#{ thanks for the follow sweetie! x3 }
barbex · 2 months
Happy Friday x3 For DADWC, I'd love to see: ❝ keep your eyes on me— just focus on me. we’re gonna be okay. ❞ for a pairing of your choice x3
Thank you for this @dadrunkwriting prompt (from... holy shit November 2023) Hey! Better late than never.
Isabela noticed it at first. Not Anders, not Hawke. Isabela. 
"What's the matter?" Hawke asks, when Isabela doesn't follow her into the Hanged Man. 
"I think..." she takes a few short steps, as if her feet decided for her but her mind has not caught up yet.
"Where are you going?"
Isabela looks at Hawke, something strangely vulnerable on her face. Isabela never lets anyone see into her heart and this small glimpse gives Hawke whiplash. "Izzy, what is it?"
"I think... we should go after her." Isabela's feet move again, pulling her forward, halting at first and then more secure. "Come, let's go," she calls back and if Hawke ever wondered how Isabela would be as the captain of a ship, she knows now. It's impossible to not follow her command. 
Hawke runs, catching up as Isabela stomps with secure steps, strong steps that can cushion the movement of a dancing ship. "You mean Merrill?" she asks when she comes to Isabela's side.
"But... she said she wanted to be alone." Hawke recalls that terrible moment, when Merrill's clan cast her out over the death of Marethari. Sure, she cried on the way back, but it's not like she had seen her clan in a while. Hawke catches herself thinking that losing people is kind of normal. Or is it?
Isabela looks at her, with that unusual vulnerability in her expression. "Oh, girl, sometimes you look and you just don't see."
But Isabela runs now, storming into the alienage and comes to a skidding halt in front of Merrill's door. She knocks, but doesn't wait for an answer, pushing the door open, just as Hawke catches up with her. She follows Isabela inside, squinting into the sudden darkness. At first, the house seems quiet, but then she hears a kind of rhythmic knocking. 
"Kitten?" Isabela calls out, carefully stepping around something on the floor, which turns out to be a broken chair. 
"Oh no." Now, Hawke worries. What did she miss? "Merrill?"
There is a single light in the next room, Merrill's bedroom. It's a wisp, hovering over Merrill's hunched back like a worried bird. She kneels, knocking her head against the floor. 
Isabela slides down, pulling Merrill up by her shoulders. "Hey, hey, Kitten, sweet Kitten, we're here, come on, Hawke is gonna hold you." She glares at Hawke until she reacts.
"Yes, yes, come here sweety, I got you." She sits down behind Merrill and pulls her to her chest, wrapping her arms tight around her.
Merrill cries, quiet at first, and then she screams, like a wounded animal, struggling against Hawke's arms but Hawke holds her tighter, whispering against her neck. "It's alright, I'm sorry I didn't see, we're here now."
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone!" Merrill whimpers between sobs, her fingernails scratching over old marks on her arms.
Isabela kneels in front of her, taking her hands, holding them to her chest. "Keep your eyes on me, Kitten, just focus on me. We’re gonna be okay." 
Merrill lets out another scream, and then she collapses, sobbing in Hawke's and Isabela's arms. 
Hawke looks at Isabela, grabbing her hand. "I'm so glad you saw it."
Pressing her hand Isabela sighs. "Girl, sometimes you're really blind."
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
What if TFP Autobot Starscream did the heroic sacrifice during the 2nd Season Finale + afterwards... How would the Autobots + their allies feel about Optimus and Ratchet telling them all about Star’s Heroic ‘Death’? T_T (And what if Star was still alive... and he was taken prisoner by a Happy Megatron!) 
Oh… Another sad scene :’)… Definitely you like to make me cry sweety anon (இwஇ)… Thanks for your request X3!
When all of Team Prime's managed to reunite, along with Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack, they soon noticed that someone was missing. Optimus and Ratchet still hadn't said anything to the others, not knowing how to explain to them everything that had happened. It wasn't particularly difficult to explain, but to say… it was quite an ordeal.
"Where's Starscream?" Miko asked.
The child's question forced them out of their silence, and the serious expression of the two added a certain concern to the others of the team.
"Where's Starscream?!" insisted the Japanese girl.
Ratchet and Optimus looked at each other, both unsure where to begin. The doctor lowered his head and looked away, while Prime found the strength to look at his team.
“… Starscream is… gone…
- Where?" Raf asked.
If the youngest of the group hadn't really understood the Autobot leader's statement, the others hadn't been so lucky... Miko was the one who looked the most devastated, her expression quickly changing from horror to anger, as denial took over.
"No! You lie! cried out the young girl.
- Miko, what interest would he have in lying?! Ratchet replied, doing his best to contain his snappy voice.
- Starscream can survive to everything! He's not dead! It's not possible !!
- How is it possible…? Bumblebee stammered. How did it happen…?
- …He stayed behind to destroy the ground bridge machine, to prevent the Decepticons from finding us… Optimus answered. But... the base surely didn't hold on against the Decepticons' onslaught...
- He didn't have to do that!! Miko yelled.
- … Unfortunately… he have…
- It would have been enough to put a bomb on it, or… I don't know! Something else!
- Even, by doing that, Soundwave could have extracted data from it…
- But we don't care! By doing that, Starscream wouldn't be dead!"
The Japanese girl closed her eyes tightly, and clenched her fists, while angry tears ran down her cheeks. For his part, Smokescreen lowered his head, blaming himself for not turning around to help him when he had the chance... He had first believed that it would be Optimus who was going to sacrifice himself, given that he had subtly indicated it. He never would have thought that Starscream would...
If he have retraced his steps, he could potentially have saved him… Unfortunately, he hadn't… dooming the Seeker to his death… Bulkhead laid a comforting hand on the recruit's shoulder, and said:
"It's not your fault, kid.
- I could have done better… I… began Smokescreen.
- It's no use complaining… it won't bring him back… Arcee cut him off.
- You're hard, 'Cee… Wheeljack interjected.
- I am only stating a fact…”
Smokescreen was on the verge of getting angry at the motorcycle's detachment, but the two Wreckers intervened, preventing him from going any further. They knew it was Arcee's way of dealing with grief, she had done the same for Cliffjumper.
The warrior didn't once look at the others, keeping her head down and her fists clenched, saying nothing more. Jack and Raf joined her silence, and the younger child was unable to contain his tears, which rolled down his cheeks.
Ultra Magnus kept a solemn silence, because even if he had not known Starscream when he was with the Autobots, he knew that the others had come to attach themselves to him, and so that the moment of silence was completely legitimate for him.
Miko quickly left the hangar, wanting to be alone to fully mourn her grief, Bulkhead tried to follow her, but she quickly dissuaded him. Wheeljack put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, and shook his head. Bumblebee on his side consoled Raf as best he could, but without success… Fowler looked apologetically at Optimus, and said:
“I'm sorry for your loss, Prime. I realize that he had become a precious friend to you...
- More than a friend, Agent Fowler… answered the leader of the Autobots sadly. He was a member of our family…”
Everything was horribly blinding… The pain setting in, hitting him again and again, and he couldn't do anything about it… He kept leaving the real world, returning to a tumult of mindless thoughts and dreams. It seemed to him that he was being shaken all over the place, while he was completely still, unable to move. He constantly lost his bearings.
Shadows were above him, but the harsh light and his blurred vision never allowed him to see beyond the shapes, pushing him into fear and pain, losing him in a sea of ​​darkness.
The DarkMount was upright in all his glory, fully facing the receding sun, which seemed split in two by the immense shadow of the monstrous tower. Megatron gazed with satisfaction at the new territory before him, contemplating the grandeur of the Decepticon victory against the Autobots. And, it was not his only victory.
The ex-gladiator left the main room, and headed for the medical bay, where he knew someone was waiting for him. Soon everything would be back to normal, everything would go back to how it was!
KnockOut came out of the medical bay to take a little break, as well as to wipe more quietly the energon that he had on his hands. It was then that he saw the leader of the Decepticons arrive, and he gave him a light salute, while stepping aside to let Megatron pass.
“How is our patient? asked the ex-gladiator.
- He's stable, my Lord. But he still hasn't regained consciousness. answered the doctor.
- It won't be long.
- His frame suffered a lot of damage from the collapse and explosion. To be honest with you, I'm even surprised he's still alive.
- Knowing his tenacity, it doesn't surprise me that much.
- I did my best to fix him, but at the moment his legs are still not functional.
- If it prevents him from running away again, that's fine."
Megatron soon found himself in front of a medical table, where Starscream was lying, unconscious but very much alive. His frame was connected to several machines, one of which kept his Spark stable. His body had suffered multiple fractures, which KnockOut had done his best to repair. He had also repaired the deep nicks and tears that the devastating collapse had caused, and had done everything possible for the Seeker's nearly destroyed wings.
The doctor knew that if he continued on this path, the jet would be able to fly again one day. But for that still it was necessary that the red robot manages to repair the legs of the flyer, who definitively did not work any more, after the brutal crushing of a beam against the spinal column of Starscream. KnockOut even wondered if all this effort was really necessary, while the Seeker's future was still uncertain. The doctor didn't even know why Megatron wanted so much to save a traitor, whom he had never appreciated.
“Excuse my indiscretion, my Lord. But I have a question…” finally said KnockOut.
The leader of the Decepticons tore his gaze away from Starscream, still unaware of what was going on around him, and replied in annoyance:
“I'm listening, KnockOut.
- What exactly do you intend to do with Starscream?"
The ex-gladiator looked intently at the doctor, who began to sincerely regret his question, when Megatron finally answered:
“I intend for him to return to the Decepticons side.
- What?! the red robot sincerely wondered. But, he's an Autobot now! His recent actions have proven this point! Especially his sabotage of the ground bridge machine to prevent us from finding his friends!
- The Autobots are by no means his friends!!"
KnockOut couldn't hide his surprise at the Warlord's sudden outburst, who continued:
“He will come back to my side! His true place is with the Decepticons! With me! He has no place elsewhere!
- And if he refuses…? stammered the doctor.
- Whether he likes it or not, he will stay! He has no opinion to give! I'll end up convincing him! Whether it's the soft way, or the hard way!!"
After this outburst of anger, Megatron left the medical bay, while ordering the sports car back to work. KnockOut simply nodded, and moved closer to Starscream, to resume repairs. The doctor sighed softly, then said:
"Primus…if I were you, Screamer, I'd much rather be dead…"
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maternal-extinct · 1 year
i know you said red winged blackbirds are your favorite but i have lots of birds that visit and most recently ive got a daddy house sparrow and his babies!!! they love to play around in the fountain and it's so cute watching them follow their dad and beg for food 🥺 -- 🍯🐾
oh sweetie i love all kinds of birds! like im always bird watching, i try to get about an hour of it in a day but i usually exceed that x3
even right now im watching chimney swifts hunt above the treeline and hummingbirds are darting between the neighbors feeders. theyre in the same order i think and theyre chattering sounds the same. also they did a science that showed that when nectar is scarce, hummers will start hunting for bugs the same way swifts do!
i bet daddy sparrow is gunna have a hell of a time smashing his face against the dirt to try to teach his fledglings to forage hehe, thanks for the message sweetie 💕
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silverryu25 · 2 years
- be me
- see you on my dash
- RECOGNITION!!! I know this person!!
- remember i appreciate you
- send you sticky note to tell you this <3
...oh yeah this is an ask box uhhhhh....
what are 5 fanfics you would recommend to your followers to read? or, if thats too narrow, 5 authors on ao3 you would suggest checking out?
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Yaaaaaay! Thank you for the sticky note! You are such a sweetie! (⁄ ⁄≧⁄ ω ⁄≦⁄ ⁄)♥
Oh stars 5 fics/writers I'd recommend? Hmmmmmmmmm... that is a tough one XD
Peeps on AO3 I always recommend are (I'll just do a random list as I remember someone, there are a lot more XD):
YOU (Kamari333)! cause your writing is mega amazing and gives me so many freaking feelings! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♥
Soloshikigami has sooooooo many amazing stories and I love every one of them! they deserve so much love (both the writer and the stories) (≧◡≦)♥
Skerb cause they are a super precious bean that make my heart melt with every chapter ♥_(:3」∠)_♥
Askellie for all your darkfic needs UwU
Kasbaka for the bad Sanses gang stories I'm following from them X3
There are a ton more I would recommend but the list would go on forever XD
Thank you for the absolutely lovely ask! (⊃≧ω≦(˘⌣˘⊂)♥
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milasartblog · 4 years
Pajama party (part 4)
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Noticing that some girls were "not in their suits" Liya and Anoli immediately closed their boyfriend's eyes while Jeff stood stunned and blushed. Girls looked at them as giggled while Lilith turned to them.
Lilith: Why are you still not in your pajamas?~ It’s not so polite to meet guests like this~
???: Awww, you know how I don’t like to be in clothes.
Lilith: And yet, we have an agreement that in human world you will wear them, Sonya~
Sonya: Doesn’t underwear count as pajama?
Lilith: No~
Sonya: Fine, I will do it.
She snapped her fingers and she was already in her pajama shirt. Girls followed her and in a second they were already dressed up for the party. Anoli and Liya could finally open their boyfriends’ eyes with relief. Lilith smiled as two other demons approached to her.
???: Sorry, Lilith, we couldn’t help not to tease our guests in our suits~
Lilith: That’s okay~ Nymir, Ennor, let me introduce you to my guests~ Liya, Anoli, Chris, Axel and Jeff~
Ennor: Hey, punks~
Nymir: Hello, sweeties~
Chris and Anoli: H-Hello, Ms Nymir and Ms Ennor.
They were blushing, waving back to them while Axel was speechless.
Jeff: H-Hello, ladies.
Liya: Nice to meet you~
Nymir: Same to you all~ And these are our girls: the one who was on the candelier is Sonya, other girls are Iruichi, Ariana, Kira and Nataly~
Iruichi: Hellooooo!~
She waved with excitement while Sonya yawned.
Kira: So this is how your human looks like, Lilith~ Truly handsome and precious~
Jeff's face immediately colored in tomato as Lilith giggled.
Nataly: Umm, h-hi, I'm Nataly. Nice to m-meet you.
Anoli: Hello, I'm Anoli. Nice to meet you too.
Chris: You seem pretty shy unlike your friends.
Ariana: That's because she is the one of the succubi, who feels like this even towards humans~
Chris: Oh, even such thing happens in Hell. I'm Chris.
Ariana: I'm Ariana~ And this is your angel girlfriend Anoli~
Anoli: You can feel my energy?
Iruichi: All demons and angels can do it. However, it's new for us that an angel would join the party. Which is more fun!
Ariana: Hehe, don't mind her, she is an energetic succubi~
Axel: Well, I have noticed it.
Nymir: All these girls have unique personalities~ Anyways, shall we go to the guest room?~
Kira: Party will not start on its own!~
Jeff: But we didn't bring our pajamas.
Liya: Well, that's not a problem~
She snapped her fingers as Axel's clothes changed into pajama. He got surprised while Anoli did the same for Chris and Lilith to Jeff.
Chris: Thanks, Anoli.
Anoli: No problem.
Jeff: Wow, that's pretty one. Thank you, Lilith.
Lilith: My pleasure~ Now, we should change too~
Liya: Yeah~
Anoli: Glad I still have my old comfy one.
And girls's clothes were repkaced to pajamas in a second. Axel and Jeff got immediately blushed by how sexy their girlfriends looked. Chris got blushed too of how cute Anoli looked. Everyone were finally in their pajamas. Girls were amazed of how pretty the crew was.
Iruichi: Woah, you look so cool!
Anoli: Hehe, thanks.
Lilith: Glad you all get along well~ Well, let's go to guest room. It's more comfy and enough space for party~
Iruichi: And with a TV where we can watch anime together!~
She immediately rushed there, like a flash, while Sonya lazily walked there.
Chris: Oh wow, I didn't expect that demons would like something from human realm like anime.
Ennor: If you saw how Hell looks like now, you would be even more surprised~ Now, let's join others!~
And everyone walked to the guest room. It indeed looked comfy and spacious, not as large as the hall, but good for such thing like party. There was a coffee table with all snacks and drinks that Iruichi brought from human realm. There were chips with pepper flavor, some nachos, sweets, marshmallows, cola and soda. There were also TV with DVD player, sofa and chair and a bed for guest, which is now occupied by Sonya. Iruichi was already at the TV. From the kitchen a delicious smell of homemade pizza and hot chocolate flew around the room. Seems like someone prepared an additional dish in case of running out of snacks.
Nymir: So, what would our guests like to do first?~
Jeff: Well, I think we can have a chat to get to know each other and just enjoy party.
Nataly: That's great idea! I-I mean, yeah, we should get to k-know each other first.
Liya: What do you say if me and Axel go to Iruichi, Ariana and Kira, Anoli and Chris to Nataly and Sonya and Lilith and Jeff to Ennor and Nymir?
Axel looked at Kira as got nervous for a moment. Same did Jeff looking at Ennor and Nymir, who were smirking.
Axel: Umm, maybe we better-
Chris: Why not? Then we can take turns, and in such way have a chat with everyone.
Ariana: I'm on it too~
Ennor: Great~ Then let's turn on music and have fun~
Boys got nervous more, hearing such words, and yet to their surprise despite being demons they were actually like any other students who want to have fun and enjoy party. Even angel was surprised after chating with Nataly. Chris couldn't help not to be amazed of how many animes Iruchi had watched. Liya and Axel were also enjoying their time, despite Liya guardining her boyfriend from Kira. Jeff was blushing so much as he was with three hot ladies. Party seemed to go well for now...or did it?
And that's the next part of the story^^ Seems like things are about to get more interesting x3
Anoli, Liya, Axel, Ariana, Kira, Nataly, Sonya and Iruichi belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Lilith belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
Jeff, Chris, Nymir and Ennor belong to @captainthane
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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giggly-squiggily · 4 years
Heyheyhey sweetie (hope I can call you that xD) I just saw the message of dexholder anon and was wondering how you all have so much courage to post your stories, pics and... like... everything. What made you start and what gave you the courage? :)
Heyo Mikyu! *sends lots of hugs* Of course you can call me sweetie! :3 This is a fantastic question!
I started back in October of 2019, so I haven’t had my blog for very long. When I first started, I was really inspired by blogs like @tickly-tufts and @otomiya-tickles (I hope it’s okay if I tag ya’ll in this!), who’s stories are so well written, and featured fandoms and characters I love! They, and many other amazing blogs, gave me the courage and motivation to start my writing blog journey!
What gave me the courage to post, and what still does, is all the people who read my fics! When I first started posting, I’d never thought I’d gain the following I have, or have anyone pay any attention to my blog :3 Not gonna lie, I still get nervous to post my fics these days. I have to do the “1, 2, 3, post!″ method and press the button before I back out, lols. It’s nerve-racking sometimes, because I don’t know how my fics are gonna go over, or if they were any good.
But when I hear feedback from my readers, from people who take the time to read what I posted and enjoy it, it makes it all worthwhile! I am so, so grateful for everyone who reads my fics! You guys give me so much courage and joy, and I appreciate every single one of you! I’ve met so many wonderful friends on this platform, and I can’t thank y’all enough for allowing me a place in this community! X3
This got really mushy, lols. X3 I hope this answered your question, hon! Thank you for always dropping in with fantastic fanfic prompts and words of kindess! It’s always a pleasure to write and hear from you! X3
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canon-fcdder · 4 years
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"Go to sleep, sweetheart. pray for brains." ( Squilliam @ Spongebob x3 ) 
- ✩ { @gamblealife } ✩
{ ☆ } It was admittedly rather late at night. Late enough for most to be hunkered down in their homes, likely fast asleep. SpongeBob however, had opted to leave his happy pineapple home in favor of a little stroll around Bikini Bottom, as a way of trying to tire himself out before bed. For some reason, not even a warm glass of snail milk had been able to ease his fidgety state. With how quiet and abandoned the city had seemed— aside from a few stragglers here and there —he honestly hadn’t expected to run into anyone.
Let alone literally run into someone, thanks to his attention being taken by a passing jellyfish and internal wonderings about whether he and Patrick should invite Squidward to their upcoming jellyfishing plans. Speaking of cephalopods— Eyes widen with surprise, spongey body squeaking as he is bumped into by the taller male. Or well... As HE bumps into Squilliam. Of course, he immediately apologizes as it’s the polite thing to do. Unfortunately, his apology is met with an annoyed scoff and eye roll, followed by that lovely little comment. One that seems to entice more confusement than offense from the sponge.
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“Uhhhh... Well, actually I’m kinda having trouble sleeping. That’s why I’m out here right now.” He explains as if Squilliam’s suggestion was genuine. Ignoring the comment about his lack of ‘brains’— he’s used to initially brushing off statements like that —he inquires, “What are you doing wandering around so late at night... sweetie?” Nickname is awkwardly tacked on, merely following the other’s lead. Albeit, with more of an innocent air than the patronizing one of Squilliam’s. “I normally don’t see you in this part of town even during the day.” { ☆ } 
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toujoursmiraculous · 6 years
Over-analyzing Adrienette/Ladynoir in Frozer
A lot happened in Frozer, but let’s focus on Adrien and Marinette right now. x3 Get comfortable, this is a very long post. Okay, so right off the bat, Chat’s confessing to Ladybug again (with a snatched rose from the man they just rescued), expecting a different outcome from the first because he doesn’t want to give up. And I’d understand it, had the first time not occurred so recently. Right now, he’s just asking for pain and is being insensitive to Ladybug’s feelings. Ladybug slumps away, looking pained and sad herself, as she says she can’t accept the rose from him, and reminds him she’s in love with someone else. Then he brings up the interesting question (that was answered in a webisode back during S1): “If he weren’t here, would things be different between us?”
Time and time again we see her expressing how much the way things are pains her, given how much she does love and care about him (though she’s never admitted it out loud, her actions speak volumes). She says she couldn’t imagine him not being here, and says she has to go and suggests he do the same. They’ve definitely focused on expressing Ladynoir (Ladybug’s feelings for Chat) more than Adrienette (Adrien’s feelings for Marinette) throughout season 2.
It’s also important to keep in mind this is pre Adrien’s confession to Marinette about Kagami. Had this somehow been able to have taken place after Adrien went after Kagami, she may have actually said something differently to Chat, and possibly still could when he brings it up again.
Ahem, anyway.
Later, Adrien asks Kagami "Do you ever feel stuck, that no matter what you do, it’s the same old story, over and over again? That things will never, ever change?”
She gives him advice relating the situation to fencing, saying, “the biggest mistake a fencer can make isn’t choosing the wrong technique, it’s choosing the wrong target.” and emphasizes changing targets.
Oh? A new person to focus his attention on? And who better than the girl that gave the advice, right? Right? Hmm...
After waving goodbye to Kagami, Plagg starts asking him about Kagami being a new contender, and he denies, saying Ladybug’s the only one he loves, then says “But” with a side glance towards where Kagami just was with a smile on his face. Plagg reminds him that Ladybug doesn’t love him, and tries to encourage him to “change his tune.”
Adrien’s response:
“Why should it be different with Kagami, I must not have the right technique, that’s all.”
Then proceeds to get some rather unhelpful, yet humorous advice from Plagg, and says he’ll get some love advice from someone else.
The next three clips are of Adrien trying to ask the three adults in his life about his love problem, but not feeling comfortable enough to do so. He’s so alone.
Cue Marinette! She ran into school and bumped right into him, what perfect luck! (what is she running away from anyway?) He spotted his friends and classmates, including his best friend he could’ve asked for help, but no, Marinette’s the only one he seems comfortable talking about this with. Which, is both amazing as he trusts her and feels that comfortable with her for such personal matters, but that’s some friendzone material right there.
He sits her down, and starts talking about this girl and how they’ve just been friends, until recently and is starting to see her differently, then asks if that’s ever happened to her.
Yes, you even reminded her of that fact today, sweetie.
Then he starts going on about all the things about this girl, things that fit Marinette perfectly...until she hears “Kagami” come out of his mouth.
What a blow.
Marinette says “The Ice Queen?” when he asks what he should do about Kagami. Immediately, Marinette realizes she spoke her mind, again (she tends to do this when particularly upset, like in the Queen’s Battle Trilogy). Which is interesting, given that particular nickname is given to girls in school by the student body, that tend to be cold, distant, and almost never interested in friends or romantic relationships. Clearly Adrien’s unaware of this nickname, and she covers up her error by saying “ice rink” and suggests they break the ice there.
Nice save.
Then Shy Adrien being too shy to go alone with Kagami, Marinette ends up being a very good friend and offers to go along to help him out.
“You’d do that?! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to go to the ice rink together. Thanks!” “That’s what friends are for!” she calls after him weakly.
Being a good person and a good friend, even though she’s helping the guy she loves with another girl.
She’s also accepting this fact. From experience, this is really horrible to deal with, Marinette definitely deserves praise for this because it takes everything in you to stay on this path.
The next day, at the rink, Adrien tells her how cool it was for her to bring Luka along
if you only knew, dude 
and oh what to do, should he offer to hold Kagami’s hand?
“You have to let her fall.” “Huh?!”
Whoops, there goes her inability to contain her inner thoughts again. She emphasizes twice to do what he can to not let her fall and then Marinette falls. To be caught by Luka.
Smooth Luka comes in and helps her swiftly with her skates and Marinette and Adrien both just watch him.
Then Luka holds out his hand, causing Marinette to look dumbfounded and blush like mad as she reaches out for his hand.
Meanwhile, Adrien’s got this expression on his face:
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He sure looks uncomfortable. Maybe because he thinks he should follow Luka’s example, maybe it’s because he’s realizing Luka’s interested in Marinette. Both even? Lukanette on the ice is adorable and perfect these two look like ice dancers OMG... until she gets a glimpse of Adrien with Kagami and loses her balance. But Luka’s there to catch her when she falls, so it’s cool. Except she gets distracted by them again and crashes into a wall. Adrien was on the other side of the rink and hears her cry out in pain, and although Luka’s nearby OH MY GOSH, Marinette’s crashed and could be really hurt, gotta skate all the way over and help her up! Marinette almost had him help her, too, but she knew this gesture would mean something and stopped herself. And then Kagami says what she had to say, her words hurting Marinette to the point she excuses herself from further skating with Luka and heads to the bathroom. Adrien’s paying attention and sees something’s wrong, and he ditches Kagami for Marinette in a heartbeat to make sure she’s okay. Talking with Tikki: “I like Luka, he’s really nice, but do you think he’s just like Adrien, just a friend?” She and Adrien both are doubting the possibility of a relationship with their new love interests because things didn’t go how they wanted with the one they love. Adrien checking on Marinette is so sweet. But having a conversation about her to your Kwami literally right outside the door isn’t a good idea.
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“You’re supposed to be in love with Ladybug. Now you ditch Kagami to go after Marinette?” “Me? Going after Marinette? Noo, she’s just a friend.” I see your face and hear your tone. He thought about it. He actually thought about the idea of going after Marinette. His tone sounded like he is in total denial when he replies, like there’s a reason why Marinette couldn’t be more than just a friend. Hm. In comes Frozer, turning everything into ice, and Adrien screams a warning to Marinette as he runs to transform. Ladybug and Chat Noir again, just like in Glaciator, Chat’s bitter after the rejection. This time, he wants to find the akuma on his own without her. And they both find him, but Ladybug draws Frozer’s attention and goes to attack her when her back’s turned towards him. Luckily, Chat’s there to save her. Now it doesn’t matter what happened, because it’s most important she’s safe. They both admit that each other’s method of finding and defeating the akuma are important, too. Back at the rink, Adrien admits to Kagami he’s not changing his target, even if he fails over and over again, because one day he will succeed. Kagami tells him when he realizes he has the wrong target, she’ll be waiting. Meanwhile, Marinette’s watching them, looking pretty bummed and not hearing Luka’s question, he sees the way she looks at Adrien and realizes she likes him. Luka does the selfless thing and encourages her to go after him, and accepts this as she screams his name to stop him. My heart hurt at this part, not gonna lie. Is she going to do it? Will she confess? Nope, just a daydream again! We find out that these two dorks are the exact same with their crazy daydreams. Instead of a confession, we get Marinette suggesting they skate more often and Adrien’s says “You mean just you and me?” with that hopeful tone and and adorable head tilt. Yes, yes Adrien. She means just the two of you. Come on, say yes! Alas, she tells him of course not, they should take the whole gang! Luka, Kagami, Alya and Nino. He agrees happily and touches her shoulder again. And here we end the episode with the two most frustrating characters so close but so far away from each other you could scream.
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Odd concept, anon, but I love it nonetheless x3
I put some links of some of the supernatural creatures mentioned here lmao
[ Scout ]
“Wait, don’t tell it is a vampire because I would absolutely freak out” “Well, it is a vampire, my love” “Oh, whew, I thought- HOLD ON A SECOND, IT IS A FUCKING VAMPIRE?!”
Will stay up late at night to make sure no vampire come near his SO. Scout may go paranoid during the midnight but readies his scattergun nonetheless as he saw red eyes of a bat coming from a window.
[ Soldier ]
“A GHOST, THAT AIN’T NOTHING TO ME” “You’re the reason why the ghost is here, hun” “SHUT UP SWEETHEART, I’M GOING TO TALK THE HELL OUT OF THAT USELESS GHOST” (he’s not going to talk to it, he’s just going to smack it)
He then realizes that it’s impossible to smack the ghost with his shovel and grabs it with his bare hands instead (ey, TF2 logic here). The ghost screeches in his grip as Sol smiles sadistically, ready to rip the ghost into shreds.
[ Pyro ]
“Pyro? D-did you befriend a freakin’ wisp that is stalking me?!” “Mhm”
SO freaks out as Pyro shows the wisp to them and makes sure the wisp stays on their hands. Pyro eventually lets go of the wisp away from their SO who is so terrified at it they fainted.
[ Demoman ]
“Eh? A hag is stalking you?” “Demo let’s go befo-” “*pulls out the Eyelander* There would be no problem, sweetie *hics*”
Demo chases the poor hag around and SO can’t help but to nervously laugh at the panic screeching of the creature. The hag finally shouted something in its native tongue and retreats into the darkness while Demoman stares at the empty space after swinging his sword. “Aw, I could have cut its head off” “Let’s just get out of here please?”
[ Heavy ]
“Baba Yaga?” “It’s been stalki-” “THEN LET THAT TINY BABY COME TO ME”
Heavy encountered Baba and knocking her around like she’s nothing. Heavy broke one of her cooking tools which piss her off and charges at him hungrily. He stood on his ground and punches her right on the face, knocking her out instantly. SO stared at him in awe in mere seconds before grabbing his hand to make a run for it.
[ Engineer ]
“You heard of Bloody Bones?” “Yes, darling, and I know it’s around here somewhere following you around”
Cue Engie activating his Sentries with casted spells he stole from Meramus’ book. The monster got out from his hiding spot and panics as Sentries follow him and growls out loud, “I SURRENDER” before fleeing back into the forest.
[ Medic ]
“A werewolf? You should’ve told me, my Liebe! I would have another specimen for my collection” “...Please don’t tell me I’m thinking what you’re thinking”
Expect Medic firing all sorts of syringes to the beast about to charge at his SO (because they act as bait, thanks Medic) and finally halts as it fell asleep before it got to them. SO sighed in relief and glared at Medic who is examining the beast, muttering to himself that he could finally get his revenge for stalking his SO for a long time.
[ Sniper ]
“Well, a Mimi is around here somewhere following us since we got here” “...Where the bloody hell is it?”
Good god that the Mimi is passive enough to leave both of them as Sniper approaches it with caution and talked to it. He then saw his SO almost fainting as the creature politely leaves and Sniper catches them right on time.
[ Spy ]
“It’s been days since this demon is stalking me” “Don’t fear, my love, I just have to shut it up” 
The being is suddenly gone after an hour and Spy returned unharmed while his suit and gloves donned with black blood stains. SO didn’t ask what have Spy done and is relieved when the stalking is finally over.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Hi! You're one of my favorite kidge blogs ❤️ I have a prompt request for some sweet Keith/kidgeling interactions! Only if you have the time though :3 Have a nice day!
Erhmahgerd, thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you enjoy my works! Consider this sweet little bit of fluff an apology for my last fic! x3
Pidge’s business trips away were an odd mix of stressful andinvigorating for Keith. Once upon a time, he disliked them because it meant he’dbe all alone in their home for an extended period of time. But as the yearswent by, they got married and started having children, it became a little lesslonely. He still missed having his wife around, which he felt was a given, butit was also nice to have some one-on-one time with their kids.
The week had been a bit chaotic between appointments and extra-curricularactivities, but he made sure that Friday night was all theirs. It worked outwell, as the dark foreboding clouds over the head made the kids more hesitantto leave the house after they got home from Amber’s fencing lesson. He’dordered pizza for dinner and played Uno. Well, Amber, Kaden, Newt and he hadplayed Uno. Ari, only two years old, hadn’t understood and simply enjoyedshouting Uno every time someone lost or gained a card. After the game, got theolder kids into their pajamas and put a movie on for them, then got Aria in thebath and tucked into bed. When he headed back out, the movie had ended and theboys had passed out hard. Amber, meanwhile, had changed the channel to a newsreport.
“Dad, what’s going on?” She asked, looking over her shoulderat him and indicating the screen with the remote. It was a report about therecent threats made by an alien race known as the Awzurians. The Awzurians hadbeen a Galra-aligned world that willing joined Zarkon years ago, as a way togain power and protect their people from slavery. In the years following Zarkon’sdeafeat, they’d been struggling to maintain control over any worlds handed overto them. At a conference two weeks ago, when Keith and the others had discussedthem peacefully releasing the remaining planets under their control, theirleader swore that Earth would pay for such an insulting request.
It was part of the reason Pidge was gone; she’d left to helpthe coalition forces determine what kind of technology the Awzurians had attheir disposal.
He frowned a bit, taking the controller and turning thetelevision off. “It’s nothing you need to worry about, sweetheart. Come on, offto bed. It’s getting late,” He said quietly. She didn’t seem convinced, hereyes bright with the same skeptical gleam her mother had pinned him with toomany times to count, but she went along without a fight. He carefully scoopedup his two boys and carried them off to their rooms, tucking them both inbefore going to wish Amber a good night.
He hoped that in the morning, he’d feel better, but hetossed and turned for a good hour, unable to sleep. He was good at pretendingit didn’t bother him, that he didn’t see the Awzurian leader, Chespa, and herfollowers as a threat, but he was rather concerned. After all, they’d workedwith Zarkon for years; how much did they know about Zarkon’s practices? Didthey have any Galran technology of their own to use? And what if they knew howto make use of quintessence? What if they did launch an attack on Earth?
And, if they did attack, what if something happened to thekids?
A loud crash erupted outside, causing him to jump and dartout of bed. A quick glance outside revealed it to only be the crash of thunderoverhead. He released a low sigh. "It’s just a storm, Kogane. You’regetting yourself all worked up over nothing," He paused when there wassuddenly a loud, distinct shriek down the hall. He picked up the baby monitoroff the bedside table and toggled it to the only camera still in operation.
There, standing in her crib, little hands on the edge of thebanister, was a wailing Aria.
“Oh, baby girl,” He said softly, setting the monitor backdown and heading out. The hallways was barely lit, a small flash of lightningilluminating the little wooden sign hanging on her door. It had been a giftfrom Shiro, one for each of their kids, with their names carved and painted intheir respective favorite colors. He tried to flick on the hall light butnothing happened. “Huh… Must have knocked the power out.” He mumbled beforeslipping over and opening the door.
The moment he poked his head in, Ari’s big green eyes fixedon him and she screamed again. “Dada!” She wailed, holding her arms up towardshim.
He crossed the room quickly and scooped her up "Hey,baby girl. It's okay, Daddy's here," He cooed softly, stroking along herback as she buried her face in his shoulder.
"Scary monsters!" She hiccupped.
"Sweetie, there are no monsters," He said softly,carefully readjusting his grip on her.
She lifted her head long enough to point at her window beforeducking back down into him. He glanced outside and, when another flash oflightning and thunder rumbled rushed through, he saw a branch from the treescratching at her window. "Scary monster noises!"
He knew he’d forgotten to do something during the week."Okay, baby girl. I'm sorry for upsetting you," He said, turning andmaking his way to the door. "Come on, you can sleep in bed with Daddytonight. I'll keep all the scary monsters away. Does that sound good?"
She nuzzled into him, little hands clenching in the fabricof his night shirt. "Mmhmm,"
He headed out into the hallway, checking again and sighingwhen they didn’t. He hadn’t expected the storm to come in nearly as fast or asloudly as it did. He paused when he saw a small clustered of shadowy figures congregatedin front of his door. Could it be Awsurian spies? He shifted and moved morecarefully, wanting to see what was going on as quiet chattered started up amongthem.
“Does everyone have a something to defend themselves with?”
"I brought this,"
"Just thebat? Really?"
"Better than what youbrought. Which is nothing,"
"Hey! Ibrought my brains! Brains are just as important to a fight!"
He blinked then frowned, walking closer at the familiarvoices. "Kids?" He asked in slightly surprise, all three littlefigures turning towards him.
"AAAAHHHH!" They all shouted, the soft whoosh ofair in front of his face echoing after the shout. There was a frantic rattlingsound before he was blasted right in the face with a bright, yellow light.
"Oh! Dad!" Amber gasped, moving the flashlight sothat it was pointed above his head, so that they could all see each other.There, right in front of his face, was the end of his older son’s yellow wiffelball bat. "Kaden, put that down!"She huffed, reaching over to shove the bat down.
The younger male looked away sheepishly, tucking the batbehind his back. "S-Sorry, Dad,"
He reached over and lightly ruffled his son’s hair, keepingone arm secured under Ari to keep her close. He then looked from each of themin turn. "What are you three doing up?"
Newt scoffed a bit, raising an eyebrow at hi. "Littleunfair to be the only one asking questions, don't you think? What are you doing up? And what about Ari?"Amber rolled her eyes before reaching over smacking him over the head "Ow!Dad, she hit me!" He whined, covering the sore spot as he looked up athim.
Keith sighed and shook his head. "Amber Rose," He warned lowly. From the corner of his eye hespotted Kaden wandering off, but turned his attention back to his eldest.
"What? He's being annoying!"
"That doesn't mean you need to hit him. Now, why areyou three up?"
"We heard screaming," Newt said with a shrug,having recovered from the smack.
He blinked a bit in surprise. "Wait, you heard Ari,too?"
"Ah, no," Amber said, looking off to the side uneasily.
"Unless herscreaming sounds like a certain stinkyolder sister of mine? Then no,"Newt quipped. Again, Amber smacked him upside the head and pinned him with alook. "Ow! Da-ad!"
Keith groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Amber,what did I just say?"
"Not my fault he's being a dumbo," She harrumped.
He shook his head at the duo and looked down at Ari again,who was whimpering softly. Had all the kids been startled awake by the storm?Or was it just Amber? And, he briefly wondered as he cast a worried look downat her, had she actually been woken up? Or had she, like him, been unable tosleep? Plagued by the fears of a different potential storm on the horizon?
He perked up when he noticed movement to his left. There,holding up his little sister’s favorite plush toy up towards her, was Kaden."Ari, look! I got Muffin for you!" He proclaimed happily.
She lifted her head with a sniffle, before reaching out withone hand and pulling the green dinosaur into her arms. "Thank you,"She said quietly, offering him a watery smile.
He beamed up at her before moving to stand in line with hisbrother and sister.
Keith smiled at him, warmed by his son’s thoughtfulness. "Goodjob, bud. That was very nice of you," He then looked back at the otherthree. Kaden was still toting the wiffel ball bat, tapping the carpeted floorwith it, while he spotted Amber toting her luxite blade. He reminded himself tolet her know in the morning that she should have left that hanging up on herwall, where he’d hung it up a few weeks prior. "You guys should head backto bed. Everything's fine and it's way too late for you all to be up.Especially since Mommy'll be coming home early tomorrow and we're gonna have abig family breakfast.”
Amber stared at him for a moment, before glancing down thehallways towards her own bedroom, and then back at him. "Yeah, but ourrooms are all the way down the hall,"
He blinked, turning to open his own door, then paused with hishand on the doorknob. "What?"
"You said it's late, so why make us walk all the way back to our beds? We can all just sleep with you and Ari, like a bigsleepover," She suggested. Ah, he realized what was going on. He saw aspark of recognition flash on the boys’ faces as well, seeing what their sisterwas trying to play at.
Ari lifted her head and looked at him excitedly."Sleepover! Sleepover, Dada!"
"Yeah! Walking is lame!"Newt agreed,
Kaden, ever the one to take the initiative, moved over,shoved Keith’s hands off the doorknob, and threw it open. "Come on, Dad!It's cold in the hallway," He said, Newt and Amber just a few quick stepsbehind him.
He couldn’t help butchuckle a bit as he followed after them. "You kids are ridiculous,"
He had been expecting that all three of them would just pileon to the bed, heedless to where Keith himself intended to settle in. But,instead, they all hovered by, waiting. It was he was settled in with Ari,getting the two of them tucked under the covers, before the three of them piledin with him.
Amber cuddled up beside her little sister on the left side,tucking up in Keith’s arm with her and snuggling her little sister lightly."Here, Ari. You can cuddle up here on this side with me and Daddy,"
On his left, Keith watched as the two boys came over on hisleft side, instinctively wrapping his arm around the two as they snuggled upagainst him. "Me and Newt will take the right, then,"
"Cool kidssleep on the right side! Dweebossleep on the left!" Newt announced, lifting his head long enough to blow araspberry at his sisters. Amber shifted, preparing to give him whatfor again,but Keith tightened his arms around them in playful warning.
"Kids, no more fighting,” He said gently.
Kaden snuggled down and smiled lightly. "Ari's worriedabout scary monsters, right? If we all snuggle together, then any monsterstrying to come in will see how many of us there are and leave!"
Newt turned to fix is amber eyes on his older brother."Well, that or they'll see our Dad is a flippin’ Paladin of Voltron,"
"Shush, dingus. We're trying to sleep," Ambersaid, stifling a yawn of her own. Ari, happily nuzzled in between her Daddy andsissy, had already started to doze back off.
Newt grumbled something else but was too quiet and muffledas he let out a squeaky yawn of his own, little eyes fluttering shut.
Keith couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched each of hiskids fall back asleep one at a time. Between the blanket and four little bodiessnuggled up against him, he was almost uncomfortably warm. His arms werefeeling a little tingly from having them both wrapped snug around the kids, butit was a sort of pleasant sensation. He’d never thought that he’d someday behappily married with a family all his own outside of his wildest dreams. Inyet, all these years later, through all the fears and tears and struggles they’dfaced, he had a happy life with a wonderful wife and four energetic kids thatmade up his whole world.
Were they perfect little angels all the time? No, but heloved them and wouldn’t change them for the world. He loved all the people inhis life, truly he did, but he loved his family the most. And, he thought as hepulled them just a bit closer in, his own eyes slowly drooping shut, he’d doanything he could to protect them.
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peachhoneii · 6 years
Can you destroy my soul with 10 & 28 with Don, Della and scrooge, please? X3 I miss reading your writings aaah! ;u;
I don’t want to destroy your soul, my dear @itsdetectiveliz, but I won’t lie to you. I gave it a good shot. (And thank you so much! Ya’ make me blush.)
Metal fascinated Della. Alone it could not be touched, could not bend, but with the right tools and designs, metal held the power of transformation. She watched above, clutching the railings, as the truckers deposited the metal sheets for the rockets. Almost faint with excitement, she ran down the steps - ignoring the shouts of her name being called in the distance.
“We can’t keep this up forever.” Slowing down, she paused at the corner, curling her hands around the edge, “It’s a precarious endeavor.”
“Which is why Ah hired ye’ for the job, Ludwig.” He patted him lightly on the shoulder and stepped towards the half-finished project, “Ye ‘ere the only one for the job.”
The Spear of Selene was a behemoth. Far greater than the rocket that sent Neil Armstrong to the moon. Della sighed dreamily as she stepped into their presence, stars burned in her gaze.
“I cannot believe you’ve managed to get this far, Uncle Ludwig,” magnificent clouded her tone, sending her off onto a journey she had yet to begin.
“I think it is my best work yet.” He wrung an arm around her shoulders, pressing his cheek next to hers, “And my darlin’ niece will see the stars, but don’t go too far.”
“Sorry Uncle Ludwig, my sights are beyond the stars.” Moving ahead she observed the rocket’s foundation as men and women worked on the compartments. Impossible chanced along her lips, but impossibility was a peripheral concept neither she or Scrooge gave much thought to.
“What are you doing?”
Donald rolled in with a three passenger stroller. Thick circles clung under his eyes, but the boys were wide awake, cooing and sucking on their fingers.
“My boys!” Clapping her hands, the rocket’s magnificence was temporarily forgotten, “Did you have fun at the pediatrician?”
Donald shifted the baby bag hanging on his shoulder, “Fun isn’t what I would call it,” digging through the bag he pulled out a sheet of paper, “Louie’s lactose intolerant. Dewey’s downy feathers are extremely sensitive and need to be plucked daily, tweezers and or preening specified. Huey, perfectly healthy.”
She read through the prescription, “What’s this?”
“A specialized formula you’ll have to pick up at the pharmacy.” Donald stared at Scrooge, “I’m sure you have insurance, and if not, I’m sure you can afford it.”
“Aye, don’t worry ‘boot it lass.” Scrooge tapped his cane impatiently, “That lads are being taken care of, and of course anything for their health.”
“Is there something wrong, sonny boy?” Ludwig patted his back warmly and followed his gaze, “Ah, I see you’re captivated by the rocket, eh? It’s a beauty, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, a real treat.” His exhaustion stare became irritated, “Are you going to take ‘em now, or what? They need to take a nap for twelve.”
“Uncle Scrooge and Uncle Ludwig was showing me -,”
“Sweetie, it’s fine.” Ludwig interjected with a hoot, “The little ones need  their nappies, look at ‘em.”
“Ah don’t see why ye’ can’t, lad.” Scrooge answered, “See, problem solved.”
Ludwig frowned, “But we don’t want to overwhelm the boy,” his voice turned stern, “he should get a break.”
“Donnie doesn’t mind, Uncle Ludwig.” She looked at him, “Don’t you? You love the boys!”
Donald gazed quietly at his sister and uncles. Her stars were oblivious and hopeful. He sighed tiredly, smiling stiffly, “Course I love ‘em, come on boys, we’ll go for a nap.”
“But Donald…”
“Now, Ludwig, ‘nough of that.” Scrooge waved his cane after them, “Beakley should be at the manor if you stop there; she’ll get anything you need.”
“Thank you Donnie! I’ll see you soon boys.”
Della kissed each of the boys on their  foreheads and waved them off before returning to her conversations. Scrooge and Della focused on the rocket, just as Ludwig cast a wandering eye on his departing nephews. Donald’s hands wrung around the stroller handle.
He wasn’t angry. No, far from it. He was so very tired.
But still, his exhaustion pushed through and mustered a tiny, weak, “I thought we were family.”
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silverryu25 · 6 years
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*huggles you super tight* X3
Sorry for the wait Mage! Thank you for sending the hug! You are a sweetie ^3^❤
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milasartblog · 4 years
Camping (part 3)
Everyone looked at the couple with surprise. More astonished was Axel, who just discovered that he is not the only one dealing with demon girlfriend.
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Liya: Oh, i'm not the only one having human partner~ Nice~
Axel: Wait a minute, you too??
Jeff: You too??
They looked at each other with shock while the rest of the crew friendly waved. Nazeel looked at Lilith with sparkle while carrying Sona.
Anoli and Chris: Hello, Jeff and Lilith.
Nazeel: Wow, you're so beautiful, madam Lilith!
Lilith: Thank you, Nazeel~ You're so sweet~
Chris: So, these are your friends, Lucifer?
Lucifer: Yep. I asked them if they don't mind to join, and so they're here. I'm still sorry for not warning you all, but I hope you won't mind company.
Anoli: Oh, we don't mind. Just keep the parents and children friendly camping rules and it's good.
Lilith: There are rules in such thing?~
Chris: Well, it's how Anoli say about restrictions and rules.
Lilith: I know, sweetie~ I'm just messing with you~
Chris surprises as Anoli got closer to him.
Anoli: Aaaanyways, will you join us by car?
Jeff: Oh no, we have our own bike.
Liya: You can ride bike too?~ That's cool~ Maybe we can have a race one time~
Axel nervously looked at Liya, knowing her driving skills as Jeff, noticing such look, got nervous too. Seemed like he guessed the message behind it.
Jeff: Ummm, maybe let's first get on well and maybe later.
Lucifer: Good idea~ Then i will join too~
Nazeel: You will have a race? During camping time?
Lucifer: Oh no no, buddy, a bit later~ We've planned to have good camping time, aren't we?~
Sona barked in an agreement as Nazeel smiled and nodded.
Anoli: Well, then let's not waist our time.
Chris: If you have bags, i can put them into car trunk. There are still some space in it.
Lilith: Thank you, Chris~
Chris helped to put Lilith and Jeff's bags into car trunk as Lucifer got onto his bike.
Lucifer: Well, ready?~
Anoli: Not yet, we're still not in a car.
Nazeel and Axel made some space for everyone while Jeff and Lilith were on the bike too. Anoli asked Chris if it's okay for her to be on backseat with Liya, Nazeel and Sona and Chris, after explanation of reason behind it, agreed and everyone got into car.
Axel: Oh, i forgot to tell! Lucifer, Lilith, Jeff, you have to follow the car in order to not get lost.
Lucifer: Don't worry about us, we won't~ Better you don't get lost~
Axel couldn't understand if it was a joke or sarcasm, but when Chris started the car, the trip to the river with view on the mountain began. For couple of hours our crew were reaching their destination. And as in every family trip, the little mess in the car was guaranteed. Mostly by music and excited Sona, who was running on Anoli, Nazeel and Liya's laps from one window to another. And it was all mixed with nice chat and family atmosphere. Only king and queen were lucky to have a motobike, enough space for themselves and Lilith's partner. Plus, free air conditioner. Finally, after couple of minutes more, they got to their camping place. The road was not the best at the end, and yet Chris's car faced worse roads than this. Motobikes however were not that ready, but still managed to handle it.
Chris: Well, we finally reached our destination.
Nazeel: Yaaaay! Can't wait to put my tent.
Sona barked and jumped happily as Anoli and Liya giggled.
Anoli: Be patient, dear. Let's first get out of the car and look around.
Nazeel nodded as the crew carefully got out of the car and looked around. The high snowy mountain was so clearly visible, like it was a giant painting, or photo was made so well. Water ran crystaly clear that you could even take a sip of it, or even use it as mirror. Everyone were amazed by such view, nature sure doesn't stop to surprise. If not Sona's distraction, they would keep staring at view for couple of more minutes.
Nazeel: Seems like Sona is happy to be here.
Lilith: I can relate to him~ In Hell it's rarely you can find such beautiful places~
Nazeel: Really? You have different places in Hell?
Liya: I'm sure they do, but let's first place our tents and then maybe will organise a story time around campfire~
Nazeel: Ooohh, i love the idea! Sona, come here!
Sona ran back to his owner as they ran to get their tent and bag. The crew smiled and giggled as they soon joined him with organizing their tents snd stuff.
And that's another part for camping story^^ The camping day finally started X3 Of course things should be organized first, but i'm sure the fun is guaranteed^^
Jeff, Chris, Sona and Nazeel belong to @captainthane
Lilith belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
Liya, Anoli, Axel and Lucifer belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
This week on anonymous reviews, not a negative review. But one that asks a question while being anon. Honeys, darlings, sweethearts - I can’t answer you when you leave anon reviews on FFNet.
So. In the hopes that Silverjay follows me on tumblr, lemme answer your review on here, sweetie.
Hey there! I'm just a fellow fan of your works. I was scrolling through the list of your works for any new ones I could read but had a ohmygodohmygodohmygod moment when I saw Newtmas right there as your work. Of course I went ahead and read it, Newtmas is totally a ship! An otp written by my favourite author on this site? Hell yes! I couldn't help but wonder, since although Nicery is one of your main ships but you occasionally have a few Nico/Jason/Percy slashes, if I could propose to you the idea of a Minho/Newt/Thomas slash? Tominewt is one of my favourite ships and I was eager to see if I could see more of these gems written by you seeing as you are, quite literally, my favourite author on this site. So, in conclusion, I wanted to know if you are keen for writing a fanfic about a seme Minho, uke Thomas and a Newt squished between in the sandwich of love. Since this is written in anonymous, it would be appreciated if you could drop a hint of any future Tominewt slashes if you like the idea of it. Thank you so much and please keep up the good works, Silverjay. P.S. I myself am slightly cringing at how much of a letter writing layout this is. LMAO! Thanks for reading this even if you end up not writing one!
First of all, thank you for the review and I’m really glad you liked it. Also, the excitement in this made me grin a lot. *smiles*
And don’t cringe! I think it’s cute. x3
Right, so Minho. Love Minho. Would definitely be interested in writing that OT3 too - in the constellation you depict there too.
But with movies, it’s this thing where I immediately fall off the face of the Earth after I’m done watching the movie? It’s hard.
Though when I next rewatch Maze Runner, I do plan on writing a fic set in the Glades. And I’d like to try myself on that threesome for it.
So, keep your eyes peeled. It all depends on when I next rewatch the movie(s). ;)
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Aww thank you, sweetie pie!
Hmmm, I wish I had a ‘How to improve over night’ speech, but like all areas of artistic pursuit, its all about consistently doing it, and each drawing being a stepping stone to improvement.
Draw daily
When I started drawing it was mostly because I wanted to see visuals for the book characters I love. I hated that I couldn’t provide the artistic skill that I believed they deserved so I created a drawing schedule to get better quicker. Everyday for the first year I drew after work, no matter what (unless traveling). 
Draw quickly
Doodle a ton. I made it a point to doodle 1 or 2 hour drawings during the week, and a more detailed drawing on the weekend when I had more time. I believe those quick drawings helped me with my more detailed ones, by helping understand form, composition, color value, etc.
I don’t care what anyone says, references are so important. How are you supposed to truly understand something if you don’t look at it? Even if its just a snap shot of your own hand to understand how fingers look when opening a door. References=improvement.
Art tutorials
I stress this because I don’t watch tutorials, and I know that I should. There are a ton of great artists willing to pass out free knowledge on the internet, find ‘em.
Once you get comfortable with your style, get a bit uncomfortable. Try new things with it, branch out, learn new techniques, and see if you like them, or how they can be incorporated with your style. 
Draw what you imagine
This is mostly personal taste, but don’t just draw what you see. Yes, references are important, but incorporate that awesome imagination you have in everything you see. Let people see how you think, what makes you amazing. 
Why are you doing this? For yourself. I told you that I’m drawing because I love books, and I want to give them some visual representation, but that’s just another way of saying its for me. If you are drawing for others or to gain followers, you will lose steam and inspiration fast. Do it for you, and what you love and it will fuel you.
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tagged by @everybodyknows-everybodydies thanks ur a sweetie ^_^
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people
Nickname: Zima...really u could even call me Z at this point lol
Zodiac sign: the fish one
Height: 5′6″ (or more accurately 5′5 3/4″ but eh close enough)
Hogwarts house: Slytherin i guess (but tbh i’ve been over this whole what’s ur hogwarts house ish and that was long before madam r started spouting her terfy boomer rhetoric on twitter)
Last thing I googled: balconette bras bc i saw someone i follow posting about it and was intrigued - turns out i find  half of one’s tit hanging out over the cup rather aesthetically pleasing
Song stuck in my head: i finally did the full listen thru of chromatica like last weak (yes i know i’m slow i was busy mourning what the album version of babylon could’ve been long live the haus laboratories instrumental in all its poppin’ bowie-esque realness) that being said i would say the standouts have been alice as well as the fan edits of babylon that restore it to its former glory btw bloodpop where’s the official haus labs version don’t leave me hanging plz
Number of followers: 428 honestly how and why do any of u guys follow me i’m so mcfuckin’ annoying lol but thanks X3
Sleep: i fairly recently experienced feeling more depressed after sleeping at normal reasonable hours than i did sleeping at asshole hours so that should tell u the current state of my circadian rhythm i guess
Lucky number: i literally can’t and shouldn’t reveal that bc i’ve used them for my bank account so...moving on
Dream job: idk anymore my dreams no longer consist of aspiring to some special idealized form of labor but gaga impersonator i guess tbqh
Wearing: well...i *was* wearing my old blue nightgown/housedress but then it got wet so i might’ve taken it off and laid it out to dry and am currently sitting here kinda naked save for my panties (and w/a pillow in front of my titties out of modesty tho i sit w/a pillow on my lap even when clothed so idk)
Favorite instrument: really wishing i could learn to play piano tbh maybe someday *shrug*
Aesthetic: idk someone’s sleep paralysis demon probably i feel like i’ve just embraced full-on cryptidhood at this point 
Favorite author: i haven’t read any one author’s work consistently enough for a while but i guess i can default to Neal Shusterman bc i truly do love that man’s work
Favorite animal noise: the little thumpity-thump-thump sound that a dog’s tail makes when its wagging against the ground
Random: i might’ve recently ordered a thing of like 250 pipettes and nail polish thinner so i can start fixing all the old nail polishes i’ve got on hand and give myself a proper manicure for once (the pipettes have arrived just waiting on the thinner even tho i actually have some on hand already)
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