, your body flushed at his attention, “Please Y/N, I have wanted you all day,” he whispered in your ear as his hands roamed over your body, “you look so beautiful in that dress, and I can’t handle the way that that creepy bartender is looking at you, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you,” he almost growled as he tugged you closer.
You grimaced at Bucky’s words, “good point, let’s go.”
Bucky beamed at your words as he pulled you out of the party, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. Hours later you were tangled up together in the sheets, both gasping for air.
“Wow,” Bucky panted, “that never gets old, I’m honestly gonna miss this when I go away.”
You giggled as you kissed his sweaty chest and your mind started to wander and worry as you gazed up at the handsome man beside you. You didn’t want to lose him; you were scared about next Christmas. Would he still be here? Would he still be by your side?
“Bucky,” you started as he kissed your forehead and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “will you be here next Christmas?”
Bucky grinned confidently, “everything will be over by next Christmas. And, I’ll be right back here to marry you and have those two children.”
You beamed up at him as you snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes in contentment as you trusted his words, “a boy and a girl.”
The night before Bucky was getting shipped off to war the both of you were at Coney Island for your last night together. You tried to have a good night and remember Bucky like this but you couldn’t, not when you could lose him at any moment.
Bucky seemed to sense your uneasiness because he passionately kissed you in front of everyone and he whispered in your ear, “I’ll be home for Christmas, I promise Y/N. I love you,” the edges of those startling blue eyes crinkled as he smiled down at you.
You waited for him, your heart nearly breaking as every day slipped by as you trusted his word that he would be home for Christmas. But it was not to be, a little while after he was shipped to war you received a letter from the army to tell you that your soulmate, your Bucky had died. He had died crossing the mountains. It was supposed to have been a normal mission but he had died, he was gone and he was never coming back.
The pain in your chest was nothing that you’d ever felt before, you felt so incredibly sad, you were scared that you’d forget his handsome face, the warmth of his kindness and the sound of his deep laugh. Christmas would be empty without him; your life would be empty without him. For days you stayed in bed and cried until your pillow was soaking, you cried until you had no tears left. Your Bucky was gone and Christmas had lost its sparkle.
Bucky pulled into the car park and got out of his car, grabbing the Christmas wreath as tears stung at his eyes, he scrubbed them away with his metal hand. He should have been here sooner but it was just too hard. The cemetery was quiet and peaceful as he stalked through the long grass looking for you. Steve had told him exactly where you were, by the lake that sparkled that diamonds beneath the wintery sunlight.
He found you and instantly dropped to his knees, not caring that his jeans were getting soaked through with snow. Bucky tried to take in shaky breaths but it was no use, sobs wracked his body as he covered his face with his hands, it was never supposed to have been like this. He read the inscription on your headstone and found with much sadness that you had died at the young age of 45. You had got married and had three children, that made him smile sadly, he was glad that you had found somebody else, even if it couldn’t have been him.
Bucky gulped as he tried to find his words, “I should have come sooner but I was so scared Y/N, Steve told me that you were here. One of the first things he did was look for you. I hope you had a good life Y/N, one that was full of love and I’m sorry that I never came back, I broke my promise but I’m here now. Merry Christmas Y/N, I told you I’d be back for Christmas,” he let out a watery laugh as he felt hot tears stream down his face and he placed the wreath down at the foot of your grave, “I love you Y/N, you will always have my heart,” he kissed his fingers and touched your name as the snow gently began to fall from the sky.
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