#°◦.。.◦· ʚῖɞ | ic
riteburdened · 2 years
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T-poses at you all to establish dominance
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riteburdened · 1 year
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She has been busy making mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn festival, who is brave enough to try one??
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riteburdened · 2 years
Would it be seen as shallow to compare them to such a familiar topic? The idea of her reading coming off as insincere left a sour in her mouth, almost hesistate to present them with the polished card. “I won’t preach about Death to someone who knows it so well.... but it's simply a transformation. While I'm not sure what it means in your case, Death is one of the most misunderstood cards in the deck-- I hope you aren't feel the same."
(Alternative Card: The Moon)
the meaning of a card / @wise-innocence
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"No need to feel that you would be preaching, I appreciate your insight!" The spread of cards and their intricate art is intriguing to Hu Tao, and they have a passing familiarity -- although the practising of such is quite outside their wheelhouse. A black nail runs around the edge of the card designated 'Death', and the description of it rather resonates.
"Death itself is a change! In a way it's an end, but things have to end for more new things to begin." Transformation is an apt way to describe it. As for being misunderstood... well, that again is part of life.
Taboos ran deep in society, even the elders of her own family did not appreciate Tao's point of view when it comes to mortality. To them, it makes little sense to fear and hate the natural conclusion to this phase of one's existence before moving onto the next.
Such thoughts are held more closely to their chest before they give Yanfei a charming smile. "Good to know that this card isn't literal at least, I'm not quite ready to pass this hat on yet!"
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riteburdened · 2 years
[ HUG ] to hug my muse from behind. Xiao asks first, of course!
platonic memes! / @jadeburdened
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Their approach is silent, Hu Tao not realizing that her dear yaksha is behind her 'til they speak.
"May I hold you while you moon-gaze?"
Wangshu Inn's balcony has a beautiful view at night, the array of stars and ever-present moon a celestial canvas that never fails to be compelling. And yet, once Xiao has drawn her attention, such a sight in comparison to her sweet beloved. They are learning to reach out. To ask for things. To allow themself to want.
That is a thing even more exquisite to Hu Tao than the moon that inspires them so artistically.
"Of course!"
A glance over her shoulder, beaming smile, wordless communication of 'I love your desire to be close to me!' An invitation in how she extends her arms backwards, hands grasping for Xiao's, and then the gentle pull forward to wrap the yaksha's arms around her as if they were her favourite blanket. She pulls them flush until Xiao's chest is pressed right up against the line of her spine. Their presence offers a sense of solace and safety that is beyond compare. "You can squeeze me as tight as you like! Crush me, even." Tao offers, being the type to derive comfort from affectionate pressure. Xiao's chin drops to rest on her shoulder with a non-committal "Hn," of acknowledgment, their hold on her neither tightening nor loosening. They are content to maintain the firmness of grip set by their darling mortal.
Hu Tao gives their fingers a soft squeeze then lets go as her attention is once more drawn skyward. “With all that time you spend on the roof, do you ever think to admire the stars? Or are you too busy scanning the horizon for threats?” The question is mostly rhetorical as she already knows the answer. Xiao is always on guard; patrolling faithfully and never at rest. She hopes that perhaps, with her influence and occasional prodding, they may learn to stop and smell the roses once in a while. Or at the very least, to take a break to recuperate now and then rather than persevere until they drop. 
“Look,” index finger traces the sky, drawing a line between six stars in sequence. “That’s Papilio Charontis, the stars I was born under. Astrologers say they determine our fates. I wonder what they would have to say about us?” 
Still-pointed finger then drifts to the left. “And if I’m not mistaken, these look like yours.” Again a line is traced, arcing downwards before rising up once more to a second peak, lattermost star higher than the first. Fitting how it evokes the image of a bird in flight. “I think I like that they’re so close together.” Her voice is quieter now, thoughtful. “It means I’ll always be by your side, in a way.”
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riteburdened · 2 years
hay fren / @combicry
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"Hi there!” They greet the nephilim, mischievous grin lighting up. “Wangsheng Funeral Parlour’s opening hours aren’t until 6am... unless this is a social call and you don’t have some bodies for me to take care of?” Either prospect seems quite pleasing to her.
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riteburdened · 1 year
You can bet your bottom dollar that the Outrider is gonna spoil Hu on the day of her birth. She deserves it! Bringing the finest foods of Mondstadt all the way over!"Happy Birthday Hu!"
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Such an impressive bounty! The Outrider has indeed outdone herself, and it shows in Hu Tao's beaming smile just how deeply they appreciate the kind gift.
"It smells wonderful!" she exclaims, delighted, starting off with a sip of the pleasantly coloured berry & mint burst drink before deciding which of the meals to try first. As it is lunch time they settle on the ratatouille, figuring it to be both filling but not too heavy. "Please, sit! You must share it with me, and allow me to make you some tea!" With a click of their fingers the nearby trusty kettle begins to heat up - a special self-taught pyro trick formulated recently - and they set about fetching an extra cup and bowl in the meantime to share with Amber.
"Eating with dear friends is one of life's finest pleasures, don't you think?"
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riteburdened · 1 year
"Director, you mentioned that today would be a good day for sales," Azhdaha starts a bit cautiously while eyeing those celebrating the festival around them. "Would they..." How do the humans say it now, they wonder. "'Give us the time of day'?" The words fall a bit clumsily from his mouth.
"Not that I doubt your expertise in the trade. Perhaps it is due to my inexperience and naivete in the field, they all seem to be busied."
//tao going to do some sales with their fave employee before going on a date with xiao. what a great businessperson!
if this is from a meme or something i've totally forgotten ;; / @vishapsking
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"Every day is a good day for sales, but yes, especially today! Do you not feel the auspicious energy of spring? New buds are blooming, the weather is growing mild, softening the ground for digging graves..." Hu Tao trails off a little, grinning, not seeing how odd the juxtaposition would be for most to associate the season of renewal with death.
But spring means rebirth too, which cannot happen without death. If only more people understood the beauty of the natural cycle.
"Our next promotion should emphasize the value of planning for the future, I think! And I still want to try and convince the Adventurer's Guild to partner with us. But first -- tea? I was able to get my hands on a wonderful Lapsang Souchong!"
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riteburdened · 2 years
platonic memes! / @radiantsoulfire
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“That really is quite the unexpected talent you have!” Hu Tao gratefully accepts the fish, freshly caught and grilled to perfection. Just one bite and the flavours are already dancing on her tongue, unfamiliar yet pleasant spices lending a heat that differs from the Jueyun chilis of home but it is one they wouldn’t mind getting acquainted with. New things are good, after all. “The last time I went fishing I couldn’t catch anything, and you’re able to do it in your sleep!?” They point their fork at Layla between bites for emphasis. “You will have to teach me your ways!” 
What they didn’t mention, of course, is that their own failed fishing expeditions were trying to catch the fish with their bare hands.
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riteburdened · 2 years
"Ah... Here." Chongyun, though refusing eye contact, casually passed the small wrapped box over. It's not so much a birthday gift as it is an anti-bullying offering via a wooden good luck talisman meant to instill fortune for businesses. What that entails for a funeral parlor, however, is up to interpretation. "Happy... birthday..."
He's trying. Please........ just spare him........
birf! / @spiritualice
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Is that a sense of trepidation they detect from the exorcist? A trace of unease, perhaps. The lack of eye contact does not go unnoticed which makes Hu Tao stare at him all the more, head tilting to the side like a curious bird. Seconds pass before they claim the offering, attempting to discern what they could from what may lay behind this interesting demeanour, but no clues are found so attention turns instead to the wooden box and its contents.
Ah, how curious indeed! A talisman for business prosperity! “Why, thank you Chongyun!” Hu Tao is genuinely touched by the gesture. Such a token to show care for the future of Wangsheng Funeral Parlour is in some ways even more meaningful than a more personal gift. 
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riteburdened · 3 years
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The time of lantern rite is fast approaching; both partly a reason for and against what the director plans to request of the yaksha. She knows it is a busy time of year for them, perhaps the busiest of all, so with this is the hope that her request could be mutually beneficial.
“...Xiao?” They speak gently into the twilight air while seated at the base of a tree just outside Liyue Harbour. Beautiful oranges and pinks paint the sky, so even if the adeptus is too busy to answer the call there is, at least, some scenery to admire.
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riteburdened · 3 years
     "Did you know, if you turn a canoe over you can wear it as a hat...
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                    ....Because it's cap-sized!”
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riteburdened · 3 years
@jadeburdened​ Asks for hand so that they may tie a small strand of lantern fiber around her ring finger.
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Requested hand is extended -- Xiao will always be given whatever they ask for without hesitation -- and the bemused Director watches as they work on the makeshift ring. “Are you proposing to me again my love?”
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riteburdened · 3 years
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offers you a hand to hold.
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riteburdened · 3 years
i may be an ayaka main and a hu tao simp but if you willingly skipped kazuha's banner you are simply incorrect
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riteburdened · 2 years
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“I made you some almond tofu... but there’s peaches in it!”
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riteburdened · 3 years
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     “I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but marriages to ghosts are not legally binding and absolutely not recommended by Wangsheng Funeral Parlour~!”
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