fairain · 2 years
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         Yes! Xingqiu reveled in the small victory, inwardly  thrilled  that Chongyun surrendered to his mischievous antics so easily. An added pleasure with the sensation of gloved hands on his hips, though the Second Son knew it was an instinctual reaction to boot him off. 
        “ Where’s the fun in that? There is enough room for the two of us right here. ”      He purred, leaning back against Chongyun as others around them prepared for the story that was about to be told. Xingqiu knew he was testing his luck by draping himself over the exorcist.      @spiritualice​ // cont.
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starwardsword · 2 years
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    The look of exasperated fondness every time she stumbles across those two and their shenanigans.
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riteburdened · 2 years
"Ah... Here." Chongyun, though refusing eye contact, casually passed the small wrapped box over. It's not so much a birthday gift as it is an anti-bullying offering via a wooden good luck talisman meant to instill fortune for businesses. What that entails for a funeral parlor, however, is up to interpretation. "Happy... birthday..."
He's trying. Please........ just spare him........
birf! / @spiritualice
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Is that a sense of trepidation they detect from the exorcist? A trace of unease, perhaps. The lack of eye contact does not go unnoticed which makes Hu Tao stare at him all the more, head tilting to the side like a curious bird. Seconds pass before they claim the offering, attempting to discern what they could from what may lay behind this interesting demeanour, but no clues are found so attention turns instead to the wooden box and its contents.
Ah, how curious indeed! A talisman for business prosperity! “Why, thank you Chongyun!” Hu Tao is genuinely touched by the gesture. Such a token to show care for the future of Wangsheng Funeral Parlour is in some ways even more meaningful than a more personal gift. 
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vishapsking · 2 years
“There are some classifications of ‘spirit’ that aren’t evil or demonic. They’re not really spirits—at least not what my line of work regards them as. They’re more like… fairies or elemental beings. In any case, it’s unnecessary to even exorcize them because they lack the dense concentration of negative energy that would be harmful to people. As a result, they’re probably the only ‘spirit’ that wouldn’t be naturally repelled by my pure yang energy.” — He seems quite upset by this fact, ending the small factoid with a disappointed sigh.
random asks. @spiritualice​ / always accepting !
One could never say that the Dragon King was not an open-minded individual. Often they would listen to the opinion of mortals and vishapskind alike. In the days of old, they would give counsel to those who had but asked the Lord of Vishaps. Though nowadays, it seems humans wish to proport to knowing the ways of bygones past. The words of the foolhardy storytellers who tangle the facts of the past as they try to weave a tale to entertain their audience. 
Pah! What falsities and arrogance! He had expected the same from this exorcist and thought to brush off any trivialities the boy had to offer, but it is only due to the familiar aura that reminds them of someone they know that he allows for it. And now that Azhdaha listens to the human speak, it isn’t one of boasting great achievements or to bolster one’s life. 
“They do not react to your energy because theirs never crosses with it. The elemental energy around us runs parallel with powers such as yours.” A dark nail points out around Chongyun, as though they could see the pure yang energy he spoke of. It is as they said, the chill exuding from the boy is like a breeze to him. 
Power is power all the same though. 
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“Many others would find such powers to be of value. I have heard many men with less prowess boast of their abilities. It is rare to come across one so young and yet is disappointed instead.” His lips curl into a small smile. 
“If you wish for it, you could mask your energy. There are such methods available to you, albeit it will only be temporary.”
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a-earthssprout · 3 years
🌼🐌 @spiritualice​ wants to play ! // starter call 🍄
WHAT A SAD SIGHT; IN FACT, LITTLE ARI couldn't recall ever seeing anything sadder. She stood from a distance, wondering silently why it had come to be ‘ this way ‘ for him. The boy painted in the brightest blues stood alone, and his eccentric appearance led to Ari imagining him carrying a role that was inspired by one of those exciting childish wonders of hers. But this one could not be like the others; not at all like the ones that brought delight to her heart when she imagined them. Instead, Ari worried for him, pondering on how to help solve a problem that only she sees … 
White flowers might do! 
Slowly did she approach the boy, as if not to alarm him, and just as slowly did a tiny hand reach for his sleeve. A gentle tug was all that was given in effort to grab his attention, and if he would ever turn it to her, he'd be met with the saddest set of green eyes, ones that cared far too strongly for the well - being of a stranger. While the one hand was busy with his sleeve, however, the other kept a secure but careful hold around multiple stems of sweet flowers. Though seemingly reluctant, the child was still bold enough to not only assume his ' problem ', but also to assume his name. 
" mmm … mr. Sky … " began Ari with a sweet, soft tone, despite how worried she felt for him. She held those precious flowers of hers up a bit higher. " I … I brrr … brought mr. Sky some cloud flll … flowers, please … th … they're for him … " 
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" m — mr. Sky must be rrr … rea … really, really sad, 'cuz he doesn't have his cl — clouds … ? " 
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zhuqued · 2 years
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@spiritualice​ takes the stage! ❛  it’s alright. i mean , i’m used to it.  ❜
↳ Princess & the Pauper, Barbie Edition || NOT ACCEPTING
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    Xinyan’s expression may look intense to those unfamiliar with her, but it was only in thought that her eyes shifted between the boys in blue; one trotted away in delight of himself for a successful prank, and the other....ever the prankee. The way his wide blue eyes fell half lidded with the weight of his exasperation at times gave off the feeling that she was watching a kid get bullied sometimes and Xinyan for one had begun to wonder if he simply allowed it to account for the noble boy’s gratification, or if the poor guy really just never saw it coming. 
    All the same, it gave her an idea.
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     “Used to it or not...” There’s a menacing sort of mischievousness to her smile as she leaned herself down to rest an elbow on Chongyun’s shoulder. “What’s say we give your friend there a little taste of his own medicine?”
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rcseadorned · 2 years
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continued from x || @spiritualice​
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“ Do I want to come with -- ? ” She echoed, still trying to process if she was understanding the situation correctly. It was like he was casually asking if she wanted to go with him to the market. “ Usually when I tell people ‘there’s a demon in the forest that can flay the skin from your bones’ they tend to go in the opposite direction. ” She pointed back towards the nearest trail for emphasis. This is what she gets for deciding it was her solemn duty to help every single person she came across in the forest, be they lost or.. passed out on the ground.
“ Are you positive you don’t have a concussion? Because I don’t think anyone thinking clearly would go back in there.  ” 
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fairain-a · 3 years
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     “ You fret over nothing, I’m perfectly fine & capable of being here. ”      Words rasped, croaked from lungs that only  just  received a reprieve after another coughing fit seized his body. Sniffling & aching throughout the course of an afternoon spent tucked away in his study at the guild-hall, Xingqiu flat out  REFUSED  to admit that  maybe,  just  MAYBE  he had a cold.
     Undoubtedly picked up from his latest venture in the long & laborious pursuit of justice, there was still much work left to be done as he tediously plucked away at items of interest left previously abandoned in favour of a noble commission. One that proved to be more trying & exhaustive on his body than usual, if his current haggard & disheveled appearance was anything to go by.
      “ Relax a bit... ”     The Second Son instructed, weak smile playing upon lips.      “ Pull up a stool. ”      @spiritualice​
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minstrxll · 2 years
5, 11, 19
supporting character ask meme (accepting.) // @spiritualice
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5. someone my muse used to like / respect / love, but doesn’t any more
An intelligent, lovely Shrine maiden once told him: "This gold ornament is a proof of identity granted by the Almighty Shogun, and she will not abandon you."
On that day he waited by the shores, a dying friend in his arms, pleading to someone- anyone- for help.
And yet, no one came.
Little did he know that he had already been abandoned.
11. someone my muse doesn't understand
His fellow Harbinger, Tartaglia (@adversaryss) of course. His eagerness for blood and violence matches his own, but Tartaglia holds no hate for anyone as he does. He revels in battle for the sake of battle. He loves the challenge simply because it is a challenge. Scaramouche does not understand such simple joys, such base desires so easily fulfilled. He is one of the humans that Scaramouche envies the most. There is an ocean of potential in him.
It's impressive that Scaramouche's curiosity overpowers his impatience, for he spends time with Tartaglia simply trying to understand what makes him tick.
One day, he might appreciate all the effort he's put into such a mystery. Maybe by then he'll know what it is that makes Tartaglia break.
19. someone who gets on my muse’s nerves
Wouldn't that answer just be the same? Although, it's not very difficult to get on Scaramouche's nerves. Even his so-called-Doctor (@idrottore) easily manages to piss him off. One might be inclined to say that it's more of a feat not to evoke the Balladeer's ire. His patience runs so very thin with each century that passes.
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paleciity · 3 years
“If a demon is taking on the appearance of a human, they will usually appear as a very young or elderly person. For two reasons: it takes far less energy to manifest a smaller form, and it can subvert the livings’ defenses assuming neither child nor elderly are very harmful.”
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Little eyes flick up, wide and wondering. Given time, one could assume turning gears would catch up and realize the words were meant as well intentioned teachings, but in the moment the realization was clouded by twisting guts. Too close to home, too close to home...He always knew that thing that trailed him was bad, but a demon no less? It...would at least explain a lot.
...However a pit dropping in his stomach causes the boy to blanch, gaze dropped down once more.
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If the worst of spirits needed to save their energy by staying small, what did that mean for ones that towered above the masses..?
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fairain · 2 years
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          " Absolutely not. "      Chongyun's counteroffer was fair and just, even slanted in Xingqiu's favor if you compare the mushy texture of a carrot to the intense heat of a raw chili. Another factor to consider was the knowledge that Chongyun would have to grapple with the yang spirit he worked so hard to suppress. Again. 
          Xingqiu was stubborn, his hatred of carrots overwhelming and unbearable. It brought back memories from his childhood he’d managed to subdue over the years. 
          There had to be another compromise they could make to get that chili in Chongyun's mouth.           " What else do you want? "      @spiritualice​ // sc.
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jadeburdened · 3 years
📜 <:
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Incorrect Quotes! || accepting
Xiao: Violence isn't the answer. Chongyun: You’re right. Xiao: *sighs in relief* Chongyun: Violence is the question. Xiao: What? Chongyun, bolting away: And the answer is yes. Xiao, running after them: NO--
Xiao: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Chongyun: I think you mean cards. Xiao, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
Xiao: This is a mistake Chongyun, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Xiao: But not today Chongyun, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
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sylvctica · 2 years
38 & 39 <:
@spiritualice ➤ munday asks! ➤ accepting
38. what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
oogh honestly it's scattered as hell!! sylvie lives in my brain rent-free so it sometimes it just random shitposts or things that makes them stick a leg out like 'ayo i feel that', so i don't have a set inspiration for them or anything that’s a 100% for sure thing 🤔
39. what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
sweats audibly in many songs, so i'll go pick one out of their playlist ... a lot of their songs are very loose upbeat ones to reflect their personality, like lose control by hedley is one that vibes with them heavily cause they are just for going loose and having fun!! that and i just really like the song FHSDFHSHFD hedley makes nice stuff
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stcllariis-a · 2 years
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@spiritualice​ asked: 4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
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{my favorite thing about roleplaying is the people you meet ooc. like you create great scenarios through writing and friendships that last. i met my girlfriend through rp. as well as two of my irl best friends (that i’ve been friends with since 2012/2015 respectively) so developing long lasting friendships is literally my favorite thing. 
pluuusss you can easily crack ship with them and throw crazy ass ideas their way without judgement. and rp super kinky smut. so those are all add ons LOL}
♡ Munday Meme ♡
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intothewildsea · 3 years
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“I know it stings, but you’ve got to stop wiggling!”
Niamh was trying to tend to a nasty looking cut on Chongyun’s arm, her face furrowed in concentration as she applied medicine to the wound. “Gosh, you’re being a baby,” she chided, but there was a hint of teasing in her tone. “I’m almost done.”
She finished cleaning the cut and carefully began to wrap it in a bandage. “Thank you for helping me. Those monsters caught me by surprise. I’m sorry you got hurt because of me, though.”
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skycovet-a · 3 years
@spiritualice​ // starter call.
       stepping quietly through the bright city, adeus can only be in awe. it was beautiful. all the lights, and noise. you can listen to storytellers and shopkeeps spouting about their wares without straining your ears. 
      craning his neck back, the night sky sparkled to him. unfortunately, since waking, he had quite the habit of staring up or out toward the sky. it brought his soul peace when this new world began to overwhelm. 
      he’s only distracted when he hears a short crash. concern immediately blossoms in his chest as he sees a stranger crouched over something he may have dropped. 
      moving over, placing his lyre in his bag, he crouches and starts to help pick up the scattered items. 
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      “  are you ok  ?  that looked like quite the fall ...  ”  eyes flicker back toward the other, head lulling slightly.
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