#ørion ars goetia
helluva-family · 3 months
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Stolas: Welcome to my blog! I am Prince Stolas Ars Goetia! I was recommended to start a blog to chronicle my journey as a single parent to my son Ørion Ars Goetia. He’s 5 years old now.
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Art by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
Ørion: HIYA! I’m Ørion! The O is silent!
Stolas: Please feel free to ask questions! That’s what this blog is all about!
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bunny-is-cute · 4 months
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Lord help me I tried to draw Ørion (Stolas’s and Blitzø’s son) and he came out looking scary (and not in a good way lol)
Y’all are free to better his design if ya want!
He’s supposed to have Stolas’s body shape, Blitz’s eyes and an impish tail with owl feathers and Owl feet/talons. Oh and Blitzø’s horns with a curve at the end.
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I know there’s that blog someone made based on them, but how are Stolas and Ørion?
Stolas: Well things have been good. Ørion is 5 years old now. He goes to school with Lucifer’s children but I don’t know if he’s actually friends with them. He’s a tad shy now than when he was a young hatchling. I think he’s being bullied by some of the kids because he’s half imp. I tried to speak with his teacher about it but there isn’t much she can do.
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helluva-family · 21 days
Blitz, so you don't remember how you reacted when you first saw Nova?
Blitzø: Uhhh I heard I was a jerk. *pets his belly* I’m sorry Novie-Wovie! We were all ugly once!
Stolas: Speak for yourself Blitzy.
Blitzø: *pulls up picture of new-hatched Stolas*
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Stolas: What? That’s what baby owls look like. Ørion did as well!
Ørion: *runs in and sees the picture* Eww what sorta ugly reptile is that supposed to be?
Blitzø: *laughs hysterically*
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helluva-family · 2 months
Massages, cuddles, tickles etc. To calm him down. But maybe Blitz will calm down and re think the name choice
Stolas: *carrying a cranky Blitzø to settle down* It’s okay. I know you don’t feel good. While is why I pulled up your favorite movie!
Blitzø: You don’t mean…?
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Blitzø: It’s Spirit! *cuddles closer Stolas’s hold*
*after the horse gives birth*
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Blitzø: *crying* That’s so beautiful. I wanna give birth like that.
Stolas: In the middle of a field?
Blitzø: Yeah! So peaceful. It was done.
Stolas: Blitzø you know this is a movie right? You’ll need a hospital to give birth in.
Blitzø: *pouts*
Ørion: *peeks in* Spirit! Alright! *sits in Stolas’s other side, eagerly watching the movie together*
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helluva-family · 2 months
Ørion, if you want to have another playdate with Caelan, you have to ask his pare and your parents nicely so no one gets scared.
Ørion: Okay…but I won’t have a play date for a while. I’m grounded.
Stolas: Yes you are! You could have gotten us in a lot of trouble young man. You kidnapped the Prince of Hell!
Ørion: *frowns and goes to his room*
Blitzø: Wow Stolas…you’re kinda hot when you have to be strict. It’s kinda sexy~
Stolas: Really? Then get your ass upstairs too!
Blitzø: *confused* Is…this a bit? Or am I grounded too?
Stolas: Go upstairs and wait for me. You and I will have a long conversation~
Blitzø: Oh….Ohhhhh…*runs upstairs eagerly*
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helluva-family · 2 months
Blitz, Stolas, don’t kidnap this kid. He’s the son of Lucifer and Alastor. You don’t want to cross them.
Stolas: Of course not! *turns to Ørion* Sweetheart, this little boy already has a family. He needs to go back to—
Ørion: *starts crying and hugging Caelan* but I love him Daddy!
Stolas: I know. You two can still be friends, but he must go home.
Blitzø: Yeah and don’t be so clingy. People hate it when you’re clingy.
Stolas: *goes over and takes Caelan away from Ørion* come along now. Let’s take you home before Lucifer comes for us all.
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helluva-family · 2 months
Stolas and Blitz, you should try to explain this as gently as possible. It's a weird situation
*sitting Ørion down to explain*
Blitzø: Okay so…when you were baby, your Daddy…uh me! Accidentally made some demons very angry because he loves your other Daddy!
Stolas: Right! But I didn’t know that. Your other daddy is really bad at communicating. But he has other amazing skills…
Blitzø: No right in front of the kid! *clears his throat* Well after a few years of being on the run, the person who I got really mad finally forgave me and now I’m allowed back home!
Ørion: Oohhh…so what do I call you?
Blitzø: Uh…how about Dad?
Stolas: And you can still call me Daddy.
Ørion: Okay!
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helluva-family · 2 months
Aww poor Ørion😭
Stolas: *picks up Ørion and holds him comfortingly* There there Ri, you’re okay.
Blitzø: Ørion, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.
Ørion: *peeks his head to look at Blitzø, hiccuping*
Stolas: Ri, that’s your father. Remember we’ve talked about him before.
Ørion: F…Father?
Blitzø: Yeah kiddo…Hi.
Ørion: *sticks tongue out and blows raspberries* You stinky! You hurted Daddy!
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helluva-family · 2 months
so how did the meeting between Ørion and Blitzø go?
Ørion: *already being taken care of by one of the servant — eating breakfast*
Stolas: *comes over yawning* Morning ‘Ri…
Ørion: Morning Daddy!
Blitzø: *slumps in the chair next to Stolas* Morning Stolas *notices Ørion* O…rion?
Ørion: Not Orion! Ørion! The ‘O’ is silent!
Blitzø: *has never been more proud* MY BABY BOY! *jumps over table and squeezes Ørion into a hug*
Ørion: *starts crying out for his Daddy to help him*
Stolas: Ørion it’s okay! He’s your father! Remember I told you I was going to meet with him? But Blitzy you may wanna let him go.
Blitzø: Oh right! *lets Ørion go and the owlet scrambles to Stolas, shaking like a leaf*
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helluva-family · 7 days
What's going on with Stolitz and Nova? What are Via, Loona, and Ørion up to these days? We need details!!
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At Stolas’s Manor…
Stolas and Blitzø have built a happy, stable life together, raising their two kids, Ørion and Nova. Their home is filled with laughter, love, and a sense of peace that neither of them thought possible years ago.
One sunny morning, Blitzø and Stolas sit in the living room, sipping coffee as they watch their children interact. Ørion, now eleven years old, is full of energy, bouncing around the room, excitedly talking about his latest adventure at school.
Ørion: *Grinning, tossing his bag on the couch* And then, during gym, I totally scored the winning goal in soccer! Everyone was cheering—it was awesome! *He strikes a dramatic pose, clearly loving the attention.*
Blitzø: *Chuckling, pride in his voice* That’s my boy! Kicking ass just like your old man. Bet the other kids were all over you after that, huh?
Ørion: *Blushing slightly, rubbing the back of his neck* Yeah… some of the girls were giggling and stuff. It was weird. *He shrugs, clearly not too interested in the attention, but still enjoying the popularity.*
Stolas: *Smiling warmly, watching his son with adoration* You’re quite the heartthrob, Ørion. I’m not surprised. But remember, being kind is just as important as being talented, my dear.
Ørion: *Rolling his eyes playfully* Yeah, yeah, I know, Dad. I’m nice to everyone!
While Ørion basks in his growing popularity, Nova sits quietly in the corner, curled up in an armchair with one of Stolas’s ancient grimoires resting on her lap. The five-year-old wears large, round glasses, her unruly feather-hair sticking out in all directions. Her nose is buried deep in the book, and she’s completely absorbed in reading, her mind a world away.
Nova: *Murmuring to herself, flipping a page* Hmm… so that’s how the celestial bindings work. Interesting…
Blitzø glances over at his daughter, his heart swelling with love. He knows she’s different from her brother—more introverted, more of a quiet, intellectual soul. While Ørion thrives in social settings, Nova finds comfort in her books and her own imagination.
Blitzø: *Smiling softly* Whatcha readin’, Nova?
Nova: *Without looking up, adjusting her glasses* Daddy’s grimoire. It’s really fascinating, Papa. Did you know there’s a spell in here that can turn someone invisible for a whole day? I bet that would be useful for sneaking around. *Her voice is full of wonder, completely unfazed by her solitude.*
Stolas: *Proudly* My little scholar. You’re learning so quickly. But remember, that grimoire holds powerful magic. Be careful with what you read, my love.
Nova: *Nods, still focused on the book* I know, Daddy. I’m just studying. I won’t do anything dangerous. *She gives a small, content smile, happy to be learning, even if she’s alone.*
Blitzø: *A little concerned, leaning toward Stolas* I wish Nova had more friends, though. I know she’s smart as hell and happy doing her own thing, but… kids can be cruel.
Stolas: *Sighing, looking at his daughter with affection* Yes… they can. But Nova is strong, in her own way. She finds joy in learning, and as long as we support her, she’ll grow into her own. She doesn’t need to be like Ørion.
Blitzø: *Nods, though still worried* Yeah, you’re right. I just hate thinking she’s getting picked on, you know? I don’t want her to feel like she’s not enough.
Ørion: *Suddenly chiming in, overhearing the conversation* Some of the kids say mean things about Nova, but I always tell them to shut up. My sister’s the smartest person I know. If they can’t see that, they’re just dumb.
Blitzø’s heart swells with pride at Ørion’s words, grateful that his son is protective of his sister despite their differences. He glances over at Nova, who’s still absorbed in her book, oblivious to the world around her.
Blitzø: *Smiling softly* Thanks, kiddo. You’re a good brother.
Ørion: *Grinning* Of course! No one messes with my family.
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Bunny: This is what I imagine Nova looking like, though with some more owl features. I did kinda base her appearance on Ugly Betty.
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helluva-family · 17 days
well in fairness baby owls and birds tend to look like that when they are born but in a few weeks they are covered in feathers to make them fluffy and warm.
(a fact I recently found out about baby owls)
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Ørion: Yeah! Fluffy baby! I want sissy to be fluffy!
Blitzø: Well odds are she’ll be more imp-like than Owl-like.
Stolas: Perhaps. Though it wouldn’t be so bad if she was more imp like.
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helluva-family · 21 days
Hey Ørion, have you talked to your friend Caelan recently?
Ørion: *shakes his head* No. I hope he’s okay. I think the Royal family isn’t around right now.
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helluva-family · 26 days
Is anyone gonna update Fizz and Ozzie?
It would be good for Mox and Mill to know too.
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Ozzie: *on the phone with Stolas* Uh huh…I see…I’m sorry Stolas…yes of course we can keep watching Rion. Don’t even worry. He’s in good hands focus on Blitzø and the little one. Keep me updated Birdy Bae…*hangs up* n
Fizz: Was that Stolas?
Ozzie: Yeah. A lot has happened—
Ørion: *running in* Was that my Papa?!
Ozzie: Uh yes it was. You just missed him.
Ørion: What’s happening? Why hasn’t he come pick me up yet?
Ozzie: Well Rion, a lot has happened. Your Daddy had your baby sister but she came too early so she’s need in to stay at the hospital for a while.
Ørion: Oh…what about Daddy?
Ozzie: Your Daddy isn’t feeling too well either. But your Papa is taking care of both of them and before you know it, they’ll be back home with you!
Ørion: *feels uneasy*
Fizz: Ya know, I bet if we made some “get well soon cards” for your Daddy and sister, I bet they’ll feel better instantly!
Ørion: *perks up* REALLY?!
Fizz: Oh yeah! In fact why don’t we start working on them right now!
Ørion: YEAH! I’ll make the bestest card! *runs off*
Fizz: *runs off after him*
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helluva-family · 28 days
who tf is with ørion
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Fizz: Yeah we can watch him. Come on Ørion.
Ørion: *leaves with Fizz and his family* If my Daddy gonna be okay? Where did he go?
Fizz: You’re Daddy and Papa had to go to the hospital but I’m sure I’ll be fine! Your Daddy is strong after all! Uh…did I ever tell you the story of how your Daddy saved me from the mafia and a cowboy?
Ørion: No…
Fizz: Than you’re gonna love this story!
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helluva-family · 28 days
Yeah, Blitz, don't think you're getting much of a choice here. You have to go to the hospital. What if something is wrong with the baby?
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Blitzø: *wincing and feels something warm spread between his legs*
*everyone stops and stares*
Blitzø: What?
Moxxie: Sir…I think your water broke!
Blitzø: *looks down and sees the fluids soaking his pants* Oh…
Stolas: *picks up Blitzø* THE PARTY IS OVER! *opens a portal to the Sloth Ring and goes through it with a protesting Blitzø*
*everyone is still staring at where the portal was*
Ørion: *walks in with the other kids* Where Daddy and Papa?
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