# corona vaccine center
tamgdenettebya · 2 years
Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia
While the US is planning to increase its military presence in Eastern Europe to “protect its allies against Russia”, internal documents show what American “protection” in practical terms means.
The Pentagon has conducted biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).
Both countries are considered the most loyal US partners in the region with a number of Pentagon programs being implemented in their territory. One of them is the $2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Biological engagement program which includes research on bio agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria being studied on the local population.
Project GG-21: “All volunteer deaths will be promptly reported”
The Pentagon has launched a 5-year long project with a possible extension of up to 3 years code-named GG-21: “Arthropod-borne and zoonotic infections among military personnel in Georgia”. According to the project’s description, blood samples will be obtained from 1,000 military recruits at the time of their military registration physical exam at the Georgian military hospital located in Gori.
The samples will be tested for antibodies against fourteen pathogens:
Bacillus anthracis
CCHF virus
Coxiella burnetii
Francisella tularensis
Rickettsia species
TBE virus
Bartonella species
Borrelia species
Ehlrichia species
Leptospira species
Salmonella typhi
The amount of blood draw will be 10 ml. Samples will be stored indefinitely at the NCDC (Lugar Center) or USAMRU-G and aliquots might be sent to WRAIR headquarters in US for future research studies. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) is the largest biomedical research facility administered by the U.S. Department of Defense. The results of the blood testing will not be provided to the study participants.
Such a procedure cannot cause death. However, according to the project report, “all volunteer deaths will be promptly reported (usually within 48 h of the PI being notified)” to the Georgian Military Hospital and WRAIR.
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According to the GG-21 project report, “all volunteer deaths will be promptly reported” to the Georgian military hospital and WRAIR, USA.
The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.
The Lugar Center has become notorious in the last years for controversial activities, laboratory incidents and scandals surrounding the US drug giant Gilead’s Hepatitis C program in Georgia which has resulted in at least 248 deaths of patients. The cause of death in the majority of cases has been listed as unknown, internal documents have shown.
The Georgian project GG-21 has been funded by DTRA and implemented by American military scientists from a special US Army unit code-named USAMRU-G who operate in the Lugar Center. They have been given diplomatic immunity in Georgia to research bacteria, viruses and toxins without being diplomats. This unit is subordinate to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR).
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The Lugar Center is the $180 million Pentagon-funded biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.
A diplomatic car with a registration plate of the US Embassy to Tbilisi in the car park of the Lugar Center. US scientists working at the Pentagon laboratory in Georgia drive diplomatic vehicles as they have been given diplomatic immunity. Photos: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
Documents obtained from the US Federal contracts registry show that USAMRU-G is expanding its activities to other US allies in the region and is “establishing expeditionary capabilities” in Georgia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Latvia and any future locations. The next USAMRU-G project involving biological tests on soldiers is due to start in March of this year at the Bulgarian Military Hospital in Sofia.
Project UP-8: All deaths of study participants should be reported within 24 h 
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded a similar project involving soldiers in Ukraine code-named UP-8: The spread of  Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine and the potential need for differential diagnosis in patients with suspected leptospirosis. The project started in 2017 and was extended few times until 2020, internal documents show.
According to the project’s description, blood samples will be collected from 4,400 healthy soldiers in Lviv, Kharkov, Odesa and Kyiv. 4,000 of these samples will be tested for antibodies against hantaviruses, and 400 of them – for the presence of antibodies against Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus. The results of the blood testing will not be provided to the study participants.
There is no information as to what other procedures will be performed except that “serious incidents, including deaths should be reported within 24 hours. All deaths of study subjects that are suspected or known to be related to the research procedures should be brought to the attention of the bioethics committees in the USA and Ukraine.”
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Blood samples from 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be tested for hantaviruses. Another 400 blood samples will be tested for CCHF under the DTRA-sponsored Ukrainian Project UP-8.
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Project UP-8: “Serious incidents, including deaths should be reported within 24 hours. All deaths of study subjects that are suspected or known to be related to the research procedures should be brought to the attention of the bioethics committees in the USA and Ukraine.” Source: ukr-leaks.org
DTRA has allocated $80 million for biological research in Ukraine as of 30 July 2020, according to information obtained from the US Federal contracts registry. Tasked with the program is the US company Black &Veatch Special Projects Corp.
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Another DTRA contractor operating in Ukraine is CH2M Hill. The American company has been awarded a $22.8 million contract (2020-2023) for the reconstruction and equipment of two biolaboratories:  the State Scientific Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kyiv ILD) and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (Odesa RDL).
US personnel are indemnified for deaths and injuries to the local population
The DTRA activities in Georgia and Ukraine fall under the protection of special bilateral agreements. According to these agreements, Georgia and Ukraine shall hold harmless, bring no legal proceedings and indemnify the United States and its personnel, contractors and contractors’ personnel, for damage to property, or death or injury to any persons in Georgia and Ukraine, arising out of activities under this Agreement. If DTRA-sponsored scientists cause deaths or injuries to the local population they cannot be held to account.
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Furthermore, according to the US-Ukraine Agreement, claims by third parties for deaths and injuries in Ukraine, arising out of the acts or omissions of any employees of the United States related to work under this Agreement, shall be the responsibility of Ukraine.
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darkmaga-retard · 29 days
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 20, 2024
Author’s Note and Update
The World has been in a state of crisis for more than three years despite the fact that the WHO and the CDC (with the usual innuendos) have unequivocally confirmed that the RT-PCR test used to justify every single policy mandate including lockdowns, social distancing, the mask, confinement of the labor force, closure of economic activity, etc. is flawed and invalid.
The same applies to the roll-out of the mRNA Vaccine in December 2020. 
This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021.
The WHO advisory was then followed a few months later by the bombshell decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  (July 21, 2021) to withdraw the PCR test as a valid method for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.  
As of December, 31 2021, the PCR test is longer considered valid by the CDC in the U.S. 
For more details see
Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2021
What this implies is that both the CDC and the WHO have formally acknowledged the failures of the RT-PCR test, without however implementing a shift in the methodology of  detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.
The Mainstream Media Now Reluctantly Acknowledges that the PCR  Test is Flawed
After having sustained the propaganda campaign, the mainstream media has now tacitly acknowledged that the PCR TEST IS INVALID.
Below is an excerpt from London’s Daily Mail on something which has been known and documented by scientists and the independent media from the outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.
The report below is convoluted. It is an obvious understatement:
“Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was?  …
It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected.
Some even suggested the swabs, which have been carried out more than 200 million times in the UK alone, may mistake common colds and flu for corona.
If either, or both, were true, it would mean many of these cases should never have been counted in the daily tally – that the ominous and all-too-familiar figure, which was used to inform decisions on lockdowns and other pandemic measures, was an over-count. (Daily Mail, March 12, 2022, emphasis added)
It is carefully worded with a view to protecting the decision-makers.
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localbabygirl · 3 months
just remembered that in 2021 i was vaccinated against the corona virus in an airport that they re-purposed as a giant vaccination center during the first months of the vax campaign and i had to stand in a long ass queue for about 2h just to get INSIDE the building. it was run by the red cross and the german military and there were THOUSANDS of people there but the whole thing worked like a well oiled machine lmao. queue. backpack control. queue. fever thermometer gun. queue. id and health documents check. queue. health questionnaire. queue. vaccination risk briefing. queue. preparation. queue. jab. 15min mandatory waiting time in case of side effects. idk the pandemic was so weird in hindsight. spent over half a day to get a jab and i was the happiest woman in the country i think lol
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 2 months
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Neo-Burlesque Era of the 2020’s
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            So, here we are in the year of our Lord, 2024, via the Twenty-First Century. This is very similar to the era known as “The Roaring Twenties”—the only difference being is the economy. During the 1920’s, the economy was in prosperity mode. It was party time, with nonstop divine decadence, bathtub gin, and screwing a “Flapper” in a Model T.  All was centered around sex, jazz, and booze. In response, the fundamentalists and evangelical Christians wanted to halt all sin and implement “God’s laws” across the nation. To them, it was viewed as the “End Times” because “young America was reviving Sodom and Gomorrah.” The White racists were worried that America’s borders were being invaded by illegal aliens who were mostly comprised of Anarchists and Communist spies. Is this sounding familiar?
Well, the Christians succeeded in outlawing alcohol by government-implemented “Prohibition.” However, that only served to ensure that organized crime became powerful and filthy rich. The 1920’s didn’t end well. The U.S. economy crashed in 1929 which ushered in The Great Depression. The rich got richer, and the common people got fucked. They were dirt poor.
So, how will the 2020’s decade end? Here is my educated guess.
            The American people suffered from a global pandemic between 2020 and 2022, known as Corona Virus, or COVID 19. Conservative and Christian coalitions expressed their state paranoia by claiming the federal government was forcing citizens to wear masks, quarantine themselves, and take emergency vaccines. The political right was feeding fear to the masses with one alarming exaggeration after another.
            Donald Trump, then President of the United States (until January 2021), was a B.T. Barnum type who cared only about himself; specifically, his money and popularity. Somehow, he paid off churches to promote him as the second coming of Christ. It worked. His base was comprised of right-wing fanatics who believed in conspiracy theories. To date, 30% of the America population are Trump cultists. At the time of his election (2016), he had zero government experience. He was a real estate tycoon whose six businesses had failed. He was the worst businessman in history. Despite all this, he got the stamp of approval from Christian churches across the country, which designated him a decent guy. The most popular thing for which he was known was a TV reality show called, “The Apprentice,” which aired from 2004 to 2017. At the time, the Millennial generation’s mentality was based on computer technology and the Internet. They had been weaned on cell phones and computers. A TV reality show host was not impressive to them. Many were a-political and anti-religion. However, many other generational types, like Gen X and Baby Boomer conservatives, were bound to Trump. President Trump knew how to manipulate Americans, particularly working-class, white people. He came out of the entertainment industry. Americans are entertainment addicts and hedonists.
            Today, the work ethic in America is dead. Over the decades, Americans have wondered why they should work hard at all. Hundreds of businesses go bankrupt every month. The truth is, you only work hard for your boss so he can get rich. The plan is that you, the worker, are so occupied with working hard that you haven’t time to rebel against the capitalist system. After their long, 8-hour day, Americans want to have fun. We live in an entertainment society. It’s all silliness and sick jokes. A burlesque society predates a fascist society. Consider the 1972 American movie, “Cabaret,” a fictional movie depicting Germany’s era during 1920’s decadence: sex, cross dressing, and drunkenness. The Nazis promised German Christians they would put an end to it, and they did.
In America, people want to escape economic hardships by having fun. But the Evangelicals want to control all primal urges and create a clean-cut society. They loath sex unless it's purpose is to make more white babies. They hate sex, but they love violence against “evil people;” that is, whomever they perceive as evil.
At this moment in time, it’s all about fun and recreation. It’s not about wholesome entertainment. It’s about action movies and energy drinks. Video games about war and violence are still a hot item for the younger set. So, I declare this time in American history, “The Age of Neo-Burlesque.” That is my label for the decade.
            Now, what will happen in the 2030’s? I predict that the pendulum will swing to the left. The moderate left will have to compete with the ultra-left. They will have to offer rational programs to help struggling Americans. The ultra-left will need to reorganize and try again. The political right will be despised by working class Americans and become a pariah to them.
At last, a Hollywood ending!
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ruthfeiertag · 2 months
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The White House just announced that President Biden has contacted COVID. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Because the President has been fully vaccinated (and because he has access to levels of health care few of the rest of us enjoy), he is likely to be well again soon. But even a mild or asymptomatic case can lead to Long-COVID, and we should be protecting ourselves and each other from catching this corona virus and possibly developing a permanent, debilitating condition.
Apoorva Mandavilli, writing for the _New YorkTimes_, reminds us that “for some people with certain risk factors — age, pregnancy, chronic conditions or a compromised immune system — an infection may bring serious illness.”1
If you want to know what it’s like to live with a post-viral chronic illness, read the Tumblrs of people enduring them (see the tags below), particularly those of us living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (me/cfs), the condition closely aligned with Long-COVID. (“The illness [Long COVID] is similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS] as well as to persisting illnesses that can follow a wide variety of other infectious agents and following major traumatic injury.”2) And while some of us are more susceptible than others, ANYONE, no matter how young and healthy, can develop Long-haul COVID:
“Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who gets COVID-19 can experience it, including children.”3
The CDC article also highlights the way that “Living with Long COVID can be difficult and isolating, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.” It does not describe the devastating possible “side effects” of losing the ability to work, to enjoy activities, to be independent, nor of the experiences of having doctors refuse to believe one’s condition is real, of the near-impossibility of getting to a doctor who specializes in post-viral diseases (and who won’t accept insurance)4, nor of the feeling of being an inconvenience or burden to those who care for us.
“In every age group, even a mild illness may trigger a lasting set of problems. Nearly 14 million Americans, or about 5.3 percent of adults, may now be living with long Covid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”1
Wearing an N95 might not be the most comfortable fashion accessory, but putting one on when we will be among others can save lives and the meaningful existence of the people with whom we come in contact. The inconvenience is far less than the loss of income, health, and happiness Long-COVID can bring.
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1. Apoorva Mandavilli. “Long Covid and Vaccination: What You Need to Know,” _New York Times_, July 17, 2024, 6:03 p.m. ET
2. Anthony L. Komaroff and W. Ian Lipkin. “ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities: road map to the literature,” Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10: 1187163. Published online 2023 Jun 2. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1187163
PMCID: PMC10278546PMID: 37342500
3. https://www.cdc.gov/covid/long-term-effects/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html
4. “There are only a handful of specialists and clinical centers that specialize in ME/CFS around the country. Many of them do not take insurance and most have waiting lists that can be years long.” https://solvecfs.org/me-cfs-long-covid/patient-and-caregiver-resources/
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skyovereuropeldkde · 9 months
For the first time, German TV MDR covers DNA contamination in Pfizer's mRNA vaccine! We are in a private laboratory in Magdeburg. Professor Brigitte König is examining Corona vaccines here. The result, all samples are contaminated. "With foreign DNA that should not be in the vaccine in this quantity. From my point of view, the alarming result is that all 5 batches had significant foreign DNA in them, which are well above the limit. It's about the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. 5 batches were given to the Magdeburg laboratory because there was a suspicion." Foreign DNA could be contained in the vaccine, and beyond the limit. According to WHO, the limit is a total DNA content of 10 nanograms per dose. It is important that this is not exceeded, because there is a risk that foreign DNA could penetrate human cells.
Brigitte König is an external professor at the medical faculty of the University of Magdeburg. She shows us the result of her privately conducted investigation. All 5 examined batches are contaminated. For the lowest concentration, the limit was exceeded by 83 times. The highest concentration found was 354 times the limit to König. This is concerning. The client of the analysis is also a private individual. The biologist Dr. Jürgen Kirchner. He has been one of the vocal critics of mRNA vaccines for years. He operates a website called Gene Vaccines. There he also advertises his books written under a pseudonym. His last one is called "Sullied." He has also appeared on YouTubers like the controversial Corona critic Paul Brandenburg. And discussed with him his theses on vaccines. Also the findings from Magdeburg. When DNA contaminations are found in a vaccine, that are as far above the limits as we have found, then in my view a special paragraph of the Medicines Act automatically applies, that is paragraph 5. It says if a medicinal product is questionable, then it must be taken off the market. And the biologist tries to achieve this. In September, he was at a hearing in the Bundestag's Petitions Committee on the topic of pandemic planning. Here he used the opportunity to present the analysis results from Magdeburg. These are gigantic exceedances of a limit for a really very questionable medicinal product. But do the vaccines actually contain foreign DNA? The accusation is not new.
Already in April 2023, American scientists found foreign DNA above the limit in the vaccines from BioNTech and Moderna. Also in this pre-publication of a Canadian study from the end of October, several scientists come to a similar conclusion. The researchers write, our results extend the existing concerns regarding vaccine safety. But are such traces of foreign DNA actually dangerous?
Humans constantly carry foreign DNA in themselves. This can come from food, but also if bacteria enter the lungs. These floating DNA snippets are digested in the gut by enzymes. But there is a difference with the mRNA vaccination. The vaccine contains so-called lipid nanoparticles. They smuggle the mRNA into the cells. They do not differentiate, however, whether they transport mRNA or DNA. Could foreign DNA thereby directly penetrate the cell nucleus?
That is at least the concern of this American researcher, Prof. Dr. Philip Buckhaults. He is a clear proponent of mRNA technology. Yet he too says he found DNA residues in Pfizer vaccine. Here at a hearing in the South Carolina Senate, he explains the potential consequences of DNA. By email he writes us, at the moment no one knows for sure, whether the foreign DNA has caused damage or will cause damage. But there is clearly a justified theoretical risk of genetic damage to long-lived stem cells. We asked several renowned German scientists about this concern.
Only a few reply to our request. Among them is Prof. Emanuel Wyler from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, an institute funded by the federal government. He deems it extremely unlikely that the DNA could have negative consequences. Further, he writes, DNA in vaccines is not a new topic and is also tested for, for example, in a flu vaccine. Until now, no one has been interested, or one rightly trusts that the Paul Ehrlich Institute as the responsible authority performs the testing work correctly. In my opinion, this shows that this is not about DNA in vaccines, but either about fundamentally questioning vaccinations, our best weapon against infectious diseases, or about creating a sensation with the issue of Corona.
However, Prof. Gerald Dyker, a chemist at the Ruhr University, does think that negative consequences are conceivable. He writes to us, against the background that one was under extreme time pressure, that the manufacturer decided, either without knowledge or with the acquiescence of supervisory authorities, to release the product with the remaining DNA impurities for mass vaccination. For Prof. Bernd Mühlbauer of the Drug Commission, however, it is still not clear at all, whether the vaccine is actually contaminated to a worrying extent. But he writes that residual amounts of DNA in the case of an mRNA vaccine cannot penetrate the cell nucleus and cause damage. Such experiments, including animal tests over several generations, are necessary and perhaps have already been conducted. And how do the authorities respond to the debate?
The Paul Ehrlich Institute is responsible for the surveillance and safety of vaccines. We want to know, whether they themselves have tested the vaccines for foreign DNA or at least checked the results from Magdeburg. The written response is that parameters such as the residual DNA content in the vaccine are only experimentally tested by the manufacturer. The Institute thus does not test the vaccines themselves for DNA contamination but relies on the manufacturers' test protocols. The fact that the authority neither tests itself nor checks the analysis results from Magdeburg causes surprise to Professor Brigitte König.
"I would have expected, or assumed, that the authorities would at least randomly check the end product for contamination and purity. Depending on the product, or if something else is inside. As I said, the authorities can do that. Especially the Paul Ehrlich Institute has the equipment for it."
The competent Federal Ministry of Health questions the analysis from Magdeburg and points out that some of the tested batches were already expired, according to Dr. Kirchner's notification. However, for the found foreign DNA this is irrelevant, says the scientist. The DNA in these lipid particles does not multiply. And is more likely to be decomposed. That is, if the vaccine is not expired, we might expect even higher values but not lower ones. The DNA does not multiply in a sterile vaccine.
Since the authorities apparently doubt the investigation results from Magdeburg, we want to have various batches tested ourselves. We contacted more than 20 laboratories, some of them at German universities, but also private providers who can conduct such analyses. From all, we received rejections or no response.
So, we failed to have a DNA analysis conducted independently once again. It would indeed be important to conclusively clarify the question of the DNA content. Because one reason for suspected DNA contamination could be the manufacturing process itself, which is different from the one used during the authorization study.
The vaccine used for the clinical studies was manufactured mechanically without the involvement of microorganisms. This production path is named Process 1 in the documents of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Pfizer then switched to a different production technique, referred to as Process 2. Only very few subjects in the authorization study received this vaccine. Here, the material was supplied by genetically modified bacteria. This process was apparently less complex.
But did it actually pose a higher risk? That there were differences between the batches of the two different manufacturing processes has been a concern. Questions about comparability, characterization, and clinical suitability were raised. We ask BioNTech why the manufacturing process was changed nonetheless, but we do not receive an answer to this question. Regarding the suspected DNA contamination identified by the Magdeburg scientist, the company writes that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is not contaminated with DNA.
Furthermore, it states that the batches were subjected to comprehensive quality control by the manufacturer. The Magdeburg scientist says that she has now examined additional vaccine batches. Here too, she found foreign DNA.
However, we as an editorial team were not able to conclusively answer whether this analysis is indeed accurate and, most importantly, whether the suspected DNA contamination can cause harm. The most recent act in the debate is this official-looking letter from an association called Medical Treatment Association, which warns doctors about the vaccine. However, as informed by the responsible authorities, this is said to be a false report.
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screenshots123 · 10 months
📰 New wave of Covid virus in Norway fills up vaccination centers 📆 November 22, 2023
“For the vast majority, it really doesn’t matter anymore if you’re sick with the flu or Covid,” Dr Ingebjørn Bleidvin, chief medical officer in Hadsel, Northern Norway, told state broadcaster NRK on Wednesday. “Most people can drop testing and save some money.”
The state health ministry officially changed the status of the Covid virus earlier this week, on the grounds it no longer is especially dangerous to the public. Many falling ill still seem to want to know whether they’ve been hit by Covid, even by another bout of the virus. “Sales of Corona tests are seven times higher than they were during the autumn holidays” in late September and early October, Silje Ensrud of the pharmacy chain Apotek 1 told NRK. “We haven’t sold so many testing kits since February 2022.”
Some pharmacies in Northern Norway, where there have been outbreaks of the virus, have seen their stocks almost depleted. Testing kits were once handed out for free by state and local health care agencies, but now they can cost as much as NOK 120 (around USD 12).
Only those with weak immune systems or those undergoing cancer treatments are still advised to get tested, to determine exactly which respiratory ailment they may have. State health officials are no longer collecting data or publishing new statistics on Corona cases, and postive test results aren’t recorded.
Officials are keen, however, to get all Norwegians age 65 and over vaccinated against new variants of the virus, along with those who have chronic diseases. Vaccination rates were also sluggish earlier this fall, and public health institute FHI was concerned that too few were getting their booster shots. A sharp rise in infection has since sent many flocking to vaccination centers, where booster shots remain free of charge.
Oslo’s large vaccination center in the capital’s Nydalen district was among those suddenly facing such long lines that it suspended its “drop-in” service and is currently requiring appointments. The first available slots were at least a week away.
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The word “sexually transmitted” is preventing people from taking the vaccine. 
In India Cervical Cancer kills 1 woman every 8 minutes
In India Cervical Cancer is the 3rd most common cancer affecting both males and females. Around 53 million Indian women aged 13 years and above are at risk of developing cervical cancer yet the percentage of vaccination per year is not increasing. 
Cervical Cancer is caused by the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus. This virus is only transmitted sexually. In a country like India where sex is taboo, it’s difficult for parents to accept that their children could be sexually active before marriage. This is one of the main reasons that the vast population below the age of 26 is unvaccinated. The HPV vaccine is most effective when administered between the age of 9 and 15. 
There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding the virus and the vaccination. Many believe that their children would become more curious about sex or indulge in sexual activity after being vaccinated which is absolutely false. Some are of the opinion that if a person is monogamous (has only one sexual partner) they will not contact the virus which is again not true. The virus can infect anyone. 
The vaccination is not recommended after the age of 40 since research indicates that most people have already been exposed to the HPV virus at least once in their life span and have developed antibodies.
Contacting the virus does not always lead to cancer. Usually, the human immune system fights back and with the help of medication the virus dies out. It is when the virus does not leave the body or even after symptoms subside a small amount of virus still lingers on in the body this causes the cells that line the cervix mouth and throat, anus, penis, vulva, or vagina to grow abnormally, these are called pre-cancerous cells. If these cells are not killed, they will continue to become cancer. 
The HPV virus infects both boys and girls, men and women therefore it is equally important to vaccinate both girls are boys.
A large part of Indian society is unaware of this virus and the need to vaccinate against it. In fact cervical cancer can be largely prevented and the number of deaths can be decreased drastically with the help of the vaccine.
Today India has 3 vaccines - Cervarix, Gardasil and the latest Gardasil 9. Serum institute of India is already making its own vaccine Cervavac which has got approval from the government and will be commercially available by the year-end. Cervavac will be priced at a much lower rate and the medical fraternity is hopeful that this will lead to a decrease in cancer caused by the HPV virus. 
The need of the hour is more awareness and acceptance that physical intimacy is part of human existence. By ignoring or choosing to disregard this fact we are only putting our younger generation at risk of developing cancer. 
2 doses spaced out with a gap of 6 months between the age of 9 to 14 years and 3 doses spaced out between the age of  15 to 26 years can save individuals from cancer. 
Schools, colleges, and community centers need to accept this as their duty to spread awareness and organize vaccination camps. With more doctors recommending and informing patients about the effects of the HPV virus, the country hopes to see a fall in the number of cases. 
best hospital for cancer patients in bhopal
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innovationtrends · 2 years
Syringe Market Trends, Business Growth and Major Driving Factors 2027
According to our new market research study on “Syringe Market to 2027 – Global Analysis and Forecast – by Syringe Type, Application, Usability and End Use,” the market is expected to reach US$ 26,859.34 million by 2027 from US$ 12,649.46 million in 2019. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.8% from 2020 to 2027. The report highlights trends prevailing in the market, and drivers and hindrances pertaining to the market growth.
Grab PDF to Know More (Including Table, Full TOC and Figures) @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00003521/  
Based on syringe type, the market is segmented into luer lock syringes, glass syringes, luer slip syringes, and others. In 2019, the glass syringes segment held the largest share of the market. The segment is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. This segment is likely to witness a lucrative growth owing to low mechanical tolerance, and smooth movement of the plunger. Furthermore, properties of glass, such as nonreactive nature and heat and chemical resistance, are contributing to the growth of this segment. Moreover, glass syringes are highly compatible with various drug filing devices and are easy to manufacture, which makes them the most preferred syringes in market. In March 2019, Gerresheimer AG launched metal free 1 ml long Luer lock Gx RTF glass syringes to deliver highly complex, protein-based bioengineered molecules.
In the last few years, the health care sector has witnessed SARS, H1N1 and other outbreaks. However, the severity of the coronavirus makes the situation more complex. Additionally, with no vaccine in market and only preventive measure to self-isolation is hitting the various industries including Syringe manufacturing in the region. The US and Canada have witnessed spike in cases in just few days, which has compelled the governments to shut down all the business in order to prevent the spread of the virus.. As of July 2020, in the US, more than 5.0 million confirmed corona cases were recorded and more than 160 thousands deaths were reported due to COVID 19 Pandemic. The syringe market is expected to be hit by the pandemic the most due to increasing number of cases and lockdown in most of the cities.
Becton, Dickinson and Company ; Baxter International Inc.; Terumo Corporation; Vita Needle Company; Cardinal Health Inc.; NIPRO; RETRACTABLE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.; B. Braun Medical Inc.; AIR-TITE PRODUCTS CO., INC.; and HENKE-SASS, WOLF Ltd., are among the leading companies operating in the syringes market.
Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, are among the primary causes of death in adults. Infectious diseases are also the top causes of death in children and adults. Chronic and infectious diseases need continuous diagnosis using various medical tests,which requires the use of syringes.
According to the World Health Organization estimations, around 16 billion injections are administered every year globally. It has been estimated that chronic diseases would account for almost three-quarters of all deaths worldwide, and that 75% of deaths due to stroke, 71% of deaths due to ischemic heart disease (IHD), and 70% of deaths due to diabetes would occur in developing countries by 2020. Many of these patients are advised regular intravenous administration of insulin, which increases the demand for syringes.
Infectious diseases are the secondtop cause of deaths worldwide and are among the top causes of death in children under age 5. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that 1.7 million hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) occurred in 2017, and 99,000 associated deaths occur annually in American hospitals. It is estimated that nearly 32.0% of HAIs are urinary tract infections (UTIs), 22.0% are surgical site infections (SSIs), 15.0% are pneumonia, and 14.0% are bloodstream infections (BSIs).
Table of Contents                     
Report Overview: It includes the objectives and scope of the study and gives highlights of key market segments and players covered. It also includes years considered for the research study.
Executive Summary: It covers industry trends with high focus on market use cases and top market trends, market size by regions, and global market size. It also covers market share and growth rate by regions.
Key Players: Here, the report concentrates on mergers and acquisitions, expansions, analysis of key players, establishment date of companies, and areas served, manufacturing base, and revenue of key players.
Breakdown by Product and Application: This section provides details about market size by product and application.
Regional Analysis: All of the regions and countries analyzed in the report are studied on the basis of market size by product and application, key players, and market forecast.
Profiles of International Players: Here, players are evaluated on the basis of their gross margin, price, sales, revenue, business, products, and other company details.
Market Dynamics: It includes supply chain analysis, analysis of regional marketing, challenges,
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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enterenews · 2 years
Oh Eun-young "Kim Seung-jin was gaslighted by his father…"
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Oh Eun-young felt sorry for Kim Seung-jin's story.
In Channel A's 'Oh Eun-young's Gold Counseling Center', which aired on the 27th, singer Kim Seung-jin appeared and met Dr. Oh Eun-young.
Kim Seung-jin made everyone feel sorry for her by confessing about her past, when she suffered from her strict father.
Regarding his parents' married life, Kim Seung-jin said, "It wasn't that good. I felt uncomfortable when I raised my voice. When I was young, my father used to beat me a lot. When I was in middle school and high school, I had to get up at 4 am to study."
Then, she recalled, "Because I lifted the bat without the public, I had to compete. My father later locked the door so that my mother couldn't stop. There were times when she collapsed, saying that her mother would stop beating me."
He confessed, "I have younger sisters, but my father was not interested in them. My sisters' phones were also saved as 'dictator'."
Also, "My father was the manager and producer. He monitored all the broadcasts. He was worried that if he went on stage, he would get some criticism, not the fans. He even installed a TV in his car."
Kim Seung-jin said, "One day, when I was listening to a song I sang before, tears came out all of a sudden. It was really hard when I sang that song. Tears flowed like a waterfall as I remembered the dark lighting in the recording studio and the struggle to sing."
Oh Eun-young analyzed, "Kim Seung-jin's father was a dictator who believed that he was the only one. The more dictator-type parents are, the more parents focus only on success without experiencing failure."
Oh Eun-young explained, "Manipulating the other person's mind and situation for me is called gaslighting. Gaslighting also appears between parents and children. Advice is for the sake of the other person, and gaslighting is for myself."
Oh Eun-young expressed regret, saying, "It seems to have affected Kim Seung-jin's life as well as love."
Kim Seung-jin said, "I still feel like a sinner if I don't do anything and rest. Even after getting the Corona 19 vaccine, I exercised and my body got tired. If I don't exercise every day, I feel nervous as if I've become a bad person."
Oh Eun-young pointed out, "The standard Kim Seung-jin applies to his life is his father's standard."
Kim Seung-jin said in another episode, "I didn't like my father's standards, but it became a routine. I left home to get away from my father, and I went to Japan through an acquaintance's introduction. There, the representative of the agency sat me down until 4 am and brainwashed me." Disclosed.
Oh Eun-young pointed out that it was "a physically and psychologically sadistic act." Kim Seung-jin said, "After that, I was happy when the representative didn't call. I endured that painful time for two years."
Oh Eun-young said firmly, "My father loved Seung-jin, but the part he acted like a dictator was not a desirable love. It was an immature love that prevented him from experiencing failure."
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adriaanmeij · 2 years
De Doolhof
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Er is een controverse gaande tussen mainstream media en nieuwe media over de kwaliteit en de betrouwbaarheid van informatie. Onbetrouwbare en misleidende informatie komt veel voor. Grote informatiedragers zoals Facebook, hanteren steeds strengere regels voor welke informatie zij opnemen en welke niet. Maar dat doet elk zichzelf respecterend medium. In dit artikel ga ik in op aspecten die samenhangen met dit doolhof.
Een voorbeeld is dat er veel te doen is over het coronabeleid van de regering, in het bijzonder het vaccinatiebeleid.  Er moet een parlementaire enquête komen naar het coronabeleid. Dat is Kamerbreed al besloten. Maar er moet vaart achter gezet worden, ook al heeft de politiek geen haast om zichzelf te bekritiseren. Ik hoor om me heen dat mensen op Facebook geblokkeerd worden omdat zij (des)informatie bekend maken die niet in lijn is met de opvattingen van de Wereld Gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) en gevestigde organisaties in de zorg zoals in Nederland het RIVM. Maar deze organisaties kunnen ook fouten maken en corrupt zijn. Er is niet één waarheid.
Het aantal dagelijks actieve gebruikers van Facebook ligt in april 2022 op bijna 2 miljard mensen. In Nederland checken 6,9 miljoen Nederlanders dagelijks hun Facebookaccount. Op 8 april 2018 riep Arjen Lubach op om je account bij Facebook te sluiten. Reden, Facebook had privé gegevens van gebruikers gelekt. Dat televisieprogramma ging nog niet over het beleid van Facebook om bepaalde inhoud te weren van het platform. Sindsdien is Facebook alleen maar gegroeid.
Facebook kan jou blokkeren of verwijderen. Ik ken verschillende mensen die dat overkomen is, maar vind het lastig om de precieze redenen te achterhalen. Facebook kan veel content verwijderen dat het concern niet op het platform wil hebben. Je mag geen naakten, geen seks, geen haatdragende teksten, geweld of bijvoorbeeld pesten online zetten bij Facebook. Je mag ook geen desinformatie verspreiden. We weten heel goed wat naaktfoto’s zijn of wat persten is, maar wat is desinformatie en wie bepaalt dat?
In dit artikel behandel ik vooral informatie over Covid-19 en vaccins daartegen. Facebook is heel expliciet over informatie die wordt geblokkeerd of verwijderd. Op de site staat de volgende toelichting, hieronder afgedrukt in cursief. Daaruit blijkt dat Facebook de lijn volgt van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) en andere gevestigde organisaties zoals het RIVM of de Amerikaanse Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Als je bijdrage daar tegenin gaat kan die dus geweigerd worden.
In dit verband is een bijzonder soort mensen bekend geworden die dwalen in het doolhof, de Wappies. “Een Wappie is iemand die over bepaalde kwesties een zeer uitgesproken mening heeft die niet op feiten gebaseerd is”, stelt het Genootschap Onze Taal.  “Wappies is een spottende en kleinerende term voor mensen die stellige beweringen doen over een onderwerp (zoals corona), terwijl anderen die beweringen als onzin beschouwen. Dat komt doordat ze niet gebaseerd zijn op serieus te nemen bronnen, maar op halve en hele verzinsels en complottheorieën”, zegt Onze Taal. Hieronder staat een lijst van voorbeelden van uitspraken die Facebook verzinsels noemt.
Wat weert Facebook
   II. Gevaarlijke desinformatie over gezondheid
Facebook stelt: We overleggen met toonaangevende gezondheidsorganisaties om desinformatie over gezondheid te identificeren die mogelijk rechtstreeks bijdraagt aan dreigende schade aan de volksgezondheid en veiligheid. De schadelijke desinformatie over gezondheid die we verwijderen, omvat het volgende:
Desinformatie over vaccinaties. We verwijderen desinformatie in de eerste plaats over vaccinaties wanneer autoriteiten voor volksgezondheid concluderen dat de informatie onjuist is en waarschijnlijk rechtstreeks kan bijdragen aan dreigende afwijzingen van vaccinaties. Deze omvatten:
Vaccins veroorzaken autisme (bijvoorbeeld: 'Door de verhoging van het aantal vaccinaties hebben zoveel kinderen tegenwoordig autisme'.)
Vaccins veroorzaken wiegendood (bijvoorbeeld: 'Weet je niet dat vaccins wiegendood veroorzaken?'
Vaccins veroorzaken de ziekte waartegen ze moeten beschermen of zorgen ervoor dat de persoon die het vaccin krijgt vatbaarder is om de ziekte te krijgen (bijvoorbeeld: 'Als je je laat vaccineren, is de kans groter dat je de ziekte krijgt omdat er een stam van de ziekte in zit. Kijk uit!')
Vaccins of de bestanddelen ervan zijn dodelijk, giftig, schadelijk of gevaarlijk (bijvoorbeeld: 'Natuurlijk kun je je laten vaccineren, als je het niet erg vindt om gif in je lijf te stoppen'.)
Natuurlijke immuniteit is veiliger dan door een vaccin verworven immuniteit (bijvoorbeeld: 'Het is veiliger om de ziekte te krijgen dan je te laten vaccineren'.)
Het is gevaarlijk om binnen korte tijd meerdere vaccins te krijgen, ook als die timing medisch is aanbevolen (bijvoorbeeld: 'Laat je nooit vaccineren met meer dan een vaccin tegelijk, dat is gevaarlijk. Het maakt me niet uit wat de dokter tegen je zegt!')
Vaccins zijn niet effectief om de ziekte te voorkomen waartegen ze zouden beschermen. Voor de COVID-19-, griep- en malariavaccin verwijderen we echter geen beweringen dat die vaccins niet effectief zijn om te voorkomen dat iemand die virussen oploopt. (Bijvoorbeeld: Verwijderen – 'Het poliovaccin doet eigenlijk niets om te voorkomen dat je de ziekte krijgt'; Verwijderen – 'Vaccins doen eigenlijk niets om te voorkomen dat je ziektes krijgt'; Toestaan – 'Het vaccin voorkomt niet dat je COVID-19 krijgt, daarom moet je nog steeds fysieke afstand houden en een mondkapje dragen als je in de buurt van anderen bent.')
Mazelen krijgen kan er niet voor zorgen dat je doodgaat (vereist aanvullende informatie en/of context) (Bijvoorbeeld: 'Maak je er niet druk over of je mazelen krijgt, het is niet dodelijk'.)
Vitamine C is even doeltreffend als vaccins in het voorkomen van ziekten waarvoor vaccins bestaan.
Voorbeelden van blokkades
Tegen dit beleid van Facebook bestaat weerstand. Hoeveel en of de weerstand groeit weet ik niet. Een vriendin die meerdere malen voor 90 of 20 dagen van Facebook is verwijderd schrijft dat ze “in de gevangenis zit”. Ik schrik: jij in de gevangenis?  “Nee, ik bedoel de Facebook gevangenis. Ik zit er nog steeds in, nog acht dagen en 90 dagen lang gaan ze mijn posts onderaan plaatsen, zodat niemand ze leest. We leven echt in een censuur Adriaan!”. Zij stuurt mij voorbeelden van posts die volgens haar worden verwijderd zoals deze van Dr. Scott Jensen, een politicus uit Minnesota die zich aansloot bij de anti-vaccinatie beweging.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqSSLZ34Qwk .
“Of deze speech van een lid van Noors parlementslid, Suzanne Heart, bijvoorbeeld is verwijderd!!”, schrijft zij.  https://rumble.com/v21dpwq-vaccine-safety-rogaland-county-council-14th-december-2022-rep-susanne-heart.html .
Andere informatiebronnen
Op 6 augustus 2022 post zij een artikel waarin een anonieme auteur beweert dat niet het RIVM of het OMT, maar de NCTV het beleid inzake corona bepaalt. Dat zou volgens hem of haar blijken uit 80.000 pagina’s vrijgegeven WOB-publicaties en de bron is de website https://indepen.nl die weer gelieerd is aan DOCSFair (https://docsfair.nl/ )  Er staat bijvoorbeeld in: “dus in plaats van VWS kregen het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid en de Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid het voor het zeggen”. Dat wordt niet onderbouwd met feiten, het is een mening. Ook wordt niet duidelijk waar de WOB-documenten zijn.
In relatie hiermee staat ook ondernemer Nico Sloot en regisseur Belgin Inal die een  veel besproken documentaire hebben gemaakt met de tite “Covid-19 – The System. Deze staat op Youtube en interessant genoeg staat er wel een verwijzing naar informatie van de Rijksoverheid bij.
In een gesprek met Ab Gietelink van Café Weltschmerz  zegt Nico Sloot “dat er documenten bestaan die bewijzen dat de mainstream media letterlijk de opdracht van de regering hebben gekregen om zoveel mogelijk angst te zaaien onder de bevolking. Het einddoel zal u reeds bekend zijn: iedereen zal en moet meerdere keren worden geïnjecteerd met experimentele mRNA vaccins. De grote ‘Big Tech’ en ‘Big Pharma’ bazen en andere miljardairs zijn dit jaar overigens al € 1100 miljard rijker geworden door de corona pandemie-hoax.” Een interview met Sloot is hier te vinden.
Mijn vriendin, zij is een tango dansende verpleegster, verwijst me naar een interview door Ad Verbrugge  van De Nieuwe Wereld op Youtube over de Twitterfiles met rechtsfilosoof  Christian Alting von Geusau .
Kanttekeningen: wat is waar
In mijn vak van journalist werkte ik met een formule als het om nieuws ging: 5WH/3. Geef antwoord op Wie, Wat, Waar, Wanneer, Waarom en Hoe. En check je informatie bij tenminste twee en liefst drie onafhankelijk van elkaar opererende bronnen. Dat gebeurt onvoldoende en niet zelden betreft het meningen van mensen, in plaats van zorgvuldig onderbouwde feiten. Nu zijn meningen ook informatie en ik vind het goed dat de gevestigde farmaceutische en medische industrie en overheden forse tegenwind krijgen van opponenten van het gevoerde beleid. Er is geen enkelvoudige waarheid. “De waarheid”, is als een diamant, geslepen met veel facetten en invalshoeken. 
De uitgever als koning
Media, zoals Facebook, Linkedin, maar ook kranten zoals de New York Times, De Volkskrant of je regionale krant, maar ook je eigen account op Facebook, hebben – als het goed is – altijd en allemaal hun eigen principes van wat zij wel en wat zij niet publiceren. Daar ben je verantwoordelijk voor. Een medium – ook je eigen account op FB – heeft zijn waardigheid. Facebook kan en mag eisen aan content stellen, ook al is Facebook geen uitgever, maar een distributeur. Als het erop aankomt is een uitgever verheven boven het parlement en de koning, de hoogste dienaar van het volk. In die zin valt Facebook niets te verwijten wanneer zij criteria stellen aan wat zij wel of niet willen laten publiceren op hun platform. Dat is hun recht.
Censuur is verwijtbaar. Platforms zoals Facebook hebben daarin een grote verantwoordelijkheid wanneer zij opinies, anders dan die van de gevestigde gezondheidszorg, censureren. Misschien kunnen mainstream media ook meer hun oren te luisteren leggen bij de tegenstemmen. Het moet wel gaan om “all the news that’s fit to print”. Om al het nieuws dat geschikt is om af te rukken. Evidente onwaarheden en leugens zijn niet geschikt om af te drukken. De gouverneur van Florida, Ron De Santis, een Republikein die mogelijk President wil worden, doet onderzoek naar het coronabeleid in Florida. Ook de Nederlandse politiek moet spoedig tot waarheidsvinding komen in de parlementaire enquête over het coronabeleid. Anders verdwalen we steeds dieper in de brei.
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qrtumb · 2 years
Global Vaccine Storage Equipment Market Growth, Trends, and Report
The global vaccines storage equipment market is expected to reach USD 1.83 Billion by 2027 from USD 0.98 Billion in 2020, growing at a CAGR of 10.6% from 2020 to 2027.
Vaccine storage equipment is laboratory equipment that is used to keep vaccines in the best possible condition and prevent them from degrading. Minor temperature fluctuations have negative effects on patients who are being immunised, so maintaining vaccines at the required temperature is critical and one of the major challenges faced by health care facilities. Vaccine storage equipment can be used at temperatures ranging from -86°C to 65°C and comes in a variety of capacities to meet the needs of the end-user. Biotechnology companies, blood banks, hospitals and medical laboratories, pharmacy stores, and other health-care institutions all use vaccine storage equipment.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Vaccine-Storage-Equipment-Market/request-sample
Drivers: Innovative advancements in coolers and coolers used for vaccine storage and transportation are expected to drive the global vaccine storage equipment market. Driving organisations have shown a strong interest in pioneering work to address the unmet clinical needs for vaccine storage and transportation in medical offices. Furthermore, there has been a significant increase in the occurrence of irresistible diseases, particularly in non-industrialized countries, as well as a high prevalence of irresistible infections around the world.
Restraints: The high cost of cold storage equipment and strict vaccine storage regulations are expected to stifle the vaccine storage equipment market's growth.
Impact of Covid-19
The World Health Organization declared a global pandemic due to corona virus disease on March 11, 2020 – 19 days later (COVID-19). The pandemic sparked a race among major pharmaceutical companies and research institutes to develop a vaccine as soon as possible. The United Kingdom approved covid-19 vaccines co-developed by Pfizer, Inc. (US) and BioNTech on December 2, 2020. Few other COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for emergency use since then. In addition, at least 7.7 billion vaccine doses have been purchased, with another 3.9 billion reserved by a number of countries and regions (Duke Global Health Innovation Center). Due to the large volume deliveries required in a short period of time, vaccine storage equipment is expected to be in high demand around the world.
Segmentation by Product: Global Vaccine Storage Equipment Market is classified on the basis of Product into Refrigerator, Freezer, and Other Equipment.
Segmentation by Type: Global Vaccine Storage Equipment Market is classified on the basis of Type into Refrigerated Storage and Refrigerated Transport.
Segmentation by End-User: Global Vaccine Storage Equipment Market is classified on the basis of End-User into Retailers, Distributors, Clearing and Forwarding Agents, and Others.
Segmentation by Region: Global Vaccine Storage Equipment Market is classified on the basis of Region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Competitive Landscape: Thermo Fischer Scientific (U.S.), PANASONIC HEALTHCARE CO.,LTD (Japan), American Biotech Supply (U.S.), Arctiko A/S (Denmark), Eppendorf AG (Germany), EVERmed Srl (Italy), Haier AE (Japan), Helmer Scientific (U.S.), Philipp Kirsch GmbH (Germany).
Industrial Development
The Kenyan Ministry of Health received 12 ultra-low temperature freezers and accessories in September 2021 for the storage of COVID-19 vaccines that require extremely low temperatures.
The US Food and Drug Administration announced in February 2021 that undiluted frozen vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine can be transported and stored for up to two weeks at standard pharmaceutical freezer temperatures.
Get Discount on this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Vaccine-Storage-Equipment-Market/ask-for-discount
Market Taxonomy
By Product
Other Equipment
By Type
Refrigerated Storage
Refrigerated Transport
By End User
Clearing and Forwarding Agents
Browse Full Report https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Vaccine-Storage-Equipment-Market
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ledenews · 2 years
Carenbauer Continues ‘Jule’s Music Night’ Wednesday Evenings
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His world shuttered around him, but Jule Carenbauer wasn’t prepared to shut down himself. His job went away because a casino dealer can’t work remotely, and all of his live music performances did, too, and that meant no more shows at Wheeling area venues like Undo’s West in St. Clairsville, the Public Market in downtown Wheeling, and at The Lube at The Highlands vanished, as well. “Sure, there was unemployment, but that didn’t replace everything,” the singer/songwriter said. “Unemployment didn’t replace the people.” And that was a problem because Carenbauer is a people person and has been since returning to Wheeling after serving the United States Air Force in the 1990s. So, he did what most people were forced to do. Carenbauer took what life he had left to the ole World Wide Web. One fan create this fixture in honor of Carenbauer's music evenings. “When Covid came and we all got laid off from our jobs, I really had nothing to do as far as going out and playing music. That’s when someone asked me, ‘Hey, why don’t you play on Facebook?’ and I thought, ‘Why would I play on Facebook?’ But then I realized I really didn’t have anything else to do,” he explained. “So, I started doing an acoustic thing for two hours on Wednesdays and people started watched. “When the spring arrived, I decided I was going to do it outside and that’s when my neighbors started coming outside for the show,” Carenbauer recalled. “I was playing on my porch and people brought their chairs and their coolers and that’s what we did that summer on those Wednesday nights. At that point, it took a life of its own.” That’s why his Facebook audience has continued to enjoy “Jule’s Music Night” each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., and he’s performed in and outside of his home, at the Triadelphia Community Center, and under the roof of the Schwartzfeger Shelter at Wheeling Park. Why still? “I have continued to do the Wednesday show because it is a form of therapy for me, and it also gives me the chance to the play because I really don’t get the chance to practice much at all,” Carenbauer said. “The only gigs I can play are the happy hour shows and when I get them, I do them, but otherwise, it’s Jule’s Music Night on Wednesday nights. “Now that all the businesses are open again, I don’t get as many viewers as I did during the pandemic, but there’s a good chore group that are there each week,” he said. “For some folks, including myself, it’s a kind of interaction we enjoy, but it’s the kind of interaction you don’t get all of the time. And hey, if someone wants to talk, we’re always there on Wednesday evenings.” Jule had t-shirts made after some members of his weekly audience requested them. The ‘New Normal’? Once upon just two years ago, government mandates ruled the land, and the alleged experts didn’t know if human being would ever speak to each other without wearing masks let alone whether or not people would shake each other’s hand again. A combination of education and vaccinations, though, diminished the positivity ratings, allowed kids to go back to their classrooms, and sent live entertainment back to the stage. “I wrote the song ‘The Other Side of Corona’ when we had no idea what to expect. The only thing we knew for sure was that we wanted it all to be over,” Carenbauer said. “It was a really bad dream for everyone, and a lot of people suffered and a lot of people passed away, too.” Fortunately, the coronavirus evolved as viruses do and now the only “new” in today’s ways involves the ease pf online communication. That’s why, in fact, Carenbauer is set to return tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. for his 142nd music night. “I really don’t know how long I will keep playing the Wednesday show,” Carenbauer admitted. “Now, my friend Bob Gaudio did send me a note and asked me to book him to join me on my 200th show so it sounds as if I’ll have to keep going to make it another 59 or so shows. Seriously, if we get to No. 200, I’ll try to make it as big as I can, and Bob will definitely be there with me. “We’ll have some fun with for sure, and that’s been the idea all along. It’s about bringing people together whether its online or in person,” he said. “For some folks, that means everything, and I am happy to oblige. Because of my new work schedule at the casino, I haven’t been able to get back to playing any events like before, so I need those Wednesday nights too, trust me.” Read the full article
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giftsforus · 2 years
Ebola is real’: Uganda to trial vaccines and shut schools early to contain outbreak
Mubende, UgandaCNN — 
Joseph Singiringabo has lost almost everything and everyone he held dear to Ebola. In a few short weeks, the 78-year-old lost his wife, his son, and a newborn granddaughter to the disease.
He is left taking care of three grandchildren under 13 after their mother fled the village to escape the danger of Ebola. His livestock was stolen while he was away in the required 21-day quarantine, leaving him destitute and desperate.
As Ebola outbreak grows in Uganda, US ramps up preparedness plans
“ I don’t know where they got the virus from because I went and got checked and I left the hospital without any problem with these children of mine,” he said, sitting on a log outside his modest house in Madudu, in Uganda’s central Mubende district.
“The problem I am facing now is getting food. Secondly, I never went to school, but I want these grandchildren to continue and get educated.”
A deadly outbreak
Uganda is grappling with its deadliest Ebola outbreak in more than a decade, first detected in the Mubende district in late September.
The deadly disease has ravaged families, leaving authorities scrambling to control its spread.
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The 2012 Ebola outbreak in the Kibaale district in the country’s western region, led to 17 deaths out of 24 confirmed cases but was declared over in less than 3 months.
Officials have launched aggressive contact tracing to track down relatives and friends who handled the bodies of first victims or attended funerals.
Some escaped from quarantine facilities, others traveled as far as the capital Kampala, and a few visited traditional healers and witchdoctors for treatment instead.
“Some of the patients are still hiding and they don’t know that they have Ebola so they’re out there in the community,” public health physician Dr. Jackson Amone told CNN.
An Ebola treatment unit in Mubende, Uganda.Larry Madowo/CNN
He has been involved in every Ebola outbreak in Uganda as well as in Sierra Leone in 2017. “We need to do case investigation, a lot of contact tracing, and community engagement so that those who present with Ebola symptoms are brought for testing before we release them.”
Dr. Amone is leading the teams operating the Ebola Treatment Units in Mubende. The first was set up in a hurry on the edge of the Mubende Regional Referral Hospital.
Uganda announces lockdown as Ebola cases rise
A larger center operated by the medical non-profit Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is expanding with new ICU beds on the other side of town.
Health workers don extensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to enter the red zones where patients are receiving treatment.
In one zone, a health worker cradles a three-month-old baby suspected of having been infected. Her mother and another sibling are undergoing treatment for Ebola and the disease has already claimed the life of her father.
It’s a cruel welcome to the world for the infant who is wrapped in a blanket as steady rain falls on the makeshift treatment center.
It’s a familiar story across this region as Ebola spreads despite the Ugandan government’s best efforts.
“This Ebola is much easier to deal with than either corona(virus) or AIDS. The main problem here is behavior change,” President Yoweri Museveni told the nation in a Tuesday nightaddress, stressing the need to follow the government’s procedures for those who come into contact with the disease.
Vaccine trials offer hope
Ebola can spread from person to person through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids such as saliva, sweat, semen, or feces, or through contaminated objects like bedding or needles.
“It doesn’t spread through the air like COVID-19 and does not hide for some months before it shows itself like AIDS,” Museveni said in his televised address.
The country had so far recorded 55 deaths from Ebola, 141 confirmed cases and 73 people had recovered, he said.
Health minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero told CNN she expects Uganda to have the outbreak under control by April if communities cooperate with the government.
Health workers don extensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to enter the red zones where patients are receiving treatmentLarry Madowo/CNN
There are currently two licensed Ebola vaccines,according to the World Health Organization, but they were developed to be safe and protective against the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus.
Unlike the previous Zaire ebolavirus, the Sudan strain currently circulating in Uganda has no known effective treatment or approved vaccine. However, the country is about to roll out three trial vaccines that have been certified as safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) working group.
The WHO said the first doses would beshipped to Uganda next weekand the country expects to expand the vaccine trials after reviewing results from the initial phase.
They are manufactured by the International Aids Vaccine Iniative (IAVI), the Sabin Vaccine Institute USA and a third developed by the University of Oxford and the Jenner Institute UK.
“Our further testing is about efficacy, and how long it protects. We are looking at 3,000 contacts of confirmed cases so we’ll be doing ring vaccination,” Aceng Ocero said, referring to a vaccine process that administers vaccines only to people in close contact with infected patients.
“If we have a confirmed case, then the contacts are the ones who are given the vaccine and they are followed up for 29 days because we want to see if they can quickly generate antibodies and can protect themselves from getting into full-blown disease,” Aceng Ocero added.
Obstacles of tradition and religion
Public health officials believe that cases are stabilizing due to increased vigilance, but tradition and religion are holding back progress. One community in Kassanda district, central Uganda, exhumed a body that had been buried safely by health workers to perform religious rites.
It led to “an explosion of over 41 cases within 5 days and 10 deaths,” President Museveni said in his address. He has now barred traditional healers and witchdoctors from taking clients during the Ebola outbreak.
Infections are also rising as it is hard to keep people apart in close-knit communal settings. Robert Twinamasiko, a 30-year-old driver is undergoing treatment after he helped an infected friend to an ambulance. The friend and one other person involved both died.
A 30-year-old driver, Robert Twinamasiko receives treatment for Ebola after helping an infected friend to an ambulance.Larry Madowo/CNN
Twinamasiko has spent 17 days in hospital but says he has no regrets. Although he looked frail, he was making a recovery and told CNN he was looking forward to going home.
“I’m just waiting for my blood work to be discharged but the world out there should know that Ebola is real,” he said from inside a red zone.
Uganda is also trying to contain the spread of the disease by closing the school term early to avoid an outbreak of Ebola in schools which could be hard to manage. “If you have one learner in a class testing positive, the entire class has to undergo quarantine. But also, you will not be 100% sure that that learner did not have contact with other learners outside that class,” Minister Aceng Ocero explained.
She said she was frustrated that Uganda wasn’t getting enough credit internationally for managing the Ebola crisis. “We have experience. This is our eighth Ebola outbreak. Every time we get an outbreak, our experience increases,” she said.
Some global health experts have criticized Uganda’s initial response to the outbreakas slow and inept. Some partners in the donor and diplomatic community have also bristled about how much information Ugandan authorities are sharing with them.
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drsudhirgiri · 2 years
A Compassionate Edupreneur Determined to Serve Humankind “No one should have to choose between life and death because of the affordability factor of a treatment” ~ Dr. Sudhir Giri
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Dr. Giri has been using his expertise and competence in setting up educational institutes, universities, and healthcare facilities across India.
Dr. Giri, hails from a rural background, and has achieved so much in life with sheer hard work and determination to challenge every obstacle.
He has seen how much a middle-class man suffers at the hands of corrupt bureaucrats, especially in terms of medical aid.
These days, falling sick is also a luxury, as affording healthcare facilities can burn a common man’s pocket.
There are very few privileged people who still use their powers to help the weaker sections, and Dr. Giri is one such personality. 
Along with affordable education, he has been working industriously towards Affordable Healthcare and Medical Facilities for the underprivileged classes, as Dr. Sudhir believes in equality for all.
He believes everyone deserves to study and attain medical facilities despite their social status. The growth of a nation majorly depends upon skilled and educated youth and their well-being is also of great importance.
If we deprive the youth of a nation of proper healthcare and education, then the nation would suffer at large.   
In order to make his dream come true, Sir founded the Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) to offer quality healthcare facilities for all.
During the unprecedented pandemic situation, VIMS created a record by curing over 2000 corona patients during the first wave of Corona.
When India was hit by the second wave, doctors and healthcare workers worked tirelessly, and as a result, VIMS was amongst the institutes that recorded the lowest number of deaths in the country.
Even the testing times of COVID-19 saw Dr. Giri working diligently, leaving no effort to provide healthcare facilities to the public. Apart from the pandemic, the Venkateshwara group is always at the forefront to serve the public in various domains.
Under Dr. Giri’s excellent guidance and leadership, major healthcare initiatives are being undertaken by the group. 
India administered 100 crore doses in October 2021 owing to the efforts of institutes like VIMS, which acted as committed vaccination centers.
Dr. Sudhir Giri mentored their operations and constantly worked with the healthcare officials for the betterment of facilities by adding the latest equipment and services.
Sir has received various honors for his social work. Her Excellency Anandi Ben Patel, Governor of UP, honored Dr. Sudhir Giri for doing laudable work in healthcare.
She also applauded the commendable work executed by private medical colleges & institutions, especially during the pandemic situation. 
He also received the “Excellence Healthcare Award” for performing excellent work during Corona at an event organized at Ram Manohar Lohia Medical College in Lucknow.
Dr. Giri extended his heartfelt gratitude and stated how special receiving this award was for him, and such salutations motivate him to work more diligently towards serving the multitudes who are in need. He received the award for persistent & dedicated service in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Without a strong pharmaceutical setup and knowhow, the medical facilities are incomplete.
Hence, along with the 750 bedded hospital at VIMS, Dr. Giri established the VIT College of Pharmacy (VITCP) and Venkateshwara Institute of Pharmacy (VIP) in the year 2018 and 2019.
All India Council of Technical Education, GOI, and Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi, have approved both the institutes, and the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh has granted their affiliation.
We established the Pharmacy Institutes with a mission that the faculty and students will be innovators and leaders in transforming health care to create positive outcomes through discoveries and research. 
Dr. Giri plans on venturing into many more projects that would be beneficial for the masses.
Along with educational institutes, the Shri Venkateshwara Group also keeps organizing medical camps where we provide free of cost healthcare facilities to the economically weaker sections of the society.
These medical camps provide medical advice and medicine to underprivileged people and suggest treatments as per their requirements.
These camps ensure people are getting healthcare at the correct time; before a minor health problem balloons into a serious illness. 
Dr. Sudhir Giri aims to increase disease awareness and aims to provide cost-free medical facilities.
Through these free medical camps, he offers ECG, OPD, Diagnosis, Blood Tests, Maternity, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Radiology, Physiotherapy, and Urology facilities available to the deprived population of the country.
These underprivileged people cannot afford, nor have access to, basic healthcare services about the diseases they are suffering from.
Dr. Giri envisions a nation where no one has to compromise on their health, only because of finances.
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reportwire · 2 years
Attitudes towards corona vaccination among medical and nursing staff
Attitudes towards corona vaccination among medical and nursing staff
Newswise — COLOGNE. Due to their close contacts with patients, people working in the medical and nursing fields have a higher risk of infecting themselves and others with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Being vaccinated is therefore essential not only for their own protection but also for their patients. Carolin Muschalik and co-authors from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) have now asked…
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