#—— ic.     finnick odair
beneaththeshadows · 8 months
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Based on that color wheel trend on Twitter last year (it's missing indigo, but let's leave that for part 2)
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shadowbrn · 3 months
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❝ i thought we had something special. ❞
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@raisedcold liked this post for a starter.
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kpchrs · 8 months
Finnick should stop chewing the sugar cube, it's hurting my teeth every time I saw it.
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
@evolvingheartisms | closed starter
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' okay don't call me crazy , just let me explain . ' green eyes are glowing , feet shuffling in anxious energy . ' i had the best idea and sometimes the best laid plans end up . . . . like this did . '
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adveanture · 2 years
tswift tag drops:  finnick odair,  the hunger games  ( au )  pt. 1
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      ic      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      replies      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      asks      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      starters      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      about      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      visage      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      isms      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      art      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      desires      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩
#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      ic      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      replies      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      asks      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      starters      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      about      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      visage      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      isms      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      art      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#╰   ––––––– ✧   FINNICK  ODAIR!      :      desires      ❨   what  must  it  be  like  to  grow  up  that  beautiful?   ❩#tswift tag drop
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gogobootz1 · 9 months
The Mentor pt.3
Finnick Odair x Reader
Summary: A morning chat at the train station proves very revealing for you and Finnick.
Warnings: mention of forced prostitution and mild self-harm
part two | part four
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The marble steps you sit on are practically ice, and the cold seeps quickly through your pants. The train station is entirely empty, and you sit outside of it looking out at the city.
Knees up to your chest, you take a deep breath. The roses you clutch in your icy fingers seem to taunt you, and once you look at them, you can't pull your eyes away. A beautiful gift belying your tragic fate.
You set all but one down beside you, then start to pick at its petals. Completely transfixed, you don't even hear the sounds of someone approaching until you drop the last petal.
"What'd you land on?"
The words break your focus, and you quickly gaze up to find who interrupted you. Finnick interprets your gaze as a confused one and elaborates, "Loves you/loves you not?"
That's not why you were picking the petals, but if you had been asking the flower, it would've been about him. The thought is embarrassing, so you give a half-hearted shrug and look away.
"Well, I got these for you," he holds out a small, far more rustic bouquet. Violets. "But it seems like someone's beaten me to the punch." What a cruel metaphor. Snow blocking your chances yet again. Standing in between you and a real life with real connections. Soon enough, you won't be real. What'll be left when you run out of choices you can make for yourself?
For now, you put the roses down anyway. The breath from your melancholy laugh is visible in the crisp morning air. "Thanks," you say, holding your hand out to accept the flowers. They remind you of home. A patch of them grew out in the field behind the house you grew up in. Your fingers brush over his as you accept the bouquet.
He jolts, "You're freezing!" Dropping down next to you on the steps, he removes the violets from your grasp and rests them in the small space between you. You follow the purple flowers with your eyes as he swiftly takes your hands in his own, attempting to warm them. "Do you purposefully torture your hands?"
You don't answer, still looking at the flowers he brought you. Finnick sighs, "You take such good care of Darla. Do you even bother looking after yourself?"
"What's the point?" Your heart hurts. As much as he hates it, he doesn't have a reply to that. He often wonders the same.
"How will you hold all the flowers you're collecting if your fingers freeze off?" He tries for lighthearted, but you wince. Instantly, he frowns. While typically, your replies to him are short, bordering on rude, they're always spirited. You seemed upset before he left you at the party last night, but now you seem disheveled. Like you hadn't had a wink of sleep.
Clearly, he's caught you in one of those moments. All the victors have them, but usually in private. He's not keen to leave you, though.
"Who gave you the roses?" He ventures, suddenly getting a sickening feeling. He's not expecting a real response, necessarily, but a 'wouldn't you like to know' would ease his anxiety.
You pick up the heavily perfumed flowers, "Oh, these? A gift, I suspect. I made someone very happy last night, and I'm sure I'll be doing it more often," you say bitterly before you toss them back down. Your voice comes out small, though, like you haven't built your armor thick enough to face this yet.
"From the office of the President?" It's not even a question. He already knows. Your face reveals your surprise. "I got a similar congratulatory present when I made my first deal." While he figured out that Snow had you in a similar position, it's clear you suspected nothing of the sort when it came to him. As you look into his eyes, he hopes you're getting what he's trying to convey. That the two of you are the same. And you can finally, finally, be honest.
"It was more of a negotiation," you nod, holding his eyes. "Not my first deal."
"I figured," he says.
You laugh sourly, "Is it easy to tell that I'm a cheap whore?"
"Don't sell yourself short," he scolds, "you're a very expensive whore." He almost worries it won't go over well when you snort and launch into the freest laugh he's heard in his life. Thank God someone appreciates his humor- Mags hates these jokes. He's got plenty more of them, and will definitely use them on you now that he knows they'll land.
"Thank you for the vote of confidence," you reply, tongue-in-cheek. Finnick can tell by your genuine grin, however, that you appreciated the joke.
"You're welcome," he nods, "You know, I've considered abandoning prostitution in favor of stand-up comedy."
Somehow your grin grows wider, "Really?"
"Really," he confirms, "I just have to perfect my material before I pitch it to the big man." You nod sagely, entertaining his bit. "He might just keel over in laughter," Finnick suggests.
You lean in a bit, "Think he'll keel over dead?"
"Here's hoping!" He leans in, too, sending you a flashy smile. You laugh again and look back out at the city. An amicable silence falls between the two of you, and you enjoy it a bit before breaking it.
"I met with him before the taping to tell him our deal was off. My nana died during Darla's games, so I thought he had nothing to hold over my head anymore. Then, at the party, our escort told me that Snow wanted everyone to get to know her. And when I saw her talking to-" you cut yourself off, but he understands. Some of them are too difficult to even think about. "I marched into his house and told him I'd take on twice the clients if it meant Darla would never see one." Finnick's breath catches in his throat for a second.
"So... a reminder of my renewed imprisonment," you pick the white roses up again and wave them sarcastically.
Finnick snatches them from your hands and launches them far across the steps with a firm throw. They scatter and tumble across the white marble. The action is so unexpected that another laugh bubbles out from you.
"I think you're incredibly brave," he declares, looking you right in the eye. "You might be the only victor worthy of the title."
"No," you're quick to insist. "That's Darla. She's earned her peace."
"You haven't stopped to think that you might've too?"
You shake your head, "But I haven't. I don't think I could ever atone for what I've done- no matter how hard I try." His brows furrow, finding your words worrisome.
Catching his look, you elaborate, "Every visit to Mrs. Montgomery's classroom, the parks I design, the gardens I dedicate, my broadcast segments- they're all born of guilt!" You admit, getting choked up, "It's my way of saying sorry. Sorry for fucking your husband, even though he paid to fuck me, and I wanted to die each time he did it. Sorry for being a plague upon the Earth, here's something to make it better. Sorry for-" You only notice you'd been aggressively scratching the back of your hand when Finnick grabs your wrist. It cuts off your rambling and prevents you from hurting yourself anymore.
"Why don't you talk to someone instead of torturing yourself?" He sounds pained.
“Who would I talk to?” You shrug, swiping at a stray tear. 
“That was… supposed to be an offer,” he winces.
“Oh?" you blink at him. 
“I’m really just a call away,” he nods, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. 
“Right,” you say, still sounding a little unsure. You blink a few times, averting your gaze and thinking it over. 
“I know you think I’m gorgeous, but I’m sure it’ll be less of an obstacle for you over the phone,” he jokes. 
You turn toward him slowly, eyes wide, “she didn’t.” 
“She did,” he smirks at you. 
You hit him firmly in the gut, and he lets out a heavy breath as he curls inward. He’s glad you’re feeling up to your usual abrasiveness. 
You’ve already moved from your spot and are heading toward the station. He stumbles up after you. 
You stop suddenly. Not that you were really going anywhere. The train for Ten won’t leave without Darla and Darla is chronically late. He nearly runs right into your back, and you see him struggle to regain his balance as you whip around. 
He’s much closer than you thought, and you have to take a small step back. “What’s your number?” 
“What?” He asks, reeling from the near-collision. 
“How am I supposed to call if I don’t have your number?” You ask, and his eyebrows raise at the question. You totally skipped the ‘yes, thank you, what a great idea,’ part he’d been hoping for. But, he’ll take what he can get. He rattles off the number in an instant. 
“Are you going to remember that?” He asks. 
You nod noncommittally, “We’ll see.” The exasperated look on his face pulls another grin from you. He doesn't fight the smile off his face when he sees yours. 
A car door slam breaks your extended eye contact. The other District Ten mentor breezes right past you and Finnick, clearly annoyed at being up so early. You know him well enough to know he’s going right back to bed on this train. 
Darla, however, looks like hell-warmed over. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Shhhhh,” she holds a finger to her lips, the other clutching her head. Your expression drops as you take in her appearance.
“Are you hungover?!” You try to steal her dark sunglasses, but she’s too quick. 
“Whatever, Mom,” she grumbles, “hurry up and kiss your boyfriend goodbye so we can leave.” She trudges further into the station, where a train is inevitably waiting for you. Your eyes go wide in embarrassment. 
“Darla!” You yell, and she winces at the noise. 
Finnick chuckles, “What happened to moderation?” She throws him the finger, earning further laughter. 
You shake your head at her behavior, and when you turn back to Finnick you find he’s already looking at you. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shrugs, acting innocent. “Oh wait,” he snaps and doubles back to grab the flowers he arrived with. “You almost forgot these.”  
You shake your head at him, smiling, “Can’t have that can we?” 
“Safe travels,” he nods at you, turning to go. He makes it a few paces before you call out after him. 
“Finnick,” he quickly turns at the sound of his name. When you recite his number back a surprised grin lights up his features. “The uh- the phone works both ways, you know. I’m not a bad listener.” 
“Noted,” he nods, smiling. You smile back at him, a genuine one, and it makes you look younger. A loud call of your name from a train within the station makes the both of you laugh. 
“Bye, Finnick,” you smile at him, giving a cute little wave. He returns it readily.
And he thought he was in trouble before. 
I also didn't really edit this one, but I think I like how it turned out? I'm not sure if I'll write more for this mini-universe since I have a few other Finnick ideas but we'll see
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wonderlandwalker · 9 months
Frozen Solid | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Your past is haunting you, but Finnick is there to remind you it's going to be okay
Content Warnings/Tags: Nightmares, trauma, ANGST, character death, happy ending though dw, hypothermia, mentions of violence
Word Count: 2.6k
Requested by Anon: Do you think you could do something fluffy with Finnick Odair x Víctor! Reader where the readers games were in the extreme cold and they say something like “I don’t think I’ll ever be warm again” to Finnick
A/N: Please send me more requests! I am dying to keep writing but I don't have any more ideas. Also my spell check keeps telling me it's 'realized' not 'realised' and now I'm doubting my entire knowledge of the English language. Did not read this after writing it so praying my brain worked properly
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To say the games left you with issues would be an understatement. But this particular memory always seemed to keep haunting you. Maybe that was because this had happened before you taught yourself to close yourself off from your problems. Maybe it was because you hadn't figured out how to find closure yet.
Maybe it was because you were still afraid. Afraid of the tribute towering over you. Even though you weren't a kid that hadn't hit your grow spurt anymore. Even though you weren't that defenseless, innocent child anymore. The tribute was still bigger, and simply the memories made you feel powerless.
The familiar trees surrounded you, but they didn't make you feel safe like they used to before. A layer of snow covered the leaves like a warm blanket, except it was anything but. You were shivering, trembling, not sure which one. So you ran, your fight or flight instincts trying to contradict the memory
So you ran from the man who had said he would help you. You ran from your problem. You ran from your fear.
But it didn't work, it never did. You ran out of the forest, but before you even realized, you were right back inside. Every time you ran you just got stuck again. But they were all different spots. All the ones where you had camped for the night, all the places where you sat silently, too scared to light a fire to warm yourself, not willing to take the risk of eating any food that needed cooking. They all made their way into your imagination, but they all had one thing in common, they made you feel afraid. For most, you thought, childhood memories should resemble a sense of ease, of making you feel secure.
But that feeling had disappeared for you when you first entered the arena. You could still see it in front of you as if it was a crystal clear picture. Your platform had come to a stop, and at first, you were blinded by the light, the bright sun. Your mind had tricked you into thinking the sun meant warmth, and comfort. But when your eyes adjusted, and you saw the frozen lake you were placed over. You saw the cornucopia, on a frosted island in the middle. It had weapons and food, but most importantly, it had thick coats and fur blankets. You wonder sometimes if you should have gotten one, if it would have helped you, but the risk was too great, so once you heard the canon, you immediately ran in the opposite direction, for the forest behind you.
The first thing you did was look for a freshwater source, but everything, everything, was frozen. When you had become desperate, you had started to punch a hole into the thick ice. It took a long time before you broke through the surface, your hands weren't strong enough, but you didn't give up. There was a small crack, and it gave you hope to continue. When you had managed to get to the water, your knuckles were bleeding, and you could see bruises starting to form. But it didn't matter. You had done it. You cupped your hands into the water and felt the cold come over them once again. It was soothing, in a way. Your hands had become warm from the strain, but it was the first time you had felt any sense of warmth since you entered, so you were disappointed to lose it. 
You brought the water to your lips, and took a sip from it. You could feel it course through your body, and while it satisfied your thirst, it felt as if there was ice inside your veins. You had been cold up to now, but it was nothing compared to this. You could feel your insides losing temperature from the icy water.
You saw him walking your way, and even if you tried to forget, you could see his face in so many details. From his freckles that you had always admired to the dark look that filled his eyes as he came closer
You knew there was no use in running, but you still did, not wanting to confront him, having avoided doing so for as long as you can now remember. But all it did was pull you back into the forest. 
He came from the same district as you, he had said you reminded him of his little sister, and he had offered a pact. You still weren't sure why, you didn't have much to offer him. But now you guess it must have been his own memories, his own innocence wanting to help the girl that you made him think of, made him think there was still good left in him. And so you accepted, and in a way, you were grateful, because you never would have won without him, but the turmoil that stuck with you was heartbreaking. Maybe it would have been easier if it had all been over then.
He was still walking towards you, and even though he wasn't saying a word, you could tell what was going on inside his head. You could see it by the way he walked, how his arms stayed tightly next to his body. You could even hear him yelling at you in your head.
You walked backwards until you hit one of the trees. You started calling out for help, even though you were fully aware no one would come. There was no one else left. You screamed, asking for someone to help you, and the fear made your voice shiver. You knew it was the fear this time. Your body had stopped shaking from the cold after a few days. You had thought that was it, your body had given up, the cold finally having overpowered it.
You stood up, scrambling to your feet. For once, you felt warm again, you felt the blood dilating your vessels, but you knew better than to get hope. You have seen this. You had seen this in other tributes. Your body making a last attempt to warm you up, giving you a boost of power right before it would all be over. In a way you were grateful, it would finally be over. You didn't even want to win anymore, you just wanted to be warm. 
But your instincts still told you to run, and with the extra energy coursing through you, you did. 
You ran to the frozen lake, to where it had all begun, it was the only thing you could think of to go to. You ran, you ran until could no longer even feel your legs moving. He followed behind you, of course he did. He was close behind, but you were smaller, you were leaner, and you might not have as much stamina, but when it came to a fast sprint you could only just outrun him. You didn't even watch where you were going anymore. The more you ran, the colder you started to feel again. You wanted to stop, to not lose any more. To keep this little bit you had been given, but you weren't sure it would even stay if you did. 
The trees started to disappear, and before you knew it, you were on the lake. When you had first gotten here, the lake had seemed peaceful, tranquil. But now, it was nothing short of a battlefield. The bodies might have been taken away, but the blood still stained the ice, and the axes and spears still stuck out of it like weeds disturbing the carefully crafted landscape. 
You ran as far as your fleeting body could carry you. You felt it before you saw it. Ice freezing cold. This was it, this was the end. It wasn't a haven to be at peace, it was even colder than you had been. Your clothes were clinging to your body like the blankets of snow you had first noticed. Your hair was stuck to your forehead and your neck. 
You remember in the beginning, when you would run, and you would sweat. It was the first time you had carefully appreciated it in your life, the warm droplets gracing your skin. But not anymore, if your body even had the energy to sweat, it was cold, it stuck to you like the first rain of autumn. The brisk wind in combination only making you shiver more. 
So you opened your eyes, if this was the end you had hoped for, you didn't want it anymore. You opened your eyes and focused on your senses. You saw the lake, but it had risen. You had fallen in it. You looked around you and saw the cracks in the frozen surface. 
The fights, the violence, it hadn't just taken a toll on you. The ice was suffering just as much. It was hard to see from the snow that covered it, but from where you were, you could see it from the footsteps that had disturbed it. You looked behind you, and you saw him again. He had seen you fall in, and halted. You could see relief come over him. Relief that he wouldn't be the one to have to kill you, that the water would do it for him. You almost felt bad for him, he hadn't wanted any of this either. And if you had been in his situation, you weren't sure you wouldn't have done the same thing. 
But the water was your friend, at least it used to be. 
In your district, you grew up surrounded by it. Going to the sea in the summer, swimming until the sun went down. You remember you used to get so cold when it disappeared and you were left on the beach alone. But now you longed for it. 
So you swam, you swam until you felt your hands meet the solid surface of ice again. You had been light before you came here, the lack of food taking a toll on everyone you know, but it was worse now. The only thing you knew how to get was fish. You knew how to fish, but anything else you had counted on was not there. There were no berries on trees, there were no plants that could survive in this environment. And so your frame had become even slimmer. Your arms were trembling as you tried to lift yourself. You weren't sure if you would manage. This couldn't be the end. If it ended like this, your body would float away in the water like the ice that was floating on it, and you would always be cold. 
With a surge of motivation, you lifted yourself onto the surface and as soon as you did you fell down on your back. You looked up, thinking you had done it, you could rest now. You looked up at the sky, the sun was there, but you didn't trust it anymore. 
You heard something else move, and it made your head snap up. He was still there. 
He considered his steps, he couldn't reach you from where he was. But it was just the two of you, and something had to give. So he walked around the hole you had fallen into. He traced around it. He stood in the footsteps that had already been placed in the snow. 
But you didn't care anymore. You had gotten yourself out of the water, and you laid your head back down, looking back at the sun. Trying to recall the memories it held. But you couldn't feel it anymore, you couldn't feel the radiating heat. So you made peace with being cold, at least it would be over soon. 
If he had left you be, your body probably would have given up before his did. But he wanted it to be over too, he didn't want to wait any longer. He took another step, and you could hear the crack that echoed through the empty space. You looked at him, and you saw him realising his mistake as it happened. The footsteps had looked like a path, but really, they were weak spots. The steps had caused the ice strain, and it had decided it had had enough.
The cracking sound continued, until you could see the ice start to get lopsided. It started to slide towards the open water you had fallen into. You could see his eyes plead, he had convinced himself he had already won, and he was watching all his hopes disappear with one shift of snow. He fell in the water, but he wasn't friends with it. He trashed and tried to move forward, but his body was too broad, and all it did was exhaust him further. You wanted to reach out for him, to help him. You knew the cold that engulfed the water and you didn't want him to die that way. But all it would do was drag you in with him, and you found yourself watching. You watched him as his head sank under, you kept watching as if he'd come back out. You watched until you heard the last canon. 
It made you feel even colder. You thought it was over. But you could feel your heart stop, it didn't stop beating, it stopped giving you warmth. The last piece you had, had sunken down with him. Your head was filled with panic. You would never feel warm again, you don't think your body knew how to anymore, and your mind was too frozen over to even try. And just as you felt your heart slow down, just as you thought you would die in this permanent state of despair, you heard a voice calling out to you
It sounded familiar, but you couldn't place it. It felt like a star calling to you, telling you to follow it into the sky, to fly, to be free, free of this fear.
It told you to wake up.
Before you knew it the smell of pine left you, being replaced with a mix of sea salt and jasmine, it smelt like home
You felt someone shaking you lightly, and you realised the smell wasn't bound to your surroundings, but the person that was next to you.
"Sweetheart, you need to wake up, you keep shaking." He told you in a sleepy, but still gentle voice.
As you started to get a better concept of your environment, you realised that in your distraught state, you had woken him up.
"I didn't mean to wake you I'm sorry, I know you haven't been sleeping well lately." You said, guilt already entering your mind.
"Hey, look at me, don't you dare apologise" He looked at you as if your worry pained him, and you couldn't stop the next words from leaving you.
"I'm scared I'll never be warm again Finnick" You started to cry, and he took you into his arms.
"If you're having nightmares, I will stay up with you until the sun rises again." He smiled down at you. And that's when you realized, he wasn't a star in the sky, he was the sun, he was your sun. His smile warmed you, and his arms around you made you believe again. He was your sun, and as long as you had him, he would warm you.
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3d-wifey · 1 year
And They'd Find Us In A Week Masterlist
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You run cold, you always have, it’s just another thing to love as far as Finnick is concerned. He himself emits heat like a furnace on the best of days. He remembers cold hands touching his heated skin, cold toes shocking the skin of his legs whenever you lay together. But now, now Finnick feels nothing but a hissing heat as your mouths press together. Heat like a hot knife cutting into a block of ice, like a blazing star consuming him in a ball of fire, only to sizzle into a warm embrace. He melts into you, trusting that you’ll sculpt him back together with your glacial grip.
After everything you and Finnick have gone through together, it only makes sense that you’ve grown a little attached.
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader
Status: Ongoing
AO3 - Find all content warnings in the Ao3 tags
Playlist - I highly recommend playing it while reading!!!
Fic recommendation and fic collage, both done by @parcetamoldaisy
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Tag List - @melancholicmelanin, @yvy1s, @glomp-me, @honethatty12, @swftlore, @hashcakes, @antoheartit, @finnickodaddy, @lilifl0wer, @antoheartit, @kermitcrimess, @persophonekarter, @aawdrea, @obaewankenobis, @xyxlyn, @meandurdaughtergotaspecialthing, @innercreationflower, @kisskittenn, @xngelsau, @honethatty12 , @drunkfrogg
Visual references for Finnick pre and post-canon for those of you who might need help imagining
A/N: Ao3 will be getting the chapters first, even though a majority of the fic is already done. Come listen to me rant about the story under #and they'd find us in a week.
Memes - 🌕
Fav lines - 1---12 Mine
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Part 1 - Catching Fire
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Part 2 - Mockingjay
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st0nesnglitter · 9 months
Hunger Games blurbs
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smut is marked with 18+, suggestive is marked with *
Coriolanus Snow
Arranged marriage | 18+
Experiment | 18+
Breathe | 18+
Punishments | 18+
Coryos history | 18+
Ice | 18+
Photoshoot | 18+
Facefucking | 18+
Sejanus Plinth
Losing virginity | 18+
Creampie | 18+
Munchies *
Ticklish, giggly Sej *
Eiffel tower | 18+
Buzzcuts | 18+
Peeta Mellark
Cafe owner!Peeta
Finnick Odair
Cockdrunk | 18+
Mornings | 18+
Eating out | 18+
Smug Finn | 18+
Aftercare *
Soft showers
random thoughts about different characters are marked with the tag “characters name thoughts”
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prettybabybaby · 1 year
Finnick x Snow’s daughter revenge noncon mmmmmmm
¡ 18+ only ! ¡ minors do not interact !
content: noncon, dark!finnick odair, adopted!snow!reader, mentions and very brief descriptions of finnick's sexual assault
¡ miscellaneous masterlist !
finnick had gone through it more times than he could count. his mind was constantly haunted with memories of the foreign hands roaming his body, their skin cold as ice and their lips rough and desperate. their eyes darkened and deep, boring into his soul as they did as he pleased while he was helpless, forced into the situation.
his suffering almost seemed worth it as your feverish skin warmed his icy flesh. the meeting of your rippling thighs and his hard hips created an almost hypnotizing noise that fueled him to continue driving his cock into your hole to keep the sounds ringing loudly.
warm, yellow light bounced off the refection of a golden vase, burning his eyes and calling for finnick's attention. he glanced over, watching the rolling of your ankles that lingered in the cold air, knees hanging over his elbows.
finnick met his own eye and he recognized the darkness in his eyes as power and control. he mirrored what he loathed but he had the power now. however, this time they eyes didn't belong to a privileged stranger, they belonged to him and you were the recipient. and unlike him, you deserved it. you were the worst of them all, sitting pretty next to the man who had ruined him with the same smug look of superiority.
you weren't strong enough to fight him, the pounds of your fists and indentations of your teeth felt like nothing as he explored your body as they had once done to him. the look of excruciating pain that overtook your features as he forced himself into you as you cried out made him feel invincible and free.
they had taken down the capitol, lowering you from your status and making you just like rest of them. he had been reassured many times. it was over. but he still felt like you were left to conquer. you were what was left of his past.
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shadowbrn · 7 months
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from illyana kozlov ( @voyennayavdova ) to finnick odair:     💋
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finnick and yana been running the victor circuit during the games together for a while now, and they'd had this weird flirty vibe for longer than finnick can remember. the games haven't started yet this time, and finnick is hiding from snow and his missions. it's there that yana finds him, and he offers her a soft smile, ❝ hi, ❞ he looked up at her, patting the spot next to him, looking over at her once she sits down, ❝ i've been waiting for you to find me. ❞ he leans over and presses a soft kiss to her lips.
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thedelicatearcher · 4 months
☆finnick odair masterlist☆
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☆finnick odair who helps you study for your finals
☆finnick odair who breaks up with you after seven years together
☆finnick odair who loves making home improvements to make your life easier
☆finnick odair who loves doting on his partner, but also loves being doted on back
☆finnick odair is a sucker for affection from his romantic partner
☆finnick odair loves knitting and crocheting
☆finnick odair loves dancing with you on the living room floor
☆finnick odair loves being taken care of when he feels sick
☆finnick odair survives the mutt attack but is left with scars
☆finnick odair loves showering with his partner
☆finnick odair can’t stop writing poetry about you
☆finnick odair loves gifting you flowers with symbolism
☆painting finnick odair's nails
☆finnick odair likes going to sleep early
☆fair dates with finnick odair
☆finnick odair’s love language is physical contact
☆baths with finnick odair
☆finnick odair lets you braid his hair
☆finnick odair reacts at your bad haircut
☆you and finnick have a jewelry stand in the district four’s market
☆finnick odair loves having his back rubbed
☆finnick odair makes embroidery friendship bracelets
☆finnick odair has a bed full of plushies
☆finnick odair and classic maritime romance
☆finnick odair searches for your comfort when has nightmares
☆finnick odair's hair after the rebellion
☆finnick odair calls you cupcake ironically
☆finnick odair had a lemonade stand as a kid
☆finnick odair loves receiving forehead kisses
☆finnick odair's favorite ice cream
☆finnick odair is a hydrated king
☆finnick odair is an expert at poker
☆finnick odair loves being the little spoon
☆finnick odair is bad at making pancakes
☆finnick odair has a pair of shark slippers
☆finnick odair has a baby blanket
☆finnick odair wanted to be a firefighter as a kid
☆finnick odair gets sunburned very easy
☆finnick odair with a partner who loves animals
☆finnick odair goes dress shopping with his partner
☆finnick odair with a musical partner
☆finnick odair had braces as an adult
☆sick finnick odair
☆finnick odair with a partner who has dyed hair
☆finnick odair with a tattoed partner
☆finnick odair eats you out
☆one of your favorite activities is sucking finnick off after his nightly shower
☆finnick odair doesnt't mind being submissive in bed with you
☆tweet #1
☆finnick odair is a sucker for romcoms
☆finnick odair is a passionate duolingo user
☆finnick odair loves minions
☆finnick odair considers himself a fashion connoisseur
☆finnick odair doesn't want to wear his retainers
☆finnick odair loves cats
☆finnick odair and johanna mason watching garfield
☆finnick odair has a stanley cup in every color
☆finnick odair has protective cases for every device
☆finnick odair and the sims 4
☆finnick odair has a spiderman toothbrush
☆finnick odair is an excessive emoji user
☆finnick odair loves watching cake boss
☆finnick odair is a menace playing roblox
☆finnick odair gave everyone a kenough hoodie
☆finnick odair and peeta mellark love water parks
☆finnick odair calls the property brothers to remodel everlark's home
☆finnick odair and animal crossing
☆finnick odair & costco
☆finnick odair loves knitting and crocheting for his swiftie gf
☆finnick odair loves fearless
☆finnick odair and surprise songs
☆finnick odair is a swiftie
☆more swiftie!finnick thoughts!
☆finnick odair & eras tour
☆finnick and annie call themselves gamers
☆finnick odair fluff alphabet
☆finnick odair's struggle after telling his story in mockingjay (requested)
☆finnick odair with a rockstar partner (requested)
☆finnick odair and a riot grrrl fan hcs (requested)
☆swiftie finnick odair and rock gf (requested)
☆swiftie finnick and rock gf go to the eras tour (requested)
☆finnick odair with reader dealing with trauma after being taken to the capitol (requested)
☆finnick odair with virgin reader (requested)
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bruisedboys · 9 months
marshmallow . . . send in a character from the guestlist + an aesthetic, concept, trope, or colour and I’ll make a moodboard!
Congrats lovely!!! Could I request a little something with Finnick and sweet summer vibes??
thank you my love!
summer with finnick odair !
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‘you’re wonder under summer skies, brown skin and lemon over ice.’ ♡
join the celebration
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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@ximerose | closed starter
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his face is a mask - twirling the rope he keeps in his pocket through his fingers . his stance is casual as he leans against the marble pillar but his demeanor is anything but . ' if you leave now , you lose everything . ' he mummers . a warning or a threat ?
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loveliestlovelygirl · 8 months
Everything You Hear
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finnick odair x fem!reader
synopsis: celebrity escort, finnick odair makes weekly visits to the noble woman you serve. sometimes, things between them get really loud at night. you hate to admit just how many times you've put your ear to the bedroom door, imagining he is yours instead.
w.c: 1k+
highlights: {minors dni} in-universe, implied sex-trafficking, sexual content, voyeurism, secret pining made known, confessions
When Finnick Odair knocks on the entrance door of your lady’s Capitol penthouse, you are to answer immediately and allow him inside, give him a place to sit and food to eat. In your care, he does not want for anything while your lady is away. You are to ensure that he is comfortable and ready for her arrival.
Which is just what you do when he drops by unannounced while she’s away at a banquet. You recognize the sound of his closed fist beating against the door. He knocks only twice and then waits. Opening the door, you find him leaning against the wall with his legs crossed and hands in his pockets. His sea-green eyes scroll up your body, landing on your face.
You curtsey. While Finnick is a familiar face to you, he is a celebrity to all of Panem and worthy of your respect, even if he’s your lady’s escort. You’re not entirely sure why she has a relationship with someone like Finnick. She never speaks of that with you, and you don’t ask. It’s not your place to ask of such things.
“Finnick,” you say timidly as he walks past you towards the long sofa in the parlor. “Is there anything I can get you?” In the past, you had called him Mr. Odair to show your reverence for his celebrity, but after a while, he insisted you use his name. That still makes you feel special every time you think of it.
His smile is so wide and so bright. You don’t understand why he looks so happy to see you. To him, you are nothing. In comparison to him, you are nothing, just a servant of the woman he pleases.
“Just a glass of water with—”
“Three ice cubes,” you finish for him.
He smiles again, oh so brightly. “You remembered.”
You give a soft nod before disappearing into the kitchen. You fetch a clean glass for him and fill it with cold water from the filter. You drop three, exactly three, large ice cubes into the glass, and walk back to the sofa. When you deliver it to Finnick, your hands shake. It’s rare you’re so close to him. Beside him you’re blinded by your adoration for him and his glorious presence so much so that you forget yourself and lose track of how long you stand there before him. By the time you realize you’ve been staring, he’s sipped half the water.
Finnick pats the cushion beside where he sits. “Have a seat.” It’s not a question. He’s given you a command. And you have no choice but to answer him. You’ve never sat beside his golden body in all of the times you’ve entertained him briefly.
His white shirt hangs open just a tad too much. Finnick wears one necklace that’s shaped like and arrowhead. Is it meaningful to him? Or just a fashionable expression. What you know with certainty is the chest that bears it is strong and so lovely. Has your lady ever taken a moment to appreciate his beauty like this? Or simply enjoyed the pleasure of his company.
“Why are you nervous?” he asks, turning his body toward you.
He must have picked up on the way he makes you tremble so. Or how you can hardly look him in the eye when he’s talking to you, trying to protect yourself from falling for him even more. Someone like you could never fall for Finnick Odair.
“It’s nothing,” you dismiss, too afraid to reveal your heart to him.
“I think I know,” he says smugly.
“I promise you, you don’t.”
Finnick leans back and stretches his arm out on the sofa top. “It’s all in the eyes. You can’t hide it.” He leans in close. “Just admit it. You feel something for me.”
Inching away, you shoot him a spiteful glare. “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”
“Comes with a price, you know.” He gets even closer to you. “It all makes sense to me. I come here all the time. I’m nice to you. I flirt with you. It’s only a matter of time before… you want me.”
You laugh lightly, uncomfortably because… it’s true. He’s a perceptive guy. He certainly didn’t win the Games at fourteen because of his good-looks and old-world charm. But you realize that-- all the times he looked at you just a little too long, offered you a bite of his food, or complimented you—he meant to woo you. You’re sure he has some ulterior motives, for why would he want anything to do with a servant girl.
When his fingers lightly graze your shoulder—it’s the first time he’s ever touched you—you let out a whimper. You get this bubbly, hazy feeling in the pit of your stomach. How you’ve longed for his sweet touch.
“But you see… you’re a little different than those on my weekly ‘to-do’ list. You can’t offer me anything in return. But I think—I think that’s kinda nice, don’t you? You’ve always been kind to me when I’ve offered you nothing in return but a little flirting. You’re a sweetheart, you know that right? Pretty too.”
Your face heats up. You feel it on your cheeks when he calls you pretty.
“So… call me sometime? I know you have my number. You’ve probably have it memorized, right?”
Of course, you do. But you’d never admit to it. “Finnick, what are you saying?”
He leans over you, his chest touching you back as his lips move close to your left ear. “Everything you hear… if you want it, can happen for you. I wouldn’t mind. Intimacy when both parties have no secret motives… is a luxury I’m not typically given.”
“You’re offering me… sex?”
He shrugs. “If that’s what you think is happening in the other room. It’s up to you.”
You search his face for answers. His mysterious smile tells you nothing at all. How could someone like him not be afforded the luxury of intimacy. From what you’ve heard, he’s intimate with many. You wonder what he means by secret motives. What could he mean?
“Just think about it,” he teases, “when your ear is pressed against the door, and you hear her crying out my name. That could be you, anytime.”
Those words sink in, crashing into your soul. For a long time, you’ve yearned for him. You suppose he understands exactly why.
The things you’ve heard when you push your ear to your lady’s wall or the door. The beautiful sounds of what happens in the other room. Is it finally your turn?
add yourself to my taglist!!
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mrsnancywheeler · 8 months
finnick odair x childish!partner hc's
based off this request
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finnick odair would find you charming for the way you showed such a bright interest in things, seeing the best in everyone, and the way you could find entertainment in anything
you'd do dishes only to blow the soapy bubbles on him when walked past and burst into laughter every time
you had no fear of danger, just living in the moment, swimming out as far as you could because you thought you caught a glimpse of a dolphin even if finnick tried to warn you about how dangerous it could be
you loved to be outdoors, in the sun, running up to show him your seashells and the sea glass you found on the beach while he fished
you looked so giddy that finnick would get excited too
finnick would take you out in the early morning, when tides were low because there's nothing you loved more then looking at all the sea creatures on the rocks
after a few trips to the market he learned he had to hold your hand in order to keep you from disappearing
it wasn't enough for finnick to keep an eye on you, he'd take one second to talk to the vendor and your eyes would catch something shiny so you'd wonder away
finnick mostly feared this because you were so prone to believing anything a vendor said, overcharging you, lying to you about the worth or quality of an item
there'd also been the time when you'd initially gotten drawn to another booth, then another, and then lost interest, so when you'd hadn't known where finnick was just decided to walk home without telling him
he'd spent over an hour searching just in the large street markets, filled with non-stop worry when he couldn't find you anywhere, spending another hour checking the beaches and secret spots until he finally found you, blissfully unaware at home
"finny, I got bored, wanted to come home and paint. I tried to make ice cream too, but that was a huge disaster, so don't look in the kitchen"
even if it had frustrated and panicked finnick, he couldn't help but laugh at your antics and let you ramble on about every thought you'd had as he cleaned up your mess
since then finnick made sure his hand was always intertwined with yours which you just found sweet
finnick was always bandaging you out, lightly scolding you for all the bruises you got climbing trees, jumping around the rocks, rolling down hills and in the sand
you'd drag him to the meadow so you could run in the flowers, make you both flower crowns and daisy chains, once you'd insisted on holding a mock ceremony where you crowned him
the meadow had once been your safe place and it felt right to you to do something to signal you were letting him into that part of you
finnick adored the way you pouted when you didn't get your way, like saying you two had to get home, how you needed to put a sweater on before going outside in the chilly weather, or that you both had to go to bed
he especially loved mocking your little pouts and whines which made you increase them until he kissed you which always put you in a happier, gigglier mood
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