#« maul » always remember › mirror.
mutatiio · 1 year
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feemor and (s)maul commissioned from peachmarch based off my thread (and adorable plot) with @mayxthexforce
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bimbosandbubbles · 3 months
All Consuming
Starring Yandere Siren Gojo and Geto
Synopsis- Two months ago you became a sole survivor to a supposed animal attack on a lake trip and because of that you’ve become alienated from everyone else in your much too rural community. However,you’re finally not so alone when two mysterious men are way too interested in you…But something’s a little off about them..
Fic for my Summertime Slashers event!
Warnings-mates,Geto and Gojo kinda have a feeding kink in this(they like seeing you eat bcs they only eat human flesh and obviously you don’t 😭), stalking,cum marking(you’ll find out), voyeurism,mirror kink,mutual masturbation,biting,oviposition,icky flirting(they’re very confused on the fact that humans don’t just mate like sirens do), dubcon,borderline noncon,multiple sex scenes,leg worshipping?,manipulation(you’re very vulnerable in this and they take advantage of that),abuse of super natural power(not clearly stated but implied),panty sniffing,lots of breeding kink,and ofc and always CHUBBY READER!
An explanation on sirens and how I tweaked them from traditional folklore! Just so you can have more understanding on why things happen in this fic! So Sirens typically are beings that lure men in with their beautiful voice and then capture them with their magical touch! This is kinda like that but not really! Geto and Gojo are male sirens so they usually target the opposite sex! Their siren voice isn’t necessarily singing it’s just something they can activate in this fic! Also they can go on and off land if they’re well fed! In this fic I imply heavily that sirens take mates like many other sea life!
"Can you give a description of him?"
"Them." Is all you can answer. Seething hot acid pulls at the back of your throat,begging to come out on the steel table. Your quaking hands grip the very edge of the table for some kind of support—a sense of grounding in this situation.
"Right,them. My apologies. The descriptions though,(Reader)?" You gulp,"Well one was taller than the other had these piercing blue eyes,almost like light itself. The other had these soulless black ones...emotionless and empty kinda."
In front of you there's this quiet man presumingly sketching away the description. "Anything else?" You bite your lip and glance down at your scarred fingers but you quickly look away because the memory of just why those injuries remain are there is much too fresh. "I don't know...everything was a blur. I can't remember a thing other than seeing them..."You swallow a thick wad of spit before you utter another word,"tear into my friends."
The officer in front of you stares into your glassy eyes that you bet are red and bulging to the point it looks like you've been choked instead of crying. He sighs,"Look,(Reader) you seem to be a nice enough girl but these details are just not enough to drive this case. This is the third time we've invited you down to the station and you've said nothing to make us believe two men did this to your friends."
"Please! I saw them! I really,really did! I swear! I wouldn't lie about seeing those—those monsters!" The officer sighs and ounces the bridge of his nose,"Let's be real,when the attacked happened you were intoxicated,right? You were out having fun with your girlfriends and probably doing other substances. Or maybe the shock of seeing your friends mauled by an animal got to you. Whatever the case may be I know it's not two human men who ate your friends in front of you."
You clench your fists in pure disgust at the audacity this person has in front of you. He's not the one who had to see it,he's not the one who had to watch your friends cry and beg for help and couldn't do anything about it, and he's certainly not the one who had to live through their constant cries of pain. You finally raise your voice an octave,"I know what I saw and I won't suffer through some accusations pushed onto me because this story isn't believable enough for you!"
The officer doesn't take lightly to your shouting and doesn't remain so calm with his doubt. "I'm tired of listening to your bullshit anyways! There is no man eating monster with glowing blue eyes! And there definitely isn't another soulless black eyed creep!" He takes a deep breath and stands from the metal chair. You sit there in silence fighting back tears and you have no clue why the liquid is fleeing your eye ducts.
It's probably anger or sadness,or both whatever the reason might be you curl up into yourself and sob in front of the two cops. "(Reader), I apologize...but I can't take this case serious. I know you're hurting,losing your friends in an animal caused massacre but you're wasting resources and precious time for cases that actually need to be solved. So just go home and get some therapy,yeah?"
Through teary eyes you gaze at the officer in his harsh eyes and you're left wondering why does no one believe you? It's been two months since the attack and you're doing all the right things;therapy,self groups,going back to normal life,yet you're treated like some crazy person. You've never been the type to lie. Never been the type to abuse someone's trust,so why?
Why are you so unbelievable? Are your tears not mournful enough? Is your slowly deteriorating appearance not evidence enough? Is the scars on your body just too artificial looking for people not to believe the truth?
With your head hung low you whisper,"Sorry officer,I'll go home."
"Oh my god is that her?" The whisper flows through the dining hall. Another answers,"I think she's totally crazy."  Then another,"Oh be nice,her friends got mauled by some kind of wolf in front of her." "I heard it was a bear actually."
You chew on your mediocre sandwich trying to ignore the constant voices mumbling about you. It's the first week you've been back at uni since the attack and it's not going so well for you. People only pity you or look down at you for not just dying with your friends. Some people think that you're even responsible for their deaths. But it won't be much longer until you're free of the university gossip due to the fact that summer break is nearly two weeks away. And even with that time frame people are already leaving the dorms entirely.
And what makes it so unfortunate is that no one's in your corner anymore. Your parents have turned their backs on you because it's like a sin to have a child struggling with their mental health in this godforsaken small town. And your friends well...gone because of that very event. And you can't even dream about making any new ones because now you're looked at like some disease instead of a victim of a horrifying crime.
But it's okay,that's what you tell yourself. And that's the mantra that keeps flowing through your brain as you take bite after bite into your too cold food. You people watch from the wooden eating area—turning green with envy as you glance from after people enjoying each other's company.
That was once you, eating and laughing among your beloved closest companions. You don't wish to be bitter for others happiness but it's hard not to when you're actively being shunned by your whole town basically.
You glance down at your depressing looking tray of food and decide it doesn't even look edible to you anymore. You debate whether or not you should throw it away or just eat it. Simply because you haven't been eating much since the incident. You nimble on your lip and decide you shouldn't force yourself to eat food you don't even like.
You arise from your seat and wish you didn't because now all eyes are on you as if they weren't before. You sigh and walk all the way to trash trying to power through all the chatter and seething stares. They all look at you like some parasite slowly infecting them with your presence alone. 
Sure,you've been stared at before being that you're a bigger girl in a hick town but this is something different. Something crueler...and more hurtful. It's so hurtful that you're just probably going to skip all your lectures and run away into the comfort of your home.
However your mind sets that aside once you see two strangers sitting at your once empty table. Your brows raises as you walk confusedly back to the table to retrieve your book bag.
Once you come closer you're shocked to be met with eyes black as the night...eyes that are so eerily familiar. "Oh I'm sorry we didn't know anyone was sitting here!" His voice is calm and gentle,gentle to the point that you'd melt into the his arms right now because the longing for comfort roughly tugs at you. Pathetic,anyone would agree to that,however you're just so entirely vulnerable for any type of interaction and touch at the moment. Then you take a look at his face and you're shocked to see how handsome he is.
His long raven locks go past his broad shoulders that is covered with a loose breathable crew neck. Not only are his eyes pretty in color but the shape as well;his kind monolids gazing at you right now practically has you flustered. "It's alright..I was leaving anyhow." You mumble with a nervous smile. 
"Nooo! Stay! This table has so much room!" A chipper,more energetic voice adds in. Your attention is turned to the voice and this time you're even more shocked at how good looking this man is too. He has snow white hair that frames his pretty face along with eyes so blue they're almost hypnotizing. But again something in your belly finds those eyes too familiar almost like you've met the men before.
"Oh no you wouldn't wanna sit with me...people will start talking about you too." The black haired man smiles,"Let them talk," he extends his long arm on the back of the seat next to Gojo,"sit." Gojo moves from that seat to make sure you're the one in the middle of the two men. You shyly nod,"Thank you."
You sit down and feel a sudden presence of something....something intense between the three of you despite just making their acquaintance. "My name is Suguru Geto,"he points to the other man beside you,"This is Satoru Gojo." He smiles and waves,"What's your name cutie?" The white haired man peers at you as he awaits the answer to his question. "(Reader Full Name),nice to meet you guys." 
The both say it's nice to meet you also and you guys chatter about each others day,major etc. "Have you eaten yet?" Suguru asks. "Umm kinda,the food I got wasn't very good so I just threw it away."  Gojo say,"Oh no,eat with us! Me and Guru always eat good food so you'll like it for sure."
"No no it's okay! I wouldn't wanna have you guys pay for anything from the food bar." You used the word pay because all the good food you have to pay for instead of meal swipes. And because you're suddenly shunned from this town you're naturally unable to keep a job anymore,therefore making you broker than a joke. "I'll pay." Gojo says.
"It's o—" Gojo interrupts,his big hand managing to fully wrap around your plump upper arm,"I'll pay." He affirms. You just nod silently and watch as he walks up to the food bar to buy the items. Geto looks at you and smile,"So what's a pretty girl like you sitting all by herself for?"
You look down and feel your tummy doing backflips for two reasons;the compliment and the question. You're nervous to explain just why you're being ignored and you're nervous you'll mess up the chance of making new friends. However,you go for being honest and not lying,just to see if they'll actually be someone you'll want to have as companions.
"Well two months ago an incident happened at the lake with my friends. They were attacked by two monsters and I was the only one to make it out alive. But the weird thing is...I wasn't attacked at all...they just ignored me and only went for my friends. But after they were done they looked at me in this way—this way that was so,"you pause,trying to find your bearings,"haunting. Not like they wanted to eat me but something else entirely..." Your rub your pudgy fingers as you explain and Geto does something surprising.
He grips your hands to stop the constant movement. His smooth fingers rub soothing circles on your now healed skin. And it feels so good to be touched with affection, so good that you almost forgot to finish your story. "I went to the police as soon as it happened and I was told it was probably an animal attack but I know what I saw...I know wholeheartedly. And that's why I was sitting alone,everyone thinks I'm some crazy person making stuff up." Your bottom lip begins to tremble as you feel tears begin to pool in your eyes.
"And you probably think I'm crazy now too..." Your voice breaks and your brain is working overtime. How humiliating that you're breaking down to a total stranger in public too! God,why are you so pathetic? So vulnerable to the point you easily melt into the arms of an unknown person. Has your sense of self truly scrambled that far away from you? 
Geto extends his arm to wrap around your supple body,he's warm and smells like ocean breeze mixed with sandalwood. "I don't, I believe you." It's a whisper yet the impact is like a loud shout. "You do?" He gets closer,his soft pink lips muttering so close to the shell of your ear,"I do." You shiver involuntarily,your body unable to contain the way his coo affected you physically.
"Thank you." It's a mumble but still Geto acknowledges it with a soft squeeze on your body.
"I brought the food!" A happy voice interjects. Gojo sets down loads of plates of delectable looking food. And suddenly your tummy rumbles just looking at the many options of food.
Gojo hears it,"You hungry now?" You nod shyly and can't help but look down at the very good options. After weeks of eating too cold food and mess hall trash seeing the hot bar meals would make anyone hungry. White hair bobs as the tall man takes his seat next to you.
"Go on,eat." He smiles a toothy grin. His hand extends to your lips with a forkful of pasta that smells so good you literally inhale it. You instinctively open your mouth only to quickly close it. Because oh my God were you about to let this stranger feed you? Has hardly any human interaction made you so compliant?
Gojo pouts,"What's wrong?" You quickly try to reassure him,"It's nothing...but I can feed myself,y'know.." You almost forgot Geto is still holding you,the only cause for remembering is strictly based on the firm squeeze he gives your upper body. "Eat." He asks,more like demands.
Despite how demanding he sounded it was still gentle? Almost like a calming song in an odd way. You open your mouth and Gojo happily stuffs the fork in your mouth. You chew and melt into the flavors of the yummy dish but you can't fully enough it because the men you're sitting next to are quietly observing you.
Another bite is feed to you and another,then another until the pasta is all gone. Every single time you took a bite Geto and Gojo all watched in admiration. Geto,who still has you in a half embrace would caress the supple skin of your bare arms that are free from sleeves in your cotton cami. The texture of the pads of his fingers would rub you as you ate.
And Gojo would clean up your chubby face if he missed your mouth just a little bit. He'd use his thumb to wipe away the evidence of the mess with his oddly sharp and long tongue. His other hand also stayed close and near to the pudge that hangs low on your abdomen,practically cupping the fat that adorns the area.
And all while eating you didn't realize how intimate this interaction really is. Two men watching you as your spoon fed by one and both touching you so...personally;this is not a normal interaction between strangers. You know that,yet it feels too good to tell them to stop. You haven't been touched with affection in so long so why fight it when two handsome men are practically draped all over you?
"Would you like some dessert?" Geto asks. Gojo chimes in,"You should absolutely have some dessert. I got these cute cakes for you to try." You look down in embarrassment,"I don't know if I should...I just ate the pasta." Gojo quirks his brow up in confusion,"So? You can't have dessert too?"
You smile,"I guess I can." Gojo grins brightly,"Atta girl,open wide." Already with spoon in hand and a sweet treat in it, he moves it to your mouth. Of course you accept and chew happily on the sweet treat until a thought interrupts this indulgent interaction. Why haven't they eaten? You've been here,being fed and talked to by these for at least an hour or more,but they haven't eaten? Why come to the lunch hall then?
You quickly swallow the treat,"Aren't you guys hungry?" Geto answers,"Oh me and Gojo were earlier but watching you eat has satisfied our appetite." His response is followed with an enthusiastic nod by his blue eyed friend,"Mhm! You eat so cute it's hard not to get full."
You make a face full of doubt,"Umm,I dunno if you guys are trying to be overly nice to me but I don't believe that for one second." You push away Geto's hold on you and Gojo's slight grip on you to scoot away from the pair. Suddenly,you've fully realized that this whole thing is really weird even though you truly are enjoying the attention from the very good looking men.
But that enjoyment isn't enough to just ignore how fast and dangerous this all could possibly be. You don't know how you just dazed off and forgotten all about that. You stand up and urgently say,"Look,you guys have been really nice to me and I totally appreciate it but this is just all really weird for me so I'm just gonna—"
Geto stands up with such a quickness it's almost supernatural,"Shhh...you don't mean that sweet girl. Just come and sit with me and Saturo,yeah? We'll make all that confusion will go away,okay?" His words are so sweet,so soft and gentle;inviting to the point you almost relax back to the seat but you don't.
"No—can't. This is so personal and you guys don't even know me...plus everyone can see you behaving this way with me." You go to grab your bag but Gojo stops your exit this time. "C'mon cutie,it's okay. It's just me and Sugu,we wouldn't wanna do anything to hurt our lil pretty new friend. If it's the people watching...we can take you up to our dorm and continue this there."
Geto adds,"That's a good idea, all these people shouldn't be watching you anyways." You look at them in confusion and seriously debate if going back to their dorm is actually a good idea at all. "Don't treat your new friends like this;we're not gonna hurt you." Friends? Are they really calling themselves friends?
You bite your lip and glare down at your beat up sneakers,"I don't know.." Gojo pulls you close to him by gripping your soft hand,"It's okay,cutie. It's just me and Geto,we won't do anything."
You bite your lip,stumped with providing them with an answer,it's useless though because an arm links with yours and already starts ushering you along to exit the mess hall. "W-Wait!" You try to pull yourself away from the limb but it's like forged iron. Geto utters,"It's okay. Just come with us. It's just us."
You were panicked,worried,anxious to the point of feeling like throwing up. The feeling washes away as Geto soothes you with his words;odd considering the fact that he's not explicitly saying anything too calming. He's just talking,yet his syllables feel like warm chamomile tea that just eases your mind and heart.
It feels magical...too artificial of a feeling it's almost like being on a high. The feeling only increases when Gojo joins his friend in talking to you;literally and metaphorically syncing with him as he also links his arm with yours.
The longer they talk the more woozy you begin to feel. Your walls of distrust and logic melt away like rapid candle wax,so much so that you begin teeter into their touch.
Your mind is confused and vulnerable to the point you don't realize you're in front of their dorm room until Gojo pulls you into the room. They both free you of their hold and suddenly you feel more conscious.
"Why'd you take me here? I didn't even get a say.." Geto rubs the apparent flesh on the back of your arms,"It's alright...you'll enjoy being with us." Your brows scrunch and you want to spew something aggressive but his touch and his voice are just too...distracting.
"G-Geto.." you whimper. You don't know why you say his name,it's just the only thing your mouth will allow you to say. "Yes, tell me what do you want?" You snuggle closer into his touch,breathless and confused,"I don't know..." Gojo then walks closer to you,taking up the front portion of your body. His hands cling to your wide waist;digits dig into the dough like flesh.
"Would you like for us to give you an option?" The long haired man whispers in your ear,his lips practically pecking the shell of the cartilage. You're weak and feel all too needy. Needy for what is the real question though.
"Please,yes.." you lowly whimper. With that the two men place you onto a soft bouncy mattress,leaving you without the their touch for a few minutes but that doesn't last for long. Gojo already has his hands on your tummy,practically massaging the flesh with his hands. He leans forwards and starts suckling on the skin of your nape.
He starts thumbing the beginning of your loose fitting shorts,"I think these should come off." You gulp and grip onto him,"I-I haven't shaved just so you know." Gojo starts pulling down the waistband to the point he could see your bellybutton,"I didn't ask if you shaved,I said these should come off."  You gasp as you feel a new pair of hands on your thighs—pulling down the bottom half of the outfit.
Geto looks up at you from the position of him being on his knees;slotted perfectly in between your big thighs. "I agree with Saturo,everything should just come off you." Gojo starts pulling off the hem of your panties and once they're low enough Geto grabs the material and carefully slides them off your legs. He does something unusual,by bringing the damp material to his face and taking a deep inhale. He groans into the panties,eyes closed in bliss and a deep harbored groan flees his lips.
Gojo looks down in jealousy and whines for his other half to hand him the undies. You watch as Geto begrudgingly passes him the undergarment. Gojo brings them to his face and his bright blues eyes almost glow with light as he huffs in the smell of your pussy. "Mate smells so good. Fuck..."  You brows furrow in confusion,what did he mean by mate? It's such a primitive and almost animal like to refer to you as that. You don't have much time to think of it though as demand takes all your attention.
"Spread,so we can see that pretty pussy..." The ravenette orders you. You're about to do it but insecurity nags at you,the condition of your unshaven and wild looking pussy drains away at your confidence. What's the point of spreading anyway? The fat of your lips and hair will block the view of anything worth looking at.
"Spread." Gojo repeats. You shake your head no;embarrassment and now common sense are starting to grow back into your brain. Both of the men huff,annoyed with the fact they can't just view the pussy they can smell from miles away,even in water.
For two months since they last fed,they've been so stuck on finding this woman with an unearth like aroma. The being smelt of brown sugar and sweet honey. They've been so determined to find the owner of the scent they've enrolled in this stupid college and kept tabs on you for so long.
Now they have you,almost bare,snagged in their hypnotic touch,yet you won't even let them see what rightfully belongs to them? No. That just won't do.
"Gojo,bring the mirror over here." Immediately the man sitting next to you stands up and retrieves a long floor length mirror to right in front of the bed. You observe yourself in the mirror,tired eyes that look bothered, your flustered face and your slightly messy hair,all the way to your bare lower body.
Why bring the mirror though? Your question is answered when Geto suddenly arises from the floor,taking the space the former was sitting on the bed. His strong hand grips the fatty flesh of your thigh,placing it on his lap. Gojo,now sitting on the opposite side does the same action. You fluster,"What're you doing?" Gojo hums with a happy expression,"Spreading."
They both extend your legs further til your pussy is completely exposed to them in the view of the mirror. "Perfect." Geto says lowly into the cusp of your neck and shoulder. "So pretty,I just wanna lick it." You tensed at the admiration for such a private area,a private area that four pair of eyes are constantly eyeing hungrily.
"So many things we could make you do..." The white haired man suggests. "Mhm,but right now I wanna see her play with it." Geto answers. "P-Play with it?" You try to close your legs back but their grips are too strong on your legs. You couldn't do that—not in front of them. It's embarrassing;being open and exposing yourself raw like that.
Gojo whines,"You're so mean. Trying to close what's rightfully ours. Just play with it...you wanna make yourself feel good,right?" His words and his touch feel like the law,like you have to obey. He didn't say anything overly convincing,yet your body can't help but comply.
Your pudgy digits reach down in between the plump lips—traveling way down to the pulsing hole. The fingers circle the entrance,barely touching the wet flesh. You huff at the light touch,already feeling needy. "It's alright,you can put one in." Geto urges.
You gaze into the mirror,observing the sight of your finger so easily sliding into the welcoming hole. A gasp flees your lips as the appendage starts moving in and out of you. "There you go...keep going."
You obey,moving the lone finger faster and harder than the first few movements. "Fuckkkk,that looks so good. Mate looks so good playing with her pussy." Gojo howls out. Playing with your pussy is not the only view you're able to see in mirror. Gojo and Geto's are in the displaying glass as well;their hard cocks out in the open as they go up and down at the same pace as you.
You bite your lip,immensely turned on by the view of the two men bringing themselves sweet undeniable pleasure. Their hands wander up and down your legs,holding tight the excess flesh you have on the limbs. Geto groans,"Your legs are so pretty,just like the rest of you. So plump and soft. Perfect for giving you so many pups." You moan at his words,adding another digit for the adding bliss.
Blue eyes close in joy,"Oh? You like that? Wanna get pregnant with me and Sugu's babies? Wanna be full of pups?" His hips stutter up into his o shaped hand,"F-Fuck,say yes! Tell us how badly you want that." A whine falls from your babbling mouth,"Want! Need it so bad." Geto groans as he reaches over you to bite into the soft skin of your neck;sinking his teeth in so deep you can feel the light liquid of blood dribble down. Your back arches at the strange sensation that hurts,yet feels oddly so good.
Gojo also goes for a bite,lower though,he finds the spot of your plump shoulder to be perfect. "Mm,you're gonna take it so well when me and Gojo fuck you." The ravenette mumbles into your flesh. His hand travels down to the pouch of your fat that rest slightly above your uterus,he gives it a harsh grasp;fingers digging into the moldable skin. "Perfect,so perfect for giving babies."
Your digits curl into the wet cavern and your body almost folds itself just trying to reach that special spot that resides so deeply in you. You whimper in frustration,your average sized fingers not being just enough to reach that oh so very special spot.
Gojo laughs,"Can't reach? It's okay cutie,me and Sugu will be touching you there all the damn time. Just continue making yourself feel good,yeah? Want you to cum all over your little fingers so I can lick it off." With that bit of encouragement,you thrust deeper;curling the digits so far they're like hooks going into your sloppy cunt.
"Mmmm,look at your cute face. Making such adorable faces in the mirror for us.." Geto hums in your neck,lapping up with rouge from his bite with his slender tongue. Gojo grips your chubby face in his palm,"Right,look at those pudgy cheeks,just wanna bite em." He releases his hold and goes for a gentle nibble on the fat,almost suckling on it like a baby.
With a loud moan,your hand darts out to get a hold on Geto's hair;an action he revels in,loving the harsh pull on the silky strands. "Feels so good." You stammer. "Yeah? That feels good?" Geto purrs. You nod furiously,too caught up in your own pleasure to chatter anymore.
Geto and Gojo experience the same feeling—their eyes are shut in pure anticipation,their pretty swollen tips throbbing to let out the milky substance. You moan louder at the reflection in the mirror;the glass showing you the two men who are so close to falling off the brink of pleasure. The men who just look so desperate to spill all over your spread form.
Faster,harder,deeper is all the thought your mind allows you to even think. Your fingers are working overtime,trying to get over that brink of sweet ecstasy. With one hard thrust,your essence splays all over the mirror,distorting the clear reflection of the glass.
Geto cums soon after,then Gojo. As they do,they make it obvious the cum is all over your body. It mostly splatters on your thighs and your tummy.
You breathe heavily and look at them in astonishment,"Oh my God..."
You couldn't believe it,couldn't believe cumming in front of people you just met,couldn't believe letting them cum all over you,couldn't believe hearing them call you mate and say things like mate—isn't that really weird? You sit up away from the duo and look at them suspiciously. And again you feel more conscious without their touch on you.  More like you can clearly think and think logically.
"Why'd you wanna do this with me?" It's accusing,the question,it practically spews suspicion if it wasn't obvious enough. Geto reaches to touch your thigh,but you move away. "Don't touch me. I dunno what's going on with you two...but it's weird."
Gojo chuckles,"Aww,cutie are you feeling nervous? It's okay—" You cut him off with a desperate shout,"Answer my question! Please! Why?"
They look at each other for a few long seconds,thinking about what to say. You know they’re probably thinking about some elaborate lie that won’t even begin to fool you. How could you be so stupid? So easily wooed to do something so very intimate with these strangers? God,could you be anymore stupid?
They don’t give you any answers—no,the much bigger men tackle you onto the bed. Their hands grab all and any appendage that could fight back.
There it is again…that strange drossy feeling. It returns with a revenge time,it no longer feels like a light enjoyable feeling. Now it’s overtaking all your senses,stealing away your conscious mind.
“Sleep. You want to sleep. Sleep. You want to sleep.” Both of the voices chant to you,repeating the phrase over and over again. No! You don’t want to sleep,yet the more the repeat,the more they tell you what you want,the more your eyes begin to sag and you no longer see anything more.
“No,Su’ you’re not covering her enough!” The annoyed voice of blue eyed man shouts. Geto huffs,”That’s all we have left in us. We could rub it in to scent her further. Calm down.”
Lips pout out in a childlike manner,”I’m just sayin so we can be careful. So many will probably want out mate,she’s so perfect for pups after all.” A chuckle follows,”You’re so possessive sometimes. No one will want her since we’ve marked her.”
“Oh,I’m possessive? You’re the one who said we should eat everyone just because that little guy friend of her touched her while making an escape. I—“Gojo points to his chest proudly,”just wanted to eat two or three but you got all murdery after he touched her.”
Geto rolls his black irises so far they disappear into the white of his socket,”Whatever. You would’ve ate them all anyways because you’re so damn jealous of others having her attention.” Gojo gasps,offending greatly,”Am not! I don’t get jealous like you!”
Geto laughs amused,knowing exactly how his life long friend works,”Alright,you win.” The white haired man hums triumphantly. Physically saying,”I know that’s right!”
“But are you sure we shouldn’t cum a little more on her?” Gojo cranes his head to look next to him,”No,we have to save some when we cum in her so we fertilize the eggs.” He nods,accepting the answer.
When you wake up you’re greeted with the sight of loitering heads hanging above you.
You attempt to yelp only to have a hand roughly clap against your mouth. “Shhh,the yell will only echo in the cave.” A high voice says. Cave? Last time you checked you weren’t in a cave;the last location being a college dorm rooms.
The now known voice of Gojo exclaims,”I’m so happy you’re up though! Me and Geto were getting worried that we’d have to give you pups while you were asleep. Which is no fun cause we can’t hear your pretty little moans like that.” You cringe at his explanation—the thought of being used unconsciously giving you the creeps.
You get more creeped out though,the view of your surroundings not seeming so promising. There’s visible peeled human flesh in the cave,scattered around the stone. And the smell of old iron and rotten flesh takes over your nostrils. Oh God…you fingerfucked yourself in front of a bunch of monsters. And they probably want to eat you next too,just like your friends! Once they’re tired of you, you’re definitely on the menu.
Tears start streaming down your chubby face and your body begins to shake. “Just eat me already! Please don’t play with me and just eat me!” Your pathetic cries are met with laughter. This pauses your sobbing because why are they laughing at you?
“Oh my God! You’re so cute! Eat you? Noo!” Gojo folds over clutching his bare abdomen. Geto joins the laughter,”You’re so silly,we don’t want to eat you! You’re our mate! Imagine that,Gojo? Eating all our future pups like that!” Mate? Pups? These words sound familiar,like the ones they were saying the last time…intimacy happened.
Now that you look them in their true form you see why they chose the verbiage. They have scales matching their hair colors coating all four of their limbs,paired with gills on the neck’s and sides. As they laugh they also show their three rows of flesh piercing teeth. They were definitely some kind of animal like creature. But what?
“So you’re not gonna eat me?” You ask tentatively. Geto nods,”No,we want to make you our mate. That’s why we went through all that trouble of getting you.” Gojo urges in agreement,”Mhm! We just wanna fill you with pups and live with ya forever. And actually,”he lowers his hand down to his bare crotch gripping his already hard cock,”We’ve been meaning to do it soon as we brought you here. But you’re such a sleepyhead we had to wait til you woke up.”
You watch as he gives it a good stroke,looking you up and down as does so. And that’s when you realize you’re completely bare too;with some white milky substance coating your whole body. Another voice joins in,”Mhm,we’ve been dying to get inside you. And I don’t intend on waiting any longer.”
“W-Wait!” You try to protest but it’s no avail,Gojo is already on top of your naked body. Grips and gropes are felt all over from the monster,your chest,your plentiful body,your wide supple hips that sting as his hold won’t get any looser. He licks and bites every fiber in skin in front of him,everything being marked by his rough movements.
Geto comes in front of your laying position,stroking up and down as he watches his companion go feral with his urges. “Warm her up,Satoru. Make her feel good first.” He doesn’t respond verbally,his actions speaking loud enough for him;his mouth moves to suckle on the hard bud on top your breast aching for some type of stimulation.
You moan at the sensation only to be silenced by a passionate kiss from the long haired man. His tongue intertwines with yours creating a languid dance with the pink muscles. Gojo pops off your breast,sounding breathless and needy.
“I don’t wanna wait no more..Wanna be inside.” He whines,already lining up his cock with your soaked entrance. Geto sighs,”Maybe I should fuck her first…I’m more patient.” It’s a loud protest,”NO! Me! Please I want to first.”
You interrupt,swollen mouth readily to spew exactly what you want at this moment,”Just do it. Fuck me.” You don’t know what came over you to say that. Maybe it was their hypnotizing touch? They’re intimidatingly now known power over you? Or perhaps after months of being so harshly ignored you just needed this. Needed to be molded and groomed just to be something again…Whatever it is leads to the man on top of you finally giving into his desires.
With a shaky groan he impales you with his cock. He doesn’t halt nor wait for you to adjust—his urges of breeding being too strong. As he bucks into you he reshapes your legs to his satisfaction,bending them all the way against the fat of your stomach;indulging in the way the soft flesh jiggles with each rough piston of his hips.
“Good! Feel so good!” He howls into the echoing cave. “Look at you,taking it like such a good mate.” Geto purrs,rubbing his now scale textured palm on your soft face. “You see all the faces she makes when you’re fucking her,Saturo?”
“Y-Yeah! So cute!” He thrusts harder into your welcoming cunt,contorting himself to almost nuzzle your face every time he goes in and out of you. You whine and grip onto him,feeling an orgasm coming soon. You face twists into one of awaiting pleasure;the orgasm just teetering away from you.
“She’s about to cum! Go faster!” Geto encourages. Gojo,obliges,each of his harsh thrust definitely leaving bruising marks on the back of thighs and asscheeks.
Every movement is like a symphony—coordinating your final path to pleasure. The instruments? The clapping noises of Gojo prodding your hole roughly and passionately. The applause? The sweet noises you’d let fly past your tongue. And finally with one last shove into you,the orchestrater of your orgasm allowed you to sing his high praises.
You see white,yet Gojo doesn’t stop his hips—No he goes faster until he oozes into you hot white sticky semen. He stiffens for a second then reels back into the cavern,to the point his tip kisses your cervix. He stays in you until an odd sensation travels through your walls.
Orbs or something resembling a sphere fight against the strict wall of your womb. It starts with one,then the second,the the third,and the fourth is when you start to feel the invasion of whatever is being deposited in you.
“W-What’s going on?” Geto leans down and kisses your plump cheek,”Gojo’s giving you his pups. Don’t worry it’ll only hurt when they try to get into your womb,but you’re such a good mate you’ll take all of them.”
“A-All of them?” The reparation doesn’t help with understanding the idea. “All of them! And then you’re gonna take Sugu’s too! Isn’t that great?” Gojo joyfully informs you.
Your brain and body hurts so you simply just nod,pretending like you know what they mean. You’re tired. So tired that you lean into Geto’s gentle cupping of your face,closing your eyes;letting the two beings do whatever they want at this point.
Allowing yourself to be totally and wholly consumed by them.
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divine-misfortune · 4 months
Mushy May, day 6. "You're blushing"
Rating: M
Pairing: Swiss/Dewdrop
Words: 1,155
Summary: A morning like any other, and Swiss just really loves Dew.
Contains: Nothing explicit - just Dew getting sorta turned on. Swiss being gross and lovely dovey.
As always 1000 smooches to @forlorn-crows for all of this <333
Pay no attention to what date anything is posted on anymore
Behind him the bathroom door creaked. Nudged open by a bleary eyed, disheveled multi ghoul. None of his locs remained contained within the elastic Swiss had drawn them into the night before, all in varying states of untamed with minds of their own. He shuffled his way towards the shower, mouth falling open to reveal oversized fangs as he yawned, idly scratching at his bare stomach. 
Dew watched the way he moved, practically on autopilot in the still foggy edges of the mirror. Still yet to even acknowledge his existence in the room at all, likely because his eyes were barely open enough to see what was in front of him, and Dew didn't have the heart - or the balls to break him from his sleepy stupor. Swiss was, for all intents and purposes, a bear in the morning. Waking him was treacherous. But also he looked kinda cute when he was tired like this. A dangerous teddy bear. 
His eyebrows raised minutely as he caught a glimpse of the deep red welts raked down Swiss’ back when Swiss bent at the waist to fuss with the old stubborn faucet. He winced sympathetically and glanced down at his hand, mentally noting to file down his claws at some point lest he maul another poor unsuspecting victim. Swiss hardly seemed bothered by the battle scars as he braced his hands on his lower back to stretch. Dew tipped his head, morning routine momentarily forgotten when Swiss let out a low half purr-half groan of satisfaction. The sound itself was innocent in nature but still managed to kickstart something hot in his gut but the sway of his tail and the second full bodied yawn of the morning did something far worse to Dew. Warmth deep in the confines of his ribs and an unwilling curl to his lips, Dew exhaled fondly. Endeared and amused by the sheer act of being him. 
The small space grew warmer as the shower began to heat up, trickling water white noise as Swiss puttered back and forth aimlessly gathering his things with a practiced ease. 
Dew remembered a time where Swiss shifted uncomfortably at the prospect of moving some of his things into Dew's bathroom - afraid of intruding, of taking up space in places he claimed weren't his but Dew had laughed at his initial nervousness. Places that weren't his, as if he didn't wake up in Dew's bed most mornings, as if his sheets didn't carry the rich smokey scent of the multi ghoul even in his absence. That bed was Swiss’ as much as it was his. Arguing his point with Dew was a waste of breath, he'd already emptied out the drawer for his things long before the conversation happened. Now Swiss rummaged through the bathroom like it had always been his. 
“Hey cinder…” 
Swiss sagged against him abruptly and Dew braced himself against the counter to keep himself upright, only hissing a little when Swiss laughed. His voice was low and rusted, husked by sleep but tinged sweet. Perching his chin on his shoulder he fixed him a smile in their reflection, lazy but entirely genuine, before slotting himself properly against his back. He'd finally blinked the sleep from his eyes despite his lids sitting heavy, rings of gold peeking out from under dark lashes.
“Hey yourself,” he hummed and continued working his fingers through the ends of his damp hair. “Didn't think you'd be up for a bit - don't tell me I somehow managed to wake you.” 
“Oh nothin’ wakes me darling.” Strong arms snuck around his narrow waist and Swiss turned to tuck his face into his hair. Dew bit his lip, admiring the way his embrace just seemed to envelop him. Sure, he was small but Swiss always managed to make him feel it and it made his stomach do flips. “You smell good.” 
“You're gonna tangle my hair again,” Dew hissed half heartedly and he opted to hold him tighter. A subtle reminder that the multi ghoul could keep him however he liked. Part of Dew hoped he did just that.  
“Oh don't be such a priss, that's Rain's job” he snorted and pressed a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder. Careful to avoid the sore imprints of teeth leading down his neck like a true gentleman. “Just wanna hold my baby a little, can't really deny me that now can you?”
Dumbfounded, Dew once again paused in the motion. Fingers still tangled in his hair, he knit his brow. The action of embracing him, the pet name - not to mention the casual ‘my’ prefixed to it, he felt hit brain skitter to a halt. Swiss laughed again, not necessarily at him though. An amused exhale too close to his skin that makes him shudder. 
“Your baby?” He repeats with reluctance, heart rate picking up speed with each suspicious syllable. The smile he's met with is too much teeth, like Swiss might just eat him alive but not to revel in his agony. Like he might devour him to savor him in entirety, an act of reverence as opposed to violence. 
“My baby.” 
An involuntarily whine rose in his throat, eyes flitting away as to not watch the pink color his cheeks. Swiss was certainly watching.
“What's wrong?” He squeezed his middle and nosed lightly against his pulsepoint, likely feeling the way it stuttered. 
“You're being weird” Dew's voice went soft as little kisses were pressed to the hinge of his jaw. The heat in his belly was undeniable now but he still tried to distract himself, washing his hands in icy water. 
“And you're cute when you're all bashful like this, sweetheart.” Another kiss followed by a playful nip, the faintest catch of teeth against already bruised skin. Dew's eyes nearly fluttered. “You like it, know you do, love when I'm sweet on you like this.” 
Mouth opening to protest, Dew’s brain struggled to provide the words and he was left standing there stammering while Swiss continued to lightly bite and kiss along the column of his throat. He was turning to putty, dick beginning to twitch with interest. Every sappy, tooth-rotting whisper close to his ear aided it in fattening up much to his humiliation. The fire ghoul screwed his eyes shut when Swiss hummed curiously, mortified when his palm pressed to the front of his boxers. Dew whined again, distress and need mixed into one desperate sound. 
“You're blushing, beautiful…Prettiest shade of pink, wonder if it will be just as red when I get my hands on it.” 
“Fucking hells, you're gonna kill me,” he warbled and grabbed his wrist, unsure if he wanted to add to the pressure against him or pull him away. 
“Just love you baby, let me love you.”
Dew swallowed and cracked an eye open to take in the sight of them. He almost wanted to commit it to memory. 
“Y-Yeah, okay…Love you too.” 
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Hey! I really love your writings!
Can I request a Wednesday X reader where r has telepathy powers and Wednesday develops feeling for r and r reads her mind and asks her "do u wanna tell me something" butttt heres a little plot twist that Wednesday doesn't know what powers r has and weems didnt disclose it too.
U can make it angst or fluff or anything lol would love to read this idea.
A/N: feel like this is ass but I tried my best 😅😭
Your POV
Your head began to pound as the onslaught of voices filled your head. You desperately rubbed your temples hoping to ease some of the tension.
The amount of thoughts flooding your mind always a nuisance but even more so when you'd hear just how vapid and shallow most of them were.
Most of the guys just thinking about getting into the girls pants and most of the girls either caring far too much about looks or popularity. There were some minds you did take comfort in.
Eugene, for example, was currently worrying over hive 309. He feared that he'd miss the right moment to harvest their honey. He was also worried that he was showing too much favoritism and making the other hives jealous.
There was Enid, who while sometimes ditzy still held a great amount of optimism and purity that you couldn't quite find in anyone else.
Which was the complete opposite of her roommate, one Miss Wednesday Addams. You remembered the first time the goth had set foot here in Nevermore. Much like everyone else you were enamored by her looks, fearful of her history and excited at the thought of her bringing a change to your school. She was very much in a class of her own. Her thoughts were very much dark but you couldn't deny the truth they held. You admired her outlook on life, her intelligence and her whit, her thoughts almost always mirrored her words. Not quite an open book but not someone who wears a mask.
Said girl sat next to you, voice low as she whispered to you. "I have more clues towards our investigation."
The feeling of her lips grazing your ear sending a chill down your spine. You nodded quietly, eyes shifting towards Xavier's as his thoughts began to shift from admiration to jealousy. It was no secret he harbored feelings for Wednesday even the girl herself knew of them but she wasn't focused on relationships, she was focused on saving the school from a monster.
Perhaps she chose you because you didn't dismiss her when she'd said she had seen Rowan mauled by a monster. Or because you never seemed to push her past her own comfort zone. You had pledged your allegiance to her one night in the woods. She had saved you from dying so you felt you owed her. She had patched up some small wounds and even taught you some self defense.
"I refuse to have an incompetent partner."
She, as well as most of the school knew nothing of your powers and the fact that she saw you as an asset without it made you feel...special. She trusted you as her partner and you would
do anything to keep it that way. You were both currently in the coroners office looking for more evidence as you caught Wednesday staring at you.
"Is something wrong?" The goth blinked once before turning back to the task at hand. Your eyebrow furrowed as you focused on the girls mind.
....you're being ridiculous.
You shook your head before getting the body prepped, your eyes catching something the police failed to report.
"Wednesday look he's missing his left foot." The shorter girl stepped closer her shoulder brushing you as she did so. Her eyebrows raising slightly as Thing began tapping, catching both of your attention.
Wednesday shoved you on a gurney before climbing on top of you Thing closing you both in as he clambered his way into an empty skeleton.
The smaller girl pressed to you in the tight space made you nervous, your breathing growing heavy as you heard voices from the outside. She looked to you making a show to breathe quietly through her nose. You tried to do the same but your chest was heaving, "relax" she mouthed. You nodded trying to listen, her thoughts were imitating her words but the sudden addition of more people coming into the room increased your panic.Wednesday gritted her teeth before pulling you closer her dark eyes boring into yours.
You felt your breathing grow calmer the longer you stared. You tried to focus on the details of her face as her eyes never left yours.
She has freckles and long eyelashes.
Your eyes flicked down to her lips before they go back to her eyes. You leaned a bit closer making her eyes widen but she remained still.
A knock echoing through the crawl space as Thing opened the door indicating the three of you should leave while still undetected.
You both remained quiet as you went back to the school and to your dorms. A quick goodnight falling from your lips as you couldn't meet the smaller girls eyes.
For a few days following, Wednesday had avoided you, not like the plague as she'd probably enjoyed it but more so like rainbows or puppies.
You were currently eating in the library alone as you sensed a dark presence enter. You tried to slide further down your seat to seem smaller as you'd noticed the raven looking for something in particular.
I wonder if Y/N- Enough.
You watched her seethe and grit her teeth as she continued to scan the isles.
You need to get yourself in order. You don't need y/n they're just a distraction.
She'd repeat the mantra before she'd be distracted by something that would make her think of you. You found yourself pushing yourself away from her mind and running to your dorm.
Thing had tapped Wednesdays shoulder pointing in your direction. He had signed something that made the girl glare at him.
"I do not like Y/n." She spoke through gritted teeth. "And I don't need help."
The appendage fell back exasperated as Wednesday tried to keep herself focused. Once your face popped back into her mind she'd grow frustrated.
A sharp realization hitting her like a bolt of lightning.
The goth threw down her book and stormed her way to your dorm.
A thud had interrupted what you were doing hands shaking as you'd realize Wednesday Addams had stormed into your room.
"What are you?" The harsh tone and fury clear in the ravens eyes as you stared back confused.
"I never asked your power, yet somehow you always conveniently know when I require your assistance," she began as you felt yourself grow more nervous. "You always know when I need a tool, book, or item without my asking and-"
For some godforsaken reason you fester my thoughts.
"You seem to know how others are feeling without-" your hand shot out a single black dahlia. Wednesday felt herself stop short as she stared.
"Your favorite." You spoke softly as you stood up moving closer to her. "Wednesday I -"
You had to pause and clear your throat as you were unable to decipher the emotions swirling in her black irises.
"I like you. A lot. Your extremely intelligent, and while some may see it as arrogance I admire your confidence and bravery. You don't treat me as an outsider and make me feel important."
You took a deep breath as the girl still had yet to move, her thoughts around you for once completely silent.
"I catch myself thinking about you all the time and when you're not around it feels wrong. I know you're not big on romance but I-"
The smaller girl cut you off hand lifting as she placed a palm on your cheek. You felt your shoulders sag in relief that she didn't slap you.
"Emotions are for the weak but if I were to pick a spouse you wouldn't be the worst choice."
You felt a grin make its way to your face as her thumb began stroking your skin. You gulped as it hit you.
"Uh Wednesday I-" The shorter girl looked at you, the usual cold glare a soft gaze as she waited to hear what you had to say.
"I have telepathy." Her hand dropped from your face as her eyes widened.
For the first time in her life Wednesdays cheeks grew warm and her usual pale complexion had a tint of pink to it.
Taglist: @alexkolax
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justalittletomato · 2 months
of stews and regrets ( Dad! Maul and co)
you know how long its been since I did a fic? A long time! So happy to get something out! Have some angst as a treat!
@eyecandyeoz @patchiefrog @apocalypticwafflekitten @storm89 @pixiestookourstardust @hannagoldworthy @gran-maul-seizure @mando-cyare
The insistent beep of the steamer went off, the familiar aroma of seasoned meat and vegetables wafted throughout the small ship. It was the very last the prepared food his Star had packed for him. After this it was ration bars. 
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He scoffs, once he had no trouble scarfing those bars when it was required for him to eat. Food was a necessity.  Now his stomach protested at the thought of those dry and tasteless things. 
His Starlight had spoiled him, cooking mouthwatering foods and sharing meals in close quarters. Tender meats and stews that were full of spices and burnt his tongue.  A pocket potato bundled into his pack filled with cheeses and bit of bacon. He has cured the meat himself and had it smoking, he had taking a liking to preparing meats and meals alongside his Star. 
A final plate of bantha steak and grilled vegetables…packed up neatly and with care. The terrors as he and the others had dubbed them aided with preparing this trove of food. The littest Danica, with her toothy grin, was pleased with herself as she had aided with the meat this time. The zabrak licked her lips after sampling a piece, declaring the meat , “ a masterpiece” 
“There will be plenty more when you come back!” she declared, he gave her a smile while his Starlight would not look at him. He was leaving again. 
Maul was too hasty too starved, before he registered it the plate was empty. “A clean plate!” the terrors would glady cheer. Yes a clean plate, for once he did not celebrate it. 
“Maybe we should make…” Little Danica declared to her buir as they walked the passages of the Fortress. Aria Baras tried her best to smile and follow with Danica’s happy plans for what to prepare for when Maul returned, whenever that may be. 
“Maybe some Bantha too! Ba’vodu Savage said it was nice and ready for us to cook up!” Aria was thankful for Savage, Maul’s brother was trying his all to step in as father to the youngest. Though Danica would firmly keep her storybooks tucked under her pillow, only Maul was allowed to read her to sleep, “We will lose our place, ba’vodu,” she explained, “and you don’t do the voices as well as my buir”  
How long would Danica wait so hopeful that Maul would return?  Aria’s eyes wandered to the closed doors of the hanger, how long would she stay and wait? 
Elsewhere in the galaxy Cress Oppress cursed under his breath and set back the sweet potato he has grabbed. It was only him and Leta, no need for more. At the Fortress with the terrors  there was always room for more, “Extra is always best” his beloved buir would say tossing in another cut up sweet potato into the pot.  
His buir always ensured there was extra food, growing up Cress was always the one who asked for seconds and maybe even thirds if possible. His ba’vodu Savage had joked that Cress had inherited double the appetite. His buir, Maul had sported a fond smile at the joke. 
He didn't feel so hungry now, and put the potato away. 
You aren't him. You aren't going to turn into him. 
As if trying to cover the mirrors in the ship weren't always a step too far.  The meat sizzled in the pan, he and his sweetheart were able to take down some game on their mission and Cress wanted to ensure she ate well.  He preferred to think he was more like his buir, Starlight.  Always taking care of others and making sure their tummies were full. 
The mix of spices were just like hers, but it never tasted the same to him. He missed her terribly. He missed her humming away as she worked and stirred the pot, he had been at her side helping as far as he could remember. Always rewarded with the first sampling of the food. He and his twin Aster would at times battle for the first plate. She often won with a sizable bite to his hand or shoulder.  His buir would scold her for the biting and send her to the table second. Cress nursing his bandaged hand. His buir always took care of him. 
The pan sizzled at the drops of water splashing on the surface. He missed his buir. He missed home. 
Maul gagged at the chalky taste of the ration bar. Forcing another bite of it down his throat despite the protests of his stomach. He had to eat. 
Finally finished he tossed the wrapper to the far side of the ship. He glanced at the meager pile of supplies.  A potato a carrot… even some packed ham….he could cook up something. He knew how. He could. 
Yet he remained sitting at the helm, leaving the supplies to sit there until he tossed them at the next station in exchange for more ration bars. 
He deserved this. He left. He deserved this.
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 11 months
Im bored so, if there are any Mirror Image readers still following me, this one is for you!
Here are some fun facts about the characters in Mirror Image that I can't include for the sake of subtlety/they're irrelevant to the plot
Dawn/Akari and Irida... Are... Dating :]
So are Arezu and Mai
On a similar note regarding relationships— Adaman has actually been pining for Ingo for a long time. But he noticed Melli's feelings towards him, so he keeps it to himself, because he wants Melli to have someone that makes him happy
Seeing how Ingo treats Melli so well only made Adaman fall harder
Ingo likes spicy food!
Emmet smokes. This is why he had a lighter in the scene where he burned the remainder of Ingo's missing posters
It was a bad habit he had before Ingo even went missing, but once he disappeared it intensified. Ingo disapproves of his habit, and if he found out about it again, he still would.
Volo also smokes. They have a fancy pipe they like to use.
Volo n Emmet take smoke breaks together. They don't talk much during them, but the presence of the other is enough to make them feel so much more at ease.
Emmet thinks Volo looks ethereal. Which is why I use descriptors like "golden" and for them. Those are descriptors from Emmet's pov (he's the only one who interacts with him, so there's nothing else to compare to though) To him, their beauty is pure and ornate.
Volo is basically rich. They built their wealth over the many many years they were alive. They own many properties and the like throughout Sinnoh, so they're never worried about getting around or having a place to stay, making them the perfect travel companion for Emmet
Volo knows Sinnoh like the back of their hand
Volo also knows the Mirror Dimension like the back of their hand
Volo has a crack on their neck, much like the ones on their face. They got this from a failed attempt to take their own life
Elesa and Drayden are actively looking for Emmet
Ingo is gay, Emmet is bi, they are both trans
Drayden is also.... Gay :]
Lesbian Elesa real.
Also Demiboy Melli real. He uses he/they
Ingo has always wanted to try the potato mochi he sees the Galaxy Team eat... But alas... He has no fucking money
Ingo has been attacked by a Zoroark before. On one of the design references for MI Ingo, you'll see he has bite marks in a few places— that's cause he's been mauled.
Ingo is a good cook but doesn't remember shit about how to do it.
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wellthebardsdead · 7 months
Falûne: Shadowheart please! You can’t do this you can’t kill her! I’m begging you!
Shadowheart: … *raises the spear to kill Aylin*
Falûne: NO! *grabs it and struggles against her*
Shadowheart: IVE WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS! AND IF I HAVE TO STEP OVER YOUR CORPSE! SO! BE! IT! *pulls the spear up knocking Falûne across the face and shattering his brittle grafted horns down to stumps, a purple light weeping from them before fading out as the curse is lifted from his mind*
Falûne: *stunned from the blow, staggers back from her and directly off the platform, plummeting into the abyss*
Astarion: MY LOVE!
Gale: FALÛNE!!! *jumps down after him readying fly to get them back up to the platform*
Shadowheart: *staring at where he fell in shock* what… what have I done?… *drops the spear letting it fall into the shadowfell too*
*after freeing Aylin and defeating ketheric*
Falûne: *staring at his ‘prayer book’ the illusion from the pages lifted to show the mantra and secret messages fed into his mind, ‘I am not a devil, I am not evil, I am good’* … *sets the book down and looks down at his body, seeing it for what it is. No disfigurement, no mauled flesh now scarred. Just a lean, blue tiefling body, covered in glowing white internal writing, a seal to contain his cambion form* … *quietly picks up his mirror and stares at the broken stumps that were his horns, before looking past himself to see Raphael standing behind him* …You really are my uncle…
Raphael: and you really are a devil. But a devil with a kind heart, does not an evil devil make. *walks to him and gently turns his head to face him, staring not at his eyes, but at his horns* you remember everything they did to you, don’t you?…
Falûne: *nods* I remember how they… how they bound my wings, how they held me down as they cut my horns off… how much it burned when they sealed my real form away into… *looks down at himself* this… then I remember the mirror, I heard shars voice… *sighs* I remember the beatings, the cane to my fingers and the taste of blood in my mouth… every time I behaved wrong they… they hurt me and made me forget.
Raphael: behaved wrong?… you mean behaved like a child. Because you were a child…
Falûne: …I was a kid… *tears up* I was just a kid…
Raphael: *pulls him into a hug and holds him tight* you didn’t deserve any of it… *places his hand over his horns, feeding some of his magic into them and making them grow into tall Cania spikes as they were always meant to be*
Falûne: *sniffles and cries into his uncles arms* wh-why did father Keldran hate me so much?… why did he think I was born evil?…
Raphael: you may have looked like a devil… but he has the heart of one.
*the next morning*
Aylin: your wings are magnificent little moon!
Falûne: *now in control of his cambion form, but still nervously looking to Raphael in case he loses himself again to his grandfathers influence* r-really?
Raphael: *standing idle, not looking at him but around him, like he’s aware of something he’s not* don’t be shy, open them up.
Aylin: Yes! Listen to the son of Cania! Let me see them in their full glory!
Falûne: *nervously opens them up wide and tries to stand proud*
Aylin: INCREDIBLE! LET US FLY!! *grabs his hand*
Falûne: wha-AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *screams as he’s yoinked into the air*
Raphael: Nephew?!
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meadforspeed · 7 months
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A few eagle-eyed readers noticed there was a Nautolan hunter in the latest chapter of TDYK, I wonder who she could beeeee (ㆆ ᴗㆆ)
for my fellow amphibian enthusiasts, Kilindi's skin is based off the blue-spotted salamander (ambystoma laterale)
for my fellow living fossil enthusiasts, the striping on her tresses is patterned off of a Nautilus shell
(also I'm still behind on comment replies--I'm going to get my shit together one of these days I swearrrr)
From Chapter 17 of The Devil You Know:
"[Kilindi] wasn’t the girl of eighteen he remembered. Instead, she looked how [Maul] always imagined she might if she had grown up alongside him. Much like his friendship the boy in the mirror, or his travels to his home on Dathomir, he had spent many long hours imagining a universe with Kilindi still in it. He had made her a bounty hunter, feared and respected from the rotten heart of Coruscant to lawless streets of Nar Shadaa. She took all jobs, but slavers, Zygerrians in particular, were her favored prey. Daleen often joined her when she wasn’t acting as a covert operative for various corporate entities."
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
Sleeping with a ghoul sounds fun, tell me more??? 👀
i had an inkling you’d ask about this one ngl— but i’m so glad you did!
it’s pretty much entirely based off of the song ‘Sex with a Ghost’ by Teddy Hyde (first link is spotify, second link is youtube), which may not literally be about having sex with a ghost, but! i listened to it and was struck with the idea.
features kas!eddie visiting steve at night, and steve not remembering at first. a little snippet from what i’ve written so far:
Steve considered himself to be a pretty vigilant person. He would also consider himself good on his feet—he wasn’t the clumsy type. Which is why he was currently staring at his bare body in the mirror with shock and confusion. He looked like his chest had been mauled by an over-enthusiastic lover. As his eyes hovered over a bite mark on his collarbone, he considered that maybe an over-enthusiastic vampire would be a more apt description. Either option was impossible, as he hadn’t had someone in his bed since before—since before—just before and vampires obviously didn’t exist.
Steve frowned at his reflection for a moment longer before pulling on a maroon colored sweater, hiding the marks from view. At least they were able to be hidden, he supposed, seeing as not even the bite on his collarbone was visible. It wasn’t even the first time it had happened, him waking up to love bites all across his body. He swallowed thickly, frown deepening as he walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the stairs. It’d happened a few different times before, always with Steve chalking it up to him accidentally running into things or maybe even sleepwalking, but he was considering a weird, third option where he was having sex while he was asleep. The idea was bizarre, but ignoring the clear evidence was impossible.
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thelaithlyworm · 3 months
@mimosaeyes tagged you:
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love!
Thank you for thinking of me!
Disclaimer: If you asked me the same question next week I would probably have a different answer. I’ve written a lot, and I love a lot of them.
Anyway anyway, trying to go back to some of the early stuff:
My Adventure – First! Fanfic! Ever! Belladonna Took, one of the three remarkable daughters of the Great Took, deserved to have an adventure of her very own. I remember getting buried very deep in the lore to write this, and I absolutely loved the chapter where ancient tales of the Silmarillion get filtered through the POV of a very young hobbit. And the poetry I wrote for it still delights me. 
The Girl Who Was A Cherry Tree – so for a while I was really into xxxHolic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and then I was really into CLAMP in general, and this was some of the fruit of that obsession. CLAMP always seem at their best when there’s a corpse under the cherry tree and I leaned into that when I gave Clone!Sakura her happy ending.
Never A Love Story – also had a hyperfixation on The Musketeers for a while, a real good time. I tried filling two prompts on the kink meme at the same time and ended up with a fairly complex exploration of gender roles with girl!d’Artagnan-who-wants-to-be-a-soldier and deep-in-salon-culture-Aramis mentoring her. And… lots of questions of identity and doing right by ourselves and each other. And I had a lot of fun with it in general. They had a very non-standard love story, but they did very much love, and I’m at peace with that.
And Blue-Bleak Embers – Nirvana in Fire AU where Prince Yu funks out of waging the rebellion and spends the next few months as an idle prince always knocking on Mei Changsu’s door, even as Mei Changsu is quietly dying. And it’s a peaceful fic, and objectively a happier ending – no-one died in the rebellion and Da Liang wasn’t so weak by the end that it seemed ripe for invasion, that’s a happy ending, right? – but in this version Jingyan doesn’t get that boost to his career from being a war hero and he just. He just takes too long to get the court case started and MCS never sees his justice. It’s gentle and bittersweet and a bit raw – the companionship of two people who have both mauled the other and don’t see any point in putting up masks anymore.
Slice of Life – Pretty much my ship manifesto for Wu Xie/Hei Xiazi, I think. Vignettes from their training relationship! I loved how all the scenes mirrored each other in the end, and Hei Xiazi’s clinical eye on his student, even as he breaks bones and navigates weird night-time conversations and enacts the greatest kindness he can: teaching Wu Xie that people he trusts can hurt him. Another fic that’s very bittersweet and raw, I think.
tagging (if you want to participate): @procrastinatorproject @jazzfic @regionalpancake @inimitablereel @bladedweaponsandswishycoats @sharkbeneaththelotus
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mutatiio · 8 months
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black, white & red edit / personals dni
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eirxair · 4 months
of mice and men quotes- Crooks Edition.
'Crooks'- again with the names. Bring up the fact that he's called Crooks because of his crooked back. Say that this is dehumanising because of his disability.
'Stablebuck's a [n-slur]'- bring up the fact that we first hear about Crooks through Candy, and Candy chooses to introduce him with a racial slur. this shows that race is a big part on the ranch. and the use of the slur is extremely derogatory. this shows that he's a victim/pitiable character/whatever the exam question might be.
'Boss gives him hell when he's mad'- pick out the word 'hell' as a colloquial term for the marks. show that it emphasises the cruel treatment that Crooks faces from the boss, and that its dehumanising as he is treated like a punching back.
'Pain-tightened lips'- bring up the hyphenated word. 'Pain-tightened' refers to both emotional and physical pain. It shows that he is silenced on the ranch constantly and also that his crooked back always gives him pain. making him a pitable character/victim/whatever the question is.
'Single barrel shotgun'- Crooks keeps one in his room. This shows how scared he is of danger and threats, he keeps a gun for protection.
'mauled copy'- discussing a California Civil Code. this (a) shows that he can read, which you can argue against him being a victim with this (he is a victim still but AO1 wants you to have counterarguments so bear with me) and you can (b) say that Crooks is very much aware of his rights and lack thereof. This also shows that he is powerless either way to change anything.
'Strung up a tree'- Curely's wife says this to Crooks (also use this quote for CW!!) this shows that Crooks is not safe at all, and can very easily be murdered on the ranch.
'the terrible protective dignity'- point out the juxtaposition of 'terrible' and 'protective' and say that it is an oxymoron. say that that oxymoron shows that this 'protective dignity' isnt dignifying and is dehumanising and a protection mechanism.
'Nobody never gets no land.' -point out the fact that this is dialogue. say that the triple negative of 'Nobody, never, no', emphasises the point that Crooks is making. This shows that Crooks has a very pessimistic view of the world.
'A guy....gets sick'- again dialogue. this is Crooks talking about loneliness. Crooks is segregated because of the Jim Crow Laws from the rest of the men. He is a massive victim of loneliness and feels its effects very often. Pull out the word 'sick' in this one and say its talking about mental sickness, which mirrors Crooks' loneliness.
again, just remember your quote, pull something out of it. like a word, or the structure of it. dont forget to explain the quote. PETE it.
Point Evidence (your quote) Technique (is it a simile? dialogue? metaphor? etc) Explain.
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Winning my Sister over, Prologue
Running feet echoed through a garden, golden eyes trained on two walking figures in front of him. "LIVIA!" A black haired girl turned, blue eyes widening in alarm when he reached for her. Hyde moved in front of Livia, scowling down at him. "Mistic.."Hyde greets coldly. "They're planning to frame her!"Mistic yells his eyes wide. Silence followed, Hyde's scowl deepening. He looked at Livia for help, a desperate look on his face. "Sis-"Mistic started. Livia looked away, her hand gripping her wrist. "Don't call me that...."Livia mumbles trembling. "GUARDS!!!" Mistic looked back, his eyes wide. "Wait!!"Mistic cried as guards came out from a nearby room. "Throw him to the wolves.."Hyde orders pointing to the desperate male. "LIVIA! I swear father didn't send me here!"Mistic yells looking at her desperately, knowing that's what she was thinking about right now. She looked at him, her trembling worsening. "I can't trust you." Mistic stared in disbelief, his hand lowering. "Please have him killed and make sure he's dead." Hyde nodded, giving her a concerned look, then glared at the guards. "You heard her."
Mistic gasped as the guards grabbed his arms and dragged him away. "WAIT!!" Livia looked away from him, her ears flattened back. The guards dragged him away, his eyes wide as he struggled to free himself from their grip. Their grips were suddenly gone, his eyes widening when he felt himself falling the sound of wolves growling coming from underneath him. Pain. Screaming. That was all that followed next. His screams filling the air while the wolves mauled him. Then everything went dark.
Mistic yelled in surprise, sitting up in bed then quickly looked around finding himself in bed. He looked at his hands, taking note of how small they were. "What.."Mistic mutters. His hands grabbed the blanket and tossed it off as he hurried out of bed and to his room mirror. His eyes widened, staring at a six year old him in his reflection. "I'M A KID!?" Crows took off in a flock outside, making him jump with a start at the sound. His hands touched his face, wondering what just happened. He was dead. The wolves mauled him. "H-How.."Mistic mumble looking at his trembling hands. Ghostly hands touched his shoulders, a blond haired male with jewel gold eyes appearing behind him. "Save her." Mistic whirled around, finding nobody there. "Okay, I'm six again....but how"Mistic mumbles walking back to his bed. If he was six, it meant his mother was gone. Died from hypothermia when he was four. Meaning, he was currently in the orphanage that took care of him until Lilia came and got him when he was fifteen. "I thought she'd trust me, I always tried to help her..."Mistic mutters.
He climbed back into bed and quickly grabbed a notebook. He didn't know if things would repeat but what he did know was that he was given a second chance to live....and to save someone he wasn't sure of. He perked up, then looked down. "Livia...I can save her.."Mistic mumbles remembering how much torture he saw her go through. "ALRIGHT! I AM GONNA SAVE MY SISTER!" He stopped, and sighed, remembering that the reason he died was because she agreed with the death sentence that Hyde ordered upon him. A groan came from him as he buried his face into his pillow and sighed. He huffed and shot back up, knowing what he needed to do. If the future is the same as before, he'd start interfering with what people did to his half sister and helping her trust him. If the future is different, he'd go see his sister and introduce himself to her so they can start their familial relationship without anything in their way. "If Hyde is around it'd be harder..."Mistic mutters keeping his determination. "ALRIGHT! Operation: Get close to Livia and avoid my fate is a go!"Mistic grinned nodding.
In a few years he'd go to the Valley of Thorns and see his sister and protect her from everyone!
"Mal Mal!" A six year old girl beamed as she ran into the room, holding her hands out. Malleus let out a gentle grunt when she leapt into his lap. "Hello Beastie"Malleus chuckled smiling down at her. Livia beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling. "Can we go out to the garden!?"Livia beamed placing her hands on his cheeks and squishing them. Malleus chuckled and nodded, picking her up. He placed her on his shoulders, gently gripping her legs as he left the room. "Your majesty, that is unbecoming of a king." Nilo chuckled as he walked over to them, fixing his robes. He reached up, taking Livia into his arms. "Nilo!"Livia beamed Malleus glaring at the man. Nilo chuckled, smiling down at her. He set her down and nodded to the two of them before walking away. Livia stopped, noticing the sky was flickering from day to night rapidly. "What..."Malleus mutters startled at the sight of it. Livia blinked at the sky as it returned to day time, clouds blocking the sun. She tilted her head to the side, wondering what that was.
@queen-of-twisted @writing-heiress @abyssthing198 @yukii0nna @teddymochi @pekoetiikapu @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot
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ailendolin · 2 years
Thanktival 2022 - Day 1 - Yonderland
Title: The Perfect Present [AO3]
Characters: The Elders' Youngers & the Cake Bake Ladies
Prompt: The Elders' Youngers & Holiday Jumpers
Summary: The Youngers try to make the perfect Thanktival present for their parents. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
A/N: Happy 12 Days of Thanktival, everyone! I can't wait to see this year's wonderful creations by everyone!
The Perfect Present
“Is it supposed to look like this?”
The gentle sound of needles clicking stopped as Alvin and the others looked up. Irk was holding … something in his hand. It was supposed to be a Thanktival jumper – inspired by something Alvin had heard Debbie talk about a few days ago – but looked more like a doily a dragon had viciously torn apart with its claws than anything resembling a piece of clothing.
Out of the corner of his eye, Alvin saw Sepal wince. “I’m pretty sure nothing is supposed to look like this, Irk.”
The others nodded in agreement. Irk sighed and put down his knitting needles. “I’ll never work it out in time for Thanktival.”
Daisy glanced down at his own pitiful attempt at knitting that was turning out to be just slightly less disastrous than Irk’s. “Yeah, neither will I.”
“We need help,” Barry said heavily.
“We need more than that,” Irk said. “We need Deb-beh.”
Alvin put down his own dark blue monstrosity of a jumper with a sigh. “Debbie’s not here, though. She’s home, preparing for Krismas, remember?”
The others hung their heads.
“Then what do we do?” Sepal asked. “We can’t very well give our parents these.”
He held up his jumper and watched it slowly unravel into a pile of wool in silent dismay.
Alvin bit his lip. It had been his idea to knit Thanktival jumpers for their parents and so he felt responsible for the disaster it was turning into. Who could have known that knitting was so hard? His mum always made it look so easy. It took her no time at all to turn a ball of wool into something nice and comfortable like the warm pair of socks he was wearing right now. Alvin really hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to recreate his mum’s needlework but it was, and the longer he looked at everyone’s sorry creations, the more obvious it became that Barry was right: they desperately needed help. There was only one person aside from Debbie Alvin could think of who might be able to safe them now. He looked at the others, face serious. “I’m going to call Edith.”
A few hours later, they stood in front of Edith’s house – which was actually Sue’s and Lynn apparently lived there, too. Alvin counted that as a blessing because the gods knew they could use all the help they could get. The three women took one look at their jumpers – or what remained of them – before they shook their heads in mirrored despair.
“How did you even do this?” Lynn asked with a look of horrified fascination on her face as she held up Irk’s mauled doily between two well-manicured fingers.
Irk just shrugged. “Talent?”
“Rather a lack thereof,” Sue grumbled and ushered them inside.
They sat down in the living room where a plate of freshly baked cookies had been set up for them. Edith waited until they had all taken one before she said with a kind smile, “Now, I think what you’re trying to do is very sweet–“
“Stupid is the word I’d use,” Sue muttered under her breath. Lynn elbowed her none too gently.
“– but I think we can all agree that you bit off more than you can chew,” Edith continued unfazed. “So how about we try something a little less advanced instead?”
She reached behind her and presented them with a wool hat and scarf. It wasn’t quite what Alvin had had in mind when he’d proposed the idea of knitting jumpers to the others a few days ago. His mum loved things from Debbie’s world and her eyes had shone so brightly when Debbie had talked about her Krismas traditions. Something inspired by that would have been the perfect present but after today’s knitting disaster he was pretty sure his mum would appreciate a well-done scarf a lot more than a jumper that was barely recognisable as such. Judging by the hopeful looks in his brothers’ eyes, they all felt the same so Alvin turned to Edith with a smile. “Less advanced sounds perfect.”
They spent the rest of the day knitting under Edith, Lynn and Sue’s careful observation. After showing them the basics, they let them work on their own, only intervening when it was absolutely necessary. At one point, Lynn vanished into the kitchen and returned with the most beautiful cake Alvin had ever seen. It tasted just as incredible as it looked and Sepal, taking after his dad, would have forgotten about his knitting project in favour of it if Daisy hadn’t taken the plate away from him.
Even with the distraction of the cake, they managed to finish their presents by the end of the day. Barry, Irk and Daisy had all chosen to make hats for their fathers while Sepal and Alvin had decided to make scarves. Thanks to Edith, Lynn and Sue’s embroidery skills, each present was also personalised in some way. The letters LORD now adorned Barry’s hat, inspired by his father’s title. Daisy’s hat had little flowers all over it in the colours of the rainbow while Irk’s sported a single apple blossom. Knowing how much meaning it held for their parents, Alvin couldn’t help but smile when Irk proudly held it up for all of them to see. His own scarf partly mirrored the symbolism of Irk’s hat: on one end, Edith had embroidered a light blue butterfly and on the other, a golden quill.
“Your mother will love this,” she said softly when she was done and handed the scarf back to Alvin.
Sepal hadn’t been so sure about what to do with his father’s scarf at first. In the end, he asked Sue to embroider a simplified version of the Elder’s chamber onto one end of it.
“It’s home,” he said with a small, self-conscious shrug. “This way, he’ll always have it with him, even if he’ll have to flee to another realm again.”
They all crowded around him in a hug after that.
Edith, Lynn and Sue sent them home with little bags of cookies and the relieved feeling of not having screwed up the first Thanktival where they could be sure their presents wouldn’t get eaten. Alvin couldn’t wait for his mother to see the scarf he made. He had a feeling she was going to cry and hug the life out of him when he told her he made it himself – with Edith’s help, of course. Looking at the smiling faces of his brothers, Alvin couldn’t help but grin as well. This year’s Thanktival would be the best one ever.
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wednesdaysgun · 2 years
mark of the beast prt 1!
first chaptered story ! 
TLDR: Tyler has a rocky start at Nevermore. Wednesday, as well as any other student, will not speak to him. The Hyde is sassy. Bianca hatches a plan to save both their relationships, and a friendship begins to bloom. 
Tyler’s assimilation into Nevermore was tricky, to say the least. The first week had been the worst, had him sobbing into his pillow of the dorm he was kept in. No roommate, they didn’t trust him yet. The teasing and shoving got worse until he showed his teeth, pushed a bit too far. Then, it was like it was all they had wanted to see. They wanted to see the monster, even though they should know more than anything that if the Hyde were to attack, they would all die. And it would be horrifically magnificent. 
As his mother used to say, everyone wants the biggest player on their team. And that’s what Tyler was- a big scary dog. They loved to be scared by him, he just wished the same could be said for one certain Legacy student. Wednesday still kept him in silence, but there was nothing he could do. She had every right to be viciously fuming at him until he died, for what he did. But it wasn’t his fault, he was just obsessed with the thought of her. It made his mouth water. Looking at himself in the long mirror attached to his dorm wall, he analyses his form. He still looks somewhat the same as before the attacks, but there’s a look in those blue eyes that shows something else entirely. It shows the red tint on his conscious, that no matter how many therapy sessions he takes, it won’t wash out. His uniform fits well, but it feels wrong on his body. Like he’s hiding behind enemy lines.  You look a fool. Shut up, I don’t need this today. They’re all too scared of us to tell you the truth. You don’t belong here. They want me here. They want to help us. We are going to kill them all. Tyler cuts the cord of communication with the Hyde, growling ever so slightly at the back of his throat. Both him and the Hyde know that the student body are divided about his attendance at the school. It was dangerous, as much as he hated to admit it, to allow him to live here. He had hurt some of their own students, of course they were going to be scared. Taking a deep breath, he adjusts his lapels and grabs the messenger bag off of the floor that he’d dashed there the night before. He walks out of Joker Hall, and immediately eyes are focused on him. Students walking alone move out of his way, not taking their glare away from his form. Students travelling in pairs start to whisper, sometimes they giggle too.  See.. The Hyde sniggers, his loneliness highlighted. Even in his own body the odds are stacked against him. It’s an awful feeling, but Tyler likes it, everyone watching in fear. He is finally the big dog of the pack. He is something for them to fear, not bully. It’s a refreshing feeling of ecstasy, short-lived but present. Tyler doesn’t necessarily have friends at school, but it doesn’t phase him. It’s always been this way. But now he had a taste of having someone, someone to help and control him, it doesn’t leave his fingers as they reach for a touch. His mind doesn’t leave his Wednesday, the beautiful creature that no longer speaks to him since the Hyde mauled her two best friends. Tyler gets it, but he thought she was more than that. He thought he was worth more.  His eyes catch a sight of the inky black pigtails across campus, seeing her back turned towards the inner hallways leading out of the Quad. She’s listening intently, Xavier next to her as he talks her ear off. Walking to class, Latin if Tyler remembers his schedule correctly. Which, when shared classes are involved, is already memorised. Realising her closeness to the boy, his heart lurches. He swallows weightily, hearing the giggle of the Beast. Taunting him, forcing his anger through the surface. Calm calm calm calm calm calm.
Look at her. She’s so wonderful, and look at him. They look so good together, don’t they Human? You never thought... no. You never thought she’d still want.. you?  
The Hyde torments his train of thought, his voice dripping with sarcasm and anger. The constant testing of the Beast was enough for Tyler to want to rip his skin off. And Wednesday was a very sensitive subject to him. He bites his tongue, closing his eyes for a moment to simply try cool his boiling blood. It doesn’t work. He waits a moment, continuing to walk in the same direction. 
“Tyler!” A familiar voice stops him dead, forcing him to place his mask on. With a innocent and carefree curl of his lip, he turns around to meet the striking eyes of Bianca Barkley. 
“Hey, Bianca. How can I help?” You can tell he worked customer service. Tyler had no real understanding of the Siren before him, or her friends. He knew the girl had previously dated Xavier, from their little run in at the Rave’N, as well as their run in when he was chained up. Wednesday, chaining him. Forcing him down under the heavy reinforced metal. That beautiful shock of electricity she’d placed through his skin, teasing his anger. Wanting to praise the beast inside him. A fire swirled in his lower stomach, throwing him back into reality. Human, focus. Surprisingly, she seemed sweet enough. She sent him a grin, placing a touch on his upper arm and moving them away from the crowded area. The touch shocked him. Nobody touched him anymore. “I may need some assistance from you, if you’d be interested?” Bianca started, and Tyler immediately understood the power she must’ve had over her past lover. “I’ll keep it short and sweet- you’re smart enough to keep up.” She has no idea. “You’re fond of Wednesday. I’m fond of Xavier.” Tyler furrowed a brow lightly, squinting, she definitely wasn’t wrong. If he was to stay in Wednesday’s bad books any longer he might end up dead, or worse, shut out from her life.  “I have nothing against Addams anymore, I just really need him back.” Wow, okay. Tyler was taken aback by her honesty, but he understood it. He really did, giving her a reassuring nod.  “Okay, so what do you propose?” He asked, seeing multiple routes this could take. Bianca’s eyes flashed with mischief, something he could get on board with. The next thing he knows she’s taken his hand in her own, with a pen in the other. Flipping open his palm and writing on his skin, what he assumes to be a phone number. Tyler looks around, cheeks slightly flushed at her touch, to see that nearly everyone in a twenty foot radius is watching their interaction. Fuck, he’s still not used to the mentality of boarding school kids. “Call me.” Bianca grins, shooting him a wink before turning on her heel and walking back to her group with a swing of her hips. He returns the wink, giving her a wave and heading off to class. Every student around him is whispering, looking him up and down. Did that just elevate his status? He wasn’t complaining, Bianca seemed nice enough. Similar to him, in ways of her plots. He takes a seat at the back of Latin, not wanting to disturb and with no friends to sit with, Tyler scans the room. The Latin classroom is beautiful, he will admit. Their tuition fees are definitely not wasted on the high ceilings and pillars that line the institution. Staring out of the window, he sees Bianca approaching the stairwell in. At least someone can tolerate him in here. Wednesday sits near the front, while Xavier incessantly pesters her for attention. He cannot help but roll his eyes, it was infuriating, let alone embarrassing to watch. 
He was sure Xavier probably wasn’t a bad guy, just his jealousy painting this perception of the boy. Tyler was mad that it wasn’t him, that he had to attone for his sins before she could ever tolerate him again. But his sins and hers are one in the same, and she must realise it sooner or later. Neither of them are innocent, and thats why they work so well. This little puppy of a man, who is prodding a sleeping bear with a stick every time he looks at his girl, will realise something very soon.  Tyler does not lose.  The chair next to him squeaks, pulling him out of the staring competition he’s in with the back of Xavier’s head. He smells Bianca before he sees her. Saltwater and vanilla, a welcoming combination. She places her books down on the seat next to him, and he smiles.  “Hi there, stranger.” Tyler welcomes her, still trying to figure out the plot he’s been wound up in.  “Hey, Ty.” Bianca says, slightly loud if he does say so himself. New nickname, he notes. Sitting down together, they begin to chat for the few minutes they have before their lesson actually starts. It’s easy to speak to her, a nice change to the hostility he’s faced for so long. Tyler still feels eyes on him, which he may have to get used to, but when the lull of small talk hits he can feel a certain pair of eyes he truly does care about. Wednesday’s. 
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wisdomfish · 1 year
In 1951 a child was born to a drunken mother. The woman’s husband was not the father. Could the father be a man at the Naval Officer’s Club? Or someone else near the military base? The child never knew for sure. All she knew was her mother’s temper, the empty bottles, and the man they lived with whom she called Daddy. Safe haven was often found at Uncle Bob’s and Aunt Edith’s. Theirs was a real home where little Glenda could play “hospital” with neighbor friends and scar up the driveway with hopscotch chalk. A home where she could spend long, unmolested moments and stare into a mirror at the gaping space where two front teeth should be. Teeth scattered somewhere on the floor back at her house after the savage beating. When Glenda was five she made her last visit to Uncle Bob’s. Harsh words were exchanged between her uncle and her father. It was forever back to his four-room house built near the docks for shipyard workers. A little house heated by an oil-burning stove in the living room. Her mother, who always seemed to be recovering from a drinking binge, gave orders that Glenda’s sister, then fifteen, should move to the front room to sleep with her. Glenda, the littlest, was to sleep in the back room with her daddy. Mother made the decisions. Everyone followed. The child heard the patter of rain at night. It made her sad. She could hear the muffle of drunken snores through the wall. But she would freeze when she heard the sigh of her father lying next to her, a man whose needs had not been met for years, sleeping with a little girl, not his own, fighting off anger from long days of hard work and an alcoholic wife. The floor boards around the oil stove creaked. So did the boards beneath the child’s bed. In that little room, Glenda’s innocence was mauled over and over again. The knowledge that there was nowhere to go, no one to tell, horrified her. She wanted to run, but he held her down; she wanted to scream, but he told her to be quiet. So over the years, in that desolate bed, with tears running back into her ears and her father asleep at her side, the little girl stared at the ceiling and prayed. Surely, God would answer her prayers if only she would be good. She tried to be ever so good.
Yet everything was terribly bad.
The best change came when she turned twelve years old. Her father moved into the front room, her mother returned to the living room couch, and Glenda slept alone. Perhaps puberty and the fear of another unwanted baby in the house prompted the switch. Glenda did not understand at the time, but God was at work.
It was hard to see, though. The years faded away, but the bruises were always fresh. High school friends stayed cool and aloof. Little wonder. Glenda never invited classmates over to her house. She was embarrassed by the drunkenness, the cursing, and the filth. For at least a year, Glenda would hide in corners of restrooms, or her backyard, and sit, rocking back and forth with a pack of razor blades. Nothing happened, although she derived morbid pleasure in the possibilities.
“I do not remember,” Glenda says, “ever feeling that I deserved a different home or different parents or a different life. Yes, I longed for them, especially for a mother who would love me. But I never believed that I had a right to them. I recognized early that there are few disappointments for the little girl who expects nothing.” Years marched on. Nursing school provided Glenda’s first reprieve. A solace. A shelter. Still, loneliness knocked constantly on the door of her dorm. One Friday night as she was walking through the hospital lobby on her way back to her room, a brochure on a table caught her eye. Good thing. The front read, “God’s Four Steps to Salvation.” It was the night she had intended to collapse into bed, open the Ziploc bag of pills she’d been saving, and disappear permanently. She closed her bedroom door behind her. Instead of reaching for the bag, she opened the tract. Before the night was through, Glenda had slid to the floor by her bed to pray. She knelt down in grave clothes, then stood up in robes of righteousness. Christ’s righteousness. Saturday dawned, a bright, cold day. Glenda took the bus into town to buy a Bible. God’s words danced on the pages, every verse jumping alive with meaning. She had a relationship—a real, live relationship with God. Breathing. Pulsating. Exploding with joy. But one thing clouded it. Over the months, even years, after she was married with children of her own, as Glenda drew closer to God, her past appeared blacker. New feelings of resentment surfaced. How could my parents have done those horrible things to me? she thought. I was just a little girl. Why didn’t they let me be a little girl? I was beaten, stripped, molested, cursed, screamed at, kicked, and hated when all I ever wanted was love. I would have done anything for their love. And now I hate them. I can’t help it.
Her anger was revealing something foul inside her heart. Psalm 119:165 spoke softly…
Great peace have they who love thy law: and nothing shall offend them, (KJV)
Incredulous! God could really take away my offense? Glenda wondered. My murderous hatred? “Nothing shall offend” the verse answered. The two lines weren’t long enough to be considered a spear or a javelin. Not even an arrow piercing her heart. The short verse was a tiny dart, but God’s aim was impeccable—it pinpricked the hot balloon of anger Glenda had been inflating all those years. “Oh God,” Glenda prayed, “if it displeases you for me to be offended, then somehow take it from me. I’m burning up with hatred and I can’t survive this way. Tear out the resentment. I long to be yours completely. I want to forgive those who have offended me just as you forgave me all my offenses. Now help me, Father, for Jesus’ sake.” Some would think Glenda’s offense should be aimed against God rather than her parents. Stripped? Molested? Cursed? A child doesn’t have the strength to push away a lewd man ruled by urges. But God does. A little girl cannot outrun a drunken parent swinging a belt. A child cannot hold up a shield big or thick enough to ward off words that cut deep into her psyche. Where was God? Why not take offense at him? What answers could possibly atone for such horrific treatment? “It would be better for [a man] to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin,” says God himself (Luke 17:2)
Fine: wicked men will one day face the anger of a righteous Judge, but what about now?
We want answers now. But even if we know why, will it satisfy? We might ask, “Where was God? Was it his fault?” and be assured that although he is sovereign, it was not his fault. Or, “Was it an assault from the Enemy?” and find that, yes, it possibly was. Or we may press further, “Is it the consequence of living in a fallen, wicked world, and not the direct personal assault of either the Devil or God?” and learn that, more than likely, it is. Back to square one: do such answers satisfy? Probably not. Glenda, with God’s help, found the only answer that satisfied—an answer that reached into the heart where it hurt. Her anger helped show her need. Her anger helped move her in the right direction. She realized her seething hatred was just as heinous, just as nauseating as the sins committed against her. She was no better than her parents. As surely as her father thrust himself on her, she had in her imagination, thrust a knife, with hot fury, into his chest. Glenda could have easily been the one flinging curses and spitting hatred, torturing and nailing God to his cross. In fact, in acknowledging her sin, she was. The memory of spit on her seven-year-old face must have paled in comparison to the spit on her Savior. Glenda discovered, as few believers do, the depth of God’s love in that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). “In order to suffer without dwelling on our own affliction,” Thomas Merton once contemplated, “we must think about a greater affliction, and turn to Christ on the cross. In order to suffer without hate, we must drive out bitterness from our heart by loving Jesus. In order to suffer without hope of compensation, we should find all our peace in the conviction of our union with Jesus. These things are not a matter of ascetic technique but of simple faith.”
God suffering on a cross. There is no answer to the question “Why?” apart from Jesus. That God is part of the problem of suffering may not complicate matters after all. How, or to what extent, he created the problem, is not the question. He is the answer and we need him.
~ Joni Eareckson Tada
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