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Me and Fedor's fan club:
#art#арт#oc#ос#история с ос1#purple dream mark#Пурпурная метка снов#Matvey#Sima#Fedor#Mara#Queen of Nightmares#Ina#Sveta#Elena#Phil#Матвей#Сима#Фëдор#Мара#Королева кошмаров#Ина#Света#Елена#Фил#арт ос#oc art#digital art
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15.03.2024 П'ятниця 19:16

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Наконец дочитываю серию «Мара и Морок», осталось лишь две трети последней книги
Основная дилогия была прочитала еще зимой буквально за несколько дней, когда я запоем читала чуть ли ни все, что было у меня под рукой, однако после этого был долгий нечитун, и третья часть была отложена
А тут совсем недавно мне подарили мне три части, и вот и повод наконец дочитать
Третья часть, несмотря на то, что события в ней происходят до основной дилогии, должна читаться последней, однако может и не читаться вообще. В ней уже не участвуют герои первых двух книг, а повествуется история об одной из Мар, которая на момент первой книги уже мертва
У первых двух книг твердая 10/10 для меня, и на данный третья часть имеет тот же рейтинг
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Эй, книголюбы 🧡
#книголюбы#книга#книги#книжный блог#из книги#книжнаяполка#читайте книги#про книги#о книгах#книжки#книгинашевсе#Мара Вульф#сестра луны#freedom
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Bulk Extreme Bodybuilding
Bulk Extreme is a cutting-edge nutritional supplement designed for strength-training athletes. The product helps build muscle mass, supports physical and mental fitness, reduces the feeling of fatigue and tiredness, and helps optimise the levels of the most important male sex hormone - testosterone.
Bulk Extreme is a guarantee that you will achieve your figure goals. Men who use this product enjoy increased strength and performance, and notice enhanced sexual capabilities. The innovative formula created from 13 natural ingredients is responsible for the effective action of the product.
#Bodybuilding#FitnessGoals#MuscleBuilding#StrengthTraining#WorkoutMotivation#GymLife#FitnessJourney#FitFam#Bodybuilder#GymMotivation#TrainHard#WorkoutInspiration#Weightlifting#HealthyLifestyle#Gainz#Nutrition#FitnessTips#FitnessCommunity#мара тун
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Рейтинг: 16+
Издательство: Freedom
Кол-во стр.: 512
Оценка: 8/10
Книга в цикле: 3/3
🍭В целом, книга очень интересная. По сюжету намного интересней первых двух книг.
🍭Присутствуют эмоциональные качели между главными героями. Есть некоторая недосказанность. Каждый из героев воспринимает услышанное как что-то своё, и из этого периодически вытекают конфликты.
🍭Бесило то, что все не могут сказать все прямо, а говорят загадками.
🥤Смерть, а затем "воскрешение" Кассиэля.
🥤Со Стар и Мун все будет в порядке.
🥤Лилит будет с Сэмом.
🥤Люцифер и ещё сколько-то ангелов в конце книги откажутся от бессмертия.
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Здається, треба знову йти на рест, бо соцмережі наповнюють мене великою ненавистю до людей
#хочеться щось спалити#або когось#чому всі так отупіли#чому всі такі або інертні або занадто агресивні#хочеться спалити всі соцмережі разом з усіма цими тупими інтернет проекціями тупих людей#шоб всі пішли нахуй#я вже майже не заходжу в тві бо він як чорна мара якась повзуча#тамблр перетворюється на те ж саме
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В конце концов я выросла, постоянно размышляя о социальных нормах, потому что никогда им не соответствовала. И хотя сейчас я навожу красоту многими способами, которых раньше чуралась, может, именно из-за своего воспитания я все время задаюсь вопросом «зачем?».
В зеркале я часто, хотя и не всегда, красивее, чем на фотографиях. Когда я вижу свои фото, кажется, будто меня похитили, пока щелкал затвор, и вместо меня впихнули в кадр Магистра Йоду.
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Мара ❤️🔸👁
У вас є унікальна можливість виграти оригінал роботи, а також книжку та наліпки, якщо візьмете участь у розіграші на сторінці velorum publishing в інстаграмі
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Since the 14th century, one woman has haunted the history of the Ottoman Empire and the very minds of their historians with her influence over a Sultan who suffered a hummiliating fate.
The only wife of a Sultan who has been the target of curses; Despina Hatun.
The reason for this great hatred of her has to do with the fact that she was influential and remain christian throughout her marriage. She was able to maitain the first and main place in the harem of her husband and to make him like her. A likeness that overtime grew into love and devotion.
Her wishes did not remain mere wishes, and for this reason the muslim associates of Sultan Yildirim Bayezid Han, as well as later Turksih historians resented her. Today most people remember her as “Bayezid’s great love”.
To Ottoman sources she was a fatal woman who lured their Sultan into sin. It can be concluded from that amount of hatred that she was allowed privileges and more power than was allowed for a foreign wife of a Sultan, or an imperial wife in general.

"As for Yıldırım, let's say that he fell in love with the princess." - Necdet Sakaoğlu. Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları, pg 83
"Throughout his life he was devoted to Despina, and his brother-in-law Stephen in turn was a devoted and steadfast friend." - Herbert Gibbons. The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire
According to Chalkokondyles, when Bayazit's favorite wife, Lazareva [daughter], whom he took everywhere with him into battle, was captured and handed over to Tamerlane, he ordered that wine be served to him there, in front of her husband. The enraged Bayazit told Tamerlane that what he was doing was not worthy of his father and mother. - Две српске султаније : Оливера Лазаревић (1373-1444), Мара Бранковић (1418-1487), pg 107
"When the latter's wife, the daughter of Lazar, whom he loved more than any of the others, had been taken away, and Timur was taking her around in the camp with him, he made her pour his wine in front of Bayezid, her husband." - Laonikos Chalkokondyles
"He kept her close – she accompanied him everywhere - he appeared unable to part from her. She was the one person, who influenced him most and was of course blamed by the Ottoman chroniclers for the fall of Beyazid’s empire into the hands of Timur. They considered the young sultan totally captivated by her."- Anna Buxton. The European Sultanas of the Ottoman Empire
It is widely understood that throughout their marriage Despina and Bayezid shared a devoted sentiment-perhaps more on his part-despite the circumstances that brought them together. The couple had similar interests such as politics, wine, partying, European customs, conversations and according to historians found constant erotic pleasure with each other. Though all of these cited interests might just be Ottoman historians attempts to depict this woman as deceitful.
" The sexually robust woman – she satisfies all his desires- but remains a Christian." - Richard Franz Kreutel performs a service to Ottoman polemic.
It is said that for some days, Bayezid remained in Despina's chamber and completely forgot about state affairs.
Olivera (Despina Hatun) is accused by Ottoman historians of using her charms and beauty to lure Bayezid to her. This seems highly untrue as Bayezid's harem is labeled as being filled with "forbidden beauties." He could have set his sight on another with more charm and beauty, and in fact he did, but still remained devoted to Despina.
It seems they use her beauty and political influence only as a means to label her as a Femme Fatale who is cunning, power-hungry and worst even, an infidel. Yet, when we look at foreign sources about the personality of Despina Hatun, she is describe as being gentle and flowery.

According to Dr. Zeljko Fajfric in his work "Srpske kraljice i princeze," released in 2007, no sultana before Olivera, who did not convert to Islam, managed to become so influential.
Yet something that is enough to critize him on is that he only puts this influence of hers to be due to her charms and beauty, yet again unintentionally labeling her as a femme fatale.
If beauty was all it took to have political influence, dozens more like her would have succeeded in that aspect, but she remains the only wife of Bayezid who had significant importance on politics.
Either Bayezid often sought after her opinion in matters of state or he took her as an advisor which might be the reason she was often with him, but no, a good scent, a soft spoken voice, long hair or enchanting glances will work, at least not for very long, even for a man prone to pleasure like Bayezi, and as we know Despina's political influence grew more with time than it decline.
A few things that are attributed to her council...
I: She helped accelerate the transfer of Prince Lazar's body back to Serbia.
II: She freed and paid ransoms for enslaved christians with the help of her brother; Stefan.

Despina is often blamed for having introduced wine at the Ottoman court.
This sin that Bayezid's partook in can not be credited to Despina because he was already throwing such feasting assemblies ever since his princehood. Him and Despina married in 1390, he was well too familiar with wine and pleasure prior to their marriage.
Despina, later on, might have organized such festivities for him.
" Wine and kebab assembly was established. The infidel's daughter came and toasted Ali Pasha. The lady said, see the moment." - Aşıkpaşazade.
Still it is highly unlikely that Despina, who comes from a culture where married women do not speak in the presence of men would even partake in such assemblies filled with drunk men.
What is more likely is that she organized her own wine assemblies in the harem, with the presence of other women, but the chances of her doing such a thing as drinking in the presence of men is highly unlikely.
She might have even brought wine and so called debauchery to the once "pious" court of the harem, but as for the men; who take up the majority parties in politics and war, they were already familiar with the beverage.
#Bayezid The Thunderbolt#Olivera Despina Hatun#medieval#middle ages#Ottoman#Lazarevic Dynasty#Ottoman Dynasty#yildirim bayezid#15th century#16th century#Lazarevic dynasty#The Sins of DESPINA HATUN
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Long, clawed fingers reached for the boy's neck.
- Come here, my sweet.
#art#арт#ос#oc#история с ос1#пурпурная метка снов#purple dream mark#Mara#Queen of nightmares#Мара#Королева кошмаров
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☆ Еще один старый заказ с 2023 года по Майору Грому к серии, которая создавалась по особому заказу. Птица под кровавым дождем. ☆ Автор, так же - Мара. Однако, я не особо углублялась в комиксы и не смотрела вышедшие кино по Майору Грому. Пожалуй, единственная причина, по которой я читаю периодически комиксы от Bubble, так это то, что некоторые из них рисовала Фобс. Ее работы вдохновляют меня развиваться в сфере комиксов, хоть я и отсутствовала долгое время именно как художник-комиксист. ☆ Постепенно продолжаю рисовать страницы комикса по Genshin Impact "Сердца Моря" с Идони в главной роли. Скоро начну немного экспериментировать с композицией фреймов и персонажей, так что надеюсь, что этот комикс будет довольно продуктивным и позволит мне продвинуться чуть дальше в исследовании комиксных конструкций. -----------------------------------------
☆ Another old order from 2023 for Major Thunder for a series that was created by special order. Bird in the Bloody Rain.
☆ The author is also Mara. However, I haven't delved into the comics much and haven't watched the released movies based on Major Thunder. Perhaps the only reason I periodically read Bubble comics is because some of them were drawn by Phobs. Her works inspire me to develop in the comics field, even though I've been absent for a long time as a comic artist.
☆ I'm gradually continuing to draw pages for the Genshin Impact comic "Hearts of the Sea" starring Idoni. I'll soon start experimenting a little with the composition of frames and characters, so I hope that this comic will be quite productive and will allow me to move a little further in exploring comic structures.
#artists on tumblr#digital art#drawing#my art#art#artwork#диджитал арт#мой арт#illustration#illustrators on tumblr#major thunder#sergei razumovsky#bird art#сергей разумовский#майор гром#fandom#fandom culture#drawings#comission
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Сдвиг ⠀ Иногда в голове застревают мысли и крутятся, крутятся, крутятся, точно шланг змеевитой линией на границе, уставшим лайнером на полюсах.
Иногда они распускаются пряным, бесконтрольно живым цветком и стоят посреди бурьяна, как приглашение ведьмы в дом.
Дом где-то пляшет - потерянный шляпник, дом где-то ловит летающих рыб, и он почему-то всегда "только начал", словно время попал�� в изгиб.
Время споткнулось, время закрылось доброй сотней пустых кастрюль, а может, и полных, в которых сварилась реальность, что вечно исходит из "нуль".
Закручены мысли, грибы на поляне ведут ритуальный цветной хоровод; вот бы мне с ними проникнуться знанием да шаманом стучать в натянутый койп.
Я падаю в небо, и мысли-медузы меня обнимают шелковой сетью; такова моя воля, таковы мои узы, что подводным потоком несет с собой ветер.
Вот новый день, перешедший границу, новая ночь провалилась в углы; пространство летит, пространству не спится; и пока я "пространство" больше, чем сдвиг.
Но сдвиг меня ловит праздничной шапкой и раскрывает шатер, как моллюск. Здесь я - лишь сон, мурава и фиалка, но истинно - дух, мара-мысль и звук. ⠀ ⠀ ◈ https://t.me/Morova_poGreshnost
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🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool ppl✨🎶
Flesh Field - The Eucharist
Лея - Мара
Flesh Field - The Collapse
Olivier Bibeau - Better Run, Better Hide
Rammstein - Du Riechst So Gut
I was tagged by @kazuaru, aww, thank you, kitten!^^ I already did this somewhere, but... I'll never get tired of making tag games about music I like;D This time I made a list I would call "My teenage dream". Yeah, the guy up there is a part of it :D
I tag: @glammoose, @maladi777, @latteaki, @aniraklova, @its-adrienpastel, @simstrouble, @ethelgodehel, @bibidsims, @puppycheesecake, @dustinbroke
#wistfulartsims4#sims 4 art#my sims#ts4 simblr#tag game#flesh field#the sims 4#the sims 4 art#sims 4 render#simmers#thesims4#simblr#sims 4#my sims 4 art
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Делірій Мара / Mark's delirium
По твору "Фіолетова тінь" Святослава Ольшенко-Вільхи / Based on the novel "Purple shadow" by Sviatoslav Olshenko-Vilkha
Туш&перо / Ink&nib | R1 60x40cm
#gothic#gothic art#gothic novel#графіка#ink drawing#inkart#pen and ink#украрт#укртумбочка#український tumblr#ukrainian artist#artists on tumblr
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