art-little-nonsense · 4 years
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My final piece for @hxhbigbang2020, illustrating @victorsandvanquishers (or is it @tanahashistotties now?) fantastic fic ‘Chiffon Black’. I took a few artistic liberties with the scene, but i hope it’s still acceptable.
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art-little-nonsense · 4 years
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My (late and unfinished) contribution to @hxhbigbang2020. I got to illustrate the dark but delightful fic by @victorsandvanquishers (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24121420/chapters/58072384). Sorry it’s just sketches for now - work's got me running for my money - but i promise there will be a clean piece for this as well.
Gods i’ve nearly forgotten how to tumblr... i miss it, just a little bit - but my love for nipples is greater than my love for rambly tags, so come hang with me on Twitter
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art-little-nonsense · 5 years
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My contribution to the @hxhbb19 Big Bang event - the fic i got to illustrate was A Soft Place to Fall (General 3 on the list), by @jyuanka - and it’s just too great for words! Amazingly written, with a mood that will make you think of sleepy Italian towns (it certainly did so for me) and a story that tugs at the heart. A must read!
Since it was dubbed a ‘Ghibli AU’ i tried to modify my style a bit to fit the theme... and i am pretty satisfied with the result for once :D
Also, i’m posting here as the big bang is a tumblr-centred event, but it’s not a comeback of any kind, i’m still planning to keep off this site. My main art-dump is now my Twitter. 
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
goodbye and thank you for all the fish...
That’s it. It took me a while to come to this conclusion, but i do not want to be a part of the new nipple-less Tumblr. It’s not even about my need to occasionally serve you some nudity and/or displays of sexual intimacy, or even the laughable quality of the flagging algorithm. It’s mostly because of how the new TOS equals nudity with porn and makes a foot-in-the-door opening for further censorship. I am an adult tax-paying citizen, and i deserve the right to choose what i see on my dash, whether or not my choices agree with puritan standards. I have always tagged my works to respect other users’ choices to see or not see certain content. Enjoying so-called ‘nsfw’ art is not illegal (yet), and as long as this is the case i refuse to be rid of that possibility. Sorry for the rant, btw, i just needed to get it off my chest.
This being said, i will not be deleting this account, at least for a while, to keep you updated on where to find me. But I will not be posting here anymore.
For the time being, you can find me:
1.  on Twitter as joolita (@joolita3). It’s a bit empty now but i promise to fill it up soon.
2. on DeviantArt as joolita (deviantart.com/joolita). I haven’t been active there for ages now, but it will probably change. Also all my old art is there so feel free to drop by and laugh at my meagre progress :)
3. on Instagram as raguscorner (i share that account with my buddy Munen, we mostly post comic doodles and also pics of my cat, but i’m often around to chat and whatnot).
It’s been an honour to be horny with all of you. Thank you for all the likes!
this is joolita, signing off.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
Name your Top 10 favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people!
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul , thank you for giving me this perfect excuse for not working! XD
Her answers actually inspired me to take a trip down memory lane as well. My picks expose me as a dumbass extraordinaire, but i’m shameless enough not to feel bad about it.
1. Haruka Tenou, Sailor Moon. My gay awakening <3 I cut my hair to be like her, i copied her fashion style... and i low-key shipped her with Sailor Jupiter. I am not sorry for my sins.
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2. Xellos, the Slayers. I loved that series as a teen, and i may still have a thing for sly little bastards who rarely show off with their power but manipulate everyone into doing what they want...
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3. Admiral Thrawn, Star Wars extended universe. I haven’t seen ‘Rebels’ yet, where he apparently appears, but these books, gods, they left 14-y-o me weak in the knees. Have i mentioned i have a thing for sly little bastards who manipulate everyone?
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4. Griffith, Berserk. After a long consideration, i’m picking him over Serpico, because there are at least two moments in the old anime which still give me the chills like nothing else. Pure storytelling rapture. Also, have i mentioned i have a thing...?
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5. Aang, Avatar the Last Airbender. This show has a great cast, and it’s very difficult to pick a single fav, but liking Aang was something i did not expect. I usually go for, well, less sunny characters (as exemplified above and below), but Aang with his resilience, maturity and a dab of grey morality just won me over.
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6. Roy Mustang, FullMetal Alchemist. It’s another show full of great characters, and my list of favs is long but, you see... he’s the quiet cunning type, and i may have a thing.
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 7. Rayla, the Dragon Prince. Yet another show with a stellar cast. I’m picking Rayla because she isn’t what i thought her character would be like, and i adore it.
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8. Parley, Gunnerkrigg Court. Everything about her is awesome. Also, i like tall girls, okay?
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9. Hisoka, Hunter x Hunter. Yes, he’s horrible. But he’s also unforgettable and that’s why i’m not sorry.
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10. Cibo, Blame! Yes, it has 3 characters. And i pick the tall girl. I have simple needs.
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This was fun! I hope this list didn’t make you lose all respect for me XD
Tagging, if you feel like it: @bimbalska, @akitku, @adastra-carozo, @zinkul, @fismoll7secinv, @iamnamedsilence, @kiwizoom
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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The extra story finished last week. We’re officially starting volume two. Here’s a version of the cover of chapter 1.
Never read the comic? Start here.
If you can spare a moment, please vote for us on TWC. It helps lots with exposure.
OCaC is part of Spider Forest.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Kids on the run.
My piece for @allukaday ! 
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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if you wanted to know why i didn’t manage to finish too many inktobers - i was doing this. It’s a b-day gift for a friend and i was trying hard not to mess it up. Drawing this taught me that (a) handsome Nubians are the perfect subjects, and (b) i still have a love-hate relationship with night scenes. (right now i’m in the ‘love’ phase).
Extra special thanks to @akitku for the idea, the help and all the references <3
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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The word of the day was ‘hooly’, meaning ‘gently, cautiously’, and it was the perfect prompt i needed to finally illustrate this one scene from my beloved regency au fic by @hxhhasmysoul. Drawing for it is always a pleasure :)
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Inktober for day 21, prompt: ‘humdinger’, meaning ‘a person or thing of remarkable excellence’. The throng of my ocs features a mother who thinks her baby is just that.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Catching up on inktobers... This one is for ‘postern’, meaning ‘the small side gate in the walls’. It called for some architecture practice guest starring Aio :)
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Inktober 13. The word was ‘sennachie’, or a storyteller specialising in family genealogy. I happen to have an oc who fits... I usually draw him as a youth though, so this was fun :D
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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The word of the day was ‘thunderstone’ and i didn’t even look at the definition. Had to draw the Mis-step-prince and his stolen ball of fancy lightning.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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More inktober! I swear i’m still doing these; i’m only 1 (ok, today makes 2) drawings behind, but i tend to finish so late that i’m too tired to even post. I promise to post the backlog soon.
Anyways, this time the word of the day was ‘Linguaphile’, meaning ‘language lover’, and this called for two OCs from my oldest story ever. It had a poor excuse of a plot in which a linguistic prodigy and an (un)natural born trickster travel the world together and fall in love. So here’s a scene with the linguaphile learning some new vocab in his crush’s language.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul. It’s such a fun tag, thank you!
Rules: using only song titles from a single artist of your choosing, cleverly answer the 10 questions and tag 10 people.
Artist/band: Queen 
Gender: Fat-bottomed Girls
Describe yourself: Scandal
How do you feel? Under Pressure
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I Want It All
Favourite mode of transportation: Spread Your Wings
Your best friend: One Vision / Tie Your Mother Down
Favourite time of day: It’s Late
If your life was a TV show: Calling All Girls / Princes of the Universe
Relationship status: Heaven for Everyone
Your fear: Thank God It’s Christmas
I’m going to be a little troll and tag all my followers (if you are into these sorts of things, of course). Be sure to @ me so that i know i was the one responsible XD
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Inktober day 11; today’s word is ‘clavier’, meaning the keyboard of a musical instrument. So i mutilated a clavichord and trolled a poor OC (i almost never draw her and now i did a portrait with no face...). All to lay an offering at the altar of perspective.
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art-little-nonsense · 6 years
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Technically i’m late with this one, but 4 hours after midnight does *not* count as late in this house :)
Today’s word is ‘vulgarian’ - ‘a vulgar person, especially one whose vulgarity is the more conspicuous because of wealth, prominence,or pretensions to good breeding’. It sounds like an image of oneself a person constructs if they’re sure they don’t fit a particular crowd...
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