#| wendy darling | conversation.
drchucktingle · 1 year
hello buckaroos chuck tingle here to talk on my book camp damascus. i am very ADVERSE to spoilers and even though i LOVE discussing art i never want to discuss a book too soon, gotta give buckaroos a chance to read. i have been trying to find a balance of WHEN and HOW to have these talks because there is a lot to discover in camp damascus, and i finally think i have found safe way to do this.
i am going to write some posts talkin about various subjects relating to camp damascus themes and symbols and ideas. i will title these posts DECONSTRUCTING DAMASCUS and give them all the hashtag: "deconstructing damascus". if you do not want to be tempted you can go into your tumblr settings and MUTE hashtag "deconstructing damascus" until you are ready to come back and trot in this way.
i am also going to put all spoiler content below a READ MORE line so that buckaroos will not stumble upon it. you must click below to open these words up.
alright buckaroos lets trot. WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW
camp damascus is about SEVERAL things thematically, but i think in BROAD STROKES you can narrow this story down to two ideas. the first is about control through infantilizing victims of religious or conservative organizations, keeping them 'young and naive' forever, and the second theme is about taking a story and using the same text to pull out whatever viewpoint you want. in other words, there are MANY readings within a story and us readers see whatever story we want.
i will dive deeper into these topics in later DECONSTRUCTING DAMASCUS talks, but both of these concepts relate in some way to THIS discussion, which is the story of peter pan and neverland
camp damascus is about text having many interpretations, and so as a sort of META ART PIECE i wanted camp damascus to have many interpretations. i did this by creating thematic layers on top of each other in the SAME STORY, like a cake. in the case of camp damascus we have BIBLICAL LAYER, FAIRYTALE LAYER, and LITERAL LAYER.
today we are going to talk about the fairytale layer.
peter pan is the story of wendy darling, who is whisked away to a magical place known as NEVER NEVER LAND by peter pan, who is an eternally young boy. nobody ever grows up in never never land. in camp damascus we have rose darling, who is a resident of neverton, a small town in montana where all of to children are kept young and naive to their own true adult nature for as long possible. this is done in many ways, for instance all of the KINGDOM OF THE PINE kids act and talk like teenagers when they are technically adults (rose is 20). they are all still in high school due to intervention of the church. the practice of oppressing someones natural sexuality and growth into adulthood a way of keeping them young and 'innocent'. the KINGDOM KIDS are perpetually stuck between childhood and adulthood. when you are reading the book, there should be something about this age and behavior discrepancy that feels a little strange.
to capture this effect i also tried to create a book that was both categorically YA (young adult) and adult horror. there are topics and conversations and situations that should feel like you are reading a 'younger book', then moments of violence and layers of complex themes that feel like an adult book. it should straddle this line in an uncomfortable way.
now to the story itself. camp damascus is NOT a retelling of peter pan in any way. the plots are not the same at all. however it uses peter pan as a literary allusion in order to discuss the themes listed above. these references are to reinforce the idea of keeping buckaroos young and under the churches control by any means necessary.
many do not realize that the original peter pan character was quite a bit more sinister than the cartoon version. here is a quote from the original text about HOW neverland worked to keep the lost boys young:
“The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out; but at this time there were six of them, counting the twins as two.”
yes CAPTAIN HOOK is the big villain, but peter pan himself is just as brutal. this is where we get PASTOR PETE BEND, the current head of camp damascus. in his own way he is HIP AND COOL AND ETERNALLY YOUTHFUL just like peter pan, but he also falls into the roll of a ruthless captain who will do whatever it takes. to pull apart his name we have pete, as in peter, and bend. what is another word for bend? hook.
kingdom of the pine members wear a red band round their left wrist, which is where the hand of their prophet as severed. you can also note that when pete bend he uses a weapon he uses his left hand, which is pretty notable for someone who is right handed. consider where a certain captains weapon is permanently affixed.
also working for kingdom of the pine and camp damascus, under the direct orders of pete bend, is DR. SMITH. dr smith is a jolly henchmen with a white beard and glasses. despite his drab office he sits in a blue and white striped chair. i should also point out that a version of the name smee is smeeth. just SAYIN.
WILLOW is another interesting one. after her time at camp damascus she gets into photography. she turns to NATURE and TRUTH and as she takes these photos her finger is steady and rhythmic like a clock. click. click. click. click. click. could these photos eventually be the downfall of pete bend?
when we see willow early on she is drinking for a coffee mug with a certain reptile on it. her last name is crogall, which translates to the name of a specific animal in scottish gaelic. rose also goes to meet willow where she lives, one town over from neverton in a little village named lebka rock. i will let the buckaroos figure out what that means.
there is actually much more than this (who is saul for instance?) but i think i have said all that buds need to know to enjoy this layer.
thank you for reading. FEEL FREE TO REBLOG but try not to put spoilers in the tags. i will talk on OTHER aspects of CAMP DAMASCUS soon and i hope this has inspired you to look at the text in a brand new way. LOVE IS REAL
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hopscotch Headache
Description: Gemma invites everyone around for dinner to celebrate a 24year old Jax getting engaged to Wendy, Katherine would be about 10. Katherine is bored grown ups are boring.
Warnings: mentions of blood, injury, swearing and general SOA Warnings
Word Count: 4,782
Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
Just comment or message me if you want to be added to my SOA taglist or if you want to be removed 😊
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Gemma is cooking as usual, the smell of one of her home cooked meals filling the house. Meanwhile, Jax, Clay, Opie, Chibs and Tig are talking in the living room, but Tig is feeling slightly restless.
With a huff, he looks around at the others who are so focused on their conversation. His gaze moves towards the hall and spots a bored looking Katherine sitting on a chair swinging her legs.
A small smirk forms on his face when he sees her. He then excuses himself for a bit, walking over to where she is sitting. When he gets to her, he sits beside her with a quiet sigh.
"Bored, princess?"
Katherine nods looking down "Mommy says dinner won't be done for ages, and you guys are just talking about boring bike stuff" she groans throwing her head back.
Tig chuckles at her dramatics which remind him of her mother. He looks over at the other guys talking about "bike stuff" and then back at her, not knowing how to entertain a bored ten year old.
"Well, what do you want to talk about, darling?"
"Anything but boring bike stuff"
He can't help but chuckle again at her sassy reply, finding her expression quite adorable, especially when she rolls her eyes. He leans back in the chair, crossing his arms.
"Oh really? And what's so boring about talking about motorcycles, hm?"
He pretends to look offended, faking a hurt expression and scoffing. He quickly changes back to his usual smirk when he notices her pout.
"How on Earth do you think motorcycles are boring anyway? Have you SEEN my Harley?" Tig jokingly asks.
He smiles as she giggles at his little performance. He has definitely mastered the art of making people laugh, which is a bonus during moments like these. He watches as her tiny fingers grip the edge of the seat, her legs once again swinging slightly.
"Well, we can't have the MC princess being bored," he says, slapping his knee.
"What do you wanna do hmm?" He adds poking her side gently.
She lets out another laugh and squirms away from his finger poking her side. She hums in thought for a moment, trying to think of something to do. Her eyes then light up when she thinks of an idea.
"Can you play a game with me, please?" she asks sweetly, giving him a pleading look with her big brown eyes that she no doubt got from her mother.
He can't help but melt a bit when he sees her looking up at him with those big, innocent and hopeful eyes. Who could say no to a face like that? He hums, pretending to think it over.
"I don't know...is it gonna be a fun game?" he asks, resting his chin in his hand and tilting his head, eyeing her curiously.
Katherine nods excitedly, practically jumping up and down on her chair. She puts her hands together and gives him an even more pleading look. It makes her look all the more innocent and adorable, but he knows better than that.
"Please? It won't be that long, I promise," she begs, pouting a bit.
He couldn't resist her anymore. With a heavy sigh, he pretends to be annoyed but can't hold back the smile that's spreading across his face.
"Fine, princess..." he says, rolling his eyes jokingly.
"What game do you want to play, hm?"
"HOPSCOTCH!!! I drew one this morning in the garden all by myself but Jaxie wouldn't play with me said it was boring....but you will right?"
Tig has to try hard not to laugh at this. Of course she wanted to play hopscotch, of all the things she could have picked. He nods and grins.
"Of course, doll. We can play hopscotch."
She squeals happily, clapping her hands together and jumping up off her chair. She grabs his hand in her small ones and all but drags him through the house towards the back door.
"C'mon, c'mon! Let's go, let's go!"
The others look on amused as Tig is dragged through the living room by the much smaller Katherine holding back some chuckles. Jax watches the scene with a raised eyebrow but Tig shoots him a look that just says "Don't even think about it." He continues to allow her to drag him outside while he can still hear the laughs from the other guys behind them.
They make their way outside to the garden, where Tig looks down and notices a makeshift hopscotch grid drawn on the concrete in colorful chalk surrounded by doodles of flowers and smiley faces. He looks back at her, raising an eyebrow.
"You made this by yourself, doll?" he asks as they approach the hopscotch grid
Katherine nods, looking proud of herself, as she should. For a ten-year old to make that all by herself is pretty impressive.
"Yep! I made it all by myself!" She grins, letting go of his hand, and steps up to start playing. She looks back at him expectantly.
"C'mon! you can go first!" She hands him a pebble at closer inspection the pebble had a small drawing of a pink daisy on it.He couldn't help but smirk as he took the pebble from her with a small chuckle. She is quite the creative kid.
Taking his place behind the starting line, he holds the pebble in between two of his fingers and throws it, his pebble lands on the number 8.
"Watch and learn, princess."
He says jokingly as he skips down the hopscotch, trying his best to keep his face straight and not start laughing while he does it.
Katherine giggles at him as he makes his way through the hopscotch successfully. She covers her mouth trying to keep her laughs in, thinking that Tig looks silly doing it. When he reaches the end, she claps her hands together and smiles up at him happily.
"That was great!" she exclaims. "Now it's my turn!"
Tig bows and motions to the hopscotch with a smirk. "Be my guest" he says with a chuckle. He stands back and watches as she steps up to her mark, her tongue sticking out cutely in concentration.
Her pebble lands on 10 "Ha! ten is bigger than 8 I can beat you!"
Tig gasps in mock surprise, holding his hand dramatically over his heart.
"Oh, no, how will I ever survive this? Being beat by a ten year old, the sheer humiliation of it all!" he says dramatically, grinning widely, but secretly wanting her to win.
Katherine giggles and hops through the rest of the hopscotch, managing to win the game. "Haha! I beat you!"
She sticks her tongue out triumphantly, doing a little dance and a proud smile on her face.
Tig places a hand on his hip and sighs dramatically, pretending to pout again.
"Well, would ya look at that. Beat by a little girl!" He looks over at her, his pout turning into a smirk. "Good job, princess, but don't get too ahead of yourself Im calling for a rematch."
She crosses her arms with a cocky grin on her face, still feeling pretty proud of herself.
"Well go on then, I want to see you try to beat me!" she says with confidence.
He chuckles at her confidence, shaking his head in amusement. He steps up to the starting line once again, taking another pebble from her hand and holding it.
"Alright, doll. You're on." He says with a smirk before tossing the pebble onto the hopscotch, landing on number 8 once more.
He begins to hop through the rows, keeping a straight face to try and not look too ridiculous. He makes it to the end and looks over at her, crossing his arms and grinning.
"Still think ya can beat me, princess? he teases.
Katherine grins at the challenge, determined to come out on top. She takes a deep breath and steps up to her mark once again, her focus completely on the game. She throws her pebble with confidence and watches as it lands on number 9 this time.
"I will win again!" she declares, feeling a mix of determination and competitiveness. she starts hopping and skipping but when she goes to hop over nine she misjudged her landing and her right foot ends up on the pebble causing her foot to slide forward, she falls backwards hitting her head on the hard concrete.
Tig's playful demeanor immediately turns to concern when he notices her misstep, causing her to fall, he lunges forward to catch her but he was to slow. He rushes over and kneels down beside her, his heart racing with worry.
"Katherine! Are you okay, doll?" he asks urgently, carefully lifting her head and inspecting it for any injuries or bumps.
Katherine winces a little bit, rubbing her head gently with her hand."Ouch..my head hurts..."
She pouts, tears welling up in her eyes as she looks up at him, her initial determination now replaced by a mixture of pain and disappointment.
"It's okay your okay I'm just gonna look at your head alright" He touches the back of her head feeling something wet on his hand.
"shit, shit, shit Gemmas gonna kill me for this" He whispers under his breath when he looks at the blood on his hand.
"What's wrong tiggy?" Katherine asks not liking what she was hearing.
"Nothing! nothing is wrong, princess, everything is okay" he says trying to calm her "does your head hurt at all sweetie, do you feel dizzy or like you are going to be sick? It very important that you tell me if you do okay?" Tig says in a soft but serious voice looking her straight in the eyes.
Her eyes widen at his panicked state, her confusion turning to worry.
"My head hurts a little...but I dont feel sick or anything."
She moves to stand up, but he gently holds her shoulders down, his eyes searching her face for any signs of discomfort or impairment.
His grip on her shoulders tightens as he scans her face, relieved that she doesn't appear too dizzy or uncomfortable. He sighs heavily, his anxiety slightly easing.
"Okay, doll, I need you to stay still for a moment, alright."
He glances at her head, noticing a rather large shallow cut, causing his heart to sink a bit, knowing it's gonna cause some problems as she almost definitely needs stitches.
She nods and obeys, staying still as he has asked. She can see that he's still quite worried, and it makes her uneasy.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Is it bad?" she asks quietly, looking up at him with concern etched on her face.
Tigs main focus right now was to keep her calm and not let her see the blood. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his own worry under control.
"No, no, it's nothing to worry about. Just having another look, that's all."
He tries to sound reassuring, but there's a hint of tension in his voice. He gently reaches to touch her head, trying to assess the extent of the injury.
Katherine winces a little bit as his fingers gently touch the cut area, causing a slight sting.
"Ow..." she says softly, her eyes starting to tear up a bit.
"I want Jaxie" she whimpers
Tigs heart sinks even further, his expression growing even more worried as he sees her starting to cry. He had hoped to keep her calm, but it was becoming clear that she needed her brother's comfort at that moment.
"Easy, doll, easy..." he says softly, trying to soothe her while still checking the cut on her head trying to figure out what to do now.
"Okay I'm going to pick you up and take you inside, but I want you to keep your head as still as you can, okay?"
Katherine nods her head gently, agreeing to his request to keep her head still.
"Okay..." she replies quietly, her voice slightly shaky. She trusts Tig, knowing he's here to help her and take care of her, so she doesn't resist as he picks her up carefully her head on his shoulder and ome arm under her, the other cradling the back of her head to hold it steady.
He holds her close, his arms wrapped securely around her as he carries her back inside the house. He tries to keep his steps as smooth as possible to avoid jarring her head more than necessary.
His expression is serious as he carries her back into the living room, the others still continuing their conversation without noticing the situation. But as soon as they see the blood on his hand, everything changes.
Their eyes widen in alarm, and they immediately stop their discussion, their attention focused solely on Tig and the injured Katherine in his arms.
Tigs eyes are wide he shakes his head looking at Clay. "I'm so sorry man, we were just playing then she slipped on a rock or something I think shes fine but her head has a cut".
Clay's expression immediately turns into concern as he sees the injured Katherine. He steps closer, his eyes scanning her head for the wound.
"What the hell happened, Tig?" he asks, his voice carrying a mix of worry and disbelief.
Tig looks down at Clay, guilt evident on his face. He knew he should have been paying closer attention, but it all happened so quickly. Now he's feeling the full weight of responsibility for the situation.
"I'm sorry, Clay. I was watching her, but she slipped on a rock and hit her head before I could react." he says, his voice filled with regret.
Clay sighs and runs a hand over his face, the situation weighing heavily on him. He turns to Tig, his expression stern but not angry. "I want you to explain fully what happened, Tig. I need to know how this happened under your watch."
Tig nods, swallowing hard as he takes a deep breath to gather his thoughts.
"We were playing hopscotch, and she was doing great. I was watching her closely, but she landed a little awkwardly and her foot slipped on a rock, causing her to fall backwards and hit her head on the concrete.
He looks down at Katherine, guilt still etched on his face.
"I tried to catch her, but it all happened so fast."
"Alright, Chibs, how's she looking?" Clay turns to Chibbs hoping it's nothing too serious. Chibbs carefully examines the wound on Katherine’s head, his expression serious. He gently probes around the area, checking for any signs of further damage or swelling.
"She's got a pretty decent cut, it's fairly deep. It needs stitches for sure."Chibbs says, his tone matter-of-fact.
She flinched at one of his touches. "Sorry love you are doing so well" Chibs trys to sooth her as he directs Tig to turn around so he can see her face.
"there ye are I'm going to need you to follow my finger with your eyes do not move your head alright can ye do tha for me hun?"
Katherine nods as best as she can without causing any further pain. She follows Chibs' finger with her eyes, doing her best to keep her head still as instructed. Her eyes water a bit, but she remains focused and cooperative.
Chibs nods, appreciating her cooperation.
"Good girl." He continues to assess her pupils, looking for any signs of dilation or any other potential issues in her vision.
Clay stands nearby, his eyes flickering between Tig, Katherine, and Chibs, his worry evident.
Jax is standing behind chibs's shoulder watching too. Chibs continues to examine Katherine, checking her pupils one last time before finally speaking up.
"Her eyes seem fine, pupils are reacting normally. Nothing to worry about in that regard," he says, relief evident in his voice.
"Jaxie I want Mommy, Where's Mommy?" Katherine whines her head hurting and not liking all the attention she is getting*
Everyone froze at the mention of Gemma, they forgot about Gemma. Jax exchanged a worried look with the other men, knowing that dealing with an upset Gemma was going to be a difficult task.
Tig looked down at Katherine, feeling the weight of the situation even more heavily on his shoulders.
Clay glanced at Tig, a mixture of worry and irritation in his eyes. He knew that Gemma was likely going to be furious with them for not keeping a closer eye on Katherine.
"We could go around the side of the house pop to the nearest ER and come back she doesn't need to know" Tig thinks out loud.
"Oh yeah and when she comes back with stitches in her head what are we gonna say huh? Idiot" Jax says slapping Tig upside his head.
Tig looks at Jax, his expression growing more frustrated. "You got a better idea, genius? She's gonna find out either way, and I'd rather avoid having her rip my balls off my body for not watching her better."
Clay steps in, his voice low and stern.
"Enough. This isn't helping."
He turns to Tig and Jax, his expression serious. "We're not hiding anything from Gemma. This is our daughter, and she's going to find out if we like it or not. Besides, she needs stitches, and we can't just patch her up ourselves."
Tig sighs, knowing that Clay is right. Gemma will find out regardless, and trying to hide it will only make the situation worse.
"Fine. But let's at least get the stitches done before we tell her. Maybe she'll be less pissed if it's already taken care of."
"Guys, dinner is almost ready if you wanna help set the table and....what going on" Gemma walks into the room pausing when she sees them all crowded around something
They all freeze not sure on what to do or say
"Mommy?" Kathrine calls out
Everyone who isn't Tig takes a big step back, not wanting to be in her way when she sees the blood, Tig looks like he's seen a ghost.
Clay takes a deep breath, knowing this is not going to be an easy situation to handle. He slowly starts to explain the situation, his voice carrying a hint of hesitation.
"Gem, there's been a little accident..."
As the words leave his mouth, Gemma's eyes immediately dart to Katherine, taking in her injured state. Her expression shifts from confusion to worry and then to anger as she steps closer.
"What the hell happened?" she demands, her voice sharp and authoritative, her gaze fixating on Tig.
Tig swallows hard, feeling the full weight of Gemma's anger fall on him. He knows he's the one responsible for what happened and steels himself for the inevitable barrage of fury, taking a deep breath before replying.
"We were playing hopscotch outside, and she fell. Hit her head on the concrete. I was watching her, but it all happened so fast, Gem. I'm so sorry."
"Mommy, my head hurts" Katherine pipes up her lip quivering.
Gemma's expression softens slightly as she looks at her injured daughter, her anger momentarily eclipsed by concern. She gently steps forward, carefully running her fingers over her daughter's head, assessing the injury.
"Shh, baby, it's okay. Mommy's here."
She shoots a glare in Tig's direction, her anger returning.
"Ill deal with you later"
She turns to her husband "bring my car round the front we need to get her to the ER" Clay nods and quickly heads outside to get Gemma's car ready without argument. The others stand quietly, sensing the tension in the room, knowing better than to interfere.
Tig stands off to the side, guilt weighing heavily on him as he watches Gemma take charge. He knows that he's in for a world of hurt once she turns her attention back to him.
Katherine reaches out her arms wanting comfort from her mom. Gemma picks her up off of Tig carefully, a mixture of anger and worry etched on her face as she holds her daughter closely.
"It's alright, sweetheart. We're gonna go somewhere where they will make you feel better, okay?"
She places a gentle kiss on her daughter's head before turning her gaze back to Tig, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and blame. But she says nothing and takes Katherine to the car
The others decide dinner can wait and get on there bikes to follow Clay driving Gemmas car, taking the lead the rest giving her a escort of sorts, they want to show their support and be there for Katherine.
Clay drives while Gemma sits in the backseat, cradling Katherine carefully to make sure she's comfortable. The others follow closely on their bikes, creating a tight-knit group around the car as they make their way to the ER.
In the backseat, Katherine rests her head on her mother's shoulder, still a bit shaken and in pain. Gemma holds her hand tightly, offering her comfort and reassurance, while also throwing occasional glares towards the window where Tig is visible, he wanted to stay close to Katherine he felt responsible.
"Please, don't be mad at Tiggy Mommy he helped me, no one wanted to play with me but he did, it was my fault I fell, but he made sure I was okay and took me inside" Katherine says looking pleadingly at her mom. Gemma listens to her daughter's words, her expression softening slightly.
Katherine has always been kind and selfless, and it's clear that he was trying to do the right thing in her eyes. But Gemma's anger is still there, lingering like a storm ready to blow over.
"I know he was trying to help, baby. But he should have been watching you more closely."
"But he was watching...it was an accident"
"Okay baby...I'm not mad I'm just upset you got hurt is all"
"so....you aren't gonna yell at him?"
Gemma sighs, a mixture of frustration and understanding in her eyes. She pauses for a moment before replying, her voice softer than before. "No, baby, I won't yell at him. But he needs to understand that what happened was a result of his lack of supervision."
She casts a sidelong glance at Tig through the window, her expression still stern and disapproving but lacking the intense anger from before.
time skip
all the men are in the ER waiting room while Gemma is with Katherine while she is getting stitches, Clay was with them but got asked to wait outside after threatening the nurse who gave her a needle "more aggressive than necessary" because Katherine winced.
Tig is nervous his leg bouncing Clay, sitting next to him, notices Tig's nervousness and gives him a disapproving look.
"Calm down, man. You're not the one in there gettin' stitched up."
Tig looks over at Clay, his eyes filled with guilt.
"I know, I just... I feel terrible. She was having fun, and then she got hurt, and it's my fault we should have played a different game like snakes and ladders or some shit then she wouldn't have got hurt."
Jax shakes his head, his voice firm but empathetic. "I get it, man, but you can't change what happened. Beating yourself up about it won't help her, or you. Just learn from it and make sure this doesn't happen again."
Chibs chimes in, his tone serious yet understanding. "Jax is right. Dwelling on the what-ifs won't fix anything. She's gonna be alright, and that's what matters. Focus on being more careful next time lad."
Tig nods, taking in their words of advice. He knows they're right, but it doesn't ease the guilt that's eating away at him. He runs a hand through his hair, his mind still replaying the incident over and over again thinking about what he should have done differently.
The men continue to sit in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts.
Katherine comes running in from one of the doors "Jaxie, look! look! they gave me stickers"
Jax' face lights up at the sound of his sister's voice, his gaze shifting to her as she approaches with a handful of colorful stickers jumping into his lap.
"Hey, that's awesome, Kitty. Let's see what you got there."
Gemma walks through the doors next paperwork in hand. "They gave her 4 stitches we need to come back to get them taken out but other than that she's fine" she says to all of them in a motherly tone.
The tension in the air eases a bit as the good news is shared. Clay lets out a sigh of relief, glad that his little girl is alright.
"That's good to hear. She's a tough kid."
He say looking over at Katherine.
Tig's expression mirrors everyone's relief, but he still looks slightly guilty. He stands wanting to apologise again but Gemma raises her hand to stop him from talking. She slowly walks upto him a stern look on her face. Everyone stares in anticipation waiting to see what she does.
(apart from Katherine who is still admiring her new stickers)
Tig braces himself ready to be yelled at or hit but nothing happens for awhile until he feels her arms wrap around his neck in a hug.
"Thankyou Tiggy for being there for her and making sure she was okay....i dont know what i would have done if no one was around when she got hurt"
She pulls back noticing the shocked look on his and everyone's faces
"what? She's a kid they get hurt but they bounce back no child grows up without some sort of cut or bump along the way its just what they do"
Everyone stares in surprise, speechless at Gemma's display of gratitude and understanding. Tig, in particular, looks stunned, his eyes wide with disbelief. He had expected anger, or at least some form of punishment, but this...
Opie breaks the surprised silence, his voice filled with astonishment. "I think we all thought you were gonna rip his balls off"
"Language!!" Gemma says automatically she has been trying to get the club to be more considerate of their words around Katherine. Opie chuckles nervously, quickly apologizing to Gemma.
Jax shoots a cheeky smile at Tig, still trying to process what just happened.
"Damn, Tig, seems like you got a free pass this time."
Chibs grins, joining in on the playful banter towards Tig.
"Yeah, mate. I guess all it takes to get away with something is our little Kat."
"Yeah, I i'll keep her around more often"
*Gemma swats at tig after his comment laughing*
"Tiggy look I got some Winnie the pooh ones and this ones called Tigger that's like your name....you should have it ...Oh I know let's stick it on your bike ...that would make it less boring" she says trying to drag him but he's not budging
"My bike?"
Tig looks pleadingly at his fellow brothers, silently begging for help, but they all just nod their heads and chuckle, clearly enjoying his discomfort. Even Clay can't help but smirk.
Jax leans back in his chair, a smug expression on his face.
"Sounds like a good idea to me. Why not personalize your bike a bit, Tiggy?"
"Yeah!, and Jaxie you can have the Eeyore one, Chibs can have the Roo one, I got lots enough for everyone....and don't worry Daddy when we get home you have have this big Pooh bear one for your bike" she leans forward whispering "he's the most important one"
*their grins drop and they all look to Gemma for help she shrugs her sholder and turn to Katherine
"That's a wonderful idea sweetheart, don't you guys agree? How thoughtful she is that she'd give her special doctor's stickers to you all" she emphasises the word doctor to guilt them a lttle.
The men exchange glances, unable to argue with Gemma's logic. They know they can't say no to her offering them such a genuine and sweet gesture.
Jax sighs in fake resignation.
"Oh man, I guess I have to take the Eeyore sticker. But don't expect me to act all depressed like him, alright?"
Chibs grins, playing along.
"Aye, I'll gladly take the Roo sticker. It's a bit more exciting than Eeyore anyway."
"Yay! Come on ill help you all stick them on in a good spot, come on Tiggy you first then Jaxie"
Tig sighs in defeat, realizing there's no way out of this. He lets Katherine lead him towards the bikes, the others following behind, each man sporting a resigned expression, yet secretly enjoying the girl's enthusiasm.
"Alright, let's get this over with," Tig mutters, trying to feign indifference.
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Hi! I found your house of mouse au pretty recently and I am LIVING FOR IT. And I wanted to ask... How do you think Miss Yuu's interactions with Peter Pan's characters would be like. I'm dieing for seeing how she would get along with Peter, Wendy, Jane, the lost boys Captain Hook and the pirates
Alright so my Yuu is actually kind of a mix of Wendy Darling (sweet, motherly, mature yet innocent, protective, a pacifist that will get angry/annoyed when the situation calls for it, loves children, very imaginative with a love for stories, etc) and Snow White (a forest nymph that has animals flocking to her, angelic singing voice, enjoys baking and acts of service, loves to tease and will put her foot down if things aren't right/up to standard, forgiving, feminine, sees the good in everyone but understands danger, etc)
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So I see Wendy and Alice as like the quote-unquote 'leaders' of the younger Disney girls and those two definitely look up to Miss Yuu as an older sister. Since Wendy's mature for her age, she kind of sees Yuu as a sort of mentor(?) and has a lot of respect for her. The two of them especially love to tell stories to each other since they love fiction and magic and all that. She's not exactly part of the shipping war since she's so young and her idea of love is 'girl likes boy so girl kisses boy' but she is a huge romantic and does sigh happily whenever she sees Malleus act all prince-like with Yuu.
John and Michael (and the lost boys), like Wendy, look up to her as a big sister. she does entertain their adventurous spirit when she's with them and she cares for them deeply. The Darling brothers and their friends usually hang around with the other little boys though so she doesn't get much time with them - but they are 100% down to stand up for her if they see her in trouble.
I've answered an ask about Tink and Yuu's relationship before but to add on I think she was insanely jealous of the attention Yuu got from everyone else at first and then was hit by the Yuu charm after one (1) conversation with her where Yuu just gushed about her and praised her so know they're bffs.
Mr Smee dotes on her. Like Kronk and LeFou, he's a henchman that's not evil, he just cares for the villain. The pirates have accepted her as one of their own and since she loves hearing about their stories Hook and his men just love to hype themselves up. I don't really know what else to write.
Okay Peter, I think would first not like her because, well, girl. He does try to pull that whole 'girls talk too much', 'well, get on with it girl', 'wendy's enough' thing that he did with Wendy but Yuu was very quick to put a stop to it. He doesn't have any real strong feelings about her but he lives for chaos and chaos always follows her so he'll help her if it means causing annoyance to the villains/nrc boys.
Thanks for the ask ☺️
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billyboyblue · 4 months
I am so terrified for In Praise of Shadows on YouTube right now. He just released a pretty good video on Conservatism in Horror and called out YouTube's Darling Red Flag Wendi and made every perfect point possible.
Holy heck those fans are rabid and basically naz*s 😬 and I'm here thinking boy just drew a huge target on his back. He made so many points and I really hope it turns the conversation because hoo boy they've been letting that guy get away with so much. Good luck bud, keep ya head up.
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To All The Boys I've Written About Before - Beige Flags
In my never-ending quest to make things that appeal only to me, here's a little exercise for all the boys in my arsenal.
Angel Torres will always help you out around the house, no question about that, but boy will he act like he's a hero for simply loading the dishwasher. I'm talking wiping his brow every time you walk into the kitchen, grunting when he puts a plate on the drying rack. You offer to help but he flat out refuses, and will probably say some shit like "My hands look like this [soapy] so yours can look like that [slightly dirty from repotting your plants]."
Jesse Pinkman will call you "dude" until the end of time. It doesn't matter what stage of your relationship you are currently in, you will always and forever be "dude" to him. "Yo dude, do you want to grab Wendy's on the way home?""Dude, you look pretty today." You could be at the alter and it would be a "Dude, I do." He also 100% buys in to the "glasses make you smarter" myth.
Lemon bought himself a label-maker, and that man LOVES makin' labels. All the drawers in your flat are labeled, so are the spices (even if they already have labels), he labels which food belongs to who, all the wires/cables have a label for what kind of wire/cable they are and what they're for. You told him that you could probably remember which clear jar holds the salt and which holds the ginger-snaps, so he made the label "fuck off" and stuck it to your forehead.
Tangerine refuses to call menu items by their proper names, especially if they're stupid. A matcha latte is "green foamy shit, you know." If the dish is named after someone, this chicken shop you frequent has an Ike's Famous Wings Bowl, he will call it "that bloke's chicken thing, the one with all the spices and shit on it." The worst was when he wanted to order the Foxx on the Roxx Boxx from TGI Fridays (yes that's the spelling, I looked it up), he straight up would not say its name, he just kept pointing at the menu and saying "fucking- this one."
Harvey SDV, sweet man that he is, will always sign off his text messages. It doesn't matter how long or short the message is. There's the standard "darling, I'm running a little bit late, would you like me to pick up something for dinner? Dr H" but there's also the "okay honey (: Dr H" or the "[insert picture of flower] Dr H". You've tried to explain to him that you know that it's him, that he doesn't need to sign off every time he messages you, but it's no use.
Andrew Neiman loves to collect random bits of niche trivia, but will straight up forget incredibly basic things. You two were out at a live music venue, sipping on your tasty little beverages, and he'll just bust out something about the similarities between jazz and Indian music, and while he's expanding on the influence of Ravi Shankar on Coltrane, he'll flip through the menu in front of him and ask you what margarine is.
Carmen Berzatto, common knowledge at this point, always keeps a book on him, which on its own is a very good thing. It keeps him from getting bored, you think it makes him look smart, it's a win by all accounts. But, save for when he's at work, he will whip that book out whenever there's any sort of lull in a conversation or if he's not physically doing something. You were talking to him about weekend plans, and he'll be listening intently because he's a good boyfriend who cares about your thoughts, but as soon as you go quiet to turn around to grab something he's flipping open his copy of The Reivers to quickly read a sentence.
Randal Graves loves to fake propose at restaurants for free shit. He makes a big thing out of it, will pull you aside before you enter Olive Garden and show you the tiny plastic ring he's used about three times already and whisper about the ruse he's about to pull, and all you can do is nod along with him. He's gotten more elaborate each time, from the basic garden-variety proposal, to putting it in your water, to asking to have it put in your Chipotle burrito (you had nearly swallowed it that time), managing to score a few free desserts and, at one point, a bottle of cheapo champagne that he got so incredibly slurshed on at home.
Warren Rojas has this game he likes to play whenever you two go to bars or nightclubs where he will pretend like you two don't know each other just so he can hit on you in the most cheesy ways known to man. Asking to buy you a drink, dumb pick-up lines, saying shit like "My name is Warren, but you can call me anytime." It's so incredibly dumb and he gets the biggest kick out of it. One time when you and Eddie were having a conversation at a party he totally pulled out the "Is this guy bothering you, babe?" He thinks he's so funny.
Jimmy Bartlett, whenever you two are cuddling, will set a timer so he knows when to switch from big spoon to little spoon. He'll bring up the egg timer from the kitchen and set it to 20 minutes before he joins you on his bed. You'll be half asleep after a long shift from work with his head buried in the back of your neck, and the next thing you know he's shuffling around while tiny beeps are sounding and he's somehow got your arms around him before you even realize what's happening, before drifting off again. He says it's only fair.
Miguel O'Hara is like a big dog with the temperament of a house cat; thinks he takes up less space than he does and always at least slightly grumpy. He'll get confused when he goes to put on a sweater that was originally yours (the communal wardrobe holds no prisoners) and finds it tight around his biceps. He knocks his forehead on low doorways constantly, you've taken to shouting 'duck' whenever you see him about to go through one. Watching movies on the couch with him, during a rare moment of peace, can be an ordeal because he always wants to lie down on top of you and you don't have the heart to tell him that he's crushing your lungs.
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birdkeeperklink · 2 years
Random Peter Pan 2003 thought that other people have undoubtedly mentioned before, but I haven't seen it and I feel like saying it, so
I love how, regardless of what comes after, the whole reason George Darling is even trying to get promoted and advance socially is purely because Aunt Millicent told him he had to if he wanted to secure Wendy's future. Like, this dude is terrified of talking to people, but he practices small talk and makes the attempt (very, very badly) to use it for the sake of his daughter.
It makes the conversation between the kids and their mother sting a little when they express disdain for the idea that he's brave, and makes Mary's explanation and defence of him more meaningful.
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bellysoupset · 11 months
Halloween Saga - Part 8
"You think I have to cut it?" Bella mumbled, feeling Wendy's fingers in her hair. Wendy was being terribly gentle, but still Lucas was watching her like a hawk from across the room.
"No, I don't think so," Wendy tsked under her breath as she inspected the stitch job in the back of Bella's head, "hon, how the fuck did you not feel you had a damn hole in your head?"
"Luke said it's not that bad," Bella whined and he had the decency of blushing, although he was still pretending not to be paying attention to their conversation and going through his phone.
"Well, Luke lied," Wendy traced it on her scalp and Bella shuddered, even if the touch was so gentle she could barely feel it.
"How big is it?"
"About the size of my hand... In a Z format, it starts on your left side near the nape and goes to the top of your right ear."
"Your hands are not that big," Lucas said and Wendy showed him her tongue, dropping Bella's curls back down and helping her seat back against the pillows.
"And the holes the doctor opened...?" Bella inspected her face in the small hand mirror Wendy had brought upon her request, after Lucas had answered, unhelpfully, You look beautiful whenever she asked how the wounds looked.
"It's only four," Wendy lightly touched her over the left ear, "one, two, three, four" her pointer finger stopped on the apex of Bell's head, "they're not large. Impeccable suturing... And he drilled in the middle of the bone flap, that's unusual-"
"Okay, that's enough," Luke planted his hands on his thighs with enough force to cause a clap, springing up, "you're gonna make her sick."
Wendy rolled her eyes, "she's fine!"
"She is right here," Bella groaned, but to Luke's credit she did look vaguely nauseous and Wendy hadn't noticed, "I don't wanna know anymore."
"Sorry, sorry," Wendy blushed, face burning as she pulled her hand back, just as the door opened and Vince walked in.
"Don't you knock?" Bella groaned, sinking against the pillows and letting her eyes slip closed for a minute. Vince cringed, knocking on the now closed door.
Wendy shot him a glance and Vince pointed the door with his thumbs, "uhm, Luke, can we chat?"
"Now?" Lucas said, looking nervously between Bella and Vince. She rolled her eyes, sleepily.
"Go, I'm not going to die if you leave me alone for a sec," she smiled and he looked more disappointed than reassured as he nodded and followed Vince outside.
"What does Vin want?" Bella yawned and Wendy snorted.
"Nothing," she pushed a curl away from Bell's eyes, "get your vampire of a husband out in the sun for the first time in four days."
"He does look like a vampire now," Bella giggled, before wincing and shutting up. Wendy scowled at her.
"Are you in pain? You have to tell us, honey, your pain tolerance is really high and-"
Bella let out a shaky breath and said quietly, "no, not in pain..." she gulped down, "I feel kinda sick..."
"Kinda?" Wendy raised an eyebrow, getting up from the little corner of the mattress she was sitting on and crossing the room to grab the emesis basin, "are you going to kinda barf?"
"Maybe," Bella scoffed, taking the basin with a trembling hand. She leaned over it, gagging softly and closing her eyes. Her back arched with a retch a second later and Wendy rushed to steady the basin with one hand, the other keeping the hair away from Bell's mouth.
She heard the ginger retch again, followed by a whimper and then a splash of sick fell in the basin. Bella gasped, "why... Why- It's blood...?"
Wendy glanced down worriedly, before letting out a giggle, letting go of the basin to rub her friend's back, "it's strawberry jell-o, Bell."
"Oh..." Bella groaned, although a small smile tugged at the corner of her lip for a brief moment, quickly wiped away as her stomach clenched again and she had to lean over the bowl.
Wendy hated the whimpers and little groans she could hear, they were so unlike Bella, almost uncanny, "you're alright, darling, shh..." Wendy said, feeling beyond useless and continuing to rub her back, "get it up and then we'll get some nausea medication on you, okay?"
"Hurts, Wendy..." Bella cried quietly and Wendy's heart sunk as she saw tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, whole face scrunched up with pain.
"Your stomach?"
"N-nu-oh god," Bella gagged again, coughing and starting to openly cry, "my head..."
"Okay, okay," Wendy whispered, crouching down and grabbing Bell's shoulders, forcing her to straighten up, "take a deep breath, honey, you're just making yourself sicker."
Bella gagged at the movement, squeezing her eyes shut, but Wendy didn't let go even when it seemed she was going to throw up again. Instead she brought up the bin to place it right under Bell's chin in case she was sick, urging her to breathe out of her mouth.
It took her a minute, but Bella eventually opened her eyes, still staring up, her lashes all clumped together with tears, "I'm fine."
"Yeah, you look fine," Wendy said ironically, lowering the basis and cupping her friend's cheeks, "let me see your eyes, honey."
"I'm okay, really," Bella mumbled, bloodshot blue eyes looking at Wendy. Her pupils were alright, same size.
"Okay, can you drink some water?"
The ginger hesitated, before nodding, "I can try."
"Here, Bell..." Wendy passed her a paper cup with a mini straw sticking out and Bella took it with shaky hands, taking the smallest of sips and then a bigger one when the water didn't make her immediately gag.
She passed the cup back to Wendy, sinking in the pillows, "this sucks."
"You'll be out of here soon," Wendy sat on the edge of the mattress, squeezing her friend's hand, "you're recovering very fast to the extent of the damage."
Bella let out a disbelieving scoff, before she eyed up the small woman before her, "I'm so sorry..."
Wendy's brows connected in confusion, "whatever for...?"
"The party- The band... The drug. I fucked it all up..."
"How was any of that your fault, Bells?" Wendy's frown broke in a smile and she tugged lightly on Bella's hospital gown when she didn't get a reaction, "I don't blame you for any of that, Bella."
"I hired the band, I got that creep near you. I left you alone, with my glass-"
"Nonsense," Wendy rolled her eyes, "none of that is your fault. By this logic, then it's my fault you had to have brain surgery."
Bella frowned, confused, "no, it's not-"
"Then it's settled, the party is also not your fault," Wendy grinned when the ginger made a face, clearly wanting to argue against the logic trap.
They quieted up and Wendy was sure Bella was about to doze off, when instead she opened her eyes, looking around the room and smiling.
"Thank you for the flowers, by the way..." she yawned, chin touching her collarbone as Bella's energy started to die down once again.
Wendy frowned, "I didn't send you flowers, honey..." she looked around the room for the first time, since all the times she had been inside, her entire focus had been on Bella.
The ginger frowned, "Jonah's?"
"I don't think so," Wendy got up, inspecting the collection of orchids and roses that littered the room, "maybe it was Luke?"
"Lucas hasn't shaved all week, he didn't buy me flowers," Bella yawned, blinking against sleep, "maybe Leo."
"Maybe," Wendy relented, not saying out loud that she doubted it. She heard Bella let out a sleepy sigh and then quiet down as she dozed off behind her, so Wendy crouched next to a big vase, turning it around to reveal a simple white card. It wasn't handwritten, someone had called the flower shop, not bought the flowers themselves.
"Get well soon, Kit" Wendy read out loud, turning her head to look at Bella, but the other woman was out like a lamp, "what a jerk," Wendy whispered under her breath, putting the card back in place.
Vince wasn't expecting Lucas to leave the room so easily, so it was much to his surprise when Wendy's plan to get their friend out of the ICU for a couple hours worked.
"So?" Luke asked, rubbing a hand over his face, "what did you wanna talk about...?"
"Nothing, I was just wondering the last time you ate. Or slept. Or showered. Or-"
"Fuck off, Vin," Lucas groaned, turning around to go back in Bella's room, but Vince reached out and grabbed the back of his t-shirt, keeping him in place easily, like a person holding a cat by the scruff.
"Hey! Vince, let me go-"
"Bella isn't going to die if you step away from her for a little bit," Vince pulled him away from the door, "we're gonna have lunch and then stop by your place so you can get out of these clothes, because frankly Luke, you desperately need a shower. Some sleep wouldn't hurt either."
"I don't know..." Lucas looked at the door again, "she's-"
"Fine, she's fine. Wendy is with her and her mom is coming in a couple hours to spend the night. You're leaving, c'mon," Vince pushed his best friend in front of him and started nudging Luke down the hallway.
He wasn't surprised at all when Luke tried to insist on driving, but upon being shoved on the passenger's seat he had promptly fallen asleep. Vince rolled his eyes, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and leaning back with a yawn of his own as he drove the short distance between the hospital and Lucas' house.
"We're here," Vince quelled the big brother urge to poke Luke as hard as he could, instead settling for a gentle shake of his arm, "Luke, we're here, c'mon..."
Lucas blinked dizzily, seeming to be lost, so Vince circled the car and opened his door, "c'mon, bro, you can pass out inside..." he grabbed Luke's arm, manhandling him out of the car and his best friend slumped against him, still half asleep.
Together they stumbled inside, Vince saying a simple "nu-uh," when Lucas tried to fall down on the couch, pushing him further inside the house.
Luke's bed was still undone, the entire house was a mess, but not that the man cared, because he immediately fell into it and buried his face in Bella's pillow, letting out a big sigh, "I could sleep until next year."
Vince snorted at the comment after he had been such a pain about leaving the hospital, moving around the room to grab the ditched clothes and blankets, opening a window, "tell me about it."
He thought Lucas was back asleep, so Vince nearly jumped out of his skin when he finished sorting up the bathroom and walked back in the room and Luke said, "I was a dick to her."
"Jesus, don't do that," Vince whispered, clutching his chest, before he frowned as he understood what Lucas said, "to Bell?"
He nodded, lying on his back and staring at the ceiling, "and then she wasn't... She was so scared, Vin, and I couldn't do anything and- And I thought she'd die and-" his voice broke and Vince winced in sympathy, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"She didn't die, Luke," he said softly, "and couples fight, it was just a terrible coincidence that you guys fought that night. Bella knows how much you love her..."
Lucas shook his head, half sitting up on the bed and pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes, "I was so fucking useless. She- She nearly died and-"
Vince lunged forward as he noticed Lucas' breath catching, his whole face red. He tugged on his shirt and pulled his best friend into a hug and it was all that it took for Luke to let out the tears he was trying, and failing, to keep away.
He shook with a string of sobs and Vince pressed his cheek to Luke's temple, squeezing him tightly, "she's okay, you're both okay," he whispered into his best friend's hair and the other man let out a watery scoff, hugging him back just as tight.
It took far too long for the sobs to stop and for Vince to feel like he could pull back. Once he finally did, Lucas hurried to wipe the red tear marks, sniffling as he said with a rough voice, "sorry-"
"Don't apologize to me," Vince flicked at his forehead with a fond eyeroll, "I'm going to order us dinner, you go wash up," he got up from the bed, giving Luke a little bit of privacy to collect himself.
The sun had already set outside when they met in Luke and Bell's tiny living room, with bags of take out between them, some movie playing on the background that neither of them was paying attention to. Now clean shaved and with his humid hair falling limply around his face, Lucas looked ten years younger.
"You know, I'm actually eager to go back to classes," Vince said and Lucas let out a little snort, angrily stabbing a veggie in his bowl of ramen.
"Feels stupid," he scoffed, "feels like a waste of my time."
"You don't mean that," Vince rolled his eyes, "you don't mean this at all, you're the one who loves college."
Lucas leveled him with a sad, empty stare, "what are you going to do in six months when we graduate?"
Vince's eyebrows shot up as he was faced with the direct question, "well, get a new place for starters."
"Right," Luke urged him to go on, gesturing with his chopsticks, "not moving in with Wendy then."
"I don't think so, no," Vince shrugged, "get a new place, start looking for a job in education. Troy said he'd want me to keep working at the museum, bigger shifts, presenting the expositions... I like doing that, I'm not bothered," he stared at the bottom of his bowl, "you?"
Lucas shrugged and Vince waited until the silence turned uncomfortable, "Luke?"
"I don't fucking know," Lucas said sourly and Vince tried to figure out if the bitterness was genuine or just a product of the hellish five days that had passed, "I always said politics, but... Running for something? Feels- I don't know, I don't think I want that anymore."
"You got two degrees, Luke, you can do whatever you want," Vince pointed out gently, "have you talked with Bella about this?"
He shook his head, biting the end of the wooden chopstick, "I'm embarrassed of telling her I have no fucking idea what I'm gonna do with myself. She's been working since she was legally allowed to- Hell, before that, actually. She's got it all figured out... I just-" he snapped his mouth shut, "college was easier."
Vince opened a lopsided grin, "yeah, that's kinda the whole point," he said, leaning back against the cushions, "you have time to figure it out, you're freaking yourself out like you do, Luke."
"I should've taken business," Lucas sighed and Vince raised an eyebrow.
"Business?" he repeated, food forgotten, "you hate business. You're almost flunking statistics. Why-"
"Dad said I should've gone for business, I'd get a job in running the managing side of his career-"
"Fuck that," Vince shook his head, "fuck that, and sorry, but fuck your dad too, he clearly doesn't know you. You'd be miserable, Lucas."
"At least I wouldn't be useless," his friend said quietly, rubbing at his forehead, "I keep thinking- I'm that guy who peaked in high school, Vince, except it was college. That's it. And- And I convinced Bella to get back with me and now I married her and one day she's going to realize she can do so much better-"
"You're spiraling," Vince kicked his friend's thigh lightly, rolling his eyes, "you don't mean any of that, Luke. You're spiraling because you haven't slept in five days and because you had to feel powerless and scared when Bella was unresponsive and because you talked with your stupid dad-"
"It doesn't make anything I said less true," Lucas glared at him and Vince let out a tired sigh.
"You didn't peak in college, Luke, and Bella loves you. She looks at you like you hung the fucking moon. You're just scared, dude, and that's fine, I am too-"
"No, you're not," Lucas pointed out, "you know what you're going to do, you'll be like the school's coolest teacher and probably become a principal in five years or whatever-"
"I hate doing management, I'd never become a principal," Vince grinned, "I think that you should talk about this with Bell. That's the point, right? You married the girl, you wanna spend the rest of your life with her... Then maybe talk about the rest of your life."
"Psych major much?"
"I'm getting my milage out of psych 101," Vince said humorously, smiling sadly, "so... Is your dad coming over? Jonah mentioned you called him..."
"Nah," Lucas' tentative smile vanished, replaced by a polite, painful one. Something automatic, "he's busy."
"He's busy," Vince repeated, trying to wrap his mind around it. Trying to imagine if his dad wouldn't show up if Wendy had been at the hospital for five days and Vince been beyond distraught.
"Yeah, he's launching a new Christmas album, so it's a whole thing," Lucas picked at his nails, "it's fine. I talked with Chloe-"
"Chloe?" Vince frowned, once again feeling left out. He always had this sensation whenever Lucas' background came up. Like he didn't know his best friend at all, "who the fuck is Chloe?"
"She's dad's insurance broker," Luke explained, "she's the one who got the specialist from Boston when I told her what was going on-"
"You told- Have you talked with him since?" Vince wanted to rattle Lucas, explain to him that that wasn't normal. That fathers weren't supposed to be like that, "hell, has he even called to ask about Bella?"
"He sent flowers," Luke shrugged, "trust me, he knows exactly what's going on here. He'd microchip me like a chimp if he was allowed," sounding more like himself, Lucas rolled his eyes and Vince looked away from him.
"He sent flowers," he bit the inside of his cheek, munching on the anger, thinking of Jonah's face when he mentioned Luke had called his father, the annoyance he had seen there. Vin forcefully shook his head to push the thoughts away, "are you done? You should go to sleep."
"Thank dad," Luke said cheekily, pushing the now cold ramen around, "I'm not that hungry to be honest... I... Thank you. For taking me out of the hospital and-" he gestured with his head, "everything else."
Vince shrugged, yawning against his hand, "I was doing everyone else a favor, you needed to shower," he teased and Lucas snorted, rolling his eyes.
"Will you stay?"
"If you want m-"
"Yeah, please," he nodded eagerly and Vince hummed in agreement.
"But we're sharing the bed, I refuse to sleep in this tiny couch," he said, causing Lucas to chuckle.
"Yeah yeah, you just like cuddling."
"Please, you snore."
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I just really want more Hook Eddie talking to Wendy Reader😩😩
Hiiii babes!! Well you’re in luck because I am in JUST the right state of mind to give you a little conversation between Hook!Eddie and Wendy!Reader💖
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“So you tell stories?” “No I retell historical events.” “Historical events? Please enlighten me on when exactly in history did a princess get put to sleep by a poisonous apple?” “You don’t know the story of Snow White? Figures…” “does that disappoint you?” “Honestly you in general kinda disappoint me…I was just expecting…more?” “More? Like what? A bigger…hat?” “Your reputation just had me thinking you’d be…scarier?” “My reputation? Tell me what have you heard about me?” “That you’re a vicious pirate who absolutely hates children and wants to kill Peter Pan but…you never can.” “Ah well part of that is correct…I do hate children.” “You don’t want to kill Peter Pan?” “Why would I want to kill my main source of entertainment? Unless…you’re volunteering to keep me entertained?” “Never.” “So it’ll upset you to know that you’ve already been quite entertaining so far?” “Why did you go through all the trouble to find me?” “Because you’re all the island was talking about and I am a pirate so I do get rather jealous when the attention isn’t on me.” “Jealousy? That’s why you kidnapped me?” “Kidnapped you? Oh darling we both know that’s not how it happened.” “Yes…it is.” “So you didn’t know it was me who sent you the letter telling you to meet by the docks at sundown?” “Why would I have known it was you?” “Because…we both know Peter is passed out in his little tree house well before sundown…” “that…doesn’t mean anything?” “It means you knew it wasn’t Peter who wanted to meet you…and yet…you still went?” “I’m curious…I can’t help it.” “Well you know what they say about curiosity and the cat…” “Do you plan to kill me then?” “No…that would be a waste of bullets.”
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themetaphorgirl · 1 month
Between moving and performing in a show I didn’t know if I’d have time to finish this, but I did!!
Recently there was a LockNation meetup, and since I didn’t get to go I applied to be a part of the Pocket Friends challenge!! I had to come up with a case with certain stipulations, so I ended up writing a fic for it since that suits my skills! It’s a very cracky self insert but it was honestly a lot of fun.
My stipulations were:
-I was paired with Lucy
-the Visitor was a Limbless
-the weapon of choice was salt
-I lived in the end
This was so fun and goofy and I hope y’all like it!!
And for fun: here’s a video of me running in heels and firing a gun while performing at Disney World (this comes into play, I swear)
“Well, that settles it, then,” Lockwood said. “Lucy, you’ll have to go with the new girl.”
Lucy leaned back to glance into the kitchen at the aforementioned new girl. “Are you sure about that?” she whispered.
“Yeah, she doesn’t seem like the ‘in the field’ type of agent,” George said.
“Holly wouldn’t have recommended her if she didn’t think she’d be a good fit,” Lockwood said. “Come on, let’s ask her.”
Lucy still had her doubts. The new girl was filling in for Holly while she was on leave taking care of her elderly grandmother in Brighton; so far she had proven very capable when it came to scheduling meetings, tidying up, and cooking when George was busy (although there had been a brief incident when she made something called biscuits and gravy, she had hastily explained it was a popular dish where she came from and it did not involve anything sweet). But there hadn’t been any plans to involve her in active cases.
The three of them trooped into the kitchen. The new girl was sitting at the table mending a torn pocket in Lockwood’s coat with a novel propped open against a teapot shaped like a cottage. Between the sewing, her floral sundress, and the bow in her hair she made an oddly domestic sight in the midst of a coil of newly oiled chains and an unopened box of salt bombs.
“Oh, hi!” she said as she caught sight of them. She took another careful stitch, then paused. “Everything okay? Y’all look a little…stressed.”
“We’ve had an unexpected change of plans,” Lockwood said. He cleared his throat. “Kate, was it?”
“Caitlin, actually, but I’ll answer to Kate,” she said cheerfully.
“Caitlin,” he said. “We, uh…well, Kipps can’t make it tonight but Lucy will need some backup, so…would you mind filling in?”
Her eyes widened behind her glasses. “Oh,” she said. “Oh, boy. Uh…are you sure about that? I’m better suited to things like-“ She gestured at her sewing kit. “This is more my speed. I’ve got big Wendy Darling energy. Are you sure you need me?”
“It’s supposed to be Type Two but not a particularly strong one,” George said.
“I just need backup,” Lucy said. “I’ll handle most of it. What’s your Talent?”
Caitlin stuck the needle into the fabric of the coat. “Mostly Touch and a little Sight, not great with Listening.”
“How are you with a rapier?” Lockwood asked.
“Uh…not great,” she said.
“What grade do you have?”
“I was a theatre major?” she offered. “Did Holly give you my resume? I, uh…I’m not really ideal for combat situations.” She rummaged through her pink backpack and pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper. “She said you would mostly need me for cleaning and administrative stuff and a little bit of cooking. Which…I’m very good at organizing and I do like baking, but I’m more the anxious homebody type than the cool athletic agent type.”
Lucy leaned around Lockwood’s arm to scan the CV. “Why does it say you can run in heels while firing a gun?” George asked curiously.
Caitlin adjusted her gold rimmed glasses. “It’s a good conversation starter,” she said. “And also, I, um…can.”
“If you can’t use a rapier, could you use a firearm instead?” Lockwood asked. “That could work, right?”
“It’s unorthodox, but probably,” George shrugged
“I think I could make that work,” she said. “As long as Lucy doesn’t mind being stuck with me.”
“It shouldn’t be that bad of a case,” Lucy said. “I can handle it, and you can be my backup. Yeah?”
Caitlin offered a slightly anxious smile in return. “Yeah.”
A few hours later Lucy found herself in front of an old boarded-up house in Greenwich, with Caitlin trailing behind her with a kit bag slung over one shoulder and a black leather purse on the other, presumably holding her pistol.
“Oh lord, where did you find that one, a princess tea party?” Skull said. “Adorable.”
“Don’t be a dick, she’s nice,” Lucy hissed.
“She’s got heels on her boots and she’s still shorter than you. Didn’t think that was achievable.”
“I don’t need any extra distractions right now, thanks so much.”
“Yeah, because you’re going to have to keep an eye on that one in case she sees something with glitter on it and wanders off.”
Lucy flicked the valve on the jar. “All right, do you remember the plan?” she said.
“Uh-huh,” Caitlin said. She’d swapped out the floral sundress for a much more sensible denim pinafore, a gray jumper with bees on it, and black tights and boots. But the moonlight glinted off her glasses and her dirty blonde hair was held back with a dark blue ribbon. “I do the prep work, you do the hard stuff, and I’m here to look for the Source and back you up.”
Lucy nodded. “Flo said that her contact told her there was just a Shining Boy, so it shouldn’t be too bad.”
They did a sweep of the house and set up in the chains at the foot of the broad dusty staircase. “So how do you know Holly?” Lucy asked.
“Community theatre,” Caitlin said. “We did a production of Guys and Dolls together, super fun. Although we haven’t gotten to perform together in a while since y’all have been so busy, she hasn’t had time. Do you ever have time to just do fun things? Hang out, go on dates?”
“Not often,” Lucy said. “And I’m not dating anyone. I mean none of us are dating. George and Flo sort of have a thing, I think? But Lockwood and I aren’t”
Caitlin dropped another length of chain on the floor. “You know he’s got a big ol’ crush on you, right?”
Lucy choked. “I don’t know what-“
“Neither of you are particularly subtle about it either,” Caitlin said, grinning at her. “You should figure that out, though, y’all would be the cutest couple.”
“We’re not…I mean, I don’t think he thinks of me like…” Lucy frowned, desperate to find a change in topic. “You keep saying ‘y’all,’ where are you from exactly?”
“Tennessee,” Caitlin said. “You know…where Dolly Parton’s from? Except I’m not from the same town she’s from, I’m from Nashville, but I’ve been to her theme park, it’s-“ She stopped herself midsentence and blew out a slightly frazzled breath. “Sorry, I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Lucy said, not unkindly. “It’ll be all right. Let me handle it, and just back me up.”
“Right, yeah,” Caitlin said. “Amazing. I can do that.”
And they probably could have managed, if Flo’s contact had been a bit more sure of what they were going to be up against. “It’s a Limbless!” Lucy shouted. “A fucking Limbless!”
“Oh, shit!”
Lucy could hold it off, she’d been up against Limbless dozens of times, but it was different when the weight of the job was resting on her. She lashed out with her rapier, trying to keep it at bay.
“Any luck on the Source?” she called.
“Not yet!”
Lucy kept fending off the Limbless, grimacing at the malaise dragging her down. It made her head swim and nausea pull at the pit of her stomach, and she was so off balance that she tripped over a loose floorboard and her rapier slipped from her hand.
“Oh fuck,” she panted, fumbling for the hilt in the dim light. She just needed to grab it before the Limbless got much closer-
Suddenly a violent spray of salt burst through the Limbless, dissolving it away from her. Lucy grabbed her rapier and scrambled up, shocked to find Caitlin standing halfway on the stairs with a small gun in her hand. “Oh thank fuck, it worked,” she said. “I loaded it with salt, it’s going to be a bitch to clean later though.”
“Well, keep doing it!” Lucy said as the Limbless started to reform. “And keep looking for the Source!”
“On it!” Caitlin called.
The salt-loaded pistol ended up being unexpectedly useful. The shots of salt rattled the Limbless enough for Lucy to keep pushing it back with her rapier, and between the two of them they kept it at bay until Lucy found the Source, a tarnished gold necklace with a charm in the shape of a scarab beetle. Caitlin took a final shot at the Limbless with a shower of salt from her gun while Lucy wrapped the necklace in a silver net, and the Visitor blinked out into the darkness.
“Well, we were going to see if you needed any help, but it looks like the two of you managed just fine,” Lockwood said, his voice faintly amused.
Lucy jumped. “Jesus, Lockwood, when did you get here?”
“Not too long ago, we wrapped up early and thought we would help,” he said. “You all right?”
She felt her cheeks turn a little pink at his concern. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she said, hoping she sounded nonchalant.
“I can’t believe that shooting salt actually worked!” George said. “Where did you learn to shoot, anyway?”
Caitlin laughed awkwardly. “Um…Disney World?”
George blinked. “Not the answer I expected, and yet somehow that makes sense.” He cleared his throat. “But the salt-“
“We’ll talk about that once we’re back home,” Lockwood said. “For now let’s get this wrapped up. Oh, and Caitlin-“ He raised his arm up sheepishly and the sleeve of his coat dangled in tatters from the shoulder seam. His white shirt underneath was a bit ripped too, the edges speckled and splattered with blood. “I might need you to fix this.”
“Oh, see, that I can handle,” she said. The corner of her mouth tugged up in an impish smile. “That’ll take me a while to do, though, so you ought to let Lucy patch you up.”
Lucy felt her face heat up. “Oh, I-“
But Lockwood was already turning towards her with that certain kind of smile he seemed to save only for her. “Would you, Luce?” he said. “I’d appreciate it.”
“Yeah, of course,” she said, and Caitlin shot her a surreptitious thumbs up.
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icanbeyourgenie · 2 months
“ What about you? ” - Malachai to Wendy
Wendy raised her head and realized she had no idea what Malachai said in the last five minutes or so. It wasn't like her to be distracted. She usually was always extremely focused on her surroundings. But she was always more relaxed around Malachai. And lately, all her mind seemed to do was think about him and their night together.
It happened two weeks ago now. She had come in his room at night like usual, and was brave enough to ask him what she wanted. The deal was quite simple: just one time, and then they'd go back to being friends. Just like after their first kiss. Malachai had sticked to the deal like a true gentleman. Except that now it was all Wendy could think about. He was all she could think about.
Malachai smiled. “You're distracted tonight. Is my presence boring you that much already?”
“Well, I wasn't going to say anything but since you mention it..” She joked, which made him laugh, and she had to ignore the fuzzy feeling.
“My apologies. How can I entertain you tonight?”
“You could repeat what you asked me just now. And any important part of the conversation I just missed by being so distracted, sorry.”
“No worries. I was just asking you, well...” He started blushing and Wendy was intrigued. “Last time... I told you something that no one else knows about me. So I was asking: What about you? Is there something you could tell me that no one else knows about you?”
Wendy looked at him for a silent second. The blush on his cheeks matched his eyes and she found it lovely. How was she supposed to think about something else than him? That was unfair, truly. She almost regret that night. At least before she didn't have a glimpse of what it was for him to be hers. It was impossible anyway. They could never be together. But now, her heart kept whispering "What if?" and it was heartbreaking to be reminded of all the reasons it was forbidden.
He was on the couch, two glasses of untouched red wines next to him. There was so much red in that room. Did she use to love that color that much? Any way, she loved it now. Wendy realized she had lost focused again and Malachai seemed restless, so she snapped back to reality and came sitting next to him. At the other end of the couch, to not feed her delusions that much.
“What do you want to know?”
“No, it doesn't work that way. You have to tell me yourself. Whatever you want, just something no one else knows. I figured it wouldn't be too difficult, you rarely talk about yourself.” His smile grew mischievous. “In fact, you should tell me three things. To make up for the fact that you were distracted all evening and didn't even tell me one story in two weeks.”
“See, I knew that's why you liked my company so much. Not for me but for my stories!” Wendy joked, pretending to be offended, and Malachai went along with the joke.
“Of course. I love a good storyteller, what else would I be interested about?”
She lightly punched his shoulder and they both laughed. Then, Wendy started to think. The first thing came easily into her mind.
“One of my names is Moira and I truly dislike it. But my dad used to tell me my mother insisted on it, and I never knew her, so at least I've got something of her, you know? My full name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling.”
Malachai stayed silent for a few seconds and Wendy realized she never mentioned his family in front of him. It was weird since they talked about everything, but they had been dead for so long, and talking about them made her feel so terribly sad, so she never did.
“You never talked about a family. Or about a family name. I assumed you were an orphan.”
“I am now. But I wasn't always.” She could see Malachai wanted to ask more questions, but he respected the processus of the deal: she had to decide what she wanted to reveal, he'd ask questions later.
“I think Moira is a fine name.”
“Mh, I think you're biased.” She smiled lightly and thought for a second about what she wanted to reveal next. “I had two brothers.” Malachai raised an eyebrow and she continued. Somehow, talking about it now felt cathartic. “John and Micheal. My little brothers. They're the ones I first told my stories to. When our dad was working and it was just us. Or when they were frightened at night. They were my first audience.”
Why had she not thought about them for years? It felt cruel. But remembering them was like putting a hot dagger through her heart. Fortunately Malachai came closer. He took her hand and that made it better. It made her feel stronger.
“I'm sorry for your loss.”
“It was a long time ago.”
“Still. I am truly sorry.” They stayed silent for a few minutes. “I'm not surprised that you're an elder sister.”
“Why is that?”
“Because you always understood. The pressure it is to have them depend on you, to have to be the strong one, the one with the clear head.”
She did understand, and she always saw how tiring it was for the sea prince even if he tried to hide it. She passed her hand through his hair. It was maybe a mistake but he loved it, and she definitely loved his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed and she felt so warm. She knew it was a mistake. But then he put his arm around her waist to hold her closer, and before she could stop herself she came on top of him, straddling him, one hand in his hair, the other on his neck while he was firmly holding her waist. It happened fast and so naturally. Wendy felt very very warm now, and she deduced by Malachai's growing blush that he did too. They looked into each other's eyes and gravity brought them closer until their foreheads touched. Wendy had a little trouble breathing, and even more thinking straight. Maybe it's why she admitted:
“The last thing no one else knows is that I can't stop thinking about you.”
“Neither can I.”
“But I shouldn't. And you shouldn't either.”
“I know.”
Gravity came into the scene again and the next second they were kissing. Truly kissing. Wendy thought she might combust. She tried putting her thoughts together and put some space between them.
“Lys, we really can't.”
Using that nickname was counterproductive judging by how Malachai kissed her after this. Clearly he liked it enough to not allow her to breathe.
“We should really not.” He said between two kisses.
“Really not.” She confirmed, as breathless as he was. “If Morgana found out. Or your father...”
“That would be really bad yes. Duty demands that we stop now.”
“I'm glad we agree.” She answered, and then they kept kissing, again and again. They were lying on the couch now and he was on top of her, and it was marvelous how she wasn't afraid at all. Not one bit. “Lys you're a prince, and I'm just-”
But he didn't let her finish, and kissing him was more interesting that talking. “Stay the night, please.” He pleaded.
She almost was reasonable. She almost said no. But then he started kissing her neck and she knew it was over for her. They'd deal with the consequences later. For now all that mattered was him.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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If you request a male s/o, I’ll give you one.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, jealousy, manipulation, guilt-tripping, delusions
S/o avoids them to sort out his feelings for them
Lucy Heartfilia
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🗝️ Lucy is really affectionate around her s/o to the point where bystanders tend to confuse her for darling's girlfriend. You have to explain it every time, Lucy on the other hand seems quite happy when people ask her if you're her boyfriend. She knows you two aren't yet but she dearly hopes soon you'll be. The mage starts spending so much time around you and constantly gives you hugs, grabs your hands or gives you even a quick peck on the cheeks. A relationship takes some work after all so she tries to appeal to you as much as she can with her own charm. If you're close with Natsu, she also attempts to ask him what you like. She doesn't want him and Happy to know though, she knows they'd tease the hell out of her and might also spoil everything to you.
🗝️ Totally heartbroken when her s/o suddenly starts avoiding and ignoring her. He can't look her properly in her eyes anymore, cuts conversations short and tries to come up with all excuses to be anywhere where she isn't. At first she thinks that someone might have told you that she likes you, might make a quick accusation with tears in her eyes before her guildmates swear to her that no one has told you. In either case she suffers from a fragile heart, is less chipper and outspoken. Natsu and Erza promise her to beat an answer out of her darling but she stops them, doesn't want her darling to get into troubles because of those two even though she's thanks them for their help. She was confident she could pull it off but apparently she was too cocky. Lucy likely suffers from insecurities afterwards.
🗝️ When you turn up one day in front of her house, she opens immediately but holds back from hugging you, still unsure. She lets you inside, fiddles nervously with her clothes and asks you what you want. She hasn't talked to you in a while, has only watched you from the distance. When her darling admits to her though that he's only been avoiding her because he had troubles to figure out how to feel about her since a while and needed some time alone, her heart starts leaping inside her chest. Is this...? Her cheeks turn red when you say that you like her more than a friend and apologize for most likely hurting her with your cold behavior. She forgives her darling immediately, happy tears in her eyes as her delusion turns into reality. She just knows that you two will always be together from now on.
Wendy Marvell
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🌬️ Wendy is also very delusional and naive about her whole obsession, thankfully Carla at least seems to have a clue about that something is off about her friend. Differently from Lucy though, Wendy feels a bit more insecure about her and on top of that is really bashful and shy around her darling. She doesn't know how to speak to him without stuttering and feels easily down when she's a bit ditzy around him and embarrasses herself in front of him. She's quite obvious to everyone so her older guildmates most likely end up trying to give her advices how to approach you. Especially the girls are into it, the guys are less of a help but Wendy appreciates their questionable advices nevertheless. She attempts to gift her crush cute little gifts as her way to show him that she likes him.
🌬️ When you just walk past her and pretend like you're busy, she freezes on the spot and just stares straight ahead, her poor heart crushed and tears starting to gather in her eyes. Wendy doesn't want her friends to see her cry though so she swallows everything down for now and just gives everyone a painful smile and thanks them for their help before she runs away, Carla following her worried. She isn't the same anymore, silent and constantly trying to hide. Considering that she's one of the little birds in the nest, everyone would be really protective and for that quite angry with you. Natsu probably plans to drag you back so that you can apologize but Wendy just begs him to let you be. If you don't like her in the same way as she does, that's fine. It oviously isn't for her but she cares too much for you.
🌬️ One of her guildmates wants to throw you out when you come back to the guild after having been gone for a few days, some don't even want to let you talk to her. Logical people like Mirajane realize that you have to tell Wendy something important though and convinces the Dragon Slayer to go somewhere private with you. The poor girl can't even muster the strength to look at you or otherwise she might end up crying, her head is constantly lowered and her body language is stiff. When you confess that you like her though but just needed to find that out for yourself, she stares at you with shocked and wide eyes. She is overwhelmed in that moment, doesn't know what to say. Let's be honest though, a good portion of her mates were stalking you two so they break out in cheers for her.
Sherry Blendy
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😍 Sherry is the worst from all the girls here simply because she believes that both of you are perfect for each other and for that no one else is really good enough for you and vice versa. She's basically already acting like you two are in a relationship with the amount of affection she throws in your direction. She smothers you in hugs and kisses, takes everything you accidentally forget to take with you and is also very easily jealous. She pays attention to only her darling and wants him to do the same too so she's really derisive to anyone else she perceives as a possible rival. Considering that she views everyone as a potential love rival, she quite often mocks people a bit, especially if they aren't part of her own guild. If you point that out to her, she instantly guilt-trips you as she acts excessively innocent with you.
😍 Some of her teammates honestly suspect that her darling suddenly disappears because he's sick of her behavior but Sherry obviously doesn't believe them. She's sure that something terrible must have happened to you and for that worries her sick. She goes to your house and probably even threatens to use her magic to break the door open if you don't answer or open the door. She searches everywhere for you, asks your neighbors and everyone who knows you. Sherry becomes a bit dangerous very soon since she has mood swings where she tends to lash out because she doesn't know where you are. Sherria is the only one who can control her a bit. Sherry also turns a bit paranoid, starts to suspect people in your surroundings to know something that they don't tell her. She's a bit unhinged now.
😍She just throws herself at you when you finally come back, is sobbing by now because she was so terribly worried and missed you so dearly. She's really possessive, demands that you spend your time with her now because you were too long away from her. You don't really get a chance to confess to her at first since she's quite overwhelming at first, calms down a bit during the following hours though. Enough for you to admit that you needed some time alone to discover your feelings for her. Absolutely ecstatic since it's the first time you admitted to her that you liked her, Sherry gives you a deep kiss afterwards. Things become even more extreme with her as she enhances her overall affection and she gets a bit more arrogant too now that she's your girlfriend. The best you could ask for. 
Sherria Blendy
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🥰 She is more toned down than her cousin is but Sherry definitely tries to push Sherria to overcome her bashfulness when it comes to her crush. It's easy to see for people that Sherria loves her s/o a lot but lacks the courage to approach him and properly interact with him. She knows she's more of a clutz and similar to Wendy she fears that she'll make herself look bad in front of you. Sherria is more of a stalker at first who quietly fawns over you but Sherry is having none of that. She's really too supportive and ends up arranging it so that darling and Sherria end up spending more time with each other somehow. She also ends up convincing Sherria that you two would be a very sweet couple to help her younger cousin getting over her slight insecurities which makes Sherria more clingy in return.
🥰 Sherria keeps her upbeat and cheerful personality up or tries to do so at least when you treat her coldly all of a sudden and completely avoid her. She is sad beyond imagination but doesn't want her fellow guildmates and her cousin to worry so she pretends like everything is fine. She can't hold her tears back as good when she's alone and her mind has nothing else to focus on. Sherry is furious with you and at the same time tries to keep her little cousin optimistic. Surely something important just popped up in your life and you had to leave abruptly. There might be times where Sherria is able to delude herself like Sherry but there are also moments where she's afraid that you found out about her feelings and didn't want to be with her anymore. She finds herself often standing in front of your house.
🥰 She doesn't want to be as pushy as her older cousin although sometimes she does consider it. Otherwise Sherria is just suffering silently and stalking you from the distance, silently jealous when seeing her s/o with someone else who seems to be quite close to him. She is often torn apart between staying delusionally optimistic or painfully realistic. She's overjoyed though when you finally return to her and confess what has been going through your mind the past few days. Her facade just cracks and she ends up spilling a few tears, admitting herself that she was terrified that you'd leave her because you didn't love her. She regains her genuine optimism and her energy back and news spread fast about her darling now being officially her boyfriend.
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ffcwn · 8 months
“So, what do I owe this pleasure?” -John ( @darlingbcy )
With most of everyone coupled up even long before the countdown to midnight began, it was obvious who was planning on kissing who once the New Year hits. Even Peter, who was the biggest wildcard of their bunch in terms of how he could’ve celebrated this upcoming year, had attached himself to Wendy for most of the night and with the way the two had been mingling with one another, it was safe to assume that Wendy was who Peter wanted to kiss at the struck of midnight. A realization that no doubt had pained one of her closes friends if the looks she had seen Tink give the pair was any indication. But after giving some advice to Tootles and encouraging him to go up to her best friend—both as a means to distract her but also because he sure as hell would be able to cheer her spitfire of a friend up—that then left Fawn back to her current own dilemma. Who should she kiss at midnight?
There was only a handful of choices left, and none of them were bad ones. She could go up to one of the twins—or even both and just make sure to plant a big one on their cheeks rather than lips in fairness as she was sure neither Duke or Benji would mind if she asked. Or maybe she could go up to the youngest Darling, Michael, and give him a small peck instead? She bets his reaction to even just a small kiss would be fun, and from that thought alone, the brunette almost considered it. But as she looked around the room for him, another Darling caught her eye. John. Standing at the other side of the room, she watched as the person he had been conversing with walk away (the person most likely heading towards the partner they were planning on kissing for the night), leaving the middle of the biological Darling siblings alone. Staring at him, it struck her that he was an option as well. It also hit her that this could be one of her only chances to actually get to kiss him if she were to go up to him and ask.
Without a second thought, Fawn made her way to him, and once her eye caught his, the brunette smiled. “Noticed you were left alone, and thought 'we can't have that', so I came over to join you. You don't mind, do you?.” She replied, sliding into place right next to him. “That, and it’s almost midnight. A brand new year, you excited?” 
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local-angst-dispenser · 5 months
Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall
TW: Implied death
Frame and song from Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall by Lydia the Bard! Lyrics have been changed to fit.
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Sculk permeated the land and hills around a large settlement surrounded by tall, obsidian walls. Crying obsidian was sprinkled in in some places, the purple liquid dropping down soundlessly to the ground below. Far off in the distance, on a hill with a cliff overlooking an ocean with sharp rocks below, a deactivated nether portal rested.
In the center of the settlement stood a group of people, one was noticeably more distinct. An Operator. The night lights illuminated their face as they spoke.
Hundreds of blocks below ground, in a lab fortified by only the strongest of blocks, a different Operator walked in. Goggles bound by a leather strap rest on her head, barely missing her antenna. She wore a long, black sleeved shirt with a dark magenta dress overtop and black leggings underneath. Knee high leather boots clung to her, clicking as she walked through. Hands in leather gloves clenched.
She walked past a desk, where a photo was sat. The Chromia Crew.
She came into the light, glaring out a window that was enchanted to show the settlement. It was Pink.
"Little one, you've no idea what you've got yourself into," she sang, approaching the window and placing a hand on it. "Stay for a night and think the world's made for you."
"Well, I've tried too hard to see all of my work come undone." Pink gritted her teeth, glaring. "Better grow some wings real fast." Spinning on her heel, she walked away.
"I see the way they look at you with wonder in their eyes." She brought her clenched hands to chest, eyes brimming with rage. Her wings trembled. "Soon, they'll start to dream of different lives."
"Well, I won't let you tempt them, they are mine to protect!" She hissed, swinging out an arm along with opening a hand. "No use reminding them of the past." A saddened look crossed her face.
"You don't seem to quite understand what is at stake." Pink walked towards a pinboard littered with papers and red strings. "This messed up little family that I had to make."
"If I could let them all go home, please know that I would." She closed her eyes, clenching her fists. "But it'd do more harm than good!"
"So, why don't you fall?" Her eyes narrowed as she walked over to a workbench, where many vials were in machines. "Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall."
"Why don't you fall? Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall." Her eyes drifted over to a certain rack, where blue liquid in vials swirl around.
"Swear it's nothing personal!" Pink shook her head, clenching her hand around one vial. "It's a necessary evil."
"Why don't you fall?" She brought the vial up to her face, the blow glow it emitted reflecting, basking her eyes in the eerie blue. "Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall."
She slipped the vial into a belt on the workbench and slipped it open, clipping it around her waist. She spread her wings and flew up to the second floor of the lab. "Some would say I'm quick to rage, and maybe they're right."
"But I can say for once I'm thinking clearly tonight!" She landed on the second floor and hastily made her way to the next enchanted window, which showed the town square. She narrowed her eyes bitterly, seeing the other Operator conversing with the group they'd gathered.
"Oh, new one, darling, you have picked the wrong girl to fight!" She scowled, slamming her fist against the window. "I will protect what is mine!"
"A nasty little spark that must be smothered, snuffed out." Pink's eyes widened, seeing imaginary flames, formed from her panic, begin to swirl around her. Her breath catched in her throat. "Setting fires inside my house is just not allowed!"
From the rage induced flames, she saw the silhouette of someone she thought she'd never see again. She turned and outstretched a hand, eyes going wide. "If ending errant embers is what I must do.."
The flames and the silhouette vanish. Pink fell to her knees, her outstretched hand staying up before falling to her her side. She hung her head. "Then, darling, I'll be coming for you."
Pink slowly stood back up, walking over to the window. She shoved at open, the enchantment stopping. "So, why don't you fall?"
(Why don't you fall?)
"Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall!"
She climbed out of the window and spread her wings. The window was hidden by trees and foliage as she flew out. She kicked the window shut. It wasn't a long flight from there to the wall. "Why don't you fall?"
(Why don't you fall?)
"Swear it's nothing personal! It's a necessary evil!" Pink shook her head as she flew through the trees, clenching her fists. She gritted her teeth. "Why don't you fall?"
(Why don't you fall?)
"Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall!" She flew out of the forest, near one of the watch towers on the obsidian towers. Her pink eyes glowed with rage.
(Why don't you fall?)
Oh, oh.. (Why don't you fall?)
Pink landed on the wall by the watchtower. She turned to walk towards it, exhaling lowly. She got to the spruce door and pushed it open, her eyes landing on Efficiency and Prompt.
Oh, oh.. (Why don't you fall?)
They met her eyes with both resignment and understanding. A book rested on the table in the center, open. She walked past them and pointed out the window to the nether portal far away. A silent question.
Oh, oh.. (Why don't you fall?)
Efficiency nodded.
Oh.. (Fall..)
Pink nodded, exhaling.
Oh.. (Fall, fall, fall...)
With powerful beats of their wings, the trio exited the watch tower and flew. With Prompt and Efficieny flying ahead, Pink dived downward, where something lied below.
So, why don't you fall? Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall!
Hidden by the dark night sky, the duo watch as the group attempting to leave lit the portal.. only for it to explode. Obsidian block chunks flew in all directions as fire lit the grass, and portal particles burst in the air.
Or did it slip your mind? You need three things to flee!
The sound of a Warden's shriek sounded through the air. The group all looked horrified.
Let's see you try when I remove mine!
A Warden emerged from the darkness. There was nothing they could do before the sonic boom came, sending them all flying off the edge of the cliff.
Why don't you fall? Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall!
Prompt and Efficieny acted quickly, diving down to grab the falling ones. All.. except for the Operator.
Pink dove past them. Only as a blur.
"Why don't you fall? Fall, little Wendy-bird, fall!" She sang with a large grin as she stared at the Operator's terrified face. She grabbed their wrists, leaning in close.
"I'm gonna clip your wings, cut your strings." She let go of their wrists to boop their nose. "Babe, you won't feel a thing."
"Now that you're feeling tall.." She flapped her wings and arched back. She flew upwards to watch as the Operator flew towards a large, pointed rock. Her grin turned to a smile.
Everyone was safe.
"Why don't you fall?"
Pink didn't flinch. There was no sound, only the waves gently crashing against the rocks.
She took out the vial from the belt and flew closer. She popped open the cork and poured out the liquid.
She hummed, seeing the Operator begin to disintegrate.
"Oh, why don't you fall?" She cooed.
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evermorehqs · 11 months
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James Hook is based on Captain Hook from Peter Pan. He is a 38 year old human, antique shop owner, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. James is portrayed by Theo James and he is taken.
Imagine being the ruler your own kingdom; a whole other world that no one but you could touch, able to manipulate time and feel the wind against unwrinkled skin forever. That was the life a young and adventerous James Hook led. Deemed the ruler of an island he named Neverland, James was not only a fierce and passionate leader of a crew of loyal pirates— but he was a powerful, untouchable, magical being. For years, James basked in immortality, quite literally shifted the sands of time, enjoyed the oceans of an island he knew to be his….until one day, as quickly as these luxuries were given, they were soon taken away upon the arrival of an… unwelcome guest; Peter Pan. Peter Pan somehow crossed the boarders into Neverland and was deemed, by the island it seemed, to be more worthy of the powers James had known for centuries. Suddenly, he was growing facial hair and unable to slow down the hours of the day when they passed by faster than he wanted them to. A once youthful, happy, and optimistic young boy became a grown man filled with a rage that couldn’t be quelled. He was a shell of who he once was, his care-free and whimsical attitude overruled by a vengeance that made his blood run cold. James Hook had lost everything because of Peter, and he made it his new life’s mission to make sure Peter paid for it. Then the Darlings came, and everything just seemed to get worse for the pirate captain. It felt like Peter’s power was only growing, the lost boys they were recruiting acting as a crew that constantly outwitted his own, and as James aged despite the island’s promise of eternal life, his fury grew as well. The day Wendy disappeared, and Peter went to look for her, James believed his powers would be restored. When they weren’t, and Peter was nowhere to be found, James stayed true to the only constant he had felt since losing everything; wanting to take everything from Peter in return. James boarded his ship, leaving his crew behind in case Peter came back, and returned to the mainland. He searched for what felt like an eternity, consistently coming up empty handed…. and just when he thought he was getting close, James’s search came to a screeching halt when he ended up crossing into a town named Evermore. A town he couldn’t leave. He had lost his powers, his home, his crew and now he was trapped - and it was all THEIR fault. If Peter was here, James was going to find them, and he was going to make sure they never took anything away from him again.
❀ Stanley Pines: James could appreciate a good scam, and whilst he considers his antique shop to be filled with treasures far more valuable than anything Stan’s gift shop could offer… James would be a liar to say he didn’t find amusement in conversating with a fellow conm- salesman. ❀ Brooklyn Utonium: Her optimism is…. insufferable. She reminds James so much of himself when he was young and actually enjoyed his life, and every time he sees her he just wants to… kick a puppy or something to make her cry. ❀ Jafar Mungur: This guy gets it; he is determined, passionate, respectable. He is one of the only people in this town James will go to for advice, as Jafar’s thirst for power and respect is one James admires deeply. He’ll happily buy the man a drink any day.
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months
„A little help would be great.“
(Jace Badun is not paid enough for this.)
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Trigger warnings: violence, fighting, injuries, swearing, etc. Could be seen as a prequel to ‘We don’t get paid enough for this.’ Notes: Glauco is Snow White and Prince Floran’s son. Zuri is the adopted daughter of Shenzi the hyena. Hadie is Persephone and Hades’ kid. Deja is Shan Yu’s daughter. Paro is Pain and Hedone’s son. Lada is Bridget the Hag’s daughter.  Danny is  Wendy and Edward’s son. 
“A little help would be nice, “ Jace snapped at his friends—more than a little irritated at his current predicament. 
Said predicament being the seven-way fight he was trying to break up between seven of his proteges—Glauco White, Hadie Athanasiou, Danny Darling-Cooper, Paro Imp, Zuri Crocuta, Shan Deja, and Lada Hag.
Glauco and Danny were rolling on the floor, trying desperately to get hits in on Paro and Hadie who were more successful in their attempts to hit, kick, and bite them. 
Zuri was biting Deja and Lada was trying to kick her in the head from Jace’s arms—which was hard because of how small she was and how tall he was—but only really managed to kick him.
Yeah, a little help would be more than a little nice, actually. 
“We are helping,” Harry replied seriously—as if Jace didn’t know that he was a lying liar that lies—from where he was sitting on top of his desk in their room in their new apartment. 
“Yeah, we’re watching the rest of the kids,” Eddie added, just as seriously—not looking up from whatever he was doing on his phone and not moving an inch from his spot on the floor. 
“Yeah!” Hermie chimed in from where she was somehow dangling upside down from the ceiling. 
Reza didn’t even bother to nod or pretend like he was paying attention to the conversation as he fiddled with a telescope he was trying to build.
Jace was having none of it. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it!”
“It is not!”
“Only ONE of you are even looking at the kids right now and it’s Yzla! And I’m not even sure she’s awake right now!”
“I am–”
“That’s great. Can you help m–ow!”
Jace dropped Lada and grabbed his eye—which the small girl had somehow managed to kick despite her legs being nowhere near his face.
Lada landed on the fighting boys and, upon getting caught in the crossfire, decided that Deja was on her own in her fight with Zuri and headbutted Paro. Who in retaliation yanked on her hair, leaving Hadie at Danny and Glauco’s nonexistent mercy. 
Yzla glanced at him then at the children and said one thing.
Jace took a deep breath. Still holding his eye as he counted to ten.
“I hate all of you.”
“Love you too, Cuz.”
“Fuck off!”
“Don’t Jace me!”
Eddie snorted and Hermie giggled. “You two sound like an old married couple.”
“I am not marrying Jace! The only person I’m ever gonna marry, if anyone, is Reza. Or Claudine, maybe!”
That caught Reza’s attention “Wait, what?”
“Nothing. Ignore that.”
All while the kids continued to fight and the fire alarm went (likely due to Hadie’s now flaming hair). 
Jace groaned, pinching his nose. “That’s it! I’m going on vacation!”
 Which only caused Eddie to snort again and Harry and Hermie to laugh. 
“I mean it this time!”
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kelpieice · 1 year
Different Peter Pan Fight Scenes
Peter Pan in cannon is a crazy little shit who is very dangerous with a blade. When watching any kind of telling of J.M.Barrie’s character we expect an entertaining fight scenes with Peter Pan and his arch nemesis captain Hook. There have been many different displays of these fight scenes. But I will be focusing on Disney’s original animated Peter Pan, their 2023 Peter Pan as well as the 2003 Peter Pan. This is because the 2023 Peter Pan seems to be trying to take cinematic elements from both. However, they are very loosely on the 1953 Peter Pan.
Disney Animated Peter Pan
This Peter Pan uses a lot of slapstick to change the violence of the story. It is still entertaining to watch. While there are a lot of things i didn’t like about this Peter Pan in the 1953 film, he was at least was still memorable and competent. I think when Disney decided to bring back their iconic Peter Pan adaptation they did better in Return to Neverland than the 2023. Jane Darling in the Disney verse is a competent girl and I do like her fight scene against Hook. This is because they still make Hook look dangerous and intimidating and she has to start out by fleeing from him. When she finally frees Peter Pan she doesn’t suddenly go female power and out shine him. It is still Peter who takes out his arch nemesis. So it is better to have them both look good.
2003 Peter Pan
What I like about this fight scene is how they show that Hook is smart and had this whole plan to kill Peter Pan. Hook is dangerous and a worthy enemy to Peter Pan even managing to over power Peter; Peter knows he is in trouble and needs to try and escape his enemy but Hook grabs him in time. Then throws him towards an open net to drown. This Peter Pan is still a cocky, cheeky smart ass, but he doesn’t underestimate captain Hook. He knows Hook is dangerous and Hook IS supposed to be dangerous. This film didn’t feel the need to tone down the fight scenes. Peter Pan ends this scene with being saved from the crocodile, both of them hearing the ticking clock. Hook gets distracted and when he remembers Peter, he has already fled. They made Wendy more proactive in the fight scenes and I don’t dislike that because she’d have to adapt to this dangerous island in order to survive. So Wendy with sword skills I have always liked to HC. They also made her show her leadership skills when Peter Pan is a little preoccupied fighting captain Hook.
Peter Pan 2023
This movie should of just been called Wendy because they decided to go down the route of insufferable girlboss. This Peter Pan is incompetent and he gets overpowered by Hook not because Hook managed to overpower this not normal fairy child, but because this Peter Pan is an airhead. He gets himself and the Darlings blown up then separated, fails to look for Wendy which in cannon is something Peter Pan does do. Then when we finally see him face Hook; he has this whole distraction when fighting Hook after he realizes Wendy is alive. He has a flipping conversation with her with captain Hook standing right there. This Hook somehow hurts him through his shadow? It was strange. So Hook didn’t feel like he earned his victory. This Hook normally gets his but served to himself from an airhead. They then get saved by Tik Tok the Croc but what I took weird was that Tik Tok didn’t tik until Hook was on his head. Does the Crocodile have control of its own ticking now? It was strange.
The fight scene just feels lack luster, like we expected a better fight scene. They do try to copy the slap stick I suppose, with Hook balancing over the Crocodile’s jaws. But animated Hook has tons of slapstick and was kicked into the jaws of Tik Tok. This Hook found himself here because he is not observant enough. Doesn’t help that the constant ticking of the Crocodile does not happen in this film. So...it is a miracle this Hook hasn’t been eaten yet.
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