#{ philly turns t h r e e }
hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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WELCOME TO PHILLIP MATTHEW ALLEN’S THIRD BIRTHDAY BASH! located at the keegan allen’s humble abode in los angeles, ca. there will be paint stations set up around the inside of the house and the outside of the house, smocks available to wear so no pretty clothes are ruined! please feel free to sign the large poster outside and add your handprints! cupcakes, rice krispie treats, pretzels, and other various food stations will also be set up. don’t forget to decorate your own cupcake with frosting, sprinkles, and more! goodie bags will be handed out at the end and there will be a video recorder throughout the day to share birthday wishes, memories, and to keep track of just how silly the kids (and adults) are being at this color me wonderful bash. thank you so much for attending and have a good time!
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prydon · 6 years
a ( VERY LONG) long island geek rundown
aka me just rambling on about paul for paragraphs upon paragraphs, complete with pictures.
so i went to the con with the lovely @haiileyrutledge aka maggie who drove me all the way there from the philly bus station (god bless), it was our first time meeting in person and i still can’t really believe we did this just a few months after we were just kinda joking about going together on twitter when we hardly knew each other
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literally the first second we walked into the con, before we’d even gotten our badges, paul mcgann was sitting RIGHT THERE at his autograph table and i may or may not have started aggressively hitting maggie in the shoulder and freaking out and hissing “he’s there, HE’S THERE” and she had to drag me past him so we could get our badges
then we sat in on the panel before his to make sure we got good seats for his. it was a panel with wendy padbury and frazer hines and they were adorable!! by the end of their panel we were literally buzzing tho bc we knew what was next
when paul came in the first thing he did was squint up at the ceiling and complain about the brightness of the lights, like “oh this is quite harsh isn’t it” so they turned them down for him, much to maggie’s chagrin bc she’s a photographer and it made it very hard to take nice photos (look forward to her uploading her photos btw, she got some GREAT shots regardless of lighting)
then we all sang happy birthday to paul, per the interviewer’s instructions! it was v cute. someone uploaded a video of it on youtube. (i took one too, but it was much worse quality)
first question the interviewer asked was what the secret to paul’s eternal youth was, which paul took a SUSPICIOUSLY long time thinking about before finally just claiming it was his insomnia. how not sleeping is supposed to make you look better i have no idea, but it’s clearly not hurting paul’s appearance, despite him “not having slept since the nineties” (his words)
and so on went the panel. it was quite fun, and though i’d heard almost all the anecdotes paul told before, they weren’t ones he’d told a million times and the interviewer asked interesting questions about his brothers and some of his earlier roles.
he also asked him about holby- the most recent episode, even- which i was not expecting lol. he asked paul if gaskell was really dead, and paul was just like “lol it’s a soap, who knows what could happen” and joked about another soap character whose death had turned out to be a dream. 
also of note is that paul never called gaskell by name once and exclusively referred to him as “doctor death” lmaooo. i actually know why this is- he mentioned on a radio show a week or so ago that a holby city fan yelled “doctor death!” at him in the street once- but he didn’t....explain this background to the panel audience, so i’m sure many were baffled by it :”D the interviewer was like “so your most recent role, professor john gaskell-” and paul was literally like “ah, yes. doctor death!” asoifjsaij what a dork
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^ this pic is actually from the sunday panel but god, actual dork with a heart of gold paul mcgann being juxtaposed next to menacing shots of “doctor death” was never not hilarious 
speaking of holby, I GOT TO ASK HIM A QUESTION DURING THE Q & A, and i asked him what it was like working with guy henry! he said working with old friends is tough bc they know all your acting tricks lol. he went on gently roast guy and say he’s looked like he was 40 since they were at rada and that one of their professors told guy that he was the kind of person who wouldn’t find real success until he WAS like 40 bc he just had one of those faces, and lo and behold, that was case. notably, paul said all of this while holding eye contact with me since it was my question, and i was literally trembling by the end of his response bc i can barely hold eye contact with my family members let along PAUL JOHN MCGANN
he also said “fuck” at one point. at another he pulled the cap off his water bottle with his teeth and maggie and i were both like...*sweating*
after that we got our photo ops! then managed to get some food in us, and then i went to get paul’s autograph and give him his bday gift, which i already detailed here [x] so i won’t get into that. notably he also called maggie photogenic and said their photo op looked like a housewarming photo of a couple just moving in. we were both dying afterwards.
theeeen that evening i attended a dinner party for fans with vip passes that the stars also attended! the food was v yummy. there was ice cream too.
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unfortunately i didn’t end up at paul’s table, but i was at the table next to him so i may have eavesdropped. my table had jon davey, who plays cybermen and daleks and ood etc, and who was very funny and decidedly attractive, and who at one point pulled out his phone and showed me this video while nearly dying of laughter over it
paul was actually late to the dinner because he crashed a painting panel!!
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^ here’s him painting his tardis picture with his dorky ass reading glasses on. what an old man. i love him
he did show up eventually, and ended up drinking a decent amount of red wine and i’m pretty sure got tipsy and at one point misheard the person next to him as saying “penis hands” and was like “penis hands???? PENIS HANDS???”
all my table ended up leaving early but paul’s all stayed hanging on his every word bc that’s the effect he has on people :’)) so i ended up scooting over there just to listen. at one point his assistant came over and whispered to me that paul HAD gotten the letter i gave him with his gift and he WOULD read it tonight and i was like “omg no it’s ok, i didn’t need him to reply asap or anything, i just wanted him to have it!!”
i left the dinner when paul left- his table were the last ones out- and maggie was outside the dinner waiting for me and may have collapsed into a fit of giggles when she saw paul. then we went to our airbnb and fuckin CRASHED because we were so damn exhausted
on to SUNDAY
i started placing bets on what paul would be wearing that day on sunday morning, since i know he only has like three different con outfits that he wears. lo and behold we get to the con and he’s wearing THE EXACT SAME CLOTHES AS SATURDAY. like, down to the scarf and shoes. they were 100% the same.
idk why he was, but he must have washed them, or he must be an ethereal being incapable of sweating because he was just as nice and fresh as the previous day [shrug]
we wandered around the dealer’s room for a bit, maggie bought a vinyl from a charity sale booth and i bought a couple dwms with bb eight on them bc why not
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my lovely internet friends and fellow paul superfans @savageinkspillage and @paulmcgannlesbian both paid me to buy them autographs, and i was happy to oblige because it meant i got to talk to paul again
i went up to his booth and he said “good to see you again!!” and told me he was so touched by the birthday card :”0 and thanked me again for the drawing!
i told him what names to sign to for the autographs and there was an incredible moment where i told him to address one to “brittany” and his brain like. short-circuited and he tried to spell it out to me except he spelled it some ridiculous white mom way like “B-R-I-T-N-I-Y” or something and i just stared at him for a moment not sure if he was fucking with me before being like “.....no?”
once i told him “two t’s” he got it and said “like the place!!” and asked me if i knew where brittany was in a stern teacher voice and i was p sure it was france but not 100% so i was just like “d-don’t quiz me”
he also let me take pictures of him holding the autographs that i could send to my friends, which was very sweet!! here’s him with @savageinkspillage‘s.
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he was very determined that we let them dry before taking them because he didn’t want them to be smudged, and blew gently on them himself like a dork.
before we could go, he also fully just was like “give me a hug” and got up and hugged me AGAIN. THREE PAUL MCGANN HUGS IN ONE WEEKEND. T H R E E.
then after he hugged me he noticed the bowie vinyl that maggie had just bought in the dealer’s room and was like “!!!!!! is that a vinyl!!!! can i see!!!”
maggie was like “of course” and handed it over and he was FAWNING over the thing and promptly informed us that it was definitely an original print bc it was made of a special sort of material only used to make records in the 70s, and that it had never been played. maggie said she got it for $10 and he was like “TEN BUCKS??”
he also sniffed it because apparently “that’s what you did with vinyls” and took it out of its sleeve (with maggie’s permission) and freakin’ messed with it to show us how bendy the materal was before giving it back to maggie and emphatically telling her to “treasure that”.
he asked us where we got it and i said it was at a table in the dealer’s room, next to where they were keeping his painting from the night before. upon hearing about the painting he was immediately like “noooo don’t remind me of that!! i’m so ashamed!!” and i was like “WTH PAUL NO IT WAS SO GOOD”
here’s paul’s painting!! it’s lovely!!
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also at one point maggie’s hoop earring fell out and full on, like, made a break for paul mcgann and rolled behind his chair. she was embarrassed but he just picked it up and messed with it, feigning putting it on his ear and saying he wished he was a girl so he could wear earrings like that and i was like “you should get your ears pierced!” because he SHOULD. he just laughed.
we literally had a whole, like, probably 10 minute conversation with him and he was just so lovely and funny and warm and thanked me one last time for the drawing before we walked away soasifjsaoifj 
THEN it was time for his sunday panel!! it was a great change of pace from usual panels, it was called “doctor’s orders” and run by a podcaster who’d based it on advice columns- basically, he asks paul a bunch of questions looking for advice that he’d gathered from fans and paul had to impart his wisdom.
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here are just a few choice tidbits from the panel:
q: what do i do if my boyfriend never puts the toilet seat down? paul: get rid of him
q: there are beehives in my house, what do i do?? paul: don’t kill them!! bees are our friends. move out. let the bees have the house instead
q: boxers or briefs? paul: briefs. *pointed look at audience* some of us need the support.
he was asked the trolley problem and said without hesitation that he would move the trolley to kill the one instead of the five. he also endorsed stealing from businesses to feed the hungry (unsurprising because *cough* he’s a socialist). he revealed that he shoplifted all the time as a kid as a right of passage in working class liverpool and asked the audience to raise their hands if they’d ever shoplifted. when a decent amount did, he called it a sign of a healthy society. he doted on his sons quite a bit which was adorable, and said he was the “soft touch” when they were growing up while mum was bad cop.
at one point he said if liverpool won the premiere league he’d “sit naked here in front of you” and then immediately was like “...i don’t know why i said that.” the audience was roaring with laughter the entire time. it was legitimately the funnest panel i’ve ever been too :’0 and we had front row seats!!
at the end, the host opened the panel up to the audience to ask their advice questions, and maggie asked one about how to survive while studying abroad in london next year. paul gently ribbed her at first being like “well, remember to sleep and eat” but then reassured her “you’ll be fine” and i could physically feel her melting beside me.
after the panel he chatted a bit with the women next to us, who i know to be old guards of paul mcgann fandom. i didn’t hear much but i did hear paul refer to “that brexit shit” lol.
the last time maggie and i saw paul, he seemed to be leaving the con and nearly tripped over a remote control cybermat on the way out, which was cute.
all in all...i really don’t have words for how amazing this was. i couldn’t have asked for a better environment to meet my favorite actor in, and i have gained so many wonderful memories that i can’t even keep track of them all, and i can’t wait to do it again.
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mercurialscoundrel · 6 years
A-Z Tag Game
I saw this on @lanaberryrawr and decided to do it.
A - Age: Old
B - Birthplace: AMERICA, FUCK YEAH
C - Current time: What is this going to give you?  I’m on the eastern time zone.
D - Drink you last had: My mom made some kind of awesome kool aid shit, not sure of the flavor
E - Easiest person to talk to: Spouse
F - Favourite song: Ohhhh sheeeeeit.  I love instrumental disco. MFSB - TSOP - 1974 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z0QE44smfo Walter Murphy - A Fifth of Beethoven - 1976 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MFbn8EbB4k Armada Orchestra - Philly Armada - 1976 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3gzxR_SmUA
G - Grossest memory: In kindergarten, a kid in my class ate a shitload of baked beans for lunch.  He didn’t chew them, evidently, and when we were in ‘circle time,’ he projectile vomited everywhere on everyone. 
Competitive for the slot was in 6th grade when a kid gave away a bunch of free chocolate that turned out to be chocolate flavor ex-lax and everyone overdosed.  You don’t need to see a bunch of middle schoolers shitting themselves, believe me.
H - Horror yes or horror no: Selective about it, but yes.  I like the cerebral shit.
I - In love?: Definitely
J - Jealous of people?: Hell yeah
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: I guess
M - Middle name(s): Darth
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - One wish: To die believing that humanity hasn’t screwed itself over with global warming
P - Person you called last: Fuck it’s been too long.  You going to make me get out my phone... haha, it was the spouse.
Q - Question you are always asked: "Where are the luer-lock syringes?” -- work relevant, I swear
R - Reason to smile: My pupper is pretty awesome
S - Song you sang last: Rod Stewart - Maggie May - 1972 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sja5yn-6lrM
T - Time you woke up: 6:30 a.m.
U - Underwear colour: Too lazy to look, don’t remember
V - Vacation destination: I really want to go to Vegas and see Rod Stewart at Caesar’s palace
W - Worst habit: I like to pop bacne
X - X-rays: I broke an arm when I was little, and I had a heart condition that the doctors didn’t really know what it was, so I’ve had a few chest x-rays.  I tore the shit out of a knee ligament and they did x-rays on that.  Bunch of dental x-rays just because.
Done a shitload of x-rays on scientific samples to image proteins.
Y - Your favourite food: What the HELL is this the Y question for?  I almost refuse to answer out of the principle of the matter.  But the tastiest thing I’ve ever had the good fortune to place in my mouth is foie gras.
Z - Zodiac sign: Snake
I’ll tag the indomitable @indecentpause and @emjayrey in case they’re interested. 
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effervescentmind · 4 years
Entry 30: 04.29.20 @ 9:46 p.m.
Sitting in my purple, foldable chair with my laptop on stools. 
 Saturday is three days away. I’m thinking about it more and more and finding it hard to sleep. My mind has been racing with all the plans and thoughts for the future. Slowly, I’ve been getting more comfortable with the idea of living with my mom. I just need to keep my eye on the prize and make sure I am always in control of myself in any situation. Not that I’m an issue but I don’t want to allow anything she does to control my reaction. This time will be a test of my maturity and willingness to be firm and poised at all times. 
My goal is to stay there as long as possible and save money, but I feel that I won’t be able to stay there exclusively before Philly. I have been looking at one-bedroom apartments in the area and came up with a plan. I’ll stay with her as long as possible and then get a studio for myself. I would love to have a single bedroom apartment, but I want to save as much money as possible for Philly. Also, I will be moving to Greensboro instead of staying in Lexington.
I like Greensboro because it’s bigger, more diverse and has a lot to do. There are several colleges in that town which means, more people my age group. Also, I love downtown and Quaker Village. I think it will feel cool to finally live by myself in the town I grew up in. I do not intend to talk to the people I used to know in high school though. They’re not my kind of folks anymore. I also intend on remaining single until I move to Philly. I do not want to settle down in NC and have too much on my plate now. I not only don’t have time for a relationship, but I also have no desire for one. In the past, I let relationships keep me complacent and was talked out of so much. I regret it and will not let it stop me this time. It has been a year and two months living single and I’ve come further than I thought capable. No one is going to stop me. 
I told my best friend, Haley, that I was coming back. She was so happy and cried on the phone lol. I wanted to keep it a secret and surprise her, but I don’t know when this quarantine will be over. So, I figured I might as well tell her. I am excited to see her, but I hope she doesn’t think we will move in together. We have talked about it before, but I ultimately decided against it. She and I live different lifestyles and I’ve grown far apart from the girl I used to be. She seems to be stuck where I met her ten years ago. I love her but she needs to get herself out of her own funk and grow. I don’t want to be brought down from the progress I’ve made. And besides, living on your own is e v e r y t h i n g. 
Tomorrow, I am hanging out with the only friend I have in Texas. I texted her about my plans and we wanted to chill one last time before I leave. I’m giving her some of my stuff too. It’s going to be a full day. I want to go to bed early tonight so that I can do some cleaning in the morning before she comes. Then after we hangout, I want to finish packing, get rid of all my unneeded furniture and finish cleaning up. Friday morning, I will toss out my bed, disconnect the internet and turn in my keys. My flight isn’t until Saturday at 1:30pm but I didn’t want to scramble the morning of. The guy I’ve been talking to is going to pick me up to stay with him until then. He wants to spend time with me and drop me off the next day. I spent the next at his new house a few days ago. It’s very nice and he put a lot of work into it already. I still feel the same about him though so I’m not tripping about leaving. The feelings I had, have been disappearing and I have no anger towards him. He is just going to be a friend to me after this and I will be off living my life and seeing him seldomly. He has family in NC that he visits a few times a year and says that he will come see me as well. I’ll let him but I won’t be having sex with him. He doesn’t deserve me and I’m too good for him. I see that now. I want to be respected, admired and taken seriously. The next man, I involve myself with will do all that and more...he will also be in Philly because fuck NC boys lol. I’m good. 
I wanted to talk about my job plans. Currently, I am still teaching myself to code and should be enrolling into my program soon. On Monday, I need to make my last payment and then I will be cleared to apply for financial aid. Then I will need to get a confirmation email and send it to my school. If all goes well, I should be applying for summer classes within the next two weeks. My program will be completely online. Ideally, I would like to take a coding and programming course at a community college, but we will see. I just want so badly to set myself up for a better job. Working in the service industry is hard and draining. I am sick of it and want something more stable for myself. Having a job in the technology or healthcare industry would be decent money and rewarding. I’m even going to stop smoking weed for it. I am leaving my smoking days here in Texas and starting fresh with complete sobriety and goals in my sight. I don’t think marijuana is bad, but I just don’t want distractions and I’d like to get a front desk job soon. When this quarantine is over, I am applying to all hospitals and clinics. I would make more money and be able to network and make career connections.
I am really looking forward to this next chapter in my life and feel my plans and dreams coming together. Last year, I knew I wanted to be a Holistic Nutritionist and knew that I wanted to move to Philadelphia but, I didn’t know exactly how I would accomplish it. Now, I have a plan and it feels great. Feels like progress.
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spacednp · 7 years
When You Wish Upon a Star
TW: NONE I DONT THINK besides swearing but that's legit all my fan fiction lmao wait I think I mentioned condoms once but again legit all my fanfics at this point
ADDITIONAL NOTES: p a r e n t p h a n i s m y k I N K
no but really Phil being daddy is too real
this legit is my favorite thing I've ever written asdfghjkl
WC: 3.7k
"Winne I swear to fucking Jesus if you don't stop moving for three seconds so I can put on your fucking socks I will fucking bash your head in you little shit," Dan hissed at the wiggling toddler in his lap. He loved his little girl, but she was also a brat, and that wasn't a good thing for the easily frustrated 30 something.
"Daniel! Watch your language in front of the children!" Phil chided his husband, covering their older child, Dillon's, ears.
"Papa, I'm seven and a half whole years old!" Dillon protested. "I already know all the naughty words!" Phil gasped at this and sent a glare at Dan that went unnoticed as Dan was preoccupied with the annoying little bundle of joy crying about not wanting the socks on.
"I'm no wanna!" Winnie cried, flailing her arms about. As Winnie was still learning how to speak, she had a few quirks and speech impediments. One of those was "I'm". The young child never used "I", it was always "I'm". When loud footsteps filled the house as Winnie ran about, she would scream, "I'm run!", which neither Dan nor Phil had the heart to correct her on. Winnie was their only baby. They adopted Dillon when he was 5, so they missed out on all the baby years, which they didn't want to miss again, so Winnie was born from a surrogate. Now Dan and Phil loved Winnie a hellova lot, but she was a fussy little brat.
"Goddamn it Winnie!" Dan spat as he grabbed onto the child's foot in a vain attempt to still it enough to get her foot in the sock. Dan let out a frustrated groan as he shoved Winnie's foot into the pale colored sock. "Philllll," Dan whined as Winnie kicked her sock off and caused it to fly across the room. Phil smiled slightly as he crossed the room to pick Winnie up off of Dan's lap, setting her on his hip and looking down lovingly as his very frustrated husband who was leaning back into the couch, almost melting into it. Dan smiled up at Phil and blew a curly hair out of his pink face.
"Thank you, babe," Dan said as he stood up and whipped off his sweaty palms on his dirty black jeans (they were clean, and then they found out that Winnie did NOT like peaches).
"You're welcome, Bear. Go help Dil get packed and ready," Phil said as he plopped down on the couch Dan had left unoccupied, laying Winnie down next to him. "Looks like its a sandal type of day, huh Winnie?" He asked his daughter, causing the two year old to giggle, sharp blue eyes full of happiness. God, he was going to die when she got old enough to date, he just might have to buy a gun.
Phil somehow managed to get the squirmy toddler into some white sandals with little pastel flowers decorating them that Dan said were "too fucking adorable". The family was rushing about trying to get ready as it was the day of their first trip as a family, and just like every other basic non-American family, they were going to Orlando.
"Philly!" Dan cried from Dillon's room, sounding frustrated. Phil laughed lightly, looking down at Winnie.
"Looks like Daddy is having some problems with Dil, huh Winnie?" Phil asked his little daughter as he picked her up and walked to Dillon's room, the toddler just giggled the whole walk, like she always did. As Phil entered the room covered in dinosaurs (because "they're the coolest things ever!"), he was greeted by a flustered Dan and a suitcase full of dinosaur toys, some stuffed and some plastic. Phil laughed at the mess and his upset (but still adorable) husband.
"Oh dearuh!" Winnie exclaimed in her sweet baby voice, causing even the very frustrated Dan to crack a smile. Phil rubbed Winnie's back as he looked around for Dillon, only to find him angrily crossing his arms in the corner.
"Yes, Winnie, very oh dear," Phil agreed as he met Dan's eyes. "What happened?" Phil asked his husband. Dan just shrugged his shoulders and sighed.
"Dil is being difficult," Dan said, gesturing to the suitcase full of dinosaurs and the fuming child. Phil smiled weakly and set Winnie on the ground before walking over to Dillon and crouching down to his level and looking him in his anger filled sea green eyes.
"What's up buddy?" Phil asked, aware of Dan fangirling in the background, as he always did when Phil acted all "Dad like". In the end Dan was just Phil trash #1, in any situation.
"Dad won't let me bring all my dinosaurs," Dillon grumbled, pouting slightly.
"Okay, but you need room for your clothes, how about we just bring two dinosaurs?" Phil offered, knowing Dillon would try to bump it up to three and that they could compromise like that.
"Three," Dillon countered just as Phil thought he would, to which Phil pretended to be iffy on for a minute.
"Okay then, three," Phil finally said, standing back up to full height and looking down at his now smiley son.
"Thanks, Papa!" Dillon yelped, throwing his arms around Phil's middle/waist area. Phil let out a small 'oof!' before patting his son's head and letting him hug him. Eventually Dillon pulled away and ran to pick his dinosaurs. Dan quickly replaced Dillon, wrapping his arms around Phil, causing the older man to giggle and wrap his arms around Dan's waist.
"Thank you," Dan muttered into the crook of Phil's neck. Phil loved the moments like that, when he was reminded of the years before, like in 2009 when he held Dan in the train station, like in 2012 when he told Dan they'd stay together, just times when their bodies were pressed together, two people oblivious to the world and content and happy in each other's arms, two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly, as cheesy as it was.
"You're welcome," Phil replied, enjoying the warm cinnamon smell of Dan's body wash. Eventually the boys untangled themselves from each other's arms and went back to packing.
"Philly," Dan said from where he was squatting next to Winnie who had one of Dillion's dinosaurs sticking out of her mouth. Dan quickly pulled the toy out of her mouth and tossed it to the side before Dillion caught of glimpse of what his sister was doing. The two loved each other, very very deep down. Dan and Phil knew it, but they also knew that if one even looked at something that belonged to the other, it would result in all out war, and no one had time for that when they were about to be stuffed together in close proximity for hours as they flew to America.
"Yes?" Phil asked as he folded Dillion's clothes and neatly set them in the suitcase. Most of which were tee shirts with various graphic designs on them, mostly dinosaurs. The prehistoric reptiles just fascinated Dillion, which always made his father's break into grin. After all, how could someone not find that adorable? It was near impossible.
"You have kid duty, I have to finish our packing, okay?" Dan asked as he made his way out the door, not really giving Phil an option. Little did Dan know, he had a shadow. A small, wiggly, sticky, chubby cheeked, little shadow.
"Ha, looks like you also have Winnie duty," Phil called after Dan, setting down the green dinosaur jumper in his hands to watch Winnie speed crawl after Dan. She could walk... kind of. It was more of waddling, so she mostly crawled around as her main method of transportation. Dan turned around and looked down at the tinny bag of giggles and put his hands on his hips, a stupid grin on his face.
"Where are you going, Winne poo?" Dan asked in a voice a little higher pitched and softer than his usual voice. It was the voice he talked to babies with, everyone had that kind of a voice.
"Wit Dadda," Winnie replied, still on all fours like a dog. Her pastel pink and white sported dress was flipped over so it showed her entire stomach and diaper, which made Dan wonder if they should of put shorts on under it. Dan decided it would be fine, it was only a two year old's diaper anyway.
"No no, Winnie poo, you gotta stay with Papa," Dan argued softly, gesturing to Phil who had gone back to helping Dillion pack and wasn't paying any attention to his husband or daughter.
"No no, I'm go wit Dadda," Winnie said, pulling herself up with Dan's still sticky and gross jeans that he really needed to change. She grabbed Dan's hand and waddled away, like she was trying to get Dan to come with her. Dan followed, like the good Dadda he was.
When they reached the stair case Dan scooped Winnie into his arms, and she didn't protest. She knew better. Both kids did. No one was aloud up the stairs without permission, which helped with the kids being safe and Dan and Phil being safe to do whatever they please in the privacy of their room. Plus, it was funny to watch the kids try and find a loop hole around the whole "no upstairs" rule, like "what if I have to pee and both the downstairs bathrooms explode". That one had to be Dan's favorite.
"Let go uppie!" Winnie sung, waving her chubby arms around in glee. She loved uppie, well, she did when it was somewhere she wanted to go, if Dan or Phil picked her up to go to her bedroom for sleepy time, she threw a fit. Their daughter was as much of a night owl as her fathers. Dan remembered one occasion when he picked her up in the store because she threw a temper tantrum (Dadda didn't get her the candy), and it only made it worse. Dan was so angry that he yelled at his daughter, but regretted it the second her saw how sad it made her. He was so tempted to just buy her the damn candy because he loved her so much, but he held strong, until later that night when he cried in Phil's arms. He couldn't help it, he loved Winnie an awful lot, and seeking her unhappy physically hurt him. She was his baby.
"Yay, uppie!" Dan cheered, wondering how in God's name he was going to pack for both he and Phil and watch Winnie to make sure she didn't get into anything she shouldn't be in. He knew he'd forget something, he just hoped it wasn't watching his daughter, he had no idea how he'd be able to explain to Phil how Winnie managed to swallow a condom. That would traumatize everyone involved, including Dan.
"Are you sure we have everything?" Phil asked for the millionth time. Dan nodded, trying to fiddle with his keys to lock the door. It was hard when you had a wiggly child and about a thousand bags in your arms. Okay, it was two bags, and Phil and even Dillion were carrying more, but still, they weren't carrying a Winnie.
"Yes, love, we have everything," Dan assured his husband.
Turns out they didn't have everything, in the rush to get packed and ready quickly, they forgot toothpaste. Now, since they were spending a week in Florida, they needed toothpaste. So, after hours of kicking and screaming and embarrassment from the flight, Phil had to go to a nearby Walmart and buy some toothpaste. Dan was at the hotel with the kids while Phil went, mainly because there was no way in hell Phil was being left alone with them that moment. Phil loved his kids and was even more patient with them than Dan, but the man needed a break. Even if it was just for 15 minutes, he enjoyed it. It was rare that he was the one who got a break, usually it was Dan before he actually murdered one of their kids.
Phil rushed through the rows upon rows of shelves, many of which were filled with things that seemed less than useless. (Seriously America? Who comes up with a stuffed animal that turns into a demon faced beast when you press a button?) He kept his head low, hoping he wouldn't be noticed by anyone. Usually he loved the fans and didn't mind being recognized and taking a few pictures with them, but he wasn't looking very great at the moment and would rather there not be dozens of copies of a photo where he had greasy hair and stained jeans on covering every social media cite.
Phil finally made his way to the personal hygiene area and scanned the shelves for the toothpaste he and Dan typically used. He found it and grabbed it, making his way to check out. He almost got out of the store without being recognized, until Maria behind the counter wanted a picture. Dammit. The fact that he didn't manage to go the entire shopping trip without being noticed bothered Phil, nevertheless, he took the picture with the girl and gave her hugs. She asked how Dan and the kids were and Phil said they were great and then he left, head down in embarrassment. He probably should of showered and changed before leaving the hotel, but he didn't.
Soon enough he was back in the hotel room, happy to find both Winnie and Dillion happily asleep in their shared bed. They had gotten two twin sized beds in the hotel room and hoped Winnie and Dillion would be okay with sharing, and thank goddess they were or else Phil might just cry. He walked towards the bed of his sleeping children and kissed each of their foreheads lovingly.
"Good night," he whispered to the sleeping forms as he turned to the door. He jumped a little to see someone standing behind him, but soon saw the curly fringe that belonged to his husband and felt relief fill him. Dan had his arms crossed across his chest and a loving smile across his face.
"They were very tired from being little shits for so long," Dan said, gesturing to their children on the bed. Phil giggled a little bit, Dan wasn't the most poetic person. For a boy who knew more words than anyone else Phil knew, he sure seemed to have his favorite words, which were just profanities.
"I'm sure they were, must be hard to embarrass your parents for hours on end," Phil said with a yawn. It was only eight in Florida, but in London it would be one in the morning and it had been a very long day. Dan soon joined Phil in his act of yawning and cursed at Phil for making him tired, though Phil knew it was just Dan being difficult and his words had no vicious intent.
"Let's go to bed," Dan said, giving Phil no real choice and dragging him to their bed. Phil shook his head and pulled out of Dan's grasp.
"Pajamas first," Phil ordered in a hushed voice (suddenly remembering that his kids were sleeping and not wanting to wake them), gesturing to his tight jeans. Dan, on the other had was already in his pajamas and looking very comfortable. Dan rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed, quickly getting comfortable and tucking himself under the sheets.
Phil walked over to he and Dan's open suitcase (they decided to share because in all honestly neither knew which clothes were even his at that point, but hey, "what's mine is yours" and other shit that comes with marriage) and flipped through the mess of clothes until he found some pajamas. He didn't even bother going into the bathroom to change because his kids were fast asleep and it wasn't like it was anything Dan hadn't seen already. As he pulled off his shirt in one quick motion he heard Dan give a low two toned whistle from their bed and he just rolled his eyes. You'd think that after years of marriage Dan would give up on that cat calling, you'd be wrong. The boy was a massive flirt and since he was married Phil received all of Dan's flirting needs. Sometimes it was sexy but most times it was bloody annoying. Phil quickly shuffled out of his pants and pulled on his pajama shirt and pants before running over to check if the door and all the windows were locked. Once satisfied that they wouldn't be brutally murdered, raped, and/or kidnapped in their sleep, he crawled into bed next to Dan.
"Night night you sexy motherfucker," Dan muttered as he laid his head on Phil's chest, earning a snort of laughter from Phil.
"Night night," Phil replied, wrapping an arm around Dan's waist while using his other hand to pull the blanket over them both. Lots of sex, drugs, and death happened in hotels and Phil quite honestly had to force himself to not think about that to ever sleep in one. Having Dan next to him made it a little better, but bottom line hotels were disgusting and Phil hated them.
Slowly but surely Phil drifted off to sleep, happy that the next morning he and his beautiful family would enjoy the day at Disney World.
"Philly, I shouldn't have read all those Disney horror stories last week, you were right, I'm fucking terrified of this goddamn ride and holly shit I swear that robot just moved," Dan said in one breath, scooting as close as possible to Phil while squeezing his husband's hand so hard it hurt both parties. Phil meanwhile, was only half paying attention to Dan as he was terrified himself, but only because one of his kids, Dillion, was three rows away and he didn't want to lose his. Now, Phil wasn't all that over protective, okay, maybe a little, but any responsible parent would be afraid when their child(ren) could be in harms way, and his baby was so far away! God, Phil was going to have such a hard time sending either of his kids off to uni.
"Love, you'll be fine, they're supposed to move," Phil said, reacting over Winnie and patting Dan's knee with his free hand that wasn't caught in the death grip of a very terrified man. He stretched himself up a little to get a better look Dillion, who seemed to be having a blast. Winnie was laughing her head off in Phil's lap (it was the only way she'd be aloud on the ride and Phil knew the first chance Dan got he'd throw her like a grenade at the first thing that moved) and Dillion seemed to be screaming the lyrics to "It's A Small World". Phil was really happy his kids were having fun, but he still worried. He wished Dillion could of just sat closer to his fathers but nooo he was too cool for that. The little shit.
Eventually the ride was over and Dan was shaking too badly to hold Winnie, so Phil just set her down and told Dillion to hold her hand. Dillion was going to refuse but Phil gave him the "I swear to God if you don't do what I told you, you're grounded until you go off to uni" face and he obliged.
After a few rides where Phil and Dillion went on alone while Dan stayed on a bench nearby with Winnie, the color started to come back to Dan's face and they could go on a few more rides as a family. Then, Dillion and Winnie managed to get their fathers to get some ice cream eam (or 'i cweam', in Winnie's case), and they stopped by a nearby Dip-n-Dots cart.
"Winnie Pooh, you like your ice cream?" Dan asked, holding the now empty spoon Winnie had just taken a bite off of (Dan was feeding her because Winnie didn't really understand the concept of hot and cold yet, or spoons for that matter). Winnie nodded eagerly, a trail of melted pink ice cream falling down her cheek that Dan quickly whipped away.
"I cweam!" Winnie exclaimed, clapping her somehow-sticky hands to show her excitement. "Yum!"
Dan smiled affectionately at his daughter and felt a cold kiss on his cheek from Phil. "I swear to got Phil if you got fucking ice cream on my cheek I'm getting a divorce," Dan said, a smile on his face because there was no way he'd actually divorce Phil. He turned to his husband who had a huge grin on his face.
"Ops," Phil said, licking his thumb and rubbing it on Dan's cheek where he'd just kissed him. Dan scrunched his eyes in disgust.
"Ewie, 'pit!" Winnie cried, slapping her hands over her eyes in disgust.
"Exactly Winnie, 'ewie 'pit'," Dan replied, pushing Phil's hand away from his face and replacing his thumb with a napkin, like that would magically make the DNA on his face disappear.
"Stop with the PDA!" Dil said from across the table. "You guys are gross!"
Both Dan and Phil laughed at that, because somewhere down the line they'd become the gross couple that's always hugging and kissing in public with two adorable kids that were messy as hell. At that, was the dream. They were living the dream, a wish they wished many years before, before they even met, and as they say in the land of dreams, "when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true".
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looneylooomis · 8 years
ABC's of Me...
I was tagged by @wickednerdery A - Age: 26 B - Biggest fear: Stranded in the ocean. Sharks man. C - Current time: 5:17pm D - Drink you last had: Arizona Sweet Tea E - Every day starts with: getting the young one ready and off to school. F - Favourite song: Picking just one is not an option. G - Ghosts, are they real?: how would I know? H - Hometown: Philly I - In love with: John Wick, Logan, my acoustic guitar and other thangss. J - Jealous of: The idea that there are people out there that are completely stable in their everyday lives. K - Killed someone: Only in a rage induced fantasy duh. L - Last time you cried: A few days ago. M - Middle name: Noell N - Number of siblings: 1 sister P - Person you last called/texted: Sister Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Why?" "What just happened?" "Can you stop?" R - Reasons to smile: my son Lo turns 6 in March!! S - Song last sang: Human - Rag'n'Bone Man T - Time you woke up: 7am U - Underwear color: Purple-ish Grey? V - Vacation destination: Scotland, Ireland or Tokyo W - Worst habit: Cracking my knuckles or stretching my fingers out cause I'm double jointed X - X-rays you’ve had: Less than a handful of times Y - Your favourite food: Boy blue burger from Grub Z - Zodiac sign: Sagittarius I tag @lotusprincessdi @zoesmama2024 @backseat-negan @retrostarfreak
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fuzzyelves · 8 years
tagged by @papidanse, thanks!
A- Age: 18 B- Biggest fear: being in a shooter situation C- Current time: 9pm D- Drink you last had: Naked strawberry banana smoothie E- Everyday starts with: turning off my 6 alarms and waking up 20 minutes late  F- Favourite song: right now, this Kanye/Tame Impala remix G- Ghosts, are they real: i err towards the No side H- Hometown: outside Philly I- In love with: my OCs J- Jealous of: the seniors graduating this year K- Killed someone: Nope L- Last time you cried: over two years ago M- Middle name: Nicole N- Number of siblings: 4 O- One wish: i want french fries P- Person you last called/texted: probably my mom Q- Questions you’re always asked: did you draw that? (usually while i’m still drawing it)  R- Reasons to smile: my OCs S- Song last sang: The Answer by Big Words T- Time you woke up: 11am maybe?? U- Underwear colour: blue V- Vacation destination: Italy, Sweden, Japan W- Worst habit: procrastination X- X-rays you’ve had: too many to fucking count lmao Y- Your favourite food: Mac and Cheese!! Z- Zodiac sign: Aries
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junker-town · 7 years
The Jalen Ramsey vs. A.J. Green rivalry and 5 more things we loved about the NFL in Week 9
Fights, bad speeches and the “Hill Mary” dominated Sunday’s NFL action.
The extra hour of sleep NFL players got apparently resulted in many of them getting up Sunday on the wrong side of the bed — because everybody was fighting.
There were three separate fighting occasions on Sunday. Jalen Ramsey and A.J. Green got into it after Ramsey shoved Green. Later, Jameis Winston instigated a fight by poking Marcus Lattimore in the helmet, then Mike Evans came out of nowhere to drill Lattimore. The final fight was between the Cardinals and 49ers, where three players were ejected.
But the best bout was between Jalen Ramsey and A.J. Green. It eventually got to a point where Ramsey shoved Green to his limit (quite literally) and Green did his best Andre Johnson impression in throwing haymakers after pulling him down by the neck.
Both players were ejected from the game, though it doesn’t quite make sense why Ramsey was. Green took him down twice by the neck and got a couple of punches in. Ramsey did instigate it, but should have probably just received a personal foul.
Violence isn’t good, but it is refreshing to see anything resembling a rivalry or bad blood in the NFL. We got small doses of it with Josh Norman and Odell Beckham Jr. in 2015 and Norman and Dez Bryant in 2016.
Most players in the NFL are competitive and passionate about the game, it’s how they got there. If that comes out to the highest degree, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to accept it at certain intervals. It’s not like anybody got hurt on Sunday.
Ramsey is one of the best young corners in the NFL today, and next time the Jaguars play the Bengals, that’s going to be a matchup to watch with Green. You can’t say that about many other teams or players in the league when it comes down to wanting to destroy the opposition.
Jameis Winston eating his fingers
I don’t know if Winston did this because he knew there was a camera in the huddle or what, but buddy...
Jameis Winston with an ... interesting pump up speech. http://pic.twitter.com/z0tESHAA6k
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) November 5, 2017
I don’t believe I find this nearly as weird as everybody else does, only because I am too busy finding it incredibly hilarious that a human being could have conceived an idea like this.
Winston really had to wake up one day, think of this, and say to himself, “This is what’s going to get us over the hump this week!”
And I mean, who knows where his hands have been prior to the game. Surely at that point he had been throwing around the football, which had plenty of other hands on them as well. It’s not like he was kissing his fingertips, either. He was putting entire digits up in his mouth like sausages.
As it turns out, the Bucs weren’t hungry enough for that W because they got mollywhopped 30-10. I’m here for another wacky Winston pump-up effort, though.
More like Ben McAdon’tSpeak to your team
For all of the press conference rants — good or bad — that coaches have gone on throughout the years, this might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Ben McAdoo's halftime speeches sound epic http://pic.twitter.com/9HyJPPVOOh
— Andrew Joseph (@AndyJ0seph) November 5, 2017
McAdoo couldn’t even come up with anything fake that he told his team at halftime. He didn’t even try to deflect with “Oh uh, well, that’s between me and the guys, yanno?” This man really had nothing to say to his team.
After getting smoked by the Rams, the Giants are now 1-7 on the season. If McAdoo keeps this up, there’s no question his biggest L won’t be on the field. It’ll be on “Black Monday” when John Mara picks up the phone, or passes him a pink slip, whatever.
He’s totally getting fired.
The ceiling is the roof for Cam Newton
This pains me as a Falcons fan, but Cam Newton really brought the hammer down on Marcus Trufant on Sunday.
Newton had that extension that Blake Griffin had the first time he turned Timofey Mozgov into a poster where he basically threw the ball in.
The dunk touchdown was appropriate with the Panthers playing in Charlotte, where Michael Jordan (you may have heard of him) owns the Hornets. He also played a little college ball at North Carolina.
If the NFL ever wants a silhouette-type logo like MLB or NBA, they could take this one into consideration:
Of course, it would obvioulsy be some Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Johnny Unitas, or some other quarterback’s silhouette. Though it should totally be Marshawn Lynch grabbing his crotch.
Anyway ...
The “Hill Mary” is the play you didn’t know you needed in your life
The Chiefs’ offense has been one of the most fun to watch this season. Between Kareem Hunt, Tyreek Hill, Travis Kelce, and Alex Smith throwing passes longer than five yards, it’s been electric.
With two seconds left in the first half, the Chiefs ran what was basically a long screen pass to Hill, who picked up a couple of blocks, and used his world-class speed to find the end zone.
There were at least seven Cowboys back there, y’all, against four Chiefs. I’m not great at math but those odds seem to be in the Cowboys’ favor.
The Chiefs didn’t win this game, but they did show that if you aren’t a Hail Mary expert like The Great Aaron Rodgers, you have other options.
That is of course, you have a wide receiver faster than a cheetah.
Are we sure the Chiefs actually lost this game? Because they had the two best moments from this game.
After a Travis Kelce touchdown in the second half to give the Chiefs a 17-14 lead, he, along with Tyreek Hill and Demarcus Robinson had a pretend potato sack race.
Hill and Robinson both pretended to fall down, making Kelce the appropriate winner. I mean, he did score the touchdown after all.
After a slow start to the season, group celebrations are starting to become more common.
The Steelers were off this week, and had an entire week to come up with new stuff. Please believe we’ll have something from the black and gold up in here next week. For now, we’ll be more than happy with this work of art.
Keelan Cole saved a Blake Bortles incompletion with a one-handed snag
*6th pass* *interception* Brock Osweiler BACK
The Rams showed just how bad the Giants are on one play
The Saints tried to be tricky and failed miserably
Welcome to Philly, Jay Ajayi
Jameis Winston instigated a fight after being out with an injury
Cam Newton screamed at Riverboat Ron, who didn’t like it
Eli Manning cracked 50,000 passing yards — he’s the 7th to do it
FOX pulled a fast one on Falcons fans
The Cowboys gave Tony Romo a warm welcome back
Blair Walsh missed three kicks in the first half. T H R E E.
Cam Newton has clearly never seen Titanic
Alex Smith finally threw an interception
The Cardinals and 49ers fought too, because that’s what everyone did this week
Sunday scores
Colts 20, Texans 14
Washington 17, Seahawks 14
Titans 23, Ravens 20
Saints 30, Buccaneers 10
Rams 51, Giants 17
Eagles 51, Broncos 23
Panthers 20, Falcons 17
Jaguars 23, Bengals 7
Cardinals 20, 49ers 10
Cowboys 28, Chiefs 17
Raiders 27, Dolphins 24
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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↳ INSTAGRAM: @SleepintheGardn uploaded a photo.
Here comes the sappy post.  Phillip Matthew, you’re three years old today. That’s 1,095 days I’ve gotten to love you with all my heart. That’s 26,280 hours I’ve spent thinking, worrying, hoping, wanting everything in the world for you. Since the first minute I knew you were in my life, I have made sure I was going to be the best possible mommy for you I could be. Gone were the days of not taking care of myself. Gone were the moments when I wondered what my life’s purpose was. I knew it was to have you and to raise you to be a beautiful man. You’re still my little boy right now, but you’re getting older and older. Smarter and sillier and sassier and stronger. You may have been born prematurely but baby boy, you are a fighter. There hasn’t been a single moment in your life where you haven’t proven to me just how lucky I am that you’re mine. Your kindness is infinite. Your charm is magnetic. Your baby blues, your smile, and your laughter are the three keys to keeping me solid and sane. You are everything I ever wanted and so much more. I didn’t know what true love was until I looked into your eyes and felt your finger wrap around mine. My love for you is steadfast hope that never fades. I know you’re going to change the world one day. I know you’re going to bring light and peace and beauty to a world that desperately needs it. You’re going to do so many things and my faith in you will never fade. The older you get, the more you might become embarrassed by my little acts of love - you’ll squirm away from me kissing your cheek, you’ll drop my hand when we’re crossing the street. You’ll yell, “Okay!” when I tell you I love you as you leave. That’s okay. That’s never going to change how I feel about you. My first born. My baby. My Philly. My prince. But you’re not that old yet and today, I’m going to fully soak in you wrapped around my legs and your insistence that Mommy sit by you and help you color. Phillip Matthew, you are my world. I love you to the moon and back and a second time around. You will always be the best part of me I put out into this world. #phillyturnsthree @keeoone, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for him. He is your mini me and I’m so thankful that when I look at him, I see you too. Happy birthday as well to the beautiful man who raised the beautiful man whose love helped me create this munchkin and whose helping me raise our beautiful boy. I’m the luckiest woman/mother in the world. @supitskeegs
↳ ❤️ 370k 💬 3,890
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
[text] Happy Birthday to one awesome little man! Thanks for having us here to celebrate with him, guys. Cheers x
text with ed: Thanks, Ed! I’m so happy you guys are coming, I can’t wait to see you all. :)
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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The happiest of happy birthday to Phillip. I don’t think I went overboard with the Dory gifts, do you? Not gonna lie, I’m tempted to play in that ball pit. Do you think Phillip would let me? ;D
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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Happy birthday, Philly! I hope you have a blast today celebrating with all your friends and loved ones. Here’s to eating lots of sweets and running around and playing like there’s no tomorrow because today is your day! Thanks for letting me be a part of it because guess what? I’m a painter and love to paint! You only turn three once and you deserve to live it up. You’ve been blessed with incredible parents who would give the world for you so I have no doubts you’ll be talking about this party for as long as you can! Here’s a little something on my behalf. 
All my love, 
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
(text) Sorry I can't make it to his party babe, but happy birthday to your beautiful son :)
text with sharna: Thanks, anyways babe! :)
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
Text: happy birthday to your little man! That video you posted was so cute!
text with peta: Aw, thank you! :)
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
[text]: Happy birthday to Phillip! I'll definitely be there! Would he like me to bring a puppy along? Haha.
text with diane: Thanks, babe! Oh, I don’t know. We’ve got Keegan’s cat here and I don’t think he’d get along with the puppy very well, haha.
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
(text): Happy birthday, Philly!!!! We cannot wait to see you guys today!! Luca's so excited for the party!
text with my little mermaid 🐚: Thanks Jules! We’re slowly starting to set up for the party but birthday boy keeps insisting we stop and watch a movie with him. We can’t wait to see Luca too!
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