#| c ; rodolphus l |
centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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blackofheart · 2 years
closed starter for @rcdolphuslstrange​
Some women greeted their fiancés with kisses laced in unspoken ‘I love you’s or perhaps with open declarations of their affections towards the person they were planning to share a life with. They said happy hellos and maybe planned to talk about details for the big day. Smile were infectious as they revelled in the anticipation of what was to come. Not Bellatrix. As she gracefully stepped out of the fireplace and entered Rodolphus’ home, effortlessly ridding herself of the small patches of floo powder that had gathered around the shoulders of her cloak, her wide grin and excited eyes were for an entirely different reason. Much more sinister than any wedding planning she had been forced to indulge in over their engagement. “Have you seen it?!” She called out, not giving a proper greeting in her eagerness to see his reaction - hoping it was as gleeful as hers. She was holding that morning’s Prophet as though it were her first born or the house cup, proud and practically preening to show it to anybody that might cross her path. “It’s practically front page news Rodolphus!” She had been unusually giddy since Hades had delivered her subscription over breakfast. She’d been too elated to even eat, almost buzzing at the thought of sharing this moment with him. The entirety of Diagon Alley had been disrupted by the chaos, it could be argued that whole of wizarding London was feeling the effect. The attack had been undeniably brilliant, she had been sure they couldn’t just throw it to the back pages or ignore it completely. And yet to see it...well it had inspired her more than she could have hoped for. They would have to listen now, they couldn’t just drown out the noise anymore. She was sure of it.
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okwormtail · 6 years
incorrect novum quotes
Alecto: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Greta: ...I did. I broke it.
Alecto: No. No you didn't. Gideon?
Gideon: Don't look at me. Look at Pete.
Peter: What?! I didn't break it.
Gideon: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Peter: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Gideon: Suspicious.
Peter: No it's not!
Remus: If it matters, probably not, but Mary was the last one to use it.
Mary: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Remus: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Mary: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that Remus!
Greta: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it Alecto.
Alecto: No! Who broke it!?
Peter: Alecto... Rodolphus been awfully quiet.
Rodolphus: REALLY?!
Alecto: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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viciousvisxge · 3 years
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P I N N E D: P O S T // Click for Details
Is that RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE stepping out into Diagon Alley? Ministry records tell us that they were born on 19 FEBRUARY and are a 40 year old, PURE BLOOD who works as a WIZENGAMOT AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC. Some have said that they can be described as being CHARISMATIC, WELL KEPT & SMOOTH however, they also see themselves as being COLD, MERCILESS & SPITEFUL. Apparently, HE looks a lot like DAVID GANDY, whoever that is, and if they had to pick a side in the war, they would choose to JOIN THE DEATH EATERS.
C H A R A C T E R: S T A T S
FULL NAME: Rodolphus Lestrange
NICKNAME(S): Rod, Lestrange
DATE OF BIRTH: 19 February
OCCUPATION: Ministry of Magic - Wizengamot
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
C H A R A C T E R: D E T A I L S
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Charismatic, Well Kept, Smooth
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Cold, Merciless, Spiteful
PATRONUS: A Snowy Owl: The snowy owl is traditionally thought to possess strong magic and have insight into the future. Snowy owls, like other varieties of owls, represent wisdom, but the white bird also means a transition may be coming.
BOGGART: A Sword: The Boggart would take the form of a sword. It seems odd to most, but it represents falling on a sword. Whether it’s losing his family, losing the war or dissapointing those who look up to him. Pride and ego hold a large place in Rodolphus’ heart and loosing that means losing everything. When casting the Riddikulus charm, the sword would turn into a serpent that he could order away.
WAND TYPE: Length: 13.5” Wood: Redwood, rigid, . Wand-quality redwood is in short supply, yet constant demand, due to its reputation for bringing good fortune to its owner. As is usually the case with wandlore, the general populace have the truth back to front: redwood wands are not themselves lucky, but are strongly attracted to witches and wizards who already possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe. The combination of such a witch or wizard with a redwood wand is always intriguing. Core: Dragon Heartstring. As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental
C H A R A C T E R: A P P E A R A N C E
FACE CLAIM: David Gandy
WEIGHT: 220lbs
SCARS: Left Eyebrow
TATTOOS: Rodolphus has ink covering the top of both his hands. It’s full coverage that reaches his top knuckles, with letters one each finger in the space between top and middle knuckles. There’s a rose with the stem tattooed down the length of each thumb, one for his father and one for his mother. The family crest is woven into an intricate design on his right hand and the names of Rabastan, Rosemary and Bellatrix are woven into the left along with a depiction of a wild wolf for Fenrir. Those he cares for the most. For now, the tattoos reach the top of his wrist but will eventually spread to full sleeves on both sides.
C H A R A C T E R: B A C K G R O U N D
HOMETOWN: London, England
C H A R A C T E R: D O S S I E R
There are few wizards Death Eaters fear as much as they do Voldemort… Rodolphus Lestrange is one of them. He may not be among the same caliber as Voldemort and Dumbledore but his mean streak rivaled that of the Dark Lord. He instilled fear into his victims long before allowing them the mercy of death and even then, it was slow and excruciating. It is for that reason, and the trust the Dark Lord has in him that placed him as the Leader of the Death Eaters, he answers only to their Lord. He holds the respect of those in the Rebellion, whether it be by fear, envy or mutual appreciation- he doesn’t care, they know better than to go against his orders. In a time of such turbulence, insolence will not be tolerated. If they wanted to win this war, tightening their ranks was the only course of action.
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sirivsblack · 4 years
lucinda / astrid / poppy / rodolphus
ask game: is this character fuckable?
L U C I N D A ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
A S T R I D ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
P O P P Y ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
R O D O L P H U S ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
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giarosmerta · 4 years
astrid / rodolphus / poppy / lucinda
ask game: is this character fuckable?
A S T R I D ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
R O D O L P H U S ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
P O P P Y ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
L U C I N D A ;
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
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devdevlin · 5 years
!!!!!! Chem and Bio Finals DONE!!! Summer term DONE!! I hope you're doing well (and your bunny too)! I'm sending a prompt-ish thingy, but I don't know if you want any right now. If not, seriously please ignore me (whether too busy or it's uninspiring - etc). Either way I wish happiness upon you! Tom or Volmione + cat(s) + sweets + creepy Tom or Voldemort (not that he isn't usually creepy). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don't take or do or change. Love your writing, friendlycelery xoxo
I'M SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO! But please know that when you sent this, it absolutely made my day, you're the absolute sweetest!! I am always happy to take prompts even though I am slow! Also please accept my sincerest congratulations on finishing the Chem and Bio, those are two huge ones!! I really wanted to do a good job of this for you, so I hope it meets expectations!
For context, to fill your prompt, I've chosen to write a canon-divergent lil drabble that squeezes between OOTP and HBP
The summer holidays before Hermione's sixth year at Hogwarts were the worst ones she'd experienced yet.
She'd returned home from King's Cross with her parents long enough for them to collect their things and leave. From there, they'd headed to the Leaky Cauldron to spend the time first few weeks of the break, reasoning it was safer than out in the muggle suburbs of outer London.
But even with the safety of numbers in Diagon Alley, it didn't stop Hermione from purchasing a foe-glass and checking that they weren't being watched or followed by Death Eaters everywhere they visited.
Yet, even still, her own safety wasn't weighing as heavily on her mind as Harry was. The weight of knowing of the prophecy and losing whatever it may have said was bad enough, but losing Sirius, too...
It had only been a week since they'd parted at end of term, yet she longed to go and visit Harry. She yearned to fetch Ron and Fred and George and together whisk Harry away from his awful aunt and uncle, but knew full well that Dumbledore had his reasons, and it was best not to interfere.
This left Hermione with the task of distracting herself, one which she easily decided to answer with the bookshop. Her favourite thing about Flourish and Blott's was that it never disappointed her. On every visit, she managed to find something she hadn't seen before, to the point where she wondered if there was an intricate charm cast over the shop to assist the customers in finding what they were after.
She ventured there every day, and on that Wednesday evening, Hermione was cradling her latest loot against her chest, humming to herself as she wandered back along the cobbled main street of Diagon Alley toward the Leaky Cauldron, Crookshanks trotting happily alongside her. But as she passed the same alleyway she passed each day, an odd, rainbow-coloured sign caught her eye.
Rab and Rod's Sweet Shoppe
She blinked. She didn't remember ever having seen that sign before. She'd walked the main street of Diagon Alley too many times with Ron and the rest of the Weasleys to have missed a sign to a sweet shop.
Then again, it was pointed toward the entrance to Knockturn Alley, so she supposed Mrs Weasley wouldn't have let any of her children down there regardless. But still... one of the Weasleys would've commented on it, so she surmised the shop must've been a new one.
After a quick snort, Hermione carried on her way, not tempted in the slightest by the prospect of rotting her teeth.
She didn't see the woman tucked behind the corner, watching under a heavy, black cloak as she passed.
The next day, satisfied after hours worth of reading about the history of the use of unicorn hairs in potionmaking, Hermione again passed the alleyway.
It was an evening like any other. It could've almost been described as a boring one, but then, almost as if he'd decided she'd been having it too easy, Crookshanks ran. If it hadn't have been for his bell, she wouldn't have noticed when he darted off down the alley without notice, his puff of tail disappearing behind the stone corner.
"C-Crookshanks!" she yelled, breaking out into a run after him.
She dashed down the thin alley without consideration for where it led and followed his bushy tail down another one on the right. She lost sight of him then, and gambled that upon reaching the fork in the paths, he'd taken the better-lit alley to the left.
"Crook—" she started, but upon the sight of a small puddle of dark liquid on the stone, Hermione froze. "...Crookshanks?"
Her heart sped up, and with it, she broke into a sprint. She raced to the end of the alley and rounded the corner, and–  
"Ahh!" Her heart fell out of her chest as she skidded to a halt to avoid running into the darkly cloaked boy.
After a few blinks, she had to correct herself. The boy she'd almost run into wasn't a boy at all, but a young man. He was an attractive one, too, not that her panic allowed her to register that fact right away.
"I'm sorry," the man said with a hand reaching out to stabilise her and a voice like music. "Did I scare you?"
After a deep, calming breath, Hermione shook herself. "No. No that's quite all right, I was just—have you seen a cat? He's quite big and ginger, and he's got this flat sort of face. He ran off this way and he can be really quick when he wants to be, and I just... lost him..."
She trailed off seeing him watching her, an odd sort of glint in his eye.
"Actually," he said after a moment. "I think I did see one, just a few moments ago. With a big brushy tail?"
"Yes! Yes, that's—"
"It ran off this way," the man said, stepping in the direction he gestured in. "Come, I'll help you."
She hurriedly followed him. "Thank you. Thank you so much. He doesn't normally carry on like this, but something must've spooked him, I think, or he might've spotted a rat—he quite likes rats..."
The man's long legs allowed him to cross the same distance as her in far less steps, and when they reached the next fork in the alleyways, he made it there first.
"I think I saw him dart around this corner," the man said, leading her on down a wider alley to the right. It curved around a bend, and as it went on, the pathway grew narrower.
It went on and on until it took a sudden left turn, and then—
It was a dead end.
"A-are you sure about this?" she asked, suddenly as wary of the stranger she'd run off with as she should have been from the start.
He didn't look at her. Instead he pointed down the alley, toward a pile of boxes at what must've been the back entrance to a shop, with couple of old looking brooms propped up against the wall next to it.
"Is that your cat?" asked the man.
Hermione followed the direction of his pointed arm up to the very top of the pile of boxes, taller than he himself, and there, in one piece and sitting atop the highest box with his chest fluffed out like royalty, was Crookshanks.
"Crookshanks!" she shrieked at once, and at the sound, Crookshanks craned his neck.
After a momentary glance in her direction, he meowed once and came bounding down from the pile of boxes toward her.
Hermione swept him up the instant he made it to the ground and hugged him tightly against her chest. "Oh! Never, ever do that again!" she said, pressing her lips to the cat's forehead. "What was that about?! You know better, Crookshanks, never run away in a public pla—"
Hermione broke off seeing her companion watching her with a rather amused expression. "Sorry," she said quickly, laughing nervously as she felt her cheeks heat up. "I don't— I was just really worried. He never does this, honestly. Thank you again for your help."
"That's quite all right, Hermione," he said. "But we've made it quite far from Diagon Alley... would you like me to walk you back?"
Hermione didn't immediately answer having frozen solid.
"I... how do you know my name?"
The man blinked at her. "You introduced yourself. Don't you remember?"
"No..." she said, stepping backwards. "No, actually, I don't remember introducing myself because I didn't introduce myself," she said resolutely. "Who are you?"
"Me? I'm Tom."
"Tom," she repeated aloud, testing the name for a taste of familiarity. The only Tom she knew was Tom the barkeep, and she was positive that this was not him. "How do you know who I am?"
Tom's brow twitched, a perfect sign of confusion. "Everyone knows who you are. You're Harry Potter's best friend. You've been in all the papers."
It was more than perfect, but Hermione didn't buy it. "Who are you?"
Tom laughed. "You don't need to be quite so defensive. I told you." He shrugged. "I'm Tom."
Her eyes grew narrower. "All right... Tom. Crookshanks and I will just be going then, if you don't mind."
Tom looked quite amused and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, but he didn't say anything. Not wishing to remain anywhere near him any longer, Hermione turned on her heel the way she'd come and hurried off.
But when she turned the corner from where they'd come, two men cut her off.
They stopped directly in her path, preventing her from passing, and unlike Tom, they looked familiar. So familiar, that it only took her a moment to decide that she knew exactly who they were.
Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange.
Rab and Rod.
Several things all suddenly made a lot more sense to Hermione.
The sign out in Diagon Alley had been theirs. They must have been attempting to lure someone—likely a young person such as herself judging by the 'sweet shoppe'. It had been there for weeks, yet she hadn't fallen for it, and so they must've tried another route.
Which meant—
Crookshanks running hadn't been an accident.
No, they'd made him run, and she, Harry Potter's best friend, had been baited, and now, she'd been trapped.
Hermione spun back around, finding Tom behind her, and tightened her hold around Crookshanks.
Tom was grinning.
"You'll find that I in fact do mind, Miss Granger. I mind very much."
With her arms around Crookshanks, she couldn't reach her wand—not subtly, at least. She would have to let him go. But, fortunately, she knew very well that Crookshanks didn't like to be touched on his belly. She knew even better, that if she were to pull on that fur, she'd get a violent response.
She just needed a little bit of time to adjust her grip.
"Who are you?" she repeated firmly, bringing her hand under Crookshanks' stomach.
Tom's teeth became visible in the corner of his mouth. "Haven't you figured it out yet? I heard you were a bright one. Brightest of your age, even."
As he spoke, her fingers caught onto a thick lock of Crookshanks' hair.
And then she tugged.
Crookshanks hissed and bolted faster than she'd anticipated, the action taking the men behind her off guard. Her arm burned as Crookshanks' claws ripped into her skin as he won his freedom, but Hermione didn't let herself feel it. As the sound of one of the brothers yelling rang from behind her, she whipped her wand out of her back pocket and directed it rapidly. She went to cast—
Her wand was out of her hand faster than she'd managed to snatch it up to begin with, and she hadn't even seen anyone move.
Stunned, she glanced at her empty hand as if by staring at it, she'd make it reappear. But then, she was swept up. From behind her, each of her arms was taken up tightly, pulling at her joints painfully.
She thrashed and kicked against the brothers, but was unable to free herself.
Tongue behind his teeth, Tom clicked in disapproval. "Now, Miss Granger," he said, stepping closer and bending to pick up her wand. "Is that any way to greet your betters?"
Hermione tugged to free her arm and managed to land a kick on a solid shin, but Rabastan didn't let go. "If I happen to see any of my betters, I'll be sure to act accordingly," she snapped.
From the shadows, came an intake of breath that resembled a hiss.
"Miss Muddy-Mudblood, missing her manners," the voice chimed, and out of the shadows, Bellatrix swept.
The shrillness of her voice had a line of thin hairs rising down Hermione's spine. Tom, however, didn't show any sign that he'd heard nor seen Bellatrix. He continued to stare, eyes only for Hermione and she had the distinct sensation of her stomach sinking.
Bellatrix circled around where Hermione was held. "Maybe you can help her find those, too, My Lord," Bellatrix said, tipping her head back as she laughed.
At her shrill cackle, Tom didn't so much as flinch and Hermione's stomach was well and truly free falling now.
"Have you gotten there yet, Miss Granger?" asked Tom after a pause. "Or would you like me to show you?"
The next breath Hermione took in was shaky, and then Tom's features began to morph and shift, his hair shooting back in his skull, the skin of his face paling, stretching and becoming gaunt.
His features contorted as if the process was painful, and when he eventually opened his eyes, they were red. Piercing. Snakelike.
And before her was Lord Voldemort, in the flesh.
"I've heard many fascinating tales of you, Miss Granger." His voice had changed too; higher, calmer. It was almost pleasant and sounded as if in the right circumstances, it would've been soothing. "How I've so been looking forward to meeting you."
Beside him, Bellatrix rounded to circle him, running her claws along the line of his shoulder. "Do you really think Potter will come, My Lord, so soon after Black?"
"Oh." Still, Voldemort's eyes didn't leave Hermione's. "For this one, I know he will. It will only be a matter of when."
Hermione fought against Rodolphus and Rabastan, the action drawing Voldemort to step closer. She ceased her struggling as he advanced, and when he reached out for her, she shrinked back against the Lestranges.
"Fear not, Miss Granger," he said, almost a whisper, raising her chin with a cold, slim finger. "Potter is nothing if not predictable. I don't expect you'll be with us for very long."
His nail dug sharply into her skin, and though she tried her best to smother it, an odd sort of squeak left her throat.
And this time when Voldemort grinned, it was monstrous.
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archivednimueries · 6 years
❝You didn’t show up. I kept waiting.❞ rod
 a c c e p t i n g  ➟  richard siken sentence starters
dr. lestrange .  // @knowshisown
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                ● ● ●                     ❝ Was it the waiting or the anticipation that plagued you most? ❞
She tosses back the words, pressing the cloth compress Barney had given the young trainee to her bleeding throat. Her violet eyes scrutinize him through the glass, neck tilted and exposed to his predator’s gaze. Rodolphus never misses anything, and this time, she doesn’t want him to. 
❝ Or maybe it was the missing me? ❞ The accusation is wry and maybe a little biting, but nothing compared to the verbal lashing she had given Dr. Fletcher on her way down the stairs. Nimue has had her fill of testosterone and alpha-posturing this evening; she’s certainly no intention of drowning tonight. Oh no, she’s brimming with too much life to die! The adrenaline from her encounter before is still coursing through her veins, potent and illuminating. 
They both know it has nothing to do with the trials and tribulations of adopting a naughty feral kitten.
❝ After all,  you can’t have many friends can you, Doctor? ❞ She continues on with a bright and pearly grin, her tone light and decidedly conversational. Meanwhile, the blonde is simmering beneath the surface, vibrating with pent-up energy and the anger of being such a goddamned fool. Of course, she had known she was being played as a pawn on the metaphorical chessboard. She had always known the opinions of the men around her. The insult was in what she hadn’t seen; what should have been clear to her from the start. Dr. Lestrange had been playing their game with a  w i l d  card hidden up his sleeve. 
                                                    ❝ Whatever the case, I am sorry you were inconvenienced. ❞
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter fifteen ❥ original
it’s a hate love thing original version
james potter x reader
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"Very good, Ms. L/n!" cried Professor McGonagall in praise, as her best student performed a tricky transfiguration by turning her own table into a barking dog. "Twenty points to Gryffindor for such an outstanding transfiguration!"
James groaned. McGonagall was always favoring Y/n for one thing or another and he was tired of it. But unfortunately, she had heard him groan, for she glared at him sharply.
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Potter?" she barked. "Perhaps you think Ms. L/n isn't as advanced as yourself. Let us see what you can do."
James picked up his wand, pointed it to his head, and transfigured his head into that of a fish. Everyone gasped, and McGonagall stared, speechless.
"Well, you've certainly proved me wrong, Potter! You're showing sixth-year transfiguration, which is more than I can say for most of you. Thirty points to Gryffindor!"
James smirked and glanced over at y/n, whose face was rather red. Ha! He knew he'd show her.
Y/n felt humiliated, and a surge of jealousy went through her. She had practiced the transfiguration of furniture into animals for nights on end, and here was James Potter showing off again by doing transfiguration that was well above O.W.L. levels. At least she'd be able to beat him in Charms, her best subject.
As class ended, James walked up to her and whispered, "Not so perfect, are you, L/n? McGonagall clearly thinks I'm more talented in Transfiguration than you are."
Y/n restrained tears from coming down. "Well, Potter, at least I can do better in Charms than you. You were the only one who had extra homework because you couldn't master the Summoning Charm. I can do charms that are well above Ordinary Wizard Level and maybe above N.E.W.T. levels."
James shook his head. When will L/n learn, he thought. I don't even care if she beats me in anything. I just like to get her riled up over something since she looks so pretty when she's mad. Wait, where did that thought come from?
"Why are you shaking your head, Potter? In denial?" Y/n smirked.
James rolled his eyes. "Y/n, I'd never be in denial for such a reason so trivial. Anyway..." He looked over her shoulder and groaned.
"It's Snape and his gang."
And it was. Snape was strutting along with his usual gang, and smiled widely at Y/n, who frowned back.
"Hello, Mudblood. Nice day, isn't it?"
Y/n glared at him. "Oh, very nice day, Snivellus. Your hair is actually less greasier than usual."
But both y/n and James noticed a considerable difference in their gang. Now following the Slytherin boys were two girls, each very different from each other.
The first one was tall and thin, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a look as if there was dung under her nose. She was standing next to Malfoy, who seemed to be smug about having a girl next to him. They knew who she was of course—this was Narcissa Black, Sirius' very own cousin.
The second one had long, dark hair and creamy eyelids that veiled dark black eyes. She was shorter than Narcissa, but still quite tall, and had a strange dark beauty that seemed to intrigue Y/n. She was Sirius' other cousin and Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix Black, and she stood next to Rodolphus Lestrange, who had his arm around her.
Bellatrix sneered at Y/n. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n L/n, the perfect girl of Gryffindor. And what a surprise, it's James Potter, my dear cousin's bestfriend."
James seethed in anger. "Stay away from L/n, you little—"
"Don't insult my girlfriend, Potter," snapped Lestrange, glaring at James forcefully. "I daresay she's much better looking than your Mudblood L/n and much more cleverer."
"Are you kidding me? Y/n's one of the cleverest students at Hogwarts, if not the cleverest. Your girlfriend can't even compare with her!"
The funny thing was, James didn't seem to deny the fact that Y/n wasn't his girlfriend.
Narcissa laughed. "Ah, now I see why you're friends with Sirius. You're just like him, arrogant, so full of yourselves. Pity, how your lives will end so shortly..."
The gang snickered, and Y/n's temper rose.
"Shut up, you stupid idiots! You're all going to be the ones who'll go first, since everyone in this school hates you already."
Avery, the newest member of their group, raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really, L/n? By the time the Dark Lord rises, you'll be dead, along with your mummy and daddy."
They laughed even harder. The rest of the Marauders and girls approached them. Sirius glanced at James with a puzzled expression.
"Hey, James, what's the hold-up? We have to go to Quidditch..." He trailed off as he saw who they were talking to.
Bellatrix smiled. "Well, if it isn't dear widdle Sirius, my favorite cousin." She sneered.
Sirius glared at her. "As far as I'm concerned, Bellatrix, you're no relative of mine. In fact, none of these worthless Blacks are."
Snape stared. "You do know that you're insulting your own family and yourself, don't you, Black?"
"I know very well what I'm saying, Snape. My family believes in a whole lot of crap, with their pureblooded speeches, and I can't stand it any longer. My mother, especially, and that cursed house-elf—"
"Kreacher is useful," interrupted Narcissa curtly.
"Oh, I didn't know Slytherins cared for someone or something other than themselves," snapped Sirius irritably.
Lestrange snorted. "Black, you are so thick at times, even though, for some reason, you get the best grades in our year..."
"Of course I do. After all, I try to stay away from my two cousins, so my intelligence improves."
Arabella glared at the whole lot of them. "C'mon, let's go. We don't want you guys to be late for Quidditch practice."
As they turned to go, Wilkes yelled, "Hey, Figg, want to go out with me?" All the Slytherins laughed uproariously at the comment.
Sirius shook with anger. "Those stupid prats," he mumbled. "Dating my cousins...soon I'll be the only Black left."
No one dared mention Sirius' parents or brother, for fear that he'd grow even angrier than before. Sirius absolutely abhorred his parents and brother, Regulus, for believing that the world should be rid of Muggle-borns and have all the purebloods rule the world.
"Are you all right, Sirius?" asked Violet tentatively, after a while.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that—gosh, I have the most pathetic and idiotic family! I'm ashamed of them all—well, except for Andromeda. At least she doesn't believe in that pureblooded crap like the rest of my miserable family." He ended with a bitter tone of voice.
"Er—I think it's time for Quidditch practice, Sirius," said James, hoping to cheer up his best friend a bit. "I tell you, we'll be the death of Wood if we don't hurry."
"Oh, yeah, right." Sirius hurried off after James, still grumbling about his brother and his house-elf.
"Sad kid," said Jennifer, shaking her head.
"He does have a bad family," admitted Remus. "I mean, they do believe that the Muggle-borns should go back to 'their own world' and that the purebloods run the wizarding world—like how it used to be." He glanced sideways at Y/n.
"Well, you can't blame them for thinking that," said Y/n, shrugging. "I mean, some people just don't think that people like me should belong in their world. I'm fine with that."
"The Blacks have always been pureblooded, like the Malfoys, Lestranges...most of the Slytherins. They have a really long ancient history, even longer than Malfoy, though not as long as the Potters' ancestry. That's why Mrs. Black isn't too fond of Mr. and Mrs. Potter and their family...she was completely against having James over the summer." Remus sighed sadly. "She doesn't accept people like me, either, since I'm a—you know."
Jennifer glared angrily. "I can't believe them! No wonder why Sirius hates the lot."
Violet smiled sadly. "Well, I'm happy that my mother isn't as terrible as most Slytherins. She was deeply upset when she wasn't in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor—that's where most of my family's from—but she was euphoric when I got into Gryffindor. Poor Mum...she's always suffering taunts from the Ministry. Dad's always telling people off, maybe that's why he's not too popular."
"I like your dad," said Y/n, remembering smiling Mrs. Walker and enthusiastic Mr. Walker when they both hugged Violet at King's Cross last year.
"He's really jolly," agreed Jennifer, nodding. "Unlike my parents, they're a bit of a joke, especially my mum. Never really liked magic, her. Don't know why Dad married her...I s'pose it was just fate."
"Your dad's nice," offered Arabella, trying to cheer her friend up.
"I guess." Jennifer shrugged.
"Enough about families," said Remus briskly. "How about a game of chess in the common room?"
Everyone shrugged. "Sure."
While Remus and Arabella battled each other in chess with Remus and Violet watching, Y/n stared with her e/c orbs outside to the Quidditch field, where the Gryffindor team was practicing.
Sirius was having a jolly time of his own, whamming the Bludger across the field at unexpected teammates. Y/n smiled. She also saw James, but scoffed at him while he shot the Quaffle past the Keeper many times.
Unfortunately, the window was open, and y/n, before she could stop himself, called out, "Hey Potter, how about passing the Quaffle for once?"
Realizing her mistake, Y/n clapped her hands to her mouth, horrified, while the rest of her friends sniggered.
"Good one, n/n," said Arabella, trying to stifle her laugh.
James was startled at Y/n's voice and looked around to see her peering at him from Gryffindor Tower. He grinned.
"Hey, L/n, didn't know you admired me so much!"
y/n's face turned red and she glared at him. "Don't worry, Potter, I was just giving you a few tips to improve!"
The Gryffindor Keeper was not pleased at all.
"Potter, keep practicing!" he barked. "We have the match in less than one week. We don't want to be talking to people from other Houses, especially the Ravenclaws." He visibly shuddered.
"Nah, that was just l/n," said James disdainfully. "She was trying to give me a few 'pointers' and told me to pass the Quaffle more often. Stupid perfectionist."
"L/n? As in, Y/n l/n?" The Keeper suddenly looked interested. "Well, you'd better listen to her, Potter, she's a right genius, she is."
James rolled his eyes. Why did everyone laud y/n so? He was just as good as him, and all anyone's ever told him was to not play any pranks!
"Hey, Potter! Pass us the bloody Quaffle, for God's sake!" cried one of his fellow Chasers impatiently.
James thrust the red ball into the boy's hands and flew to where the right hoop was. He was positioned.
One of the Chasers threw the Quaffle to the other, who threw it to James. James did one of his famous feints and scored easily.
Their Keeper was very pleased and congratulated James throughout the whole practice, much to the disgust of y/n. She was even more disappointed that none of the other members of the team felt any spite toward James for showing off.
When she confided this to Sirius and Remus, James' two best friends, the next day, they both nearly laughed their heads off, much to her further displeasure.
"Don't be such a wet rag, Flower," said Sirius, rolling his eyes. "Jamie had to do a feint, how else was he supposed to get it through Wood's superb Keeping?"
"But still—" Y/n found that her argument was useless and huffed in indignation.
Remus tried to comfort her, which lessened her anger very slightly.
"Besides, y/n, that's one of the secret strategies as to how our Gryffindor team is the best," he said confidently. "Our feints have worked every time; the other Houses still don't realize that those are feints yet..."
"Daft, the whole lot of them," sneered Sirius.
y/n was thoroughly bewildered with their replies, half the reason being that she had no idea what feints were.
So she asked Arabella what feints were, which she regretted almost immediately after the words went out of her mouth.
"You don't know what feints are?" she cried, tears of mirth leaking from her brown eyes. "Oh, gee, n/n, I never knew you'd be this daft when Quidditch is the subject!"
She went on cackling the whole day, much to y/n's impatience and embarrassment.
"Well, it's not my fault," said y/n to herself, as she sank into a couch in the common room. "I mean, I may be good at academics, but I'm certainly not an expertise when it comes to Quidditch."
She hadn't noticed a certain black-haired boy sneak up from behind the couch she was sitting on.
"BOO!" James cried.
"ARGH!" screamed Y/n, her eyes widening. When she saw who it was, she narrowed her eyes and threw up her hands.
"What do you want from me, James Potter?" she demanded furiously.
"Go out with me," was James' simple reply.
"Not over your dead body!"
"Oh? I thought it was 'I wouldn't go out with you if it was competition between you and the giant squid'."
Most people would have preferred to die rather than to get Y/n into a fit, but James, on the other hand, wasn't "most people". So, he decided to take a chance, which, I might add, was a very poor one.
Y/n slapped him right across the face, where a bloody red mark appeared almost instantly. She grabbed her bag, which was lying at the foot of the couch, and stormed out of Gryffindor Tower, leaving a stunned James behind.
James was hurt. He never meant to make Y/n so angry, and was still unable to figure out why she still hated him so much. He thought that he had changed. He still hexed people that bothered him of course; why wouldn't he? But he stopped showing off, except for in Quidditch, where a little showing off was necessary. He stopped dating other girls and "dumped" Deanna Jackson, even though they weren't even going out as an official couple. He continued to call Y/n "L/n", though, because he was only returning the favor of being called "Potter". Other than those certain points, James Henry Potter thought that he had improved a lot since last month. But did it satisfy, y/n? No.
Sirius was no help to his problems, either. Even though they were best friends, and first mates, Sirius couldn't help him in the Department of Trying to Make Y/n Go Out With James Potter. Sirius offered to spy on "N/n" for him, but it turned out with disastrous effects.
Next, James tried to console himself with Remus, only to find that he was even worse than Sirius. Remus only told him, very wisely, that he should just forget about impressing y/n and get on with trying to redeem himself as a good person with good intentions and integrity. James had pondered over Remus' words and finally concluded that Remus did not understand his need to impress Y/n...but then again, he didn't understand it himself either.
He found no desire in seeking Peter for answers. For one thing, it would ruin his reputation to be asking Peter for help. It was usually the other way around, when Peter desperately begged James for advice, which mostly consisted of Potions homework and exams. For another thing, he had a shrewd suspicion that Peter would be an even worse adviser than Sirius and Remus put together—which was really saying something.
So James decided to let it go—for now, at least.
"James, here's the Quaffle!" cried Johnson, one of the Gryffindor Chasers.
James grabbed it, zoomed past several Ravenclaws, and spotted the Keeper, Bradley Kingston. He thought of shooting it directly, but thought better of it, since Kingston was an outstanding Keeper. James feinted his most complex and confusing feint, and shot the Quaffle easily through the left hoop. The cheers of Gryffindors were heard easily, even if you were miles away.
"He's so dreamy," said a second-year to her friend. "I wish he was my boyfriend."
"I heard he likes Y/n L/n, though," said her friend, sighing. "I wish I was her—but they say she hates him. But Y/n's so pretty and smart, she could have any boy in this school."
Y/n, fortunately, had not heard this, because she was too absorbed in the game itself. Even though she barely understood Quidditch, she knew the basic rules and felt light and giddy that Gryffindor was in the lead. If they beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin both, they would have the Quidditch Cup and have a good chance of winning the House Cup as well, as they have done for the past three years.
Violet noticed her friend's excitement. "Impressed with James' little feint, are you?" she teased.
y/n flushed. "Oh, Vi, stop it." But her cheeks burned with pleasure.
"James is looking at you, n/n," whispered Jennifer, while giggling with Arabella and Remus. "It's so romantic."
"Jen," said Y/n warningly. "I've no sort of good feelings for James Potter; he's an insufferable prat."
"Ah, well, we all have our faults," said Arabella, nodding, when Jennifer told her what happened woefully. "It's the simple disease of blindness."
"And Black makes an astounding hit that sends the Bludger to Davies!" cried the commentator. "Way to show those brains, Black!"
Sirius grinned at the comment and waved at his fellow Gryffindors, narrowly missing the Bludger that was sent back at him in revenge.
"Sirius!" gasped many of his fan-club members and ex-girlfriends. Arabella rolled her eyes.
"He's quite popular with the ladies," mused Jennifer.
"Of course," agreed Remus crisply. "Sirius has always been the ladies' man..."
"Except when dealing with ex-girlfriends," snapped Arabella. She was in a testy mood at that very moment.
"Oh—er—of course," stammered Remus, surprised at the outburst.
"AND BRACH CATCHES THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS TWO HUNDRED TO SIXTY!" cried the commentator, jumping up and down with excitement
All the Gryffindors stood up and cheered wildly. They streamed out to the field to hug all their team members, namely, James Potter and Sirius Black.
"Here we go again," murmured Y/n disgustedly as many girls swooned over James and Sirius as they kissed them impulsively.
"Good show, mate!" cried Remus, forgetting his usual reserved self. "Brilliant feint, James! Excellent hit, Sirius!"
James and Sirius merely chuckled at their friend's unusual behavior.
"So, Y/n," said James, leaning against his broom casually. "How did you think of my feint?"
"It was satisfactory," said Y/n haltingly, though she was rather amazed and impressed with it.
"Oh, y/n, don't lie," said Jennifer teasingly. To James, she said, "She loved it."
"I did not!" exclaimed Y/n hotly. "I mean—I didn't say—"
"Oi, Flower, chill," said Sirius soothingly. "You don't have to get so worked up."
"Oh, but—"
"—take a deep breath now—"
"—I never said it was bad, I said it was all right—"
"—forget all your worries—"
"Sirius, shut UP," snapped Y/n in frustration.
Sirius and James both sniggered at Y/n, and even Remus smiled slightly.
"Prats," she muttered under her breath.
"Now, now, Y/n, no bad language," said Sirius seriously (no pun intended)
"Oh, no, Sirius, I leave the bad language to you," said Y/n mockingly. "Really, you say f—" She stopped. "Never mind."
"What?" teased James. "Too good to swear?"
"In fact, yes, Potter. Swearing is for the weak and the uncontrollable."
"Huh?" Sirius was confused and scratched his head. No surprise there—Sirius was always confused about one thing or another.
"Yes, Sirius, we know you're confused," said Remus gently. "Don't work too hard now."
Everyone laughed except Arabella, who looked extremely indignant.
"He's not that daft!" she exclaimed, offended. "He has his moments...I mean, after all, he is one of the cleverest students in the school."
Y/n and James noticed how Bella never said Sirius' name, but always referred to him as "he".
"Now you're talking to me," said Sirius sourly, "after I tried about one hundred times to even look at me this past year."
Arabella turned red. "Well, you were rotten," she said loftily.
"Humph. Yeah? Well, does it matter if I say that I still like you?"
There was an eerie silence. Even the cheers in the distance from Gryffindors were muffled. Arabella couldn't believe what she was hearing and Sirius turned bright red at what he said, but everyone else, especially Y/n and James, their best friends, grinned knowingly.
"E-Excuse me?" she stammered.
Sirius was still in a ranting mood, because he continued on. "Bella, I really, really like you, and I can even go to extremes to say I love you. But my point is, I really miss you, and I know it was right rotten of me to snog Lori Paterson while telling you I was going somewhere different. I was seeing her for a week, but I guess my hormones at the beginning of the year were going haywire. I haven't dated a single girl in ages, because I'm thinking of you."
Arabella glared at him. "Hel-lo! Sirius! You've been making lovesick faces at girls since we broke up! You don't care about me, and I don't believe you one bit. Nice speech though. It almost did convince me for a second there." She dashed inside the castle without another word.
Everyone stared at Sirius, seeing his reaction. But he only muttered, "Should've known." He walked slowly and dejectedly back to the castle, not noticing many girls watching him with a lovesick expression. Because there was only one girl for him, and she hated him.
Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "B-Bella..." She started sobbing.
James put his arm around her, comforting her. For once, she didn't object and cried in his arms. Jennifer and Remus looked at each other, and then at Violet and Peter, who were completely bewildered by the sudden events that had occurred in less than ten minutes.
"Shall we all go back now?" asked Jennifer quietly. There was a murmur of assent and everyone went back to the castle, the euphoric at winning the match completely forgotten.
For the next few days, Arabella sulked in the fourth year girls' dormitory for nearly all day, except to go to classes. She wouldn't talk to Y/n, Jennifer, or Violet and lay in bed reading tragic love novels, like Romeo and Juliet. Her three best friends tried talking to her, but she ignored them. What was the good of even having friends when you couldn't get the boy you liked back because for fear he may break your heart again?
Life was definitely not far, especially for Arabella Figg. She had twisted ideas of maybe asking Dumbledore to change her into a Muggle or a Squib, so she could live in Surrey, be an old maid, and have twenty cats living with you, loving you, injuring you, etc. Bella had a suspicion that Dumbledore would refuse, even though he would probably be able to do it. In fact, she had gone so far with her plan that she actually asked Professor Dumbledore about it while passing him and McGonagall in the hallway.
Bella had gotten a light chuckle from the old wizard and a stern glare from McGonagall. Obviously she didn't understand Bella's feelings, so the whole idea was thrown into the trash.
When she had finally consoled herself to speak to her friends, they were alarmed at her idea about being a Muggle or Squib. Or, at least Jennifer and Violet were alarmed, while Y/n was snickering quietly to herself. The latter thought that she had a very, very odd best friend, though lovable just the same.
"McGonagall looked at me like I was insane," Arabella confided, frowning. "I don't know why, though."
Y/n burst out laughing. "Oh, God, Bella, that's the most HILARIOUS thing I've ever heard in my life!" She had tears coming down her eyes.
"Er—" Arabella looked quizzically at her friend. It was a perfectly normal idea to her, but then again, she wasn't quite normal as far as "normal" standards go.
Y/n wiped her eyes. "I mean, really, Bells, not many people at age fourteen want to be turned into a Muggle or Squib and live with cats all their lives. You can imagine the obvious humor in this."
Arabella thought about it. Well, it was a bit odd. Suddenly, she pictured herself ten years older, tripping over one of her cat's tail and breaking her leg, causing her to walk with crutches for a month. She rolled on the floor and went in hysterics along with Y/n, and were joined by Jennifer and Violet.
When the Marauders came into the girls' dormitory for a bit of entertainment, they were surprised and alarmed at four Gryffindor girls laughing their heads off about God-knows-what. They stared at them.
Y/n was the first to recover, since she was the first one in the hysterics. "Oh—hi—guys."
"Hi Y/n," said James, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh—hi—James. You know—Bella—came—up—with—the—most—hilarious—idea—ever."
"Really?" said Sirius sarcastically. "Please enlighten us."
So Y/n went off to tell the boys the hilarious idea of Arabella's. James and Sirius were laughing too, Remus chuckling, and Peter just smiling like an idiot (which he is). After five minutes, everyone had calmed down and decided to play a game of Exploding Snap. However, the girls and the Marauders, with the exception of Arabella and Sirius, were plotting to get them together again.
"I say," whispered Jennifer, "that we ditch the old-fashioned closet trick. It doesn't work for stubborn prats like those two."
"But it worked the first time," whined James.
"Shut up, Potter," snapped y/n.
"My name is James."
"Well, I like Potter better."
"Well, you know what? You've just—"
"Hello?" Remus glared at his friend. "We're trying to help Bella and Sirius here."
"I think we should use the Astronomy Tower trick," said Y/n, her eyes shining with mischief. "I mean, it worked for Jenny and Remus."
"But that was only once," objected Jennifer, blushing.
James grinned. "I say we come up with a new plan, L/n. After all, Figg was the one who came up with Astronomy Tower thing in the first place."
"I suppose..." Y/n frowned. Why did James always have to be right?
"Look, I think that we should make Sirius rescue Bella, like a hero thing," said Remus. When no one interrupted him, he continued. "I mean, James, you and Sirius have always been doing the saving-people thing. So I think we should tell Sirius that Arabella is—er—hurt, or something, and he'll obviously rescue her. Right?"
"It's worth a shot," said Violet, smiling slightly. "But what happens if Sirius just scoffs and says that he doesn't care and that we should save Bella?"
Remus grinned. "Ah, that's where we make the story more drastic, Vi, my friend..."
"And," finished James, breathing quickly. "I suspect that the centaurs are nearly strangling Arabella right now..."
"Wait a minute," interrupted Sirius, frowning. "I'm not stupid, you know. Why don't all of you just rescue her, instead of asking me? Why am I so special?" He glanced suspiciously at all of them.
Everyone looked around at Violet, who had an "I told you so" look on her face.
Y/n scowled. "Sirius Black, just go and HELP her, for God's sake!"
Sirius sighed. "Oh, all right. Let me get my cloak..."
"See? Did I tell you it would work?" asked Remus, with a smug look on his face.
Violet rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. He'll find out that this was all a hoax any second now."
Sure enough, a yell was heard from outside the castle that startled everyone.
Yet again, Violet gave them a look that clearly said, "I told you so."
"Busted," whispered Jennifer.
"Big time," agreed James.
A few people in the common room sniggered, and Deanna shot death glares at Y/n, and mouthed "Boyfriend stealer".
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Looks like your ex-girlfriend is jealous, Potter."
"Stupid Sirius called us 'Y/n and James Potter'. Prat, he is..."
James chuckled. "Don't be so rough on my best friend, L/n. I can understand why he thought we did it."
"I can't."
"Well, because we've been doing most of the matchmaking around our little circle of friends. See, we do work well together—at times."
Y/n thought about it and realized that he was right. Gosh. She hated it when James was right.
"They should make me the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain for next year," said James after a while.
"Why? Don't show-off enough?"
James looked angrily at her. "Why do you always think I'm showing off, L/n? I deserve to be the captain! I mean, I've worked so hard on planning strategies with our dear captain, Wood, that—"
"Potter, does it occur to you that maybe someone else might deserve the place as captain? Why must you be the captain when there might be someone as able as you?"
"Hey, I work harder than any other member—"
"How do you know?" asked y/n saucily.
There was a silence that followed. The rest of their friends looked at each other, shaking their heads, as Y/n and James continued to bicker.
"Five points from Gryffindor, L/n," snapped Hurst, as they sat down for their usual Monday afternoon Potions class.
"Why?" asked Y/n, alarmed.
"You were being such a insufferable know-it-all again. Maybe you'd allow someone like Mr. Snape to answer these questions, instead of showing off yourself."
The Slytherins sniggered, and the Gryffindors shot Y/n extremely sympathetic looks.
"That stupid Hurst," muttered Sirius. "Making Y/n feel bad like that in front of all those Slytherins..."
"Well, now L/n knows that she really does show off," said James snottily.
Sirius looked around at him in surprise. "Y/n doesn't show off. She just knows the answer to the questions Hurst asks us."
"But she waves her arm around like it's a choice between life and death."
"I think that may be a bit drastic, James," said Remus, amused.
"Is there something you'd like to share with us, Potter? Black? Lupin?"
The three Marauders sat straight up and made innocent faces. "Of course not, Professor."
Hurst sneered, but said nothing. "Detention. All three of you."
"What?" demanded Sirius in horror. "We did do anything!"
"Ha! A likely story, Black. Detention, eight o'clock tonight, my office. You're going to be organizing some of my materials..."
James groaned inwardly. Being in Hurst's office right after dinner and cleaning and organizing his ingredients was not the best way to spend a Monday night. For all he knew, they could have been marauding around the school again under his Invisibility Cloak.
Y/n smirked. Shows Potter right, taking in class.
"Is there something very amusing, L/n?" snapped Hurst suddenly, stopping his lecture on Confusing Concoctions.
She was startled and ignored the snickering from the Slytherins and James. "Not at all, Professor Hurst," she said innocently.
"L/n, you will be joining Potter, Black, and Lupin in detention tonight."
"What! You—you can't do that!" cried Lily. She had maintained a spotless record so far without an absent, tardy, or detention mark. It was all Potter's fault.
"Indeed, I can, Ms. L/n," said Hurst with a sinister smile. The Slytherins were now positively roaring with delight. Four Gryffindors in one detention! Brilliant Hurst!
Y/n was fuming by the end of class and ran to Defense Against the Dark Arts, nearly running down first and second years who were going to Herbology and Transfiguration.
"Sorry," she mumbled, as she knocked down a third year.
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!" called Sirius, dragging James and Remus along with him. "Gosh, that girl can run fast—"
"Probably crying that she got her first detention," said James disdainfully. "Perfect L/n."
"That's a bit harsh, James," said Remus, frowning. "I mean, she was just smiling. Is that such a crime?"
"Technically, Remus, it is for Hurst."
Professor Wickham was leafing through the textbook when Y/n barged in, took her regular seat, and slammed her bag down on the table. Wickham was surprised.
"Is there something the matter, Y/n?"
"Oh, no, Professor," said Y/n, not looking up. "Not having a great day, that's all."
"Would you like to talk about it?" asked the young wizard sympathetically.
"No, no, it's all right." Y/n still did not look up.
The Marauders took the seats right behind Y/n so they could watch her for further breakdowns. But she acted like nothing happened, taking her dutiful notes.
"Are you all right, y/n?" whispered Arabella, when the class got settled.
"I'm fine."
"That was wicked of Hurst to give you your first detention. Shall we prank?"
y/n smiled weakly. "Nah. Leave the git...we'll deal with him on the last week of school."
On hearing the word "prank", the Marauders were distracted from Wickham's lecture on the three Unforgivables, as interesting as they were.
"They're planning something!" said Sirius excitedly. "Oh, if only we knew—"
"We should be taking notes, Sirius," snapped Remus, looking at Wickham with respect in his eyes. "Avada Kedavra is the Killing Curse in which..." He continued to mumble out important things.
"Wickham is so boring," said James, his eyelids drooping. "I mean, he's cool and everything, but his lectures are so soporific."
"They're interesting," said Remus practically, his gray eyes widening at something that Wickham had just said. He started to mumble again. "The Imperius Curse can only be restrained by few wizards and witches, namely Aurors..."
James had started to take notes like Remus as well, but Sirius was not interested at all. He quickly fell asleep a few minutes later, his head crashing into his parchment and quill on the table, his hair a few inches from his gleaming ink bottle.
"Mr. Black," said Wickham in an extremely amused tone, "would you like to join us now?"
Remus flushed and nudged, or rather jabbed, his friend with his elbow. Sirius woke up almost instantaneously, his head sore.
"Ow! What the hell, Remus..."
The class erupted into laughter, and Sirius turned pink, looking around sheepishly.
"Whoops...sorry Prof. Won't happen again."
"I'm sure I can trust you next time, Sirius," said Wickham, who looked as if he were trying not to laugh.
Y/n, Jennifer, and Violet giggled, but Arabella sniffed indignantly.
"Stupid idiot," she said scornfully.
"Would you like to tell us why you fell asleep, Mr. Black?" continued Wickham. He wasn't mad at all; he was merely curious at Sirius' behavior.
"Oh!" Sirius looked around for help from his friends, but they avoided eye contact with him, for fear of bursting out laughing. "Well, you see, Peter here"—he jabbed his finger toward his small friend at the end of the table—"was singing a lullaby."
Everyone was shaking with laughter, and Sirius was grinning as he continued in an earnest voice.
"So, Peter was singing a lullaby, and I immediately thought of pink bunny rabbits jumping over a fence. Then one of them couldn't jump as high and slammed"—he made a gesture by slamming his fist into his opposite hand—"into the fence and died. The other bunnies were very sad, and his mum and dad were crying. Oh yeah, his ex-girlfriends were sad too, but one of them started laughing and cut off his head for revenge."
The whole classroom went into hysterics; everyone rolled on the floor, laughing, except for Wickham, who was smiling amusedly.
"Ah, I see, Mr. Black. I suppose, Sirius, that that really happened?"
"Oh yes," said Sirius, nodding his head vigorously.
"Very well. Class dismissed."
"Sirius, you are a GENIUS when it comes to making everyone get out of class without a single note taken!" appraised James, still red from laughing.
"Quite," agreed Remus, chuckling.
"Oh, Sirius, you have to do that often!" exclaimed Jennifer, wiping her eyes. "It was hilarious, I tell you..."
"Yes, well, I am a genius, aren't I?" he asked, grinning modestly.
Dinner went by very quickly, and soon Y/n, James, Sirius, and Remus were heading down to Hurst's office for their detention.
"I still can't believe I got a detention!" moaned Y/n. "That'll show up on my file, it will, and Mum and Dad will be so disappointed!" She looked on the verge of crying.
"It's not that bad," said James gently. "I mean, we've all gotten hundreds of detentions—Sirius and I, at least, but Remus has hit ninety-nine tonight—and all the teachers still love us." He grinned toothily.
Y/n sighed. "You know, you really didn't make me feel better."
"Why? We still pass exams with the highest grades."
"Yeah, but it gives the teachers a lower trust in you."
"Oh, come on, Y/n, McGonagall loves you, for God's sake!" urged James. "And she's the strictest teacher in this school...besides Hurst, but he hates everyone but Slytherins, so...yeah."
"You're late. Another ten points from Gryffindor," snapped Hurst maliciously, as they entered his office. "Dear, dear, you shouldn't wander around the corridors, children."
The Marauders glared at him, but said nothing. He gave them instructions, and they started cleaning and organizing—without magic.
"Well, I suppose it isn't so bad," admitted Y/n, as she scrubbed and organized quickly and efficiently.
The other three Marauders stared at her.
"How do you do it so quick?" asked Remus in awe.
"I'm Muggle-born, and I help Mum with this kind of stuff all the time," said Y/n matter-of-factly.
"Using magic would make this so much simpler," groaned James.
"Well, it doesn't hurt to do some elbow-grease work for once in your life," said y/n smartly.
"But we're so used to magic, since we practically live on it."
"Well, it's not your fault. You don't have any Muggle blood in you."
"It can be a disadvantage at times like these," admitted James.
"Is Potter actually not being arrogant?" asked Y/n in mock horror. "Oh my...the world will end any minute now!"
"Oh, shut up, l/n."
"I was only acting," said Y/n smugly.
After an hour or so of the tedious work, Hurst came back and was amazed to find his office neat and very clean.
"Well, I think you've done enough," he said, sneering. "My, my, I should keep you in here tomorrow, since L/n does a better show of cleaning than you three when I have you here alone."
"Lousy git," muttered Sirius, as they left for Gryffindor Tower.
As they headed off to bed, James called, "Y/n! Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," said Y/n uncertainly, ignoring the wink that Sirius sent her.
James took a deep breath. "Look, I'm really sorry about landing you in detention today."
"Huh?" Y/n was confused. "You didn't land me in detention—it was Hurst."
"Yeah, well." He shrugged. "I suppose it was kind of my fault, since we got the detention in the first place."
She snorted. "No hard feelings, Potter."
His face brightened and he grinned. James leaned closer to Y/n and kissed her.
It was like fireworks when it happened. Every part of Y/n's body was shaking as she slowly yielded to the demands of James' mouth. Neither of them understood what was happening. Y/n's long lashes brushed James' cheek, and her hand closed over the one that James had on her cheek.
Then James jumped up, breathless, and turned a deep shade of red.
"Y/n, I'm sorry," he whispered, and rushed up to his dormitory, leaving Y/n standing there, speechless.
She pondered on his purposes of kissing her when they weren't getting along very well, still. But as Y/n thought of the kiss, she smiled. It felt like heaven when her lips met James', and it was bliss. She felt as though every part of her would burst and that every worry she ever had was gone. Little did she know, Y/n L/n was slowly falling for James Potter—just like how all her friends told her.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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L O C A T I O N : zabini estate courtyard D A T E : july 14 , 1979  S T A T U S : open starter
with  festivities  in   full  swing  ,  chandeliers   gleaming   against  silken  curtains  and  marble  floors  ,  rodolphus   had   wanted   nothing   more   than  a  moment  of   silence  .  contemplation  ,  as   one   would   call   it .  observant   to   the   fools   around  him ,  he’d  wasted   no   time   with   finding   the   nearest   exit   if   only   to   escape .   whilst   his   actions   were   never   calculated  as   much   as   they   were   this   evening  ,  he   couldn’t   help   but   feel   restless  .  aching   for   a   bite   that   would   soon   prove   most   indulgent .  for   now ,  however  ,  that   would   have   to   wait .  
brisk   nights   air   surrounded   him  ,  steady   steps  against   the   cobblestone  courtyard   led  him   just   out   of   sight   enough   to   find   solace   with   his   own    demonic   thoughts .  patience   wearing   thin   as   the    mobs   of   drunken   ministry   officials   paraded   around   throwing   their   galleons   around   as   if   it   had   even   an   edge   on   the   riches   he’d   inherit .   his   attention  drawn   away   from   the   carefully  crafted   archway   as   footsteps   echoed .  without   so    much   as  a  second   glance  ,  the   man   spoke  ,  words  deadpanning . 
‘  if   i    sought   company   ,  i’d   be  inside .  ‘ 
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Delphini Riddle  " delphini greengrass " Delphi Billie E Enero, 1998 Estudiante Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) & Bellatrix Lestrange Tiene un augurey Casa: no estudió en Hogwarts (pertenece a Flambeau en Neuschwanstein) Materias (en Neuschwanstein) ─ Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras ─ Adivinación ─ Cuidado de Criaturas Mágicas ─ Pociones avanzadas ─ Transformaciones CARACTERÍSTICAS MÁGICAS Boggart: Su padre estatus de sangre: Mestiza Patronus: Augurey con alas en punta azul Varita:   Ébano rígida, nucleo pluma de augurey Amortentia:  Pan de calabaza recién horneado, Brisa nocturna, flor de magnolia. Espejo de Oesed:  Una poderosa y nueva hechicera poderosa
Conocida por el apodo de Delphi, es una bruja mestiza, supuesta hija de Lord Voldemor & Madame Bellatrix Lestrange. Era conocida como la única heredera viva de Salazar Slytherin.
Nació a principios de año, en secreto en la mansión Malfoy. Posteriormente sus padres morirían en la guerra contra Harry Potter, y todos esos magos. Quedó en manos de Rodolphus Lestrange, que aunque sobrevivió fue enviado a Azkaban por su crímenes.
Las historias se repiten, la pequeña e indefensa Delphini quedó huerfana,  como su padre, Pero una buena familia se hizo cargo de ella. Siendo afectada por el giratiempos ; Delphini arribó a Neuschwanstein una noche, siendo acogida por uno de los aurores, le asignaron una cama en la casa de Flambeau. Se hizo pasar por hija de Daphne Greengrass.
V I D A E S C O L A R:
Halló una cama caliente, unas buenas compañeras. y por fin en toda su vida había tomado clases aunque en tiempo real fuera mucho muy tarde para ella.
Pretender ser una chica buena, hasta lograr tener lo que quiere. Pronto conocería a su familiar perdido, un eslabón, Nicholas Slytherin.
De carácter fuerte; personalidad errática, En ocasiones tiende a ser explosiva, pero comprendan, nunca fue a clases. Claro como toda adolescente, se sabe divertir.
─ Es buena en Duelo; ─ Habla perfectamente pársel ─ Es capaz de volar sin apoyo, y esto es debido a que se transforma a placer en un ave llamado Augurey, cuentan que quienes escuchan el lamentoso  graznido de esta ave es porque algo malo está por pasar,. ─ Suele tener el pelo rubio platino pero lo tiñe muy a menudo.
─ Amistades; ─ Crush; ─ Némesis ─ Familia; Draco Malfoy; primo primero materno y sus hijos Aimee Black; pariente lejana por parte de la casa Black Nicholas Slytherin: pariente lejano por parte de Salazar Slytherin Morgana Lestrange media hermana
Esperando que cuando se "corrija" lo de la falla en el tiempo, ella tenga la capacidad de no regresar con el resto y escabullirse como una más de la nueva era, pero para esto; tiene que hacer y tomar muchas pocimas o en su defecto encontrar la piedra filosofal o el elixir de la vida eterna.
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crimsonupdates · 7 years
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T H E   R E C K O N I N G     ✗  N O   M A N ’ S   L A N D  ( part iii )
❝ but here in this graveyard it is still no man's land       and the countless white crosses in mute witness stand           to man's blind indifference to his fellow man                and a whole generation that was butchered and downed.❞
May 14th
Loss hangs its heavy shrouds over Diagon Alley. The Wizarding world in tumult, mourning the deaths of those lost in the wreckage and its citizens hiding from the Death Eater attacks that have followed in the wake of the overthrowing of St. Mungo’s and the Ministry. What happens next is a mystery. Fear, death – the words are no longer mere feelings, but embody a way of life.
Rodolphus Lestrange has taken his place in the Ministry by force, not an elected Minister, but king nonetheless. 
But if he is a king, he is nothing but an empty one. The power resting firmly in the hands of Voldemort, every movement the Death Eaters take orchestrated by him. They are his puppets, and he is the master of all.
Through him, they have issued a warning, the world as they know it will burn until their goals have been met. None shall be spared, and only those pure of blood will be allowed to survive in this new world.
Not everyone in his army agrees with his actions, and small embers of dissent have started to brew. Narcissa Black and Regulus Black wonder what the final costs of their actions will be, if they can live with destroying their siblings, and if this new world is one they want to help shape.
May 15th - 24th
But all hope has not been lost yet. A trickle of it springing from the vestiges of the Order. Spread far across England, hiding in safe-houses or on the run, they take over the airwaves, or appear in town squares. Affirming that their presence is still with those who need their help the most. 
Millicent Bagnold’s voice is amongst the many, the Death Eater’s mission to exterminate her having failed, and she declares to the wizards of England, with the authority she still holds as the rightful Minister, that all has not been lost. They are still alive, and they will persist. It is a battle cry, reaching out to anyone who will help.
But they cannot do so alone. And this time, they want to stand united. An offer of peace is extended to those members of Aversio wanting to join the Order and willing to atone for their past crimes. Charity Burbage, with the added assistance of Davina Selwyn and Marlene McKinnon who are brought in by Amos Diggory to smooth the transition, and orchestrate the effort. Calling out to their brethern that they can only defeat the enemy through a united front. Ted Tonks also offers up his assistance.
But tensions remain, and only time will tell how many members will betray their cause and seek a new one. And the masked leader of Aversio threatens retribution to those who leave.
May 25th
As a show of rebellion and remembrance, Millicent Bagnold asks the people of England to hold a memorial for fallen soldiers and civilians.
The candles flickering in Wizarding members homes are an ember of hope, a combined light threatening the darkness the Death Eaters have brought on.
It is a show of solidarity and strength, a silent protest against the followers of Lord Voldemort.
May 25th - June 25th
In the Moors of Scotland stands another castle. Not the illustrious one that bears home to hundreds of students, but one abandoned and long forgotten. It is here that the Order seeks refuge. 
Homes abandoned, or burned to the ground by Death Eater attacks, soldiers wounded, hope drained, they need a new plan of action, and time to recover. Greta Catchlove, Hestia Jones, and Molly Weasley set about making it a home, caring for those fallen and in ill health. Cassandra Burke steps in to help advise about potential weaknesses in the Death Eater ranks. Together, they will rebuild, and when the time has come -- they will strike back, stronger than before.
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. please don’t write past june 25th in game time.
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veritas-roleplay · 7 years
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B I O G R A P H Y :
Clara was born on warm June day to two very busy parents. Ealair MacMillan was a high ranking Ministry official and spent his week living in London to be close to the office, only coming home to Scotland on the weekends. Adelaide was a philanthropist and outspoken activist, often hosting fundraisers or traveling to London with her husband. So Clara was left to be raised by the house elves, and her two older siblings. This is not to say that Ealair and Adelaide were completely absent from the lives of their children, both made a point of being home on the weekends, and Sundays have always been strict family days for the MacMillans. Still, Beatriu and August were more mother and father to Clara than Adelaide and Ealair. Later when Diana and then Enric were born, Clara continued the tradition of older siblings raising the younger. The result of this is five siblings who, despite being various different ages, are incredibly close. Clara and Diana, in particular, have always been incredibly close, and Clara has always considered Diana her best friend. Growing up, essentially, without parents, especially when one has younger siblings to raise, is a recipe for a lost childhood, and Clara was no exception. She matured rapidly, quickly learning how to care for and entertain herself and, later, her younger siblings as well. As a result, Clara arrived at Hogwarts as quite a precocious 11 year old.
Clara left for Hogwarts sure what her house would be, and not terribly happy about it. MacMillans were Hufflepuffs. It was, if not a universal truth on par with Blacks being Slytherin, at the very least a strong trend. There was occasionally an outlier, Ealair had an uncle who’d ended up in Gryffindor, but only ever one in a generation. Clara had, secretly, hoped to be that outlier, but then Beatriu was sorted into Ravenclaw and, the way Clara saw it, her own fate was set for Hufflepuff and there was nothing she could do about it. Imagine her surprise, then, when the sorting hat was set on her head and said, “no, no, not Hufflepuff. True, you could fit in there, but to become all you can be, you’ll need a different house altogether.” Without further discussion the hat pronounced her a Slytherin and Clara obeyed, shocked, but also elated. She very much liked the idea of becoming all she could be, and it turned out that Slytherin house fit her like a glove. Among her housemates Clara found friends who were just as used to the finer things in life as her and, more importantly, friends who wanted to do more and be more just as much as she did. As a Slytherin, Clara learned to balance her love for and pride in her family with her love for and pride in herself. She also learned the fine art of trimming and tailoring her responses to meet other people’s expectations and how to get what she wanted without even having to ask for it.
Clara grew up with an example of a very successful arranged marriage. Ealair and Adelaide may have been brought together by their parents, but they were nonetheless two souls that matched nicely. Over the course of their marriage, they developed a strong partnership built on mutual respect, trust, and, if not love, a deep appreciation of each other. So, unlike her older sister who completely bucked the system and declared that she never wanted to marry at all, Clara was never opposed to an arranged marriage and was, in fact, excited when her parents began looking for a suitable match for her. Rabastan had seemed perfect on paper, from a good family and a little bit older, and for a while he had been. Clara loved his wit and how he seemed so worldly. She was never so naive as to expect love in an arranged marriage, but she knew herself well enough to admit, at least to herself, that she was a little starry eyed. The truth was more extensive than that. Through the minimal interactions Clara had with Rabastan in the years before she left Hogwarts, chaperoned dates on Hogsmeade weekends, letters sent back and forth, sitting next to each other and pureblood functions, Clara built an idea of who Rabastan was that was very much real to her, if not realistic.
Trouble didn’t come until after Clara graduated and began spending more time with her future in-laws as the wedding planning started up in earnest. It started with the newly minted Mrs. Rodolphus Lestrange. Despite being more closely related than most pureblood families, Clara’s parents had always kept the MacMillans well away from the Blacks and their ideas of blood purity that Ealair found distasteful and Adelaide outright opposed. Bellatrix made Clara nervous, but she didn’t take her marriage to Rodolphus as the sign of the Lestranges’ true leanings that she should have. Instead, she did what she thought any good future wife would do and tried to steer Rabastan away from Rodolphus and his wife, encouraging Rabastan to spend more time with Beatriu and even August with the excuse that he should get to know her family as well as she his. When that seemed to be going well, she began attempts to drive a wedge between the two twins, building Rabastan up and, occasionally, carefully, subtly criticizing Rodolphus, always making it more about how Rabastan deserved better. It might have worked, too, but not as quickly as Clara wanted it to.
Worse still, the more time Clara spent with Rabastan, the more she began to get to know him as a person. And the more she got to know him as a person, the more she began to realize he wasn’t who she thought he was. At first she tried to ignore it, and then she tried to downplay it. When she finally had to admit that the version of him she’d imagined while at school didn’t match the real thing, she tried to change it, to shape him into what she was sure was the best version of himself. She was unwilling to just give up on what she’d spent years building, but she had to admit defeat when she learned just how deep Rabastan’s blood purist leanings ran. To those on the outside, it may seem like the eldest MacMillan daughter, bold and rebellious Beatriu, is Adelaide’s truest heir, but the family knows that it’s Clara who holds her mother’s beliefs closest to heart. It’s not something she talks about openly, after all it was a somewhat dangerous opinion to have in Slytherin and certainly an unpopular one in pureblood circles, but Clara believes in equality of blood just as much as her outspoken mother. When Clara realized that Rabastan was a blood purist, there was only one path for her to take. She gave back the ring and ended the engagement as quietly as she could.
When Clara joined the Order, her only condition was that her family couldn’t know. It’s not that she’s afraid her family wouldn’t support her decision; she’s sure they would, though she’s also sure August would worry. It’s just that she knows in times like these, ignorance can be not only bliss, but safety. She received the standard order training and excelled at it, but it quickly became clear that she wasn’t cut out for being part of the cavalry. Clara’s not one for following directions when she thinks she has a better idea, and has no problem arguing with authority figures when she feels it’s necessary. While these traits can be valuable in the right time and place, in the middle of a battle is neither. It was quickly decided that her greatest chance for contribution would be as a spy, utilizing her status as a pure blood princess in her own right. It’s lonely, sometimes, surrounding herself with people whose beliefs are so decidedly opposite to her own and always playing a part and wearing a mask, but she made a commitment to the order, and more importantly to herself, so she’s not about to back down.
D E T A I L S :
☛ CANON INFORMATION : [ member of the Macmillan family ]
☛ AFFILIATION : Order of the Phoenix
☛ BLOOD STATUS : pureblood
☛ AGE : 22
☛ FORMER HOUSE : Slytherin
     Positives : dedicated / detail-oriented / diplomatic
      Negatives : picky / materialistic / close-minded
☛ OCCUPATION : freelance arithmancer / socialite
C O N N E C T I O N S :
FRANK LONGBOTTOM, ALICE BARNETT : co-mentors, idolizes
TIMORA STUMP, MERWYN FINWICK, CORNELIUS FUDGE : dismissive towards, thinks they’re idiots
RABASTAN LESTRANGE : former betrothed, misses
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dulcepericulum-rp · 5 years
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NAME: Bellatrix Lestrange AGE: 28 BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood OCCUPATION: Unemployed PORTRAIT: Phoebe Tonkin
Rodolphus Lestrange: Bellatrix’s marriage to Rodolphus was arranged by her parents before she had even left Hogwarts. There is no love or affection in their marriage, but it is mutually beneficial. Bellatrix appreciates a marriage where she does not have to hide her true self or her allegiance, and he does make a fantastic partner in the field. Bellatrix trusts Rodolphus to have her back in a way she trusts very few others, and assumes that he trusts her the same way. 
Alecto Carrow: One of the few women of high rank within their cause, Bellatrix would consider Alecto a tentative friend. Bellatrix can count the number of ‘friends’ she has on one hand, but Alecto has managed to claw her way into that number. Their friendship is mutually beneficial, knowing that the other could be called upon whenever necessary. 
Sirius Black: Sirius absconding from the family brought great shame upon Bellatrix as the eldest of their generation, who had been tasked with ensuring the rest of their family grew up properly. The loss of Andromeda cut Bellatrix deeply, but Sirius hurt even more because Bellatrix knew he could be great among their ranks. Sirius is on Bellatrix’s hit-list, and she vows that one day she will wipe him from the Earth to purge their family tree properly. 
MENTIONED CONNECTIONS: Lucius Malfoy { x }, Narcissa Malfoy { x }, Fenrir Greyback { coming soon! },  Evan Rosier { coming soon! }, Alice Longbottom { x }
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crimsonrevolt-promo · 6 years
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Crimson Revolt Wanted Characters: 
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Rodolphus Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Currently accepting apps without para-sample!
M A I N | A S K | P L O T | C H A R A C T E R S
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archivednimueries · 6 years
i want a meta on uhh habits agent nim has prior to barty and rodolphus , and also habits she picks up after encountering one or both of them
 a l w a y s a c c e p t i n g  ➟  meta stuff and things
// @knowshisown
Prior to being put on Barty’s case and meeting Dr. Lestrange for the first time, Nim is very compulsive about going out of her way to not be compulsive, if that makes any sense? She does everything in the way that it should be done. She keeps a meticulous house, a meticulous schedule, and a meticulous life.
In her younger and teenage years, she learned very quickly that being a pretty young thing was both a power and a weakness, both a weapon and target for use. So, for the ‘man’s world’ that she tried to enter, she made every effort to create a balance. Pretty but not too pretty. Memorable but not exactly striking. Her hair is always clean and brushed to a shine ( she actually follows the 200 stroke rule ) but her makeup is minimal. Her clothes are fine and pressed and oh so practical but all of her actual tailored things are stuck in the back of the closet waiting for a rainy day that never comes. She cares enough but not enough to be considered vain. ( Even though she actually kind of is ngl ) When she goes out with ‘the boys’ she knocks back a single beer, but all she keeps at her house is wine. She never touches the hard stuff; she doesn’t like to lose control. 
She also takes her work home with her. During her time with Barty and Rodolphus, you can find pages from their respective case files and pictures from their crime scenes plastered on her walls. They’re even in her bathroom and taped above her bed. She’s immersive and methodical and she probably gets in too deep.
When she’s angry she chews/bites the inside of her cheek. She’s made it such an art form at this point that only the truly perceptive can see the clench in her jaw when she does it. When she’s insulted she smiles a bright and toothy grin that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, but boy does it bare her teeth! Even when she’s not talking she’s seared the habit of keeping her mouth parted at all times into her muscle memory. Almost inviting, but definitely never dire. When she’s lost in thought she’ll sometimes start moving her fingers against a horizontal surface as if she were plucking the vertical strings of her harp. She almost always wears her hair down, like a curtain or a shield. If she’s flustered she’ll braid it into a plait. The only time she puts it up is when she’s in hardcore problem-solving mode, little wispy tendrils falling haphazardly here and there. 
This is probably the first thing that changes after her introduction to Rodolphus. She picks up on the fact that his eyes trail to the lower half of her face and the curve of her throat and she begins to wear her hair up as a result. It starts by her watching herself in the mirror, turning her head this way and that to see what the appeal is. She begins looking at herself through her own lens rather than the lens of the world. After all, Rodolphus can wear an inmate’s uniform and still look as though he’s stepped out of a Paris fashion show. Who is she really fooling and what should she care about who is intimidated by her? Maybe, just maybe, she likes being intimidating.
After allowing Rod to quite literally infiltrate her life, she also picks up some other habits. Although she’s always been witty with quips and retorts, some of her returns in exchanges take on more bite. Having your brain picked every other day and being asked to be open, honest, and intimate to a fault, can bring out the edge in a person. This has proven both an interesting turn of events and something of a prickling thorn to her superiors and colleagues. It’s hard to be soft and ingratiating when your mind is currently being meshed with not one, but two serial killers. 
Which is to say, definitively, that Barty also has an impact on Nim’s life. For the longest time after their first encounter, she can’t stop touching the cut on her neck. She almost hopes it will scar if only to remind her to always be on guard. Touching it serves to keep her angry because anger is good in this instance. Anger motivates. The carelessness that she exhibited before won’t happen again; it can’t happen again. She starts being hyperaware — not only of the stinging from the cut but of each little sound and movement. Barty really is the constructor of his own death. She might not have known what to pick up on in the dark that second time around if it weren’t for him.
Barty is also the instigator of Nim’s desire to actually live and not just see each day through to its conclusion. After the initial home invasion, she starts playing with and paying attention to knives more. She’d never had much interest in them before and honestly, they’re not used extensively in training. 
Other little habits that Nim picks up are being able to tell the different notes of a person’s cologne or perfume, a deeper interest in Greek philosophy ( my girl was staunchly Roman before ), an oral fixation, and getting the last word in conversations.
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