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scarontheknee-blog · 29 days ago
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2025 год начался! С работы! А как иначе? Поставил генератор и АВР. А ещё повесил люстру. Автоматика генератора меня порадовала. При отключении света автоматика тут же запускает генератор. Правда зимой генератору нужно время для прогрева, но в ночь, если электричество пропадает, то не надо вставать с постели для его запуска - это прям магия! Очень доволен.
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azslovo · 2 years ago
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Не знаю, как они это чистят, но на них нет пыли. 😇
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karusels · 2 months ago
Как выкрутить цоколь разбитой лампы из патрона люстры
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ivedone-itagain · 2 years ago
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Paneling in Moscow An illustration of a spacious master bedroom design with a brown floor, a tray ceiling, and wall paneling.
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sassafras-manson · 2 years ago
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Library - Traditional Living Room Example of a spacious, traditional open-concept living room and library with a marble floor and beige walls, a corner fireplace, and a plaster fireplace.
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zebravalis · 1 year ago
Living Room - Library
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Large elegant open concept painted wood floor living room library photo with beige walls, no fireplace and a media wall
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ratnalaila · 2 years ago
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Moscow Closet An illustration of a medium-sized, traditional, gender-neutral walk-in closet with dark wood cabinets and recessed-panel cabinets.
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fringeyguygoesrogue · 2 years ago
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Traditional Living Room - Living Room Mid-sized timeless enclosed light wood floor and brown floor living room library remodel inspiration with gray walls and a wall-mounted tv
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magically-cozy · 2 years ago
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Moscow Wallpaper Bedroom Mid-sized classic master bedroom design example with brown flooring, a tray ceiling, wallpaper, and multicolored walls.
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kosovare-madridista · 2 years ago
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Gazebos Patio Moscow Example of a large trendy courtyard stone patio design with a gazebo
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haxyr3 · 1 year ago
Words in Polish and Russian
Interesting list of words that may sound and/ or look alike in Polish and Russian but mean different things:
stól (table) — sounds like стул (chair)
krzesło (chair) — кресло (arm chair)
jutro (tomorrow) — утро (morning)
rano (morning)— рано (early)
dywan (rug) — диван (sofa)
lustro (mirror) — люстра (chandelier)
prosto (straight) — просто (simple)
uroda (beauty) — урода (ugly)
dynia (pumpkin)— дыня (melon)
magazyn (warehouse)— магазин (store)
sklep (store)— склеп (tomb)
niedziela (Sunday— неделя (week)
owoc (fruit)— овощ (vegetable)
kaki (persimmon) — каки (poos)
sztuka (art) — штука (thing, item)
kwać (to quack) — квакать (to croak)
czaszka (skull)— чашка (cup)
nagly (urgent)— наглый (rude)
ucztiwy (honest) — учтивый (polite)
gnusny (lazy)— гнусный (hideous)
woń (odour, aroma) — вонь (stink, stench)
Source: https://twitter.com/stas_kulesh/status/1754883497074806791
There are more examples in the thread.
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spoiledlbleach · 11 months ago
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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itnol · 10 months ago
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Просто красивая люстра
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ktomil · 3 months ago
Охуеть. У нас люстра в одной комнате мигает как стробоскоп, с начала въезда в квартиру. А Илья пошёл ремонтировать дверной звонок соседям. 👍
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sher-oxide · 4 months ago
Дитячий спогад №209: розраховувати, на кого впала б люстра у шкільному кабінеті
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tumbochka-does-art · 7 months ago
рандомный фанфакт я хз зачем тебе это знать но я постепенно собираю комнату из своих друзей/мьюшек. у меня есть знакомый стул и ты тумбочка. когда нибудь это будет целая квартира
брооооо у меня вся компания друзей это целая комната и небольшой ужин я тумба, моя девушка суп, друзья плед и вино и также друг люс которого я называю люстра и люстерко лол это был очень важный факт, считаю
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