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Æ-altsex S-AMAB wolfadic flag?
[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, dull orange, white, grey-purple, green-blue. on the first flag, coming from the center line is a white triangle posting upwards, covering the top 2 lines. /end id]
æ-altsex samab wolfadic combo flags !
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Æ-Altsex Pride Flag
[Image description: vertical 5 stripes colored respectively with blue, black, grey, white and green. End ID]
Ae-Altsex: A person with either dysphoria about not looking (C)AFAB, or simply wants to look DFAB due to the idea being euphoric. This can be both pect and guina, one and then the rest of your body, or any mixture of FDAB/FAAB sex characteristics.
- AP
#altsex#a-altsex#t-altsex#s-altsex#altersex#altersexed#altersexo#pride flag#mogai#imoga#lgbtqiap#lgbtqiapn#disforia#euforia#gender dysphoria#æ-altsex
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Gender Jargon Sex Terminology (vol. 1)
This is a masterlist of pretty much every sex-related term I could find as of 5/20/22, excluding terms specific to alterhumans, trauma, religion and neurodivergence. If you know of more terms that you believe should be added here, please feel free to contact me about.
This list will obviously include mentions of genitalia, reproductive organs and other sex traits, but it also includes slurs that are reclaimable for some transsex, altersex and/or intersex individuals.
Æ-Altguina: a sex identity where one either has dysphoria relating to not having a vagina, or simply experiences euphoria by having one.
Æ-Altsex: a sex identity where one either has dysphoria relating to not looking AFAB, or simply wants to look AFAB due to euphoria.
Æ-altpect: a sex identity where one either has dysphoria relating to not having breasts, or simply experiences euphoria by having them.
Œ-Altguina : a sex identity where one either has dysphoria relating to not having a penis, or simply experiences euphoria by having one.
Œ-Altsex: a sex identity where one either has dysphoria relating to not looking AMAB, or simply want to look AMAB due to euphoria.
Œ-Altpect: a sex identity where one has dysphoria relating to having breats, or experiences euphoria by not having them.
Aandrogenital: describing a sex identity that is definitely not male or masculine, but is otherwise indifferent.
Abromorphous: a fluid desire of sex traits and other observable corporeal and/or physical characteristics; being bodily fluid.
Abssex: describing one who is beyond, between or removed from the transsex/cissex dichonomy.
AFAB: being “Assigned Female At Birth”.
AFAB-P: an altersex identity for AFAB who desire a penis, but no other masculine and/or masculinized sex traits.
Afabris: an altersex term describing AFAB individuals who desire top surgery (to remove breasts), but not bottom surgery (phalloplasty, androgynoplasty, sex nullification, etc.).
Aftgender: a transsex gender identity where one maintains the pronouns associated with their assignment, but has gender dysphoria that corresponds to the opposite sex; an AFAB individual who uses and is comfortable with she/her pronouns, but has gender dysphoria typically associated with FTM individuals or an AMAB individual who uses and is comfortable with he/him pronouns, but has gender dysphoria typically associated with MTF individuals.
Agensex: describing one who does not hold a gender identity, but does have a sex.
Agonadism: an intersex variation in which one does not develop gonads of any sort.
Agynegential: describing a sex identity that is definitely not female or feminine, but is otherwise indifferent.
AIAB: an acronym for the phrase, “Assigned Intersex at Birth”; describing one who was identified as intersex at birth.
Alderangi: a term describing those that wish to have an androgynous body.
Alderfema: a term describing those that wish to have a masculine body that they view as female-aligned, female-related or female-connected in any way.
Aldermafe: a term describing those that wish to have a feminine body that they view as male-aligned, male-related or male-connected in any way.
Aldernonbinary: describing when one’s aldernic identity is influenced, affected by, connected to or otherwise intertwined with one’s non-binary identity.
Alderdox: an aldernic term in which you have or desire a paradoxical, contradicting and/or simultaneously non-existing & existing body.
Alderkenic: an aldernic term in which you have, or desire to have, a kenoine body.
Aldernigender: a gender somehow related to one’s own aldernic identity.
Aldernull: an aldernic term in which one has or desires a vague, unknowable, uncanny, eerie and/or non-existent body.
Aldrogynic: an aldernic term describing those who have male reproductive organs but later develop additional female reproductive organs.
Aldurique: an obsernic identity in which one has or desires to have a body that may feel strong, stable and prominent when left undefined, but becomes distorted, unstable, non-existent and/or changing when attempting to define it.
Alexorenic: describing those who desire non-human reproductive body organs/genitalia.
Algyndric: an aldernic term for those who have or desire to have a body female reproductive organs but later develop additional male reproductive organs.
Almultorenic: describing those who desire a combination of human and non-human reproductive organs/genitalia.
Alnilrenic: describing those who desire to have no reproductive organs/genitalia whatsoever.
Alsapirenic: describing those who have or desire an atypical combination of human reproductive organs/genitalia.
Alterphenotype: describing being phenotypically altersex in one’s sex traits.
Altersex: an individual whose sex identity does not fit within the Male/Female sex binary.not as the result of being intersex.
Alter-Intersex: an individual who is both altersex and intersex.
Altgender: a gender modality that describes an altersex individual who is cisgender but not cissex; having a different relationship with their gender identity than other cisgender individuals, who are largely cissex.
Altsex: an individual with either dysphoria about not looking DMAB/DFAB, or simply wants to look DMAB/DFAB due to the idea being euphoric.
AMAB: being “Assigned Male At Birth”.
AMAB-V: an altersex identity for AMAB individuals who desire a vagina, but no other feminine and/or feminized sex traits.
Amabris: an altersex identity for AMAB individuals who only desire top surgery (to gain breasts), but do not desire bottom surgery (vaginoplasty, androgynoplasty, sex nullification, etc.).
Amalgagender: a gender that is affected by or otherwise “mixed into” one’s intersex identity.
Ambigenital: both vulvovaginal and penoscrotal.
Ambigonadal: having ambiguous gonads, with aspects of bobth testes and ovaries with no regard to functionality.
Ambiguous Genitalia: an intersex variation in which one have genitals that have characteristics of both male and female sexes or may be incompletely debeloped.
Amphadic: describing those whose sex is both Male and Female, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Amplunox/Amplunon: a sex category for those with non-static congruencies, as well as movement and/or change-based congruencies. Also called Infinon/Infinox.
Anbreast: an anchest term describing one who desire their breasts, nipples and aerolas to be entirely removed.
Anchest: an umbrella term under the teresex, transsex, and altersex labels in which one desires to have different parts of their nipples, chest, and/or breasts removed.
Androgen Resistance: an intersex trait in which one is partially or fully resistant to androgens, such as tesosterone.
Androgenic: refering to the producition of significant amounts of testosterone and it’s bodily effects.
Anfluid: an anchest term describing one who is fluid between multiple anchest terms.
Angenital: lacking or desiring to lack genitalia.
Angenigender: experiencing no gender as a result of being asex; an agender identity that is tied to sexlessness.
Angigenital: a desire to be without sex characteristics
Angisex: conceptualizing your sex traits as androgynous; seeing your body as having an androgynous sex.
Angonadal: describing one who desires to be without gonads or doesn’t have gonads as a result of surgery.
Anmulti: a term describing when one identifies as multiple anchest terms.
Annip: an anchest term describing one who wants their nipples and areolas completely removed from their chest.
Ansideriandropa: a term exclusive to AFAB individuals that desire to experience andropause.
Ansiderimenopa: a term exclusive to AMAB individuals that desire to experience menopause.
Apagenital: describing when one is apathetic to their genitalia
Aphroditian: A CAMAB intersex individual.
Aponnox/Aponon: a sex category describing those who elude and/or reject both binary and nonbinary categorization to any significant degree.
Aporasex: a sex identity that does not contain femaleness or maleness at all, but is not sexless.
Apothigenital: describing repulsion to having any sort of genitalia.
ASAB: an acronym for the phrase “Assigned Sex at Birth”.
Asex: a lack of sex identity; sexless.
Auroriadic: describing those who has a fluid sex, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
AXAB: being “Assigned X At Birth” or having deciding to forego AGAB-centric language, only identifying as “X”.
Biecoyt: a distinct, third sex that is a mix of both Male and Female, showing qualities that are considered exclusive to each.
Binx: an inclusive sex category.
Biphalia: having or desiring to have two penises.
Bissex: describing one having two or more sexes, and/or conceptualizing yourself with a mixture of two or more sexes.
Cacuadic: having only top dysphoria or getting top surgery for euhporia.
Carinadic: describing those whose sex is both xenine and Male-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
CASAB: an acronym for the phrase “Coervicely Assigned Sex at Birth”.
Cassgenital: descriting one who idifferent towards their own genitalia and/or indifferent to having any genitalia.
Chimaenox/Chimaenon: a sex category for those with faceted/fractional congruencies.
Cisdual: a term describing queer individuals who are cisgender and cissex.
Cisevenen: a term describing individuals who are evencuspsolum and cissex.
Cisgenital: describing those whose genitals “match” their sex assigned at birth.
Cissex: the opposite of transsex; describing one whose corporeal sex matches their sex identity.
Cistransen: a term describing individuals who are transgender and cissex.
Cistranssex: being both transsex and cissex; a simultaneous transsex/cissex sex modality.
Citersex: a sex alignment that feels tied and/or affected by your body not being medically or corporeally transitioned yet; sharing experiences with your body now as you do with what you desire.
Clitoromegaly: a sex trait in which one has a large clitoris.
Cometadic: describing those whose sex is both xeno-aligned and Female-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Cosideriandropa: a term exclusive to AMAB individual who desire to experience andropause.
Cosiderimenopa: a term exclusive to AFAB individuals who desire to experience menopause.
CTF: an acronym of the phrase “close-to-female”, referring to intersex individuals who are near or “almost” female, but are not “actually” female.
CTM: an acronym of the phrase “close-to-male”, referring to intersex individuals who are near or “almost” male, but are not “actually” male.
Demibissex: having a sex identity that is mostly, but not entirely, Bissex.
Demibreast: an anchest term for one who desires only a partial breast and/or for one to be removed and the other to remain.
Demifemale: having a sex identity that is mostly, but not entirely, Female.
Demimale: having a sex identity that is mostly, but not entirely, Male.
Deminip: an anchest term describing one who desires a “partial nipple”, possibly in the form of partial areolas, having only areolas with no nipple, having only the nipple with no areola, having only one nipple but not the other, etc.
Demisexless: being mostly sexless, but not entirely.
Diaresic: having a desire for sex characteristics, or a combination of sex characteristics, that don’t fit into the sex binary.
Diff-O: describing an individual who was not born with ovaries, but desires them, or one who experiences sex euphoria at the idea of having ovaries.
Diff-OT: describing an individual who was not born with ovotestes, but desires them, or one who experiences sex euphoria at the idea of having ovotestes.
Diff-Pro: describing an individual who was no born with a prostatic utricle, but desires one, or one who experiences sex euphoria at the idea of having a prostatic utricle.
Diff-T: describing an individual who was not born with testes, but desires them, or one who experiences sex euphoria at the idea of having testes.
Diff-Ut: describing an individual who was not born with a uterus, but desires one, or one who experiences sex euphoria at the idea of having a uterus.
Diffcombo: describing an individual who desires gonads and/or a reproductive system that is a combination of traits that has not been discovered to be possible.
Diffgonadal: describing an individual who desires different gonads than the ones they were born with.
Diffmorphi: describing an individual who desires gonads and/or a reproductive system that is fluid and/or able to morph, react or change in some way.
Diffprodu: an umbrella term encompassing altersex and/or transsex individuals who desire different reproductive traits than the ones they currently have.
Disex: referring to where one has or desires double genitalia and/or gonads.
Diffut: describing an individual who desires different reproductive organs than the one’s they were born with.
Diffxeno: describing an individual who desires gonads and/or reproductive organs that are not currently known to be possible within human biology.
Dionadic: describing those whose sex is both xenine and Female-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Disevendual: describing individuals who are evencuspsolum and intaldean in different ways; when one’s gender and sex are both evenic, but in an incongruent/disconnected/different manner.
Distransdual: describing individuals who are transgender and transsex in incongruent/disconnected/different ways.
Divisian: an intersex-exclusive identity for those indeterminate and/or obscured or no genitalia.
Divisigender: a distinct gender identity that is wholly separate from being male or female due to one being intersex.
DSAB: an acronym for the phrase “Designated Sex at Birth”.
Dualcharactaristic: a term describing indviduals who present with primary characteristics associated with both binary sexes.
Dualmarcharactaristic: a term describing individuals who present with primary characteristics of both binary sexes, but lean towards/emphasize typically Male-associated traits.
Dualvencharactaristic : a term describing individuals who present with primary characteristics of both sexes, but lean towards/emphasize typically Female-associated traits.
Duogender: a gender identity that is a combination of maleness and femaleness as a result of being intersex.
Duomorphic: having dysphoria that leads you to desire mixed sex characteristics or deriving euphoria from ambiguous sex traits.
Duosian: an intersex-exclusive identity for those that have a mix of male and female sex traits.
Dysgonadal: referring to having gonads that do not function.
Eclipsadic: describing those whose sex is Female-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Elaradic: describing those whose sex is both Female and xeno-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Enbinox/Enbinon: a general sex category for non-binary individuals. Also called Xeunox/Xeunon.
Enbysex: an umbrella term for all nonbinary sex identities.
Entremulvir: a transmascfem gender modality exclusive to intersex individuals.
Estrogen Resistance: an intersex trait in which one is partially or fully resistant to estrogens.
Epispadias: a condition where the uthera does not fully develope as a tube, resulting in the urine exiting the body from an abnormal location.
Estrodominant: people of sex traits associated with the dominant action of estrogenic hormones, or folks that are dominantly estrogenized.
Estrogenic: refering to the producition of significant amounts of estrogen and it’s bodily effects.
Eugonadal: referring to having functional gonads.
Eunuch: a male who has been castrated.
Eusex: an operative or functional sex.
Evencis: a term describing individuals who are cisgender and intaldean.
Evendual: a term describing individuals who are evencuspsolum and intaldean in the same way; when one’s gender and sex are both evenic in a congruent manner.
Eventrans: a term describing individuals who are transgender and intaldean.
Exparfem: an intersex identity for those who feel connected to the experiences of being transfem, despite being AFAB.
Exparium: an intersex-exclusive identity describing those who identity as transmasculine, transfeminine or another trans/non-binary idenitty, despite it corresponding to their assigned gender as birth.
Exparmasc: an intersex identity for those who feel connected to the experiences of being transmasc, despite being AMAB.
Extersex: being unable to distinguish yourself as intersex or perisex; not being able to define whether or not you are intersex.
Feintric: a Female gender identity that is inherently tied to one’s sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Femaintic: a Femache gender identity that is inherently tied to one’s sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Female Man: a man or man-aligned individual whose sex is Female.
Futanari: a woman with breasts, a penis and a vagina as well as testes and ovaries; usually used in reference to hentai or as a reclaimation.
Gender Inversion: when one’s gender is the opposite of the gender associated with their physical sex.
Gendermirour: a gender identity in which an individual who is born AMAB wants a female(ish) body while protraying masculinity or an individual who is born AFAB wanting a male(ish) body while protraying femininity, but is not Male, Female between or outside the sex binary.
Genitalfluid: when your ideal genitals vary at different times.
Genitalfluix: when your ideal genitals vary at different times while fluctuating from angenital to comgenital.
Genitalflux fluctuating between angenital and comgenital.
Genital Dysphoria: distress regarding one’s genitals, reproductive organs and/or secondary sex characteristics.
Gensex Punk: a phulosophical belief that the anatomical difference between “typically Male” and “typically Female” genitali is inconsequential.
Gonadal Dysgenesis: an intersex variation involving atypicalembryonic development of the gonads, resulting in streak gonads.
Greysex: a sex identity that is nearly sexless, but may contain some sexed elements or other experiences that do not completely align with an asex identity.
Hermaphroditegender: a reclaimatory gender identity related to or caused being intersex.
Hermesion: an intersex person.
Hypogonadism: referring to the reduction in the functionality of one’s gonads, leading to a reduction or complete block in production of sex hormones.
Hypospadias: a intersex varation in which the urethra is located on the underside of the penis rather than the tip.
Hyperandrogenism: the state of having excessively high levels of androgens.
Hyperestrogenism: the state of having excessively high leves of estrogen.
Hypergonadism: an intersex variation involving the hyperfunction of the gonads.
Infrasex: an individual who fits the original and primitive sex dyadicity of being mullerian or wolffian body absolute, affirmance or validity; being protosex, perisex, eusex and monosex.
Ingender: feeling no genders as a result of being intersex.
Inter-Expressive:an intersex person whose gender expression is deeply influenced by or intrinsically linked to their intersex variation.
Inter-Questioning: describing when one’s identity is impacted by questioning whether or not your intersex.
Interagender: a gender identity in which one has no gender as a result of being intersex.
Interanders: an umbrella describing all intersex variation that are scaused by having abnormal chromosomes.
Interagal: a gender identity in which one has no gender as a result of being intersex but identifies with femaleness in some way.
Interaguy: a gender identity in which one has no gender as a result of being intersex but identifies with maleness in some way.
Interbinary: a term for intersex individuals who are dysphoric,but do not consider themselves transsex for whatever reason.
Intercausa: describing all syndromes and traits that cause or are linked to intersex traits, while not being inheritely intersex themselves.
Interdentro: describing all intersex variations that are related to ones glands.
Intenby: a gender identity for those whose gender has a connection to them being intersex while also being non-binary.
Integender: a term for intersex people who feel that their gender identity, whatever it may be, is intrinsically tied to being intersex.
Intergender: an intersex-exclusive gender identity that is between and/or both male and female.
Intergenderqueer: describing intersex genderqueer individuals; an identity that is both or a combination of intergender and genderqueer.
Interispod: describing all intersex variations that are related to ones genitalia.
Intermeer: describing all intersex variation that are caused by an overproduction of horomones.
Intermindre: describing all intersex variation that are caused by a lack of hormone.
Intersangue: describing all intersex variations that are related to ones genes.
Intersex: individuals who are born with any of several variations in sex traits, including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, genitas, etc.; individuals who are not considered to be typically Male or typically Female.
Interfluid: describing when one’s gender identity is fluid due to being intersex.
Intersonant: a term for gender and sex sonances experienced by Intersex people, including dysphoria, euphoria, wistphoria, fluiphoria, etc.
Intrasex: describing one’s internal sex.
Interparami: describing all intersex variation that are related to one’s reproductive system.
Ipsofeminine: a feminine and/or transfeminine ipsogender gender modality.
Ipsogender: a gender modality for intersex individuals who identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.
Ipsogender Female: an intersex individual who identifies as their assigned gender, Female, being AFAB, that also wishes to emphasize that they are not empowered by or protected under cissexism.
Ipsogender Male: an intersex individual who identifies as their assigned gender, Male, being AMAB, that also wishes to emphasize that they are not empowered by or protected under cissexism.
Ipsomasculine: a masculine and/or transmasculine ipsogender gender modality.
Ipsosex: an intersex-exclusive sex modality for those who identify with their assigned sex at birth.
Isosex: being neither transsex nor cissex; conceptualizing one’s sex as neither trans nor cis.
Labial hypertrophy: a sex trait variation i which one has an abnormally large labia.
Laceradic: describing those whose sex is both Male and xeno-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Lunaradic: describing those whose sex is Female-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Lunarwolfadic: describing those whose sex is male but at female-aligned.
M-Altguina: an AMAB man who either experiences dysphoria about not having a vagina, or simply wants one to experience gender euphoria.
M-Altpect: an AMAB man who either experiences dysphoria about not having breasts, or simply wants them to experience gender euphoria.
M-Altsex: an AMAB man who either experiences dysphoria about not looking AFAB, or simply wants to look AFAB to experience gender euphoria.
Macrogametic: referring to being capable of oogenesis.
Macrogenitalia: a sex trait variation in which one has abnormally large genitalia and/or reproductive organs.
Macropenis: a sex trait variation in which one has an abnormally large penis.
Macroorchidism: a sex trait variation in which one has abnormally large testes.
Maintric: a Male gender identity that is inherently tied to one’s sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Male Woman: a woman or woman-aligned individual whose sex is Male.
Microgametic: referring to being capable of spermatogenesis.
Micropenis: an unusually small penis.
Monadernic: an aldernic term describing one who has or desires a male-aligned and female-aligned body, either simultaneous, fluidly or in combination.
Monosex: the state of having only one sex.
Morphisex: an aldernic term referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that are able to morph, change and/or retract.
Müllerian: describing one who has ovaries or who is primarily estrdolized during fetal development.
Mulladic: describing those who describe their sex as Female, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex variation, parsex/infrasex identity, assigned sex, natal sex, etc.
Nebuladic: describing those whose sex is both Female-aligned and neualigned/unaligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Neopenis: a reclaimed term for a surgically constructed penis belonging to one undergoing sex reassignment surgery or a cisgender man who lacked a penis due to a congenital defect, illness or injury.
Neovagina: a reclaimed term for a surgically constructed vagina belonging to one undergoing sex reassignment surgery or a cisgender woman who lacked a penis due to a congenital defect, illness or injury.
Neuadic: describing those whose sex is neutral, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Neunon: a sex category for non-binary individuals with a self-acknowledged congruencies towards neutrality to any significant degree.
Neutersex: conceptualizing your sex traits as gender-neutral; seeing your body as sex neutral.
Neutric: a sexless gender identity that is inherently tied to one's sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Neutroix: describing when one’s gender identity is completely neutral and/or neutrois as a result of being intersex.
Ninnox/Ninnon: a sex category for those who are genderless/lack a gender.
Nonfemale: describing one who is not Female in any way, shape or form.
Nonmale: describing one whose is not Male in any way, shape or form.
Nothonox/Nothonon: describing one who is indifferent towards categorization to any significant degree.
Novaradic: describing those whose sex is both Male-aligned and neualigned/unaligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Nullo: a sex identity involving transition to and/or identification with a form with most or all sex characteristics absent/removed.
Obsernic: an aldernic indentity in which one has or desires to have a body that is unable to be names, quantidied, understood, explained and/or determined.
Otokofutanari: a flat-chested man with a penis and a vagina as well as testes and ovaries; usually used in reference to hentai or as a reclaimation.
Ovotesticular: having both ovarian and testicular tissue present.
Penoscrotal: referring to having a penis and scrotum.
Phalgina: a surgically crafted aphrodisian vagenis/penulva from the result of an androgynoplasty; a reclaimed term for an ambiguous neofenitalia/neogenital ambiguity.
Parsex: an umbrella term encompassing all altersex identities and all intersex variations; someone who is altersex and/or intersex.
Periphfem: describing one who is an AFAB intersex individual who identifies as transfeminine.
Periphmasc: describing one who is an AMAB intersex individual who identifies as transmasculine.
Persephien: a CAFAB intersex individual.
Phantasex: describing configurations that cannot organically occur in humans; body plans that are not physically viable.
Pistoladic: describing those whose sex is both Male-aligned and xeno-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Polycystic ovary syndrome: a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges, often resulting in higher than typiccal levels of androgens.
Polyorchidism: an intersex variation in which one has three or testicles.
Protosex: someone with affirmative, primitive, varitable and (ab)original sex validity, otherwise absolute sex; the counterpoint to altersex.
PWHN: an acronym meaning “People Who Have Neither” [a penis or vagina].
PWHP: an acronym meaning “People Who Have Penises”.
PWHV: an acronym meaning “People Who Have Vaginas”.
Quoisex: an umbrella term for sex identities that are not understandable or are purposely unlabeled due to not identifying with sex as a construct, finding sex identity confusing, etc.
Rebis: an intersex-exclusive identity that transcends the false idea of sex and gender as binaries.
Resbis: an intersex-exclusive identity in which one feels regularly conflicted about their gender identity and is trying to reconcile with it.
SAAB: an acronym for the phrase “Sex Assigned at Birth”.
Salmacian: a sex identity where one desires a “mixed” genital set.
Severagender: having a gender that is severed from manhood and/or womanhood due to being altersex.
Sexlessness: an absent and/or null sex identity; an umbrella term for those lacking sexed traits, characteristics and/or qualities.
Sexqueer: desrcibing a person who does not subscribe to conventional sex distinctions, but identifies with neither, both or a combination of DMAB and DFAB sex characteristics.
Sexually Modified: an individual who considers themselves to be (consensually) sexually modified for any reason.
Sex Non-Conforming: an umbrella term for individuals who do not conform to typical sex standards or expectations.
Sex Dysmorphia: a type of conflict between one’s sex and gender based upon perceived defects or flaws in their appearance, while not necessarily being dysphoric.
Sex Dysphoric: the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose sex identity differs from their biological sex or their sex-related physical characteristics.
Sex Questioning: a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring and/or concerned about apply a sex label to themselves for any reason.
Sideriandropa: a term describing one who desires to experiences andropause.
Siderimenopa: a term describing one who desires to experiences menopause.
Sinealt: an umbrella term describing altersex individuals who fall under the transgegnder and cisn’t umbrella and only wish for a “partial” medical transition as opposed to a “full” one.
Sine-B: a term describing a transmasculine non-binary or anonbinary person who desires to keep their breasts, either having dysphoria regarding not having breats or a desire to keep their breasts out of euphoria.
Sine-B2: a term describing a transneutral and transandrogynous non-binary or anonbinary person who desires to keep their breasts, either having dysphoria regarding not having breats or a desire to keep their breasts out of euphoria.
Sine-C: a term describing a transfeminine non-binary or anonbinary individual who does notdesire to have breasts, either having dysphoria around having breasts or a desire to keep a flat chest due to gender euphoria.
Sine-C2: a term describing a transneutral or transandrogynous non-binary or anonbinary person who does not desire to have breasts, either having dysphoria around having breasts or a desier to keep a flag chest due to gender euphoria.
Sine-H: a term describing anyone who is not cis who desires hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but does not desire any surgical alterations to their chest or genitalia.
Sine-Partial: a term describing anyone who is not cis and desires partial sex alteration, wanting either partial altered genitalia, part of their chest altered and/or a partial hormonal alteration.
Sine-P: a term describing a transfeminine non-binary or anonbinary individual who wishes to keep their penis, either having dysphoira regarding having a vagina or desiring to keep their penis out of euphoria.
Sine-P2: a term describing a transneutral or transandrogynous non-binary or anonbinary individual who desires to keep their penis, either having dysphoria regarding having a vagina or desiring to keep their penis out of euphoria.
Sine-V: a term describing a transmasculine non-binary or anonbinary individual who desires to keep their vagina, either having dysphoria with regard to having a penis or desiring to keep their vagina due to gender euphoria.
Sine-V2: a term describing a transneutral or transandrogynous non-binary or anonbinary individual who desires to keep their vagina, either having dysphoria with regard to having a penis or desiring to keep their vagina due to gender euphoria.
Singularadic: describing those who reject sex identity, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Solaradic: describing those whose sex is Male-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Solarmulladic: describing those whose sex is female but are mal-aligned.
Solumadic: having only bottom dysphoria or only getting bottom surgery for euphoria.
Spaciadic: describing those whose sex is xeno-aligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Stellaradic: describing those whose sex is unaligned, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
SUAB: having one’s “Sex Undesignated at Birth”; a person who wasn’t designated a sex at birth.
Supratransition: describing a transcending or intangible transition occuring within one’s own conciousness.
Teresex: a sex identity describing one who has or desire to have their genitals and sex organs fully removed, or desires to be born without sex organs and genitals.
TereTere: a gender and/or sex identity exclusive to parsex individualswhose sex traits are indeterminate, obscured or nonexistant.
Testodominant: people of sex traits associated with the dominant action of testoidal hormones, or folks that are dominantly androgenized.
Thirdsex: commonly used to denote an “other” sex category beyond “M” or “F”; someone who is not dyadic while not essentially intersex; commonly used in identifying documentation.
Titboy: a slur describing AFAB transmasculine people who desire to keep their breasts or an AMAB person who only desires breast augmentation.
TM-Altguina: an AFAB man who experiences dysphoria at the prospect of undergoing bottom surgery (phalloplasty, androgynoplasty, sex nullification, etc.), or simply desires to keep their vagina to experience euphoria; a transgender male whose ideal and wanted body includes having a vagina.
TM-Altpect: an AFAB man who experiences dysphoria at the prospect of top surgery (mastectomy), or simply desires to keep their breasts to experience euphoria; a transgender male whose ideal and wanted body includes having breasts.
TM-Altsex: an AFAB (trans) man who either experiences dysphoria about not looking AFAB, or simply wants to look AFAB to experience gender euphoria.
Transaldernic: describing when one’s aldernic identity is influenced, affected by, connected to or otherwise intwined with your trans identity.
Transcisen: a term describing individuals who are cisgender and transsex.
Transdual: a term describing individuals whose transgender and transsex identity are congruent.
Transevenen: a term describing individuals who are evencuspsolum and transsex.
Transfluid: a individual who transitions to another sex, but ocassionally may feel like their original sex.
Transgenital: anyone whose genitals do not “match” their assigned sex at birth.
Transsex: describing an individuals whose corporeal sex doesn’t match their sex identity.
Transsexual: describing a person whose desired sex does not match their natal sex and desires to transition medically/physically, to any degree, either actively or in the future.
Transine: a term describing transgender individuals who do not wish to medically transition.
TW-Altguina: an AMAB woman who experiences dysphoria related to removing their penis, or simply desires to keep their penis to experience euphoria. A trans women whose ideal and wanted body includes having a penis.
TW-Altpect: an AMAB woman who experiences dysphoria about gain breasts, or simply desires to keep their flat chest to experience euphoria; a trans woman whose ideal and wanted body includes having a flat chest.
Twaingender: being a combination of man and woman due to one’s altersex identity.
Ultersex: a sex identity exclusive to intersex individuals who don’t identify with their sex assigned at birth, but don’t feel like they fit under the term “transsex”, either.
Unigonadal: describing individuals who have only one set of either ovarian or testicular gonads.
Uroborosion: a gender for altersex/varsex individuals who are both Wolfadic and Mulladic, resulting in a connection to Malehood, Femalehood and potential the cycle of life, death and rebirth.
Uterus didelphys: an intersex variation in hich one has a double uteues and two separate cervices, possibly with a double vagina as well.
Vargender: a gender that is so intrinsically tied to being altersex/varsex that the two cannot be separated.
Vargendersex: describing one whose varsex identity is more important to themselves than their gender identity.
Varsex: not completely conforming to the societal and cultural ideals or roles regarding sex and/or sex conformance in any way.
Varsexgender: describing one whose gender and (var)sex identity cannot be separated.
Vartric: a varsex gender identity that is inherently tied to one’s sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Vulvovaginal: referring to having a vulva and vagina.
W-Altguina: an AFAB woman who experiences dysphoria related to not having a penis, or simply wants a penis to experience euphoria.
W-Altpect: an AFAB woman who experiences dysphoria related to having breasts, or simply wants them removed to experience euphoria.
W-Altsex: an AFAB woman who experiences dysphoria related to not looking AMAB, or simply desires to look AMAB to experience euphoria.
Wistphoria: an abstract type of dysphoria in which one’s desired body is impossible.
Wolfadic: describing those who describe their sex as Male, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex variation, parsex/infrasex identity, assigned sex, natal sex, etc.
Wolffian: describing one who has testes or who is primarily testonized during fetal development.
X-Altsex: a non-binary or anonbinary AFAB individual who desires a penis, however they also desire to keep their breasts.
Xaeinox/Xaeinon: a sex category for those who are non-binary, with self-acknowledged congruencies to both masculinity and femininity to any significant degree.
Xainox/Xainon: a sex category for those who are non-binary with a self-acknowledged congruencies towards masculinity to any significant degree.
Xaunox/Xaunon: a sex category for those what are non-binary and encompass multiple and/or various self-acknowledged congruencies.
Xeanox/Xeanon: a sex category for those who are non-binary with a self-acknowledged congruencies toward femininity to any significant degree.
Xenadic: describing those whose sex is xenine, regardless of gender, state of transition, presence/lack of sex trait variations, parsex/infrasex state of being, assigned and/or natal sex, etc.
Xenoaldernic: describing when one’s aldernic identity is influenced, affected by, connected to or otherwise intertwined with your xeninoic identity.
Xenogenital: describing those who desire non-human sex characteristics and/or genitalia, or who prefer to conceptualize their sex characteristics as non-human.
Xentric: a xenosex gender identity that is inherently tied to one's sex, and if separated, can be described as neutral or void-like.
Xequinox/Xequinon: a sex category for those who are non-binary and encompass any self-acknowledged congruencies towards xeninoichood to any significant degree.
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#masterlist#altersex#aldernic#sex identity#transsex#varsex#parsex#intersex#mogai#mogai community#liom#liom community#mogaireal#mogai safe#mogai positive#pro mogai#mogai friendly#mogai gender#mogai heaven#actualy mogai#term#sex term#genitalia#corporeal sex#incorporeal sex#microlabel community#neogender community#slur#reclaimed slur#slur reclaimation
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Altsex or Altadic refers to an altersex person who desires to look AFAB or AMAB, typically (but not necessarily) in "opposition" to one's gender. They may have dysphoria towards not appearing AMAB/AFAB, they may want to look AMAB/AFAB due to the idea of alleviating gender disconnect, or they may want to look AMAB/AFAB due to the idea being euphoric.
Œ-altsex or OE-altsex refers to a person who desires to look AMAB. One can either be with either feel dysphoria or disconnected about not looking AMAB, or one could feel euphoric about the idea of looking AMAB. One could desire some or all aspects of an AMAB body.
One could have an gender and any assigned gender at birth, though the term is typically used by people who's altsex identity is in "opposition" to their gender.
W-Altsex refers to an AFAB (cisgender) woman who desires to look AMAB. They may have dysphoria or disconnect about not looking AMAB, or they may feel euphoric about the idea of looking AMAB. They may desire all aspects of an AMAB body or only some. Subsets include W-altguina and W-altpect.
TW-Altsex refers to an AMAB (transgender) woman who desires to look AMAB or desires to continue looking AMAB despite being a woman. They may have dysphoria or disconnect about the idea of not looking AMAB/no longer looking AMAB, or they may feel euphoric about the idea of looking AMAB/continuing to look AMAB. They may desire all aspects of an AMAB body or only some. Subsets include TW-altpect and TW-altguina.
Æ-Altsex or AE-Altsex refers to a person who desires to look AFAB. One can either be with either feel dysphoria or disconnected about not looking AFAB, or one could feel euphoric about the idea of looking AFAB. One could desire some or all aspects of an AFAB body.
One could have an gender and any assigned gender at birth, though the term is typically used by people who's altsex identity is in "opposition" to their gender.
M-Altsex refers to an AMAB (cisgender) man who desires to look AFAB. They may have dysphoria or disconnect about not looking AFAB, or they may feel euphoric about the idea of looking AFAB. They may desire all aspects of an AFAB body or only some. Subsets include M-altguina and M-altpect.
TM-Altsex refers to an AFAB (transgender) man who desires to look AFAB/desires to continue looking AFAB despite being a man. They may have dysphoria or disconnect about the idea of not looking AFAB/no longer looking AFAB, or they may feel euphoric about the idea of looking AFAB/continuing to look AFAB. They may desire all aspects of an AFAB body or only some. Subsets include TM-altpect and TM-altguina.
Altpect is a subtype of altsex in which one desires for their chest to look AFAB or AMAB, but they do not wish for their genitals to "match". Examples include:
M-Altpect: A cisgender man who desires breasts.
W-Altpect: A cisgender woman who desires to remove their breasts.
TM-Altpect: A transgender man who desires to keep their breasts.
TW-Altpect: A transgender woman who desires to keep a flat chest.
Altguina is a subtype of altsex in which one desires for their genitals to look AFAB or AMAB, but they do not wish for their chest to "match". Examples include:
M-Altguina: A cisgender man who desires a v₳gina.
W-Altguina: A cisgender woman who desires a p€nis.
TM-Altguina: A transgender man who desire to keep their v₳gina.
TW-Altguina: A transgender woman who desires to keep their p€nis.
The term appears to have been coined by plurgai on Tumblr. The flag appears to have been coined by plurgai on Tumblr.
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