#——      i don’t think; i’m just acting impulsively    ↻     ⌊   ginger   ⌋
paigelts05 · 2 years
FNAF OC - Renegade AU Paige Tea
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Published: Aug 25, 2019
Over the many years plus I've been posting, her design has changed a little bit, with that being what she wears and the parting in her hair. The most recent change in her design is the aforementioned parting, and that was the result of an impulse decision on a drawing of her that I tried to make more detailed, and then I decided that I liked the parting a lot, so it would become part of the design. I also don't really use the overalls around the waist as part of any outfits anymore as it reminds me too much about her old design from before I started posting. If you saw my art from four years ago, you wouldn't believe it was the same persons drawing.
The fifth drawing is of Paige Tea, the mechanic who is the self proclaimed team mum, which slots right into her overprotective nature. She knows the animatronics mannerisms incredibly well, and can tell what work needs doing practically at a glance as a result of her experience.
"I know what I'm doing, it's my job after all. And if you're wondering why those animatronic animals seem to bow at my feet, it's because they know that I could dismantle all of them, blind, and with one hand. How do the ghosts inside know this? How do they know that attacking me is a fatal mistake? I do the maintenance on the actual suits! That's how!"
My FNAF OC. This design is used in my AU during the timeframe of 1993 to 2017.
Name: Paige Connor Tea
Nick-Name: 'Puma', 'PT' and 'Mechanic Mom/Mum'. However, sometimes just 'Mum'.
DoB: 8th July 1974
Height: 5'9"
Blood Type: A
Country of origin: England
Medical issues: PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and hoplophobia
Personality: PT is a fairly chill person with a protective nature and a habit of refering to people way older than her as 'her children'. Whilst she tries to come off as a kind motherly figure, at heart she is a chill gamer and diligent friend.
Whilst at times, she can be overprotective and stubborn, she's pretty chill if there is no danger about. When those who she classes as 'her childern' are in danger, she will act in an aggressive manner towards prominent threats, but will always think before she acts, judging the best course of action to take. Stress inducing situations that aren't particularly threats can make her frantic, but she can keep a level head if she gives herself time to breathe.
She's analytical, intelligent and verry skilled in her field (Machines), and fairly resourceful. She's also a little bit of a pyromaniac, but always makes sure her hobby of looking at small contained flames won't get anyone hurt.
Story: She moved to Chicago with her parents in 1982 due to her fathers line of work requiring him to move to keep his job as business was scarce in the UK, and abundant over in America.
She regularly visited Freddy's where she started to meet all kinds of people, some of whom, would become her friends. Over the years, she got to know most of them from school, and from seeing them at the arcade in Freddy's. One such group were a bunch of boys, a bit older than her, whom she became firm friends with.
Regarding her school life, in a minor accident in chemistry class, she wound up spilling some chemicals which got on her hair. This changed it from ginger to pink; as a matter of fact, this accident was quite common at her school, so she wouldn't be the first and definitely not the last to wind up permanently changed this way.
In 1987, she developed a bad habit of getting locked in after hours, and no matter who she was with, always wanted to take charge of the situation which actually served her well during the lockdown when she ran to the office with a small group of other kids and teens to avoid getting killed by the now completely off the rails animatronics. During this event, she was able to actually get to know Phone Guy (she has talked to him before when he was talking to Mike, Jeremy, and Fritz, but she didn't see him often, and to nobody's surprise, he's a lot more prone to bursting into tears when left alone in a dark room with the constant threat of murder via animatronics) after accidentally falling through a hidden door. She started referring to him as a 'Red headed coward' as those were the main traits he showed in this event (also, its a much nicer nick-name that referring to your friend as an inanimate object). Also at about this time, she decided on wanting to become a mechanic and spent most of her time trying to fix mangle before it tried to kill everyone.
Between 1987 and 1993, she spent a lot of time working out at the local gym to become stronger, as well as focusing on school work and playing video-games. Sleep wasn't her priority. During these years, she figured out that one of the ghosts, who possessed toy bonnie before he was scraped, was now possessing her. So decided she would work at Freddy's as a mechanic to try and stop the ghost from bugging her as often as it was constantly nagging her to 'find the others', and so she could work alongside her friends in order to protect them. To hone her skills, she also took a night class in robotics to help brush up on her skills and anything that she may have missed.
This decision lead her to witness some very horrific and unfortunate events, which caused her to develop PTSD and also caused her to slowly become more like a mother than a friend to her fellow colleagues, especially Phone Guy as he's always getting himself in danger. She has slowly started becoming progressively more and more attached to the guards as time goes by and treating some of them as if they were her own children- except from the purple guy.
She is not afraid to completely destroy her own creations if they turn against her.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Shipwrecked! [Team Welcome to Literal Hell] Starring Ginger Kirk & Doug Karidian
Ginger’s put together pretty quickly and easily, all things considered, but she looks around at the structures around, the desolate appearances, trying to get her bearings.
No. No no no no--
She turns as another pod hits the ground, and in a moment, Doug pops out of it. He looks around wearily, seeing her and climbing out, getting his supplies. “Is it...?”
“One way to find out for sure.” She walks over to the building, doubting very much that the technology still works, but trying anyways.
A screen pops up on the window. And the face looking back at her... the name on the display...
Ginger turns around and throws up. Because she’s looking at Governor Kodos. Also known to some as Anton Karidian... Doug’s grandfather. Or to others, such as her dad... as Kodos the Executioner.
Doug sighs, trying to take deep breaths, turning as another pod lands with them.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Little Lion | Ron x Reader
Prompt as requested by 2 anons: Naturally as a Slytherin, you exude confidence and intimidation. Ron Weasley, on the other hand, not so much. But that’s what made you so attracted to the other, much to everyone else’s surprise. Question is will he muster up the courage to ask you to go to the Yule Ball with him?
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: IMPORTANT NOTE: I know, I know, I know, the Yule Ball is only around for the Triwizard Tournament, but let’s pretend like it doesn’t exist just then!! I wanted to age everyone up to year six and give Ron and opportunity to redeem himself from the robes his mother sent him hehe. I literally am a fucking fiend for Ron Weasley, my love for him should be ILLEGAL. Ron content on here is MINIMAL TO NONE! If anyone has any great fic recs for Ron, PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY. LOOK AT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!! I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
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All it took was for you to walk down the hall to get people to look at you and start whispering between each other. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, in fact you quite liked it. You were a confident girl and sometimes that confidence intimidated people. It gave you this sense of power that you liked to use when you needed something out of someone. Not to mention the people you surrounded yourself with in your house were also quite intimidating people, one of them being Draco Malfoy. 
You and Draco were best friends, a dynamic duo of sorts. People thought that you two would end up together, falling madly in love. But Draco was like your brother. He took you under his wing when you got Hogwarts and he was the person who helped you unlock that unfaltering confidence within you. Besides, Draco and you’s personalities clashed too much for it to work with you. You were both dominant, confident, intimidating people; Both of you needed to be in control at all times. Far too similar. 
Instead, you took a liking to people who were more reserved. People who thought before they acted upon their impulses. You needed someone who balanced you out. But someone who could dominate you and keep you at bay when you needed it. Only problem was people like that were scared of you or found you unapproachable. Which you understood, but at the same time, you wished that those people could suck it up and make a move.
As you walked down the hall today, Draco made his way next to you. “We should skip Potions today,” he states as you roll your eyes. Sometimes Draco kept this cool boy act up too much and you knew he was a big softie on the inside and he actually enjoyed school more than he liked to admit. “Seriously. We could ditch Slughorn’s class and hang out in the common room or by the Black Lake,” he tries to tempt you.
“Dray, we’re going to class whether you like it or not,” you speak as you continue to walk to class, Draco groaning when you tell him this. “Slughorn is may be old, but he says valuable things,” you push his shoulder.
The blonde boy just sighs. “I hate when you’re right.”
The both of you walk into Potions class, your face lighting up when you see that your other friends from Slytherin were already in class, awaiting your arrival. You grab a seat with Draco on your right and Pansy on your left. Pansy already starts gossiping about people who you could honestly care less about, but you give her the attention she wants anyway, her being one of your closest girl friends in the school. 
As she blabs on about some poor girl from Hufflepuff that she picked on during lunch, you watch as some Gryffindors enter the classroom, your eyes sticking on the Weasley boy. Ron Weasley was someone who you watched from afar. He was one of those boys who had that boyish charm that made you blush. The ginger was funny, for sure, but he had thoughtful and kind mannerisms that made your heart flutter when you watched him. You picked up on how he would notice when Granger would get distressed and he would offer her a sweet from his backpack that he had stored for occasions like this. You watched how he always packed more than one quill because Potter always managed to forget his. You watched how his eyes widened with fear when Slughorn would talk about how Potions can go wrong quickly, the Weasley boy fearfully concocting his. All of those little ticks made you develop a little crush on him after months of watching him.
Ron sat down in his typical seat next to Hermione and Harry, but he could feel a set of eyes on him from the moment he walked into the classroom. “Is she looking at me?” he nervously asks Harry. 
Harry glances over in your direction, watching that your eyes were glued on Potter’s best friend. When you notice Harry looking at you, you quickly turn away and pay attention to Pansy who continues to ramble. “She was,” Harry reports back. Ron nervously groans. “Oh come on, maybe she has a crush on you.”
“I highly doubt it. I bet she’s planning how to rip my heart out of my chest and then serve it to Malfoy on a silver platter,” his voice cracks. “She scares me.”
Hermione rolls her eyes, “Oh, please, Ronald. Just because the girl is confident and knows what she wants doesn’t make her scary; it makes her smart. I don’t know why she would have a crush on someone like you.”
Ron just looks at Hermione. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he exclaims.
With a huff, Hermione turns to Ron and Harry. “It means I’m surprised that she doesn’t have a crush on someone like Draco or Blaise Zabini. She likes someone like you, Ronald. Merlin, I didn’t think I would have to spell it out for you,” she turns back to the board, ready to start class. 
Your conversation with Pansy is interrupted when Professor Slughorn appear in front of the classroom and starts class, telling you to get into pairs. You turn to Draco, who was always your partner, Pansy with Blaise, Crabbe with Goyle. Everyone in the class regardless of their houses worked with the same people. Slughorn notices this and asks, “How about we switch it up and work with different people?” This earns a chorus of groans from the class. “I’m glad all of you are so eager to work with each other,” he says sarcastically. “I’ll assign the partners.” This earns more groans from the class.
Slughorn starts to pair people up with each other. You start to think that Slughorn is trying to make drama in the class when he starts. “Parkinson and Potter,” he announces.
“You’re bloody joking,” Pansy huffs making you laugh with Draco, making Pansy turn beet red. She grabs her things and moves to a work table in the back of the classroom. 
Slughorn continues to rattle off names of unlikely duos. “Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy,” Slughorn continues as you have to stifle your laugher and Draco whispers multiple profanities, slapping your shoulder, him grabbing his things in a huff. Hermione was definitely not happy about this pairing either as she has a scared look on her face as she looks at Ron before she moves to the back tables. “Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr. Weasley,” Slughorn announces.
Your heart quite literally stops and Ron looks like a deer in headlights. You did not expect this pair to happen. You can hear Draco cackling in the back of the classroom as you whip your head around. “Shut it, you nitwit,” you spit at him as he continues to laugh. You grab all of your belongings and make your way to a back table as Ron follows. Draco is still laughing, so you waste no time, slapping him upside the head, him letting out an ow! as you do so. “Bloody moron,” you huff at him before plopping down at a table with a shy Ron next to you. It is awkward. 
Slughorn calls out the last few partners before giving you the assignment for the  day. After he finished speaking, the class is silent for a long beat before the small chatter beings. You turn to Ron and offer him a small smile which he nervously reciprocate. The poor bloke is afraid of me, you think too yourself. “-so-”
The both of you talk at the same time. “You go,” you insist to Ron.
He shakes his head. “No, no, go ahead, I don’t even know what I was going to say, something stupid probably,” he tells you. His comment makes you lightly laugh. You suggest how you should start the task given. “Yep, much smarter than what I was going to say.”
You laugh again, “I’m sure what you were going to say was not stupid, Ron.” You had him a few vials of liquids needed to craft this potion. He carefully takes them from your hands and you notice how he actively avoids touching his hands against yours as if they were poison. Your heart kind of sinks at this. Were you that intimidating to him? You start, “You know,” you grab a pair of gloves, “I don’t bite. I know other people in the school say otherwise, but I’m not that bad.”
Ron gives you a genuine smile and laughs, looking down as his feet. “I’m sure you don’t,” he tells you as you blush lightly. “I guess pretty girls scare me.” Your heart rate picks up at the compliment, gulping a little bit, not making eye contact, too scare to. This was so unlike yourself. Ron clears his throat, “Anyway, let’s start, shall we?”
Within thirty minutes, you and Ron have completed all of the assignments for today’s class. You still had thirty minutes left of class, but Slughorn comes over. “Everything looks right to me!” he exclaims with excitement. “Well done, Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr. Weasley! Since you’ve completed your work, I can dismiss you early from class!” 
“What? That’s rubbish!” yells Draco from the other side of the room. You stick your tongue out at him before grabbing your things and thanking Slughorn for the great class. 
You and Ron exit the class. “Job well done, indeed,” you laugh as you nudge Ron’s shoulder as he laughs. The two of you walk side by side down the hall. “Um, well, I guess I’ll see you around, Weasley.”
Starting to walk in the opposite direction, you hear Ron call, “Wait! Uh...” You turn around to see Ron behind you. “I have nothing to do for the rest of the day, and I was, um, do you wanna hang out by the Black Lake? I had snacks that I stole from the kitchen this morning.”
You cannot prevent the smile that forms across your lips. “Yeah, sounds fun.”
Ron’s lips form a cheeky grin. “Wicked.”
The two of you made your way to the Black Lake, making small talk here and there until you reached your destination. The both of you sat side by side on the grass as Ron handed you a bag of crisps from his backpack as you thank him for the snack. “So,” he starts, “this might be a weird question, but...why are you friends with people like Malfoy and Parkinson?”
You smile and lightly laugh at the question. “Draco and I are like siblings. He’s the brother I never had. When I got to Hogwarts, as hard as it may be to believe, I was really shy. I didn’t talk to many people and he took me under his wing. He helped me find my voice. I owe that to him. But that’s all that Draco and I are. Friends,” you stress, trying to express that you and Draco’s relationship was simply platonic. Ron nods. “Pansy on the other hand, she and I became friends because of Draco, but to be honest, she annoys me more than she does entertain me.”
This makes Ron laugh. “I thought I was the only one who found her dreadful,” he chuckles.
“What about you? Why are you friends with Harry and Hermione?” you ask him before munching on a chip.
Ron takes a deep breath in. “Like you said, Harry’s my brother. He gets me into deep shit, but he’s my brother.” You laugh at his passing joke, Ron looking at you out of the corner of his eye. “But seriously, Harry and I met on the train to Hogwarts. He and I have been inseparable since. Hermione, on the other hand, butt her way into Harry and I’s friendship. Again, she gets me into some deep shit, too, but here I am...The two of them are much braver than I am though, so I don’t quite understand why they think I’m a good addition to this team.”
You nudge his shoulder. “I disagree with that,” you speak truthfully. “You’re a Gryffindor! You’re like a lion,” you shimmy your shoulders, making him laugh.
“A little lion,” he retorts. 
“More of a lion than I am,” you counter, making him blush.
More classes like this came along. You and Ron partnered up and finished your assignment for the day early, escaping class to hang out by the lake, eat snacks, and clown around. The more time you spent with Ron, the more comfortable you were with each other. But most of your interactions were limited to Potions class and your Blake Lake encounters. Other than that, you hung out with different people, spend your free time doing different things. This made you both cherish your private moments more. 
You sat by the Black Lake today, eating biscuits that your mom sent in a parcel to you. As you munched, you spoke, “The Yule Ball is coming up.” The mention of the Yule Ball makes the both of you tense. Neither of you had dates yet and you both secretly hoped the other wanted to go with each other. “You reckon you know who you want to ask?”
Ron munches on his biscuit quietly before swallowing. “Not really,” he lies through his teeth. I want to take you, Ron thinks. “What about you?” You shake your head no. I want to go with you, you think. “I’m sure you’ll have someone ask you, (Y/N). How could you not get a date? Look at you,” he tells you as you blush. 
You wanted to scream at him to ask you. That you wanted him to take you to the Yule Ball so you didn’t have to go with someone like Crabbe or Goyle. But you don’t. You just sit and finish your biscuit. “I think I’m gonna head back,” you confess, not really wanting to stay any longer with Ron no matter how much you actually wanted to capitalize on your time with him. 
As you rise, Ron watches you gather your things. You bloody idiot, just say it, he thinks to himself. Mustering up all of the confidence he has, Ron stands up and stops you. “(Y/N)?” he asks, stopping you from walking away from him. You look at the Weasley, waiting for him to say something. Anything. Ron takes a deep breath in and then says, “Go to the Yule Ball with me.”
Your heart flutters and the biggest smile appears on your face followed by beet red cheeks. Ron stares at you, relishing in how beautiful you look in this moment with kind eyes and rosy cheeks. “Okay. Yes,” you shake your head, making Ron smile wide.
“Brilliant,” he whispers, picking up his bag, walking back to the castle with you. “I’m glad you said yes.”
Nudging his shoulder, you tease, “Well, you didn’t make it a question, little lion.” Ron chuckles. “I would have said yes either way,” you admit.
The Yule Ball rolled around and you were ball of nerves and excitement. You couldn’t wait to just go downstairs and see Ron and spend the evening with him. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, smoothing your hands over the satin crimson fabric of your dress. You smiled to yourself, you chose this dress mostly because of how beautiful it was, but also knowing it was the colors of Gryffindor. You wanted everyone to know who you were at the dance with. You were wearing these colors with pride tonight. 
Before you made your way to the ball, you met up with Draco. “Wow,” he claps as you walk towards him, you rolling your eyes. “You look stunning,” Draco tells you as you smile.
“You look fine,” you shrug as Draco teasingly slapping your shoulder. “I’m kidding, Malfoy, you look great.”
Draco offers you his arm as you both make your way to the hall where the Ball was. “I never asked you,” Draco says, “who was the lucky bloke who asked you?”
As you turn the corner to the hall, there Ron was, dressed in a black suit with a jacket that was a smidge too big on him. Probably a hand-me-down from Fred or George. Regardless, Ron looked handsome as ever. Your heart thumped out of your chest when you saw him. “Him,” you whisper breathlessly. 
Draco chuckles at first because he thinks you’re kidding. “You’re going with a Weasley?” he asks in disbelief. You ignore his snide comment, disjoining you from Draco, and you walk over to Ron. Draco turns to Zabini, “Did you know she was going with Weasley?” Zabini shakes his head. “What has gotten into her?”
Ron feels as if he may faint. You looked absolutely breathtaking in your dress of crimson, hair perfectly falling to frame your face. He felt like a fish out of water in his older brother’s old suit, but his thoughts were pushed aside when you approached him. “You are gorgeous,” he blurts, making you blush. “I can’t believe you’re my date,” he lightly laughs, grabbing your hand. “I’m the luckiest guy here.”
Smiling at the boy in front of you, you squeeze his hand. “I can’t believe you’re my date,” you confess. “I have the kindest, handsomest boy as my date to the Yule Ball.” Ron blushes a deep shade of red, almost matching your dress. “You want to go in, lion?” you call him his nickname. Ron nods and guides you inside to the ball. 
The Yule Ball was fun for the first hour and a half. But soon enough you grew tired of dancing and jumping around. Ron looked over at you and spoke over the music, “You wanna get out of here?” You don’t even have to answer him, you just grab his hand and start making your way out. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughs. 
When you are outside of the hall, Ron tells you, “Give me one minute. I need to grab something from my room before we go. I’ll be right back.”
You watch him leave, a big smile on your face as you smooth out the material of your dress. This night felt nothing short of magical. Ron was a gentleman, making you laugh, dancing with you the whole night, making sure you were comfortable. He was perfect.
“You went to the ball with Weasley? (Y/N), you can do so much better,” Pansy laughs from behind you. “He’s a complete git.” Anger starts to rise in your chest. “You really could have anyone in this school and you chose the man who wears his brothers’ old clothes. He can barely stand up for himself, he has to let Granger fight his battles for him.”
“Will you shut it, Parkinson?” you snap. “Just because Draco didn’t ask you to the Yule Ball doesn’t mean you have to pick on everyone else’s dates because you are unhappy that you had to settle for Goyle. It’s not my fault that you get upset when people are happier than you. So how about this? Keep your opinions to yourself, because I can assure you no one wants to hear them. Not me, not Draco, no one.” Pansy’s face turns sheet white. “I like Ron. I think he’s brilliant. And I’m going to enjoy my night with him.”
The silence between you is deafening when you finish. Pansy just stares at you as you catch your breath from yelling at her. You hear someone clear their throat behind you. Spinning around, you see Ron behind you. You wished you could feel embarrassed right now, but you don’t. You just grab his hand and leave a shocked Pansy behind. “Merlin, remind me not to make you angry,” Ron diffuses the situation, brilliantly. You laugh at him before intertwining your fingers, leaving the Ball behind and escaping to your signature spot.
Draco leaves the hall and sees you leaving with Ron, hands clasped together. “Can you believe her?” Pansy asks Draco.
Draco just looks at Pansy. “I don’t care who she’s with. As long as she’s happy and they make her happy. That’s all you should care about too,” he speaks before walking away from Pansy with Crabbe and Goyle not too far behind him.
Soon, you and Ron arrive to Black Lake and sit beside each other on the grass in your ball attire, not caring if it gets dirty at this point. You look out at the lake as it shimmers in the moonlight. The night was beautiful. Just chilly. Ron immediately notices you shiver and without hesitation, he takes off his suit jacket and places it over your shoulders. “You don’t have to,” you insist.
“Yes, I do. Don’t want you to get sick now, do we?” Ron smiles at you, wrapping an arm behind you carefully as you lean into him. 
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, you resting your head on his shoulder as he lays his head on yours. “What did you have to grab from your room?” you curiously ask him. 
You can feel Ron smile against your hair. “Reach into my jacket pocket. The left one.” You do so and pull out a small red rose. Its petals were lightly crushed from being pushed into his suit jacket pocket. You look up at Ron, eyebrows furrowed as if to say what’s this all about? “I wanted to get you a whole bouquet, but they wouldn’t have fit in my pocket,” he jokes as you laugh. “I like you, (Y/N). A lot. I like spending time with you and being around you. You make me happy. So, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” 
His confidence is palpable. You’d been rubbing off on him. He must have been rubbing off on you because there is a deep shade of red on your cheeks, you feel almost unable to speak. You finally find the words and say, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Weasley.”
Ron smiles big and just gawks at you. “You’re my girlfriend now?”
“I’m your girlfriend,” you repeat as he laughs. “And you’re my little lion now.”
The two of you just look at each other for a moment before he speaks, “I’m going to kiss you...if that’s okay.” You nod your head and close the gap in between you two. The kiss is gentle and his lips are soft against yours. He kisses you like he is afraid of breaking you. His hand cups your cheek, pulling you in closer. You smile lightly into the kiss before pulling away slowly. “Bloody hell,” he whispers, inches from your face. “I’m so glad that this went better than I expected,” he admits as you laugh at your boyfriend.
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Two Peas in a Pod - Harry PotterxSister!Reader
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Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
For this one-shot I have taken inspiration from both the book and the film, as well as left out parts of the original dialogue that, for the purpose of this story, felt irrelevant.
Word count: ≈ 2400
You probably already knew this, but still XD
(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/N/N) - Your nickname
(Y/H/C) - Your hair colour
(Y/H/L) - Your hair length
Two Peas in a Pod
Harry Potter and his twin sister (Y/N) were like two peas in a pod. Always had been. Supposedly, that was what happened when young magicians had to grow up with muggles, especially if those muggles were named “Dursley”. Harry was always more impulsive, whereas (Y/N) took on the role of the rational one, yet they had both been placed in Gryffindor house by the sorting hat four years prior.
It was now the first of September 1995, and last year had been a rough one. Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard who had killed Harry and (Y/N)’s parents, had just come back and despite their efforts, this holiday had been more miserable than any of the previous ones. Dudley and his friends, dementor attacks, and a general lack of communication with the wizarding world left the twins in a particularly bad mood. They arrived at Kings Cross, and after pulling Harry away from Draco Malfoy, (Y/N), her brother, Ron and Hermione boarded the Hogwarts express, and found a place to sit.
During the start-of-the-year feast, the small group of friends quickly realized that something was wrong. Their new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor - Dolores Umbridge - was a ministry employe, which was weird on its own, but the way she spoke, acted, and kept interrupting Dumbledore with shrill, irritating *hum hum*’s made them all feel queasy.
After a quiet discussion in the common room (and quite a bit of loud arguing between Harry and Seamus Finnigan), they went to bed, yawning, and not exactly looking forward to that year’s first period of DADA.
They entered the classroom, and to their surprise, Umbridge actually wasn’t there yet. Harry and (Y/N) shared a confused look, but went to sit down, Harry with Ron, and (Y/N) with Hermione. Eventually though, the professor did arrive, her unnaturally high-pitched voice bringing them all back to reality.
“Good morning, class!” she said cheerfully
There was a quiet murmur among the students, and Umbridge shook her head.
“Good Morning!” she said again, this time more sternly. “I expect you to answer me when spoken to.”
A slightly louder “Good morning professor” could be heard, and though Umbridge didn’t seem too pleased, she decided to move on with the lesson.
“Ordinary Wizarding Levels - OWLs” she started. “Your previous teachers in this subject have all been quite questionable choices, however this year things will be the way they were meant to. Open your books on page 4.”
A few minutes had passed before Hermione raised her hand and said “Professor, there is nothing in here about using defensive spells.”
“Using spells?” Umbridge asked, laughing nastily
“We’re not to use magic?” Ron asked
“You will be learning defensive magic in a safe, risk-free environment”
“But”, said Harry, rather angrily, “what good would that do? If we were attacked that wouldn’t be risk-free!”
“Ha!”, laughed Umbridge, “And who exactly do you think would want to attack a helpless child such as yourself? Besides, the education you will receive will be more than enough for you to pass your OWLs, and that is after all just what school is about.” She finished with a smirk, looking rather satisfied with her speech.
(Y/N), who had sat quietly this whole time shifted slightly in her chair, and exclaimed: “It’s not though!
“Sorry?” Umbridge asked, dumbfounded
“School isn’t solely about receiving good grades! It’s about preparing the students for life, and supplying them with the tools and knowledge necessary in order to succeed and improve. If we’re not going to do that, then why, may I ask, is this a mandatory course? It’s already starting to seem rather pointless to me.”
Harry was perplexed. How his sister always managed to, 1: use her words in such a remarkable way, and 2: remain calm through the most infuriating of situations was a mystery to him, however he turned his gaze back towards Umbridge, waiting for her reply.
“Nonsense” She said. “This course is compulsory, and rightfully so!”
“How though?” Inquired (Y/N), pushing it further than she probably should have. “Can you name any situation, apart from the exam, where your teachings will be of any help to us? Or didn’t the ministry consider that?”
That was the top of the iceberg.
“DETENTION!!” shouted Umbridge. “My office, 8:30 would you be so kind, Ms Potter.”
(Y/N) flinched. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, however detention was not something she had to endure very often. That was more Harry’s thing. She sank quietly back onto her chair, and Umbridge continued with her boring, unnecessary lesson, reciting facts and procedures they had all learnt about 4 years earlier. (Y/N) could feel her brother staring, practically burning a hole in her neck, but somehow, probably thanks to Ron, he kept quiet for the rest of the class.
An hour later, class ended and none of the Gryffindor students wasted any time getting out of Umbridge’s classroom. (Y/N) threw her stuff into her brown, leather bag and dashed out of the room without making eye contact with her brother or friends.
“(Y/N/N)!” Harry shouted. “Wait up!”
He caught up with his sister on the stairs leading down to McGonagall’s classroom.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Looking up at him with an annoyed stare she said “Yes Harry! Just brilliant!” with a sarcastic tone in her voice. She kept on walking, but Harry grabbed her shoulder. A few years ago, they had been roughly the same size, but Harry had grown A LOT, and was by now almost seven inches taller. All the quidditch training had apparently paid off too, and (Y/N) knew instantly that she would never be able to escape his firm, yet gentle grip. He glanced down on her with a worried look on his face.
“I’m serious!” he said. “Stop”
She turned around and faced him. “What?” She spat at him, suddenly noticing her icy voice.
“Sorry…” (Y/N) mumbled, “she just pissed me off. I’m fine.” Her facial expression softened and she met Harry’s eyes for the first time since class ended. He let go of her shoulders, and was just about to say something when a tall ginger came running at full speed and gave (Y/N) a supportive pat on the back.
“That was bloody brilliant!” Ron exclaimed. “(Y/N), did you see the look on her face? Bloody hell, she was angrier than Malfoy after Harry beat him in his first quidditch match!”
“Yes” stated (Y/N) simply, as Hermione made her way down the stairs, “I saw…”
“Oh cheer up!” stated Ron, “an hour or two of detention isn’t the end of the world. If you ask me, it was totally worth it!”
Hermione gave him a disapproving stare as (Y/N) sadly stated, “It might not have been the cleverest thing to do” Both Harry and Hermione blinked at her with a sort of “you-don’t-say?” kind of look as she kept on speaking. “But you must admit that it’s the truth? Defence against the dark arts has never been as important as it is right now. We are all going to die before the end of the year unless we learn and improve?!”
“You’re right.” Hermione muttered, and surprisingly, she smiled slightly. “But we’ll have to talk about that later, otherwise we’ll be late for transfiguration. Come on!”
The rest of the day went by rather quickly, and the quartet soon found themselves in front of the fireplace in the common room. It was about 8:20 when (Y/N) stood up, grabbed a jacket, and left for Umbridge’s office.
“Good luck!” Harry said, frowning deeply, “I’ll wait for you here.”
(Y/N) turned around quickly, “Haz, you don’t have to. I’ll be fine. You need your sleep and I have no idea how long this is going to take.”
Harry gave her a sort or irritated look, to which she sighed and left without a word.
“What do you think she’ll have her do?” Hermione questioned.
“I don’t know” Harry hissed, “but I’m sure she’ll tell me when she gets back...”
The remaining three looked at each other. Ron threw Harry a chocolate frog, and then - they waited…
*knock knock*
There was a slight clinking noise, like metal on china, followed by a repulsing “come in”. (Y/N) took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
“Ah!” chirped Umbridge, “Potter, sit down, will you?”
(Y/N) apprehensively made her way across the room to the chair her so-called “professor” had pointed at. She sat down and looked around nervously.
“You will be writing some sentences for me today, no” Umbridge said, as (Y/N) reached down to her bag to pick up something to write with. “no, not with your own quill. You’ll be using a rather special one of mine.” She smiled evilly, and pushed a black, pointy feather across the table.
(Y/N) grabbed it carefully and asked in a silent, trembling voice, “what should I write?”
“Oh, right! How about… ‘I must obey my superiors’?”
It was about three hours later, when (Y/N) slowly made her way back to the common room, red, hot blood dripping from her left hand leaving a small trail through the corridor. The pain had intensified, and was by this point almost unbearable. She took a quick detour to the girls’ bathroom, hoping to be able to clean herself up a bit before having to face her friends and brother. She had told him to go to sleep, after all, it was almost midnight by now, but she knew him all too well. The odds of him being in bed were absolutely zero.
She watched the thick, red liquid disappear down the sink and let a few tears fall, before grabbing some paper making sure no tears or blood could be seen. She had to make it through the common room up to the dormitories quickly though, since she was sure Harry would be able to tell she’d been crying, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Sure, she could just tell him, but something inside her argued against that. He had been rather angry and distressed all summer, and she knew he wasn’t feeling much better now. Harry had enough to deal with without handling her problems too.
Entering the common room, roughly four seconds had passed before her brother was by her side.
“Hey,” he said gently, “everything okay?”
She nodded and mumbled a quiet. “Yes. ‘m tired though, night Harry”
She walked the stairs up to her dorm, leaving Harry behind. He simply stood there dumbfounded. What had just happened? “Oh… okay, night (Y/N/N)”
She didn’t answer…
The following morning, he found her at the breakfast table, slowly digesting a tiny portion of porridge. She was wearing one of his old quidditch jumpers underneath her cloak. He knew, because it was far too big for her, and the sleeves reached down to her fingertips.
“Hey,” he said, ruffling her (Y/H/L), (Y/H/C) hair, “Feeling better?”
“Sure, “ she murmured, slowly pulling the sleeves even further down. He gave her a supportive hug.
“But come on now, “ he urged her. “You can’t be sad forever. What did she have you do?”
“Just write some sentences. It was fine, rather dull to be honest with you.” She threw the spoon into the bowl, and pushed it away. “How are you feeling? Any bad dreams?”
“Always…” he muttered, shaking his head at the milk that had splashed out on the table, “could have been worse though.”
Harry made himself some toast, as Ron and Hermione joined them in the great hall.
A week or so later Harry had had enough. It was in defence against the dark arts, on a rather cold Tuesday afternoon that he finally snapped, and shouted at professor Umbridge, who seemed almost too happy for a reason to give him detention.
The gang sat, yet again, around the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, when Harry suddenly left and climbed through the portrait hole. He came back a few hours later, a downright furious look on his face, and walked straight up to his sister without even noticing the ghost he had stumbled through. He looked down at her smaller frame, his quidditch jumper yet again pulled over her head.
“Let me see, ” he said through gritted teeth, causing (Y/N) to look up at him, trying her best to act confused.
“(Y/N) - let. me. see.” he repeated firmly, his emerald eyes penetrating the mental wall behind which she had been trying so hard to hide her troubles.
She closed her eyes and pulled her sleeve up to her elbow. The blood had naturally dried, however five heart wrenching words were etched into her still red, irritated skin.
I must obey my superiors
No one said a thing. (Y/N) was staring at the floor, not daring to meet her brother’s eyes, all while Harry felt madder than he ever had before.
Madder than when Dudley had been pushing him around the school yard.
Madder than when Malfoy had taunted him because of the dementors.
Madder than when he had found out that his aunt and uncle had lied about their parents true fate for almost 10 years.
This was his sister, and it was far from okay.
Without thinking, Harry was just about to shout at her for keeping something like that from him, when he noticed that she was crying. Soft, quiet sobs that she were clearly trying to hide. It felt as if all his anger simply washed away, and he crouched down and took her hand in his.
Harry’s hand was still covered in blood. He hadn’t had time to clean it, but had instead taken the shortest way to the common room, after realizing what had happened. Raising his right hand, he pulled her closer and felt her lean her head on his chest. They sat like that, arms wrapped around each other, for hours and slowly started drifting off to sleep.
Were they okay? Not at all. Would they be? Absolutely! Because they had each other, and when it really came down to it, that was all they needed, as the Potter twins were just like two peas in a pod.
~ L
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physicalturian · 4 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 7
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 7207 Archive of our own
Warning : Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Control / Stranger / Flirting / Fluff / Awkwardness / Mirrors / Anxiety / Making out / Shibari… If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
– Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
I hated feeling anxious, but there was nothing I could do about it. The thought of having fucked up with Law never left my mind. The entire day I was on campus, I had this urge to check if he had answered, at this point I was ready settle for any type of reply, not even something flirty.
 But as hours went by, there was nothing. I couldn’t even distract myself with HandSurgeon, since he had warned me, he would probably be asleep for a while. Those were the cons of him being an actual surgeon. He probably had a long operation. But Law… I thought the feeling was mutual, I thought I’d tease him back from what he did to me before leaving in a hurry but clearly, I had gotten it wrong. I wanted to throw up, I felt sick, I had to keep calm and play it cool, but fuck was it hard.
The little voice in my head never stopped saying I was an idiot, that I shouldn’t have sent that picture. That even if I was feeling myself that moment, he clearly hadn’t asked for that, maybe he even thought this was an unwanted nude? For fuck sake, I should have asked- I mean, I’m not naked on it or anything but…
 Sighing I placed my elbows on the table and rested my head in my hands. “This is shit,” I said at first, grumbling to myself. I tried not to talk too loudly considering I was working at a table in the hall, and I did not really want to sound crazy. Nor did I want to disturb the people who were actually working.
 Running my hands over my face, I leaned back on my chair looked at the world upside down, “I ain’t going to feel shit because of a man, and maybe he’s busy, yeah-“ I almost fell back when I saw someone walk in front of me, startling me in the process when they stopped right there. I let out a gasp and sat back properly on my seat, turning around to look at the person.
 “Fuck Nami, how about you give me a warning next time? Why are you here, don’t you have classes or something?” She quirked a brow in reply and pulled up a chair, sitting next to me, huffing something under her breath but I couldn’t quite catch it.
“Well looks like I’m here on time, you look like shit,” Reaching for the textbook in front of me, she closed it, saying if it was giving me that much trouble, I should take a break.
 Grimacing, I looked around a moment before settling my gaze on hers. “It’s not about that though... I,” She already hated the man, if I told her about the situation she’d get in her car and drive all the way to his place to beat him up. But I needed to talk about it, even though I hated it. “I am currently in purgatory, either I’ll get a rejection, or I’ll get laid, that’s uh, that’s what up right now.” I told her with a nervous laugh.
 Nami stared at me, her mouth slightly agape, eyes squinted, as she tried to understand what I meant. “How about, not using metaphors? I’m kind of hung over and that’s not doing it.” She stated, leaning on the table, ready to hear more.
 “I sent a kind of nude to…” I mumbled his name, and quickly continued before Nami could say anything, “But I haven’t gotten any answer yet, I sent it last night- and before that I think we had a moment you know? But now I am just, so in my head about it! Like, maybe he thinks that’s too early, or-“
 Interrupting me, she slammed a hand on the table, startling me and the people around us in the process. “I said he was shit, he is arrogant, he just wants to fuck around-“ She closed her mouth when I interrupted her in a much lower tone.
“No, no, he’s not, Nams, I’m not here to like- be the love-struck idiot but he hasn’t done anything bad for now. Did you listen to me? I just haven’t gotten any answer yet, maybe he’s busy…”
 “Then if we don’t know, I’ll call his sorry ass and ask what the fuck is up!” With wide eyes, I put a hand on hers, to stop her from grabbing her phone, but she shooed me away and stood up, putting the phone to her ear.
 Whispering in urgency, I called her name many times to get her to stop. My face was starting to warm up and I felt like I was about to die. She smirked at me after a few seconds and pointed at her phone, then gave me a thumbs up before walking away, still on the phone.
 I stared at her back in frustration, embarrassment and pure awe. At that very moment, I realize I should have gone to Robin about it, she was a lot less impulsive. I did not mind Nami’s… hot-headedness, and her acting like that made sense. ‘If the problem is a lack of reply, then just, ask him straight up’, yet I couldn’t help but feel like I was bothering her and the man in question.
 I hadn’t realized I had started moving my foot nervously, while watching her talk to the person on the phone. It did not stop when she started walking back to me, grinning. “So.” She said before sitting back. “I called Luffy-“
A loud sigh of relief escaped my lips as I kicked her foot with mine, “Why did you let me believe it was Law?-“ I was going to keep berating her but stopped myself, gesturing for her to continue as I calmed myself down.
 “He said Law had a to do uh, some big word for a very specific kind of surgical procedure- And right now he might just be dead asleep,” She said, making a face as she tried to find the word back. Giving up on that, she continued, “But he has to go by his place in a few, so we’ll know soon enough. Guess he’s not ignoring you for now, right?”
 Giving her a very strained smile, I breathed, “Right… yeah…” Standing up and packing all my stuff, I glanced at Nami who was texting rapidly on her phone. As fast as when you’re having a heated debate, and you had to prove your point. Nudging her hand with mine, just barely to not have her drop her phone, I smiled, “Thank you for that though, it’s not what I’d have done but it does lighten something. I kinda still want to throw up and-“
 “Hey, hey, finish packing your shit and let’s do something else in the meantime. A girl’s day out, maybe Robin’s free and we could go get some food, watch something or- really whatever you want.” I couldn’t help the grin that made its way on my face, she was always ready to throw hands for us but also tried, and succeeded most of the time, to cheer us up the best way she could.
 Nodding, I did as she suggested, and we were soon on our way to distract me from being an idiot. On our way to the city center, we took Robin who had just finished her shift and was free for the rest of the day. We summarized the situation to her in no time, and she was very much on to do whatever we suggested, saying it’s been too long since we did something like that.
 The rest of the day was pretty eventful and spending time with them got my mind off things. Along eating at some place, we usually go to when we’re all free, we also went to the mall which as cliché as it sounds was enjoyable. We did things that satisfied all of us, and if some things weren’t the cup of tea of some, for example going to the bookstore for Nami, we’d still find a way to have fun. She thought it’d be funny to find all the books where authors are named “Dick” but soon enough she found some interesting books that got her attention and it calmed her.
 When we went to all the stores we wanted, maybe even buying a few things along the way, we left the mall. The sun was setting, and hunger was back after all the energy spent in the afternoon, we opted to get some food at a drive-in and get back home.
 Throughout the day, I was tempted to check if I had received an answer, but at my first attempt, Robin took my phone and shoved it in her bag. She told me that I should make him want me, to which Nami said that answering right away would make me look desperate. Now, I did argue back that it was a childish way of thinking, but they did not want to hear it and kept my phone away from me until we were home. I let them; it couldn’t do me much wrong.
 When we were finally home, with food at the table, Robin handed me back my phone. “I think you made him wait long enough, here,” Was all she said.
 I took it, but placed it face down on the table, “I’m with you guys, I don’t want to be distracted by a hot man, you know?” Grabbing my phone from in front of me, Nami huffed with very little charm, “If you’re not checking, I am!”
 Before she could even try to type in my pin code, I snatched it from her hands, throwing her a dirty look while putting it onto my lap. “Hey, we’re just as curious as you are, wonder if he sent one back- he’s a real asshole but he still looks fine.” The ginger said while taking a bite of her food. Shaking my head, I ignored her comment but still thought the same as she did.
 While I tried to not mention it again, it was still the main topic of the conversation as we ate. They managed to bring that same topic to what people said about him, the very few people they knew who had had a one-night stand with him said he was very good but always cold with them. They often described it as a wild night, but he’d often insist on getting them back to their place right after. I did not know what to say to that, I wouldn’t mind, nor did I find it odd.
 He was right to do so, and he drove them back to their place, I think it was nice. For some reason I felt a little pinch in my chest thinking he’d do that with me, but I wouldn’t have much say in it. Moreover, I am not even sure if I am going to fuck the guy, yeah, get yourself together, it ain’t much but if you get it, it’ll be fun!
 We spent a bit more time talking, having finished eating for a while now. When we were done, and tired, we all retreated to our rooms to sleep, or study for others; As for me, I closed the door and got changed. I was forcing myself to not check my phone and take things slow but instead got changed at the speed of light. I then got into bed and unlocked my phone, where were messages from Law and HandSurgeon.
 Still feeling petty, I decided to answer HandSurgeon first and opened Discord. I couldn’t help the smile on my face when I read them, feeling proud.
 HandSurgeon: Great pictures to get home to. Probably to get off to, too.
HandSurgeon: It’d be a lie to say I don’t want to have some fun with you tonight, have you do exactly as I say while you’re looking at yourself in that mirror of yours. Realizing how willing you are to follow my orders.
HandSurgeon: But I think I should give you more credits for doing exactly as I instructed. I especially love that touch you added on the last one, I did say fully naked, but I appreciate the necklace you’ve added.
HandSurgeon: Although a collar would suit you better, for being so good. So obedient.
HandSurgeon: Maybe you’d enjoy it, but I think you’d rather I take my time and slowly, gently, tie you up with comfortable rope.
HandSurgeon: This I know you’d like, the pressure of the knots being just right, just the perfect amount to get your blood pumping and have you riled up in no time.
HandSurgeon: You already get off by showing off, so you’d love to know I’d relish the sight of you with pretty red ropes all over your body.
HandSurgeon: [sent an attachment]
 I made a surprised, yet very satisfied, face at the picture that followed. In what I believe was his drawer, lied a few neatly organized bundles of rope. The image was proof enough that he was not just telling me all this to get me going, but that he was also into it. That made me grin as I typed back, not checking the time at which he had sent me those messages.
 Edelweiss: Don’t get me worked up, come on, that’s too promising
Edelweiss: also you’re telling me you have all those ropes at home? And no one to tie up? Come on, I am sure there are tons of people who would love to get the chance to be alone with you and just
Edelweiss: ropes, you know?
Edelweiss: that is if you’re actually good at bondage, or shibari, that shit is pretty hard to work with and it does need a lot of
Edelweiss: carefulness
Edelweiss: ignore my lack of words, I am exhausted ok?
Edelweiss: you have to be cautious is what I’m saying
 I then closed the app, thinking that at this hour he’d be asleep, and with a lot of apprehension opened the conversation with Law. My mouth opened slightly at what was on the screen, I looked at the picture first, it was a picture of him with smoke in his face. He looked annoyed, and it was slightly blurry as if he had moved while the picture was being taken.
 It was night and he was leaning against a brick wall, a cup in hand, the soft light of the revolving door next to him being the only source of light on the picture; Except for the flash of the camera, even though it was on the black-haired man managed to look good. Come to think of it, it was probably morning more than night, dawn to be precise. And it was purely base on the time filter that, I only now noticed, was on the picture. It read 7 am, but seemed to had been sent a lot later than that time, 3pm precisely.
 I looked at the screen, confused, then scrolled up to see the messages that were before and after the photo.
 Trafalgar Law 😷: you’re so hot, like wowi90
Trafalgar Law 😷: speecjless
Trafalgar Law 😷: so ready for tmoorrwoww
Trafalgar Law 😷: I apologize for that, my… friend took my phone.
Trafalgar Law 😷: He shouldn’t have seen this, but you are indeed gorgeous.
Trafalgar Law 😷: Did you ask me what my favourite body part was, so that you could send me proper unproper photos? I’ll admit… I do not mind one bit, I’m sure my hand would look perfect around your throat.
Trafalgar Law 😷: hrjà3ç(‘
Trafalgar Law 😷: He acts all cool but he gasped, I swear
Trafalgar Law 😷: He’s not gonna sent shit today, he’s tired and looks like shit but here have this
Trafalgar Law 😷: [sent an attachment]
Trafalgar Law 😷: took it last night, he’s mad at me on it
Trafalgar Law 😷: but he said you liked doctor stuff and he’s wearing his scrubs and nice crocs
Trafalgar Law 😷: I am a doctor too, if you’re interested 😏
Trafalgar Law 😷: [sent an attachment]
 I laughed at the photo that followed, it was a close up of a guy with a cigarette in mouth. He wore red lipstick and had fluffy blond hair. He was grinning widely, making a peace sign with the hand that wasn’t holding the phone. So that was the kind of people Law hung out with? He seemed like the exact opposite of him, there were still more messages to check, so I did.
 Trafalgar Law 😷: Ignore him, I’ll lock my phone while he’s still here. Send me a message when you’re free, I’m not sending anything else until he’s left my place.
Trafalgar Law 😷: Don’t forget to eat, call me when you’re free.
 That was the last message he had sent. I felt bad for only seeing everything now, he must have been waiting for my call for a while. It was pretty late, I shouldn’t call him, maybe text him to see if he’s awake? I had now completely forgotten that anxious episode I had throughout the day and felt more excited than anything for tomorrow.
 You: That was a wild ride, you did look cute on that picture. Your friend too, but don’t tell him, I prefer tattooed men 👀
You: It’s alright if he saw, it wasn’t a nude or anything…
You: At least not yet pardner, not yet 🤠
 I stopped writing when I saw he was writing, deleting the messages I had started.
 Trafalgar Law 😷: Can I call you?
 My answer was to call him, I did not think twice. I was in the dark, under my covers, exhausted from the day, and I acted impulsively. He did not waste time and picked up quickly,
 “That was fast, are you that bored or that desperate?”
Laughing, I huffed loud enough so he’d hear, “How about we start with a good evening?” it made him laugh as I heard him move, it was followed by the sound of something hitting the ground a few times before a grunt escaped Law’s lips.
“Here, come, that’s it boy, good, sleep. Good evening, I think we need to talk about something,” he started, the feeling in my stomach turning from excitement to panic. I had guessed the first words weren’t addressed to me and didn’t comment on it.
“Ominous much? But go ahead… And give Bepo a good pet from me, please.” I told him slightly hoping he wouldn’t hear how stressed I had now become.
 “Just to be clear, I did not ignore you, I passed out. I don’t want you to think I’m a bastard or something like that, I had a very long night. They always end up with a huge night rest, I think this surgery lasted 10 hours-“ He cut himself off, mumbling it wasn’t important and whispering to his dog that I was sending him some cuddles.
 I turned on the side and thought about it for a moment, “I didn’t think you were a bastard, I was nervous for no reason. I did regret sending the picture at first, but you enjoyed it so it’s cool, cool, cool… Nami shouldn’t have called Luffy for so little, but she did uh..” There was a short silence, I could hear Law’s breath on the other end of the line, he must have been thinking of a topic to talk about too.
 “If you want, you can talk about your day. I’d love to hear it- if you can, I think you swore an oath or something so I don’t know if you can- or if you want, I’m not pressuring you, but don’t force yourself to not talk about your work. I’m all ears,” I said quickly, mumbling at the end that I might fall asleep though.
 Chuckling tiredly, the phone rubbed against some fabric and I heard Law’s voice a lot lower and less clearly. “I think I’ll go to sleep, as much as I want to talk about that beautiful picture you sent… of how tempting it looks, how tempting it would be to slowly caress your exposed neck and to kiss it softly, making it sensitive just from my touch, leaving hickey on the way for the world to see- god I’m sure you’d make the most beautiful sounds-“
 I laughed nervously, not letting him finish as I spoke up, “That is for you to find out tomorrow… if you can get them out of me, that is. You’re clearly a goner, do you hear yourself? Fantasizing about me like that, you’re lucky this isn’t a competition, or you’d have lost.” I said jokingly, but it made Law react a lot more than I thought it would. I think he sat up, that’s all I could think of from the sound I heard.
 “You do realize that all I have to do is bring you to your-“ He cleared his throat before continuing, a lot calmer than a second ago when he was speaking as if I had stepped on his pride. “I am not going to argue, because we both know the moment we’re alone at my place, you won’t be able to hold back. I did promise a good fuck, I intend on keeping that promise, don’t worry about it,” I could hear the smug smile behind the screen, it made me roll my eyes. Yes, I was alone, and there was no one to see this reaction, but it was necessary.
 “The more you talk about it, the higher the expectations get, careful there partner.” I replied teasingly, it actually earned me a sincere laugh from Law who I assumed had now laid back on his bed from the shuffle I heard again. It was followed by a grunt, and a muffled ‘Soon, can I at least say good night to her? Jealous boy, come on sleep.’ There was a weak whine then a huffed laugh before I could finally hear him clearly.
 “I’ll make it worth it, don’t worry. I have plans for tomorrow, would knowing what’s going to happen tomorrow ease your stress or should I keep it a surprise?” I was surprised by how kind he sounded, he seemed to genuinely care about how I felt, so I told him surprises were cool, but I’d like to know what the plans for tomorrow were. At least I knew what to expect.
 “In this order, I’ll come get you, we’ll go by my place because you’re intimidated by my outfit-“ I cut him off, hissing through the phone playfully.
“Oh fuck off, I did not say that, you can dress in a military uniform for all I care, it wouldn’t do anything because I know you sleep with your dog, you’re not scary,”
A short chuckle reached my ears, “So it’s a uniform kink, not just a doctor one. Duly noted, well after that we’ll go the center and get some food at a place, I know has a large variety of things. I didn’t know if you had a special diet or restrictions, so I thought…”
 He trailed off, as if unsure of his choice, “It’s very sweet of you, thank you for that but fuck you at the same time for the uniform part, you know?”
It made him laugh loudly, then he continued, “Depending on how late we finish, I think we could either go see a movie or go straight to my place, it’ll also depend on how riled up you’ll be by then-“
 This time I was the one who laughed loudly, and suddenly.  “You’re unbelievable! Your plan is to get me- you know we could just meet at your place and fuck then be done with it.” I said that, but I liked what he was doing. It was very appealing to have someone this assertive, or perhaps was it arrogance? I couldn’t know if it was all show until I had a proof of what he was capable. I was aware of his… silver tongue, but then again, the first time it happened, my situation was different.
 The first time I talked to him, my state of mind was a lot more biased than it was now. I was, for lack of better words, horny to no extent which may have had a play in the effects his words had on me. “Where’s the fun in that? I think I’ll have you begging first, then I’ll fuck you, isn’t it more entertaining like that?”
“And they say romance is dead, here thought you wanted to spend quality time with me because you appreciated my personality,” I said in a fake dramatic tone, laced with sleepiness. I wanted to keep talking to him, but I was slowly falling asleep, and we must have both realized at the same time, how sleepy we were.
 “You should rest, so should I. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 2pm, and if I can be honest…” he trailed off once more, his speech a lot slower and less clear than all the times he talked to me. Or perhaps my own brain was slowing it down, because I was falling asleep too. “I’ll probably be as nervous as you are, I don’t usually go on dates, I’m new to all this. So, if you really don’t want to go out to eat, tell me and we’ll change plans.”
 “I’m good with it, as long as I’m the one paying this time, mmm… yeah because… two times ‘s a lot.” I mumbled, bringing the covers closer to me, cocooning myself with it. I think he told me something in return, but my tired mind shut off, I don’t remember much afterwards but I know I hung up and I know he talked about Bepo for a moment, but I couldn’t remember anything else.
 Even though I fell asleep quickly, it didn’t last long. I woke up at some point during the night, only to realize my phone wasn’t charged when I picked it up for the flashlight to light my way to the bathroom. When I got back to bed, I checked if I had any messages on Discord, I had forgotten to check after my discussion with Law, and was pleasantly surprised to see not only that he was online but he had answered.
 HandSurgeon: Not a fan of the attitude you gave me, do you think I’d be talking about tying you up if I did not have the skills to do so?
HandSurgeon: I think you just want to see what I can do, but if that’s what you want, you’ll have to ask nicely.
HandSurgeon: And when I say nicely, I mean, very nicely to cover up the underlying sass of your messages.
HandSurgeon: Now, it does require skillfulness, and I do have to be careful, but do not worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Then again, I still think you’d look great with a collar which would be easier thing to obtain than it’d be for me to tie you up through a screen.
 I smiled at his message, I was not planning on meeting the guy in real life, but it was nice to talk about it and it gave me things to dream about. If not, to fantasize about.
 Edelweiss: Nooo, there was no brattiness, I swear. I’m sorry if that’s how you it seemed, I was just so exhausted I spurred the words out as they came to my mind
Edelweiss: I’m never wearing a collar in public, that might be your thing but what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom
Edelweiss: But… I would love to see what you can do, please, sir.
HandSurgeon: Why are you awake? I think you should be asleep, not coming here to see if I can entertain your creative mind.
Edelweiss: I can’t sleep, got plans tomorrow and I’m nervous but it’ll be alright!
 It’s true, I couldn’t go back to sleep now. The buzzing inside me made sure of it. But it was weird, I felt agitated but also tired, my mind did not care about how tired my body felt, it was dead set on keeping me awake.
 HandSurgeon: Very well then. First, I would never have you wear a collar in public. They did not agree to see that, but I would be more than pleased to be able to pull you closer and grip your jaw tightly while kissing you. The most the public would see, would be the hickeys I’d have left on your neck. Because those are the prettiest of necklace, aren’t they?
HandSurgeon: But the collar? All in the comfort of your bedroom, of course. Now about that shibari, it would take some time to get it done, but I’ll do some ties on my leg.
 I wanted to go back to sleep, to be fully rested for tomorrow, but I was also curious about what it’d look like. Was he going to do it over his clothes or was I going to catch a glimpse of his legs? Once again, I felt like a person from the Victorian Era, eager to see the smallest part of his skin.
 Edelweiss: well if you put it like that… the idea does not sound half bad, and I could give it a thought as time goes by
Edelweiss: Say, why are you not asleep?
HandSurgeon: Big day tomorrow too, I have things to do. But I do not mind the distraction, I can text and tie at the same time, don’t worry.
 So, we did, we chatted casually, both answering slowly. Him, because he was busying tying, and me because my eyelids were closing longer than just a blink. He vaguely talked about his long night, the night prior, and how even though he has most of the day free tomorrow he still had to go there to check up on patients.
 I banished the thought that crossed my mind, it connected to that stupid heated dreams I had of being fucked on a hospital bed. I wondered for a sec how it’d be like to have him check up on me, his slender hands checking my pulse, as he looked down at me in all seriousness. I hadn’t realized I was now imagining Law doing that, I shook the thought away. This was not good, I couldn’t mix them up, nor could I keep fetishizing the poor man’s job.
 Sighing, I closed my eyes once more, only peeking with one eye open at the screen.
 HandSurgeon: [sent an attachment]
HandSurgeon: I’ll admit, doing this relaxed me a lot, I might go to sleep, dear. But now you know, I’m not all talk, you better remember that.
Edelweiss: I want to compliment how good it is, because it is good, but uh
Edelweiss: I’m respectfully looking at those thighs, only respectfully because I don’t want to seem horny but like
Edelweiss: Too tired to rant on how fucking hot it actually is, I’ll give a proper hot feedback tomorrow
HandSurgeon: I’ll take the compliments; However, those knots will be around your thighs. Don’t you forget it. Now, sleep well, have fun tomorrow, if not, I’ll be there.
Edelweiss: good night! Sweet dreams
This time I fell asleep until morning, it wasn’t a restful night. While I did not wake up through the night after that little interlude of texting HandSurgeon, I was still very excited for today. I hardly had any free time, and hardly went on dates either. Both of them together put this entire situation out of my comfort zone, but it was thrilling. I knew it was going to be enjoyable, up until now I never had any problem with Law, why would it start now? Right?
 As I got dressed to get to class, I made sure to not make it too much nor not enough. I had to put the minimum effort at least, but not like I was going to a big fancy party. It was casual. But make sure it’s easy to remove, because you’re getting laid today, a little voice echoed in my head. I tilted my head to the side, turning around quickly to take a good look at my outfit and changed my shoes to something easier to take off, then left my room.
 Just like every morning, Robin and Nami were ready and discussing in the kitchen, having already prepared breakfast. I tried to tell them I felt too nervous to eat, but it didn’t go through, they sat me down and had me eat as much as I could. Nami argued it was necessary, since I’d be needing a lot of energy if planned on, and I quote “getting dicked down good”.
 For once, I did not rush out of the apartment and Nami did not have to threaten me to hurry, it was all going smoothly. We talked about what were our plans for today, I tried to pry information about her day out of her, but she insisted I’d tell her everything. She even asked for addresses, but I told her I did not know the place, and even if I did, I was not planning on having a stalker like her by my side. She only huffed in response before resuming her questioning.
 The moment she parked, I rushed out of her car and waved at her, telling her I’d be sure to call her if anything happened. “I mean anything bad, but if it’s like…. Good, I sure as hell ain’t caling, I’ll be enjoying it thoroughly.” I then brought the tip of my fingers to my lips, making a kissing gesture before splaying them away, like a chef kiss. She made a grimace, but then laughed, telling me to be safe and use protection.
 That earned us a few looks from the people on the parking lot, but I ignored it and went on about my day. I didn’t receive any messages during the day, considering how late I had talked to HandSurgeon, I had guessed he must have been asleep. As for Law, we had said what was needed last night too, I knew to expect him on the parking lot around 2 pm, until then I’d have to focus on my classes.
 Surprisingly I was able to focus, so much that I did not see time pass. I exchanged a few messages with Law during the day, one time in the morning, where he made sure I had woken up, it made me laugh and I replied with a picture of the auditorium.
 Later that day, when I told him I might finish early, he was the one to reply with a picture of his desk and computer where he blurred the info. He said he would try his best to be there earlier, but couldn’t promise anything.
 When I did finish earlier, about half an hour earlier, I sent him a text.
 You: Hey, I am done for today, if you’d like I can come by
You: that way you won’t have to make a detour to come and get me
You: I think your hospital isn’t far from campus, I don’t mind the walk
Trafalgar Law 😷: I am almost done, but if you’d like you can come by. Only if you’re sure it’s safe.
Trafalgar Law 😷: Actually, call me while coming here, I’ll guide you once you’re there, but you’re not walking alone.
You: It’s not dark, I’ll be fine, I know where the hospital is haha
Trafalgar Law 😷: [incoming call]
 I laughed as I picked up, already on my way to the big building. “Maybe you should focus on your work instead of me? Unless you’re that desperate?” I hope he understood my jab at his words last night. His fake laugh made me understand he did.
“I can fill in paperwork and be on the phone at the same time, it’s called being productive. And making sure you’re safe.” His voice was slightly further away from the microphone than usual, which meant he was on speaker and busying himself at the same time.
 Not arguing back, I stayed on the phone, only making small talk to not disturb him. I did mess around, telling him things like, “Crossing the pedestrian crossing, there’s a baby giving me weird looks though.” He laughed but didn’t say anything, so I went “There’s a couple of old people, hopefully they won’t hit me up, I would hate to turn them down.” It made him laugh again, this time he answered, “Well, you are into older men, are you not? Invite them, see what they say,” It made me snort ungracefully, I did not expect that answer but kept the conversation going like that until I reached the hospital.
 When I did, he did as he said he would and guided me inside. I was hesitant at first to go in, but he said nothing would happen, it was a public building after all. Halfway through his instructions, I met his blond friend and told him, he groaned and told me to ask him to guide me to his office, which he did without thinking twice about it.
 Law insisted I’d stay on the phone during that time, but his friend, I later learnt his name was Rosinante, grabbed my phone and hung up. “I’ll try my best to keep people out of his office, you do what you want with him- it’s not technically allowed but, you know, you gotta do what you gotta do.”
I gave him a confused look, he mirrored it, probably not understanding my confusion.
 Squinting my eyes, I started, “We’re going on a date, I… He just needs to finish some things-“ “OH! I thought you two were going to…” he brought the tip of his two index fingers against one another, then winked.
I was about to tell him that, no, this was not part of the plan right now. Sure, at his place, probably, but not here. Before I could do so, I saw Law make his way out of a glass door to reach both Rosinante and I, giving the taller man a deadly glare.
 “Come on, don’t give me that look, I didn’t say anything, right?” The blond man looked down at me with a huge grin, so I played along, he hadn’t said much except trying to be a good wingman and… give Law and I ‘alone time’. “Nah, he was fine. Unfortunately, none of your dirty secret has been spilled- dare I say, sadly.” I joked before bidding Rosinante goodbye and following Law to his office without any other words being exchanged.
 When we were inside his office, he closed the door and pointed at the seats by the window, telling me I could sit there. He then made his way to his desk and gave me a look when I simply stood at the entrance, confused. On my right was the toilets, if I walked further in, Law’s desk was on the right and the seats right in front of me, rugs decorating the tiled floor. “Are you going to take a seat?”
 It happened to fast in my mind, I don’t why I did that, I don’t know why I did not take a seat and waited. Perhaps waiting that long, just to get a taste at the man, was too much for my stupid brain. Whatever the reason was, I put my bag down and walked up to him. Turning around, on his chair, he raised a brow, a hand still resting on the desk. “What if I want to sit here,” the confidence I had on my way to him, for those few seconds, had long since diminished and the words that left my mouth were said in a lower tone that how it began. I gave him a look, then down at his lap, before looking up at him again.
 I had placed my hand on the desk, to not show how my hands were shaking from how far out of my comfort zone this was. I tried hard not to look away, Law was taking longer to answer. By longer, it was simply a few seconds instead of saying yes right away, and that made me hesitate.
 Then he smiled, he tried to hold back a grin as he leaned back on his chair. “That’s bold. But then again, I knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back until then. The first time we met you already seemed on edge, so,” He patted his lap a few times, then gently grabbed my hand that was gripping the desk tightly, I stepped closer and placed both of my legs on either side of the chair so that my weight wasn’t fully on him but on my legs too. I kept my eyes on his, the whole time, until I felt him press his hands on the back of my thighs to have me rest fully on his lap.
 “Don’t be shy, show me how much you want it. You said you wanted to sit, so sit.” He whispered, a smug smile on his lips. While his face had turned slightly redder, he wasn’t letting it show that he was embarrassed, if he even was. “Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to make it fun?” The moments those words left his lips, I cradled his face in my hands and kissed him with greed. He smiled into the kiss, before gripping my waist strongly and pulling me closer to him. I let my hands move to the back of his neck, gripping a fistful of his hair.
 He groaned out loud, breaking the kiss to give me a hungry look, I looked down at him, mirroring his proud smirk. “Does this mean we skip dinner and go straight to my place?” he breathed against my lips, leaving kisses from my jaw to my neck, where he stayed a bit longer. I felt his warm tongue touch my skin and couldn’t help but laugh, thinking that he did not waste time to attack my neck. He stopped, humming curiously. “I am definitely up to go straight to your place, but I also want a taste of what I’m going to get once there…” I said next to his ear, grazing my teeth against it as my hands slid to his pants to untuck his shirt.
 Chuckling, he stopped moving and leaned back, his hands on my thighs as he looked at me struggling to unbutton his shirt. “You’re so eager, and to think you thought you’d be able to stay with me an entire day without wanting to fuck me.” He grinned, his nails digging inside my clothes as he trailed them to my ass and grabbed it, pulling me closer. When I finally managed to open his shirt, I looked up at him and we both understood what was happening and suddenly stopped everything.
 I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.
[Part 8]
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darthwheezely · 4 years
Hi Fred Weasley makes me happy so like why not make random headcanons about him? Honestly? Yk? And like this will be the first of many parts I bet, if you want me to do other characters lmk! Anyway, this is gonna be long but honestly I could care less, enjoy fellas
Warnings: diet smut, high calorie diabetes inducing soft Fred, light angst
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It’s practically canon at this point but the way this man works with numbers is absolutely insane.
It’s also kind of sexy but I don’t make the rules-
It’s been said before by someone on here that he’s the guy that impresses his dates by being able to automatically calculate tips for dinner dates and the like on the spot, and I adore that so much
Which means, words and abstract concepts can be a bit difficult for our lil ginger golden retriever. As we saw in Order, his handwriting needs a bit of work and so does his grammar - it’s something he’s really self conscious about, too
This boy is obsessed with American baseball
I really don’t know what it is, I think it’s because the men on the diamond hitting a fast flying ball reminds him of Quidditch or maybe it’s the sounds of American girls cheering all of these robust men on-
Regardless, it’s a thing and he loves it, period
Fred finds it horrendously embarrassing, but he had an imaginary friend growing up
Let’s be specific, an imaginary dog. Named Boris.
Molly has basically made it clear enough that raising a large amount of large boys under one roof was kind of like manning an animal shelter already damn molly which led to Fred being hopelessly in despair
So jokes on them, he got his own dog. A big, loud, Australian Shepherd named Boris.
So imagine this lanky five year old like refusing to eat a meal until Boris gets his first and demanding that he takes his own baths because “erm, Boris doesn’t want to bathe with Georgie, mum, he said he smells”
This lead to Fred being told he smells but that’s neither here nor there
Fred had Boris until he was about 7 and then he lost him while playing with the gnomes
This lead Molly to buying Fred and George a goldfish named Boris II: The Return of Boris and they referred to him as that. The whole title. Every time.
Fred was also that kid in middle school (1st-3rd year) that was like lightly obsessed with Canada
“Is it even real?”
“Jesus, Freddie are you even real?”
George stumped him with that one
Freddie became quite the ladies man come 3rd and 4th year, btw
And by ladies man I mean-
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven...-“
“Oh god, no please don’t say it please don’t say it- (George)
“-because I, too, am still recovering from the impact ;)”
All jokes and funny business side, he did start learning girls found him hot shit and honestly?
He didn’t know how to process that.
He’s so used to being the goofy guy or the cute guy from whatever class or just one of the Weasley’s that like-
Him? Attractive?
Well, shit, better start acting like it then huh?
And thus was born the personality we know Fred to have today
Not saying it’s all manufactured, but he definitely isn’t as 100% cocky and impulsive as everyone would like him to be
More often than not, he’s kind of a nervous person. Would he tell anyone that? Absolutely not, he’s got a reputation to uphold
But he’d be lying if he said he hasn’t found himself laying awake at night wondering if his pranks are cool enough, does his mom like them enough, does George think he’s enough
Does he think he’s enough?
Honestly, he battles with this for a lot of his school time basically up until the shop opens and starts running
Because that is time where he does really begin to blossom as a person in every facet
There’s something about walking into the shop and seeing a gaggle of kids know your name and want to be like you and know you that makes him feel like he did something right
But anyway back to Ladies Man Fred Weasley (please I rolled my eyes so hard)
He is an experienced fella in bed, this is also pretty canon
I mean look, he’s got Bill Freaking Weasley as his older brother
Any questions he ever had he asked Bill
“Look, Freddie, they’re gonna want you to find this thing called the clit-“
“I’m sorry the what?”
“The clitoris, Fredward, take note they’ll dump you on sight if you can’t find it.”
“Bud, that was a joke-“
“*exhales strongly* OH THANK GOD”
He’s also a consent king. Period.
Consent about literally everything when it comes to sex, if y’all have never slept togsther or have a routine of what you do, expect him to be consistent-“
“Is this okay?”
“Am I hurting you, love?”
“Please tell me if something’s wrong, okay?”
Fred’s favorite thing in the goddamn world is kisses
So many kisses
Please lord Jesus hes in need of kisses
Forehead kisses, arm kisses, leg kisses, eyebrow kisses - if it’s on your body and it’s accessible to him, he’ll kiss it I swear
So please do yourself a favor and kiss him. Please
Or I will-
If you use she/her pronouns, expect this boy to be protective af if y’all are friends
Fred is 100% the guy you can feel totally comfortable giving your drink to at parties
He waits by the bathroom to make sure you’re okay too
Basically just an angel that is all
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itsthewritergal · 4 years
Impulsive Decisions - G.W x reader
Y/N was devastated, completely and utterly distraught. Her boyfriend had dumped her for her best friend, she had been fired from her job and evicted from her apartment all in one week. Fred and George had been by her side the entire time, which was why she was currently staying with them at the Burrow. She sat crossed legged on the bed, with Fred flicking through some magazines Ginny and given her.
“What are you two doing?” George asked coming into the room, having closed the shop for the day
“Looking” Fred said quietly as Y/N turned the page
“Looking at what?” George asked
“Tattoos” Y/N grinned happily, George’s eyes widened in shock and his mouth dropped
“What do you mean tattoos?” He asked with a concerned tone
“I’m going to get one” She said her eyes shining mischievously “He hated tattoos” she explained to George, who shook his head in disbelief
“this is a bad idea Y/N” George said firmly “You have to feel these feelings first, don’t act on your impulses” He added
“Heartbreak makeovers are the best medicine” Y/N said holding up the magazine and pointed to those exact words on the cover
“No Y/N” George said crossing his arms
“Why not?” Fred challenged with a smirk
“Yeah George Why not?” Y/N butted in quickly, George raised an eyebrow at the both of them
“You’ll regret it Y/N, you know you will” George said, he knew Y/N better than anyone, once she came to her senses she would hate a tattoo
“I want one” She argued
“Do you actually want one or do you just want to get back at him?” He asked sitting himself down on the bed “You’ve got to let yourself hurt love” He said placing a comforting hand on her back
“But I want to be impulsive” She wined “I want to get a tattoo” she nodded to herself,
“Fred and George have loved having you stay with us” Ginny grinned as they walked down the cobbled street
“I’ve loved staying with you all” Y/N answered honestly with a smile
“George especially” Ginny grinned wiggling her eyebrows at Y/N
“Oh don’t start that!” Y/N giggled “I don’t think I can handle that tod-”
“Y/N” She was cut off by a voice behind them, Y/N turned around to find her best friend and ex hand in hand walking up to them
“Oh god” Y/N said feeling the tears brimming up to her eyes
“How have you been?” Her friend asked eyeing her up and down
“You two look happy” Ginny snapped rudely at Y/N’s friend
“Oh we are!” She grinned back “Just about to get some lunch”
“You’ve got some nerve acting like that” Ginny added with a scowl
“Y/N we were wondering if you wanted to join us, You know it would be great to still be friends. All three of us” She smiled
“I can’t” Y/N whispered turning to Ginny
“Get the hell out of here, don’t even think of speaking to Y/N again” Ginny snapped pulling Y/N away in the direction of the twins shop.
Ginny burst through the door, drawing both Fred and George away from what they were doing, as she paced around angrily muttering to herself.
“Who the hell do they think they are, do they have no morales. Coming around here when they knew we were going to be here” She snapped
“What is going on?” Fred asked slowing her down “Y/N’s ex and her best friend, they just asked if Y/N wanted to go for lunch with them because they still want to be friends” Ginny growled, George turned his attention immediately towards Y/N who stood shaking in the doorway of the shop, tears threatening to fall at any moment. He rushed towards her, pulling her in tightly to his chest.
Y/N sobbed into his chest, pulling him closer to her. He was the only one who she would let comfort her when she felt like this. “It hurts Georgie” She cried quietly
“I know it does my love” He said kissing the top of her head. “Fred close the shop, lets just get home” He said quietly, his arms never leaving her.
It had been a few days since Y/N was at Diagon Ally, Fred was sitting with her at the kitchen table. George had offered to do the shop, since Fred had done the past few days alone so that George could be with Y/N.
“I’ve got an idea” Fred grinned mischievously at Y/N
“George just before you come in, I need to talk to you” Ginny said pulling George away from the door to the twins room
“What’s going on?” He asked quickly panic rising in his stomach that something had happened to Y/N
“Just remember how much you love Y/N despite her bad decisions” Ginny said knocking on the door
“Who is it?” Fred asked from the other side
“George is here” Ginny called back
“What’s going on?” George called through the door
“You can’t be mad” Y/N called, her voice wavered slightly
“What do you mean?” he replied confused
“You left me with Fred so technically this is his fault as well” She said,
“Hey!” Fred shouted loudly
“It was your idea!” Y/N argued with him
“You agreed to it!” Fred replied with a chuckle
“I’m coming in” George snapped bursting through the door.
“Hey brother” Fred grinned, Y/N stood out of George’s view, right behind Fred
“What’s going on?” George asked
“Hey Georgie” Y/N said stepping out from behind Fred, her once long blond hair, was now styled into a long bob and  died a dark ginger. She looked up at George, a look of fear flashed across her face, as George stood still, not once moving. “I know you told me not to do anything impulsive, but you left me with Fred and we were just looking and then we went to the salon and then this happened and I love it but if you don’t thats ok, because hair grows right? So”
“Y/N” George cut her off taking a few steps towards her, She looked up at him with a shy smile
“You hate it, don't you?” She said moving away from him as he bore no expression on his face
“Y/N” George said once again, not noticing that both Fred and Ginny were standing watching everything happen, he reached out a hand and tangled his fingers in her hair. Y/N relaxed into his touch.
“Do you hate it?” Y/N asked quietly
“I think this is the best impulsive decision you have ever made” George said with a grin
“So what do you honestly think?” Fred asked as him and George sat alone at the kitchen table, both with mugs of tea
“Of what?” George asked lifting his head from the order list in front of him
“Y/N’s new look” Fred grinned
“She looks stunning” George answered honestly, knowing that his twin knew about his feelings towards their best friend “I mean she always looks stunning, but my god” he breathed
“You finally going to tell her then?” Fred asked with a smirk
“She’s heartbroken” George said “It wouldn’t be fair to tell her just yet”
“Tell me what?” Y/N asked making her way down the stairs
“Nothing” George said quickly
“Tell me” she demanded
“Oh it’s just George and his feelings” Fred teased slightly
“Fred!” George snapped cutting him off
“Feelings?” Y/N said hopefully
“Fred can you give us a minute?” He asked quietly, Fred grinned and took himself off upstairs
“Feelings?” Y/N said once more “You don’t have to say anything, I know your vulnerable right now” George started standing up so that he was face to face with Y/N, his fingers finding their way into her hair once more “I’ve always loved you Y/N, I didn’t tell you because I knew you were happy”
“Georgie” Y/N sighed happily “I’ve always loved you, I only dated him because I didn’t think you would ever like me like that”
“really?” George asked
“Really” Y/N grinned up at George,
“So what now?” George asked, he hadn’t thought this far ahead
“Now it’s your turn to make an impulsive decision” She grinned tilting her head up a little
George placed his lips on hers, the kiss was gentle and comforting, George pulled her towards him. Her hands found their way into his hair, as they moved together.
“Merlin I love impulsive decisions” George breathed as he pulled away with a content grin
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Logince - Curse
(This is one of 36 Halloween-themed ficlets I'm posting today! One for every sides/Remy/Emile/Thomas ship plus creativitwins!)
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @spookedferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
Logan was cursed.
And he didn't mean that in an exaggerated or figurative sense. He wasn't just spectacularly unlucky, or saying that for no good reason.
He was actually, literally cursed, and had been for almost five years now.
It was how he had discovered the existence of magic. He had accidentally pissed off a witch - in hindsight, yelling at a mysterious old person following him home had probably been a mistake: if it hadn't let to a curse, it might have led to a kidnapping.
And, now, well... he was cursed.
No one could ever fall in love with him, or even develop any sort of crush on him.
It had at first seemed like a useless curse, when he was 12 and had no desire for romance. But now that he was a teenager, having had crushes on a variety of people, it was really starting to feel like a burden.
Like all curses, it could be broken, of course. Only his true love was immune to the curse, and could break it at first kiss.
But a kiss from anyone else would lead them to despise him: to hate him so much they never wanted to see him again. He had never kissed anyone, though, far too afraid of the curse to risk that.
He didn't believe he would ever find a true love, anyway.
And, honestly, Logan was skeptical that such a thing even existed.
(Though he had once felt that way about magic and witches and curses, and he had been very, very wrong about that.)
"Hey, hey, specs!" A voice called out as hand waved in front of Logan's face.
Logan snapped out of his thoughts, and his eyes suddenly landed on one of his friends, Roman, who was sat right beside him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Roman continued with a teasing grin.
"My thoughts are worth much more than a penny," Logan huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. "You could not afford them."
Roman laughed, and Logan's heart skipped a beat in his chest.
(Oh, the joy of hearing the laughter of one who you adore. And, oh, the pain of a love thought unrequited.)
"It's your turn to spin," Roman said, gesturing to the bottle that was in the centre of their little group.
Remy - who was sat opposite Logan - let out an irritated huff, likely rolling his eyes behind his dark sunglasses.
"The bottle landed on you," Remy said, gesturing towards it. "So now you gotta spin it, and then kiss whoever it lands on, kay? C'mon, we haven't got all day. I haven't had a turn yet, hurry up."
Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Roman turned and half-heartedly glared at Remy.
"Don't be a jerk, Rem. He doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to," Roman scolded. "Calm down."
"Well, why's he in the circle then?" Remy huffed, unaware of the fact that Logan had been so lost in thought, that he hadn't known what he'd agreed to. "Oh, whatever. I'll just spin for him."
Before Logan could stop him, Remy leant forward and spun the bottle. It spun and it spun and it spun and Logan was practically hypnotised by the long, turning movement, before it finally slowed to a stop...
... pointing at Roman.
There was a beat of silence, where Roman and Logan's eyes met, and both of their faces reddened as they stared at one another.
Then, Remus - who was sat right next to his brother - howled with laughter.
"Ha! Oh my god, that's hilarious."
Remy laughed, too, and Patton - who was sat between Remus and Remy - put his hand over his mouth to hide his own giggles out of politeness.
"You- you don't have to," Roman stumbled over his words. "If you don't want to. It's okay."
Logan had never wanted something more in his whole life. And he had never not wanted something more, either.
Kissing Roman... was something he dreamt about practically every night. He was head over heels - having so deeply fallen for Roman that it almost hurt to look at him.
He wanted to kiss him. He really, really wanted to kiss him.
But, if he did... then Roman would hate him. Roman would despise him.
He didn't want that.
He really, really didn't want that.
But... there was a small, totally illogical part of Logan's brain that told him that maybe it didn't matter. If Roman wasnt going to love him back anyway, maybe making him hate him would be easier.
And one kiss would be better than the nothing he would get otherwise.
Logan made his decision, and decided to act upon it before he could actually think it through and change his mind.
(Roman had been trying to get Logan to loosen up and be more impulsive for a while. Logan doubted that this was what Roman had intended, but he chose not to think about that any longer.)
"Okay," Logan said.
Roman's eyes widened. "Really? Okay?"
Logan nodded. "Yes, okay. I- I don't see the harm in just one kiss."
(Logan knew that Roman knew that he'd never kissed anyone before, quite unlike Roman himself. Perhaps that was why Roman was so hesitant.)
"Yes, okay! Do this quickly so I can have my turn," Remy said, clapping his hands together.
"You do realise that you do not decide when you have a turn, right?" Logan said flatly. "It is entirely random."
Remy blew a raspberry, waving his hand dismissively.
"Well, I'm never gonna get a turn if you two take so long. Now, c'mon, smooch so we can get this over with."
"Uh..." Roman trailed off, giving Logan a questioning look despite his earlier confirmation.
Logan nodded, taking a deep breath to prepare himself. Then, he shifted forward, closer to Roman.
He wasn't sure exactly what to do, especially since he had no experience kissing anybody, but, luckily, Roman seemed to understand this and took the first step. He reached up, gently taking Logan's face in his hands.
Roman paused for a moment, hesitating, before he leant in and kissed Logan.
The moment his warm, soft lips met Logan's, something shattered inside of him. For one, terrible moment, he thought it was his heart breaking.
But then he realised that he wasn't hurting. Instead, he was... happy.
So, so happy.
And when Roman pulled away, Logan didn't have time to feel any kind of dread.
He opened his eyes as Roman pulled back, looking into Roman's. He searched for any kind of hatred, but... there was nothing of the sort.
Roman was looking at him so fondly, so softly, that he couldn't possibly hate him.
Logan did not understand.
Until he did.
His eyes widened.
Before he could say anything - though he had absolutely no idea what he could even say - he was interrupted by Remus wolf-whistling.
"Ha! Get a room you two," he called out.
Roman turned and glared at his brother, breaking the moment between him and Logan.
"Shut it, Remus."
Logan... did not know what to think.
Roman didn't hate him. Roman did not hate him.
Roman... kissed him, and did not hate him.
Was the curse broken? If so, did that mean... did that mean...
Logan stared at Roman, and as the game continued - their friends moving on from the two of them - Roman turned to look back at him. He gave Logan a soft, fond smile that gave Logan wonderful butterflies in his stomach.
Roman... did Roman break Logan's curse?
Was Roman his true love?
Did Roman love Logan?
Logan reached forward, taking Roman's hand in his own and squeezing it.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
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This is for Harringrove April day 12, Soda!  The dude in Steve's night class is a little grouchy, and a little beautiful.
Steve locked up his photography studio, set his shoulders, and drove to the college.
He rethought all his choices as he stared around at all the children in the college classroom, and wondered for a second whether he’d wandered into a highschool.  The thought made him shudder, and he stood rooted with dread in the doorway as somebody edged past, growling under his breath.  
The dude dropped into a seat in the middle of the class, shoved the hood back on his burgundy hoodie, and looked like he was Steve’s age, so Steve headed over.  He’d just walked up when the guy squinted at the whiteboard, muttered furiously under his breath, and moved two seats closer to the front.  He had tawny curls pulled back in a messy bun, a stubbly, well-defined jaw, and crow’s feet, and Steve shifted forwards to stay next to him, breathing a sigh of relief.  He grinned as he listened to the muttering.
“Hey,” Steve said, then watched the guy bury his head in his arms, pulling the hood back over his face.  “...glad to see somebody else who isn’t twelve,” Steve tried again.
The guy snorted.  “Yeah, we’ll see how long I last,” he groaned.  “You know how sometimes when you know you’re gonna fuck up, you might as well sooner than…” he rolled his head to smirk over at Steve, and then his blue-gray eyes widened, and he trailed off, licking his lips.  Steve waited politely as he cleared his throat.  “...later?” he whispered.
“You have to stay in this class,” Steve hissed as the teacher came in, grinning.  “You’re the only one I can talk to, you won’t fuck up, come on.”  
The guy blinked slowly at him, then ducked his head, smirking again, and grabbed a tumbler off the floor and slurped at it.  “It’s soda,” he shot over, rattling the ice.  
“Okay,” Steve said, laughing, and nodding at the low sun pouring in.  “I won’t rat you out, man, I wish I had something cold right now.”
The dude laughed, and Steve jumped on his chance.
“Come back tomorrow and the next soda’s on me,” he whispered out the side of his mouth, and got back a warm grin.
 After class, the guy climbed up to sit on his desk, facing Steve with a smile like a lighthouse beam now he was awake.  He had circles under his eyes, and it looked like he didn’t have a shirt on under his hoodie, just tan skin all the way down, but Steve had had rough mornings too.  “I’m Billy,” the guy said, leaning in and cocking his head.  “You wanna go for—”
“Uh, Steve, I’m Steve,” Steve said, wincing at his own lightning wit.  “What kind of soda you want me to bring?”
“Oh,” said the guy, going still for just a second, like Steve had said something weird, and just as Steve was trying to figure out what it was, he laughed and hopped off the desk.  “Sprite or something, whatever’s fine.”
Steve jogged to catch up.  “No caffeine?”
“...doesn’t matter,” Billy sighed, walking faster, and Steve slowed down, and let him get away.
 The next day Billy had on a rainbow chainmail bracelet, and Steve grinned as he handed over two cans of sprite.  “That’s neat,” he said, pointing to it, and Billy narrowed his eyes, studying Steve’s face like he was acting suspicious as hell.  After a few seconds, Steve laughed nervously.  “I’m not gonna steal it,” he said, and Billy groaned into his arms.  
He agreed to study before class at the picnic tables outside, though, and Steve got treated to hours of his freckled face sipping his soda, and grimacing faintly, like it was a depressing surprise every time.  When Steve went to take a piss, he grabbed some root beer and some Squirt, to see if that got a better reaction, and Billy blinked, then grinned his laser beam grin.  
Didn’t look like he liked them better, though.  The next time Steve was at the grocery store, he hit the fancy aisle.  He bought elderflower soda, and ginger brew, and orange cream.  At the last minute he stuck a kombucha in his basket, just to see what face Billy would make.
It was satisfyingly revolted—betrayal, and disbelief—but Steve grabbed it back, laughing his ass off.  “Don’t drink that,” he cackled, “—I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“See if I take notes for you again, you fuck,” Billy grumbled, wiping his tongue with a napkin, but his ears and cheeks were turning pink, and Steve couldn’t stop snickering.
 As the semester went on, Billy started wearing a rainbow lanyard, and rainbow clips holding his flyaway curls, and a big ol’ sticker of a cat shitting rainbows on his soda tumbler.
“Wow, you sure like rainbows,” Steve said when the barrettes appeared, instead of his first impulse, which was to offer his ex’s little sister’s abandoned hair care collection.  It had pink plastic poodles clips.  Billy’d have looked hilarious in them, grouching about midterms and scratching his graying stubble, and Steve bit back a smile.
Billy stared at him, then grabbed his soda tumbler and drank, holding eye contact.  It was full of the lavender lemon artisan soda Steve had found on sale, and Billy spluttered, coughing.  “Where do you find this shit,” he asked, grimacing, and Steve laughed.  
“I can stop.  You just make this face when you drink soda—”
Billy’s mouth quirked, and he sighed.  “...nah, it’s...uh.  It’s...nice.”
“Don’t fall all over yourself in gratitude,” Steve told him, and Billy kicked at his legs under the table.
“It’s not like you aren’t having the time of your life feeding me this shit,” he hissed, and Steve snickered.  
 Billy started talking again about dropping out around midterms, fiddling incessantly with his soda, and losing sleep again, if the crinkly, bruised skin under his eyes was anything to go on.  “I’m gonna fail anyway,” he breathed.  “Why did I even register, I always do this, I get—”
“You’re not gonna fail,” Steve hissed, then stared at the whiteboard.  “Are you?!  You said I was getting it!  Are we both failing?!”
“No!” Billy laughed.  “No, no.”  He reached across the aisle and squeezed Steve’s shoulder.  “No, man, you’re good, you’re fine—”
“Don’t say that shit then,” Steve told him, narrowing his eyes, and Billy took a deep breath and blew out, swallowing.  “Look,” Steve said, steepling his hands—like he always had to stretch them after basketball—the way Robin always said looked like a supervillain.  “Look, okay, come over.  Before midterms.  We can get a pizza.  Stay the night.  We’ll play Super Mario and go to bed at like eight pm like we’re in first grade.”
Billy cocked his head, biting his lips together.
“I’ll make sure you study and get to sleep,” Steve said, leaning closer, and Billy laughed, kind of darkly.  “Lemme know,” Steve said, and slid the weirdest soda he’d found recently—Schooner’s Coffee Cola—over like they were making an under-the-table drug deal.
Billy looked down at it and burst into snickers, curling forward to rest his face in his arms on the desk, and then kinda sighed tiredly, and half-smiled over at Steve, and Steve wondered what he’d said wrong.
 Steve came early every day to grab their picnic table, and Billy showed up more and more, in rainbow sneakers, and after a while, a purple button-up, unbuttoned, with rainbow pinstripes.  Steve watched him wave his soda and cigarette around, and swear about the people calling tech support.  “I get my degree, they said they can promote me,” he said, sighing.
“Sounds like you deserve it,” Steve told him, with a suave double thumbs-up into finger-guns that nearly made Billy spit his soda.  
“I brought you cherry-lime,” Steve told him, waggling his eyebrows, and the bottle, and Billy groaned, holding his hand out, and Steve pulled it back.  “You can say no,” he pointed out, and Billy laughed, waggling his fingers.
“I’m weak to peer pressure,” he said, grabbing it, unscrewing it, and dumping it right in with whatever was in there while Steve looked on in horror.  He tossed back a swig, and then grunted, grimacing, and pressing his lips together, his eyes shut tight.
“Spit it out!  Spit it out!” Steve yelped, snickering.  “My feelings won’t be hurt!”  
Billy pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, and swallowed with a shudder, and Steve tried to yank the tumbler away from him, but Billy jerked it away, waving it in the air.  “Not so bad,” he gasped, lying.  “Want some?”
“Don’t do it!” Steve hissed, trying to grab it, but laughing so hard he was clumsy.  Billy finally chugged it despite Steve’s melodramatic pleas, and Steve threw an arm around him, cackling and leaning into Billy’s shoulder.  Billy had an enamel pin on his denim collar of a carton of milk that said 100% HOMO, and Steve snorted, laughing harder, yanking out his phone.  “Can I get a picture of your pin?”
Billy turned to frown at him, then frowned and patted his collar, and bit his lips together, raising his eyebrows.
“My best friend’s a lesbian,” Steve told him.  “She’d love it.”  That got him a slow blink, and then Billy nodded.  
He seemed distracted after that, and didn’t look at Steve during class.  
 “...I have a really horrible soda I was saving for after midterms,” Steve told him after class, running to catch up.  
“If it’s shitty, why’d you buy it,” Billy hissed at him, and stalked off, and Steve watched him go, squeezing his bag with the terrible-sounding dandelion-burdock soda.  
“I fucked up,” Steve told Robin, sitting in his car.  “I don’t know, he’s pissed—”
“This the guy with the 100% HOMO pin?” she asked dryly, and Steve blinked.
“Yeah, but I mean, I wasn’t a dick about it, or anything?”
“Hrm,” she said.  “I saw some of that soda.  Maybe he’s mad you poisoned him, you ever think of that?”
“I guess,” Steve sighed.  
“Maybe he’s just not into you?” she suggested, with what sounded like a grimace.  “I mean, just because he’s gay—”
“Wait, what?” Steve asked.  “No, I—I didn’t hit on him, jesus—”
“...wait, what?  What are we talking about, then?” Robin asked flatly.  “What’d you fuck up, if you weren’t asking him out?”
“...he might just stop talking to me,” Steve said, wincing.  “He stomps off a lot.”  He considered.  “Uh, I could—I could wear that bi pride shirt you got me.  See if he says anything.”
“...he might just think you love pink and purple unicorns,” Robin said, but it sounded like she was snickering, so he took it as a win, and when he got home, he puttered around through the bi stuff he’d gotten at Pride—he tied on the friendship bracelet, and relaced his shoes with the pink, blue, and purple laces, and put the belt buckle on with the speech bubble that said ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ like his dick was talking.  
He looked like a very pretty princess in the mirror, but a hot one, he thought, taking a couple of selfies of the way the tight unicorn shirt clung to his biceps and pecs.
 Billy didn’t show up the next day, or answer texts, though the professor said he’d emailed in.  Steve texted a picture of ginger ale, grimacing.  “I got you an antidote, I’m sorry,” he sent, but he didn’t hear anything until the day of midterms, when Billy was already slumped on his desk when Steve came in, even though he’d have had to walk the whole long way around the building to avoid their table.  
Steve settled in and tried not to nervously click his pen, or tap his foot, or squeak his shoe against the leg of his desk, but eventually Billy shot him a glare, and then just...stared.  Steve glanced over at him, cautiously, and the instructor cleared her throat.  “Eyes front!” she called, and Billy swerved his glower back to his own test, staring down at it until he shook his head, and started scribbling with a will.  He was one of the first to turn his test in, and then he stood by the door with his eyes on Steve’s pen, as Steve tried to write an essay.
 The classroom slowly emptied, and there Steve was, dressed like a unicorn princess man, and utterly failing his midterm.  His teacher glanced up from her book occasionally, and then glanced at the clock, and once, she sighed, and Billy stood there watching Steve be a moron.
He had to already know, Steve figured, rereading the question one more time, and understanding less.  Billy’d helped him with homework assignments, and notes, and seen what an idiot he was, and that was why he’d never said anything despite being 100% HOMO.  Steve bit his lips as the words ran together.
He gave up on the last question, and turned in his exam with a sinking feeling of finality.  He grabbed his bag, heard the swish of the definitely-gross soda in there, and groaned in the back of his throat.  
“Do you just fucking like unicorns,” Billy asked, falling into step with him as he left the room, and Steve was left with the announcement he’d been trying to avoid, so Billy wouldn’t have to avoid him.  “...bi...corns,” he mumbled, and Billy said “Fuck,” and grabbed his face, kissing him hard, then laughing awkwardly and gentling it.  His lips were soft and warm, and a little chapped.
He tasted like soda.  Steve ran his fingers over the rainbow hair clips, and through the curls at the back of Billy’s neck, kissing that smile finally.  Billy sighed shakily against his mouth, yanking Steve closer by his unicorn-shirted shoulders.  “Jesus, why didn’t we do this sooner,” he breathed.
“Why didn’t you,” Steve muttered, cupping Billy’s jaw and kissing him again, instead of letting him answer.  “...wearing all that Pride shit, but you never asked me out, I figured it was kinda obvious you—”
“I what,” Billy hissed, and then scowled.  “No, wait, you shithead, I waited that whole damn time, I drank like four cans of Sprite, and then I couldn’t miss you coming out—”
He’d been nervously sucking it down the whole test, and Steve thought he might have grabbed more while he waited—and sure enough, he shoved Steve away, as Steve laughed, then leaned back in for one more hard press of lips, and said “Shit, I gotta take a piss, I’ll be right back, don’t fucking move.”
The whole school was quiet in the early evening, as everyone ran home after night classes.  Steve waited.  When he heard the squeak of Billy’s sneakers echoing in the silent halls, he dug out the awful soda.
“I got this for you,” he said, as Billy ran around the corner, looking around like Steve might be gone.  “—but I wanted to ask if I could—let’s go out, somewhere,” Steve said, laughing nervously.  
“Jesus, anywhere,” Billy said, laughing as he took the soda, and Steve’s hand.  “On a date, right?  It’s a date.  For real.  This time.”  
“This time?” Steve asked, leaning in to kiss his smirk, and then again, as Billy’s eyes closed, and he made a contented noise in the back of his throat.  Steve snickered, kissing along his stubbly jaw, and then had to kiss his mouth so he’d grin again.
Neither of them wanted to stop, but finally Billy pushed him back, laughing and flushed.  “Don’t wanna get arrested for indecent exposure,” he said, smiling, and then looked down at the soda Steve had handed him.  He raised his eyebrows.  “...dandelions?  That’s a new low.”
“You really probably shouldn’t drink it,” Steve laughed, giddy at the feeling of Billy’s hand in his.  He leaned in for another kiss, feeling Billy’s root beer-flavored lips part against his, and Billy’s lips curving in a wide, irrepressible smile.  “Come on, there’s a bar around the corner.  I’ll get you something better.”
Billy stilled for just a second, and then ran alongside him, like the bar was gonna run away.  “So we’re dating now, right,” he said, and Steve laughed, grinning over.
“You expect more?  You greedy fuck, after I bought you like a shipping crate of soda.”
“You owe me for that soda,” Billy told him, laughing.
 When they reached the bar, Steve hauled him to a table.  
“What can I get you,” Steve asked him.  “Not soda, not if it’s running my debt up.”
Billy’s fingers whitened on his soda tumbler, and he licked his lips.  “...don’t think you’re gonna wanna pay?”
“Come on, it’s a date,” Steve told him, laughing, and Billy echoed it, softly, glancing at the menu above the bar.
“...I am bad against peer pressure,” he said, swallowing.  
“No pressure,” Steve said quickly, “—just it’s a date, I’ll treat you—”
“Wonder how bad I fucked up the test,” Billy said, laughing.  “Where’s today going.”
“What?” Steve asked, feeling like the conversation was getting away from him.
“...double whiskey,” Billy said, with a crooked grin, dropping into his chair.  “Go big or go home, right?”
“I didn’t…” Steve paused, thinking of the way Billy’s hand always reached for the tumbler, but he always looked startled and kind pissed off by what was in it.  Peer pressure, he thought, grimacing, and remembered how Billy had been excited about a date, but stalled out when Steve suggested a bar.  “No, no, I didn’t—they’ve, um, they’ve got...mocktails.  Billy.  I just—you don’t like soda, maybe—um, iced coffee, or—”
Billy stared at him, his hands tightening further as his shoulders hunched.  “Shit,” he whispered.
“You don’t have to drink,” Steve told him, pretty sure his guess was right, and wondering how badly he’d fucked up, this time.  “Fuck, I’m sorry, this place was just—close, we can go, uh, what—what if—dinner?!”
“You just—you fucking figured out I’m a fucking alcoholic, and you want dinner?” Billy growled, rubbing his face and groaning.
“I should have asked you where you wanted to go,” Steve admitted, grimacing.  “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—make you, uh, make you tell me...anything.  D’you still want a date?!”
“Yeah, I fucking want a date,” Billy snarled back, and Steve laughed with relief, dragging him back outside by the hand, and leaning in to kiss him around his bared teeth.  
“...let’s get you something that’s not soda, though,” Steve whispered against his lips, laughing.  
“Fuck, you seriously don’t care?” Billy asked, pulling away to stare into his face.  “...I’m a mess.  I’m working at a fucking call center.  I kept my commuter mug full of whiskey.  I had my last drink the morning we met.”  Steve listened, running his fingers up the back of Billy’s neck, and into his warm curls, as Billy’s explanation of why they shouldn’t date started to turn into why they should.  
“I agreed with my little sister to taper it off last year,” Billy told him, watching his face.  “I did, I swear.  Started drinking less.  It was less,” he said again, like he thought Steve might not believe him.  “I was just having one now and then when somebody was around to stop me before I went too far.  I’m not—shouldn’t go in bars and order doubles, I just thought—I—” he laughed shakily, and Steve leaned his face in close enough to kiss, but not so close he was cutting Billy off if he had more to say.
Billy leaned into the kiss with a soft whine, and as Steve kept kissing him, he started smiling, and let Steve drag him for bubble tea.  He liked it better than soda, Steve was pretty sure, from the look on his face, but they agreed the boba wouldn’t fit through the mouth of the cup.
“Gotta start buying you different drinks,” Steve told him, stroking his chin, and Billy burst out laughing.
“Oh, fuck,” he whispered, leaning his head on his arm, and grinning up at Steve.  “Anything but that.”
The other Harringrove April prompts I’ve done
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baymaksu · 4 years
A Team Divided?
@jr2157 brought up an interesting question to me regarding how the BH6 team would be in a Marvel Civil War situation.
Whether from the MCU’s Sokovia Accords or Marvel Comic’s Superhuman Registration Act, the Marvel Civil War’s arguments can be boiled down to opposing philosophies of Freedom vs Order. Individual Responsibility and Fate vs Safety through Accountability and Constraints
At least under that lens, I can try to divvy up the team to who would be Pro-Registration (Team Iron Man) and Anti-Registration (Team Cap).
I would certainly not want to see the BH6 divided to an extent of fighting each other and I don’t see that happening as friendship and family is strong connection that supersedes obstacles between the nerd gang.
But each member does have differing ideologies and tendencies. So they could most definitely debate amongst themselves and choose to act accordingly under the grander scheme of things in relation to authority.
Hiro Hamada (Anti-Registration)
At first glance for me, he seems like an easy candidate for Anti Registration. On account that his tendencies are more towards freedom of action and as Granville would say, “questioning of authority.” And we can see that in Fugitives Arc, he’s willing to act on what needs to be done despite the prevailing authorities. But he could still be very conflicted on these moral-philosophical questions since he may have some distrust in his own discretion after the CTC Incident. He’s still trying to find his balance between freedom and limitations. And he was willing to abdicate his freedom to superhero how he saw fit for a moment with Granville. This could at least make it possible for him to at least consider some middle ground rather than be impulsive and pick a side. But again, I’m inclined to believe he’s more anti-registration. He’s not primed to blindly follow authority and limitations if it prohibits him from helping others how he believes Tadashi would want him to.
Fred Flammarion Frederickson IV (Anti-Registration)
I think he’s a rather easy one I don’t quite have to deep dive. Fred is chaotic and devoted to super-heroism. There are respectable principles behind his goofy demeanor, but we’ve seen that this dedication would land him in the hot seat with authorities. Mini-Max was created for the sole reason of keeping him more on target and creating less collateral damage. He means well but prevailing authorities would want him in check and accountable. But he’s compelled to act as a superhero, it is now deeply ingrained in his identity and by his actions, opposes the functions of a registration act.
Wasabi no Ginger (Pro-Registration)
He’s a rather extreme personification of order and safety. We could see that in his mannerisms (from how he sciences and his conflict when working with Hiro) and typical adherence to laws (“Society has rules!”). It would be fitting for him to be more inclined towards the benefits of pro-registration in terms of social order providing accountability and constraints for everyone to abide by to keep everyone safe and protected. Again, this is ideologies and tendencies considered. But he would still most likely stick with the team regardless, as he regards the safety of his friends most important to him. He’d be uncomfortable going against authority, but he’d prioritize their safety and fight alongside them. And if it came down to it, he would still act to help people.
Honey Lemon (Neutral)
I’m going to have to say that Honey Lemon is an interesting character in this instance. She deplores conflict and would most likely be a mediator or attempt to pacify arguments among the team to ensure that everyone remains cohesive despite differences in beliefs. So, at least outwardly, she wouldn’t choose a side per se. She’d choose the side of her friends remaining together more so.
Gogo Tomago (Anti-Registration)
From her very first appearance in the movie, she has always exuded this free agency to do what she wants or feels is right. She is action-oriented and that’s probably why she was first to really agree that the nerds needed to be powered up to apprehend Callaghan for Tadashi. She has the strength to take action for others. In the case that authorities may not align with that, she’d most likely be against losing that freedom to take things into her own hands and her own individual accountability.
Baymax (neutral)
His programming is built on helping people, his actions would align to Hiro but perhaps his curiosity on the situation would prompt Hiro to think critically just to try to explain the situation to the robot.
Bonus: Karmi (Anti-Registration)
She idolizes BH6 for their heroic acts, I believe that she’s inclined to keep faith in them and that they need not register and become essentially controlled. Bonus bonus: A superhero version of Karmi as Lab Lady, definitely not one to be tied down.
Awesome Bonus: Boss Awesome
No surprise here, he is the righteous placeholder for Captain America in the BH6-verse. He’d keep things classic and fight the good fight for others because it’s the right thing to do. He’s bound by his own principles of compassion and justice. If he and Captain America co-existed, it would be an interesting interaction. They aren’t one to one on personalities but by principle they are very similar.
BH6 Team in a Marvel Civil War-universe?
As a whole, I think the team would remain together regardless of their consensus and wouldn’t split themselves to join either cause actively. If they were to face authorities or were caught in a skirmish with other heroes of either team on the issue, they would simply prioritize safely escaping.
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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Open! Starring Ginger Kirk
“You set the controls on fire one fucking time and that becomes your legacy. I have done far stupider things! But what does everyone remember me for? Setting the shuttle controls on fire that one time.”
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slasherscream · 4 years
A/N: shout-out to that one anon on bloodybrahms’ blog forever ago where they were like ginger fitzgerald x jennifer check x jd x reader. their mind?? i haven’t known peace since seeing the concept. 
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coincidentally, you as well, will never know a moment of peace again. 
your relationship is overflowing with chaos. you can’t let your guard down for even a second because that’s the exact moment one of your partners will choose to strike and do some absolute bullshit™. it is imperative that you never take your eyes off them or leave any of them on their own. 
if you cannot stay with them at all times at least take care to make sure you never leave all three of them alone together. nothing good has ever come from you doing this.
you act as the impulse control for all three of your partners. they straight up don’t know how to act without you around. 
let’s talk about the chaotic dynamics and features of this relationship, shall we-
○ ginger and jennifer ....where to start. they dislike each other so much, both on the fundamental levels of their personalities and also as supernatural entities. werewolves and demons aren’t like…. natural enemies or anything but they can be Genuine Threats™ to one another so their hackles are always a little raised around each other.
○ that aside, jennifer is the exact type of girl ginger hated in high-school. she took one glance at jennifer and said "what a fucking vapid wanna-be barbie looking slut" and she hasn't changed her mind since. 
○ meanwhile, jennifer thinks ginger is just.... beneath her. she wouldn't have hated a girl like ginger back in high-school because she never would've fucking noticed her. once she is forced to acknowledge ginger as a sentient, living being due to your poly relationship she's just.... aggravated by her. if jennifer had to put into words what she doesn't like about the other girl it would be how fucking judgmental she is. absolutely rich coming from jennifer of all people but she's serious! you're gonna sit here.... and hate her.... because she's popular and sexy?? are you fucking twelve?? you mangy, pathetic, edgy, "i only listen to evanescence" ass bitch (and she means the bitch part literally.)
at best their relationship could MAYBE wind up like that exchange from jumanji: welcome to the jungle:
Professor Shelly Oberon : Seriously, I can't even open my mouth around you. You don't even know me, but you, like, decided you hate me.
Ruby Roundhouse : Look, I just think you live in, like, the "hot popular girl" bubble, you know, where everybody either treats you like a princess or like an object. Maybe it makes you a little self-absorbed or something?
Professor Shelly Oberon : That's fair. But do you think that maybe the reason why you are so judgy is because you are like afraid that people are not gonna like you, so you've decided not to like them first? I'm just saying, you're a babe, go with it.
but realistically they will never have a conversation this open and honest. they'll stick to bickering and being catty, thank you very much. occasionally they are so catty that they start literally fighting and yes, your house will get destroyed every time some shit pops off between them. please have everything insured. 
○ funnily enough they both like/love jd!! off the bat they both find him incredibly attractive. jennifer saw him and said "yummy.com, much?" ginger did not say anything but watched him like a hungry....well, wolf. honestly though looks weren't enough to keep either of them interested in someone when they were plain human and un-traumatized       let alone now. in fact, considering that jennifer is a succubus her finding jd hot only put him in danger adjkl.
○ lucky for him he was surprisingly resistant to her physical charm/succubus powers/allure when she first approached him, planning to make him her next meal. while she totally took his disinterest as a challenge because uhm?? are you fucking blind?? i'm a fucking buffet?? all i serve is looks?? it also made her respect him quite a bit. jennifer takes very few people seriously. her respecting someone so soon after meeting them is actually a way bigger deal than her liking them. 
○ jd takes some time to warm up to jennifer but not as much as you'd think? while he might roll his eyes at her popular, mean girl shtick he's very observant and sees that there's more to jennifer than meets the eye.
○ the fact that he doesn't immediately hop into her bed just because she sticks her chest out gives him enough time to see beneath her surface and surprises her enough that she let's him. there are plenty of things he likes about her. he admires the way she can just...bend the world to her will. when she wants something she gets it, no matter what. he loves that?? she's very dynamic and bold. excitement either follows her or she chases after it. and unlike a lot of charismatic or popular people jennifer lacks the one trait jd absolutely can't stand       being fake. jennifer doesn't hide the fact that she's a stone cold bitch. she always says exactly what she means or what's on her mind. overall jennifer is an addicting personality to have around and even jd falls for her charm eventually.
○ jennifer won't say it but realizing jd actually cares about her and likes her as a person is what makes her fall, you know       because she's a fucking narcissist... just kidding. it catches her off guard for someone to fall for her because of who she is and not what she looks like. it makes her vulnerable for just long enough that she sees all the things that are good about jd and BOOM, she's in love. now she's got two mates and one annoying hang around whom she also has sex with because she's not hideous (her mate, ginger is also her mate, she just likes ginger less than she likes the two of you.)
○ ginger loves jd's intensity. they're pretty much ' same hat! ' relationship wise.
ginger: men are fucking worthless jd: *walks around fucking unhinged* ginger: ....one man allowed 
○ she genuinely loves his personality and he genuinely loves hers right on back. they're kind of just...mirrors of each other in a lot of ways but there's just enough difference between them that they don't piss each other off. other than their tempers they get along really well because they think the same way?? have the same ideas?? want to do the same things?? kill the same people?? you know bonding shit. they're kind of perfect together? they completely understand one another. they are probably the most like-minded of the whole relationship, not the closest, but they think pretty much the exact same shit, i cannot emphasize this enough. they can make eye contact and know exactly what the other is thinking and they love that. lowkey best friends. highkey you cannot let them go on dates alone. 
○ where do you fit in here? uhm you're the glue and stability of this relationship. sure they all love or begrudgingly (and secretly) like each other but you're like.... gravity. essential and holding the world together, keeping everything balanced. you were probably the start of the relationship to begin with. they all knew you and were growing to love you separately and then each realized they had competition but while they were trying to fight each other off they just sorta...got used to one another. and none of them were willing to give you up so it's lucky they decided to share or it would've been a fucking bloodbath to put it lightly. none of them have self control or boundaries. to get what they want they'd all go ridiculously far... i don't know what's farther than murder but they'd do it. 
○ they all depend on you emotionally, honestly. you're their closest friend, the person they can be vulnerable with, someone they trust to take care of them in the way that matters most. they love you because you make them all feel....human (even jd who is the only actual human besides you. but you get the point.)
sometimes they get jealous of each other, which is ridiculous, because you're almost always together as a group. you do occasionally go off in pairs or to separate outings/activities/dates but generally?? you're all together. it's typically more like-
ginger: you've been hanging off y/n all fucking day, jennifer! they barely fucking smell like me anymore. jennifer: what's so bad about that? you smell fucking disgusting- jd: *grabs ginger around the waist before she can jump across the kitchen counter and beat jen's ass*
however!! there isn't as much inter-group jealously as you'd believe! they actually enjoy having a relationship involving four people.
it feels very secure to them? first off they all feel better in regards to you. they don't worry so much about anything happening to you because you have three over-protective partners who would die and kill for you. they also don't worry about you leaving them because you're so.... you. unlike other, unnamed people they so desperately clung to in the past they know you're not going anywhere. they feel secure enough in their connection with you to be as codependent as possible :)))
(also.... you couldn't leave if you tried lmao. get away from one of them? sure       maybe. get away from all three?? *cue clown music* they'd use ginger as a hunting hound and track you by scent alone.)
the four person relationship feels incredible to ginger because it satisfies her need to have a pack? she'd only ever had her sister before and you know how....close, they were. having more than one, single person to be emotionally attached to/invested in really helps center ginger? it also makes it easier to be in a relationship with her? she can be very intense and focused and she puts a lot of energy into her relationship. having that focus and intensity spread out amongst multiple partners is great for her and for them. 
jennifer only ever really felt connected to one person, needy. losing her was....a lot. she never thought she'd be close to anyone again let alone to three people. she can't stand the mutt sometimes but she loves you and jd!! and she loves being loved. not lusted after. not admired. not envied. loved, genuinely loved. she may be a demon, she might not have a soul anymore, but she does have a heart, and every day she's with the three of you it feels a little less broken. 
since the..."untimely" death of jd's mother (and arguably, even while she was still alive) he's never had any roots. no solid connection. no one to belong to or with. before you, ginger, and jennifer he was just...drifting. when you three came into his life it was like hearing a sudden gunshot in the middle of a calm forest. it was electrifying, and maybe even a little scary. he went from having absolutely nothing to having everything, all at once. for the first time in a long time he has something to be grateful for. he would do anything for the three of you. he'd burn the world to the ground just to see you three smile.  
jd goes on several motorcycle rides a week because while you guys have like two cars...he keeps his motorcycle because jennifer, ginger and you think it's hot and none of you are very practical. he must treat all of you to the delight that is the wind flowing through your hair while you're on the back of his bike. jennifer doesn't like helmet hair but she likes the sexiness factor. ginger likes that it's dangerous so jd always speeds when he's with her, you're not sure how they don't get arrested?? 
date nights are such a nightmare because you guys are all very opinionated?? and particular. you and jd are probably the most easy-going but that doesn't really help because jennifer and ginger are always going to be picky about what you guys wind up doing and they'll say no to whatever the other suggests just on principal. just for their own amusement. 
ginger, jennifer and jd are so over-protective of you. you're such a delicate little human?? how have you been surviving without them?? you need them to take care of you. 
sometimes you'll be like "why the fuck aren't you two stifling jd? he's a human too!!" and they're like "no he's different" which is such bullshit but also like....jd is fucking unhinged. he can take care of himself. you are their baby. 
ginger and jennifer are forever arguing about who is going to transform you and jd. you would think they’d at least agree that one of you is gonna get turned into a demon and one will become a werewolf, at least for the sake of balance, but they literally can’t even agree on THAT let alone which supernatural creature you or jd will wind up as. you two have minimal input in this choice sorry :/ this is werewolf and succubus beef. humans be silent.
you staying human isn't a choice because humans are weak and die so quickly. unacceptable?? ginger is gonna live a long ass time and jennifer is probably immortal. they are not winding up stuck with each other just because you and jd thought you could escape them in death?? fuck you. 
ginger needs all three of you to smell like her. yes, even jennifer. but mostly you and jd as you're her two humans and Preferred Mates. jennifer can smell her scent on you all but she doesn't need to smell it?? it's not instinctual?? meanwhile it straight up gives ginger anxiety when you guys don't smell like her. it's just part of werewolf mating. honestly while ginger smells different from humans she doesn't smell like dog, jennifer just likes to say that to piss her off. if she did smell like dog jennifer wouldn't touch her and would gripe any time she touched you or jd. 
cuddling is such a fucking nightmare. you guys have the biggest couch in the world and it's still a fucking ordeal. every two person couple activity is fucking ordeal for local poly couple.
it's a debate every time about who's going to sit where or who's going to hold who. oh jennifer likes to sit on the armrest? cool. except she wants to cuddle with you, but you want to sit in the middle today, and jd wants his arms around you, but ginger is laying in his lap and refuses to move cause he was riding on his bike too long today and stopped smelling like her so she'll bite him if he moves. 
your life is literally that "man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river." riddle i'm so fucking sorry for you.
jennifer likes to buy you and jd clothes. she stopped bothering getting stuff for ginger because the mutt is always so ungrateful of jennifer's taste in clothing. to be fair jennifer only buys a few things that are a bit out of you or jd's comfort range, she tends to buy things that will make you look hot but that you'd also get for yourself. 
jd goes shopping with her because he doesn't like leaving any of his partners alone for long. like he doesn't enjoy it he's also not going to bitch about it like other "dutiful" boyfriends who are left holding a few shopping bags and purses. you can't go out with your girlfriend and hold her shit for her for a couple hours?? can't give her a few minimal responses on whether something looks good or bad??? fuck you. also stop looking at his girlfriend before he pulls out his gun. 
they all encourage the worst of each others possessiveness. not only because being around each other makes it feel normal because they all agree this is a perfectly healthy amount of possessiveness but also because they all think of being possessive as something romantic. you know they love you because they'll rip apart anyone who looks at you for two long!!! 
when you wake up in the morning it's chaos. someone's hair is always in someone's mouth and ginger is a very wild sleeper. especially as it gets closer to the full moon. one of you will wind up on the floor even though you have two king mattresses pushed together. jennifer is one second away from tying ginger up before the four of you go to bed. 
you don't really have to worry much about ginger's transformation?? like she won't hurt you and jd during it because she knows that you two are her mates, she's pretty docile around you two (for a werewolf). she knows that jennifer is her...something so she doesn't try to hurt her but she's also not gonna roll over and show her belly.
if anything does go wrong like ginger gets out/away from you all or out of control jennifer can get her back or put her in check no problem. werewolf cuts/bites don't hurt more than any other type of gnarly injury so jennifer is fine with doing it.
that's one of the ways you can tell jennifer gives a shit about ginger actually. even when ginger will fight her viciously when she's a werewolf jennifer mostly just does things to restrain her, not to hurt her. you'd never point that out though because just to prove she's not soft jennifer might break one of ginger's ribs or some shit next time.
the big concern is making sure ginger doesn't get hurt or caught. jd and jen don't care if she hurts anyone else frankly adjkl. to try and keep ginger running off to a minimum (because it's very hard to keep a werewolf somewhere it doesn't want to be) right before a turn jennifer will bring her own.... food, back to the house and her and ginger will kill them together?? it satiates some of the blood-lust and makes the transformations easier. 
all three of these bastards will try and kiss you or fuck you while you're covered in blood and it's a nightmare!! somehow one of them is always covered in blood!! even if jd wasn't directly involved in a killing he will come home covered in blood because he made out or had sex with one of the girls while they were covered in blood. he thinks they're beautiful when they're blood thirsty :)))
none of them are great at emotions but all three of them together almost make one-functional human being!! and they are all, to their credit, aware of the fact that they aren't great with feelings so they are already naturally over-compensating to make sure they're always taking care of all your needs. 
you: on the phone with a friend complaining about your day, minding your own business the three of them: *manifest from nowhere because their "you having human contact that isn't them" sense was tingling ginger: *snatches your phone and hangs up on your friend* jennifer: *sits in your lap* jd: *wraps an arm around you* why don't you tell us about your day, darling?
a well-oiled machine anyone?
no friends!!! only them!! you are a pack!! you are mates!! you're a family!!! fuck anyone else. 
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Two Peas in a Pod - Harry PotterxSister
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Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
For this one-shot I have taken inspiration from both the book and the film, as well as left out parts of the original dialogue that, for the purpose of this story, felt irrelevant. 
Word count: ≈ 2400
Two Peas in a Pod
Harry Potter and his twin sister Lucy were like two peas in a pod. Always had been. Supposedly, that was what happened when young magicians had to grow up with muggles, especially if those muggles were named “Dursley”. Harry was always more impulsive, whereas Lucy took on the role of the rational one, yet they had both been placed in Gryffindor house by the sorting hat four years prior.
It was now the first of September 1995, and last year had been a rough one. Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard who had killed Harry and Lucy’s parents, had just come back and despite their efforts, this holiday had been more miserable than any of the previous ones. Dudley and his friends, dementor attacks, and a general lack of communication with the wizarding world left the twins in a particularly bad mood. They arrived at Kings Cross, and after pulling Harry away from Draco Malfoy, Lucy, her brother, Ron and Hermione boarded the Hogwarts express, and found a place to sit.
During the start-of-the-year feast, the small group of friends quickly realized that something was wrong. Their new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor - Dolores Umbridge - was a ministry employe, which was weird on its own, but the way she spoke, acted, and kept interrupting Dumbledore with shrill, irritating *hum hum*’s made them all feel queasy. 
After a quiet discussion in the common room (and quite a bit of loud arguing between Harry and Seamus Finnigan), they went to bed, yawning, and not exactly looking forward to that year’s first period of DADA.
They entered the classroom, and to their surprise, Umbridge actually wasn’t there yet. Harry and Lucy shared a confused look, but went to sit down, Harry with Ron, and Lucy with Hermione. Eventually though, the professor did arrive, her unnaturally high-pitched voice bringing them all back to reality.
“Good morning, class!” she said cheerfully
There was a quiet murmur among the students, and Umbridge shook her head.
“Good Morning!” she said again, this time more sternly. “I expect you to answer me when spoken to.”
A slightly louder “Good morning professor” could be heard, and though Umbridge didn’t seem too pleased, she decided to move on with the lesson.
“Ordinary Wizarding Levels - OWLs” she started. “Your previous teachers in this subject have all been quite questionable choices, however this year things will be the way they were meant to. Open your books on page 4.”
A few minutes had passed before Hermione raised her hand and said “Professor, there is nothing in here about using defensive spells.”
“Using spells?” Umbridge asked, laughing nastily
“We’re not to use magic?” Ron asked
“You will be learning defensive magic in a safe, risk-free environment”
“But”, said Harry, rather angrily, “what good would that do? If we were attacked that wouldn’t be risk-free!”
“Ha!”, laughed Umbridge, “And who exactly do you think would want to attack a helpless child such as yourself? Besides, the education you will receive will be more than enough for you to pass your OWLs, and that is after all just what school is about.” She finished with a smirk, looking rather satisfied with her speech.
Lucy, who had sat quietly this whole time shifted slightly in her chair, and exclaimed: “It’s not though! 
“Sorry?” Umbridge asked, dumbfounded
“School isn’t solely about receiving good grades! It’s about preparing the students for life, and supplying them with the tools and knowledge necessary in order to succeed and improve. If we’re not going to do that, then why, may I ask, is this a mandatory course? It’s already starting to seem rather pointless to me.”
Harry was perplexed. How his sister always managed to, 1: use her words in such a remarkable way, and 2: remain calm through the most infuriating of situations was a mystery to him, however he turned his gaze back towards Umbridge, waiting for her reply.
“Nonsense” She said. “This course is compulsory, and rightfully so!”
“How though?” Inquired Lucy, pushing it further than she probably should have. “Can you name any situation, apart from the exam, where your teachings will be of any help to us? Or didn’t the ministry consider that?”
That was the top of the iceberg.
“DETENTION!!” shouted Umbridge. “My office, 8:30 would you be so kind, Ms Potter.”
Lucy flinched. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, however detention was not something she had to endure very often. That was more Harry’s thing. She sank quietly back onto her chair, and Umbridge continued with her boring, unnecessary lesson, reciting facts and procedures they had all learnt about 4 years earlier. Lucy could feel her brother staring, practically burning a hole in her neck, but somehow, probably thanks to Ron, he kept quiet for the rest of the class.
An hour later, class ended and none of the Gryffindor students wasted any time getting out of Umbridge’s classroom. Lucy threw her stuff into her brown, leather bag and dashed out of the room without making eye contact with her brother or friends.
“Luce!” Harry shouted. “Wait up!”
He caught up with his sister on the stairs leading down to McGonagall’s classroom.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Looking up at him with an annoyed stare she said “Yes Harry! Just brilliant!” with a sarcastic tone in her voice. She kept on walking, but Harry grabbed her shoulder. A few years ago, they had been roughly the same size, but Harry had grown A LOT, and was by now almost seven inches taller. All the quidditch training had apparently paid off too, and Lucy knew instantly that she would never be able to escape his firm, yet gentle grip. He glanced down on her with a worried look on his face.
“I’m serious!” he said. “Stop”
She turned around and faced him. “What?” She spat at him, suddenly noticing her icy voice. 
“Sorry…” Lucy mumbled, “she just pissed me off. I’m fine.” Her facial expression softened and she met Harry’s eyes for the first time since class ended. He let go of her shoulders, and was just about to say something when a tall ginger came running at full speed and gave Lucy a supportive pat on the back.
“That was bloody brilliant!” Ron exclaimed. “Lucy, did you see the look on her face? Bloody hell, she was angrier than Malfoy after Harry beat him in his first quidditch match!”
“Yes” stated Lucy simply, as Hermione made her way down the stairs, “I saw…”
“Oh cheer up!” stated Ron, “an hour or two of detention isn’t the end of the world. If you ask me, it was totally worth it!”
Hermione gave him a disapproving stare as Lucy sadly stated, “It might not have been the cleverest thing to do” Both Harry and Hermione blinked at her with a sort of “you-don’t-say?” kind of look as she kept on speaking. “But you must admit that it’s the truth? Defence against the dark arts has never been as important as it is right now. We are all going to die before the end of the year unless we learn and improve?!”
“You’re right.” Hermione muttered, and surprisingly, she smiled slightly. “But we’ll have to talk about that later, otherwise we’ll be late for transfiguration. Come on!”
The rest of the day went by rather quickly, and the quartet soon found themselves in front of the fireplace in the common room. It was about 8:20 when Lucy stood up, grabbed a jacket, and left for Umbridge’s office.
“Good luck!” Harry said, frowning deeply, “I’ll wait for you here.”
Lucy turned around quickly, “Haz, you don’t have to. I’ll be fine. You need your sleep and I have no idea how long this is going to take.”
Harry gave her a sort or irritated look, to which she sighed and left without a word.
“What do you think she’ll have her do?” Hermione questioned.
“I don’t know” Harry hissed, “but I’m sure she’ll tell me when she gets back...”
The remaining three looked at each other. Ron threw Harry a chocolate frog, and then - they waited…
*knock knock*
There was a slight clinking noise, like metal on china, followed by a repulsing “come in”. Lucy took a deep breath and pushed the door open. 
“Ah!” chirped Umbridge, “Potter, sit down, will you?”
Lucy apprehensively made her way across the room to the chair her so-called “professor” had pointed at. She sat down and looked around nervously.
“You will be writing some sentences for me today, no” Umbridge said, as Lucy reached down to her bag to pick up something to write with. “no, not with your own quill. You’ll be using a rather special one of mine.” She smiled evilly, and pushed a black, pointy feather across the table.
Lucy grabbed it carefully and asked in a silent, trembling voice, “what should I write?”
“Oh, right! How about… ‘I must obey my superiors’?”
It was about three hours later, when Lucy slowly made her way back to the common room, red, hot blood dripping from her left hand leaving a small trail through the corridor. The pain had intensified, and was by this point almost unbearable. She took a quick detour to the girls’ bathroom, hoping to be able to clean herself up a bit before having to face her friends and brother. She had told him to go to sleep, after all, it was almost midnight by now, but she knew him all too well. The odds of him being in bed were absolutely zero. 
She watched the thick, red liquid disappear down the sink and let a few tears fall, before grabbing some paper making sure no tears or blood could be seen. She had to make it through the common room up to the dormitories quickly though, since she was sure Harry would be able to tell she’d been crying, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Sure, she could just tell him, but something inside her argued against that. He had been rather angry and distressed all summer, and she knew he wasn’t feeling much better now. Harry had enough to deal with without handling her problems too.
Entering the common room, roughly four seconds had passed before her brother was by her side. 
“Hey,” he said gently, “everything okay?”
She nodded and mumbled a quiet. “Yes. ‘m tired though, night Harry”
She walked the stairs up to her dorm, leaving Harry behind. He simply stood there dumbfounded. What had just happened? “Oh… okay, night Luce”
She didn’t answer…
The following morning, he found her at the breakfast table, slowly digesting a tiny portion of porridge. She was wearing one of his old quidditch jumpers underneath her cloak. He knew, because it was far too big for her, and the sleeves reached down to her fingertips.
“Hey,” he said, ruffling her long, strawberry blonde hair, “Feeling better?”
“Sure, “ she murmured, slowly pulling the sleeves even further down. He gave her a supportive hug.
“But come on now, “ he urged her. “You can’t be sad forever. What did she have you do?”
“Just write some sentences. It was fine, rather dull to be honest with you.” She threw the spoon into the bowl, and pushed it away. “How are you feeling? Any bad dreams?”
“Always…” he muttered, shaking his head at the milk that had splashed out on the table, “could have been worse though.”
Harry made himself some toast, as Ron and Hermione joined them in the great hall. 
A week or so later Harry had had enough. It was in defence against the dark arts, on a rather cold Tuesday afternoon that he finally snapped, and shouted at professor Umbridge, who seemed almost too happy for a reason to give him detention.
The gang sat, yet again, around the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, when Harry suddenly left and climbed through the portrait hole. He came back a few hours later, a downright furious look on his face, and walked straight up to his sister without even noticing the ghost he had stumbled through. He looked down at her smaller frame, his quidditch jumper yet again pulled over her head. 
“Let me see, ” he said through gritted teeth, causing Lucy to look up at him, trying her best to act confused.
“Lucy - let. me. see.” he repeated firmly, his emerald eyes penetrating the mental wall behind which she had been trying so hard to hide her troubles.
She closed her eyes and pulled her sleeve up to her elbow. The blood had naturally dried, however five heart wrenching words were etched into her still red, irritated skin. 
I must obey my superiors
No one said a thing. Lucy was staring at the floor, not daring to meet her brother’s eyes, all while Harry felt madder than he ever had before.
Madder than when Dudley had been pushing him around the school yard.
Madder than when Malfoy had taunted him because of the dementors.
Madder than when he had found out that his aunt and uncle had lied about their parents true fate for almost 10 years. 
This was his sister, and it was far from okay.
Without thinking, Harry was just about to shout at her for keeping something like that from him, when he noticed that she was crying. Soft, quiet sobs that she were clearly trying to hide. It felt as if all his anger simply washed away, and he crouched down and took her hand in his. 
Harry’s hand was still covered in blood. He hadn’t had time to clean it, but had instead taken the shortest way to the common room, after realizing what had happened. Raising his right hand, he pulled her closer and felt her lean her head on his chest. They sat like that, arms wrapped around each other, for hours and slowly started drifting off to sleep.
Were they okay? Not at all. Would they be? Absolutely! Because they had each other, and when it really came down to it, that was all they needed, as the Potter twins were just like two peas in a pod.
~ L
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 5
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1421
Warnings: Canon death, all fluff
Requested by: @mournthewicked
Summary: Jim asks you to be his fake s/o, then you both end up falling in love.
A/n: 😍😍😍😍 went a little different then I intended but here we go.
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"Captain," You greeted after ringing the bell. "Care to share some whiskey?"
You held up a bottle and 2 glasses.
"Sure, come in come in."
Shore leave was announced a month ago, and the ship buzzed to life. Crewmembers swapped plans, friends made stops together, vacations were researched and booked. Everyone focused hard on their reports, sending them up to their immediate commanding officers when finished and relayed to Command.
"Made any plans yet, Y/N?" Jim popped the cork off, pouring a generous glug into each glass and handing one to you. 
You shrugged, swirling the alcohol around the glass. "Not sure. Definitely visit my dad and then maybe go on a plane to Europe probably. Have you?"
"Of course I have! See my mom, see how it's going with Bones and Joanna," He answered, taking a sip. "Get called Uncle Jim and how I owe a blanket fort. Can't wait. What kind of plans do you call yours?!"
"Impulsive plans."
He snorted, but before he could reply a call came in from his PADD.
"Shoo. Go take the call," You took a sip, taking out yours so you didn't eavesdrop.
"Oh it's mom. I'll be right back," He looked apologetic before answering the call and taking the PADD into his bedroom.
You made yourself at home as you waited. Jim was one of your close friends ever since you stumbled across him during one of his nightly ship rounds. It was one of the rare nights you took on Gamma shift when you found him strolling through the corridors near your lab. 
"Uh Jim?" You called, drinking the last of your glass. "I think I'll leave first, and stop by another time."
"James?" Winona spoke, loud enough you could hear. "Who is that in your room?"
"Mom, it's Y/N. I've talked about them before. They're one of my-."
"Oh my lord, are you seeing them?" His mom squealed in delight, covering her mouth with both hands. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating, Jim? Your father would've been delighted to meet them."
As Jim rounded the corner, you could see the confusion, desperation, and the anxiety flipped through his face before turning his attention to you. "Go with it for me, please?" He mouthed over the PADD as his mom continued gushing over him. 
You furrowed your brows at him before realization dawned. He didn't want to disappoint his mother. After so long on being on his own, no wonder Winona was excited. 
"Hi Mrs Kirk," You answered loudly. 
"James Tiberious Kirk, you turn the screen over to them right this minute," He did so, cringing at being called his full name. "Oh my god, I'm so happy that you make my son so happy. It's so wonderful to finally meet you. Here I was thinking that my James would be in love with anyone. How long has it been?"
"Around three months," You made up an amount of time, scooching over the sofa so that the blonde could sit next to you. Your knees touched briefly, and nearly everything within shriveled up.
"Only three months! All my son talks is about you and only you. You make him so happy. Oh, I'm so happy he found you. Stop by soon and see me, will you? I can't wait to see you in person, Y/N."
You and Jim shared a look.
And that was exactly how you found yourself getting out of the airport taxi and thanking the driver. 
"So here we are," Jim spoke, taking out the duffel bags. "Iowa, home."
"Home," You echoed, listening to how odd the sound tasted. The ship was your home now, since your immediate family stopped communications when you enrolled into Starfleet years ago. 
He attempted a smile. "Thank you for this, Y/N. I just don't want to see my momma sad. I'll make this up to you."
"James, Y/N! You're both here!" Winona danced out the front door, hugged her son, and then you. "Oh it is so wonderful to see you in person, Y/N. I couldn't believe my ears when James said he was dating."
"Mom," Jim mumbled, looking embarrassed. "Could we head in first? It's been a long ride."
"Of course, come in, come in. Let this be your home too, Y/N," She led you in, peppering your supposed to be boyfriend with questions. You didn't have the heart to correct her. Even after 3 years of graduating from the Academy, not even a message was sent your way. "I have the guest room all ready for you."
"Here, let me show you around the house," Jim offered, and gratefully you accepted. Two story houses was definitely going to be confusing.
"So uh this is my room," He spoke, opening the door and letting you go in first. There were photos of his family hung on the walls along with some band posters, medals, certificates, his Starfleet Academy diploma, and various other items. The wooden desk was on the far right corner, complete with a desk light and some extra stylus. To the immediate right was the closet, a bookshelf on the left, and a freshly made bed tucked into the far left corner. 
"You have a brother?" You asked, beelining for the photo frame first.
"Sam, but he's named after dad," The blonde spoke, placing both duffel bags on the bed. "He's on Deneva, working as a research biologist for Starfleet too."
"You've never mentioned him before," You pulled your attention away from the frame and other parts of his room. 
"Never came up."
That was true. He'd talk about his mom more often than not, but no one else. You weren't nosy either. But that was how you started your first few days at Jim's and getting to know him and his mom a little better. After a week, things were more comfortable and routine. 
Some days he would take you on a trip with his dad's motorcycle and show you around Riverside. Some days he would take you out on dates, catch up with old friends, and enjoy being back home. 
For the first time, you even wondered if this was even be called fake dating anymore. The man himself could easily drop the act when his mom wasn't around, 
"Hey, Y/N. Mom wants to head to Dad's cemetery, said we should go say hi and clean his place. Do you want to come?" Jim spoke from the other sofa, feet still on the arms and watching you. 
Meet the famous First Officer George Kirk of the USS Kelvin?
"Yeah, I'll come," You spoke, getting to your feet. 
The memorial was open when the car pulled through. Rows of names could be found etched on stones in front of a small lot of flowers or a tree, while some only had just the headstones. The trees gently rocked alongside the cool breeze, as birds chirped under the sunlight. Snow flurries drifted down, floating along the wind that carried it far and wide. 
"Here we are," Winona spoke, finally stopping at a name. "Not a day goes by that I don't have him in my mind. I'm sure he would have loved to have met you, Y/N. It takes someone special James after all he's gone through."
You eyed Jim as he knelt down, dusted the dirt and the fresh snow off the memorial, and placed fresh flowers to the side. 
"Come, Y/N. Let me introduce you to my dad." He spoke, patting the patch of green grass beside him. 
"If you say so, Cap," You shuffled closer, despite feeling that you shouldn't intrude on the family's privacy. 
And so Jim introduced you to his father, how he knew you, became friends, and then started dating not very long ago. That he was happy and excited that someone made him happy. While he spoke, your thoughts wandered off to your previous ones. 
Was this all a ruse or was he really actually wanting this? Of course, like many others, he was once the source of your romantic interests, but never got the courage to speak to him till that night.
On the ride back home with his mom driving and singing along to a song on the radio, you confronted him. 
"I don't think we're playing pretend anymore, are we?"
He took your hand in his, gently squeezed it, and smiled his usual beautiful blinding smile. "Welcome to the Kirk family, Y/N."
"Love you too."
Eats Everything: @mournthewicked @asraime @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @aspiring-ginger @groovyfluxie @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @bluesclues-1234 @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @charlielotte @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @april-showers-and-flowers @mrs-l-mccoy @piccolaromana @strange-old-worlds @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @crackheadcastdirector @writerdee1701​
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misstyery · 3 years
hello!!! congratulations on 100 followers!!! i was wondering if i could get a male matchup!! my pronouns are she/her,i’m an enfp and a gemini. i’m very loud, dramatic and i smile/laugh a lot(very happy go lucky type of person). i’m very quick to make new friends and i love hanging out with them(i can not handle being alone for too long). i’m also impulsive, bold and i never regret the decisions i make. i procrastinate a lot and it’s definitely one of my worst habits. i love to hug and cuddle people close to me(my love languages are physical touch and acts of service). i’ve also been told i’m a natural flirt and tease, even though i usually don’t know when i’m doing it?? besides that, i love cats, baking, playing volleyball and cricket, sleeping and sweet stuff. meanwhile, i also hate arrogance, show offs and hot weather.
thank you loads in advance if you decide to do this!!!!!
i match you with...kirishima!
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notes: sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy!
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you and kiri would have such a fun relationship!
most of your time spent together would be full of laughter and there’s never a dull moment between you two :)
even if you two aren’t doing much, just having a day inside. it’s still enjoyable and fun
even though kiri isn’t the best at school, he’s still disciplined and does his work in a timely manner, so he could definitely encourage you to start your work before the last minute
kiri loves it when you share your hobbies with him, even if it’s something he wouldn’t normally do, as long as it makes you happy <3
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“ i don’t think he likes me very much.” kiri sighed as he watched the cat settle itself in your lap. the cat in your lap was a siamese cat with sapphire blue eyes. he was a sweetheart, being one of the first cats to approach you when you and kiri entered the cat cafe. you continued to stroke him happily while kiri pouted at you.
“ noooo, he just needs some time to warm up to you “ you grinned as the cat started purring quietly in your lap. “but we’ve been here for like, 15 minutes, babe!” kiri groaned. you sighed and moved sylvester from off your lap. you eyed the other cats in the room, looking for one that wasn’t already entertaining another cafe-goer.
you looked down to see a ginger tabby cat rubbing itself against your legs, and you smiled and picked it up. “ look, eiji , you can love on this lil bugger instead” kiri grabbed the cat from your hands and settled him on his lap. kiri’s pout morphed into a toothy grin, and he began to stroke the cat’s head gently. an amused smile grew on your face, and you watched happily as kiri cooed at the cat on his lap <3
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Pure Witch
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: While waiting for Rowena to help with a case, Dean distracts himself with the reader. Suddenly, the bar is under attack and you are the one who saves the Winchester brothers with magic. Dean didn't know you were witch-- but neither did you.
Warning: unprotected sex (y'all are better than that)
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‘’Dean, can you focus for a bit, please?’’ Sam sighed, not for all surprised at his brother’s behavior but surely tired enough to cut him off. He had spent most nocturnal hours searching for a specific spell to save a victim from a herb coma after they didn’t find a hex bag that had probably been hidden by a sorceress. He’d finally given in and called the most powerful - perhaps more notably the only allied - witch they knew. Waiting for Rowena with less than two hours of rest while Dean ate hamburgers in heart attack form wasn’t comfortable. The fact that he was about to get up and flirt with a random woman when he was trying to be patient at her delay and not to freak out because of it was unlikely to help either. 
‘’Come on, Sammy. What’s the point of saving people if you don’t get a little nookie once in a while?’’ He winked at the other Winchester just to be greeted with an eye roll. ‘’Also, Rowena is two hours late.’’
‘’Dean-- Dude, come on!’’ Sam protested when his older brother left the table, rubbing his hands on his jeans as he walked towards you. 
‘’Hey, sweetheart. Can I sit?’’ Dean smirked at you and you nodded, waving your hand at the empty chair. If it was any usual day, you would be most likely to push him away with a dumb excuse, especially after he came up with cheap sweet talk, but he was pretty enough to entertain you a bit more, not to mention his velvet voice. Besides, it wasn’t a usual day. You could use a human shaped source of stress relief in a random bar. ‘’I have to say, you are drinking my favorite beer.’’
‘’Then you can have it,” you said, pushing the bottle to slip on the table. Dean grabbed it. ‘’Not really my kind. I like cocktail better.’’
‘’Cocktail over beer?’’ He arched his eyebrows, not so subtly judging your taste. 
You put your hand on your chest, mouth wide open in a circular form while you talked in an offended yet playful manner: ‘’You come to my table and judge my favorite drink? Outrage! I am really hurt, you know? I might have to go lick my wounds now.’’
Dean features quickly changed from worried that he had somehow offended you and threw his chance with a hot girl away to amazed. Spicy girls, he liked that.
‘’Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. I could help you with your wounds.’’ He rolled his head to the side and licked his lips before taking a sip of his beer. You giggled, rolling your eyes at his cheap attempt of a flirtatious line.
‘’Well, since we are already talking about licking wounds, my name is (Y/N). And I think we can agree that a good, old whiskey is better than both of them.’’
‘’Dean Winchester, at your service.’’ The green-eyed man offered you a wide smile followed by a wink. ‘’Yeah, whiskey gets it all.’’
‘’After tequila, of course,” you teased, just to see which reaction you could get from him.
‘’Tequila is better than whiskey? You didn’t just say that.’’ Dean raised his eyebrows. It made you laugh at how indignant he seemed to feel about it. Head tilted to the side and gaze locked with your bright eyes, he remained on the topic. ’’It’s the same as saying that salad is better than burgers or that Bon Jovi is better than AC/DC.’’
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I love what you’ve got
Let’s get together, baby
Yeah, we can get hot
The guitar echoes from the song trembled through the bar’s bathroom when Dean threw your back at the wall, pushing his knee between your legs as his lips met yours into a needy, violent kiss. A weak howl left your mouth once you felt his hardness tickling against your bare leg thanks to the little skirt that barely dressed you. It hiked up with the sudden movements, almost letting show what was underneath. Unfortunately, his jeans made it a bit frustrating. He was way too dressed than either of you would like. Both of you were.
Dean’s hands tightened around your waist in a possessive act; it was an unspoken desire to get more of you-- all of you right there.You pushed him away, devil grin on your lips as you watched his confused features replaced by feral, wild eyes when you unconfined yourself from your shirt. The pretty fabric of your green bra seemed to hold the green of his eyes to your breast, as if it was the only part of you that mattered. 
The eldest Winchester denied his urge to ravish you just long enough to abandon his shirt as well as his flanel. In an instant, he was all over you again; licking your neck and going down to kiss your chest. You placed your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself steady. Your knees were too easily weakened at Dean Winchester’s touch to be considered trustworthy.
‘’Dean…’’ His name came out as a beg, a prayer for this man to give you what you needed. ‘’I want you inside me. Now. I’m so wet for you.”
‘’Fuck, sweetheart. You fucking get me when you talk like this.’’ He groaned in response, pecking your collarbone before he raised his head, locking his gaze with yours. His pupils were dilated, like a hunter’s glare when catching their prey. You could bet yours were awash in the same heat, full of lust and flaming hunger.
Opposed to losing any time, Dean put his hands on your back and lowered them while you unbuttoned his jeans, watching their particular path and enjoying how the naked parts of your body felt against his fingertips. He was certain that your pussy would feel just as good if he fucked you with his fingers, but he needed his cock inside you, and you felt such urgency for it, too. Perhaps later Dean could do all he wanted, in a bed or in the back seat of Baby. For the present time, the bedroom would be more than satisfying. He finally reached your ass, holding it as you gave into an impulse to jump.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as Dean pulled you up and pressed your body to the wall again as you finally finished unbuttoning his jeans, pushing the material down. Dean groaned in annoyance when he noticed that your skirt was lifted, but your panties were still on. You were visibly wet for his amusement, yet an obstacle to his need. Not willing to give away any further second, the hunter tore it apart.
‘’Hey, I liked that-- Dean!’’ Ultimately, your complaint was interrupted by Dean pushing into you. Fuck, it felt so good to have him inside you, his cock squeezed between your wet, tight walls. He held your thighs, mouth finding your breast in a kiss and then a bite. Dean pulled your bra, touching your erect nipple before pressing his tongue against it and sucking it. ‘’Dean!’’
His thrusts quickened in rhythm, and you tried to follow it, moving your waist to his pelvis. His cock pushed deeper and harder inside you, making you arch your back and groan when Dean found your G spot, repeatedly hitting there. 
‘’Fuck, (Y/N). You feel so nice around my cock. Wet and tight, just like I like it. Your pussy is so good to me, sweetheart.’’
Your nails scratched his shoulders. You pulled him close, and Dean looked up at you, vivid green eyes reflecting what his body and groans already said; your body was his. At least it was for now. You didn’t care if your favorite lace was crumpled on the floor or if you were fucking an aleatory man without protection or even if you would leave marks on his back. All that you cared about was his cock deep inside you, fucking you, and it seemed like he felt just the same.
He leaned forward, catching your lips in a passionate kiss. His grip tightened around your skin as your mouth escaped his in tease, encountering Dean’s neck and sucking on it there. It won a soft grunt of him, almost a whine. You giggled between groans, soon sealing his lips to yours together once more. The two of you part only to moan each other’s name in intense pleasure as the pace of his thrusts hastened.
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The bar’s rock playlist was replaced by rougher music: punching noises, chairs breaking and screams from the few people on the bar who quickly tried to hide or run.  If an hour ago Sam cut a sharp glare at you and Dean walking to the bathroom, the last one was a victorious gesture at him while pointing at you. Currently, he was hopefully looking at the bathroom door stuck between killing a demon and fighting another when his brother finally appeared, followed closely by you. Both of you were disasters from wrinkled clothes to messy hair.
A ginger woman was hiding behind them and holding a book, flipping the pages fast as the boys furiously defended themselves from the things approaching them. ‘’Rowena!’’
‘’(Y/N), stay here!’’ he said in a commanding voice before running to Sam. They were fighting those human-looking creatures that shined when they got stabbed. It was clear that they weren’t normal and neither were their killers. You gulped, breathlessly watching the scene unfold in front of you. What could you do? You barely had any fighting skills other than self-defense. Besides, Dean and his partner seemed to know what they were doing. That is, if they were the good ones. What if you had just fucked an assassin?
‘’I’m trying, Samuel!’’ the redhead hissed, still skimming through the book’s writing. She appeared to be looking for something that she couldn’t find.
The things kept showing up and instead of just fighting, now one of them was able to throw things at Dean, Sam and Rowena. You were horrified. The new addition seemed to be a witch. But those weren’t real. Neither were things that died like there were storms inside them! What was happening?
The supposed witch gave the trio a bloody smile, taking calm steps to get to them. His hand gestured to the side, as if he was killing a mosquito, and Dean flew against the wall. Another move and Sam had the same destiny, seeming glued there next to his brother.
‘’Rowena, like the rat I knew you were. Looking for allies with the Winchesters? That is beyond humiliating, even for you,” the man talked sharply, disgust almost palpable in his tune. It was crystal clear that he thought he was better than the red-haired woman. Your blood fired up in your veins; you were scared and irate. The situation itself was similar to a horror movie’s scene, and the way he spoke towards her was just quite like a woman’s daily horror movie, especially when it came to the workplace. It hit a delicate spot for you. Dean and Sam tried to get away from whatever those things were with what you’d soon learn that was a spell that kept them stuck to the wall. ‘’You should thank me for being so merciful, rat.’’ He grabbed a strange knife and pulled his hand up, a malicious grin on his face as he pushed the lethal knife to Rowena.
Before he could finish his attempt, you screamed, ‘’NO! GET AWAY FROM HER!’’
The reflex on the blade twinkled, everyone’s attention on you. Dean was more nervous than before, Rowena was surprised, and the man looked like he had just heard a joke.
Glaring at you with a superior gaze, he moved his free hand. Instantly, you were slammed against the wall like the Winchesters. You hated it, feeling impotent. The fact that the man who put you through this state appeared to be unbothered himself with that only increased your anger, fear slowly sliding away to give room for your fury.
‘’The rat has a pet, too? How lovely. I might kill you first and then kill her with my knife stained with your blood. How does that sound to you, bitch?’’
‘’Leave her alone!’’ Dean shouted. His eyes never strayed, still connected with the vision of you.
‘’Standing up for the little rat and got a Winchester seal of worry? Forget about just killing you. It’s going to be a long torture. I’m going to make you my little pet before I kill you, bitch.’’
‘’Do you feel more like a man or whatever you are when you call me a bitch? Or when you call her a rat?’’ Your remark came angrily. Who did he think he was? You didn’t notice, but Rowena was searching for something in the book again. ‘’Your little ego gets rubbed when you do that? Maybe you get turned on? You are so fucking annoying, bitch.’’
‘’Respect me, whore.’’ Your throat started to close, the scarcity of air ravaging your lungs. ‘’I’m better than you and her. I’m more powerful than anyone in this room. You should be thankful that I’m directing words towards a little, arrogant slut like you. You fucking b--’’ 
His words filled all of your body with an intense savage rage. You didn’t think; you just wanted to make him quiet-- to bite back. Your eye color switched to a gloaming green, just like the smoke that filled the bar. An enormous noise was heard; the man had been thrown against the ceiling and then on the floor. His neck was noticeably broken, a pool of blood around his body. The earlier creatures ran away as Dean and Sam fell to the ground.
‘’What the fuck was that?’’ Dean asked, holding his gun up. 
You didn’t look at them. You were shocked at yourself, glaring at your trembling hands. Their afterglow dissipated from white and green to the normal color. Your eyes had come back to normal as well, and the smoke was no longer around.
‘’Did I do that? He is dead. He is-- Oh my. What were those things? They weren’t human, right? And he wasn’t a human either? What happened to me? My hands, they--’’
Sam rested his hand on the barrel of Dean’s gun and tilted his hair sideways. You didn’t know what you had just done. You probably weren't aware of your nature. ‘’I’m Sam Winchester, Dean’s brother. She is Rowena, and I think you are like her. A, hm, witch. I guess you didn’t know that, yeah?’’
‘'I am what? No, that’s not possible. I don’t even know if I believe in God-- I’m probably an atheist,” you denied quickly, shaking your head side to side. 
‘’Oh, darling. After all that you still believe that there is nothing else but humans?’’ Rowena grinned, empathic to your situation but mainly surprised by your ability.
‘’It’s certainly not the God I was taught to believe in!’’ Your face was pale and your damp eyebrows slightly raised together. ‘’I-- My. Are witches like, the higher power? Are you God?’’
‘’Well, I guess you could--’’
‘’Rowena, no.’’ Sam stopped her. He understood briefly what having a normal life and changing it abruptly to a supernatural one felt like. The way you were acting screamed nervousness. ‘’We were combating demons and a witch. I know that it is strange and surprising, but it’s real. Everything is real. Werewolves, vampires…'' He offered a gentle smile-- friendly, even. "Witches.’’
‘’God too, but He isn’t quite what we learn as kids. Neither are angels. Actually, most are assholes,” Dean tacked on, tucking his gun away under the hem of his shirt. He couldn't believe that he just had hot, sweaty sex with a witch. At least not even you knew that. You glanced at the three of them, completely disoriented.
‘’You are an Alstonia Sympathin. It is very rare. I myself thought your race was extinct,” Rowena said, gaining more confused glares from all of you. ‘’You know, how werewolves have a pureblood line? Well, she is like a pureblood witch.’’
Breathing deeply, you rubbed your throat in a futile attempt to calm yourself. ‘’What does it mean?’’
‘’You are one of the most powerful witches alive, darling.’’ She curved her lips in return, still holding the book to her chest as she answered, ‘’And you haven’t even started yet.’’
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