whumper-whimsy · 2 years
Back home P2
part 1
EXPLICIT NONCON (sex/kissing, etc), kidnapping, ransom, abuse, pet whump, nsfwhump, guns, caretaker × whumpee
Whumpee laid limply with their head in Whumper's lap, waves of horror sinking into them fully. The van's engine hummed noisily around the both of them, drowned out only by Whumper's words.
"I'm so happy to have you back... it's been ever so lonely without you. I've got everything prepared for you at home." Whumper hadn't stopped talking since they had dragged whumpee into the back of the vehicle with them. "My sweet pet... it's gonna be so nice to have you around again."
Whumper grabbed their chin for the tenth time, tilting it up to look into their eyes. Whumpee would've flinched away if they were able.
"Scared, huh?" Whumper fake-pouted. "Poor thing. I wish you could talk so i could hear you beg~ Oh well, I suppose we'll save that for later. Drugs should be wear off anytime." Whumper dropped whumpee's head, resituating their hands in their hair.
The van's engine quieted. They were at whumper's place. Whumpee let out a weak cry, the best they could at the moment.
"Oh, that's adorable~" Whumper gushed. They picked Whumpee up swiftly, holding them against their larger body. "You're nice and warm, arent you?"
"Nnh-" Whumpee managed, regaining some of their movement. They curled their fingers in halfway, lifting their head just an inch.
Whumper ignored their protest, walking out the back of the van as their henchmen opened the back doors. Whumper carried them all the way up the sidewalk leading to their large house.
"Nnnuh..." Whumpee slurred. "Nuh... no..."
"Babbling, hm? Cute." Whumper walked slowly through the familiar house towards the bedroom. "How long has it been since Caretaker rescued you, love? A year? Little over?"
"Agh," Whumpee huffed as Whumper brought them into the lavish bedroom, setting them on the bed. "Cae-a'er. Need Caretaker..."
"Not anymore. You have me again." Whumper said sweetly, lowering Whumpee. Whumpee realised with a jolt that they were being put in their cage.
"No," they cried, finding themself clinging to Whumper. This only made the taller laugh, standing up with whumpee still in their arms.
"You wanna stay with me?" Whumper teased, bringing them to the bed instead. They leaned over whumpee, grinning. "I suppose we'll get reacquainted then, hm?"
"No, stop-" Whumpee whimpered, now able to kick at them. "Please, no..."
Whumper only smiled wider, grabbing a collar out of their pocket- whumpee's collar. "Sit pretty for me, will you?" Whumper snapped it around their throat, tightening it just a little too much.
"Get off of me," Whumpee panted, their heart beating out of their chest. "I want Caretaker, please!"
"Are you gonna be this difficult all night? You know I can correct those behaviors with a couple of my tools, right?" Whumper ran their hand under Whumpee's shirt, their long fingers cold and uncomfortable against their torso. "Caretaker has undone so much of my hard work, haven't they? It's alright, sweet thing. Ill get your mind rewired in no time."
"Caretaker is coming to get me," Whumpee summoned their courage to retort. "They'll be here soon and beat the shit out of you and bring me home."
Whumper let out an amused laugh, smoothing whumpee's ruffled hair with one hand and pulling their shirt up further with the second. "Im sure they will, love. For now, I'll get you started with nice little treat..."
Whumpee shivered as whumper's finger ran under the waistband of their sweatpants.
Caretaker blinked awake, flinching when the bright light of their living room ceiling shone into their eyes. They rolled to their side with a groan and were met with the sight of the barrel of a gun.
"Goddamn-" they cried, sitting up. The gun's muzzle whacked them right in the cheekbone, knocking them back down.
A man in a dark uniform stood over them, pushing his gun against Caretaker's chest. "Stay exactly where you are, or ill put a bullet through your heart."
"Hey, hey!" Caretaker raised their palms innocently. "What's-"
All at once, memories from hours earlier flooded their mind. They looked around at their living room, spotting two uniformed women that were also armed.
"Where is whumpee?" Caretaker asked, leaning back against the couch so the gun didn't jab so violently into their chest.
"With whumper," the man told them and checked his watch, "who should've been here a while ago."
"Oh, god..." Caretaker whispered, biting their inner lip to stall the anxiety rebuilding itself in their chest. "Why's whumper coming back?"
"You'll find out when they arrive. Just stay put and nobody gets hurt." The man poked the gun at their chest again.
So caretaker slumped back against the couch, their mind racing a mile a minute.
What if whumpee's not okay? What's whumper doing? Why are they late? Are they hurting whumpee now? Why do they want to see me?
Several minutes had passed of this before footsteps came up the wooden porch. Whumper strode in, their hair slightly disheveled and wearing a different suit.
"Ah, caretaker..." Whumper sighed, signaling their henchmen out the door with a flick of their wrist. The three filed out the door without a sound, leaving Caretaker alone with Whumper.
"Whumper," Caretaker sat up, heart racing. "What do you want? Is whumpee okay."
"Yes, yes, your timid little friend is alright. More than alright actually." Whumper smirked, standing right in front of Caretaker.
"More than alright..?"
"I made whumpee feel good, caretaker. I gave them the attention they deserve." Whumper crouched lower, gripping Caretaker by the chin. "Ive given them what I assume you've been depriving the poor thing of."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Can you smell them on my breath, Caretaker? Or rather-" Whumper leaned in and kissed them forcefully, "taste them~?"
Caretaker smacked their face away with a grunt. They wiped their lips, glaring up at Whumper.
Everything came crashing down in that moment. Caretaker's blood ran ice cold.
"No." Caretaker's voice broke. "No, no, no. You didn't- you didn't-!" They jumped to their feet, but were forced back into their seat.
"I did, Caretaker. I did and it felt so fucking great. They'll never, ever forget this night. They're still in bed right now actually... feeling as great as ever."
Caretaker screeched in fury, jumping at whumper and swinging their fist in their direction. Whumper shoved them to the ground and twisted their arm behind their back, sending sparks of pain all the way up to their shoulder.
"I think I'll tack on another hour of their pleasure for them because of that silly stunt." Whumper hissed in their ear.
"No-! Don't punish them because of me, please!" Caretaker panted, trying to ignore the searing pain in their arm.
"Oh, its not a punishment at all. I promise you, they're having a fun time..."
Whumpee cried out in desperation for the billionth time, tears spilling past their eyelids. The buzzing between their thighs picked up in intensity, causing their back to arch.
Whumper had left them like this- and god knows how long it'd be until they came back. It had to have been at least an hour, right? Two maybe?
They checked the clock though hazy eyes.
30 minutes had passed.
"Hel~ shit- help me!" They cried, their voice breaking into a moan. "Hurts- ev'rythin' hurts-"
Nobody came.
I need Caretaker... they'd come and hold me and play with my hair. They'd kiss me and tell me it's alright. They'd make it better.
Whumpee took a moment to imagine caretaker sitting beside them, stroking their cheek and helping them through the pain.
"Shh, honey," they'd say. "It'll all be over soon. Focus on your breathing."
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut, trying to calm their ragged pants.
In four... hold four... out four...
A small whine escaped their lips on the exhale, their knees drawing together as the buzzing droned on.
They felt pressure rising inside them again and they braced to release again, wrapping their fingers around the chains to their cuffs.
They groaned, trying their best to hold still as the stimulation became too much. They saw spots in their vision when they opened their eyes.
Whumpee cast another teary glance up at the camera in the corner. They wouldn't give Whumper the show they wanted.
Caretaker slumped against the wall they had been thrown against. They glared up at Whumper who, just like them, was smeared in blood.
Whumper delivered a swift kick to their torso, drawing the wind out of them.
"You know, Caretaker. You're almost as fun to beat up as my Whumpee. I'm not used to such defiance. It'd be fun to have a good couple of months with you."
Caretaker tensed at this. This is where they were supposed to be heroic and give the "take me instead" speech and beg Whumper to let them take Whumpee's place.
But they didn't. They couldn't.
Whumper scared them. They could face them now, but to be at their mercy? They wouldn't survive a day.
"Cat's got your tongue? You seem a little shaken." Whumper smiled down at them, crouching down to their level. They cupped Caretaker's cheek and rubbed up and down the side of their face.
"Get out of my house," Caretaker whispered, shaking. With rage? With fear?
"I suppose I should get back to Whumpee... they'll be missing me by now."
"As if." Caretaker spat, silently relieved when their hand left their cheek. They instantly shifted their tone as Whumper stood to tower over them. "Be gentle on them. Please."
"Oh trust me, Caretaker. It'll only get worse from here~"
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poindexters-labratory · 3 months
Please tell me that Vincent has purple hair and likes toast!!!
Vinny my beloved <3
This is the only picture I have of him and it's taken on my phone:
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Yes, he does have purple hair :3o And he looks a whole lot like William. That's kind of how he suspected something weird was going on was Vincent has a lot of William's features: big eyes, his teeth have the same gaps and hypodontia (missing teeth), his height, and general face shape.
They initially met at a museum-like Freddy's location that I've nicknamed the Emporium. Michael came in as a historical consultant because he's Michael Afton. Vincent was working there for the summer amidst doing summer school for his senior year of high school.
Vincent's mom is a woman that Michael knew and dated in high school, River, and they met each other again at a high school reunion in 2003. Michael left to head back to LA shortly after that, never notified that she was pregnant.
So, it's a bit of a shocking surprise for Mike to find out he has a son after eighteen years. Especially because River wants nothing to do with him considering what has happened to his family. But Vincent feels the opposite way.
Michael finds his presence a bit annoying and haunting. He sees a lot of his father in Vincent, Vincent being high energy, extroverted, and incredibly smiley. Michael also is not ready to be a father, he's way too concerned with the rest of the fnaf lore and himself. Eventually, he starts to warm up a bit and stops comparing him when he starts to accept the concept that his father may indeed just be gone and everything is over.
That's not the case, but he can believe that for the time being.
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trcvis · 1 month
closed: @cricketcampbell location: cricket's apartment
Travis found himself once again, entering into Cricket's apartment, being led by his nose and a growl in his stomach. Although, the company of his friend was almost as enjoyable as whatever conconction she'd cooked up this time. Almost.
"I've been meaning to tell you..." He said, inbetween bites, mouth still half-full of food. "I'm thinking of switching careers... I mean, I love the ice rink, and don't get me wrong, I'd want to run that place some day - sometimes I feel like I already do, but... I'm too young to be a manager or even take on the rink as an owner, I've got zilch money."
Even with the amount he worked, he'd only just about break-even and have enough left over to treat himself.
"What do you think? I was thinking I might try and be a cop, or something, you know... do something worthwhile. And I bet I'd look sexy in those uniforms. Can you picture it?"
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Saturday Check-In - August 26th
welp, it’s been another slow week for the challenge, it seems. I finished one book that I didn’t end up liking and it really slowed down my reading with the new books I’m trying. but I’m also done with Nevo Zisin’s memoir and that’s been a really good read
what’s everyone else been up to this week? found any good books to recommend in these last days of the challenge?
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btscontentenjoyer · 1 year
tag game: post 9 favourite album covers ~ thank you for tagging me @raplinenthusiasts and @cosmicdreamgrl 💞💕
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is this it ~ blond ~ wasteland, baby! ~ awaken, my love! ~ melodrama ~ dirty computer ~ love yourself answer ~ harry styles ~ indigo
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monster-noises · 9 months
By the by. You inspired me to finally seek testosterone to help with my dysphoria this year. Thanks for that. 🎃
OH!!! that's amazing pumpkin!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I hope your journey is everything you desire and brings you the joy you seek (/v-v)/
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clubwnderland · 1 year
“I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one… you never give up.”
❤️ for your muse to ask my muse to be their Valentine
For Jeno ♡ 🐺
Chuckling softly, Jeno kisses Omega on the cheek before taking her hand and giving her a smile. It makes him look so youthful when he smiles like that - like a little boy with a crush. "Well, since you feel that way, how about you be my date for today, yeah?" He does a little wiggle to make her smile, "we can go for a walk through the park and get ice cream after."
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
🤡🥺🛒✨ for the writing emoji asks! :D
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
any of mal and aleksander's interactions in hearth warming. the way aleksander devised a whole pretense just to brush shoulders with mal like... alksjdlfks. that's what happens when an instinctively manipulative person starts yearning lmfao
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
oauf. I write hurt/comfort mostly so like... all of it. but especially those points when the caretaker character realizes something is wrong with the whumpee and actually helps, especially when the whumpee thinks they won't.
also anything where the pov character doesn't even realize what's happened to them is bad until someone tells them. also kisses and gentle touches and fun little rituals for respecting boundaries between a touch averse/starved character and their partner(s) is a type of interaction that I love and do a lot.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
alksjdfslk worship. for h/c i've realized I mostly write touch-starvation and self image issues, usually with a side of isolation or depersonalization. surely there is no projection going on there.
I really really like themes of liberation and self actualization. themes that usually pick apart good vs evil and highlight the ugly and good aspects of humanity that everyone possesses - aspects that should be accepted and loved and worshiped. I like themes of family, change, and acceptance mostly.
I also commonly have scenes where characters have anxiety spirals or ptsd attacks. because I'm first and foremost a whump lover.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
man idk 😭. I think I'm good at description? I usually actually have to delete paragraphs of description just to make my writing readable. I'm not so great at dialogue though so it's a win/lose situation tbh. my writing is really purple prosey, which I know some people like (even if I don't. I've come to accept that I am not my own audience lol)
fanfic writer emoji ask (x)
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shamera · 1 year
Hi! I just finished caughting up on your Dare Disturb the Universe fic, absolutely live it! I couldn’t wait for the next update on AO3 so i started digging until I read all available chapters on othet sites lol, your Characters are so loveble, you write their friendship so wholesome, you wrote them so well that! Im so curious about Hope’s missed memories? Did he die in the assanation or did our hope is another one that fall onto Bhunivelza’s hands? What does Noel know?? Im so dieiing to know! I can’t wait if you are still working on it but if your not thats ok too I just need you to know that you are amazing! Much love!<<33
Ahhh thank you!! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) That's one of my passion projects that I always hope to go back to-- (writing patience, where are yoooou ヽ( `д´*)ノ) the next part has been, like, half written forever, but I really need to get around to finishing it. ^^;;
I honestly love the questions that the alternate timelines bring up in canon, and Hope's missing memories were always supposed to slowly come back, especially the ones from the timeline he's from! (≧◡≦)
With each of the people (mostly) from different timelines, Noel's probably the the only one with the same memories as Hope, but Light's the one with the real s e c r e t memories that we can probably all guess, lol~
I'm really glad you enjoyed the story, though!! I'm definitely going to try throwing myself back into the XIII fandom again after I manage to drag myself away from Genshin and MDZS long enough---
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marvelnatswhore · 1 year
Grapes are yummy I like black grapes though. What type of grapes do you like?
I love both, crunchy grapes are so good :p I also love the small slightly sour ones
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scarlxtleaves · 10 months
It took her some time to think of a gift, atleast something that is based on one's preferences. Eventually, Hinamori decided on a little trinket, which simply happened a brooch, a pretty detailed one at that. ''Here, for your birthday'', from here, she supposed he can do whatever he wants with the gift.
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“Miss Hinamori, what a pleasant surprise.” Then she relays her message with the addition of a gift as well. Slowly Kazuha reaches forward and takes the brooch in hand, it resembles a leaf, a scarlet leaf that decorates the earth during the fall. Beautiful and well crafted, this was definitely a gift Kazuha will cherish for the rest of his days. “Thank you soo much, I love it.” That’s when he clips it against the scarf he wears. “How do I look?”
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deep-dark-fears · 6 months
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Out out, Mister Goofums. A fear submitted by Lauren to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can find original artwork or commission portraits in my shop!
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tea-earl-grey · 3 months
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The Pantheon of Discord
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space-bowl · 6 months
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Ep 7 Aftermath (given the planet didn't explode yet)
Part 2
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blackpearlblast · 6 months
five days until the state of georgia is scheduled to execute willie pye
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whoseblogisitanyways · 4 months
tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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