swordoaths · 1 year
@magicveiined spoke: you're gonna have to take your shirt off. ( estella for fili )
There was nothing agile and seamless to Fíli's gait. With hitchy steps and nearly every muscle flexed in anticipation for pain, he struggled to cross the floor of his chambers. He moved in stages, pain forcing his determination to yield its course after every few steps. Each time he stopped his movements, Fíli tilted his chin up to the sky, eyes squeezed shut and teeth sucking in air. Refusing to let the anguish escape in cries, Fíli suffered in relative silence, save for the labored breaths that came from such exertion.
None would say that this was the body of a warrior who had, not long ago, charged effortlessly into battle.
When the pain had reached a level he could endure, Fíli opened his eyes and lowered his head. Slowly, almost mechanically, and with arms braced about his side, he began his unrefined movements that eventually led him to his seat. Gripping the arms of the chair so much so that his knuckles turned white, Fíli lowered himself down.... slowly... slowly... the grimace on his face growing by the second. No relief came when he finally sat himself rather stiffly in place--- momentarily refusing to allow the chair to take his full weight.
Curses spilled from his lips when he finally released his grip on the arms of the chair, his body now slumped in place. He shut his eyes again, trying to find some semblance of comfort in a body that would not allow it. But after several painful breaths, Fíli's laboring slowed, and the creased that lined his brow relaxed.
He did not start at the sound of Estella's voice, despite not knowing that she had come in. In silence, Fíli wondered how long she had been there--- how long she had suffered in watching him limp like a wounded and disgraced lion.
"I could not bear to see the pain it might bring you," came his words in a half-whisper, lest the sound rattle his bones too much. Fíli knew his bandages needed to be changed, but he also knew what lie beneath--- the raw gnarled marks too fresh a vision of the battle--- and near death. These past few weeks had worried her enough. He could not contribute to it. "Come, would you not sit by me a moment?"
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dernhelmalso · 1 year
Éowyn watches him quietly, inscrutably as she lingers in the doorway to the Commander's office. Once Cullen waves her in, she crosses as quietly to place a small, steaming cup on his desk.
"I understand you've had some trouble sleeping." She will not name the reason, though whispering words do travel in a keep this size, and his arguments with Cassandra were hardly silent. "This tea is an old remedy for hard nights and worse dreams. It's bitter, but effective. And it might bring you a few hours of peaceful rest, at least." With a slight nod, Éowyn turns to go, not awaiting a thank you. She is not expecting him to say anything at all, least of all what he does:
"You probably think I'm pathetic." — @magicveiined (cullen) — prompts / accepting.
Éowyn pauses partway to the door, turning back to look at him again. When first she came, he seemed to bear the same indomitable spirit as always, but there is something different in his countenance now, a lowering of the shoulders and ducking of the head. She watches him a moment longer before turning to face him wholly, hands folded in front of her stomach.
"You are the Commander of the Inquisition," Éowyn says, gesturing to his desk full of papers. So much to do. So many lives to look after. All on top of what already ails him. "Pathetic is not the word I would use."
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orcristwielder · 1 year
‘ we've all got both light and dark inside us. what matters is the part we choose. to act on. that's who we really are. ’ ( from estella)
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• 𝐢 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝. • currently accepting.
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The royal couldn't help but to tilt his head at that in silence. That much had been true; there was a light and dark side in everyone. Thorin had been a good testament to this his entire life and that wasn't stopping now. He'd chosen to go the light side - being the brave one who fought for his kin and took up the mantle when his grandfather died and his father had gone missing. "I suppose you make a point." Was all the warrior had responded with before he shifted, crossing his arms across his chest.
He hated being called out in such a manner.
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
♚♚ 💜
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YEEE Thank you so much!! It means a lot!
Send me a ♚ if you like my writing
not accepting @magicveiined
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magicveiined · 1 year
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#MAGICVEIINED — independent, private, selective MULTIMUSE from VARIOUS FANDOMS. loved by FAE ( 31. She/They. EST) xkit rewritten and beta editor only
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Affiliated with: @cosmicveiined
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cosmicveiined · 3 years
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Katy. She/Her, CST. Independent and Selective MULTIMUSE featuring Original and Canon Muses from fandoms such as Marvel, Star Wars, Stranger Things, etc. 
Heavily Affiliated with @mysteriiarch​ / @magicveiined​​
Google Doc (Rules & Muse Directory)
The most important rule of this blog: do not favor canon over original. I love canon characters as much as the next person but do not forget that all canon characters started out as original characters. So do not ignore my original muses in favor of my canon muses, please. I put just as much love into them as I do my canon characters and all I ask is that they receive the same love.
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Current Active Muses:
Selena “Lena” Stark ( MOVED TO STARKVEIINED )
Blake Skywalker
Minjae Kim
Haneul Stark
Link ( BOTW / TOTK based )
Low Activity:
Steve Harrington
OTHER BLOGS: starkveiined / soldottiir
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dernhelmalso · 1 year
[Hand Kiss]  –  for the sender’s muse to kiss the back of the receiver’s hand. ↳ @magicveiined (cullen) — memes / accepting!
Éowyn had grown excessively used to wearing armor in her time with the Inquisition, so few occasions as there were to dress otherwise. There'd been some vanity in her packing anything else, some vain hope that she might one day return to days of peace. That she might have the chance to wear fine clothes without worrying if they will be pierced by something fast-moving and sharp, aiming for her heart.
In preparation for the ball at the Winter Palace, Éowyn pulled out an old favorite gown of hers, well-worn but also well-loved, as only a very skilled seamstress looking quite closely could tell it had been mended in several places. Nevertheless, she was a vision in simple, shimmering white, from her shoulders to her toes, her bright hair tied back in a crown of interlocking braids, the rest left to fall in pale gold waves down her back.
And as they entered the Winter Palace, Éowyn held herself as though she'd never left court—shoulders back and chin lifted, an air of noble pride about her features. She was, every inch, the White Lady of Rohan again. Yet she could not help the smile which blossomed on her face when Cullen approached in his own finery.
"You polish up well, Commander," she said, offering a slight bow. He reached for her hand then, pressing a swift kiss to her knuckles as though he might lose his nerve if he took too long. Éowyn's smile broadened just a little to reach her eyes, and she gave his fingers a slight squeeze before drawing back her hand. "You must save me a dance, if you will be dancing at all." The slight spark of amusement in her sharp grey eyes spoke to how difficult she found it to imagine him doing so.
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swordoaths · 1 year
@magicveiined spoke: ‘ if we didn't do everything we weren't supposed to, we'd hardly do anything at all. ’ ( from estella to bilbo )
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Lips parted as he drew a breath, a sign that a reply was soon to follow. But first, Bilbo quickly closed his mouth, face scrunching up a bit as he pondered Estella and her words. "Is this merely some philosophy meant to be discussed over tea, or the beginnings of another one of those pranks of yours?" He shifted in his armchair, one hand cupping his mug of tea whilst the other fussed over the doily draped over the arm of the chair. "Because after the events of this evening, I do believe I could hardly stomach a prank." Something akin to a humph and a squeak escaped through pressed lips before Bilbo sought the comfort of sip of tea.
Such comfort was ruined, of course, by the sound of another large thump! coming from the vicinity of his kitchen. "Really," he mumbled mostly to himself. "At this rate, there'll be no kitchen left by morning." Truly, what else was he supposed to think when a company of dwarves and a wizard had made themselves at home?
But then, he cast his eyes toward the fire, seemingly lost in some deep thought beyond that of the state of his kitchen. A quest with a dragon and countless other dangers? Unthinkable. To be commissioned as a a burgler (how rude!), of all things? Absurd! But to go Out There, a dream Bilbo had since he was a young hobbit, and see Elves and men and mountains and forests? The Tookish part of him seemed to burst with excitment at the mere thought. The Baggins side, however, smote the dream. Bilbo blinked, then returned his gaze to Estella.
True it may be that Bilbo Baggins had just about had the worst day since he could remember (all that nonsense Gandalf spoke of regarding good mornings when he had gone and spoiled it-- huh!), but that did not mean Bilbo Baggins had lost all his manners. It would not do to dwell in silence when he had a guest sitting in a chair across from him. And so he offered a rather sypathetic look to Estella before contiuning.
"If I sign that contract, everything that follows would be something I'm not supposed to do, you do know that?" Fingers tapped against his mug. "And it would mean leaving everything here behind." His books. His garden. His mother's glory box, now officially donned with mud from Kíli's boot. But oh, what would be Out There to discover?
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dernhelmalso · 1 year
I've already told you this but I shall say it again! I think your portrayal is wonderful! I think you really capture her voice well. Love writing with you and seeing you on my dash.
How's my portrayal? * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
apparently i just tucked this into my drafts and forgot about it bc i'm dumb but alskdjflaskdfj thank u fae!!! i'm enjoying our threads a great deal and am glad we ran into each other in the rpc. <3
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
Cook (Aoife casually places a tart on the bar in front of him as she walks past. Freshly baked.)
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" Oy, Aofie! " Eden called with a smile and looked down at the tart for a moment before back to the other. " Come here and split it wit me!" he called and began to wave her back.
He got some pieces of fruit to have with it. " Ah'll make ye up a drink."
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
Send me a ♚ if you like my writing
accepting @magicveiined
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dernhelmalso · 1 year
❝ You shouldn't look at me like that. ❞ ↳ @magicveiined (tristan) — prompts / accepting.
Éowyn had never been one to wear her heart on her sleeve. Growing up noble and a woman, eyes were often on her from the moment she stepped out of her bedroom in the morning to the moment she closed the door behind her at night. It was difficult not to develop a knack for controlling one's countenance, under the circumstances.
And so, it surprised her slightly to be called on her expression. Éowyn's mind lingered on the fact that her face had betrayed her, more than whatever feeling it might have been expressing. There was a slight lifting of her brow, then: "Like what?"
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dernhelmalso · 1 year
❝ I've been thinking about you a lot. ❞ ↳ @magicveiined (gideon) — prompts / accepting.
Éowyn arched a pale brow at her companion, watching him carefully over the top of her wine goblet. She'd already had two cups, as was evident from the shade of rouge collecting in her cheeks. The White Lady did not often blush, but wherever the wine flowed, a flush would rise. But besides, it was a good night for it. That was why she'd chosen to sit on a barrel outside the Herald's Rest, rather than a chair within.
"I'm sure you think of many women a lot. Men too. And quite often," Éowyn said. Turning her goblet in her hand, she glanced down at the contents and smirked. "I can't imagine how or why I would be special among them."
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
🫢 ( from aoife. whoops lol )
Send 🫢 (or “oops!” if you can't see the emoji) for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed !
accepting @magicveiined
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Eden thought the stables abandoned when he slipped in to change into a his kilt and a nice, dry tunic. It was better than trudging his wet body up the stairs. He had accidentally drenched himself in a full bucket of water.
He had just tightened the sporran around his kilt when he heard someone enter the tack room. He blinked upon seeing the visage of an elf woman.
❝ Oh.❞ He blinked and smiled politely. ❝ Guid day to ye, mistress, ah hope he dinna mind me borrowin' the tack room fer a quick change.❞ he said, his upper body exposed, his muscles were freckled, his body was thick and large, also freckled. He quickly slipped on his tunic.
❝ Sorry aboot that.❞
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
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Ha got em.
@magicveiined @inabsentiia @dalishflame
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