lauriecb · 3 months
Laurie had sworn to himself he would never do reality television again - and then, the producers had given him a call, and told him they had Jade signed up for the newest season. What had happened between them was a few years ago now, but was still a huge regret - he had been too scared to give her what she deserved, but instead of facing his fears, he had fucked up in the most humiliating of ways, and despite his attempts to make contact, she had always knocked him back. Here, though? She couldn't avoid him.
"Jade," he called out, finding her alone in the hallway of the house the show was being filmed at. His arrival had not been received well, and though he was sure it would make good television, he hadn't come here for that. He was here for her. "You can't avoid me forever. We're either having this conversation now, off the camera, or on it. I'll let you choose which one it's gonna be." His words were gruff - she always had a way of bringing out the worst in him.
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reefinanddrinkin · 7 months
@qveens liked for a starter
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"How many ounces can I get for $40? " Nick handed her good chunk of his tip money. He met the girl outside in the mall parking lot. He was on his break, his friends that sold him weed recommended her. During times they weren't available.
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louistcmmo · 5 months
who: louis & jade @jadesthirlwcll where: coachella
it had been quite some time since louis had seen jade so this was the perfect opportunity to catch up. he remembered the fun times they used to have as the boys and the girls of little mix kind of hung out a lot back in the day. he may have partied with them a couple of times. "feel like i'm a bit underdressed here." chuckling softly, he looked around and some people had some interesting fashion choices at this festival while he was just walking around in some track pants and a t-shirt which was basically his signature look. and he wanted to be comfortable. "you're looking gorgeous, by the way." smiling softly, he leaned in for a hug. "this has been long overdue."
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mvrrow · 1 year
( @jadecoloredpages )
"Jade! Welcome!" Eden crossed the threshold of her home-slash-shop to greet the dark-haired woman, wrapping her in a brief hug before separating, "Don't mind the mess - I'm this close to finishing organizing." She pinched her fingers together, walking away from Jade and towards some shelves. "So, I know you're a horror novelist - and while I don't know too much about Nightrest's legends, my grandmother was a majorly superstitious person. And she -" Eden pulled a thick, unmarked book out from the very end of the shelf, "- liked to keep a diary of all her unexplained interactions. I thought you'd enjoy flipping through it, so - here."
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felixlcsser · 4 years
Standing on the back of the Calypso, looking down at the ten foot drop between himself and the water, suddenly swimming didn’t seem like such a good idea. Maybe it was half the bottle of champagne that was now wearing off, but he felt far less confident than he had when Jade had originally suggested going swimming. There was a cold breeze in the air that night, one that bit at his skin as he unbuttoned his white shirt, glancing over at her nervously. “Can’t we just... go get drunk instead? I saw Jaws. Swimming never ends well. I want to keep all my toes.” @jadevassr​
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milliekennedy · 4 years
“Fuck the frat boy opinion because irrelevant but also unwanted, like, your Vin Diesel wet dream? Tell me why that has nine movies and yet I have only had five Shrek films?” Millie scrunched her eyebrows, her head shaking from side to side as she fought to make sense of it. No. Nope. Insert soundtrack from Smash Mouth here. “Can we just Thanos snap them? Like specifically if they wear salmon shorts?” @jadevassr​
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jamiecostello · 4 years
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“Go girl, give us nothing!” Brynn shouted, holding a camcorder up to Jade’s face. The only direction she had given the girl was “give me witchy vibes” after she had dressed Jade up for a music video shoot. She was sitting on one of the large rocks on Gibbet Hill, music blaring from her phone she she watched through the lens with a slight smile on her face, hiding it whenever Jade looked back at her. “Miss Vassar, I have a question for you: what do you think of Britney?” Brynn asked, her voice rising like she was a member of the paparazzi trying to conduct an impromptu interview with the girl. @jadevassr​
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wincnas · 4 years
“So...” Edie started, sliding into the bar stool next to Jade, sheer dress catching the attention of a few people in the bar. “If the bartender asks, I’m like, full on Mormon. Mormon. Remember that,” she instructed, blue eyes widening as he came back over her way. “He keeps staring at me like I’m Beck and he’s Joe Goldberg. And he keeps finding a way to use the word “suck” in conversation. So I told him my religion doesn’t allow me to speak to men,” she rambled out, leaning down to sip on her vodka soda. “I’m pretty sure Mormons can’t drink, but he doesn’t look smart enough to know that. Anyways, how are you?” @jadevassr​
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txmuses · 4 years
Jade had never deemed her life as exciting; she wasn’t one that enjoyed to stand out in the crowd or do anything close to crazy. She was practical, a bore if you asked her family and friends, but she was comfortable in the tedious life she lived.
Fast forward a few weeks and that had all changed from a chance encounter with literal death. Her mother would think her crazy if she spoke the words aloud. But alas, the girl couldn’t forget that night no matter how hard she tried. At first she was terrified, anyone would be if they witnessed the death she had. But moments after the John Doe’s death, Jade was awestruck. It was a terrible thing, really, or at least it should’ve been. However the tug and tightness in her chest said otherwise; she felt an inexplicable pull towards what, or whom, came after death.
Now if only her loved ones could see how far off stray she had gotten from her once uneventful life; only slightly worried that they would be proud of her newfound tendencies. Doubtful, but the thought did cross her mind a few times as she watched the life drain out of the male’s eyes before her. 
It wasn’t like he was a good man, she was doing the world a favor. But that didn’t help the pang of guilt that washed over her as she waited for what was to come next.
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shades-of-greyson · 7 years
Unexpected Date
@ofmetropolis - Jade
Anthony had been at the bar, waiting around for Jade. While the two did hook up on a regular basis, they liked to meet up somewhere other than their apartments so that they could keep the relationship interesting and colloquial, rather than just having it be all about sex. In the time that he had been waiting for the woman it seemed that he had ended up attracting quite a bit of attention from another woman, an older woman who looked to be in her mid-forties who had no sense of personal space and smoked like a train. He turned his head to the side, rolling his eyes as the woman droned on about her now adult children and her ex husband. ‘Jade, please hurry your ass up and save me.’ AJ thought to himself, hoping that she would come and be his knight in shining armor. 
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lauriecb · 5 years
Laurie was bored.You would have thought that dating several beautiful women at once would be a dream come true, but of the ones he had met so far, there wasn’t a single girl who’d caught his eye. There was nothing wrong with them, per se. It was just that he had no interest, and for a man who had fallen victim to falling in love at first sight as often as he had, that wasn’t the best sign. Showing his hands in his pockets, Laurie stared blankly into the distant, clenching his jaw to stifle a yawn as the next car pulled up. 
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Zoey had a date. She had a nonsecretive, no hiding, can hold hands in public date. The thought excited her, but also made her increasingly nervous. Sure, she and Michael had had dates, but they were when they were far away from the campus. No, it was different. Zoey didn't have a covert operation to actually go on a date. She loved her previous relationship but the secrecy had taken its toll, and now here she was, standing by the fountain with a cute dress on, or at least she thought it was cute waiting for jade to meet her. She wound up as time passed looking at her phone, getting almost nervous. She was just about to call Jade, and say what she didn't know but she was going to make sure she had the right day and time. Just as she started to pace, she sensed a presence and turned. "Hi," she said almost nervously. "You look beautiful as always. I was just about to call you and make sure I had the right day and time." She was rambling and she knew it, so she just stopped speaking then.
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Lip was late, and she was just a bit tired of waiting around for him to come so that they could study together.. This happened now and again, or a lot, and she did her best to keep quiet and be patient about it. And after another short while her head shot up, dark curls falling into her face as she saw him coming into the room, bruised, and cut up. Her eyebrows narrowed into a look of worry, what had he gotten himself into? “What happened..?” she asked as her eyes moved all over him, checking for further injuries, but she couldn’t see anything.. 
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felixlcsser · 4 years
When Jade had texted and asked him to come over, Fitz had assumed it was for one of their regular hang outs. Probably drinking a bit, or smoking, then hooking up before he left, knowing not to overstay his welcome or push his luck with her. He debated knocking on her door, before deciding to bend down, unlocking his phone before pulling up Thunderstruck by AC/DC, pressing play on Spotify and sliding it under her door, first “Ah’s” of the song starting. He opened the door to her Winthrop dorm, bursting into the room as the song started in earnest. “Campus police! Hide your drugs!” He exclaimed, picking his phone back up and flopping onto her bed. “What’s up? Needed a dick to suck besides Romeo’s?” @jadevassr​
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Madison had gone on vacation for a week to LA. She thought that after seven months, it was time to go home, spend time with her dad, and be honest about what had happened that day in university. Explain to him why she left so suddenly after getting out of rehab. She hadn’t even said good bye. She just... Booked a flight and flew back to Lanford without telling anyone. So far, her mom was the only person she had told about that night, and she felt her dad would be equally understanding.
The whole trip didn’t go as expected though, and she ended up not being able to tell him what had happened. She felt so weak. He was her father, yet she couldn’t even say something as simple as “I fell down a flight of stairs.” It just made her feel so pathetic. She tried to ignore this feeling, but it chased her back to Lanford, and she usually wouldn’t do this, but she was trying to get outside of her comfort zone. She was trying to break down her walls and get back to who she was before the accident. -- Or as close as she could. 
She sat alone at a bar, regretting coming in the first place, but having no good reason to leave, having nowhere she needed to be. So instead she sat, silently, a drink in front of her, only a small sip taken from it. The bar was surprisingly packed though, and she saw a blonde haired woman looking for a place to sit to no avail. “Excuse me!” She called, waving the woman over. “You can sit next to me. There’s a free seat here?”
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strcngers · 3 years
starter for: @hollowfcks​
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ryan didn’t have an actual explanation for why they were currently standing outside jade’s door. but ever since that one week trip away on her father's yacht, they honestly had an even harder time getting the other out of their thoughts. so when their hand rose upwards and knocked a couple times on the door, they shifted awkwardly back on the spot, trying to rack their brain of what they were going to say. however as the door swung open, all words were literally lost and they stood their like a deer stuck in headlights, until suddenly, without warning, ryan lunged forward, hands raising immediately to grip jade’s face as they crashed their lips against the other’s, not really thinking about any consequences that might happen
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