#|OOC|The game master speaks
Listen. If we're mutuals, if we talk on discord all the time, if you let me throw my lil shits that are my muses at yours any time of the day, or even if we've hardly talked, hell- even if we haven't talked for whatever reason but we're still mutuals- this is your reminder I love you.
Not in a romantic way, so no one needs to go feel uncomfortable, but yall mean a lot to me. Some of yall have become some of the dearest people to me, and I enjoy getting to talk to you or seeing a message come in from you. Even if it's just a meme. The fact that people can see something and think of me to send it to me means more than I know to say in words.
But you're all tough as fuck. You got that? You've all been through some shit, some heartbreaking and patience trying type shit, but here you are. Even after you've likely thought at least once about giving up in some way shape or form. But you didn't. And I'm so so so proud of you for that. And I hope every day, every single day that you get to bring joy to people by waking up, even if just one person, that you get to smile. That you get to be reminded that even if you think no one does, someone out there cares and wants only the best for you.
So this thing called life? You're kicking its ass, and you better keep that going. Get that degree, aim for that promotion, give that dream you put on the backburner a shot, do whatever it takes to make you happy and don't let anyone, anyone, tell you otherwise or put you down. If they don't like your happiness, they can go wallow in their own self misery and be jealous of how far you've come.
Because you're tough as hell, and I love you for it and I'm so proud of you, you amazing human being.
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ramshacklestar · 6 months
So we all know the SECOND twst decides to put Azul in master chef it's probably going to be a fried food. Fatty goodness that Azul is going to have to touch, cook and smell but cannot consume himself cause calories are high and he needs to serve the judges. But he will absolutely be staring your food down.
You know just a prediction I have~ 💜
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feigenburkle · 1 year
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//nbd just dealt myself massive psychic damage making a fred triptych with this Picrew
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breadbrobin · 9 months
the trees
clarisse la rue x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[fem!daughter of apollo reader]
summary: you have a very specific skill set that helps your team with capture the flag, and clarisse thinks it’s fascinating. in fact, she thinks you’re as fascinating as you think she is.
warnings: swearing, arguments, fighting, PINING, heights i guess (reader is up a tree), possibly ooc clarisse but not too much i hope.
word count: 2.5k
(so the brainrot has (inevitably) spread to clarisse. there’s gonna be a part two to this as well, so lmk if y’all want it (tbh i’ll probably post it anyway but still). oh and also i love her and i am a clarisse apologist and lover until the day i die)
(sort-of-enemies to sort-of-lovers, but more like idiots to pining idiots (in a tree))
(part 2 here)
archery wasn’t the only thing you were good at, but it was by far the best thing you were good at. a daughter of apollo: master of archery, mediocre of music and magical at making weird ass noises. bird calls, animal sounds, imitations—you name it, you could do it.
and those were useful tactics in capture the flag, for sure.
annabeth chase was a master strategist, and you had to give it to her: she remembered everyone’s strengths, weaknesses and alliances while you couldn’t even remember what you’d had for breakfast that day.
as always, you were tucked up in a tree, around halfway up. you weren’t too high, so that you could speak and people wouldn’t automatically know you were above them, but you weren’t too low so they couldn’t see you.
you kind of liked being in the trees now. after three years of capture the flag and around six months of freaking out every time you climbed above ten feet, you were finally used to it. it was almost calming; a way for you to relax after a stressful day and pretend that nothing around you existed.
until the red team came by, that is.
that’s what you were waiting for. the flag was around fifty feet to your right. your job was to be a lookout and a distraction.
it was your favourite part of the game, getting to trick people and shoot arrows at them when they came too close, allowing the blue team members around the bottom of your tree to pop out and disarm their opponents.
it wasn’t a trick you used every time—not even the ares cabin are that stupid—but when you did use it, you had the time of your life.
there was a snapping branch to your left. you straightened up from where you were leaning against the tree trunk behind you and peered through the leaves. you were perched on a thick bough, hidden by leaves and branches, but able to see enough through them that you could do your job.
you could hear voices, but you couldn’t see anyone.
you listened carefully. you knew that voice.
you realised with a start who it was.
clarisse la rue.
fucking clarisse, man. she drove you insane. and not for the reason she drove most of camp insane. no, unlike almost everyone else, you were attracted to her. in fact, you were, annoyingly, in love with her, you’d have to admit. it was infuriating.
you could hear her cutting through the forest. it was strange. she didn’t usually come for the flag. usually, she hunted in the woods and caught stragglers. she didn’t want the glory as much as she wanted the fight. to her, winning the battle seemed more important than winning the war.
regardless of why, you could hear her voice. she was talking to her siblings below you, creeping through the foliage.
the sun was warm on your face and you send up a brief prayer to your father.
from your lips slipped an almost perfect impression of your blue team guards. you’d used this trick last game, but clarisse hadn’t been there, so she wouldn’t know. “i can’t believe they put us on guard duty again.”
they all froze in their tracks, looking at each other, then ahead in the opposite direction from the flag.
you held in a snicker. “ugh, yeah, it’s the worst. i mean, why can’t we do anything fun? i wanna fight clarisse!”
you could see the smirk curling on her lips and you had to stop yourself from blushing.
you continued this cat and mouse game. the ares kids below you fanned out, aiming to surround you. it would have been a smart move, if there was actually a flag there and not just a tree.
slowly, they inched in, then leapt out.
“ahh!! you caught us! i’ve been impaled!”
they looked around in fear and confusion but clarisse looked straight up. she always did.
“hey, angel, nice voice,” she mocked. “wanna come on down?”
you shook your head. “no, thanks, i’m comfortable.”
she raised and eyebrow, seeing your arrow drawn and pointed directly at her. “that’s not necessary.”
“isn’t it?” your arrow flew and, though she hit it away, you teammates came pouring out of the foliage, having been waiting for your signal.
a fight ensued. it looked like it was going well for a short while, then the tides turned.
they weren’t as caught off guard as they usually were. hell, clarisse was even smiling!
with what looked like very little effort, the ares campers effectively destroyed your teammates. they were left disarmed and defeated, and you were stuck in a tree. typical.
as her siblings took their weapons, clarisse looked up at you. “you wanna come down now?”
you shook your head. “rather not. the view from up here is pretty good.”
she muttered something to herself, but you couldn’t hear her. then she spoke up. “what if we come up there?”
you drew your bow back immediately and an arrow pierced the dirt right in front of her foot.
she looked down at it, then back up at you, an amused smirk on her face. “right, silly me.”
that surprised you. she was usually cold and cruel in capture the flag, always taking no prisoners and leaving no survivors—in a technical sense. you’d seen people nursing their minor wounds after the games when your siblings forced you to help out in the infirmary (not that you’re much help in there, but regardless), and everyone heard the stories they’d tell of clarisse appearing out of the ferns and attacking ruthlessly. so why was she not being so ruthless today?
she was certainly cruel in her fight against your team members, but any other day, she would have thrown her spear at you or thrown one of your arrows back, or even climbed up anyway. instead, she just smirked up at you, content to wait.
“where’s the flag, bows?” she asked, using a nickname she’d only used a few times, one that referenced both the bows you used and the bows you sometimes put in your hair.
you shrugged. “dunno. they don’t tell me anything. i just get out here and told to be annoying.” your traitorous eyes flickered to the direction of the flag. you’d never been good at lying.
and curse her, clarisse noticed. she always noticed when it came to you, it seemed. whether it was catching you in a lie, catching you when you were admiring her or catching your every move when sparring, she always noticed.
she nodded at her siblings and they moved off. “i’ll wait here. try and flush our squirrel out.”
if they were confused or surprised, they didn’t show it.
once they were gone, clarisse plucked the arrow from the dirt and studied it. “this is new.”
“sam from hephaestus made them,” you said meekly. why would she stay behind? it didn’t make sense. you weren’t a threat, or even a good fight.
her face darkened. “oh. and where is your boyfriend now, then? hm?”
your cheeks flamed. “he’s not my boyfriend.” and it was true. he wasn’t. despite the fact that he liked you and made things for you all the time, your heart was decidedly with another. and she was right below you, tossing your prized arrow aside like an old tissue. “he’s on your team anyway. you should know where he is.”
she smirked again. “oh, yeah. i remember now. that’s right, i sent him to try and get our flag. he didn’t even make it five steps before he was attacked.”
her bitter laugh made your heart clench. was it pity for sam or your feelings for her, or both? you weren’t sure. either way, it was starting to get on your nerves.
it was silent for a long time. she looked up at you every few seconds, then at the tree, like she was gauging how hard she’d have to push you for you to die on impact. her eyes were sharp and her smile was sharper, and fuck you were attracted to her.
you cleared your throat and broke the silence, hearing fighting off in the near distance. you would go and help, but the only way for you to do so would be to tree-hop all the way to the flag, and while you could do it, it wasn’t the best idea. “why did you stay h—what are you doing?” you aimed an arrow at her.
“relax, angel, we both know you won’t actually shoot me.” she was climbing up the tree. fast. “and don’t worry, i’m not gonna push you out or attack you. i don’t like looking up at you.”
call you stupid or whipped or whatever, but you believed her. you lowered your bow but didn’t lessen the tension on your string. she’d almost reached your branch when you swivelled around to face her. you moved fast, your arrow returning to its holster and you body facing the trunk of the tree with your legs swung over each side of the wide bough. your dagger was swiftly removed from its holster and pressed under clarisse’s chin.
she laughed at you.
you faltered slightly. “what?”
“nothing,” she snickered. “i just saw it coming. now scoot back.”
you dropped your dagger and shifted backwards, glad the bough was strong.
she clambered onto your branch easily, sitting facing you with her back against the tree trunk, a smirk on her face.
you sighed bitterly. “you see everything coming.”
she shrugged. “pretty much. but so do you.”
“that’s the gift of divine premonition,” you grumbled. it could be useful sometimes, but all you really got was a sense, a feeling or, occasionally, a single frame of a moment. right now, though, your senses were so clogged with her vanilla-strawberry and leather scent, and with her, that you could hardly think, let alone experience a minor prophecy. not to mention the fact that if you did, you’d probably fall out of the tree.
she shrugged. “isn’t that useful?”
“yeah, when it actually works or doesn’t make me pass out.” you shrugged. “it’s temperamental.”
she hummed in thought, leaning back and crossing her arms. her knees were mere centimetres from yours.
“what are you doing up here, clarisse?” you asked.
she shrugged, but you could see a shift in her demeanour when she said your name. it was like the muscles in her shoulders relaxed for a moment, then tensed again. “didn’t want you to escape.”
“so you let your other prisoners escape?” you gestured to the ground, where your teammates were sitting around fifteen feet from the tree in a circle, plucking the grass.
clarisse raised her eyebrows at you in amusement. “oh, i think they’re fine. they’re too scared of me to do anything, anyway.”
you narrowed your eyes at her. “i don’t think you’re that scary.”
she rolled her eyes. “sure. but everyone else does. so you’re wrong.”
“it was my opinion. my opinion can’t be wrong if it’s my opinion.” that was another thing: you were never one to start an argument, but by god would you escalate it.
“your opinions wrong if i say it’s wrong,” she huffed, her jaw tight.
“not how opinions work, babe,” you said lightly, using your dagger point to carve away at the bark beneath you.
she smacked your hand to stop you. “you’re gonna dull it!”
“the point is already dull!” you protested, poking your finger to show her. it indented, but didn’t draw blood. “see?”
“so, what, you threatened me with a butter knife? i’m offended.”
“it’s the idea of it that cuts deeper anyway. the primal fear of being gutted by a dagger. in capture the flag at least.” you shrugged, carving a wonky flower in the bark. “it’s more about threats than action.”
clarisse rolled her eyes. “and what if a monster comes and attacks you, and all you’ve got is this blunt dagger?”
“you ever seen an archers muscles?” you turned slightly and flexed your shoulders. you could see her eyes follow the sharp lines of your shoulders and back. “i’ll use force. force is more effective than sharpness. you know that.”
“and yet, my weapons are all still sharp.” she snatched the dagger from you and pulled out a whetstone from a pocket in her cargo pants. she began sharpening your blade.
“hey, don’t—“
she smacked your hand with the flat of your own blade when you reached for it, and you withdrawn with a hiss, shaking your hand. she laughed. “i guess force is more important, huh, angel?”
your cheeks were hot. “don’t call me that.”
“why, you worried you might like it?” she looked up, teasing. her eyes narrowed at the look on your face and then she grinned. “you do like it.”
“no. shut up.”
she laughed again, but it was a little softer than usual. she looked back down at the dagger. “did sam make this for you?”
“yeah, w—clarisse!” you gasped as she dropped it off the bough. or, more accurately, threw it off the bough. “what was that for?”
she shrugged. “it’s not that good. i’ll get you a better one from the ares stash. don’t worry.”
you glared at her. “that was mine, though!”
“it was blunt and poorly made,” she protested. “it wasn’t good enough for you.”
the way she said it made you think there was a double meaning there.
“he’s not good enough for you,” she said, softer, proving you right.
your eyes were wide and your cheeks were flaming. “what?”
“you heard me.” her softness was staying, it seemed. if you weren’t mistaken, her hand was reaching for yours. “he’s not. you know he’s not. why do you like him?”
before you could respond, a horn blew in the distance and cheering erupted from around the forest. red team had won.
clarisse didn’t look happy. she leaned back—you hadn’t even realised she’d leaned forward—and glared at the bough between you both.
“congratulations,” you said softly. “you deserved the win.”
“yeah, we did.” her voice carried very little enthusiasm.
you studied her face for a minute, like you were committing every feature to memory. “clarisse…”
she didn’t respond. instead, she swung her leg over the bough and started climbing down. only when she got two branches down did you begin to follow her, hurrying in your attempt to catch up. you couldn’t. no matter how good you were at something, she was better.
she nodded at you as she walked off, your foot caught in a tight spot.
once you’d finally got down, your teammates were surrounding you. some asked you what had happened, some accused you of being a double agent for them, some asked if you were okay.
you answered them all absently as you all walked back towards the stream, but your heart wasn’t in it. what the hell was going on?
you’d reached the stream by the time you realised you’d left your dagger behind, and you were back at your cabin, trying to fall asleep, when you realised that it didn’t bother you at all.
(part 2)
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
The Riddle of Love — Gotham! Edward Nygma x gn! reader
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summery: Edward's interest shifts to someone who indulges in his love of riddles.
tw: bullying (?), kristen kringle is a warning all her own in this fic, implied rejection (not really tho, Ed's just awkward).
a/n: I hope so much that I wrote all these characters correctly. I have riddler fever rn and really wanted to write for him, but I've always been scared that I'd write him too ooc. I think I did good tho.
wc: 3.1k
Master List
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“What is it that no one wants to have, but no one wants to lose either?” I asked. I already knew it was a lost cause. Edward Nygma was the smartest man I had ever met. Dorky? Yes. Nerdy? Absolutely. Smart? Incredibly. So trying to impress him at his own game wasn’t exactly the smartest move. Yet, the first time I gave him a riddle to solve (which he solved ridiculously fast), I don’t think I’d ever seen him so happy. So I continued to scour the internet in my free time to try and find obscure riddles. 
Although this riddle wasn’t that obscure. I was running out of riddles to find, and I sure as hell couldn’t make my own. 
“A lawsuit,” Eddie replied without missing a beat, still focusing on testing blood samples. 
I couldn’t stop the pout that formed on my face, “It’s not fair how smart you are.”
I didn’t see Ed’s lips twitch up, how the praise I didn’t think twice about saying impacted him more than he’d like to admit. It was quiet for a few minutes, and I looked back down to the papers I had brought with me. Sometimes, I found myself working in the forensic lab when I could. One of the perks of being a criminal data analyst. I could make my notes on paper, and then just copy them into the computer later. 
Since I was a data analyst, I was in the record archives often. I was acquainted with Kristen Kringle, which obviously led me to Edward Nygma. She would complain about him if I came in after he had left. At that point I didn’t know him, but I also found her complaints unfounded. I’d let her vent, but I’d also speak up for him, which made her glance away in what I assume was guilt. Then there were the unfortunate times that I’d walk in on his awkward flirting. I’d just tensely put away or take the files I needed for my research and leave them to it. 
But after enough times, I’d caught him in the middle of one of his riddles. An easy one, probably to dumb it down for Kringle so she’d be enticed to answer it in the first place. Yet he had caught the attention of the wrong person. Although that didn’t seem to put a damper on his mood. He only sent me a tight lipped smile with a little ‘ding ding ding!’. That’s how I was caught hook line and sinker. His mannerisms were oddly endearing to me, and that’s how our odd little friendship formed. 
I was brought out of my reverie as Eddie shuffled over to his microscope, “I am a nine lettered word and rhyme with perfection; I am another name for love. What am I?”
I blinked, not ready for a riddle, even though I always should be in the presence of him. I looked up from my work, and I noticed how Eddie was sweating, his cheeks flushing a bright red. I tapped the metal table anxiously, the word love had thrown me off my game and my brain felt empty of anything else. I mumbled words under my breath that rhyme with perfection. 
“Deception, reception, perception,” I mumbled, yet none of them fit the rest of the rhyme. The longer I took, the more anxious Eddie seemed to get. “Affection. Oh! The answer is affection!”
Ed cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses, “Y-yes, that is correct. G-good job.” My proud smile fell into a more awkward one, thinking over the implications. That riddle sounded like one he’d save for Kringle. Was he running out of riddles as well? The thought alone was preposterous. It was tense for a bit. And when I realized I had nothing left to do but input the current data I had on some wanna be gang leader. The sad part is I knew that the cops aren’t going to be the first ones who get them. 
Even though I needed to leave, it felt wrong for some reason. To leave the situation after Edward had seemed to admit something in his unique way of sharing. I didn’t want to assume his feelings, yet I knew he also wasn’t one to just state them willingly. Biting my lip anxiously, I decided to just do it. 
Walking over towards Ed’s hunched form, I leaned down to place a light kiss to his cheek, “I’ll see ya later Eddie.” Then I booked it out of the room, leaving behind a very flustered dork. 
It wasn’t much later in the day when Doctor Lee Thompson entered my office. It wasn’t much of an office. The dark walls made the space feel enclosed, and it barely fit my desk and the few cabinets it held. Yet I didn’t mind it since it was a space for myself. Lee, on the other hand, was another acquaintance whose office was nowhere near mine. She’d only come to my office for a few reasons, if it was work related (which was rare since our departments weren’t similar), or if it was personal. Sometimes she fessed that it seemed I needed some company, that it would do me no good to spend all this time alone in my office. Other times…it was on a more personal note, about Eddie and I’s relationship. 
She plopped a candy bar on my desk, a placating move that was all too familiar.
“You must’ve done a real number on Ed,” She smirked, sitting on my desk. Due to the tiny size of the room, and the nature of my job, I didn’t have a seat for guests. 
“What do you mean?” I asked. Deep down, I knew exactly what she meant. I knew Edward was an awkward man, and his experience with flirting was an ultimate zero. Yet it was hard to imagine that he was still affected by a small gesture of affection… Okay maybe the gesture wasn’t that small, for either of us, but still! 
Lee’s smirk widened, “I think you know exactly what. Poor little Ed kept stumbling over his words when I brought you up. Something must’ve happened.”
I unwrapped the candy bar as she spoke, wanting to avoid any thought of the earlier moment. Looking back it was so awkward and a terrible attempt at…what? Flirting? Was that my intention? I didn’t even know my own intentions! 
I took a bite from the candy bar, savoring the sweet flavor before having to explain the painfully awkward memory. When I managed to explain the event, Lee couldn’t stop herself from chuckling, causing me to finish my candy bar with a bitter look. 
“That sounds like something you’d both do,” She smiled.
“What’s that supposed to mean,” I huffed, trying to fight off the flush of embarrassment I felt. 
“Nothing,” She sighed wistfully. “But you two really take your time, huh?” 
“Shut up,” I scowled. 
“Okay, okay,” She threw her hands up in mock surrender. “I’ll stop teasing…for now. But seriously, I think you two would be cute together.”
I let out a childish groan, “I get it. Is there anything else you need?” 
“No,” She smiled as she stood up. “Just wanted to see what had Ed all wound up.”
I rolled my eyes, but my heart skipped a beat at the implication. As Lee saw herself out, my mind kept racing. What was Ed doing right now? What was he thinking about? Did he really care enough about my opinion, about my affection, that he was still affected by it? I stared at my computer screen, the cursor blinking mindlessly. Glancing at the time, I scowled as I realized I still had 30 minutes left to my shift. The idea of going home, having a relaxing dinner and then maybe treating myself to a warm bath. 
That was only the beginning. It seems that Eddie’s admiration had shifted from Kristin Kringle to me. It was flattering, to say the least. At least to me. Once I gained Ed’s attention, I seemed to have gained his colleagues attention as well. Typically, I didn’t work with the officers, I’d research criminals, then that data would be added to the files. So when I walked past James Gordon and Harvey Bullock, I never thought twice. But when Ed had waved at me, that cute tight lipped smile on his face as I waved back, a smile of my own adorning my face, it drew the attention of the two detectives. 
"Careful Ed,” Harvey mocked. “Don’t wanna scare them off.” Jim only glanced up briefly, not interested in the situation in the least. I watched as Ed’s smile twitched for a second, Harvey’s words seeming to get to him. I felt my smile slip, not liking how they treat him in the slightest.
“He…didn’t do anything wrong,” I shrugged, before waving goodbye, making my way to the record archives. Not only them, but even Kringle was looking at me more than just as a person to vent to. 
“I feel sorry for you,” She stated, adjusting her thick rimmed glasses. Her hazel eyes held their usual air of judgment as she placed some files back in their spots. 
“Why?” I asked, flipping through to find the person I needed. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” She asked, raising one of her perfectly maintained eyebrows. “Edward’s got his eyes on another victim.” I frowned, anger bubbling within me at the way she always found new ways to insult him. 
“I wouldn’t describe it like that,” I managed to grit out. “I find the sentiment sweet.”
“Wait,” Kringle paused, turning to look at me with disbelief. “Do you…like him?”
I sighed, finding it hard to focus on the task at hand with this irritating conversation, “Would there be something wrong with that?”
“Isn’t it kind of weird how fast he switched?” She asked, a hint of jealousy in her tone. “I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he loses interest in you.”
I slammed the cabinet shut in a bout of rage, leaving the room before I do something I may regret…or lose my job over. As I exited, my scowl worsened when I realized I didn’t even get what I needed. 
“Hello!” Edward’s excited voice greeted me as I entered the break room. When my gaze landed on him, I felt my expression soften, my shoulder’s relaxing. His brown eyes were so expressive, that silly smile on his face never failed to melt my heart. 
“Hey,” I muttered back. Looking over the options in the vending machine. Just get something to eat, and hopefully I’ll feel better. 
“Is…something the matter?” He asked, fidgeting with his glasses. I let out a long sigh as I sat across from him at one of the few tables. 
Taking a bite of my snack, I took some time to gather my thoughts and feelings, “Sometimes I just hate people.”
His eyebrows raised, nervously fidgeting with his tie, “Th-that’s…understandable.”
“Sorry,” I muttered, finally cooling down. “Someone was just saying some really mean things and it got to me.”
Edwards’ demeanor changed in an instant, a frown replacing his smile, and his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of concern and anger, “Who?”
I blinked, “What?”
“Who insulted you?” He asked, fists clenched. This wasn’t what I was expecting. He would get annoyed, yeah, but he’d always just stew in it until he calmed down. And he was barely angry when I was around, which was something I was proud of. So seeing him react so harshly was unusual. It made me feel a bit appreciated, that he cared enough to get this angry over it, yet it was also unsettling.
“They…they were insulting you,” I clarified, rubbing my arm awkwardly. “And trust me, I was ready to do some things that would’ve gotten me fired.”
Ed blinked, calming down drastically at the revelation, “Oh.” 
“Yeah,” I shrugged. “I swear if she says one more damned thing about you I’m gonna…” I strangled the air, the only way I could express how frustrated her insults made me.
Edward fake coughed, his cheeks tinged a light pink, “I assume you mean Miss Kringle.”
I paused, hoping it didn’t hurt that his past interest was still as rude as ever. “I didn’t even manage to get the files I needed,” I grumbled, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.
“...I can get them for you,” I felt my heart crack. Was he still interested in her? Was that why he was so ready to go into the den of the woman who so readily insults him? 
“Oh, no you don’t have to do that,” I shook my head. “I’ll just have Lee do it.”
Ed blinked, seeming to think over something before standing up, “I’ll be right back.” Before he was fully out the door he paused, “Whose case files did you need?”
I couldn’t help the tiny grin at how eager he was as I gave him the names of the people I needed files on. Yet that smile fell. Was he really so excited to get a chance to see Kringle that he almost left without knowing what files he needed? I finished my snack, getting a drink from the vending machine while I was at it. My mind continued to make up terrible scenarios that could be happening at that moment. How she could manage to crush Ed’s precious heart even more than she’s already managed to.
Ed was back quicker than I realized. It took him less than ten minutes! He set the files I needed on the table, that tight lipped grin on his face as he waited for my input.
“Oh! Thank you!” I thanked, flipping through the files to make sure they were all there. “She didn’t give you any trouble, did she?”
“No,” He replied simply. As I met his gaze, that’s when I finally realized that he was truly over Kringle. I should’ve felt disturbed at how intense his gaze was, at how strong his emotions seemed to be when he wasn’t even trying. Yet I only felt flattered, important, and wanted. Emotions I wasn’t completely used to, and caused my heart to stutter at how strong my own emotions were becoming. 
Standing up, I leaned in and kissed his cheek again, this time a bit more confident then the last time I did. I waved goodbye as I walked out with the files he gave me. I felt pride swell within me as I watched Eddie become a flustered mess as I left. It was a good mood lifter as I watched him fumble with his usual nervous ticks, before he was finally out of my sight. 
Edward’s courting tactics only seemed to grow after that. I wasn’t sure what changed him to do so. I could only speculate that Lee had something to do with it. She kept stopping by my office, asking how Ed and I were doing like she hadn’t just seen us the day before. I can’t lie, I was reveling in the attention that Ed was giving me, and I could tell he’d revel in my attention as well. A mutual pining on both sides. 
Normally, I’d be okay with that. Too scared to try and push things forward. Edward Nygma was different. He was just so…amazing. I’ve never felt so strongly towards someone. He was sweet, attentive, smart, and overall lovely. I couldn’t just settle for pining, I wanted to experience what it would be like as his lover. 
Which led me to this horrendous mess up of a confession.
I dressed up a bit nicer than usual, hoping to impress the cute dork. I felt confident in myself, an emotion I don’t feel regularly. I greeted Lee, who seemed like she guessed the occasion and sent me a wink when I walked past. 
“Hey Eddie,” I greeted, setting a cup of coffee down on the counter.
“Oh! Hello,” He greeted me, smiling. “You seem chipper this morning.”
Nudging the coffee towards him I smiled back, “It’s a good day today. I got you a coffee.”
“You didn’t need to,” Ed replied sheepishly, not used to people giving him things. 
I only shrugged, “I wanted to.” I tapped the counter I was leaning on as nerves started to slowly creep through me. So, before my anxiety could get the best of me, I blurted out, “What is mine but only you can have?”
With furrowed eyebrows, Ed actually paused to answer a riddle for the first time during this little game we had. His eyes flitted around the room, like he was trying to avoid the answer. I know he was smart enough to figure it out, so the fact he was taking so long to answer caused my heart rate to spike from anxiety. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I was reading the room wrong. I blame Lee for feeding me a wrong understanding. 
“I…uh…” Ed stuttered over his words, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Shit, shit, shit! I shouldn’t have said that. He does know the answer, I found it online easily, he obviously knows. He doesn’t feel the same and now he’s trying to find a way to politely reject me. 
“Nevermind!” I exclaimed, trying to quell my nerves by getting the fuck out of here. “Stupid riddle! Never needs an answer. I should get to work.”
“W-wait!” Eddie called out, making me stop in my tracks. So close yet so far. “I can be a fruit, I can be on a calendar, I can be important, and I can be forgotten. What am I?”
Turning back around, I watched as Eddie picked at his nails. We both seemed like complete messes at the moment. It was hard for me to think of anything due to my previous failure of admitting my feelings. I bit my lip awkwardly, trying to stop myself from making any more of a fool of myself.
“I…I’m not sure Eddie,” I chuckled solemnly.
Clearing his throat, he adjusted his glasses before admitting, “A date. W-would you accompany me on one?” I stared at him with wide eyes, unsure if I heard him correctly.
“Y-yeah! Of course I will!” That tinge of embarrassment was quickly overpowered by exhilaration. The smile that stretched across my face almost hurt with how big it was. Eddie’s smile was also wide as he still couldn’t meet my eyes.
“Is…is tonight okay? Dinner? 7 o’clock?”
“That sounds perfect.” 
And to make the moment better, I kissed his cheek before parting, excited for what the night held for us.
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
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okay my last one recieved alot of love and I'm so happy for that 🖤 send in yall's reqs please, sorry if this is kind of ehh and the timelines are weird.
WARNINGS: spoilers, OOC tomura maybe, dating hcs, gn!reader
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unlike all the tiktok hcs I've been seeing around, he's not the perfect boyfriend but he's not absolutely evil towards his partner. no he would not hit you, he doesn't even hit any of the league, why would he treat his partner any differently?
for villains/allies
he will treat you like a member of the league, but he trusts you more, obviously, he'll come to you for an opinion on his plan and he will trust your judgement, although not all the time. just don't do it infront of other members, he'll get pissed and sulk about it.
when you get harmed on a mission, he'll voice his concern by calling you an idiot for getting yourself hurt, and he'll call whoever hurt you an idiot for harming what he cared about.
he really is absolutely down bad hates you, he hates the way you make him feel so..vulnerable, and he hates the way you care about him so much, why are you kissing his bruises and wounds? he can bandage himself by himself, don't act all smartass when he gets hurt, you got hurt not too long ago too! he hates all of it! but in the end, he'll crawl into your arms just to hold you, even if it's just by your clothes, or it's you holding him, he'll grumble about how stupid it is before he presses closer against you.
he loves watching you fight or just be in your element, combat based? your his personal bodyguard now. you're kinda like skeptic where he's mostly computer based? he loves to watch and cover for you, it makes him feel like he's in a game or movie.
during the time Kurogiri was captured and sent away, that was the time you kind of saw him spiral a little, not in a manic way just in a way where he was forced to mature so suddenly and it took him a little bit to get used to it, so please be there for him.
during the overhaul arc, you were his righthand (person), there to intimidate and speak alongside him to try and get him to be mature around overhaul. luckily though that fell through.
and then, when the MLA arc started, thats when he feared for you, he knew that you were capable of protecting yourself but it wasn't so secret to the public that you were very close with him. mostly just being called 'Tomura Shigaraki's partner' or something alongs the lines of that, and he had a feeling they were going to try and target you to get information or get under his skin.
it didn't happen though, and you two ruled the PLA together and everyone was afraid of you🖤
during the months leading up to his surgery, it's up to you how you feel about it but you're worried, obviously. who wouldn't be? it was scary.
after his surgery and he obtains AFO, it kind of feels like you lost touch with him, as though he's a completely different person and it's just..off. when you find out AFO is controlling him though, somewhat like what happened during the final endings of the chapters, you're able to connect with him and try and soothe him from the inside out, even if you know it won't do much with AFO in the way.
for civilian s/o (pre USJ/15-18yr old tomura)
it was a wonder that you two got together, you'd have to be the one to approach him first though, places i think you'd be able to spot him in are the arcade, the mall, the gameshop, a 24hr place, computer cafes or hanging around different bars.
he won't be the one to confess first, actually, there won't be a confession, he kind of just thought you two became official somewhere along the way due to how close you two have become.
AFO does not approve of you, he sees you as a source of love and care that he does not want tomura to have distraction and he's torn because he does like you but he also values his master more. so once AFO finds out, he'll become distant :(
but in the end, he might end up lying or trying to brush you off whenever you become a subject between him, Kurogiri and AFO.
he hasn't done anything criminal yet so he usually tells Kurogiri he's going to the mall when in reality he's heading to you .
please just love this man. he needs it, please be patient with his bratty bullshit and show him your not gonna leave no matter what. he might throw temper tantrums but just hold him, kiss his fingers and watch him try and close off but your just too warm for his cold heart.
he's whipped, he doesn't really say i love you though, you have to say it alot otherwise he'll sulk. (he never says it back)
he tends to express his thankfulness/love language through acts of service, quality time and gift-giving. he's scared to touch you, if he disintegrates the only person to actually make him feel normal, what then? what becomes of him?
contrary to some, he's actually very insecure. like, he tries to put it off but he just hates how he looks in general, please praise him, tell him how handsome he is. he doesn't know how he's able to date someone like YOU. he doesn't consider himself as someone to take a second glance at, not even decent because of all his itchies, he doesn't tend to dwell on it but when he does, you can tell.
he never lets you sleep in the same bed as him, for obvious safety reasons but he loves watching you rest. seeing how peaceful you are wrapped up in his blankets, he loves it. sometimes while a game is taking a long time to load, queue, or install, he'll just watch you. call him creepy (please don't) but he has a bunch of pics of you sleeping.
he loves your hair, he loves smelling you, if you use scented things, he loves running his hands carefully through your hair and watching as his fingers disappear into the strands. he loves it when you do the same to him and scritch scritch here and there on him.
speaking of scratching, kissing his neck or face whenever he tries to itch them almost makes the feeling for him drop instantly, not so much but it shocked him the first time you did it.
he loves watching you laugh and smile, doesn't matter if it's about something stupid, it makes him smile too oddly enough.
to date him you have to go through the trials of mamagiri and AFO, get ready to be interrogated when he goes to the bathroom or god forbid you stay for dinner. Kurogiri will be TALKING. (In mhoj2, Kurogiri's a big talker, as in he has voicelines a minute or so long.)
he will tell you his real name if he trusts you enough (AFO does mention his real name to him when he first picked him up so im pretty sure he knows it.)
he's just a sad wet cat please love this crusty munch.
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—Ake 2024
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byhuenii · 2 months
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synopsis! rogue is trying to play matchmaker. she sees the way you look at logan and the way he looks at you (WC: idk..) pairing! logan ‘wolverine’ howlett x fem!reader warnings! usage of name instead of yn. reader has curly hair cause i said so. reader is of philippines descent cause i said so.. probably ooc. angst if ya squint?? communication but no communication 🧏‍♀️ a/n! just thought of this in my sleep and i kinda needed it.. IKAW WA IKAWWWWWW
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Rogue had sat on her bed she was thinking about a lot of things actually. Logan was sent on a solo mission by the professor and you had taken over his classes for the mean time. but there was something was a little off, she couldn’t put her finger on it but it was there.
She had been rolling all over her bed trying to figure it out, it was on the tip of her tongue yet it wasn’t coming out. “jeez” she groaned as her gloved hands flew dramatically to her face in frustration
the sound of a motorcycle being parked perked her ears up in interest, Logan was back. and if she knew he was back so did you.
She had quickly gone down the stairs to see Logan in his bell bottoms and usual leather jacket, “Logan!!” she smiled running to him giving him a hug “hi kid. Did ya miss me that much” he was a tease but a big softie that only she saw. “Not too much now” Rogue smiled
“So where’s bobby?? rogue’s face soured at that name. logan couldn’t help bjt have this ever so grin, “never liked him anyways he was too much”
“so whatever happened to ‘i’m not your father’ definitely acting like mine” rogue stuck her tongue out teasingly logan scoffed at her sass.
your heels clicked against the hard wooden floors “lo you’re back,” you made your way to him. a brown stripped button up showed your curves and the black bell bottom flares. “the trip had to be very difficult especially for someone of your smart caliber”
“and what’s that supposed to mean sweetheart” logan bit back a smile, “you know what i mean sweetheart” your smile was more of a toothy grin. rogue looked at you and then looked at logan and then looked back at you. “shut up.” she had a big smile plastered on her face
you sent her a confused look logan’s face went back to his natural angry look “what’s up with you kid?”
rogue realized she wouldn’t be able to ask them due to the fact they’d lie and lie and lie. “oh nothing just talking outloud!” she tried to play it off coolly. rogue had been cooking up this master plan in her head the minute she saw them exchanging little looks and she knew those looks by a yard.
rogue was going to play a game of matchmaker to get you two together. that shouldn’t be too hard.
There have been times rogue had felt humiliated and embarrassed but this took the number one spot, she had been so determined to get you and logan together but the progress remained at zero.
rogue had finally caught you alone, no class, no logan stuck by your side, no student asking for some help, no mission, NOTHING. just you in your classroom grading assignments. “perfect! you’re here” rogue was cheerful, “i need to ask you about something”
you looked up at rogue from your (siren) glasses that rode low on your nose ridge, “what’s wrong?” you looked back to the papers writing small notes to the kids paper.
“oh nothing i was just wondering about..you know”
“about?” you hadn’t looked up from your paper your purple jelly pen glided across the countless papers needed to be graded “if this is about extra credit you..you should know that you’re on top of everything—” “so you and logan.”
the purple pen stopped moving as you looked up to rogue. you licked your already glossed lips “what about him and i? we are friends”
“friends don’t look at each other like yall wanna drop everything and make out!”
“jesus rogue.”
“what a girl can’t speak her truth her or what?” rogue grumbled. everyday she truly started to adapt aspects of logan. “all i’m saying is logan never takes that kind of disrespect from anyone but when you’re the one saying it, it’s just different”
you laughed at the girl. “you’re not wrong but i’m not going to date him. that could jeopardize the teamwork” a painful smile crossed your lips. “you think too much about them and not about you”
“i mean look at jean and scott! they’re fine” rogue huffed, “but jean and scott are practically married at this point”
rogue started getting angry at your defiance, all she wanted was for you and logan to get together what was so hard about that. “fine looks like i’ll have to take this into my own hands”
you shook your head at the girls sudden confidence. “whatever you say rogue” rogue marched out the classroom with millions of ideas for her master match making skills.
she wasn’t gonna lie she only had about 3 options and all of them were bust. why had it been so hard for you two to just admit your feelings for each other? just a simple ‘i like you’re ‘oh my sweetheart i love you’. but no every single stint she did would backfire
plan 1. mission mistletoe.
despite the fact it was literally middle of spring almost hitting summer she had set up a small mistletoe where both you and logan always walk through TOGETHER.
she’ll drop something from above which would force them to look at the mistletoe. all was good all was great. well until you didn’t walk through the door with logan but with scott. LOGAN had just so happen to be right behind you.
“fuck.” rogue mumbled, she didn’t even want yall to look up until stupid logan noticed it, and had to stupidly call it out. “the hell is this mistletoe doing here it’s spring.” he rose a brow
scott looked up and laughed causing you to hold back a chuckle “with scott? uh uh. rather take jean” you stuck out your tongue to scott who seemed unfazed
logan’s gruffs didn’t go unnoticed by you “maybe if it was the two of us that walked through it would give a kiss but” you shrugged with a stupid grin plastered. scott looked at you and looked at logan and looked back at you “ah yes the classic tell of beauty and the beast!”
logan just glared at scott holding back his tongue which was unusual of him to do, but of course he’s in front of his lady. “you gonna tell me to stay away from your girl?” scott jabbed at logan. the same line he used when he saw jean.
“i can’t stand you two” you groan pinching your nosebridge.
plan 2. oh no my missing blanket is somehow in logan’s room
it was your favorite blanket, and also really your only blanket. you don’t know how it magically disappeared but it disappeared.
the fact it was cold tonight did not help you at all, you were practically freezing to the bone, “where the hell did it go” you tore up your bedroom to find that blanket just for it to be a mess without a blanket.
you wore cotton shirts and a tank top that seemed a little too tight around your chest area. you just threw on your fuzzy slippers and cardigan asking every single person if they’ve seen your blanket. you returned to your room with no blanket. “okay maybe he has it..i wouldn’t know how but” you were talking to yourself now,
was it the fact you were cold? you were definitely going crazy. you did some light knocks onto logan’s door “lo i have a question” you waited outside the door holding yourself in the little warmth.
it was like in a millisecondhe opened the door, “what’s up bub” he leaned against the door frame completely shirtless. your eyes definitely trailed down his body, he was sculpted like a god. his abs we’re practically chizzled with hair over them, his sweatpants hung low on the hips and you can feel your face turn flush.
“take a picture sweetheart” of course his smug ass said something. you quickly looked away from his body tearing into his bedroom “trying to get in bed with me too? you really are no subtle woman”
your face was beat red, “shut up. i was going to ask if you have my blanket”, “you mean the fluffy blanket you practically wrap yourself in?”, “yes that one”
he walked over to his bed that had it folded nicely ontop of it, “right here bub.”
“okay how did it get in here? i promise i didn’t place it in here on purpose” you quickly grabbed your blanket from the bed looking away from him in general. “you know if you really wanted to cuddle with me all you had to say was please”
he chuckled snaking his arm around your hips bringing you closer to him, you had a heap of emotions with your heart beating practically out of your chest you could tell he knew what effect he had on you. “fuck.” you mumbled looking at the wall, logan grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him . it wasn’t harsh but gentle. “look at me sweetheart” his tone was raspy but soft and gentle
you could feel your legs give out on you. you looked at him as he asked. his heart had stopped beating and at rapid pace it was ready to jump out. the urge to take him then and now was so strong but the guilt of him and you thinking about the negative dynamic riff held you back.
“please just once” he was a man that never pleased but he was pleading for you. the urge was too strong, the next time you blink your lips smashed against his. his arm held you strong against him, your lips tasted like strawberry. the strawberry chapstick you ha don’t on before made his hunger for you stronger.
he had bitten down on your bottom lip letting a moan escape your lips, you had to detach yourself from him. you needed to breathe. he was all so much. “we shouldn’t be doing this..” you put your face on his shoulder
“why can’t we? there is nothing stopping us” logan held you even tighter. you had no answer it was just guilt. “please don’t leave.” he was begging and he never begged.
you wiggled out his grip with blanket held tightly in your arms, “i’m sorry. goodnight”
not only did you feel stupid so stupid but you left logan there as if you had practically rejected him.
plan 3. movie night.
rogue was so sure that plan 2 would work but somehow the two of you were the most awkward it’s ever been. EVER.
“what the heck happened between you and [name]?!” rogue sounded annoyed at logan who had been quieter than usual. “none of ya business kid”
oh this was bad. no this was terrible.
the two of you hadn’t interacted the whole day and she could not have this couple die in a crash and burn from HER of all people. she had to think of an idea and quick “logan let’s do a movie night! we haven’t had one since you came back from your mission” rogue sounded a little too enthusiastic, logan looked at her and sighed “sure whatever”
rogue smiled and she hurriedly made it over to you, your class started in like 3 minutes. rogue stepped right in front of you “[name]. [name]. movie night tonight. you promised we’d do one!” rogue was out of breathe catching you off guard
“oh okay sure yeah ill go do you know—oh ok”
rogue smiled zooming off to her room. she had to craft the perfect excuse to leave them alone, maybe they could rekindle their relationship. cause whatever tension they had was not working.
rogue set everything up, a beer for logan, a root beer for you and a water for her. rogue had the snacks ready just she hadn’t expected the two of you to come at the same time. “oh logan! i didn’t expect you to be here”
“the kid invited me [name]” he was staring at you desperation seeped through them. ‘oh this is sm worse than i thought’
rogue smiled and pat the couch, “okay come sit. we are going to watch this movie. it’s some romance i heard it’s good”
logan groaned “anything but romance.” “it’s my turn to pick the movie so quiet grandpa” her sass spilled causing logan to scowl.
“i don’t know what’s with you two but let’s not have it ruin the day.” rogue stuck out her tongue slightly before playing the movie. the two sat uncomfortably next to rogue. even if they had some tension they’re bodies still wanted to be next to each other.
“ugh fuck this. i can’t sorry rogue this is boring” logan couldn’t even make it in 30 minutes without complaining, “you stayed quiet eye focused on the movie
logan had complaints after complaints he really tried his best don’t get the man wrong he did. you sighed “sorry rogue. i’m too tired i’m going to bed” such a coward for lying you weren’t in fact tired just restless. you couldn’t help but twist and turn over that kiss. you fucked yo you knew that but it was better than hurting the groups dynamic.
“i’ll walk you to your room [name]” logan offered getting up to walk you. “it’s alright. rogue needs you here more than me” a smile was very sweet as much as it was painful. rogues watched from the side. the littlest details from your rejection made logan reject. the way his shoulders slouched the way his hands look somewhat clammy.
“goodnight lo goodnight rogue” your footsteps quickly made its way to your room just so you can scream into your pillow. what if you just became selfish? you wanted him. he definitely wanted you.
rogue slouched on the couch pausing the movie she had no interest in, “what’s wrong with you now?” logan grumbled. his arms crossed his chest as he huffed in deeply, “it’s you two!”
“us two? what the hell you talking about kid” his lipped formed a thin line. “why are you so huffy about someone else’s problems”
“because! i’ve been trying my hardest to get you two together and yet here we were so close. SO CLOSE, i could literally feel it and the next day the two of you are awkward and so tense!”
the way rogue had rambled on and on about the two of you had made logan’s heart warm. the kid had cared for the two of you and picked up how you two were with each other even trying to help but you two just made it worse. “maybe you should just talk to her just really talk to her. all this yearning shit is too much!” she grabbed a pillow to scream into it “aye watch your mouth kid”
“you have a mouth of a sailor don’t talk to me about watching my mouth”
rogue calmed herself down standing up putting the bottles in the kitchen and the snacks. “i expect you two to be better in the morning or at least some time tomorrow. hell be together! just be together” she stormed off to her room. she was tired of them she needed her own day.
logan was left confused. so fucking confused, but he took what rogue said and marched over to your room. he stood in front of the door hand on the knob ready to open it, no knock nothing. he knew you weren’t asleep. he had nothing prepared but his raw feelings
he opened the door quietly making his pressure known and unknown at the same time. “[name]” logan’s voice soft and stern. “logan!” you jumped away from your pillow you had suffocated your face in, “listen i’m sorry about yesterday i don’t know what—oh?”
logan pinned you in between his arms on the bed his eyes wandered all over your face. he wanted your lips on his he wanted you more than ever, “i love you sweetheart. i don’t care about the damn xmen and if it effects the team i just fucking want you and only you” his forehead touched yours his breathing was steady in a hypnotic way, a smile danced on your lips, “so please shut up and let me kiss you.”
your arms snaked around a his neck bringing him down to your lips. the taste of beer and dr pepper was an interesting mix but logan did not mind. his kisses were passionate and needy, you can tell how much he longed for you. a giggle escaped your lips as your fingers played with his hair. he’s smiles were rare but he was definitely smiling into that kiss
his lips were practically intoxicated with yours, or more say you were intoxicated with his. he pulled away immediately pressing tiny kisses all over your face. “you know love? i’ve wanted you so bad but you cared too much of the teams dynamics. rightfully fuck the team”
a laugh escaped your lips “you’re so selfish” you somehow were able to flip him over so you were laying ontop of him, “yeah well being selfish led me to kiss you in the room?”
“well more so rogue did”
you placed a quick kiss on his lips before pulling away resting your head on his chest. his heartbeat was soothing, “you know i had actually been thinking that maybe i should be selfish. i wanted you badly myself, i was just too scared to act apon it..” your voice trailed low as your fingers still danced in his hair.
“you don’t have to ever think that again. i love you. let me take you on a proper date..please.” his hands rubbed your back in a soothing rhythm. he needed you close to him as possible he needed your scent on him, he needed your touch on him, he needed you on top of him as if he’s a big teddy bear.
“i’d like that.”
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a/n - BRAINROT BRAINROT this lwk ass but el oh el
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hxly-fxther · 2 months
For the Mun: It’s quite funny but fitting that God is some sort of dungeon master.
Is this your first time hosting an RPG like this, or have you held other game events in the past?
//I didn’t plan to speak publicly till after the event but I want to use this ask to talk a little about everything that’s going on.
Allow me to take off the hat for a moment. This event has been so much more than I ever have thought it would become. A lot of hard work and stress has been put into this by so many people. Characters have been pushed, hurt, made better, made worse and I could not have asked for a better community.
This is the first time I have ever hosted an event. It’s been stressful and keeping myself cut off from so much to give the experience that I am has been overwhelming. And I’m saying this with the most love that I have in my heart: I would never, ever trade this experience with another one. I would never trade who’s involved with others, everyone has played the role I’ve thought for them beautifully.
None of this has been planned, those who I interact with do not know who I am. We do not communicate OOC and the rare times we do is only for clarification purposes.
I would like to extend another thank you to everyone who has been reading along the way, shown interest on the sidelines and rooting for our players. Your time and interest is much appreciated.
To the players reading this. Thank you for the experience. Thank you for the laughs. The love. The tears. The effort. I am truly grateful for everyone here. All I hope is what is to come, will be a satisfying ending for all those involved. I have plans. Both me and Big G are rooting for you all.
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obraveyouth · 22 days
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want new-and-exciting plots for your character? long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? fear not! fill out this form and give your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. [ template source , repost don't reblog ]
MUN NAME: rinni, as dotted with hearts. OOC CONTACT: tumblr im is open for everyone and my discord is open to mutuals
have you ever felt a sudden sadness emerge when the worlds of light and shadow converge. well , these words held such truth for link ordona , marked by farore and destined as a hero , lead a simple life: a ranch hand from the rural farming village of ordon famous for its productions of milk , cheeses , and pumpkins. he spent his days helping fado with herding goats , getting sword lessons from rusl , and providing aid in entertaining the village's next generation. that is , until life wasn't so simple. link's life is changed drastically when , preparing to go on a journey to deliver a blade to the royal family of hyrule , on behalf of ordon that grotesque monsters kidnap his friends and plunge the world into perpetual twilight. it is trying to begin their rescue that he is dragged into the twilight realm and destiny makes her call: for unlike others , within the twilight , link is transfigured into the form of a proud blue eyed beast. as a wolf , link allies with midna , the twilight princess , to obtain pieces of the forbidden fused shadow and restore the realms of light and darkness. through his journey link encounters various allies , including the hero shade ( a man that once bore the mark of farore and the spirit of the hero ): link learns of hyrule's tragic history --- from the banishment of those from the shadow tribe and the gerudo king that sought to plunge the land of the god's into ruin. from this combined might link defeats the false twilight king and ganondorf , undoing the curse put upon midna's form and bringing peace back to both realms once more. 
O1. his canon point is ten years post-game ( making him twenty-seven ): link has been trying for a decade to regain connection to the twilight realm to see midna again. it has become an obsession to him and something he is always thinking about , even if not outwardly showing it. while he does carry around the master sword , link is always seen wearing the traditional clothing of ordon ( unless he has business in hyrule / castle town ): to pair with this , unless you are referred to him through a previous connection , he will not speak as to not ruin the image of the hero he bares. O2. my link has gerudo ancestry through his mother and speaks with a heavy southern drawl , all of my dialogue reflects this and sometimes he may work in a word of two of gerudo he learned from his mother , though it is very rare. O3. if your muse wants to be friends ... do not call him hero. do not put him on any kind of pedestal. link has a huge issue with people trying to paint him as something more grandiose than he sees himself to be and by people continuously doing so , it further divides him from the more common people ( except those of you ordon ): exceptions to this are children and animals --- both as a man or in the form of a wolf , link maintains an absolute adoration for animals -- domestic and wild alike. O4. he kept the shadow crystal and can transform into a wolf at anytime! along with this no matter the form , link can communicate with all animals and takes great pride in this fact! paired with this , some years ago link gained the ability to communicate with all the previous incarnations of the hero [see headcanon here]: so there are times when he will seek their guidance , think of how aang from atla communicates with his past lives.
default verse ( open ): it is a decade later and while hailed as a hero , link longs for the life he used to have and greatly misses midna , their only connection severed by her shattering of the mirror of twilight. he is tirelessly searching for a way to regain a way into the twilight realm. along with this , he has maintained his duties to the people of ordon and has even taken up gardening. link will attend political meetings , per the request of zelda , but will not speak during them and merely attends as a figurehead as the one who saved hyrule ( he does not care for all the formalities ): and has been known to journey to other kingdom's to provide aid and as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule. sacrilegious godslayer ( plotting preferred ): a link who grew tired of the cycle of incarnation and seeks to destroy it at its source of , what he believes , to be the gods he was preordained to serve [ heavy wip ]
the vast majority of my interactions i imagine will take place in either ordon , hyrule , or something adjacent to the two. though , i have no preference if they meet while link is attending a political meeting in hyrule , while as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule for another kingdom , during the ingame quest , as a wolf , or even in a modern-ish setting. my default verse is perhaps the most versatile in terms of location but i am always down to discuss and bounce ideas off!
O1. a verse with the hero of time / the hero shade. i view link and shade as having a very loving bond beyond the simple mentor / student dynamic ( it is something a bit more paternal ): if this ain't your dice i understand , but i think the implications and ability to expand upon what was not seen in canon is exciting! O2. look my main verse heavily centers around midna and link missing her , now whether this is something romantic or purely friendship i leave up to the other mundane. while , i do ship midlink ... there are many nuances to their relationship that i want to explore outside of the purely romantic. i crave it honestly because midna is such a fascinating character to me. O3. the other minor cast of twilight or other character's games. i especially love the yiga , zora , other renditions of zelda , link , ganondorf... man honestly fuck me up. i am down for like anything toss me all the plot wolfies!
while extensive canon libraries have been taken with link as a character, primarily revolving around his racial/cultural background and personal feelings outside of his duty as a hero of the gods. he is older , taller , wiser , and fairly sacrilegious. but he is still the link we all know and love from twilight princess and all the more courageous and proud. but , regarding the canonical timeline of the legend of zelda , i am trying to adhere to it as to not uproot it as i am one of those people that is a stickler for canon... until i am not. because look, nintendo is doing fuck all with their timeline so i am mostly ignoring. ocarina of time predates twilight princess more than a couple hundred years though (that map layout is so wrong ): and i like to think that the events between oot and tp are a few thousand years or so apart. when it comes to the twilight princess manga it is not something i adhere too minus very choice things: i. the midlink kiss is so canon to me , ii. link is highly intelligent and an avid reader , iii. link struggling with the duty of being a hero , iv. he has a bit of a mischievous / prankster streak. also he is very funny , and v. his interactions with the hero shade. i have poured a lot of love into developing link over the years and continue to do so. i reference the game a lot. i tweak tidbits here and there to better form a narrative and overarching story and to drive character development above all. i am not really into extensive fight threads, especially not with link ( he has countless ability of past warriors and godslaying ability in his blood ): it wouldn't be fair and i wouldn't see a point personally. i am more aligned with extensive emotion driven interactions, and though i do not mind one off ask memes for those that are not as into plot heavy novella style threads.
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Story. Ruin
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[ID: 16 digitally sketched panels in b/w]
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[Panel 1: The undead sheep runs into a old building. The building looks abandoned, with moss growing on the pillars and the domed roof. There is a blood trail behind the sheep. Scratch narrates, as game master, "You follow the sheep to an old ruin."]
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[Panel 2: An angled overhead shot of the party entering the building and walking down a dark hallway, the individuals illuminated from behind by the open doorway. Dee and The Skull are in front. No text.]
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[Panel 3: Dee's boot steps on a trapped floor tile, with SFX 'click.']
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[Panel 4: A doorway shutters, two panels dropping from the top of the doorway with SFX 'shhh-nk.']
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[Panel 5: Dee and The Skull stare at the shuttered door. There are two lit torches on the wall flanking the doors, and some light from The Skull's neck, but otherwise the room is very dark. Scratch narrates, "Dee and Skull, you are cut off from the rest of the group."]
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[Panel 6: Dee's lips twitch angrily, saying out of character, "Dammit." The Skull looks around, asking OOC, "Is there another way out?"]
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[Panel 7: A balcony in the dark room, with a lit torch hanging next to it. Scratch says, "Not on this floor, but there's a balcony."]
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[Panel 8: The Skull starts to speak, saying in character, "We should--" then being cut off.]
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[Panel 9: Dee starts climbing the wall, saying OOC, "I climb the wall." The Skull scowls at her back while Scratch says, "I need a roll for that."]
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[Panel 10: In the top left corner, a D20 shows a roll of 3. Scratch says, "Oh, bad luck." In the rest of the panel, we see Dee's character falling from the wall. Scratch continues, "You take a point of damage from the fall."]
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[Panel 11: Dee sits on the floor, teeth grit. The Skull kneels next to her, still scowling, and says, "Dee. We're not getting out of this if you keep ignoring me."]
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[Panel 12: Dee's character's head, turned away from the viewer (and The Skull). The Skull says from off panel, "Yeah, don't think I haven't noticed." Dee says, "What's the saying? The pot calls the kettle black?"]
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[Panel 13: Dee, the picture transitioning from left to right from her character to her real body. The Skull asks from off panel, "What?" Dee says, "You ignored me for as long as you could."]
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[Panel 14: The Skull, sitting at the table, with his character sheets in front of him. His arms are folded on the table and he looks deeply cross. He says, "(ellipses) I made you sweaters."]
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[Panel 15: Dee, grimacing as she speaks, saying, "You would have made them anyway, to feel useful. That's what Thadeus wanted, isn't it? Usefulness?"]
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[Panel 16: The Skull's eyes widen in shock, brows raised, as Dee says icily, "That's why he liked you more than me." End ID]
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As a Munday gift, and also because I'm getting ready for a date, here's more unrequested selfies no one asked for!
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unreadpoppy · 1 month
Festis bei umo canavarum (part 1)
Fenris x F!Hawke
Read on AO3
Summary: Hawke and Fenris' relationship, from the moment they met, to them irritating one another, to feelings growing and more.
A/N: This is too long and it's only the first part but I got stuck and decided to post it anyways. Basically, there's many scenes from the game but with some added stuff. These two have been consuming my brain and I needed to write it down to distract myself from real life. Also, there's some sexual harrasment in this chapter, so be warned. Maybe it's a bit OOC but idc.
Word count: 7,774
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When Meeran had contacted Hawke about a job, she did not think it would lead her to meeting a handsome elf, but she wasn’t complaining. 
Before being attacked by yet another bounty hunter, a white haired man, covered in white tattoos, killed them in a rather unusual way - his hand phasing through their chests while he said “I am not a slave.” 
He introduced himself as Fenris. He explained that those hunters had been sent after him by his old master, a Tevinter magister named Danarius. He needed protection and asked Hawke and her companions to help him end Danarius’s life. 
They failed, as the magister had already fled his mansion, leaving only shades and rage demons behind. Fenris went outside, to catch some air, and when Hawke and the others appeared, he was leaning against a wall. 
“I escaped a land of dark magic only to have it hunt me at every turn. It is a plague burned into my flesh and my soul. ” He said, turning to look at Hawke. “And now I find myself in the presence of yet another mage.” 
She raised a brow. It seemed that he was yet one more person that did not like mages. Though, considering his story, she wasn’t surprised. 
“Oh? Am I?” She asked, although she knew the answer, Hawke hoped she could try to play dumb as to not reveal her identity, just as she did with the templars from time to time. 
He did not buy it. “I saw you casting spells inside. I should have realized sooner what you really were.” 
She did not like the tone he used. “When you speak like that, you make it seem like I’m sort of a terrible, hidden abomination.” 
Fenris squinted his eyes and said “You are a mage.” As if the two things were one and the same. He then shook his head and asked “What manner a mage are you? What is it that you seek?”
Hawke crossed her arms. “Do you have a problem with mages?” 
“I have an issue with magic and those who are careless with it.” 
It was then that Carver said “If you have a problem with my sister, you have a problem with me.” 
“I imagine I appear ungrateful. If so, I apologize, for nothing could be further from the truth. Idid not find Danarius, but I owe you a debt.” He proceeded to give Hawke all the coin he had. “Should you find yourself in need of assistance, I should gladly render it.” 
Once again, she raised a brow, suspicious. “I’m surprised. You did not seem all that thrilled with me a moment ago.” 
Fenris sighed. “You are not Danarius. Whether you are anything like him remains to be seen.” 
After that, he proceeded to explain what led him to Kirkwall. His previous master had experimented on him, injecting lyrium into his skin, the reason as to how he had killed that man earlier, and why now Danarius was after him. 
“He wishes his precious investment back, even if he must rip it from my corpse.” 
It was then that Hawke found the perfect opportunity to tease the elf. “Seems like a waste of a perfectly handsome elf.” 
Fenris chuckled nervously, clearing his throat and changing the subject. He spoke a bit more of Danarius, his markings and Tevinter, telling Hawke that he would reclaim the mansion as his own and should she need him, he’d be there. 
With that, they said their goodbyes and left, Hawke saying she would talk to him later. 
“Interesting fellow.” Hawke said to Varric and Carver, once they were heading back to the Hanged Man. 
“An escaped ex-slave who hates mages.” Varric said. “This sure will be fun.” 
True to her word, Hawke met with Fenris at his mansion the following night. 
“Aggregio Pavalli. There are six bottles in the cellar.” He said, holding a wine bottle in his hand. “Danarius used to have me pour it for his guests. My appearance intimidated them.” 
Hawke smirked. “I can’t imagine why they would be put off.” 
“You say what’s on your mind, I’ll give you that.” 
“I’m a very opinionated woman. Might as well share it with the world.” 
Fenris huffed, taking a swing from the bottle before throwing it at the wall. “Good to know I can still take pleasure in the small things.” 
Hawke raised a brow and looked at him. She worried for a second, questions raising in her mind about his behavior, and in part she wanted to comfort him. 
Instead, however, Hawke decided to go with her usual sassiness. “You could at least offer me a glass first, you know.” 
“There’s more, if you’re really interested.” 
She waved a hand. “Perish the thought. How else would you redecorate the walls?” She leaned back in her chair, getting more comfortable. 
Fenris laughed and then eyed her for a moment before sitting down. “You never answered my question.” She raised a brow and he clarified. “About what you are seeking.” 
Hawke sighed. “Not more than what everyone else seeks. A good life for me and my family.”
He squinted his eyes. “A noble purpose. But I’ve seen many crimes committed in the name of that.” 
“That’s rich coming from the man who carved his path to freedom in blood. By his own admission.” 
Fenris clenched his jaw. “You saw that as if we were anything alike.” 
“Are we not?”
“No.” He said harshly. “We are nothing alike. You mages will always hold more power than those of us who don’t use magic.” 
She frowned. “If we were so powerful, we would have already ended the chantry and the templars.” 
“It’s practically what they have done in Tevinter.”
“Good thing we are not in Tevinter then.” Hawke said. 
“No, we are not.”  
The conversation was growing tiring for the both of them. Before it became worse, Fenris decided to change the subject. He turned to look at the flames. “I’ve wanted to leave my past behind. But it won’t stay there.” Then he looked at Hawke again. “Tell me, have you never wanted to return to Ferelden?” 
‘When he asks that after that little argument, it’s almost as if he wants me to leave’ Hawke thought. Instead, she said “I’ve no home to return to.” 
“The Blight is over. You could rebuild what you lost. Do you truly not want to?” 
She looked at him, studying his face, and something told her this question meant more to him than just mere curiosity. What it was, however, she could not tell. 
Hawke sighed. “I must admit, I have thought about it. But if we were to return, we would face the same challenges we did when we arrived in Kirkwall a year ago. Better to stay here and tend what we have, then to start over again.” 
“So you just moved on?” 
“I had to.” She said. “My home was destroyed, my father and sister were dead, and while I’ll always carry them and Ferelden in my heart, I can’t cling on to the past forever if I mean to live my life.” Hawke looked at him. “Change is good.” 
His lips formed a line. “I see.” He turned his face away, a frown appearing on his face and she wondered about what he was thinking. 
“Do you intend on staying here?” Hawke asked. 
“I haven’t decided.” He shrugged. “For now, it’s as good as any other place. I would return to Seheron if I could but…there is no life for me there.” 
“You’re from Seheron?”
“It’s what I’ve been told.” 
She frowned. “You were very young when you left, then?”
Hawke blinked and decided to drop that line of questioning. “Speaking of plans for the future…You could track your former master down, I assume. Strike him when he least expects it.” 
“I imagine he has returned to Minrathous, though I would not dare go near the city while he still lives.” He paused for a moment. “No, it is better to wait for him to leave his fortress. Fight from a fortified position.” Fenris looked at Hawke. “I do not expect your help when that day comes, but I would not turn it aside.” 
“What, you think because I’m a mage I wouldn’t help you?” She said, smirking. Before he could reply, she added “I’m teasing you, don’t worry. But tell me, how long have you been running from Danarius?”
“Three years, now. He has a way of finding me - perhaps it is the markings?” He questioned to himself. “Whatever the means, it never takes him long for him to follow. This is the first time I’ve given him reason to pause. I suppose there’s an advantage in numbers.”
“Oh? So you’ve been alone this whole time, then?”
“Sort of. I had hirelings from time to time, when I had the coin. Never anyone of substance - until you.” He shook his head. “Danarius will not give up, however. I await his return.” 
“And what if he gives up? What then.”
“Then I go to him. I will not live with a wolf at my back.” 
“You won’t let sleeping dogs lie?” 
“No. I am no fool.” 
“I understand.” She said. Although they had only just met, Hawke noticed that Fenris seemed the type to never let go of the past. If that would be good or bad was yet to be seen. “Although, if you want to begin a new life, you could stay here.” 
“I could see myself staying. For the right reasons.” He said, looking at her.
She raised a brow, a half smirk on her face. “Maybe it’s just me, but it sounds like you want to stick around.” 
He smiled briefly and then shook his head. “I should thank you again for helping with the hunters. Had I known Anso would find me a woman so capable, I’d ask sooner.”
Hawke smiled. “It sounds like you’re about to ask for a loan.” 
“Well, this mansion does require some upkeep.” He then stood up. “Perhaps I’ll practice my flattery for your next visit? With any luck I’ll become better at it.” 
“Hopefully.” Hawke stood up, making her way towards the door. “It was quite a nice visit. I shall see you soon. Good night, Fenris.” She said as she left, and he only nodded
The week after they had met, Fenris followed Hawke and Varric to the Gallows for the first time. He had heard the stories about the place, of its past and present, and that now it was where the Circle of Magi resided. 
Fenris had never been in a Circle before, though he had heard of them in Tevinter. He always wondered what they were like, if they truly could contain the mages and stop them from their wickedness. 
At first, he had been somewhat excited about the idea. A place where mages couldn’t hurt anyone. But this one felt more like a prison, and for a moment, Fenris did not know if that was better or worse. 
And although he usually did not mind the presence of templars, there were too many here and for a moment, he worried about Hawke’s presence there. 
“Are you certain it is wise for you to be here?” He asked her. 
She turned around and raised a brow at this question, but then smirked. “Oh, I’m sure nobody will notice little old me.” 
“Very reassuring.” 
“What? You mean to say that Hawke’s not your everyday, regular, citizen?” Varric chimed in sarcastically. 
“Exactly. There’s nothing special about me for them to question.” Hawked then leaned. “Besides, these templars are so stupid, they could not tell someone was a mage even if they saw them practicing magic.” 
Fenris scoffed. “If the templars are truly that bad at their jobs, why are you and Anders and Merrill so careful all the time?” He took a step forward as Hawke clenched her jaw. “I mean, by your own words, you should be able to easily parade magic around here and no one would notice.” He crossed his arms. “But the templars are good at what they do. Maybe a little too good, or else Anders wouldn’t complain about his little apostate friends being recaptured all the time.” 
Hawke’s nostrils flared. “You are infuriating.” 
He raised a brow. “Now you know how I feel.” 
Before she could reply, Varric stepped in between the two. “Sorry to interrupt your lovely argument, but people are starting to look.” He said, pointing to the others around them. 
Hawke took a deep breath and stepped behind. “Don’t worry, Varric, I’m sure Fenris and I can act like responsible adults.” She gave him a tight, fake smile. 
“I know I can.” He said. “I’m not so sure if you mages can.” 
Fenris did not understand Hawke’s interest in him. He never thought the woman to be so curious but after walking out of the Qunari compound, she began questioning. 
“I didn’t know you knew the Qun.” She said. “Or that you spoke Qunlat.”
He huffed “There is much you don’t know about me.” 
“And what if I wanted to know?” 
“I would say you’re a bigger fool than I thought.” 
“Why? Because I want to know more about you?”
“Precisely.” Fenris walked ahead, trying to end the conversation. 
But apparently, Hawke wasn’t done yet, as she soon catched up to him. 
“You’re an interesting guy. What’s the harm in wanting to know more?” 
“I’m not interesting.” He said, looking ahead and trying to ignore her. 
“Oh, but you are.” She smirked. “I’m sure underneath that facade you put-”
Fenris stopped and turned to Hawke, irritated “I don’t know what you’re trying to get at, but I suggest you stop.” 
“Or what?” 
Fenris frowned, confused. 
“If I don’t stop, what are you going to do?” She said. 
“I-” Fenris hesitated, not knowing what to say, when Hawke began to laugh. 
“You should see your face when you get mad.” She sighed. “Don’t worry, I just like pulling on your leg. I’ll leave you to your brooding.” 
“I don’t-” Fenris began to say but Hawke had walked away, Varric showing up besides him.
“Yes, you do, Broody. Yes you do.” The dwarf said chuckling, and followed behind Hawke, leaving the elf to shake his head and wonder what exactly had he gotten himself into. 
Fenris was an enigma that deeply confounded Hawke. 
By all accounts, she should hate him. At every possible turn, Fenris would voice his distaste for mages. He’d speak on how they could not be trusted, give them too much power, freedom and you’ll have another Tevinter. The circle, the templars and the chantry’s actions were all justified in his eyes - after all, to him, mages were not strong enough to not give in to the temptation of demons and blood magic. 
Hawke did not blame him for having that opinion, not after all he had endured. She believed anyone in his shoes would think the same. Maker, even she would hate mages if she had been stripped of her memory, her personhood and been experimented on, fated to carry those marks forever. 
So no, Hawke did not blame Fenris for hating mages. 
But it still hurt whenever he spoke so ill of them - in a way, he was speaking of her. 
In Lothering, Hawke never thought much about her fellow mages or their plight. Of course she knew how bad things could be in the Circle, her father having escaped one, but besides herself and her family, she didn’t think of others. 
Perhaps it had been selfish of her to not care about those beyond her family but it was not like there was much she could do. She didn’t know other mages besides her father and Bethany, why should she care about them?
It was only after Kirkwall that she began caring. 
Although she was accustomed to hiding her identity in Lothering, the dynamic in Kirkwall was more oppressive. Knight-Commander Meredith seemed intent on squashing every mage under her thumb, the number of Tranquils rising everyday. 
At first, she thought Anders was a little too radical in his views about the Circle and the Chantry. But then they met Karl and reality came crashing down on her. 
She didn’t know how to explain what she felt. The idea of having her emotions, her personality stripped from her because she commited the sin of being born was too much to bear. Surely, there must be some other way, she thought, some other way to ensure mages wouldn’t turn to demons without doing…this. 
“All color, all music in the world, gone.” Karl had said. 
Hawke’s heart beat loudly in her ears, she felt like vomiting and she wanted to cry. She wanted to not be born a mage, to live in peaceful oblivion where she did not have to think of this, did not have to hear every templar she met say how dangerous her people were. 
For days, that had been the only thing on her mind and maybe that was why she snapped at Fenris that night. 
She did not remember what he had even said. It was probably another one of this comments on how all mages were terrible. Usually, she’d ignore them, but that night, she didn’t.
“Did you know” Hawke said, turning back to face him ”that mages do not choose to be born with magic?” 
He frowned, getting by surprise with the question. “Yes, I do know. Why do you ask?”
“Well, because it certainly doesn’t look like it when you say those things about mages.”
“Am I supposed to turn a blind eye to all that mages have done simply because they were born that way?” He said angrily. 
“That is not what I said.” Hawke tried to argue but he didn’t listen as he continued his rant. 
“Is what Danarius and every other Tevinter magister done justified because they didn’t have a choice? You mages are all alike” he scoffed “You think your perceived oppression allows you to do whatever.”
“Perceived? Have you not seen how the templars treat us?” 
“That’s because you give them all the reason to! If anything, the templars are not enough. Look at all the blood mages running around in this city.” 
“They only do so because they have nothing else to turn to!” She shouted. “They take us from our homes, they give us no freedom and if we step just one hair out of line, we get ripped of our very essence. What else is there to do? There’s so many blood mages because of the templars and the chantry’s actions.” 
“So you think blood magic is good?”
“No!” She groaned, frustrated. “I don’t agree with blood magic but I can understand why so many turn to it.” 
Fenris shook his head. “Then you are just as bad as them.” 
Hawke closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before looking at him defiantly. “Then why don’t you go tell the Knight-Commander about me?” 
She took a step forward. “If you think all mages should be locked up, then by all means, go tell the next templar you see about me, Anders and Merrill. We are apostates, after all.” 
“Hawke.” He said in a low tone, almost as a warning. She continued to move towards him. 
“No, because if you truly, truly think all mages are this awful and cannot be trusted, you’d already found the nearest templar and pointed them towards our houses.” She stopped at an arm’s length from him. “So tell me, Fenris, why do you keep us around if you hate all mages?”
It was his turn to take a deep breath. “I don’t…hate all mages.”
It was Hawke’s turn to be surprised. She frowned, waiting for him to continue. 
“I am not blind. I know magic has its uses, and there are undoubtedly mages with good intentions. But even the best-intentioned mage can fall prey to temptation and their power is a curse to inflict upon others.”
“Do you think that of me?”
He looked at her. “You’re strong, Hawke.” He stepped closer to her. “Strong, capable… “ He stopped himself from saying something else, clearing his throat and then continuing. “You might be the only mage I trust to not listen to demons or turn to blood magic. Not all mages are like you, however.” After he said that, Fenris stepped back, walking away and leaving here alone. 
Those sentences kept echoing in Hawke’s mind as she made her way back to Gamlen’s house. It hadn’t been the first time he had said that - after invading Danarius’ mansion, Fenris told her something similar. 
“Had I known Anso would send a woman so capable, I might have asked him to look sooner.”
She remembered that first night when they met. She flirted with him then, finding it amusing how flustered he got when she called him handsome, his nervous chuckle endearing to her. 
“Perhaps I’ll practice my flattery for the next visit? With any luck I’ll become better at it.” 
Hawke shook her head. If what happened between the two of them that night served as indication, he had only gotten worse at it. 
By all means, she should be angry at him, and part of her was. But the other part couldn’t help but latch on to one single thought: Fenris doesn’t hate me. 
Fenris confounded her profusely because at the same time he hated mages, that he disagreed with her, he’d still trust Hawke. 
And for some reason, that made Hawke feel something like warmth. 
It was the middle of the night when Fenris was awoken by a knock on his door. He tried to ignore it but whoever it was, they wouldn’t go away until he opened the door. 
“Varric.” He said, once he saw who was bothering him. 
“Finally. For a second, I thought I was going to have to lockpick your door.” 
“It’s late. What are you doing here?” 
“It’s about Hawke.” 
Fenris straightened his back. “Did something happen to her?”
“Yes. No. It’s complicated.” Varric scratched the back of his head. “Remember how we just got the first payment for all that treasure in the Deep Roads?” Fenris nodded. “Hawke was in a bit of a low mood because of her brother and I convinced her to go drink in the Hanged Man and one thing led to another, and well, I guess you have to see it for yourself.” Varric explained. “Look, I just need someone to drag Hawke back to her home, since I tried and failed.”
“And why call me? Wouldn’t Aveline be better for this? They’re friends and all.”
He shook his head. “Aveline’s gonna give her a scolding, and the others…you how they’re like. Rivianit would encourage her more, Daisy would end up joining in, and Blondie will talk about mages again. It has to be you.” 
Fenris huffed. “Fine. But you’ll be owning me a favour.” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you wish, elf.” 
The two made their way to the Hanged Man, and from the outside, music could be heard. 
“A group of traveling bards arrived a few hours ago.” Varric explained, before opening the door. 
The moment Fenris stepped in, he understood why the dwarf was so worried. 
There was Hawke, hopping from table to table, sitting in strange men’s lap and kissing them before standing up, throwing her arms in the air and dancing. Amusing as that was, it wouldn’t be much of a problem if it wasn’t for the fact that, that night, the Hanged Man was filled with templar recruits, many of whom eyed Hawke hungrily. 
For a moment, Fenris just watched as she threw her head around, her brown hair splashing on her face, as she danced with her eyes closed without a care in the world. He had never seen her so…free. So relaxed, even if it was alcohol induced. 
And he only smirked when, for a brief second, her green eyes met his, a blush spread across her round cheeks. 
But the moment was short lived as a templar roughly grabbed her waist, his hands roaming her body, as he whispered something in her ear. Whatever it was that he had said, it was followed by Hawke elbowing him in the stomach. 
“Get…off of me.” She said, speech a bit blurred. 
“Feisty.” The man grabbed her wrist, bringing her close as he tried to kiss her. “I like it when they put up a fight.” 
She struggled against him. “I said get off!” At the sudden shouting, the musicians stopped, and for a moment, all the in the tavern seemed to stop and look at the commotion, all on edge due to the templar presence. 
In an instant, Fenris separated the two, putting himself in front of Hawke.  “You heard her.” 
“And who do you think you are?” The man put his hands on his chest and pushed Fenris. “I’m a fucking templar!” 
Fenris growled, his lyrium markings beginning to glow blue. But before he could even think about striking the templar, Hawke decided to chime in. 
“You…templars think you can…” she hiccuped “do what you…want. That you-you rule this city.” 
“Hawke.” Fenris said, in that same warning tone he used before, turning his head to look at her. 
“Don’t…don’t ‘Hawke’ me.” She said to Fenris and then turned to look at the templar. “You templar don’t scare me.” She took a swing from the cup in her hand, one that Varric immediately pried away from her. “If any- if anything, you should be scared of me.” 
The templar’s expression went from angry to amused as he chuckled “That’s cute, but I don’t see why I should be scared of a drunk girl.”
Hawke stepped forward “You don’t-you don’t know what I’m capable of.” She said and from the corner of his eye, Fenris saw a spark of electricity run in between her fingers. 
“Hawke” He whispered this time, his fingers lightly touching her wrist. She looked down, only now noticing that she was almost casting a spell. 
The man didn’t seem to notice as he said “Don’t I? You couldn’t even fight me off by yourself. So, unless you’re one of those dirty mages…” he stopped mid sentence, noticing how Hawke shifted nervously. 
The other templars seemed to have picked up on that as well, as some of them suddenly stood up. “You’re not a mage, are you?” The oldest of the group said. 
Hawke looked at Fenris, nervous. He thought it weird, as in another time, she would have easily lied to them. But then he realized: she was so drunk, even lying seemed impossible to her now, and the templars had already caught her slipping. 
Fenris evaluated the scene. Killing templars would not go well but he also wouldn’t just let them take Hawke. His jaw clenched, as he moved his hand towards his sword. 
But, before he could act, Varric moved to his side, addressing the templars. “This is Enchanter Hawke from the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, she was sent here by order of King Alistair himself to help with the apostates and this is how you treat her?” He lied and then scoffed. “I remember a time in which your order was more respectable than that.” 
It was the templars turn to gulp. “But she-she-”
“She what?” Varric interrupted him. “Had a little too much to drink? Aren’t you doing the same?” He threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “Maker forbid anyone try to have some fun around here.” 
The templars all looked at each other, panicking. “Madam, I-”
“Oh sod it off. You harassed her enough.” The dwarf stepped in front of the templar. “If I were you, I’d run from here before she decides to tell the Knight-Commander how awful you’ve been treating such an honorable guest of the king.” 
The man nodded, picked up his things and all the templars silently exited the tavern. 
For a moment, everything stilled as no one moved, unsure of what to do.  
Varric motioned to the bards. “Why’d you stop the music?” He said, and they began playing again. He then turned to the barkeeper. “And you - one round of drinks for everyone here, on my tab.” The people cheered and went back to their usual drinking and talking. 
“Thank y-you, Varric.” Hawke said, through hiccups. 
“Couldn’t let the templars mess with my favorite human, could I?” He said, and then turned to Fenris. “You make sure she gets home in one piece, ok.” 
The elf nodded, leading Hawke outside the Hanged Man. It was only then that he realized he was still holding onto her wrist, though she seem to mind - or maybe, she hadn’t noticed yet. Either way, he let go and the two began making their way to Gamlen's house. 
Usually, they wouldn’t have taken long, but due to Hawke tripping every five seconds and getting the way wrong, they had barely walked anything. After the tenth time she stumbled upon nothing, Fenris had enough. 
Without a word, he picked up Hawke, one hand underneath her knees and the other supporting her back. 
“Woah” She said before holding onto him for support. “You’re tall.” 
“I’m not that tall.” He said and then huffed. “You’re heavier than you look.”
Hawke hiccuped. “Ar-are you calling me fat?”
“Good.” She said, and put her head on his chest. For a moment, he thought of how close they were, how he’d never been that physically close to someone before. When he first got his markings, the pain was so unbearable, he refrained from others. But now, it was just a dull ache, one he could avoid if he didn’t think too much about it. Maybe it had been so long that he never realized they didn’t hurt as much. 
Or maybe it was-
“Great, we’re killing templars now.”  His thoughts were interrupted by Hawke saying that in a funny voice, followed by a chuckle. 
“Isn’t that what you…you said once? That one time, in the place with the people.” She explained. “You sound so…exasperated at the thought of killing templars.” 
“Why are you bringing this up now?” 
“Because” she paused to take a deep breath “you looked like you were going to do your….your ripping out heart thing. You were…glowing.” 
Fenris said nothing. 
“Would you?” She asked. 
“Would I what?”
“Would you have killed him? The templar?” 
Fenris thought of his answer for a moment, before saying “Yes.” 
“What?” Hawke said, flabbergasted. “Stop, stop, put me down.” She struggled until he did so. She wobbled at first, but then looked at him. “You would have?”
He crossed his arms. “Yes, Hawke, I would have.” 
“You’d rather I rat you out to them?” Fenris said, deflecting. 
“No…but you could have.” She said. Then, Hawke groaned, dragging her hands down her face. “You’re so confusing to me.”
He raised a brow. “How so?” 
Hawke inhaled deeply, walking around as she spoke.“Every time we encounter some mage and templar, you always take their side, and then you pester me about it when I let the mages go scot-free and I don’t know, you’re always complaining about us and this and that, and I just…” she sighed, frowning and shaking her head “I didn’t…I didn’t think you’d kill a templar for a mage.” 
“Not a mage.” He said. “You.” 
She looked at him, her expression softening. “Fenris-” She whispered.
“We should get to your home soon.” He cut her off and continued walking. “Before any thugs decide to rob us and you’re in condition to be fighting.” 
Hawke gasped offended, walking next to him. “I can handle myself.” 
“When you’re sober. You can’t even walk a straight line.” Fenris commented on how wobbly her walk was.
She only huffed and walked ahead of him, saying “I’ll show you who can’t walk straight, you ass.” 
Fenris chuckled at her antics, the rest of the walk silent as the two finally reached Gamlen’s house. 
“You know, with luck, I’ll be buying the estate back soon.” Hawke said, walking the steps to the front door. “We should celebrate when it happens.” 
“Only if you promise not to get this drunk again.” Fenris smirked. 
Hawke gave him a smile. “You know I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” 
He chuckled and nodded. “Take care, Hawke.” Fenris said before walking away. 
“I’ll try.” She whispered but he was already too far gone.
Three years had passed since her expedition to the Deep Roads. 
Three years since Carver became a Grey Warden. 
And three years of constantly thinking about him. 
The more time she spent with him, the more Hawke developed feelings for Fenris, and she did not know what to do with that. It seemed to her that the more they bickered and disagreed, the more she liked him.
It didn’t make sense. 
They’d argue about the right of mages, and he’d stare her down, looking at her with rage, and yet, Hawke would feel a heat spreading in her cheeks. She’d shake her head and turn away, hoping he didn’t notice it. 
She shouldn’t feel like this, not when Fenris spoke of how ‘evil’ all mages were. It was wrong, and yet, she couldn’t help but blush when he looked at her that intensely. 
Hawke didn’t remember who said it, but she once heard how the line between love and hate was thin. But Fenris didn’t hate her, which meant that…
No. He didn’t love her and she didn’t love him. 
She didn’t love him, Hawke would tell herself whenever she began thinking about him. They were just friends. That was why she wanted to take all his worries away, to show him that there was so much more to his life than just revenge. 
It was because of friendship that she always seemed to look out for him in battle, even if she knew he was capable of handling himself. And that was why she worried about him, checking on him more than the others to be sure he was doing well. Why she cared about him and what he thought of her, why she wanted to prove him wrong about mages. 
Why she looked at him and wondered what his skin would feel like against hers, his breath on her neck, his whispers on her ear. 
But Hawke could only sigh. They weren’t friends. Fenris disagreed with almost everything she did. They were rivals, too different from each other to ever reach some sort of common ground. 
She didn’t love him because she couldn’t love him. They were too different to ever work together. 
Fenris thought he was getting sick. Or better yet, Hawke must have cast some spell on him because why couldn’t he get her off his head?
Of course she would put something on him to control his thoughts, make him more agreeable and compliant. She was a mage after all, and he knew they were all the same, never to be trusted. 
Fenris sighed. Hawke would never do that and he knew. Yes, they disagreed on almost everything and got into more arguments than he had the patience for, and Hawke was a bloody mage but still, he knew she wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t mess with his thoughts or deny him his independence. 
He hated that in the time they’d known each other, she proved herself trustworthy to him. He knew that she was the one casting healing spells on him during combat (Maker knows Anders would die before doing that). She’d go to his house and listen to him, even though he rarely had anything to say. Even when they played Wicked Grace, she didn’t cheat as much as the others. 
Hawke was a woman that spoke her mind, even if it got her in trouble. Whether it was to flirt and tease or to sass someone, she wasn’t afraid to say it. And even though it made him a bit embarrassed, Fenris liked it when she called him handsome. 
He wasn’t supposed to feel this way. She was a mage. It was mages that made as miserable as he was right now, who took everything from him. Fenris had seen first hand what mages could do if they were allowed too much freedom and yet, there was Hawke. 
Sighing, Fenris opened another of the Aggregio bottles, taking a swing from it. He wanted to hate her, needed to hate her…then why did his mind kept wandering to thoughts of her. Her and her smile, her laughter, her smirk, her eyes, her hair-
“By the Maker,” he thought “she’ll be the death of me.” 
When Hawke arrived at Fenris' house, Isabela was leaving. The pirate winked at her but didn’t say anything as Hawke entered the room. 
“Three years.” Fenris said, looking elsewhere as she sat on the empty chair. “There’s still no sign of Danarius. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s finally given up.” 
She frowned. “But isn’t this his mansion? Surely, he must know you’re here.”
Fenris turned to her. “Would you be surprised to know that this isn’t, in fact, his mansion?”
“It belongs to a Tevinter merchant, one who has evidently given up on the place. Perhaps he is dead. Perhaps Danarius killed him.” 
She chuckled. “He was probably killed.  
“Why do you think so?”
“Tevinters. Never seen them give up on something that they claim belongs to them.” She said. “Besides, isn’t that what they do? Kill each other to get their possessions?” 
Fenris smirked. “Careful. You’re starting to sound like me.” 
She shrugged. “What can I say, you’re rubbing off on me.” 
He shook his head. “Either way, if Danarius is aware of my presence, he has done nothing.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re going to miss the attention.” Hawke said with a raised brow. 
He said nothing, as he looked away, and for a moment, she wondered if she said something wrong. A small moment of silence passed until he spoke again. 
“Tell me: what do you do when you stop running?” Fenris asked, looking at Hawke. 
She looked at him quizzically, then took a deep breath, thinking on the answer. 
“I guess it depends on what you want to do. Some people would go back to what they did before.”
“But I am asking you.” 
Hawke sighed. “My opinion is that you should start anew.” 
“Because if you don’t, you’ll look back and realize you spent your whole life hunting ghosts of the past instead of actually living.” She shook her head, looking down. “Our past will always be a part of us. It doesn’t mean it has to shape our future too. 
“But what if you can’t forget what happened to you? What if it keeps catching up to you.” 
“Then you keep moving forward.” She looked up at him, knowing he was talking about himself. “You don’t have to forget, Fenris. But you can let go.” 
“I don’t know how.” He frowned slightly. “My first memory is receiving these markings, the lyrium branded into my flesh. The agony wiped away everything. Whatever life I had before I became a slave…it’s lost.” He stood up abruptly. “I shouldn’t trouble you with this. My problems are not yours.” 
For a second, she didn’t know what to say. But as a smirk began forming in her face, she found the perfect opportunity to tease him. “I might be able to help with your problems…” she raised a brow “or give you a few more.” 
He crossed his arms. “More problems than you probably do, I assume.” 
She gasped dramatically, a hand on her chest. “Me? Causing problems? Never.” 
Fenris chuckled, amused as she laughed at herself. “You’re a beautiful woman, Hawke. Is there no one else who has your…attention?” He asked. 
That caught Hawke by surprise, as a blush spread on her face. 
Fenris thought she was beautiful? 
Moreover, he wouldn’t ask if there was anyone else if he wasn’t interested in her…would he? 
In other circumstances, she’d probably say something witty. Now, however, she chose to say ���Do you see anyone else here?” 
Fenris uncrossed his arms. “I’m an escaped slave, and an elf, living on a borrowed mansion. None of those things bother you?” He asked. 
“And I’m an apostate refugee.” She replied. “Does that bother you?”
“You have me there.” He took in a breath. “You raise an interesting point. I’ll have to…consider it.” 
Hawke stood up from her seat. “I’ll leave you to your thinking then. It is getting late.” She said and left. 
On her walk home - which was not too far from Fenris’ home - she pondered on what he had said. Did he think that his status as an ex-slave, as an elf, would make her want him less?
Hawke allowed herself to hope that her feelings were reciprocated. That Fenris was starting to change his mind on mages. 
That comment… ‘You’re a beautiful woman, Hawke.’ She kept replaying that sentence in her head again and again as she lay in bed. It wasn’t the first time someone had said that, but somehow, it coming from him felt…different. Special. 
‘Witch’ he called Merrill. ‘Abomination’ he called Anders. ‘Dangerous’ he called every other mage. 
But Hawke, he had called ‘beautiful’. She shouldn’t be blushing lie a girl as she was, especially with how he treated the others but she couldn’t help it. And so, that night, Hawke went to sleep with a smile on her face. 
Not too long after their last conversation, Fenris called Hawke to his mansion again. When she arrived, he was already drinking. 
She shook her head at the sight. 
“Last bottle of the Aggreio. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.” He offered the bottle to her. 
“And what’s that?” She asked and drank from the wine. 
“The anniversary of my escape. Astia valla femundis.” Fenris said as she gave him the bottle back, his voice showing the first signs of drunkenness. “Care to hear the story?” 
She leaned back on her chair. “Of course.” She said “I do enjoy listening to you talk.” 
Hawke saw a corner of his mouth turn upwards in a half smirk. “There are few pleasures greater than speaking with a beautiful woman.” 
Once again, she blushed, seeing his smirk widen at it. 
She shook her head. “Flatterer.” 
“What can I say? I told you I’d practice it.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s see. You’ve heard of Seheron? The Imperium and the Qunari have fought over the island for centuries now.” Hawke nodded and he continued. 
“I was there with Danarius during a Qunari attack. I managed to get him to a ship - but there was no room for a slave. I was left behind. I barely got out of the city alive.” 
Hawke raised both eyebrows. “Well, nothing like a war to cover one’s escape.”
“I had no intention of escaping.” He clarified. “That time.” 
Fenris explained how a group of rebels - the Fog Warriors - found him and helped him. How they were free and didn’t want to give him back to Danarius.
“He ordered me to kill them. So I did. I killed them all.” 
“Once a slave always a slave?” She said
He looked down. “It felt inevitable. My master had returned and this, this fantasy life was over. But once it was over, I looked down at their bodies. I felt…I couldn’t…” He didn’t finished the sentence, looking away. “I ran. And never looked back.” 
The two of them were silent for a moment. 
“You have questions.” Fenris said, looking at Hawke. “Ask them.” 
“How well did you know these Fog Warriors?” 
“I only knew them a few months, but in that time, I felt as if I truly lived.” He said. “They were bold. Strong. Free with their affections. I was in awe of them, and owed them everything. And I turned on them even so.” 
“But then, why didn’t you escape Danarius earlier?”
“You were not a slave. A slave does not dream of freedom, or wonder at possibilities. You think only of your master’s desires, and what the next hour will bring. It did not occur to me that I could be anything else until I had a taste of it.” He spoke in a soft tone. 
Although Hawke had other questions, she decided to stop there. She looked at him and said “Thank you for sharing this with me. It can’t be easy to talk about it.”
He took a swing from the bottle. “I have never spoken about what happened to anyone. I’ve never wanted to. You and I don’t always agree but…” 
Fenris stopped, as if measuring his next words and he looked at her…pained? ashamed? There was an emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t quite figure out. 
“You were saying?” 
“I…have never allowed anyone too close.” He said. “When my markings were created, the pain was…extraordinary. And the memory lingers.” Hawke frowned at that, but her face quickly softened as he said the next words “But you are unlike any women I’ve ever met. With you it might be different.” 
“We could find out.” She said. 
“On another evening, perhaps.” 
Hawke’s heart hammered in her chest as she felt the heat rising once again to her cheeks at the prospect that her feelings for him were not one-sided. As she noticed the half smirk on his face, due to her reaction, she decided to deflect for a moment.
“Does that mean that you’ve never…”
He shrugged. “If there was someone before, I have no memory of it.”
She inhaled. “And after you escaped?”
“I stayed nowhere for long. Who would I even trust?”
“And you trust me?” 
“You sound surprised.” 
“Well, I just…you’re always wary around mages. I wouldn’t put it past you to never trust me.” 
A small smile began to form on his face. “At first, I didn’t. I thought you mages to be all the same. I kept waiting for the moment you’d prove my suspicions. But it never came.” Fenris took a deep breath. “I didn’t think I needed anyone. Or wanted anyone.” He looked at her through half lidded eyes “Until now.” 
Hawke felt hot. She leaned forwards and grabbed the bottle from his hand. “I’ll be the one needing this now.” She said before taking a swing from it and returning it to him. 
Fenris raised the bottle high “A last toast, then: to the fallen.”
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chuchuminn · 3 months
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1. i do NOT write for nsfw/sensitive topics.
2. i normally COULD complete one request every day, maybe half another one if i can fit it in, so be patient !!!
3. state if you want a specific kind of mc, (e.g. 5'11, bubbly personality)...but if you have no ideas i'm perfectly fine with my own persona
4. strictly english only. though do speak filo and am filo im not too fluent in it huhu and kind of insecure about my grammar and writing
5. although im mainly focused on AKNK, other things like touken ranbu and other games where theres no specified mc (e.g. obey me!) are fine or just no mc and just characters (if i know it)
6. i dont know the villa butlers as well as the others so i might make them ooc or i would take longer for those stuff
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First Floor
Berrien Cliane
Lono Fontaine
Bastien Kelly
Second Floor
Haures Clifford
Fennesz Oswald
Ammon Lead
Boschi Arenas
3rd Floor
Lucas Thompscie
Lamli Bennett
☆ coming soon...~
Nac Stein
☆ coming soon...~
Miyaji Oldia
☆ coming soon...~
Flure Garcia
Lato Bacca
☆ coming soon...~
Yuuhan Shinonome
☆ coming soon...~
Hanamaru Kawakami
☆ coming soon...~
Teddy Brown
☆ coming soon...~
☆ coming soon...~
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oblivionthegiratina · 11 months
Greetings all who see!!
My name is Oblivion! However, if that is difficult to remember, Blivie is an acceptable alternative.
My Trainer and adoptive daughter is @trainerlynda. I allowed her to capture me in a master ball so no random 10 year old human catches me, as I have seen it happen before.
I go by He/They/It pronouns, and lead the Giratina of my sector of the Distortion World, they are quite rowdy.
I am mainly here to watch humans interact, as that is one of my favorite pass times. Human culture fascinates me, so I wish to observe those around me without making too much of a stir.
I have appeared on my daughter's account here and there, so this is where I got the idea to make one of my own! Sometimes I walk around in a humanoid form to keep those at ease, which is what my profile picture is!
At least until I get a better picture of myself. Cameras can be quite finicky in the Distortion world… sometimes they function, sometimes they refuse.
//Ask games Blivie has reblogged and that are currently active. Asks directed towards pokemon. Never Have I Ever! Pelipper Mail.
//Ooc more info under the cut!
//This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF, just for my comfort. This universe is a mix of pokemon and abunch of other things, if he goes to hang out with someone they'll likely go there with a portal.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//Oblivion will speak in a rather thesaurus heavy fashion most of the time, as he mainly knows big words. Sometimes he will fix his grammar to make himself more understandable, but for the most part he speaks with big words.
//Pokemon in their universe have human levels of sentience, however it is aware of places that have Pokemon that aren't sentient, so he won't find that odd.
//Real life animals exist along side Pokemon in his universe, like divergent evolution (not the pokemon thing, the science thing)
//What the tags mean. //Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking. //Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account //Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished. Blivie's Curiosity: His post/response tag. The Oblivion Ruler: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something. Distorted Musings: When Blivie is mainly talking to himself. Open to responses, but he isn't talking at anyone.
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beevean · 1 year
ooh, are we making fun of NFCV again? i wanna add to the pile re: how all the so-called "diversity" and "representation" it gets praised for goes overwhelmingly, if not entirely to the bad guys - and half of them don't even have a speaking role or even names, or at least we don't learn about them anywhere else besides the supplementary material, like in the case of drac's vampire generals (except godbrand, of course). even the two PoC good guys i can think of, zamfir and greta, aren't that great considering zamfir is portrayed as hopelessly and delusionally devoted to the deceased targoviste royalty, to the point of forsaking the wellbeing of both the underground and aboveground survivors, and then dies anyway in service of that delusion. and greta's just a last-minute newcomer to allegedly address grant's conspicuous absence that fans were complaining about from the start.
We never stop making fun of NFCV lol, there's always something new to point out 🥰
I can see how fans would respond to this that representation doesn't need to be relegated to heroes only, and you can have minority villains as long as they're not stereotyped. But yeah, the representation in NFCV is shallow at best and offensive at worst.
Most Generals in Dracula's army don't have a speaking role. Cho, the Japanese vampire who goes down in less than a minute in S2, gets a flashback after she died, because storytelling.mp4, and even then she doesn't talk. I only remember Raman's name because Carmilla says something like "there are only 4 women in this castle" nope it's just 3 of them lmao
Sumi and Taka look identical despite not being related according to Word of God, which is hysterical to me because you know they said that to divert the accusations of incest. my pal. you really think your GoT-inspired show is above twin siblings having a threesome? Also, you know, they immediately jump to rape by deception without a hint that they'd do that through all season, and then their corpses get graphically mutilated and pissed on (contrast this with the white, most likely French Lenore who gets to flirt and be cute with her victim)
Isaac is gay! How do we know that? He "jokes" out of nowhere about kissing Hector, a guy he has zero respect for. This line has no follow-up and is OOC with how serious the character is always portrayed. And that's not counting his declaration of love made to his abusive master when he was a boy.
I don't know enough about Islam to have a solid opinion on how it was treated in Isaac's case, and in a vacuum having a "complex" Muslim anti-villain is more original than usual. But I don't like how his self-flagellating habit was first treated as a result of his traumatic past, then as a religious practice, then completely dropped. Using Mohammed's own words about Hell being emptied, which from what I've read mean that in Islam hell is transitory, and twisting them to justify his necromancy is... certainly a delicate choice, but again, he doesn't really reflect on this in S4, he just jumps to "wow I sure love having agency!"
Also, in retrospect, it would have been much better if Isaac hailed from the Emirate of Granada instead of being a slave, a backstory more befitting for N!Annette for her origins and time period. In his case, it would have been more original, and expanded the world a little more. What's that? He wouldn't have a reason to hate humankind? Then how come game!Isaac can do it just fine? :) You know, since he was persecuted (maybe even by the Spanish Inquisition!) for his cursed powers? :) maybe you can have more reasons to hate humans than "former slave"? maybe black people can be depicted as something different than slaves? :)
Striga and Morana are cute together, but are non-entities who begin and end with each other. Also, funny how Morana, the lesbian of color (triple minority!), is literally the most useless and wasted of the four :) and even then the most characterization she gets is "she loves to torture people". nice
Alucard was made bi by Word of God and I don't need to repeat how appalling it is. I hate that most "antis" have a problem with him being attracted to men in the first place, and not that the declaration was made to downplay his sexual assault.
(meanwhile Carmilla, inspired by the literal archetype of the lesbian vampire, to the point that you can even see her game version as being a lesbian thanks to Laura, gets reduced to joke that she'd only sleep with Godbrand if all the men, half of the women and some of the animals died. but hey, she's a radfem, I guess that's enough)
Apparently I have... controversial opinions on the choice of darkening Hector's skin and the ethnicity he is in this version. But I will say that there is something weird in deliberately giving him bronze skin, I suppose to emphasize his Greek heritage, and then spending two seasons literally dehumanizing him and lowering him to the level of a dog and pet.
Also something about the Speakers, nomadic people whose oral traditions get made fun of, by Sypha in particular who calls them idiots, is... hm. The wiki even points out: "They are also similar to the Jews (especially due to their reverence for knowledge and their tradition of oral history) and, to a lesser extent, to the Romani."
I skipped Zamfir's plotline because by S4 I had burnout, but yeah, Greta is probably the best character of color and even then she's little more than a generic badass woman with attitude. Also she's even more ambiguously brown than Hector, I would say on the same level as Casca from Berserk - you can tell she's not white, but she's not really anything else.
(btw no, she has no relation with Grant :) )
tl;dr: the only good representation in nfcv are the tunisi people isaac speaks to and this is why i do not trust them with black annette, and i hate the fucking discourse on twitter from people who just don't like the design change
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kannymaei · 2 years
The Perfect Girl - Chapter 12 (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
Author’s Note: All characters are OOC! Please be reminded that this fanfic is Modern! AU and Highschool! AU and none of this are canons to the actual lore of Genshin Impact. I do not own Genshin Impact or the characters in the game!
Synopsis: You were a graduating high school student who somehow got involved in unfortunate events and transferred to Teyvat International School. Due to your “complicated” physical features, you became the main target of the school’s “bully”, Kamisato Ayato! Together with his friends, Diluc Ragnvindr, Tartaglia, and Arataki Itto.
Word Count: 7.3k
Taglist: @frieschan @nejibot ​​​
Next -> Chapter 13
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“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are welcoming you to the annual celebration of the Kamisato Family! I present to you the heir of the Kamisato Clan, Kamisato Ayato!” The master of the ceremony said.
Kamisato Ayato walked up the stairs and waved his hand in public. Facing a lot of people is something Ayaka and Ayato are used to.
Ayato held the mic to greet the guests that were present in the venue.
“Good evening, as you know, we are holding this every year, and I’m glad that everyone is here for this important celebration.” He paused, his eyes scanning the crowd to look for a specific individual, but no matter how much he looked from afar, he could not see the figure of this individual.
(Is she coming?) Ayato thought while thinking of someone.
“Brother?” Ayaka softly said, which snapped back Ayato to reality.
“Pardon me for the inconvenience, where was I?… As I was saying, I would like to say my gratitude for all the successful projects that wouldn’t be possible without your family’s collaboration with mine.” Ayato said seriously.
“In the future, we will be looking forward to a collaboration with foreigners, the implementation of our month-to-month charity to help children and other people that led a very unfortunate life. Our long-time plan is to build a new office that will be finished after 10 years and will be led by yours truly.” Ayato added when a question popped into his mind, what degree should he pursue that would benefit the family? His eyes continued to look at the depths of the crowd, but she still couldn't still see her.
He did not prolong his speech and felt like it was about time for his sister’s turn.
Kamisato Ayato bowed in front of the crowd and returned the microphone to the master of ceremonies, Thoma.
“And for the speech of our heiress, Kamisato Ayaka.” Thoma pointed his hand to the heiress who was beside Ayato the whole time.
Ayato stepped down from the stage and searched for a certain individual.
“Hello everyone!” Ayaka glaringly said with joy coming from her heart.
“First and foremost, I would like to give a warm welcome to me and my brother’s fiancé. Lady Guuji Yae and Lord Aether. Kindly stand up for the crowd.” Ayaka happily said while the two stood up and the audience clapped their hands.
During Ayaka’s speech, Ayato went directly to his friends' table which consisted of Diluc, Tartaglia, Itto, Lumine, Aether, and Guuji Yae.
“I-is she here?” Ayato said beside Diluc.
“I don’t think I’ve seen her anywhere in this venue,” Diluc said without looking at Ayato and just listening to Ayaka.
“Who’s here?” Yae Miko sneaked up on their conversation.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, since I feel bored right now. I just think Ayaka’s speech is not interesting for my taste-” Yae Miko added before she was shut off by Childe.
“Lady Guuji Yae, where are your manners? Please don’t speak ill of Miss Kamisato. Have you forgotten that she is your future sister-in-law? She even introduced you as her brother’s fiancé. Don’t you feel no shame?” Childe coldly responded.
“A-ah, don’t mind her… She might have drunk a little alcohol earlier…” Aether defended Miko.
“I… I wasn’t with them… I would have stopped her…” Lumine pried into the conversation.
(Why would Aether and Miko hang out together? I barely see them in school or interact, since when have they become close? Don’t overthink this Ayato, she could have felt a little lonely earlier without me on her side, so Aether accompanied her.) Ayato sighed and watched his sister in her speech.
“As per your question, Lady Guuji Yae. Ayato is simply looking for Lady Y/N L/N. '' Diluc directly said.
“Why would she be invited here, out of all the people? Ayato, are you out of your mind? She’s just going to cause a scene here, just like what she did at my birthday party.”
“I’m pretty sure everything that happened at your party was all connected to your malicious schemes, my lady,” Ayato said in defense.
“I’m annoyed Ayato, don’t talk to me. I don’t know why you’re all going near that skank wench.” Miko crossed her arms and looked away from the group. Ayato’s eyes looked sad with her response, he knew that drunk or tipsy people say their thoughts without their filter. Could this be her true colors that he didn’t notice back then?
“I’m going to be refreshed in the garden, meet me at dinner. Please enjoy the following events.” Ayato said to the group and left.
On the contrary, you are currently stuck in traffic, starting to worry if the party is already over. The butler or the driver informed you that there was a nearby accident, and it was too late for them to change directions.
“My lady, you have snacks nearby and some magazines to read if you are feeling bored.” The butler said.
You’re thinking if this butler is someone you can trust, since the last time you remember going to important events, your car crashed, and you ended up with long-term amnesia. You thought about how things could have been with Ayato if the accident never happened, probably he’s still madly in love with you.
Your thoughts then shifted to Diluc, who was with you in the very beginning. You felt that Diluc may have been hiding his feelings from you, but you shook your head.
(That’s not possible, he is just acting nice to me because I’ve been through a lot since I entered the school) You thought to yourself while you admired the stars and scenery outside the window.
(But maybe… I should move on with saving my lost relationship with Ayato and try to consider Diluc.) 
You recalled the memories you had with Diluc from the first day you met, how he brought you to the hospital, and how he showed you pure kindness without asking anything in return.
After 45 minutes, you finally see the said venue, and you retouch your makeup with your pocket mirror.
Kamisato Ayato dozed off a little on the bench he was sitting on while looking at the camellia flowers that were planted, which was an honor for him. He looked at his watch to notice that it’s been 50 minutes since he left the place and that’s where he saw… Lady Y/N L/N.
You don’t even notice him, but he was stunned by your beauty. From Ayato’s perspective, it’s like he saw an Aphrodite in the flesh. 
Your hair was tied up in a French braid bun with some pearls and flowers attached to it. Your gown was what Diluc bought for you two weeks ago, together with the shoes. The gown has a high slit that reveals your glowing skin, cold wind touches your bareback skin as you walk up the stairs of the venue. The diamonds of your heels were reflecting the light of the moon, together with the surrounding flowers. 
Ayato regrets that he wasn’t the person who bought that gown for you because you were stunning, and you’re carrying the outfit so well that any man around you would be attracted to you.
You looked to your sides and noticed the blue-haired man with a pair of lilac eyes. You slowly walked up to him instead of going to the venue directly. Ayato was left speechless with your appearance, it’s like any man’s dream seeing their crush walking towards them dressed like a bride.
“H-Hey…” You spoke softly, looking away and having your right hand rubbing your left arm. 
“Y-Y/N… Y-you came… I thought you wouldn’t make it…” Ayato replied, having his eyes locked onto your body.
“Wouldn’t make it? No, no, you got it wrong… I was stuck in heavy traffic.” You noticed that Ayato is a lot calmer around you than he was in the carnival… was it because he wanted alone time with you?
(No, you’re just overthinking this Y/N) You fixed your hair and looked away at him.
“I suppose I should go inside now…” You said and paid your respects to the Lord by bowing your head.
“Let me accompany you inside-” Ayato said and as he was about to offer his arm for you to hold, you were interrupted by Diluc.
Diluc cough and spoke… “Lord Kamisato, I think it is very inappropriate for you to be seen with another lady that is not Lady Miko especially at a very important occasion like this.”
“I beg to differ Lord Ragnvindr.” Ayato crossed his arms and replied, his eyes were so serious and you felt the tension between the two.
“I think it is alright for me to accompany Lady L/N after all, I am the main guest of this event and I’m pretty sure people would not misinterpret it.” Ayato added.
“You are so dense my Lord, what I mean is… I doubt people wouldn’t notice the way you look at Lady L/N… I am pretty sure they are different when you look at your so-called fiance. There’s no shine on your eyes whenever you look at her but why are they different from Lady L/N?” Diluc smirked and thought how will Ayato be able to escape from this question. From here, he knew that he would be able to accompany you the whole night and wouldn’t be able to be alone with you besides he also knew something is about to go down tonight. It’s better if he doesn’t spend much time with you.
“I have no words for you Lord Ragndvindr, I will be on my way now then. Take care of Lady L/N.” Ayato coldly responded and walked away.
“Shall we? My lady?” Diluc offered his arm and you gladly wrapped yours around it, your heart was racing when you feel Diluc’s presence close to you.
You spent most of your night with Diluc as he toured you around the villa. You didn’t mind if you weren’t present in the whole ceremony. After all you know that Guuji Yae is somewhere there, who knows if she might pull something again just like at her party then you’d see yourself in a coma again.
The villa almost looks like a resort where only someone who’s rich can afford to build something like this. There’s so many places that you can hang out with your friends and your favorite is the floating pavilion because the air is cool and there’s a bed that you can rest on together with the lights making the place look more aesthetic. The floating pavilion was quite unique because it has a projector and a screen where you can watch movies and shows while there’s a snack bar that you can enjoy whenever you feel hungry.
The next thing is, Diluc secretly dragged you to the penthouse. He whispered to you that you must keep it a secret because people aren’t allowed inside and outside but only Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka and their special guests. You and Diluc sneaked into a secret elevator leading to the penthouse. After reaching the top, you walked slowly on the balcony to look at the night sky. 
Diluc wanted to picture this moment, you looked so beautiful when the moonlight reflected your eyes and skin. He wanted to rewind this moment every time so he grabbed his phone and took a photo of your back with some pieces of your hair gently touching your bare shoulder. Of course, you were oblivious to his actions.
“Are we feeling comfortable Lady L/N?” Diluc asked you lovely.
“Yes, I am enjoying your company Lord Ragnvindr…” Your eyes softened on the sight of him. There’s something different with Diluc’s expression… It somehow feels like home.
“How long has it been since you showed me around here?” You asked Diluc, you assume it has been 30 minutes already.
Diluc checked his watch and said, “It has been 2 hours since you last saw Lord Ayato.”
You were shocked that it’s been that long since you last saw him, you wondered what happened in those two hours since you haven’t seen Childe, Lumine, Itto, and the others. Even if the event happens inside the hall, someone would have gone outside to take fresh air, but you haven’t noticed any people outside when you were walking around.
“I assume Lady L/N is already hungry, allow me to take you to the buffet hall” He offered his hand that you gladly accepted.
Now Playing: The Neighbourhood - Afraid (A/N: I took some lines from the song)
“When I wake up I’m afraid, somebody else might take my place”
“Ayaka! Calm down!” Lumine carefully wiped her tears and tried not to ruin her makeup.
“What’s going on?” Itto rushed towards the two ladies, assessing the situation.
“Where the hell is Diluc?” Childe frustratingly asked.
“I-I don’t know where Diluc is! Try calling him…” Lumine suggested but Childe placed his phone on the small table near them to show that Diluc hasn’t been answering his calls since two hours ago.
“Lumine! Explain the situation… please?” Itto was panicking because an important person was crying next to them. He was afraid that people might misinterpret that they offended Lady Ayaka.
“Okay so… There was a short recess after her speech right? Well, let’s say everyone at our table split up since some went to get some snacks and other people just stayed here… I don’t think anyone is allowed to go outside unless it was permitted by Lord Ayato… W-we haven’t seen my brother since then… but Ayaka got a glimpse that he headed upstairs with a lady she didn’t see… she only got a glimpse of a lady-like hand and Aether was being dragged… Ayaka… suspected my brother is cheating on her… She wanted to know what Aether was doing upstairs.” Lumine nervously explained briefly.
“In short, you want me to break into the rooms. This event is hosted by the Kamisato Family, Lady Ayaka’s orders… are absolute.” Itto seriously said.
“And I can’t even see if there’s hope there anymore”
“I-is he cheating on me?!” Ayaka cried out, some people were already looking at their area, curious if there was a commotion.
“N-nothing’s happening here, just us being excited! Hehe!” Childe tried to explain.
“Shut it Childe! You’re not helping, people would look more into our side.” Lumine said while still trying to calm Ayaka.
“Okay! I’m sorry!!” Childe conceded.
“More importantly, where is Ayato?” Itto asked while looking in the crowd, no sights of the blue-haired man.
“I’ll find him okay? Calm down Ayaka, I’ll find your brother… He can fix this.” Itto said patting Ayaka’s back and walking away from them.
“The food is yummy!” You said while Diluc spoon fed you one of the puddings that you chose.
“I’m afraid I need to help you eat all of the sweets you chose… I don’t think you can finish this..” Diluc said and was horrified how one plate could be full of desserts.
“Everything looked so good and I just can’t help myself!” You said and pouted. You were shocked when Diluc placed his thumb near your lips to wipe the frosting ,then you just deathly stared at him when he licked the frosting on his thumb.
“L-L-L-Lord Ragnvindr! Proper Etiquette! P-P-People might see us here in the corner and misinterpret our status!” Blood rushed through your cheeks and you were flustered about the thing that Diluc just did. How could he?!
“So what? If they misinterpret?” He nonchalantly said.
“D-Diluc!” You said but you were cut off by him.
“Lady L/N, why don't we just finish this plate and I will bring you to the Everbloom of No Return… I have something to show you Y/N.” Diluc wrapped one of his arms to your shoulders… Somehow, you felt safe around him.
Somewhere far from the dining hall, you were being watched by a specific individual.
“Ayato! What are you doing?" Itto grabbed Ayato from his shoulder. 
"Nothing, just admiring the dining hall. What's wrong?" Ayato remained unfazed by his friend's sudden appearance. 
"Ayaka… she's…" Itto took a deep breath before continuing.
"What's wrong? What happened to my sister?" Ayato's tone turned serious as if he is ready to punish whoever hurted his sister. 
"S-she's crying… she is suspecting Aether is cheating on her because she saw a glimpse of a lady-like arm dragging Aether upstairs among the rooms there but she wasn’t able to identify who that lady is.” Itto added.
“Aether would never do that! He probably went to take a rest and if he is cheating on my sister then he and whoever the other party is will have to ask for my mercy.” Ayato coldly responded.
“Bring me to my sister.” Ayato ordered Itto to do so, little does he know the time left until the truth is revealed.
Itto turned his back and the both of them walked among the crowd. Everyone can feel the ominous presence of Kamisato Ayato, anyone could tell from his aura that he is angry or something unpleasant happened.
After a few minutes, Itto and Ayato finally found Lumine, Childe, and Ayaka in the corner with his sister still crying.
“Ayaka! P-please! Your brother is coming for you…” Childe continued to comfort her since Aether went missing. Lumine tried to bring some snacks to also comfort her but it’s not working.
“Brother!” Ayaka’s face lit up upon the sight of her sibling.
“We’ll get to the bottom of this okay? So, stop crying before the public thinks Childe is bullying you.”
“What did I do wrong?” Childe was confused when Ayato joked about him bullying his little sister.
“I want you to calm down, and we will check the rooms upstairs one by one. Have you forgotten that we have the keys to all rooms here because I am the owner of this private villa?” Ayato kneeled down to face his sister and gave him a smile. 
Ayato thought to himself that Aether was just probably resting somewhere and asked someone for help to guide him in the rooms because he and Miko aren't familiar with this villa yet.
“Guuji Yae…” Ayato suddenly spoke.
“What about her?” Itto was full of curiosity.
“H-hey guys! Have you seen Miko anywhere? Eula and Jean were trying to find her anywhere since Jean wanted a group photo in the garden but she’s nowhere to be found!” Sara suddenly rushed towards the group catching up her breath since she’s been searching for people she knows but she doesn’t have any luck not until she saw Itto’s figure in the corner and ran to them.
Childe and Lumine looked at each other as they already had a good guess where the hell is  Guuji Yae… there could be only one answer.
“N-no… we haven’t seen her…” Lumine answered.
“Are you guys… also searching for her?” Everyone could sense that Sara was worried where Miko could have gone.
“We are now… but we are about to look for Aether.” Itto confidently said to ease down the eeriness in Sara’s heart.
“I’ll get Thoma to accommodate the guests since we’re going to be out for a while.” Childe suggested and Ayato gave a firm nod to indicate that it’s better if the guests are kept busy while they do their own search.
“Come on now Ayaka, don’t worry… Everything’s going to be alright.” Lumine said while helping Ayaka stand up from the chair, her eyes were puffy from the tears.
“O-okay…” She held Lumine’s hand tight and stood up.
Lumine assisted her in fixing her slightly messy hair and her dress.
The Kamisato siblings, Tartaglia, Arattaki Itto, Kujuo Sara, and Lumine are now heading upstairs via the secret passageway so it wouldn’t catch so much attention in public. 
“I… I swear to the archons! If I turn out to be correct where Miko is!” Sara frustratingly said while the sound of their stilettos, heels, and shoes echoes in the long hallway.
“Sara… do you… know… all these time?” Lumine said and when Sara looked behind her, she caught Lumine’s eyes directly staring at her soul.
“L-lumine… do you?” She said in a very calming voice while they continued to follow Ayato leading them upstairs.
“Do you what? Is there something everyone knows but I don’t? Are you all trying to make me feel left out?!” Itto complained, he was a little sad how everyone started to keep secrets from each other.
Ayato remained unbothered with their conversation because what is important is that they find Aether and Miko.
“He’s not cheating on you…” Ayaka kept on mumbling to herself. Ayaka felt a warm hand hold hers and when she looked up, she saw Ayato giving her a reassuring smile that everything is going to be alright.
After 20 minutes of walking, the group finally reached the destination. 
Kamisato Ayato took something from his coat which was revealed to be the keys to all of the rooms in the current floor.
“Everyone get a key, we’re going to check every room here. If anything happens, just tell them my orders are absolute.” Ayato was already making radical decisions to an extent that other people’s privacy doesn’t matter to him anymore. He was also curious about what Sara and Lumine were talking about.
Everyone took a key from Ayato and began searching each room. The villa has always been empty so each room should be empty.
After 40 minutes of searching, the group didn’t find anything.
“No luck…” Childe said. He thought to himself if the two were together, they should be on this floor but he was wrong.
Tears started to form again in Ayaka’s eyes before she started to worry again where her boyfriend is.
“T-this is an important event for me b-b-but the love of my life isn’t here! He’s not cheating on me right?!” Ayaka took Childe’s handkerchief and started to wipe her tears.
“Being me can only mean feeling scared to breath”
“Guys! Guys! Shut up! Shut up!” Itto repeatedly said, it’s as if he figured out something. The group looked at his direction before he walked up and joined them.
Itto gulped a little… before he spoke.
“M-miko… Earlier… I let her… She borrowed a key from me that leads to the master room… F-fuck! No! That’s not possible! FUCK!” Itto held his head and began to think intensely as he connected each puzzle. He recalled the events before the celebration started.
“Itto? Do you have the key that leads to the master room?” She playfully asked but Itto didn’t hesitate to hand it to her, who knows if she has a surprise for Ayato.
What was the reason why Itto has the key that leads to the master room? Why won’t Ayato have it? The reason is simple because if anything bad happens, the person holding the key would be able to lead the people to the panic room.
Ayato knew someone that isn’t him should have the key because if there were bad guys around that targets him, the people that he trusts and loves the most would be safe. 
Going back, Itto gave the key to Miko without any hesitation because he thought it would be for Ayato.
Itto was having a headache from the crucial mistake he made. But if what he thinks is correct, it’s not something that can escalate in 24 hours.
(M-miko… How long… How long… How can you do this to Ayato?”)
“No, we need to confirm it first.” Itto said and everyone is just confused at him.
“Itto what the fuck are you doing?” Ayato said he was confused why he suddenly wanted to make Ayaka shut up but little does he know that Itto doesn’t mean for Ayaka to shut up.
Miko borrowed the key.
Aether went missing.
Miko went missing.
Ayaka suspects Aether of cheating.
Miko always says she’s not yet ready to be in a relationship.
Miko and Aether… are having an affair.
“Lady Ayaka… I think I have an idea where your boyfriend is.” Itto seriously said.
“R-really?” Ayaka’s eyes showed hope, but she wasn't aware that hope would turn into despair.
“Lady Ayaka, Lord Ayato, everyone… Please follow me.” He added and walked upstairs.
“And if you leave me, then I’ll be afraid of everything”
Everyone was admiring you and Diluc’s dance in the center, as if you were a match made in heaven.
“I didn’t know Lady L/N is a good dancer” Diluc chuckled and held you by your waist tightly before he spun you around.
“I am not a good dancer, Lord Ragnvindr. I am simply following your steps.” You’ve let out a small laugh. 
“Besides… what are we going to do in the garden?” You asked and pulled Diluc closer to you as you danced with your gentle fingertips cupping his shoulder.
“You’ll know.” He whispered to your ear that made you blush.
Ayato’s heart was beginning to beat fast as they slowly approached the master’s room. His mind was so clouded, he had so many questions that were left unanswered. 
Why is Aether in the master’s room? How would this help him in finding Guuji Yae?
Ayato held the cold metal knob of the door and twisted it.
“It’s locked.” Ayato whispered.
“I don’t have the key. I’m sorry, I know there’s only one copy of that key.” Itto whispered, replying back to him.
“Does anyone have a hair clip right now?” Ayato asked the girls.
Sara quickly pulled one from her hair and fixed the shape of the hair clip a little bit.
“I’m trained to do this because of my family…” Sara volunteered to open the locked door.
Sara slowly approached the door and kneeled to see what the lock looked like where she began to hear faint voices from the inside. It took her a couple of minutes to break the lock, there was a very light sound that clicked where you wouldn’t be able to hear it if you aren’t near the door.
Sara slowly stood up and heard something from the inside. 
“What was that?”
“Don’t mind it my dear, it’s probably crickets.”
(Miko… You fucking bitch.) Sara said to herself.
“Ayaka, would you do the honor of opening the door?” Sara walked up to her and tucked some of her hair to her ears.
“Lady Ayaka… Lord Ayato… whatever is behind that door, I believe would reveal something. I want you to be strong to whoever is behind that door.” Childe quietly said as Ayato followed his sister approaching the door.
Ayaka knocked on the door that freaked out everyone outside the room.
“Y-you aren’t supposed to knock!” Sara exclaimed.
“Sorry! It was my manners…” Ayaka pleaded.
Ayato turned his back and sighed. “Itto is just playing pranks with us, let's just go.”
The door opened revealing Aether that had messy hair and an opened polo, it’s as if he was naked.
“Hey darling? What are you doing here? Sorry I was tired earlier and decided to sleep…” Aether said, trying to keep the door closed as much as possible.
(Liar.) Ayaka said to herself and Ayato didn’t move a bit on his position, he still turned his back from everyone.
“C-can I come inside? I miss my boyfriend…” Ayaka tried to hold the door but Aether continued to shut the door tight.
“I’m sorry my love… the room is quite messy.” Aether was too stupid not to think that Ayaka wouldn’t figure out that he was lying because no one can have the key to the master’s room but only Ayato’s trustworthy friends and that key… fell into the hands of Guuji Yae.
“I’m gonna go find Miko.” Ayato marched very slowly away from them not until.
“When I wake up, I’m afraid somebody else might end up being me.”
“My sweetest darling? Who’s there?”
The blue-haired man’s body froze.
Kamisato Ayato’s blood ran cold when he heard the voice from the inside. He knows whose voice is that and he can never be mistaken for whoever that voice belongs to. He slowly turned his back again to the door and his legs began to move by itself. Ayato doesn’t know why but he wanted to hear the voice again.
“Ayaka! I can explain!” Aether broke out the door and hugged Ayaka tightly.
Ayaka remained calm but tears were suddenly streaming down her face.
“Do not touch me.” Ayaka said but Aether refused to let go of her.
“I am ordering you not to touch me.” Ayaka repeated again but Aether was not listening.
Childe intervened and pushed Aether to the floor, as he was about to punch Aether. Lumine held back his arm and whispered to him not to do it.
“Get off my girlfriend Childe!” Aether said as he held his head because he was slammed on the wall.
“Ex-girlfriend! She is ordering you not to touch her! Cheating freak!” Childe fought back.
“Guuji Yae… what have you done.” Itto deathly stared at the opened door where from the inside, they could hear Miko’s voice.
Ayaka, followed by Ayato, entered the room quietly with everyone just staring at them.
When the siblings turned left to the room, there they saw. 
Guuji Yae lay in bed with no clothes at all, just the blanket of the bed covering her body. 
Ayaka rushed towards her and held her by her hair.
“You!” She shouted, full of hatred. Ayaka slapped Miko hard to the left.
“You destroyed her life! You took everything away from her!” Ayaka’s voice echoed through the whole room and hallway. Everyone could tell that anytime her voice would crack followed by another slap in her face to the right. Ayaka cannot express her anger because she knew from the start that she destroyed YOUR life and this is what she did.
“And this is what you repay my brother? Aren’t you satisfied when you took away Y/N L/N’s Life?!” She slapped Miko again hard from left to right.
Ayaka was deranged that she kept on hurting Miko left and right.
“Y-you really love ruining other people’s lives don’t you?!” Ayaka shouted, grabbing her hair, almost pulling it off her.
“My brother… Do you have any idea how much he loves you?!” When she was about to slap Guuji Yae again she was frightened how she caught her hand.
Miko stood up and fixed the blanket around her. Ayaka took a step backward when she saw Miko pick up the baseball bat in the display.
“M-Miko! Stay away from me! Y-You freak!” Ayaka said gradually walking backwards until she felt the cold wall touch her skin staring at Miko threatening her with a baseball bat.
“Why are you here?” Miko calmly asked.
“What else?! I’m looking for Aether!” Ayaka defended.
“Aether, I don’t think he belongs to you anymore.” Miko said in a sassy tone, attempting to provoke Ayaka.
“Of course, he does not belong to me… Ladies like me, don’t eat leftovers.” Ayaka smirked but her eyes widened when he saw Miko dashing towards her and was about to hit her head with a baseball bat just to see Kamisato Ayato hugged her tightly and took the hit for her.
“B-brother!” She held Ayato’s head to see if there were any kinds of bleeding but luckily there wasn’t although there was a problem.
Kamisato Ayato is unconscious.
“Brother! Someone help me!” Ayaka cried out and forced the other people to come inside and intervene.
“Ayato! I didn’t mean to…” Miko dropped the bat and stared at what she had done.
“That’s enough, all of you are going to talk later.” Childe hitted Miko at the back of her neck to make her unconscious.
“How’s Ayato?” Sara asked comforting Ayaka, sitting next to her on the floor checking his vitals.
“Can we just move to another room… This room is a mess.” Itto said looking at the room which he is disgusted at.
When everyone walked out of the room they saw Aether just standing there waiting for them. 
Ayaka looked him in the eye and didn't say anything, instead, she just slapped him 5 times. 
Few Minutes Ago in Kamisato Ayato's POV
(I don't know what to feel… everything just feels blank…) He thought to himself while looking at Guuji Yae. 
(What's happening? What's Ayaka talking about?) He was having a massive headache where he could no longer distinguish what's happening in his surroundings. 
He wasn't sad, he wasn't angry… he suddenly felt empty. 
It's like all the time and effort spent courting and loving that girl immediately went straight down the drain. 
(You're not the Guuji Yae I met in my childhood) 
He wanted to speak but his body seemed to render itself to the floor making him frozen. 
It was seen in his eyes how sad he was, moreover, how he was disappointed at how things turned out. 
The next thing he knew was that his body subconsciously moved to protect Ayaka from being hit by something.
Instead of bleeding from the hit, it caused a miracle. A miracle to rewrite your love story for the one last time.
Kamisato Ayato’s memories are beginning to return to him.
"It's a promise okay?" Young Ayato said to you, attempting to make a pinky promise. 
"How many times do we have to do this? Of course I'll marry you Ayato." You smiled at him accepting his pinky finger. 
"I can't imagine what the future looks like with you." You heard Ayato say next to your ear while you were picking up flowers. 
"I wonder what I will look like in the future." You looked up at the sky and thought. 
"You'll definitely be gorgeous as ever my lady." He giggled.
"And you'll be the most handsome guy in the city." You said pinching his cheeks.
You are the perfect girl.
You are someone who didn't care about my status.
You are so pretty, you are so kind. 
You were my everything.
That day, when we bumped into each other. I knew from the beginning that we were meant for each other 
I can't get off your smile in my mind.
I wanted a future with you.
I wanted you to carry my children.
I want to be wrapped around those welcoming arms of yours.
I want to feel the warmth of your love.
I am not scared about the dangers in the future. 
I am only scared of having a future without you by my side. 
You are so pretty in that dress. 
I wanted to cover you with my coat so other men wouldn't be able to look at your bare skin. 
I want you.
This spark igniting my heart is all I need. 
This spark is something I haven't felt for so long. 
I want all of you, from your body to your personality. 
This was from an event that occurred around 11-15 years ago… 
How long has it been? Since I have forgotten you Y/N?
"S-she was so beautiful! I didn't notice where I'm going and I fell off" Ayato lied and covered for you. 
You were blushing when you heard what he said. Your heart was pounding, how could someone you just met would lie and cover for your own mistakes. 
"Her?" The man looked up at you. 
"She is Lady Y/N of the L/N Family. The main purpose of this party is for the collaboration of their family with ours and you are supposed to meet her later but it seems like fate was on your side. The two of you already met." The man laughed while he helped his son stand up. 
"D-dad I want to marry her!" Young Ayato tried to convince his father but all that he got was his father laughing again.
"You can but for you to do that. You're going to court her since these kinds of things shouldn't be forced. You must know if she would reciprocate your feelings or not. You're still young, my child." The man explained to him. 
I always knew something was wrong with my feelings about Guuji Yae.
My mind forgets but my heart will always remember.
And thanks to her hitting me in the head, I now understand why it felt wrong.
Never have I ever… loved Guuji Yae.
I was wrong and the only person that I loved was you.
I was so excited about going on a trip with you but everything went downhill from that day. You and I got involved in a terrible accident where we forgot all of the memories that you and I shared. 
That amnesia was the reason why the love that I deserved was taken from me. Not too long after our accident, was the death of my parent’s that was the cause why my childhood was stolen from me. I didn’t get to enjoy the things a child should do because of the responsibilities I needed to shoulder… and because I do not wish for my sister to experience the pain I am experiencing.
Guuji Yae… was just someone who pretended to be you.
She was the daughter of one of our servants, she was often left in the dark and wasn’t able to experience the childhood every child should have. The pressure on her was spot on because she didn’t come from a rich family, they needed to do something to solve this problem. 
The first and failed plan was to murder Y/N L/N and Kamisato Ayato, a death of the heir and heiress would cause both families tremendous depression.
It was a failed plan because the only person who died in the accident was the bribed driver. Another reason why it failed was because I have a sibling who would immediately replace me if I died.
The second plan was to murder my parents… which was refined. It pushed me to an edge that I believed Guuji Yae was you and during those times I thought she was the light I was looking for, the light that was suddenly stolen from me.
The third and last plan was the murder of your parents and it was a part of their will that you would enter the same school as me with the hopes that something would happen so our paths would cross again and it did.
Now… I finally understand why Guuji Yae does not like you from the beginning because it would ultimately destroy the finishing touches of her family��s plan once I recovered my memories.
They knew you were powerless… but we aren’t the same.
Plans and anything related to this is something I am accustomed to… this is a piece of cake for the heir of this family.
You and I have every right to punish the people who wronged us. Now that I remember everything, all the pieces that Guuji Yae family connects like a toddler’s puzzle.
I will punish Guuji Yae and her family and make sure every relative of hers will go to jail.
Y/N… I don’t know if you remember me… but I am willing to redeem myself to make you love me again a decade ago.
Y/N L/N… I love you.
— [Going back to the current time]
“Y/N!” Ayato suddenly woke up, surprising everyone in the room.
“Brother!” Ayaka immediately hugged him and checked his head again if it was alright.
“Where’s Y/N?!” Ayato’s eyes wandered around the room but you were nowhere to be found. All that changed is that both Aether and Guuji Yae are tied up to make sure they wouldn’t hurt anyone. He could see in Lumine’s eyes that she was very angry with her sibling.
“I said… Where. Is. Y/N L/N.” The tone of his voice changed, he could see in Miko’s eyes that she knew what happened and why he was looking for you. She knew it was the end of her happiness.
“W-why are you suddenly looking for her? We have a situation to fix here.” Itto convinced Ayato but he shook his head.
“We’ll fix it later, I need to know where she is…” Ayato replied.
“Maybe she’s with Diluc- I haven’t seen him since you finished your speech…” Sara said, it was true that he was nowhere to be found since you came.
“D-Diluc!” Ayato’s eyes widened and rushed downstairs at the speed of light.
“What’s with him?” Sara’s head tilted then looked at the two criminals that were caught committing adultery.
“Lord Ayato! We haven’t seen you in a while. I have a lot of things to discuss with you.”
“My family has something for you, Lord Ayato…”
“I’m sorry I am in a hurry right now please give way for me.” Ayato said while pushing through the crowd and alas… he was finally outside. 
The garden, Everbloom of No Return.
There he stood 20 meters away from you and Diluc Ragnvindr.
“Y/N L/N… you are one of the prettiest girls I have met.” Diluc said and his heart was pounding because he was nervous and he hasn’t felt the feeling of being in love ever since Jean dumped him.
“What is that supposed to mean…” You nervously said.
“Y/N L/N… you are so dense” He said while putting a fresh flower on your ear.
“My Lady… I love you.” Diluc Ragnvindr has finally confessed his love for you. You could feel his and your cheeks heating up from those words.
But something’s wrong… you don’t know if you should feel happy about it.
“Y/N… I really love you” Diluc repeated again and you ran out of words to say.
The next thing Ayato saw was how Diluc kissed you on your forehead before speaking again, he wanted to hear what he was saying to you and why he kissed your forehead. His head was still hurting from the pain of the hit but all that matters for him is to find you.
“I love you but I’m sorry… my heart doesn’t have a space for someone like you” Diluc added… he knew that sooner or later Ayato would come back for you and if that happens, he wouldn’t let any guys attempt to court you.
“D-diluc…” Tears started to form in your eyes and you began to cry hearing those words. You thought something might work out between you and Diluc but you were wrong. Diluc confessed to you but at the same time he also rejected you. He doesn’t want any of feelings to continue further because it wouldn’t be a good thing for the both of you.
“I’m sorry Y/N… I don’t deserve your love. Maybe in another life or in another universe… I’ll make sure that you and I will end up.” He said and smiled, wiping the tears in your face.
“You’re so pretty Y/N, please don’t cry.” Some of the makeup in your eyes started to smudge and Diluc was trying his best not to ruin your face.
Unconsciously, you hugged Diluc tightly because of the sadness you were feeling in your heart and he accepted your hug to comfort you.
All of this to be misinterpreted by Kamisato Ayato who thought he was already too late.
Kamisato Ayato covered his mouth while looking at you hugging Diluc tightly as tears started to stream from his face nonstop.
You looked around to see Ayato staring at you before he turned his back and walked away.
“Y/N L/N… I love you even if you don’t love me back because of the things I did to you when you transferred.”
Kamisato Ayato said to himself while walking back to the venue.
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