#| V | ARC 04
dernhelmalso · 1 year
[Hand Kiss]  –  for the sender’s muse to kiss the back of the receiver’s hand. ↳ @magicveiined (cullen) — memes / accepting!
Éowyn had grown excessively used to wearing armor in her time with the Inquisition, so few occasions as there were to dress otherwise. There'd been some vanity in her packing anything else, some vain hope that she might one day return to days of peace. That she might have the chance to wear fine clothes without worrying if they will be pierced by something fast-moving and sharp, aiming for her heart.
In preparation for the ball at the Winter Palace, Éowyn pulled out an old favorite gown of hers, well-worn but also well-loved, as only a very skilled seamstress looking quite closely could tell it had been mended in several places. Nevertheless, she was a vision in simple, shimmering white, from her shoulders to her toes, her bright hair tied back in a crown of interlocking braids, the rest left to fall in pale gold waves down her back.
And as they entered the Winter Palace, Éowyn held herself as though she'd never left court—shoulders back and chin lifted, an air of noble pride about her features. She was, every inch, the White Lady of Rohan again. Yet she could not help the smile which blossomed on her face when Cullen approached in his own finery.
"You polish up well, Commander," she said, offering a slight bow. He reached for her hand then, pressing a swift kiss to her knuckles as though he might lose his nerve if he took too long. Éowyn's smile broadened just a little to reach her eyes, and she gave his fingers a slight squeeze before drawing back her hand. "You must save me a dance, if you will be dancing at all." The slight spark of amusement in her sharp grey eyes spoke to how difficult she found it to imagine him doing so.
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calamitism · 2 years
starter for @nghtlghts ( for Luz )
"Uhhhh..." Anne blinked, finding herself stuck for words at what exactly the girl before her was trying to ask.
In the weeks that had passed ever since Andrias' attempted invasion, much of the world had managed to chalk the incident up to some sort of hoax, which Anne was more than willing to go along with, if it meant that she and her family wouldn't get harassed too badly about the whole thing. Now, being confronted with the mention of portals once more, Anne didn't really know what to say.
"Portals? That's pretty bananas!" She laughed, nervously, but her resolve crumbled the longer that she stared at her. "...what would you need with a portal anyway?"
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grimhunts · 2 years
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TRAUMA STARTERS @mixnmuse sent: “you stayed?” “of course i stayed. why wouldn’t i?” (angst angst bby)
He swallows, wiping the mud from his finger onto his pants, and then clenching his fist. His cut still stings.
"...you should catch up with Gus, Amity, and Vee. I don't think I'll tag along today, after all," Hunter shakes his head, frowning deeply, and feeling his stress build up after so long without it getting out of hand. "I... I think there's something I need to take care of. On my own."
He tries not to flinch when he sees something wriggle on the floor out of the corner of his eye. It looks like mud again but... mud doesn't move...
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laevndrs · 2 years
"Wait... are you two...?"
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…   𝚂𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙾𝙽𝙴'𝚂   𝙶𝙾𝚃   𝙰   𝙲𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷      (   accepting   )
𝚂𝙷𝙴   𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳'𝚅𝙴   𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽   𝙱𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁   .   she   should've   known   that   inviting   nova   to   hang   out   while   she   recorded   was   a   𝒃𝒂𝒅   𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂   today   when   a   certain   𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓   𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉   𝖕𝖚𝖓𝖐   was   also   in   the   studio   with   her   to   record   today   .   the   two   were   innocently   chatting   ,   to   be   fair—   but   no   one   could   deny   the   obvious   chemistry   between   the   two   ;   &   apparently   nova   had   been   paying   a   bit   more   attention   than   lavender   had   thought   she   was   at   that   moment   ,   but   had   waited   to   bring   it   up   until   after   duncan   had   left   ,   whilst   lavender   was   reading   a   text   message   that   left   her   with   a   particularly   ɢᴏᴏғʏ   ɢʀɪɴ   on   her   face   .   
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙻   ,   until   nova   asked   that   question   .   then   her   heart   was   in   her   𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖆𝖙      ,   &   her   smile   quickly   faded   away   ,   phone   screen   darkens   as   she   tucks   it   away   under   her   leg   in   her   seat   .   ❝   wh-what   ???   no   !!   we're   just   friends   ,   nova   .   he   was   just   saying   he   had   fun   …   besides   ,   i'm   with   …   𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒌𝒆   .   ❞   the   hesitation   is   caused   by   the   knot   forming   in   the   pit   of   her   stomach   &   the   tightness   in   her   throat   at   the   mention   of   her   boyfriend   .   
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perhaps   it   was   𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖑𝖙   ,   maybe   it   was   just   because   of   what   a   𝙹𝙴𝚁𝙺   her   boyfriend   could   be   &   the   way   she   knew   he   would   react   ,   especially   to   it   being   𝒅𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒏   of   all   people   that   she   was   being   questioned   about—      either   way   ,   she   felt   her   stomach   twisting   at   the   thought   (      ᴇᴠᴇɴ   ɪғ   ɴᴏᴠᴀ   ᴡᴀs   ᴍᴏʀᴇ   ʀɪɢʜᴛ   ᴛʜᴀɴ   ʟᴀᴠᴇɴᴅᴇʀ   ᴡᴀs   ᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢ   ᴛᴏ   ᴀᴅᴍɪᴛ   ᴏᴜᴛ   ʟᴏᴜᴅ   )   .   ❝      anyways   ,   give   me   a   few   minutes   to   sit   &   relax   my   voice   then   we   can   go   work   on   our   track   !   ❞   
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fxglove · 25 days
tag dump two <3
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stvlti · 3 months
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the last of the (false) prophets | a Dune fanmix
I've made the general Dune Part II mixtape and I've made the ironic FeydPaul mixtape, it's time for a Paul-centric playlist. This one is also made in the context of Part II because that film has bewitched me mind, body and soul 😔
01. Eat the Acid - Kesha /// 02. Brutus - Emma Blackery /// 03. THE REV3NGE - Joey Bada$$ /// 04. Burning - Yeah Yeah Yeahs /// 05. Found Heaven - Conan Gray /// 06. Only in My Dreams - The Marías /// 07. Jesus Lived In A Motel Room - HYUKOH /// 08. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I–V) - Pink Floyd /// 09. Writer In The Dark - Lorde /// to be continued...
I think the song choices are pretty self explanatory, so I'm not gonna write a big long song-by-song breakdown this time. I do have some notes on the choice of cover artwork and the pov of this playlist though.
If it isn't apparent by now, Paul isn't my fave character in Dune canon – Feyd-Rautha is. So why am I making a playlist dedicated to a character I don't even love?
In my years of consuming and creating art for my fandoms, I don't think I've ever come across a morally grey character that's half as complex and intriguing as Paul. Sure, I'm familiar with corruption arcs and self-styled messianic figures (Light Yagami from Death Note comes to mind). I've written for and continue to love characters who underwent cataclysmic deaths and resurrections, and came back wrong (see: Jason Todd from DC/Batman). And sure, Paul's character arc can similarly be boiled down to these familiar story beats of resurrection and corruption, but he's no angel at the start of his journey. He's aware of the trajectory of his story in ways these other characters aren't by virtue of being a seer of prescient visions. To walk clear-sightedly into his own ruination is such a fascinating thing to me.
The other major difference between the playlist cover and the Fool's tarot card design is how much smaller Paul's figure is in the composition of the whole image. The desert background easily dwarves his figure, which is something I've always loved about the IMAX poster. Despite all his visions of futures where he ascends to the mantle of a messianic leader, he is still just, at this moment in the canon timeline, a child. Small, and all alone in his journey. Not even his mother Lady Jessica would come to understand the weight of the transformation he will undergo.
Those familiar with the Major Arcana suit of the tarot cards will know the significance of The Fool: he is at the start of his journey, appearing to walk leftwards off a cliff with an optimistic smile because he's as yet unburdened by higher knowledge of lurking dangers. Like The Fool, I have Paul facing leftwards on this cover (flipped horizontally from the original Dune 2021 IMAX poster), because he too is embarking on a transformative journey when he enters the Arrakis deserts. The difference is, of course, that he becomes aware of his terrible destiny as a messianic figurehead for a holy war as soon as he sets off for this journey. And so it isn't with carefree optimism but the knowledge of his ruin hanging heavily on his shoulders that he takes his first steps into the desert.
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Many of the songs on this playlist were ones that didn't make the cut for my general Dune playlist. But as I went along I realised it's grown into a love letter for Paul's character from the perspective of a sympathetic reader. "Found Heaven" and "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" only make sense as monologues addressed to Paul.
Your heart is breaking as you leave that door
You never meant to start this holy war
But you're trapped, pack your bags
Don't look back
Don't be scared, little child
You're no demon
Rewatching Dune Part I really brought it home for me just how much of a child Paul still is when he enters the Fremen's deserts. He is frightened out of his mind by the knowledge that he will come to be the figurehead for whom millions will wage a holy war to the devastation of entire planets and deaths of billions, and it's a burden for him to bear alone. Did anyone ever stop to tell him not to fear?
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun ...
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky ...
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze ...
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
If I'm not mistaken, "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" was written for Pink Floyd's own Syd Barrett, a genius lyricist whose declining mental health forced him to quit the scene too soon. Obvious parallels to Paul's madness aside, I like the metaphor this adds to Paul as not only a prophet but a painter / artist – which he is to an extent. He is an architect shaping the world into a future only he sees. The tragedy is of course that visionary artists often go where their lovers can't follow.
Now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart
Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark
I am my mother's child, I'll love you 'til my breathing stops
I'll love you 'til you call the cops on me
But in our darkest hours, I stumbled on a secret power
I'll find a way to be without you, babe
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infolane · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 26- Action Magic - Crossover
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@arcvmonth​ Today is crossover day and I’ll use it to expand on the projmoon AU :>
A tl;dr of its premise: Various characters from arc v are now characters living in the City, each with their own backstories and places in the ecosystem of the City. Even separated, they keep in contact with each other online.
This AU happens concurrently with Limbus Company, after the fall of Lobotomy Corporation and the events in Library of Ruina.
Serena and Ruri’s decision to explore the fallen branches of L corp together divides their group. The two of them plus Yuya, Yugo and Sora make up the “Ahead team”, with each character being there for a different reason.
On the other hand, Yuto, Shun, Yuzu, Yuri and Rin make up the “Following team”, trying to fish the others away from that exploration. Once again, each character is in this for their own reasons…
But enough about that. I want to talk about something real fun to design- EGO and abnormalities pertinent to the AU :3 So let’s get going!
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of abnos for the story, just a bunch of examples!
Chaos Sway Carnival (WAW class, T-01-xx) 
These are the distorted remains of Sakaki Yuya. Taking the form of a clownlike creature with severed hands and cut off tail, this distortion is generally amiable and eager to put on shows to entertain its audience.
The more it is introduced to violence and the ruthlessness of its audience, though, the more dangerous it becomes. At the climax of the show, its name becomes the Chaos Sway Cannibal and its audience, another meal.
Little Arbiter (ALEPH class, O-01-xx)
An abnormality Yuzu and Rin resonate with.
This abnormality takes the form of a child in a white and gold dress, hiding the rest of herself under a closing umbrella. It cries out for its parents, wanting to go back, claiming to have simply tripped and fallen somewhere along the way.
Cheshire Ket (HE-class, F-02-xx)
An abnormality Rin resonates with.
This abnormality takes the form of a large striped grey cat, plentifully decorated with ribbons and jewelry. It can appear and disappear at will and cause strange things to happen around itself.
The Jacquard Delusion (HE-class, T-05-xx)
An abnormality Sora resonates with.
This abnormality takes the form of a black and red Jacquard loom.To use it is to become infoeditable and inhuman.
Moonlit Lament (TETH-class, O-04-xx)
An abnormality Serena and Ruri resonate with.
This abnormality looks like a round egg floating and gently glowing. Something is trying to hatch, cracking the shell, but ultimately failing every night. In the morning, the dead egg disappears and is replaced by another.
Telephone Game (HE-class, O-07-xx)
An abnormality Yugo resonates with.
This abnormality is a black and white phone with a sleek design. Talking into it connects one to many people (?) at the same time, who start to absorb information about the caller immediately, spreading everything about them like wildfire.
The Last Snake Left (ALEPH-class, O-02-xx)
An abnormality Yuri resonates with.
This abnormality takes the form of a muddy snake with plants and flowers growing on it. Around itself, a shallow pond appears, surrounded by fog, keeping it separated from others. 
Because it can’t see well, it is under the impression it is the last creature left alive in this world.
Red Playroom (WAW-class, T-04-xx)
Sora’s distortion. It takes the form of a white room inhabited by a strange, toylike creature. Once one enters, they must play a game with the abnormality. Losing has… fatal consequences. On the good side, you can choose the game to play. 
Maxwell’s Lammergeier (WAW-class, O-02-xx)
Ruri’s distortion. It looks like a bird-like demon thing. It is capable of deepening rifts and differences between things and concepts. 
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arcthebreeder · 5 months
04/11/2024, 15:12 (GMT-5)
Ok, now I'm on a call with my friend Bit that I've mentioned before, she's been recollecting data for this project since yesterday. Since she's quite versed in digimon, she spent the whole day searching for what she specifically needed, all the data necessary to create a V-mon.
There has been little to no problem working on the DigiTama, since, it's mainly dumping the recollected data into a compiler program that's connected to the Digital World thanks to a breach created by the program itself, said breach drives the DigiTama into a place known as The Village Of The Beginning, a place that registers early-life digimon activity since more or less 1999, it's a place Hackers and Crackers learnt to access so their Digimon could be sent into the Digital World long time ago. The compressor program will .rar all the files needed to create the Tama and then export them into an empty .TAMA file, which, is the DigiTama itself, from there, we only need to program a very limited version of Digimon Capture into Bit's phone, I've been telling her that this is a horrible idea, but she insisted on it and that she's going to get a proper Digimon DOCK soon, so I'll let her take the risk, tho I'm not paying for any possible damages.
During this process, I've been able to send Tyutyumon to Bit's phone with the condition that he can't do anything but help Digimon Capture run properly, and Cannondramon is making sure of that, just in case.
And... Done! The DigiTama was exported into Digimon Capture with no issues and it should be hatching in about an hour, this was just a collaborative effort I thought would be cool to report, I doubt that Bit would record her journey training and rising "Sophie" as she has already named her Digimon, since, from what I know, she's only planning on using her as a personal companion and not for fights or anything, but if anything changes I'll keep you updated!
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emetophobiahelp · 1 year
Demon Slayer - Swordsmith Village Arc, Episode 9 (NOT SAFE)
It’s a very minor part, two potential scenes, slight spoilers for the episode. Time stamps are:
14:34 - Muichiro will suddenly spit up foam. No triggering noises but potentially triggering visuals.
14:58 - Muichiro will make a choking-gagging noise. He’s turned over onto his side and have some of the foam down his mouth.
17:54 to 18:04 - After Tanjiro falls to the ground, he will v*. It’s extremely brief and small. Visual and slightly realistic audio. He will look down at it and have some down his mouth.
The rest of the episode is safe!
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Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 (Adding Aquarian Insight ~ 5 Feb 2021, Philip Sedgwick)
As Earth and the creatures upon it currently absorb an abundance of Aquarian energy from above, this would be a good time to personalize and extend the reach of the sign’s meaning. Such amplification can be found as objects in our solar system are enhanced as they transit an array of black holes that lie beyond our galaxy.
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Following are slightly more than a handful of the black holes confirmed in Aquarius and their approximate correct degree and minute for 2021.
Before diving over the event horizon of each of the black holes and into its singularity, let’s address two technical questions that may divert attention from the delineations.
Where was the black hole when you were born? Roughly, you’d need to counter precess the positions listed below by eight minutes of an arc for every decade (or 50.26 seconds per year). So if you were born thirty-five years ago that would be 28 minutes earlier that posits below. Actually given these points advance one degree every 72 years and considering their immense gravitation influence, you can actually overlook exactitude as use a “close enough for government work” attitude to applying them.
How much gravitational influence do these things wallop us with? What’s the orb for a planet to these galactic enigmas? Give them four degrees either side of partile, plus or minus.
Why do we care about these black holes? Two of the following, Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3 were among the first black holes realized. Cygnus X-1 was the first theorized, hinting at what it was when x-ray detection became a thing in astrophysics a half century ago. Actually, astroarchaeologists believe that cuneiforms painted by the Sumerians thousands of years ago depicted Cygnus X-1 and referred to it as overseeing the “netherworld.” That’s interesting.
Further, Cygnus X-1 was used to confirm event horizons - the edge of black holes - and shifted black hole theory into more of consensus reality.
Some of the black holes below have their periods (P) noted. A few have the pulse frequency of x-ray emanations (p). NOTE: d = days; s = seconds. The pulse establishes the duration of time required for the exposure to an advanced idea or concept to grasp its magnitude. The period represents the time required to completely assimilate any mental, emotional or psychic realization into a useful state for the psyche. You know, how long do you need to wrap around it?
So there they are with their awkward names and a bullet point to process as the planets transit:
04 AQ 25, NGC 7022
Establish your own early warning system. Notify yourself promptly of any indication of your withdrawal from life. Do not withdraw. Step back and process, then re-engage.
10 AQ 46, V* QZ Vul
Learn to be so present you cannot be seen. If you want invisibility and to remain anonymous, go do your thing with making a fuss about what you’re doing. What’s important is that you receive insights and deal with them promptly.
11 AQ 27, 4U 1954+31 P = 5.09 hrs
Changing pace and course as a matter of course secures constancy and sure footedness. It’s not about changing your mind as a matter of course, it’s about evolving as you process new and extended insights.
12 AQ 42, 3U 0115-73, P = 3.89d, 16.66 d, p = 0.714s
If you make a practice to go out of body, you miss the benefits of existing on the material plane.
14 AQ 03, 3U 1956+35, Cyg X-1, P = 5.6d
You are totally unique. So is everyone else. With connections to this black hole in your chart you possess an innate ability to forecast what lies over the next horizon. Barometric predictive consciousness and trend-setting create significance to ones efforts, not to be confused with being an influencer. An influencer latches onto something someone else has done and hypes it into popularity. A barometric trendsetter perceives a need in the near future and conjures the concept or product that satisfies that need and creates it, or gathers the team to do so.
When transiting, innovations fill the airwaves and become whispers in the wind.
17 AQ 48, 3C 405.0
Some say if it weren’t for the fringe, the flag would unravel. The point where the fringe merges with the flag equals participation in the collective. While fringe folks believe in the essentially of their cantankerousness, other perceive rabble-rousing and destruction. Work to be part of the solution, not the problem.
21 AQ 09, GS 2023+338, P = 6.4717d
Promoting individuality and acknowledging personal distinctiveness inspires collective cooperation by those promoted.
28 AQ 56 3U 2030+40 Cyg X-3, p = 17,280s (4.8h)
If nothing brilliant is ever done, you will not be seen for your light you can shed. Others will not be able to recognize the brilliance, appreciate your merit or include you in life’s festivities should you not reach as far as you can to gather your insights and ground them in reality.
So, there’s a bit of a tiptoe through the tantalizing aspirations of black holes to add to the “out there” innate skills of Aquarius. Over the next weeks everyone is subject to receiving blasts of amazing, constructive insights hell bent on stirring progress and evolution into the mix of human consciousness.
If you’d like to support these inspirations with a greater understanding of these ongoing stimulations, how about clicking the links below to order a Galactic Report (perfect for enhancing Aquarian influences), schedule a consultation, ask a question or two dive into the Galactic Trilogy, which is rich in black hole delineation.
This past week my short film, ZAP! achieved FINALIST status in the January 2021, Luleå Film Festival (Sweden) selections. The same day I received word that ZAP! is an Official Selection in the Front Range Film Festival (Colorado) and will screen virutally on 20 February. If anyone is interested in viewing the film here’s the ticketing link for the Front Range Film Festival. My eye is on my filmmaker in-box as there are more announcements to be made. It’s an arduous thing, these film selections… your film is competing with thousands of high-quality films from all over the world for but a small number of selection slots and within the skews to festival selection criterion caused by the pandemic. More to come!
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alexthegamingboy · 18 days
Toonami Weekly Recap 08/31/2024
Rick and Morty: The Anime EP#03 - Alien Elle: As Rick has not yet returned, Morty go back to the virtual reality universe in search of Elle, but only find the Mullet Rick he encountered before. Mullet Rick explains that Elle is from a species perceiving all conceivable future branches since they are born, and they bear the concept of time flows from future to past. Mullet Rick know this because in his native universe, his grandson Space Morty teamed up with Alien Elle, the lone survivor of her species, to defeat Galatic Federation from stealing Mullet Rick's wormhole technology and invading planet Yalahreyta. Space Morty was labeled as the planet hero and galatic rebel leader after fighting down a warship, while Alien Elle was not as welcomed. Nevertheless, Space Morty trusted Alien Elle for bringing him the best life, and Alien Elle would save Space Morty from whatever crisis before the end she knew arrives. Mullet Rick concludes that Morty should not have any chance to meet Elle in normal circumstances, but what Mullet Rick and Rick did to time and dimensions seems to bring some changes that Alien Elle could newly observe, which she sees as a regret from future decides the past. Mullet Rick soon leaves without a trace, and Morty's simulation is once again terminated as Summer wants him to rescue Rick proactively. Post-credits scene : Rick persuades Mullet Rick not to abandon the Smith Family he stayed with before leaving. Mullet Rick laments on how he affects Morty's life, and makes a decision.
Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc EP#04 (48) - Thank You, Tokito: Kotetsu begs Muichiro to save Hotaru and his smith Kozo Kanamori. Muichiro initially elects to protect the village but remembers Kagaya's advice about triggering his memories to return, prompting him to rescue the swordsmiths. Tanjiro realizes each demons represents an emotion: joy (Urogi), anger (Sekido), pleasure (Karaku), and sorrow (Aizetsu). Genya confuses Sekido and Aizetsu with his resistance to fatal wounds. Nezuko burns Karaku and blasts him away with his uchiwa but is restrained by Sekido. Tanjiro uses Urogi to reach Nezuko and avoids Sekido's attacks. He frees her but both are incapacitated when Karaku pins them with a blast of wind. Mitsuri makes her way to the Swordsmith Village.
Naruto Shippuden EP#500 - The Message: The wedding is a week away. Iruka thinks about Naruto from his childhood and how he still hasn't given his message for the wedding. After class, he talks with Hinata, who says everything is ready. While cooking dinner, Iruka is visited by Naruto, who asks Iruka to attend as his father. Iruka happily agrees and realizes that Naruto also doesn't see their relationship as teacher and student but as family. Iruka gives his message, warning Hinata of Naruto's immature tendencies and stating that Naruto better make her happy. On the day of the wedding, everyone attending gives packets of money as the five Kage arrive. Shikamaru and Temari, as well as Ino and Sai, attend as couples. Sakura receives a congratulations letter from Sasuke's hawk and the two think about each other while he continues traveling. Naruto looks at Minato's headstone as Hinata thinks about Neji. Hiashi and Hanabi come in to tell them it is time. Naruto and Hinata then begin walking to the ceremony to get married.
-Toonami Rewind Shows-
Sailor Moon EP#20 - The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts: Usagi and her friends go to the beach, where they stay in a hotel run by people who look like film monsters. There, they encounter a ghostly presence and a little girl with psychic powers.
Sailor Moon EP#21 - Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime: Nephrite targets one of the animators of an upcoming Sailor V film, who is driven by jealousy of her best friend. The Guardians investigate, but Usagi and Rei are distracted by the excitement of the anime studio.
Slightly Damned Page 1131: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1131
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calamitism · 1 year
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VARIOUS QUESTION SENTENCE STARTERS @calaemity sent: ❛ can’t sleep? ❜ | for Luz!!
"Just getting used to sleeping on the floor again," She chuckles, quietly, the sound bouncing off of the bare walls.
It's a bummer that her sleeping bag got confiscated with everything else when the Emperor's Coven raided all those months ago, but it hardly mattered to Luz. Sleeping in the Owl House again, even without a sleeping bag, was too surreal to give up for anything else.
"If that precinct is still standing after everything, I wouldn't mind trying to recover some of our stuff."
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grimhunts · 2 years
starter for @mixnmuse​ ( for Willow )
Before Hunter could step foot into the forest, a familiar voice rang out from behind him. Oh crap. Looking across at Luz, he shoved the rebus into her hands. “Go! I’ll catch up with you, but keep a look out. I know he’s out there,” He insisted to Luz, going as far as to shove her forward so that she could begin the search for the titan’s blood. They needed to get to it before Belos did.
Hunter watched as Luz sprinted off, leaving him to turn around and face Willow himself. The guilt of going behind her back to steal the rebus was hitting him hard, but so was something else ...he was angry.
How dare she try to stop them. How dare she get in his their way.
“What?” He snapped, eyes narrowed on the girl. “You were calling me, right? So what do you want?”
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animemeetsculture · 18 days
Giyu Vs Sanemi Hashira Training Arc #shorts #anime #demonslayer
Giyu Vs Sanemi Hashira Training Arc #shorts #anime #demonslayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ks_gH5IsTw #sanemi #animeedit #demonslayerseason4 #demonslayeredit #sanemivsgiyu #animeshorts #giyuvssanemi #animeamv #animetiktok #kokushibo #DemonSlayer #Katana #SwordSkills #AnimeDuel #Strength #Techniques #Battle #AnimeShorts via Anime Meets Culture https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCih03hNq9BNLyGyHfQe5Riw September 04, 2024 at 04:00AM
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h2oblock · 2 months
How many times does Badboyhalo say Dapper's name? Day 14
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Total Dappers so far: 3,266
Personal notes⤵️⤵️
Slow avocados growing
Bad hates the word clout 💀
Dapper is a genius
Making armor
Bad said Skeppy Jr. will come back
Hanging out with Foolish and Leo
Talking about Leo's friend
Sand castle build
"Skeppy likes sand"
1:43:00 Dapper shows up :D
Sand castle building
Angel guy shows up
Dapper wants a item for the nether but need to do the highest water drop clutch Bad is not having it lol
Our bell ref
They changed the challenge to build a house for the angel guy... I don't think they ever build it lmao
Dapper was able to water clutch
5 withers were spawn on Foolish
They are in a boat shooting two withers 2:45:24
4 More withers got spawn on them
Cucurocho showed up to take away nether star
They started the house but never finished it
Maximus shows up
Cucurocho shows up again for Max
Code shows up
Theory bros time in the Sand castle
I appreciate Max commitment to his "whale" arc due to depression cuz his son is dead
Bad actually made furniture
Aww Dapper and Bad shoot Foolish at the same time after he said something silly lol
Cucurocho was spying on the Theory bros
Ramon Dapper and Bad hang out
Dapper wanted to show Ramon the farm
Aww warp plates connected Dapper and Ramon
Green and gray favorite color
Dappers a egg
Aww "you are more my parent that my other dad v:" -Ramon to Bad (6:15:04)
5 min warning to end stream but there still 45 minutes left on the vod 💀
Bad recaps the stream around 6:33:00
Ramon is a Redstone genius
Magazines from the sky "the lords yern violence"
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ontimetreelopping · 5 months
Tree Felling The Proper Way to Fell a Tree
Felling a tree is a complex process that involves making multiple angled cuts that create a notch in the trunk of the tree. This notch acts like a hinge and allows the sawyer to reliably control the direction the tree will fall. It’s a highly technical and dangerous job that should only be performed by trained professionals. A mistake in the felling process can result in property damage or even serious injury or death to the sawyer and bystanders. The first step in a proper felling process is to sound the tree to determine if it’s live or dead wood. By tapping the wood with a felling axe, you’ll be able to hear if there is any cracks or solid sounds in the wood that indicates that it’s live. If not, the wood will likely be hollow and brittle. A professional will take the time to sound the tree at a variety of heights and points around the tree. Once you’ve figured out which way the tree will fall, the next step is to make an undercut in the trunk of the tree. This undercut is a V-shaped cut that will position the static load of the tree in line with the angled back cut to encourage the tree to fall in the desired direction. The undercut also ensures that the hinge of the notch will work for the entire arc of the fall. During a demonstration of the tree felling process, I witnessed two skilled sawyers working with double-bit axes to create a large notch in the side of the tree facing the direction they wanted it to fall. They both balanced on wood springboards placed into slots chopped into the sides of the stump and alternated their strikes to form the notch. While chopping the notch, the sawyers had to keep their eyes on the target and be careful not to accidentally knock the tree over. If the tree is leaning in one direction or heavily loaded on the one side, it will naturally fall in that direction despite your best efforts to reverse its direction of falling. It’s important to make sure there are no buildings, fences, power lines or anything else that could be damaged if the tree falls into it. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you can walk clear of the tree in its final fall path — it will take a lot of force to bring down a tree that’s too big for your equipment and a strong wind could send it hurtling in another direction. Likewise, make sure you’ve cleared an escape route on the non-falling side of the tree so you can get away quickly should it start to fall. Lastly, make sure you’re not cutting into the stump of the tree and that it hasn’t grown roots. This can cause the stump to become unstable and possibly damage your home. This is why it’s usually best to leave the felling of oversized trees to the pros. via https://ontimetreelopping.wordpress.com/2024/04/23/tree-felling-the-proper-way-to-fell-a-tree/
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