#ʰᵉᵃᵛʸ ⁱˢ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵉᵃʳˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʳᵒʷⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵒʳⁿˢ { ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰʳᵒⁿᵉˢ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ }
hiveruled · 1 year
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@sanguinelupus asked: ❛ i am at your mercy, your grace. ❜  (said sarcastically with tyrion snickering and drunk in the background)
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Kai's dark gaze burns as he stares EMPTILY at the Lannister brother, silent as the night that befalls King's Landing. Lit torches flicker and illuminate the walls as the three men talk, laugh, and drink. Though Kai is no longer laughing when Klaus mocks him. All in JEST, but still managing to ignite that spark of rage within the self-made lord all the same. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Kai slowly pours himself another cup of wine, eyes flicking back to Klaus once it's nearly CASCADING over the rim like a waterfall of red.
" How many men have died by your sword, Niklaus? " Fingers TRACE the cup's design, not yet lifting the cup to his mouth to drink. " I suspect a Lannister must have countless. "
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hiveruled · 11 months
@perzysprumia gets a starter for jon <3
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" What do you mean the cape is a 'little much'? " Kai looks himself over in the mirror, the black cape with blue silk interwoven throughout and black armor all with INTRICATE design boldly standing out amongst the drab confines of the Lord Commander's quarters. All these years of being by the Lannisters side and perhaps his way of dress reflects more of those in the Red Keep than it did the North.
A flush of embarrassment goes through him when he really takes it all in. It was admittedly a little RIDICULOUS when he could be wearing something to keep him warm from the unforgiving weather. " In my defense...this was not my idea. It was practically a gift. " Kai gestured over the armor.
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hiveruled · 11 months
@cabinetcuriosities gets a lil starter for sansa
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" Must you glare at me like that? " The fork in Kai's hand STABS through the slice of ham, bringing it to his lips after examining it thoughtfully. He did not need to look at Sansa to know that her eyes were BURNING a hole into him. " I would've hoped that my alliance and relationship to your brother would quell some of your hostility. "
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hiveruled · 1 year
@perzysprumia continued from here .
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Kai made a VOW to himself after seeing Jon's cold, bloody corpse and him coming back to life once more. He wasn't going to leave his side, at least not for things like him going past The Wall again to bring back a wight to show Cersei proof the dead were here. Kai's never been this far North before, in the grand scheme of things hardly anyone has. The cold bites unforgivingly at his face, the only part of him not thoroughly covered in pelts of fur.
" You're always serious, Your Grace. " Kai teases him with a smile of his own, briefly mocking Jon's thicker accent. A POWDERY layer of fresh snow kicks up into small clouds with each step they trudge through. " Can we even call you that anymore? Or has the dragon made the wolf her bitch? " The comment isn't said very harshly, in fact it's framed in a joking manner and gets a couple of chuckles from the other men behind them. However, the venom still manages to seep through.
A subsequent bump of his own shoulder against Jon's attempts to SOOTHE any wounds given. " Don't worry so much, I am taking it seriously. It's just difficult to believe until I have it staring me in the face. Which is why Cersei absolutely will not budge an inch unless we give her this, that woman is much more stubborn than I'll ever be. "
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hiveruled · 1 year
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@sanguinelupus asked: this was the ONE thing i told you not to do. (something something about agitating cersei)
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" Well, in my defense...your nephew, the high and mighty king that he is, was being a royal cunt. An even bigger one than your sister has been as of late. " The corners of Kai's lips stretch upward as well as his dark brows in a brief, but SELF-SATISFIED smirk. He tilts the cup of wine to drown his tongue in the remaining liquid, setting it back on the table with a firm THUNK of the wood. Kai rose up from his chair finally, seemingly continuing to be unbothered by the warning being repeated by the other.
" I was also not the one who struck him. Tyrion was so kind as to do it for me. " Kai moves a few steps towards Klaus, tilting his head and reaching out to give a FRIENDLY pat his shoulder. " But if you're so worried about it, I'll make it up to Cersei later this evening. "
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hiveruled · 11 months
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@zalarys asked: "careful.... they bite."
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As with many children of Westeros, Kai grew up hearing the tales of the Targaryens and their MIGHTY dragons that they would ride into battle. Of course, the dragons had been gone for many years before his birth and eventually, assumedly, the Targaryen line itself. Yet here he stands now, staring into the powerful, smoldering red eyes of one. One of three that Daenerys possessed.
Kai can't help but be MESMERIZED by the sight, feeling the hot breath from the scaled beast's flared nostrils hit the palm of his hand when he starts to reach out. It's Daenerys's warning that stops him, causing him to think better of the decision and his hand slowly draws back against his side. " I wouldn't doubt that they do. Seeing them in person is...breathtaking, really. Such a vastly different creature than a horse or mutt. " He glances over his shoulder at the other with a slight smile, " It must be difficult to learn how to handle them. I imagine there's not much you can command a dragon to do. "
The things Kai could do if he did have dragons on his side. The Seven Kingdoms, the Iron Throne, it would all be his within a day if he willed it. Anyone that would oppose him in King's Landing would BURN and turn to ash beneath his feet.
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hiveruled · 1 year
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@perzysprumia asked: ❛  i knew who you were all along.  ❜ (from jon)
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" Is that why you looked like you were about to faint, Snow? " Kai's laughter is light and teasing as he climbs down from his saddle. When he was fetched to come see the intruder his men had caught wandering through their land, he hadn't EXPECTED for it to be Jon. How many years has it been since they last spoken or seen each other? They were both just children then, now REUNITED and grown into young men.
Without skipping a beat, Kai steps over and throws his arms around his old friend for a hug, giving a few firm pats to his back and shoulder. " It's good to see you. " He murmurs, pulling back after a few moments to look him in the eye. Time had been far too KIND to Jon, being in such close quarters to the handsome visage practically takes the Lord of Pinefort's breath away. " Why are you all the way out here? Did your father send you or something? "
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hiveruled · 1 year
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@sanguinelupus asked: ❛ you look better in your wanted posters. ��� (from tyrion bc i need them to interact)
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Atop his horse, Kai LOOMED over Tyrion like a shadow, but he supposed even on the ground that would still be the case. The Lord of Pinefort wears a pelt of a wolverine around his shoulders, dressed to the nines in various black and grays as most Northerners often are. " I have wanted posters now do I? " He chuckles, dismounting the steed and handing the reins off to one of the men waiting to receive them.
" Sorry for the disappointment. Though... " Kai looks Tyrion over for a beat, taking a step closer, his boots CRUNCHING the frost-kissed ground underneath his weight. He comes to a stop in front of him, a simper finally settling on his face. " You're not at all what they say you are either, Lord Tyrion. "
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hiveruled · 1 year
House Name: Anderson House Sigil & Colors: Dark gray flag with a blue honey bee sitting in the middle of a hexagon/honeycomb shape. House Motto: Fear Is Truth Location: Pinefort. Northern, but not as North as Winterfell. Located by the Silent Lake. Weapons: Sword and Dagger ( Sword name: Dreadpiercer ) Horse: Frostbite; A blue roan colored stallion
Born and raised within Winterfell, Kai is the second-born of his father and mother. Though the Anderson's weren't a very wealthy family, they were still well-respected by their community. On the surface, the family of five seemed happy. But behind closed doors Scott was an abusive husband and father, and with the mounting tension and hurt Kai, his siblings, and his mother endured, it only grew worse as years went on.
One fateful night, Kai would walk in on his mother putting a blade through his father's chest before turning the sword on herself, slitting her own throat while Kai watched in horror. Kai remained at his mother's side, frozen from shock and clutching her body in his arms until he was found by his older brother Vincent. Vincent, paranoid that people, especially the Stark's, would shift the blame of their deaths onto them, devised a quick plan to flee Winterfell. In the cover of darkness he and Kai loaded up a wagon with some of their belongings and their parent's covered corpses, bringing their sister Winter along without telling her what had happened until they were far enough away.
The siblings would travel for miles before they find a small, long-abandoned and forgotten fort beside a lake. As desolate and run-down as it is, they make due with it becoming their new home. Vincent brings their parents bodies to the cellar, laying them on slabs of stone and suggesting that the room could serve as a makeshift mausoleum. Kai and Winter, utterly broken down from grief and their long journey, agree to their older brother's suggestion.
As the years pass by and the Anderson siblings fight to survive the harsh winters on their own, they come across various people in need of help either from the cruelty of fellow men or people who simply need shelter and food. Regardless of Vincent's hesitancy, Kai never turned away these individuals, finding a satisfaction in saving those from their hardships. Slowly, Kai finds himself with a community of people who practically view him as a god, respect his advice, and follow his orders. With this newfound power, he decides to create his own house and sigil. A honey bee to symbolize the selfless strength and loyalty of their group. A strange choice for a Northern house sigil, but one that Kai flies on his banners with pride.
This power however, as with most men, goes to Kai's head. He becomes much more erratic and violent at times when he feels he's been wronged or feels the need to enact vengeance. Even going so far as to kill his own brother as an example when he started speaking behind his back about the doubts he was feeling under Kai's leadership. And once word of King Barat.heon and Ned Sta.rk's deaths reach his ears, he's filled with an ambition and lust for more power than he ever considered before. Kai didn't just want to rule over one piece of land. He wanted the Iron Throne and the kingdoms.
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hiveruled · 1 year
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@perzysprumia asked: ❛ pick a god and pray to it. ❜ (from jon, before battle of the bastards methinks)
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Kai's onyx gaze follows the other as he moves around the tent, knowing neither of them would be getting the rest needed for tomorrow's battle. It wasn't all HUSHED whispers around the camp anyways, a lot of the men were drinking and ramping themselves up. In the confines of their tent however, the world seemed smaller. Candlelight flickers and DANCES as Kai reaches over it for a cup of ale, swallowing down most of the beverage in one go.
Perhaps he was more nervous about this than he'd admit. With the amount of men in their army, it was a gamble to go up against Ramsay's. And that wasn't even taking into account the horrific things that bastard could pull for his own AMUSEMENT. He had even told Jon earlier that Sansa had been in the right to be skeptical of their odds of coming out of this alive. Mark that one down in the history books.
" Fuck the gods. " Kai declares, setting the cup back down and letting a SLOW exhale fall from his lips. " They aren't going to do shit for us, not that they ever do anything in the first place as far as I'm concerned. What matters is our strategy...and if our soldiers can swing their weapons better. " The last comment is said with a faint but slightly crooked smile.
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hiveruled · 2 years
[ tag dump for a couple more verses; you can read the summaries on my goo.gle doc. i’ll probably add a couple more to this when i have them written up <3 ] 
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