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ts-the-blacksmith · 8 months ago
My LEGO build has been submitted for IDEAS.
10,000 supports are needed to be a real LEGO set.
Please support it, if you want to make it real.
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asyastudieskorean · 2 months ago
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01.10.2025 — Recording assignment and vocabulary practice today. If I have time, I’ll also start the writing assignment that’s due Monday. 여러분, 화이팅!
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koreanthroughfiction · 14 days ago
할아버지의 인터넷 정복기 - Grandfather's Internet Conquest Chronicles
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"내 손녀가 '시대에 맞춰가야 한다'고 했어. 3주가 지난 지금, 200만 명의 십대들이 나를 '홀섬 킹'이라고 부르는데, 둘 중 뭐가 더 모욕적인지 모르겠다."
[My granddaughter said I needed to 'get with the times.' Three weeks later, I'm being called a 'wholesome king' by two million teenagers, and I don't know which part insults me more.]
이 모든 난리는 에밀리가 내 폰에 그 빌어먹을 틱톡이란 걸 깔면서 시작됐다. 그게 "정신을 활발하게 해줄 거"라고 했다. 마치 40년 동안 폭탄 해체하는 일이 내 정신을 충분히 날카롭게 만들어주지 않은 것처럼 말이다. 하지만 그 애가 그런 표정을 지었다 - 할머니가 예전에 짓곤 했던 그 표정 - 그래서 난 고개를 끄덕이고 관심 있는 척했다.
[The whole mess started when Emily installed that damn TikTok thing on my phone. Said it would "keep my mind active." As if forty years of defusing bombs hadn't kept my mind sharp enough. But she had that look—the same one her grandmother used to give me—so I nodded and pretended to care.]
내가 올린 첫 영상은 열리지 않는 피클 병에 욕을 하는 거였다. 녹화되고 있다는 것도 몰랐다. 에밀리가 내가 그 병과 씨름하는 동안 폰을 세워뒀는데, 내 헝클어진 회색 머리는 여느 때처럼 아인슈타인처럼 보였다. "군대에서 30년을 있었는데," 난 그 병을 향해 으르렁거렸다. "네가 날 이길 수 있을 거라 생각해? 난 음식물 분쇄기도 겁먹을 만한 걸 먹어봤다고."
[First video I posted was me cursing at a jar of pickles that wouldn't open. Didn't even know I was being recorded. Emily had propped up my phone while I wrestled with the thing, my wild gray hair doing its usual Einstein impression. "Thirty years in the military," I growled at the jar, "and you think you can outlast me? I've eaten things that would make a garbage disposal nervous."]
결국 그 병이 이겼다. 고무 그립을 써야 했다.
[The jar won. I had to use the rubber grip thing.]
24시간이 지나고 에밀리가 전화해서 내가 바이럴이 됐다고 소리를 질렀다. 난 내가 코로나에 걸린 줄 알았다.
[Twenty-four hours later, Emily called, screaming something about me going viral. I thought I'd caught COVID.]
"아니야, 할아버지! 트렌딩이에요! 조회수가 50만이나 돼요!"
["No, Grandpa! You're trending! Half a million views!"]
알고 보니 사람들은 이 늙은이가 절인 오이와 싸워서 지는 걸 완전 재밌어했다. 댓글엔 "이분 꼭 지켜드려야 해" 랑 "할아버지 에너지 뿜뿜" 같은 말들이 가득했다. 도대체 그게 무슨 뜻인지 알 수가 있나.
[Turns out, people found it hilarious—this angry old coot losing a battle with preserved cucumbers. The comments were full of things like "protect him at all costs" and "grandfather energy intensifies." What in the sam hill does that even mean?]
정신을 차려보니 에밀리는 날 "리액션 비디오"라는 걸 찍게 만들었다. 내가 백플립하는 사람들을 보고 (멍청이들), 요즘 은어를 이해하려 하고 ("노캡"이 거짓말 안 한다는 뜻이라고? "솔직히"라고 하면 될 걸), 에너지 드링크를 리뷰하는 ("배터리를 설탕물에 녹인 맛이군") 영상들이었다.
[Before I knew it, Emily had me doing what she called "reaction videos." Me watching people doing backflips (idiots), trying to understand modern slang ("no cap" means they're not lying? What happened to just saying "honestly"?), and reviewing energy drinks ("Tastes like someone melted a battery in sugar water").]
내 가장 인기 있는 영상? 이 어린 녀석들한테 병원식 모서리로 침대를 제대로 정리하는 법을 가르쳐주는 거였다. "동전을 던졌을 때 튀어 오를 정도가 돼야 해. 그래도 아직 부족해!" 내가 카메라를 향해 고함을 쳤다. "그리고 네 목숨이 걸린 것처럼 그 모서리를 단단히 접어. 언젠가는 진짜 그럴 수도 있으니까!"
[My most popular video? Me teaching these young punks how to properly make a bed with hospital corners. "If you can bounce a quarter off it, it's still not tight enough," I barked at the camera. "And tuck in those corners like your life depends on it, because one day, it might!"]
댓글들이 미쳤다:
[The comments were wild:]
"화가 난 게 아니라 우리 침대 정리 실력이 실망스러우신 거야 😭"
["He's not mad, he's just disappointed in our bed-making skills 😭"]
"2025년에 우리에게 필요했던 에너지다"
["This is the energy we needed in 2025"]
"POV: 너의 할아버지가 몰래 주인공이었음"
["POV: Your grandpa is secretly the main character"]
에밀리가 POV가 무슨 뜻인지 설명하려고 했는데, 난 내 뇌가 귀에서 새어나오기 전에 그만하라고 했다.
[Emily tried explaining what POV means, but I told her to stop before my brain started leaking out my ears.]
지난주엔 마트에서 어떤 애가 내 사인을 해달라고 했다. 난 그 애한테 침대를 제대로 정리하는 걸 보여주면 영수증에 사인해주겠다고 했다. 불쌍한 녀석, 마치 내가 다빈치 코드를 해독하라고 한 것처럼 보였다.
[Last week, some kid at the grocery store asked for my autograph. I told him I'd sign his receipt if he showed me he could make his bed properly. Poor kid looked like I'd asked him to decode the Da Vinci Code.]
이제 에밀리는 "수익 창출"이니 "브랜드 딜"이니 하는 얘기를 하고 있다. 어떤 매트리스 회사가 자기네 제품을 홍보해달라고 한다는군. 나한테 말이다! 평생 반은 돌덩이 위에서 자면서 그걸 호화로운 숙소라고 불렀던 바로 그 사람한테.
[Now Emily's talking about "monetization" and "brand deals." Apparently, some mattress company wants me to promote their products. Me! The same guy who spent half his career sleeping on rocks and calling it luxury accommodation.]
진짜 웃긴 건? 내 옛 부대에서 이 소식을 들었다는 거다. 존슨 상사한테 문자가 왔다: "상관님, 죄송하지만, 이제 틱톡 스타가 되셨다고요? 세상이 정말 미쳐가나 봅니다."
[The real kicker? My old unit caught wind of it. Got a text from Johnson, my former sergeant major: "Sir, with all due respect, you're a TikTok star now? The world really has gone to hell."]
난 에밀리가 가르쳐준 그 바보같은 춤을 추는 영상을 보내줬다, 그저 그를 고통스럽게 하려고.
[I sent back a video of me doing that stupid dance Emily taught me, just to watch him suffer.]
아마도 이 "시대에 맞춰가는" 것도 그렇게 나쁘진 않은 것 같다. 하지만 누군가 날 한 번만 더 "베스티"라고 부르면, 인터넷을 통째로 지워버릴 거다. 젠장맞을 인터넷 전체를. 방법은 찾아내겠지.
[Maybe this "getting with the times" thing isn't so bad after all. Though if one more person calls me "bestie," I'm deleting the internet. The whole damn thing. I'm sure I can figure out how.]
적어도 그 피클 병은 이제 유명해졌다. 아직도 안 열린 채��� 내 선반에 트로피처럼 놓여있다. 어떤 싸움은 품위 있게 지는 거고, 어떤 싸움은 콘텐츠로 만드는 거다. 에밀리 말로는 그렇다나. 난 그냥 복수라고 부르지만.
[At least the pickle jar is now famous. It sits on my shelf like a trophy, still unopened. Some battles you lose with dignity, and some you turn into content. That's what Emily calls it anyway. I just call it revenge.]
요즘 애들이 뭔가를 알고 있는 것 같다, 비록 침대는 제대로 정리할 줄 모르지만. 하지만 에밀리한텐 내가 이런 말 했다고 하지 마라. 내 명성을 지켜야 하니까.
[The kids these days might be onto something, even if they can't make their beds worth a damn. But don't tell Emily I said that. I've got a reputation to maintain.]
이제 실례하지만, 난 "POV: 군대 할아버지가 너의 게이밍 셋업을 평가한다"라는 걸 찍어야 한다고 한다. 그게 뭔진 모르겠지만. 이 녀석들 케이블 정리가 제대로 안 돼있으면 혼쭐을 내줄 거다.
[Now, if you'll excuse me, apparently I need to film something called a "POV: Military grandpa rates your gaming setup." Whatever that means. These kids better have their cables properly managed, or they're in for an earful.]
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koreannook · 7 months ago
2024년 8월 11일
안녕하세요 여러분!
As promise, second part is here!
Telephone numbers (05860791834)
Metro/Bus lines (Line 8 / Bus 576)
Height/Weight (150cm and 50kg)
Years (2024, 2000, etc)
Minutes and seconds (45min and 20 seconds)
Prices (5,000 wons)
Directions (Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney)
Let’s take ( 05860791834 ) as our example.
You have to say number by number: 0-5-8-6-0-7-9-1-8-3-4
공(0) / 오(5) / 팔(8) / 육(6) / 공(0) / 칠(7) / 구(9) / 일(1) / 팔(8) / 삼(3) / 사(4)
For zero, you can say both (영/공)
Line 8 / Bus 576 = 팔번 / 오백칠십육번
We will use “번” to say “line”.
150cm and 50kg = 백오십센치 / 오십킬로
We use: 센치 for height and 킬로 for weight.
To say year we will use 년, for example:
Year 2022 = 이천이십이 년
For minutes, we will use 분 and for seconds we will use 초. For example:
45 minutes / 30 seconds = 사십오 분 // 삼십 초
30€ (euros) = 삼십 유로
4,000 ₩ (wons) = 사촌 원
56$ (dollars) = 오십육 달러
It’s the same as before, if you live in house number 40, you will say “사십”.
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a-pop-of-korean · 8 months ago
Hi ! Do you have any korean youtubers to recommend ?
P.s I mean youtubers that speak korean in their videos.
Regardless thanks for answering!
Hi! Thanks for your patience. I don't watch a ton of Korean YouTubers, but I do know a few! I like watching makeup YouTubers like ANDA and Hyojin Cho because their tutorials involve a lot of talking and their videos have subtitles. Makeup tutorials are especially helpful in my opinion because you can see what they are explaining; you can match their words to their actions even if you're not sure what those words mean.
I also occasionally watch some Korean ASMR because I think they can be good sources of natural spoken Korean, although I know not everyone enjoys ASMR lol. I like Judy ASMR and Latte ASMR, but just type in "Korean ASMR" and you'll get a ton more.
I don't super watch many Korean YouTubers that have multiple people in them (so that you can hear actual conversation), but there are some channels that I know of, like kizzle and Hi-teenager (although Hi-teenager's videos are kind of uncomfortable to watch--take one look at their thumbnails and you'll understand lmao).
If you're a K-pop stan, a lot of bands put out vlogs and variety shows. I sometimes watch EN O'CLOCK by Enhypen, which is nice for hearing natural conversation.
Those are some options I've got! Feel free to leave a comment with any other YouTubers out there :) Thanks for the question! 화이팅!
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ddaome-kr · 6 months ago
Korean Vocab _ Body Parts 신체 부위
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머리: head 얼굴: face 눈: eyes 눈썹: eyebrows 코: nose 입: mouth 귀: ears 목: neck 어깨: shoulders 팔: arms 손: hands 손가락: finger 가슴: chest/breast 배: stomach/abdomen 허리: waist 등: back 다리: legs 무릎: knee 종아리: calves 발목: ankle 발: foot 발가락: toes
🤸‍♀️As always, here's a link to our instagram post!
*icon credits: Icon made by freepik from www.flaticon.com
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yuyamuya · 8 months ago
Korean Emotions (part 1)
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가뜬하다 (adj.) : refreshed; light-hearted 몸이나 마음이 가볍고 상쾌하다. Body or mind being light and refreshed. 예.) 가:너 오늘 기분이 굉장히 좋아 보인다? 나:과제를 다 끝냈더니 마음이 가뜬한 게 날아갈 것 같아.
가련하다 (adj.) : pitiful; poor; pathetic 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하다. Sadly sick or troubled. 예.) 직장에서 해고를 당하고 집에서 놀고 있는 형이 매우 가련하다.
가소롭다 (adj.) : ridiculous; absurd 비웃고 무시할 만하다. Deserving to be belittled and ignored. 예.) 형은 내 말을 형편없��� 가소롭다는 듯이 들은 척도 안 했다.
가엾다 (adj.) : feeling pity 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하고 딱하다. Feeling heartfelt pity or sympathy for someone. 예.) 나는 자식들을 먹여 살리느라 평생을 고생하신 어머니가 가엾게 느껴졌다.
가증스럽다 (adj.) : despicable; detestable 다른 사람의 말이나 행동이 화가 날 정도로 몹시 밉다. Behavior or a remark being mean or hypocritical enough to upset others. 예.) 승규는 남들 앞에서만 착한 척하는 지수의 행동이 가증스러웠다.
가책 (n.) : admonishment; rebuke 자기나 남의 잘못을 꾸짖음. The act of scolding oneself or others for doing something wrong. 예.) 나는 친구를 속이고 한동안 심한 죄책감과 가책에 시달렸다.
갈등하다 (v.) : be ambivalent 마음속에서 어떻게 할지 결정을 못 한 채 괴로워하다. To experience agony and inner struggle over what to decide. 예.) 나는 시험 준비를 할까 좋아하는 드라마를 볼까 한참을 갈등했다.
감개 (n.) : deep emotion 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 솟아오르는 감동이나 느낌. One's state of feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 작가는 몇 년 동안 고생하면서 쓴 소설이 출판된 것을 보고 깊은 감개에 젖었다.
감개무량하다 (adj.) : touched deeply; emotional 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 느끼는 감동이 매우 크다. Feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 상을 받은 여배우는 감개무량한 표정으로 소감을 이야기했다.
감격하다 (v.) : be touched 마음에 깊이 느끼어 매우 감동하다. To be deeply moved and touched by someone or something. 예.) 대회에서 일 등을 한 선수는 감격한 표정으로 소감을 말하였다.
감동하다 (v.) : be moved; be touched 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직이다. To be touched by something very deeply. 예.) 나는 어려운 환경에서도 꿈을 잃지 않고 살아가는 청년의 이야기를 듣고 무척 감동했다.
감명 (n.) : impression 잊을 수 없는 큰 감동을 느낌. 또는 그런 감동. A state of being deeply touched, or such a feeling. 예.) 지수는 가족의 사랑을 그린 영화를 보고 감명을 받아 눈물을 흘렸다.
감미롭다 (adj.) : mellow; sweet 달콤한 느낌이 있다. A story, voice, song, etc., sounding sweet. 예.) 김 감독은 사랑에 빠진 남녀의 행복하고 감미로운 사랑 이야기를 영화로 만들었다.
감복하다 (v.) : be impressed; be moved 진심으로 크게 감동하다. To be impressed deeply and sincerely. 예.) 공연이 끝난 후 관객들은 배우들의 훌륭한 연기에 감복해 박수를 쳤다.
감탄하다 (v.) : admire; wonder 마음속 깊이 크게 느끼다. To feel strongly and deeply about something. 예.) 관객들은 서커스 단원의 공중 묘기에 감탄하여 박수를 쳤다.
감회 (n.) : reminiscence 마음속에 일어나는 지난 일에 대한 생각이나 느낌. Thoughts or feelings on the past. 예.) 아버지는 돌아가신 할머니의 사진을 보며 감회에 젖으셨다.
개탄하다 (v.) : deplore; lament 분하거나 안타깝게 여겨 탄식하다. To sigh at something out of anger or regret. 예.) 나는 경솔한 말 한마디로 사랑하는 여자를 떠나보낸 뒤 자신이 어리석었다고 개탄했다.
거부감 (n.) : sense of refusal 어떤 것을 받아들이고 싶지 않은 느낌. The feeling of not wanting to accept something. 예.) 이 책은 고전을 청소년들의 눈높이에 알맞게 개작하여 그들이 거부감을 갖지 않고 쉽게 읽을 수 있다.
걱정하다 (v.) : worry; be worried; be concerned 좋지 않은 일이 있을까 봐 두려워하고 불안해하다. To feel fearful and anxious that something bad might happen. 예.) 그는 다가올 시험에 대해 항상 걱정했다.
겁나다 (v.) : be afraid; be scared 무서워하거나 두려워하는 마음이 들다. To feel afraid or scared of something. 예.) 나는 교통사고를 당한 이후 차 타는 것이 겁난다.
격노하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 강제로 해고된 직원들이 회사에 격노하여 복직을 요구하는 시위를 벌였다.
격분하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 사기 피해자들이 격분하여 사기꾼의 멱살을 잡고 분통을 터뜨렸다.
격정 (n.) : passion 강렬하고 갑자기 생기는 참기 어려운 감정. A powerful, sudden burst of uncontrollable emotion. 예.) 나는 알 수 없는 격정으로 가슴이 꽉 막히는 것 같았다.
겸연쩍다 (adj.) : embarrassed; abashed; sheepish; awkward 쑥스럽거나 미안하여 어색하다. Awkward due to being shy or sorry. 예.) 나는 짝사랑했던 그를 마주 대하기가 겸연쩍어 자리를 옮겼다.
KOR-EN Basic Korean Dictionary through Naver Dictionary. National Institute of Korean Language. Accessed 14 July 2024. <https://en.dict.naver.com/#/main>.
Park, In-Jo., & Min, Kyung-Hwan (2005). Making a List of Korean Emotion Terms and Exploring Dimensions Underlying Them. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 19(1), 109-129.
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jimpagne · 7 months ago
Bite-sized Korean with 이게 맞아?!
*disclaimer: I am not Korean, I am not fluent in Korean, but I have taken formal classes, so this is to the best of my knowledge. If anything is amiss, please let me know either privately or in the comments of this post.
I'm going to discuss what Jimin says in the first three seconds of the trailer!
지민: 오늘 정국이 잘 때 안 춥게 형이 옆에서 꼭 안아줄게 I'll give you a cuddle tonight so that you don't feel cold.
Let's dive into the 단어!
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오늘 - Today (but in this context, it's translated as tonight bc it's encapsulating the notion of it being *later* in the same day)
정국 - Jungkook
자다 to sleep
자다 in this case is conjugated to 잘 때 when added to the ~을/ㄹ 때 form, which indicates when a verb occurs/is performed. so it's like, when you sleep.
안 - Not
춥다 Cold
춥다 is added onto the grammatical form of ~게 and becomes 춥게, which functions like "so that" or "to allow for" in English. This is used to explain what influences the speaker to perform a certain action. Usually forms like this might appear awkward to the average English speaker because the form is usually structured backwards from what we're used to.
형 - Hyung
옆 Next to (paired with a ~에서, a dynamic location particle)
꼭 - Tightly, firmly (in this particular context)
안다 to embrace, to hug, to hold within one's arms
안다 is combined with the ~아/어주다 form, which indicates that the speaker wants the listener to do something for them. I'd say this form mostly closely equates to asking for a favor from someone. Since 안다 is a verb that is commonly paired with 주다 (to give), this form can also demonstrate that you are also doing something on behalf of the listener. In more polite forms, you'd use the verb 드리다 (for humility), but Jimin is older (and close) with Jungkook, so he uses comfortable language and sticks to 주다. 안아주 is then added to ~ㄹ/을게(요) form and becomes 안아줄게, which is when the speaker states their intention to do something unless the listener refutes them.
So ig you can see this sentence like: When you sleep tonight, so that you don't get cold, hyung will be next to you and will hold you tight.
That's a little too wordy, however.
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Other Notes | 때 usage
There's also a form of 때 that can be paired with nouns. ~을/ㄹ 때 is used exclusively with verb forms, but you can use 때 by itself next to nouns. ex: 방학 때 - during (school) vacation
중학교 때 제가 좋아하는 과목은 수학이었어요. When I was in/During middle school my favorite subject was math. 중학교 middle school, 제 my, 좋아하다 to like, 과목 subject, 수학 math, 이다 to be
Also another form of 때 is ~을/ㄹ 때까지, which is like, until (verb) occurs. In this case, 때 is added to ~까지, which means until/up to. In the song Spring Day (봄날), at the end they sing:
다시 봄날이 올 때까지 Until that spring day comes again 다시 again, 봄날 spring day, 오다 to come
꽃 피울 때까지 Until the flowers bloom 꽃 flower(s), 피우다 to bloom
Other notes | ~ㄹ/을까(요), ~ㄹ/을게(요), ~ㄹ/을래(요) verb attachments
~ㄹ/을게(요) is like, I'm going to do this (if that's alright) or I'm planning on doing this (if you're fine with it). It's more of a statement rather than a question/suggestion, but it carries a kind of nuance that can fish for the consent/permission of the listener.
불을 켜드릴게요. I'm going to turn on the light (for you). 불 light, 켜다 to light, ignite
~ㄹ/을래(요) is an invitational form that usually expresses the desire or want to do something. It's like forming proposals like, "will you do… (together)", "let's...", "would you like to...", or "do you want to...". It's a form that pays more attention to what the listener wants to do.
같이 밥 먹을래요? Let's eat together/Shall we eat together? 같이 together, 밥 rice/meal, 먹다 to eat
~ㄹ/을까(요) is also an invitational form, asking "should I..?", "I'm thinking of...(but give me your thoughts)", "should we…?". Honestly, when I first encountered this form, I wondered what made it different from 을/ㄹ래(요), but from my understanding this form values the opinion of the other person (about information they may not know) and also asks for an opinion or permission about things that have yet to occur. So this form can almost be used like the English statement of: "What do you think? Should we...?"
불을 꺼줄까요? Do you want me to turn off the light? 불 light, 끄다 to put out, to extinguish
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That's all! Until next time ;p
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hangukkie · 2 years ago
한국 전래동화에 나오는 어회와 문법 ! - Vocabulary and grammar in traditional Korean fairytales !
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English Translation:
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옛날 - Olden days
옛날에 - Once upon a time
어머니/엄마 - Mum
그녀 - She/Her
돈 - Money
아들 - Son
딸 - Daughter
함께 - Together
숲 - Forest
어느 - Which
날 - Day
호랑이 - Tiger
떡 - Rice cake
더욱 더 - More and more
많���/많은 - Many/A lot
그 - He/Him
아이 - Kid/Child
아이들 - Kids/Children
옷 - Clothes
집 - House
꼬리 - Tail
밖 - Outside
나무 - Tree
꼭대기 - The top
하늘 - Sky
줄 - Rope
바닥 - Floor
오늘 - Today
해 - Sun
달 - Moon
Grammar - Verbs:
있다 - To exist
없다 - To not exist
살다 - To live
나타나다 - To appear
달다 - To ask/To request (In this context)
주다 - To give
원하다 - To want/To wish/To desire
먹다 - To eat
가다 - To go
가리다 - To cover
보다 - To see
도망가다 - To run away
올라가다 - To go up
자르다 - To cut
기도를 하다 - To pray
내리다 - To get off
떨어지다 - To fall
된다 - To become
Grammar - Sentence Forms:
라고 하다 - For indirect quotations
지다 - To become
도 - Too/Also/As well as
고 싶다 - To want
지 않다 - Is not
려고 - To intend to
시도하다 - To attempt to
Grammar - Connectives:
과 - And/With (With 받침)
하지만 - But
그래서 - So
그러나 - But/However
하고 (고) - And/With
Grammar - Markers/Particles:
에 - To/At (Location and time marker)
가 - Subject particle
는 - Topic particle
이 - Subject particle (With 받침)
에서 - At/In/On/From (Location marker)
에게 - To/For
을 - Object particle (With 받침)
를 - Object particle
들 - Plural marker
의 - Possessive marker
으로 - By/As/For/To/Towards/With (Directional marker)
로 - By/As/For/To/With (Directional marker - with 받침)
부터 - From/Since (Location and time marker)
은 - Topic particle (With 받침)
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kippeo · 10 months ago
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Cute bunny loaf notebook available on Amazon
࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
오늘의 어훠 (Words for today):
토끼 - a rabbit
장미 - rose
빵 - bread
꽃 - a flower
잎 - a leaf
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saranghandagom · 4 months ago
은어: 월루
(은어 - slang word)
월루 (월급 루팡) is a slang word made up of the words "월급" (salary) and "루팡" (Lupin, used in this context to refer to stealing based on the famous French novels). It literally means "salary stealing", and is used to refer to slacking off at work.
월루하는 중 - I'm slacking at work
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ts-the-blacksmith · 8 months ago
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LEGO moc “Korean Tea House ‘Seon-bi Won’”
IDEAS submitted for real product.
If it took 10,000 supports, LEGO would review it for a real product.
7,000ish supports to go for 10k as of July 12, 2024.
You wanna make this a real set, please support it through the link below
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asyastudieskorean · 3 months ago
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11.29.2024 — 해피 금요일 여러분! Discussion is done, now ten pages of textbook 숙제, then a listening quiz. Let’s get to it! 화이팅~!
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koreannook · 7 months ago
2024년 8월 5일
안녕하세요 여러분!
Today we are going to learn personal pronouns, as well as when to use some suffixes to add to the name of the person we are going to talk to.
The blue ones are in the informal form and the purple ones are in the formal form. Always try to use the formal form when you start speaking and/or writing. If there is an X, that means there is no word to say that.
I = 나 / 저
You = 너 / X
He/She = 그 (he) or 그녀 (she) / 그분 (both)
We = 우리 / 저희
You = 너희 / X
They = 그들 (group of boys) or 그녀들 (group of girls) / 그분들 (all)
We only used 그분 or 그분들 when that person is not with us in the moment we talk about them.
How we can address someone who is our boss or someone who has a more power than us? There are words for this one, so we won't use any of the pronouns learnt today. For example: Boss (상사님), Teacher (선생님). That 님 means kind of "sir".
If we don't know the person, we add -씨 at the end of their name: 송 민기씨.
If the person is our friend, we add -�� at the end of their name ONLY if ends with a consonant: 김강민이. This only works with korean names, don't do this with foreigner names.
If you want to call someone (a friend) who is a little far away from you, we will use -아 at the end of their name if ends with a consonant or -야 if ends with vowels: 신정근아 or 김준호야.
And that's all for today!
If you have any question, please, feel free to ask me !
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a-pop-of-korean · 2 years ago
Semester in SK: Korean Curse Words
안녕하세요 여러분! I’m sharing yet another Instagram post with you all--this one is about a bunch of Korean curse words! Very silly, I know, but curse words are a big part of any language and can be fun to learn about! Of course, be careful when using these and please do not use them often--I’m just sharing them for fun and so you can recognize them if you hear them :) I hope you enjoy! 화이팅!
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ddaome-kr · 6 months ago
쫓다 vs 좇다-
Sometimes even Koreans make mistakes of using 쫓다 in places of 좇다, but there are differences! Read more to find out the difference between these two similar words :)
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🔸️쫓다 - To rush after something in order to catch or meet an object - 쫓다 is chasing something physical - Used with words like 술래(tagger), 추격전(chase), 사냥꾼(hunter)
🔸️좇다 - To pursue goals, ideals, happiness, etc. - 좇다 is chasing something abstract - Used with words like 목표(goal), 이상(ideal), 명예(honor), 행복(happiness)
Try out the quiz! click the read more to see the answers to the quiz :) As always, here's a link to our instagram post. We upload first on instagram, so if you want the latest posts from us, consider following us on instagram as well :)
축구 선수가 축구공을 쫓는다. (The soccer player chases after the soccer ball.) 그는 꿈을 좇아 열심히 연습하는 배우이다. (He is an actor who practices hard chasing his dream.)
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