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trilata-nizhegi · 21 days ago
Хочу поговорить про метод ИТишников, который очень сильно упростит жизнь художникам. Этакий лайвхак от мира компьютерных технологий 😉.
Кодеры часто используют алгоритм действий, суть которого в том, чтобы сохранять блоки решений из своих же проектов, чтобы потом использовать в последующих задачах. Иногда таким образом собирается код, способный решить целые подзадачи с минимальными изменениями в нём.
Проще говоря это, стремление к тому, чтобы наработать базу из которой дерябать готовые элементы минимально подгоняя их под новые условия, а не писать код каждый раз с нуля.
К сожалению, подобное слабо применимо к писательству, иначе роман будет очень скучен, ведь элементы сцен станут повторяться. Хотя... я порой тырю у себя идеи из маленьких рассказов для создания отдельных ситуаций в глобальном романе и записываю интересные мне цитаты знакомых, чтобы дать персонажам (хехе, всё жду, когда кто-нибудь узнает свои слова).
Ну да, я речь веду к артам. Сейчас засела за небольшой комикс и отрисовывать каждый элемент с нуля - работа адовая, поэтому я дёргаю куски из своих старых работ и других страниц этого же комикса, меняю ракурсы и степень детализации некоторых элементов. Это ускоряет работу почти в 2 раза! (на видео как раз пример перерисовки лица персонажа для нового фрейма)
Ну а вообще у меня есть отдельная папочка с относительно статичными элементами на прозрачном фоне, которые требуют большой детализации. Так я собрала все глаза и печати, броши, пуговицы, маски и т.д., а так же некоторые элементы пейзажей. Последние использую достаточно редко, то и без них не обходится.
Ну а теперь вопрос к вам, дорогие мои: Используете нечто подобное в своих работах или предпочитаете отрисовывать всё с нуля? Да и знали ли вообще о такой методике?
Кстати, кто хочет увидеть полноценку этой работы, скорее лайкаем, пишем комменты вот к этому посту:
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zergys · 2 months ago
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Приклеиваю роутер к стене. ( Палку упёр в холодильник). На самом деле клеится не сам роутер, а деревянное основание в которое воткнуто крепление роутера. Сложная система, но многолетний опыт показал что это самый лучший вариант крепежа.
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aczamaz · 3 months ago
мне помогло, субъективно кажется что он ускорился, может и вам поможет, если да, буду безмерно рад. Юпуп конечно поступает подло и не объективно, удаляя российских блогеров, но нельзя отрицать что это еще большая библиотека полезных видео.
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maybeylic · 7 months ago
Чтобы стать добрейшим человеком на свете, достаточно убить всех, кто добрее.
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570ml · 4 months ago
Если в тумбе вам втирают, что это "блог-призрак", и его "не существует", не верьте. Просто владелец блога вас забанил.
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mersonwi · 4 months ago
Установил(наконец-то) зону на телик. Это оказалось легче, чем я думал. Теперь могу смотреть кучу всего.
Гайд на установку приложений на андроид тв не из плей маркета(должно же быть тут хоть что-то полезное):
1. Берёте флэшку.
2. Берёте телефон/ноутбук/комп.
3. Устанавливаете апк файл приложения(только проверьте подходит ли оно для тв).
4. Пере��осите апкшку на флэшку.
5. Вставляете флэшку в телик.
6. Находите файловый менеджер на телике.
7. Устанавливаете(возможно надо будет одобрить установку приложений из неизвестного источника).
8. Готово(в случае с зоной, надо было обновить, но может в интернете есть свежая версия, я просто качал с тг канала).
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vladimir777sk · 6 months ago
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.. пока толком не въехал, насколько это пригодится, но - будем посмотреть  🙄😉
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outonpatrol · 1 year ago
Прекрасный месяц наёбрь.
Отличителен тем, что кроме очаровательной жёлтой листвы, стелящейся одеялом всюду вокруг, можно офорить кредитку другу и получить за это пару тыщ.
После того, как друг потратит эти пару тыщ.
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itsgerges · 24 days ago
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Best Greetings
The Gravitational Waves Reflection Analysis (Revised)
Paper 1st hypothesis
The gravitational waves are produced by the planet motion energy and Not by the gravitational field- Moreover- the sun doesn't produce a gravitational field -Shortly- the planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy is stored in the space as moving waves – these are the gravitational waves- also the gravitational waves are reflected in the solar system and the wave reflection causes to square the wave velocity
Paper 2nd hypothesis
The Sun Is Not Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays– Because
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam- I claim the sun rays are produced based on this method by the gravitational waves motions and not by the sun nuclear fusion process- also –No star rays is produced by the nuclear fusion process but all rays are created by the gravitational waves motions energies as the article states.  
Paper 3rd  hypothesis
The planets Motions use different rates of time – the rate of time depends on the velocities rate – example- Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity because of that (One Second Of Mercury Clock  = 1.6 Seconds Of The Earth Clock)
Paper 4th  hypothesis
Neptune motion caused to create relativistic effects in the solar system because
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
the new article tells the gravitational waves can move by speed of light-
and the gravitational waves move by speed of light but Neptune caused to decrease the wave speed by 1% and by that the speed be equal 99% of speed of light (=297000 km/s) which caused to created relativistic effects in the solar system- also- Neptune caused to create two wave reflections in the outer planets which one reflection only was enough- means- if Neptune is removed from the solar system the wave reflections in the outer planets will be one reflection only and not two reflections 
Paper Main Argument
The Physicist Vision Contradicts The Nature System 
I study the solar system Geometry since long years- and- I have found the physicist and astronomer can't understand the solar system designer vision– in fact their vision contradict the designer vision- let's prove that in following  
The Physicist Vision
The physicist supposes that there's (a unit of building)- by that- the physicist sees the mass (for example) as wall and this wall is consisted of bricks (small similar units) and for that the physicist searched for this (unit) because it's the (unit) by which the wall is building (the mass is building)– this is the physicist thinking direction- he believed there's a small unit by which the great building is built
For that the physicist searched and found the particle and then the particle is divided into Molecules then the Molecule is divided into atoms and the atom is divided into nucleus and electron moves around and the nucleus is divided into proton and Neutron- and the proton is divided into quarks …etc
The physicist searches for the building unit- the unit by which the building is built – or the unit by which the mass is built – for that the physicist divides (any thing) to see its contents till reach to the unit which can be used as the building unit. 
The Designer Vision
The designer aims to create integration- as the marriage – male and female- the relationship will cause to give birth for a child
INTEGRATION this is the word inside the designer Mind
No building unit- the marriage answers- because in marriage both (male and female) are required and no one of them better than the other – both work together and give equal effects on the same one process and give together one result- I explain the idea by the marriage because it's easy to understand- I want to put the word (Integration) as the basic concept in the designer mind.
I want to explain how the physicist causes fatal error for the research method
While the physicist divides the elements one after one (from matter to particle to molecule to atom to proton to quarks …etc) this division from out into inner till reach to very small unit which he considered the building unit – that causes to destroy the geometrical design of the integration process
Let's return to the marriage- the marriage requires two players (male and female)- they have different bodies and the process give birth for children- Suppose we remove one player what would happen? (where can we find a woman pregnant by herself?)
I want to say- the division from (matter to particle to molecule to atom to proton to quarks …etc) destroys the general geometrical design which uses the integration process- let's give other examples
Example No. (1)   
Einstein told us (He can't find slightest meaning for the word SPACE) by that he can't define (what's the space) and also he found the space has no mechanical features because no definition causes these features – this is the physicist vision - Let's see the designer vision
Planet moves and its motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and where's the energy? the planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because this energy would raise the planet temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- where's the planet motion energy? logically we suppose that- the energy is stored in the space in waves form- means- the planet moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space (as the fish swims in the sea and its motion creates waves in the sea water) similar to that the planet motion produces energy and this energy creates waves in the space- by that we can define the space and conclude the space nature and features- simply we conclude the space has mechanical features because the energy is stored in the space as moving waves- the gravitational waves prove the space has motion- why we can solve the question which Einstein couldn't solve? Because he supposed the planet is independent from the space- the integration concept is not known by him
The waves are produced by the planet motion energy are the gravitational waves, the paper first hypothesis proves these waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the gravitational field also the hypothesis proves the Sun doesn't produce a gravitational field.   
More examples are provided after the hypotheses explanations 
Paper first hypothesis
The gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the gravitational field (Moreover the sun is not producing a gravitational field) and
The gravitational waves are reflected three times in the solar system (from Pluto and Neptune to Saturn) and (From Uranus to Jupiter) and (from Venus to Mars) –
The gravitational waves reflection causes changes in the planets data- and these changes are repeated with each reflection- means- these changes are found by rules because it's repeated with each reflection clearly- that shows the planets use similar behaviors to create their data which proves one reason causes to create all this data
Also- the wave energy reflection causes to square the wave velocity – the velocity square is the most important feature of the energy reflection because it enables the waves to move by speed of light- that explains how the gravitational waves can move by speed of light in the solar system- the motion by speed of light is produced only by the wave energy reflection (and without the reflection this motion can't be done)     
Paper 1st hypothesis (The objective of the hypothesis)
I prove that the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and these waves are reflected in the solar system three time and the reflection of the wave energy causes to square the wave velocity (the velocity squaring is the important feature I prove in the paper because the light beam is reflected but its speed is NOT squared and that means the wave velocity squaring is feature of the space) and it's very important to prove the wave velocity is squared by the reflection because this process enables the waves to move by speed of light and that explains how the gravitational waves can move by speed of light – as this new article states
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells, the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam- here I explain how the gravitational waves can move by speed of light (please note the article still believes the gravitational waves are produced by the gravitational field – I refuse this idea – the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies but the article states that the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam and I accept this idea and I explain and prove how the gravitational waves can move by speed of light) 
Paper 1st hypothesis Proof (The Proving Method)
I compare between the planets data in the three reflections of the wave- I put the planets data in comparison to each other for each reflection to prove the planets use similar behaviors to define their data and this similar behavior proves one force (or one reason) is found behind- and this one reason is the wave energy reflection which causes to create all this data –
The wave energy reflection effect on the solar system design (A Summary)
The reflections cause defined changes in the planets data – and
The most important change is (the wave velocity square) – and this velocity squaring is very important because it enable the gravitational waves to move by speed of light – the motion by speed of light is very effective on the solar system design because it defines the planets distribution between the sun and Pluto– this fact is explained in point no. (**) 
Paper 1st hypothesis Explanation and Proof Discussion
Paper 1st hypothesis Explanation and Proof Discussion
The explanation is discussed in two parts
I- Preface
II- The Comparison
III- The explanation of the wave energy reflection effect on the solar system design
2nd PART
The Gravitational Waves Reflection Detailed Discussion
(Paper 1st hypothesis Explanation) 1ST PART
I- Preface
Planet Motion Energy Analysis
Planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2), where's Planet motion energy? the planet can NOT store its motion energy inside its body because it would raise its temperature and No planet temperature is raised by its motion- logically- the planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form- means- Planet motion energy creates waves in the space- the planet motion in the space is similar to a fish swimming in the sea- as the fish swimming creates waves in the water the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- let's see this picture clearly- the fish swims because it hits the water by its body and that creates waves in the water- we conclude, the water waves move by a velocity equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force- similar to that- Planet moves in the space and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by velocity equal the planet velocity- for example- Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by equal velocity (47.4 km/s)- based on this idea- All planets move and their motions energies create waves in the space where each wave moves by velocity equal its planet velocity
These Waves Are The Gravitational Waves (My Hypothesis)
Mans- the waves are produced by the planets motions energies- these waves are the gravitational waves- it's my paper 1st hypothesis- the gravitational waves are not produced by the gravitational field (moreover the sun doesn't produce a gravitational field) instead the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies 
The planets revolve around the sun in the same one direction and for that their motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move perpendicular on the revolution direction (Toward Pluto orbit)
In Pluto orbit these waves are unified together into one unified wave- this wave moves by a velocity = 205.8 km/s why? The 9 planets velocities total=176 km/s but I add the Earth moon velocity (29.8 km/s) that makes the total to be 205.8 km/s – I add the moon velocity because the energy is stored finally in the moon orbit-
Note- The moon and the Earth revolve around the sun together for that the moon velocity is considered equal the Earth velocity relative to (the sun) –
The 1st Conclusion
The Planet Motion Energy Creates Waves In The Space
Means - The Space Must Have Moving Waves  -
Now -the scientists had discovered waves in the space- And- they considered these waves are produced by The Sun Gravitational Field – BUT Why?
The planet motion energy analysis proves the waves must be produced by the planets motions energies- Now let's refute the sun gravitational field theory- the refutation gives support for the conclusion – the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and NOT by the gravitational field because there's NO Gravitational field.
The Refutation Of The Sun Gravitational Field
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field Nor Has Massive Gravity – let's prove that in following
The sun rotation period is (25.4 days– at equator) and (34.4 days – at pole) that shows the sun has no massive gravity nor even ordinary gravity equal any planet gravity otherwise the sun would rotate around its axis in one period of time- 
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity–Newton is wrong- because- the planet moves by the force caused its creation- means- the planet creation and motion is done by one force only- because- if two forces have effects on the same one planet this planet would be broken- now- suppose the planet is created (by any force) and the sun gravity attracted this planet and forced it to revolve around the sun by the sun mass massive gravity (as Newton imagined) that would force the planet to move against its inner structure and will cause this planet to be broken- this is similar to a human is forced to walk on his hands in place of his legs and when this human refuses to do that (they told him we can force you by our power) for that this human walk on his hands forcedly and later this human is dead by this motion- shortly- the planet is NOT broken by its motion because the planet creation force is the force causes this planet motion- it's one force caused the planet creation and motion-
Newton mistake is that he didn't know how the planet is created and by that he didn't realize that planet creation and motion are done together by the same one source- simply- the sun didn't cause to create any planet and for that the sun doesn't cause any planet to move- this analysis shows logical base but left us with puzzles to know (by what rule the planet moves?) and (Why is the sun found in the solar system if it doesn't cause the planets motions?) these questions are answered in the paper abstract and discussions.  
The mass gravity force can NOT cause any motion- again Newton is wrong- the mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- (the Earth and the moon are bond by the mass gravity)- by that they are similar to a lorry and its trailer – if the lorry moves the trailer will move with the lorry- but the mass gravity can NOT cause any motion- why? suppose the moon moves by the Erath gravity force- the moon moves and produces energy (1/2mv^2) and we have to ask from what source this energy will be provided?- from the mass itself- means if the Earth causes the moon to move the Earth and the moon masses should be decreased by the motion energy- this is a wrong definition for the mass gravity- the mass gravity creates a bond between two masses (The Earth and the moon) if some outer force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth and in this case the outer force will provide the motion energy for the Earth and the moon-
The planets order contradicts Newton gravitation equation- where- the gravitation equation tells (greater mass necessitates shorter distance)- clearly- Jupiter the greatest mass is not the most near planet to the sun- means- the planets order contradicts the equation- when we asked the physicist told us this problem is done by (the initial conditions)- all these are nonsense clearly- planet orbital distance does NOT depend on the sun mass nor on the planet mass- planet orbital distance depends on the neighbor planet orbital distance – my equation proves this fact- let's see it
Planet orbital distance equation (my 1st equation)
d^2= 4do (d-do) where d= planet orbital distance and do= its neighbor distance
Example (1) Venus orbital distance (108.2)^2 = 4 x 57.9 x (50.3)                              
d= 108.2 million km = Venus Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km  = Mercury Orbital Distance
50.3million km=The Distance Between Venus And Mercury  Venus Depends On Mercury
Example (2) Saturn orbital distance (1433)^2= 4 x 778.6 x 655
d= 1433 million km    = Saturn Orbital Distance
d0= 778.6 million km  = Jupiter Orbital Distance
655million km=The Distance Between Saturn And Jupiter Saturn Depends On Jupiter
All planets orbital distances are defined based on their previous neighbor planets orbital distances- the equation is correct perfectly and all planets orbital distances are defined by it- my paper tests and discusses this equation
Shortly- planet mass has no any effect on this planet orbital distance definition.
Planet orbital distance definition depends on its neighbor orbital distance this fact is proved by many other different methods my equation is one method only of them, all these methods don't use any planet mass- all planets orbits are defined based on their neighbor orbits- (Please note- Newton gravitation equation is wrong- I don't critic it by many critics to short the discussion- but- the fact is that- the light beam created all planets orbits before any planet creation- the light created each planet orbit depends on its neighbor orbit- I prove this fact in the paper discussion- logically this fact kills the gravitation equation because the orbit is created before the planet creation)  
Notice -Newton is so far from the truth- let's give one more example- Newton told us planet moves by the sun mass gravity- the fact is that- the Sun itself is created by the planets motions energies- that's why Newton ideas are not interesting for discussion because his ideas are imaginary have no part of truth-
Also-Newton told-planet motion depends on its mass- means-planet velocity depends on its mass- this also is imaginary idea- I define planet velocity in the paper abstract- planet velocity is defined by many rules all of them don't use any planet mass- at all Planet mass has no rule in this planet velocity definition.
The 2nd Conclusion
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field- Also-There's No Gravitational Field At All
The Wave Reflection Trajectory
Let's remember what we know till now
Planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy creates waves in the space and each wave moves by its planet velocity- these waves move toward Pluto (perpendicular on the revolution direction) and in Pluto orbit these waves are unified into one unified wave moves by velocity = the planets velocities total = 205.8 km/s  
Means- while the planets revolve around the sun in their orbits by their velocities- there's one unified wave revolves around the sun moving by 205.8 km/s and this unified wave revolves around The Sun In Pluto Orbit-this unified wave is The Gravitational Wave  
Now- this unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Venus orbit- Means- the unified wave is reflected and sent from Pluto to Neptune to the next planets till reach Venus 
The unified wave is reflected three times in the solar system
(from Pluto and Neptune to Saturn) and
(from Uranus and Jupiter) and
(from Venus to Mars)
With each reflection of the wave defined changes are done for the planets data
But let's refer to the general design behind these three reflections in following
We remember this new article
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells, the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam-
My hypothesis tells (the reflection of energy causes to square the wave velocity)
Let's put the ideas beside one another to see the general design
The gravitational waves can move by speed of light AND can produce a light beam – How?? if the motion is done by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) how can this motion produce a light beam? Because the light beam is produced from the value (C^2 = squared speed of light) – here we see the energy reflection effect- the wave moves by speed of light and when this wave is reflected its velocity is squared and produced the value (C^2 = squared speed of light) from which the light beam is created-
The machine needs one reflection to change the speed from (speed of light C=30000 km/s to the value C^2 =squared speed of light) and by that the light beam is created
Now – let's ask -
How can the wave moves by speed of light?
We remember- the one unified wave (the gravitational wave) moves in Pluto orbit with velocity 205.8 km/s – how can this gravitational wave moves by speed of light? 
By another reflection of energy – let's see that in following
300000 km/s = (205.8 km/s)^2 x 7.1
This equation tells
The unified wave (the gravitational wave) moves by 205.8 km/s and it's reflected, the waves reflection causes to square the velocities
(205.8 km/s)^2 = 42683 km/s
Means the gravitational wave after the reflection moves by a velocity 42683 km/s
If a particle moves by speed (=0.99 C=297000 km/s), this high velocity motion causes to create relativistic effects specially Lorentz length contraction effect with rate 7.1
Means- the distances should be contracted by the rate 7.1
The waves reflection causes to reflect the geometrical effects and by that the rate (7.1) will cause to increase the length in place of the length contraction- means- the distances will be increased with (7.1) as a result for Lorentz length contraction effect
The velocity 42683 km/s will be 42683 x 7.1 = 300000 km/s (Speed Of Light) 
That explains how the gravitational waves move by (205.8 k/s) can move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Here we see clearly that
The machine needs one energy reflection only to accelerate the wave velocity from 205.8 km/s to move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
The machine needs one more reflection only to change the wave speed from the speed of light (C=300000 km/s) to (C^2 =squared speed of light) by which the light beam is created
Shortly -the machine needs only two reflections of energy to produce the light beam from the gravitational waves motions
Now – let's ask– Why Are There Three Reflections Of Energy In The Solar System? If The Machine Needs Just Two Reflections Why The Machine Uses Three Reflections? 
Because of Neptune negative effect on the solar system motion- Neptune caused to repeat the energy reflection and by that the solar system uses 2 reflections in the outer planets and one reflection in the inner planets- this result is done by Neptune negative effect on the solar system motion – as explained in details in the third hypothesis.   
Please note- the two reflections in the outer planets are done to produce a result of one reflection only and for that the two reflections are complementary one another as we will discuss- shortly- we can say there's one unified reflection of the wave in the outer planets and one single reflection of the wave in the inner planets because the two reflections in the outer planets are complementary each other and produce a result of one reflection only – spite of that- the planets data prove clearly there are three reflections in the solar system- means- while the wave reflections are three they do effect of two reflections only – as we will discuss in details in following
 The Wave Acceleration Process
Now we know the unified wave velocity is 205.8 km/s and this wave is accelerated to move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) by one reflection and then this wave moves by speed of light is accelerated one more time to produce the value (C^2= squared speed of light)  by another reflection   
But where's this happened? In which planets orbits this is happened?
The wave moves by 205.8 km/s in the orbits of Planets (Pluto – Neptune and Uranus) and
The wave velocity is accelerated to move by speed of light in Saturn orbit
Means- Starting from Saturn orbit the unified wave moves by speed of light – the wave speed is speed of light in all orbits from Saturn to Venus
Venus reflected the wave to Mars and that causes to accelerate the wave velocity from the speed of light (C=300000 km/s) to (C^2= squared speed of light)- in the moon orbit between Venus and Mars    
 Planet Definition 
The physics book defines the planet as (Planet is solid body created independently from the space and the other planets)–if so- how can the gravitational waves reflection have effects on the planets data??
My definition for the planet is
Planet is a geometrical point carried on the moving energy (or Planet is a geometrical point found on a light beam) – let's explain this definition in following
The matter and space both are created from the same one energy- means
The planets matters and their distances both are created from the same one energy- the matter and space move depending on the motion of this energy from which they are created-means- the matter isn't moving by the mass gravity – Newton is wrong- the matter moves by the motion of the energy from which the matter is created- 
Based on this idea
The space is similar to the sea of water- and the matter is similar to a whirlpool (vortex) is found on the sea page- the matter creates for itself a geometrical frame (a distinguished form from the space) and moves by a different velocity from the space motion- as the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page- it's created by the sea water but it has a distinguish form from the sea waves and it moves by a different velocity from the sea waves- this explanation shows how the moving energy can effect on the matter creation data- for example- we have a whirlpool (vortex) its diameter is 2 meters how is this whirlpool created? and why does its diameter equal = 2 meters? The diameter is created as a result for the water motion velocity, pressure, amount and motion angle and many other features of (the moving water)- the moving water creates this whirlpool with diameter 2 meters and as long as the water motion is not changed this diameter will not be changed also-   
Let's give another example
The energy motion is similar to the blood motion in a creature body- suppose- we examine now a liver of human - the blood motion causes this liver to work perfectly but if the blood motion is changed that would cause changes for the liver cells and job – suppose the blood have some poison the liver will be dead- suppose the pressure is raised- I want to say- the liver is a piece of body (matter) but it depends on the blood motion and this blood motion defines this liver dimensions and data- 
Shortly–the matter is similar to a muscle in a creature- the muscle may be so strong as a rock but it depends on the blood motion (similar to that the matter is found depending on the motion of energy from which this matter is created)
That explains how the gravitational waves reflection have effects on the planets data- still the planet is a solid body and the wave is a wave- the wave can be reflected but the solid body can NOT be reflected spite of that the planets data is reflected one another because the reflected waves have effects on the moving energy by which this planet (solid body) is created-
We should see the depth of this new definition-
The definition tells us
The matter (planet) is created by energy and the matter moves with this energy- means- this energy is the mother of this matter- this energy created the matter and caused this matter motion-BUT- this definition tells- the matter motion is defined before the matter creation- means- Planet motion is defined before this planet creation- How can that be possible? Because –
The energy is found alone in motion (the sea water was in motion) and the energy created the matter and this matter dimensions and data is defined based on the energy motion features (as discussed before- the whirlpool "vortex" is created with diameter 2 meters and this diameter is defined by the water motion features "velocity- pressure- angle- amount …etc") by that the matter dimensions are defined by the mother energy motion features - AND after the matter creation, the matter moves with the mother energy- by that- the created matter moves the same motion based on which this matter dimensions and data is defined- that explains how the planet motion is defined before the planet creation-
This fact is proved by my planet diameter equation because it proves strongly that the planet diameter is created based on its velocity- means- the equation proves – for example – Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s and Neptune velocity is defined before Neptune diameter- let's remember this equation
My Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                         
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8                
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km     = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days  = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
The Equation Concept (A Summary)
Planet diameter should be a function in its orbital distance –otherwise- this planet would be broken by its motion- BUT- the designer can't create a function has only 2 variables (Planet diameter and its orbital distance)- because– If this planet changes its orbital distance its diameter would be broken also because the diameter is a direct function in the orbital distance without any other variables -As A Result  
The designer created the planet diameter as a function in this planet rotation period and the planet rotation period is created as a function in this planet velocity and the planet velocity is created as a function in this planet orbital distance- by that- the function Planet diameter and its orbital distance is created but also it contains many variables (rotation period, orbital period and velocity)- by that- if a Planet changes its orbital distance- this planet orbital period, and velocity and rotation period would be changed but its diameter will be saved-
The previous explanation helps us to see how the planet is created- also we remember Kepler rule (Planet Orbit Defines Its Velocity)  
The orbit is created at first and the orbit defines the motion velocity and the planet diameter is created based on this velocity –means- the space is created before the matter creation- Shortly- The planet orbit is created (from the mother energy) before this planet creation and the planet is created later (by this energy motion features) and the planet data is defined based on this motion features and the planet moves after Creation with this mother energy motion- and– in case any planet after creation changes its orbit the planet motion data be changed but its creation data is saved- we should note that the space must be created based on a geometrical design-means- the solar system space (all orbits) is designed based on one geometrical design before any planet creation
The planet is a geometrical point on the mother energy and moves with it –Or
The planet is a geometrical point on the same light beam and moves with it
That tells
The solar planets are geometrical points found on the same one light beam and move with this light beam motion
By that- the planets are similar to carriages in one train –and the light beam (the mother energy) is the engine of this train- the light moves and causes all planets motions  (as the sea water moves and causes all ships motions)
Here we conclude that the planets motions are similar to the chess board motions because it depends on geometrical rules in all details- that's why the analysis is so useful because it can show the geometrical design found by the planets motions integration.
The planet definition answers the question
If The Gravitational Waves Are Reflected Why This Reflection Have Effects On The Planets Data?
Because the waves reflection causes to define the energy motion direction and by that the planets data is changed and effected by the moving energy through these planets-
The effects on the planets data is very useful because it proves the reflection is a fact as we discussed later
 The Energy Distribution In The Solar System
Now we know
The unified wave (the gravitational wave) moves by 205.8 km/s in the orbits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus and
The unified wave motion is accelerated to move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) in all planets orbits Starting from Saturn to Venus
And Venus reflected the wave to Mars and by that the speed of light is squared to produce (C^2= squared speed of light) by which the light beam is created  
Can The Wave Different Speeds Have Effect On The Solar System Design? YES
The three planets (Pluto, Neptune and Uranus) have great areas because the wave velocity is 205.8 km/s means massive amounts of energy is stored in these orbits as waves move by 205.8 km/s-
Starting from Saturn orbit the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) that doesn't need great areas because the energy is found in waves move by speed of light that explains why the planets orbits be small orbits (from Saturn to Venus) and even the inner planets have very small orbits because the energy is not stored in the inner planets orbits but the energy is used directly to produce the sun rays- that shows the planets distribution between the Sun and Pluto is related to the wave velocity changes
 Planet Motion Definition
Let's ask
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells, the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam- now we ask- if the gravitational waves move by speed of light- why is it necessary the gravitational waves move by speed of light relative to the sun point of Space? Or let's ask this question by another method
Pluto velocity is 4.7 km/s relative to what? relative to the sun
All Motions In The Solar System Are Done Relative To The Sun – let's explain why
Let's remember how the sun point is created
We understand the space is similar to the sea of water and it's in continuous motion and NO stationary point can be found in it- the sun point of space should be a stationary point- for that the sun point of space creation needed specific procedure 
The planets were found before the sun creation and the planets revolve around a point in space (any point in space) the revolution creates two velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value opposite in direction- the total be Zero- means- the revolution motion creates a stationary point in the revolution center-
By that the sun point of space is created as a stationary point- and the sun point is the only stationary point in the solar system- for that all motions are done relative to the sun point of space- but let's ask
What does mean Pluto velocity is 4.7 km/s? it means – the sun point of space is a stationary point and its velocity is 1 km/s (Zero approximately)- and that means- the space around the sun has waves move by velocity 1 km/s while Pluto velocity is 4.7 km/s and that means the space around Pluto has waves move by 4.7 km/s  and by Pluto motion the waves around the sun moves by 4.7 km/s because of Pluto motion effect
Shortly- the sun is the stationary point in the solar system and all motions are done relative to the sun because it's the minimum velocity in the solar system.
II- The Comparison
The gravitational waves are reflected in the solar system three times
(From Neptune to Saturn) This Is The First Reflection
(From Uranus to Jupiter) This Is The Second Reflection
(From Venus to Mars) This Is The Third Reflection
Here we compare among the data of these planets- the comparison provides 7 groups of data in each group we compare the planets data because I want to prove that the planets use similar behaviors to produce their data – means- this all data is created based on geometrical rules which proves that there's one reason caused to create all this data and this reason is the gravitational waves reflection- In the comparison I start by Venus reflection (the 3rd one) then Uranus reflection (the 2nd one) and Neptune reflection (1st one) because Venus is very simple data and can be understood easily-
The Data Changes
 The gravitational waves reflection causes basic changes in the planets data let's refer to these changes in following
What's used as (A) before the reflection will be used as (1/A) after the reflection.
What's used as (a distance) before the reflection will be used as (a period of time) after the reflection
The velocities be squared –the rate (v1/v2) before reflection will be (v1/v2)^2 after the reflection.
The energy direction is changed by the reflection
The players of the rates of time are reflected also –
Notice – the gravitational waves reflection needs three planets –as we have discussed- the 1st reflection (from Neptune to Saturn) and between them Uranus – also the 2nd reflection (from Uranus to Jupiter) and between them Saturn–  and also the 3rd reflection (from Venus to Mars) and between them The Earth– that shows three planets are used in each reflection- the middle planet is effected also by the wave reflection as we will see in the data discussion – shortly – No reflection can be done by two neighbors planets - 
These changes are done with each reflection for the gravitational waves- the planets data proves this fact as we will see in the comparison of the data and the detailed analysis for the wave reflection.
Group Data No (I)
The gravitational waves are reflected from Venus to Mars – For that
Venus orbital circumference 680 mkm is Changed Into Mars orbital period 687 days
687 days x 2π        = 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period)
687 days x 4π        = 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) x 0.8
687 days x 6π x 2  =  25920 years (The Precession Cycle)
The gravitational waves are reflected from Uranus to Jupiter– For That 
Jupiter orbital circumference 4900mkm is Changed Into The  period4900 days
4900 days x 2π      = 30589 days (Uranus orbital period)
4900 days x 4π      = 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) (error 3%)
4900 days x 6π      =  90560 days (Pluto orbital period) (error 2%)
The gravitational waves are reflected from Neptune to Saturn–
The distance 1433 mkm is still a distance And
(1410 mkm = Pluto Neptune Distance)
1433 mkm               = Mars orbital circumference
1433 mkm   x 2π    = 9010 mkm (Saturn Orbital Circumference)
1433 mkm   x 4π    = 18048  mkm (Uranus Orbital Circumference)
1433 days   x 8π     = 37100 days (Pluto orbital Circumference) (error 2.5%)
The data shows the following
The Gravitational Wave Reflection From Venus To Mars Defines Mars, Jupiter And Saturn Orbital Periods
(Saturn orbital period is effected by the rate 0.8 we should discuss later)
The Gravitational Wave Reflection From Uranus To Jupiter Defines Uranus, Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods
The Gravitational Wave Reflection From Neptune To Saturn Defines Saturn, Uranus, Neptune And Pluto Orbital Circumference
This data proved my planet definition (the planets are geometrical points carried by the same one energy- or- the planets are geometrical points found on the same one light beam- and the planets move with this light beam motion- and the planets are created depending on each other and No planet is independent from the others in its creation and motion) – means- the planets are similar to whirlpools (vortex) found on the sea water page- we can imagine many whirlpools (vortex) are found on the same one sea and they are near to each other- this picture is very similar to the planets nature- that explains how the reflection of energy for one time can define the orbital periods for three planets (or 4 planets) together-
Here we imagine there are 4 whirlpools (vortex) on the sea page near to each other and then one strong wave of water passed through these 4 whirlpools (vortex), and this water wave motion causes effects on the 4 whirlpools-
This information is so important because one motion only (one wave reflection) can cause to define three or four planets data that proves strongly the planets Can NOT be independent neither in Creation Nor in motion- the planets are created and moving depends on each other because all of them are created from the same one energy and they move with this same energy motion-
NOTICE Let's imagine we have 4 whirlpools (vortex) on the sea page near to each other and one strong water wave passes through these 4 whirlpools (vortex)  - now – suppose we put some red color on this strong water wave- what would happen? The water color will be red and the red water will pass through these 4 whirlpools (vortex)  
We pay attention here because one reflection of energy can define the orbital periods of three planets – Means – all of them must be dependent on this reflected energy.
That tells the planets are NOT independent but they are dependent on the mother energy from which they are created and that caused they to be dependent on each other –
Now let's analyze each reflection individually
(1) The Third Reflection (The Wave Is Reflected From Venus To Mars)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) is changed into 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital distance)
680 mkm (Venus Orbital Circumference) is changed into 687 days (Mars orbital period)- (max error 1.5%) –
As the rule tells (what's used as distance before the reflection be used as a period of time after the reflection and vice versa)
The orbital periods definition
687 days x 2π = 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period)
687 days x 4π = 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) x 0.8
687 days x 6π x 2  =  25920 years (The Precession Cycle)
We don't discuss the precession cycle here
(Saturn orbital period is effected by the rate 0.8 we should discuss later)
The data shows, the planets orbital periods are defined by the rates (2π, 4π, 6π)
It's not clear yet why the design uses these rates to define the planets orbital periods but this is the rule we will see it in the other two reflections of energy.
The important notice here tells that- the gravitational wave reflection for one time defines 3 planets orbital periods – this fact is proved strongly by the data and it disproves the wrong idea tells (Planet is created independently from the other planets) 
(2) The Second Reflection (The Wave Is Reflected From Uranus To Jupiter)
Here we have a clear problem – let's see the data
Jupiter orbital circumference 4900 mkm is Changed Into The  period 4900 days
4900 days x 2π      = 30589 days (Uranus orbital period)
4900 days x 4π      = 59800 days (Neptune orbital period)                    (error 3%)
4900 days x 6π      =  90560 days (Pluto orbital period)                       (error 2%)
We see clearly, the data distribution is typical to the previous data of the third reflection- let's compare them
Venus orbital circumference 680 mkm is Changed Into Mars orbital period 687 days
Jupiter orbital circumference 4900mkm is Changed Into The  period 4900 days  
687 days x 2π = 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period)
4900 days x 2π = 30589 days (Uranus orbital period)
687 days x 4π = 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) x 0.8
4900 days x 4π = 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) (error 3%)
4900 days x 6π = 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) (error 2%)
The comparison shows clearly the data is almost typical- by that- we have to suppose- the gravitational wave is reflected from Jupiter to Uranus- It is NOT Fact–because
The gravitational wave is reflected from Uranus to Jupiter (and then to Venus) – we see clearly the problem where the data distribution is reversed the wave reflection direction-
Notice - please note clearly that – we deal with one gravitational wave only- there are NOT three gravitational wave and each wave is reflected in one reflection- it's NOT Fact – the fact is that- it's one gravitational wave reflected three times in the solar system- the comparison next data proves this fact and gives no area for any doubt-
It's one gravitational wave sent from Pluto to Neptune and reflected to Saturn then this same wave is sent from Saturn to Uranus and Uranus reflected the same wave to Jupiter and Jupiter sent the same wave to Venus and Venus reflected the same wave to Mars- One Gravitational Wave moves through all these planets        
The Conclusion
The planets data is distributed in the reversed direction for the reflected energy- the energy is reflected from Uranus to Jupiter but the data is distributed from Jupiter to Uranus- there's a geometrical reason for this behavior we should discover later.
(3) The First Reflection (The Wave Is Reflected From Neptune To Saturn)
We still have another problem- let's remember this problem reason
The gravitational wave first reflection is done from Pluto to Neptune, supposing Neptune would send the energy to Uranus but Neptune didn't send the energy instead Neptune kept the energy inside its orbit and prevent it to move toward Uranus – also Uranus itself couldn't release the imprisoned energy from Neptune orbit – and that necessitated Saturn itself to create interaction with Neptune to release the imprisoned energy for that the energy is moved toward Saturn immediately by that this reflection of the wave is considered the first reflection because the energy is released from Neptune to Saturn directly – Shortly- the wave energy is sent from Pluto to Neptune and the energy is reflected from Neptune to Saturn and this is the first reflection of the energy (the gravitational wave first reflection)
Let's see the data - The distance 1433 mkm (Saturn orbital distance) is still a distance And (1410 mkm = Pluto Neptune Distance)
1433 mkm               = Mars orbital circumference
1433 mkm   x 2π    = 9010 mkm (Saturn Orbital Circumference)
1433 mkm   x 4π    = 18048  mkm (Uranus Orbital Circumference)
1433 days   x 8π     = 37100 days (Pluto orbital Circumference) (error 2.5%)
The data follows the rule (2π, 4π, 8π) perfectly as the other two reflections but the data shows 2 problems which are
1st problem
The data distribution is in the reversed direction of the energy motion direction- because the reflection is done from Neptune to Saturn but the data shows the orbital circumferences of (Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto) are defined by this reflection which supposes the energy is reflected from Saturn to Neptune and that's NOT Fact 
This behavior is typical the behavior of the second reflection from Uranus to Jupiter-
Means- this behavior is repeated in the two reflections of energy which tells that the behavior depends on a geometrical reason.
2nd problem
The distance is not changed into a period of time as the other reflections but stayed as a distance! How and why?? let's see deeply this data
If the energy is reflected from Saturn to Neptune, Saturn orbital circumference 9010 mkm should be changed into a period of time to be 9010 days and then
9010 days    x 2π    = 2 x 28244 days (28244 mkm = Neptune orbital circumference)
9010 days    x 4π    = 113223 days
9010 days    x 6π    = 169840 days
We see the data gives NO real values- means- this is not the direction of the data creation- Instead – the distance 1433 mkm or the circumference 9010 mkm is still distance and then
1433 mkm   x 2π    = 9010 mkm (Saturn Orbital Circumference)
1433 mkm   x 4π    = 18048  mkm (Uranus Orbital Circumference)
1433 days   x 8π     = 37100 days (Pluto orbital Circumference) (error 2.5%)
1433 mkm               = Mars orbital circumference
We understand that, the data provides a distance (1433 mkm) and not a period of time then we have to ask again why this distance is not changed into a period of time?
We understand that the outer planets have 2 reflections (first reflection from Neptune to Saturn) and (the second reflection from Uranus to Jupiter)- also we understand that the solar system needs one reflection only in the outer planets and one reflection only in the inner planets and also we know the outer planets have two reflections because of Neptune negative effect on the solar system- means if Neptune is removed from the solar system the outer planets would have one reflection only – for that- the designer caused the two reflections in the outer planets to be complementary one another – the reflection from Uranus to Jupiter defines the planets orbital periods and the reflection from Neptune to Saturn defines these same planets orbital circumferences
 The designer caused to make the two reflections complementary one another and by that the two reflections can be unified into one reflection and based on that the machine will work by one unified reflection in the outer planets and one single reflection in the inner planets- but how the energy motion produces the distances in place of the periods of time? this question is hard to answer because we don't see deeply how the reflection of energy can define each planet orbital period (or orbital circumference) by using the rates (2π, 4π, 6π) we just discovered the rule but more geometrical analysis is required to see how this rule works
In the third reflection (from Venus to Mars) – let's remember the data
Venus orbital circumference 680 mkm is Changed Into Mars orbital period 687 days
687 days x 2π        = 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period)
687 days x 4π        = 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) x 0.8
687 days x 6π x 2  =  25920 years (The Precession Cycle)
We have asked- why Saturn orbital period is effected by the rate (0.8)?
Let's try to answer – let's see the data 10747 /9800 = 9800/9010 where
10747 days  = Saturn orbital period and 9010 mkm   = Saturn orbital circumference
9800 mkm   = 2 x 4900 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Circumference)  
We know 4900 mkm and 4900 days is the player in the second reflection from Uranus to Jupiter- means- Saturn has effect also in the second reflection for that the second reflection has effect on Saturn data and caused its orbital period to be produced under the effect of the rate (0.8) which is the reflection rate as we will see in the next data 
Group Data No (II)
3.024 mkm (Venus motion distance per solar day) x 0.8   = 2.4 mkm
2.57 mkm (Venus motion distance per solar day)              = 1.0725 x 2.4 mkm
2.57 mkm x 0.8 = 2.082 mkm (Mars motion distance per solar day)
1.1318 mkm (Jupiter motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.421 mkm
0.838 mkm (Saturn motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.3129 mkm
We discuss the data no. (2) and (3) at first
DATA NO. (2)
1.1318 mkm (Jupiter motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.421 mkm
(0.421 mkm = Uranus motion distance in its rotation period)
DATA NO. (3)
0.838 mkm (Saturn motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.3129 mkm
(0.3129 mkm = Neptune motion distance in its rotation period)
0.5875 mkm (Uranus motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 0.46688 mkm
(0.466884 mkm = Jupiter motion distance in its rotation period) And
0.46688 mkm (Neptune motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 0.3736 mkm
(0.3736 mkm = Saturn motion distance in its rotation period) And
0.46688 mkm (Pluto motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 0.3248 mkm
The rate (0.8) is created by the waves reflection and the planets velocities are defined based on each other by this rate as discussed in the planet velocity definition-  here the data shows the rate (0.8) defines each planet motion distance based on the other planet motion distance (in the same one reflection) –
let's explain that in more details
(1st reflection From Neptune to Saturn) for that
Saturn motion distance per solar day (0.838 million km) by the rate (0.8) defines Neptune motion distance in its rotation period 0.3129 million km
Neptune motion distance per solar day (0.46688 million km) by the rate (0.8) defines Saturn motion distance in its rotation period 0.3736 million km
(2nd reflection From Uranus to Jupiter) for that
Jupiter motion distance per solar day (1.1318 million km) by the rate (0.8) defines Uranus motion distance in its rotation period 0.421 million km
Uranus motion distance per solar day (0.5875 million km) by the rate (0.8) defines Jupiter motion distance in its rotation period 0.46688 million km
In the 3rd reflection we will see Mars motion distance per solar day is defined by Venus motion distance per solar day- follows the same rule  
We note the data No. (2) and (3) show the data is distributed in the reversed direction for the energy motion because the energy is reflected from Neptune to Saturn and from Uranus to Jupiter- But data is distributed in the reversed direction-
In the third reflection we will see the data moves in the same direction with the energy distribution
In Venus data we will see that it uses the square value (0.8)^2 and we will explain why the rate is used in square value
Why is the rate (1.0725) found in the data? because the gravitational wave  moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) in Saturn orbit and in all planets orbits till Venus orbit-
the wave velocity was 205.8 km/s through Pluto, Neptune and Uranus orbits BUT
The wave velocity is accelerated in Saturn orbit and its velocity be = speed of light =300000 km/s, for that reason the rate (1.0725) is created because this is (Lorentz length contraction effect rate) and it can be produced only by motion with speed=(99% speed of light =297000 km/s)- shortly- the wave velocity be equal=speed of light = 300000 km/s in Saturn orbit, for that the rate (1.0725) is produced in the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter as the data shows (and also in Venus data we will see it)
The previous data shows the planets distances are rated by the rate (0.8) for the planets players in the same wave reflection- but- this picture is not complete yet – because the planets which aren't players in the same reflection shows equal distances also but this distances equality doesn't depend on the rate (0.8) let's give examples
Jupiter motion distance in its rotation period = Neptune motion distance per solar day =0.466884 million km
Saturn motion distance in its rotation period 0.3736 mkm x π = Uranus motion distance per solar day 0.5875 mkm x 2
The Earth motion distance per solar day = Pluto motion distance in its rotation period = 2.574 million km
This distances equality must be produced also by the waves reflection but the rule is not clear yet- I want to say the effect of the rate (0.8) on the planets distances is part of greater rule explains how this distances equality is produced and the useful result of it –
Please note–I analyze this data in details in 2nd part of this 1st hypothesis explanation-
Let's discuss the data No.(1)
DATA NO. (1)
3.024 mkm (Venus motion distance per solar day) x 0.8 = 2.4 mkm
2.57 mkm (The Earth motion distance per solar day)                  = 1.0725 x 2.4 mkm
2.57 mkm x 0.8 = 2.082 mkm (Mars motion distance per solar day)
2.57 mkm = The Earth motion distance per solar day= Pluto motion distance in its rotation period
3.024 million km x (0.8)^2 x 1.0725 = 2.082 million km where
3.024 mkm  =Venus motion distance per solar day
2.082 mkm  =Mars motion distance per solar day
2.57 mkm = The Earth motion distance per solar day
2.57 mkm = 1.0725 x 2.4 mkm The moon motion distance per solar day
2.59 mkm = Pluto motion distance in its rotation period
The data tells Mars motion distance per solar day depends on Venus motion distance per solar day – here all distances are defined by the solar day- 
In the third reflection- the wave is reflected from Venus to Mars- here also Venus motion distance per solar day (3.024 mkm) defines Mars motion distance per solar day (2.082 mkm)- but the definition depends on the squared value (0.8)^2 
That shows Venus reflection follows the same rule used by the other reflections – where the sender planet motion distance per solar day defines the receiver planet motion distance
Perfectly the rule is followed BUT Why does Venus use the square value (0.8)^2??
Because of the reflections order – let's explain that
The two reflections in the outer planets are complementary each other and by that they are unified and can be considered as One Unified Reflection in the outer planets
Means- there is one unified reflection in the outer planets and one single reflection in the inner planets and these are two reflections- means – Venus reflection should be considered the second reflection that causes to square the value (0.8)- that explains why Venus uses the squared Value (0.8)^2
This is a proof for my theory that (one gravitational wave is reflected three times)- means- this wave is reflected before and effected by the rate (0.8) and this same wave is reflected again for that the rate (0.8) be in its squared value  (0.8)^2
The Conclusion
The gravitational waves reflection causes the sender planet motion distance to define the receiver planet motion distance as seen in the data- the definition depends on the rate (0.8) – here we see one rule proves the receiver planet motion depends on the sender planet motion- 
Group Data No (III)
5.56 = (568/102) = (59800/10747)
21.8 = (1898 /86.8) = 30589 /1407.6
(4.87/0.642) ^2 = (7.6)^2 and (7.6)^2 x 224.7 days = 2π^2 x 687 days
π^3 = 31 = (5.56)^2 = 4x 4.75 (but between 7.75 and 7.6 the error 2%)
Data No. (1)
5.56 = (568/102) = (59800/10747)
568 x 10^24 kg      = Saturn Mass
102 x 10^24 kg      = Neptune Mass
59800 days            = Neptune orbital period
10747 days            = Saturn orbital period
In the first reflection the gravitational wave is reflected from Neptune to Saturn
This behavior shows second rule– for the planets in the same reflection- we see the masses rate defines the orbital periods rate and this behavior is used by the other two reflections- means- the gravitational wave reflection between two planets cause these two planets masses rate to define their orbital periods rate – let's see the rest data
Data No. (2)
21.8 = (1898 /86.8) = 30589 /1407.6                   (notice1407.6π =4331 error 2%)
1898 x 10^24 kg    = Jupiter Mass
86.8 x 10^24 kg     = Uranus Mass
30589 days            = Uranus orbital period
4331 days              = Jupiter orbital period
In second reflection the gravitational wave is reflected from Uranus to Jupiter
It's the same rule and behavior, the planets masses rates defines their orbital periods
Just Jupiter orbital period 4331 is divided by (π) – no any other change in the rule proves that the rule is a fact and used with the planets of the same reflection
Data No. (3)
(4.87/0.642) ^2 = (7.6)^2 and (7.6)^2 x 224.7 days = 2π^2 x 687 days
4.87 x 10^24 kg     = Venus Mass                          and 0.642 x 10^24 kg= Mars Mass
224.7 days             = Venus orbital period              and 687 days= Mars orbital period
In the third reflection the gravitational wave is reflected from Venus to Mars
Here also we see the planets use the same rule and the same behavior – the masses rate defines the orbital periods rate-But the rate is squared! Why?   
Venus Mass = 7.6 Mars Mass but the data uses the squared rate (7.6)^2 –
We should pay attention for this rate because the other planets used their masses rate but NOT squared value – Why does Venus use the squared value (7.6)^2?
We have solved this question in the distances discussion when Venus used (0.8)^2 and the other planets use (0.8) only- here also is similar to that- let's remember the reason
We agreed that the two wave reflections in the outer planets are complementary one another and by that they are unified together into one unified reflection and by that the outer planets has one unified reflection and the inner planets has one single reflection and these are considered as two reflections and for that Venus reflection is considered the second one in the solar system (and the final one) for that Venus uses the squared Value – where we know the wave reflection causes to square the value
Notice - 5.56 = (568/102) = (59800/10747) = (10/1.8) =9010/1622 where 1.8 deg = Neptune orbital inclination and 10 =4 x 2.5 deg (Saturn orbital inclination) and -9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference and 1622 mkm = Neptune Uranus Distance
Notice π^3 = 31 = (5.56)^2 = 4x 4.75 (but between 7.75 and 7.6 the error 2%) – this data is discussed in the next point
The Conclusion The Wave Reflection Causes The Sender And Receiver Planets Masses Rate To Define Their Orbital Periods Rate.
Group Data No (IV)
12104 km (Venus diameter) /6792 km (Mars diameter) = 3.4 deg /1.9 deg = π^0.5
142984 km (Jupiter diameter)/51118 km (Uranus diameter) = 2.79 =5.56/2
378675 km (Saturn Circumference)/49528 km (Neptune diameter) = 7.6
π^3 = 31 = (5.56)^2 = 4x 4.75 (but between 7.75 and 7.6 the error 2%)
This data shows the rates (5.56) and (7.6) are found based on the value (π^3=31) I try to prove that it's one energy (one value π^3=31) and the different rates as (5.56 and 7.6) are found depending on (this one value π^3=31) by geometrical reasons – that proves it's one energy (one wave) is reflected three times in the solar system – the value (π^3 = 31 =) is very important because all rates depend on it
The group data shows the planets diameters rates depend on the value (π^3 =31)- let's examine it in following
Data No. (1)
12104 km (Venus diameter) /6792 km (Mars diameter) = 3.4 deg /1.9 deg = π^0.5
3.4 degrees = Venus Orbital Inclination
1.9 degrees = Mars Orbital Inclination
The data shows the two planets diameters are rated with rate equal their orbital inclination and this rate equal π^0.5
177.4 degrees (Venus axial tilt) = 1.9 deg (Mars orbital inclination) x 93.4
90+ 3.4 = 93.4 deg
Data No. (2)
142984 km (Jupiter diameter)/51118 km (Uranus diameter) = 2.79 = 5.56
We remember 31 = (5.56)^2
Data No. (3)
378675 km (Saturn Circumference)/49528 km (Neptune diameter) = 7.6
Also we remember 31/4 = 7.75 (and the difference between 7.75 and 7.6 is 2%)
The data shows the diameters rates depend on the value (π^3 = 31 =) as the masses do
Means- the planets masses and diameters are created rated to one another based on this same value (π^3 = 31 =)
I try to prove that – one energy is found behind all this data- the value (π^3 = 31 =) refers to one energy and this energy is effected by different geometrical reasons and that causes this energy (π^3 = 31 =) to show different rates as (5.56) and (7.6)
Shortly – we deal with one energy reflected three times in the solar system and the planets data are defined by the effect of this energy on them
Please note- we can imagine one river of water moves through different cities and each city deals with the river based on its own data- one city has great soil and this uses the river water to plant vegetables and fruits- another city its ground has many holes and caves the river water will cause all these holes to be filled of water and that will create many moors in this city and that will not be useful for it –
We have here the same picture-
One energy moves through the solar system and reflected three times in it and this reflection causes changes for the planets data for that the different rates (5.56 and 7.6) are created from this one energy (π^3 = 31 =) by geometrical reasons have effects on it. (CONT)  
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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shameaw · 7 months ago
Если ты не уверен насчёт написания определённого слова или словосочетания, можно в гугл переводчике выбрать "Английский — русский", написать слово и он выдаст правильный вариант. Так, просто говорю.
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Это немного удобнее, чем гуглить, спрашивать или искать словари. Но не работает с длинными предложениями
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instamagru · 1 month ago
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womanin-w · 1 year ago
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impossiblenothing · 2 years ago
Читайте каждую свободную минуту
В транспорте, в очереди, во время перерыва. Замените на чтение просмотр сериалов. Будущая польза перевесит краткосрочное удовольствие от развлечений.
Если у вас мало времени в течение дня, слушайте аудиокниги. Включайте их, пока едете на работу, убираетесь, ходите за покупками, занимаетесь спортом. Увеличьте скорость воспроизведения, чтобы прослушивать быстрее. А когда появится время, чтобы сесть и почитать, вернитесь к книге.
Начинайте постепенно
Необязательно читать по книге каждый день. Если хотите читать больше и лучше, постепенно наращивайте скорость. Не ругайте себя, если у вас не получается прочитать книгу за день. Для этого просто нужна практика.
Выберите книгу, которая будет вам в удовольствие. И поэкспериментируйте. Это вдохновит вас читать ещё и ещё.
Тщательно выбирайте книги для скорочтения. Определитесь, для чего вам эта книга. Например, она поможет вам стать лучше, научиться чему-то новому, развить карьеру.
Ищите в книге главные идеи, которые помогут вам двигаться к целям.
Читайте не только когда вы в настроении, а постоянно. Открывайте книгу, когда выдаётся свободная минута, и прочитывайте хотя бы пару абзацев. Если читаете на телефоне, отключите все уведомления, чтобы не отвлекаться.
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daphamlne · 2 years ago
Был сегодня в студии, мы все сидели у дверей администратора в ожидании своего звездного часа - проявить себя. Очередь. Рядом со мной сидят такие же ребята, как и я. Чуть позже заметил, что одна девчуля постоянно броса��а взгляд на меня. Когда я переводил свой взгляд на нее, ее глаза уже не смотрели в мою сторону. Я снова отводил взгляд и после этого вновь ощущал ее взор на себе. Может быть, мне все это казалось. Хотелось поймать ее в тот момент, когда она смотрела на меня. Возможно, мое боковое зрение подводило меня, и она вовсе за мной не наблюдала.
И тут я решил зевнуть.
Что делать, когда на тебя смотрят? Если тебе так кажется, то зевни — и ты убедишься в этом: если это так, люди, как правило, тоже зевают. Есть несколько феноменов заразной зевоты. Присутствует тот факт, что, если прочитать это слово на бумаге, есть небольшая вероятность зевнуть. Британские ученые, которым я верю меньше, чем ответам с mail.ru, говорят, что всё дело в «зеркальных нейронах». Это нейроны головного мозга, которые возбуждаются, в том числе при наблюдении за выполнением какого-либо действия другим существом. Они отвечают за процесс имитации и обучения языкам, а также за эмпатию. Это объясняет, почему, например, мы подсознательно повторяем жесты других людей или чувствуем симпатию к тем, кто зеркалит наши, и зевота сюда тоже вписывается. В целом это не особо психологический прием — скорее лайфхак. Просто пользуйся!
P. S. Она тоже зевнула :)
Бонусом - я люблю разбираться в психологических тонкостях и нюансах. И часто одна мысль у меня перетекает в другую, более полноценную, развернутую. Недавно у меня заходила тема с моим заказчиком о психологии отношений. Для меня было не в новинку, что копирование поведения своего собеседника поможет его расположить к себе. Но почему это работает - я не задумывался. Да, это поможет быстро завоевать его доверие, и неважно, что это — фразы, жесты, мимика. Видя знакомые движения, человек подсознательно сравнивает тебя с собой, а, как правило, человек любит себя и относится к себе лучше, чем к остальным. И когда он видит перед собой свою версию номер 2, он начинает непроизвольно относиться к тебе положительно. Но тут главное — не переусердствовать и стараться копировать только полезные действия и жесты. Если человек постоянно чешется и ковыряется в разных местах, то это совсем необязательно повторять. Мимика очень важна при общении с людьми. Всегда показывай своё участие в разговоре: если тебе говорят грустную историю, то сопровождай свои эмоции тоскливым лицом. Если веселую — то, соответственно... тоже тоскливым.
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prohranenie · 23 hours ago
USB, на что способен тот или иной тип разъема?
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  От смартфонов до фотоаппаратов и мини-вентиляторов: многие устройства имеют порты USB. Как для зарядки, так и для передачи данных. В настоящее время используются самые разнообразные версии USB, которые различаются как по аппаратным, так и по техническим возможностям. Аббревиатура USB расшифровывается как Universal Serial Bus. Она была введена в 1996 году для подключения внешних устройств к компьютерам. Для нас сегодня это вполне нормально, но тогда особенностью было то, что устройства можно было соединять друг с другом прямо во время работы. Почти 25 лет спустя появилось множество различных версий.  
USB 4.0/USB 4
  Уже представленный в 2019 году USB 4.0 должен упростить запутанное разнообразие различных спецификаций. Поскольку USB 3.0 и его последующие поколения появились на рынке в 2019 году, было легко заблудиться. Поскольку все вилки этого поколения выглядели одинаково.     Пользователи Apple знают это достаточно хорошо. Пришлось покупать новые кабели и разъемы. Это было рождение разъема USB Type C. При этом также были достигнуты значительные улучшения с точки зрения скорости и энергопотребления. USB 4.0 основан на спецификациях протокола Thunderbolt 3, совместно разработанного Apple и Intel. Эту версию можно с уверенностью назвать революцией. Гарантируется передача данных со скоростью не менее 20 Гбит/с и до 40 Гбит/с. Это делает его вдвое быстрее предшественника. Однако новые штекеры не нужны, остались разъемы Type-C.  
Характеристики третьего поколения USB
  Прежде всего, следует отметить, что разнообразие названий различных стандартов USB несколько сбивает с толку. Поскольку старые стандарты частично переименовывались при появлении новых. В результате большинство стандартов USB имеют разные названия.     В 2008 году был представлен стандарт 3.0, с помощью которого скорость передачи данных можно было увеличить до 5 Гбит/с. Допустимую токовую нагрузку также можно увеличить до 900 мА. Соединения этого стандарта легко узнать по небольшой синей пластине, встроенной в разъем. Этот тип обратно совместимы с предыдущим поколением.   USB 3.1 (2-е поколение) Обновление было выпущено в 2013 году, и сделало возможным более высокую скорость передачи данных. Теперь стало возможно до 10 Гбит/с. С этой спецификацией ток может достигать 5 А, что должно покрывать практически все потребности.   USB 3.2 Тип 3.2 был представлен в 2017 году, и его скорость удвоилась, до 20 Гбит/с. Требуются вилки USB типа C, которые передают по 10 Гбит/с в каждом направлении.    
Типы разъемов
  Помимо разных поколений USB, существуют разные типы разъемов. Например, широко распространен USB-разъем типа А, который используется в USB-накопителях. Он имеет хорошо известный прямоугольный и плоский формат, который используется во многих повседневных электронных устройствах. Разъем EASY USB типа A отличается от других типов тем, что его можно подключать с обеих сторон. Разъем USB типа B менее плоский и имеет большую полость посередине. С помощью этого разъема можно использовать USB 2.0 и USB 3.0. Разъем USB Mini-B ознаменовал компактный класс среди разъемов USB. Вы все еще можете найти его в старых сотовых телефонах и цифровых камерах. Однако в настоящее время он в значительной степени заменен разъемом Micro-B. Он поддерживает скорость стандарта USB 2.0. Разъем Type-C предназначен для обеспечения единого стандарта для разъемов USB. Он плоский и его можно легко установить в устройства небольших форматов.    
Как USB может работать на больших расстояниях
  Если соединить между собой несколько обычных USB-кабелей, то вы заметите, что сигнал пропадает. Спецификация для этого не предназначена. Проблема в том, что USB-кабель не должен превышать определенной дли��ы, иначе данные не будут передаваться. Эмпирическое правило: не более трех-пяти метров. Соединение нескольких кабелей друг с другом не помогает. Для установления USB-соединения на больших расстояниях необходимы более сложные инструменты. Если вы хотите увеличить длину, вы должны убедиться, что сигнал усиливается один или несколько раз. Или вы можете подключить USB-соединение к другим стандартам передачи.     USB-концентраторы: для подключения USB-кабеля используются один или несколько активных концентраторов. Каждый из них усиливает полученный сигнал и передает его следующему кабелю. Удлинительный USB-кабель : Активные кабели имеют встроенные чипы на обоих концах. Первый усиливает входной сигнал перед его передачей по кабелю. Второй повышает качество сигнала на другом конце.  
Как цвет USB-разъема влияет на его функциональность?
  Версия 1.0 и 1.1, белый Самые старые версии порта. Оба варианта имеют белый цвет. На текущий момент этот тип практически не используется.   Версия 2.0, черный Более поздняя версия, также считается устаревшей. Несмотря на низкую скорость, разъем все еще встречается в старых устройствах.     Версия 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 gen 1 и 2, синий Версии 3 имеют синий цвет. Не всегда, но они могут немного отличаться по оттенку.   Версия для зарядки: желтый, оранжевый, красный На рынке также имеется разъемы красного, желтого или оранжевого цвета. Это говорит о том, что порт поддерживает сильноточную зарядку или позволяет питать устройства, когда ноутбук находится в спящем режиме, не включая его.   Версия для быстрой зарядки Qualcomm, зеленый Порты, с технологией Qualcomm Quick Charge, обычно выделяют зеленым цветом.     Версия для быстрой зарядки Huawei, фиолетовый Вы также можете встретить порты окрашенные в фиолетовый цвет. Они поддерживают стандарт Huawei SuperCharge.       Read the full article
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tatyaniyy · 6 days ago
Магические лайфхаки:
Всегда во время ритуалов зажигайте свечи спичками. Духи не любят посторонние запахи, а Нечисть вовсе отрицательно реагирует на бензин и газ.
Тушите их либо пальцами левой руки, либо специальным колпачком.
Вопреки народным заблуждениям, Домовому молоко лучше не подносить. А вот стопочку рюмки — очень даже да.
Табак, алкоголь, да и продукты в целом, выбирайте по принципу: подороже и покрепче. Это на начальном этапе, пока не слышите и не понимаете, что от вас хотят. Потом уже будете знать, что любит Дух.
Как пришли с погоста, после колдовского обряда — нижнее бельё в стирку, сами в душ. И желательно сразу спать лечь, сил набраться, а не сидеть в телефоне полночи.
Конечно, лучше вообще одежду всю в стирку, но нижнее бельё прям обязательно. И вообще, имейте для работ "униформу". Не обязательно чёрную мантию, а-ля выпускники Хогвартса, достаточно приобрести удобную одежду, не сковывающую движения, и чтоб грязь кожи не касалась, ровно как и насекомые.
В високосный год не стоит покупать недвижимость, менять место жительства, брать машину или кредит. Боком может выйти. [Да-да, я очень вовремя с этим советом].
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