#денис тен
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aristosakielon · 3 years ago
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💫 Денис Тен - Denis Ten ⛸🎶
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ainitsuite-agape · 6 years ago
Denis Ten foundation is asking the mayor of Almaty City to rename the ice arena "Halyk Arena" located in Almaty, after DENIS TEN. 
This is one of the smallest things that we can do to say "thank you" to him for everything.
If you love Denis, go sign this petition! 
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darkhorsezine · 6 years ago
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Hi Everyone,
Greetings from Dark Horse Zine!
In honour of Otabek's birthday tomorrow, we will be having a final sale of the remaining zines and merch we have.  
All proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Denis Ten Foundation.
Kazakhstani figure skater and 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Bronze Medalist, Denis Ten, was the main inspiration for the creation of the character of Otabek Altin. He passed away on 19 July 2018. The Denis Ten Foundation was founded by his parents, Oxana and Yurii Ten, in order to preserve his legacy and continue to develop the many projects which Denis had begun during his life, including the establishment of the Denis Ten International Figure Skating Academy.    
If you do not intend to purchase from this sale but still wish to donate to the Foundation, please visit this page. All help is highly appreciated. 
The Dark Horse Zine donation sale will be hosted on darkhorsezine.bigcartel.com and will go live on 31 October 2018, 12:00 PM (EST). Stocks are very limited and each product will be sold individually so you can fill your carts with whichever items you want. You can find out more about the zine and merch items here. Shipments will be processed in the USA. For any concerns, please contact us at [email protected].
It has been more than a year since we launched this zine project and we continue to be deeply touched by all the support it has received. We hope you can support us one last time on this final ride.
👍 The Dark Horse Zine Team
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eleventhsever · 6 years ago
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We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
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lisanamazu · 6 years ago
The trial of the murder of Denis Ten took place, the sentence was pronounced.
Many people mistakenly think that the family does not agree ONLY with the fact that the criminals were given 18 years, and Tolybayeva in general is only 4 years.
But the family is dissatisfied not only with the verdict, but also with how superficial the investigation was carried out, answers to many questions were not received, only the performers were found and punished.
Therefore, this is not the end.
This is only the beginning of a long and difficult struggle for truth and justice.
We, fans, friends, people who love Denis, are hungry for truth in this dark matter.
Let us support Denis’s family and reach out to all the competent authorities and the highest authorities in our country, and if necessary, at the international level, instances and achieve the continuation of the investigation of this case.
Please, repost.
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jollymuseart · 7 years ago
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May his soul rest in peace.
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news1ru · 7 years ago
Сегодня убили призёра Олимпиады в Сочи Дениса Тена
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 Сегодня, 19 июля, от ножевого ранения умер бронзовый призёр Олимпиады в Сочи казахстанский фигурист Денис Тен. Об этом рассказали в пресс-службе Министерства здравоохранения Казахстана, пишет РИА Новости.   Ведомство сообщает, что «к сожалению, Денис Тен скончался, потеряли человека. Врачи ... https://news1.ru/archives/25249
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ennviktin-n · 6 years ago
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Пожалуй, самый серьёзный арт за последнее время, и один из самых важных для меня. Здесь изображены певец Димаш Кудайбергенов и ныне покойный фигурист Денис Тен (1993-2018), трагично погибший от нападения бандитов. Я поздно узнала об этой истории: буквально не так давно Димаш исполнил памятный концерт, 19 июля - год, как погиб Денис Тан. Не знаю, были ли они близкими друзьями или пр��сто в добрых отношениях, но, думаю, справедливо и правильно, когда один достойный человек чтит память другого достойного человек, отдаёт дань его таланту, творчеству и даже его семье, что вырастила его. Димаш узнал о смерти Дениса, когда был в турне, и ещё в 2018 году в Лондоне исполнил одну из самых красивых песен в его есть и ушёл, как кажется (или нет?), со слезами на глазах со сцены. Собственно, это и легло в основу арта, вдохнуло в него жизнь. Или в меня. P.S. Его можно доработать, как и всё на свете, собственно, наверняка я этим ещё займусь. Снова мышкой, и я не знаю, почему мне так проще. Всё, кроме волос, конечно. По технике я старалась взять кое что от Дрю Струзана: сюжетные линии, оранжевые контуры и отсветы как от ламп. Слева Димаш, концерт - более контрастный и чёткий, солнечные лучи, что означают славу и рассвет творчества. В глазах я старалась сделать печаль. Коричнево-желтый цвет подходит, чтобы обозначить земное. То, что здесь и сейчас Справа Денис - ему не скорбно и горестно. Небесный цвет, означающий спокойствие, свободу, бесконечность. И белая птица. По двум причинам: во-первых, он сам был как белая птица на льду в этой рубашке; а, во-вторых, в песне "SOS D'un Terrien", и в том числе в выступлении в 2019 году была фраза (не дословно, перевод) "лети, дитя, лети". Поэтому птица, поэтому белая. Поэтому всё так. Да, Сережа, спасибо ещё раз, что поделился со мной этой историей, которая в своё время прошла мимо ушей. Позже я выложу процесс, возможно, это будет интересно.
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peacocksonice · 6 years ago
Another interview with Sergei...apparently he has even grander plans but they are a secret, for now...
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impresario-live-blog · 6 years ago
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Ранее это ежегодное событие - Ледовое шоу, называлось «Денис и друзья». Дениса не стало, но шоу продолжается, в память о Денисе Тен. 20.07.2029. Алматы Арена. ��едовое шоу «Друзья Дениса» с участием коллег Дениса, Мировыми звёздами льда и с поддержкой казахстанских артистов. Билеты появятся в продаже, на следующей неделе. Не пропустите. Кто хочет пойти? #ДенисТен #память #Легенда #qazaqeli https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAwa8gBAMR/?igshid=4bseysf24nu5
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gwydionmisha · 8 years ago
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antennadaily · 4 years ago
Ресторан CHANG открывается 18 августа на Московском пр., 186. Инвестором паназиатского проекта выступила Che Group. Основное направление кухни — азиатский фьюжн, сочетающий кухни разных стран, но будут готовить и классику: рамен, тартары, татаки, севиче, краба в чили соусе.
Команда не использует привычные для Азии готовые соусы или полуфабрикаты. Замешивают на месте, более восьми видов теста, крутят лапшу ручной работы, лепят дим-самы и гедза. Варят легендарный том-ям, подают аппетитные кушияки (шашлычки), приготовленные на японском гриле робата. В рис добавляют уксус yusen для аромата и цвета. А для «‎утки по-пекински» установили закрытую печь на дровах.
Шефствует в CHANG Денис Прохоров со своей командой. С 2013 года Денис работал в Four Seasons. Стажировался в мишленовских ресторанах Испании (Azurmendi 3*), Китая (Caprice 2*, Lung King Heen 3*) и Италии (Il Pagliaccio 2*).
Денис Прохоров
Был бренд-амбассадором немецкой бытовой техники Miele и приглашенным шефом в ТВ-шоу «Правильная кухня» (на канале «78»). Работал су-шефом у сингапурского шеф-повара Кок Леонг Тен (Sintoho).
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За десерты отвечает шеф-кондитер Александр Агафонов. Стажировался в Plaza Athenee в Париже, работал с Николя Ламбер (Four Seasons). Готовит сладкие вариации на тему Азии с применением различных техник.
Например, в десерте «Кокос-карамель» используется более семи разных текстур от кремовых до хрустящих
В будущем в CHANG планируют печь хлеб на закваске и создать авторскую линейку конфет.
Бар возглавил Кирилл Ульянов (ранее Terminal, Food Retail Group, UpStair Group). В основе авторские коктейли коктейли с нетривиальным подходом к миксологии, ключевые ортодоксальные напитки из Южной Кореи, Китая и Японии. Собрана уникальная коллекция саке.
Вскоре будут угощать вермутами собственного производства на основе саке и сётю. Из азиатского алкоголя льют японский виски, джин, корейскую соджу и китайский байцзю. Пивная и чайная карты вдохновлены также японскими, китайскими и тайскими мотивами.
В CHANG небольшая, но выверенная винная карта. Просекко и шампанское, классическая Франция, образцовая Италия, актуальная Германия, аутентичная Япония — всего 48 вин, включая 10 бокальных предложений.
Интерьер современный и «зеленый». Фитостены с автополивом и образы диких животных, воплощены фантазии по мотивам фильма «Джуманджи», идея двух миров — «джунглей» и современности.
Главным символом проекта стал барельеф слона ручной работы, разместившийся на одной из стен. Первый этаж зонирован с помощью подиумов различной высоты: есть небольшая активная барная стойка, уединенные места для компаний, а также три бунгало с грилем для якинику, где гости смогут сами приготовить мясные японские маринады. На втором этаже ресторана оборудована специальная зона для кальянов.
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Цитаты из меню
Салат с жареными баклажанами, клубникой и сладким чили соусом 450 Тайский салат с говядиной гриль, ростками сои и кешью 590 Поке Боул с лососем 580
Бао со свиной грудинкой Чар Сью 280 Тартар из тунца, авокадо гриль и юдзу кремом 870
Том Ям с морепродуктами 760 Сёю Рамен со свининой конфи 420
Дровяная ��ечь
1/2 утки по-пекински с блинчиками момо 1460
Стриплойн гриль, крем из батата и мисо соус 970
Краб в чили соусе с кокосовыми бао 990 Удон с говядиной в устричном соусе 530
Аранчини с острым тартаром из лосося 640 Филадельфия с лососем 550
Павлова с кокосовым саго, манго и маракуйей 580 Чизкейк малина-личи-роза 390
Ресторан CHANG
Московском пр., 186 Instagram
На Московском проспекте открывается азиатский ресторан CHANG Ресторан CHANG открывается 18 августа на Московском пр., 186. Инвестором паназиатского проекта выступила Che Group. Основное направление кухни — азиатский фьюжн, сочетающий кухни разных стран, но будут готовить и классику: рамен, тартары, татаки, севиче, краба в чили соусе.
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ainitsuite-agape · 6 years ago
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Thank you @kioko_hime <3
(this is an automatic translation of the original post in Russian)
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Денис Тен - Шокирующий поворот в деле об убийстве фигуриста!
New Post has been published on https://news2018.ru/wpvr_video/denis-ten-shokiruyushhij-povorot-v-dele-ob-ubijstve-figurista/
Денис Тен - Шокирующий поворот в деле об убийстве фигуриста!
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eleventhsever · 6 years ago
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So, I translated some information from denisten_official on Instagram. My English isn’t great but I was trying to translated it as much correct as I could. I just want to help spread this.
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The judgment was made, but the judge didn’t answer the aggrieved party’s motion. We have a lot of unanswered questions. Such as:
Who did Zhanar Tolybaeva call? And who called her from Switzerland and England?
Arman Kudaibergenov demanded from Saduov $5,000 after what happened. Why?
The knife was bought on the night of July 17-18 at 1:30 am.
Why are Tolybaeva’s lawyer and Zhanar telling lies?
Her cell phone records confirm that she has two-way communication with somebody from Switzerland and England.
Lawyer and Tolybaeva said that calls were made from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. But the cell phone records didn’t confirm it.
Arman Kudaibergenov wrote in a letter to Denis’ mother, “I had no choice”
Tolybaeva is a teacher from village Korday. She has a car, expensive phones (such as iPhone and Samsung), communication with Europe. Who is she?
How can an ordinary teacher from village Korday afford it?
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One of the most important witnesses wasn’t interrogated because investigating officers couldn’t get through him.
Despite multiple requests from Denis’ mother the judge didn’t call Saduov who is one of the most important witnesses in a case and who know Kudaibergenov. Kudaibergenov demanded from him 5,000 U.S. dollars right after what happened. Why did he demand money? He couldn’t answer the question. The court explained why they didn’t call Saduov because they couldn’t get through him.
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Nuraly Kiyasov’s brother was convicted of group violence. He was sentenced to 2 years conditionally.
July 18-19 in 2018 perpetrators were driving a car of Kiyasov’s brother, that Kiyasov allegedly stole from his own brother. The judge refused to call for interrogation his brother because he can’t give evidence against his sibling by the law. But Kudaibergenov and Tolybaeva aren’t his relatives. But they found the answer within the law and Kiyasov’s brother wasn’t interrogated.
Kiyasov and Kudaibergenov have already been prosecuted three times! And every time they were released because of reconciling the parties. Kiyasov’s brother was a suspended sentence. Kiyasov himself and Kudaibergenov still haven’t been convicted.
What're the untouchable men?!
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About policemen. Denis’ family asks to prosecute policemen Nurpeisov and Musaev, who saw the fight between Denis and perpetrators and didn’t react.
January 11th they were interrogated at the hearing.
Policemen were going to Central stadium, but somehow they were on Kurmangazy-Baiseitova street. They were there before the fight. According to Nurpeisov, they wanted to buy a hot dog on Nazarbayev-Kurmangazy street. But according to Musaev, they wanted to buy a burger on Nazarbayev-Bogenbay Batyr street. Policemen ran and help when perpetrators had been already running away. Meanwhile, one of the policemen go after them without staying with Denis and calling an ambulance. Running out on the road he found out what direction perpetrators went. He sent another police car in a different way (instead of Nazarbayev avenue to Ablai Khan). Later this car will come back to the place of the incident and namely these patrolmen will call the ambulance, tourniquet the leg and help doctors. Time was lost.
Second policemen went to “catch” perpetrators by car along Panfilov street and magically didn’t notice them when they were moving in the same direction as his car.
Nurpeisov and Musaev’s evidences aren’t the same as patrolmen’s, who was providing real help.
During interrogation, judge withdrew all media to another room and asked them to take out all cameras and microphones from the courtroom, despite the fact that aggrieved party wasn’t against it. He didn’t allow the lawyer to ask policemen questions. He also didn’t respond to almost every Denis’ mom question.
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The judgment was made, but the judge didn’t answer the aggrieved party’s motion. We have a lot of unanswered questions.
Why do they need to check two-way communication of Tolybaeva with England and Switzerland?
Why do they need to interrogate Kiyasov’s brother who invited everybody, fed them and give them his own car?
Why do they need to interrogate the third founder of restaurant “Hedonist” Dimash Izbasar who didn’t show up in court because he dislocated his shoulder? (Hedonist is a place where Denis was before he was killed).
Why do they need to interrogate Saduov, from whom Kudaibergenov was demanding $5000 right after what happened?
Why do they need to make a fuss because of rogue policemen, who sent patrolmen to a different direction so they couldn’t catch the perpetrators?
After all, why does the judge need all these problems?
Hushed up, he thinks that everything’s going to die down and aggrieved party is going to let it go.
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January 16th in the court Tolybaeva said that in December some people had come to her to remand centre. She told that they had threatened her. Again, someone familiar usually threatens and only those who know too much or who can compromise those people about whom person just mustn't tell about.
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Tolybaeva isn’t that person she seems to be.
Zhanar Tolybaeva who’s 7 months pregnant in the dock.
During her first interrogation, she pointed out that she met with Kudaibergenov a few days before the incident but in court, Zhanar was trying to deny all charges and articles saying she saw or know nothing.
Aggrieved party answered that even if she didn’t know, there’s an article 434 Criminal Code of Republic of Kazakhstan, which punished the misprision about well-known preparing or committed crime. Moreover, criminal responsibility for the above-mentioned crime was expanded by the new Criminal Code of Republic of Kazakhstan. Whereas previously the maximum punishment for misprision about the crime was 1 year restriction of freedom. It’s now a maximum punishment is 6 years restriction of freedom and it includes serious crimes accordingly.
During the investigation in the court for which her lawyer asked one more day (despite they had 5,5 months for preparing!!), she suddenly said that she knew Kudaibergenov for a long time and they’re going to get married. According to the Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan and criminal law people who hide their husband or wife or close relative that committed a crime are not subjects to criminal responsibility.
January 16th 2019 prosecutor asked for Tolybaeva 4 years restriction of freedom according to the article about misprision. 4 years instead of 6 years because of mitigating factors such as pregnancy and existence of a minor child.
In accordance with the cell phone records accused called each other since July 16th. Denis’ mother said, “everything points to the fact that this trinity like the army has met July 16th and before that they didn’t know each other. Cell phone records prove that acquaintance Tolybaeva with Kudaibergenov happened on the eve. They started to communicate more often a day before the tragedy of July 18th. Maybe they had another phone numbers and it’s possible that they were communicating using them. But those phone numbers which they showed to interrogators officers did not have their common calls.”
Zhanar Tolybaeva is a teacher from Korday village. She has a car and expensive phones such as iPhone and Samsung. She can speak Russian, Kazakh and English. According to cell phone records that were closely reviewed by Denis’ family she has communication with foreigners structures which also had a connection with Denis’ circle. In the court, Tolybaeva said that she called only to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Such calls weren’t found at any of the two her phone numbers.
Denis’ family asked to punish her accordingly to article 188, part 2, paragraph 1 for group stealing by preliminary conspiracy. Since there's new information probably she was head of the gang they also asked to add charge under article 99, part 2, paragraph 8 that is the murder from mercenary motivations involving robbery.
(I’m sorry for possible mistakes as I said my English isn’t good enough. But I hope you can understand the point.)
I was so disappointed by the court’s verdict because I thought results will be worse for them cos they killed Denis Ten who was a real hero of his motherland. They grab his life and got this. Moreover, I’m really disappointed by the police and court again. I thought only russian courts is meaningless but no. This is so unfair! Still can’t believe that Denis isn’t alive anymore.
I’d like to wish his family to be strong. Hope they will achieve what they want. But you know nothing could bring Denis back.
(ig cr.: denisten_official)
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smietanin · 7 years ago
Киясов признался, что именно он наносил ножевые ранения Денису Тену - Московский Комсомолец
Киясов признался, что именно он наносил ножевые ранения Денису Тену Московский Комсомолец В Казахстане была проведена очная ставка по делу об убийстве известного спортсмена Дениса Тена, в ходе которой 24-летний подозреваемый Нуралы Киясов признался, что именно он наносил ножевые ранения фигуристу. Его сообщник 23-летний Арман Кудайбергенов показал ... Полиция обнаружила нож, которым был убит фигурист Денис ТенИнтерфакс Новости по теме Денис Тен - Sputnik КазахстанSputnik Казахстан Сапар ШАМШИЕВ: «Трагедии с Денисом Теном могло не быть!» - Общество - Общественно-политическая газета ...Общественно-политическая газета «Время Cosmo.Ru -Газета.Ру Все похожие статьи: 223 »
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