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gtaradi · 1 year ago
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bobertemperor · 8 months ago
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Hello I have an art backlog in need of posting, that I've been too busy to share in an orderly fashion. Have this devilish pic I drew yesterday for now haha.
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liver-f4ilure · 5 months ago
2023 Prague Shootings
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(NOTE: I’m working on the Academy Maniacs post I promise!)
David Kozák was born August 12th 1999 in Hostouň, Czech Republic. Little is known about his early life.
After graduating high school Kozák started studying at the Charles University in Prague, specifically studying the history of Poland. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree and successfully defended his thesis, earning an excellent grade from his professor, František Stellner.
According to Czech police chief, Martin Vondrášek, Kozák had a gun license and owned 8 firearms at the time of the shooting. In the Czech Republic in order to obtain a gun license one must get a medical examination, amongst other things. Kozák’s friend, only named ‘Alice’, had become concerned with Kozáks mental state in summer of 2022. Due to this, Kozák underwent 4 psychiatric visits. During which he stated his suicidal tendencies before later stating his murderous thoughts aimed towards his parents and unassuming people. By the Psychiatrists advisory, Kozák visited the Psychologist once in December of 2022. In Czech Republic, psychiatrists must forward their reports to the patients general practitioner, if it is known to them, however Kozák did not disclose it, so no report was issued.
With this lack of knowledge, Kozák was able to obtain a gun license with the only rule being that he must wear glasses.
Police stated that Kozák had been planning the shooting for a while. On his search history was research about mass killers, including the ‘Forest Killer’ a spree killer in Prague who killed 3 people. He had also researched the teaching schedules of classes on the fourth floor and downloaded the schools layout and other surrounding buildings. Lastly, he made note about the possible amount of students in each classroom.
Kozák had told multiple friends about his gun purchases, especially Alice whom he told about undergoing shooting practices and his plans to start exercising saying that he’ll need to lift heavy bags in 2-3 months. Kozák also received a gift of CZK 300,000 (13,000 USD) from his grandmother and withdrew CZK 400,000 (17,000 USD) from his savings account. Both of which he used to purchase ammunition and other related equipment.
On December 15th 2023, Kozák was believed to have murdered a 32-year-old man and his 2 month old daughter in the Klánovice forest. He was one of many suspects in the case but it has not been confirmed.
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On December 21st 2023 Kozák murdered his father, Stanislav Kozák, at their home in Hostouň, accomplishing his ideas of murdering his parents. Kozák then drove to Faculty of Arts, Charles University. He entered the main building and began shooting at students and teachers, he killed 14 people and wounded 22 others. Kozák also fired at police and bystanders from the fourth floors balcony, like he had planned. The attack lasted 20 minutes before Kozák shot and killed himself on the balcony.
His (used) weapons were 9mm semiautomatic pistol (Klánovice forest) .380 ACP Škorpion semi automatic pistol (Hostouň) 9mm Glock 47 semiautomatic pistol, Sig Sauer semi automatic pistol (classrooms) .308 ZEV AR-10 semiautomatic rifle (balcony) and a 12 gauge Francolin Guardian pump action shotgun (suicide/balcony)
In the aftermath, Kozáks home was searched and there police found a letter confessing to the murders in the forest, as well as improvised explosives. In a post- Mortem examination Kozáks personality was found to be “schizoid with narcissistic and antisocial traits and a very solid IQ”. Police determined the motive was simply that he felt misunderstood and that the attack was revenge to society.
As of today the shooting has been the deadliest shooting in Czech history.
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khlebs · 1 month ago
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ČZ Škorpion Evo 3 - .44 Automag
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infamousblackcoat · 2 years ago
Homu with a Škorpion
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astrowhitelion · 2 years ago
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Prošle nedelje sam napisala da će nam ponedeljak 06.02 biti jako naporan i težak i da ćemo se baviti porodičnim temama.
Takođe, sam navela da će ovaj napor najviše da osete predstavnici fiksnih znakova: Bik, Lav, Škorpion i Vodolija.
Mi smo prošle nedelje imali pun Mesec u Lavu, koji je imao i opoziciju sa Saturnom u Vodoliji.
Rekla sam da taj aspekt često donosi tugu i porodične probleme. Na žalost, rano ujutru u ponedeljak 06.02 Turska i Sirija su pretrpele jak i razoran zemljotres.
Žrtve se i dalje broje i ovo je velika nesreća i tuga za ceo svet. Mnoge porodice su ostale bez svojih voljenih članova.
Mnoga deca su ostala bez oba roditelja. Strašne slike stradanja su obeležile celu prethodnu nedelju.
Turska je pod jakim uticajem Škorpiona, koji je bio jako aktiviran sa punim Mesecom u Lavu i Uranom u Biku.
Uran je daleka planeta, koja deluje više na kolektiv, nego na pojedinca. Uran u Biku često donosi jake zemljotrese, gde strada veliki broj ljudi.
Takođe, za prošli utorak sam napisala da će mnogi želeti da budu drugima na usluzi i da drugima pomažu. Tako se i desilo. Mnoge države sveta su poslale svoje spasilačke ekipe, kako bi pomogle u pronalaženju i spašavanju nesrećnih ljudi.
Takođe, mnogi pojedinci širom sveta su otišli u Tursku i Siriju da pomognu.
Nakon zemljotresa tišina je zavladala u celom svetu, jer su svi zanemeli!
Sa ovim teškim slikama koje su nam stalno pred očima krenuće i ova nedelja.
U ponedeljak 13.02 se i dalje oseća opozicija između Meseca u Škorpionu i Urana u Biku, koju smo imali u nedelju 12.02.
Ovaj aspekt nam je doneo stres i strah tokom prethodnog vikenda.
Sada na početku nedelje, Mesec će imati i kvadrat sa Saturnom i sa Suncem. I dalje se osećamo nemoćno pod jakim naletom sudbine. Ponovi vidimo koliko smo mali naspram prirode i njene moći.
Još jednom se pokazalo da nas teškoće ujedinjuju i čine plemenitijim, humanijim.
Zato pokaži svoju humanost i pomozi nastradalima u zemljotresu u Turskoj i Siriji!
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saibhaktabrasill · 2 years ago
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#Croatian 08.mar.23 8. ožujka 2023. Zašto je Gospod došao u ljudskom obliku? Bhagavan na nezaboravnom primjeru objašnjava na današnji dan, kad se dogodio važan događaj u Sai Avatarstvu. Možda ste čuli da neki ljudi govore da sam Ja postao Sai Baba kad me ubo škorpion! Pa, izazivam bilo koga od vas da vas ubodu škorpioni i da se preobrazite u Sai Babu. Ne, škorpion nije imao ništa s tim! Zapravo škorpiona nije ni bilo! Došao sam kao odgovor na molitve mudraca, svetaca i duhovnih tragatelja da obnovim pravednost (dharme). Kad se pojavi znak ikakvog nemira, na mjestu događanja se pojavljuje policajac; ako se rulja razulari, na lice mjesta juri inspektor; a ako postane nasilno, tu mora osobno biti prisutan i policijski načelnik da bi to zaustavio. Ako se međutim situacija razbukta, glavni inspektor također mora biti na raspolaganju, zar ne? Ovo je situacija u kojoj glavni inspektor preuzima svu odgovornost za situaciju. Mudraci, učenjaci, sveci, jogiji i božanske osobnosti imali su priliku pokušati i svi će surađivati na zadatku ponovnog uspostavljanja pravednosti i krčenja puta da svijet postigne apsolutni mir (šanti).   Božanski govor, 23. veljače 1958. Trebate spoznati da sam došao podsjetiti vas na vašu Stvarnost da je zapravo svatko od vas utjelovljenje sat-chit-anande.- BABA  #sathyasai #saibhakta #sathyasaibaba #saibaba https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiwJXdOAWJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Divno je provoditi vrijeme s obitelji... 😊 Ovo je jedan od trenutaka zabilježen na crno-bijelom filmu. --- w/ @re_nata_boutique / @kvenic, @puhardamir, karasfreequeboutique & @artwid_creative --- Ako trebaš fotografa, nazovi na 0923720382! 😃 --- #artfotography #umjetničkafotografija #blackandwhitephotography #filmphotography #crnobijelafotografija #croatiafulloflife #croatianphotography #baka #majka #žena #croatiafullofopportunities #hrvatskafotografija #kraljica #škorpion #ilfordphoto #ilford400 #spontanafotografija #prirodnažena #prekrasnažena #familytime #familylunch #lunchtime #mediterraneanasitoncewas #balkanfamily #obiteljskiručak #obiteljsvetinja #cosanostra #vodenjak #aquarius #goodtimes https://www.instagram.com/p/CSjTYcLs0zo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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art-by-nerea · 5 years ago
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Další téma je Liška a Aksamitník. Já se naučím tolik zajímavých názvů! Změnila jsem trochu styl ilustrací a přesunula jsem se někam jinam. Myslím, že i když jsem si to neuvědomovala, tak jsem sama na sebe tlačila, abych měla nějaký výsledek, místo toho, abych si to opravdu užila. Dala jsem si teď svobodu, proto některé z dalších ilustrací jsou jen brainstormingy ve skicáku. Právě teď mi v něm zbývá 12 stran a nový mi přijde v pondělí. 😍 Víte, co to znamená? 🇬🇧 Next theme is Fox and Marigold. I will certainly learn a lot of new names! I changed the style a bit and moved somewhere else with my illustrations. I think I put a bit of pressure on me without realizing it. I wanted to have some results and I didn't enjoy it sooo much. Just now I gave myself freedom, that's why some of the future illustrations you'll see are playfull sketchbook spreads. I have last 12 pages left and on Monday my new sketchbook will arrive. 😍 Do you know what it means? #fox #marigold #prompt #botanicalillustrations #botanical #animalillustration #animaln#birdillustration #illustration #ilustrace #ilustracia #liska #škorpion #askamitnik #fabercastell_cz #fabercastell #mungyo #versatile #illustration_daily #illustration_art #illustrationcz #watercolors #watercolours #pencils #polychromos #sketchbook #sketchbookart #nereart #akvarelovapriroda #akvarelčesky (v místě Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NNJVvnKNN/?igshid=1rjrt7f5x6yki
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astrotarotcentar-blog · 5 years ago
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#TAROT #TAROTHRVATSKA #060TAROT #vidovnjaci #tarot #Ovan #Bik #blizanci #Rak #lav #djevica #vaga #Škorpion #strijelac #jarac #vodenjak #ribe #najboljitarot #najjeftinijitarot #Vidovnjaci #Magda #Venera #pitajtarot #vidoviti Milan #060 tarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B4RtvhTH9Jt/?igshid=1l0r1xswwubuw
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ljubavniromani · 21 days ago
Imaju najjaču psihu: Ova 3 znaka horoskopa mogu da savladaju sve životne oluje
Osobe rođene pod ova tri horoskopska znaka smatraju se jednima od najstrašnijih predstavnika astrološkog sustava, koji se suočavaju s izazovima života s izuzetnom snagom i otpornošću. Njihova sposobnost savladavanja prepreka, bez obzira na njihovu veličinu, utemeljena je na duboko ukorijenjenim karakteristikama koje su kultivirane tijekom godina iskustva, psihološke stabilnosti i unutarnje…
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gtaradi · 2 years ago
Austrijanka se vratila s odmora u Hrvatskoj i u prtljazi pronašla gomilu škorpiona
Obitelj škorpiona, mama i mladunci, sretno su vraćeni u Hrvatsku, pušteni su u prirodu
Vijest je malo neobična, ali upravo se širi austrijskim, pa i britanskim medijima, a prenosi je Telegram: Austrijanka koja se vratila s odmora iz Hrvatske pronašla je gomilu škorpiona u svojoj prtljazi. Vijest je prvo objavila udruga za životinje Tierhilfe Gusental, a uskoro su je prenijeli brojni austrijski mediji. Tako pišu: “Žena iz Natternbacha (okrug Grieskirchen) zacijelo je doživjela pravi…
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theunholyhomucifer · 3 years ago
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why her Škorpion that big
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weaponvault · 3 years ago
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Czechoslovak machine gun Š-59
The prototype of the vz. 61 Škorpion submachine gun with the designation Š-59 was at the beginning of the development of this world-famous weapon. The designer Ing. Miroslav Rybář (1924-1970) developed the prototype at the Research and Development Institute of General Engineering Plants (VVÚ ZVS) in Brno on the basis of the requirements of the Ministry of the Interior. This required a small, compact automatic weapon for special purposes.
The 1959 prototype, number 3029, is the oldest surviving working example and was acquired for the collections of the Military Historical Institute by transfer from Prototypy Brno in 1994.
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khlebs · 1 month ago
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ČZ Škorpion Evo 3 - .300 BLK
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lostsouldierbye · 3 years ago
@bouqueue   :   It's summer. It's hot and humid. The kind of weather that makes you feel sticky immediately. It's not great weather to be working in, especially when your primary form of hydration is beer and coffee. David makes it work though. And by 'makes it work' I mean, he's shirtless, covered in grease and sweat, and - I mean, he's working. But he's also shirtless, again. Have fun James.
      Bucky’s at the shop. Where else would he be ? Occasionally, he makes himself useful. He’s good for heavy lifting. He’s not bad with the machines either, if David talks him through it. He knows how moving parts work and he’s had to be resourceful over the years. Today, he’s got his custom Škorpion with him, in need of a clean and lubrication. He keeps to the back of the shop because he knows David doesn’t deal anymore and probably doesn’t need the kind of attention a guy messing around with restricted use guns in broad daylight would bring. 
      When he wanders out front to grab himself a bottle of water from the fridge is the first time he notices David. Sun looks good on him. Dirt and sweat and hard work looks good on him. Bucky pushes the fridge door closed slowly, then leans against it, still taking in the scene of David working steadily beneath the hood of an 80s Ford. Attraction wasn’t the first thing that happened between them, but it sure as hell had crept up on him over the months, starting pretty early on without rhyme or reason. Before the first time they’d fallen asleep next to each other, before the first time they’d made it to a bed. Not like that. He sighs. It’s never like that, is it ?    
      For the most part, Bucky keeps his hands to himself. He’s been punched in the face for showing an incremental ounce of affection, so he plays it more carefully now. It’s not really a problem either --- he has a well controlled dick, or just a lazy one. But even he’s not lazy or immune enough to turn away from a sight like this. So he downs the entire bottle of cold water to quench his thirst, crunches up the bottle and pits it into the trash, then heads into the back to find something that needed to be torn apart or banged back together because finessing the innards of his gun was not going to keep his mind off of wanting to lick the sweat clean off of David’s neck. 
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