#‘I can be Bruce’s leather jacket wearing golden boy you can leave’
bruciemilf · 2 days
I need Terry and Jason to meet, but their dynamic has to be like this:
Jason: Monologues about how much he doesn’t want to reconcile with Bruce and the family while visiting for the 10th time that day
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lily-drake · 3 years
Jason: holy shit- she's so tiny!
Dick: *agitated* Jason, focus, what do we do??
Jason: *coos at the baby Marinette* I haven't seen her this small in forever.
Dick: we need- Jason! Focus! what do we do???
Jason: *shrugs* wait it out? I don't know.
Inspired by @bambicambi
Annoyance coursed through Marinette’s veins as she saw the new Akuma of the day.  Of course it happened when her family came to visit.  Looking up to the sky and praying for strength she turned her back to the chaos, something she would soon regret.  Her brothers were asking her what the heck was going on, and as she opened her mouth a baby pink ray of light hit her, and Marinette poofed and in her place sat 4-year-old Marinette Wayne.
Jason and Dick stared at the small child on the ground in shock and after the moments were over Jason eagerly picked her up and spun her around.
“Holy sh*!  She’s so tiny!”
Jason called out as he held the small giggling girl to his chest.  Dick, was rightfully frustrated and walking in small circles and quickly said,
“Jason, focus, what do we do?”
Upon hearing Jason making cooing noises, he swiftly turned to look at Jason.
“I haven’t seen her this small in forever!”
He exclaimed, nuzzling his nose against the small Marinette.
“We need-Jason!  Focus!  What do we do?”
Jason shrugged as he held Marinette against his hip.  She giggled and tugged at his jacket.
“Wait it out?  I don’t know.”
Dick opened her mouth, but stopped when Marinette began to speak.
“Jay-Jay!  Ride!  Ride!”
Jason’s grin grew and gently set her down while holding her hand.  He squared down and carefully released her hand.  He could not express the pure amount of joy he felt when she climbed onto his back and wrapped her tiny hands around his neck.
“Jason, have you just forgotten the weirdly dressed flying child that not only turned Marinette, but all of Paris into kids?!”
He…had forgotten.  But can you blame him?  Marinette was so tiny when she was a kid, and he hadn’t seen her like this in forever.
“Look, contact Zatanna while I keep her safe and distracted.”
Dick sighed in relief replying,
“Alri-wait a minute.”
Jason was already running with a giddily screaming Marinette.
“No fair, I want to cuddle my baby sister too!”
He sighed in frustration, and no he was not pouting.  Quickly pulling out his communicator he dialed Zatanna.
“Hey, so I’m in Paris visiting some family, and this flying kid in really weird clothes is going around de-aging people.  Could you come see what’s going on please?”
“Pardon, but what?”
“Yea, it sho-“
Dick quickly ran through the streets dodging beams that were now directed towards him.  Why did stuff like this always happen when they traveled?
A few moments later a portal opened and he had never been more relieved to see Zatanna in his life.  Zatanna looked around and looked at the villain.  As she studied it and was about to jump in, a neon butterfly mask appeared over the child’s face and she realized what this was.
“I can’t do anything, sorry Dick.”
“What?!  Why?!”
“This is ancient magic, probably the most ancient magic in the universe.  There should be others…, see,”
She said pointing to a cat-like figure in the distance.  Dick stared in confusion, what was happening?
While Dick was trying to figure everything out Jason was having the time of his life with Tiny Mari.  He was especially thankful that when she was blasted that her clothes were transformed into a white t-shirt and overalls with lions stitched throughout them.  He had taken so many pictures of them.  We’re people running around everywhere scared, yes, yes they were.  But that didn’t stop him from enjoying as much time as he could with his tiny sister like he used to.
“Jay-Jay!  There’s a fairy in my pocket!”
“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”
He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!
“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”
Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!
“Marinette, you need to help Chat Noir defeat the akuma?”
“Akuma matata!”
Marinette called out with a giggle.  Jason would have laughed, if it weren’t for the flying bug thing talking to his sister, who was currently 4, telling her to help someone defeat the crazed villain.
“Woah!  Are you insane?!  Look at her?!  How do you expect her to fight?!”
The thing looked conflicted before sighing and saying,
“Well, do you want to fight it?  You just need to wear the earrings, I can run you through what you need to do!”
Marinette screamed.
“I want to be like you and daddy!  It’s my turn to help people!”
“Marinette, you're too young.”
Tears began to well up in the small child’s eyes.
“I-it’s no fair!  You al-always say that!  I want to help!”
She finished stamping her foot definitely with a sharp glare.  Jason sighed in exhaustion and turned to the floating creature.  He mumbles under his breath,
“Can’t believe I’m letting this happen.”
He knew by the way Marinette was gripping at her ears and the definence in her stance.  He could easily take them by force, but he didn’t want to hurt her or make her angry and feel betrayed.
“Can you assure above all else that she will be completely and utterly safe.  I will join as well in my hero suit to make absolutely sure.”
“Yes, she has a partner as well who will watch out for her.”
He sighed in relief at that, but there was a new and very heavy weight on his chest that wouldn’t leave until this event was over.  He listened to the fairy tell Marinette what she needed to do and almost smiled at the determined face she was making.  Her cheeks were so chubby and-no, focus!  He pulled out an extra domino mask he always carried with him and zipped up his leather jacket.  When he turned around there was a burst of pink light and where Tiny Mari once stood stood his sister in the cutest outfit he had ever seen!  It was similar to his old Robin outfit, but closer to Tim’s as she thankfully felt that there needed to be pants.  She had small wings on her back with a black cape with red bottom edges that shielded them from view.  And in her hands was a tiny yo-yo.  Before anything else could happen, he quickly pulled out his phone and took pictures.  He wanted to show this to Bruce and brag, sue him.
Soon after that they both left to the rooftops.  He was honestly surprised by how easily she maneuvered around the roofs and how easily her yo-yo grappled and released from things.  They soon landed next to a Cat Woman knock-off who turned to look at them in surprise and exhaustion.  When Marinette saw him she quickly turned to him and tugged on his sleeve.  Jason crouched down and Mini-bug leaned close to his ear and whispered,
“Does Selie have a son?”
Jason snickered and glanced up at the kid.  He seemed to have heard them if the ears twitching and confused look said anything.
“No Pix.  He was just inspired.”
“Oh, okie-dokie!”
“So, I’m assuming you two know each other and she was hit out of suit?”
“Yep, basically.”
“Right.  Well, we just need to break the wand, but I can’t get close.”
“Little Lady, cast your charm.”
Mini-bug puffed up her cheeks making her old —and most adorable— thinking face before yelling out while throwing the yo-yo into the air,
“Lucky Charm!”
“A red and black spotted rubber bullet dropped into Mini's awaiting palms.  Jason promptly took the bullet and loaded it into his gun, it was the perfect fit.  The hideously dressed child flew over to them and flourished her wand creating the opening Jason needed.  With one quick shot the bullet flew through the air and hit the wand causing it to snap.  A black and purple butterfly began to fly out and mini quickly caught it.  She quickly released it bouncing on her heels in pure joy as a wide smile grew onto her face.
“Told ya I coul’ do it!”
“Yes you did, good job Pix.”
Chat Noir, who they hadn’t noticed disappeared, came back with the bullet and handed it to the small girl.  She threw the bullet into the air jumping up as well and yelled out,
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Millions of Ladybugs flew through the air repairing damages and Turing people back to normal ending with Ladybug herself.  Ladybug looked around confusedly and saw Chat on her right and Red Hood on her left.  Memories of the past hour flashed through her mind and she promptly hid her face in her hands and a deep blush bloomed across her face.
“This is a disaster, a complete disaster.”
“I don’t know Bug, was it?”
Jason asked with a crap eating grin.
Came her mumbled response.  Jason laughed and ruffled her hair, Marinette was too miserable to care.
“We should go make sure golden boy isn’t panicking too much, don’t ya think?”
Marinette sighed tiredly and nodded, I guess so.
“Sorry Chat, I promise I’ll explain later.  Bug out.”
And as quickly as she could she swung away with Red Hood laughing and not too far behind.
“B is going to hate that he missed this.”
He called through the air causing a loud groan to escape her lips.
“Don’t show him!”
“Too late Pix, already sent them all to the group chat.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you to Babybug.”
Marinette groaned again and Jason laughed all the way to where they found Dick and Zatanna talking in an alleyway.
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess @buginetye @miraculouslydumb @aurcad123
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Connections 5
Chapter 5
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Marinette is now 7 and this is Mari’s first time back to Paris since the fair.
Summer break was always a pain and that was because she spent it with only Jean-Pierre and in her suite in the hotel. Chloe wouldn’t ever leave the hotel because she was the daughter of Style Queen and that meant she had a reputation to maintain. Except that all changes when Marinette comes to Paris.
That girl is the person who knows Chloe, other than a rich stuck-up brat, but that doesn’t mean other kids know that.
“Clo are you in” the little noirette called as she walked in, but she was different the bottom half of her midnight hair was bright purple just like her dad’s and it suited her.
“Mari-bug!” the blonde ran into her friend and hugged her. “That’s new” she said as she flicked her best friend’s hair.
The girl giggled, “yeah dad and Penny let me do it when we started the tour, I like it” the noirette laughed and Chloe smiled.
“it looks good” Chloe smiled; I can’t do that mom would freak. “So, any plans on how to sneak out this time?”
Mari smirked and shoved a backpack at her friend “Of course!”
“You are ridiculous…”
“Utterly ridiculous. I know” she was then pushed into another part of her room by the girl. “Now get dressed”
Chloe walked out in a pair of yellow gold leggings, under a dress that fell to her knees it faded from the bottom a silver to white at the top and was splattered with gold. She wore black flats and her hair was in her signature ponytail.
“This isn’t much of a disguise Mari” the blonde stated.
“Well not yet it isn’t” Mari pulled out a silver can with a black cap. “Now hold still” Mari was tugging the blonde’s hair and spraying it and when she finished most of her friend’s hair was black save for a few streaks of her golden hair. “How does it look now” the bluenette smirked, as she watched her friend’s reaction.
“If I add some glasses no one will know!” The blonde was jumping with joy as Mari reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of black glasses with bees along the legs and two golden bees in the corners.
“Like the Queen Bee you are” Mari stated as she looked at her friend. No one will be able to tell this is Style Queen’s daughter. Chloe is now just another regular Parisian kid and Paris is not going to know what hit them.
“What about you Mari” as soon as her friend said that she smiled and walked into the other room. When she walked out Mari was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a red shirt covered in black spots. On top of it she wore a dark grey cardigan that fell to her knees, and a pair of black and red high tops. She finished by putting her hair in two space buns tucking the purple away and rearranging her bangs to fall from a center part. “Wow, a bee and ladybug are amount to storm Paris” Chole remarked. Oh, how right she was although she didn’t know it.
“Then let’s go Bee”
“Alright Bug” the two girls ran out of the hotel and made their way to the park. For the three days Mari spent in Paris everyone was talking about the chaos that was brought by the ‘Ladybug’ and the ‘Bee’ as they seemed to draw everyone’s attention. In the span of three days the two planted orange tiger lilies that covered every school potted trees, they snuck into an made a cameo in her dad’s interview with Nadia Chamock, and they somehow managed to make every bird in Paris land on the Eiffel Tower. They didn’t even try to do it, they just wanted to feed the pigeons but soon every bird in the city was there. By the end of the week the ladybug and bee were nicknamed the Lilies of Paris.
Summer was too quick to end but Mari didn’t seem to mind. That just meant that she would be returning to Gotham and would be with her brothers. Not to mention that they were in essence training her when she was with them.
Most of her time with the boys was mainly spent with Dick. She and Dick would parkour all around the cave and she was a natural at gymnastics. She got the hang of her yo-yo when transformed and that was when they noticed that her strength and stamina was off the charts compared to other children.
She and Tim would mostly work on hand to hand combat but that mostly resulted in Tim on the floor, while Mari stood triumphant.
Bruce specifically tried to keep Mari from Jason, in fear that he would teach Little Mari how to shoot. But his attempts were in vain, to his credit Jason didn’t show her how to shoot a gun but how to disarm and disassemble different gums in a safe way. That was actually pretty good thinking and he should have thought of that.
To Bruce’s astonishment, or he should really say utter horror, little Mari loved Jason’s motorcycle. It got to the point that not even Jagged could argue whenever Jason picked up Mari from school on his bike. Both he and Jagged swear that Jason is going to end up teaching her to ride before either of them teach her to drive. Jason just loves the fact that Mari loves to ride with him, and Bruce doesn’t oppose this as Jason is always more careful whenever she is with him, or around them in general.
Bruce could tell that this little pixie, yes even he admits that he calls her pixie, has changed the entire family. He would however not let her out as the Ladybug holder in Gotham, but she was adamant on changing their suits and crafted them. Hell, he knew she was a wizard with design but even he was shocked at what she could do. What that girl could do with a needle, thread, and Kevlar reinforced fabric and armor plating was amazing.
He would force her to even make some for their daily lives. Dick, Tim, Alfred, and Himself had gotten several suits that were damn impossible to tell what they were made of. Jason got several more casual outfits and many leather jackets. Mari even made herself several outfits, particularly her favorites were legging that she wore with her uniform and when she rode with Jason. It came to the point that Bruce practically forced Mari to only wear reinforced clothes for her protection, thankfully Tikki was on his side and she did, the only exception was her uniform.
Mari was never a normal kid and that much was evident, it wasn’t until she and Tikki were talking during a stay at Wane manor when she was 9 that everything came to light. Alfred walked into the room and that was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was Tikki that changed his perception.
Tikki was floating in front of Miss Marinette, looking sad and trying to comfort the child. Alfred immediately went to the girl and noticed what was happening.
“Miss Mari” he tried to get her attention, but she simply stared straight forwards. The family began to come into the room and silence permeated the manor.
That was when she stared at Jason with tears running down her face, “J… Jay… Jay-Jay why are… why are you covered in chaos magic” everyone was staring at the girl quiet as they realized what she was saying. “Why are you covered in magic from the Lazarus Pit?” the collective in the room were shocked no one made a sound. As Alfred looked around, he even saw Tikki shake in what appeared to be a mix of sadness and fright.
“How do you know that name, Mari?” the little god spoke finally breaking the silence.
“I” she looked around seemingly unsure if she should continue “I just heard it, I saw it, it was it was like a ritual”
“Tikki is this normal for a miraculous holder” Bruce asked attempting to take the attention from little Mari.
Tikki simply shook her head “No it isn’t. seeing the Lazarus arura is for a Ladybug, but this knowledge is not normal…” then she simply stared at the girl. “Mari do you think?” the question was left unfinished, but the meaning was not lost on Mari.
Miss Marinette looked shocked and seemed close to tears. Resigned she finally spoke “it might be, it’s the most logical” after this the child went silent.
“What does this incur exactly?” Alfred spoke from kneeling beside Marinette.
The little god seemed to think before finally stating “Her soulmate” that left everyone quiet once again. “Mari knows how to fight, that much you know but what you don’t is that she has never had any type of training. The same goes for several languages she has never studied, she can read a person’s body language without any difficulty, and now this.” the little goddess states. The boys simply stare at her.
Bruce kneeled down and pulled Mari into a hug. And seemed to whisper something into her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise before she began to cry, and she was taken into Bruce’s arms and they walked out. The next thing Alfred knew was that it was loud, and the boys began to rush after Bruce. They finally found him in Mari’s room speaking softly, to softly to overhear, that they had to open the door but were met with an icy glare and left.
@thanks-captain-obvious @mandy989  @our-preciousss @readingismyoxygen @birdy912 @shifty-lesbian-retro-goblin @todaylillypads @laurcad123 @deamonangel27 @be-happy-every-day-please @fandom-trapped-03 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @t1dwarrior-of-earth @saays-bitch @kawaiigiantjudgefish @k-poplunardreams @animegirlweeb @animezodiac707 @weird-pale-blonde-person @myazael @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @miraculous-simmer7 @wannajointhecrabcult @blackmagicforever @iamabrownfox @inkattbi @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @justcourttee @consumeconstantly @abrx2002 @livelifeauthorstyle @certifiedbidisaster @dreamykitty25 @ironspiderstark @fantasyislive @ertyzeta @dast218 @susiej1118 @sassakitty @lilyreadbooks12 @dawnwave16
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rory-for-short · 3 years
We are not our parents|Part Five
He couldn't see them
When Lucy had gotten the call from her, well, she didn't know what they were... her Richard Grayson, asking for her measurements, she was ever the skeptic.
"Is this about your dad's big fling?" She asked over the phone as she settled on her couch.
"Possibly," he answered from the other end, sitting at a desk in his room.
"Why don't I just pick what I wear," she questioned. The way she said where was like "whey-uh" . It was all Jersey, and made Dick laugh to himself.
"You definitely could, but I just wanted to give you a designer option," he explained.
"You think I can't afford a designer option?"
"I know you can't. You make 11 dollars an hour in Gotham city
"Fair. Okay. Fine we can try designer, but I have some specifications."
"Okay, shoot."
"No checker board, no pinstripes. Nothing that says criminal. I don't mind blazers or flowers. Nothing flashy I'm laying low," she rattled off.
"Don't worry. I know you are feeling a little weird about this-"
"-A little?-"
"But I know what I'm doing. Well, I guess the dress maker does. I don't have any say. I can pass on your message to them though," he explained. She gave a sigh of relief. She had been freaking out all week about this party. This stupid, ritzy, heart of Gotham party.
After she found out about her man being THE Richard Grayson Wayne, she wanted out. Even if her parents weren't terrorists, she still wouldn't be on his level. She missed when she thought he was just a gutter rat greecer wannabe punching muggers for fun. But he was educated. High Socioty. Fit as a fiddle, and hot as the Sahara. Yet he chased her. He wanted her. He was so infatuated.
It's not like she didn't see anything good about herself. On the contrary, she knew she was hardworking, pretty funny, nice to look at expessialy when she was trying, and all in all she was a cute, blonde girl next door. However, sometimes it felt like none of that mattered. She was surrounded by a dark legacy. She couldn't even consider having her own kids. What would she tell them, and mabey crazy skips a generation.
But this dumb, cute, himbo of a boy saw none of it. Or at least, he pretended not to notice it. Sometimes he'd give her a strange look and she wonder if he was thinking about the people who raised her. She started being a bit more subtle. No dark makeup, lest she look like her mother. No red lipstick, because that was her father's signature look. Hair up in pigtails? Off limits. The colors red or green, she avoided them before Dick Grayson anyway.
"Hello? Lucy are you still there," Dicks voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Sorry I think a siren was going by," she said avoiding the truth.
"No worries, I was asking if you wanted me to get a hair and makeup person too?"
"Oh gawd no! I know what looks good on my face," she laughed.
"Even with you not knowing what the dress will look like?" He challenged.
"On second thought-" she trailed off. She could hear him laugh from the other side of the line.
"Gotcha, I'll get it all set up," he assured.
He got it all set up alright. The afternoon before the party a knock on her door sounded. She opened it to fing him grinning with a black dress bag slung over his shoulder.
"Heya-Hiya," he greeted fondly. She noticed he wasn't alone at the door. There was also a pale woman with raven hair longer than she'd ever seen and jagged bangs. She wore a mesh top, black shorts and a leather jacket. She was ethereal and beautiful. Lucy almost forgot to talk.
"Babe, this is Rachel. She's really good with makeup and she's a buddy of mine," he introduced.
"So you're Lucy? The way your Golden retriever of a boyfriend described you I was expecting Shera, or Captian Marvel," his friend mused. Dick was turning bright red from the tips of his ears to his neck.
"Yeah, yeah, that's really funny Rachel," he awkwardly laughed. Lucy welcomed them inside and Dick layed the dress bag on the couch while Rachel carried in a big metal mackup case.
"I haven't seen the dress yet," Dick admitted, "I told her all that stuff you told me. Hopefully they listened." He said getting ready to unveil it.
Rachel was now standing beside them as Dick revealed the dress. As they stood there taking it in, she realized that there was a color she forgot to say was off limits. It was a beautiful dress. The top of it like a Corsett with spaghetti straps. The tooling elegant and down to the knees. There were several star details on it. They lay on a sky of deep purple. Lucy bit her lip nervously. Richard noticed immediately.
"Well, that was an oversight on our part," he sighed disappointedly. Rachel cocked her head confused.
"And I thought I was a Debby downer. It's a beautiful peice, plus it isn't too bright. Hell, I'd wear it," she concluded settling her hands on her hips. And she was right, it was beautiful. Mabey beautiful enough to distrct from the rest of her. If the only people talked about was her dress, she'd be okay with that.
"I love it," she said smiling.
"Yeah, Dick doesn't know what he's talking about. He has zero taste unless it's in women," she joked. She met eyes with her boyfriend and smiled.
Bruce was stewing in indecision. His son had come to him and told him that he and Lucy discussed the risks involved with a public appearance, that he could protect her, and that she had been through enough in her life so she should be able to just have fun for one night. He agreed. Deep down he agreed. However, he knew the kinds of people that attended these parties.
Not all of them were in it for the charity. Big names who wanted investors, ass kissing new moneies wanting to climb ranks. People with dirty money. It was an open charity event, and gossip from the criminal higher ups couldn't be discounted. All his parties had this risk, but this time it felt more pressing. On top of that he now knew the Jokers name. His full name. All he had to do was bluff with the first name an Harley had spilled all her info. She had told him all about Joker, her daughter, and how no matter how brutal the man was she wanted to stay with him.
"Yah know, I could handle our fights. The way we went round and round. I never considered leaving him until he suggested we get Lucy in on the family business," she sighed taking a drag of her cigarette. "I knew then I had to get the hell outta dodge. You and I both know a battlefield is no place for a child. She was only 15-" she stopped herself as she realized just who she was talking to.
"Nevermind. I guess you wouldn't get it. I wanted her to be normal. Arthur wanted her to be us. You always gotta want better for your kids. I might be a criminal psychopath, but why drag her into it. Why make her fight my battles? Or his? Or anyone's? I started a money stash. I was gonna run away with her," she looked down at the ash falling from her cigarette, and stamped it with her foot.
Bruce knew the rest of the story or at least from the perspective of his and police. Jason was his Robin at the time. They got an anonymous tip on the Joker's hideout. Harley had sold him out. When they arrived on the scene there was almost no reason to interfere. The way the two clowns were going at it, they would probably just end up killing eachother.
Harley's neck was cut. Only deep enough to make a red necklace that was surface level but he could guess what Joker was trying to accomplish. The Joker had two knives in him. He was still on his feet sporting a death grip on a hatchet with Harley's name on it.
There was also a hostage. Looking on, holding a gun, and not knowing who to shoot at. She was about 15.
They didn't even stop to look their way. They knew he and Robin were there, but this was deeply personal and toxically volatile.
Bruce remembered how easy they were to take down. Gotham police had them unarmed, sedated and in medical vehicles in practically no time; they had already done so much damage to eachother they hardly needed a push. Jason got the gun from the hostage. While Batman delt with the authorities and offered to gaurd the hospitals, not to keep anyone out, but keep the two clowns in, he left Jason in charge of the hostage.
He found out later that night, or he guessed, the next morning, that she was their kid. He learned when he read the police report. He forgot about her after that, but it did cross his mind that she was out there, somewhere, from time to time.
Dick and Lucy headed to the mannor before the party. He explained how his dad was a tightass and his butler was a total bro, so they'd be going through the garden and climbing the wall.
"You want me to climb in this dress and heels? In your dreams puddin," she scoffed rolling her eyes and playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
"I'll lift you over you won't have to break a sweat," he coerced. She lifted her eyebrow, amused.
"I'm 5'9 and 173 pounds of pure woman. If you think you can get me over that wall you are psyco!" She laughed exgerattingly gesturing as she spoke. When they had first got together, he would have had one of those danger reactions to this. To her eyes going wide with disbelief, and throwing her head back in a cackle. But those happened less and less. He realized something
He couldn't see them in her anymore.
Without another word he placed his hands on her waist and practically ballerina tossed her. She managed to catch halfway up on the flat part Making the wall a ledge. It almost knocked the breath out of her. But she managed to steady herself and hoist her body the rest of the way up. She was a bit of a ballerina after all. When they had both sets of feet in the garden, he flashed an "I told you so" smile. She rolled he eyes and gestured for him to lead the way.
When he began sliding open the kitchen door, he heard Tim's voice carry from the foyer.
"Well, well, well, how the turn tables!" He cackled. He heard a frustrated groan.
"Forget it, I don't see why I ask you for anything," he heard another male voice carry. The two pairs of couples entered the kitchen at the same time. Tim with his 'friend' Connor, and Dick with Lucy.
There was a beat of silence.
"So, you went the kitchen route huh?" Drake noted.
"Yeah, we went the kitchen route," Dick sighed.
"You look like a ruffian," Conner stated.
"I'm getting into my suit. It's wool and everything, I just didn't before picking up Lucy," he srugged.
"The matching ties are cute. You guys look adorable together," Lucy chimed in.
"We're not together," they defended in unison.
Another beat of silence.
"Well, okay. We are going upstairs. You guys have fun," Dick announced as he practically dragged Lucy behind them. Once they hit the back staircase they went from stone cold silence to giggling.
"They were wearing pride pocket squares and matching ties, how was I supposed' ta know," she defended with a hushed alarm.
"Oh they are. They just don't know it yet," he lead her to his room and opened the door for her.
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spooky-z · 5 years
College Françoise Dupont’s talent show [5/5]
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 4.1 • 5 • 5.1 •
Warning: suicide mention at the final
@ozmav @maribat-archive
Damian was not one bit happy with the wistful eyes of Adrien for Marinette.
Since the confrontation with the class, Wayne noticed that the blonde did not take the eyes of his bride. Perhaps he was not even blinking. He could barely see the boy breathing!
“Damian, control your temper.” Tim nudged him. “Looks like you’re going to jump the golden boy’s neck anytime.”
They were sitting in the auditorium, lights on, people searching their seats. The whole family sitting in the third row of the main set of chairs, occupying the entire row.
The order being from the far left starting with Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Kori, Jason, Tim, Damian, Sabine, Tom, Chloe, Kagami, Allan, Allegra and Claude.
Jagged and Penny had been taken into the cabin, accompanied by Chloe’s parents and Kagami’s mother.
Adrien and the rest of the class, sitting in the second row. The blonde standing right in front of him, not disguising the fact that he was facing Marinette, who was on stage talking quietly with Felix and the director.
“If he doesn’t stop eating her with his eyes, I’ll…” and clenched his fist, imagining Agreste’s head in the middle of it.
Sabine, who had heard the exchange, laughed softly. Her son-in-law was so cute.
“Honey, it’s like we say: they may look, but they can’t have it,” she says, her hand on Damian’s fist. “My daughter looks beautiful. If no one looked at her twice, I would have been offended on her behalf.”
He bites his lip in conflict, but seems to decide that his mother-in-law was right and looked away from the blonde, preferring the sight of his angel.
“Good evening everyone.” The director says in the microphone, Marinette and Felix at his right side, microphones in their hands. “Today we mark the end of the talent week and also the end of the semester.” He pauses with the sound of the applause “this week was indeed amazing. Many talents discovered; many laughs obtained. It was wonderful.“
The audience shouts in agreement. Damian frowns with the particularly high-pitched scream in his ear and glances quickly at Tim.
“Today, as you can see, I have two guests with me” the director says again “Marinette Dupain-Cheng-”
“Hello!” Marinette sings into the microphone, a sweet smile on her face.
“-And Felix Aguillard.” Felix bows to the audience “Our first graders of the year.” More applause.
At the sound of the applause, Damian was able to hear a loud "What ?!” coming from the row in front of him, but could not recognize the voice because of the noise.
“It’s been a year since they’ve been studying at both Dupont and a prestigious university.” General choke “Marinette at ESMOD and Felix at INSEAD-”
“WHAT?!” Lila shouts in surprise, cutting off the director. She sits up quickly when she realizes that she has lost control in front of everyone. “Sorry, I was just surprised.”
Chloe scoffs before shouting to the stage “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
Marinette laughs “And Fe? He’s your boy too, isn’t he?” Teases into the microphone.
Felix looks at her, the pained expression on his face.
Chloe scowls at them and screams once again, “I’m sorry, but I’m SUPER GAY.” And the audience laughs out loud at the antics. The director looks unsure of what to do.
“Ahem,” he catches everyone’s attention, the laughter calming down. “Continuing what I was saying- Today marks their last high school day, so nothing fairer than them being our special guests of the night. The two will open for today’s participants, but they will not be part of the competition.” And ends, waving to the two talk something before they begin.
Felix shakes his head, saying he doesn’t want to say anything and follows him off the stage, but Marinette takes the lead, microphone tight in her hands.
“Good evening everyone.” She says, “Like Principal Damocles said, my name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I want a little of your time.” Her eyes gauge each of the audience, not stopping at anyone for long.
“Today has been a particularly special day for me.” It starts “But I’ll start with last month. Last month I was able to go a step further in my career. I received an undeniable proposal and now my things must be arriving at Gotham, my old and new residence.” She notices some violent reactions in the ranks of her former class. Alya. “Today… today I was proposed by the man I love. Today I have friends supporting me, I have my family by my side, I’m having you all now.” Her slightly wet eyes, Damian notes, wanting more than anything to be by her side right now.
“But it wasn’t always like that.” His tone a little bitter. “There was a time, like, about three years ago, that I had people in my life that I thought were there to support me. To be my friends. To support me when I’m not well…” she sighs “But I was wrong. So wrong.”
“I came to such a low point, so dark, that time has stopped. Like this. I had lost my will, my motivation. I was alive but not living.” Sabine, who had been holding back tears, could no longer and cried silently “But hey! This is not a sad story. It’s not because I found good people. Great friends. A great boyfriend. It was not easy at first. There have been relapses. Days I wanted to do nothing more than sleep and sleep. But I did it.” She winked at Lila, who seemed to have eaten something bad.
“I’m reaching my goals. Saying goodbye to most of you, see you soon to others and a ‘I hope I never have to see you again’ for the ones left.” She says sweet, so sweet that her teeth hurt.
“It was thinking about this past, this dark spot of my life, that I wrote a song … Yeah! I know! You were expecting a fashion show, but here I am, ready to sing.” Jokes with the general surprise.
She looks at the side edge of the stage. Luka was waiting for the signal to be able to enter. She blinks at him and he smiles, the guitar positioned in his hands.
“To sing this song I would need support, so a friend volunteered for this role.” She turns to the audience. “Please, a round of applause for Luka Couffaine, my best friend.”
Alya was… She didn’t know how she was feeling at that moment.
She had stopped trying to understand what had been going on since Chloe had appeared with Kagami two nights ago to pick up Marinette at the theater.
That was so frustrating! How, when … The three had become friends. How Marintte could forgive Chloe. When Marinette had overcome her rivalries with Kagami.
Alya didn’t understand. Alya didn’t know.
Alya didn’t remember when it was the last time she’d talked to Marinette. Her best friend.
But she remembered the last time she’d screamed at the brunette about being mean. About how after so many years, she still hasn’t gotten over her jealousy of Lila. How Adrien would never love her if she continued this behavior.
She remembered the teary blueberries, the flushed cheeks (of shame or anger she didn’t know) and the weak voice asking to leave her alone.
But it wasn’t her fault! She just wanted the brunette to grow up, take her head off the Adrien world, and live. Give Lila a chance.
What did not happen. Marinette just walked away.
She would come to school, attend classes, and then disappear. No one knew where she was going at breaks. During classes, she hardly interacted with others.
Just Chloe.
And Alya still couldn’t understand. Didn’t understand what Marinette was saying on that stage. Didn’t know what she was talking about. She was trying. Really. But it was all in vain to see Luka Couffaine come on stage.
His slightly longer, unruly hair combed anyway, torn black jeans, shiny boots, and a black T-shirt under a mossy green leather jacket. A guitar in his arms.
His eyes wrapped in a thick layer of khol.
He bent slightly toward Marinette’s microphone, a polite smile on his lips.
“Good night, Dupont. I’m Luka and I’m here today to help Minette in one or two songs.” He says “God knows how bad she is with the guitar.” He laughs when Marinette jokes him playfully.
She takes his microphone and says again "I think we should start, what do you think ?!”
A projector screen descends behind them and they begin.
No, I think I’ll stay in tonight
Skip the conversations and the “Oh, I’m fines”
No, I’m no stranger to surprise
This paper town has let me down too many times
And, man. She was good.
Alya was surprised, scared even.
Why do I even try? Give me a reason why
I thought that I could trust you, never mind
Why all the switching sides? Where do I draw the line?
I guess I’m too naive to read the signs
Adrien shifted uncomfortably beside Nino. His gravelly face.
He was sure the music was for them, the class.
For him.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
The screen behind them began to pass photos.
Photos of Marinette that no one in the class had ever seen before.
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
The first photo to appear contained Luka and Marinette hugging each other. Her arms around his neck, their cheeks glued together and his arms around her waist.
The unknown background landscapes. The sun shining bright.
Luka was wearing only a black T-shirt, his hair a mess and the tongue sticking out. Marinette in a black cropped with blue accents, her hair in a bun, eyes closed and a huge smile.
She looked so happy.
Adrien cringed.
Then I find out what they’re all about
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
In the next picture, Chloe and the brunette were sleeping together on a futon, probably in Mari’s room.
Chloe wearing Ladybug pajamas being the small spoon and Marinette Abeille being the big spoon.
Alya tasted the blood.
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
In the third photo, Marinette was sitting on Kagami’s lap while they were taking selfies. The two making funny faces.
Kagami’s hands steady around Marinette.
And that was a shock to Nino.
The ice queen being funny and protective of someone.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
A picture of the four of them together at a sleepover in what looked like Chloe’s room. Luka had a face mask, Chloe’s hair stuck in bobs, Kagami painting her nails, and Marinette reading a fashion magazine.
All of them on the bedroom floor, sweets and snacks spread and a television on in a black and white film.
The photo was taken by a fifth unknown person.
I stay up, talkin’ to the moon
Been feelin’ so alone in every crowded room
Can’t help but feel like something’s wrong, yeah
'Cause the place I’m livin’ in just doesn’t feel like home
This time it was a video of Marinette in what looked like a kitchen. A huge kitchen. Wearing a black shirt too big to be hers, probably making breakfast.
She had a spatula in her hand, distracted, using it as a microphone while singing something.
The man who had arrived with Bruce Wayne, the one with the black and white hair, joins her singing. They start dancing like crazy around the kitchen.
The video ends with him slipping and falling, Marinette laughing out loud before falling too.
It didn’t even last 20 seconds.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
Then I find out what they’re all about
Another video came, this time Marinette is sitting on the grass, surrounded by puppies. Two Great Dane resting their heads on her lap while she pats them.
Damian Wayne joins her and she rests against him.
He looks at the person filming and the filming quickly ends.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
The next picture had Marinette in a gym, leggings, black top, hair in a ponytail.
Another of the men who came in with Bruce Wayne, on her shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
She was all skinny muscle.
Nino heard Adrien choke and cough.
I just wanna talk about nothin’
With somebody that means somethin’
Spell the names of all our dreams and demons
For the times that I don’t understand
Marinette this time was in the same kitchen (video), an old man beside her watching her beat the dough in the bowl.
The crowded bench with Damian, Bruce and the other three men, Chloe, Kagami, Luka and… Félix?!
Tell me what’s the point of a moon like this
When I’m alone again
Can I run away to somewhere beautiful
Where nobody knows my name?
There was a joint gagging of class with the pool photo.
Damian felt jealous boil again.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I let somebody in
But I find out what they’re all about
The next photo had Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali, and XY at a picnic. All dressed informally, looking comfortable, smiling at Marinette who was playing with Fang in the background.
And that’s how Ms. Bustier’s class seemed to remember that Jagged didn’t have a cat but a crocodile.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town, yeah
The last picture was of everyone together.
Dupain-Cheng, Waynes, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Felix, Claude, Allegra, Allan, Jagged, Penny, Clara, Ali, XY. Even Fang and the Great Danes.
Everyone was looking at the camera, smiling excitedly. Marinette in Damian’s arms and a banner with “Joyeux anniversaire, Marinette” in the background.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
Marinette and Luka ended the song’s last chord when a video, this time with sound, played on the big screen.
“… Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
Marinette turns horrified to the big screen.
“This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Marinette on the big screen screams along with the music.
The girl throws her arms up, jumping on the bed. The Batman themed pajamas.
“Oh my god, Minette…” the recording person laughs softly so the girl doesn’t hear.
Marinette continues to scream the lyrics, unaware that she is being recorded, until the recording person starts laughing out loud and she gets scared.
“… Jason?” She has a confused expression on her face until she notices the camera and her face becomes homicidal. “Were you recording…?”
The man seems to be scared because the laughter soon dies.
“… No?” he tries.
“Really? So, you don’t mind me taking a look at your phone, do you?” She gets off the bed and goes toward him.
“… Listen, I think Alfred is calling me. Bye!” He runs from her, but doesn’t finish recording.
With him running, the phone only films the confused shapes of the house, but everyone is still able to hear Marinette running after him.
Shooting continues for another two seconds and then ends abruptly.
Luka was laughing openly on stage, Marinette still with her back to the audience, blushing embarrassed and the audience laughing.
And that was how the last night of the Talent Show began.
Lila was waiting for her at the backstage.
Marinette knew that an hour would have to face the girl, but did not think she would attack in such an open and public place.
But objectively, this was the only chance she had, since Marinette was leaving Paris that night.
“Should I congratulate you on the engagement, Dupain-Cheng? Or should we talk about your poor attempt to come out on top?” Lila scoffs, the smugness on her face. “Because it didn’t work. They are still eating in the palm of my hand.”
Marinette sighs already tired.
"What do you want, Lila?”
“I just came to brag. I like to throw salt on the wound.”
“That’s good! Because I like it too.” Marinette says, her tone becoming sharp. “Do you really think I would go away and do nothing to unmask you, Lila Rossi?” Lila stiffens the smile. “Or rather, Volpina, the accomplice of Hawkmoth.”
The girl steps back as Marinette approaches.
"What are you talking about?” She countered. “Are you going crazy?”
“Crazy? I? No.” Marinette laughs “I just think it’s funny that you think there would be no consequences helping a terrorist. And no use denying, I know you have been helping Hawkmoth and Mayura all these years. Your best friend, Ladybug, told me.”
The two do not notice Adrien, Nino and Alya coming. Adrien, noticing the situation, prevents Alya from trying to help Lila and forces them both to hear the conversation hidden behind some wood panels.
“… So, what if I helped Hawkmoth?” They hear Lila say. Adrien feels his blood run cold. “I was a minor. A child. You have nothing against me.”
There is a break and Marinette respond.
“That’s where you’re wrong Lila. Gabriel Agreste may have been arrested and refused to speak, but the evidence, Lila, speaks for itself.” Her firm voice “One year, Lila. A year gathering evidence against you and look, I was surprised to learn that I wasn’t the only person you emotionally abused.”
“… What?” Lila whispers looking scared.
“Emilia Shawn’s suicide.” Marinette’s voice comes out like lightning. “Don’t you remember her, Lila? The girl you bullied so much she couldn’t stand and threw herself off the roof of your school in Italy?” Alya was crying on Nino’s shoulder.
“No problem you don’t remember Emilia!” Marinette says very cheerfully “As long as you remember Cassandra. Or Phillip. Marie… Rico.”
“How do you… how do you know those names?” Lila shouts.
“Because unlike you and our lovely classmates, Lila, families didn’t believe their children were abusive monsters and committed suicide because they were sorry.”
There are footsteps, Adrien gets up enough to see what was going on and recognizes Agent Raincomprix with the National Police, surrounding Marinette and Lila.
Damian Wayne appears along with Bruce Wayne alongside Marinette.
“You cannot do that! I was just a child! Children make mistakes!” Lila begins to freak out when she realizes the situation.
“No, Lila. This is murder and terrorism. And you will pay for what you did.” Marinette says.
Damian hugs the brunette in support and she squeezes his arms in thanks.
"Lila Aloisi Rossi, you are arrested for accomplice of murder and terrorism.” The Raincomprix agent says as he holds Lila in handcuffs “You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you say can and will be used against you.”
"What? NO! LET ME GO!” Lila shouts, going crazy as she struggles.
The police soon have to help the agent contain her and before they leave, he turns to Marinette and the Waynes.
“Bruce Wayne, Marinette. Thanks for your help.” He nods. “It’s up to us now.” And leaves.
“Thank you mr. Raincomprix.” Marinette says.
"I’ll go with you guys,” Bruce says and joins the agents.
Meanwhile, Lila was still screaming and kicking through the theater corridors, people leaving to find out what was going on.
Ms. Bustier’s whole class watching.
Bruce Wayne, who was right behind the National Police surrounding Lila, looked smug when he spoke.
“Your country has withdrawn your immunity after we have presented the evidence of your crimes, Lila Rossi.” Lila widened her eyes, the panic evident. “You will face justice in full rights.”
Damian believes that all of Paris was able to hear the scream that the Italian gave.
He turned the woman in his arms, needing to look her in the eye.
“It’s over, angel.” He whispers to her, noticing the tear in her eyes.
Marinette sighs, relaxing against him.
“It’s over, Dami. Ended.“
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[tag list]
@mystery-5-5 @spicybelladonna @iglowinggemma28 @crazylittlemunchkin@lunaraquaenby @maude-zarella @mooshoon @kuroko26@littleredrobinhoodlum @fanboy7794 @shadowberrybinch @k-rena-k@captainmac6 @clumsy-owl-4178  @tazanna-blythe @vixen-uchiha @zebrabaker @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @artxyra @ellerahs @minightrose@redscarlet95 @soaringowlsstuff @xxkelsey39
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We’re Grown-Ups, Aren’t We? - Jason Todd
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Gif: Unknown on Tenor
Word Count: 2.1K
Paring: Jason Todd x (f)Reader
Summary: Bruce sends Y/N and Jason on a job and books them a room in a fancy five-star establishment. One problem, he was supposed to book two rooms and only booked one room, with one bed.
Warnings: N/A
Requested: @gaeck-o
Tagging: @bella-0104-123
Bruce Wayne, Billionaire Play-Boy, Batman, Symbol of Gotham, CEO of Wayne Enterprises and a brilliant businessman, was a complete and utter idiot. All the man had to do was book two rooms in the hotel were Y/N and Jason had to stay in while in Detroit to visit Dick Grayson, but he somehow only booked one, and it wasn’t as if he could afford two rooms, he could get every room in the god-damn hotel if he wanted, Bruce had just simply forgotten he was sending two people on this trip.
“No, no, no,” Y/N said, putting her hands on the receptionist’s desk and leaning forward into the receptionist’s space. The receptionist, a prim and proper looking woman with rectangular glasses perched neatly onto her nose and holding a fancy looking pen, leaned backwards and gave Y/N a disapproving look. The hotel establishment that she and Jason found themselves in was fancy, in fact, fancy was an understatement – aristocratic was perhaps more accurate. The pair of them stuck out like a sore thumb, Jason in his dusty jeans and messy hair and Y/N in a worn-out leather jacket and scruffy trainers, and both of them were incredibly tired from the journey that brought them from Gotham to Detroit. “There should be two rooms under ‘Wayne’, not one.”
“I’m sorry, Mam’, but the computer says there is only one room under the name ‘Wayne’, and the system doesn’t make mistakes.”
“Well, this time it has,” Jason spoke up, rubbing his temple. “Bruce wouldn’t make the mistake of booking one room.”
“Is there any other rooms available?”
“Seriously?” Jason groaned.
“I don’t know what to tell you, sir,” the receptionist said, clearly sick of them bothering her, “do you want the room or not?”
“Fine, we’ll take it,” Y/N sighed, grabbing her back and turning to Jason, “we’ll figure something out when we get up there.”
“Alright,” Jason nodded as he grabbed his bag. Y/N took the room key from the receptionist and nodded in thanks.
The room was incredible, there was no doubt about that. Everything was in shades of cream and gold with mahogany wood. The moment Jason and Y/N walked into the room, they dropped their bags and looked around the room in shock.
“My apartment could fit in this ten times over!” Y/N said in awe.
“How is all of this for one person?”
“The Rich are indulgent – we work for Bruce Wayne, we should know that by now,” Y/N turned to Jason, “Dumbass had a dining room he never went in until we came along.”
“It’s still just strange to see,” Jason shrugged, “come on, neither of us had the most easy-going of upbringings.”
Jason was right. Neither himself nor Y/N were as gifted as Bruce with finance when they were growing up and it showed in moments when together. Now the most normal middle class of people would also have the same reaction as Jason and Y/N when seeing the extravagant room they were gifted with, but when they were out eating and shoved a few bread rolls in their pockets, when no one was looking it, was because of that deep-rooted fear that they grew up with not knowing if or when they would be eating again.
“Point taken…” Y/N mumbled, “but that’s very different from a golden clawed bathtub,” she said gesturing into the bathroom where the bathtub in question stood.
“That’s true,” Jason nodded, throwing his bag on the sofa. It was white, fabric, and not made to be comfy, but solely for aesthetic. “I gotta go find Grayson, reckon you’ll be alright here for a while?”
“It’s basically a palace in a five-star hotel and Bruce is paying the bill,” Y/N turned to Jason and folded her arms with the cock of an eyebrow, “I’m taking this as a chance to see how much I can rack up before we gotta leave.”
“I’ll join in on it when I get back,” Jason said as he grabbed his case that held his Robin suit and went to the door, “see ya!”
Y/N certainly took advantage of Bruce paying and ordered essentially everything on room service. The staff had to bring three rolling trollies up to the room. Lobster, steak, caviar and everything else you could imagine. She sat on the bed with the TV on and tore into everything in reaching distance.
“Oh my god,” Jason said opening the door, his jaw-dropping at the sight of all the food, “I left you alone for a day, Y/N/N, and you… what? Cleared out the kitchen?”
“I said it was a challenge, and I meant it!” Y/N shifted over to make space for Jason, who put his case down and pulled his sweater off before jumping next to her on the bed, “Salmon or Crab?”
“Salmon,” Jason said as Y/N handed him the platter with the smoked salmon on. “Bruce is going to kill you for this,” he said as he pushed the salmon into his mouth.
“ME?” Y/N scoffed, “you’ve got a mouthful $108 worth of salmon.”
“Fine, us,” Jason corrected. “But it’s worth it!”
“Damn right,” Y/N nodded as she grabbed the champagne bottle and two glasses, pouring them each a glass. She handed Jason his glass and they clinked them before downing the liquid in one. Jason lowered his glass and looked at their surroundings.
“Be honest with me, how much money is all this?”
“No fucking clue!” Y/N frowned and looked at it all, “Should we be worried?”
“I think we’re way beyond being worried now.”
“Fair play.”
Food cleared up and taken away, Y/N and Jason started to get ready for bed. Y/N changed in the bathroom and by the time she exited, Jason was also in his pyjamas – tracksuit bottoms and no top. It made Y/N blush to see Jason shirtless, how she hadn’t realized that of course, Jason’s physique would be beyond incredible is ridiculous! The first thing Y/N thought when she saw Jason was that scene in ‘Crazy, Stupid Love’ with Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, where Ryan’s character whips his shirt off to reveal an outrageously ripped body and Emma’s character goes “FUCK! Are you photoshopped?” or something to that effect. That was how Y/N felt gawking at Jason’s chest, she felt like Emma Stone and that he was Ryan Gosling.
“You alright, Y/N/N?” Jason said as he realized Y/N standing there in her pyjama’s staring at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N nodded with a cough as she folded her arms across her chest and looked around her. She suddenly wished she packed nicer pyjamas, and then she cursed herself for thinking that, but the pyjama’s she was wearing were her ‘At Home Clothes’ – clothes to be worn when no one else was around, like what that comedian Iliza Shlesinger talked about in her stand-up; holes in them, stains, and, in Y/N’s case, about a size or so too big for her. It wasn’t the outfit she wanted to be seen in after realizing how hot her friend was, why couldn’t she dress like a god-damn Victoria Secret Model when going to bed? She felt silly, like a little girl dressed in grown-up clothing pretending to be an adult.
“I’ll take the sofa,” Jason muttered as he walked to the sofa which would almost certainly play his back up.
“Why?” Y/N asked as Jason stopped in his tracks and looked at Y/N.
“Cause there’s only one bed.”
“It’s a king-size,” Y/N told him, “We could sleep on opposite sides and still have enough room for two to three more people.”
“But... wouldn’t you feel awkward?”
“Jason, we’re grown up’s, aren’t we?”
“I’d find that more believable if you hadn’t gone total ‘Home Alone Lost in New York’ on the room service.”
“We can share a bed without anything happening between us.” Y/N said as she pulled the sheets of the bed back and climbed in herself, patting the free spot for Jason to take. Jason bit his lip and nodded before getting in the bed as well.
They both looked at each other and smiled a strained smile before laying down and staring at the high, white ceiling. It was silent, only the noise of Y/N and Jason breathing filled the air. They certainly weren’t sleeping in Gotham anymore, where the normal lullaby for a baby was the endless wail of sirens, police or otherwise. No noise outside seemed unnerving to them both, any small creak or groan made by the old building could be heard. They both tossed and turned for what seemed like hours until Jason sighed, sat up and turned on the table lamp, causing Y/N to squint at the brightness and turn on her side to face Jason, who laid down and faced her.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, “I can’t sleep like this!”
“Me neither,” Y/N assured him, “it’s too… strange.”
“Normal,” Jason said, “this is how normal people not in Gotham sleep – in silence. Why can’t we?”
“Cause we’re from Gotham like you said.” Y/N sighed as she pulled the quilt up a little more to fight off the night chill, “come on, look at Gotham – we’ve got psycho clowns, exploding clockwork penguins and an asylum that criminal lunatics always seem to be breaking out of yet no one thinks to up security on – and we wonder why tourism isn’t booming!”
“Yeah, I know,” Jason nodded against his pillow, “do you sometimes wonder if you could leave it all behind?” He asked her, “Leave Gotham and be normal.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N confessed, “Those from Gotham just seem to be bred different from the rest of the world – we’re bred to survive the worst of the worst, I don’t think we could survive anywhere else, we’re not meant to, I think we’re meant to stay in Gotham, whether we want it or not.”
“Yeah, I mean, look at Bruce – the guy could have an easy life, go wherever he wants, but he doesn’t, he can’t, he’s from Gotham, and he can’t leave it behind, like us, and he’s survived the worst of the worst; his parents, Joker, Riddler, Penguin, whatever villain you can think of in Gotham, Bruce has survived them – more than once. He couldn’t leave it behind if he wanted to.”
“Could you?” Jason asked her. Y/N frowned and thought for a moment, could she really leave Gotham? Her home? Gotham wasn’t the nicest of places to live, it was hell on earth in some sense, but she was born in that city, she grew up in that city, all she knew was that city, and it was hard, no doubt about it, but she found her purpose in it all – Y/N’s purpose was to help Jason and Bruce. She sat in the Batcave with Alfred and worked on the tech they used, checked CCTV and police radio and talked to them over coms. It was nice, and she knew that she couldn’t leave it behind, especially if that meant leaving the three men in her life who had become her family. Y/N never wanted to leave them, especially Jason.
“No, I don’t think I could,” Y/N shook her head, “you?”
“I think I’m meant to be in Gotham and fight crime with Bruce with the help from you and Alfred,” Jason said quietly, “I couldn’t leave. I don’t want to leave. Gotham… it’s more than a city… Gotham is my purpose.”
“I know what you mean,” Y/N smiled in reassurance. “I couldn’t leave what I do now, working with you, Alfred and Bruce… it means the world to me. I love it. If I had to do everything again, I’d do it all the same.”
“Me too,” Jason leaned across and brushed the hair out of Y/N’s eyes that had fallen in front of them “my life is better for knowing you.”
“And my life is better for knowing you,” Y/N said in a small voice before shifting closer. She looked at Jason with large eyes, silently asking him to kiss her, kiss her breathlessly, kiss her like she had never been kissed before. Jason’s hand moved to her cheek and he leaned in, catching her lips in his own, moving his hands, both of them, to her waist and pulling her close to him. Jason did exactly what Y/N asked of him. He kissed her. He kissed her breathlessly like she had never been kissed before. When they pulled apart, Jason let out a small little chuckle.
“Thought you said we were grown up enough to share a bed without something happening.”
“Well, I was wrong, weren’t I?”
“Regret it?”
“Not one bit. You?”
“God no, now make me yours, Jason Todd.”
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I Need Fire (Part 7)
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Authors Note:  Thank you everyone for your lovely feedback on last chapter!  The boys are about to go on tour, how will our two lovebirds deal with being apart?  As always I love any and all feedback you have, send me an ask, message or reply.  Love you all!! Word Count: 3,581 Taglist:  @freddiessmallnipples @triplehaitches @samanthadegaro Warnings: angst followed by fluff
Previous Chapter Master List
Chapter 7
Tommy stood in the dingy dressing room of the Whisky, the band was getting ready to play their last hometown show before they hopped in a bus and traveled through Canada.  Nikki was in the mirror doing his makeup for stage, Nikki and Vince always took the longest.  Tommy reached over Nikki’s shoulder and grabbed a lipstick bullet that Rayne gave him.  Taking the cap off of the product Tommy rolled the lipstick up and down repeatedly.
“Jesus fucking Christ Tommy you look like someone just killed your dog.”  Nikki rolled his eyes getting up out of the chair in front of the mirror.  
“Thanks dude.  I feel worse than that.”  Tommy said taking his spot in the chair, rolling the lipstick up and applying it to his lips.
“It’s been a month drummer.”  Mick said from the couch tuning his guitar.
“I know Mick!  And I feel just as bad as the day she stopped talking to me.  We didn’t even break up, I think we’re still together.”  Tommy shrugged his shoulders.
“Tommy hasn’t gotten his dick wet in a month.  You know he’s serious about this chick.”  Vince came into the room stretching out his white leather pants.
“What is it with these two chicks you’re both fucking?  Do they have golden pussies?  Does their cum taste like Jack Daniels?”  Nikki questioned taking a swig of Jack Daniels.
“Oh you have no idea.”  Vince smiled before correcting, “Well I can only speak for Jo.”
“I’ve tried calling her, she ignores my calls.  I’ve tried going to her apartment, Jo tells me to leave.  I mean fuck she won’t even hear me out!  I’m not doing that stupid fucking photo shoot.  I’m a fucking idiot.”  Tommy shook his head ignoring the way the conversation was going.
“No you’re just a kool aid drinker.”  Mick commented.
“Thanks Mick, that’s very comforting.”  Tommy shook his head before he kicked the wall.  “Fuck.”
“Dude maybe it’s not meant to be.  You are in a band and chicks are gonna be all over you no matter what.  If she can’t hang maybe it’s best it happened this way now.”  Nikki spoke as he cut a line of coke and quickly snorted it, handing the plate to Tommy.
“She can hang dude, that’s the thing.  I fucked up.”  Tommy sighed, snorting up a line of his own.  “You guys just don’t know her like I do.”
“I mean I am at her apartment almost every night.  I know her a little bit.” Vince spoke up.  “She doesn’t come out of her room often though.  One night she did make a really nice dinner that we all ate.  Jo did say that Rayne feels bad, and that she is a shit communicator.  And something about Bruce Springsteen music.”
“Does she ever say anything about me?”  Tommy’s voice was drenched in hopefulness.  Vince looked down at his friend and shook his head no.  Tommy kept the plate and cut out another line, snorting it faster than the first.  “Well if I don’t see her by tomorrow I’m going to just assume it’s a sign from the universe or something.  And I’ll go on tour and wallow in my misery.”
“Fuckin teenagers.”  Mick whispered under his breath, even though Tommy was twenty one.
“Get yourself together Tommy, it’s almost show time.” Nikki clapped his best friend on the shoulder.
“I’m together dude.  I’ll be fine.”  Tommy assured the band twirling a drumstick between his fingers.
The band was like a drunken well oiled machine when they took the stage that night.  They plowed through the set list with a combination of finesse and anarchy. When they played the last chord of Live Wire Tommy stood up behind the kit raising his hand over his head throwing both his drum sticks into the eager audience.  The band walked off stage towards the dressing room to towel off.
“Who’s ready to take on Canada boys!”  Vince shouted raising a bottle of beer saluting his band.  The three others cheered and clanked their glasses against each others.  Tommy walked over to the couch and sat down taking a towel through his hair and down his face.
The door to the dressing room opened and Tom walked through, wearing his signature striped shirt with a shorter pudgy guy Tommy didn’t recognize. “Great show tonight guys as usual!  I wanted to introduce you to Doc, he’s going to be looking after you guys day to day on the road.”
“Woah, don’t we get some sort of say in that?”  Nikki questioned crossing his arms.
“Look, you boys are going to need a manager to wade through the shit in the music industry.  And I make all my bands a shit ton of money.  I’ll make sure you’re taken care of on the road, every possible need you have will be covered.”  Doc spoke confidently. Tommy had recognized the name from various liner notes.
“Well as long as you know what you’re getting into.  We have a lot of needs.”  Vince smiled wide.
“I don’t doubt it.”  Doc nodded.  “Look the bus will pick you all up tomorrow at noon.  Have your bags packed and be ready to leave on time.  First rule of the road: the bus waits for no one. You’re on time or we’re leaving your ass.”
All the boys nodded their heads, except Mick who simply stood there arms crossed.  Doc clapped his hands, “Great I’ll see everyone tomorrow.”  With those last words he left the room, leaving the door open as he left.
“The bus waits for no one.”  Nikki mocked causing Vince and Mick to laugh.
“I don’t think he’s lying dudes.”  Tommy looked between all of them taking a drink of whisky.
All the guys looked up when they heard another knock at the door. Standing in the doorframe was Jo and a sheepish looking Rayne.  Tommy immediately stood up from the couch.  Jo spoke first, “Just wanted to congratulate you guys on a great show.”
“Thanks babe.”  Vince walked up to the two effortlessly picking up Jo who wrapped her legs around Vince and let out a happy squeal.  Vince turned to his bandmates, “Well I know where I’m spending my last night before tour.  See you guys tomorrow.”
“Later Vinny.”  Tommy spoke, his eyes still locked on Rayne.
“We’ll give you guys some time, c’mon Nikki.”  Mick stood up grabbing Nikki’s jacket lapel dragging him out of the dressing room, closing the door behind them.
“I’m sor-“  “I’m sorry.”  The two spoke at the same time before Tommy shook his head.  “No let me go first.”  Rayne nodded and Tommy took a chance reaching to grab her hand.
“I told the band I wasn’t gonna do it.”  Tommy took a step closer to Rayne.  Now that she was here it was like she was the other side to a magnet inside his heart.  “I know you told me not to, but fuck that. I’ll admit I didn’t really think about it and how it could have negatively impacted you.  I just wanted to be a team player for the band. I told you Mick said I would drink the kool aid in Jonestown.  This was a wakeup call that my decisions don’t just affect me now, but they also affect you.”  Tommy spoke sincerely.
“Tommy I’m sorry.  I think I completely overreacted to everything.  Jo yelled at me tonight before we came here.  She couldn’t believe all of this was over a set up photo.”  Rayne shook her head looking down at her feet.  Tommy hooked his pointer finger under her chin, raising her head.
“You didn’t overreact.  Well, maybe by not talking to me for almost a month.  That was a little over the top.”  Tommy slightly pouted his lips tilting his head to the side.
“Well I guess we both learned something from this huh?” Rayne chuckled.  “I’m sorry I shut down and shut you out. That’s how I’ve always dealt with issues: silence.  I promise I’ll work on it.”
“And I’ll work on not being a pushover.”  Tommy said softly taking a step closer to Rayne before he wrapped his arms around her in a hug.  When he felt Rayne soften in his arms and hug him back Tommy spoke again, “I thought I lost you forever.”
“I’m here.”  Rayne whispered rubbing her hands up and down his back.  It felt so good to be back in Tommy’s arms, she felt like she was home.  The past few weeks without him were hell, but she was too stubborn to reach out.  “Jo told me you guys leave tomorrow.  When?”
“We just found out we’re getting picked up at noon.”  Tommy replied softly.  “I want to spend every waking second with you.”
“I’d like that.”  Rayne smiled up at Tommy.
“Let’s go home.”  Tommy smiled down at Rayne, reaching down to link his hands with hers.
“Home huh?”  Rayne questioned as the two began to walk out of the club.
“Yep, it only feels that way when you’re there.”  Tommy spoke.  She missed that silver tongue.
Soon after the two found themselves back at Tommy’s condo sharing a pizza they picked up from The Rainbow.  “A lot has happened with the band recently.”
“Oh yeah?  Tell me everything.”  Rayne smiled taking a bite out of her slice.
Over the past few weeks the band shot a video for the song Live Wire. Tommy explained that it was a pretty simple performance video but Nikki did light himself on fire for it. The video took two days to shoot. They also had been writing songs for the next album already.  Apparently they had a bunch of lyrics already and it was just about getting the music and melodies down.  Tommy was excited to tell Rayne about some new stage outfits they had planned out, it was full blown BDSM and sounded really sexy.  But to Rayne anything involving leather, spikes and studs was sexy.
The two finished the pizza, well Tommy ate most of it Rayne only had two slices.  It was infuriating how much he ate and how skinny he always remained.  Rayne broke down the pizza box putting it in the garbage when Tommy spoke from the kitchen table.  “I’ll call you every day when I’m gone.”
“Tommy, you don’t have to do that.  I’m sure you’ll be busy.”
“I’m going to call you every day.”  Rayne’s gaze softened and she smiled.
“And now I’ll have to share you with the world.”  Rayne smiled wide wrapping her arms around Tommy’s neck, who was still sitting at the table.
“No, you never have to share me with anybody.”  Tommy grazed his nose against Rayne’s causing her to giggle.  “I’m all yours.”
Rayne’s fingers traced over Tommy’s heart, “As long as I have this, I think I’ll be able to deal with any of the hardships.  You know it’s not going to be easy right Tommy? You could be gone for months on end eventually.”
“I know.  But I’m willing to put the work in if you are.”  Rayne nodded her head in acceptance.  “And you can always join me on the road whenever you want. Once we hit it big I’ll fly you across the word to me if I have to.”
Rayne’s heart warmed at his words.  She had to be strong and trust in Tommy, and trust in herself ultimately.  “I may hold you to that promise one day.”
“Please do, I’m looking forward to it.”  Tommy said softly leaning up to gently kiss Rayne on the lips.  He sighed when he pulled away, eyes still closed, “I missed you baby.”
“I missed you too Tommy.”  Rayne leaned back in to kiss Tommy.  Tommy quickly pushed the chair back and stood up, cradling Rayne’s face in his hands deepening the kiss.  Tommy only pulled away to scoop her up bridal style and carry her off into the bedroom for the rest of the night.
The sex was different this time than last, it was certainly more intimate and tender.  It was as if both of them wanted it to last as long as it possibly could because soon they wouldn’t have the opportunity until Tommy came back from Canada.  The two made love all night until they finally collapsed onto the pillows completely spent around 4am.
The next day Rayne’s eyes fluttered open, sunshine was cascading through the curtains of the bedroom.  Rayne stretched like a cat and as she did she felt the arm draping over her waist grip her tighter.  Turning in his arms she smiled to find Tommy still sleeping next to her. He looked so peaceful as he slept, his hair was tousled in his eyes.  At this angle Rayne noticed Tommy’s natural brown hair poking out from the roots.  For some reason she found it funny that Tommy dyed his hair black.  Rayne’s stomach growled and she knew she should probably get up and see if Tommy had anything in the fridge.  Glancing at the clock Rayne saw it was 9:43 in the morning.  She gently put her hand around Tommy’s wrist, lifting it up and off her body, resting it back on the mattress.  Rayne got up and off the bed thankfully without waking Tommy up.  After throwing on one of his oversized tank tops she padded out to the kitchen and looked through his fridge. As one would expect there wasn’t a whole lot in there, however Tommy did have a carton of eggs and some salsa. She could make due with that.
Rayne continued looking through cabinets and found some bread to make toast with.  She whisked the eggs and salsa together with some pepper and salt while the frying pan heated up.  Reaching for the portable radio on the counter Rayne turned the volume down before she turned the radio on, the sounds of My Kinda Lover by Billy Squire filtered through the kitchen.  Rayne began to dance along to the tune as she poured the whisked eggs into the pan.
You got the motions baby I got a notion maybe I'll stick around And oh I can never doubt you for too long I can't see no reason
“You’re my kinda lover.”  Tommy suddenly wrapped his arms around Rayne’s waist causing her to jump out of her skin.
“Oh my god you scared the fuck out of me.”  Rayne laughed bumping Tommy away from her with her butt.  “No fooling around by the stove.”
“What are you making?”  Tommy questioned jumping up slightly to sit on the counter.
“I’m attempting to make us an omelet however you didn’t give me much to work with in there.”  Rayne motioned towards the refrigerator.  “So you’ll have to make due with eggs and salsa.”
“Salsa?”  Tommy pulled a face.
“Yeah you mix it into the eggs, trust me it’s delicious.” Rayne defended her choice as she flipped the omelet in the pan making Tommy clap for her.
“Impressive.”  Tommy smiled.
“Oh it’s not that hard.  You should see me with pancakes.”  Rayne shrugged her shoulders.  When the omelet was finished Rayne slid it onto a plate and grabbed the toast from the toaster spreading some butter on it.  Rayne grabbed a fork and handed it to Tommy.  “Moment of truth.  Try it.”
Tommy cut a piece of the omelet off with his fork and took a bite. Rayne smiled when she saw his eyes light up.  “This is fuckin great.”
“See.  I told you so.  Now come sit at the table so I can eat some too.”  Rayne ordered as she took a bite out of her toast.
“So bossy.”  Tommy laughed hopping off the counter giving Rayne the perfect opportunity to give him a playful smack on the ass.
“You love it.  Now sit.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Are you packed?”  Rayne asked taking another bite of her toast.  Tommy nodded over to the two duffle bags.  “That’s it?  Two bags?”
“Yeah why?”  Tommy asked after swallowing a mouthful of eggs.
“Well Tommy you’re as high maintenance as I am, I expected at least five suitcases.”  Rayne giggled.
“Wanna know the truth?”  Tommy leaned in.
“Most of it is makeup.”  Tommy winked causing Rayne to burst out laughing.
“I’m sure it is.  You definitely have more of that than me, hairspray too.”  
After breakfast the two cleaned up and got dressed for the day, ready to head off to the studio where the bus would be picking them up. Tommy put one of his leather jackets around Rayne’s shoulders as the November weather was starting to actually roll in.  Tommy then reached in his pockets pulling out a silver key.  “You’ll look after the place while I’m gone?”
Taking the key from his hand Rayne looked up at him smiling. “I’ll make sure the place doesn’t burn down, sure.”
“Leave some of your stuff here too.  I meant what I said, this place is as much yours as it is mine.  It doesn’t really feel like home to me because I had someone do everything.  You make it feel like home.”  Tommy said softly leaning in to gently kiss Rayne’s lips.
“I will.”  Rayne smiled pulling away.  “Come on, we don’t want you to be late.”
As the two arrived at the studio hand in hand they were greeted by Doc, Nikki, and Mick. Vince was still MIA, but he had ten minutes before they left.
“Good to see you two made up.”  Nikki directed at Rayne.  “Tommy has been impossible to deal with for the past few weeks.”
“Oh come on dude, I have not!”  Tommy defended.
“Nikki, I don’t know what I’m gonna do dude the love of my life won’t talk to me.”  Nikki tried to mimic Tommy’s voice.
Rayne looked up at Tommy, an eyebrow raised.  “Oh the love of your life huh?  Like the Queen song.”
“Love of my life you’ve hurt me.  You’ve broken my heart and now you leave me.”  Tommy quoted the lyrics from A Night At The Opera.  “Don’t take it away from me because you don’t know, what it means to me.  By the way Doc, this is my girlfriend Rayne.”
Rayne shook her head at Tommy’s quick change of subject and stuck her hand out to shake Doc’s hand.  “Nice to meet you Doc.”
“Likewise.”  Doc gave her a firm handshake looking her up and down.  
“Good luck dealing with this group.”  Rayne chuckled motioning to the other members of the band. She didn’t think Doc had any idea what he was in for.
“Look at this blond haired bitch who decided to show up on time.” Tommy shouted as Vince walked down the street with Jo on his arm.  Tommy grabbed Rayne’s wrist looking at her watch, “And five minutes to spare, alright.”
“Well you know, the bus waits for no one.”  Vince looked over at Doc who was getting on the bus and talking to the driver before turning his attention back to Jo.
“What is it fucking take your girlfriend to work day?” Nikki asked no one in particular.
“Wish I had a girlfriend.”  Mick mumbled under his breath.
“I know Mick, I know.”  Nikki said empathetically, something Rayne rarely saw out of Nikki. Tommy pulled Rayne off to the side away from the guys.
“I don’t wanna let you go.”  Tommy squeezed Rayne.  “Unfortunately baby you’re going to have to.  The tour will fly by and you guys will all have a great time.”
Tommy lifted Rayne up against the bus, instinctually she wrapped her legs around his waist.  “I love you.”
“I love you too.”  Rayne whispered back before kissing Tommy.  “You behave up in the great white north okay?”
“I’ll do my best.”  Tommy smiled brushing Rayne’s nose with his own.  “I’ve got my good luck charm with me.”
“What?”  Rayne questioned.  Tommy brought one hand to his jacket breast pocket pulling out the picture of Rayne that he had taken after their first night together.  Rayne’s eyes went wide.  She pushed the photo back in his pocket giggling, “Tommy, put that away!”
“Tommy come on let’s go!”  Nikki shouted banging on the window of the bus.  Tommy gently placed Rayne down onto the concrete giving her one final heated kiss, before he made his way to the bus door. “I’ll call you every night.”
“I’ll count down the minutes.”  Rayne whispered before Tommy brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles.  “I love you.”
Tommy walked up the steps and just as the door was about to close Tommy shouted out to Rayne.  “I’m gonna marry you one day Rayne!”
Rayne watched in utter disbelief as the bus pulled away from the curb.  Jo walked up to Rayne, with tears in her eyes.  “Did he just propose to you?”
“I don’t know what that was.”  Rayne chuckled looking at her friend.  Rayne wiped Jo’s tears away with the pad of her thumb just as a lone tear fell from her own eye.  She definitely could use a distraction, she knew that her mind would be analyzing the last seven words Tommy said to her before the doors closed.  There’s no way he was serious, and there’s no way that was a proposal.  Right?  “Come on, what do you say you and I go get a massage to take our minds off our boys that are on their way to Canada and will come back bigger rockstars than they were last night.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.  I could use someone to work all the kinks out of my body, it was a deliciously rough night last night.”  Jo smiled at her friend as they began walking down the street.
“Oh with you and Vince?  I don’t doubt it.  How many karma sutra positions did you try this time?”
“I lost count after the seventh one.”  Jo giggled gently shaking her friend.  It would be a long month without their men, but at least the two had each other to lean on.
Take Me To The Next Chapter...
-- There you have it!  I know this chapter was a little shorter but I wanted to use this chapter as a way to transition.  I have a few ideas for where I want the next chapter to go, I just have to decide which one I’m for sure gonna go for.  As always if you have any feedback, or anything you would like to see send me a reply/message/ask!  Also I watched A Star Is Born for the first time last night and omg there are some moments in there that I loved, and gifs will definitely be used for this story!
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~KISS AU writings 12~
Heading straight on into the next part of this fiasco! I’m really eager to move this story along cause a looooot of shit is about to go down~ Enjooooy~
~MODEL AU Part 3~
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guests: Peter Criss, Vinnie Vincent, Dana Strum, Mark Slaughter, Bobby Rock, Mick Mars, Vince Neil
Summary: Paul invites Bruce to to a party for the magazine he modeled for..where things escalate even further~ (told from Bruce’s POV)
A few days later I return to the studio with the photos. As soon as I’m through the door I see Mr. Criss and Paul standing there waiting for me. Oh boy.
“Let’s see ‘em.”
Mr. Criss holds out his hand and I give him the folder. Please like them. As soon as he opens the folder he rolls his eyes, which doesn’t exactly fill me with a lot of confidence. Then he looks over at Paul who just smiles at him sweetly. “It figures that the first photo I see is of your naked ass. You really think the magazine is gonna print these?” Paul just tosses his hair. “Of course they will~ You know why? It’s me~” He’s got him there. I mean..they’ll definitely edit them heavily but they’ll eat those up just because it’s Paul. Mr. Criss sighed but he conceded. “Alright alright. I’ll submit ‘em but I don’t wanna hear any whining about how they’re edited when they’re published. Got me?”
“I’m not worried, Petey. They’ll show as much as they’re allowed to get away with~” That’s for sure. Someone would have to be crazy to not want to show off his..’assets.’ After looking through all of the other photos, Mr. Criss closes the folder. “It’s real good work, Kulick. Fantastic even.” He hands me an envelope. “I’m gonna submit these this afternoon. As soon as we have access to the first copies you can have one if you want.” It would be nice to see my work in the pages of a magazine. My heart is beating a mile a minute just thinking about it! “Thank you, Mr. Criss, I’d like that very much~” Paul of course is incredibly amused. “I am a work of art, aren’t I, Photopup? I’d be proud too~” You mean you aren’t already? I find that hard to believe. “Anyway..” Mr. Criss interrupts rather firmly. “..make sure your schedule’s open cause I’ll be keepin’ your number handy. You up for more work like this?”
“Then we’ll be seein’ you again soon.” Paul blows me a kiss before turning to follow Mr. Criss back to his office. “Until next time, Photopup~” While I’m in my car I open the envelope. A check for $2,500! I think I’m gonna celebrate with a nice big pizza when I get home~
The next week passed by like normal. Normal and boring. As much as I hoped for a call one never came. Still, I kept my camera clean and ready for its next job. The following week however started off with a bang. Monday afternoon when I check my mailbox I find a brown package folded up inside. When I open it I see one of my photos of Paul on the front cover of Runway. “Finally!” I sit down on the couch and flip through the pages with a big smile on my face. These were my photos. My photos printed in a magazine for the world to see. They weren’t even edited as much as I thought they would be. Paul was perfect. I can kinda see why he wanted to do it this way now. If I had a body like his I’d want to show it off too~ The lighting was the best decision I ever made. No fluorescents would have been able to bring out the golden undertones of his skin or the highlights in his hair. I turn to the next page and WOW. There’s his ass in full view. How were they able to get away with this? Are models exempt from censorship? Either that or someone pulled a lot of strings. Or more likely an extremely smart executive decision. A spread as hot as this will make magazines fly off the shelves. Quite a business~
Late Thursday night I get a phone call..but not from the person I was expecting.
“Well hello there, Photopup~”
He giggles. “Surprised~?”
“Yeah, a little. How did you get my number?”
“From Petey’s rolodex of course~ You busy Saturday night~?”
“Um..” Is he..asking me out..? No, that’s crazy. “I don’t..think so..?”
“You sound unsure. Are you or aren’t you?”
I usually play guitar on Saturday nights but..this could be important. I can always play some other night. “No. No I’m not busy.”
“Good! Come to a party with me~”
What? Is he serious? “A..party..?”
“Come ooooon~ The Executive of Runway magazine is throwing a little get-together and he invited me.”
“Why don’t you go with Mr. Criss? Isn’t he more suited for these types of things?” I hear a loud sigh.
“Petey’s gonna be in New York that weekend. Pleeeeeease? I don’t wanna go alone..”
Ugh he’s using that cute voice. I can hear him pouting over the phone. “Oh..alright..I’ll go.” Damn him.
“Wonderful~! I’ll pick you up at 6:00..and dress fancy~ Ciao, baby~!”
I hang up the phone and run a hand through my hair. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Saturday came much too quickly for my liking. It also didn’t help that I had nothing to wear that would classify as ‘fancy.’ I went for the next best thing. I dressed like I was just going to the club to play: a plain black tank top, black jeans and my favorite leather jacket. I’m not a fancy guy. I like things simple. I don’t see why I need to compromise myself for a bunch of people I’ll probably never see again. At 6:00 precisely I hear a car horn. “Well..here goes nothing..” I put on my jacket, grab my keys and head out.
Paul Stanley didn’t strike me as a guy who did much for himself besides his own hair and clothes..possibly not even that. I liked him, but he was a total prima donna. So it took me by surprise when I didn’t see a limo waiting out front for me. Instead there he was, sitting in a beautiful black convertible Corvette, with purple stars scattered across the rear of course~ It was immaculate, like it had just been driven off the lot. Paul smiles at me and waves. “Hey there, handsome~ Going my way~?” Hell, I’d go anywhere with him in a car like this~ “As a matter of fact I am~” When I get in and buckle up he starts the engine up again and revs it. “Mm..that sounds so good~”
“Like fast cars, do you~?”
“Ever since I was a kid~”
“Then hold on tight, baby cause we’re about to go for a ride~”
Boy was he not kidding. I actually hear the tires squeal as we take off down the road. It was fantastic~ “So..where is this party we’re going to?”
“In Malibu~”
“Oh great. I’ll fit right in with all the rich, pretentious assholes..”
Paul laughs out loud and pats my thigh. “I refuse to believe you’d give any kind of a shit about what they’d think of you. Besides you’ll be there with me so they won’t have anything to say..except compliments on your terrific taste~” I scoff but there’s no doubt a lot of truth to that statement, especially with the way he looks right now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen purple leather look so good on anyone in my life.
“You’re staring~”
I am staring. I don’t try to hide it. He’s made a career out of people staring at him. What’s one more? “What are you thinking about, Photopup~? Do you wanna fuck me~?” Okay..caught me straight off guard with that one. He just laughs at my reaction. “It’s alright if you do..a lot of people do~” There’s the shallowness I’d come to expect from his type. I cross my arms. “I’m not like that. Yes, you’re attractive but that’s not all I want in someone.”
“What do you want~?”
I sigh. What I want is to not have this conversation. But I don’t say that out loud. At least not with those exact words. “I have more important things to worry about than my love life. Like keeping a place to live for example.” After that he takes the hint, and the rest of the trip is uncomfortably quiet.
I don’t have the words to describe the place we pull up to. It’s like..if someone built a beach house and expanded it into a gigantic mansion. It’s just..absolutely breath taking. I could only wish to afford to leave near the beach like this. While I’m staring Paul silently gets out of the car and leaves me behind. Yep. He’s definitely still sore about the conversation we had earlier. I guess I’ll have to find a way to make it up to him later. I get out, lock to doors and run after him. “Paul please. I’m sorry. If..you wanna talk more later we can. It’s just..not an important subject for me..” He fluffs his hair a few times before looking at me. “I dunno..I think your annoyance was kinda justified. I tend to be too nosy for my own good sometimes~ Hm. Actually all the time~ Apologies all around, then..now let’s go party~” I let him take my arm and lead me to the door.
Everyone inside is ridiculously beautiful..and now I feel ridiculously outclassed. People shoot me disdainful looks as we walk past, clearly making it known that I don’t belong in their exclusive little fanclub. I have an overwhelming urge to beg Paul for his keys so I can drive back home. We approach a man dressed in gold from head to toe and holding a glass of wine. When he sees us Paul waves to him. “Vinnie~!!” Someone dressed that extravagantly just has to be the host. He waves back with a big smile. “Paul, you made it! How wonderful to see you!” He comes over to give Paul a tight hug with his free arm. “Have I got a lot to thank you for, darling~ Thanks to those delicious photos we’ve had the highest sales we’ve ever had in months!” Paul holds onto my arm tighter. “Glad to hear it! The photos were all thanks to this one right here~ This is Bruce Kulick, our new photographer~ Brucie, this is Vinnie Vincent, head of Runway magazine~” I take his offered hand and shake it. “Were you a model yourself, Mr. Vincent? You certainly have the look.” He laughs. “My, what a charmer you are~ As a matter of fact I was a few years back. I got my start at Catwalk just like Paul here~ Then personal life intervened and I lost my love for the stage. So I channeled what was left into this instead~ And please call me Vinnie. Everyone does~” It feels so strange calling someone I barely know but their first name..but if he insists.. “A-alright..Vinnie. I’m..very happy that you liked my photos~ That was actually my first time shooting with Paul.”
“Oh darling they’re masterpieces! I fully insisted that nothing be done to them by way of editing~” Just as I thought~ He reaches into his suit jacket pocket and hands me a business card. “If you’d ever like to do some editorial photos for me just give me a call, hm? I could use a photographer with your skill~” I look at the card in shock. “Would you look at that~” I hear Paul say, laying his chin on my shoulder. “Somebody might be moving up in the world~ Happy you came now~?” Vinnie smiles and takes my other arm. “Of course he is~ Come and let me introduce you to some of my friends~” He was absolutely right. I am happy I came~ It was more fun than I ever expected meeting Vinnie’s coworkers. Bobby was intelligent. Mark was friendly. Dana was funny. They admired my work and gave me advice on how I can improve. I could definitely see myself working with them if I decided to take Vinnie up on his offer, which I was seriously considering. I’d have to talk to Mr. Criss about it when he comes back. Paul makes a disgusted noise that snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Oh fuck. Why did he have to come here?”
I look down at him and he’s cringing, his expression twisted in annoyance and anger. “Paul? What’s wrong?” Paul pointed towards the door. Following the direction of his finger I’m pretty sure I see the culprit. How could anyone not see him? His hair was a bright blond. Definitely bleached. He made sure he stood out wearing a shredded pink tank top over a white mesh shirt, white patent leather pants and pink platform heels. He was hanging on the arm of a slightly shorter man dressed all in black leather with long black hair and red tinted glasses. His pants had MARS written down the left thigh in large white letters. An interesting..and loud way to make his name known to strangers. “Hey there, pretty people!” the blond yelled, catching everyone’s attention. “Can one of you be an absolute doll and get a drink for me~?” I don’t think I’d ever seen so many people move so quickly towards the bar. They crowded it, fighting each other to be the first to get a glass filled. I watch the spectacle amused, but Paul just rolls his eyes. “Selfish asshole..” My curiosity is piqued. “It’s obvious you don’t like him. Who is he?”
“Vince Neil. The self-proclaimed ‘hottest model in Malibu’.”
“He’s not?”
“Of course he is. He just has to make sure everybody knows it.”
“Who’s with him?”
“Mick Mars. His agent.”
“Creepy guy.”
“Mick is a sweetheart. I actually like him. Vince is an arrogant prick who thinks he’s the hottest shit in California. He’s trying to force some kind of rivalry with me..says he thinks it’ll boost our popularity. I can get to the top on my own, thank you very much.”
Looking back at the mob, it looks like a good looking red head got lucky. She pushes her way through the crowd with a glass of wine and hands it to Vince. He takes it from her with a grin. “Congratulations, baby..you win first prize~” The rest of the crowd just mind their own business and go back to partying while Vince practically makes out with the woman in the middle of the room. Quite a guy. Paul however is clearly fed up. “I don’t know about you but I’m ready to leave.” It’s not like I can say no. He’s the one who drove us here. “If that’s what you wanna do.” He nods. We say goodbye to Vinnie, Dana, Bobby and Mark and head for the door.
“Heeeeeeey leaving without sayin’ goodbye, Paulie~?”
Paul winces. Guess we weren’t getting out of here without Vince noticing after all..much to his dismay. “Don’t call me that.” he hisses, glaring daggers. Vince just gives him a cocky smirk. “Shoulda figured you’d be here somewhere. Were you hidin’ from me? “Ain’t like you to not make yourself the center of attention~” I can see Paul’s eye twitch. “Unlike you I don’t need to do such things.”
“That’s because everybody forgets about you when I’m around~ Who would notice you~?”
“How could I possibly compete with that tacky bleach job?”
“Like you haven’t had any work done on your face!”
“Maybe more people would take you seriously if you didn’t dress like a prostitute!!”
I have to grab Paul’s shoulders and pull him back. “Come on. I thought we were leaving.” Vince turns his gaze to me. “You his boyfriend? If you ever get tired of him being such a bitch I’ll be your Barbie doll~”
Paul pulls away from me but he’s stopped again by Mr. Mars. “That’s enough.” he says in a calm voice. “Vince, shut up and go mingle. You..” He hands Paul back to me. “..take him home. If those two get into a fight nobody’s gonna win.” I can’t argue with that. I take Paul’s keys from his jacket pocket and take him out to his car. “If you don’t mind I think I should drive us back.”
He doesn’t argue.
To be Continued!!
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All We Ever Knew (4/4)
Prompt: Y/N and Jason don’t usually fight each other, but one night they can’t hold anger anymore… just remember this the next time, be careful with your wishes.
A/N : Grammar mistakes of course. We reached the end fellas... Tell me about what you think, maybe it will be a  hidden chapter. (Add this song to this chapter : LOVER, PLEASE STAY ) 
| -> Italics - memory
Pairing : Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Preview Chapter Here
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Bruce Wayne added this situation to the list of 'personal confusion’. Also, for some reason he felt disappointment and failure with some mix for sadness and anger.
The girl in front of him looks scare and confuse, her eyes are trying to focus on him, but they are moving side to side. A hand reaches her nose, slowly she looks at the red stains, she opens her eyes wider than before, her hand is shaking and her lips is trembling, in seconds she's going to be in a state of hyperventilating.
"Y/N, focus on me" Bruce says trying to keep her calm before her mind explodes.
The girl looks at him once more, she wants to scream, she wants to leave, she needs to find answers, but his eyes tells her that he means no harm, none of the boys in the room are trying to hold her down, actually they all look worried.
"Remember Jason... Jason Peter Todd" Bruce says quietly as he moves a strand of her hair out of her face. 
There's something in her eyes, something inside of her made a click, but she doesn't know what's happening. She hasn’t said a word, afraid of whatever could happen. Actually, her mind it's a mess, nothing seems to have a connection until he said that name.
"He has blue eyes and dark hair...,” one of the boys in the back says as he sits in front of the girl. Concern is writing all over his face.
"He also has a white strand in the front..." other boy, younger than the other says as he points at a spot on his hair. 
Her eyes moves, Bruce know she’s trying to figure out the situation or maybe, she’s trying to remember. 
“He really loves his brown leather jacket and... he laughs at my bad jokes” the boy in front of her says with a sad smile.
“He wears a red helmet and sometimes he sings cheesy rock songs” the youngest boy says with a sigh... his voice, even if he was a young, carries a big amount of nostalgia. 
For some reason she’s sobbing. She has her eyes shut, but she’s crying. Her tears are not from sadness or anger. Bruce Wayne knows better than anyone else on Earth that those tears are from regret.  
"I told you, not only once, MILLION of times, that you couldn't jump that fucking roof Y/N" Jason says with a grin as he looks at you.
"Shut up. At least thank God that I'm alive" you say with a chuckle as you look at his blue eyes. "I don't need to thank God Y/N. I need to thank that garbage bin for catching you" Jason says as he held your hand.
"You're an idiot" you say, your eyes still on his face. "I'm your idiot. Forever Y/N, don't forget that" He truly says, with a smile you get to know after all this years, that only means adoration. "You serious?" You ask him, for some reason you need it to know if he was joking or not.
"Only if you want me to stay by your side... we can even move from here, get a dog, an old couch, maybe a house with big windows so you can see the rain without this big buildings... or we can stay here.... whatever you want, whatever you need but... please... stay with me? " Jason says with so much love you could believe he was proposing in that moment.
"I do want a dog" you say with a chuckle and he laughs too.
"And I do want you to stay with me" you add as you hold his hand.
"Forever?" he asks you with hope in his blue eyes.
"Forever" you confirm with a big smile.
And in that moment, like a movie, the last memory you had from Jason was vanishing, like and old film it was burning out in your mind. His eyes and his smile disappeared from your mind, like if every single piece of Jason was dragged by a black hole.
It was all gone. His voice didn't echoed in your mind. His face didn't belong to anyone in your memories. Not even his touch stayed with you, his scent was far-gone, but you knew, deep inside you, that you need it to find him again, somehow....
"This, belonged to him" Bruce says.
You opened your eyes when you see the gold 'R' in your hand, it looks familiar... the other boys also has one on his chest, but they all different, this one also holds something else just than metal...
"Belonged" you quietly say as your finger traces the letter.
"His... his far gone from us, but... you can give it back to him, when you see him again" the boy with the blue bird on his chest says.
"'Am dying?" you ask more to yourself that any other in the room. Your mind is totally black. There's nothing. No names, no sounds, no memories, no feelings. Your body also feels drain, your head hurts, your eyes wants to close, your breathing might be calm, but you know your heartbeats are getting slower by every passing second.
You missed the change of looks between the four men in the floor with you. All worried about how you truly looked like, maybe you weren't mistaken.
What you didn't miss was the green glowing eyes on the ceiling, those eyes somehow where calling you. You lay on the ground, this way you have a better look at that face. It's voice was calm, you name was coming out of it like a sweet melody, and your eyes began to close.
For whatever reason, you looked at the golden letter again; you turned around to see a engraved name on it.
"Jason Todd... I wish I could be with you..." you say with a smile as you eyed the name.
For some reason, you longed to know the face behind that name... you whished with all you heart to know the man these people were talking about. And you didn't noticed when you stop breathing.
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                                               *Credit to the owner*
Your mind is still black, but your body is feeling. It began like sweet feeling... warm all over you, you are in something really soft, there's a smell floating in the air... like roses. But then, something it's itching in your skin, somewhere in your leg and shoulder, your head is aching too. But then, there's something else in the air, not only this stays in the air, this hits you in your heart... you know that voice, the one that's it's coming clearer every passing second.
"So I climb one-two flight three flight four," Danny sang, "five flight six flight seven flight more ... when I get to the top, I'm too tired to rock...." the male voice said... by how he was speaking, you knew he was reading.
"She came around him, sat down on one of the stair risers, and saw that his lower lip had swelled to twice its size and that there was dried blood on his chin..." the voice keep going with whatever he was reading.
Slowly you begin to open your eyes. You blink few times until you see your surroundings. It's kind of dark but welcoming. It's warm and it gives you the feeling to be in somewhere familiar.
"Hey there sleeping beauty" you hear the same voice... it's close, really close to you.
You turn to look at the source of the sound. Your heart nearly explodes. The white strand on his black hair, those blue eyes, and that smile. He was the man the boys were talking about... he was Jason.
"Oh, you must have your throat dry as hell, sorry, just let me..." Jason says as he turns around to grab a glass of water, he helps you to drink a little and then he returns the glass to the table.
"Hey, about... what happened that night... and the others before that... I wanted to apologize" Jason says as he holds your hand.
"I acted like an idiot with you, I know we had some bad moments, but... I do regret all of them, trust me." Jason says with a sigh as he looks at your eyes.
But you can’t answer him. What where you supposed to say, you couldn't even remember what the heck he was talking about. Truth be told, as he was talking, something is in your mind clicked, old name and maybe memories where coming...
"Y/N... Are you with me?" Jason says concerned when you didn't say anything back.
"I don't remember what you're talking about... I don't remember a lot actually" you say shyly as you turn your head to the other side.
"Are... Y/N are you kidding?" Jason says with a chuckle as he grabs your face gently again.
"I don't even know how I get here... I was in a vault and there was this thing with glowing green eyes above me..." you quietly say without looking at him.
"But... there's something in my mind, that every time I see you it kind of clears the path... you know what I mean?" you ask him worried that he might leave you alone with your craziness.
"Hmm... I do know what are you talking about... actually, Alfred said something about some kind of temporal amnesia, but I didn't think it could actually happen..." he says with sadness.
"You do really gave a hell of a fight that day Y/N. I'm proud of that, I could be death without you" he says with a chuckle as he sits on the chair again.
"But... I do really want you 100% back, we need to solve our problems. So... let me think a little while" he says as he eyes you once more.
"Are you going to leave?" you say, more scared than you want it to be.
"I'm never leaving you Y/N. But I think Alfred has the solution for that fried brain of yours" he says again with a chuckle as he gives you kiss on your forehead.
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Turns out, not only Alfred had the answer to your problems. Bruce, Damian, Dick, Tim and even Jason had managed to bring your memory back.
You spent over three weeks watching at your family old and new recordings, some of them involving your first steps as a Wayne, those where Alfred videos. you saw yourself, wandering in the garden and looking at the many roses, the times you cooked with him, and the first time you wear a Robin suit.
Bruce videos were even sweeter than you thought they could be. Bruce Wayne, taking his child’s to the sea, the birthday parties in the Manor, including one where the Justice League came by, and you were playing with Diana and Clark. But mostly, Bruce had videotapes of training with you and Dick, pictures of the both of you sleeping the car or when you were toothless.
Dick recordings were treasures, that man has been with you almost all your life, he has been your bigger brother and your ultimate best friend. So of course, you had make pranks of the Batman itself and to Alfred too. Even the welcome pranks to Damian, Tim and Jason.
Tim. That motherfucker have recordings of you and Conner, the idiot wanted the two of you to date since he found out Conner liked you. He made everything on his power to make that a relationship. So of course, you recalled why you didn't want anything with that superboy.
Damian oh Damian. The angry and devil boy have more videos than anyone else. He make sure to only told you why he had them. He was afraid to be alone one day, and if something happened to you or your brothers, Alfred or even Bruce, he wanted a backup of his family. 
Your little brother, make sure to have every single day recorded. No matter if something special happened or if you were just chilling by his side, he wanted to make sure to have your presence in every single way.
But Jason had the lovely ones. Dates, sweet nothings, chilling, even just doing nothing, like walking down the street, or when he wanted to make you laugh, or make you angry. He had videos of you helping him with his tie on the galas days, he have video of both dancing or just you alone dancing, singing in the car or making pranks to your brothers. 
You realized after those weeks how unique your family was... but also you recalled another person, who was the key of this happiness, even thought it was a kind of bittersweet of telling this, your mom was the reason why you had everything you have today, even if she wasn't with you any more. 
When you realized that, you remember when you where in the other side. You recalled when she came by the room, how tender she spoke your name and how warm her hands were. You wanted to hold her was more, in fact, you didn't want her to go, but it was a sacrifice if you really wanted to have your family back. 
And so, as time passed and your memory was totally healed. You went to the garden, when as a kid you went to watch the roses, you cut a few pink ones (with Alfred permission), and you drove half hour to arrive at Gotham's cemetery. And there, in the grave you used to hate, you placed the twelve roses in the your mother's grave. 
"You were right that day mom, when you told me that I was never going to be alone. And also that day in the roof when you said I was going to find happiness in other person. But, in what you have always being right is, that you're still here, with me... and I know that, wherever you are... you're as happy as me"
You went to the Manor after that. The usual darkness of the big mansion was welcoming, it’s was quiet until you heard Titus coming down, followed by Damian shouting at Dick. Alfred passed you by as he offered a cookie, Bruce was in a red robe with his Batman mask, Tim was fast asleep on the couch and then, warm hands surrounded you by behind. 
"Welcome home, sweetheart" the voice you get to love said behind you as he place a kiss on your temple. 
This house might be a disaster. Your father can be a weird adult sometimes, your brother can be idiots and Jason can be... TOO MUCH JASON sometimes, but this was your family, where you heart truly belong in.
TAGLIST: @boosyboo9206​ @spooder-moon​ @julesatticusb​ @dawnshuntress​ @lonewhitewolf488​ @lisssays @ultrahippiecollection @insaneanddamnedgirl  @roseangel013bf 
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Merry Christmas, Doll
Tadaa! Here is my last story for @lovelynemesis christmas writing challenge! I hope you like it, I think it’s my favourite one. I would just like to thank @lovelynemesis for her wonderful writing challenge. This has been so much fun to take part in, and I can’t wait to read everyone’s contributions. I hope you all enjoy this!
You were walking to Tony’s lab when Steve and Bucky caught up with you. ‘Y/N?’ Steve said. ‘What’s up, Cap?’ You asked, glancing at him. ‘Well we were wondering, well Tony said..’ ‘What did Tony say?’ You interrupted. Steve rubbed the back of his neck nervously. ‘Uh, Tony said, that you like to make us wear christmas sweaters on christmas eve.’ Bucky blurted. ‘Yeah, it’s tradition.’ You shrugged. ‘Can we come with you?’ Bucky asked. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘We need to get do some christmas shopping. And we wondered if you’d mind helping?’ Steve asked. You laughed, now they’d told you what they really wanted. ‘Sure, I’m going out tomorrow to get them, 2 weeks till christmas, wanna make sure I get some good ones.’ ‘Thanks, Y/N. What time?’ ‘I was thinking I’d leave for 9:30, that okay with you?’ ‘Perfect,’ Steve said, flashing a smile at you, as Bucky grumbled under his breath about the earliness. You nodded and carried on to Tony’s lab. The ugly christmas sweater tradition had started the year you joined the avengers. You’d been out shopping with Nat, and came across some christmas sweaters. You’d picked out a nice one for christmas day, and had come across some truly awful ones. You’d laughed to yourself, and proceeded to buy everyone a very ugly christmas sweater. Every christmas eve, you made everyone wear theirs and took a photo. You had the photo framed and put up in the training room, ‘for everyone’s enjoyment’, you’d said. Now every time you went to work out, you got a laugh out of everyone’s faces and sweaters in the photo’s. You knew the others hated it, and every year you made a big deal out of them all wearing them on christmas eve, and sighing over the fact that they’d managed to lose last year’s sweater.
Shopping with Bucky and Steve was exhausting. You’d helped them pick out presents for people they were stuck on, and you’d grabbed lunch too. Now you were in yet another department store as Bucky and Steve tried on leather jackets. ‘Alright boys, I’m going to find the christmas sweater department. See you in a few,’ You said waving to them. ‘Want us to come find you?’ Steve asked. ‘Sure,’ You said, shrugging, ‘It’ll take a while. I keep hoping I’ll find the perfect sweater, so that everyone’s more careful and wont lose it, like they do every year.’ You said, sighing as you walked away.
‘How come everyone manages to lose the sweaters Y/N buys?’ Bucky asked Steve. ‘Well, to be honest Buck, they’re awful. They’re in horrible colours, like one year she got Nat a neon orange one with a christmas tree with flashing lights on. It clashed horribly with her hair, and made it really hard to look at her. Last year she got me a baby pink one with a snowman on it.’ ‘That doesn’t sound so bad,’ Bucky said. ‘Believe me it was awful. It had brightly coloured pom poms on it.’ ‘Oh.’ Bucky said. ‘Still doesn’t seem fair to me. Y/N obviously goes to a lot of trouble to get the sweaters, and make you all wear them. Tony showed me the photos. She always looks so happy, you know? Like you’re all one big family.’ Steve sighed. Damn, Bucky was right. Even if Y/N had terrible taste in sweaters, she did a nice thing every year, buying them a sweater, and getting a group photo. And it made them all extremely grateful that they were all still together and alive. ‘Did you really lose all the sweaters?’ Bucky asked. ‘Um, I just shoved mine in the back of the closet.’ ‘Maybe everyone did the same thing?’ Bucky asked. ‘What are you thinking, Buck?’ Steve asked. Bucky smiled, and told him his plan.
Christmas eve rolled around, and you were all gathered in the living room, watching christmas movies, eating popcorn and drinking various amounts of alcohol. Tony and Bruce had eggnog. Sam and Clint had beer. Nat and Wanda had fancy cocktails. Steve, Bucky and Thor had asgardian whisky, and you and Vision were drinking hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows. Vision had cream on the tip of his nose. Everyone was wearing their christmas sweaters, and boy, were they awful. Tony, Clint and Nat had garishly patterned monstrosities. Thor, Steve and Vision had bright red ones with cheesy christmas puns on. Wanda and Bucky had gotten off lightly with semi-decent ones. Bucky had a dark green one, with the words ‘I’m just here for the food,’ in red letters. Wanda had a cream one, with the words ‘I’m filled with christmas spirit, wait no, I’m filled with Vodka, definitely Vodka,’ in golden letters. Sam had a black one with a rude christmas slogan, that he’d laughed himself hoarse over. And you had a pale blue one, that said ‘totally on the naughty list,’ in silver letters. You’d had a sneaky giggle when you’d first seen them all wearing their sweaters. As the films credit’s rolled, you jumped up and clapped your hands.
‘Photo time!’ You cried. Everyone groaned and mumbled under their breaths, but they got up. You set the camera up on it’s stand, and gathered everyone in front of the christmas tree. Tony, Bruce, Thor, Sam and Clint were at the back, and you, Bucky, Nat, Wanda and Steve were in the front. ‘Say Merry Christmas!’ You exclaimed, as the camera flashed. You made them all take a couple more, switching everyone around a few times. You all parted ways, and you took the camera back to your room. Laying in bed, in your special christmas pajama’s you looked through the photos, laughing to yourself at the christmas sweaters. Eventually around midnight you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up on christmas morning, to the sound of Bucky and Sam arguing. You padded into the living room, blanket wrapped around you, clad in your reindeer themed pajama’s and fluffy socks. Your hair was messy, and you were rubbing sleep out of your eyes, as you joined Thor on the couch. Thor was wearing a santa onesie you’d bought him a few weeks ago. You laid your head on his shoulder as Bucky and Sam argued. ‘You have to wait!’ Bucky said, gesturing to the presents under the tree. ‘Why?’ Sam asked. ‘No one will know.’ ‘No one will know what?’ Thor asked. Sam and Bucky turned to face him, realising that everyone else was watching them. ‘If I opened my presents before everyone was up.’ Sam said sheepishly. Bucky shot him a triumphant smirk, and sat down next you on the couch. ‘Merry Christmas Bucky,’ you said sleepily, moving your head from Thor’s shoulder to Bucky’s. Bucky smiled gently down at you. ‘Merry Christmas, Y/N.’ ‘Ok, now can I open my presents?’ Sam demanded. ‘Sure, go ahead. But pass everyone else’s out first,’ Steve said. Once everyone had all their presents, the unwrapping began. Paper and ribbons were everywhere, you’d snuck a bow on top of Thor’s head, and the room was a mess. You’d gotten perfume and make-up from Wanda and Nat, Dvds from Sam and Bruce. A necklace from Thor, with matching earrings from Tony. A gift voucher from Clint, some new books from Steve, and pretty pajama’s and fluffy socks from Bucky. ‘Thanks Bucky,’ You said, as you unwrapped his present to you. ‘You’re welcome. I know how much you like things like that,’ Bucky said, smiling at you. You blushed a little, cause well, Bucky was gorgeous, and patted his shoulder. ‘Thank you!’ Bucky cried, as he opened the card you’d given him, inside were tickets to see the Yankees next season, prime seats too. You smiled up at him, and laughed when he wrapped you in a tight hug, kissing your cheek. ‘Your welcome,’ you said, blushing furiously now. You had one last present to unwrap, it was a big silver box tied with a white ribbon. You read the tag, ‘to Y/N from everyone’. Shrugging you untied the ribbon and opened the box. You saw what was inside, and started howling with laughter. Everyone was looking at you, but you couldn’t get any words out, you were laughing too hard. You passed the box to Steve, who had come over to find out what you were laughing about. Steve pulled out the present, a big blanket made from all the previous christmas sweaters. Steve smiled, and looked to Bucky. ‘It’s great Buck, better than I thought it would be.’ Steve said. You looked up at him, your laughter stopping. ‘Wait it said from everyone on the tag,’ you said, frowning at Steve and Bucky. ‘Well, technically it is. I went round and managed to find all the sweaters you’d bought everyone and had it made into a blanket.’ Bucky explained, a nervous look on his face. ‘Bucky- That is so sweet!’ You jumped up and enveloped him in a tight hug. Ignoring everyone watching you, you leaned up on your tiptoes and kissed him. Bucky responded with enthusiasm, causing Tony and Nat to make vomiting motions and Steve to drag everyone out of the room. When you and Bucky finally came up for air, grinning at each other, it took you a while to notice everyone had left. You smiled up at Bucky, his hands on your waist, and tucked some hair behind his ears. ‘Thank you Bucky. That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,’ you told him sincerely. Bucky softly smiled, and looked down at his feet. ‘You’re welcome, Doll. I just though since you put so much effort into getting the sweaters and taking the photos, that it seemed a little mean that no one appreciated it.’ You giggled, and Bucky looked down at you curiously. ‘I only did it for a laugh at first. But then it became tradition you know? And it meant that every year, there was a new photo of us, all together for once. I’m proud of that, it’s something to celebrate, that we’re all still here. Plus the look on everyones faces when I give them their sweater is priceless,’ you said, giggling again. This time Bucky joined in. When you stopped laughing, Bucky leaned down, and kissed you. Softly this time. And you revelled in the feel of his arms around you, and the taste of him. ‘So, does this mean you’ll come with me to the Yankees game?’ Bucky asked. ‘Sure, if that’s what you want. Don’t you wanna go with Steve though?’ ‘Steve’s not my best girl, you are doll.’ You smiled, and kissed him again. ‘Um,’ Vision said hesitantly, causing you and Bucky to break apart again. ‘Tony and Sam said that when you were finished ‘making out’ breakfast is ready.’ You laughed and turned to Bucky. ‘You hungry?’ ‘Sure, I could eat,’ Bucky said, ‘but first,’ he leaned down to kiss you once more. ‘Merry Christmas, doll.’
Tags: @lovelynemesis @iamskyefox @sistasarah-sallysaidso
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camsthisky · 7 years
Theory of Relativity - Part 1
ao3 | ff.net
Summary: In which Dick Grayson gets de-aged and everybody freaks out
Okay, so let me just start off by saying that, yes, this is going to be more than one chapter long. I’m thinking about five or six. The only thing is, updates are going to be sporadic because of Teach Me to Dream, I just really wanted to get this story out because of a prompt I received asking for this specific story. Since I already had this written I figured I would post it.
Thanks to @laquilasse for helping with (and inspiring) this story.
When Dick wakes up cradled in Bruce’s lap, he immediately knows that something’s wrong. One, Dick doesn’t remember ever leaving the manor after falling asleep last night. It had been a school night and he’d already used up his weeknight patrols for the rest of the month.
The second is that he isn’t wearing anything. He’s wrapped up in a big leather jacket like it’s a blanket or something, and it dwarfs him so spectacularly. He’s small for his age, sure, but this is ridiculous. Only his knees down are bared to the cold—plus the parts of his face that aren’t smooshed into a shoulder or covered up by the jacket collar. And even then, it’s not too cold.
He doesn’t know what’s going on but he’s sure that this is Bruce who’s holding him—Batman, really. But he doesn’t think there’s much of a difference.
The way Bruce holds him is familiar, arms wrapped around Dick tight, but not too tight, like he’s not completely sure of his grip. The Kevlar armor plating and the cape under Dick’s cheek, the rough fabric of gloves as Bruce’s fingers card through his hair, the familiar rumble of the Batmobile humming from underneath them. This is Bruce, of that Dick has no doubt.
“He’s too quiet,” a voice says, and it’s low and soft, but Dick’s sure he’s never heard it before. “I don’t like it.”
It’s weird, because Dick thinks it’s coming from the driver’s seat. Since when did Batman let anybody but Robin get into the Batmobile? It’s only supposed to be Bruce and Alfred and Dick. Not even Uncle Clark is allowed to touch the Batmobile.
“He’s unconscious,” Bruce lectures, his voice maybe a touch deeper and gruffer than Dick is expecting, but it could just be Dick’s imagination. There’s a pause, and then Bruce huffs an exasperated breath. “Or are you?”
Busted, Dick think and he peels his eyes open. He doesn’t move his head from Bruce’s shoulder, though, just pulls the leather jacket tighter around him and pushes his face into the crook of Bruce’s armored neck. Bruce’s arms automatically tighten around him.
It’s only then that Dick asks, “How’d you know I was awake?”
“You know exactly how,” Bruce says, but it sounds nothing like when Bruce had said it as a joke the other day over a cup of hot chocolate. It sounds all growly an intimidating. It doesn’t—It doesn’t really sound like Bruce.
Dick frowns, choosing to file that piece of information away for later. He has more questions, after all. “Why aren’t I wearing any clothes?”
Bruce pauses. Dick can’t see what he looks like, so he can’t guess what he’s thinking. Probably wouldn’t be able to with the cowl on anyways. He can, however, see the stranger in the front seat, the one with the domino mask that looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here. Yeah, Dick can see him, and he thinks that this guy has to be on the same level of trust as Alfred to be sitting there, and that’s when Dick knows something is up.
Bruce doesn’t have anybody that he trusts more than Alfred. Dick doesn’t even think he makes the cut. Close, sure, but is Dick driving the Batmobile? Bruce probably wouldn’t even let him sit behind the steering wheel.
But the stranger, even with the mask on Dick can tell the guy’s shooting furtive glances at Bruce every so often. More and more the longer Bruce stays silent. They both know something, and neither of them are inclined to spill. Great.
So, even though he’s frustrated about it, Dick moves on. There’s no getting an answer out of Batman without a lot of hard work, and Dick’s not really feeling up to prying Bruce’ secrets out of him at the moment.
Instead, he says, “Fine. Then who is he?”
The stranger’s face twists up strangely, like he hadn’t been expecting Dick to say that, and honestly, Dick’s just about as confused as he can get. The stranger shoots Bruce another look, and then his gaze drops down to meet Dick’s from behind the mask.
Dick makes sure to meet the white lenses evenly, having enough experiences with masks to figure out where the guy’s eyes are. Besides, he’s already huddled in what’s probably this stranger’s jacket, looking like a little kid. There’s no way he’s going to show any more weakness in front of someone he doesn’t know. Even if Bruce seems to trust him.
“You don’t know me?” the stranger asks,, tone matching his expression.
“No,” Dick says honestly, and he feels it when Bruce heaves a sigh.
“Of course you don’t. Lucky you, then, I guess,” the stranger snarls. “Everybody’s just looking for an excuse to forget I exi—”
“Red Hood,” Bruce snaps, and the stranger snaps his mouth shut. Dick tries not to flinch at the shapr tone, and he succeeds, but his limbs lock up. He freezes. Because the last time Dick had hear that tone hadn’t been a pleasant experience, and it had led to the biggest argument Dick had had since coming to the manor.
Bruce catches on quick, but the stranger catches on even quicker. A sharp, mirthless laugh leaves his lips, and he gives Dick a sneer. “Well, that was a surprise. Didn’t think that the Golden Boy would ever be afraid of Batman.”
“I’m not afraid of Batman!” Dick protests, sitting up straight, even as his cheeks flush with ager. Bruce’s arms never leave him, but they do pull him in closer so that Dick’s back is up against Bruce’s chest. If he were afraid of Bruce, he would never even let Bruce near him. “What do you know?!”
“I know a lot,” the stranger says as they leave the city behind them, and he doesn’t sound like he’s joking. “I know that Batman’s actually Bruce Wayne. I know that you’re Dick Grayson. I know that being Robin get you fucking killed.”
“How would you know anything about being Robin?!” Dick yells over Bruce’s reprimand.
“I’ve been Robin, kid.”
Dick sucks in a sharp breath, eyes burning and a tightness in his chest that doesn’t make much sense. That can’t be right. He’d made a mistake before, yes, but Dick’s Robin. He’s the only one that’s ever been and ever will be Robin.
“I’m Robin,” Dick insists, because it’s his name, his colors, and Batman is his partner, and the stranger has to be lying. Trying to get under his skin or something. He turns to Bruce, who watches them both silently. Dick demands, “Why is he even here anyways?”
“Bruce needed my help,” the stranger sneers. “And you’re both lucky I was there or we’d have two incompetent rich kids.”
“Yeah?” Dick asks, because that’s another thing. “And how do you even know our identities?’
The stranger snorts. “Told you, kid. “I’ve been Robin. Bruce adopted me.”
That something is back again, telling him that whatever’s going on it’s so, so wrong. And Dick swallows past the lump in his throat. Because Bruce wouldn’t. He wouldn’t adopt anybody else. He hadn’t even been able to adopt Dick. And besides, this guy has to be in his late teens, or maybe even in his twenties. The stranger is lying.
And so, Dick tells him that, and he makes sure his tone is ice cold. “You’re a liar, you know?” Dick seethes. “I’m robin and I’m the only one Brue has taken in. Right?”
He turns to Bruce once again, but the cowl is still doesn, and while Dick is getting better at it, he still has trouble readin the visible half of Bruce’ face for any emotion. For some reason, it seems especially hard now.
After a moment, Bruce inhales deeply through his nose and peels off the cowl, and Dick can’t help but flinch this time. Because—it’s Bruce, but it’s not. He’s older and broader and the hidden twinkle of kidness Dick used to be able to find isn’t there anymore. This is someone else with Bruce’s voice and personality, and Dick think that if they weren’t in the Batmbile right now, he would probably be half a block away by now.
“Dick,” Bruce says, and it’s tired. “There’s a lot that we need to tell you, but I don’t think now is the best time.”
“No.” Dick’s stubborn on a good day, and there’s no way he’s letting this go without a fight “Why is the guy—” he nods to the stranger “—saying he was Robin? I’m Robin.”
“Not now,” Bruce repeats.
Dick wants to shrink away. But Bruce’s hands are still holding him in place as the atranger weaves the care down the long winding road to the entrance to the Cave. Bruce is looking at Dick, swaddled in a stranger’s jacket, like it’s been such a long time since he’s seen him, and it doesn’t make any sense.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” Dick says, just because he doesn’t know what else he’d supposed to think, and the anger’s back full force. “Why aren’t you telling me that he’s lying? Are you trying to replace me? Are you firing me again?”
The stranger jolts in his set, slamming on the breaks just as they make it to the Batmobile’s parking spot—and it probably would have been fine if Dick had been wearing a seat belt, but he’s still sitting Bruce’s lap, curled up in a leather jacket without his own hands to stabilize him, so he jolts forward with the momentum, too. Bruce barely pulls Dick away from the dashboard in time to keep him from getting a concussion.
“It wasn’t about Two-Face,” Bruce says once Dick is pulled back into Bruce’s hold, and Dick tenses at the use of past tense. Wasn’t. What is that supposed mean? “Trust me, Dick. Firing you for a situation I hadn’t prepared you for wasn’t your fault, and I’m sorry.”
Dick slumps back into Bruce’ comfort. “Then I don’t get it.”
“Make it uncomplicated, then,” Dick demands. “Who is he? Why is he saying he was Robin? And why aren’t you disagreeing?”
And why is Bruce so old? He looks like he’s agd twenty years in between last night and now, and Dick just doesn’t know what to make of it. At all. Maybe this is all some drug-induced hallucination, or something. It really wouldn’t surprise him at this point.
Maybe fear toxin. His worst fears had been his parents—and then Bruce—falling to their deaths. But ever since Two-Face, he’s had a sort of different fear on his mind.
And yet, everything seems so clear. Bruce’s touch feels so real. He just doesn’t get what’s going on.
“Let’s get you something to wear first,” Bruce says softly. Then he turns to the stranger. “Go upstairs and get some of Damian’s old clothes.”
Dick doesn’t know who Damian is or why he would have clothes upstairs, but apparently the stranger does, because Dick watches him leave without a word. There’s just a glance between Dick and Bruce and he’s gone. Then, it’s just Bruce and Dick alone in the car, and Dick has a sneaking suspicion that Bruce had wanted it this way. Wanted to talk without the stranger interrupting them again.
“What’s going on?” Dick asks in a small voice. “Why was that guy saying all that stuff? And why aren’t I wearing any clothes? Why do you look so different?”
Bruce’s expression is grim, but his eyes are honest. “Dick, before we left for patrol, you were twenty-four.” Dick opens his mouth to say something, to deny it, to say that’s impossible, but he can’t get anything out before Bruce is speaking again. “We ran into some trouble. A gang had access to drugs that are able to manipulate age and memory. You were hit with a dart containing the drug.”
“I don’t understand,” Dick says, and he feels empty inside. Blank. Numb. The sense of wrongness takes over, and this—this can’t be happening. Dick doesn’t remember being twenty-four at all. He’s eleven. He’s the Robin to Bruce’s Batman. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It’s true, Dick,” Bruce says.
And Dick can see it now, kind of. He’s been trained to put clues together since he became Robin, and he sees it all adding up. This isn’t his Bruce. If what he’s saying is true, then this Bruce is thirteen years older than what Dick remembers. And Dick knows that if he’d changed so drastically in just the two years Dick had been living at the manor, then there’s no way he hadn’t changed in six times that long.
But Dick shakes his head violently, backing up into the dashboard to the best of his ability. No matter how many signs are telling Dick that Bruce is right, he won’t accept it. Not yet. Not until he can get this straight in his head.
Because Dick wouldn’t have just given up being Robin. It’s who he is, and Dick would never let it go. Not in a million years. So the stranger has to be lying. Bruce has to be lying.
But Bruce’s eyes are clear, and his gaze is steady. His hand comes up to push Dick’s hair back from his head, and Dick relaxes into the touch. He remembers this touch from when he’d woken up, too. He’d been so sure that this was Bruce, just by his touch. Because Dick knows Bruce. They’re partners. It’s Dick’s job to know.
So Dick slumps, and he decides that, for now, he’ll believe Bruce, and hope that whatever storm comes from it, from losing thirteen impossible years, doesn’t destroy them.
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