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demeissen · 11 months ago
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Ropsten underground station. Ropsten, Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden. January 2024.
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strumphuset · 2 years ago
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kanelbulle även kallad kanelsnäcka eller kanelsnurra kommer egentligen ifrån Nordamerika och norra Europa från början. Lyxiga och snygga kanel strumpa i blått och gult med kanelbullar. Kanelbullen är gjord på vetedeg som man kavlar ut och sedan tillsätter en smet som består av smör, socker och kanel innan den rullas ihop skärs i bitar och sätts in i ugnen. #kanelbulle #fika #kaffe #coffee #swedishfika #göteborg #cafe #frukost #södermalm #bulle #hembakat #hembakat #baking #östermalm #kanelbullar #strumphuset #mat #nybakat #herrstrumpor #newsocks #färggladastrumpor #tidlösastrumpor #strumpor #herrstrumpor #damstrumpor #kanel #kanel #bulle #svenskfika https://www.instagram.com/p/ComKRZko8Ru/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atsvensson · 20 hours ago
Vapenhandlaren på Östermalm
Vapenhandlaren på Östermalm. 2017 genomfördes en rättegång mot en då 46-årig vapenhandlare som tidigare sålt skyddsutrustning till svenska polisen i stor skala. Åtalet gällde sju fall av grova brott mot lagen om krigsmateriel. Mellan 2008 och 2015 försökte mannen utan tillstånd genomföra vapenaffärer med aktörer i flera olika länder. Leveranserna skulle exempelvis gå till Irak, Belarus, Malaysia,…
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shivicollectsthings · 2 years ago
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collection of yummy neighbourhood facades // balconies and sunshades
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swemagast · 2 years ago
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#lokaltidningsbesvikelser #öfvre #östermalm #hipsters #åkhemtillsödermalm #arkitekthögskolan (på/i Kulturdepartementet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvrQnUsTN8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wtfuckevenknows · 4 months ago
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Birthday Brunch ❤️
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mdameninie · 11 months ago
48H à Stockholm, Suède
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davidsingh7204 · 1 year ago
Varför välja omfattande tandvård?
När det gäller tandhälsa är det av stor vikt att välja rätt klinik. Många inser inte alltid fördelarna med en klinik som erbjuder omfattande tjänster, vilket kan vara en nackdel i längden. I denna blogg kommer vi att utforska de många fördelarna med att välja en helhetslösning för tandvård, exempelvis den tjänst som Tandläkargruppen Södermalm erbjuder.
Expertis inom alla områden
Det finns en tydlig fördel med att välja en klinik som kan hantera en rad olika tandvårdsbehov. Inte nog med att du får tillgång till en mängd olika tjänster, du får också en sammanhållen och genomtänkt vårdplan. Det handlar inte bara om de grundläggande tjänsterna som tandrengöring och lagningar. En klinik med bred kompetens kan också hantera mer komplexa fall som estetisk tandvård, tandimplantat och tandreglering för vuxna. Detta sparar dig både tid och energi.
Bekvämligheten av att ha alla dina tandvårdstjänster under ett och samma tak kan inte nog understrykas. Det är inte enbart praktiskt, utan det förenklar också uppföljningen av din tandhälsa. När alla dina tandjournaler finns samlade på en plats blir det betydligt enklare att justera och anpassa din behandling över tid.
Senaste teknologin 
Teknologin inom tandvården utvecklas ständigt. Kliniker som satsar på omfattande tandvård har ofta tillgång till den senaste teknologin och de mest avancerade behandlingsmetoderna. På Tandläkargruppen Södermalm använder vi oss exempelvis av modern teknik för smärtfria tandimplantat, vilket gör behandlingen både mer effektiv och behaglig för patienten.
Individanpassad vård
Det som verkligen särskiljer en klinik som erbjuder omfattande tandvård är förmågan att erbjuda individanpassade behandlingsplaner. På Tandläkargruppen Södermalm är detta en självklarhet. Vi tar oss tid att förstå varje patients unika behov och skräddarsyr en vårdplan som är anpassad just för dig, oavsett om det handlar om estetisk tandvård eller akuttandvård.
Att välja en klinik som erbjuder omfattande tandvård är en klok investering i din långsiktiga tandhälsa. Du får inte bara tillgång till en rad olika tjänster och den senaste teknologin, du får också en partner som kan hjälpa dig att ta hand om ditt leende genom hela livet.
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royalchildreneurope · 5 months ago
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King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Queen Silvia of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden and Prince Alexander of Sweden attend a charity piano concert and Prince Alexander's summer graduation concert on the piano, at Hedvig Eleonora kyrka Church in Östermalm in Stockholm, Sweden -June 9th 2024.
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ferretteeth · 2 years ago
Swedish references in Disco Elysium and A Sacred and Terrible Air
There's a couple of things I keep thinking about in the Elysium universe from a Scandinavian or specfically swedish POV and I need to put them somewhere. It makes sense a lot of the game is both Slavic and Scandi inspired since the author is Estonian (and many of the people working on it also are from North Europe).
To start off: racism and white nationalism. This starts in Disco Elysium with, for example, the Hjelmdallarmann comic which is clearly an in universe viking fiction. Vikings, Celtics and similar have in real life unfortunately been co-opted by white nationalists wanting to return to anarchist values. The same goes for the fictional ancient civilizations in Elysium. We know what types are into the Hjelmdall fiction
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In Terrible Air this is shown in Vidkun Hird, the imprisoned white nationalist who once led a nationalist party called Hjelmdall. He also shares a name with Vidkun Quisling, Norwegian nazi collaborator.
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Vikard similarly resembles IRL white nationalists interested in these aesthetics by talking at length about how beautiful the missing Lund girls are, focus on racial purity and innocent women as soon as they're old enough to have children.
In summary, Elysium’s worldbuilding is so extensive there’s in-canon white nationalists with a hard on for vikings.
On a lighter note: Vaasa and Katla are both very clear analogs for Northernmost Europe. Vaasa is likely named after the Swedish royal lineage Vasa, often considered to be our “great” kings since they successfully created a Swedish empire which contained much of Northern Europe and a few isles in the Atlantic. There even is a Finnish town named Vaasa after Swedish occupation.
They speak Swedish a few times in the books (song lyrics, Skål!) also there is just Östermalm which exists in real life. I was there two days ago.
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Northern Katla is definitely Finland. It shares a border with Grad (Russia) and also Cunoesse is from there.
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(Näkki is a necken or nix, water-living faefolk who play the fiddle)
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Here's Cunoesse just calling you a "cop motherfucker" in Finnish (more or less. Vittu is a transcendental curse and hard to translate)
Katla could be named either after the Icelandic volcano or after the dragon in Bröderna Lejonhjärta (The Brothers Lionheart) by Astrid Lindgren, same author who did Pippi Longstocking. Or maybe something entirely different but those are the things that come to mind. Here is Katla from the movie, haunting Scandinavian children since 1977.
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valentine1994 · 24 days ago
Jag väcktes i mitten av natten av smärtan i handen. Den hade börjat sträcka sig från fingertopparna till axeln, det är nerven som är klämd förklarade läkaren. Du har fått karpaltunnelsyndromen sa han och hans blick var stilla. Jag vet inte om jag någonsin kommer att vänja mig vid den stillheten i ansiktet, i hela kroppen hos svenskarna. Jag känner igen fransmännen i Stockholm för de tittar på allt och alla med orolig blick, stirrar sedan vänder sig om, som om de var förföljda av ett spöke, de ser rädda ut.
Läkaren var fortfarande brun från sin semester i den franska rivieran trots att det var oktober, den fula vita läkaruniformen passade honom förvånansvärt bra och hans förnamn lät lite franskt trots att han hette Andersson i efternamn. Det verkar vara en grej i den delen av stan, alla är liksom besatta av Frankrike och jag behandlas bättre än andra för att jag heter Valentine och har en brytning. Häromdagen ringde min mamma när jag stod i kö på ICA Roslagstull och den snygga blonda kassörskan tappade plötligt sin resting bitch face, log mot mig och gav mig rabatt för något som skulle gå ut 5 dagar senare. Allt jag behöver göra är att babbla på franska i telefon och hela Östermalm bugar sig för mig men de hör inte att jag har en bonnig dialekt.
Jag väckte A som gick upp och gav mig en Alvedon, det har blivit en vana hos oss, en liten koreografi som upprepas varannan dag: jag vaknar i mitten av natten och har ont, han går upp och ger mig en Alvedon och sedan somnar vi om. Hans väckarklocka ringde 2 timmar senare och han gick upp och jag låtsades sova för att anledningen till att han ställt väckarklockan 8:30 på en söndag var att han skulle göra mig frukost och ta ut de presenter han gömt i skrivbordslådan när han trodde att jag inte såg. Det var min trettioårsdag och jag låg där och blundade och lyssnade på allt han gjorde. Efter fem minuter kom ångesten och jag började röra på mig, satte mig i sängen men han sa nej, sov, en kvart till bara.
Vi åt en liten frukost och mina föräldrar ringde, och min gudmor ringde, och 50% av min släkt smsade, sedan promenerade vi till Humlegården och åt lunch på ett franskt ställe där ägaren har en moustache och ser misstänksamt på alla de som kommer in men han går undan med att vara borderline otrevlig för han ser fransk ut. Bredvid oss satt ett franskt par och jag frågade dem om de var här på besök, nej de var här för jobbet och de bodde på hotel Diplomat och det syntes. I vanliga fall hade jag inte försökt prata med sådana parisianska finansmänniskor men den dagen hade jag tvättat håret och hade på mig min ulltröja från DAY by Birger et Mikkelsen och min Malene Birger svarta kappa. Jag har liksom blivit besatt av de danska modemärkena och har alltid ett paket på väg från något outlet företag. Ingenting känns sorgligare än att gå ner till den paketboxen och hämta mina rabatterade danska kläder. BankID, bluetooth, bekräfta hämtning, tyst för mig själv upprepar jag: "det är en investering".
Dagen efter började rynkorna plötligt synas på mitt ansikte, jag lovar, jag kan inte längre lägga eyeliner runt ögonen för den rinner direkt in i rynkorna. Som varje morgon gick jag gick ner till Pressbyrå och köpte kaffe och där stod en kvinna (tjej?) med sådana rynkor vid ögonen och tittade på frallorna. Hon hade försökt dölja rynkorna med orange foundation så att de syntes ännu mer och hade på sig en trench coat från Bershka. Jag drog slutsatsen att hon var född 92.
Det är något med oss som är födda mellan 90 och 95. Vi styr inte längre utseendevärlden, vi ramlade 2018 och har sedan dess legat där i diket med våra high waisted jeans. Ser på grunge fairycore snyggingar passera, de ser inte på oss. Några av oss har inte slutat sminka sina ögonbryn, har liksom blivit missbrukare. Springer mot Anastasia-pennan som alkoholister springer mot flaskan. Vi blev inte inkluderade i årets 2009-mode-revival för vi tar sociala medier på allvar och följer konton som heter typ juliafashionblog. Jag önskar att jag kunde vara med i 2009-trenden men det krävs ironi, ett slags avståndstagande, för att cosplaya en anorektiker-emo utan att egentligen ha ätstörningar.
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sflow-er · 5 days ago
Good morning! For the writer ask game, 1-8-19-29 please. Have a nice day! <3
Good evening, friend <3 Thank you for the numbers!
1. The last sentence you wrote
Two to eight, which was a whole six minutes later than the last time he checked.
(From the next chapter of The Windsor, which I thought was almost ready for posting before life got in the way but which I now think needs a bit more work.)
8. If you had to write a sequel to a fic, it would be...
Årnäs, February 2016. It was originally meant to be the first of several chapters, and although I don't plan on actually writing the rest, the second part that would be called Hillerska, August 2018 could be a very worthy albeit heartbreaking addition now that we have the full canon for context. It was going to feature young August grieving Carl Johan's loss, resenting Louise and feeling abandoned by her, and hoping to (re)connect with Erik at his new school...
19. The most interesting topic you've researched for a fic
I guess the most interesting would be my deep dives into topics that also have some real-world significance! Such as other ace people's experiences and perspectives, which I originally sought out to build Henry's character and distance him from myself, but which have also proved really useful in defining and exploring my own ace identity. Or pretty much everything to do with Swedish society - Sweden is one of the primary points of comparison for Finland as a country, and I have so much more context for those discussions now (and better arguments against some things).
I have also researched so much random stuff, though! For example, layouts and pictures of Swedish manor houses, the royal family's summer residence on Öland, and most recently also fancy old apartments in Östermalm, to get the look and feel of these spaces. I've also looked into all the interests I gave Henry and Walter in my main series, e.g. hurdler Karsten Warholm (who used to be Walter's celebrity crush) and the online game Dota 2 (which was an absolutely awful choice on my part because it's so complicated that I don't think I will ever fully grasp it haha). And that's not even to mention all the "canon detective" work, such as figuring out which military unit Erik would have served at based on the badge and buttons we could just barely make out in S1...
29. How easy is it for you to come up with titles?
It depends! Instead of borrowing song lyrics and such, I make up my own titles, which are meant to describe or summarise some aspect of the fic in question. Sometimes a phrase comes to me early on, sometimes it takes a while. Other people's secrets was called that since the very first days when the concept came together, while Like you better was only named when the first draft was finished. (Although I did write, edit, and post LYB in the space of two days so there wasn't really much time for consideration.)
Once a title has come to me, I'm usually stuck with it, even if I'm not sure the readers will get why I chose it. The Windsor is a prime example; I knew it might confuse people, but I simply couldn't come up with another title that would've encapsulated all the same things.
Thank you again for the ask, this was fun!
List here for anyone who wants to ask more, earlier answers here and here.
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strumphuset · 2 years ago
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Vilken är din favorit? "#kanelbulle #fika #kaffe #coffee #swedishfika #göteborg #cafe #frukost #östermalm #bulle #hembakat #hembakat #baking #östermalm #strumphuset #mat #nybakat #herrstrumpor #newsocks #färggladastrumpor #tidlösastrumpor #strumpor #herrstrumpor #damstrumpor #kanel #dammsugare #marsipan #gottfika (på/i Centrum, Malmö) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6uXVioRwR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andiatas · 5 months ago
Expressen has previously been able to tell about the royals' flight across the Atlantic. According to documents obtained by the newspaper, Madeleine, the three children—and their nanny—booked a flight to Stockholm with two tickets: first, a domestic flight to Newark (the airport in the New York area that has the most SAS departures to the Nordics) and from there to Stockholm.
På flyget till Newark var familjen bokad i ekonomiklass. De fick platser nästan allra längst bak på Uniteds plan från Florida. Om de ville ha något att äta utöver det småsnacks som flygbolaget bjuder fick de betala ur egen ficka – ingen mat ingick i biljettpriset.
But even if they flew in economy, they received some special treatment. Before the trip, Swedish embassy staff had applied for a fast track through the security check for the royals. The US Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for this service, which is offered to especially important people at a limited number of airports in the US. For it to be considered, embassies or UN missions must request such VIP treatment.
At the end of May, Expressen was able to tell that Chris O'Neill has prepared for the new life in Sweden - by starting a Swedish company. The company, which has an address on the exclusive Östermalm in Stockholm, writes that it should engage in financial advice within "alternative investments".
The Royal Court has previously said that the family's move to Sweden will take place in stages.
- As it is such a big move, the family will come in stages, given that the house needs to be emptied and so on. They have lived in the United States for many years, so there is a lot of planning, said Margareta Thorgren.
Translation and editing for clarity by me of an article by Albin Lindström for Expressen, published June 13, 2024, at 07:21 and updated at 08:46.
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meramu-meramu · 3 months ago
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Weeks ago I came across this building on Östermalm, Stockholm, located at the Jungfrugatan-Karlavägen intersection. At first, it didn't stand out to me, but then I thought... isn't that an awful lot of different columns? Then, I noticed. This building doesn't only appear to have been built to replicate three or four different styles, it has about 10 different columns as far as I can count. Not to mention that the Karlavägen side and the Jungfrugatan side look nothing alike. It's one of the strangest buildings I've seen in my city. It's like every second I look at this thing my eyes are assaulted by yet another inexplicable architectural detail. I'd love to know what someone like @mcmansionhell would have to say about this. Personally, I'm fond of this little charming detail;
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On the Jungfrugatan side, here the building appears to... stutter. It's as if it's experiencing clipping issues in real life.
Anyway, comments from my parents include, "column guy had a complete freak-out" and "column factory was shutting down, they had to use the surplus somehow".
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magdasabs · 1 year ago
Nathalie Björn about the football World Cup, the girlfriend and the dream of becoming a pathologist
As a warm-up for the soccer World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, we meet national team star Nathalie Björn, who talks about the blue-yellow golden chances, everyday life in Liverpool with teammate and life partner Aurora Galli - as well as the secret dream of becoming obducent.
It's a homecoming hero settling down with a cappuccino in the flourishing Josef Frank armchair. We'll meet at Soho House in Stockholm, the international members' club housed in a top-renovated old Methodist church on a discreet back street in Östermalm. Nathalie Björn is on a temporary visit to Sweden to forge golden plans with the rest of the Swedish national team squad.
- I want a gold medal. That's just the way it is, says the 26-year-old defender with a smile.
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Nathalie Björn in a jacket from Tiger of Sweden. Necklace, Enamel Copenhagen
Nathalie has just been named Player of the Year after her second season at Everton, an award that feels extra honorable as it is her teammates who have voted for her. The big club finished in sixth place in the English Women's Super League, but instead of a long well-deserved holiday, it was just a matter of changing the Everton jersey for the blue-yellow national team uniform and heading home to Sweden for the preparations for the World Cup in New Zealand and Australia.
- It still feels good to get a short breather at home before we go on to the WC. I have a few days now where I can disconnect from football and feel normal before I recharge mentally for New Zealand and Australia.
Easy to forget that I'm actually living the dream
The Swedish national team has been among the top in the world since the end of the 90s and continues to be at the forefront even when the general development in women's football has caught up and more national teams have become increasingly better. In last year's European Championships, Nathalie and the rest of Blågult made it to the semi-finals where they went out against the host nation England. In this summer's world championships, they are hungry for revenge and have great chances for a medal.
- You are so strict with yourself and just want to move on all the time. It's easy to forget that I'm actually living the dream. I represent Sweden in front of packed stadiums, which I dreamed of when I was little. Stepping out of the players' tunnel in front of all the blue and yellow supporters and singing the national anthem together with the best players in Sweden is the best feeling in the world. Nothing beats the pride you feel then.
Playing against the roommate in the football World Cup
The fact that the football World Cup is played down under means that we in Sweden get to follow many of the matches for breakfast, sometimes with kick-off as early as seven o'clock Swedish time. The fact that Sweden ended up in the same group as Italy also means that Nathalie is face to face with her partner Aurora Galli , the Italian midfielder with whom she plays everyday at Everton.
Nathalie Björn and partner Aurora Galli. "It was love at first sight."
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Photo: Nathalie Björn/Private
- She signed for Everton at the same time as me, but came to the club earlier because I played in the Olympics in Tokyo. It sounds so corny, but it was love at first sight. I had never had a girlfriend before. I knew I was drawn to personalities whether they were boys or girls, but I had only had boyfriends before. When I came to England I had just broken up with a guy and suddenly I met Aurora and felt it was more than just friendship. It was just such a strong feeling and so it became us. Now we have been together for a year and a half.
Everton FC is based in Liverpool, the classic working-class city in the north of England that gave us both The Beatles and the latest Eurovision Song Contest with Loreen as the winner.
- I like Liverpool. It is an old harbor town, so it is always close to the water, which creates a nice atmosphere. It is a nice town with many good restaurants and shops.
Nathalie and Aurora live in the Liverpool suburb of Huyton in a typical British two-storey red brick house.
- It looks exactly as you imagine. A British terraced house with carpet everywhere except in the bathroom, and a small scrub under the stairs like in Harry Potter where we threw in shoes and bags and all sorts of crap. Outside there is a small garden with artificial grass and a fence.
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Nathalie Björn in a dress from Dagmar. Earrings, Pilgrim. Photo: Sanna Dahlén
British suburban life is set in stone, not least for an elite level footballer.
- I won't say it's boring, but it's the same thing all the time. The alarm clock rings just after eight, then we register the day's form via an app on the phones. There you enter how much you have slept or if you have calf pain. When it's finished and sent to the club, we fall asleep again and sleep for another hour or so. At ten o'clock there is breakfast at the training facility, which is ten minutes from home. Classic English breakfast with white beans in tomato sauce, toast, eggs, fried tomato and mushrooms. Afterwards, we warm up with various exercises before going out and practicing football for an hour and a half. Then we shower, eat lunch, work out in the gym, shower again and go home at two. We have a match on Sundays, then it could be the bus down to London and stay there one night in a hotel. We are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. That's what life looks like.
Dreaming of a big house in Sweden
Nathalie and Aurora are, to say the least, a high-achieving couple who represent their respective home countries in football when they are not playing side by side in one of England's most storied clubs. Despite that, or maybe because of that, they talk about everything but football when they get home.
- It happens that we discuss football in the car on the way home from training, but when we get home we want to talk about other things. It's really nice.
In addition to the house in Liverpool, which the couple rents from the football club, Nathalie has just bought an apartment in her childhood city of Uppsala.
- I want to have my own home in Sweden. A fixed point. I'm so tired of living in a suitcase or in a guest room with mom or dad, especially when you're used to living on your own.
Nathalie grew up in the district of Årsta in Uppsala. Mother worked in elderly care and father was a plumber. The parents divorced early and Nathalie was an only child for a long time, but today she has younger siblings on both her mother's and father's side. It was her father who got her to start playing football at the age of four.
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Nathalie Björn in a sweater from Adnym Atelier. Trousers, Baum und Pferdgarten. Earrings, Pilgrim and Glitter. Loafers, Vagabond. Photo: Sanna Dahlén
- He was an old footballer himself and made me invest in football instead of dancing, even though I still love to dance. Dad often visits England and has been to all the championships, except the Olympics in Tokyo when we played without an audience due to the pandemic. Mother doesn't have time to come as often, but she is there as often as she can. Both mum and dad are very proud of me. I really feel that.
In the future, Nathalie dreams of a big house in Sweden and another one in Italy.
- I'm not so much in favor of burning money on sports cars, but I want to save up and build my own house near my family and friends. The dream is to have a house in Uppsala and a house in Italy. Maybe in Tromello where the girl is from, it's a small village in northern Italy, an hour outside of Milan. The girl says you can't have two houses because it costs too much money, but we'll see.
Any plans for children lie further ahead and are not as straightforward as for the colleagues on the men's side who can let wives, girlfriends and nannies do the grunt work. Nathalie glances at how her older national team mates solve that part.
- Right now I don't want children, but one day. I have no idea how long I will play football. Caroline Seger is 38 and Hedvig Lindahl 40, so there is a lot of time left. It can be difficult to start a family during your career. If you could do like Elin Rubensson and have children and then come back to the national team, it would be awesome. Also, I'm with a girl, which can also prolong the process, so I have no idea. Regardless, it's marriage that counts first and foremost, my girl jokes. She is Italian and traditional. But there is no stress.
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Nathalie Björn lives in a terraced house in Liverpool with her girlfriend and teammate Aurora Galli. Photo: Sanna Dahlén / Sanna Dahlén
Expected to have an opinion like a football player
The football world is more politically charged than ever. Last year's controversial men's World Cup in Qatar was more about politics than football and was marred by protests, boycotts and wild debates. When it became clear earlier this year that rainbow colored captain's armbands will also be banned during the women's soccer World Cup this summer, just like for the men in Qatar, the debate flared up again. Although the discussions make sense and it's never wrong to use your platform to highlight important issues, the idea of ​​football as a non-political arena can feel more attractive than ever. As a player, it is not enough to spend all your waking hours pushing your body and psyche to the limit in order to be the best, but you also have to have an opinion about rainbow bandages and the gender pay gap, and be fully educated about how small desert nations stand on human rights.
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Nathalie Björn in the national team jersey. Photo: FREDRIK JONASSON / STELLA PICTURES
- You are always expected to have an opinion, especially as a female footballer, but sometimes you don't. Most recently, it was the rainbow ties and the prize money in the World Cup that people were talking about. Often you haven't even reflected on these political things and try to answer as best you can. Then it looks as if you are whining in the media.
Managing the media is difficult. British tabloid press is notorious and Nathalie steeled herself before moving to a country as football-crazy as England, but today she feels that British media are far more stimulating than the Swedish ones.
- You always hear that the British press is so terrible, but I feel that they are much nicer than the Swedish media. Even if we win, there will often be complaints afterwards, critical questions asked and negative views. Perhaps it is typically Swedish. We are celebrated in a completely different way in England.
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Nathalie Björn in top from Viktoria Chan. Pants, Teurn Studios. Jewelry, Nootka. Slippers, Birkenstock.
Nathalie Björn in top from Viktoria Chan. Pants, Teurn Studios. Jewelry, Nootka. Slippers, Birkenstock. Photo: Sanna Dahlén
When Nathalie is not playing soccer, she wallows in blood and murder. Crime series such as Criminal minds , True detective and Mindhunter replace each other in front of the TV sofa at home in Liverpool and the interest in murder mysteries does not stop there.
- I studied forensic psychology to learn how the brain of a serial killer works. It was part of the course to attend a trial, so I brought Caroline Seger with me when we both played in Rosengård. It was a drug case where a guy had been smoking weed and we happened to be late. All eyes turned to us as we stepped into the minimal courtroom. The perpetrator and the prosecutors understood nothing: What the hell is the Swedish national team doing here? It was so stiff.
Dreaming of becoming a pathologist
The 26-year-old has a secret plan B for the day it's time to put the football boots on the shelf.
- I have a strange dream and it is to become a pathologist. I want to be able to say: Okay, this is the cause of death. I don't know if I want to be a pathologist, but I definitely could have been a nurse and then an assistant medical examiner. I've looked that up a bit, and it's only a three-year degree.
Nathalie Björn looks out over the grand hall at Soho House, bathed in the kaleidoscopic summer light of the church windows.
- But first I have to win the WC.
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The Swedish national soccer team showed its support for Iran's women at an international match against France last fall. Back row from left: Nathalie Björn, Amanda Ilestedt, Zećira Mušović, Stina Blackstenius, Lina Hurtig and Magdalena Eriksson. Front row from left: Filippa Angeldahl, Elin Rubensson, Kosovare Asllani, Olivia Schough and Jonna Andersson. Photo: BJÖRN LARSSON ROSVALL/TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
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