#×...+× Rani juice ×+...×
ad-cn · 2 years
I wanna make those aesthetic posts but with local Middle Eastern products instead. Like it's fucking weird how there's an online culture aestheticizing foreign grocery products.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
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arya: if there’s so much i must be can i still just be me the way i am?
sansa: can i trust in my own heart or am i just one part of some big plan?
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
listen if u explain the reference to paris hilton with the chuck taylors as being a great example of using an anachronism to say something about both the past and the present, but then don’t explain the MUSICAL REFERENCES to lily allen & avril lavigne’s MUSIC in a MUSICAL and how that might be making a comment on both our current culture and history than i think maybe you just don’t really listen to musicals much and that’s fine but maybe preface it with “i understand i’m the baby and you’re socrates in that meme” so i don’t have to STEW OVER IT for DAYS ON END.
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roxannepolice · 2 months
One of those "one moment you're toying with an idea, next you realise it makes way more sense than the author ever intended" things, but-
Like, between rolling eyes at Fifteen claiming he would recognise Susan everywhere after a score of not recognising the Master when they're right in front of them and Tensimm junkyard sniffing, I think RTD's handling of Time Lord recognition of each other makes a whole lot more sense once we ask ourselves a simple question:
Is the Ainley!Master situation the norm or the anomaly?
Ok, considering his run was the longest, he did in many ways establish the "norm", and that norm is a Santa Claus beard seamlessly fooling three consecutive Doctors. But, if instead we look at earlier interactions things get a bit more complicated.
The Time Meddler may not be very definite on the subject, but One isn't, like, completely and utterly confused at who the Monk is, and the conversation between them flows rather seemlessly, like between two countrymen meeting abroad, and that a good deal before the Doctor sees the Monk's TARDIS. Next, regardless of whether War Chief=Master or not, the point still stands: he and Two recognise each other the second they meet. But it is with Threegado that things get really interesting. For all that Delgado!Master loves dress ups, these are not actually used at the Doctor. Like, correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no scene where the Master shows up in cheap ass plastic Graucho Marx eyebrow-glasses-moustache set and Three starts congratulating him on A Night at the Opera, at least not in the strict tv canon?
What I'm driving at, is that with this established history of Time Lords being able to recognise each other on sight and no direct contradiction in Threegado, Fivey consistently falling for the Master's Halloween aisle catwalk comes off as less to be expected.
But here's the thing: there's a very good explanation for why Ainley!Master would be harder/almost impossible to recognise for the Doctor. His Trakkenite body.
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As in, this particular Master has a different biology not only from any of his regenerations, but from any other Time Lord. Add just a bit of psychic shielding, and, like. Cheap rubber masks become much more efficient for a species where visual recognition isn't really an evolutionarily stable solution.
Again, this is me just poking at canon and canon showing little resistance, but this interpretation also sheds a different light on how Three and One interact with the Master in Five Doctors. Three can just tell who this Mephistopheles-Blofeld lovebaby that showed up on Gallifrey is, because it's pretty much the same style he spent so much time with (and not relying mainly on visuals does not mean being completely face blind yk). One, on the other hand? He has no idea who this Trakkenite smelling hottie is.
Now, there are two important implications of this non-visual based interpretation: first refers to the Rani dressing up as Mel right after Six regenerates into Seven. Now, this in its own right is an interesting contrast to Five, also in post-regeneration stress, because where Seven at least gets fuzzy impressions something's off about this Mel, Five is just blissfully unaware mr Santa the celery juice bringer might be anything but just that. The second implication regards Eight, who's back on track of recognising the Master - and that a new snatched body Master! - on sight. And well, sorry, this is just where my crack brain kicked in. I'll just share the visions of the Rani rubbing Melanie Bush's sweat all over herself like some musky perfume and Seven breathing in the Master's ashes like Napoleon tobacco to the point Eight can tell the distinct Master smell regardless of biology 🤌🤌
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briar-ffxiv · 5 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Briar (the) Redfeather Nicknames: 'Rose', 'Little Fox', 'Wildling' Age: Early 20s in ARR, probably nearing 30 by Dawntrail (depending on timeline) Nameday: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (not that he knows exactly. He just knows the month) Race: Half-Elezen/Half-Hyur (Padjal bloodline through Hyur) Gender: Non-binary, masculine leaning (born male, prefers he/they) Orientation: Demiromantic Greysexyal Profession: Healer, Shepherd, Warrior of Light(depending on the 'verse)
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: strawberry blonde, almost rose gold with lighter gold highlights due to the sun. He has 3A curls, although when kept short the curls are less noticeable. Eyes: warm moss-green flecked with gold Skin: naturally quite pale, faint golden tan from the sun and tons of freckles everywhere. Tattoos/scars: no tattoos. Leaf birthmark on his right shoulderblade. Plenty of scars, including the slice from a spear on his left cheek, burn scars on his left shoulder and back, and rather heavily scarred palms and undersides of his fingers due to a nasty injury to his hands
— F A M I L Y
Parents: His mother was named Saule (Willow) and her family was from Dravania, but sought shelter in the Black Shroud when Saule was very small. His father was known as Ciro, officially U-Ciro-Tek before he was disgraced and exiled from being a Padjal. Siblings: Briar was an only child, as was his mother. Grandparents: Briar knows nothing about Ciro's parents, other than they died some years before he was born. Saule's father died before he was born. His grandmother died when he was under two so he has no memories of her. In-laws and Other: As far as Briar knows, his only living blood relative is E-Rani-Tek, Ciro's older brother and a Padjali pariah. Pets: Briar has a terrible habit of adopting many a creature, although if they are wild-born his goal is always to return them to the wild. Currently, he has a small herd of sheep, a flock of chickens, three Chocobo (one grown, two chicks), a dog named Jack, and a unicorn friend named Whinny. (And a lot of little forest friends that take care of themselves but visit often.)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Despite normally not eating meat, Briar is a skilled archer, hunter, and tracker. He is an avid gardener. He has a knack for animal handling. He has a decent, if untrained, singing voice. He knows a lot about herbal medicine and non-magical healing. He rides quite well. Hobbies: Briar loves a good book, particularly romance. He loves beekeeping. He is quite skilled in many kinds of fibre arts, including weaving, spinning, and sewing. He likes to draw as well.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Briar is a very kind person. He always gives the benefit of the doubt. He does his best to settle things without violence if he can. He forgives often and tries to be empathetic to everyone he meets. Most Negative Trait: Briar can definitely be naive. He forgives when he shouldn't. He has a very hard time understanding why anyone would be cruel. Sometimes he simply doesn't get it and it puts him at a disadvantage with people more than willing to take advantage of that.
— L I K E S
Colours: Blues, greens, golds. Smells: Fresh-cut wood. The smell of rain on grass. Hay. The smell of clean, well-oiled leather. Honey. Textures: Silky fabric. Soft wool. Supple leather. Smooth wood. Drinks: Various teas, often floral varieties. Soft spot for juices. Loves the rare treat of hot chocolate.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: He doesn't. Drinks: He is not against a glass of something fairly light in safe company but left to his own devices, Briar doesn't really have the urge to drink. Drugs: He doesn't. Mount Insurance: He would have no idea what that is, but he does have a unicorn he rides in the Black Shroud, but normally prefers his own feet. (Once he's officially in the steppes, I might get him an actual house.) Been Arrested: Detained by Wood Wailers more than once, but not officially arrested.
(( Art is by @shadesofblades / @coffeehands! ))
Tagged by: @thefrostflower @tripl3cast @sundered-souls - thank you all! <3
Tagging: @shieke @valdiis @shadesofblades @midnightmagicks @bloodredhands @prettygayway @avaritia-ffxiv @calico-heart @thefrostflower @starrysnowdrop @ahollowgrave @naejlas-axe @cadrenebula @skyysinger & anyone else that wants to do it!
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theender36 · 3 months
⚠️ Spoilers for Doctor Who: Empire of Death ⚠️
I liked this finale a lot and I just wanted to get my thoughts out while they're relatively fresh.
First off, so very glad to have one of the rare NuWho finales that doesn't involve the Daleks and/or the Cybermen and/or the Master. Nothing against those villains, it's just very common for the show to cram them in there.
I appreciate how any time in this new era that the Doctor faces off against a god, the stakes are appropriately high and we actually see the effects of their inteference (e.g. the Toymaker plunging the world into chaos, the gloomy and bleak atmosphere of a world without music and the devastation that it leads to, Sutekh's universe of dust and death).
I don't think the shot of Sutekh perching on the TARDIS in the time vortex was meant to be goofy but it kind of was. Anyway, they made up for it with the sequence of him being dragged and scraping along the edges of the vortex because that was pretty sick.
Felt super bad for Mel when she was being taken over by Sutekh. She held on for a good while though. Probably all the carrot juice.
That sequence where the Doctor meets that lone woman in order to find a piece of metal could be its own 2-minute short film.
It seems to me that there's still a lot left to find out about Ruby which hopefully they'll explore next season since Millie Gibson said she'll be returning. I think the main mysteries are A.) why does the snow follow her; B.) what exactly caused the events of 73 Yards? Because in my mind, I don't think her alternate timeline life was caused by breaking the fairy circle, I think it was something about Ruby herself.
I enjoyed Ruby's mum being just a normal person. If she was an existing character or someone very powerful and cosmicly important, it would never have lived up to audience expectations. And besides, we've had plenty of Impossible Girls, Timeless Children, and River Songs. It's much more fulfilling to Ruby that her mother is just a regular person who tried to keep her safe. And it's a lot easier for her to meet and form a fresh relationship with her mom if she's not an alien or a time traveller. However, I thought the explanation of why Sutekh was interested in her identity was kind of weak and made up of circular-logic. She's invisible to him because Ruby saving the universe relies on her because she's important because she's invisible to Sutekh. Maybe I got that wrong?
I'm very intrigued by who Mrs. Flood could be. I thought she was another servant of Sutekh because of how she started hyping up his return in the previous episode but it's evident that she's an unrelated party now. I think it's most likely she'll be an entirely new character, within the realm of possibility that she's a new form of Missy, slight chance she's River, no shot that she's the Rani. She doesn't seem like she's doing any heinous experiments, she's kind of just narrating and viking.
Looking forward to the Christmas special and any possible spinoffs in the meantime.
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beehoneycomb · 3 months
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Here is a small drawing of Rani
Do you have any headcanon about her? I would like to read them!
One of my favorite hearcanons is that she drinks juice straight from the bottle, she could use a glass but it seems like a completely unnecessary step.
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And a drawing of Mary Allen, she is an original character (OC). Remember that I like a strange couple? Well, she is the daughter of Booster Gold and Flash II (Barry Allen)
Would you like to know more about her and her brothers?
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sanaxo-o · 6 months
Assign your moots bollywood songs and why?
Stop I love this so much 🥺😭. I haven’t been listening to Bollywood music much nowadays so this is totally on my old knowledge since idk any new songs.
@sohnric : Hey Ya! From the movie Karthik calling Karthik
This is totally because bar just genuinely radiates the kind of energy where you stop whatever you’re doing and just stare at her once she walks in the room.
@from-izzy : Haule Haule From the movie Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Hmm so basically to sum it up Izz is someone who will make you feel comfortable in an instant even when you just started talking with her. That’s just how she is tbh and I love the vibes of this song so much 🥺
Bonus I assign Chammak Challo from the movie Ra.One to @from-izzy because I can and I will 🥰🫶🏻
@kimsohn : What Jhumka? From the movie Rocky aur Rani Kii prem kahani
I think this is self explanatory. Shru and me had talked about pretty jhumkas and what not when it comes to Indian culture. I totally think of Shru when I listen to What Jhumka now 🥺.
@winterchimez : Love You Zindagi from the movie Dear Zindagi
At first I was planning on giving Cham Cham to Als but then when I remembered the song love you zindagi I knew it was for ally because to be fair 1. She was one of the first moots I got close with 2. Girlie is still thriving despite everything 🥺🫂
@cloverdaisies : Saturday Saturday from the movie Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
Plz don’t judge this song yall ☹️. This is like the song you will hear at a dance party in India and clo fits this so well 🥺. Like yes girl go and get your drinks after the tough week 😭. (I was gonna give Party all night but I don’t want clo to get mad at me 🥰)
@strayed-quokka : Garmi from the movie street dancer 3D
Hmm I will say it. Lenlen makes me blush all the time hence this song so yes but lemme remember more oh yes! Subha Hone Na De because I just know if me and lenlen meet we would stay up all night just talking, eating, dancing and what not 🥰.
@astrae4 : Ratta Maar from the movie Student of the year
Poor baby has back to back exams nowadays hence this song 🥺😭. All the best non 🫶🏻 but if not that song then Tum Se Hi from Jab We Met because she just meets these vibes so well ☹️🥺. Literally one of my favourite movies and songs <3
@o-onikix : Paisa from the movie De Dana Dan
Hmm 🥰 because this girl is always in some need of money (us girl us) but like Nara is the depiction of Ye Ishq hai from Jab We Met so yes that song too because coughs 🥰 but also Badtamerz Dil because YJHD is her favourite movie and it’d be a crime if I don’t assign any song from that movie
@quaissants : One Two Three Four (Get On the dance floor) from the movie Chennai Express
Because I can and I will, as in the movie the actor (SRK) is drunk and Mona is drunk without drinking anything most of the time so yes. Other than this song I assign Kashmir Main Tu Kanyakumari simply because i think it fits Mona.
@itsbeeble : Senorita from the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and Sooraj Dooba Hain from the movie Roy
It’s always chaos with Reese 🥰 and because she is always awake and is pretty much busy with everything most of the times so she needs these type of things in her life.
@hcuyk : Uff Teri Adaa from the movie Karthik calling Karthik
Have been a huge fan of her since I read Kidult and if I say that this is the biggest compliment I could give as an Indian then? Because the way we all scream to these lyrics when it plays and also she is so these lyrics 😭 (btw plz let me know what emoji you want 🥺😭)
@stealanity : Param Sundari from the movie Mimi
Marty is soooo these lyrics 🥺. Like yes guys she is my param sundari 😍. I don’t have much to say but yes 👏
@juyeonszn : High Heels ke Nachche from the movie Ki and Ka
Omg tbh I don’t know why I chose this song but Dawn is so this song. Idk why but yes.
I think that’s all 😭. Plz let me know if you want a part two with the rest of my moots because I used all my brain juice for this one.
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raindropsonwhiskers · 2 years
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spookylightwhispers · 8 months
how to turn down a proposal princess style:
"Dang Raya Rani has delivered your message to the Princess Gunung Ledang, who desires me to say, that if the raja of Malaca wishes for me, he must first make a flight of stairs of gold, and another of silver, from Malaca to Gunung Ledang; and, in asking me, he must present a gnat's heart seven platters broad, a moth's heart seven platters broad, a vat of human tears, and a vat of the juice of the young betel nut, one phial of the raja's blood, and one phial of the Prince Raja Ahmed's blood; and if the raja performs this, the Princess Gunung Ledang will assent to his desire."
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bailesona · 8 months
" darling, i know that you took my white pudding... " a night of driving and flying and driving again have long-stolen the subtleties of richard's interrogative skills. now, he leans against a luxuriously papered wall, too tired to sit up in the velvet chair, while stanley pauses mid-way through cutting up a sausage.
" you know what, babe, i'm gonna just chalk that one right up to jetlag, i won't even dignify that with a response-- "
" classic sign of guilt. " rani murmurs, slumped in her seat and pushing mushrooms around her plate. laszlo is looking paler than usual, indicative of the concoctions he'd forged at home, but ultimately far more alert and focused than the other three. particularly when a chirpy young waitress appears beside the table and asks if they'd like any other drinks before the scones arrive.
" one almond latte, extra shot, a cappuccino with two pumps of hazelnut, one orange juice with pulp and three lime wedges, and a green tea with honey. "
for the moment between the order and drayden's arrival, the group stare at him in bewilderment.
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" what? we don't have time for you lot to fuck around trying to remember the order. we've got a whole bloody island to narrow down, so eat up, drink up, and let's go. " he's about to ask for a few boxes to shovel everything into when they spot @hcpebled approaching the table. " we ordered you a breakfast roll, lad, but you'll have to eat it in the toyota. we're currently divided between going west to the atlantic, north to the mountains, or east to the city. and by that, i mean i'm divided, and everyone else just wants to go to bed. "
take one of the suggested routes from laszlo.
[ PERSUASION ] convince laszlo that it's better to get some rest first and plan the journey once everyone's slept a bit. ( d15 )
[ CHARISMA ] ask the waitress for help and directions. ( d10 )
[ INTELLIGENCE ] use your memories of aisling's fleeting mentions of her past to narrow down where in the country she might be. ( d14 )
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
wait re: the insulin shot post, idk if that specific story is true, it seems a little weird like, them giving a room full of random dying kids a shot and them miraculously waking at once BUT i did look up a bit about the first insulin shots and the very first one was actually given to a child diabetic which kind of surprised me, like they went from testing it on dogs to testing it on this random dying kid whose parents were probably just like “fuck it man he’s dying anyway just stick him with the cow pancreas juice” and then he starts getting better. that’s so wild.
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bestentours11 · 3 months
Reasons to choose Gujarat Tour Package
Gujarat, a vibrant state in Western India, beckons travelers with its rich history, cultural diversity, and natural beauty. Choosing a Gujarat tour package ensures an immersive journey through a land steeped in heritage, spirituality, and unmatched hospitality. Here are compelling reasons why Gujarat should be your next travel destination:
1. Cultural Extravaganza
Gujarat boasts a tapestry of cultures, each contributing to its vibrant identity. Explore the ancient stepwells of Patan, marvel at the intricately carved temples of Palitana, and witness the colorful folk dances and music during the Navratri festival in Vadodara. Discover the artistry of Gujarat's handicrafts like Bandhani textiles, Patola silk sarees, and Kutchi embroidery, showcasing centuries-old traditions in our Gujarat tour package.
2. Architectural Marvels
From the UNESCO World Heritage city of Ahmedabad to the historic city of Champaner-Pavagadh, Gujarat is adorned with architectural marvels. Visit the awe-inspiring Rani Ki Vav stepwell in Patan, the majestic Sun Temple in Modhera, and the intricately carved Jain temples at Palitana. Explore the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, where Mahatma Gandhi lived and propagated his message of non-violence.
3. Wildlife Sanctuaries
Gujarat is home to diverse wildlife sanctuaries and national parks that offer glimpses of rare and endangered species. Embark on a safari at Gir National Park, the last refuge of the Asiatic lion, or explore the Little Rann of Kutch, known for its wild ass sanctuary and migratory bird populations. Witness the vibrant ecosystem of Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, where flamingos and other avian species flock during the winter months.
4. Scenic Landscapes
Discover Gujarat's diverse landscapes, from the white desert of the Rann of Kutch to the lush greenery of Saputara hill station. Marvel at the serene beauty of Dwarka's coastal vistas and the picturesque Girnar Hill in Junagadh. Experience the tranquil shores of Diu Island, with its Portuguese architecture and pristine beaches ideal for relaxation and water sports.
5. Culinary Delights
Indulge your taste buds with Gujarat's delectable cuisine, renowned for its vegetarian specialties and sweet treats. Savor the flavors of Gujarati thali, featuring a variety of dishes like dal, kadhi, roti, and vegetable preparations. Treat yourself to traditional snacks like dhokla, fafda, and khandvi, accompanied by refreshing buttermilk or sugarcane juice.
6. Festivals and Celebrations
Immerse yourself in Gujarat's vibrant festivals and celebrations that showcase its cultural vibrancy and fervor. Experience the colorful kite festival of Uttarayan in Ahmedabad, where the sky comes alive with a myriad of kites of all shapes and sizes. Join the revelry of Navratri, Gujarat's largest dance festival, celebrated with fervent Garba and Dandiya Raas dances across the state.
7. Warm Hospitality
Experience Gujarat's legendary hospitality, where guests are treated with warmth and respect. Stay in heritage hotels that offer a glimpse into the state's royal past or eco-resorts that blend with nature's tranquility. Engage with locals during village visits and cultural tours, gaining insights into their traditions, crafts, and way of life.
Plan Your Gujarat Tour Package
Choosing a Gujarat tour package promises an enriching journey through a land of contrasts, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern aspirations. Whether you seek cultural immersion, architectural wonders, wildlife encounters, or culinary delights, Gujarat offers a treasure trove of experiences for every traveler.
Embark on a transformative journey with our Gujarat tour package and discover the heart and soul of this vibrant state, leaving you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
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hplay09 · 5 months
10 Places to Visit in Indore
About Indore
Indore lies in the heart of Madhya Pradesh and has a rich tapestry of history that stretches back to ancient times. It was once an important trading and commercial center along ancient trade routes, but over time, it developed into a bustling city with a mixture of traditional and contemporary lifestyles. Lal Bagh Palace is one of the most popular historical attractions in Indore; it will give you an idea of how wealthy the Holkar dynasty was in those days. The stunning architecture and beautiful grounds will take you back centuries.
In the various ways in which Indore has changed over the years, several current sights make it enterprising. Move through the busy streets of Sarafa Bazaar, where your smelling bud cannot resist delicious street juices as well as a lively atmosphere that captures your soul. The combination of Mughal and Maratha styles makes Rajwada Palace an embodiment of Indore’s great past in terms of architecture. Meanwhile, Indore also has its spiritual sites, with Khajrana Ganesh Temple being one such place where devotees come for peace and blessings from all parts of India or even beyond its borders because there is peace inside this temple.
1. Magnificent Rajwada Palace
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The stunning Rajwada Palace, which is one of the top-rated attractions in Indore, is an architectural splendor made out of wood and stone that thrills visitors with its loveliness! It is also known as Holkar Wada, and it has seven storied levels inclusive of Maratha, European, and Mughal style architecture, making it an exotic tourist place.
2. Khajrana Ganesh Temple
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Khajrana Ganesha Mandir is one of the most famous Hindu temples in India. The temple was built by Rani Ahilyabai Holkar. Vinayak Chathurthi is observed as the main festival at this temple. This grand celebration takes place during the months of August-September. A large number of people visit this temple on most Wednesdays and Sundays for worship purposes. Local legend states that all those who worship here will have their wishes come true.
3. Kanch Mandir
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To visit, there is Kanch Mandir, which was built in the late 1800s by Seth Hukam Chand, a famous Jain community facilitator. As suggested by its name, this temple is made of mirrors and glass. Its Chinese glass lamps that were used to decorate its interiors make it an ideal destination for devotees and art lovers.
4. Annapurna Temple
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Annapurna Temple is a popular place to go for both worshippers and tourists who are attracted by its beautiful architecture. It is dedicated to Goddess Annapurna, who nurtures her people; hence, one should not miss it while on any planned trip. The temple also has other shrines dedicated to other important figures of worship, like Lord Shiva and Hanuman, thereby creating more levels of spirituality in it. If you are searching for spiritual comfort or if you just love good artisanship, then this building will be worth your time because it offers something enriching.
5. Chhatris of the Holkar Dynasty
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Admire the Holkar Dynasty Chhatris along the peaceful banks of the Khan River. These majestic monuments are eternal memorials to Indore's kings, with superb craftsmanship and detailed decoration. Each chhatri honors the legacy of Indore's monarchs, providing a fascinating peek into the region's rich history and cultural heritage.
6. Gomatgiri Jain Temple
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Gomatgiri is a Jain temple situated around 11 km from Indore city, on a hill. Here, pay homage to Lord Gomateshwara at Gomatgiri. Climb up the stairs to reach the statue of Lord Gomateshwara and enjoy a panoramic view of the city from there. Make an effort to come here in the evening so that you can take in the surreal beauty of the sun setting behind the mountains.
7. Lal Bagh Palace
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Lal Bagh Palace is one of the most interesting places to visit in Indore because it reveals something about the Maratha kingdom’s history through its beautiful architecture and lifestyle. The residence of Holkars initially, this palace has now turned into an impressive museum with three stories. Inside, visitors are shown beautiful interiors filled with Italian-Indian paintings, big chandeliers, and furniture that reflect early Georgian and late Persian styles, including an enchanting ballroom.
8. Chhapan Dukaan
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To finish off exploring Indore, go for a culinary adventure at Chappan Dukan, which is full of different street food vendors that make this place heaven for all foodies. Savor Indore’s local delicacies and let your taste buds be tantalized as you relish their flavors. Allow yourself to be immersed in the gastronomic delights of a vibrant food scene whose memories will last forever. Here you can try the famous Johnny Hotdog, Khopra Patties at Vijay Chat, and many more delicacies.
9. Sarafa Night Bazaar
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Enter into the Sarafa Bazar, a pulsating street food destination so famous for its bustling ambiance and tasty local dishes. It becomes a busy jewelry market during the day before magically converting to a haven for gourmets when darkness falls. Have all the mouthwatering goodies you want without spending much. From snacks to sweets, Sarafa Bazar has an incredible culinary expedition where one can eat until s/he is full and repeat as necessary. Here you can try Jalebi (a bigger form of Jalebi with Rabri), Garadu, Bhutte ka Kiss, Tawa Palao, sweets, and many more food items.
10. Central Museum
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Walk down the historical memories at the Central Museum. Located in the city’s center, the Central Museum (also known as the Indore Museum) is a heaven for history lovers. Established in the 19th century, this renowned museum exhibits antiques and relics from modern and prehistoric times. In addition, the major exhibits comprise coins, sculptures, stone statues, guns used by  Jehangir, Babur, and Humayun, and armor used in battles. So, if you want to experience the vivid provincial heritage, this is one of the top sites to visit in Indore.
Indore provides travelers with an amazing experience because of its rich historical, cultural, and natural heritage. This vibrant town does not leave you indifferent, whether you are wandering around ancient palaces, tasting street food flavors, or getting lost in the wild. Therefore, plan your journey carefully and get ready to explore the Indore of India, which will stick forever in your memory.
Ready to experience the charm of Indore? Don't miss out on the chance to stay in comfort near these iconic attractions! Book your hotel now for an unforgettable journey through the heart of Madhya Pradesh.
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charcherry-weekly · 1 year
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 161
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. How in the heck did august fly by so fast?? At least it seems to be cooling down a bit from the recent warm stretch.
Nice Boat
This week, the odd squad attended a poker match between Bard Dappled Sunspots and Rogue Walcprahs. It was a rather intense series of rounds. Sun won the first round with a perfect hand, but Walc won the second round. The third however, Walc wasn't so lucky and Sun managed to get the upper hand. The deed to the Etna was handed over to Sun as a result. Walcprahs was later seen spending considerable time with Sorcerer Saryn.
A few days later, the previous owner of the boat, Rani Elkwood, was found in the midst of a longing soliloquy in front of the boat. It was at this point that the odd squad finally talked to the person about completing the quest to get it back, only to realize that the reward was rather small, only 30 gold pieces, a book of self-written poetry, and a pair of old boots. The party nearly almost hired Walcprahs to be its captain, but Enker was determined to get the boat back to Rani. Sun gave them another day to find something additional to add to the reward pool. Rani returned the next day with a sack of five magic beans. With the promise to give the odd squad free rides on the boat in addition to the other things, Rani was reunited with their boat. They are reportedly very satisfied.
Meanwhile, Artificer Coleman is planning on leading the party to a swamp to fight monsters and seek reagents to make diving equipment with.
Double HAZEL all the way
In her tour through dark timeline Johto, HAZEL has managed to reach Blackthorn City and obtain the Rising badge from Clair. She has also managed to defeat Giovanni at the radio tower (because apparently he actually showed up in that timeline??)
Meanwhile, the other HAZEL is reportedly biking up a mountain park trail in Crossroad city, with Rogue of Heart Charles and your previous newsletter writer following along. They managed to get ahead via Charles's swoobat, though they were dropped unceremoniously at the top. Fortunately there are no reported injuries. According to my counterpart, they are currently in a stand-off against a junior rocket who was holding a youngster's ditto hostage with a hyper beam gun. Fortunately the gun was discharged in an unoccupied direction. Further reports ongoing.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Katie’s potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
Musharna's Sleep seed stand
I think that does it for this week. I think school is starting soon around here? Some of the younger visitors to the library are talking about starting up classes again. I hope they have decent teachers over there. Also, Samm is planning on opening up an eevee themed juice bar, though its unknown when that will happen. Seeya next week! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/395/charcherry-weekly-issue-161
0 notes
nityarawal · 2 years
Centurians Lives Matter!
(BB's 100th Birthday!)
Morning Songs
Centurians Lives Matter!
Celebrating Barbara
She Turned 100
On October 2, 2022
I Knew That Was
Alot of 2's
When I Woke Up!
Eddy Said,
Our Handyman:
"It Was
Babs 100th Birthday!"
Drove By
My Old Home
At The Pomegranate
Where Sarita Fischer
Sold Me Out!
On A Mental Health
Warrant Bribe!
With Darin David
Joye- My Gigolo Paralegal
Rockstar Actor Divine!
And Her Son
Jeremiah- The Marine
Vet- with A Beard Down To
His Belly Button!
A "Curcie" He Was
Thru and Through!
Didn't Enjoy
Being An Aguanga
"Mrs. Robinson!"
Trafficked to Sarita's
Son! My Movin' Men
On A Bribe!
Nor Her Leprechaun Red Headed
Partner Earl
Twinin' Jeremiah With A Beard
Down To His Harley Davidson
Hello Angel's
Belt Buckle!
Peepin' In On Me!
IDrivin' by in Vintage Trucks!
Mary Jane's Alcoholic
Jealous Rants!
Barbara Bradford's
Over Eddy,
A Handyman's
Over 50 Years
Of Devotion
From Earl!
They Come!
And Go! On
Barbara Bradford
Hopin' To See
Old Handyman
And Tom Mcgiffin!
At The Dinosaur
Fruit Stand!
His Latina Ladies
We're Sweet!
Welcomin' Me!
And Grateful Babs at 100
Remembered Me!
Crystal Jolly Blue Eyes
Lit Up Like Trumpleberries
Could've Been My
Centurian Great
Aunt Juanita Huntley's
Americana Cousin!
Who Knows?
How We're All Related?
Or Crystal Blue Eyes?
Hybrids, Humans!!
Gotta Love 'Em!
Maybe An Endangered
A Cahuillan
Pirates Steal 'Em!
Raidin' Orchards!
Thinkin' They're
Rubies! Or Garnets!
From The Great Persian Harems!
Pike 'Em On Their
Fences For Eternal
Keep Away The Bugs!
Kill Your Parasites!
Make Juice!
Teach Cleansin'!
My Dear 'Ol
Gluten Free
Centur- "Rani!"
We Love Thee!
For Granada!
$3.99 for 5
Down The Road!
From The Dinosaur
Fruit Stand Or
Babs In Aguanga
On Barbara Bradford
And If You Look Up
On A Clear
You'll See A Star
Named After
The Centuriini"
How Many
Been Singin'
Your Praises Ma?
Since 1960?
Like The Temptations?
My Doctor Judy Knows Of Your
Shootin' Stars!
Down The Old
American Trail
Our Pilgrims
Soldiered On!
To StageCoach!
Past My Springbox
For Relief,
Agua Pura,
Like Ramona
And All The
Cahuillan Agua
Calliente Indians
Must've Done.
Like Cougars!
Like Ravens!
Like Owls!
Like Breeding Bumblebees!
Like My Wolf Husky Dog!
Like Indigenous Birds!
Eagles and Hawks!
Dropping Feathers!
Carving Crystal's!
Keepin' A Piece Of Me!
I Wanna Own
My Springbox!
I Wanna Do A Lease
To Buy!
With Solar Electric!
Call Our Realtor!
And Make It
Make A Deal!
On This
Centurian- Barbara
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal
0 notes