#|| *is genuinely worried for Remington*
aeterna---amantes · 2 years
|| PR's Fever Dream is so so so so good! My aura is getting darker with each song though, and I've listened to it all day...
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myfairstarlight · 4 months
An Ode to Friends to Lovers - Colin and Penelope's story
Fine, I give in.
As someone who considers themself more of a casual viewer (as in, I've never engaged in the fandom before), I went into this new season with mild interest. And then I fell down the rabbit hole. I should have suspected it though, Friends to Lovers is a trope I affectionate particularly when it comes to romance, unfortunately one I very rarely think is done well. So I was still skeptical going in.
But by God, did they deliver on that front and I need to break it down and talk about it. So I guess this is my review of Bridgerton s3, part 1.
Under the cut though, because this is gonna be a long one (seriously, this is a warning).
I don't particularly think Bridgerton is a complex show, and one can argue all day about whether it is even good (in my eyes, as long as it's entertaining, I don't care if a show is "good"), however, the number of takes I've seen online not understanding basic story-telling worries me a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I agree this first half has pacing issues but I do not think Penelope's and Colin's love story suffered that much, it did not feel rushed to me since we already knew these characters for two whole seasons (and I maintain Colin has always had more depths than what people pretend he does, it seems like, just like the ton, viewers like to overlook him and just characterise him as naive).
And I guess this long ass post was born in the process. So:
Part One: Penelope's glow up
Yes I'm starting by looking at them individually first. I think this post on reddit sums it up so perfectly. I get we're all joking about how unrealistic it is that no man was ever interested in Penelope despite how she looks like an absolute goddess (and I maintain she was the cutest in both previous seasons as well!) - unfortunately it is realistic. That's the reality of bullying, it doesn't get solved by a glow up. Even her association with the Bridgertons through Eloise and Colin did not lessen the bullying, so without them? Even the prettiest dresses would not have changed the ton's perception of her, and she's still the awkward, anxious girl she's always been, and unfortunately, most of these men are not attracted to that. It's not satisfying, she doesn't get her triumphant revenge on a society that always ostracised her - and I think it's important that she does not. That she accepts it. She should not have to change for a ton that will not change for the better either. And it's a lesson she learns quickly - someone will love her for who she is, pretending will only lead to misery. And, it is when she's being herself that she successfully gets the interest of some gentlemen (shout out to Lord Remington! I was so hoping we would be seeing more of him on top of Debling. He's such a Whistledown fan I thought that even after the whole lesson reveal scandal he would have stuck to call on Penelope the next day to gossip together, it would have been cute but I guess he too wanted to avoid being written about) (also I'm just saying in fics he should be the one considered as a proper other suitor for Pen since they seemed to have a genuine connection, meanwhile Debling was really searching for practicality).
The thing I wanna add to that post is this: despite all that, she decided to change her looks for herself. When I first learned of the plot of this season, Colin helping her find a husband, I was scared it would mean Colin would be the one to tell her to have a makeover. It doesn't happen. Sure, Penelope subconsciously requests for a more Parisian style for her new dresses because it is the last place Colin went to, but by that point she has already given up on him. She wants something new, and to feel good in herself. That's how she blooms, by finding a style that she feels comfortable in, finally free from her mother's horrendous tastes. That's what allows her to be more confident as well, the new looks and her motivation to move on from her "unrequited fantasy". As for Colin? He never comments on her change, he compliments her dress (and mind you, that is when he's trying to play up the charm because he knows she's upset with him and he gets humbled, hard) but he never says it looks better on her than what she wore before, he never has a "I never realised how beautiful you were" moment we see a bit too often in friends to lovers stories, because to him she's still his Pen, new dresses, new hairstyles, but the same Pen he's always loved, even if he didn't realise to what extent yet.
But Penelope's confidence... is not quite there yet. Difficult to be, when she's grown up in a loveless home, with horrible sisters, a father who barely cared and a mother who constantly puts her down. Whenever she gets a compliment, her first reaction is "ah, it must be a joke" - that isn't even exclusive to Colin, in the brief interaction between Edwina and Penelope, when Edwina compliments her dress, Penelope also dismisses it. And then, there's Colin, who is always oh so honest with her and does not shy away from praising her. But I'll touch more on that later.
Part Two: Colin's new self.
And then we have the opposite: Colin showing up with a new attitude, and succeeding at it (well, on the surface). Something I haven't seen people bring up a lot though is that he's already tried a new look in s2, and he got mocked for it. The only one who didn't? Penelope. Why didn't he try to emulate being a rake back then? Because Penelope's letters grounded him, he admits it himself. It's seeing himself through Penelope's letters that gave him confidence. But that kind of confidence was not enough in the ton's eyes, and on top of that, between s2 and s3, this time Penelope doesn't write back, and neither do his family. He grows insecure, he's lost the one person who kept him grounded, he thinks his family is annoyed with him, and he still is in search of a purpose, so what does he do? He clings to Anthony's words in s1 after the disaster that was his engagement with Marina: he's too green, time to "fix" that and be more like his big brothers. They got it together, they know their purpose (well, Benedict lost his again but that's a story for another day), so surely, if he acts more like them, and not like the sensitive and naive boy he was, then surely everything will be alright! Right? Note that as opposed to s2, where he kept talking about his travels and it annoyed everyone, in s3 he doesn't go into details about them anymore, even when he's asked. They're only interested in the company he kept during the travels rather than the sights he saw. And honestly, it was heartbreaking to see right away how much of himself he was holding back, even with his own family. Penelope, however, gets the details without even asking because he already knows she likes hearing him talk about them and she makes him comfortable, and he's fully aware of that when he apologises in s3e1.
(I also want to note that, even if this new persona is fake, his new style genuinely fits him better. Just like Penelope, this season Colin found the style that makes him feel good and confident.)
And here's where I need to praise Luke's acting for a bit, because he absolutely nailed the subtle way Colin behaves differently with Penelope vs everyone else. His voice is softer, he is effortlessly charming (I was kicking my feet when he recalled how they met), his smile is bigger, even his whole face looks more relaxed whenever Penelope is around, meanwhile he always appears stiff and like he's calculating his every move when around his "friends". In fact, it is in the carriage scene we finally truly see s1&2's Colin back. When he has that look on his face, as he decides right there and then he's gonna marry her, and then a second later when he asks the question, his face. By God, his eyes are sparkling, he's so happy, and he looks as youthful and carefree as he did in previous seasons, far are the thoughts of trying to fit in a society that he hates.
Because above all, these two know and understand each other in a way no one else in their lives does. And that is a fact that remains despite the outward changes. So yes, I liked that their dynamic did not shift to romance because of their "glow ups", but because they are spending even more time together now. Speaking of which:
Part Three: Authenticity and Vulnerability
One big theme this season is being true to oneself. It's no coincidence mirrors are such a big part of it (even outside of the yet to be seen spicy scene), because looking at a mirror means looking at oneself, and be vulnerable. If s2 was about duty vs heart, eldest siblings trying to do right by their family to the point of self-sabotage, s3 is a battle between the head and the heart. It is not even exclusive to Polin - Eloise is learning and growing by trying to take genuine part in society but struggling to fit in. Cressida wants to become a better person, torn between the pressure put on her shoulders by her parents and this new friendship with Eloise. Benedict is looking for his purpose after learning Anthony paid his way to art school, and feeling like a fraud as an artist. Anthony and Kate are unashamedly in love, as they deserve to be after the struggles they went through last season. Francesca has no care for the suitors the Queen and her mother parade in front of her as the "sparkler" of the season (sidenote but I hated that, stupid name, should have stuck to diamond or select another gem) as her heart seeks out the handsome and quiet John Sterling instead. And this will continue in part 2, as Penelope will have to be honest about Lady Whistledown (because she's always her most authentic self around Colin, there is still this big secret she is so determined to keep to herself, when she should not).
The beauty about friends to lovers stories to me is the small declarations of love sprinkled throughout the relationship. It's about the trust already built in with no expectations and the vulnerability we'd never allow anyone but our closest friends to see, something even our family can be ignorant to. I mentioned earlier that Colin never shies away from praising Penelope, way before their dynamic shifts to lovers. He tells her she's good, constant, loyal, special, warm. All of these are declarations of love, even if not with romantic intent, it's about showing his appreciation for her, for the role she holds in his life. And Penelope responds in kind as well. That is why I believe people who think the romance was rushed in s3 either did not watch the past two seasons or see friendship and romantic love as two distinct things rather than a cohesive continuation of each other. In s1, people focus so much on the Marina stuff, as if that cancels out Colin's friendship with Penelope. We still do see Colin actively seek out Penelope at balls, and defending her against Cressida, he compliments her and tells her she's the one who inspired him to travel. Then s2 rolls in, and they're exchanging letters, which will become the cataclysm for their dynamic changing later on. And then there's one of my favourite scenes with them: them talking about their purpose. They both open up here, Colin about his insecurity, Penelope about her dream, it is so intimate. And then, there's of course Colin protecting the Featheringtons from ruins. I'm mostly emphasising Colin's actions, because Penelope's crush on him was always in your face, and while Colin may not have realised it yet, he's always cared about Penelope in a special way, as manifested by his actions and how vulnerable he allows himself to be around her, when even his own family has no idea about what's going on inside his head.
There's a misconception that Colin calling her his friend was him rejecting her, and yet we see in s3 he had no idea whatsoever that she has a crush on him, so he could not lead her on (unlike his book counterpart, who was aware of Penelope's infatuation and was careful never to toe the line until he realised his feelings. Show Colin though? Completely oblivious. And it makes sense, he's still young.) He asks Violet "how do you know it was reciprocated" and not "how do you know you're in love with your best friend". As of right now at the end of part 1, he genuinely thinks he's the one who fell in love first, or at least realised it first. His "You're Pen, you do not count, you're my friend" in s2, was not a rejection in his eyes, but a declaration of love; he's forsaken love and women but not his Penelope, never her, she's his exception And it's not like Penelope resented him for that friendship he so readily gave her, yes she had a crush, but she was proud to call him her friend! He was, with Eloise, her solace away from her family. At the end of the day, this is a friends to lovers story, it is silly to get upset that they considered themselves friends first before there is a click as they realise they are now on the same page to shift their relationship.
Side note but I've never liked the term "friendzoned" because it makes it sound like being friends is a bad thing. I've had unrequited feelings before but I've always felt grateful that being friends with them allowed me to stay close to them even if I knew nothing else could happen. I was still very much happy and content. But maybe I'm projecting on Penelope and that's another debate.
See, what I ended up loving about the lesson plot, which I was so wary of at first, is that Colin barely teaches Penelope anything. At first, he goes for the "do what society expects women to do" (since it worked for him) but then she acts awkwardly, she can't fake it, and it surprises him for a moment. That's when it clicks for him, she just needs to be comfortable because with him, she's always smart, witty and charming, she's herself. He's always seen her that way, and he did not quite realise he had that privilege in the first place. And I love how we see him slowly realise it is no longer a privilege thanks to his help. We see it in e2. When she talks to the guy with the dead horse (forgot his name, oops), Penelope forces the flirt and Colin is amused by it. Fast forward Penelope approaching Lord Remington by herself, without Colin's initiative, and she's being more authentic, and suddenly Jealous by Nick Jonas plays in the background and Colin doesn't look proud, but apprehensive, or dare I say jealous. The shift in Colin's head happens long before Debling is in the picture. I'd argue it already shifted earlier in that episode, in his study, which he flashbacks to in e4.
His journals detail how unfulfilled he feels when he lays with random women in his travels. He longs for emotional intimacy. And guess with who he finally finds that, when a certain red-head asks the one question that allows them to break the physical barrier they had to keep between them for the sake of propriety?
Ah yes, that first kiss. To Colin, everything has been building up to this, this is his true Oh moment. A favour turned into a revelation. For Penelope, this is quite literally the end of her fantasies. This is Penelope's most vulnerable moment. She bares her heart, she's sad, she's desperate. And some people have been calling that moment pathetic, interpreting it as her being weak and giving in to her crush again, saying that she should not have to beg for that man's affection. I concur that she is brave, and bold. I also concur that some of you all are a bit too attached to the girlboss archetype forgetting that allowing oneself to be vulnerable is also a strength. She's never had to beg for Colin's attention anyway because he readily gives it to her, but in this one instance, for once in her life, she is truly being honest. In her head, she has nothing else to lose, and she wants to experience the one thing she thinks she can never have so of course she's gonna turn to the one person she's always trusted and feels the most comfortable with, because before her crush, Colin is her friend. She's asking a favour from a friend. And then she can move on, whatever "moving on" will turn out to be. In this instance, she has the power in her hands.
And it is her bravery that is the true cataclysm for things to change properly. Of course, things have already started to change the moment she stopped replying to the letters, but that moment really expedited their relationship.
Part Four: Lovers, but in a best friends way
The thing with Bridgerton, in the books or in the show, is that each couple has their trope. This is not news to anyone, I think. We've had fake dating, and enemies to lovers, and one characteristic that these two tropes share is a growing tension between the characters before it snaps. There is a reason the early marketing for s3 focused on Penelope being cold towards Colin, tension and conflict are more appealing on the surface. And then the first half of the season comes out and that conflict between our main couple? Solved after one episode because they did one thing that is severely missing in most romance dramas: communicated healthily. Penelope laid out why she was upset (although she does not stay to let Colin explain and then vents out her feelings in Whistledown... she still has some learning to do), Colin immediately went to apologise and make up for it. All of this by talking. And yet I'd argue friends to lovers still has its own tension, just not to the same intensity as the other two, and more difficult to market. The tension comes from the brewing feelings, the way you start seeing every touch, every interaction, in a whole new light, and wondering if it's only in your head or if it's reciprocated. But now combine that with Colin who's always been so earnest about his feelings with Penelope? And Penelope who's always quietly wanted their relationship to evolve that way? Of course they figured it out quickly and got together in half a season. And I'm delighted that we will see them handle the whole Whistledown mess as a couple, as two people aware they love each other deeply, which gives a whole new meaning to the conflict compared to the book where I felt like it was brushed over a bit too quickly (because they got distracted in that carriage). It is the last secret between them, their last obstacle.
I also do not like the "Colin should have grovelled and pined more" argument, when he is the one who insisted on the lessons to help her find a husband in the first place, and then has to face the fact that actually, he doesn't like the idea of another man taking Penelope away, and oh, isn't that the consequences of his own actions? He is grovelling, you just don't see Penelope holding it over his head, because that's not the person she is, this is not a revenge fantasy story, in fact she does not realise the power she has on him because she is used to Colin seeking her out. I like that he didn't stew on his feelings and decided to act on them right away. I also don't like how this whole grovelling thing makes it sound like love is a competition, that just because Penelope has known she's been in love for longer and "suffered" longer, that means Colin needs to do the same to even the planes. Because in my eyes love isn't exactly something to be earned — it is given. Now, are you worthy to keep it? To nurture it and make it bloom and last? That is the real question.
Admittedly, since this is only the first half of the season, we do not see them in a romantic setting a lot. That first half is focused on them rekindling their friendship lost during the summer when Penelope stopped responding to the letters, and Colin having the realisation he cannot live without his best friend, not just because she is his best friend, but also because he loves her. But we do have two important, and obvious instances.
So let's talk about that first kiss again. It is, in my opinion, one of the most gentle and romantic moments in the show so far and also showcased their friendship really well. Colin trying to joke to lighten the mood as Penelope spirals down (peak best friend behaviour actually), the gentle, swelling music, the light of the moon, Colin's deep exhale of realisation as he holds her face when he goes back in for the second kiss, with the furrowed brows of a man on a mission. This is Penelope's most vulnerable moment and Colin's big realisation. And I felt like I was intruding.
And same goes for that carriage scene, but even before they go at it; now this is Colin's most vulnerable moment, and Penelope's realisation that they can be more. He chases the carriage by foot, then goes on his knees to confess his feelings to his best friend in the softest and most determined voice we've ever heard him use this whole season, eyes wide, tears threatening to fall as it is his turn to bare his heart and ask for a chance. Meanwhile Penelope takes it all in, running her hand through his hair because she can finally touch him, melting under him. Things get steamy. And then... and then... The carriage stops, they get startled, Colin jokes that the driver should have kept on driving and then... they laugh. They just made out, and went to second base together, and yet here they are now, laughing. It is such a genuine and lovely moment. And it's then that Colin has that look in his eyes, that "I'm gonna marry her" look. That is when he realises he cannot live his life without her. That his purpose is now right in front of him: making Penelope Featherington, soon to be Bridgerton, laugh until the end of their lives.
There's no conclusion, I just love them so dearly. Yes, there still is the whole Whistledown mess to deal with and sure, the argument with Eloise may make you think great angst is ahead but if there is one big difference between Colin and Eloise, it is this: Colin has always listened to Penelope, and this is not a diss on Eloise. Eloise, bless her heart, can be pretty self-centred, she's loud and a bit immature, something she is growing from in s3, and you cannot ignore that she did not really listen to Penelope (she has no idea Penelope wishes to marry when Penelope tells her she does in s1, we can blame the writing, but I do think it fits with Eloise's journey to realising how privileged and dismissive she is. Penelope was too polite to call her out until their falling out. Meanwhile Cressida is exactly the type of honesty she needs for a wake up call). Colin, on the other hand, is very sensitive and a good listener. Furthermore, this season, Penelope is learning to be more confident, to voice what she wants, and I like to think it is leading to her finding her own voice and not needing Whistledown to hide behind anymore. If there's someone with whom she has no filters, it is Colin, so I have faith that when the reveal happens and an argument breaks out, this new Penelope will not back down and will lay out all her reasons and all her regrets, and Colin may be stubborn, but he loves that woman and he always listens.
A part of me also wishes they keep the jealousy he felt about her writing in the book, and that they don't focus just on the whole "you lied to me" aspect (we've already had that with Eloise). How he, himself, is insecure about his writing, and here Penelope is, less fortunate than he is, and yet who did have the courage to get her writing out there, even if publishing under another name. Because that is also a reality in relationships, when your partner is at a different stage in their career, and how they can communicate to support one another.
Anyway, I'm just rambling now (as if that isn't what I've been doing this whole time). I like them. A little. Just a bit. I'm very normal about them <3
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ask-scrafty · 5 months
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Diane reference
Reference art as of May 2023
-> Chrono Posts with Diane <-
Name: Diantha “Diane” Gilda Bennet Former Last Name: Remington Nicknames: Dee Age: Young Adult, in her 20’s Gender/Pronouns: Female. She/Her
+More information below the cut+
+Information here may update and change over time+
"She had no troubles or worries, why did she grow up to be like.. that"
★ Despite being taller than her, Diane is Jody's younger sister.
★ Self centered most of the time
★ Is she being genuine? Is she lying through her teeth? Most cannot tell.
★ Is also of royal blood, just like Jody. However, she doesn't seem to hold the same resentment for her old family and lifestyle that Jody does..
★ Is considered "Smarter" than Jody... self proclaimed... who knows if it's correct or not.
★ Despite being adopted by Nana at a very young age, Diane does not consider Nana her mother and will refuse to do so. Even get angry at the insinuation of that.
★ Will not do a lot of the work but will happily swoop in last minute to take credit.
★ Despite constantly dealing with The Unknown and terrors beyond comprehension... She tends to be skeptical of most things
★ Due a suicide attempt made by Jody not too long ago, Diane has taken up in keeping a eye on her whenever possible. (or was asked by Nana to do so)
★ Huge phobia of Kelpies and Yuki Onna
★ Large friend group and social life. Faces change constantly as she switches up friends depending on her mood. Very few actually have managed to last around her for long.
★ Dislike for most animals except for frogs. Really likes frogs
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sleekervae · 2 years
The Neighbour [4.0]
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A/N: Okay everybody, just as I promised here's the next instalment! How 2023 been treating you so far??
Warnings: light fluff, some angst, familial drama ahead.
Getting out of bed that morning was one of the hardest things Eva had to do. Harder than the morning after prom when her body ached from all-night-partying and super sweet wine coolers. The soft, warm sheets paired with naked skin was too inviting to simply blow off, but of course this wasn't exactly a lazy Sunday for Eva.
Despite her selfish internal protests, she and Remington crawled out of bed, cleaned up her apartment and packed up her suitcase in his car. Emerson and Shy were already up -- much to Remington's surprise -- and brewing coffee for them before they took off for the airport. Pluto sniffed around the kitchen as soon as he was set down, meandering around until his eyes fell on Pepper. The teacup pom watched curiously from the couch as the tabby leapt up, stretched out across the soft leather, and cuddled up next to her. Pepper didn't make much of a peep of protest, instead settling back into sleep.
She sipped her coffee and made good conversation with her friends, her stomach flipped when she saw it was finally time to head off to the airport. Emerson and Shy hugged her tight, wishing her luck and assuring her to ease up on her worries. Easier said than done, as always. She kissed Pluto goodbye and followed closely behind Remington his car.
She stayed silent throughout the ride, staring out the window at the gorgeous LA morning haze while Remington played Genesis on the stereo.
The airport was busy; how could they be surprised though? LAX was one of the biggest airports in the country, taking thousands upon thousands of travelers a day -- pandemic be damned. The airport was also crawling with security guards, masked and monitoring for anyone who might want to start up a stir about the airport's pandemic-prevention measures. One of them being Remington couldn't go inside the airport as he wasn't a traveler.
Eva's mask sat under her chin as she watched him pull out her suitcase, despite her assurances that she could grab it. She always liked how chivalrous he could be, though. Her arms were crossed across her chest, rocking back and forth on her heels and feeling like she may puke up at any moment.
She had been dreading the day she had to return to Seattle -- circumstances varying.
With a loud slam, Remington shut the trunk of his car, wandering over to his timid girl. He smiled, trying his best to reassure her and calm her trembling nerves.
"Should I ask the question?" he grinned with cheek.
Eva's brow furrowed, "What? Am I ready? Because you know the answer, Rem," she huffed.
"I know," he brought his hand up under her chin, tilting up her jaw to meet her gaze, "But this week is going to fly by, and if all goes well you will be back to putting up with our shenanigans in no time!"
Eva simpered meekly, her cold fingers brushing across his cheek, "... And if it doesn't go well?"
His smile broadened, "Than I will hop on the first flight out there to take care of you,"
"Remi --"
"Your crazy family be damned; I will take care of you, Eva," he assured.
Her smile finally became genuine and she blinked back the tears, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. She basked in the freshness of his body wash from his morning shower and the comforting musk of his hoodie. In the back of her mind she wondered how he wasn't boiling over right now...
"I'm gonna' miss you so much," she whimpered.
"I'm gonna' miss you, too," he pulled back briefly, brushing his lips across hers in a soft kiss. He was being brave for her, the rational part of his brain knowing that she would be back so soon, and the selfish part of him either wanting to hop on that plane with her or toss her back in his car and drive home right now, "You call me as soon as you land, okay?"
"I will," she promised, pressing up on her toes to kiss him again; he tasted of bitter coffee and safe spaces. His hands kept her closely pressed to him, gripping the soft fabric of her cotton sweater. His mind chanted like a mantra to ease his worry; it's only one week, it's only one week, it's only one week...
Eva's fingers lingered across his cheek, her other hand grasping for the strap of her suitcase. She inhaled sharply, "Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone?" she asked.
His grin turned coy then, "I'll save the trouble for when you get back," he promised, "Have a safe flight, Eva,"
With a small nod she took her bag and walked over to the large departure sliding doors. Remington stayed by the car, watching her stride up, then she stopped momentarily. The security guard at the door watched her curiously as Eva suddenly dropped her bag and purse, turning back on her heel and ripping her mask off to run back, crashing into Remington for one more kiss. The wind was knocked out of him for a split second though his hands wound around her tightly, kissing her back with just as much fervor and desperation. Her arms locked tightly around his neck and he pulled her up, she stood on her toes to match his height.
She'll be back before you know it...
When they finally parted and he set her down, Eva smiled bashfully as she tried to collect herself. Remington brushed her hair from her face, his fingers tracing down the line of her jaw and stopping under her chin.
"I love you so much," she simpered shyly.
He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, shuddering as though his chest would burst at the seams at any moment, "I love you, too,"
Eva had never been a nervous flyer. She had taken ten hour trips to Europe to visit the cities in Amsterdam where her relatives grew up, quick cross-country rides to and from college and spring break get-aways. Of course, when she hopped on a plane in February, the most stressful thing was trying to calm Pluto down while he tried to scratch his way out of his crate.
Of course, this trip looked a little different. Security was tighter, almost scrutinizing as they asked her different questions about where she was going, why she was going, wanting to take her temperature and show off her negative covid test. And the lines were almost as long as those for Disney Land, as though restricted travel mandates had inspired more and more to take the risk and travel.
Perhaps because she was with Remington she didn't really take the time to notice the various families on their Thanksgiving travels, and the hoards of people, young and old, who were chin-masking here and there. Maybe because she was with her friends she didn't feel as vulnerable as she did now?
When she finally boarded the plane and sat in her seat, the ominous smell of cleaning fluid and ammonia filtered through her mask. Funny, she didn't pick up on the disinfectant last time. Everything appeared so clinical and sterile, and yet Eva was skeptical to sit down in the soft plush seat. She had the aisle this time, seated next to an older gentleman who was reading a GQ through his thick-rimmed glasses. He gave her a skeptical glare but didn't utter a word, shifting in his seat as far as he could to get away from her.
It was fair to say her anxiety wouldn't be spiking if Remington was with her, finding different ways to entertain and make her laugh despite the callous and cold atmosphere within the flight...
“You do realize you said the word ‘bed’ twice in that last sentence, right?” 
“What’re you talking about?” he asked.
“You said ‘Airbnb bed’. But the BNB stands for ‘bed and breakfast’,” she said, “It’s a double implicate statement,”
“In English please?” he said, trying not to let his smirk spread.
“It’s unnecessary repetition to make your point just because you’re horny,” she stated, bemusement twinkling in her eyes nonetheless.
A delighted giggle escaped his throat as he quickly pulled down his mask to kiss her forehead before coyly shushing her in her ear, “You’re on vacation, fuck the grammar lesson,” 
The flight was eerily quiet, just like last time, and even though the flight was just a little bit longer than that to Mexico, Eva felt it just dragged on and on. She couldn't help but feel a ripple of uneasiness shudder within, knowing that every minute that passed was just another minute closer to being in the same room with her trauma. She tried not to think about it, how her sister would find excuses to berate and belittle her, how her brother would be indifferent and more broody than a scene kid at a Slipknot show. Her father would probably insist on going out "as a family", as if she could even call them such. She wondered if that family dinner would include her mom's other family as well?
Just the thought alone made Eva's stomach turn. She got up from her seat when she couldn't take the twisting pain in her gut, slipping into the tiny little bathroom and hurling her breakfast out into the toilet. She washed her face right after, splashing some water into her mouth and spitting out again into the toilet. She placed her mask back on her face and slipped out, nearly coming nose-to-nose with a flight attendant. She batted her long lashes at her.
"Are you alright, Miss?" she asked. Her demeanor showed concern for both Eva's safety, but also her own and for the rest of the passengers.
Eva inhaled sharply, nodding, "Yeah, little air sick," and she slipped past the attendant and plopped back into her seat.
There was a screen mounted on the wall of the cabin, showing a map with blaring numbers telling all passengers how much time was left before they landed. Eva had just under an hour before she was back in Seattle, and as far as she was concerned the time couldn't drag on long enough.
Back in LA, Remington was sprawled out across his couch, glasses perched on his nose as he head his papers word for word, almost scrutinizing his own work. The chaos of Chris and Sebastian in their makeshift sound board went above his head, while Emerson was... well, Remington couldn't really say where Emerson was right now. He announced he was going for a smoke break about twenty minutes ago and he had yet to return. Not that it mattered much to Remington, he had an earphone in one ear and a pen gripped in his hand, none the wiser to Pluto sleeping blissfully at his feet.
It was as though Pluto could sense his owner had taken off and he'd been clinging to Remington since he'd returned from the airport. He followed him around all morning, sitting beside him or hopping on the top of the couch to sit on his shoulder. He'd never been so affectionate before, and Remington welcomed the pale tabby with kind regard.
Sebastian noticed his brother's quiet demeanor, his fixed focus on his song book and various notes scribbled across the withered page. It struck him funny how he could draw comparisons between him and Eva, sucked into a vortex of their own whimsy. Speaking of, Sebastian picked up his phone to check the time. Eva would probably be landing anytime, now.
"Did Eva land yet?" he asked. Remington however was too engrossed in the guitar loop he had loaded onto his phone, trying to sync each beat with his scribbling. Sebastian, in true big brother affection, chucked an eraser at him. It bounced off his shoulder, and Chris began to laugh.
"Hey!" Remington pulled out his earphone, "What do you want?"
"Did Eva's flight land yet?" he asked, this time enunciating every syllable.
"No, not yet," Remington mocked back, "She's gonna call me, anyway,"
"Aw," Chris crooned, "Reminds me of you," he said to Sebastian.
Sebastian glowered at him, "What?"
"You were all doe-eyed and aggressive when you and Larissa started dating," he grinned back.
"I'm not doe-eyed!" Remington pointed out.
"Okay, Bambi," Chris nodded, wheeling his chair over to the couch, "Is that Eva's song?"
Remington shrugged with nonchalance, "I want it to be," he huffed.
Sebastian cocked an eyebrow, "But..."
"I think it's probably too loud," he replied, "You know, for what I want to put across,"
Chris snatched the book, much to Remington chagrin, "I'll be the judge of that. Give me your phone,"
Remington pulled out his wires and handed Chris the phone, starting the track at the time stamp Remington had marked on the verse:
Your name won’t be forgotten ‘Cause I’ll scream it in the air We’ll burn down old traditions We don’t wanna live in fear You been hidin’ in the alleys I been beaten to a pulp But you wiped the blood from off my face And we're still standing tall
Chris smiled, Remington couldn't tell if it was from hilarity, judgement, or sheer amusement. However, his older mate was vehemently impressed as he tossed the book to Sebastian.
"What do you think, Seb?" and he played the guitar loop for him. Sebastian read the verse a few times, then listened to the loop. With that, he picked up his electric fender and began to play along to Remington's acoustics. The guitar wasn't plugged in, but in conjunction with the baseline melody Sebastian caught on to Remington's idea spot on.
"I dig it," he decided then, "It's a love song for your girlfriend, it doesn't have to be a softer ballad,"
"It's like a power couple song!" Chris suggested, "You're climbing to the top of a mountain and proclaiming to the whole world that it's you and Eva against everything. Tell me something more romantic, bet you can't,"
It was then Emerson finally blessed the boys with the return of his presence, "What's romantic?" he asked.
"I wrote a power couple song," Remington replied.
Emerson blinked momentarily, trying to compute in his brain just what the hell his brother had said.
"Is that good or bad?" he drawled on.
Remington shrugged again, "I don't know," he then turned to the cat, "What do you think, Pluto? Will Eva like it?"
Pluto neglected to make any movements, the only sign that his soul was still amongst him were the rises and dips in his back as he slept soundly.
"I think she'll hate the phrase 'power couple song'," Emerson muttered as he went to sit at his drums, "I do,"
"The cat has no taste, and neither do you," Chris said, "I think she'll be into the song, Rem. But let's try this hook for the pre-chorus, instead..."
Eva was definitely home. The window during the plane's descent was white and grey, and rain began to splatter against the windows. Yep, she was back to the dreary old Seattle weather.
She didn't have much time between scuffling off the plane and hurrying to the belt to grab her luggage, and she tried to phone Remington just as she promised. However, her call went unanswered. She was none the wiser to the fact that the boys were testing out the chorus for Remington's song and the phone call was drowned out. She paid it little mind, firing off a quick "I've landed" text while she dragged her suitcase behind her.
Seattle-Tacoma was a bit smaller than LAX, but still just as packed with people in the arrival bay. Her eyes scanned the sea of mask-covered faces, making it just that much harder for her to spot her dad waiting at the end of the cue. His salt and pepper hair and tightly buttoned up shirt was a dead give away, and Eva made her way over to greet him.
"Babycakes!" he announced when he finally laid eyes on his daughter. Eva grimaced at the old nickname, but she smiled nonetheless as she gave him a hug.
"Hi Dad," her father wasted no time, taking his suitcase and leading her outside the airport. Just as Eva had predicted, it was raining. What else would mid-November Seattle be doing weather wise?
Just as she climbed into her dad's car, Remington phoned her back. She dismissed the call as he dad climbed in and started the engine. She'd call him back in a bit, anyhow.
In the middle console was a bag of Brookside chocolates, acai and blueberry flavor, just like always. She popped a few in her mouth for good measure. He asked her all the basic dad questions: how was the flight, did you have something to eat, etc etc. Then he blurted out,
"Everyone's real excited to see you,"
Eva glanced at him suspiciously; his shoulders were back and his jaw was locked tight. Nevertheless he wore an easy façade that to anyone else would justify to them at her father wasn't just as nervous as Eva was.
"You don't have to lie, Dad," she said.
"I'm not lying," he huffed, "Greg has been cleaning out the house all week, and Magda's --"
"Been playing house with Troy and pretending I don't exist," she finished bitterly.
Her dad refrained from rolling his eyes, "She doesn't pretend you don't exist, Eva," he assured.
Eva cocked an eyebrow, "Oh? So Arleth knows who I am, now?" referring to her young niece.
"Arleth just turned three. She doesn't even know Magda's name isn't actually 'Mommy'," he replied, "Though it probably would've helped if you didn't tell your sister to 'go to hell' the last time you spoke,"
"Right after she told me jump off a bridge," Eva grumbled, her now burning question rising to her throat, " -- What about Lydia?"
"Your mother is home --"
"Not our home,"
"She's renting a BnB a couple miles from the hospital,"
"With her hubby and crotch goblin?"
"Am I wrong?"
Her father gripped the steering tighter, "Eva, despite everything that's happened, she's still your mother. And she still loves you,"
"If she loved me then she at least would've called and ask if she could bring her secondary family to my grad, not just show up like the fucking Babadook,"
"Theo who?"
"The name of the crotch goblin; Theo. And his father is Julian," her dad informed her.
"You talked to them?" she quiered.
"To Julian, we had to talk about your mother's care," he turned the corner into the familiar neighborhood, "I'm grateful you came out to help, Eva,"
Eva took a couple more pieces of chocolate, chewing thoughtfully as she stared out the window, "Not sure how much help I'm really gonna' be,"
Soon enough they pulled up to the old family house. It was 90s colonial, withered from years of abuse from rowdy kids, the paint peeling from sun damage and the roof tiles mossed over from the constant rain. Her father jumped out to grab her suitcase and Eva stood in the mouth of the walk way. Twenty years of memories flooded over her with just as much violence as a tsunami, it all blended into a cloud of white noise that was loud enough to break out a headache from behind her eyes.
Her attention switched to the loud barking, and a large, shaggy German Shepard leapt out from the porch and was bounding her way. Her face lit up.
"Rosie!" she fell to her knees, scratching and cuddling the scruffy animal. She was so focused on the dog, she hadn't noticed her older brother, Greg, waiting on the porch. He watched amused as Bruno took to sniffing out Eva's clothes.
"I think she's upset," he called out, "She smells the cat on you,"
Eva looked up, the smirk on Greg still as youthful and irritating as always. They hadn't seen each other in over a year, he was studying in Boston when the pandemic hit. With Rosie trotting along behind her, Eva sauntered up to the second step of their porch. The wood creaked under her sneakers, her arms were folded over her chest as she stared at her brother -- no, she stared at that bush on his face.
"Why'd you glue a squirrel pelt to your chin?" she asked.
Greg simpered, "I don't know. Why are you still Caspar pale after California?"
Eva punched his arm, and Greg retaliated by pulling her up into a hug, "I missed you, Eves,"
Despite how her brother annoyed her, she couldn't deny it felt good to see him again, "Missed you too, Greg,"
The inside of the house was the same, but still there were changes within it she didn't recognize. The old pale taupe walls had been painted a sage green, some photos had been moved around and there was a distinctive smell of old wood mixed with lemon pine sol. Not to mention the house was impeccably clean, impossibly clean, even. Eva swore she saw the stairs glisten for a moment.
"Nice paint job," she noted.
Greg nodded as their dad followed them in, "Your brother's been busy this summer. Taking a sabbatical from school had lead to him becoming the unsung Property Brother," he said.
"I think I'm more like Hilary Farr," Greg smirked, "Left the mess to the contractors, I just told them what to do,"
"Remember when I told you to put 'bossy' on your resume?" Eva joked.
Despite her assurances that she could take her own luggage, her dad still insisted on taking it upstairs for her. Eva came to what she had always known was her bedroom door, however her father stopped her.
"Ugh, sorry Babycakes, I hope you don't mind but we put you in the guest room," he said.
Eva paused at that, surprised and ultimately curious as to why her room wasn't her room anymore, "Why?"
"Because," her father shrugged sheepishly, "We're remodelling your room. Just for some extra curricular use,"
And you had plenty of rooms to choose that we're mine, Eva thought to herself. The rational part of her brain knew it was silly to be upset over something so trivial, after all, she herself had doubts she would ever come back to Bitter Lake. Still, the nostalgic part of her was hurt beyond words.
"Right," she followed her dad to the guest room nonetheless. The walls were sage green, just like downstairs, the sheets were crisp white with black throw pillows perched perfectly against the headboard. It was a comfy room, but it was a guest room with no personality or sign of basic life.
After she settled in she joined her dad and brother for a late lunch. He'd made chicken and potato latkes, and because Greg was feeling generous he decided to pop open a bottle of red wine. The meal was pleasant, as both of them kept asking her questions about LA and how her job was going. And then her father stumbled onto the topic of her boyfriend, and Greg was suddenly all over that like bees on a honeycomb.
"You're dating?" he popped an eyebrow.
"You look surprised," Eva chuckled.
"Just making sure you're the same sister who stood up during the Valentine's Day pageant and read out a poem about how love is a clinical disease in the ninth grade," he said.
"Yeah, and ten years ago I also wanted crackle nail polish and was obsessed with Percy Jackson. Opinions change," she shrugged, popping some chicken into her mouth.
Greg scoffed, "Well, c'mon! What's he like? What does he do? And is he college educated pencil pusher?" he shot his dad a teasing glare.
Eva refrained from rolling her eyes, "He's a musician... in a rock band," she watched her brother's eyes nearly pop out of his head, "A singer,"
Greg looked to their dad, who nodded slowly as he chewed his food, "And you didn't have a coronary when she told you?" he gawked in disbelief.
Their dad sighed, "You guys are adults, I should trust your judgement," he replied.
"Thanks, Dad," Eva simpered.
Greg pressed on, "So, this singer... what's his name?"
"And he's in a band?"
"With his brothers. Palaye Royale," she grinned bashfully.
"Sounds like some uppity fragrance label you pay through the nose for," Greg chuckled, "Has he written you a sappy love song?"
"Not yet," she replied, "They're working on new music right now. You wouldn't believe, when I met him he had this tiny little living room with a coffee table and a couple leather couches and maybe some books. It was all they could fit in there. Then they went and refurbished it into a recording studio all within a week!"
"Who's they, again?"
"Remington and his brothers,"
"They all live together?"
"Just him and his younger brother. The older one lives with his fiancé,"
Her father cocked a brow, "And what're the odds you'd move in right across the street from them?"
Greg choked out, "Hold up -- you live across the damn street?!"
"Ironic, isn't it?" she grinned back.
"Jesus," Greg sipped his wine thoughtfully, "The universe has it out for you, I guess,"
Before Eva could answer, there was a click and a thud coming from the hall, followed by the pattering and squelching of boots on hardwood. Eva's anxiety suddenly spiked, knowing fully well who else would have a house key besides her dad and brother...
The oldest sister, Magda, stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the small lunch party. Her dark brown hair was damp and clung to her face and rain coat, her hazel eyes dark and slanted when they landed on Eva. Eva and Magda hadn't spoken in ten months, and given the unimpressed glare on her sister's face, Magda wasn't ready to bury the hatchet just yet.
"Oh, sorry Dad, I didn't know you were having a guest," she huffed, "But then I guess we've been having unexpected guests coming and going all month, haven't we?"
Their dad dropped his utensils, getting ready to scold his daughter, "Magda --"
"Didn't even think to invite me, eh?" she scoffed.
Greg glowered at her, "Well, aren't we all supposed to have Thanksgiving together?"
"Begrudgingly so," Magda replied, "I just wanted to drop off Arleth's bassinet,"
"She's three years old," Eva suddenly spoke out, "She still needs a bassinet?"
Magda shifted her glare to Eva, staying stone still on her spot in the hall, "Well, believe it or not, I don't just have money to blow up in Hollywood. Even if I did, I wouldn't be inconsiderate and stupid in letting you all know only three weeks in advance,"
"Magda!" her father scolded again. Eva dropped her own utensils with a loud clanging.
"It wasn't three weeks, it was two months. And don't be mad at me because I remember to take my birth control --"
"Eva!" her father then turned to her. Greg stood up, not eager to watch a fight break out, and joined his sister in the hall.
"Where's the bed? I'll take it up for you,"
"I got it in the car," and she lead him outside.
Eva sat back in her chair, her arms crossed over her chest and she stared down at her food. She'd suddenly lost her appetite.
Her father sighed, almost with an air of defeat. Who could blame him, these past few years he'd done everything he could to keep his daughters from almost killing each other. Not even one of them moving across the country could quell their disdain for one another.
"Eva, that was uncalled for," her father huffed.
She rolled her eyes that time, "She just called me 'stupid' right in front of you," she replied.
He shook his head solemnly, "I know, brings me right back to when you were kids all over again,"
Eva didn't say a word as she listened to Greg and Magda putter back in, with hushed whispered echoing in-between. She listened to Greg's heavy stomping up the stairs and around the catwalk, stopping just where she suspected her would.
"So, you turned my room into a nursery?" she queried.
Her dad stared at her sheepishly again, picking plainly at his chicken, "To be fair, we didn't anticipate you coming home anytime soon, originally"
"... But I would've," she assured, "Even if Lydia wasn't in the hospital, I still would've visited,"
"And you of course would've wanted to stay here with us, right?" he huffed.
"Of course!" she nodded, "Magda's moved out so it's safe,"
Her father just shook his head, "You wouldn't have stayed with us, Eva, let's be real. You'd find an Air BnB to stay at in the city,"
She shrugged back, "And even if I did? What's it to you?"
"Because you moved across the damned country to get away from your problems here. Hell, even now you look uncomfortable sitting at your own dinner table,"
"I wasn't uncomfortable five minutes ago," she argued back.
"Of course you were. I raised you, Eva, I know you better than you think," he replied, "I'm happy that you've found a life in California, but I beg of you, please, don't forget about the life you left here because it was hard. Even when it was, we still had each other to love, didn't we?"
The pattering of feet trotting down the stairs hit sharply at Eva's ears. Greg would be coming back any second and Magda would be well on her way to her boyfriend and kid. And they would try to resume conversation despite the heavy elephant that just plopped into the room. Eva knew this visit wouldn't be a walk in the park, and she knew her dad was right because at least if she'd rented a BnB she would've had some space to cleanse herself from the onslaught of things she was forced to feel in this house.
God, how she missed her apartment, and her cat. And Remington, most of all...
"Yeah," she muttered quietly, "We still have each other, Dad,"
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gale-heart · 1 year
Well! I was neither dismissed entirely, nor smote by a scornful dragon. I think it was somewhere between my apology and Kavard’s that some of the tension finally came untangled. Not enough to compensate for a legacy of corruption and desecration, of course, but I think the fact that Vivistrasza pulled Kavard, Sam and Lancel into a hug might be as close to an endorsement as we can ask for. I think Kavard even got a kiss on the forehead! Salix was smiling more easily by the end, too, so I think we did alright.
Now to see if we can free a dragon’s soul from its reanimated skeleton. No big deal! I’m not imagining a dozen ways this could go horribly wrong at all. Once again, I find myself in a situation where I wish I could do more with the druidic aspects of my magic, or even that I’d asked Thareldis about how to cleanse corruption like this. I hope Ilvaia’s little “Scales of Eidolon” club can figure out what they’re doing, because I doubt either my arcane siphoning or my middling ability to mend broken bones is going to cut it this time.
—Remington is also trying not to be nervous. Not about the fight itself (she’s spent years running circles around the Scourge by herself) but about accounting for everyone else and making sure we all get out alive. It’s nice to know that even grizzled veterans still worry sometimes about going into battle.
—Neil can…turn into an imp? I guess? He also seems to be genuinely besotted with his wife, in a way even Mythandos and all his hammy acting couldn’t fake. Also hates hugs with a frantic passion. Good to know if I ever need to threaten him.
—Neil and Kavard are FUCKING LOUD when they get into their little clown fights. It’s a good thing they don’t do it at night, because I might have to throw them both overboard if they interrupted my sleep.
—Kavard has been seasick through all of our time spent sailing. I’ll have to find his cabin and put a cat on his lap so the healing power of purring can distract him. Shame he doesn’t have any hair for Nimbus to try and groom.
—Nimbus doesn’t seem put off anymore by undead, dragons, and entities of questionable mortality or origin. Caught him on deck earlier mashing his face into Saudormu’s hand for attention.
—I’ve only seen Kerrius out of his cabin once, when everyone else was already asleep. The man is determined to brood alone in a corner until we arrive back home. How can I draw him out?
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electrospares · 1 year
The Best Place to Find Shaver Replacement Parts in the UK
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Maintaining your shaving routine is essential to look and feel good at all times. Don't let a broken shaver or worn-out parts ruin your experience. Shaverspares UK is your reliable partner for all your shaver replacement parts needs. Their extensive range of genuine parts, top-notch customer service, easy-to-navigate website, convenient payment and shipping options, and quality guarantee make them the best place to find shaver replacement parts in the UK.
0 notes
Bad Manners (S2, E5)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:35 - Martin totally thought John Watkins abducted and killed Ainsley. Mark my words. 
0:44 - Holy. Shit. Ainsley is FIVE years old (or younger) here right? A five year old with that much determination?!?! She literally stayed silent in that clock for probably hours......and no one was concerned about this kid when Martin was arrested because...?
1:09 - Anyone else impressed with Malcolm’s aim here? Just me?
1:20 - Gil and Malcolm talking about sleep and murder is so freaking sweet. <3 Honestly, they’re acting like friends instead of co-workers and it warms my cold dead heart. 
1:29 - Does Gil become a grumpy old man when he doesn’t get 8 hours sleep? I really want to know now. 
1:39 - OMG. Gil pointing at Ainsley here is hilarious. He’s totally acting like some weird mix of a stern pissed off high-school teacher, and a step-dad trying to discipline an unruly teen. hahaha AND MALCOLM’S FACE. Look how done Malcolm is. He looks so so tired, sad, and exasperated. 
1:44 - Wow. Girl power. Ainsley has those camera guys bending to her will. I honestly would’ve thought they would just read the situation and turn the camera off themselves. 
1:47 - “It’s not a game.” Yikes. I have thoughts about this:
Malcolm is right - it’s not a game. 
Malcolm is a bit of a hypocrite for saying that to Ainsley. Although, to his credit even when Malcolm is excited/inappropriately happy about murder it’s always pretty clear that he thinks murder is wrong, and that he has sympathy for the victims and their families. 
Ainsley does not have that same sympathy for the victims. That much is clear later in this episode. 
Pretty sure the writers are trying to turn Ainsley into a serial killer this season. 
2:13 - “You know I like to share these things with my friends.” .....does this mean Malcolm thinks Dani and JT are his friends now? Last I checked (Ep 1x05) Malcolm didn’t have friends. This absolutely melts my heart. <3 I’m honestly so happy that Malcolm considers someone other than Gil to be his friend.
2:18 - “We lost Dani to vice.” .....What is vice? AND WHAT IS THE REAL LIFE REASON THAT DANI WASN’T IN THIS EPISODE?!? 
2:19 - Edrisa has a medical degree right? She has to know how dangerous consuming that much caffeine is right? Plus aren’t energy drinks super dangerous if you drink a lot of them (or maybe that’s just what adults in my neighbourhood told kids)?
2:30 - Edrisa SHINES in this episode. She’s so funny and awkward and I just love her. 
2:36 - hahaha Gil has adopted the whole team. Look at him throwing the “Dad warning stare” at Edrisa. 
3:31 - Why does Edrisa start bouncing around looking upset when Malcolm says, “rejection is a powerful motivator”?!?! Has she recently been broken up with or something? Is this a reference to how she has a crush on Malcolm (who doesn’t reciprocate)? I WANT MORE INFORMATION.
3:47 - TWIZZLERS!!! <3 Damn I love how this tiny detail about Malcolm’s character keeps coming up. 
3:55 - Ainsley is on a rampage this episode. She’s so determined ...actually she’s acting a lot like Jessica (think girl in the box bracelet). However, unlike Jessica, Ainsley’s motives aren’t about justice or the safety of her loved ones.  Ainsley is chasing personal gain (career) with a side of (a subconscious?) need to be exposed to murder and her father’s twisted world. 
4:05 - This whole interaction between Ainsley and Malcolm is really interesting. Ainsley is knowingly manipulating Malcolm to get the answers she wants. We’ve seen her do it in 2x4 and 1x19. She knows her big brother would do anything for her. It makes sense, they’re five years apart and after the trauma they experienced as children Malcolm felt responsible to protect Ainsley. He never wants to disappoint Ainsley. Not a burden he should’ve had to deal with but I digress. PLUS Malcolm looks weary of Ainsley here. He knows what she’s doing. He’s scared that she’s turning to the dark side. But he still gives her the answers because if he doesn’t - that means something has changed. He thinks that would make Ainsley suspicious and then she might remember what happened to Endicott. He’s scared of and for Ainsley. 
4:32 - OKAY. I’ll say it. The thing that annoys me the most about this episode is that it suggests that Ainsley was a debutant when in 1x6 AINSLEY TELLS MARTIN SHE WAS NEVER A DEBUTANT. She went to etiquette school - I guess that doesn’t strictly mean she also did debutant balls but it sort of suggests it in the context of this episode? Did she actually graduate from the etiquette school (there was bullying, maybe she was expelled/dropped out similar to Malcolm and Remington?)?
4:59 - “No stabbies” OMG. How is this show not classified as a comedy?!? Istg I laugh harder watching this ‘drama’ then I do watching most of the shows that call themselves ‘comedies’.
5:35 - It’s honestly kind of amazing that Ainsley and Malcolm are as ‘sane’ as they are. They were raised by a stubborn predatory psychopath and a stubborn rich meddling socialite. They had no chance of normalcy. Look at the amount of pleasure Martin is currently getting by throwing his son under the bus with regards to Jessica. 
 5:45 - “No actually, I cleaned it up.”.....does this have a dual meaning? Did Martin do something to make Malcolm dispose of the body? We already know that Martin has tried some sort of conditioning on Malcolm (remember ‘C’mon boy!’ from 1x14? The stabbing?). What if Martin said some sort of trigger word to control Malcolm and coerced Malcolm into getting rid of the body? What if this isn’t the first time?
6:05 - Ainsley is a sociopath. I’m calling it again. I called it when I first watched Q&A (1x7) because the way she treated Malcolm was more than just selfish/careless. It was cruel and she didn’t feel any remorse for literally broadcasting her brother’s private health details on television. That is messed up. I honestly won’t be shocked if the writers make Ainsley a full blown serial killers (although I’m not sure I want that because I don’t know how Malcolm would remain the main character if the story goes in that direction?). 
6:12 - Poor Jessica. I honestly feel really bad for her. Sure, she’s a headstrong alcohol dependant crazy rich woman. She also has a good heart. She’s been dealt a pretty shitty hand when it comes to relationships (minus Gil but she ruined that because she’s a MORON) and now she’s terrified that her own children have become monsters and she blames herself. She definitely hasn’t been a perfect mother but I don’t think she’s to blame for Ainsley and Malcolm’s obsession with murder. If these kids had a different bio dad, they would probably just have a low-key drug problem or some other common rich kid baggage. 
6:15 - “You know that’s not how cancer works right?” LOL. hahahaha
6:33 - Martin kind of has a point. There’s no rehab for murder. That’s why he’s been in jail for 20 years and he still wants to kill people. In my opinion, given what we’ve seen of Ainsley’s personality: as soon as she fully remembers that night - she’s gone. She’ll go full serial killer and Jessica and Malcolm will lose her forever. 
6:40 - Jessica’s little jazz hand finger twinkle as she spins on her heel and leaves Martin kills me. It’s so extra. It’s so funny. And it’s sooo Jessica. 
6:47 - Damn. Martin is pissed. I’m worried. That’s murder-level rage. If he escapes ISTG Martin is going to try and kill Gil. For so many reasons 1) because he hates Gil, 2) it’ll hurt Jessica, and 3) killing Gil will eliminate his ‘Dad’ competition. 
6:54 - Edrisa on caffeine is AMAZING.
7:43 - I love Edrisa but her blatant, unreciprocated crush on Malcolm is honestly getting a little creepy. 
7:52 - Gil spent all last season drinking out of a Yankee’s mug. Doesn’t that mean he’s a baseball fan? Why doesn’t he know this pitcher guy?
7:56 - hahahaa “Where is JT?” Because obviously JT is the team sports fan. 
8:22 - Does Gil get nightmares about cases? He always seems really uncomfortable around the dead bodies. 
8:45 - “And suddenly I’m wide awake” SERIOUSLY - is anyone else laughing every 60 seconds when they watch this show? Is my sense of humour just super dark and messed up?
8:54 - YES. The liquorice is BACK.
9:00 - I love Malcolm talking to JT about his obsession with candy. I love how Malcolm doesn’t even hesitate before giving JT an honest answer. Malcolm is acting like JT’s annoying little brother and I am here for it. One thing I did notice though - Malcolm specifically mentions candy+dopamine but doesn’t mention his depression/anxiety. Processed sugar can be a short-term (unhealthy) way to boost your mood. It’s why some people eat their feelings. I really want more backstory about Malcolm with the lollipops and licorice though. 
9:19 - “But you didn’t do anything wrong.” Awwww Malcolm is so soft here. I love how much he genuinely cares about JT. <3 I love how JT is comfortable enough with Malcolm to give him an honest answer. <3 THEIR RELATIONSHIP HAS GONE THROUGH SUCH A GLOW UP. <3 
9:32 - “Like toy dolls?” hahaha the way Malcolm perked up here. All I could think was “SQUIRREL!” hahaha. 
9:41 - Malcolm is doing better than he has been the past few episodes? I mean he’s still suffering and he’s still in a terrible mental state. BUT he also seems happier? IDK maybe he’s just entered the more manic nervous energy stage of his emotions as opposed to the depressed and scared stage. 
9:49 - “Deep childhood trauma”. So we’re looking for a debutant killer with childhood trauma who is chasing perfection? Debutant = rich lady culture. Like Ainsley. AND Ainsley went to the same etiquette school as the first two victims. The writer’s wanted us to assume the killer was Ainsley for the first 15 mins of this episode right? I’m not the only one seeing it?
10:04 - “My sister went there too.” ....why is there something super attractive about the way that line was delivered?
10:08 - I’m so done with this absolute tom foolery. Why does the team keep splitting up into two teams - where one team is JUST MALCOLM. The one who is unarmed and technically a civilian?!? This makes no logical sense to me (except for plot).
10:25 - Was Martin just about to say, “Just like the old days”?!? Is Martin referring to Endicott? OR is Martin referring to something that Malcolm’s repressed from his childhood?
10:30 - “I always root for the bad guys.” .....finally some truth from Martin.
10:40 - Soooooo I guess Mr. David doesn’t know? I promise you Mr. David has suspicions though. How could he not?!?!
11:24 - “It was brutal for Ains.” Look at how sad Malcolm is! Ugh. This hurts so much. He clearly loves his sister so so much and what she’s done is slowly killing him. I honestly think that part of the reason Malcolm helped Ainsley dispose of the body is that Malcolm doesn’t want to loose his sister. His sister is one of the only good things he’s always been able to count on. If word gets around that she’s a killer - Malcolm’s fragile world gets shattered a little more and I don’t know if Malcolm can recover mentally from that. 
11:36 - “Teasing made her capable of...stuff.” C’MON. There’s no way Mr. David doesn’t know. 
11:45 - Sooo is Martin saying that he recognized that Ainsley was a sociopath when she was a small child? Or did she just respond to his (or John Watkins’) grooming much ‘better’ than Malcolm?
11:56 - “Because she’s her mother’s” Okay. So I see the point. I can see that Ainsley is driven and stubborn like Jessica. BUT it feels like Martin is suggesting that Jessica is capable of murder? Which - I honestly don’t think she is. If anything - Malcolm is more like Jessica than Ainsley is.
11:59 - There was a look in Martin’s eyes when he was comparing Ainsley to Jessica that really freaked me out. I can’t figure out why. It makes me wonder if Martin still somehow views Jessica as ‘his possession’ (he refers to her as his wife all the time but I always assumed that was just to get a rise out of people?). Martin’s dream from 2x4 certainly suggests that he still wants Jessica romantically. I honestly think he’s going to try to escape and rekindle the romance with Jess; and it’s going to go very poorly when Jessica rejects him. 
12:06 - Preach JT. Preach. This is creepy af. 
13:00 - Ugh. Of course this creep has a history of indecent exposure. Now I understand why Gil and JT were hostile with the dude right from the start. 
13:12 - Man. People will use the Bible to justify anything. No wonder people hate Christians ( I say this as a practicing Christian).
13:18 - JT is such a good dude. I’m so glad he’s a dad now. <3 He’s going to be such a good one. <3
13:26 - “One phone call and this place will be shut down.” OH SHIT. GIL THAT IS VICIOUS AND I RESPECT THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
13:35 - I soooo thought that dude was going to sprint out of that room. 
14:30 - THIS. YES. This is why I have a problem with Ainsley’s enthusiasm for murder vs. Malcolm’s. Ainsley’s enthusiasm is centred on her nee to ‘get the story’. She’s obsessed with forwarding her career and as a result she’s treating crime like a competitive sport. Malcolm’s obsession (while it can border on creepy and reckless) is always centred on his need to find the killer and stop the murders. Malcolm is seeking justice and his heart is in the right place. I can’t say the same for Ainsley.
14:31 - “We’re brother and sister, everything is a competitive sport”.....whoever wrote this doesn’t have a sibling they experienced trauma with as a kid (and as a result was raised by a single parent). Seriously, my dad was abusive he lived with us until I was 10 and my brother was 7. Then my parents got divorced and my mom was a single parent (he didn’t pay child support or see his kids after the divorce). Are my brother and I competitive? Sure sometimes. But the way we grew up forced us to become partners. Annoyed with Mom? Let’s rant about it together. Is he struggling in math? I’ll tutor him in exchange for a Reese cup. Am I struggling at daycare because I have massive social anxiety? He’ll include me in whatever he’s doing so I’m not sitting alone in a corner. My point: siblings who experience trauma together don’t have the typical sibling relationships that are widely televised in North America. There’s a lot less fighting and competition and a lot more teaming up and commiserating. 
14:39 - “It. It’s terrible.” - Notice how Ainsley didn’t actually say how it made her feel? She gave the standard “TV response” to a murder “a terrible/horrific/tragedy has occurred”. She doesn’t feel bad that these women are dead. She’s too consumed with getting a story to even stop and let herself feel anything. I’ve been saying it since last season - the way Ainsley shows no regard for other people and their feelings when she’s obsessed with her job is concerning. 
14:50 - “Remind me of the people who cut us off after Dad’s arrest.” ...Are you kidding me?!? The whole fandom has been speculating about this since early season one and they’re not going to elaborate on that line?!? I’m going to need some more information about this and it better be in the upcoming episode where Jessica’s younger sister appears. 
15:40 - She thinks of her students as family? Sooo what does she think of Ainsley? Wasn’t Ainsley bullied at this school? Did she do anything about it? 
16:00 - this is like a ‘weekend/evening school’ right? Kids aren’t living in this house like a boarding school/summer camp?
16:01 - “Mr. Whitly” UGH. This bitch preaches etiquette and she doesn’t even have the common courtesy to call Malcolm by the name with which he introduced himself? Nah. I don’t like her. 
16:13 - Ugh. Ainsley, seriously? Why don’t you help your brother solve the case. AND PREVENT MORE MURDERS. Why are you indirectly but purposely obstructing justice?
16:37 - “Of course.” Huh. Do you think Martin might try and manipulate Ainsley into killing Malcolm? Ainsley definitely capable of it. She doesn’t actually seem to care about Malcolm nearly as much as he cares about her. 
17:17 - WTF?!? That’s creepy af. How did no one in this show think this assistant was a suspect? She has a super creepy doll that she ‘forgot’ on the floor the middle of a hallway. AND THE DOLL WAS STANDING UP. Not sitting, not dropped carelessly, STANDING UP.
17:30 - Look at Malcolm’s face. He’s definitely going to be having nightmares about that doll. 
18:25 - OMG. This was amazing. JT just totally bulldozed his way into catching that dude. Very badass. Also kind of funny (maybe that’s just my messed up sense of humour again?).
18:44 - Ugh. This dude has a thing for dolls. I don’t want to kink shame but - no. no. There’s something really gross about that.  
18:48 - I’ve seen some people say that this doll looks like Ainsley and how that’s supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing/symbolism. I kind of see it? I mean the hair colour is similar and if you pause the screen at 18:48 the angle kind of looks like Ainsley? It would be an interesting metaphor though - Ainsley played with dolls as a little girl. John Watkins gave her angel statues. She is Watkins’ and Martin’s doll’ in the sense that she was the object that murders manipulated/groomed. 
18:53 - Then again, pause the screen here and there’s something about the facial structure that looks like Dani to me. 
19:00 - Jessica lets Ainsley work in the murder office?!? No. No she doesn’t. This is garbage. Jessica would’ve forbade it. Jessica would’ve bordered up this room immediately after Watkins.
19:57 - Poor Jessica. She’s clearly terrified that she’s losing Ainsley and terrified of Ainsley. BUT Jess, sweetie, running to Europe won’t fix this. 
20:16 - “She wanted the dolls to look like her students.” AND PEOPLE SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO HER?!? WTF?!? NO. NO. NO. NOT OKAY. 
20:31 - HAHA look at Gil’s face when Trevor tells him he can make the ‘perfect woman’. Gil’s like WTF - can I arrest you for thinking you can fabricate a ‘perfect woman’?!!?
21:06 - Malcolm is having so much fun playing with Trevor’s doll head. Look at how excited he is. It’s kind of adorable but his manic energy is showing which is concerning. 
21:10 - Why is Trevor giving his doll fancy 1940s(ish) names? 
21:31 - Props to LDP. I honestly believed Gil was annoyed with Malcolm for barging in on the interrogation the first time I watched this. 
21:42 - “They got a word for everything.” hahaha OMG. This is so reminiscent of a teenager explaining some new tech to their tech-illiterate parents. 
22:00 - I can’t tell if Gil feels sorry for this creep or if he just thinks the dude is really gross. Probably a mixture. 
23:00 - Oh we’re bringing up the chloroform again. At least Malcolm knows not listen to Martin about this nonsense. 
23:25 - “It doesn’t feel fun.” - THIS. This is why I honestly don’t think Malcolm will ever become a serial killer. His guilt complex is just too big.
23:56 - Are. You. Kidding. Me? This is next level. Ainsley is so out of line here. AND SHE SHOWS NO REMORSE. SHE DOESN’T THINK SHE’S DONE ANYTHING WRONG. THIS GIRL HAS GONE DARK SIDE (she was already halfway there).
24:17 - I’m getting papa!Gil vibes when Gil is talking to Ainsley and I want more scenes of them interacting. Seriously, did Gil have a relationship with Ainsley when she was a kid? I MUST KNOW.
24:45 - Ainsley has no conscience. I honestly don’t think Ainsley has a conscience. 
25:00 - “Who is that!?” Malcolm is totally acting like he’s Ainsley’s father-figure right now. I’m here for it. 
25:22 - SORE LOSERS?!? I’m sorry. What? If you weren’t concerned about Ainsley you damn well should be now. That is seriously messed up. People are dead. This is not a game. Do you know who else thought murder was a game? Martin Whitly.
25:31 - Okay. Ainsley has a point. Malcolm lecturing anyone about being reckless is pretty hypocritical. But at least Malcolm cares about her. 
25:54 - Heart. Shattered. Look at how terrified Jessica is. Look at how gentle and reassuring Gil is. UGh. WHY DID SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM??! I mean, I know why I just think she’s a moron for doing it. 
26:00 - Poor Gil. He’s so confused and so concerned. The whole Whitly family is acting crazier then usual and he doesn’t know why. 
26:11 - “Both you and Malcolm are at an 11 and I’ve never seen Ainsley like that.” FIND YOURSELF A MAN WHO CARES LIKE GIL AND NEVER LET HIM GO. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Seriously. The love and concern he shows for this family warms my cold dead heart. 
26:16 - “Her father?!” Oh shit. Now Gil knows there’s something BIG happening. Jessica would never run to Martin unless she absolutely had to. 
26:19 - annnnd Gil’s also being a prideful man who’s feeling are hurt. “You went to him?” He’s right to be though - the woman he loves went to a serial killer for advice before going to the guy who practically co-parented with her. 
26:33 - “I’m here. Whatever you need. I’m here.” <3 <3 Gil is the definition of a good man. <3 I’m in love with it. 
26:48 - “You were right on time for me.” ....*snort* subtle Gil (and in front of JT!!)
27:08 - Edrisa is hysterical on caffeine. hahaha. This whole scene is perfect. 
27:20 - You know someone is acting manic when Malcolm Bright is concerned about their eccentric behaviour. 
27:34 - Annnnnd Tom Payne was a split second from breaking character here. I don’t blame him. hahaha
28:05 - EDRISA flipping and dropping that pencil. HAHAHAHAHAHA
29:10 - “Absolutely not.” hahaha this is funny but also really sweet. Malcolm knows that Edrisa hopped up on caffeine isn’t safe to have near an active killer. Who knows what’ll happen. I wish he’d care that much about his own well being. Looks like calling for backup last episode was a one time thing. 
30:37 - I’ll give the writers one thing - Miss Windsor makes a convincing murder suspect.
31:22 - GIL. STANDING. UP. FOR. JT. IS. EVERYTHING. Where is O’Malley’s back up? Oh yeah, they’re not brave enough to defend him.
32:00 - Huh. Bright texted for backup. This is growth. I’m proud of him. 
32:15 - YES. This JT arc was handled right. Sure JT could’ve complained. It would’ve been episodes upon episodes of bureaucratic nightmares and injustice. This show isn’t about racism. They showed enough to portray that the system is broken and they had JT act like a responsible adult. It’s not fair that JT had to go through this or that he’ll likely experience something similar to it again. But the fact that JT is acting like a bigger person is perfect. JT will protect his family. Always. That includes Malcolm. So JT avoids putting through a formal complaint because he knows that will take time away from doing his job, from protecting others, from hanging out with his wife and kid. JT’s taking the higher road, it might not be gratifying or fair but I respect the hell out of him for taking it. 
32:28 - Gil is so so proud of JT. Look at him. <3 <3 
33:40 - Look, Miss Windsor is a bit of a stuck up bitch but she has a good heart. Look at the way she immediately tells Malcolm where Ainsley is when she realizes what’s happening. 
34:14 - This confused me during the first watch - Ainsley obviously didn’t drink any tea - so why is she drugged? (obviously I know now). 
34:17 - Big brother Malcolm frantically looking for Ainsley is so so sweet. <3 
35:42 - The music, the dolls, and Miss Windsor’s speech here. There’s something about this part of the episode that is strangely reminiscent of 5x16 of Criminal Minds.
36:20 - ......does Miss Windsor have some sort of mental illness? She’s talking to herself and ranting erratically. Is this just emotional stress or something deeper?
37:00 - This is why Malcolm’s not a serial killer. Even now- looking at a killer - he’s trying to sympathize with her. He’s trying to understand why. He’s trying to calm her down, diffuse the threat, and get her mental help. 
39:00 - Oh yeah. Ainsley was definitely going to kill without remorse. Again. I’ve seen some theories that Ainsley only ever tries to kill to protect Malcolm. I disagree. I think Ainsley’s trying to protect herself. Ainsley is pissed off that this girl tried to drug her and kill her because she thinks Ainsley is wicked. Ainsley was pissed at Endicott for whatever he did to Ainsley before Malcolm got there. I think Ainsley felt threatened and scared so she reacted. I don’t think this has anything to do with protecting Malcolm.
39:41 - Malcolm isn’t a killer. Look. He smells gas but he takes the time to carry an unconscious murderer (who literally just tried to kill his sister) out of the building. 
40:00 - The drama. Holy hell. What a weird ending to this case.
40:48 - Who gave Ainsley a police jacket and let her keep it?
41:14 - She almost died and she’s still obsessing over ‘winning’. This is seriously unstable behaviour. Way more concerning than anything Malcolm’s done since 2x1. 
41:45 - “My father was a serial killer also.” Anyone else super irritated by that phrasing?!?  Just me?!? Something about the ‘also’ feels super wrong to me.
41:53 - Oh sweetie. I’d argue that you are more messed up than Malcolm. 
42:06 - Jessica went to see Martin twice in one episode. THIS IS BAD.
42:15 - “Maybe even more so than Malcolm if that’s possible.” Jessica knows her kids. I’m on her side here. 
42:20 - Martin is way too happy about Ainsley showing signs of serial killing. 
42:30 - Jessica? You married an act. That man never existed. He’s always been a serial killer. You just didn’t know it. He’s manipulative and you were a victim to it. 
Okay....so definitely the weakest episode of the season so far. AND the fact that we got no mention of Tally and/or the baby this episode is a crime. 
BUT I’M SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. It’s going to be a televised fanfic and I can’t wait. 
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Snow Day Plans - Sebastian Danzig Fan Fiction
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Prompt: Shovelling Snow
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1750 words
Summary: Merry's neighbour Sebastian is really the best neighbour she could ask for...and maybe more.
   The local news kept going on about the chaos the snow had caused, but Merry had stopped listening in favour of sighing at her daughter: “Looks like it’s me and you today, kid.”
   Her daughter Sariah didn’t respond, too happy sitting at the kitchen table, munching away on her waffles. She was a little too young to really understand snow days yet, anyway, having only started pre-school this year. She wouldn’t mind tagging along with Merry as she ran her errands for the day…but Merry certainly wasn’t really looking forward to braving the results of last night’s snowstorm with a four-year-old in tow.
 Sariah was a great kid…but she was still a kid, and there was only so much Merry could ask of her, especially when it was freezing and everyone was acting like a crazy person because of the snow.
 Merry was already dreading it.
 At least most of the errands she nodded to run could actually be put off until the snow melted, but the trip to Walmart was not one of them. And neither was clearing her driveway.
   “Beautiful, but only until you remember what a pain it is, right?”
 Merry turned towards the sound of the voice calling out to her as soon as she got outside, smiling when she saw her neighbour Sebastian standing there with a shovel, half-way through clearing his own driveway: “Tell me about it.”
 “I’d love to, but my useless brothers - ” he yelled the last three words, looking pointedly at his front door, where his two younger brothers were standing with steaming mugs, were watching on calmly: “ - are leaving me to do this all alone, so I don’t think my lungs could take it.”
 “If you have energy to bitch, you have energy to shovel.” Remington replied casually, before turning to smile brightly at Merry: “Hey Merry - do you want some coffee? We just made some.”
 More than used to the brothers’ unique we-love-each-other-but-will-torture-each-other-at-every-opportunity dynamic, Merry just laughed: “I think I’ll leave it for your brother; he’s going to need it.”
 “At least someone around here thinks about my needs…” Sebastian muttered, making Merry laugh as she ducked into her garage for her own shovel.
   The brothers continued to bicker, although the actual words were lost on Merry, muffled by the walls of the garage.
 Even though she’d had some reservations when she’d learned her new neighbour was in rock and roll band that was growing in popularity by the day, who often had his younger brothers: the other members of said band, round, Merry actually really liked Sebastian and his brothers.
 Sebastian was the textbook definition of a good neighbour: pulling her trash bins back from the curb when he was retrieving his own, always stopping for a chat when they passed each other coming in and out of their homes, didn’t pull faces when Sariah was playing (and wailing excitedly) in the backyard. And his brothers were equally sweet. Emerson had bought her flowers after she’d let him borrow some coffee one morning, and Remington was always so happy to crouch down at talk to Sariah, going along with her babbling and responding as if it was a real two-way conversation, even before Sariah had really been able to speak properly.
 Just remembering all the nice interactions she’d had with the brothers - especially Sebastian - was enough to bring a smile to Merry’s face…right before it fell into a frown.
 Even after searching for almost ten minutes, she hadn’t found her shovel. She was absolutely she’d put it back in here after the last time she’d used it…but that didn’t mean it would still be in here, she realised, when she remembered her ex-husband coming round last week to drop Sariah off, and asking to borrow something out of her toolbox. It wouldn’t be unlike him to take the shovel too and not tell her.
 Sighing, she resolved to asking Sebastian if she could borrow his, heading out and hoping she caught him before he was finished clearing his own driveway…only to find that he had finished, but instead of going inside where it was warm, he was now shoveling the snow away from the path between Merry’s front door and her garage.
   “Oh, Sebastian, you don’t have to do that!”
 Sebastian, being the sweetheart that he was, just looked up at Merry to smile: “It’s okay. No sense in two of us getting sweaty and exhausted.”
 “You shouldn’t have to worry about sorting out my driveway if you’re already exhausted…”
 “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I’m going to be going to the gym for a while, in this weather, so I’m going to have to get my work-outs in somehow.” he chuckled, before gently shooing her towards her door: “Go get in the warm, I’ll sort all this out.”
   Merry wanted to argue…but it was cold. And she knew Sebastian wasn’t likely to give in, no matter how much she argued: it’d be easier on both of them for her to just go inside.
 So she did, but not before giving Sebastian a grateful look. She also started some fresh coffee for when Sebastian was finished - because she refused to let him help her, without at least offering something in return, even if it was just coffee. Sebastian did so much, considering they were just neighbours, and Merry didn’t want to take advantage of his willingness to be kind.
 By the time she’d checked in on Sariah, who was still happily sat at the kitchen counter, colouring in a new page of her colouring book, and checked on the coffee, Sebastian had not just finished the path, but the driveway too, and she had the chance to wave him into the kitchen before he headed back to his own house:
   “I made you some fresh coffee, in case your brothers finished what was at your place.”
 “It’s not unlikely.” he smiled wryly, before the expression turned more genuine when he looked at Sariah: “Hey, Sariah.”
 “Hi Mister Sebastian.”
 Merry rolled her eyes at Sariah’s vague response, but apparently Emerson was just the same when he was drawing, and Sebastian thought her daughter’s focus on her colouring in was adorable - so Merry let her daughter’s slight rudeness go and handed Sebastian a mug of coffee: “Here you go, splash of creamer and no sugar.”
 “Thank you.” Sebastian responded gratefully: “So, I’m guessing the schools are shut today?”
 “They are indeed,” Merry nodded, reaching over to ruffle her daughter’s hair: “So little miss is going to come to Walmart with me, aren’t you sweetie?”
 “Mo-oom.” Sariah complained, batting at Merry’s hand: “I don’t wanna go out. ‘S cold.”
   Sebastian hid his smile behind his coffee mug, while Merry just rolled her eyes again.
 She couldn’t blame her daughter; it was bitterly cold outside, and Walmart was going to a warzone with it being so close to Christmas and the snow from last night, and the more snow that was predicted to come down tonight and tomorrow. If she could leave Sariah at home, she would, but with no-one to watch her she didn’t really have a choice.
   “Sorry, baby, but you’re a little young to be staying home alone yet.” she leant down to kiss Sariah on the top of her head.
 Her daughter grumbled, but went back to her colouring without complaint…but Sebastian looked thoughtful: “I could always get Emerson and Remington to watch her, if you don’t mind?”
 They’d done it before, in an emergency, but snow was hardly enough to make Merry desperate: “I couldn’t ask them to do that, honestly. You’ve already been so helpful today.”
 “You’d actually be doing me a favour. Otherwise they’ll insist on coming to Walmart with me, and it’ll mean at least another hour and a half in there.” Sebastian shuddered dramatically: “They could watch Sariah, and then we could go and do the shopping without my brothers trying to elbow drop each other off of freezers.”
   It actually sounded pretty good.
 Sariah could be safely watched at home, and Merry wouldn’t have to turn into an aisle to see Sebastian holding his head in his hands while Remington pinned Emerson to the floor and gave him a noogie. It had been funny to her, but Sebastian had looked ready to disown them both. Sariah got on with all three of the brothers, but she got on especially well with Emerson…it really was a good idea.
   “Please mum?” Sariah looked up at her: “I really don’t want to go out in the snow.”
 “Okay,” Merry relented: “Only if Emerson and Remington don’t mind.”
   And that was how she ended up in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car, being waved off by her daughter, Emerson, and Remington.
 The drive was filled with easy conversation, Merry never finding it awkward to spend time with Sebastian. It felt like no time at all before they were in Walmart, pushing their carts around the aisles, still chatting about the all the same things they had in the car.
 It was one of the main reasons Merry liked Sebastian, really liked him; he was just so easy to be around. Merry never felt uncomfortable with him, or like she had to walk on egg shells to keep him happy. By the end of her marriage to Sariah’s father, Merry had been so used to feeling nervous that it had felt like it was going to be her default setting forever…but with Sebastian it was completely different.
 With Sebastian, Merry felt like she could really just let loose, knowing that he would never hold it against her or judge her. He was always willing to drop an arm over her shoulders as he laughed with her, or wrap his fingers around hers whenever Sariah wasn’t around to see her mum getting so close to a man who wasn’t her father. She was still adjusting to not having her father in the house, and no matter what Merry personally wanted, Sariah had to come first, and Sebastian had been very understanding of that...so, for now, Sebastian was just Merry’s neighbour, but in the future…she was eager for so much more.
 And when she felt Sebastian drop a light kiss on the top of her head, she was filled with hope that she was going to get it.
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sanders-sides-fics · 4 years
In My Dreams: Chapter Fifteen
Warnings: crying, shovel talk
Word Count: 1754
Virgil sat at the table in the castle’s kitchen with his dad. A few servants lingered, working on different tasks but giving the father and son space as they talked. Virgil appreciated the gesture, despite how he invaded the kitchens to spend some time with his dad. He missed being able to walk around generally unnoticed by others. In Sandres, he had just been the chef’s boy, but here, he was the prince who’d finally found his way home.
The allotted space did not stop him from being looked at. Occasionally, a curious maid would eye the prince, surprised to see him in the kitchen and even more surprised to see the flour on his shirt.
He had grown a bit more used to being watched over the past few months, but sometimes it would still bother him. Today was one of those times. He took a bite of his warm scone to distract himself from the watching eyes.
Patton laughed and reached out to wipe crumbs off of Virgil’s chin, “I see princedom has turned you into a messy eater?”
Virgil set the scone on the plate in front of him and wiped his chin off before wiping his hands on his shirt, hoping that he could get the flour off.
“Dad, I think you’re forgetting years of me making a mess in your kitchens with Roman,” Virgil teased, “with our quests to collect midnight snacks.”
“How could I forget? The two of you ate a week’s worth of bread in one night. A feat I still cannot believe two eleven-year-olds could pull off alone,” Patton ripped a small part of his scone and popped it in his mouth. 
Virgil laughed at that, thinking back to the stomach ache he had the next morning. It was before he was Roman’s servant. They were just friends back then, still young and more mischievous than responsible. Dad had pitied him and given him ginger for his nausea, he never heard if Roman had gotten into trouble or not.
Virgil shrugged, “In my defense, Roman dared me to do so. And I was too stubborn to say no.”
“Yes, how could I forget you two were thick as thieves back then. I’m glad you’re close again,” Dad smiled.
Virgil looked over his dad’s face. The smile on Dad’s face looked genuine, his eyes softening and the wrinkles around his eyes gently creasing. Virgil felt relief. Dad actually thought this courting was a good idea, or at the least was happy for Virgil. Virgil thought courting Roman was good, but seeing his dad’s reaction was reassuring.
He was growing a little old to need his dad’s reassurance, especially considering his dad lived a kingdom away. It did not change that Virgil valued what his dad had to say, but he knew one day he would need to make important life decisions without seeking that reassurance. Be it with Roman at his side or alone.
“I am too.”
“How did the two of you like the lunch I made?”
Virgil smiled at his dad, “It was wonderful. It was nice to have your cooking again, Dad. It made me a little homesick to eat some of the dishes here and have them not taste the same.”
“I missed you too, Virgil, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying things here, okay?”
Patton reached out and patted his hand, hesitantly. Virgil knew he was worried, even if his arms appeared to be alright again. The feeling of ice encasing his arms was not pleasant and he frowned at the phantom feeling of ice crawling its way up his arms, immobilizing them.
“I’m trying, Dad. Sometimes it just happens without me realizing it,” Virgil moved his hand to hold his Dad’s, reminding himself that he could still move them.
Virgil knew he would get used to the changes eventually. A lot of it was still strange to him, but he was adjusting bit by bit. He learned the layout of the castle. The different halls and staircases had felt familiar but distant at first, but now he could find his way around and roam nearly everywhere within its walls without getting lost. He’d grown close to his brother and learned about their family.
He did miss how simple things were before Remy arrived in Sandres with Logan, but he would rather it have happened than have spent the rest of his life the way he was before.
“I know, kiddo. It will get easier and this isn’t a goodbye. I wouldn’t be a very good Dad if I decided to go back and ditch my son.”
“Oh, I don’t think you could stay away, even if I weren’t here.”
Patton gave his son a confused look and the prince snorted quietly.
“Dad, I have eyes,” he said.
Patton covered his eyes with his hands, embarrassed as he began to blush, “I didn’t think that you noticed. I’m sorry.”
Virgil shrugged, “That is part of why Roman and I snuck off to the library at the feast, but it isn’t that bad. If it makes you happy.” 
“I think it could,” Patton said quietly, voice unsure. “And even so… If things go the right way, I would need to move here… And if your courtship with Roman goes well, you’d go back to Sandres. I’d lose you both.”
Virgil smiled sadly, “Remember what you just said about how this isn’t goodbye, Dad? Even if both of those things happen you’re still my dad, but I am grown. You don’t need to give up a chance like that for me, I’m okay.”
His dad sniffled and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his eyes. Virgil reached out and patted his dad on the arm. Dad pulled him into a hug and held him close, burying his face in Virgil’s neck. Virgil shivered at the feeling of cold of tears landing on his neck. He wrapped his arms around Dad and held him close.
“You aren’t going to lose us, Dad. So, if you want this, go for it. Don’t let me hold you back,” Virgil murmured. “I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Virgil,” his dad whispered.
Roman watched King Remington fold the trade papers and put them in an envelope. Their talk about the trade had gone well. Every point King Remington had brought up sounded correct and did match what Father had written down as notes for Roman to refer to during the agreements. The only thing Roman noticed to be wrong was how tense King Remington was during the talks. Roman had a feeling it was not over salt prices though.
“Is there anything else you want to talk about?” Roman asked the king.
King Remington looked at him, eyes hidden behind dark tinted glasses Roman had never seen him wear before. He wondered how the king could see inside with them on.
“There is, though it is not about the matters of our trade agreement,” the king said. “It is something much more dear to my heart than the sale of our goods.”
Roman shifted in his chair and accepted the envelope as the king handed it to him.
“Virgil?” he guessed.
King Remington nodded, “My brother, yes.”
Roman put the envelope into the bag on the floor next to his chair, noting which part he put it in. He resisted the urge to hiss in pain at the strain on his back as he bent down. He sat up straight in his chair, ready to talk to the king.
“Have I broken any rule in regards to courting in Picais?” Roman asked.
The king sat back in his chair and lifted the tinted glasses up so they rested on the top of his head, revealing sharp blue eyes focused directly on Roman. King Remington narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.
“None at all. From what I’ve seen, the two of you are very fond of each other. So, I’ll warn you now. Do not mess with my brother’s heart,” King Remington spoke menacingly. “For if you do, there will be consequences your father cannot protect you from.”
Roman resisted the urge to squirm under the gaze of the king. He had no intentions of ever meeting those consequences or of taking the actions that would lead to them. However, he understood that the king did not want his brother harmed, especially when such a short time had passed since Virgil was returned to him.
“I understand, King Remington. I have no intentions of harming your brother, I can give you my word on that,” he said. “Virgil has already talked to me about such actions with past courtings and we have acknowledged together that I will not do that.”
The king sighed in relief. Roman watched him for a sign of what he was thinking. He hoped Virgil’s brother trusted him enough not to try to force them to separate. It wasn’t fair to Virgil if the king acted out of fear of Roman’s past actions. 
“Thank you for being honest with me and admitting that you have done wrong before. It makes it easier to trust you when you’re not trying to make yourself look perfect for me,” King Remington told him earnestly.
Roman nodded. He didn’t want to lie and have something come out later and taken the wrong way. He had changed since the king had met him and wanted to prove it. Though, Roman was sure the king would have disliked this courting for how he acted the day King Remington arrived in Sandres.
It was childish of him. And he was ashamed to have just accused King Remington of disrespecting his father. 
“With respect, King Remington, I don’t believe Virgil needs protecting,” he said, mindful of his wording. “I have known Virgil a long time, and he will make his thoughts known, especially if he believes he’s being toyed with. And if I were to ever physically hurt him? He would defend himself, though I never would.”
The king smirked at that, “He’d toss your princey butt right out of the way. Would barely lift a finger.”
Roman knew that Virgil would. His levitation skills were improving from when he was in Sandres, and even then, Virgil had told him how he had accidentally thrown Logan across the room.
“So we have an agreement?” he asked.
King Remington nodded, “I believe so. I trust you with my brother, as long as he wants you to have him.”
“Of course.”
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cavernovs · 4 years
Ace Remington
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NAME: Ace Remington GOES BY: Ace, Rem AGE: 23  BIRTHDAY: July, 14th BIRTHPLACE: TBC.  RESIDES: The Haven, 14 Kosher St, Apt B. GENDER: Male || Cis. ORIENTATION: Everyone. SPECIES: Human ROLE: Outsider
[triggers: parental death, murder, implied abuse, drugs, drug use, addiction, bipolar.]
Sometimes, words spoken in solitude; whispered beneath the layers of background noise are lost to the air, never to be known by more than the intended recipient. Other times, there’s invisible flies on walls, the kind that appear as half-wits, the disregarded; the incapable that no one pays an eye to because they’re not seen - do not make a sound to indicate they’re at all present in the moment.
Like a man without a home on the street, catches the backend of a conversation in the dead of night; witnesses the monsters in the dark beneath flimsy covers with a stench that matches the sewers that lay in ground metres up the street.
Nobody sees those types. No one considers the power of words spoken aloud - because they never know who’s listening.
And someone always is. The invisible are good at that.
Ears that can pull aces out their sleeves when time comes... because they’re not outspoken or imposing... but whilst you don’t see them...
They very much see you.
As powerful as magic is; as domineering as all the creatures of Calamity are, the weight of information - despite being its own weapon, is always forgotten, until it’s not.
And it’s a threat written at the front door; something for something.
Ace Remington puts himself in places by accident - really, most of the time it’s a genuine mistake. But he knows opportunity, and he knows what’s advantageous in his favour.
At least, he does in the few moments of sobriety he gets a week.
A stain to most, the way he manipulates for his own gain - listens with inebriated ears; sometimes can’t quite remember the truths he hears and improvises, all little snippets of information that he trades for his vices.
And he’s got just a few.
From what he remembers, it’s always been that way, parents that he’d listen to but remain invisible in the background as they titter on about everything in the world that isn’t him, finds a kind of game of it when a brother comes in; adopted, wants to talk like his tongue needs the daily exercise. And Ace has always been a good listener, it’s better that way, because when he does talk, it’s never particularly nice.
Just ask Matty.
Like the strange desire to absorb information, listen to voices that aren’t in his mind. Ace has a habit of addiction; his best friend that talks to him for hours; convinces him of how good they are together, that the thrill will never tire and brings about something more purposeful than wandering the streets of the parasitical infested state; he’ll never let his comrade free, the only thing he cares for if he ever had to pick something.
And besides the drugs themselves, Remington likes to sit on the edge of the end, and sometimes, if he’s lucky, he nearly gets there.
The same way that he found it addictive to pull the trigger twice after the first bullet splayed his father’s brains all over the living room walls.
Guess where that second bullet went... he saw dragons flying that night, the screams of a beast erupting flames over the carpets whilst he fought like a white knight against the mythical beast. 
You can ask Matias about the dragons too. He does like to talk. Ace has always just been a keen listener, his brother the storyteller. All the younger sibling remembers is laughing. 
A volcano; active and waiting to erupt, fill it with chemicals and it’ll react. A fine fucking definition of Ace Remington in all his volatility.
He listens, he trades what he remembers the next day and he shoots - all kinds of it.
Catch him one day and he’ll ask why whales have blowholes if they’re not for blowing, on another, he’ll ask what brain matter tastes like.
It’s when he’s not talking that people should be wary; means he’s listening.
Careful what’s said around the broker, he’s got too many aces to play, so make sure you’ve got a better hand if you want to play; and who has more than one ace up their sleeve?
LINCOLN REMINGTON / Father, deceased. ADELAIDE REMINGTON / Mother, deceased. MATIA “MATTY” DESOTO / Adoptive Brother, alive. ZANE SAXENA / Drug Dealer within Havelowe’s @ Sinsation.
Ace is an information broker and will acquire any and all favourable knowledge.
He will absolutely trade that for something as mundane as drugs, liquor and if he has access to it... will fuel his low-key V addiction.
As low-key as that gets at least.
Murdered both his parents in front of his brother on a fucking trip to the moon.
Volatile and chaotic, not usually at the same time - but it’s undecided if he’s better or worse sober.
Spoiler: he’s rarely ever sober, like, ever.
He will probably say out of pocket shit and will probably make people uncomfortable.
It’s an embrace it or gtfo situation.
Wears scars like they’re a fashion statement, usually from accidents he’s caused when fighting with lampposts or antagonising creatures and info-broking his ass out of there.
Appears moronic, genuinely. Probably knows your family’s heritage back thirty years if you give him opportunity to find out. Might even know how you lost an eye if it wasn’t him poking it.
If anyone ever sat him down, probably would diagnose him with seven different things and a big line of bipolar-y tendencies. Let’s not wake him up to that reality.
Whilst he’s a sponge for the things that shouldn’t be said aloud, there’s a safety net where memory doesn’t always serve following a state of collapse. Doesn’t remember his own name half the time, convinces himself it’s Ace because it’s easy to remember.
Drugs, sex and rock and roll should have been his era and he’ll probably tell everyone he meets that at least once. And he’s not apologising for it.
Has an unhealthy obsession with ice cream, all kinds, sometimes gets chased by ice cream monsters. Don’t worry too hard about it, he eats them. 
Cocky af because let’s face it, he should be dead already and knows it so, he’s livin’ it up in the form of a second fantasy land he disappears to in his head. 
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xroamywoamyx · 4 years
Sleep My Sweet Prince (Spoilers)
Fandom: Sander Sides
Rating: K+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort and Fluff
Word Count:1785
Pairing: Creativisleep (Roman/Remy)
Roman Sat On The Floor Of His Bedroom Knees To His Chest Face Hidden As He Sobbed Quietly. He'd been there for hours. He knew that at this point he was just being dramatic, but dammit. It still hurt. If Jay had said literally anything else he would have been able to take it. Even if he had said Roman was foolish or unnecessary it would have been fine. He already knew these things, Logan made sure he knew it after all. Though with Logan it wasn't genuine and he knew that... and even if it was he couldn't say that he was wrong. He was stupid, he typically prided himself on it actually, most Prince's weren't known for their high intellect. Heroes use to be brave, heroic and charming without being overly bright. If they needed something done that required more then an average IQ then the lovable nerdy sidekick would do it. It wasn't until recently that his brand of heroics became out dated and... And Toxic... He'd only needed to be good looking and strong before, he stuck by a strong moral code...
A Moral Code He Doesn't Understand Anymore...
If Patton...
If Thomas.... No longer Needed Him Or His Brand Of Heroics Anymore...
What Was The Point.
Thomas did have Remus after all and if Janus fit into Thomas' new found sense of morality.\
Who's to say his Brother wouldn't also...
After all Jay had said he couldn't tell them apart....well...those weren't his exact words but that's what he said.
If He and Remus were truly so similar then surely Remus could handle things on his own. He didn't really need to hang around, he contributed the least out of everyone else and he had a ready to go replacement. What was the point of him staying around?
He clearly wasn't wanted...
He continued to sob letting his thoughts run wild each one doing more damage to his fragile self worth. He continued to sob quietly for several more minutes feeling more and more alone as each minute passed.
After awhile there was a soft knock on his door "Go away'' Roman called out ''you're not wanted'' he said voice sounding muffled
The person behind the door scoffed in fake offense ''Well babe I know that can't be true because I'm always wanted'' The door creaked open slowly and as the light streamed in to reveal the hyper insomniac Remy Sanders. Roman glared at the caffeine fiend "I Am Not A Liar Remington!" he spat angrily still fuming in no mood for jokes ''Well someone's in a mood'' Remy said in a slightly softer tone taking a sip of his drink.
'' Rough day?'' Remy asked plopping down next Roman ''buzz off sleep demon'' Roman insulted weakly Remy lowered his sunglasses and quirked his eyebrow at Roman "oh really, you wanna do nicknames right now'' Roman hugged his knees a little closer ''sorry..''. Roman felt something heavy get placed on his shoulders ''Nah Princy you're fine'' Remy yawned wrapping his jacket around Roman before kicking back against Roman's bed '' just don't call me Remington again'' he picked up his drink and offered it to Roman ''want some''. Roma ignored him ''You know I'm not a coffee person Rem'' Remy cracks a smile "who said it was coffee" Roman looked at Remy with genuine surprise and curiosity. Remy laughed to him self smirking and taking another sip "Your loss, ma petite frère".
Roman loosened his grip on his knees continuing to sulk "What are you even doing here..." Remy signed " well it's not like I want to be here or anything" he twirls his cup sarcastically "and besides there's this prince who's keeping me up" he nudged Roman gently."I'm sorry..." Roman said quietly "don't" Remy looks at Roman '' don't do that Princy'' Roman laughs and lets his head fall back and rest against the bed ''I'm not much of a prince anymore" he smiled as silent tears fell down his face these not from anger or frustration at the days prior events but do to real pain and hurt. "Maybe..." Remy sighed ''or maybe, just maybe you're just tired'' Roman laughed ''you can't take credit for everything Rem'' Remy scoffed ''or maybe, I can'' he gently wraps his arm around Roman making him rest his head on his shoulder Roman yawns ''don't Remy...''.
He Took slight offense to that scoffing as he shoved Roman back off of him ''I wouldn't dare do such a thing  Princy, not even in your dreams'' Roman readjust himself removing Remy's jacket from his shoulders. ''I'm sorry'' he says trying to give it back to Remy ''Uh-uh'' Remy holds his hands up setting his drink down properly. ''Remy..'' Roman whined ''no!'' Remy fussed ''Remy I'm burning up'' he looked at him with a pouty face. Remy cupped Roman's face and placed a hand on his forehead ''Yeah but you're cooling down fast and you'll start to shiver, so put on the damn jacket'' Roman wiped his face and crossed his arms shaking Remy off before shaking away "Roman..'' Remy softened his voice. ''It's okay, you're okay Roman'' Remy grips Roman's shoulder making the distraught prince look at him. ''Listen to me Princy'' he places his hand on his chest applying the slightest amount of pressure to calm him down '' you have one of the kindest and bravest hearts of any person I know, please for the love all the shirtless hot male strippers out there, let me passive aggressively take care of you". A chill ran down Roman's back, Remy was right, his body temperature was already beginning to drop and he was getting cold. He tried to stop himself from reacting to the chill and not shiver but unfortunately failed...
Remy smacked his shoulder "I told you bitch, now put on the fucking jacket and let me run my hands through your beautiful hair while you do that feelings thing and tell me your problems" Roman laughed giving in and putting on Remy's jacket. It was actually really comfortable and calming then he had thought it would be. "Feelings things?" he quirked an eyebrow at Remy "that was such a Logan thing to say" he mentions as he carefully slumps himself sideways and lays down in Remy's lap. Remy takes off his sunglasses and glares at Roman playfully '' How very rude of you to imply I am anything like that nerd'' Roman yawned ''I dunno you guys are kinda similar'' Remy tugs his hair a little harshly in response. ''What are you doing here Remy'' Roman asked sounding pitiful, Remy returned to soothingly stroking Roman's hair gently '' I came to check on you'' ''I came to check on you...'' he sighed ''I was worried'' . ''You shouldn't of been'' Roman continued to sulk, Remy rolled his eyes ''oh get over yourself Roman'' Remy chose his words poorly, Roman turned away from him and onto his side in Remy's lap ''sorry...''. Remy sighed in slight frustration at his Royal fuck up ''No Roman that's not what I meant, I mean'' he pauses for a moment thinking hard about his words. ''Don't think you're the only one who, don't think...Dammit'' he ran hand through his hair '' let people care about you Princy you're not Logan and he shouldn't stop people either'' he finally pushes out. ''And I, I care a lot, so I'm going to worry weather you want me to or not, I'm a stubborn sleep deprived coffee gay, you will not be able to out argue me on the ways you're amazing and worthy'' he let out a long breathe after spitting out his mismesh of words that he really wasn't proud of. Roman continued to sulk refusing to rollover and look at him '' Roman...'' he nudged him gently ''talk to me...please'' no response. Remy's heart sunk and he went to remove his hand from Roman's hair disappointingly feeling like he'd failed. ''Don't stop...'' Came a mumbled whisper ''what!?'' Remy asked surprised ''you can mess with my hair...I like it...'' Remy laughed at Roman's resistant response ''Okay'' he smiled returning his hand to Roman's hair. They sat like that for several minutes in silence Roman staying closed off and Remy just patiently waiting for if and when he'd be okay.
After awhile the quiet broke ''You think I'm amazing'' Roman sniffled ''hell yeah I do'' Remy smiled ''I think you're wonderful Princy'' Roman readjusted slightly still keeping his back to Remy. ''Why'' he asked needing validation, Remy was happy to oblige ''Well'' he began ''you're charming and kind, I really did mean what I said about you having a good heart. You're just filled with so much love and hope, It's really awe-inspiring and you come up with the most beautiful dreams for my nights with Thomas'' his voice was low and soft. ''Oh..'' Roman doesn't know how to respond "but honestly that's not enough, you try so hard to make everyone happy, even more then  Patton does, a lot more actually. You care so much about other people and what they think, I've seen you literally hang the stars for people'' Remy went on ''Logan wanted them..'' Roman mumbled again slowly loosening up. '' And you spent many dreamless nights collecting them and then setting them up for him...'' he trailed off. Roman finally rolled over and looked up at Remy ''How do you know that?'' Remy's cheeks tinted pink ''well-I...You weren't there to help me with dreams...and Remus..did it...instead'' the coffee fanatic was having a hard time getting his words out, something that was Very unusual.
''Anyways..are you feeling better'' he tries to hides blush summoning his sleep mask and lazily flopping it on his face ''I'm tired and out of coffee'' . '' Hey Remy'' Roman readjusted so his weight was entirely on Remy's legs. ''Hmm?'' He responded taking off the sleep mask ''thank you'' he yawned snuggling up to Remy still wearing his jacket. Remy was silent for a moment heat rising in his face ''Yeah- anytime Roman..'' he stays rigid at attention coming from Roman not really sure how to process it.
''Rem'' Roman Whispers again into Remy's neck, ''Yeah Ro'' he responds. Roman lifts his head for a minute and kisses Remy's cheek before laying his head back down on again ''Can you stay and help me sleep tonight please''.
Like he'd even have to ask..
Remy smiled to quietly resting his head on Roman's head ''Of Course Princy, You Can Sleep Peacefully Tonight, I Got You'' Remy curled his fingers around Roman's hand and brings it up to his lips and kisses it peacefully putting the prince to sleep.
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Plea for My New Self
Sanders sides Vampire College AU - it’s gay - it’s full of fun fluffy tropes - a bit o’ hurt/comfort - mostly fluff
Words: 5,659 Warnings:  Arguing, Violence,  Characters: Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Thomas, Remy, Joan, Talyn Ships: Prinxiety, Anxceit, Roceit, Analogical, Remile, Joan&Talyn Universe: Plea for my New Self Rating: T Genre: Vampire Nonsense and Drama
Chapter 30: Full Moon in Scorpio
Chapter 1 for New Readers - ffn mirror
   “Jesus Christ Superstar, is this whole thing our room?” Roman asked, stepping into the hotel room in awe, looking around and taking a spin on the polished floors.
   “It’s just a step or two below a presidential suite or something. I don’t know the lingo, I just needed a place with a big enough living room,” Virgil shrugged. Roman called out to listen to his voice echo.
   “Oh, my gosh, I have to sing in here,” Roman declared, spinning into the living room and started singing A Whole New World from Aladdin. It echoed off of the marble enchantingly. Virgil waited and in the doorway, holding it open for Patton and Logan who took the elevator. Patton smiled and waved at Virgil when they turned the corner and Virgil waved back.
   “A whole new world! A new fantastic point of view!” Roman loudly crooned as he danced around on the glinting tiles.
   “Oh, he sounds so good!” Patton cooed as they stepped in, making a bee-line to the table to put their takeout food down. Virgil offered his hand to Logan when he strode up and Logan took it. They walked into the hotel room together, and Logan looked around with interest.
   “This seems a bit much just to watch movies in, Virgil,” Logan said after slowly examining the room.
   “It’ll be more comfortable for me, there will be lots of beings here,” Virgil said and squeezed Logan’s hand. “I don’t suppose I can have a hug?” Virgil asked and Logan nodded. Virgil pulled Logan in and kissed the top of his hair gently. “You’re sure you’re okay being in the same room with all these vampires? I honestly don’t mind taking you back to the dorms,” Virgil reminded him. He was confused when Logan said he wanted to come. He’d be a lamb in a den full of super-powered wolves, but his curiosity was greater than his survival instinct, it seemed.
   “I’m confident you wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I find the entire event intellectually fascinating,” Logan said, sounding excited and nodding brightly. Virgil heard Patton giggling and looked over to see Roman was dancing around the living room with them, now singing Once Upon A Dream. “I admit the concept is odd that I will be the only fully human person in the room, though,” Logan didn’t let go of Virgil and turned to watch the two dance around the suite. Virgil kissed Logan’s temple affectionately and Logan nestled in, looking amused at Roman and Patton’s antics.
   “Let me go unlock the balcony and show them where to land. Feel free to claim a room, there’s plenty. Just put a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door and people should get the message,” Virgil pointed to a small pile of signs on a side table under an ornate mirror.
   “I look forward to utilizing the hot tub,” Logan smiled and slid out of Virgil’s arms, squeezing his hand before heading off to explore the hotel suite. Virgil headed to the balcony, passing Roman holding Patton princess-style and spinning around the room while Patton squealed in delight. Roman’s voice echoing against the walls as he sang was captivating. He winked at Patton while he passed them and Patton giggled and stuck out their tongue playfully.
   Virgil unlocked the large glass doors and stepped out on to the wide stone balcony. There was a sunken fire pit and a seating area out here, along with a small garden of flowers near the windows and a long thin pool. Virgil snapped a quick photo of the balcony and flitted up to the top of the hotel, taking a picture of the overhead. He jumped back down on to their patio and marked up the photo, then sent the two off to everyone else. The first one to come from above was Remy with Thomas over one shoulder and Emile over the other. He landed silently and put down Thomas and Emile, and Emile handed him a cup of iced coffee.
   “Hecate, dude, you’re not worried about getting attacked or something with your arms full?” Virgil asked incredulously.
   “I don’t need to worry about that kind of stuff, babe,” Remy set down a smiling Emile, and a very ruffled looking Thomas, who tried to fix his hair in the window’s reflection as soon as he got down. He had one of those pocket flip combs that were popular in the 50s.
   “Nice to meet you, Virgil! I’m Emile!” He beamed, holding out his hand for Virgil to shake. Virgil hesitated before shaking his hand. He wasn’t used to doing it anymore. His old life was blessedly far away now. Emile’s smile was very reassuring, and he had a kind face. He also had bubble-gum pink hair, which Virgil did not expect. It suited him, though. He was dressed like a dad in slacks and a soft tan cardigan. This being Remy’s type was also something Virgil did not foresee.
   “Hey,” Virgil said nonchalantly. “It’s good to see you again, Rem. I’m surprised we haven’t had to beat the shit out of each other yet, considering how close I am to Thomas,” Virgil motioned with his head to Thomas who was walking back over. He looked very put together and not like he had been lugged over a shoulder for a few miles. He wore a white button-down over a graphic tee and black jeans, which he admittedly looked fantastic in.
   “I’m probably far enough from campus, we live in a condo downtown. We’re out of range of little Thomathy most of the time,” Remy shrugged, leaning back against the wall. “I’m still happy to for fun, though,” Remy winked. “We’ll have to tonight, anyway, with my other Blood here,” Remy mused and Emile moved to lean against Remy on the wall. “Do you only just have the one turned? That’s wild. I’ve got way more than Joan and Talyn, they’re just the only ones that stuck by,” Remy asked curiously, his eyebrow arched over his mirrored sunglasses.
   “I don’t keep track of them if we weren’t romantically involved. I could have more, I don’t remember,” Virgil shrugged and shook his head.
   “Are you feeding on your Brood yet?” Remy smirked. He dusted off his red leather jacket absentmindedly. Emile leaned affectionately into his arm and stole a sip of his coffee.
   “Ro got me drunk and tricked me into it,” Virgil grimaced a little as he joked. He was still a little bitter about it he agreed that perhaps he was being extra again.
   “Darling, that’s not what happened,” Deceit purred, pulling Virgil in from behind right after he landed.
   “He’s right, Deceit tricked me,” Virgil laughed more genuinely and angled his head to kiss Deceit. Deceit hummed happily as he flipped Virgil’s hair out of the way.
   “How’s business, Remington?” Deceit asked, wrapping himself around Virgil and rested his head on Virgil’s shoulder. His cane held in front of Virgil, resting under Deceit’s hand with his normal level of class and panache.
   “Very good, thanks. Made a shit-ton off your boy. You seriously wear a suit and bring a cane to movie nights?” Remy asked, motioning to Deceit incredulously.
   “I’m not a savage,” Deceit smirked and kissed Virgil’s neck, tapping his cane on the ground dramatically.
   “People think I’m batty,” Remy rolled his eyes and pulled his mouth to the side. “So, remember any fun memories now that you’ve gotten the good stuff?” He asked provocatively.
   “Hmm, just some forgotten vocabulary and how to fish for some reason. I can’t believe I ever fished,” Virgil shrugged dismissively. He was hoping for something more fun, too.
   “You were probably looking for an excuse to go out to sea and hangout with merpeople,” Deceit laughed playfully and kissed his neck again.
   “They know how to rock, what can I say? Their instruments don’t work above water,” Virgil said defensively, flicked at Deceit’s side. Deceit dodged it with an evil grin.
   “You might have been in a merperson band or something, I wouldn’t put it past you,” Deceit teased lightly. Virgil softened quickly as Deceit carded his fingers through Virgil’s hair affectionately.
   “Oh, Hecate, girl, that must of fucking hurt to grow,” Remy said, possibly just noticing Virgil’s hairstyle.
   “My clan likes to heckle me and bully me into things,” Virgil huffed, crossing his arms and slightly motioning his head to Deceit.
   “You look so good with long hair. I think you should grow it longer,” Deceit cooed and leaned in to press a kiss behind Virgil’s ear.
   “It’s the least practical thing on the planet to have knee-length hair, D,” Virgil groaned in objection, shaking his head.
   “I’ll get him to do it by the end of the night, just watch me,” Deceit smiled impishly and nibbled affectionately at Virgil’s neck. “Oh! Thomas! My Child!” Deceit released Virgil swiftly and picked up Thomas to spin him around in the air, holding him up with both hands.
   “Did you adopt my omega without telling me?” Remy sipped his drink with a raised eyebrow, looking very amused at the baffled expression Thomas made.
   “He’s just so young,” Virgil smiled affectionately. “We want to buy him things and spoil him,” Virgil rubbed his hands together mischievously.
   “He is baby,” Remy smirked at Thomas knowingly and he turned a little pink.
   “I’m not baby!” Thomas groaned, jumping out of Deceit’s arms and landing a few feet away from him on the patio.
   “You have so many dads now, Thomas!” Emile clapped in delight. Deceit smiled wickedly and leaned against the wall.
   “Emile, gross, don’t call Remy my dad,” Thomas rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, sticking out his tongue in distaste.
   “Oh, daddy is okay, though?” Remy grinned darkly and winked at Thomas, who blushed wildly and shot straight in an instant.
   “I’m saying hi to Roman now, bye!” Thomas ran inside in embarrassment, causing Virgil and Deceit to cackle.
   “He’s so fucking cute,” Remy chuckled and shook his head affectionately. “Babe, you should order room service. Joan will be thirsty and Logan will make Thomas thirsty eventually,” Remy pat Emile on the butt. Remy cracked his knuckles. “We might also have a visitor,” He added cryptically.
   “What? I don’t smell anybody,” Virgil said, looking around frantically for any sign of another vampire.
   “Might, babe,” Remy smirked. “We’d win, it’s whatever. I just really want to crack somebody’s face in,” Remy motioned a punch with his free hand and flashed his fangs.
   “I keep wanting to throw people off roofs, so I’d love to do that if you’ll share,” Virgil said sinisterly, silently cracking his knuckles in his fist.
   “Don’t worry babe, I get it,” Remy nodded sagely and sipped his drink.
   “What vampire would be dumb enough to go where there are obviously two clans congregated,” Deceit hissed, walking back behind Virgil and resting his head on Virgil’s shoulder. “The smell here is ridiculous,” Deceit said, and the repulsion in his voice was clear. It really was bad. Virgil was ready to snap somebody’s neck, the scent was so powerful.
   “Maybe they want to fight and assume we’re fighting and not just watching humans get murdered for sport,” Virgil reached up to stroke Deceit’s face. “Speaking of, are Joan and Talyn almost here?” Virgil asked inquisitively.
   “Yeah, they’re closing in,” Remy took a long sip of his drink and set it down on the patio.
   “Do you feel like working a little of this out now before everybody’s here?” Virgil smiled viciously and flashed his fangs at Remy.
   “Babe, you know it,” Remy chuckled darkly and came at Virgil without hesitation. Deceit cleared away in a shot and Remy picked up and threw Virgil into the air, trying to go in for a kick, but Virgil grabbed him in the leg and tossed him back down to the ground, landing a hit with his knee on Remy’s chest.
   “Woah, woah, what the fuck guys?” Roman ran out yelling.
   “They’re just playing love,” Deceit purred, pulling Roman into his arms and backing against the wall while Remy flipped Virgil and socked him right in the jaw. Virgil snarled and kneed him in the stomach, and Remy sent him flying again.
   “That doesn’t look like fucking playing!” Roman shot while Remy landed a kick in Virgil’s back with a malicious laugh.
   “I’m-” Virgil got hit in the chest and lost his breath, but punched Remy hard enough to send him sailing back in return. “Fine, Ro, we’re just-” Remy came back and flipped Virgil onto the patio, knocking the wind out of him. Virgil had to catch himself before breaking the stones and used the momentum to launch Remy off the roof. Remy hissed and flung himself back at Virgil, and they both went tumbling and wrestling for dominance again. Emile cheered excitedly with his arms in the air.
   “The playfight is making it easier to sit in the same room together, dear,” Deceit kissed Roman’s cheek. Deceit paused, looking confused, and then grimacing. “… Roman, you didn’t tell Patton we are seeing each other, yet? They’re freaking out for two reasons now. Logan has the good sense to keep them indoors, at least,” Deceit sighed.
   “Uh, whoops,” Roman muttered, rubbing his head sheepishly.
   “Hey, Remy,” a person an orange knitted cap landed on the balcony while Remy waved and connected another punch to Virgil’s face. They were dressed casually in jeans and a black shirt with a big chunky watch. Virgil hissed and flipped Remy over, slamming his knee into Remy’s solar plexus.
   “Are they giving you trouble or is that Virgil?” A smaller person with bright lavender hair landed next to the one with the orange beanie. They wore a crop top, asymmetric shorts, and high boots and looked very fashionable compared to the other.
   “That’s Virgil,” Deceit provided, looking like he was keeping Roman safely in place. Roman was scowling and sometimes pushing at Deceit to move his arms, but Deceit held him firmly, which Virgil was grateful for. Remy was enough of a handful as it is. The fight was evenly matched so far. They were both holding back but keeping like that when his throat was right there was difficult and he didn’t want the distraction of one of his Brood in danger.
   “Woah, Deceit? What the fuck are you doing here?” The person in the orange beanie asked, looking surprised and leaning back.
   “I’m Virgil’s Blood. Don’t go advertising that,” Deceit said disdainfully. “Darling, you’ll need to stop soon and show Patton and Logan you’re okay or they might actually have a panic attack,” Deceit informed him plainly and motioned with his hand to the interior of the hotel.
   “Shit,” Virgil hissed, punching Remy in the back of the head. Remy spun around and his eyes flashed brighter red for a millisecond.
   “Boo!” Remy whined, grabbing Virgil’s shoulders and yanking him down over his kneecap. Virgil let that be the last hit and fell to the patio after Remy dropped him unceremoniously. He got up off the ground and dusted himself off. Remy laughed and patted himself off as well, going back over to pick up his drink. Patton came running out on to the veranda and immediately stared fussing over Virgil.
   “Are you okay? Oh my god! Why did- Ugh! You’re a meanie!” Patton shot angrily at Remy and glared at him before grabbing Virgil and surveying for damage. Picking a fight with a rival alpha vampire was not the best idea, but Virgil appreciated their spunk.
   “I guess I should have been more clear on the way here,” Virgil rubbed his head and pulled Patton in for a hug. Patton hugged Virgil tightly, pressing their face hard into his chest.
   “Virgil, why in the world were you fighting like that? You terrified me!” Logan bellowed, pointing to Remy. Remy just rolled his eyes as he sipped his drink and Virgil cringed. Oh, he fucked up spectacularly.
   “You didn’t warn them?” Emile asked incredulously, furrowing his eyebrows at Virgil. “Virgil, apologize to your friends right now,” Emile said angrily, motioning to Logan and Patton.
   “Sorry! I’m sorry!” Virgil held up his hands, but Patton stayed clinging on. “I didn’t know my heads up wasn’t enough, I’m not used to talking to humans about this stuff. I didn’t mean to scare you. Remy and I are fine. Claws and fangs were not involved,” Virgil reassured them.
   “I would have loved to sink my teeth into you,” Remy huffed, sounding disappointed and glowering at Virgil.
   “Me too,” Another hiss broke out from Virgil which caused Patton to flinch slightly but not let go.
   “Boys, I know the instincts are loud, but please focus,” Emile said firmly and Virgil fought back a snarl towards Remy. Remy looked like he was doing the same. They probably didn’t fight enough.
   “Listen, Remy’s an alpha. We’re sort of wired for killing each other. It’s what the whole territorial thing is about. We were blowing off some steam. I promise we’re both fine. We didn’t want this evening to devolve into a deathmatch. I’m sincerely sorry I wasn’t more clear on what vampire instincts meant. I should have warned you more clearly we were going to fight to try to trick our wiring. I won’t do it again,” Virgil explained quickly, trying to apologize.
   “Good job, Virgil. Patton, Logan? Do you have anything to say to Virgil?” Emile directed them.
   “Don’t scare me like that again!” Patton sniffled and Virgil pulled them up into his arms.
   “I’m so sorry, Pat,” Virgil apologized sincerely.
   “I accept your apology, Virgil. Thank you for understanding. I would appreciate further information for the future so we can avoid these misunderstandings,” Logan said, sounding stiff. Virgil grimaced slightly. He must have broken Logan’s trust for him to talk like that again. That hurt, but Logan was willing to forgive him. It was entirely Virgil’s fault, and he couldn’t blame Logan for being upset.
   “I know. Sorry, Logan. I forget what is and isn’t common knowledge sometimes. Maybe you could prepare some questions for me?” Virgil offered sheepishly.
   “I think that would be acceptable,” Logan nodded, crossing his arms. He at least didn’t look that angry, just upset.
   “He is battier than me,” Remy rolled his eyes and gestured dramatically.
   “Remington, you feed on me all the time. Virgil has been trying to respect his friend’s boundaries. It’s considerate of him,” Emile chided Remy firmly.
   “No, no, I’m batty, I know I am,” Virgil laughed slightly, still too upset with himself to genuinely laugh.
   “And Roman! When did you start dating D?” Patton said, pushing Virgil’s chest. Oof. Pat’s on the warpath. Virgil slid Patton down and Patton marched over to Roman sourly.
   “Are they always like this?” The one in the orange beanie whispered to Thomas.
   “I have no idea, but I’d kill for some popcorn,” Thomas whispered back behind his hand.
   “I, uh, the night we got the dancing video we were going to watch. I’m sorry, I was drunk and kind of forgot about telling you,” Deceit smirked and kissed Roman’s temple, releasing him.
   “You were drunk?” Patton yelled, perhaps even more upset now, and stomped right into Roman’s face. Roman held up his hands and backed up. Virgil was impressed at the amount of tiny fury Patton contained and was sincerely glad it wasn’t aimed at himself anymore. He still felt bad for Roman, who looked completely blindsided by the whole event.
   “Holy shit, this is better than a soap opera,” The orange beanie-wearing vampire whispered.
   “I know,” The one with the lavender hair whispered back, looking incredibly bemused.
   “I didn’t get cast as Semptimus or Bernard because of some stupid rule about freshman not playing leads and wanted to have fun instead of moping all evening,” Roman explained himself defensively, holding up his hands. Logan also looked upset at Roman, which was surprising.
   “Roman, you are eighteen, that’s illegal!” Patton shot, pointing a finger at him assertively.
   “I’m pretty certain most of the people out here are illegal, that doesn’t make their existence wrong,” Roman said warily. Oh, wow, he could almost hear a sports commentator shout ‘powerful misdirection by the defense’!
   “Huh,” Logan looked considerate for a moment. “I suppose you’re right,” Logan moved up one of his crossed arms to his chin with interest.
   “Logan, don’t you agree with him!” Patton said angrily, shooting Logan a glower.
   “Patton, the laws are created for those in power, not necessarily with the best interests of every being in mind. There are plenty of unjust rules. As long as Roman doesn’t make a habit out of it, I don’t think it’s significantly more objectionable than Virgil’s very presence in human society, which you are fine with,” Logan explained evenly. Oh, the misdirection landed! Fantastic play by the defense! Deceit arched his eyebrow curiously at Virgil who just shrugged. He had very little control of what was going on up there and had little explanation for it. Roman made him watch the Olympics recently, so that may have contributed, but he had long since accepted that he was batty.
   “Thanks? I think?” Virgil responded, but he was not entirely sure what was happening.
   “Damn, this kid should do law,” The one with lavender hair whispered in awe. Patton made a frustrated noise and Deceit pulled them close and spoke quietly right into their ear.
   “Young man,” There was a chorus of sputtered laughter at that angry declaration from Patton. “Don’t think I forgive you for being an accessory to Roman’s crimes,” Patton huffed, sounding less distressed.
   “His crimes? Darling, please, he had some whiskey. It’s a forgivable offense. You’re upset because you don’t want him to hurt himself,” Deceit corrected Patton and took their hand. That assuredly wasn’t the complete story, but Patton must want to keep it private.
   “I-” Patton cut themselves off quickly. “I am,” Patton muttered, drooping slightly.
   “It’s reasonable to be scared for your friend’s health, Patton. It’s okay that you’re angry at him for taking unnecessary risks. But Roman was with people who love him and surely made sure that he was safe, right?” Emile asked gently.
   “Of course, we made him drink a ton of water and he had two dinners. Roman was barely even hungover the next day,” Virgil attempted to placate Patton. Roman really did have so many pancakes he hated himself and a serious amount of water.
   “I wasn’t!” Roman piped up and corroborated Virgil’s story, sounding hopeful.
   “It was a misunderstanding, but I think it would be healthy to apologize to each other, anyway,” Emile smiled reassuringly and nodded to Roman.
   “I’m sorry I made you worry, Pat,” Roman apologized dejectedly. He sounded very sincere and looked down to the patio.
   “And I’m sorry I yelled,” Patton muttered back, walking over to hug Roman. Roman wrapped his arms around Patton and pet their hair. They both seemed much better already, and that impressed Virgil. Roman was the type to fume, and Patton rarely let things go easily.
   “Great! Let’s go watch movies, yeah?” Emile chirped brightly, motioning with both arms to head inside. Okay, wow, having him around was actually pretty awesome.
   “Thanks, Emile,” Virgil sighed in relief.
   “Anytime, Virgil! Especially during my office hours!” Emile chimed with a knowing smile aimed directly at Virgil.
   “Ugh!” Virgil groaned loudly in objection. Hopefully, he’d drop it.
   “Uh, well, that was a fucking event! I’m Joan,” The one in the orange beanie provided.
   “I’m Talyn,” The lavender haired one added.
   “I like your hair, Talyn,” Patton said shyly.
   “Thanks, I think you’re rocking that pastel rainbow, too,” Talyn offered. Patton blushed slightly. “We both use they/them,” Talyn motioned between themself and Joan.
   “I do too,” Patton smiled.
   “Roman, he/him. Glasses over there is also he/him,” Roman said, holding open the door for everybody to go inside.
   “My name is Logan,” he narrowed his eyes at Roman but seemed to let it go. “Virgil, are you feeling anything different today?” He asked mildly.
   “I’m don’t have any feelings about it at the moment,” Virgil shrugged. “Whatever you want to call me,” Virgil walked in and settled on the floor in front of the couch. Patton crawled up behind him and started playing with his hair again. Deceit quickly claimed Virgil’s lap with a smug smile.
   Roman examined a pile of movies left on the coffee table and Logan went to the dinner table and pulled out his food to eat, though he angled himself to watch the TV. Roman flipped through the movie cases with a disgusted look while Remy flopped on the couch, leaning against the arm and pulled Emile into his lap. Thomas sat next to Patton and Joan and Talyn claimed the recliners next to the couch.
   “Pat, don’t you want to eat your pizza while it’s hot?” Virgil asked. He wasn’t bothered by Patton playing with his hair, but didn’t want Patton to forget about their food.
   “Just let me do one hairstyle first,” Patton said, very focused and tugging at Virgil’s hair. Patton was excited about the pizza, so Virgil was vaguely flattered that they’d rather play with his hair.
   “Did you want to watch one of these movies first or would you like a few minutes of Virgil and Deceit fancy-dancing? Patton and Logan have been wanting to see it. I only just finished editing it today,” Roman asked the room, holding up the movie cases and a USB drive.
   “Show us the fun dance that Virgil’s so embarrassed about,” Remy smirked. Virgil shot Remy a glower, but he just looked amused. Emile looked very interested as well, rubbing his hands together.
   “Yeah, that’s chill. Then I want to see the one with the ghosts,” Joan piped up and shared his opinion.
   “Nice,” Roman nodded and slid the flash drive into the side of the large TV. “You think I can see the TV from the hot tub?” He asked curiously as he came around for the remote.
   “Babe,” Remy said stoically, looking intense. “Yes. Let’s fucking hot tub,” Remy said keenly, picking up Emile. He put Emile down on the couch and headed over to the hot tub. Emile chuckled and scooted closer to Virgil.
   “I will wait until an hour after eating,” Logan said, enjoying a slice of pizza.
   “Will you be able to hear through the jets?” Patton asked as Roman trotted off to his bag.
   “It’s fine if I can’t. I’ve heard the music before, I’ve watched it a million times editing it,” Roman said, pushing the big button near the hot tub and turning on the bubbles. Roman waved his swim trunks and disappeared into one of the doors in the suite. Remy just stripped down on the spot and climbed in, looking very satisfied as he sank into hot water.
   “Did you want to play with some, too, Emile?” Patton’s bubbly voice came from behind Virgil, and it felt like they were offering a handful of hair to Emile.
   “It sure does look fun. Would that be okay with you, Virgil?” Emile asked considerately, sounding fascinated.
   “Sure, whatever,” Virgil shrugged. He felt Emile’s hand take a section of hair and it felt like he started working with Patton on a style. Patton would poke Virgil’s head sometimes and hair would tug near the last poke. He wasn’t positive of exactly what they were up to, but Patton seemed to be entertained, so he was happy with it.
   “It would be more fun if you had more of it,” Deceit enticed him in a sing-song tone after pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
   “Are we tempting Virgil out there? I want to join you!” Roman shot out of the bathroom and slid across the floor to lean against Virgil, looking extremely mischievous in his swim trunks. The smoothness of that move was for a human would have impressed Virgil if he wasn’t so annoyed. He narrowed his eyes at both of them.
   “Virgil would look fetching with more hair, wouldn’t he?” Deceit said sweetly, stroking Virgil’s face.
   “Oh, he would be dazzling,” Roman said affectionately and smiled flirtatiously at Virgil, fluttering his eyelashes playfully.
   “You have the weirdest clan, dude,” Joan said, leaning back on the recliner, looking up from their phone. Virgil sighed and shrugged. “Put the fancy dancing on already,” They motioned to the TV.
   “Virgil, can you turn it rainbow without feeding? The braids would look so cool,” Patton asked eagerly while Roman got up to grab the remote for navigating to the video.
   “Yeah, hold on,” Virgil said, leaning forward to get up, but Deceit pinned him on the spot.
   “Make it longer while you’re at it,” Deceit smirked, planting a small kiss on Virgil’s jaw.
   “For the love of- Fine, okay? I’ll lengthen my hair. Ro?” Virgil gave up and looked over to Roman. He was participating in this ridiculousness and may as well help out.
   “As if that wasn’t my plan all along,” Roman grinned impishly. Virgil got up, a very smug and satisfied looking Deceit clearing away so he could. Virgil went over to the mirror and turn his hair rainbow colors and grow it out with an exasperated sigh. The rainbows looked completely preposterous, and the length wasn’t rational in the least, but if it made them happy then he could get over it.
   “You weren’t kidding about your clan heckling you, huh?” Thomas sounded bemused.
   “Thank you, Logan, for not participating in Roman and Deceit’s evil nonsense. Roman, please order some room service with vegetables, no matter the amount of pizza you ate you’ll need nutrients,” Virgil exhaled with exhaustion as he pulled the last of the hair out he could manage.
   “You’re welcome,” Logan smiled knowingly and tapped off his mouth with a napkin. “Can I take your spot, Deceit?” He asked genially.
   “I suppose,” Deceit hummed, sitting up on the couch next to Patton instead. Virgil reclined back down on the floor in front of Patton and Emile. He tiredly motioned for Roman to press play. Logan relaxed into Virgil’s lap, much to Virgil’s surprise, as the video stared up. He was fiddling with his bracelet with one hand but latched on to Virgil with the other. It was nice that Logan was feeling huggy today. Virgil happily pulled him close and enjoyed Logan’s warmth.
   Honestly, they did look good dancing, and Roman did an amazing job recording them. His dress was beautiful to see from another angle, too. It didn’t make it any less embarrassing, though. Virgil opted to close his eyes and just focus on the sensation of Patton’s fingers resting on his head while they watching the video. They were too enthralled to keep braiding and kept squealing with delight as Deceit threw Virgil around the room. Even Thomas gasped at one point. Deceit felt so proud Virgil could feel it over his shield.
   “I’m not sure if I should be impressed with your athleticism since you are literally another species, but I do compliment you on your skill,” Logan said, sounding somewhat mesmerized with the video.
   “That was awesome,” Thomas said reverently. “Worth the wait!” Thomas cheered as the recording ended and Deceit requested Patton to thank him later.
   “Thank you!” Patton rejoiced, raising their arms in the air.
   “It was gay as fuck. I just want to take you dancing even more now,” Remy nodded, sounding hyped. Patton bristled much less than usual behind Virgil and hopefully was finally getting used to cussing.
   “There was great on-the-fly choreography,” Talyn mused, and Virgil was surprised at the genuine compliment from a stranger.
   “Uh, thanks,” Virgil mumbled. He wasn’t entirely sure how to process that.
   “Why thank you,” Deceit bowed slightly on the couch.
   “That was so cool! Can I have a copy of the file?” Patton asked enthusiastically, putting their hands back in Virgil’s hair.
   “Indeed! you can borrow that flash drive,” Roman replied airily from the hot tub.
   “Thanks again for editing, Roman. Please keep it offline, Pat,” Virgil said firmly, turning his head slightly to shoot Patton a glance.
   “Virge, you just got to change inputs to the blu-ray and press play,” Roman explained quickly. “I already put in the thing with the ghosts on the player, it’s all ready,” He melted down a bit into the hot tub, looking very satisfied with himself.
   “Woo!” Talyn cheered, holding up both their arms.
   “Fucking nice,” Joan pumped their fist. “The dance was cool, too. All the flips rocked,” They nodded sagely and grinned.
   “I want to learn how to do a ballroom dance now,” Thomas said dreamily.
   “I have to teach stupid Anton, anyway. Maybe Virgil and I will just offer to teach whoever wants to learn,” Roman considered sourly. “Better than teaching Anton alone… Remy, are you naked?” Roman asked incredulously, looking over and shooting his eyes up quickly.
   “You’re welcome,” Remy smirked. “Emmy, babe, are you joining me?” Remy flipped his hand towards Emile.
   “I’ve never played with hair this long!” Emile said defensively. “And I didn’t bring my suit, and I don’t know half the people here well enough for that,” He added slightly more sheepishly. It felt like he kept going while talking. Emile must have been really into it. Logan leaned to the side to look at what the braiders were doing behind him. He seemed satisfied and nestled back in again, still fidgeting with his bracelet.
   “I can’t resist, either,” Patton chuckled. Virgil’s head was being braided or plaited or possibly weaved into something by Patton and Emile together, Virgil couldn’t tell. But he was kind of too tired to care. He was very comfortable with Logan and everyone in his clan was feeling some variation of good, so even though he was exhausted he was extremely contented. He sighed happily as Logan leaned his head against Virgil’s to watch the movie.
personal taglist: @elizabutgayer@ollyollyoxinfree
the taglist repository  (ask to be removed):
supernatural beings taglist: @callboxkat @legendsgates @nonasficcollection @rainbowbowtie @10moonymhrivertam
DLAMP taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @a-fandom-trashdump @averykedavra @notveryglittery
Virgil centric:  @demoniccheese83 @thatgaydemigodnerd @arya-skywalker
literally everything sanders sides: @katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @royal-stormcloud @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun
6 notes · View notes
poisonedapples · 5 years
"going somewhere?" and platonic logince?
Core Four AU Prompts!
Taglist: @romansleftshoulderpad @dr-gloom @killjoy-3000 @the-smol-est @stop-it-anxiety @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @localagendergrape
Logan was a curious person by nature. Every time he saw something slightly out of the norm, he needed to examine it to the last detail. To find out how it worked, what it did, to understand every part of it to satisfy his craving for knowledge. Virgil’s house was full of treasures that gave him this craving.
Logan’s personal favorite goldmine for curiosity was the Tech Lab. Full of Virgil’s gadgets with abilities he’s never seen before, tinker toys and highly advanced supercomputers alike, all in the same area. It was a magical place for him to study, no matter how much Logan didn’t want to admit it.
But recently, Logan had discovered Virgil’s snails.
It made sense, he supposed. Virgil is a wealthy superhero, so with that doesn’t exactly come dull moments. And his amount of wealth often brings feelings of acting on impulse due to not having anything to stop him. So maybe Virgil wanted a pet, and decided to get one low maintenance. Which ended in him having five snails all with...equal amounts of generation z humor in their names.
...Logan’s favorite was “Remington Snailers The Third”. But Virgil’s not allowed to know that.
He’s not allowed to know Logan’s interested in them so much period. He wasn’t ready to find out if Virgil would ever make fun of him for so much of his curiousity, which is why he was doing his observing long after Virgil had gone to bed. It was easier this way, in the dark and being able to smile freely without worry of any possible judgment. A feeling Logan didn’t get so often at this age.
But he didn’t seem to be the only one awake. Out of the corner of his eye, Logan saw a figure moving outside the door of the “snail room”, as Virgil had dubbed it. Shooting his head over and coming back to his original stoic face, Logan looked closely. The figure was slowly prying open a window in the living room, red cape with stars flowing once the wind started to enter the penthouse.
...What? “Going somewhere?” Logan called out, seeing Roman, back in his costume, freeze in place. The tears in his boots still prominent from their mutant chicken fight earlier. “I thought we all agreed to relax for the rest of the day?”
Roman laughed nervously, his eyes hidden in his mask, but based on the uneasiness of his smile, Logan could tell he was trying to fake cockiness. “Well, technically it’s midnight so it’s no longer today, so...”
Logan glared at him. Roman shrunk a little in his spot. “Where are you planning to go?”
“Just...out on patrol! Maybe do a couple things, the city doesn’t rest when we do, you know!”
“That is true. However, if something happens we’ll end up finding out. We shouldn’t be losing sleep over hypothetical crimes that may not even be happening. ...Or do you possibly have another motive?”
Roman’s shoulders sagged, the brightness in his smile disappearing as he became solemn. Soft and genuine and vulnerable. “...It just helps me feel brave. On nights like these.”
“...Ah. I can understand that.”
“Am I brave, Logan? Can I do good things?”
Logan sighed, walking over and sitting on the couch next to the window Roman was still ready to slip through. “Of course you can, but you don’t need to prove that to anybody. Those who know who you are will know the truth.”
Roman stared out the open window for a small moment, looking up at the city from the height of the penthouse. A single car horn went off. The buildings still shined beautifully from afar. Roman stared at the lights of the amusement park for far too long.
But eventually, Roman closed the window, but didn’t take off his mask.
It helps me feel brave on nights like these.
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electrospares · 1 year
Keeping Your Old Model Remington Electric Shaver Running with Replacement Parts
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With their quality manufacturing, many older models of Remington electric shavers are still providing a close and comfortable shave. However, after years of use, the foils and cutters can become worn out and need to be replaced in order to maintain peak performance. Luckily, replacement parts for older models of Remington shavers are still available. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the replacement parts available for older models, to help keep your Remington electric shaver running like new.
When it comes to replacing foils and cutters for older Remington shavers, it’s important to find the right part for your specific model. The SP93 triple foil and SP94 part number is the three foils and three cutters, for example, have two different replacement foils and cutters available. The SP93 TCT3 Replacement triple foil is designed to replace the three foil mesh covers, while the Remington SP93 RBL5000 TCT3 Foil is compatible with multiple models, including the MS3-2700, RS8, RS8986, RS8943, RS-8503, and RS-8966. Make sure to double-check the model numbers before ordering replacement parts.
For the SP69 part (two foils and two cutters), replacement foils and blades are available for a range of models beginning with MS21, MS22, MS2290, MS2390, MS2391, MS2392, and RS4. Meanwhile, the SP96 replacement foil is compatible with all MS5* models, such as the MS5100, MS5120, MS5200, MS5500, MS5700, and MS5800. It’s important to note that the SP96 also fits the newer MS5120 version, making it a versatile replacement part.
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If you’ve got a Remington shaver model beginning with DA or DF, the SP62 replacement foil and cutter block is the one to look for. And if you’re using an older F4790 model, the SP290 dual foil 360 replacement foil and cutter pack is designed to fit perfectly. This pack is also compatible with the F3900, F4790XLP, F4790CS, and F3900DS models, ensuring a comfortable and efficient shave.
As any man knows, finding the perfect electric shaver can be a life-altering experience. With Remington Electric Shavers, you can trust that you're getting the highest quality shave possible. But what happens when your trusty shaver starts to lose its effectiveness? Don't fret! Remington replacement foil and replacement cutters are here to save the day. With part numbers SP69, SP96, SP93, and SP290, you can easily find the right replacement for your specific model. Keep your older model Remington Electric Shaver working like new with these essential replacement parts.
For those who rely on their Remington Electric Shavers, a reliable charger lead is essential to ensure they never run out of power mid-shave. Thankfully, Shaverspares UK understands this need and provides a range of charger cables to fit most Remington shavers. The mains chargers offer a simple and convenient way to power up your electric shaver without any worries of low battery or incomplete shaving experience. So, whether you're using your electric shaver for work or play, you can trust that it will always be ready to go with a charger cable from Shaverspares UK.
With these replacement part options available for older Remington models, there’s no need to retire your trusty shaver. By replacing worn-out foils and cutters, you can keep enjoying the close and comfortable shave that Remington electric shavers are known for. It’s important to double-check the compatibility of replacement parts with your specific model number to ensure a successful replacement. Invest in replacement parts for your Remington electric shaver, and keep it running like new for years to come.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
186. Sonic the Hedgehog #118
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Oh boy, we've got a big one on our hands, guys! First of all, it's worth noting that for the next seven issues the comic kind of had this "magazine cover" gimmick going on, where every story was described on the cover in a humorous, pseudo-tabloid manner. And second, every story in this issue is highly significant, two of which have a huge impact on future storylines, and one of which resolves a problem I've been salty about for a while. So without further ado, let's jump right in!
Robotnik's Return
Writer: Benny Lee Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
“Benny”, I've noticed, as a writer has an unfortunate tendency to solve any conflicts in the plot extremely suddenly, often in a very deus-ex-machina manner that contrasts with the "long game" approach that Penders usually takes toward his stories. For those who don’t know - I was unaware as well at first - “Benny Lee” is a pseudonym that Karl Bollers took on for some of his stories after receiving criticism for his writing. (However, I’m listing him as a separate writer just for the sake of consistency, as clearly he didn’t want certain stories associated with his real name.) For whatever reason, his stories as “Benny” seem to be choppy and full of fix-it gimmicks that, instead of gently guiding the story along a natural path, blindfold it and shove it violently into the next plot point without mercy. This story is no different. Eggman and Snively have managed to finally restore themselves to new mechanical bodies without any pesky Mobian interference, and what's worse, these bodies are free of the virus that caused Eggman's data on the location of Knothole to be corrupted. He's delighted at the opportunity to find its location at last and launch an attack, but, you guessed it, right at that moment the Freedom Fighters burst in, having tracked their location.
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Suddenly, the forms of Eggman, Snively, Sonic, and Tails all begin to dissolve, with Nicole confirming to a shocked Sally that they've been unexpectedly teleported somewhere else. But where might that be?
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Yes, that's right, they've been randomly abducted by aliens! Now, I have to point something out about this page. You can see that at first, the aliens are speaking in some kind of alien language before they presumably switch on a translator or something. Except, that's not actually just "some alien language"! Look closely at it. Notice anything unusual? Anyone who's ever been to Disneyland in California should recognize exactly what they're looking at - the symbols used in the aliens' speech are in fact the same symbols used in the carvings on the walls of the Disneyland Indiana Jones attraction! I recognized it immediately - I grew up going to Disneyland my entire life, and it's still my favorite theme park in the world. So, I took the liberty of translating exactly what these aliens were saying using one of the old decoder cards that they used to hand out in line! For anyone hoping for some intelligible speech, you're going to be disappointed - it looks like they might have just keysmashed on a keyboard and then "translated" the results. The first dialogue bubble says, approximately, "Denite idlothxo vhry muph i," and the second one "Viuyhkvqj efsqr." I say "approximately" because the letterer appears to have taken a few liberties with the symbols, which don’t all exactly match the ones on the decoder card. It's honestly a very strange but funny homage to the ride - clearly, whoever was responsible for the symbols being included is a fan of Disneyland, and as a fellow fan, it gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside to see these symbols in the place I would have least expected them.
Anyway, the aliens explain that they've beamed the four of them up here for a little experiment. They use their technology to transform Sonic and Tails into mecha bodies, while transforming Eggman and Snively back into their flesh and blood forms, and inform the four that they will be made to battle each other, and the winners will be reverted to their original forms while the losers will be made to keep their new forms permanently. This seems like a rather pointless experiment, if you ask me - I mean, what is even being gained from this apart from some perverse entertainment? - but the four test subjects are beamed into a holographic recreation of Robotropolis and begin to battle it out. Eggman and Snively immediately plop themselves into a robotic mech, but Mecha Sonic and Mecha Tails easily blow it apart. Eggman runs for his life and Mecha Sonic gives chase, while Mecha Tails guards the terrified Snively to ensure he doesn't run for it. Mecha Sonic easily spots his quarry with infrared vision and shoots a net to capture him, winning the "game."
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The aliens keep their word and return everyone to the planet, with Sonic and Tails back in their normal bodies, and Eggman and Snively now reverted back to an organic form. Sonic and Tails return to Knothole where they explain everything that happened to the others, and while they're a little skeptical they ultimately accept the story, though they're nervous that since Eggman is now flesh and blood once more, it will be harder to track him. You see what I mean about this being a deus-ex-machina resolution to the Robo-Robotnik problem? It's good for the story to have him be an organic being once more, so that he has to work harder to protect himself from harm instead of weathering explosions and the destruction of his various bodies like they're mere inconveniences, but just… random aliens being the cause? I dunno, man. It is quite interesting, however, to see Eggman's reaction to being transformed back into an organic being, as certainly while in his own zone he existed for the first forty-odd years of his life as an ordinary Overlander, he's remained a robotic being for decades by now. That will be hard for him to adjust…
Heart to Heart
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Jason Jensen
Ever since Eggman's capture of the Secret Service and their subsequent infection with his nanites, the remaining members have been in treatment, with Dr. Quack unable to find a proper cure. However, with Rotor's help, a fix involving aggressive nanomachines sent in to attack the nanites has been developed, and everyone is finally cured. Sally welcomes Geoffrey's return to active duty as the leader of the Secret Service, but he seems dejected and uninterested as she walks away. Hershey asks him what's wrong, and he explains his actions up till now - that as a boy, he always greatly admired his father's sense of duty and sought to emulate it, which evolved into his no-nonsense, humorless personality of today. However, he was always jealous of Sonic and wanted to prove that he was better than him, which was why he convinced Elias to accept his "help" in ruling the kingdom in the king's stead.
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Now this is the Geoffrey I like. Up till now, he's been alternately somewhat charming and likeable, and a complete jerkwad. This is the turning point where he goes from a self-centered jackass, to a genuinely focused individual who actually respects those around him, including his rivals. It seems that some time in isolated treatment has given him lots of time to reflect on himself, and in the end Hershey brings out the best in him. With his resolve renewed, he approaches the king and asks for permission to take some leave from his position and go in search of the missing Elias, which the king approves, so together he and Hershey leave to find him. This is honestly the best ending to Geoffrey's asshattery that we could get, because not only does it make him a much more likeable character, but it actually pairs him up with someone who is, well, his age, instead of him creepily pursuing a fifteen-year-old as his beau instead. Hooray for character development!
Ultimate Power (Part Four)
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Dawn Best Colors: Jason Jensen
We've reached the ultimate confrontation - the culmination of everything the Green Knuckles Saga has been building up to this entire time. Knuckles faces off against Mammoth Mogul, his finger on the button ready to disconnect Dimitri from life support. Mogul reveals that he was able to obtain his own version of the Chaos Syphon due to having actually met Dimitri once before, when he was still an ordinary scientist developing the device. Despite the danger, Knuckles refuses to listen to Mogul, determined to save Dimitri while preventing Mogul from taking his powers, and begins to pulse with light which reflects across the whole city, drawing Remington, Julie-Su and the Chaotix, and Lien-Da to his location like a beacon. Mogul, furious that Knuckles is refusing to submit, hits the button to disconnect Dimitri's life support, and Knuckles immediately leaps into action to prevent him from dying.
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…okay, Penders, a word of advice, writer to writer. If you ever make your character say "Not if I go into overload mode," you have just ensured that no one will take him seriously and will immediately begin to meme the hell out of it. Also, when the hell did Mogul find the time and energy to build an entire Chaos Syphon room in the middle of Echidnaopolis? Knuckles, in his efforts to save Dimitri's life while resisting the Chaos Syphon, begins to expend energy at a rate he's never reached before, bathing the entire city in his green light. This rapid release of energy causes Mogul's facility to explode violently, leaving a crater in the city where the building once stood. Everyone rushes to the site of the blast, worried about what they might find.
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Oh, did you think this very important main character was going to survive this altercation? Well think again, 'cause Knuckles is deader than dead! While all of this is going on, a rededication ceremony is happening across the city, to honor the return of the island's inhabitants to their homes after the firing of the Quantum Beam. The speaker is confused about Knuckles' absence for such an important gathering, but Lara-Le nervously tries to insist that he probably has a good reason. I'm sure she didn't expect the reason to be that he's really, super duper dead!
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Yeah, I wasn't joking, guys. For those of you who hadn't read the comic up till now and were unaware, yes, Knuckles has actually died in this issue. There's no mistake, no trickery. He's gone. And that's the note that this issue decides to end on! I guess we have to say goodbye to Knuckles as one of the comic's main characters, because there's no way a comic book would ever temporarily kill someone off only to bring them back a few issues later…
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Thirty Three
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
December 12th, 1987
Remy’s mother shrieked as she came over and pulled Remy away from the boy he had been playing with not five minutes earlier. “Mom?!” Remy asked.
“You can’t do that, Remy!” his mother said, clearly outraged. “You can not kiss any boy, ever!”
“But I like him, Mom! And the TV shows say you kiss people you like!” Remy protested.
“Remington, if you kiss boys you’re going to go to Hell!” his mother hissed at him.
“What?!” Remy asked in clear alarm. “Why?!”
“Because being gay is a sin! And no son of mine is going to grow up and be gay!” his mother snapped at him.
  May 26th, 2001
Remy didn’t feel at all bad leaving Emile’s bedroom...for all of twenty seconds. By the time he got down the stairs to the first floor, he realized that Emile might be getting yelled at in a matter of moments, and that thought didn’t sit well with him. But it was too late to go back up, as Emile’s mom had already come over to him and insisted he come with her and take a seat in the living room. “I’m not going to convince you whatever my son did wasn’t wrong,” she told Remy. “But I will tell you that he means well. That doesn’t excuse his behavior, but it’s why he did it.”
Swallowing, Remy nodded. “I don’t like...he said that my parents are bad. That they’re scum. I don’t like it. They...they kept a roof over my head, and gave me food and water and made sure I had friends. They just want to look out for me.”
Emile’s mom nodded. “I don’t know the full story, dear, and I doubt Emile does either. He’s letting snap judgements dictate his decisions.”
“M-maybe...maybe I should call them,” Remy said. “Maybe...if-if I could get an apology for what happened in April, then maybe Emile would...would feel better about the whole thing. My mom didn’t mean to come across the way she did, she was just stressed.”
Emile’s mom wasn’t betraying a single emotion or thought she might be having. “Do you want to use our phone?” she asked.
“It would be a long distance call...I don’t want to add to your phone bill,” Remy said, pulling out his cell phone. “I can call from my own phone.”
“Remy, you wouldn’t be adding to our phone bill. And besides, if Emile has a point, wouldn’t it be safer to call from our phone?” Emile’s mom pointed out.
“I mean...if you’re sure it wouldn’t add too much to your phone bill...” Remy mumbled, trailing off.
“I regularly call people out of state, sweetheart, one more call is nothing,” Emile’s mom said.
“I...okay,” Remy agreed.
Emile’s mom showed him to the phone and he picked it up, dialling the familiar number that had given him so much anxiety in the past, and, despite still giving him massive anxiety, may have been his only hope now. It rang, and rang, and rang, and then his mother picked up with a fake-sweet-sounding, “Hello?”
“Uh...hey, Mom...” Remy said, voice a second away from giving out.
“Remy?” his mother sounded genuinely surprised.
“Uh, yeah...hi. Um...I just wanted to talk about what happened in April...I’m sorry,” Remy scratched the back of his neck. He had overreacted a bit, probably, with the whole “bite me” thing, so an apology was in order.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it,” his mother said.
Heat traveled down Remy’s spine, whether from relief or shame he wasn’t sure. “Thanks...um. My...my friend and I kind of had a fight today, and I had a point to prove, so I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings between us?”
Emile’s mom gave him a look, a cross between confusion and concern. Remy just focused on the other end of the line, waiting with bated breath during a pregnant pause. “Of course there’s no hard feelings, sweetie, but you know your father and I know what’s best for you, right? You can’t be a barista for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah...yeah, I know. I’m working towards getting a different job,” Remy lied. He didn’t know of any openings in the area, and he could still pay his half of the rent well enough.
“Your father and I were talking, sweetheart, and we both agreed that you might need a little more structure in your life than we were able to provide.” A pause. Remy’s heart felt like it stopped beating. “If you want to do what’s best for you, we think joining the military would help so much.”
“And...and if I did that...would we...would we be good? You’d be...proud of me?” Remy’s voice was impossibly small.
“Honey, we’d be proud to the bursting,” his mother told him. Remy wanted to sob. He so desperately wanted to believe that was true. “Where are you? I didn’t expect to hear you call, and if you had a fight with your friend...?”
“I’m...um...I’m travelling with him during Memorial Day weekend. We both had work off and I thought there was no harm in it, but clearly, he had some opinions I didn’t know about...”
“Do you want to come home, sweetie?” his mother asked.
Remy’s heart was pounding in his chest. Honestly, he didn’t exactly want to go back to them, but he couldn’t stand the thought of going back to his and Emile’s apartment and living in silence for however long they stayed together, at least until the end of the semester, possibly longer. “...Yeah, a little,” Remy mumbled.
“Where can I pick you up, darling? Where are you?” his mother asked.
“Uh...I don’t know where we are specifically. If I gave you a city we could meet up there?” Remy asked.
There was a pregnant pause again on the other line. “Remington, you’re not lying to me, are you?”
“No, Mom, no. I’m not lying to you,” Remy said. He could feel himself getting choked up. “I made...I made a mistake. I just...I want to go home. I wanna see Toby again. And Vanessa. And I want you and Dad to be proud of me.”
Emile’s mom was looking him over in worry. Remy tried to ignore her stare. “...How about we meet up at that little pancake place you liked on our way to the beach?” his mother offered.
Remy did some mental math. That was about an hour away. He cringed inwardly. Emile wouldn’t drive him, but maybe Emile’s mom would? He would give her gas money. “I could probably be there in about an hour with good traffic,” Remy said.
“Then I’ll see you there, sweetheart. I’m so glad you’re seeing sense. I love you so much,” his mother said.
Remy tried to not sob at that. “I love you too, Mom.”
When the line went dead, Remy put the phone back. “I have gas money, if you’re willing to drive me—”
“—Remy, if this is what you want, I’ll take you there for free. Where are you meeting up?” Emile’s mom asked.
“Uh, this little pancake place that my family would go to on the way to the beach. It’s about an hour away, and I really don’t mind paying gas money—”
“—You will not be paying me gas money, Remy,” Emile’s mom said sternly. “If you need this, you shouldn’t have to pay.”
Remy nodded. “Okay. Uh, my stuff is still in Emile’s room...”
“I’ll grab it,” Emile’s mom assured him. She smiled sadly. “I’m really sorry that you couldn’t stay with us longer.”
“Me too,” Remy breathed.
The next hour or so passed in a blur. Emile’s mom got his stuff, they got in her car, and Remy gave her directions to the pancake place. He was crying, just a little, but Emile’s mom didn’t mention it. He appreciated that.
They got to the pancake place in a little under an hour and he told Emile’s mom, “It took about an hour from our house to get here, too. She should be here any time.”
Emile’s mom gave his arm a pat. “It’s all right, dear, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
A car pulled into the parking lot behind them and Remy’s heart leapt into his throat when Emile jumped out of the driver’s side, stalking over. Oh, no. “Remy! What the hell?!”
“Emile, language!” Emile’s mom chastised.
Emile ignored her and stared at Remy. “What, I’m too despicable for you so you go running back to the parents who treated you like crap?! Is that what’s going on here?!”
Remy crossed his arms. “At least I know what’s coming to me when it comes from my parents!” he snapped.
Emile’s dad walked over and put a hand on Emile’s arm. “Emile, you need to let Remy make his own choice. You can argue your case until you turn blue, but at the end of the day, it’s Remy’s decision.”
“Yeah? Well, there may be a million decisions he could make in this situation, but this is the wrong one!” Emile exclaimed, removing his dad’s hand.
“Emile, don’t mess up your relationship with your parents just because of me,” Remy said. “I’m doing this, and you can’t change my mind.”
“Remy...Remy...they’re gonna kill you!” Emile exclaimed. “I can’t let you do that to yourself!”
“You’re not in control of my life, Emile!” Remy snapped. “You’re just as bad as you claim they are!”
Emile turned ash white and stood there, staring at Remy. “Is that...really...how you see me?”
Before Remy could respond in any way other than shying away from Emile, a familiar sedan pulled up and his mother got out, walking over with an aura of smugness around her. “Sweetheart, thank goodness you’re okay,” she said, coming over and hugging Remy.
Remy involuntarily stiffened and color returned to Emile’s face as he growled. His mother pulled away and looked around them. “Remington, are you going to introduce me to these people?”
“My ride,” Remy said, nodding to Emile’s mom. “My friend,” he pointed to Emile.
His mother’s face darkened. “I remember you from the police station,” she spat at Emile. “What did you do to my son?!”
“What did I do?!” Emile scoffed. “I helped save his heart before it shrivelled up and died from your treatment of him over the years.”
“Emile,” Emile’s dad warned as Remy’s mother gasped in offence.
“How dare you?!” Remy’s mother shrieked. “You’re the one who stole him from me, and put those silly ideas about quitting college in his head!”
“That was actually my idea,” Remy said quietly. “Emile gave me the means to do it.”
His mother held up a hand, and Remy fell silent. He really didn’t want this confrontation to happen, he had hoped that maybe Emile wouldn’t catch on to what was happening until Remy was already gone. She stalked over to Emile, who stood his ground and stared down at her with distaste. “You’re the one who convinced my son that I don’t care about him anymore,” she snarled.
“No, you did that yourself, with your blatant disregard for his feelings,” Emile said brightly. “I’m the one who was trying to help him figure out who he was beyond your idiotic plans for him.”
“Emile!” Emile’s dad hissed.
“If I’m going down as the enemy in Remy’s books, I’m going down in flames!” Emile snapped. “Because maybe, one day, he’ll understand why I care for him the way I do!”
Remy’s mother sneered, and Remy gulped. Oh, no. That was where this was going. “Are you gay?!” she asked with a sneer.
“Bisexual,” Emile corrected. “And currently in love with your son, yeah, before you ask. Not that it’s like he ever reciprocated or anything, but he was still kind enough to be my friend!”
“Well, not anymore,” Remy’s mother said. “I don’t want any child of mine associating with queers.”
Remy flinched as both of Emile’s parents spoke up in outrage. The voices were overlapping and distorting, and he recognized the beginnings of a panic attack. He was focusing on his breathing, as best as he could, but it didn’t seem to be working very well. He was shaking and crying and even as Emile’s dad and Remy’s mom fought, Emile’s mom was guiding him to sit down, and asking him if he was all right. Remy buried his head in his hands before his hands came up to tug on his hair and he bit back a sob. No one wants to be friends with a crybaby, his mind helpfully taunted.
“See what you did?! You gave your own son a panic attack!” Emile bellowed.
“Well it’s a small price to pay in comparison to what he would be getting if he continued to be around people like you and wound up in Hell!” Remy’s mother snapped.
Remy felt a hand on his back and he jumped, looking up to see his mother. “Come on, sweetheart, I’m taking you home.”
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