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liaz525645omsk · 3 months ago
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Скриншоты эфиров РЕН-ТВ Омск/Россия-1(2013-2014)
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fishglides · 1 year ago
А мы в дневное время по центральному телевидению в России будем использовать "такие слова" 😁
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schizofr · 1 month ago
Прямой эфир
19 декабря 2024 года 13:45 по мск.
Смотрим прямой эфир с Президентом России Владимиром Путиным - прямо сейчас.
Всё имеет значение. Любой вопрос Президенту имеет значение.
Вопрос задаёт англоговорящий иностранец. Вокруг него поднимают и справа, и слева иные журналисты свои баннеры.
Вокруг англоязычного гражданина два баннера в прямом эфире возникает: КАЛУГА и 360.
Тут же набираем в Яндекс поиске "Калуга" и "360" и получаем ответ на вопрос Президенту, о котором сам Президент России не знает, а знает серый массивный генерал под арбатской скважиной у Крем��я.
Ответ на скриншоте.
Думаем, что происходит, смотрим дальше прямой эфир с Президентом России, пользуемся Яндекс строкой для поиска, а так же не забываем и про Прямой эфир Малахова на Канале Россия1.
"Когда будете брать плату за дождь, и за снег, и за ветер?" Это вопрос, заданный Серому генералу.
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sovetru · 6 months ago
#shorts #sovetru Мошенники воруют у россиян всё больше... Это миллиарды! Как? В ход идут все современные технологии, включая искусственный интеллект (ИИ), приложения и запретные программы.😮🤔 Как бороться: бдительность! Перепроверка полученной информации, если не ленивый и самозаботлевый! А решение - только в самом конце #shortsvideo #мошенники #деньги #воровство #безопасность #деньги #банк #лизинг #credit #афера #россияне #россия #😮 #смотрим #россия1
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julie-litovchenko · 9 months ago
Другая я
О VIII женском бизнес-антифоруме, организованном Женским комитетом ОПОРА России.
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Спасибо, Галина Гарамова, за приглашение, я в восторге! Хоть и побыла всего с 13:00 до 15:00;) Успела за это время..
поснимать всё вокруг, на входе в выставочный зал Алмаз-Антей невольно открылся рот, как всё круто (и оформление, и количество волонтёров, и телевидение, вкл. федеральное Россия1, и партнёры, среди которых МойБизнес и даже Сбербанк));
попробовать алтайский букет, ребята открыли горную аптеку в с. Орлином (ул.Тюкова, 61в), купила разных видов и хочу бады попробовать, делюсь контактами +7 978 608-15-78;
увидеть на торжественной части знакомые лица (восхитил состав команды, работающий над форумом),
познакомиться с Маргаритой, которая на нейротренингах в игре помогает улучшить работу мозга (надо сходить, интересно же +7 978 744-39-04, ул Кулакова, 57, офис 304, вк группа);
и на мастер-классах: порисовала вином веточку сакуры (с Еленой Москвичевой), делала под чутким руководством ароматерапевта Алины Клевцовой самомассаж рук с маслом мяты, пробовала водичку с маслом апельсина и, нелишний раз, психолог Лариса Карапетян напомнила — как важно соблюдать личные границы..
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Чудесный был денёк: утром я впервые попробовала йогу в гамаках в студии аэрофитнеса Fly, сделала три массажа в спа 5MIROV и попала на мероприятие для женщин предпринимателей. Благодарю всех, с кем встретилась.
Как после этого не стать другой(?;)
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chaykamoscow · 1 year ago
Жаркие летние дни в бассейне под открытым небом «Чайка» - репортаж ТК «Россия 1»
Где провести жаркие летние дни, не выезжая за город? В бассейне под открытым небом «Чайка», в самом центре Москвы. Корреспонденты ТК «Россия 1» побывали в спортивно-оздоровительном комплексе, подходящем для идеального отдыха, подробнее смотрите в репортаже.
#чайкамосква #бассейнподоткрытымнебоммосква #бассейнвмоскве #кудасходитьвмоскве #россия1
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our-piet · 1 year ago
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marinsgroup · 2 years ago
День Победы отметили в Нижнем Новгороде - репортаж ТК «Россия1»
Ежегодно в преддверии Дня Великой Победы сотрудники «Союза Маринс Групп» в Москве, Нижнем Новгороде, Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Ялте, Челябинске, Ростове-на-Дону организуют памятные митинги и возлагают цветы к Вечному Огню. Официальное областное мероприятие, посвященное 78-й годовщине со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, прошло при участии руководителей и ветеранов Нижегородской областной общественной организации ветеранов морской пехоты «Варяг», ветеранов Военно-морского флота, курсантов военно-спортивного клуба «Пантера» и Нижегородского речного училища имени И.П. Кулибина.
#маринсгрупп #союзмаринсгрупп #деньпобеды2023 #ветеранывеликойотечественной #возложениецветов #садпамяти
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josephloegering · 3 years ago
Not just the medications, poison and reduce the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Not just the medications, poison and reduce the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Not just the medications, but the FDA approved Toxic Poison Drug and Vaccine Additives, and Food and Drink Additives, destroy the Immune System and that reduces the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Israeli study uncovers where COVID-19 variants come from By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH - Tuesday
Like the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in the Pagans' Yeasts, that causes many of us adverse reactions, just like the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria, and other Beta-Glucan Containing Fungi, the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in "microcrystalline cellulose" after ingested, penetrating the Mucosa in gut linings, and causing Immune System responses, that just like when getting a Beta-Glucan Cellulose Wood Sliver, causing the Immune System responses to the Beta-Glucans, that cause the swelling in the invaded Body member, and at first does not show up on Blood and Urine Tests, till the Cellulose causes the Immune System to damage Body Organs, that Toxic Poison "microcrystalline cellulose" that is on my Allergy list, in all the Medications that caused Lupus like Rashes, and raised my Antinuclear Antibody Levels, and threw all my Blood and Urine Levels off like an Allergy, destroying my Immune System, and causing divers secondary Infections, and relapses in the Primary Infections, is also in the Toxic Poison failing COVD-19 Paxlovid, that is also causing Dr Fauci's Breakthrough COVID-19 infection to rebound, and will cause him secondary Infections, because the FDA approved Toxic Poison "microcrystalline cellulose" destroys the Human Immune System, so none of their Drugs and Vaccines are Safe and Effective, like they repeatedly lied, politically motivated deliberately falsely calling their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison COVD-19 Vaccines, and their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison COVD-19 Paxlovid, safe and effective, and poisoned themselves, trying to poison us with them known FDA approved Toxic Poisons on our Allergy Lists, as Dr Fauci's damaged immune system, is causing his breakthrough COVID-19 Virus Strain to mutate to variant COVID-19 Virus Strains, to infect him, like all the accurate scientific Tests, show that when the immune systems are damaged by medications, and or damaged by them known FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, the infected develop COVID-19 variants, that some are less infectious, and other variants are more infectious, infecting others with their known Lethal COVID-19 Infections, because the fools tried to make Vaccines, to keep the economy open, instead of making the local uninfected Communities, able to be isolated from the Infected, with scientifically proven US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and scientifically proven Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Warfare PPE, making them able to keep their economies functioning, while isolated from the dying infected Communities, so the infected dying opposing politically motivated Vaccinators, have no one to blame but themselves, and their own opposing politically motivated flawed and false Sciences.
Paxlovid: Each tablet contains 150 mg of nirmatrelvir with the following inactive ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, and sodium stearyl fumarate.
Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced a rebound in Covid symptoms after Paxlovid course https://tinyurl.com/4kfjd5wy
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The crumbling failing Wind Turbines and Solar Panels, were a Warming that the Politicians and Medias are suffering from a deadly dangerous Psychosis, but the Gas, and Gasoline, and Diesel, and Oil Shortage, because of their ongoing Pagan Wars, are not the straw that broke the back of the overburdened crumbling failing Nuclear Power Plants, the straw that broke the Camel's back, comes from the Billionaires and Millionaires, and their Paid off Politicians, and the Medias, and their Military Complexes, they cannot get it into their heads, that they need to mass produce Wooden Flywheel DC Power Generators, that run on no Fuels, or Batteries, and DC Machinery, and Tools, and Mobil Dwellings, and Geiger Counters, and scientifically tested US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and stop following either side of the opposing deadly dangerous Psychotic Politicians', and Medias', and Doctors', and Military Complexes', following the opposing Dr Fauci's flawed and false Vaccine and Mask Sciences, that because of their ongoing Pagan Wars, is still spreading their breakthrough Virus, and spreading multitudes of other diseases, or they are going to go down in crumbling failing Radioactive Pagan Nations, because of their deadly dangerous Psychosis, overburdening crumbling failing Nuclear Power Plants
The Antisemitic Communist run CNN and their Communist Dr Leana Wen, lying to the Public about the Ingredients of their Toxic Poison failing fraud Pfizer Vaccine, saying it has only one Ingredient, polyethylene glycol, which is not found in Eggs, and saying the truth that it does not affect People that had adverse Reactions to Eggs, and hiding the Truth that their Toxic Poison failing fraud Pfizer Vaccine, has the same Toxic Phosphates that are in Yeasts, and Maize Corn, and Eggs, and Shell Foods and Cellulose, that People have Adverse Reactions to, which is what CNN and their Communist Doctors did to me repeatedly, saying, "Oh, we found some of those Metals that you were taking about, in the Additives, that put you in ER again, so we are getting you one that don't have those Metals in it, " only to put me in the ERs again, and again, with the same Type Phosphates and Sodium Compounds that are in Yeasts, and Maize Corn, and Eggs, and Shell Foods, and Cellulose, that People have Adverse Reactions to, so that all that are disabled and die from the Vaccines, they are guilty of the Assaults and Murders, for saying that polyethylene glycol is the only Additive in their Pfizer fraud COVID Vaccines, when there are Millions of People that have both Allergies and Metabolic Reactions to all the Phosphates in their Toxic Poison Pfizer fraud COVID Vaccines, so that Pfizer says, "If you have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or an immediate allergic reaction, even if it was not severe, to any ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (such as polyethylene glycol), you should not get this vaccine."
The two forms of Benadryl both contain FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, that are in all the Medications on my Allergy lists, and they caused me more sever Rashes and Seizures, by giving Benadryl to me, for the Rashes and Seizures, that they caused violating US Court and Doctors Orders, with their forced Drugs and Vaccines that they lied saying were Safe and Effective, and said could not cause those things, and said if they caused things like that, they said that they had medications for the side effects like that, and put me in the ER with the Benadryl for the side effects, that the US Court and Doctors used and Ordered, ordering all their falsely so called Safe and Effective Medications, not to be given to me, saying it must be some kind of allergy. But the Allergists say that though it throws all my blood and urine levels off like an allergy, and causes what they called Lupus like Rashes, and Seizures, just like all their Anti-Seizure falsely so called Medications cause, because they all have the same FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, that raises my Antinuclear Antibody levels, meaning the Adverse Reactions are destroying Vital Body Organs, and causing diverse Polyps, Cysts, and Cancers, but the Allergists say it is not an Allergy, because I produce no IgE Antibodies, and the Orthopedics Doctors say it is not Lupus, because I produce no Smith Antibodies, and they all say it is an Overactive Immune System, and the Doctors that caused the diverse Polyps, Cysts, and Cancers, just keep causing the same Adverse Reactions, saying that their Safe and Effective Medications and Vaccines, cannot cause that, forcing upon me the FDA approved Toxic Poisons that the other Doctors, say that I cannot Metabolize, so I wrote the past five US Precedents, demanding that they fixed their Busted Medical System, and get our Medical Records and Treatments, out of the hands of politically motivated Antisemitic enemies like them running Facebook and Google and their fake Jew US Antisemitic Democratic Zionist Doctors, and their US Antisemitic Democratic Atheist Asian Communist Doctors
Benadryl Each 5 mL contains 12.5 mg of Diphenhydramine hydrochloride and alcohol 14% for oral administration. Inactive Ingredients: Citric acid, D&C Red No. 33, FD&C Red No. 40, flavoring, purified water, sodium citrate, and sucrose.
Benadryl Tablet form Inactive Ingredients: carnauba wax, croscarmellose sodium, D&C red no. 27 aluminum lake, dibasic calcium phosphate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80 …
You will find polyethylene glycol and many of the FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives in their failing COVID Vaccines, in the things on my allergy list, as far back as 1984, and what they do to me, they say, "Oh, those are old drugs, and old vaccines, our new ones are made better than then, the FDA approved them as Safe and Effective, so they don't cause them adverse reactions, and we are not under that US Michigan Court's Jurisdiction, so we don't have to follow those Court and Doctor Orders," and they use that legalist Political maneuver, to cause me harm, repeatedly trying to force upon me their Antisemitic Democracy that I voted not for, and their Antisemitic Marriage Laws and Policies, saying that we cannot live by moldy old Scriptures, and must be force drugged to assimilate us, into their modern Society, run by Medias and Social Groups, having them force them toxic poisons upon me, and put me in the ERs every time, and like they do to many others, because they are the same FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives as in the 1980s, that I and many others just cannot metabolize, and they nearly kill me and many others every time, and kill many, with the severe Adverse Reactions that a US Court and Doctors, had to order them to stop causing me, all the way back in the 1980s, and because of their opposing politicized flawed and false Sciences, and opposing Political Activists, that just say that they are Professionals, that we must obey, though we voted not for them, as they just keep using their opposing politicized flawed and false Sciences, and opposing Political Agendas, and keep destroying Life, Liberty ad Pursuit of Happiness, doing it, again and again, till they kill us with their politically motivated Medical Maltreatment, and Medical Neglect
Most People that get high Antinuclear Antibody levels, from Adverse Reactions to what they ingest, meaning the Adverse Reactions are destroying Vital Body Organs, they will not know that their Antinuclear Antibody levels are high, till after it starts causing Rashes, and or Lupus like Rashes, because the Doctors don't run the Tests till after you get the Rashes. But by then, your immune system has been destroyed by their FDA approved Toxic Poison Drug and Vaccine Additives, and by their FDA approved Toxic Poison Food and Drink Additives, and your altered Immune System, permanently altered by the Vaccines, will start causing you to have adverse reactions to more and more things, and start causing more sever Adverse Reactions, until it kills you. I had to study what is in everything I eat and drink, stop taking what is in their Drugs and Vaccines that caused the Adverse Reactions to start in the first place
For those of us that got diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, from the Additives in the Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines, that were forced upon us in other forced Drugs and Vaccines that repeatedly put us in the ERs, because the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, trying to force upon us their Antisemitic Ideologies that we voted not for, cannot face the reality that Court and Doctors, have declared that Additives in the Drugs and Vaccines, are Toxic Poison to us, and the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, criminally violate Court and Doctors Orders, and use threats, and intimidation, and even violence and Censorship, violating of 1st Amendments Rights, to keep disabling and murdering People forcing upon us, their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison Vaccines and Drugs.
As the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, criminally repeatedly violating our Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, like the opposing Facebook and Google and CNN and FOX News, and their opposing Politicians and Doctors, have done repeatedly poisoning us, and causing us diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, from the Additives in their Toxic Poison forced Vaccines and Drugs, that have murdered tens of thousands, besides us that they caused terminal diverse Cancers and diverse diseases'
As the Criminal murderers, running the opposing Facebook and Google and CNN and FOX News, and their opposing Politicians and Doctors, need to be arrested and charged with a Count of Criminal Assault, and a Count of Criminal Poisoning, and a Count of Criminal Murder, for every death caused by their Drugs and Vaccines, that repeatedly put many of us in the ERs, and they need to be charged with a Count of Criminal Assault, and a Count of Criminal Poisoning, and a Count of Criminal Murder, for every one of us that developed diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, after their forced Medical Maltreatment, trying to force spoon us their opposing Antisemitic fake Jew and fake Christian Democratic Political Ideologies, that we voted not for, while to force upon us their scientifically proven Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccine Additives, with their politically motivated false and false Sciences, deliberately calling their failing Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccines Safe and Effective, which is scientifically proven false Statement, because they put many of us and or our family member in their graves, so that because their died not from COVID19, but were killed by their unsafe and failing Toxic Poison Vaccines, for political gains, they lie against reality, and falsely say that the dead were saved from COVID-19, by their scientifically proven Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccines, that poisoned and put them in their Graves, while they keep blocking from us that have not had COVID-19, like Dr Fauci and all their Vaccinated, that deliberately are spreading their known Lethal COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections, so to keep poisoning, and disabling, and or murdering us that cannot take their scientifically proven Toxic Poisons, the opposing politically motivated Vaccinators, just keep violating all our Rights, and block us that cannot take their Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines, from what we need to remain uninfected, and repeatedly they Psychotically cause us more and more harm, and or death, repeatedly saying that we must take their Safe and Effective FDA approved COVID-19 Vaccines, that have all the Toxic Poison Additives them already on our Allergy Lists, so that they keep lying, saying that their Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines are Safe and Effective, to infect us with their known Lethal COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections, they just keep blocking us from Foods and Drinks, and Medications and Vaccines, that don't have their known FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives in them on our Allergy Lists, and just keep blocking us from scientifically proven US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and scientifically proven Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Warfare PPE, and deliberately give us nowhere to evacuate to, that has none of their know Infected Peoples, as Nationwide, every State, and every Major City, they spread their known Lethal COVID-19 Infections, like Dr Fauci's known Breakthrough Infection, as their failing COVID-19 Masks will not filter out the Toxic Poison Smoke, from their politically motivated opposing Political Activists, protesting and rioting, and lighting fires and burning the Cities about us, as Nationwide, every State, and every Major City, is fighting recent Fires, and are losing the battle for resources, because of the opposing Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal Politicians and Medias, and their Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal opposing Political Activists, and their opposing flawed and false COVID-19 Vaccine Sciences, and their opposing flawed and false Mask Sciences, so that all the opposing Politicians and their Journalists and Political Activists, need to be arrested for their Criminal assaults, and for their Criminal Poisoning and Murdering People, and for their Criminal Arson and Murders
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alex-gold-art · 4 years ago
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В Питере есть квартира в стиле 30х годов и можно с её помощью отправится в путишествие во времени. #россия #россиявперед #россии #российскиедизайнеры #россияматушка #россия1 #россиячемпион #российскаяфедерация #россиямоялюбовь #россию #россиявперёд #россиястуденческая #российская #русский #инстаграм_порусски #русскиедизайнеры #русская #русские #русскийязык #русскийстиль #русскаязима #русскиймузей #русскийостров #русскаядевушка #рф #ссср #родина (at Saint Petersburg, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDG_XgJk4C/?utm_medium=tumblr
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federicomartelloofficial · 5 years ago
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Sometimes you can find some friend around (I haven’t all the pictures) ❤️ #НуКаВсеВместе #AllTogetherNow #Россия1 #ВайТМедиа #WeiTMedia #шоу #премьера #wheelchairsinger #wheelchairman #beard #like4likes #instagood #picoftheday #storie (presso Mosfilm Music Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XXrfwKL5N/?igshid=1tgeppdjc47j2
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diana-carh · 5 years ago
#Repost @zaberi_menya_domoy ... Пост-Шанс🆘⚠️Срочно нужен куратор / дом !‼️2 дня до улицы. МОСКВА И МО. Кошка стерилизована, здорова по анализам и обработана от паразитов .. Она была поймана с котятами во дворе, где стреляли в #тимоша_купавна Малышке нужна социализация, бесплатная Передержка заканчивается через 2 дня.. Может быть кто-то сжалиться и возьмёт ее на Передержку..? Ей нужно время , она боится довериться человеку!!😔 она хочет чтобы её погладили , подставляет голову и через пару секунд шипит и отходит.. Нужно преодолеть страх.. на улице ей пришлось тоже несладко .. Очень жалко ее, но я больше не могу брать животных на кураторство , их слишком много на данный момент . Прошу МАКСИМАЛЬНЫЙ РЕПОСТ🆘🆘🆘🙏🏻 #мурка_купавна Тел/WA: 89017739598, Александра @zaberi_menya_domoy #срочнонужнапомощь #срочнонужендом #cat#cats#catsofinstagram#животные#нужнафинпомощь #помогите #сборналечение #срочнонужнапомощь #кошкаищетдом #котенок_ищет_дом #кошкабесплатно #ищудом #москва24 #россия1 #кошкавдобрыеруки #люблюкотят #дворнягаэтомодно в#забериизприютанепокупай #кошкавдар #возьмиизприютанепокупай (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGfUjvKp4H/?igshid=bi1kp9go4pps
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anastgal · 6 years ago
Reposted from @ms._inna - СИТУАЦИЯ КРИТИЧЕСКАЯ!!! 🆘 🆘 🆘 ЭНТЕРИТ 😥😥😥 КНОПЕ СТАЛО ХУЖЕ, ПОЯВИЛСЯ КРОВАВЫЙ ПОНОС😭😭 ТЕМПЕРАТУРА. ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНА ФИНПОМОЩЬ 🙏 🙏 ДОЛГ В КЛИНИКЕ БОЛЕЕ 5000 РУБ. ЛЕЧЕНИЕ СО СТАЦИОНАРОМ В ДЕНЬ ВЫХОДИТ ОКОЛО 2000 РУБ. ВСЕ ЗНАЮТ, ЧТО ЭТО СТРАШНАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ И СМЕРТЕЛЬНАЯ 😭😭, ЕСЛИ НЕ ЛЕЧИТЬ.КНОПА НА КАПЕЛЬНИЦАХ ПОСТОЯННО. УМОЛЯЮ ПОМОГИТЕ КТО МОЖЕТ 🙏 СПАСИТЕ НЕВИННУЮ ЖИЗНЬ🙏 Инна 89526099968 номер телефона привязан к карте Реквизиты карты СБ: 4276 5207 9753 9802 Инна Витальевна Р. PayPal: [email protected] Роменская Инна Киви-кошелек: 89526099968 В сообщении обязательно пишите (Энтерит ) идут сборы на других животных. #срочнаяпомощьбездомнымживотным #ростовнадону #instagramrussia #instacat #щеноквдобрыеруки #61rnd #творидобро #rprostovod #rnd #энтерит #ростовпомощь #кошкиростова #ростоввкадре #россия1 #love #fashion #photooftheday #photography #art #beautiful #москва @ms._inna #хочужить #кнопкащенок #информационная_поддержка - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/By5C3zVnXVI/?igshid=dd2q2kh2eqzt
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nina-garnet · 6 years ago
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Эпатажное псевдо-кабаре рок-трио #NINA_GARNET: мы уже четыре года работаем таким составом над созданием авторского материала и аранжировками известных тем; профессиональные музыканты, коллектив - лауреаты международного джазового конкурса #BigSky2016, но #рокеры и #анархисты в душе. Нина Гарнет- недавняя участница шоу "#НуКаВсеВместе" на канале #Россия1, куда нагло зашла с контрабасом и попыталась сделать невозможное в логове попсы))) Теперь её узнают в магазинах и в электричках метро. . Сейчас мы гастролируем по прилегающим к столичному региону губерниям, причем с успехом - полные залы в городах, которые мы посещаем впервые. Территория гастролей постепенно растёт и расширяется, программа обновляется и дополняется! Мы делаем то, чего не делает никто — увидите на концертах. . На нас ходят, нас хотят! 😘😍 Принимаем предложения по сотрудничеству. У нас нет отдельного концертного менеджера, все вопросы пишите лично @nina_garnet 🎻 🎸 💥 #НинаГарнет #девушкаСконтрабасом #NinaGarnet #роктрио #RockJazz #JazzBand #JazzBass #контрабасистка #контрабас #добрыйвечертетенька #новаягруппа #концерты #дквушкапоет https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWPlugnZCO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p7kovammqcpc
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pafnyti3008 · 6 years ago
Смотрите сегодня вечером интересный и полезный сериал "На краю" о завербованных террористами девушках. В 21:00, @tvrussia #телеканал #россия1 #тв #сериал #накраю #девушки #террористы #вербовщики #обман #любовь #боль https://www.instagram.com/p/BvtzDRGnL36/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ahg3ngcx4rc
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happymaninlovelove-blog · 3 years ago
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Чисто риторический вопрос к россиянам не ужели вам даже пофиг на смерти своих родных? Смею пропустить, что да. Иначе бы террор и войну против мирной страны Украина вы бы уже прекратили. Специально теги пишу русские, чтоб увидели цифры потерь. Хотя, будем откровенные даже если увидят им будет пофиг. Практика показывает, что человеческая жизнь для них ничто и только верят лжи своего кумира, своего нацистского руководителя и кучке приспешников. Что же это ваш выбор. На Украине реально ваши войска являются окупантами, это очень мягко ещё сказано. #россия #россия🇷🇺 #россия24 #ярусский #ярусская #москва #питер #первыйканал #россия1 #россиявперед #россияукраина #россияматушка #россиястранавозможностей #нетвойне #мненестыднобытьрусским #мненестыдно (Росси́я - Российская Федерация - Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbXSWOatIVp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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