#« v. main verse
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woodblxssomcrowned · 2 months ago
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Tried to get past some art block by doing random screencap redraws
Main and True Timeline!AU
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jesperr-fahey · 1 year ago
these two guys are having an absolutely devastating romantic story with horror elements that is surely going to end in tragedy and carpenter and hayward just. burst in like a fuckin tornado, arguing about shit that no one but them can understand. this show is so good
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despairforme · 8 days ago
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googling: how old leftovers bad to eat
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timetoprey · 1 month ago
{{ New verse/Au for Zephyr— }
This is actually what I had originally made her out to be before I saw I the server I was in when I created her had already had established lore , so I scrapped it but I wanted to bring it back and my friend Meg encouraged me to bring my old lore of the exorcist and Zephyr in general - goes as follows :
Zephyr was actually a vulture before being created into a exorcist, my whole thing was the reason they are all so animalistic /rage /wrath is they were once all creatures ( possibly from Eden ) being given a blessing, and made angels .
Which would explain their behaviors and why they can seemingly act with wrath and judgement and vengeance and not fall. Which is why they worked for Adam cause Adam named all the animals in Eden and in the show it’s said he named the exorcists too. Like they didn’t have names till he gave them One .
She of course is still made by Azzy he just made her cause he had too do his once in a billion eons civic service for Heaven cept he missed the due date and made her last minute, using a bone vulture and Samuel’s blood and his powers . And then was sent off to Adam .
But a lot of her quirks are a bit Toned down /she’s just more animalistic / instinctual then straight up crazy.
Less actively cannibalistic more she kinda still needs bones to eat . She just wants to bite.
Calling it my : A Calling au.
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svnnykit · 9 months ago
@sevensecondstilltheend (cloud)
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lucia pauses and stares at the blond, just enough confusion on his face to show that he had HEARD HIM but he hadn't quite processed it all yet. which is why he stares, with his nose scrunched up.
"okay, no, i heard you, but... what?"
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indomiinus · 9 months ago
@darkenedpunk061 // continued from here!
Leon was totally oblivious to Piers's nerves. He was feeling quite the opposite honestly: excited! He didn't get to hang out with Piers very often, and he'd been over the moon at the thought of spending time with him since, in his mind, they were friends. Sure, they didn't talk much, but Leon was just Like That.
If someone shares even one sentence with him, and they're best friends.
Though... Maybe he was a little nervous. What if Piers thought he wasn't cool enough and realized that Leon wasn't cool enough to hang out with him?
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"Oh! Right! Haha, sorry! I forgot!" Leon replied, trying and failing to keep his own nervous excitement to himself. He fidgeting with his hands, realized what he was doing, then turned to fidgeting with his hair instead. "No, no, I'm fine with the diner. I'm just glad to be able to go and actually hang out with you for once. Feels like we only really see each other during the Gym Challenge Season."
Though... he supposed after losing that last championship match, that should change. Remembering that fact brought on a whole other set of anxieties that he really didn't want to think about.
"Oh-- Well, I guess that doesn't have to be the case now, huh?" He laughed, none of his worries visible in his face or audible in his voice.
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atomiqueen · 9 months ago
♔ — memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: ❛ what are you looking at? ❜
        He's not really wrong to ask; she has been staring at him across the fire for the better part of a minute. Perhaps waiting for him to notice. Perhaps not. Either way, her mind is in another place. Namely, the place they camped almost two weeks back, with the broken down wall he shoved her up against. The place where they did what they just...haven't talked about since, for whatever reason.
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        “I'm thinking we should have sex again,” she states, in matter-of-fact. Head cants to the side, eyes scanning his face for some reaction in the flickering firelight. “What do you think?”
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countlessrealities · 10 months ago
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@angelichooves sent: "You make everyone look at you as if you've got it ALL together, but you ain't got shit together. You're gonna break, and you fucking know it." Vox to Alastor
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Alastor will never admit it out loud because he refuses to give Vox the satisfaction, but all this can quickly get beyond irritating.
He might refuse to acknowledge and engage with modern technology, but that doesn't stop it from being everywhere. A fact that he wouldn't pay any attention to, if it wasn't that it also means that he can't take a walk in peace and quiet without that noisy picture box stalking him from every available screen and camera.
As unpleasant as his "sabbatical" has been, being watched all the time is something he hasn't missed...and not just for the most obvious reasons. However, that's not something he allows his mind to linger on.
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"Are you sure you're not projecting, old pal?" The Radio Demon comments, turning to look at one of the screens that are watching him from behind the shop window. "Because, from where I'm standing? You are the one who can't hold it all together. Not on your own, at least. You've always needed someone else to hold your hand. Metaphorically speaking."
Also kind of literally, but he wasn't going to mention that.
"As for me? I'm doing quite well. In case you didn't hear about it, my little project stopped the one thing that has been plaguing Hell for centuries now." He leans a little forward, inching closer to the glass that separates him from the screen. "That's the opposite of breaking, wouldn't you agree?"
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prisonicmorality · 4 months ago
continued from here // @skullkxd
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There had to be some kind of a disconnect happening here, Volo thought.
Because obviously they could not be talking about the same Emmet, since the Emmet he knew would probably be the worst parental figure-- well. Maybe not the worst, Volo's own probably took that award.
Either way, Ree was once more confusing him.
"... Kid, why did you want Emmet as a dad? Genuinely curious here about his redeeming qualities that scream 'dad material.' Glad you got better though? I guess?" He asked, almost genuinely concerned for them. Of course, Volo and Emmet got along like water and oil, so it was probably his own fault that they didn't get along all that well. "And which b-word?"
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tendoujo · 7 months ago
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She's going to give @2isms a really loooong stare. Won't say anything at all, just stare. Good luck figuring out what she wants.
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kkkindered · 6 months ago
continued from x | @royaletiquette |
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K'in hums. Doing a quick once over as he straightens himself. He's shorter than her. Not by much but she wonders if he'd notice. It'll answer some questions if he did. What he's like. What he seeks from this.
Sure, he probably isn't the one that proposed for this engagement but he could still have expectations. It would fill in blanks on how they should act around him. Aside from the actual indifference and lack of trust.
But he seems harmless.
As harmless as a man walking around with (probably) an inflamed ego and cuff links shiny enough to match it.
They admittedly don't know much about this kingdom. Not having much time to do more than find out the names of the King, Queen and their heir before being swept away in a carriage. The kingdom seems to be losing favour with their people as well. Maybe the engagement is meant to mend that?
How? They don't know. Or maybe they'll be used to absorb their prince into their kingdom? Unlikely. This kingdom seems to traditional for that. Especially given how weak the magic here.
They have their own moment of spacing out. Running an absent hand down their corset. The journey was hardly exhausting. A snack would not hurt and they could pick for answers.
They glance at the guard and advisor; maybe a bit more privately.
“Lunch would be lovely, thank you.” They walk towards him a bit. “If you'd guide the way.”
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ghostspxder · 3 months ago
"Alright so I think I figured it out." Gwen said, excitedly as she swung through the open window into the apartment. SHe had made it a habit to leave the apartment windows open when she was out, it made things easier to enter instead of having to open it or use the stairs. "So I'm thinking if we travel to that one dimension that has the really nice cakes we could get one there and then not only would we have the best dessert at the gala but it also gets back my good graces with the police commissioner after, you know, his car kinda fell off a bridge while I was fighting Electro." Gwen said slipping off her mask but leaving the rest of her suit on. as she kicked her feet onto the table.
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stellarcuriosity · 1 month ago
@gladiatorspxrked liked for a starter!
Now, she was told to avoid meeting strangers- that was for sure... but this bot has been hanging around the base for quite some time, so surely she can't be too bad!
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Keeping herself low to the ground, the young predacon crept out of her hiding spot, wide blue optics fixated upon this stranger. She smelled friendly, at least...
"Hrrroo...?" She clicked her jaws a bit, audials flitting. No, words. She needed to use those. "Heerrrllloo.." Good enough!
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novathawed · 5 months ago
Despite herself, Kinpa can't help but smile at Tsubasa's earnest response. That optimistic attitude... honestly, it reminds her of Hibaru a little.
"They saved you?" she asks, unable to hold back her curiosity. She'd said something that could be taken as quite harsh just now, but she hadn't meant it as a challenge or anything - so her response is rather casual, and she hopes that Tsubasa didn't take too much offense.
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"Sounds like they're worth putting your trust in, then!" ...It's important to have people you can believe in. "Would you say you have a lot of faith in people?"
@rosecoloredmuses ( continued from here! )
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countlessrealities · 1 year ago
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@the-perfect-scientist ~ Blitzø & Carlos for the Valentine's starter call
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Valentine's Day in Hell. A place that was supposed to be all about endless punishment and bad shit in general. How ridiculous that idea was.
With a frown, Blitzo knocked down the latest drink he had ordered. He'd say that he had lost counts of how many he had had, but he hadn't been counting at all. He knew the only thing that mattered, namely that he wasn't wasted enough to put up with all the sickening horniness that surrounded him.
...Alright, maybe he also had himself to blame for that. He might have chosen the seediest bar he could find, but he was still in Lust, after all.
Grumbling under his breath, he signaled the bartender, just to steal the bottle when the other made to pour him a drink. Then, he hopped off the stool and scanned the crowd, until his gaze fell on a hellhound like demon sitting on his own in a corner. Perfect, another lone, sad motherfucker. Just the kind of company he needed to share his misery with.
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"Finish your fuckin' drink, I got better than whatever you're drinkin'," he claimed, dropping in the chair in front of the other, without asking or greeting. "I'm done with those two horny fuckers screwin' on the counter. They almost spilled my drink twice."
Not to mention that they had been making him feel beyond lame."
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attroxx · 5 days ago
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closed starter. | @goldcnpeaks
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𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙇 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙏𝙒𝙄𝙉𝙎 ? and where the hell had they sent him ? on a wild goose chase it seems. under the dim, flickering light of the gas station sylus fills up his motorcycle. the n109 zone is long behind him and if he's honest it's nice getting some fresh air. glancing at his phone sylus frowns, staring at the many calls made to both luke and kieran that have went unanswered. they'd never hear the end of it once he returned home. placing the pump back he closes the cap and turns to face his bike. it's then he feels eyes on him, his right eye softly beginning to glow, a gut reaction at this point.
but when he looks up again he's met with a less than threatening presence. still his guard remains up but his expression softens just a little. she seems surprised by his presence. maybe this place isn't welcome to outsiders. he knew that feeling all too well. the glowing eye begins to subside. ❛ . . . am i intruding ? apologies. ❜
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